High productivity, efficiency and operating reliability Demag Cranes & Components develops and produces All inclusive: fully featured instead The DC-Pro chain hoist is a fully featured, highly versatile
are the most important requirements to be met by materials flow solutions for all industries and companies of extras price list chain hoist, which can be installed and put into service in
state-of-the-art material flow systems. of all sizes, from small workshops to major industrial Many features are already integrated into the Demag a minimum of time.
corporations. DC-Pro chain hoist as standard that have to be ordered
and bought as extras elsewhere.
Simple installation and commissioning thanks to plug
DCM-Pro Manulift connections Plug & Lift und Plug & Drive
DCM-Pro Manulift 12 15 Gearbox, brake and slipping clutch are maintenance-
Accessories speeds
Pillar and wall-mounted slewing jibs 16 17 Elapsed operating time counter and diagnostics
KBK track and crane installations 18 19 interface provide information on the operating status
Trolleys and electric drives 20 23 maintenance breaks can be planned
Clamp-fitted buffers and magnets 24 25 The plug-fitted chain drive can be replaced quickly and
Service 26 27 easily
2 3
Tailored solutions
DC-Pro chain hoists satisfy the 7
4 5
Increased performance, more speed Improved safety and reliability
and coupling operate without the need for any mainte- motor, clutch and brake, thus ensuring lasting safety for
1900 hours
nance for up to ten years (brake for sizes DC 1025 the operator. The compact and light 24V contactor control
1600 hours upto 5 years). The brake-coupling system ensures that system also ensures that the system is subject to only mini-
the load is held securely in any operating situation. The mum wear. The run-on path is both smooth and gentle.
load cannot drop. This is achieved by arrangement of the
brake direct in the power drive chain (red line). Thanks to The standard control system includes
800 hours minimum wear, the brake does not need to be adjusted. 24V contactor control
Operating safety is generally improved by the single-fall Operating limit switches (upper/lower) to switch the
400 hours design up to a load c apacity of1000kg. hoist motion off in the highest and lowest hook
200 hours positions sizes DC16 and 25 with geared limit switch
with four contacts for for fast-to-slow and limit cut-off
Elapsed operating time counter can be read
1Cm 1Bm 1Am 2m FEM
from the outside
Speed detection
6 7
Control pendant: Ergonomics:
Always at the right operating height All in good hand
The most favourable operating height for the control The adjusting mechanism also contains the strain relief
pendant can be easily adjusted on the Demag DC-Pro chain arrangement for the control cable and can resist extreme
hoist. The adjusting mechanism integrated in the chain tensile loads. The same applies to the control cable,
hoist housing enables the operator to change the which is made of a proven and particularly tough material.
suspension height of the control pendant easily and At the same time, the control cable is flexible and there-
without the need for any tools or wiring. The control fore easy to handle.
cable is designed for an adjustment range of 3m.
Thelength of control cable that is not required
disappears beneath the DC-Pro service cover. This
innovation has been implemented for the first time
inachain hoist.
Slide the protective sleeve upwards Fit the plug with its bayonet Push protective sleeve downwards
over the control cable connector into the control pendant
and turn until it locks
8 9
Commissioning: Maintenance:
Plug & Lift and Plug & Drive Fast and simple
A great benefit offered by the new Demag DC-Pro chain The plug-in connections beneath the service cover and All main drive components of the Demag DC-Pro chain The chain drive of the DC-Pro, for example, is designed
hoist is simple commissioning. The pivoting suspension the power plugs that are already included in the scope of hoist, such as the gearbox, brake and coupling, operate as a compact unit which is plugged into place and can
bracket and infinitely adjustable flange width of the delivery also make the electrical parts simple to connect. without the need for any maintenance for up to ten years be replaced in a minimum of time without the need to
U11, U22 and U34 trolleys make the mechanical parts This enables the DC-Pro to be ready for operation in a (maintenance-free brake for up to 5 years for sizes 1025). disassemble motor or gearbox parts. Long downtimes
easy to install. minimum of time. The outstanding Demag quality of all components pro- as a result of maintenance work are now a thing of the
vides for a long service life even under heavy use. The past.
few necessary maintenance measures can be carried out
quickly and easily thanks to the service-friendly design of
the DC-Pro.
Chain lubrication
10 11
Demag DCM-Pro Manulift:
Ergonomic single-handed load handling at the workplace
The DCM-Pro Manulift was developed for handling loads The quick-change coupling enables a wide variety of Versatile adaptability to any task It is provided with an M12 internal thread for connecting
quickly and safely with only one hand. The new DCM-Pro load h andling attachments to be changed with ease. A variety of proven load handling attachments facilitate special load handling attachments.
is based on the lifting unit of the DC-Pro chain hoist and AllManulift load handling attachments are fitted with optimum and flexible adaptation of the chain hoist to
the DSM-C control unit which is connected to it by a aconnecting pin with a swivel lock, which snaps into meet your needs. They range from normal load hooks Manulift load handling attachments can also be con-
helical cable. Thanks to the control unit which is rigidly the quick-change coupling. It can be easily disconnected and various pantograph-type tongs to parallel gripper nected to the DC-Pro chain hoist load hook by means of
connected to the load handling attachment for right and by lifting the unlocking sleeve. systems, e.g. for KLT containers used in the automotive an adapter. The versatility and flexibility of the new
left-handed operation, the operator only needs one hand industry. The DCM-Pro Manulift can be used with Demag chain hoist provide for improved load handling
to operate the chain hoist and guide the load. Manulift units can travel on Demag KBK profile sections specially developed load handling attachments. efficiency at the workplace.
and I-beams (see pages 16 23), which enables them to Theuniversal coupling pin is used to connect customer-
be flexibly integrated into work and production processes. designed attachments.
Cylindrical pin
Load retainer
39204-7 38922
Load hook Slewing load hook Open hook Belt sling PGS-parallel gripper Pantograph tongs for Pantograph tongs for Load hook adapter Load hook adapter
250 kg 250 kg 125 kg 125 kg 125 kg gripping square goods gripping round goods up to 250 kg with connected
125 kg 125 kg PGS shaft gripper
12 13
PGS parallel gripper system:
Firm hold on loads up to 125 kg
PGS box grippers PGS shaft grippers PGS container grippers Container size
Container type
The narrow design and short opening path of the grippers Various shaft grippers are available which can be adapted The various container grippers can be supplied for fixed 600 x 400 400 x 300
make it possible to pick up and deposit goods safely and to different shaft types and applications by changing the or adjustable container widths. They are easily adjusted Euro container rigid rigid
easily, even in restricted spaces, and to place them direct gripper jaws. to the relevant container size by lifting and turning the rigid rigid
into cartons. The 100mm wide gripping range makes it locking pins, and by pushing the grippers together or adjustable
possible to transport both the actual goods as well as a When fitted with a shaft support, they can be used to pulling them apart until the stops are reached. rigid rigid
packed unit u sing the same gripper. pick up shafts with various diameters or an unknown Various containers such as
centre of gravity. This significantly improves the safety of SSI Schfer, Eurotec, Utz adjustable
KLT, Bito
handling tasks that, until now, have always involved a
certain risk. Grippers for other container types on request
419704.eps 419703.eps
14 15
Slewing jibs facilitate load handling at the workplace
Pillar- and wall-mounted slewing jibs with the DC-Pro machinery, they help to cut setting-up and idle times. KBK slewing jibs feature struts and hollow profile section The product range of the I-beam slewing jibs covers
chain hoist provide inexpensive support at the workplace Wall- and pillar-mounted slewing jibs and pillar-mounted rails and offer a low deadweight for load capacities up aload range up to 10000 kg as standard.
and facilitate space-saving load handling in production, slewing cranes are suitable for virtually any application to1000kg. Loads can be moved quite simply by hand.
storage and shipping. When used direct on production as standard. See brochure Pillar and wall-mounted slewing jibs
and cranes for further information onpillar and
wall-mounted slewing jibs and cranes.
39026-2 39095-1
16 17
Efficient material flow with KBK track and crane installations
Interlinking production processes, serving machinery, The KBK crane construction kit is the ideal horizontal Many components are available to create efficient production area free. It is completely modular in design,
moving materials all handling and transport tasks have transport system for the DC-Pro and DCM-Pro Manulift. overhead materials handling solutions to meet specific all connections are bolted or fitted. This enables
one thing in common: loads not only have to be lifted KBK installations are used for both linear and area- application requirements. installations to be modified or extended easily and
and lowered, horizontal motions are also required. serving load transport. The KBK crane construction kit is a suspension system cost-effectively. These are Demag system solutions for
which uses no valuable floor space and therefore leaves practical material flow requirements.
Suspension monorails
Suspension monorails are the
preferred linear solution to connect
pick-up and deposit positions. The
many possible designs from simple,
manually controlled straight sections
to complex, semi or fully automated
closed-circuit monorail systems
enable a wide variety of applications
to be implemented. Flexible routing
39741-10 39042-4 by means of straight and curved
sections, track switches and
Suspension cranes Portal cranes turntables facilitates cost-effective
Single and double-girder suspension cranes are used for Portal cranes from the KBK system are not mounted on adaptation to the most diverse
area-serving load handling. The low deadweight enables rails and can be easily moved. When fitted with the operating conditions.
loads to be easily moved by hand. Travel drives are also DCPro chain hoist, this makes them ideal and flexible
available for precise positioning of larger loads. lifting devices, above all for repair and assembly work.
KBK sections are available in various sizes for different load capacities Sections in various profile sizes KBK Aluline aluminium profile
for curved tracks sections
18 19
Push-travel trolleys for simple horizontal movement
U trolley The travel rollers, which are made of high-strength and The lateral steel guide rollers support their curve-
The new U trolley generation is available in two sizes for wear-resistant Polyamide, provide for smooth operating negotiating properties down to the minimum radius
load capacities up to 1100 kg (U 11), 2200 kg (U 22) characteristics and low travel resistance. Optional steel of 1000mm and minimise girder wear. A drop-stop
and 3400 kg (U 34). The flange width can be infinitely rollers can also be used for special ambient conditions, arrangement is integrated into the side cheeks, which
adjusted by means of two adjusting rings and covers the e.g. high temperatures. The universal design of the travel consist of aluminium die-castings with a powder-coated
ranges from 58 mm to 200mm, and 201 mm to 310mm. rollers enables them to be used for operation on straight finish.
This facilitates fast and simple installation. and sloping profile sections.
Push-travel U trolleys are designed for simple addition of
the Eelectric travel drive at a later date.
CF 5 click-fit trolley
Simply clicked onto the girder, curve-negotiating Click-fit
trolleys are ready for operation with a load capacity of up
to 550kg.
20 21
Plug & Drive with electric trolleys
EU trolley The travel drives can be adapted to the U 11U 34 The drive is simply connected to the DC-Pro chain hoist travel unit provides for gentle starting and braking for
The E 11, E 22 and E 34 electric travel drives were specially trolleys. Particularly short approach dimensions can be using plug connectors and operated by means of the low-sway load handling. Aconvenient load-sway
developed for operation with the new DC-Pro chain hoist. achieved when the units are mounted in a vertical newly developed DSE10-C control pendant. The control damping system can be activated for the cross-travel
Thissignificantly extends the range of applications of this arrangement. Fast retro-fittingand commissioning offer pendant for long and cross travel is simply fitted by motion. The speeds and acceleration and braking rates
stateof-the-art hoist. further benefits as no changes need to be made to means of aconnector. The E22 travel drive is used as can also be modified by means of the DSE-10C control
the push-travel trolleys. standard for the KBK rail system with the new RF125 pendant, if required. All electrical connections are of
friction wheel travel drive. plug-in design.
The E electric travel drive features a state-of-the-art, The trolleys can also be fitted with an optional cross-type
compact industrial design and offers outstanding travel limit witch, either with fast-to-slow and limit switch
characteristics. The control system integrated in the cut-off or only with limit switch cut-off.
39208-1 39209
22 23
Clamp-fitted buffers to limit travel Magnets as versatile load handling attachments
KPA/KPT clamp-fitted buffers are the ideal solution to They can be adapted to flange widths from DPMN permanent magnets
limit travel and are suitable for all DC-Pro trolleys. They 50 to 300mm for universal applications. They offer low operating costs, constant availability
can be fitted to sloping and parallel I-beam girders quickly and versatility and are suitable for operation both inside
and easily using screws. The travel range is shortened or They are suitable temperature ranges from -20C manufacturing facilities and outdoors. They function
extended by simply relocating the buffers. to + 70C as well as for operation outdoors thanks independently of a power supply and are safe, easy and
to adequate resistance to ageing, ozone and weather reliable to operate.
conditions. Furthermore, they offer good resistance
to acids and lyes. The tightening torque details are cast When switched to magnetise, a magnetic field is created 38476
into the buffer to ease assembly. between two field poles; no magnetism remains when
switched to demagnetise. The outer surface of the
magnet armature is always neutral and offers maximum
protection against external influences.
36387 19763
24 25
Service ready to help around the clock
Rapid and reliable spare part supply And these are your benefits:
Any spare parts needed can be shipped 24 hours a day, Transparency
prevention regulations
Inspection and maintenance
Service training for operators and maintenance
26 27
Selection criteria
The size of the hoist is determined by the load spectrum, 1. What are the operating conditions? The group is determined by the load spectrum and operating time.
average operating time per working day, SWL and 2. What is the specified safe working load?
reeving. 3. To what height must the load be lifted? Load spectrum Average operating time
per day in hours
4. What is the required lifting speed?
L1 Light 2-4 4-8 8-16 over 16
5. Do the loads need to be lifted and lowered L2 Medium 1-2 2-4 4-8 8-16
with high precision? L3 Heavy 0.5-1 1-2 2-4 4-8
L4 Very heavy 0.25-0.5 0.5-1 1-2 2-4
6. Is horizontal load travel necessary?
Group of mechanisms to FEM 1Am 2m+ 3m 4m
7. How is the hoist to be controlled?
Reeving Range Size
SWL in kg
1/1 2/1
The load spectrum Demag DC chain hoist
(in most cases estimated) can be evaluated in accordance with the following definitions: 80 DC-Pro 1 / DC-Pro 2 80
100 DC-Pro 1 / DC-Pro 2 100
125 DC-Pro 1 / DC-Pro 2 125
160 DC-Pro 2 160
160 DC-Pro 5 160
200 DC-Pro 2 200
Small partial load Heavy dead load
Load capacity
Load capacity
28 29
Technical data
Group of
SWL Chain hoist Hoist speed Motor size Hook path 2) Reeving Max. weight
EU DC-Pro 10 - 2000 2/1 H5 V6/1,5 380 - 415 / 50 24/6 100 mechanisms
at H5/H8
Flange width [mm] or I beam respect. H4
Travel speed [m/min]
Frequency [Hz] [kg] Typ [m/min at 50 Hz] [m/min at 60 Hz] [m] FEM [kg]
Voltage range chain hoist [V]
Hoist speed [m/min] DC-Pro 1 -... 8/2 9.6/2.4
Hook path [m] DC-Pro 2 -... 16/4 19.2/4.8
Reeving DC-Pro 1 -... 8/2 9.6/2.4
Load capacity [kg] 100
DC-Pro 2 -... 16/4 19.2/4.8 ZNK 71 B 8/2 22 / 24
Size 4m
DC-Pro 1 -... 8/2 9.6/2.4
DC Demag chain hoist 125
DC-Pro 2 -... 16/4 19.2/4.8
Trolley type
CF Click-fit trolley E Electric travel drive DC-Pro 2 -... 8/2 9.6/2.4
U Travelling hoist D Articulated trolley DC-Pro 5 -... 16/4 19.2/4.8 ZNK 80 B 8/2 28 / 30
R Push travel
DC-Pro 2 -... 8/2 9.6/2.4 ZNK 71 B 8/2 3m 22 / 24
DC-Pro 5 -... 16/4 19.2/4.8 ZNK 80 B 8/2 4m 28 / 30
DC-Pro 2 -... 8/2 9.6/2.4 ZNK 71 B 8/2 2m+ 1) 22 / 24
Demag DCM-Pro Manulift selection table DC-Pro 5 -... 16/4 19.2/4.8 ZNK 80 A 8/2
5 and 8
28 / 30
DC-Pro 5 -... 8/2 9.6/2.4 ZNK 80 A 8/2 28 / 30
315 4m
DC-Pro 10 -... 12/3 14.4/3.6 ZNK 100 A 8/2 48 / 52
Load Manulift Hoist speed Motor size Hook path Group of Reeving Max. weight
capacity mechanisms for 2,8 and 4,3 DC-Pro 5 -... 8/2 9.6/2.4 ZNK 80 A 8/2 3m 28 / 30
hook path DC-Pro 10 -... 12/3 14.4/3.6 ZNK 100 A 8/2 4m 48 / 52
[kg] Typ [m/min at 50 Hz] [m/min at 60 Hz] [m] FEM [kg] DC-Pro 5 -... 8/2 9.6/2.4 ZNK 80 A 8/2 2m+ 1) 28 / 30
DCM-Pro 1 - ... 8/2 9.6/2.4 DC-Pro 10 -... 12/3 14.4/3.6 ZNK 100 A 8/2 4m 48 / 52
DCM-Pro 2 - ... 16/4 19.2/4.8 6/1.5 7.2/1.8 ZNK 100 A 8/2 48 / 52
2.8 4m 630 DC-Pro 10 -... 4m
DCM-Pro 1 - ... 8/2 9.6/2.4 ZNK 71 B 8/2 22 / 23 12/3 14.4/3.6 ZNK 100 B 8/2 56 / 60
125 and 1/1
6/1.5 7.2/1.8 ZNK 100 A 8/2 48 / 52
DCM-Pro 2 - ... 16/4 19.2/4.8 800 DC-Pro 10 -... 3m
4.3 12/3 14.4/3.6 ZNK 100 B 8/2 56 / 60
DCM-Pro 2 - ... 8/2 9.6/2.4 2m+ 1)
250 6/1.5 7.2/1.8 ZNK 100 A 8/2 48 / 52
DCM-Pro 5 - ... 16/4 19.2/4.8 ZNK 80 B 8/2 4m 28 / 29 1,000 DC-Pro 10 -... 2m+ 1)
12/3 14.4/3.6 ZNK 100 B 8/2 56 / 60
1) 2m+ corresponds to 1900 hours at full load 6/1.5 7.2/1.8 4m 2/1 65 / 73
DC-Pro 10 -... ZNK 100 B 8/2 5 and 8
1,250 8/2 9.6/2.4 1Am 1/1 56 / 60
DC-Pro 16 -... 12/3 14.4/3.6 ZNK 100 C 8/2 4 3m 1/1 111
DC-Pro 10 -... 6/1.5 7.2/1.8 ZNK 100 B 8/2 5 and 8 3m 2/1 65 / 73
Demag DCM-Pro Manulift dimension table 1,600 8/2 9.6/2.4 ZNK 100 B 8/2 103
DC-Pro 16 -... 4 2m+ 1) 1/1
12/3 14.4/3.6 ZNK 100 C 8/2 111
Short suspension bracket Long suspension bracket DC-Pro 10 -... 6/1.5 7.2/1.8 ZNK 100 B 8/2 5 and 8 2/1 65 / 73
2,000 2m+ 1)
DC-Pro 25 -... 8/2 9.6/2.4 ZNK 100 C 8/2 4 1/1 113
C C1 C C1
Size DC-Pro 10 -... 4/1 4.8/1.2 ZNK 100 B 8/2 5 and 8 2/1 65 / 73
Chain Chain 2,500 1Am
for hook path for hook path
collector box collector box DC-Pro 25 -... 8/2 9.6/2.4 ZNK 100 C 8/2 4 1/1 113
2.8 m 4.3 m H5 2.8 m 4.3 m H5
4/1 4.8/1.2 ZNK 100 B 8/2
DCM-Pro 1 635 705 335 673 743 373 3,200 DC-Pro 16 -... 4 2m+ 1) 2/1 110
6/1.5 7.2/1.8 ZNK 100 C 8/2
DCM-Pro 2 635 705 335 673 743 373 4,000 2m+ 1)
DC-Pro 25 -... 4/1 4.8/1.2 4 2/1 125
DCM-Pro 5 680 750 395 718 788 435 5,000 1Am
1) 2m+ corresponds to 1900 hours at full load 2) Longer hook paths possible, please enquire
30 31
Demag DC-Pro chain hoist dimension tables Demag DC-Pro chain hoist dimension tables
Size Motor Suspension bracket Size Motor Chain collector box size Chain collector box size
short long short long Size 1 Hook path Size 2 Hook path Size 1 Size 2 Size 1 Size 2
H5 H8 H5 H8 DC-Pro 16 ZNK 100 B 8/2 640 813 H14 893 H30 490 501 679 265 325 187
C C1 b l b3 d DC-Pro 25 ZNK 100 C 8/2 640 813 H10 893 H20 490 501 732 265 325 187
DC-Pro 1
ZNK 71 B 8/2 326 364 335 365 373 403 268 422 183 124
DC-Pro 2
DC-Pro 5 ZNK 80 B 8/2 378 316 395 425 435 465 280 468 195 151
DC-Pro 10 ZNK 100 A 8/2 472 505 493 582 526 615 349 528 227 187
DC-Pro 10 ZNK 100 B 8/2 472 505 582 582 615 615 349 578 227 187
Size Motor Suspension bracket Size Motor Chain collector box size Chain collector box size
short long short long Size 1 Hook path Size 2 Hook path Size 1 Size 2 H5 H8
Chain collector box size C C1 b l b3 d
H5 H8 H5 H8 H5 H8 H5 H8 ZNK 100 B 8/2 679
DC-Pro 16 735 813 H7 893 H15 490 501 265 325 187
C C1 b b3 l d ZNK 100 C 8/2 732
DC-Pro 10 ZNK 100 B 8/2 541 574 582 582 615 615 349 409 227 330 578 187 DC-Pro 25 ZNK 100 C 8/2 770 813 H5 893 H10 490 501 732 265 325 187
32 33
DC-Pro chain hoist with CF 5 trolley dimension table Dimension table for DC-Pro 16 and 25 chain hoists with U 22, U 34, RU 56 trolleys
42652544.eps 42718744.jpg
transverse to girder parallel to girder Size Reeving Trolley transverse to girder parallel to girder
C C1 C C1 C C1 C C1
Chain collector box Chain collector box Chain collector box Chain collector box
DC-Pro 1 385 415 445 380 410 440 1/1 U 22 704 736
DC-Pro 16 877 957 909 989
DC-Pro 2 385 415 445 380 410 440 2/1 U 34 799 831
DC-Pro 5 430 477 507 425 472 502 1/1 U 34 704 877 957 736 909 989
DC-Pro 25
2/1 RU 56 850 893 973 882 925 1005
Dimension table for DC-Pro 110 chain hoists with U 11, U 22 or U 34 trolleys
For further information, see U 11/U 22/U 34 technical data 203 570 44.
34 35
Travel speeds E 11/E 22/E 34 travel drive on U 11/U 22/U 34 trolley dimensions
Load Chain hoist Reeving Possible cross-travel speeds in approx. ... m/min Trolley A1 X1 X2 T1
capacity V14/3 V12/4 V24/6 V40/10 [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
X1 A1 X2
[kg] Typ Trolley Travel drive Trolley Travel drive Trolley Travel drive Trolley Travel drive U 11 58 50 68 41
80 DC-Pro 1 -... U 22 / U 34 60 68 44 49
up to up to 1/1 U 11 DC E 11 DC
1,000 DC-Pro 10 -... - - - -
DC-Pro 10 -... U 22 DC E 22 DC
1,250 - -
1/1 U 22 DC E 22 DC
DC-Pro 16 -... RU 56 DC ZBF 80 A 12/4 RU 56 DC ZBF 80 A 8/2
RU 56 DC ZBF 71 A 8/2 42669444.eps
DC-Pro 10 -... 2/1 - - U 22 DC E 22 DC - -
1,600 U 22 DC E 22 DC
DC-Pro 16 -... 1/1 RU 56 DC ZBF 80 A 12/4 RU 56 DC ZBF 80 A 8/2
RU 56 DC ZBF 71 A 8/2 Pantograph tongs for load capacity up to 125 kg dimension table
DC-Pro 10 -... 2/1 - - - - U 22 DC E 22 DC - -
DC-Pro 25 -... 1/1 U 34 DC E 34 DC RU 56 DC ZBF 80 A 12/4 RU 56 DC ZBF 71 A 8/2 RU 56 DC ZBF 80 A 8/2
SZ 1/SZ 2 SZ 1 - R/SZ 2 - R
DC-Pro 10 -... 2/1 - - - - - -
2,500 U 34 DC E 34 DC
DC-Pro 25 -... 1/1 RU 56 DC ZBF 80 A 12/4 RU 56 DC ZBF 71 A 8/2 RU 56 DC ZBF 80 A 8/2
4,000 2/1
DC-Pro 25 -... - - RU 56 DC ZBF 80 A 12/4 RU 56 DC ZBF 80 A 8/2 RU 56 DC ZBF 90 B 8/2
E 11/E 22/E34 travel drive selection table, 220480 V, 50/60 Hz, 3 ~ Gripping range Gripping range
max. displaceable Travel drive Speed at Possible trolleys Max. weight Weight
weight incl. Range Gripping range b I h min h max Size Part-no.:
in kg
dead weight 2) full load 3) partial load1)
E 22 trolley on KBK RF 125 dimensions 155 180 200 370 190 265 SZ 1-18-2 565 706 44 4.5
180 205 SZ 1-20-2 565 606 44
40 150 120 370 225 420 SZ 1-R-15 565 608 44 4.0
140 210 SZ 2-21-1 565 712 44
210 275 60 520 190 415 SZ 2-27-1 565 612 44 4.7
275 340 SZ 2-34-1 565 613 44
SZ 2 140 210 SZ 2-21-2 565 715 44
200 520 190 415 5.4
210 275 SZ 2-27-2 565 615 44
275 340 200 520 190 415 SZ 2-34-2 565 616 44 5.7
42670544_x.ai 100 300 160 520 325 620 SZ 2-R-30 565 618 44 5.3
36 37
Find your hoist We find the right solution to meet your needs.
www.demag-hoistdesigner.com is the address where Suitable hoists and accessories can be selected in this Demag Cranes & Components has the right hoist for of sizes and versions, just fill in the following fax form
all important data and facts on the new Demag DC-Pro way. A practical and intuitive user interface ensures that every business and every load. In order to select the best and send it to usor your dealer. You will promptly receive
chain hoist and Manulift DCM-Pro can be found. you find the right solution to meet your needs quickly product for your individual needs from the wide variety a recommended solution with the corresponding offer.
This information and planning platform provides you and easily. The Demag Internet order system at
with a comprehensive product overview and contains all www.demag-shop.com also makes it possible to
the data you need for project engineering. You can also orderchain hoists and components immediately.
download the CAD drawings of the entire Demag chain
hoist range and integrate them into your design drawings.
Demag Cranes & Components GmbH Please send the quote to
Dept. 2902
Handling Technology Product Promotion
P.O. Box 67 Company
58286 Wetter/Germany
Attention of
Fax service: +49 (0) 2335 92-2406
Town/post code
Select technical parameters
DCM-Pro Manulift
Operating time per day approx. hours KBK crane construction kit
(suspension monorail/crane installation)
Lifting height approx. m
Travel speed
(for electric trolley) m/min
38 39
0207 EN 213 605 44 701 IS 817
Subject to change. Not liable for errors or omissions.
Printed in Germany S+S/311011/5H