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The Effect of Unbalance On Bearing Life

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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSRJMCE)

ISSN : 2278-1684 Volume 1, Issue 2 (July-Aug 2012), PP 47-54


The Effect of Unbalance on Bearing Life

Associate Professor, Department of mechanical engineering.
Manav Rachna College of Engineering,
Faridabad, India

Abstract: The life of bearing is closely related to its loads which are affected by the eccentric unbalances of
rotational components in the structure system of the bearing. However, since the bearing structure in some of
the machinery is complicated, the exact load calculations and the life prediction for this kind of bearing are
difficult. The load and life calculation for the bearing are developed with considering the magnitude of eccentric
unbalances. The influences of unbalances on the loads and life of the bearing are studied. The calculation and
analysis results show that the radial loads on rolling element of the bearing fluctuate significantly under the
actions of the unbalances of different parts of machines and the bearing life reduces regularly with the eccentric
unbalances changing. In this article, I have focused not on machines that are supposed to vibrate as part of
normal operation, but on those that should not vibrate: electric motors, rotary pumps and compressors, and
fans and blowers. In these devices, smoother operation is generally better, and a machine running with zero
vibration is the ideal.
Keywords: permissible residual unbalance; eccentricity ,maru, urr, pump bearing

E =Eccentricity
G = Balancing quality grade
U per = The maximum residual unbalance
F lbs. = Force due to unbalance
MARU =Minimum achievable residual unbalance test
URR =Unbalance reduction ratio
L10h= Basic rating life of the ball bearing (h)
P = Effective load (actual force applied to the bearing)
C = Published catalog load rating
mCf=the eccentric unbalance of the cooling fan (g cm) in a pump
mCb=the eccentric unbalance of the driving wheel (g cm) in a pump

I. Introduction
Research showed that in the automobile wheel and its shaft had to be in a state of balance, i.e. the mass
had to be evenly distributed about the rotating centerline so that the resultant vibration was at a minimum. This
had to be achieved during the manufacturing process so that maximum service life could be achieved from the
system. Imbalance could be caused by manufacturing defects (machining errors, casting flaws) or maintenance
issues (deformed or dirty fan blades, missing balance weights). As machine speed increases, the effects of
imbalance become greater. Imbalance can severely reduce bearing life as well as cause undue machine
A level of unbalance that is acceptable at a low speed is completely unacceptable at a higher speed.
This is because the unbalance condition produces centrifugal force, which increases as the speed increases. In
fact the forces caused by unbalance increases by the square of the speed. If the speed is doubled, the force
quadruples; if the speed is tripled the force increases by a factor of nine.
It is the force that causes vibration of the bearings and surrounding structure. Prolonged exposure to the
vibration results in damage and increased downtime of the machine. Vibration can also be transmitted to
adjacent machinery, affecting their accuracy or performance. Load determination and life prediction calculation
of the bearing are the premises of a good bearing design and a reasonable working condition matching, and yet
it is one of difficulties in the practical application. In some cases, vibration is inherent in machine design. For
instance, some vibration is almost unavoidable in the operation of reciprocating pumps and compressors,
internal combustion engines, and gear drives. In a well-engineered, well-maintained machine, such vibration
should be no cause for concern. In simplest terms, vibration in motorized equipment is merely the back and

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The Effect of Unbalance on Bearing Life
forth movement or oscillation of machines and components, such as drive motors, driven devices (pumps,
compressors and so on) and the bearings, shafts, gears, belts and other elements that make up mechanical
From previous studies, it is not difficult to know that the internal load distribution of rolling element
bearing is closely related to the external loads which are usually assumed to be invariable.
Machinery professionals intuitively know that by doing alignment and balancing jobs to tighter
tolerances, and by reducing internal clearances in machinery, that vibration levels will be reduced with a
corresponding increase in machinery reliability. However, it is often difficult to justify what needs to be done.
Reliability and replacement costs for rolling element bearings are major concerns in most plants.

II. Literature Review

When man invented the wheel, he very quickly learned that if it wasnt
completely round and if it didnt rotate evenly about its central axis, then he had a problem! Modern man still
suffers from the same problem only now the problem is amplified.
As machine first patent for balancing technology was filed by Henry Martinson of Canada in 1870,
four years after the development of the dynamo by Siemens. Near the turn of the century, Akimoff (USA) and
Stodola (Switzerland) attempted to develop Martinson's technology and apply it for industrial use. However, it
was in 1907 when a modified version of the technology was patented by Dr. Franz Lawaczek, and offered to
Carl Schenck, Darmstadt, Germany, for development. Schenck built the first industrial two-plane balancer, and
subsequently bought exclusive world rights to the dynamic balancing machine in 1915.
Technology advancements gave way to improved sensitivity, frequency selectivity and plane separation
capability. The development of electronics and mechanical/electrical transducers, greatly reduced balancing
time and paved the way for modern balancing technology.
Today balancing equipment is used with confidence for a wide range of applications - from the smallest
rotors for dental drill instruments to the largest steam turbines in the world. Precision balancing machines assure
accurate, dependable rotor operation.
Now a days balancing industry provides a complete range of balancing, diagnostic and special
equipment for the automobile industry, power generation industry, medical, aviation industries and an
engineering staff that offers a broad range of experience for nearly any balancing application which involves
different sizes of bearings starting from dental drill bearing sizes (very small) to aviation/power generation rotor
bearing (extremely big) sizes.

III. Basic Bearing Life Equation

Examining the basic bearing life equation we find that speed, load and the type of bearing are factors:
L10h = (16667 / rpm) x (C / P)r
L10h = 90th percentile of life in hours (the point at which only 10 percent of bearings in identical
applications fail);
Note: average life = 5 x L10h
Rpm = Rotational speed of the bearing
C = Published catalog load rating
P = Effective load (actual force applied to the bearing)
r = 3 for ball bearings
r = 3 1/3 for other types of rolling element bearings


For those involved in predictive maintenance activities, especially vibration monitoring and analysis,
two questions have always been present.
What is the correlation between changes in vibration level and the corresponding impact on bearing life?
What is the value in knowing this correlation if there is one?
Few predominant factors affecting impact rolling element bearing life are:
RPM of the shaft
Design load rating of the bearing (as defined by the manufacturer)
Type of rolling element bearing (ball or other rolling element type-cylindrical roller, spherical roller, needle
roller, tapered roller)
Actual load (force) applied to the bearing
Lubricant ability
Contamination level
Operating temperature.
First, lets investigate the impact of rotational speed on bearing life. Reviewing the basic bearing life equation:
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The Effect of Unbalance on Bearing Life
L10h = (16667 / rpm) x (C / P)r
The impact of increasing speed is obvious. Doubling the rotational speed (while maintaining a constant load) =
L10h / 2 = 1/2 the original life.
Equation results:
2 x rpm = 1/2 life
3 x rpm = 1/3 life
1.25 x rpm = 0.8 life
Next, there is a need to investigate the impact of load on bearing life. Reviewing the basic bearing life equation
L10h = (16667 / rpm) x (C / P)r.
The impact of increasing load (force) is pronounced.
Doubling load (while maintaining a constant speed) = L10h / 8 or 1/8 life (1/2)3 for ball bearings.
The L10 bearing life is a published number and it is calculated as:
L10 = (16,667/RPM)*(rated load/actual load)3
The L10 life of a bearing is the life expectancy for 90% of the population, where a full load life is estimated at
1,000,000 revolutions. Guidelines for loading are as follows:
Light loading at <6%
Normal loading at 6% to 12%
Heaving loading at >12%.
Typically, this works out to be a life expectancy from a few months to several years at continuous 365-day/24-
hour usage.
Other rolling element bearing types include cylindrical, spherical, tapered and needle bearings.
Percentage Life Decrease
% Load Increase Ball Bearings Other Rolling Element
Bearing Types1
5 14 15
10 25 27
15 34 37
20 42 46
25 49 52
50 70 74
75 81 85
100 87 90

vibration in motorized equipment is merely the back and forth movement or oscillation of machines
and components, such as drive motors, driven devices (pumps, compressors and so on) and the bearings, shafts,
gears, belts and other elements that make up mechanical systems.

Force Source Type of Force Reducible
Unbalance Dynamic Yes
Shaft Misalignment Dynamic & Static Yes
Belt / Drive Tension Static Yes, if Excessive
Tension is Present
Looseness Dynamic Yes, if Excessive
Looseness is Present
Rotor Weight Static No, Not Normally
Gear Reaction Dynamic & Static No
Process Forces Dynamic & Static No, Not Normally

Of these seven different forces, only the first four can normally be addressed by the maintenance
department. The other three are machine design related and are not normally reducible.

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The Effect of Unbalance on Bearing Life
(Assuming dynamic load is the major force component)
Percentage Increase in Bearing Life
% Reduction in Ball Bearing Types Other Rolling Element
Vibration Bearing
5 17 19
10 37 42
15 63 72
20 95 110
25 137 161
30 192 228
40 363 449
50 700 908

IV. Effect Of Unbalanced Forces

Unbalance is one of the primary sources of machine vibration. The force produced due to unbalance can be
calculated using either of the following formulae:
F lbs. = 0.062 x (rpm / 1000)2 x U gm. In. Where:
1 gm. in. = 1 gm. of mass @ 1 in. of radius from centerline of rotation
Because unbalance is a rotating load, the bearings inner race is zone loaded. This is a different type of loading
compared to most of the other force sources.

Fig 1
Because unbalance is a rotating load or force, the following conversion must be made to use this force in the
bearing life equation:
P = F lbs. x fm
F lbs. = Force due to unbalance
fm = Factor of 1.0 to 1.5 according to the ratio of static force compared to the unbalance force on the bearing
(When this ratio is 1.0 then the factor is 1.333)


U per the maximum residual unbalance permitted for a
rotor or in a correction plane[4].
U per = e per x m
where m = rotor mass
Calculation of permissible unbalance for a pulley of radius 152 mm running at 800 r.p.m, having 8.1 kg weight.
Speed, n = 800 rpm
Weight of pulley, P = 8.1 kg
Radius of pulley, R = 152 mm
(O.D. is 314mm)
Balancing grade, G = 4 (means vibration speed=4mm/s for pulley)[3}
Max. residual unbalance e=10XG/nx1000=10x4/800x1000=50m
e=p x R/P
p=e x P/R =50X8.1/152=2.66KG

Therefore the Permissible Residual Eccentricity is 50m & the Permissible

Residual Unbalance is 2.66g for this Pulley.

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The Effect of Unbalance on Bearing Life
Another way to calculate permissible unbalance in balancing machines
U per (g-mm) = 9549 x G x W/N (W in kg)
G = Balance quality grade from Table 4
W = Rotor weight
N = Maximum service RPM
MARU (Minimum achievable residual unbalance test) and URR (unbalance reduction ratio) test are performed
to test reliability of balancing machines.[1]


An imbalance in the motor, for instance, would most likely cause a radial vibration as the heavy spot
in the motor rotates, creating a centrifugal force that tugs the motor outward as the shaft rotates through 360
degrees. Another key factor in vibration is amplitude, or how much force or severity the vibration has. The
farther out of balance our motor is, the greater its amplitude of vibration. Other factors, such as speed of
rotation, can also affect vibration amplitude. As rotation rate goes up, the imbalance force increases
Frequency refers to the oscillation rate of vibration, or how rapidly the machine tends to move back and
forth under the force of the condition or conditions causing the vibration.
The calculation results of the radial loads on a pump were obtained under the given eccentric
unbalance= mCb = 15 g cm of the pump driving belt wheel, and m Cf = 30 g cm of the cooling fan. [11],[12].
To analyze the changes of the radial loads when the eccentric unbalances change gradually, two cases
are discussed. One case is that three sets of m Cb, i.e. 0 g cm, 15 g cm and 30 g cm are selected and the eccentric
unbalance of the wheel keeps invariant with the value of zero. The other is that the eccentric unbalance of the
fan is selected as 0 g cm, 30 g cm and 60 g cm respectively, and the eccentric unbalance of the wheel is reset to
zero. The radial load variations on the two rolling element rows of the bearing in one rotational period of the
cooling fan, with the eccentric unbalance of the fan changing, are shown in Fig. 3. In a similar manner, the
radial load variations with the eccentric unbalance of the wheel changing in the same period are shown in
Fig. 4.[12]
The calculation results show that for the given water pump bearing, the fluctuation range of the radial
load on row I(impeller side) is enlarged with the eccentric unbalance increasing of the cooling fan, while the
radial load on row II (fan side)increases proportionally.

Fig. 2. Structure view of the water pump bearing.

A-1 A-2

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The Effect of Unbalance on Bearing Life


Fig. 3. Radial loads on two rolling element rows in one rotational period of the cooling fan: (A) Fr1 under
different fan unbalances; (B) Fr2 under different fan unbalances.[12]



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The Effect of Unbalance on Bearing Life

Fig. 4. Radial loads on two rolling element rows in one rotational period of the cooling fan: (A) Fr1
under different wheel unbalances. (B) Fr2 under different wheel unbalances.[12]
The mean dynamic equivalent radial loads are heavily influenced by the fan unbalance. On the
contrary, the influences of the wheel unbalance on the mean dynamic equivalent radial loads are little. This may
be caused by the fact that the cooling fan is located far away from the pump bearing and the driving wheel is
near the pump bearing.


Balance quality grade Rotor types

Crankshaft drives of large Diesel engines
G 100
Complete engines for trucks and locomotives
G 40 Crankshaft drives for engines of trucks and locomotives
Parts of crushing machinery
G 16
Parts of agricultural machinery
Aircraft gas turbine rotors
G 6.3
Electrical armatures
Process plant machinery
Pump impellers
Machine-tool drives
Turbo compressors
G 2.5
Small electric armatures
Turbine-driven pumps
Grinding machine drives
G1 Textile bobbins
Automotive turbochargers
G 0.4 Disk-drives
Spindles for high-precision applications
Different quality grades are provided in I.S.O 1940 for a specific component depending upon
Criticalness and accuracy required for his application.
Based on this suitable value of balancing tolerance can be calculated as per his application in different field as
described above.[1],[2].

Vibration is a characteristic of virtually all industrial machines. When vibration increases beyond
normal levels, it may indicate only normal wear or it may signal the need for further assessment of the
underlying causes, or for immediate maintenance action.
Understanding why vibration occurs and how it manifests itself is a key first step toward preventing
vibration from causing trouble in the production environment. Reducing the forces caused by unbalance,
looseness and misalignment will result in lower vibration levels for machines. Reducing excessive belt tension
will also reduce machine forces but will not produce an appreciable reduction in vibration level. The vibrations
themselves have only a minor impact on bearing life but the forces which cause these vibrations have a major
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The Effect of Unbalance on Bearing Life
impact on the actual bearings longevity. In addition to improving reliability and reducing the cost of
maintenance of machines, several more benefits are obtained by reducing vibration levels:
Reduced Noise Levels
Reduced Operating Costs (Utilities)
Improved Operating Safety
Improved Maintenance Technician Morale
Increased Life for Related Machine Components (seals, housings, shafts, impellers, windings, etc.)
Reducing vibration levels on machines by correcting common machine problems or applying tighter tolerances
does indeed dramatically improve bearing life and reduce maintenance and operating costs.[9]

RESULT 1- Bearing life is inversely proportional to speed changes.

(1 / speed change ratio)
RESULT2- Increased load results in an inversely exponential reduction in life.
RESULT3- Unbalance is up to 50 percent more destructive to bearing life than other vibration sources
producing equal vibration levels.
RESULT4- In a specific example of water pump the basic rating life of the bearing changes slowly when the
fan unbalance is constant and the wheel unbalance increases from zero to 150 g cm.
When the wheel unbalance is constant and the fan unbalance varies in the range of 010 g cm, the basic
rating life of the bearing decreases less than 900 h. The reduction is also very little. However, the reduction of
the basic rating life is nearly 7000 h when the fan unbalance increases from 10 g cm to 30 g cm. The life of the
bearing reduces much faster and the life variation reaches to 16 000 h when the fan unbalance varies from
30 g cm up to 60 g cm, [12] with keeping the wheel unbalance constant.
The above results show that small eccentric unbalances have small effect on the life of the water pump
bearing, but if the eccentric unbalances, especially the fan unbalance, go beyond some threshold value, the life
of the pump bearing would reduce sharply.[8]
In this paper the influences of the unbalance variations on the bearing life were studied. It was found
that the unbalances will cause reduction of the bearing life [7]and this effect would be remarkable if the
unbalances increased to a certain level.
The main component of the vibration is unbalance of the rotor and the rotor weight is nominal.
Currently if the rotor is balanced to a tolerance of ISO G6.3. per plane then by adjusting this balancing tolerance
to ISO G3.2 per plane, the bearing life should be extended by 700 percent. Since the vibration should be cut in
half as a result of the improved balance tolerance,
5.1 Future scope
Further area of this study can be extended for analyzing the effect of unbalances on bearings of
different industrial machines of different nature such as production machines of different application, mixer,
grinder, axles in automobile etc. It will also be immensely helpful in the areas of increasing life of critical
machines such as power generation machines (turbine and other moving parts),dental drills, aviation rotors,
turbo chargers.
Sometimes these analysis are providing important tips for changing the design Of specific
machine.(such as changing the bearing position inside the housing)
[1] ANSI S2. 19-1975 "Balance Quality Requirements of Rotating Rigid Bodies. "American National Standards Institute.
[2] ISO 1940-1:1986, Balance Quality Requirements of Rigid Rotors." British Standards Institution. BS 6861-1:1987,
[3] "Balance Quality Requirements of Rigid Rotors." International Organization for Standardization.. ISO 1940 STANDARD For
Balancing Masses1. ISO 1940/1,
[4] "Balance Quality Requirements of Rigid Rotors." German Standards Institution. The Practical Application of ISO 1940/1, VDI 2060,
[5] DYNAMIC BALANCING HANDBOOK, "October 1990, IRD Mechanalysis Inc.
ISO 1925, Balancing Vocabulary .International Organization for Standardization.
[6] Dynamic capacity of rolling bearings G. Lundberg, A. Palmgren
Acta Polytech. Mech. Eng. Ser., 1 (3) (1947), p. 7
[7] Guide bearing probability load theory of large vertical pump , Mech. Mach. Theory, 42 (2007), pp. 119912097]
[8] Modern Pump Technology Handbook
(1st edition) China Astronautic Publishing House, Beijing (1995) B. Qiu, H. Lin, S. Yuan, X.F. Guan
[9] Reliability Magazine Reprinted courtesy of Reliability Magazine.
Article written by L. Douglas Berry in 12/95 issue
[10] Rolling Bearing Analysis (1st edition)John Wiley and sons, T.A. Harris,New York (1966)
[11] The influence of bearings on pump performance, World Pumps (September) (2004) 4649. P. Burge
[12] The research on the life of auto water pump bearing considering the rigidity of bearing spindle
Koyo (136) (1989), pp. 5163 Sakuragi

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