Bridge 2067-01-23 Set V (1) - 30
Bridge 2067-01-23 Set V (1) - 30
Bridge 2067-01-23 Set V (1) - 30
2.Given below are the electronic configuration of the three elements A, B and C. Identify metal and non-metal from A, B and C.
6. Isotopes have
(a) same number of protons (b) same Atomic Mass
8. Bauxite is an ore of
(a) Silver (b) Iron (c) Gold (d) Aluminum
9. King of Vitriol is
(a) Conc. HNO3 (b) Conc. HCl
1. Numerical ratio of displacement to distance
a. < 1 b. > 1 c. 1 d. 1
2. A motorbike engine needs 1 HP so as to move with uniform velocity of 10m/s. What is the friction
force between tyre and road.
4. Which of the following represents mass of the earth if acceleration due to gravity at earth surface is
g and radius of earth is R
a. decreases b. increases
8. How much heat energy is required to raise the temperature of copper with mass 2kg from 30 oC to
40 C.( s for copper is 400 j/kg0c )
10. Which property of a block of metal remains constant when the metal is heated?
11. The speed of light in a certain medium is 2/5 of its speed in air. The refractive index of medium is:
a. 0.4 b. 2 c. 2.5 d. 5
12. There are 2000 turns in secondary and 500 in the primary coils. If 240 volts is across primary, what is the voltage across
3.Leech is a
(a) vector (b) free living (c) parasite (d) All of these
(a) RNA virus (b) DNA virus (c) mixed virus (d) both a & b
(b) Euthenics
13.Dolphin is a/an
(a) amphibian (b) mammals (c) reptile (d) pisces
c) Pachytene d) Diplotene
2 1
1. If a = b = c and b = ac, then q p
p q r 2
a) x 1 b) x (x + 1) c) x 4 d) x + 1
a c a b
= =
3. If b d then c d is according to the rule ______.
12 x
p q
4. If
q p then x = ?
a) x+ ax b) x+ a+x c) a+x + ax d)
a+x + a
6. ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB=BC=2CD and ABD=BCD = 90 and CD=2cm find AD=?
a) 4 cm b) 6 cm c) 9 cm d) 8 cm
a) 55 b) 110 c) 20 d) 35
c) 100 d) 120
2 x3
f (x )=
11.What elements in domain has the image 7 under the function 5
a) 17 b) 18 c) 19 d) None of these
3 5
12.1f 5
of the certain length is 210m then 7
Of the length is
a) 228m b) 229m c) 250m d) 251m
13 .Gopals income increase by 10% and later decrease by 10%. What is the total change percent in Gopal income?
1 1
a) 9 11 b) 10 c) 1% d) 0.5%
4 2
16.The factors of x + x +1 are
2 2 2 2
a) ( x +x+1)( x x1 ) b) ( x x +1)( x + x +1)
c) ( x1)( x +1 ) d) None of these
( 23 + )+ Cos ( 3 + ) is equals to
3 Sin+Cos =1 then is
a) 30o b) 150o c) 165o d) 240o
[ ] [ ]
x+ y= 5 2
0 9 and
x y= 3 6
0 1 then x is equal to
[ ] [ ]
4 4
0 4 [ ]
1 2
0 5 c)
5 2
0 9 d)
[ ]
3 2
0 1
general knowledge
2. Which one of this river is also known as "The River of Sorrow" in the case of Nepal.
a)Saptakoshi b) Saptagandaki c) Karnali d) Bagmati
Mark your correct answers by blackening the appropriate bubble against each question on your answer sheet.
Read the following passage and choose the one best answer to each question.
Not much is known about the early history of printing with movable type. There is evidence, however, that hand-set printing
with movable type was first invented in China and Korea. At a later time it was developed in Europe. In the 1400s, Laurens
Janszoon Koster of Holland and Pamfilo Castaldi of Italy are thought to have made the first European use of printing with
movable, however, that is now associated with the invention of the movable type printing press. Although the separate
elements of printing were not Gutenberg's own invention, his contribution was that he printed a large quantity of work of high
Born in Mainz, Germany, in about 1397, Gutenberg was trained as a goldsmith but he became a partner in a printing office in
about 1436. It was in his home town of Mainz that he began the project he is most famous for: the printing of the Mazarin Bible.
To finance his great project, he borrowed money from a lawyer named Johann Fust and from a printer. He was unable to pay
back the money, however, and as a result lost both his printing press and the types to Fust, who carried on Gutenberg's work.
Gutenberg's method dominated the printing industry for almost 400 years. It required handsetting particular pieces of type,
looking them into place, and then printing on wooden flatbed. The rate was slow compared to modern printing; 300 to 500
sheets a day printed on a single side was considered a good rate of production. Though not much is known about Gutenberg's
life, his name lives on as a person who contributed significantly to technology of human communication.
2. The author infers that the most significant aspect of Gutenberg's work in developing the art of printing is:
a) The large number of quality of copies that he printed
4. Which of the following did not precede Gutenberg in the use of movable type printing?
a) Fust b) Koster c) Castaldi d) The Chinese
a) at b) on c) to d) both b and c
a) the others are not b) the other is not c) another is not d) other lacks experience
a) were b) was c) is d) be
12. What do you call the branch of medicine concerned with children and their illness?
15. Everyone should look ahead and save .......... money each year for when he retires.
a) do you have your suit clean? b) do you have your suit had cleaned?
c) do you have your suit cleaned? d) do you have your suit a cleaned?