Pan Africa & World Review 1Q2010
Pan Africa & World Review 1Q2010
Pan Africa & World Review 1Q2010
Africa the World and You
Quarterly Review of Global Africa and World History in the Making
The cornerstone for the new $150 million Africa Hall, Headquarters of the African Union, Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, with 100 meter high office tower and 30 meter high conference center, offered by China as a gift to
Africa, was laid on July 9, 2007 in the presence of its Chinese architect Ren Lizhi
• Pan Africa & World Review is a picturesque book of quarterly articles commenting on and
condensing issues in the news. It is sectionalized by continent and also by feature sections
which include arts, automobiles, entertainment, environment, fashions, health, information
media, science & technology and sports. The International section contains commodity
and financial market data, in addition to global political economy, personalities and multi-
national corporation events and issues for the quarter
• Subscribers can write the publisher specifying particular events or issues they would like to
be featured.
The Art of Universality
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From the Publisher’s Desk
Muhammed Kamil,
Publisher, Editor-in-Chief
9 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
First Quarter 2010
Table of Contents
Davos World Economic Forum 16
Davos Interview: South African President Jacob Zuma 21
Polygamy Under Attack 26
Surmounting Recession 29
Social Democracy Redefined 32
2010 Annual Letter From Bill Gates 35
Big Bill 38
International Women’s Day 40
Global Commodity Markets 45
Currency Exchange Rates 47
Capital Markets 49
Forbes 500 Richest People 51
Geopolitics/The Paradox Syndrome 53
African Union Summit 57
New Flag for African Union 61
Sirte, Libya: 22nd Arab League Summit 62
ICT/Thousands of African youth will benefit from Lloyd’s support 64
ECOWAS Chair demands immediate elections in Niger 65
Africa vs. Al Qaeda & Co. 66
Managing Religious Freedom in Africa 67
Rethinking African Union 69
One Billion Africans 72
African Economy Exceeds $1 trillion 74
Pan Africa & World Review Table of Contents First Quarter 2010
Sub-Sahara Africa Stocks 77
Afghanistan: The Challenge of Creating a Modern State 154
Obama’s Surprise Visit to Afghanistan 159
Why is China Successful? 160
Can Iran be Stopped? 170
Iraq/Alawi Tries to Build Governing Coalition 175
Middle East Chess 177
Australia’s PM Kevin Rudd Denies Debt Crisis 190
State of the EU 200
Deal Reached Over Greece Debts at Brussels Summit 203
U.K./Barrister Blair 204
Turkey/Erdoğan charges generals with coup plotting 206
North America
One Year of Obama 208
State of Obama’s Union 211
Obama Signs Historic Health Care Reform 213
Mexico’s Drug Baron Terror 215
South America
Brazil/Luca’s Choice Nominated 217
Chile Changes Guard Amidst Earthquakes 220
Bakri Bilal: African Romance Painter 224
Beyoncé Wins Unprecedented 6 Grammy Awards 261
Academy Awards 262
Freezing the Case for Global Warming 273
Sony in Green Energy Waste Compost Program 276
Information Media
Gagging the Arabs 294
Roger Federer, Serena Williams win Australian Open, remain # 1 301
International/Political Economy
Davos 2009 was rated a turning point in the World Economic Forum headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland
annual meeting’s history. Commentator Peter
Schwartz explained it thus: “Davos this year was
from various parts of the world will participate
at least as much about doing things rather than
in the African regional summit. The World Eco-
talking about things. Over its several decades of
nomic Forum on Europe will hold on the 10th
life, Davos has been a place to have a good con-
and 11th of May in Brussels, Belgium, carrying
versation about things. And over time the conver-
the theme, “Renewed Leadership, New Vision.”
sations got both wider and deeper. That long his-
East Asia’s WEF will hold in Ho Chi Minh City,
tory served it well this year when it served a new
Vietnam on June 6th and 7th. China will from
function. At Davos this year the conversation was
September 12th to 15th hosts the WEF Annual
not an abstraction of the real world, in order to
Meeting of the New Champions in Beijing where
reflect upon it and understand it. It was the real
the theme will be Driving Growth through Sus-
world. Real conversations intended to enable col-
tainability. From October 26th to 28th Morocco
laboration among governments, companies,
will host the WEF on North Africa and the Mid-
NGOs were actually playing out in real time. The
dle East in Marrakech.
rest of us were there to inform and facilitate that
Young Global Leaders and Technology Part-
conversation. There is no where else on Earth
ners are two communities created from among
where the nearly full range of actors can be
the WEF members and partners that are active
brought to the table. Gordon Brown commented
throughout each year. In 2007 the WEF Commu-
on it. ‘The World Economic Forum has become an
nity of Global Growth Companies was formed to
actor in the game. I must say this year it felt more
engage dynamic high-growth companies with
serious as a result. It was not merely a sense of
the potential to be tomorrow’s industry leaders
dread, but of seriousness of purpose.’”
and to become a driving force of economic and
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s
social change. As of December 2009, more than
speech at the 2009 World Economic Forum, in
200 companies from over 50 countries had
which he declared that the days of the rich get-
been admitted to the GGC Community.
ting richer while the poor got poorer had no place
st Since 2001, the World Economic Forum has
in the 21 century, set the ideological tone for
been engaging various faith communities in in-
U.S. President Barack Obama to announce at the
ter-faith dialogue, most notably through its
September 2009 Pittsburg G-20 Summit that the
Community for West-Islam Dialogue ((C-100), a
larger group, which includes India, China, South
dynamic community of business, political, reli-
Africa, Brazil, Turkey and Saudi Arabia would
gious, media and opinion leaders engaged in
thenceforth replace the G-8 as the forum of lead-
dialogue to promote understanding across dif-
ing nations.
ferent segments of society in the West and
The World Economic Forum now has re-
Muslim world. Since forming, C-100 believes it
gional meetings. The World Economic Forum on
has made significant achievements through con-
Latin America is scheduled for 6th to 8th April in
structive dialogue, support for action-oriented
Cartagena, Columbia. New Partnerships for a Sus-
projects, awards to recognize significant contri-
tainable Recovery is the theme. For 2010 the
butions in this domain and,
World Economic Forum on Africa will be from
most recently, an Annual
May 5th to 7th, concurrently with the Young
Spheres Report on the State of Dia-
Global Leaders Summit, in Dar Es Salaam, Tanza-
Report logue.
nia. The summit theme is “Rethinking Africa’s
Growth Strategy.” Over 200 young global leaders
17 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Political Economy Davos World Economic Forum
30JAN10 - Dominique
Strauss-Kahn (L) , Man-
aging Director, Interna-
tional Monetary Fund
(IMF), Washington DC
and Christine Lagarde,
Minister of Economy,
Industry and Employ-
ment of France; Mem-
bers of the Foundation
Board of the World Eco-
nomic Forum are cap-
tured during the session
'Global Economic Out-
look' at the Annual
Meeting 2010 of the
World Economic Forum
The Community of West and Islam Dialogue in Davos, Switzerland,
is a community of business, political, religious, January 30, 2010..
media and opinion leaders that promotes dia-
tributed to substantive work at the Forum via
logue and understanding across different seg-
the Global Education Initiative, Global Digital
ments of society in the West and Muslim world.
Divide Initiative, Task Force on Institutions of
The C-100 is a multi-stakeholder community seek-
Globalization, Private Equity Project, Schwab
ing to act proactively in promoting harmony, mu-
Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship and
tual respect and shared values, as well as improv-
Young Global Leaders Programme. The Labour
ing knowledge and understanding across cultures
Leaders Advisory Group provides a structure for
and civilizations. The C-100 also seeks to gain new
frequent communication, consultation and en-
insights into the opinions of peers and global
gagement with the Labour community through-
leaders involved in West–Islam dialogue. Co-
out the year. The Advisory Group ensures that
Chairs are H.R.H. Princess Lolwah Al Faisal, Vice-
the Forum is kept abreast of key issues of con-
Chair of the Board of Trustees and General Super-
cern to Labour Leaders, their organizations and
visor, Effat College, Saudi Arabia and Lord Carey
of Clifton, Former Archbishop of Canterbury,
At Davos 2010 the closing session, with co-
United Kingdom. The C-100 membership is cur-
chairs taking the lead, explored what industry
rently made up of over 80 leaders from business,
and governments can do to lead the global
religion, media, academia and civil society.
economy to a sustainable recovery. Faith lead-
Although WEF is executive elite oriented, up
ers from throughout the world, came together
front commitment to improving the state of the
to discuss the importance of "Being Responsible
world sets the stage for tackling the problems of
for the Future". They were joined by Global
humanity comprehensively. The World Economic
Change-makers, young people selected by the
Forum has recognized that the voice of Labour is
British Council for their active engagement
important to dynamic dialogue on issues of glob-
within their communities.
alization, economic justice, transparency and ac-
The Skills Creation session, recognizing that
countability, and ensuring a healthy global finan-
there is a growing disparity between qualifica-
cial system. Hence, the Forum engages regularly
tion requirements for jobs offered and qualifica-
with the Labour Leaders Community, comprised
tions of job seekers, stressed the need for ap-
of heads of leading global, regional, national, and
prentice programs with the proposition that
industry-specific labour and trade unions around
both companies and governments get involved
the world. Labour Leaders are integrated into
in these. It was also recognized that expecting
the Annual Meeting and regional summits and
people in underdeveloped countries to pay for
are engaged year-round in other work of the Fo-
apprentice programs was untenable; therefore
rum including cross-cutting initiatives, task forces
financing the learners could help address ineffi-
and industry-specific projects. Labour has con-
ciencies and put competition in the system. It
18 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Political Economy Davos World Economic Forum
was also recognized that graduates could no
longer rely on skills learned in earning their de-
grees to well serve them throughout their ca-
All of this concern for the future of human-
ity provided an environment for philanthropy at
Davos and true to WEF spirit the world’s
wealthiest man, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates
gave history’s largest single biggest donation,
$10 billion, on behalf of the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation to finance vaccine research
over the next 10 years. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was in Davos, along with his
Finally, there were parties and South Africa wife Melinda, in his new capacity as co-chair of the Bill and
put on a critically acclaimed cultural show. Melinda Gates Foundation. Apart from making headlines for
his $10 billion vaccine development donation, Bill Gates got
nice press coverage for his nightclub dance moves in Davos.
Faried Zakaria: We are delighted to be Jacob Zuma: Well, I don't know [what] people
joined by President Zuma, the new Presi- [ mean when they] talk about populist in the
dent of South Africa. Let me start Mr. Presi- world. I don't know tongues, what it means,
dent; you are coming into an office that was because if a leader in a country is supported
held by Nelson Mandela. Do you feel nerv- by an overwhelming majority, I am not sure
ous? Apprehensive? What are your how to define the populist person just there.
thoughts about being in a role that has been The fact of the matter is I belong to the Afri-
so public and so prominently globally? can National Congress (ANC), which is the
organization that is supported by the people
Jacob Zuma: Well, if anything it is humbling of South Africa and I have been one of its cad-
to be given this responsibility by the South res in the leading positions for quite a while
African people, by my organization. It is a and of course have taken over not just from
task indeed that needs such great leaders as Nelson Mandela, but from Thabo Mbeki who
Nelson Mandela. But let me say that since followed Mandela, who also made a very
we are mentioning President Mandela, huge contribution to make the task very easy
many people forget that we will this year for some of us who followed thereafter.
mark 20 years since he was released from
prison on the 11th of February 1990. South We have been in office, for I think seven
Africa will, as a country, celebrate this. We months. We have looked at government, we
have aligned it to the opening of our parlia- have reconfigured some of the departments
ment so that the country can celebrate the in order to ensure that an effective govern-
day that changed South Africa from a racist ment is there, that transparency is deepened,
conflict ridden country into a democratic that delivery continues. We have looked at
country. We are therefore reminding every- the policies which basically emanate from the
one of this, and fortunately Nelson Mandela ruling party and diminished those that ema-
is still with us, so we will be able to cele- nate from individuals. We have been able to
brate with him. It is important for us, be- follow the trend as it has been all the time.
cause the release of Nelson Mandela and We came in amidst the financial crisis that
the contributions he made when leading affected everybody around the globe. I think
the negotiations established a culture in South Africa at that time was able to with-
South Africa that nobody had ever imag- stand the pressure to a large extent because
ined. We are able to defeat racism which of its very prudent policies and macro eco-
was entrenched in South Africa, and he led nomic policies; we have been able therefore
the approach and the campaigns to recon- to absorb... not that we did not suffer from
cile South Africans and establish a truly de- the impact of it, but I think to a large extent
mocratic South Africa. we were able to deal with the matter and I
think we were able to give leadership as a
government and together with business, la- of the policies we have put across, for exam-
bour and representatives of civil society were ple affirmative action etc, tend to put them in
able to come together and work out a pack- an awkward position. But we have been able
age of how to meet the challenge of the re- to explain this; and people have accepted
cession. And we succeeded to do so and I what the government has put across as the
don't think anyone can say that because I am policies encompasses and embraces all South
now a populist, these matters could not be Africans.
done and people did not know what they
were doing. I think that government always There are no instances where people have
knew what it was doing. been able to identify a kind of policy that ex-
cludes others. Everybody is part of it. Of
Faried Zakaria: You talk about the majority, course there would be individuals who would
but there is also the minority in South Africa be very vocal, who would give an impression
that increasingly feels disenfranchised, the that things are not very well in South Africa. I
white minority. You read interviews with peo- think we are a very proud rainbow nation
ple, F.W. De Klerk, various other leaders. that is working together at all times socially,
There is some evidence of "white-flight", ei- in the economic sector and in every other
ther because of high crime rates or because thing and we adopted a culture of participa-
of a sense of economic fortunes turning, leav- tion. For example, some people would say
ing. Do you care if white South Africans de- that this government consults too much, and
cide they want to leave the country? that is why we say we should involve people,
so that people can feel a part of the processes
Jacob Zuma: No we don't want them to leave in the country; because we feel everybody
the country. They belong to South Africa. We must feel part of this, nobody must feel ex-
are aware that since 1994 some people felt as cluded. And we continuously explain what we
the situation changed they were not very cer- are trying to do.
tain as to what is going to happen and I think
in a sense, given where we came from as a So I would not agree with those who say
country you would have expected that kind of South Africa is now something else since the
reaction. But at times that reaction is in my coming of democracy in South Africa. In fact,
view, exaggerated, because South Africans if anything, South Africans have come to em-
have accepted what South Africa is all about. brace what is happening in the country. They
There are few people at times who feel some are very happy, but that doesn't mean that
22 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/South African President Interview Davos World Economic Forum
An optimistic South
African Finance Minis-
ter Pravin Gordhan
told BBC at Davos his
country’s economy is
fairly buoyant.
Mr Gordhan ac-
knowledged that un-
employment remains
an issue, but said the
ANC government had
bold and energetic
plans to improve em-
Sky view of the Davos ski resort in the Swiss Alps where the Annual World Economic Forum is held
South African President Jacob Zuma dances with his newly wedded wife, Thobeka Madiba, during a tra-
ditional Zulu wedding ceremony in Nkandla, South Africa Monday Jan 4, 2010.
Surmounting Recession
By Muhammed Kamil
From left: Visiting a smallholder dairy farm in Kabiyet (Rift Valley Province, Kenya, 2009); Indian politician Rahul Gan-
dhi speaking in Raipur Phulwari (Uttar Pradesh, India, 2008); cassava research laboratory at the National Crops Re-
sources Research Institute (Namulonge, Uganda, 2009).
groups, primarily of women, and making sure pick the best ideas. If we project what the world
they watch over the spending is one tactic he will be like 10 years from now without innova-
has seen make a big difference. The long-term tion in health, education, energy, or food, the
commitment to measuring results and improving picture is quite bleak. Health costs for the rich
the delivery systems that I heard from him and will escalate, forcing tough trade-offs and keep-
other young politicians assured me that health in ing the poor stuck in the bad situation they are
India will improve substantially in the decade in today. In the United States, rising education
ahead. costs will mean that fewer people will be able to
get a great college education and the public K–
In India, just like everywhere else we work, the 12 system will still be doing a poor job for the
needs of the poor are greater than the resources underprivileged. We will have to increase the
available to help them solve their problems. It is price of energy to reduce consumption, and the
important to get more money, but that alone poor will suffer from both this higher cost and
will not solve the big problems. This is why the effects of climate change. In food we will
Melinda and I are such big believers in innova- have big shortages because we won’t have
tions that allow you to do a lot more for the enough land to feed the world’s growing popula-
same cost. tion and support its richer diet.
During the last two centuries, there have been a However, I am optimistic that innovations will
huge number of innovations that have funda- allow us to avoid these bleak outcomes. In the
mentally changed the human condition—more United States, advances in online learning and
than doubling our life span and giving us cheap new ways to help teachers improve will make a
energy and more food. Society underinvests in great education more accessible than ever. With
innovation in general but particularly in two im- vaccines, drugs, and other improvements, health
portant areas. One area is innovations that in poor countries will continue to get better, and
would mostly benefit poor people—there is too people will choose to have smaller families. With
little investment here because the poor can’t better seeds, training, and access to markets,
generate a market demand. The second area is farmers in poor countries will be able to grow
sectors like education or preventative health more food. The world will find clean ways to pro-
services, where there isn’t an agreed-upon duce electricity at a lower cost, and more people
measure of excellence to tell the market how to will lift themselves out of poverty.
Big Bill
By Muhammed Kamil
Author Zahra Rahnavard, wife of Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Moussavi, meets with women's rights activ-
ists in Tehran
Kathryn Bigelow on the eve of International Women's Day became the first woman to win an Oscar for directing
women all around the world feel a greater sense In Iran, female activists were honored Sun-
of solidarity for campaigning for better human day by author Zahra Rahnavard, wife of Iranian
rights." opposition leader Mir Hossein Moussavi, in cele-
Hundreds of white balloons were released bration of International Women's Day.
to signal the marchers' desire for peace and About 30 of Iran's most prominent women's
equality. rights activists and their supporters held a pri-
A push for equality in India prompted angry vate gathering in Tehran. Rahnavard declared
protests, which disrupted the Parliament several that the opposition movement was still alive. She
times Monday in a bid to thwart a landmark bill said the movement would not forget the sacri-
that would reserve one-third of the seats in fed- fices by women who were jailed, beaten or died
eral and state legislatures for women. While the in the post-election protests last year. Women,
president is a woman -- Pratibha Devisingh Patil treated as second-class citizens under Iranian
is India's first female president -- women make law, were noticeably front and center at the
up just 11 percent of the members of the lower massive demonstrations after the disputed elec-
house of the Indian Parliament. tion in June.
On Saturday, Indian Prime Minister Manmo- "This year these women are now much
han Singh vowed to work for greater female rep- more visible," said Nadya Khalife, a gender
resentation in the country's democratic process, equality researcher for Human Rights Watch in
citing Women's Day as a time to "reaffirm our Beirut, Lebanon. "But Iranian women are not
government's commitment to all-round social, only battling gender discrimination, they are also
economic and political empowerment of our battling heightened political tensions."
women." Gender Equality for Iran, an activist organi-
Half of India's female population cannot zation, launched a renewed campaign for
read or write, authorities say. women's rights to mark International Women's
41 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International Women’s Day
Day, the group said. The cam-
paign, Call for Solidarity: Free-
dom and Gender Equality in Iran,
is calling for the release of all po-
litical prisoners and an end to
government-sponsored repres-
sion, the group said.
U.S. Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton, who has made
women's rights a key aspect of
her international agenda, said
Monday that women still have a
long way to go in obtaining full
"Women are still the major-
ity of the world's poor, un-
healthy, underfed, and unedu-
cated," Clinton said in a video Symbol of African Women’s Progress Former
message posted on the State De- Liberian Finance Minister, Liberian Bank for Develop-
partment Web site. "They rarely ment & Investment President and Senator, Ellen John-
cause violent conflicts but too son-Sirleaf on January 16, 2006 became Africa’s first
often bear their consequences. democratically elected woman president. Madam
Women are absent from negotia- Johnson-Sirleaf, a Harvard University graduate, has
tions about peace and security to also served as Citicorp Vice President and UNDP Af-
end those conflicts. Their voices rica Bureau Director.
Aside from being a world class technocrat
simply are not being heard."
Madam Johnson-Sirleaf has an enduring record of
She repeated her words standing up for transparency, good governance and
from a speech she made at the democracy, for which she had been jailed and har-
1995 United Nations Fourth assed by successive Liberian governments.
World Conference on Women in On January 25, 2010, she announced that she
Beijing: "Human rights are would seek a second term of office in 2011.
women's rights, and women's
rights are human rights."
Women’s progress quest through the 20th Century, into the 21st
International Women's Day has been observed NWD on the last Sunday of February until 1913.
since the early 1900's, a time of great expansion
and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw 1910 In 1910 a second International Conference of
booming population growth and the rise of radical Working Women was held in Copenhagen. A
ideologies. woman named a Clara Zetkin (Leader of the
1908 Great unrest and critical debate was occur- 'Women's Office' for the Social Democratic Party in
ring amongst women. Women's oppression and Germany) tabled the idea of an International
inequality was spurring women to become more Women's Day. She proposed that every year in
vocal and active in campaigning for change. Then every country there should be a celebration on the
in 1908, 15,000 women marched through New same day - a Women's Day - to press for their de-
York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and mands. The conference of over 100 women from
voting rights. 17 countries, representing unions, socialist parties,
working women's clubs, and including the first
1909 In accordance with a declaration by the So- three women elected to the Finnish parliament,
cialist Party of America, the first National Woman's greeted Zetkin's suggestion with unanimous ap-
Day (NWD) was observed across the United States proval and thus International Women's Day was
on 28 February. Women continued to celebrate the result.
42 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International Women’s Day Women’s Progress Quest into the 21st Century
1911 Following the decision agreed at Copen-
hagen in 1911, International Women's Day
(IWD) was honored the first time in Austria,
Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on 19
March. More than one million women and men
attended IWD rallies campaigning for women's
rights to work, vote, be trained, to hold public
office and end discrimination. However less
than a week later on 25 March, the tragic
'Triangle Fire' in New York City took the lives of
more than 140 working women, most of them
Italian and Jewish immigrants. This disastrous
event drew significant attention to working con-
ditions and labour legislation in the United
States that became a focus of subsequent Inter-
national Women's Day events. 1911 also saw
women's 'Bread and Roses' campaign.
$Price Change %Change Time
Canola Future (WCE)
379.800 -0.200 -0.05 04:24
Cocoa Future - LI
2,263.000 8.000 0.35 04:39
Cocoa Future (USD/
2,988.000 19.000 0.64 04:44
Lumber Future
285.500 -1.700 -0.59 04:37
($/1,000 board ft.)
Soybean Future
945.250 4.250 0.45 04:42
Currency Key USD:U.S. Dollar CAD: Canadian Dollar GBP: Great Britain Pound
EUR: Euro CHF: Swiss Franc AUD: Australian Dollar HKD: Hong Kong Dollar JPY: Japanese Yen
South African Rand, April 1, 2010 Exchange Rates Latvian Lat 0.0723197 13.8275
Kuwaiti Dinar 0.0396113 25.2453 47 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
A ddis Ababa was host to a series of Pan Af-
rican confabs from the 22nd of January to
the February 1st that culminated in the 14th
violence was also stressed. In response, the AU
Department of Peace and Security indicated
that it would undertake a risk assessment exer-
Ordinary Summit of the African Union Assembly cise on opening gender related issues offices in
of Heads of State & Government. conflict areas.
The 3rd Pre-Summit Gender Meeting Concerning the African Year for Peace and
kicked off at the AU Commission Headquarters Security, the pre-summit meeting on gender
on the 22nd. The meeting was aimed at assess- recommended that women should be better
ing the level of implementation of Resolutions integrated in the prevention and post-conflict
1325, 1820, 1888 and 1889 of the United Na- reconstruction processes; and that women’s
tions Security Council concerning women and networks should be involved in missions for me-
their security. However, in line with the overall diation in areas of conflicts. Elaboration of a
Summit theme, Information and Communica- database of qualified and competent women
tion Technologies (ICT) in Africa: Challenges and with expertise on peace and security issues was
Prospects for Development , the Gender meet- proposed.
ing dwelled how ICT could be used for equality In her closing remarks, Mrs. Litha Musyimi-
and empowerment of women, calling for Ogana, Director Women and Gender Develop-
greater involvement of women in ICT. Address- ment, reiterated the commitment of the AU to
ing the global concern about victimization of protect women's rights and empowerment.
women in conflicts the women’s confab ap- The 19th Ordinary Session of the Perma-
pealed for greater peace and security in Africa. nent Representatives Committee commenced
After 3 days of brainstorming, the partici- on January 25th, closing the following day. Also
pants recommended that AU offices on Gender on the 26th instant the International National
be opened in areas of conflict to be more in- Contact Group on Guinea (ICG-G) met. Meetings
volved in creating awareness on the role of gen- of the African Peer Review Mechanism, which is
der in the peace keeping processes. They also part of the New Partnership for African Devel-
emphasized the need to increase and opment (NEPAD) institutional structure, were
strengthen the participation of civilian and mili- held from January 26th to 30th. The APRM
tary women in peace processes and decision- agenda consisted of an Eminent Persons Meet-
making in the continent. The need for better ing, a meeting of the Strategic Partners/
protection of women and girl children against Oversight Committee, a Pre-Summit Meeting of
57 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
14th Ordinary Summit of the African Union
APRM Focal Points and Advisors to the Heads of The 14th Ordinary Session of the African
State and Government and on January 30th the Union Assembly of Heads of State & Govern-
12th Summit of the APR Forum of Heads of State ment opened on the morning of January 31st at
and Government. Meanwhile, on January 27th the United Nations Conference Center with out-
there was a Panel Discussion on Informational & going Chairman Brother Leader Muammar El
Communications Technology (ICT), which had Gaddafi requesting the Assembly to stand for
been selected as the AU focus theme for 2010. the AU Anthem, followed by launching of the
The 16th Ordinary Session of the African African Union flag which thenceforth replaced
Union Executive Council, principally composed the Organization of African Unity logo as AU
of foreign ministers, met on January 28th and symbol.
29th. The adopted decisions of the Executive Following a group photo and launching of
Council are formulated into Draft Decisions & the ICT exhibition, AU Commission Chairperson
Declarations for consideration by the Assembly Jean Ping made a statement, after which
of Heads of State & Government. The Ministe- United Nations Secretary Ban Ki-Moon spoke.
rial Committee on Post-Conflict Reconstruction Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa
and Development in The Sudan meet on Janu- then addressed the Assembly, followed by a
ary 28th. The Ministerial Meeting on Candida- statement from Guest of Honor Prime Minister
tures for AU positions due for a change of per- José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero of Spain.
sonnel was also held on the 28th. Chairman of the AU Assembly Brother
On the 29th the Ministerial Committee on Leader Muammar El Gaddafi then spoke, before
Scale of Assessment was held as well as an the election of members of the AU Bureau and
evening session Briefing by Burkina Faso Presi- Drafting Committee.
dent Blaise Compaore on the Mediation efforts Malawi’s President Dr. Bingu Wa
in Guinea . Mutharika was elected Assembly Chairman for
Meanwhile, an Information & Communica- 2010, after which he delivered his acceptance
tions Technology (ICT) exhibition jointly organ- speech. Next was the signing of AU treaties by
ized by the African Union Commission and the all Assembly members.
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa An awards ceremony was held at which
was staged at the UNCC-ECA headquarters. two successful African scientists were honored.
The Inter-Governmental Authority for De- The official ceremony ended with handing over
velopment (IGAD) Summit, consisting of East the flame of peace to members of the Assem-
African countries Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, bly. Assembly members then went into a closed
Uganda and Kenya held on January 30th at the session.
AU Headquarters. After lunch statements were made con-
Also on January 30th was the Summit of cerning the Summit theme, Information and
NEPAD Heads of State & Government Imple- Communication Technologies (ICT) in Africa:
mentation Committee (HSGIC) and the meeting Challenges and Prospects for Development.
of the Committee of Ten Heads of State on Speakers were Senegal’s President Abdoulaye
United Nations Reform. Wade and South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma
The Organization of African First Ladies and Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame. Dr.
Against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA) met on January 31st Hamadoun Touré (a West African), Secretary
and February 1st at AU Headquarters. The con- General of the International Telecommunication
fab consisted of a Technical Advisors Meeting, Union and Mr. Robert Zoellick, President of the
Steering Committee Meeting and First Ladies World Bank made brief remarks.
General Assembly Meeting. The Assembly adopted the 2010 AU
In the afternoon of the 31st host Ethiopian budget, appointed members of the AU Peace &
Prime Minister Meles Zenawi held a luncheon Security Council and considered reports from
for his colleagues at the National Palace, after the Peace & Security Commission and the
which was the Meeting between the Great NEPAD Heads of State and Government Imple-
Lakes Special Envoys and the ICGLR Heads of mentation Committee.
Blantyre — Two men who married each other in labour. Monjeza and Chimbalanga, who are be-
a traditional engagement ceremony will have to ing held at Chichiri Prison, one of Malawi's maxi-
undergo trial and face years of imprisonment if mum security jails, have been refused bail on
found guilty of having a homosexual relation- two different occasions by the same magis-
ship. trates' court. They are taunted and jeered by
The state, through police prosecutors, crowds of people every time they make a court
brought the two men to court soon after their appearance. The situation was not different on
Boxing Day engagement and asked the magis- the day of the ruling.
trate to determine that they are criminals for The case has attracted a lot of interest both
indulging in a homosexual relationship. A magis- locally and internationally. The court was jam-
trate's court in Malawi's main commercial cen- packed during the ruling, with on-lookers, rights
tre, Blantyre, on Mar. 22 ruled against the two groups and diplomats from the British High
men, Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Mon- Commission. The diplomats did not comment.
jeza. "The court ruling today is a very sad devel-
Blantyre chief resident magistrate, opment. The full trial will only perpetuate mis-
Nyakwawa Usiwa Usiwa, declared that Chim- ery for the couple as they will continue to be
balanga and Monjeza have a case to answer to. kept in prison and continue to face the wrath of
The couple is facing official charges of "gross homophobic people," said Gift Trapense, direc-
indecency" and "buggery" for "having carnal tor of human rights organization The Centre for
knowledge against the order of nature", of- the Development of People.
fences under Malawi's colonial-era penal code. "It is very unfair to continue holding the
"In the balance of probability the state has couple in jail just because they are expressing
established a prima-facie case against the two their love for each other. The conditions in Ma-
as charged," Usiwa Usiwa told the couple. The lawi's prisons are very bad; there is overcrowd-
state has already administered several medical ing in the cells and inmates go hungry most
tests on the couple to establish that they were times. It is sad that they should continue suffer-
having sexual intercourse as well as a mental ing just for choosing their own way of life," Trap-
examination to test if each is mentally stable. ense told IPS.
The couple will undergo a full trial and the The magistrate has since set trial for Apr. 3.
onus now lies on the two men to prove their Meanwhile, Amnesty International has adopted
innocence. Chimbalanga and Monjeza as prisoners of con-
Chimbalanga and Monjeza did not seem to science. The rights organization defines prison-
be moved by the magistrate's decision. They ers of conscience as people who have been
were not allowed to comment on the ruling. jailed because of the lawful expression of their
The lawyer representing the couple, Osward beliefs.
Ntuwakale, asked the court to give him two In a recent statement, Amnesty Interna-
weeks for him to prepare for their defence. "I tional United Kingdom director Kate Allen said
will call upon defence witnesses," he said. Monjeza and Chimbalanga have committed no
Chimbalanga and Monjeza have been ar- criminal offence.
rested based on Sections 153 and 156 of the Support for the gay couple has been
Penal Code which criminalize homosexuality mounting. On Mar. 16, Malawi's main donors,
and recommend that anyone convicted under including the UK government, Germany, African
these sections may be jailed for a minimum of Development Bank (AfDB), Norway, the Euro-
five years and maximum of 14 years and hard pean Union and the World Bank, who operate
- 80 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Europeans and Africa on Collision
Course Over Homosexuality?
Full Court Trial for Gay Couple
by Claire Ngozo By Muhammed Kamil
Soldiers end
Mamadou Tandja’s Reign
By Muhammed Kamil
Niger’s now deposed President Mamadou Tandja with Chinese President Hu Jintao at the
2003 China-Africa Summit in Beijing
Dr. Ndi Okereke-Onyiuke, Director General of Nigeria Stock Exchange since 2000 is scheduled to voluntarily
retire November 2, 2010
Former U.S. President George Bush (L-R), Chairman of Nigeria's THISDAY Newspapers Nduka
Obaigbena, Britain's former Prime Minister Tony Blair and former U.S. Secretary of State Condo-
leezza Rice pose for a photograph during the "Nigeria at 50 Awards", organized by Nigeria's
THISDAY Newspapers, in the capital territory of Abuja February 21, 2010. Picture taken February
21, 2010. REUTERS/Afolabi Sotunde (NIGERIA - Tags: POLITICS MEDIA)
Attending a training workshop of Christian and Muslim faith leaders on ways to combat
malaria, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair called for concerted efforts to fight ma-
laria in Nigeria. Since July 2008 Mr. Blair’s Faith Foundation has also been foremost in the
bednet/end malaria campaign in Africa. .Photo from report by Neal Walker, Sky News
of the people and he is accountable to the peo- the country with skill.
ple… Blair congratulated the Acting President on
"I am certain that Nigerians would find his assumption of office, saying the Government
within their democratic institutions a way to of the United Kingdom was pleased with the
deal with the current crisis that you have; but resolution of the political situation in Nigeria.
with that said, my prayers are with your Presi- Mr. Blair, who spoke to newsmen after
dent and my prayers are with your Acting Presi- meeting with the Acting President at the Presi-
dent with whom I met today (yesterday) and dential Villa, described the current situation in
with all of your other leaders who must lead Nigeria as ”unique and pretty difficult.”
Nigeria through this critical time." “I say to the Acting President that I want to
The 15th THISDAY Awards ceremony held thank him for the wise way he and the institu-
at the THISDAY Dome, Abuja, saw a number of tion of Nigerian government have handled
prominent Nigerians both living and dead, as themselves in last few days and I want to say it
well as companies and institutions, recognized has been a pretty difficult situation and I think
for their contributions and achievements in the they have handled it with skill,” Blair said.
polity. Giving insight into his closed-door discussions
Rice continued the discussion on "Nigeria: with Jonathan, Blair noted that the Acting Presi-
The Next 50 Years," from where the duo of for- dent and the Nigerian legislature had shown a
mer US President George W. Bush and former willingness to ensure that Nigeria moved for-
British Prime Minister Tony Blair left off in the ward “in a proper way.”
afternoon during a Special Luncheon, which ”He (Acting President) was explaining to
presaged the Awards night. me the importance of maintaining the right con-
In trying to define the trajectory open to stitutional process and we both agree that one
Nigeria in the next fifty years, she said while of the greatest things to have happened is re-
rounding off her speech which she made almost turning democratic government and we would
extempore, "I come to you as a daughter of or- want to see that maintained.”
dinary people. I come to you also as a citizen of
the country that struggled to make 'we, the peo-
ple' have meaning because, of course, when the
founding fathers said 'we, the people' they did-
n’t mean me.”
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair
last Saturday said Acting President Dr. Goodluck
Jonathan and the ”institution of Government” in
Nigeria have handled the difficult situation in
89 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Fidelia Njeze: former minister, last served as Min- Adamu Maina Waziri: former minister and ex-
ister of State in the Ministry of Works Executive Secretary of the Petroleum Technology
Development Fund (PTDF)
Adetokunbo Kayode: former minister
Labran Maku: former student activist and deputy
Sen. Akinlabi Olasunkanmi: Minister of Youth De- governor of Nassarawa State
velopment in the dissolved cabinet
Senator Sanusi Daggash: formerly Minister of Na-
Godsday Orubebe: former minster tional Planning
Navy Captain N.S. Olubolade: former military ad- Mrs. Josephine Tapgun: Director of the campaign
ministrator of Bayelsa State to re-elect the Obasanjo-Atiko ticket in 2003
Ndanusa Alao, Ogun State Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman: former Minister of Fi-
nance and also of National Planning Minister
Cabinet Reshuffle
Outgoing National
Planning Minister
Dr. Shamsudden
Senator Jubril Martins Kuye: .former Minister of Osman, 61, who
State for Finance in the President Olusegun in 2007 gained
Obasanjo administration unique distinction
by declaring his
Professor Ruqaiya Rufai: former Commissioner assets upon being
for Education in Jigawa State appointed Minis-
ter of Finance, will
be back in the
Captain Emmanuel Ihenacho: maritime expert cabinet despite
from Imo State speculation to the
Barrister Mohammed Adoke (SAN): from Kogi
Cabinet Reshuffle
Senate President Dr. David A.B. Mark, GGON, FNIM
People’s Democratic Party (PDP)
Chairman Selections Committee
Born April 1948, retired Army General,
B.Sc Telecommunications,
College of Military Engineering,
Military College of Telecommunication, Molow and
Formerly Member Armed Forces Ruling Council, Niger
State Military Governor; Member of the 5th and 6th Sen-
Occupation: Business Entrepreneur
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Senator Ahmed Ibrahim
Yobe State; Yobe North Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP)
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Senator Abubaker Atiku Bagudu
Kebbi State; Kebbi Central Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Senator Ahmed M. Makarfi
Kaduna State; Kaduna North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Finance Committee
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Senator Eme Ufot Ekaette
Akwa Ibom State; Akwa Ibom South Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chair Women & Youth Committee
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Senator Gbenga Ogunniya
Ondo State; Ondo Central Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Senator Mohammed Kabiru Jibril
Kaduna State; Kaduna Central Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Senator Sola Akinyede
Ekiti State; Ekiti South Constituency
People's Democratic Party (PDP)
Chairman Drugs, Narcotics & Anti Corruption Committee
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Africa/South Africa
South Africa’s Parliament Building in the country’s Legislative Capital, Cape Town
which he added that “going forward….more la- government. The President’s closing promise was
bour intensive projects” would be undertaken. that 2010 shall be a year of action.
Government plans to spend R846 million (about This testimony by the South African presi-
$115 million) on infrastructure over the next 3 dent, who apart from being a veteran ANC mem-
years. In the mainstream, Mr. President noted ber and guerrilla fighter is a life long member of
that there was focus on green jobs in the gov- the South African Communist Party and once
ernment’s Industrial Policy Action Plan. served on its Political Bureau, considered in light
With the measures instituted South Africa’s of the successes registered in recent years by Bra-
economy has climbed out of recession and is zil’s Worker’s Party, Turkey’s Justice & Develop-
now creating jobs rather than shedding them; ment Party and China’s Communist Party, espe-
however the President cautioned that it was too cially their quickly getting recession under con-
soon to be certain about the pace of recovery, trol, alerts us to the need to study such develop-
hence support measures would not yet be with- ments very carefully.
drawn. The infrastructure development pro- Particularly in South Africa, what we see
gram and the educational programs would be emerging is a society where ethnocentrism and
continued as catalysts for long term growth. It racism are reputed to be ideologically and phi-
includes establishment of an Inter-Ministerial losophically unacceptable− even if this is not en-
Committee on Energy mandated to develop a tirely the case in practice; where the democratic
20 year plan, which would among other things system is stronger than any personality, including
assure the poor are protected from electricity the president, where people are as Ahmed Sékou
price hikes and consider independent power Touré once wrote the object and instruments of
producers as an alternative to relying solely on the national vision, and at the same time partner-
Eskom Holdings which is Africa’s biggest electric ship is promoted between business and employ-
power conglomerate. ees, as well as with government− what former
Finally the President stressed the need to Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed
improve economic opportunities for the youth, promoted in the Global South as “Smart Partner-
disclosing that the National Youth Development ship.” South Africa was one of the countries
Agency created last year had been instructed to where Malaysia under Mahathir held Smart Part-
work faster to establish its structures through- nership symposiums. The challenge South Africa
out the country so that it could assist in main- is undertaking is to end oligarchy without creating
streaming youth development programs within crises provoking panic in the financial markets.
- 123 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa State of the Nation by Muhammed Kamil
However, ANC under Zuma appears intent on
selling its vision of accelerated poverty alleviation
to the markets so that investors support it.
ANC, having taken over the reigns of state
when South Africa was already tied into interna-
tional capital and currency markets, could not for
a day ignore the sensitivity of the Rand and Jo-
hannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) to policy deci-
sions. Thus ANC was by circumstances locked into
a situation where balancing business, on the
right, and social development and welfare on the
left, became imperative. On the left its alliance
South Africa’s principal commercial hub, Johannesburg
partners are the Congress of South African Trade
Unions (COSATU) and the South African Commu- crease but after 28 days striking by more than
nist Party. COSATU on February 21st issued a pre- 700,000 civil servants enjoying wide public sup-
liminary assessment of the Zuma administration’s port COSATU’s analysis of the situation rational-
New Industrial Policy Action in which support for ized acceptance of government’s offer, despite
targeting labor intensive areas of the economy repeated police attacks on picket lines with tear
for job creation was expressed, noting that they gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades. The strike
have been calling for this all along. In the state- demonstrated both the possibility of the alliance
ment posted on its website ( between government and organized labor to
COSATU in supporting acknowledgement in the pass through extremely bitter times and recogni-
New Industrial Policy Action document that de- tion of the alliance’s strain limits.
velopment of a New Growth Path Strategy was COSATU highlighted its recent study at the
necessary said that it was in the final stages for time (2007) showing that while executive pay had
developing its perspective on such strategy and increased 34% the previous year, workers pay
would soon engage with government on it; thus increases ran between 1% and 2% above inflation
not only affirming the close collaboration be- and workers earnings had fallen from 50% of the
tween organized labor and government, but also national income to 45%, while company profits
organized labor’s involvement in the country’s rose from 27% to 32% of national income. CO-
industrial development affairs. Showing particular SATU accused the government then led by Presi-
interest in Green Jobs, COSATU in its February dent Thabo Mbeki of being pro-market and in-
21st statement faulted the government for not deed Mbeki was regarded by the business com-
being specific about the number and types of munity as o.k. Such disputes occur all over the
green jobs envisaged, warning that unless it was world, but in the African context South Africa’s
satisfied with the green jobs component it would professionalism, rationality and institutional
ultimately reject the New Industrial Policy Action. strength in dealing with conflicts of interests are
Although COSATU, the biggest of South Africa’s amazing.
three main trade union federations with 21 affili- President Zuma in responding to questions
ated unions and 1.8 million members, has not about internal disagreement within the South
been able to prevent strikes, its alliance with ANC African polity during an interview with CNN’s
and involvement in national policy making con- Fareed Zakaria in Davos during January made
tributes to realization of the ANC vision of South clear his understanding that conflicts and dis-
Africa being run by a national interest conglomer- agreements are natural and inevitable in human
ate focused on national prosperity with poverty affairs but it is his job to keep the ship of state
eradicated. COSATU as an institutionalized and balanced and forward moving.
historical ally of ANC also provides an internal
counter force to government policies, decisions
and omissions. In 2007 COSATU in fact led a pub-
lic sector strike against government when affili-
ated unions representing civil servants demanded
a 12% pay increase across the board. COSATU
initially refused government’s offer for a 7.5% in-
124 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa/Politics
scoring points in a boxing match for Zille. the Congress of the People (COPE), formed by
In September 2007, while serving as Mayor ANC members opposed to the presidential candi-
of Cape Town, Zille was arrested when she vis- dacy of Jacob Zuma and what they saw as moral
ited a police station to investigate the arrest of and ethical drift by ANC, though they have no
a group called People's Anti-Drug and Liquor significant ideological differences with the party
Action Committee (PADLAC), which had been to which they belonged from the struggle against
distributing leaflets in the campaign against apartheid up until the 2008 ANC Congress where
abuse of alcohol and drugs in Cape Town. Police outgoing President Thabo Mbeki lost his bid to
alleged that as Mayor she supported vigilante hold on to the party’s presidency to Jacob Zuma.
groups opposed to drug abuse. She was subse- Consistent with their objection to Zuma on moral
quently charged in the Mitchell's Plain Magis- and ethical grounds COPE responded to the news
trates Court with contravening the Regulation of Zuma’s child out of wedlock with call for his
of Gatherings Act. Intelligence sources in West- resignation. “President Jacob Zuma is not fit for
ern Province where Cape Town is located leaked office,” Cope Secretary-General Charlotte Lobe
information to Zille that ANC had infiltrated told reporters in Johannesburg on February 8th.
PADLAC with armed operatives in an attempt to “He has tarnished the image of the republic and
criminalize the group and by implication Zille as brought the office of the presidency into disre-
its supporter. Zille was later acquitted by the pute.” COPE, Zille led Democratic Alliance and
Magistrate court on the grounds that the prose- other critics have cited the contradiction be-
cution’s case against her and nine other defen- tween South Africa having more people living
dants didn’t have a chance of succeeding. In with HIV/AIDS than any other country in the
March 2008 Zille took her anti-drug campaign to world and President Zuma’s undisciplined sexual
Johannesburg, where marchers wore DA t-shirts behavior which has followed him into the public
bearing the message: “No to drugs and save our spotlight.
children.” Helen Zille in welcoming Zuma’s apology for
The other opposition party of consequence his misconduct said on February 6th, “He must
at the moment, with 30 Parliamentary seats, is now focus on repairing the damage he has done
126 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa South Africa Opposition Hard on Zuma By M. Kamil
to the fight against HIV/Aids.” "President a certain block within your party's alliance that
Zuma's behavior directly contradicts the govern- makes you all the more compromised and vulner-
ment's campaign against multiple sexual part- able." Referring to the pardoning of Zuma’s fi-
ners, and the inherent AIDS risk in having un- nancial advisor as vice president, Schabir Shaik,
protected sex," said Zille. who was serving a prison sentence, MP Trollip
Zuma, a former head of the South Africa said, "The tenuous respect given to you by a
National AIDS Council, was tried and acquitted deeply suspicious electorate in April 2009 has
of raping an HIV-positive family friend in 2006. been systematically eroded."
He testified that his accuser had consented to Challenging Zuma’s record on economic
having sex and although he knew she was HIV management and services delivery, Independent
positive he had not used a condom because he Democrats leader Patricia de Lille said, "It is an
did not have one available. He said he took a indictment on the Mandela legacy that we have
shower after the act to minimize the chance of become the most unequal society in the world ...
infection. This prompted South African editorial Millions of South Africans have been living in an
cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro, pen name Zapiro, economic depression all their lives. The recession
to start putting a showerhead over Zuma when- has only worsened their situation.”
ever portraying him in a cartoon. After Zuma Responding to criticism of the his State of
was elected South Africa’s president last year the Nation address, President Zuma said in Cape
Zapiro halted this characterization, he said in Town on February 16th that he knew exactly
respect for the office and as a goodwill gesture what he wanted to say and he said it. In response
towards the new president; but after marrying a to the mounting criticism of ANC Youth League
new wife reports surfaced that the President leader Julius Malema’s call for government na-
had fathered a child with his friend’s daughter, tionalization of at least 60% equity in the coun-
Zapiro resumed taunting Zuma’s cartoon images try’s mines, Zuma said it was not the policy of his
with the shower head. “All sorts of people tried government to nationalize private enterprise but
to give him a break. I lifted the shower off his Malema had the right to put his views forth and
head according to how well or badly I thought the public should debate them. “This is a democ-
he was doing. More people are criticizing, even racy. He (Malema) has views. Debate the views of
from within his own ranks. It is obviously an op- Malema and don’t confuse a debate raised with
portunity for me to play around with the the policy of government,” President Zuma said.
shower,” said Zapiro. After the President addressed Parliament
South African Member of Parliament Ken- COPE MP Mluleki George read a statement which
neth Meshoe, leader of the African Christian Deputy Speaker Nomaindia Mfeket interpreted
Democratic Party, called Zuma a sex addict and as accusing President Zuma of leading South Af-
recommended that he seek professional help as rica to lawlessness. Madam Nomaindia Mfeket
Tiger Woods has done. Independent Democrats ordered MP Mluleki George to withdraw her
leader Patricia de Lille noted of Mr. Zuma: "He is comment but George insisted that she never said
the one who is always preaching responsible what the Deputy Speaker accused her of. Madam
sexual behavior, but it seems he is sending a Nomaindia Mfeket then ordered MP Mluleki
message which says, 'Don't do as I do, do as I George to leave the House, to which George ac-
say.’" cused her of bullying. Democratic Alliance MP
Democratic Alliance Parliamentary leader Davidson accused the Deputy Speaker of narrow-
Athol Trollip also had disparaging words for ing the scope of freedom of speech in Parliament
President Zuma, maintaining that the South Af- and called upon her to read the Parliamentary
rican president elected last year has failed to rules. When she refused to take another point of
live up to the legacy of Nelson Mandela with order from COPE's Mbhazima Shilowa, he in-
whom Zuma spent time as a prisoner on Robin’s formed the House his party was leaving "until as
Island. Apparently referring to the strong sup- and when you want Ms. Mluleki back, thank
port President Zuma enjoys from COSATU, the you".
ANC Youth League and the South African Com- "Fine," was Mfeketo's response. "Fine".
munist Party, Trollip taunted Mr. President: The DA and Cope MPs then left the House in
"Apart from being personally compromised, Mr. protest.
President, you appear to owe your allegiance to Stay tuned for the next episode.
127 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa
From left, foreground: Queen Elizabeth II, President Zuma, wife Thobeka Madiba Zuma and Prince Philip; Prime
Minister Gordon Brown and Secretary of State for Commonwealth and Foreign Affairs David Milbrand can be
seen in the rear
drugs and prostitutes they may run into trouble told SW Radio Africa on March 2nd that targeted
but as long as they stay on the beaten track sanctions should be removed when human rights
they’ll be fine.” The South African president an- violations come to an end. "Never did the Prime
nounced a special visa dispensation for the esti- Minister refer to them as sanctions, but
mated 450,000 ticket holders attending the 'restrictive measures.' The media quoted him out
tournament, by which visas would be issued on of context, but he reiterated that the West
arrival to anyone travelling from non-visa ex- should acknowledge the progress of the govern-
empt countries, provided proof of purchase of a ment by lifting restrictive measures, once certain
FIFA match ticket is given. prerequisites have been met," Maridadi said.
The major political issue discussed be- Meanwhile, U.S. President Obama is calling
tween President Zuma and British Prime Minis- for extension of sanctions against Zimbabwe.
ter Gordon Brown is the South African proposal Given his practice of regularly consulting with
of a deal to lift sanctions off Zimbabwe. Accord- Africa leaders by telephone I can’t imagine that
ing to Presidential spokesman Vincent Mag- Obama is pursuing this against the will of Prime
wenya South Africa proposes a conditional lift- Minister Tsvangirai who seems to regard Presi-
ing of sanctions involving a timeline with a view dent Mugabe as precarious. The Zimbabwe crisis
to easing the tension between Movement for is delicate and difficult; perhaps its time for an
Democratic Change (MDC) led by Prime Minis- international conference on Zimbabwe with the
ter Morgan Tsvangirai, whose party’s ministers participation of Mugabe and enough money on
are not affected by the travel ban and President offer from the former colonial power and other
Mugabe’s Zimbabwe African Union-Patriotic rich countries to finance a reasonable economic
Front (ZANU-PF), the high ranking officials of plan, as well as a political plan that would prom-
which are affected. Progress on the ground ise a win-win result for indigenous and settler
would be assessed on its keeping pace with stock Zimbabweans.
timeline stipulations. Despite reports to the Now is the time to also have an interna-
contrary, Tsvangirai' spokesman James Maridadi tional investment conference for South Africa
Top: Mrs. Thobeka Madiba Zuma rides with Prince Philip to Buckingham Palace in a royal coach;
Bottom is the coach with the Queen and President Zuma
because the rise of a heedless, polarizing that of any contemporary politician, I’m in-
demagogue like Julius Malema to the leader- clined to read into her inviting South Africa’s
ship of the ANC Youth League and cries for him president a hint to the British political class
to be South Africa’s next president highlight that priority must be given to seeing that this
poverty eradication in South Africa as an country realizes its immense potential.
emergency with a 9 year rectification limit.
It was a singular honor that South African
President Jacob Zuma was the first foreign
leader to be hosted by the Queen in 2010, but
considering that the longevity and depth of
her experience with Africa are greater than
131 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa Zuma Dines with the Queen
Top: Left: The Queen watches with interest as President Zuma dons gloves;
Top right: The Queen and Mrs. Thobeka Madiba Zuma
Bottom: Prince Charles of Wales and his consort Camelia Parker-Bowles
Top: President Zuma after alighting from the royal coach awaits Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
Bottom Prince Philip reviews the Palace Guard with Mrs. Zuma
Top: President Zuma greets the Queen’s First Minister Gordon Brown
Bottom: President Zuma shakes hands with Prince Philip
Top: President Zuma inspecting the Buckingham Palace Honor Guard with Duke of Edinburg Prince Philip
Bottom: Queen Elizabeth with her First Minister Gordon Brown and Secretary of State for Commonwealth and
Foreign Affairs David Milbrand
South Africa/Capital Markets
Uganda Moving Up
Kampala, Uganda’s capital and largest city has a population of 1.5 million
Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has including the Mbarara University of Science &
over the years been a good diplomat, engaging Technology, the oldest of the new generation
Uganda well with the international community higher education institutions, opened in 1989.
and now he is playing host to all interested ma- Uganda has a small educated middle class com-
jor oil companies; though Tullow Plc., the British prised mainly of professionals, senior civil ser-
company playing the leading role in Ghana’s vants and commercial farmers. Poor peasant
new upstream petroleum industry, is already farmers remain the most numerous socio-
operating fields in Uganda and partnering with economic class.
the Uganda government in hosting Chinese Na- Only 60% of the population has access to
tional Petroleum Company, Russia’s Lukoil, It- clean drinking water; a situation which informs a
aly’s Eni and France’s Total. Tullow is negotiat- substantial portion of the country’s illnesses.
ing sale of portions of its share in already Extended family relations characterize
awarded blocks to other companies. Uganda’s social structure and polygamy is widely
Uganda continues to have low rankings in practiced. No doubt as a result of rampant prom-
international stability related indexes: ranking iscuity Uganda was one of the first country’s in
103 out of 144 countries in the Global Peace Africa where HIV/AIDS prevalence reached 10%,
Index; 157 out of 182countries in Human Devel- but a national campaign promoting adherence to
opment Index; 130 out of 180 in the Corrup- traditional religious values remarkably reversed
tions Perception Index; and 108 out of 133 in the situation, cutting the prevalence rate in half.
the World Economic Forum’s Global Competi- Most Ugandans are Christians, with Catholicism
tiveness Report. Almost all primary school aged having about 42.5% of the population and the
children are enrolled but the dropouts percent- Anglican Church 36%. Muslims constitute about
age at the junior and senior secondary level has 12% of the population.
increased in recent years. Nearly half of Traditionally women were not encouraged
Uganda’s primary school pupils are female. Lit- to take individual socio-economic initiatives but
eracy is 72%; 63% for females and 81% for with the increase in number of AIDS widows and
males. Uganda’s Makerere University estab- orphans they have been compelled to greater
lished in 1922 produced the first generations of independence. The constitution adopted in 1995
East African graduates, but today only 3% of the guarantees women equal opportunities in poli-
country’s secondary school graduates enter in- tics, social affairs and in the economic field. At
stitutions of higher education. In addition to one point President Museveni had a female vice
Makerere, Uganda has four other universities, president and the Speaker of Parliament was also
143 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Uganda Uganda Moving Up
a woman. in Uganda, at least 20 cents is lost due to a poor
Northern Uganda, which is mostly savanna, road network.
has been ravaged by the Lord’s Resistance Army Two billion barrels of crude oil for a country
(LRA), once supported by Khartoum in reaction to with nearly 33 million people and a high popula-
Uganda’s support for [South Sudan’s] Sudan Peo- tion growth rate, informing a median age of 15,
ple’s Liberation Army (SPLA). Although Khartoum could bring a decade of extra income to rectify
is no longer known to support LRA, the maniac infrastructure inadequacies and improve the hu-
rebel movement whose leader Joseph Konney is man development situation; especially educa-
wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) tion, health care and job creation. Presently only
for crimes against humanity, continues to terror- 8% of the productive population works in indus-
ize Northern Uganda, Southern Sudan and Congo. try, while 22% works in services and 69% works
From an achievements perspective, post- in agriculture. Coffee will continue to be a major
colonial Ugandan history can now be divided into export, especially to Sudan, but the burgeoning
two parts: pre-Museveni and the Museveni era. petroleum industry offers an opportunity to cre-
The first era, from independence in 1962 until ate downstream industries, such as lubricant
1986 was characterized by political upheavals and blending and refineries, as well as service indus-
economic mismanagement, leaving Uganda not tries. Increased national income should also build
only one of the world’s poorest countries but also up financial services and markets, providing more
a flash point with no apparent prospects for a lucrative investment opportunities. Increasing
better future. Yoweri Museveni came to power as civil servant salaries is necessary if corruption is
a guerrilla leader in 1986, bringing sustained to be curbed, as over the years since the 1970s
growth and development ever since. The discov- civil servant purchasing power has decreased;
ery of oil in 2006 came at the time when the particularly during the implementation of the
country had firmly established sound economic IMF prescribed Structural Adjustment Program
management and along with it the confidence of (SAP). Services have now surpassed agriculture as
the International Monetary Fund and World the major contributor to GDP at 49%, with retail
Bank. During February 2010 the World Bank, trade contributing the largest share after govern-
while faulting Uganda for uneven regional devel- ment services. During the Museveni era tourism
opment, gave the country financing of $189 mil- which had virtually died out during the Idi Amin
lion to strengthen its export capacity to Southern years, has been revived, with most tourists com-
Sudan and northern Congo. Part of the money ing from Western Europe and North America.
will be used to build major roads such as the Uganda’s balance of trade has since the
northeastern corridor, which links Southern Su- 1970s constantly been largely skewed in favor of
dan and northeastern Congo. Only about a quar- imports. Forty-eight years after independence
ter of Uganda’s roads are now paved. Uganda does not have a petroleum refinery and
Ugandan exports to Southern Sudan in 2009 has been bearing the high and sometimes spiral-
amounted to $245.8 million, out of a total of ing costs of importing refined petroleum prod-
$1.17 billion in exports to the whole Sudan. ucts. In January 2008 President Yoweri Musevini
Uganda’s exports to Kenya, once its largest mar- announced plans for Uganda to establish a refin-
ket, were $164 million. Improving the export fa- ery at Hoima in northwestern Uganda where up-
cilitating infrastructure is expected to enable stream petroleum production fields are located.
Uganda reap the full potential of the Sudanese In May 2009 Museveni while in Tehran reached
market. Both Germany and China, which are in- an agreement with Iran to construct the refinery
terested in Uganda’s resources, have held nego- at Hoima, against the view of operating company
tiations with President Museveni’s government Tullow Oil that emphasis should be on building a
concerning revamp of the railway system in pipeline through Kenya to its Mombasa port for
northern Uganda and possibly extending it to exporting crude oil. Museveni at the time said:
Juba, South Sudan’s capital. Kenya is competing "We are more inclined to building a refinery than
with Uganda for the Southern Sudan market and exporting unprocessed crude oil." With reserves
also has plans for rail as well as better road links of only 2 billion barrels giving priority to satisfy-
with its northwestern neighbor. A 2007 Common ing domestic demand from Uganda’s oil produc-
Market of East & Southern Africa (COMESA) re- tion is a sensible starting point for the country’s
vealed that for every dollar invested in businesses hydrocarbon production era.
144 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Mandela and Springboks captain Francois Pienaar And what did they do when they saw him? They
rose as if one and chorused - bayed - his name. It
John Carlin wrote in the Observer (U.K.), was, as Desmond Tutu would describe it, 'an
January 7,2007 electric moment'.
No serious commentator that day gave Fran-
24 June 1995, Ellis Park, Johannesburg cois Pienaar's South Africa team much chance of
To black South Africans, the Springbok rugby defeating New Zealand, quite the most formida-
jersey was always one of the most hated sym- ble rugby side anyone could remember. But for
bols of apartheid. Rugby was a sport that the all their strength, speed and talent, the All Blacks
Afrikaner, 'the oppressor', regarded with at found no way through the Springboks' grim de-
least as much fervor as the Old Testament God fense. For the thin green line to break would be
of (another old racist symbol) the Dutch Re- an act of treason, would be to allow the enemy
formed Church. When the Springboks played at to storm the ramparts of the motherland - or so
home, there was always a small area of the sta- would the Springbok players describe it after the
dium where the blacks were penned in. It was game was over. So there were no tries, an infinite
always full. And they always supported the visit- number of South African tackles and lots of kicks
ing team. on goal. Joel Stransky clinched it, 15-12, with a
So for Nelson Mandela, the symbol of black drop goal in extra time.
suffering, the man who had spent 27 years in a Approached by a TV commentator within
white jail, to appear before a worldwide audi- seconds of the final whistle, Pienaar was asked
ence wearing the notorious green-and-gold jer- what it felt like to have such fervent support
sey (and cap) at the 1995 World Cup final repre- from 63,000 people. With remarkable presence
sented the most unlikely political turnaround of mind for a man experiencing the highest pitch
imaginable. He would not have worn it had he of ecstasy, Pienaar replied: 'We didn't have the
not achieved the almost impossible task during support of 63,000 South Africans today. We had
the year before the competition, his first year as the support of 42 million.'
President, of deliberately working away at erod- Mandela, still wearing his Springbok gear,
ing the bitterness and mistrust of his black sup- handed the cup to Pienaar, saying: 'Thank you
porters, persuading them that the slogan of the very much for what you have done for our coun-
new Springboks, 'One Team, One Country', was try.'
for real. 'Mr. President,' replied Pienaar, who did not
Of the 63,000 people in the stadium, put a foot wrong that day, 'it is nothing com-
62,000 were white, most of them Afrikaners. pared to what you have done for our country.'
They had been conditioned to believe that the
President, for whom barely a handful of them
would have voted a year earlier, was not only a
dangerous terrorist, but less than fully human.
150 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Queen of Hearts
By Muhammed Kamil
Asia/ Afghanistan
The traditional elder authority based family modern democratic society and the need for the
system prevalent throughout Afghanistan does Afghan government to be a competent and credi-
not rub smoothly with modernization, especially ble partner of the international community. She
the practice of forced marriage. However, the so- also stressed the need for patience, given the im-
cial degradation attributable to forced marriage mensity and complexity of the challenges being
has become a major issue of political and intellec- faced. Incidentally, a support committee has been
tual discourse and is thus being increasingly chal- set up for Fawzia Koofi by a group of young Af-
lenged by Afghanistan’s intelligentsia. Like most ghans to publicize her vision and promote her
other societies there is a worldly exposure gap voice as a genuine female leader of Afghanistan.
between urban dwellers and those in rural areas, University education in Afghanistan first opened
which include nomads. to women in 1961.
The natural attractiveness of progress is Canada’s Defense Minister Peter MacKay,
countered by Taliban terror and the frustration addressing the topic question of the March 26th
visited on the population by the systemic failures Brussels Forum, Is the Afghanistan War Winna-
of government to satisfy people’s expectations. ble?, pointed out from the audience that although
Thievery, banditry and kidnapping are rampant; as the public in countries contributing troops were
are child abuse and woman battering. Blood feuds invariably concerned about casualties, their en-
are ongoing and legendary. Added to these inter- gagement has brought many victories: there is an
nally rooted problems, is the civilian casualty rate, incipient democracy, unlike the Taliban era when
largely from the fire of foreign forces, in the girls were forbidden from attending school they
counter insurgency. All these factors, plus the now have equal access to education and women
years of war against the Soviets have swelled the were serving in both Parliament and the Cabinet,
ranks of incapacitated and handicapped people. children are now being vaccinated and social re-
Although Afghanistan appears to be rich in habilitation programs are in motion.
mineral resources and had begin industrialization All participants in the Brussels Forum panel
around the middle of the 20th century, the prevail- agreed that the comprehensive approach of
ing underdevelopment in the wake of prolonged bringing socio-economic and political progress in
tumult makes poverty and despair common. tandem with peace from the Taliban insurgency
In the March 26, 2010 Brussels Forum mod- was the right way forward. Although civilian casu-
erated by BBC’s Nik Gowing, Afghan Lower alties are a terrible embarrassment for the gov-
Houseof Parliament Deputy Speaker Fawzia Koofi ernment and by tolerating them the impression is
was emphatic about how important international given to ordinary Afghans that their government
support was for her country’s efforts to build a is a client, if not a puppet, of the United States
155 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Afghanistan The Challenge of Creating a Modern State
and its NATO allies, the fact is that for President ment only to get positioned to advance their in-
Karzai and the rest of Afghanistan’s modern elite surgency, affirms that trusting the Taliban is any-
expelling foreign forces is inconceivable, because thing but wise. Nonetheless, Hamid Karzai’s gov-
they want and need them there even more than ernment has never ceased efforts to win over as
those forces want to be there. In 2007 following many Taliban as they can to the democratic sys-
about 50 civilian deaths from NATO operations in tem. Dr. Vali Nasr explained to the March 26th
the western province of Herāt the upper house of Brussels Forum that while there had from the be-
the Afghan Parliament, comprised of elders, ginning of the fight to oust the Taliban from
passed a resolution calling for a ceasefire with the power been efforts to win some of them over to
Taliban and setting of a date for foreign troop democracy, reconciliation with the Taliban leader-
withdrawal, but the resolution failed to be en- ship was not likely.
acted. Brigadier Amir Sultan Tarar, a retired officer
Dr. Vali Nasr, Senior Advisor to Special Repre- with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
sentative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, State De- agency who admitted to previously training Mul-
partment, United States of America, speaking as a lah Muhammad Omar, in January 2010 said that
panel member at the Brussels Forum acknowl- the Taliban leader was ready to break with his al-
edged that if Afghan government appointments to Qaida allies in order to make peace in Afghani-
head the areas being captured from Taliban under stan: "The moment he gets control the first target
the ongoing new offensive were not credible it will be the al-Qaida people". However, the notion
would hurt the chances of success. He was re- of returning to power in Afghanistan exposes Mul-
sponding to a charge from the audience that the lah Omar’s disregard for democracy. A captured
governor appointed for Marjah, captured from Taliban spokesman, Muhammad Hanif, told Af-
the Taliban in the February 2010 NATO offensive, ghan authorities in January 2007, that Omar was
had served 4 years in a German prison for stab- being protected by the Inter-Services Intelligence
bing a relative with a knife. However, all partici- in Quetta, Pakistan. Hamid Karzai, in 2006, ac-
pants acknowledged that appointing credible and cused Pakistan’s intelligence of harboring Mullah
suitable people in Afghanistan was problematic, Omar but Pakistan’s officials denied it. That Paki-
especially owing to the need to have strong men stan’s intelligence network was laced with ex-
in place that could control the situation at hand. tremist group sympathizers has been for quite
Parliamentarian Fawzia Koofi assesses the some widely suspected in international circles.
predicament in Afghanistan to require foreign At the January 28, 2010 Afghanistan Confer-
troop, technical and capacity building support at ence at London’s Lancaster House, the interna-
or near present levels for at least another ten tional community came together to fully align
years. This means that while President Obama has military and civilian resources behind an Afghan-
promised starting troop draw-downs as early as led political strategy. The agreed strategy is to
2011, if the gains are not to be lost it would have engage the Afghan people in defense of their
to be very gradual and spread out over a decade. country, to divide the insurgency and build re-
Fawzia Koofi pointed out the need to clear the gional cooperation. Delegations from 66 countries
Talban from the areas to which they fled after attended, as well as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-
being driven from Marjah so that there is no safe moon, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and British
haven for them. She doubted that Talban could be Prime Minister Gordon Brown. It was resolved
bought over with money because they are ideo- that a stable Afghanistan is vital to international
logically motivated; and she objected to the idea peace and security and that the “brutal” Taliban
of buying the rank and file with jobs, arguing that should never again be allowed to take over the
there are many law abiding Afghans that had country. To that end the delegates entered agree-
never been part of Taliban who were in search of ments with the Afghan government to support it
economic opportunities and such people should in exercising sovereignty over all its territory, of-
be given priority. Although she did not stress wip- fering its people representative government,
ing the Taliban out, in her view counting on Tali- bringing about the conditions for economic pros-
ban being won over to assimilation in the democ- perity, and playing a constructive role in the re-
ratic system is naïve. The deception of the Taliban gion. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) an-
in Pakistan, entering an accord with the govern- nounced during the London Conference that un-
der its Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative
156 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Afghanistan The Challenge of Creating a Modern State
there would be $1.6 billion deft relief for Afghani-
The specifics of the support agreed by the
attending countries and international organiza-
tions were:
♦ To develop a plan for phased transition to
Afghan security lead province by province to
begin, provided conditions are met, by late
2010/early 2011.
♦ Targets for significant increases in the Afghan
Army and Police Force supported by the inter-
national community: 171,000 Afghan Army
and 134,000 Afghan Police by the end of 2011,
taking total security force numbers to over
♦ Confirmation of a significant increase in inter-
national forces to support the training of Af-
ghan forces. In total, the US have increased
levels by 30,000 and the rest of the interna-
tional community by 9,000, including the Ger-
man contribution taking total force levels to
Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan’s first democratically
around 135,000.
elected president, is the son of Deputy Parliament
♦ Measures to tackle corruption, including the Speaker during the 1960s Abdul Ahad Karzai and the
establishment of an independent Office of grandson of Khair Muhammed Khan who once served
High Oversight and an independent Monitor- as Deputy Speaker of Afghanistan’s Senate. He and his
ing and Evaluation Mission. family had been strong supporters of Afghan King Za-
♦ Better coordinated development assistance to hir Shah. Holder of a Master’s Degree in political Sci-
be increasingly channeled through the GoA, ence, Karzai was part of the resistance to the Soviet
supported by reforms to structures and budg- Najibullah regime and after the Soviet’s withdrew he
ets. served as deputy foreign minister under President Bu-
hanuddin Rabbani.
♦ A civilian surge to match the military surge,
Taliban founder and leader Mullah Muhammed
including new civilian leadership of the inter-
Omar by contrast was an orphan from a poor family
national community’s programs, with the ap- and grew up in huts, educated in mosque schools that
pointment of Mark Sedwill, previously British taught reading, writing, arithmetic and Quran recita-
Ambassador to Afghanistan, as NATO’s Senior tion and precepts. He speaks Arabic and probably
Civilian Representative; a new UN representa- gained his ‘Mullah” title for being able to recite the
tive plus more civilians on the ground to sup- Quran from memory. He was a crack marksman in the
port governance and economic development. resistance against the Najibullah regime and report-
♦ Enhanced sub-national government to im- edly inspired by a dream he formed his jihad move-
prove delivery of basic services to all Afghans. ment by arming 50 of the students he taught in a relig-
ion school. Taliban simply means “Students”.
♦ Support for the GoA’s national Peace and Re-
As head of the Supreme Council of Afghanistan
integration Programme, including financial
from 1996 to 2001 he resided in Kandahar, coming to
support for a Peace and Reintegration Trust the capital Kabul only twice, and was never seen by
Fund, to offer economic alternatives to those foreigners. Thus there is no confirmed photo of Mullah
who renounce violence, cut links to terrorism Omar in circulation. That Mullah Omar rates himself a
and agree to work within the democratic proc- moderate is an indication of how out of touch with the
ess. world he is. "All Taliban are moderate. There are two
♦ Support for increased regional co-operation to things: extremism ["ifraat", or doing something to ex-
combat terrorism, violent extremism and the cess] and conservatism ["tafreet", or doing something
drugs trade, to increase trade and cultural ex- insufficiently]. So in that sense, we are all moderates –
taking the middle path”, he told BBC in an interview via
change and to create conducive conditions for
satellite, November 15, 2001.
the return of Afghan refugees.
Chinese de-facto Paramount Leader Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) with U.S. President Jimmy Carter, 1978
material resources; and can significantly be di- leader of China and the Maoist revolutionary
vided into 10 periods. era began. Chiang Kai-shek and his Kuomintang
First the dark era of social decay, political established a bourgeois nationalist outpost on
turmoil and imperialist exploitation carried over the island of Taiwan, in contrast to the egalitar-
from the 19th century, abated by the 1911 bour- ian communism pursued by Mao throughout
geois revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen that van- the 3.6 million square mile mainland.
quished the senile 267 year old Qing Dynasty. During this sixth period China virtually
Then the revolutionary nationalist period, dur- closed itself off from the rest of the world and
ing which Sun Yat-sen and the progressive practiced radical self-reliance, with Mao’s phi-
forces in the Kuomintang Party joined forces losophical writings providing the ideological
with the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) to guidance as well as inspiration and motivation
make the Great Revolution of 1924. A fourth to build a great Chinese nation. Targets of the
period followed the death of Sun Yat-sen, when first five year plan were achieved ahead of
right wing forces led by General Chiang Kai-shek schedule and the base for full industrialization
took over the Kuomintang, reverting to a man- was established. Seven years into the revolu-
ner of bourgeois nationalism closely resembling tion, in 1956 Mao launched the Great Leap For-
the feudalism of the abolished Qing Dynasty. ward. The energies and ingenuity of the Chinese
During this period the Chinese Communist Party people were taxed optimally. Aerospace, astro-
waged a 10 year Agrarian Revolution. nautics, automobile, computer, telecommunica-
The fifth monumental period was the suc- tions, petrochemical, instruments and defense
cessful war against Japanese colonial aggression industries emerged. China became a nuclear
launched in 1937, during which the CPC and power and a symbol of revolutionary nationalist
Kuomintang rose up in collaborative defense of fortitude.
the homeland. With the Japanese driven out the The seventh period in which Chinese Pre-
power struggle between the Communists and mier Zhou Enlai asserted himself as a major in-
Kuomintang resumed, erupting in a protracted fluence was the rapprochement with the West,
civil war that ended in victory for the former in particularly the U.S. In 1971 Beijing replaced
1949. Mao Zedong replaced Chiang Kai-shek as Taiwan in China’s seat at the United Nations,
With massive foreign investment and host to international events, including the Beijing 2008 Olympics, China
is growing increasingly cosmopolitan and sophisticated
string attached to Chinese aid was recognition fighting against the white racist regime estab-
of Beijing rather than Taipei; and China was sim- lished by renegade British subjects in what was
ply the strongest actor in the anti-imperialist then known as Southern Rhodesia.
movement composed of liberation movements Twenty-first century China, whether having
and socialist leaning governments. To a large consciously adopted the principle of diplomacy
extent leadership was imposed upon Mao’s laid down by German American political scientist
China by those anti-colonial and anti-imperialist Hans J. Morgenthau in his book Politics Among
forces seeking material and political support Nations (1948), or are simply relying on realism,
and in some cases ideological guidance as well. pragmatism and prudence, is very much in line
Today China is not the principal influence with the thinking of the pre-eminent 20th century
behind the war crimes and crimes against hu- theorist of geopolitics who summed up the ideal
manity that Sudan’s President Field Marshal of modern diplomacy: (1) Diplomacy must be di-
Omar Al Bashir has been indicted for by the In- vested of its crusading spirit; (2) the objectives of
ternational Criminal Court (ICC); Beijing in sell- foreign policy must be defined in terms of the
ing arms to the Khartoum regime and providing national interest and must be supported with
diplomatic support at the UN Security Council adequate power; (3) diplomacy must look at the
permanent seat level is culpable as an oppor- situation from the point of view of other nations;
tunistic accomplice, which is not an assertion of (4) nations must be willing to compromise on all
geopolitical leadership nor mercantilism in the issues that are not vital to them; (5) the armed
classical colonizing sense. China is essentially a forces are the instrument of foreign policy, not its
philosophical materialist power, consistent with master; and (6) the government is the leader of
the ideological foundation of the ruling Chinese public opinion, not its slave. In the modern West
Communist Party; and prudent pursuer of its with its public opinion polls and the prominence
own interests as defined by historical relations, of advocacy and lobbying, civil society groups and
particularly in Africa, and economic imperatives unfettered information media, Morgenthau’s
of its ongoing revolution. China did not start ideal of modern diplomacy may be somewhat
supporting Robert Mugabe because he is or anachronistic, but China’s Communist party, at
when he became a tyrant; Beijing was Mugabe’s least for now, seems intent on maintaining condi-
principal supporter when he was Zimbabwe Af- tions that allow it such dispassionate and self-
rican National Union (ZANU) guerrilla leader interested pragmatism.
U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao in Beijing last
Hong Kong which the British returned to China in 1997 is the wealthiest part of China with a per capita in-
come of $45,000 and a $300 billon economy. It is the Asian Pacific’s leading financial center.
China’s BYD electric car developed jointly with Daimler-Benz for the Chinese market
which is now the world’s largest for automobiles. American investor Warren Buffet has
a sizable stake in BYD.
Israeli peace activists protesting eviction of Palestinians from their residences in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah
neighborhood, which were given to Jewish settlers
Moray joined the protest in indignation over the is regarded by Zionist as a traitor but while he de-
crackdown on freedom of speech. Many protes- fends Zionism as historically important to the Jewish
tors came with their toothbrushes ready to go to people achieving self-determination he defines him-
jail. To inform the world about their activities vid- self as post-Zionist, arguing, “….that chapter in our
eos of the protest were shared on Facebook and history is over and we need to move forward.” After
YouTube. creating the Israeli Council for Palestinian-Israeli
Gush Shalom, the far left of the Israeli peace Peace in 1975 he was assaulted and stabbed several
movement, objects to Israeli occupation of the times. In 2006, settler activist Baruch Marzel called
West Bank and accuses the Jewish state of com- on Israel’s military to assassinate Avnery. Gaining
mitting war crimes on a daily bases as it perpetu- fame for crossing the enemy line during the 1982
ates and consolidates its illegal occupation. Gush Battle of Beirut to meet Al Fatah leader Yasser
Shalom supports a two-state solution to the Israel Arafat− believed to have been the first Israeli to
-Palestine crisis, with the 1967 border between have ever done so, before founding Gush Shalom
Israel and Palestine and Jerusalem as the capital Avnery had served in Parliament and advocated fed-
of both states. It also advocates Israeli govern- eration of Semitic states, including Jordan, Pales-
ment dialogue with Hamas, with the slogan, tine, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. While Avnery has
‘Peace is made with enemies.” Author Uri Avnery been the driving force behind Israel’s peace move-
who founded Gush Shalom in 1993 with a view to ment, his Pan Semite fraternity vision is too progres-
providing a more dynamic opposition to the re- sive for most people in a conservative polity like
pressive measures of Prime Minister Yitzhak Zionist Israel to digest. Aging and relentless in his
Rabin’s government, sees increasing sectarianism advocacy of peace and reconciliation between Jews
as setting back the Palestinian cause, but one and Arabs, Avnery is losing rather than gaining influ-
does not have to be an atheist as he describes ence. Although he and his wife Rachel were in 2001
himself to see that from both the Jewish and Arab honored with the Right Livelihood Award, some-
sides religiosity is a force for confrontation rather times referred to as the alternative Nobel Prize, he
than compromise. German born Avnery, now 86, is not promoted by the Americans and Europeans as
184 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East/Israel Israel’s Struggling Peace Movement
Thousands of Israeli and Palestinian activists joined the rally Saturday, March 6, 2010, in East Jerusalem to pro-
test the eviction of Arab families from Sheikh Jarrah, where Jewish settlers continue to occupy Palestinian
homes. The photos were taken by Brady Ng, FLV, Julian
other progressive leaders like Myanmar’s Aung the creation of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Coali-
San Suu Kyi and Zimbabwe’s Morgan Tsvangirai. tion that evolved from the Israeli Peace Coalition
While Avnery profiles Gush Shalom as “the which was also spearheaded by Peace Now. Peace
hard core of the Israeli peace movement”, Peace Now continues its mission through public cam-
Now (Shalom Achshav) styles itself as the leading paigns, advertisements, petitions, distribution of
voice of Israeli public pressure for peace. Like educational materials, conferences, lectures, sur-
Gush Shalom, Shalom Achshav advocates a 2 state veys, dialogue groups, street activities, vigils, and
solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and op- demonstrations.
poses continued Israeli presence in the territories Peace Now is also involved in the Sheikh Jarrah
occupied during the 1967 war, arguing that protest with the slogan, “The struggle against the
“continued occupation of these territories harms settlement in Sheikh Jarrah is a struggle for all of
Israel economically and politically and damages us!” It also conducts tours of East Jerusalem for
the values and fabric of Israeli society.” Peace Jews in an effort to appeal to the better side of their
Now was born in 1978 when 348 reserve soldiers consciences by exposing them to “the complex real-
from Israeli combat units published an open letter ity of life in East Jerusalem.” The March 12, 2010
urging Israeli leaders not to miss the opportunity tour covered the East Jerusalem neighborhoods of
for peace being offered by Egyptian President An- Nof Zion, Sheikh Jarrah, Jabal Mukaber, Silwan and
war Sadat and tens of thousand of Israeli’s sent in included meetings with local residents. Conserva-
support letters. Following Palestinian acceptance tives criticize Peace Now, questioning its legitimacy
of United Nations Security Council Resolution call- on the grounds that there is no corresponding Arab
ing for a two-state solution Peace Now led a dem- movement, but Peace Now, Al Fatah and the Saudi
onstration of 100,000 persons calling on the gov- King Abdallah Plan correspond in their advocacy of
ernment to negotiate with the Palestinian Libera- land for peace and normalization of relations be-
tion Organization (PLO). When the second Intifada tween Arabs and Jews so that the Middle East can
broke out in 2001 Peace Now was instrumental in move into a post-conflict era.
185 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East/Israel Israel’s Struggling Peace Movement
As a part of the blockade on the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Navy prevents Gaza fishermen from working for their
livelihood and from providing food to the population. On Monday (16.6.08), 10 fishing boats went out to sea to
protest, using their last fuel. Gush Shalom and dozens of activists from other organizations decided to organize
a simultaneous Israeli action and hired a large vessel at the Herzliya marina.
Ami Ayalon, former head of the Shin Bet and There appears to be a common ground gap
co-initiator of the National Census peace proposal where peace advocates and the bulk of Israel’s
(with Professor Sari Nusseibeh), has criticized moderate opinion leaders can converge. Amnesty
Peace Now for what he describes as demonization International and other Non-Governing Organiza-
of the Jewish settlers, thus encouraging hate to- tions supportive of the Israeli peace movement are
wards settlers, and providing the general public thus challenged to play greater roles in Israel with a
reasons to dislike the peace camp. Ayalon criti- view to bridging the gap between liberals, moder-
cizes Peace Now for failing to rally the masses in ates and radicals in the peace movement. The pre-
support of the Israeli Peace movement. Ayalon vailing reluctance of Israelis to compromise to the
also says that this is because Peace Now and the extent of agreeing to a Palestinian state with all the
left wing have shown alienation and a patronizing now occupied lands returned is obvious for all to
attitude towards the general Israeli public, and see. Whether or not the charge that Peace Now de-
that this attitude, combined with increased ter- monizes the settlers in the occupied territories is a
rorist activity over the past four years, are the question up for debate but the unjust demonization
cause of what he described as Peace Now's unfa- of Palestinians and other Arabs when Al Fatah’s
vorability among the Israeli public, which, accord- leadership has clearly acculturated a civil, ostensibly
ing to Ayalon, feels the peace camp is not com- friendly attitude towards their Israeli counterparts
mitted enough to stop Palestinian terrorism and on the left is sheer demagoguery. It happened in
protect Israel's interests. Ayalon also says that Sudan during the days of the North-South conflict,
many settlements should be disbanded, but the its happening in the United States right now with
transferred settlers should be embraced and re- the Obama administration and its standard politics
ceive support - both financial and moral - from in Israel that the center-left-politicians play to the
the state and the public, and not treated as ene- right wing gallery to avoid being washed away into
mies. irrelevance by the rising tide of regressive extrem-
186 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/United Arab Emirates/ Dubai
Dubai inaugurates
world’s tallest
By Inal Ersan
Dubai Debt Plan May Be
March 26 (Bloomberg) -- Dubai World credi- ‘Negative’ for Banks, JPMorgan
tors are “positive” on the state-owned hold-
ing company’s debt restructuring proposals,
March 28, 2010, 1:54 AM EDT
the emirate’s finance chief Abdulrahman Al
Saleh said. By Haris Anwar
This represents “a preliminary indication
the plan is being deemed acceptable,” Al March 28 (Bloomberg) -- Dubai World’s debt
Saleh said in remarks reported by the official restructuring plan may be “negative” for its
WAM news agency today, citing an interview bank creditors as they will have to rely on as-
on Dubai state television. set sales and dividends for principal repay-
Dubai said yesterday it will support Dubai
ment, JPMorgan Chase & Co. said.
World’s debt restructuring with $9.5 billion as
Dubai World, a state-owned holding
the company asked creditors to wait up to
company, is asking creditors to wait as many
eight years to receive all their money back. as eight years to receive all their money back
Dubai World said in November it would seek as part of its $23.5 billion debt restructuring
to delay repaying debt until May, roiling mar- plan announced last week.
kets worldwide. “There is no mention of a government
The company said yesterday it is seeking repayment guarantee for Dubai World’s bank
to renegotiate $23.5 billion in debt with credi- creditors,” Zafar Nazim, a London-based ana-
tors, with $14.2 billion owed to lenders other lyst at the bank, wrote in a report dated
than the government at the end of 2009.
March 25.
“The main elements of the proposal
“The government intends to inject only
made by Dubai World will not change, but
$1.5 billion cash into Dubai World to support
some details require more discussions with its creditors and working capital commit-
relevant parties to arrive at an agreeable for- ments,” JPMorgan said. “In essence, Dubai
mula,” Al Saleh said, according to the WAM World’s creditors will be relying upon assets
report. sales and dividends for eventual principal re-
The proposed plan doesn’t intend to fa-
vor holders of Islamic bonds of property unit
Nakheel PJSC over other creditors, Al Saleh
Editors: Inal Ersan, Shaji Mathew.
said. The nature of the instrument required
the decision for payment on maturity, he said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Haris
Nakheel will receive $8 billion in funding
Anwar in Dubai on [email protected];
and $1.2 billion by converting government
debt to equity, Dubai said yesterday.
To contact the editor responsible for this
story: Claudia Maedler at cmaed-
Editors: Peter Branton, Dick Schumacher
[email protected]
To contact the reporter on this story: Inal Er-
san in Dubai at [email protected]
Caribbean & Central America /Haiti
Clockwise: Presidents Sarkozy and Préval at announcement of aid package; (2) the
two presidents discuss with injured patients at an emergency medical facility; (3)
Messrs. Préval and Sarkozy walk past the remains of earthquake destroyed Haitian
Presidential Palace; (4) the two presidents about to take off in a helicopter for an
areal view of the earthquake caused damage
195 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Caribbean & Central America/Haiti
UN’s Haiti Donor Conference dent Bill Clinton, who now serves as the U.N.
Special Envoy to Haiti. They led informative
Yields Nearly $10 billion presentations and discussions on the way for-
ward for Haiti. I am convinced that U.N. Secre-
U.S. Congress- tary General Ban Ki-moon has a strong under-
woman Maxine standing of the challenges facing the country
Waters: “I’m and is committed to its long-term development.
extremely hope- And of course, the U.S. government’s support
ful for Haiti’s for Haiti is clear: both chambers of Congress
future following have passed legislation I authored to cancel
Haiti’s debt held by international financial insti-
the U.N. Donor
tutions, and the $1.15 billion pledged by the
U.S. at yesterday’s conference is an impressive
addition to the almost $1 billion our country has
already committed to Haiti.
New York – Con- Haitian President René Préval and Haitian
gresswoman Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive were impres-
Maxine Waters (D-CA), a leading advocate in sive as they explained their plan to put Haiti on
Congress for assistance to and development of a path to stability and prosperity. In particular,
Haiti, attended the International Donors’ Con- President Préval made an impassioned and seri-
ference for Haiti at the United Nations (U.N.) ous request about the need to invest in educa-
yesterday (March 31st) where leaders and rep- tion for Haiti’s youngest citizens, which he plans
resentatives of the world’s nations pledged $9.9
to make a top priority in the new Haiti.
billion in aid – including $5.3 billion for the first There is a strong consensus that the Hai-
two years, far exceeding Haiti’s goal of $3.9 bil- tian government must and will take the lead on
lion. The Congresswoman attended policy dis- the initiative to renew Haiti. And I am confident
cussions and donor pledging sessions, and met that the Haitian government realizes that in or-
with former President Bill Clinton, the U.N. Spe- der to rebuild and advance the country, there
cial Envoy to Haiti. must be transparency, accountability and effec-
After the conference she issued the follow- tive efforts to deal with corruption. The recent
ing statement:
disclosure of salaries by high-ranking Haitian
“Attending the donor conference at the officials is an important start in this endeavor.
U.N. today was a continuation of my longtime
The Interim Haiti Recovery Commission, to
concern for Haiti and its people. I have worked be co-chaired by Mr. Clinton and Mr. Bellerive,
for many years to assist Haiti, the poorest coun- will be an important organizational mechanism
try in the Western Hemisphere, by promoting to track donations and redevelopment efforts
debt forgiveness, aid for development, the and to make sure all parties operate openly and
building of democratic institutions, and the pro- with accountability. This Commission, which will
tection of human rights. include representatives from the Haitian gov-
Following my two visits to Port-au-Prince ernment, donor countries, international organi-
since the earthquake, I have worked closely
zations, international financial institutions, and
with Haitian-Americans, believing like so many
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), will be
that the Haitian Diaspora will be most effective
instrumental in laying the groundwork for a new
in helping Haiti get back on its feet and move
forward. I had a chance to speak with Haitians I look forward to continuing to work with
in the Diaspora at a recent conference at the the State Department, the United States Agency
Organization of American States (OAS) and for International Development (USAID), the
again today at the U.N., where they were United Nations, the international financial insti-
strongly represented and organized. tutions, the NGOs and the Haitians on the
I was inspired by the tone and the sub- ground – in conjunction with the Commission –
stance of today’s conference, and I’m extremely
to help Haiti recover, rebuild, and prosper.
proud of the leadership of both Secretary of
I leave the donor conference feeling ex-
State Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Presi-
tremely hopeful for Haiti’s future.”
196 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Caribbean & Central America/Politics
Honduras Heroes
Europe/ European Union
Barrister Blair
Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair , now EU Envoy to the Middle East, argued before his country’s Iraq
War enquiry that after 9/11 the risks of leaving Saddam Hussein in power were too great to take.
North America /U.S. Politics
President Barack Obama, surrounded by supporters and camera-wielding lawmakers, signs the health care insurance
reform legislation during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House on Tuesday. The little boy standing near
the table on Obama’s right lost his 27 year old mother after she had lost her insurance owing to a circulatory system
ailment and couldn’t afford to seek proper treatment.
bitterness in recent months, U.S. President Barack And it reduces the cost of care -- cutting over 1 trillion
Obama on Tuesday, March 23rd finally had a compre- dollars from the federal deficit over the next two dec-
hensive health care reform bill on his desk for signing. ades.
He used several pens in the exercise for the purpose of
giving them as souvenirs to allies who had worked hard To ensure a successful, stable transition, many of these
to get the bill through Congress. changes will phase into full effect over the next several
Implementation of the reform will cost nearly $1 years.
trillion but the non-partisan Federal Office of the
Budget estimated that it would reduce the Federal But for millions of Americans, many of the benefits of
Government’s deficit by $143 billion over the next ten reform will begin this year -- some even taking effect
years. this afternoon. Here are just a few examples:
In a letter sent by e-mail to supporters not only in
the United States but to all those throughout the world Small businesses will receive significant tax cuts, this
on his mailing lists, the U.S. President wrote: year, to help them afford health coverage for all their
I'm writing to you on a great day for America.
Seniors will receive a rebate to reduce drug costs not
This morning, I gathered with members of Congress, yet covered under Medicare.
my administration, and hardworking volunteers from
every part of the country to sign comprehensive Young people will be allowed coverage under their
health care reform into law. Thanks to the immeasur- parents' plan until the age of 26.
able efforts of so many, the dream of reform is now a
reality. Early retirees will receive help to reduce premium
The bill I just signed puts Americans in charge of our
own health care by enacting three key changes: Children will be protected against discrimination on the
basis of medical history.
It establishes the toughest patient protections in his-
tory. Uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions can
join a special high-risk pool to get the coverage they
It guarantees all Americans affordable health insurance need, starting in just 90 days.
213 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
North America / United States / Health Care Reform
Obama signs historic health care reform,
Republicans vow to continue fighting it
South America/Brazil Politics
gender- inequality, noting that Brazilian women holds the office on the platform of the centrist
have rarely risen to high political office. Party of the Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB)
"Women are still treated like second-class citi- which was also the party of Silva’s predecessor
zens," he said. His appeal brought applause from Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Serra served as
the 3,000 delegates and others in attendance at Minister of Planning and later Minister of Health
the convention. “It's high time for a woman under Cardoso’s presidency. As health minister
president," said Cibele Figuereido, a 50-year old Serra presided over the creation of the generic
teacher and Rousseff supporter. drug industry, which gave the poor population
Ahead in the polls without having confirmed wider access to pharmaceuticals, and ANVISA,
his candidacy, Sao Paulo Governor José Serra like the Brazilian food and drug regulatory agency.
Dilma Rousseff was part of the student opposi- Also during Serra’s health minister tenure to-
tion to military rule in Brazil from 1964 to 1985, bacco advertising was totally banned and ciga-
but whereas she went into the bush as a guerrilla rette packages were made to show pictures of
he went into exile to elude persecution, finally diseases caused by smoking.
returning in 1978, after the amnesty, with a Ph. Winning the Sao Paulo gubernatorial seat
D. in economics from Ithaca, New York’s Cornell with a 10% first round margin tells us voters in
University. In 1982 he was appointed Sao Paulo Brazil’s highest populated state did not hold his
state secretary for economic planning. Serra, a broken promise against him. Serra is a veteran
son of Italian immigrant parents, was elected to politician and it is not surprising that he leads the
Congress upon return to civilian democracy in field to replace President Lula da Silva without
1986 and in 1994 he won a landslide victory in having formally declared his candidacy. Rousseff
the Sao Paulo state senate race. He lost the 2002 has a spotless and outstanding record as a tech-
presidential race in the second round to Luiz Ina- nocrat as well as endorsement of a retiring presi-
cio Lula da Silva who was running for the fourth dent who is immensely popular. It remains to be
time. Serra ran for Mayor of Sao Paulo and won seen whether she can improve her mass commu-
in 2004, having given a promise to voters that he nication skills on the campaign trail, but we
would not resign to run for president or governor should never under estimate a woman, especially
and if he did they should never vote for him a successful one.
again. He broke his promise one year later and
ran for governor, winning the gubernatorial elec-
tion in the first round with 60% of the vote. He
219 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
South America/Chile
Chile’s second largest city, Concepción, where the series of February and March earthquakes started
raising her country to a globally recognized elet and made a token donation of 25 satellite
status that would earn it a seat at the second phones to help with relief efforts. Incoming
tier table of global policy making− the Group of President Sebastian Peñera a week after taking
20 leading nations having last year been recog- office announced a $110 million reconstruction
nized by President Obama and his colleagues as plan aimed at priorities that include re-housing
successor to the G-8. Against this background those the earthquake left homeless, restoring
President Michelle Bachelet’s quick notice to school attendance and creating jobs in the af-
the world following the February 27th earth- fected coastal areas. Before leaving office Presi-
quake that Chile did not need external assis- dent Michelle Bachelet ordered 20,000 new
tance to cope with the disaster connoted her homes for the displaced and President Peñera’s
determination to assure a stable middle income plan added another 20,000.
country image for South America’s only OECD Within the space of 15 minutes four earth-
member. quakes, ranging in magnitude from 5.1 to 7.2
Chile purchasing power parity per capita struck Chile’s capital Santiago minutes before
income of $14,300 (according to the Interna- Sebastian Peñera was sworn in on March 11th
tional Monetary Fund) for 2009 is lower than along with his 22 member cabinet which had
that of some other countries in the Latin Amer- already been approved by the National Renewal
ica/Caribbean region, notably Bermuda Party. Planning Minister Felipe Kast said the
($91,477) the Bahamas ($26,877), Antigua & houses given under the initial plan were part of
Barbuda ($18,161), Trinidad & Tobago ($20,437) emergency measures and would not substitute
and Barbados ($18,869); but with the exception for permanent new housing. The Education
of Trinidad & Tobago which has a population of Ministry announced a $60 a month grant for
about 1.5 million these are tiny countries with some 20,000 university students whose homes
less than half a million people. Mexico with a were damaged by the quake. Economy Minister
$1.143 trillion nominal GDP, per capita PPP of Juan Andres Fontaine said government would
$14,534 and a population of nearly 110 million give priority attention to the rebuilding of fish-
is a much more substantial country and that is eries and providing temporary employment for
no doubt why it was the first in the Latin Ameri- fishermen until their usual livelihood is re-
can/Caribbean region to be brought into the stored. Fontaine said, "This package of meas-
OECD and so is Brazil (population of nearly 200 ures will help support 9,000 families in 27 coves
million, $10,455 PPP per capita and $1.482 tril- who were affected by the tsunami."
lion nominal GDP) but while Brazil has in recent President Peñera is his first national televi-
years increased its cooperation with the OECD sion address on March 18th said his administra-
and is a step higher at the G-20 table, Chile’s tion would create 60,000 new jobs, especially in
President Bachelet reached as far into the the affected areas although he did not specify a
global core as was practical for hr country and time frame; but with a promise to create one
got what she sought. Significantly, Chile’s UNDP million jobs during his four years in office peo-
Human Development Index is 44th in the world ple will be expecting 1/20 of them right away.
at .878 on a scale of 1. Central Workers' Union (CUT) president Arturo
U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton on her Martinez told AFP on March 20th that up to
March 2nd visit to Chili nonetheless discussed 15,000 sackings had been recorded, aggravating
humanitarian aid with President Michelle Bach the situation; 9,000 of which were retrenched
221 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
South America/Chile Chile changes guard in the midst of earthquakes
without severance pay. Such practices in a humanitar-
ian disaster situation highlight the challenge President
Peñera faces in assuring Chili’s workers that though a
billionaire businessman with a cabinet largely com-
prised of technocrats from the business community he
is not insensitive to the plight of the masses.
Looking at the victory of center-right billionaire
Sebastian Peñera over the former president Eduardo
Frei, despite the latter being from the immensely
popular retiring President Michelle Bachelet’s camp,
and also the opinion poll advantage that Sao Paulo gov-
ernor José Serra has over the chosen successor of retir-
ing and immensely popular President Luiz Inacio Lula
da Silva, personality and experience appear to mean
more to Latin American voters than ideology. Peñera is
a well known and accomplished Chilean billionaire who
lost to Michelle Bachelet in the 2006 presidential lec-
tion run offs, just as Serra lost to Lula in Brazil’s 2002
presidential election. Peñera in his inaugural address
promised to continue the social policies of his socialist
Harvard University Ph. D. in economics Peñera
President Michelle Bachelet, 59, Socialist, retired at the promised in his inaugural address to rebuild Chile and
end of her four-year term on March 11th in accordance use his business acumen to create more jobs, while
with the country’s constitution. She was immensely also stressing a strong law and order regime. Perhaps
popular until the end of her term but unlike her succes- the most interesting thing about Peñera stepping into
sor was reluctant to use soldiers to maintain order in the presidency is that the National Renewal Party on
the wake of the earthquakes. which he contested the elections stipulates in its by-
laws that any candidate winning the election on its
ticket must resign from the party and serve the nation
as an impartial independent.
As of January 2010 the IMF quoted Chile’s interna-
tional reserves at $25 billion. According to the
amended 2006 Fiscal Responsibility Law Chilean gov-
ernments must run annual budget surpluses of not
more than 0.5% of GDP, which means, given the over
reliance on copper exports, the price of which are vola-
tile, President Peñera may have to spend from the
country’s international reserves to do the rebuilding he
promises. Copper prices rose in the wake of the
quakes but at least 165 of the country’s production
facilities were shut down from the damage. In 2009
copper accounted for half of this world leading pro-
ducer’s $53 billion export income. With Chile’s largest
petroleum refinery scheduled to be shut down 2 or 3
months for repairs the ripple effects on the economy
will be harshly challenging to 60 year old Peñera who
built his fortune on smart investments, including the
introduction of credit cards to Chile, not industrial
About 1,000 people lost their lives and tens of
thousand left homeless in Chile’s first quarter 2010
222 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Spheres in the current edition of Pan Africa & World Review exhibits the art of Sudanese painter
Bakri Bilal whose flair for romance blends Nubian and West African traditional flavors
Bakri Bilal
African Romance Painter
B akri Bilal, Omdurman, 1943 born, internationally exhib-
ited artist, scion of a family of artists, has been painting
professionally since 1970, after graduating from the College of
Applied & Fine Arts at what is now Sudan University of Science
& Technology. Although he has gone through different peri-
ods of subject matter preoccupation his signature abstrac-
tions of people and scenes lodged in his memory and por-
trayed with unwrinkled, un-dimpled faces inspired by the
resoluteness of West African mask and the royal dignity of
ancient Kush and Merowe have mostly characterized his crea-
tions through the years.
Like most other Sudanese artists Bakri Bilal is far removed from the Ara-
besque school informed by the ever debated belief that anyone who draws hu-
mans or animals will be hopelessly ordered by God on the Judgment Day to give
them life. Commenting on this matter Bakri Bilal points out that only Saudi Ara-
bia outlaws painting of human beings and animals, but has been challenged by
the artwork of Prince Khalid al Faisal which typically features horses. Bakri agrees
with Morocco resident Egyptian writer Sheikh El Hadawi that abstract figures are
outside the debate over Islam’s assumed rejection of drawing animated crea-
He found his enduring style after the discipline of his college training where
rudimentary skill development in reproducing models, still life and learning
Western art was required. He started out around 1970 with a series of paintings
depicting scenes from the then popular historical drama, “Ajoba Who Destroyed
the Kingdom of Soba”. Then to the masquerades, but never devilish or harsh
looking like West African mask which often symbolized power to be dreaded. His
masquerades are usually accompanied by esoteric Arabic calligraphy. Bakri Bilal
loves creating beautiful, almost enchanting femininity. His queens of the Nile are
ever in his painting, from the first ones up to the present. He thrives on romance.
He is in fact an African romance painter.
225 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Arts Bakri Bilal African Romance Painter
I observed that the somber tone which characterized his paintings when I first saw
them about 18 months ago had been overtaken by the regal brightness of gold. He la-
mented that the somber mood reflected the gloominess he felt devoting himself to art
in a society where very few people appreciated it. The new regal brightness was in
response to criticisms about the dark atmosphere of his works. Although he has over
the years sold most of his paintings in Sudan, buyers have mostly been foreigners.
During mid-February 2010 Bakri Bilal participated in the first ever art auction held
in Sudan, aboard a Nile yacht. It was an encouraging experience for a veteran painter
in a community of many immensely talented colleagues, no doubt owing to their Nu-
bian genes, though they have not been locally celebrated commensurate with the mar-
vels they create.
Contact [email protected]
Porsche CEO Michael Macht presents three hybrid cars at the Geneva Motor Show in Geneva, Swit-
zerland, Tuesday, March 2, 2010. From left, the new Cayenne, the Spyder 918 and the Porsche GT3R.
AP Photo/Martin Meissner
Porsche Spyder
"Power is transmitted to the
wheels by a seven-speed
(PDK) transmission that
feeds the power of the elec-
tric drive system to the rear
axle. The front-wheel elec-
tric drive powers the wheels
through a fixed transmission
ratio," Porsche explained in
an official statement.
Porsche Spyder, 500hp, V8, low mission hybrid car capable of travelling
198mph (320km/h)
Ferrari HY KER
Ferrari’s first gasoline/electric hybrid sacrifices neither the traditional charm nor performance
Ferrari HY KER
March 2, 2010
One year on from the launch of the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport, Bugatti Automo-
biles S.A.S. exhibited two customized Grand Sport models at the Geneva International
Motor Show 2010. A special exhibit on the Bugatti stand also gives visitors to the show
a glimpse at the technology that lies beneath the bodywork of the Grand Sport.
Citroen Revolte
Citroen Survolte
Citroen Survolte
Renault Wind
After an absence of two years, Bertone returns to the Geneva Motor Show with a beautiful
Bertone Alfa Romeo Pandion concept car that has been created to celebrate Alfa Romeo’s hun-
dred year anniversary.
The Bertone Pandion is powered by a 4.7 litre 8-cylinder Alfa Romeo engine. The Pandion is the
first car produced by Mike Robinson, the new Design Director at Bertone. The Pandion draws
its name from an Osprey in the animal world. The doors stretch from front to rear fender, open
up 90 degrees and stretch out 3,7 meters into the sky when fully opened.
The new Sbarro Coupe Autobau concept car is shown during the press day at the 80th Ge-
neva International Motor Show, Tuesday, March 2, 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland.
AP Photo/Keystone/Martial Trezzini
Nissan Micra
Aston Martin
Auston Mini
Bentley Mulsanne
Unveiled by Bentley Motors at Pebble Beach, California in August
2009 the marque’s new flagship goes on sale in mid 2010 as a 2011
model; specifications and price not yet released.
The name to this top of the Bentley line, first introduced in
1980, was taken from the famous bend on the Le Mans race track,
the Mulsanne bend at the end of the long Hunaudières straight, in
order to commemorate the many Bentley victories at the famous
French race circuit
250 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase
Top Speed: 253 mph
Price: $1,700,000
252 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase
Acura NSX
Engine: 5.5 litre V10 Horsepower: 600
Top Speed: 186 mph
Price: $160,000
254 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase
Lexus GS
Engine: GS350 V6, 303hp/GS460 V8 342hp
Performance: 0-60mph 5.7 /5.4 seconds
Price: $42,000 $50,000
255 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase
Ford Taunus
Engine: 3.5 lire V6 Horsepower: 263 @6250rpm
Price: $25,000-$32,000
Tata Nano
Engine: 623cc Horsepower: 33
Top Speed: 65mph
Price: about$2, 000
Entertainment/ Music
Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin served Kathryn Bigelow (“The Hurt Locker”)
as co-hosts of the 82nd Academy became the first woman in Oscar his-
Awards. Robert Downey Jr., Tina Fey, tory to win the directing award. Jeff
Tyler Perry and Barbra Streisand were Bridges and Sandra Bullock (pictured
among the presenters. above) took home the awards for Best
Actor and Best Actress.
Best Picture
Jeff Bridges
Crazy Heart
Christoph Waltz
Inglourious Basterds
Sandra Bullock
The Blind Side
Pete Docter
Rick Carter and Robert Stromberg (Art Direction); Kim Sinclair (Set Decoration)
Best Cinematography
Mauro Fiore
Costume Designer
Sandy Powell
Best Directing
The Cove
Louie Psihoyos and Fisher Stevens
Music by Prudence
Roger Ross Williams and Elinor Burkett
Best Makeup
Star Trek
Michael Giacchino
Crazy Heart
"The Weary Kind (Theme from Crazy Heart)"
Music and Lyric by Ryan Bingham and T Bone Burnett
Nicolas Schmerkin
Joe Letteri, Stephen Rosenbaum, Richard Baneham and Andrew R. Jones
Dancers perform to the nominated musical scores; bottom: Mo’Nique accepts Best Supporting Actress
Kodak Theater
Top: Kathryn Bigelow receiving Best Director Award for Hurt Locker ; below Jeff Bridges receiving best Ac-
tor award
commitments, but every day we see new envi- carbon emission caps. Mr. de Boer did not
ronmentally friendly, futuristic developments openly link his resignation to the sense of failure
coming out of China, like the BYD saloon car at Copenhagen but he is known to have been
that you charge from your wall socket in the frustrated and exhausted after putting forth so
night and drive in the morning; and solar pow- much effort and coming out with what was
ered Rizhao City. From the publicity that green widely perceived as very little. The best thing to
developments in China are getting we are left do at this point is gradually broaden the center
with the impression that if it is not already lead- stage of environmental protection to put a full
ing the world in environmentally friendly tech- package of issues, including climate change to
nology in a few years it certainly will be. the fore.
During the press briefing in Beijing last year
by Presidents Hu Jintao and Barack Obama on
the outcome of their talks nothing so evidently
pleased the Chinese leader as the announce-
ment by his America counterpart that the U.S.
would establish a joint American-Chinese Clean
Energy Research Institute. Only a few days ear-
lier, scientists in West Virginia showcased a new
technology that enables carbon emissions from
burning coal to be injected and stored under-
ground for future extraction. The American
state of West Virginia is no less under pressure
by environmentalists than China for its eco-
nomic reliance on coal. Blizzards gave school children holidays
A wealth of political capital has been in-
vested in the vision of a global treaty on carbon
emission caps but the December 2009 Copenha-
gen Summit on Climate Change turned out dis-
appointing. The February 2010 announcement
by the UN Environmental chief Yvo de Boer that
he was resigning at the end of his contract in
June heightened the sense of defeat in pursuing
Spheres Fashion Shows
Legendary Italian actress Sophia Loren at the Singer/Actress Maria Carey at the 16th Annual Screen
16th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles
January 23rd in Los Angeles, California.
Lady Gaga
Britney Spears
Taylor Swift
280 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Spheres Fashion Shows
Abuja Style
Abuja Style
Abuja Style
Accra Style
Khartoum Style
Inaam Abdallah Abu Zayad, wife of Pan Africa & World Review Publisher Muhammed Kamil
Spheres Fashion Shows
Lagos Style
Models at Face of African Fashion show in Lagos, Nigeria, February 10, 2010
World Health Organization headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, from where the campaign to end
cigarette smoking is driven, as cancer replaces cardiovascular disease −the risk of both is increased
by smoking −as the world’s number 1 cause of death.
Health & Medicine
Former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential running mate to Senator John McCain in the 2008 presidential
election campaign, Sarah Palin who along McCain incited white Americans to start calling for Obama to be
killed, during February addressed a Tea Party rally in Nashville, Tennessee.
out the continent first of all, at the institutionally empowered to construct and disseminate the
United Nations and in all interna- information and ideas that people all over the world consume
tional forums; otherwise we as Afri- every day. This should not be left to governments. Unless we
cans will be betraying the most out- take the initiative to press for more bottom up rather than top
standing element in our heritage. down policy formation, entitles like the U.S. Congress and the
South Africa as it celebrates 20 years Arab governments will impose their own prejudices and self-
since apartheid began being disman- interested priorities on the media and world with disastrous
tled is the natural leader of both Af- consequences; as faith in the mainstream continues eroding
rica and the world in this regard and and extremists seize each opportunity to spread their disrup-
must assume that role. Just as it is tive influences.
significant that Judge Warren Gold-
stein, a South African Jew, was faith-
ful to what his country has come to
represent in the ANC era to standby
an impartial professional interna-
tional law based assessment of hu-
man rights violations in the 2008
Gaza War, South Africa has a moral
as well as Mandela-heritage obliga-
tion to stand up to the Americans
and Israelis on their power politics
towards Palestine and also to the
Sudanese, Arab World, Organization
of Islamic Conference and China on
the racist atrocities in Darfur which
they continue to deny just as Iran’s
President Ahmadinejad and his likes
deny the Holocaust.
Journalist unions in taking the
advocacy lead need to first organize
themselves internationally and come
Photo of Barack Obama with caption on Republican National Convention
up with an international charter that
Face Book page saying that for a black person and a white person to marry
draws the perimeter of freedom of and have children is against American values. A kill Obama group operated
speech and expression from the per- on Face Book for a month in 2010 before being removed after a complaint.
spective of those professionally and
296 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Information Media/Book Review
The Guardian,
Science & Technology/ Publishing & Printing
Hewlett Packard Digital Indigo Presses
The ideal solution for both short and long run printing in Africa
Roger Federer and Serena Williams win
Australian Open and remain number 1
Sports/Africa Cup of Nations
Ghana’s Dede Ayew, son of the legendary Abede Pele, and Nigeria’s Yu-
suf Mohammed
Didier Drogba
African Footballer of the Year
T he Confederation of African
Football (CAF) selected Eng-
lish Premier League center forward
Didier Drogba of Chelsea African
Footballer of the Year for 2009.
Drogba also won BBC Footballer of
the Year Award for 2009, which is
determined by votes from fans.
Drogba, who is captain of Côte
d’Ivoire’s national team, won the
CAF honor with 92 votes. Three
time CAF African Footballer of the
Year Samuel Eto’o was runner-up
with 69 votes. Ghana’s Michael Es-
sien placed third with 43 votes.
Eto’o played for European Cup and
Spanish champions Barcelona
throughout 2009 but currently
plays for Italian Serie A champions
Inter Milan.
Drogba missed much of the
2008-2009 season due to injuries
and suspensions and scored only 14
goals in 42 appearances. Eto’o
scored 36 goals in 52 games for
Barcelona in the 2008-2009 season
but since moving to Inter-Milan for
the 2009-2010 season the 29 year
old Cameroonian striker has had
periodic goal droughts, scoring only
13 goals in 33 games.
The 2009-2010 season has
been much better for Drogba with
30 goals in his first 36 appearances.
The current season promises to be
the most fruitful to date in the 32
year old strikers career.
Ghana’s Michale Essien came
2nd and Eto’o 3rd in the BBC fans
poll. Essien was the first in BBC in
Three time CAF award winner Samuel Eto’o placed second for 2009
305 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Sports/Football/ FIFA Player of the Year
Glittering career
Playing for Barcelona, Messi has already won
three national league titles, one Copa del Rey,
one European SuperCup, three Spanish Super-
Cups, two UEFA Champions League titles and
the FIFA Club World Cup. Messi played an inte-
gral role as Barcelona won their first FIFA Club
World Cup, scoring the winning goal in the final
against Estudiantes and being named winner
of the adidas Golden Ball as the best player in
the competition. Add that to his two-time run-
ner-up finishes in the voting for FIFA World
Player of the Year, and Messi looks like one of
the finest players in the game’s recent history.
During the 2008/2009 season, the player’s po- Qualified now for the FIFA World Cup
tential was confirmed beyond all doubt. Al- South Africa 2010, Messi is looking to prove
ready owner of the historical No10 worn by that he can match his amazing club form with
Maradona, Romario, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho, Argentina on the world stage. Runner-up at the
La Pulga helped Barcelona to the coveted Tri- Copa America and in the last two FIFA Player of
ple Crown of La Liga, Copa del Rey and Champi- the Year Galas, Messi has now taken the big-
ons League titles. As if that were not enough, gest step of his career by being crowned king
he was top scorer in the Champions League of football for 2009. The first-ever Argentine to
with nine goals, including one in the final be named FIFA World Player of the Year, the
against Manchester United. In the Copa del Barcelona star proved a popular and modest
Rey he scored six times, and he even managed winner and, at 22, is sure to be a contender for
to score 23 times in the league. such honors for years to come.
307 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Sports/World Cup 2010
Johannesburg’s Soccer City Stadium overran the original development budget by €100 million, finally costing €320m
“We are living in exciting times because
this is not just a year for Africa but the begin-
ning of a decade for Africa to shine and show-
case its uniqueness to the rest of the world,”
Mrs. Okaikoi told the audience in Johannesburg.
She advocates collaborative efforts among Afri-
can states to boost the entire continent’s pros-
pects for tourism revenue. She noted that
Ghana has been hosting mega events, including
the Africa Cup of Nations and Non-Aligned
Movement Summit, since the late 1950s, fol-
lowing its independence in ’57.
The World Cup games will be held in 9 dif-
ferent South African cities: Cape Town, Durban,
Johannesburg, Manguang/Bloemfontein,
Tshwane/Pretoria, Rustenburg, Port Elizabeth,
Polokwane and Nelspruit.
Giving an indication of local enthusiasm for
World Cup 2010, Durban’s World Cup 2010 pub-
lic relations principal Florina Maphalala told the
press, "The community in KwaMashu is so
proud of me. When I drive down the street,
people always stop me and ask me about the
stadium. I love meeting and speaking to differ-
ent people so I always make sure that I make
time for people wherever I go."
Sports/World Cup 2010 South Africa is Ready
Apolo Anton Ohno (left) won a silver medal in the 1500 meter short track speed skate and bronze in the 1000
meter short trace race to become the most decorated Winter Olympics competitor in history, carrying his ca-
reer medals total to 7. Teammate Shani Davis (left), reigning world record holder at 1000 and 1500 meters on
the long track won gold in the 1000 meters and silver in the 1500 meters
South Korea’s Lee Jung-su (front) won the 1000 meter short track gold; Canada’s Charles Hamelin (behind)
won his gold in the 500 meters sprint and the 5 x 1000 meter men’s team pursuit.
slalom to post the highest place among African men’s 1000 meter speed skate. Davis, 27, the cur-
participants taking 44th. Summer Olympics long rent world record holder for both 1,000 and 1,500
distance running power Ethiopia was represented meters, won silver in the 1,500 meter long track
by Robel Teklemariam in the free-style cross race. Competing for the first time in the 5000 me-
country skiing event. He finished in 93rd place. ters, Davis finished 12th but said it gave him confi-
Kenya which participated in the previous Winter dence for the future. The Netherlands’ Sven
Olympics at Turin, Italy passed up Vancouver. Kramer won the event in Vancouver in world re-
Jamaica, the country of 3 million inhabitants cord time.
that has become a world powerhouse for Track & America’s Apolo Anton Ohno became the
Field sprinting fielded Errol Kerr in the men’s free- most decorated competitor in Winter Olympics
style ski cross and he didn’t do badly for a fellow history winning silver in the short track 1500 me-
representing the tropics, finishing 9th. Kerr was ters speed skate and bronze in the 1000 meter
born in the United States and previously com- short track race. South Koreans Lee Jung-su and
peted for the U.S. team but chose to represent Lee Ho-suk won the gold and silver, respectively,
Jamaica in Vancouver. It was the7th time Jamaica in the 1000 meter short track speed skate. Lee
was represented in the Winter Olympics. Jung-su also won the 1,500 short track gold, but
In the exciting speed skating event Canada’s teammate Lee Ho-suk fell out of contention when
Charles Hamelin won 2 gold medals; one in the the two, leading, crashed in the final turn, opening
500 meter sprint and the second in the 5-man the way for Ohno to finish second. American J. R.
5,000 meter relay team race won by Canada. Celski also moved ahead of Lee Ho-suk to capture
Teammate François-Louis Tremblay’s 3rd place the bronze. Summer Olympics fourteen swimming
finish in the 500 meter sprint affirmed Canada’s gold medal winner Michael Phelps was watching
dominance of men’s skate sprinting. the skate racing in Vancouver.
Shani Davis, who in 2002 became the first
African American to qualify for the U.S. speed
skating team at the Olympics, won gold in the
Medals Table
Country Total
Gold Silver Bronze
1 United States 9 15 13 37
2 Germany 10 13 7 30
3 Canada 14 7 5 26
4 Norway 9 8 6 23
5 Austria 4 6 6 16
6 Russian Federation 3 5 7 15
7 South Korea 6 6 2 14
8 China 5 2 4 11
8 Sweden 5 2 4 11
8 France 2 3 6 11
11 Switzerland 6 0 3 9
12 Netherlands 4 1 3 8
13 Czech Republic 2 0 4 6
13 Poland 1 3 2 6
15 Italy 1 1 3 5
15 Finland 0 1 4 5
18 Australia 2 1 0 3
18 Belarus 1 1 1 3
18 Slovakia 1 1 1 3
23 Latvia 0 2 0 2
24 Great Britain 1 0 0 1
24 Estonia 0 1 0 1
24 Kazakhstan 0 1 0 1
Speed Skaters: Canada’s Charles Hamelin (left) and Shani Davis, U.S,A.
Exterior of Speed Skating Long Track (400 meters) venue, Richmond Olympic Oval (top); interior (bottom)
Sports/XXI Winter Olympics Vancouver
Shani Davis
King of the Ring
When Shani Davis won the 1000 meter speed skating gold
medal at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy he be-
came the first black athlete to ever win a medal in the Win-
ter Olympics. In January 2009 he won the world sprint
championship in Moscow. Davis has set a total of 8 world
records. At 6’2”(188cm) and 190lbs (84kg) he is the tallest
speed skater on the American Olympic team and is also
rated highest in technical efficiency. Coached and managed
by his mother Cherie Davis, he started roller skating at the
age of 2 and first made the U.S. National Junior team in
1999. He has since won 2 Olympic gold medals and 2 silvers,
in addition to 9 World Championship gold medals, 2 silvers
and 3 bronzes. He is a graduate of Northern Michigan Uni-
versity. ,
Germany’s gold medal winning women's speed skating team: Friesinger-Postma (right), skating the anchor leg,
threw her skate forward as she scrambled across the finish line
Cuba’s 23 year old Bryon Robles caught and leaned ahead of America’s Terrance Trammel at the tape to
add the 2010 Indoor World Championships to his string of gold medals which includes the 110 meter hur-
dles at the Beijing Olympic Games. Robles set the current world record of 12.87 seconds for 110 meter
hurdles in 2008 at Ostrava, Czech Republic. Robles 7.34 seconds in Doha set a new World Indoor Champi-
onship record for the 60 meter hurdles
Brazil’s Fabiana Murer pictured hr at the 2007 Rio d Janeiro Pan American Games won the pole vault in
Doha clearing the bar at 4.80 meters. Last year she won the South American Championships in Lima ,
Peru and in 2007 she won the Pan American Games pole vault. Her best vault to date, 4.82 outdoors was
achieved last year in Rio de Janeiro.
DOHA, QATAR - MARCH 13: Bryan Clay (R) of United States celebrates the gold medal and Trey Hardee
of United States the silver medal in the Men’s Heptathlon during Day 2 of the IAAF World Indoor Cham-
pionships at the Aspire Dome.
Total 26 26 26 78
Triple Jump Teddy Tamgho 17.9m Y. Betanzos 17.69 A.. D. Girat 17.36
France Cuba m Cuba
Shot Put Christ Cantwell 21.83 A. Mikhnevich 21.68 Ralf Bartels 21.44
USA m Belarus Germany
Triple Jump Olga Rypakova 15.14 Y. Savigne 14.86 A.nna Pyatykh 14.64
Kazakhstan m Cuba m Russia
Shot Put Nadzey Ostapchuk 20.85 Valerie Vili 20.49 N. Mikhnevich 20.42
Belarus m New Zealand Belarus
Close call: Ahmed Ajtebi (centre) congratulates South Africa’s Kevin Shea (left) af-
ter the finish of the Dubai World Cup, but the winner Gloria de Campeao is on the
right Photo: REUTERS. Shea thought that he had won until the official announce-
ment of the photo finished informed the world he had finished second to Tiago
Pereira riding Gloria De Campeao, a Brazilian horse trained by a French stable.
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June 11 to July 11, 2010
Africa the World and You
Quarterly Review of Global Africa and World History in the Making
The cornerstone for the new $150 million Africa Hall, Headquarters of the African Union, Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, with 100 meter high office tower and 30 meter high conference center, offered by China as a gift to
Africa, was laid on July 9, 2007 in the presence of its Chinese architect Ren Lizhi
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