Pan Africa & World Review 1Q2010

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The Art of Universality

Pan Africa & World Review

First Quarter 2010
ISBN# 978-33666-7-X

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Africa the World and You
Quarterly Review of Global Africa and World History in the Making

The cornerstone for the new $150 million Africa Hall, Headquarters of the African Union, Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, with 100 meter high office tower and 30 meter high conference center, offered by China as a gift to
Africa, was laid on July 9, 2007 in the presence of its Chinese architect Ren Lizhi

• Pan Africa & World Review is a picturesque book of quarterly articles commenting on and
condensing issues in the news. It is sectionalized by continent and also by feature sections
which include arts, automobiles, entertainment, environment, fashions, health, information
media, science & technology and sports. The International section contains commodity
and financial market data, in addition to global political economy, personalities and multi-
national corporation events and issues for the quarter

• Subscribers can write the publisher specifying particular events or issues they would like to
be featured.

The Art of Universality

Muhammed Kamil Lamiji Abdulfattah Kassim

Publisher/Chairman Editor-in-Chief/Chief Executive Officer

Production Manager
Nurudeen Ibrahim
Asst. Production Manager
Stima Addy
Cover Design
Kabir Ariyo

Legal Advisor
Amanda Williams

From the Publisher’s Desk

N othing caught global attention in the first

quarter of the year like the 7.0 RS earth-
quake that struck in Haiti on January 12th, as-
sessed to have claimed approximately 217,000
lives and injured some 300,000. It was the most
tragic event since the 2004 Asia Pacific Tsunami
that claimed an estimated 250,000 lives. Media
spotlight was on Haiti for several weeks and
hundreds of millions of dollars were raised to
support an array of efforts to mitigate the scale
of tragedy in the Western Hemisphere’s poor-
est nation.
Haiti, the world’s first African peoples re-
public, located on the western half of a Carib-
bean island it shares with Dominican Republic ,
like many countries in Africa has a sophisticated
elite scattered throughout the world as well as
at home, in contrast to miserable poverty af-
flicting the vast majority of its people. Of all the
scenes we saw on our television screens per-
haps none were more disturbing than the bru-
tal way Haiti’s police dealt with citizens while
distributing food rations. It contrasted strik-
ingly with the community spirit and optimism in
tragedy of most Haitians, which remarkably
impressed the world. The gun in hand bossiness
we saw of Haiti’s police was reminiscent of the
Papa Doc (Francois Duvalier) era (1957-1971)
when the dreadful presidential security forces
known as Ton tons Macoutes terrorized the
population. Haiti is today regarded a fledging
democracy, unlike the Duvalier days when it
was one of the world’s most notorious dictator-
ships, but seeing the roughness of the stout
bodied police dealing with Haitians under such
heartrending circumstances reminds us that the
culture of oppression dies hard.
With all the big plans for Haiti’s post-quake
development being mooted and Haitians com-
plaining that government personnel distributing
food rations are demanding bribes before re-
ceiving their vouches, it is no wonder that Hai-
tians have been calling on international donors
to come and implement any projects they are
The outpouring of private charity and per-
sonnel and material support from governments
all over the world signals that the Global Village
is real in spirit as well as technological possibili-
ties for instant communications to all points

5 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

From the Publisher’s Desk
and rapid travel. China, Indonesia and Israel
were involved, along with the Europeans and
Americas neighbors Cuba, Venezuela and Brazil;
not to mention the profuse commitment from
President Obama to support Haiti’s reconstruc-
tion, besides an immediate donation of $100
million. On February 1st Haiti’s Prime Minister
Max Bellerive assured the world at a press con-
ference that
reconstruction funds donated would be judi-
ciously used.
While the world’s first African peoples re-
public was in the spotlight Black History Month,
February, brought its usual prompts to reflect.
Author Ira Berlin draws our attention to the
changing meaning of being African American
owing to the immense voluntary emigration of
people from Africa and the Caribbean after the
1965 change in immigration policy that had
maintained preference for immigrants from
Europe. While highlighting the multiple distinct
historical experiences of African Americans to-
day Ira Berlin sees prospects for synthesizing
them into a common identity. The obvious
starting point for rationalizing this envisaged
common identity is America’s first couple,
Barack and Michelle Obama.
Significantly in this regard, not only has the
African Union included the African Diaspora in
its programs, at the February 1st Summit in Ad-
dis Ababa finding a homeland in Africa for Hai-
tians displaced by the January 12th earthquake
was discussed.
Libyan Leader Colonel Ghaddafi was re-
placed as Chairman of the African Union by Ma-
lawi’s President Dr.. Bingu Wa Mutharika, an
agile 76 year old economist who once served as
Secretary General of the Common Market for
East & Southern Africa (COMESA) and also as
United Nations Director of Trade & Develop-
ment for Africa. After two years of wasting time
and energy discussing formation of a Pan Afri-
can government, when the institutions pre-
scribed in the AU’s Constitutive Act have not
been fully established, the down to earth
theme of the Summit that began on January
31st, “Information and Communication Tech-
nologies (ICT) in Africa: Challenges and Pros-
pects for Development,” was refreshing.
In Washington a few days before the Addis Top to bottom: Barack and Michelle Obama; new AU Chairman
Ababa AU Summit, United States President Dr. Bingu Wa Mutharika and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-
Barack Obama delivered his first State of the Moon with Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki at the AU Summit
Union Address before the U.S. Senate and
6 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
From the Publisher’s Desk
House of Representatives. With the surge in in
racially hostile white nationalism in the U.S.
since Obama, son of a Kenyan economics profes-
sor, ran for president, and its penetration into
the mainstream of the Republican Party, it has
been difficult to say just how much opposition to
America’s first African American president is mo-
tivated by racism and to what extent he is being
opposed in the common course of differences
between Democrats and Republicans.
Pre-State of the Union address polls
showed 88% of Democrats approving of
Obama’s performance, compared to only 23% of
Republicans, indicating that traditional differ-
ences between conservatives and liberals are at
play; however, the hostile tone of the opposition
with white Americans in the newly formed Tea
Party shouting, “Take our country back”, and
Republicans still propagating the fallacy that
President Obama was not born in the United
States and is a white people hating racist, tell us
that the intensity of opposition to Obama and
the refusal of Republicans to give him the re-
spect and allegiance as president that tradition-
ally crosses party lines are racially driven.
Throughout most of the 20th century America’s
Republican Party had been associated with ra-
cism. President Ronald Reagan, a Republican,
infamously vetoed legislation to impose
sanctions on apartheied South Africa before
being overruled by the constitutionally required
two thirds vote in favor from Congress. Former
2008 vice presidential contender on the Senator
John McCain ticket and recently retired Alaska
governor, Sarah Palin speaking at a Tea Party
rally in Nashville, Tennessee on February 6th
declared, "America is ready for another revolu-
On January 29th in Las Vegas, Nevada 22
year old Miss Virginia Caressa Cameron won the
Miss America 2010 beauty pageant, after a stun-
ning performance of Beyoncé ‘Listen” from the
award winning movie Dreamgirls. She was
crowned, as is traditional, by Miss America 2009
Katie Stam. The distinction involves a $50,000
scholarship for the broadcast journalism student
at Virginia Commonwealth University. Miss
Cameron who advised young Americans to
spend more time outdoors attributed her suc- Top to bottom: America’s Tea Party rallying against President
cess in America’s most celebrated annual beauty Obama; Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy
pageant to her family’s strength. ’You can be- Pelosi applaud the President; and Miss Virginia Caressa Cam-
come anything that you want to be, even Miss eron being crowned Miss America 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada
America,” she advised.
7 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
From the Publisher’s Desk

Left is actress, comedian and talk show host

Mo’Nique at the Screen Actors Guild Awards with
husband Sidney Hicks; right South African Presi-
dent Jacob Zuma who was in the spotlight in
Davos and also back home where he delivered his
first State of the Nation address and married a
third wife.

nately, his messy sex life has become an issue

with calls from the opposition for him to resign
after it was revealed in the wake of his public
The next day, January 29th, Beyoncé Knolls wedding to a third wife that he fathered a child
won a record 6 Grammy Awards at the 52nd with a friends daughter whom he apparently
annual Hollywood event that honors the pervi- has no plans to marry.
ous years’ best performers in the world of mu- Meanwhile, South Africa’s candidature for
sic. Beyoncé’s husband Jay-Z won 3 Grammys, a non-permanent seat on the UN Security
one for the best solo rap performance and two Council for 2011 to 2012 was endorsed by the
for “Run This Town” with Rihanna and Kanye African Union which is the largest bloc in the
West. UN General Assembly.
At the Screen Actors Guild Awards in Los Worst of all soldiers overthrew Niger’s
Angeles, California on January 23rd African President Mamadou Tandja who had violated
American comedian and talk show host the country’s constitution by staging a referen-
Mo'Nique won the best supporting actress dum, which he won, to enable him continue in
prize for her role as an abusive mother in office despite end of his constitutional mandate
"Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sap- limit. The African Union suspended Niger but
phire," an honor which was duplicated at the announced that it would engage the junta on
academy Awards on March 7th. returning Niger to democratic civilian govern-
On February 11th South African President ance as soon as possible.
Jacob Zuma who took office last May gave his Nigeria’s President Umaru Musa Yar’adua
first State of the Nation Address. He informed in late February finally returned from Saudi Ara-
us that South Africa is now out of recession and bia where he had been medical attention since
creating rather than shedding jobs. Unfortu- last November but was unable to resume his
8 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
From the Publisher’s Desk
duties and remained out of touch with the
media; neither a statement nor photograph
from him. Meanwhile, Vice President Good-
luck Jonathan was confirmed as Acting Presi-
dent by the Nigerian Senate and he pro-
ceeded to shuffle the cabinet. Former U.S.
President George W. Bush paid a visit to Nige-
ria along with former British Prime Minister
Tony Blair and former U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice in late February, during
which they commended Niegria’s constitu-
tional filling of the leadership vacuum.
France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy made
the first ever visit to Haiti by a French head of
state, pledging $384 million in development
support and cancellation of Haiti’s $80 million
debt to France. Canada’s Prime Minister
Harper also visited Haiti, arranging for a tem-
porary structure to house the presidency and
other government operations in addition to
donating over $150 million on top of $550
million earlier committed.
On the wide world stage the Annual
World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland,
focused on new skills and job creation in addi-
tion to the challenge of avoiding another
banking crisis such as plunged the world into a
major recession during 2008. Microsoft foun-
der and erstwhile world’s wealthiest man Bill
Gates donated on behalf of the foundation
Top: Nigerian President Umaru Musa Yar’adua; Bottom: de-
named after himself and his wife Melinda an
throned Niger President Mamadou Tandja.
unprecedented $10 billion over the next dec-
ade to research new vaccines, particularly for
children in the world’s poorest countries.
The Euro Zone held Economic Summits in
February and March at which the economic
crisis in Greece was the principal item on the
agenda. Concerns about whether or not the
Euro would be able to survive were brushed
aside but the situation is trying, as Spain is
also in economic straights.
China made headlines with its new
350kmh bullet train, the fastest ever; while
Dubai’s Burj Khalifa became the world tallest
building at more than 800 meters. Turkey’s
government arrested and charged a number
of military top brass in connection with a coup
Incidentally, this is the maiden edition of
Pan Africa & World Review. Welcome!

Muhammed Kamil,
Publisher, Editor-in-Chief
9 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
First Quarter 2010
Table of Contents
Davos World Economic Forum 16
Davos Interview: South African President Jacob Zuma 21
Polygamy Under Attack 26
Surmounting Recession 29
Social Democracy Redefined 32
2010 Annual Letter From Bill Gates 35
Big Bill 38
International Women’s Day 40
Global Commodity Markets 45
Currency Exchange Rates 47
Capital Markets 49
Forbes 500 Richest People 51
Geopolitics/The Paradox Syndrome 53

African Union Summit 57
New Flag for African Union 61
Sirte, Libya: 22nd Arab League Summit 62
ICT/Thousands of African youth will benefit from Lloyd’s support 64
ECOWAS Chair demands immediate elections in Niger 65
Africa vs. Al Qaeda & Co. 66
Managing Religious Freedom in Africa 67
Rethinking African Union 69
One Billion Africans 72
African Economy Exceeds $1 trillion 74

Pan Africa & World Review Table of Contents First Quarter 2010
Sub-Sahara Africa Stocks 77

Ghana: Another Oil Producer 78

Malawi: Full Court Trial for Gay Couple 80

Niger/Soldiers End Mamadou Tandja’s Reign 82

Nigerian Capital Market News 85

Nigeria/ Head of the Body Politic 86

Nigeria/Bush, Blair and Condoleezza Rice Visit Abuja 88
Nigeria/Senate Committee on Constitution Review 90
Nigeria/The Qualification Debate 91
Nigeria’s National Assembly Passes 2010 Budget 92
Nigeria Cabinet Reshuffle 93
Nigeria/Political Management Challenge of Ethnic Violence 96
Nigeria/Special Feature/ The Nigerian Senate 100
South Africa/State of the Nation 122
South African Opposition Hard on Zuma 125
South Africa/Zuma Dines with the Queen 128
South Africa/Johannesburg Stock Exchange 129
South Africa/Mining Law Changes Pending 138
South Africa/Malema Rants Hurt House Prices 139
Sudan/SPLM Candidate Withdraws from Elections 140
Togo’s President Faure Gnassingbe Wins 2nd Term 141
Uganda Moving Up 142
Zimbabwe Compromises 145
History/Globalizing Black History Month 148
Philanthropy/Serena Williams− Queen of Hearts 151

Afghanistan: The Challenge of Creating a Modern State 154
Obama’s Surprise Visit to Afghanistan 159
Why is China Successful? 160
Can Iran be Stopped? 170
Iraq/Alawi Tries to Build Governing Coalition 175
Middle East Chess 177

11 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Pan Africa & World Review Table of Contents First Quarter 2010
Israel Biting the Hand that Feeds It 180
AIPAC’s Heroic Netanyahu 182
Israel’s Struggling Peace Movement 183
UAE/Dubai Inaugurates World’s Tallest Building 187
UAE/Dubai Debt Restructuring 188

Australia’s PM Kevin Rudd Denies Debt Crisis 190

Caribbean & Central America

Haiti/Sarkozy’s Historic Haiti Visit 193
Haiti/UN Haiti Donor’s Conference 196
Honduras Heroes 197

State of the EU 200
Deal Reached Over Greece Debts at Brussels Summit 203
U.K./Barrister Blair 204
Turkey/Erdoğan charges generals with coup plotting 206

North America
One Year of Obama 208
State of Obama’s Union 211
Obama Signs Historic Health Care Reform 213
Mexico’s Drug Baron Terror 215

South America
Brazil/Luca’s Choice Nominated 217
Chile Changes Guard Amidst Earthquakes 220

Bakri Bilal: African Romance Painter 224

12 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Pan Africa & World Review Table of Contents First Quarter 2010
Toyota Shooting itself in the Foot 231
Geneva Motor Show 233
Spheres Auto Showcase 250

Beyoncé Wins Unprecedented 6 Grammy Awards 261
Academy Awards 262

Freezing the Case for Global Warming 273
Sony in Green Energy Waste Compost Program 276

Fashion (photo J-Z and Beyoncé) 277

Fashion at the 16th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards 278
Style at the Grammies 279
Abuja Style 283
Accra Style 286
Khartoum Style 287
Lagos Style/Face of Africa Fashion Show 288

Health & Medicine

World Cancer Day 290

Information Media
Gagging the Arabs 294

Book Review: Uncovering the Potency of African Herbal Medicine 297

Science & Technology

Hewlett Packard Digital Indigo Presses 299

Roger Federer, Serena Williams win Australian Open, remain # 1 301

13 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Pan Africa & World Review Table of Contents First Quarter 2010
CAF Gone Mad 302
Egypt Wins 7th Africa Cup, 3 in a Row 304
Didier Drogba African Footballer of 2009 305
Lionel Messe World’s Best Footballer 2009 306
World Cup 2010: South Africa is Ready 308
Super Bowl and BCS National Champs 314
XXI Winter Olympics 315
World Indoor Athletics Championships 322
Gloria De Campeao wins Dubai 2010 World Cup 333

14 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 27JAN10 - J. Frank Brown (moderator); (FLTR):Dean, INSEAD, France−
Global Agenda Council on the Skills Gap; Jeffrey Joerres, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Manpower Inc., USA; Wallace King, Chief Executive Officer, Leighton Holdings, Australia; Lubna
S. Olayan Deputy Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, Olayan Financing Company, Saudi
Arabia− Chair, Arab Business Council, World Economic Forum; Kris Gopalakrishnan, Chief Execu-
tive Officer and Managing Director, Infosys Technologies, India− Global Agenda Council on the
Skills Gap; James S. Turley, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ernst & Young, USA; Fred van
Leeuwen, General Secretary, Education International, Belgium….captured during the session
'Skills Creation: The Future of Employment' of the Annual Meeting 2010 of the World Economic
Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 27, 2010 at the Congress Centre..

International/Political Economy

Davos World Economic Forum


T he World Economic Forum is a Geneva,

Switzerland, non-profit organization best
known for its annual summits in Davos that grew
out of the European Management Forum. Incor-
porated as a foundation in 1971, it is an inde-
pendent international organization committed to
improving the state of the world by engaging
leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional
and industry agendas. Operating under supervi-
sion of the Swiss government, World Economic
Forum professes to be impartial and not con-
nected to any political or partisan interests. The Founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum Prof.
organization was conceived when a group of Klasu-Schwab
European business leaders met under the pa-
tronage of the European Commission and Euro- a knowledge hub as well. The European Manage-
pean industrial associations. German-born Klaus ment Forum changed its name to the World Eco-
Schwab, then Professor of business policy at the nomic Forum in 1987 and sought to broaden its
University of Geneva, chaired the gathering vision further to include providing a platform for
which took place in Davos, Switzerland. Prof. resolving international conflicts. World Economic
Klasu-Schwab, who is now Executive Chairman of Forum Annual Meeting "milestones" during this
WEF, then founded the European Management time included the "Davos Declaration" signed in
Forum as a non-profit organization based in Ge- 1988 by Greece and Turkey which saw them turn
neva, Switzerland, and drew European business back from the brink of war; in 1989, North and
leaders to Davos for their annual meeting each South Korea held their first ministerial-level meet-
January from 1972. ings in Davos, and at the same meeting, East Ger-
Events in 1973, namely the collapse of the man Prime Minister Hans Modrow and German
Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate mechanism Chancellor Helmut Kohl met to discuss German
and the Arab-Israeli War saw the annual meeting reunification. In 1992, South African President F.
expand its focus from management to economic W. de Klerk met Nelson Mandela and Chief Man-
and social issues, and political leaders were in- gosuthu Buthelezi at the Annual Meeting; their
vited for the first time to Davos in January 1974. first joint appearance outside South Africa and a
Two years later, the organization introduced a milestone in the country's political transition. The
system of membership, restricted to "the 1,000 Forum has since expanded its activities to include
leading companies of the world". The European a Centre for Public-Private Partnerships which
Management Forum prides itself in being the engages businesses, civil society and political au-
first non-governmental institution to initiate a thorities in initiatives ranging from health initia-
partnership with China's economic development tives in India to alliances combating chronic hun-
commissions, spurring economic reform policies ger in Africa. The Forum's knowledge centre, the
in China. Regional meetings around the globe Centre for Strategic Insight, has also expanded to
were also added to the year's activities, while the include several other timely reports, the Global
publication of the Global Competitiveness Report Gender Gap Report, Global Risk reports and re-
in 1979 saw the organization expand to become gional scenario reports.

16 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

International/Political Economy
Davos World Economic Forum

Davos 2009 was rated a turning point in the World Economic Forum headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland
annual meeting’s history. Commentator Peter
Schwartz explained it thus: “Davos this year was
from various parts of the world will participate
at least as much about doing things rather than
in the African regional summit. The World Eco-
talking about things. Over its several decades of
nomic Forum on Europe will hold on the 10th
life, Davos has been a place to have a good con-
and 11th of May in Brussels, Belgium, carrying
versation about things. And over time the conver-
the theme, “Renewed Leadership, New Vision.”
sations got both wider and deeper. That long his-
East Asia’s WEF will hold in Ho Chi Minh City,
tory served it well this year when it served a new
Vietnam on June 6th and 7th. China will from
function. At Davos this year the conversation was
September 12th to 15th hosts the WEF Annual
not an abstraction of the real world, in order to
Meeting of the New Champions in Beijing where
reflect upon it and understand it. It was the real
the theme will be Driving Growth through Sus-
world. Real conversations intended to enable col-
tainability. From October 26th to 28th Morocco
laboration among governments, companies,
will host the WEF on North Africa and the Mid-
NGOs were actually playing out in real time. The
dle East in Marrakech.
rest of us were there to inform and facilitate that
Young Global Leaders and Technology Part-
conversation. There is no where else on Earth
ners are two communities created from among
where the nearly full range of actors can be
the WEF members and partners that are active
brought to the table. Gordon Brown commented
throughout each year. In 2007 the WEF Commu-
on it. ‘The World Economic Forum has become an
nity of Global Growth Companies was formed to
actor in the game. I must say this year it felt more
engage dynamic high-growth companies with
serious as a result. It was not merely a sense of
the potential to be tomorrow’s industry leaders
dread, but of seriousness of purpose.’”
and to become a driving force of economic and
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s
social change. As of December 2009, more than
speech at the 2009 World Economic Forum, in
200 companies from over 50 countries had
which he declared that the days of the rich get-
been admitted to the GGC Community.
ting richer while the poor got poorer had no place
st Since 2001, the World Economic Forum has
in the 21 century, set the ideological tone for
been engaging various faith communities in in-
U.S. President Barack Obama to announce at the
ter-faith dialogue, most notably through its
September 2009 Pittsburg G-20 Summit that the
Community for West-Islam Dialogue ((C-100), a
larger group, which includes India, China, South
dynamic community of business, political, reli-
Africa, Brazil, Turkey and Saudi Arabia would
gious, media and opinion leaders engaged in
thenceforth replace the G-8 as the forum of lead-
dialogue to promote understanding across dif-
ing nations.
ferent segments of society in the West and
The World Economic Forum now has re-
Muslim world. Since forming, C-100 believes it
gional meetings. The World Economic Forum on
has made significant achievements through con-
Latin America is scheduled for 6th to 8th April in
structive dialogue, support for action-oriented
Cartagena, Columbia. New Partnerships for a Sus-
projects, awards to recognize significant contri-
tainable Recovery is the theme. For 2010 the
butions in this domain and,
World Economic Forum on Africa will be from
most recently, an Annual
May 5th to 7th, concurrently with the Young
Spheres Report on the State of Dia-
Global Leaders Summit, in Dar Es Salaam, Tanza-
Report logue.
nia. The summit theme is “Rethinking Africa’s
Growth Strategy.” Over 200 young global leaders
17 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Political Economy Davos World Economic Forum
30JAN10 - Dominique
Strauss-Kahn (L) , Man-
aging Director, Interna-
tional Monetary Fund
(IMF), Washington DC
and Christine Lagarde,
Minister of Economy,
Industry and Employ-
ment of France; Mem-
bers of the Foundation
Board of the World Eco-
nomic Forum are cap-
tured during the session
'Global Economic Out-
look' at the Annual
Meeting 2010 of the
World Economic Forum
The Community of West and Islam Dialogue in Davos, Switzerland,
is a community of business, political, religious, January 30, 2010..
media and opinion leaders that promotes dia-
tributed to substantive work at the Forum via
logue and understanding across different seg-
the Global Education Initiative, Global Digital
ments of society in the West and Muslim world.
Divide Initiative, Task Force on Institutions of
The C-100 is a multi-stakeholder community seek-
Globalization, Private Equity Project, Schwab
ing to act proactively in promoting harmony, mu-
Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship and
tual respect and shared values, as well as improv-
Young Global Leaders Programme. The Labour
ing knowledge and understanding across cultures
Leaders Advisory Group provides a structure for
and civilizations. The C-100 also seeks to gain new
frequent communication, consultation and en-
insights into the opinions of peers and global
gagement with the Labour community through-
leaders involved in West–Islam dialogue. Co-
out the year. The Advisory Group ensures that
Chairs are H.R.H. Princess Lolwah Al Faisal, Vice-
the Forum is kept abreast of key issues of con-
Chair of the Board of Trustees and General Super-
cern to Labour Leaders, their organizations and
visor, Effat College, Saudi Arabia and Lord Carey
of Clifton, Former Archbishop of Canterbury,
At Davos 2010 the closing session, with co-
United Kingdom. The C-100 membership is cur-
chairs taking the lead, explored what industry
rently made up of over 80 leaders from business,
and governments can do to lead the global
religion, media, academia and civil society.
economy to a sustainable recovery. Faith lead-
Although WEF is executive elite oriented, up
ers from throughout the world, came together
front commitment to improving the state of the
to discuss the importance of "Being Responsible
world sets the stage for tackling the problems of
for the Future". They were joined by Global
humanity comprehensively. The World Economic
Change-makers, young people selected by the
Forum has recognized that the voice of Labour is
British Council for their active engagement
important to dynamic dialogue on issues of glob-
within their communities.
alization, economic justice, transparency and ac-
The Skills Creation session, recognizing that
countability, and ensuring a healthy global finan-
there is a growing disparity between qualifica-
cial system. Hence, the Forum engages regularly
tion requirements for jobs offered and qualifica-
with the Labour Leaders Community, comprised
tions of job seekers, stressed the need for ap-
of heads of leading global, regional, national, and
prentice programs with the proposition that
industry-specific labour and trade unions around
both companies and governments get involved
the world. Labour Leaders are integrated into
in these. It was also recognized that expecting
the Annual Meeting and regional summits and
people in underdeveloped countries to pay for
are engaged year-round in other work of the Fo-
apprentice programs was untenable; therefore
rum including cross-cutting initiatives, task forces
financing the learners could help address ineffi-
and industry-specific projects. Labour has con-
ciencies and put competition in the system. It
18 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Political Economy Davos World Economic Forum
was also recognized that graduates could no
longer rely on skills learned in earning their de-
grees to well serve them throughout their ca-
All of this concern for the future of human-
ity provided an environment for philanthropy at
Davos and true to WEF spirit the world’s
wealthiest man, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates
gave history’s largest single biggest donation,
$10 billion, on behalf of the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation to finance vaccine research
over the next 10 years. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was in Davos, along with his
Finally, there were parties and South Africa wife Melinda, in his new capacity as co-chair of the Bill and
put on a critically acclaimed cultural show. Melinda Gates Foundation. Apart from making headlines for
his $10 billion vaccine development donation, Bill Gates got
nice press coverage for his nightclub dance moves in Davos.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy de-

livering his keynote address at Davos
2010 where he called for capitalism to
be given a moral dimension, arguing
that leaving the market to guide the
global economy has led to skidding
out of control. .
However, a poll released by
PriceWaterHouseCoopers in Davos,
revealed that 60 percent of CEOs are
"extremely concerned" by the threat
of over-regulation, with a further 27
percent describing it as the biggest
threat to business groups.
President Sarkozy spoke along
the lines of President Obama’s plan to
separate derivatives from the main
banking business.

United Nations Special

Envoy to Haiti, former
U.S. President Bill Clinton
made an appeal at Dar-
vos for helping the Carib-
bean country of 10 mil-
lion struck by a 7.0RS
earthquake on January
12. "I want the people of
Haiti not to have to
worry about whether
they can eat today or get
water today... I want
them to at least be able
to know that from one
week to the next they
have a place to sleep,
that it's safe and it's

19 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

International/Political Economy Davos World Economic Forum
Greek Prime Minister George
Papandreou and Finance Min-
ister George Papaconstantinou
(pictured left) held new meet-
ings to overcome what they
admit is a "credibility deficit",
as Athens battles the fallout
from a huge national debt.
Greece is struggling under
a twin burden of a massive
debt of over €294 billion ($412
billion) and a runaway public
deficit estimated at 12.7 per-
cent of output.
European Central Bank
chief Jean-Claude Trichet dis-
missed speculation that Greece
could be forced out of the 16-
nation eurozone

Iceland's President Olafur Rag-

nar Grimsson accused the
United Kingdom and the Nether-
lands of financially "bullying" his
country, accusing the two of
using their influence within the
IMF to stop Iceland from bor-
rowing the billions needed to
rebuild its economy.
The comments came after
the UK expressed anger at the
highly controversial decision by
Iceland's president's to veto a
bill that would pay back billions
of dollars Iceland owes the UK
and Netherlands. Britain was
forced to spend $3.69 billion last
year to cover the losses that
British savers incurred when
Icelandic banks collapsed.

China gave the world a view of

the man most likely to be its next
Prime Minister, Vice Premier Li
Keqiang, sending him to repre-
sent the country at Davos.
Li , pictured here with Aus-
tralian Prime Minister Kevin
Rudd, identified development
essentials: 1. Global economic co-
ordination. 2. Promote more
open markets. 3. Tackle poverty.
4. Tackle global challenges like
climate change together, and, 5.
Global corporate governance −
reform international institutions.
International/South African President Interview Davos World Economic Forum
Faried Zakaria: But you
know a number of people
look at your election with
some apprehension. Let's
be honest. There are people
who say you are a populist,
that you inherited a difficult
economy. South Africa is
entering its first recession in
15 years and people are
worried about what effect a
Transcript of interview with President populist’s policies will have
Jacob Zuma at the World Economic Forum in an already fragile global economy and on
by Faried Zakaria, CNN, January 28, 2010 an already fragile South African economy.

Faried Zakaria: We are delighted to be Jacob Zuma: Well, I don't know [what] people
joined by President Zuma, the new Presi- [ mean when they] talk about populist in the
dent of South Africa. Let me start Mr. Presi- world. I don't know tongues, what it means,
dent; you are coming into an office that was because if a leader in a country is supported
held by Nelson Mandela. Do you feel nerv- by an overwhelming majority, I am not sure
ous? Apprehensive? What are your how to define the populist person just there.
thoughts about being in a role that has been The fact of the matter is I belong to the Afri-
so public and so prominently globally? can National Congress (ANC), which is the
organization that is supported by the people
Jacob Zuma: Well, if anything it is humbling of South Africa and I have been one of its cad-
to be given this responsibility by the South res in the leading positions for quite a while
African people, by my organization. It is a and of course have taken over not just from
task indeed that needs such great leaders as Nelson Mandela, but from Thabo Mbeki who
Nelson Mandela. But let me say that since followed Mandela, who also made a very
we are mentioning President Mandela, huge contribution to make the task very easy
many people forget that we will this year for some of us who followed thereafter.
mark 20 years since he was released from
prison on the 11th of February 1990. South We have been in office, for I think seven
Africa will, as a country, celebrate this. We months. We have looked at government, we
have aligned it to the opening of our parlia- have reconfigured some of the departments
ment so that the country can celebrate the in order to ensure that an effective govern-
day that changed South Africa from a racist ment is there, that transparency is deepened,
conflict ridden country into a democratic that delivery continues. We have looked at
country. We are therefore reminding every- the policies which basically emanate from the
one of this, and fortunately Nelson Mandela ruling party and diminished those that ema-
is still with us, so we will be able to cele- nate from individuals. We have been able to
brate with him. It is important for us, be- follow the trend as it has been all the time.
cause the release of Nelson Mandela and We came in amidst the financial crisis that
the contributions he made when leading affected everybody around the globe. I think
the negotiations established a culture in South Africa at that time was able to with-
South Africa that nobody had ever imag- stand the pressure to a large extent because
ined. We are able to defeat racism which of its very prudent policies and macro eco-
was entrenched in South Africa, and he led nomic policies; we have been able therefore
the approach and the campaigns to recon- to absorb... not that we did not suffer from
cile South Africans and establish a truly de- the impact of it, but I think to a large extent
mocratic South Africa. we were able to deal with the matter and I
think we were able to give leadership as a

21 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

International/South African President Interview Davos World Economic Forum

government and together with business, la- of the policies we have put across, for exam-
bour and representatives of civil society were ple affirmative action etc, tend to put them in
able to come together and work out a pack- an awkward position. But we have been able
age of how to meet the challenge of the re- to explain this; and people have accepted
cession. And we succeeded to do so and I what the government has put across as the
don't think anyone can say that because I am policies encompasses and embraces all South
now a populist, these matters could not be Africans.
done and people did not know what they
were doing. I think that government always There are no instances where people have
knew what it was doing. been able to identify a kind of policy that ex-
cludes others. Everybody is part of it. Of
Faried Zakaria: You talk about the majority, course there would be individuals who would
but there is also the minority in South Africa be very vocal, who would give an impression
that increasingly feels disenfranchised, the that things are not very well in South Africa. I
white minority. You read interviews with peo- think we are a very proud rainbow nation
ple, F.W. De Klerk, various other leaders. that is working together at all times socially,
There is some evidence of "white-flight", ei- in the economic sector and in every other
ther because of high crime rates or because thing and we adopted a culture of participa-
of a sense of economic fortunes turning, leav- tion. For example, some people would say
ing. Do you care if white South Africans de- that this government consults too much, and
cide they want to leave the country? that is why we say we should involve people,
so that people can feel a part of the processes
Jacob Zuma: No we don't want them to leave in the country; because we feel everybody
the country. They belong to South Africa. We must feel part of this, nobody must feel ex-
are aware that since 1994 some people felt as cluded. And we continuously explain what we
the situation changed they were not very cer- are trying to do.
tain as to what is going to happen and I think
in a sense, given where we came from as a So I would not agree with those who say
country you would have expected that kind of South Africa is now something else since the
reaction. But at times that reaction is in my coming of democracy in South Africa. In fact,
view, exaggerated, because South Africans if anything, South Africans have come to em-
have accepted what South Africa is all about. brace what is happening in the country. They
There are few people at times who feel some are very happy, but that doesn't mean that
22 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/South African President Interview Davos World Economic Forum

in every situation you could have 100 percent extent?

people agreeing on everything. I don't think
there is any country that can claim that; that is Jacob Zuma: No, what we have done, for exam-
why we have oppositions in countries, because ple, is to put across our policies very openly as
at times people, even on the things they say to what is it that we are trying to do. With the
they agreed on, the way to get there, at times participation of both, private and public and it
they don't necessarily agree. I think in South Af- has worked for us up to this point in time. Right
rica there is an element of exaggerating things. now for example, we have put across a pro-
gram, specifically dealing with infrastructure.
Faried Zakaria: Do you believe that South Africa We have put aside an amount of about R700
moving forward needs more market based re- million aimed at dealing with this, which helps
forms, or does it need more government inter- to expand the areas of investment with regard
vention? to the infrastructure, because infrastructure in
South Africa is very much needed. We have
Jacob Zuma: It needs a mixture of the two. been upgrading the country's infrastructure for
2010. We will proceed after 2010 with even a
Faried Zakaria: You are avoiding the question. much broader program in which both the pri-
vate sector, and the public, are expected to par-
Jacob Zuma: I am not avoiding the question. It ticipate. So there is no way where we say this is
needs a mixture of the two. You cannot have the only one that will solve our problems. We
one and not the other. A mixture of the two is believe the nature of our country, the mixture
required. The question is how do you balance it of these two helps us to move forward.
in terms of the material conditions in the coun-
try in which you are operating? And this is what Faried Zakaria: One area where I think many
we have said. Our economy is a mixed economy people hope you will diverge from the policies
and we are dealing with both the participation of Thabo Mbeki is on AIDS, as well as the South
of the public sector and the participation of the African government's response to the AIDS cri-
private sector. sis. You face the extraordinary situation where
life expectancy in South Africa, a country with
Faried Zakaria: Now how will you get yourself strong economic growth has actually declined
off a purely commodity based economy and im- over the last decade. Will you do something
prove the skills, the manufacturing processes, different than Thabo Mbeki did on AIDS?
without unleashing the private sector to a larger

23 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

International/South African President Interview Davos World Economic Forum
and we have a very comprehensive program
to deal with that, including the removal of
perceptions that existed then. In so far as we
are concerned, on that issue we are clear. In
December for example, we announced new
measures which added on, enhanced our poli-
cies that were there before; and I think the
country is very happy, and I think the world is
very happy with the pose that we have

Faried Zakaria: Mr. President, I have to ask

you an awkward question, but in preparing for
this interview I was actually asked this by so
many of the women who are here; but it re-
lates to an issue that they see as one of equal-
ity and treatment of women. You have many
wives, you practice polygamy. There are many
people who say this is symbolically a great
step backward for the leader of South Africa
to be embracing a practice they say is inher-
ently unfair to women. How do you react?

Jacob Zuma: Well it depends what culture you

Jacob Zuma: Well, I know that people tended come from. People interpret culture in differ-
to look at our policy in the past, based on ent ways and some think that their cultures
what some of our colleagues as individuals are superior to others. This is a problem we
said. I think government has always had a need to deal with. We follow a policy that says
very comprehensive policy in terms of HIV we must respect the cultures of others. As a
and AIDS, but there were issues that were culture, as my culture, it does not take any-
raised, and people including President Mbeki, thing from me, from my political beliefs, in-
had specific views that he acknowledged were cluding the belief in the equality of women.
his specific views. It's my culture and I am sure there are other
cultures that do this kind of thing. The prob-
Faried Zakaria: But they were bogus issues lem is that when people think that their cul-
not based on science and had the effect of ture is the only right one, the only one ac-
stopping an enormously important movement cepted by God. It does not work that way.
forward to deal with the problem.
Faried Zakaria: You believe you treat all your
Jacob Zuma: But that is just the point I am wives equally?
making that these were specific views and it
started with President Mbeki asking questions Jacob Zuma: Absolutely. Totally equally.
that scientists had to answer. And instead of
being answered by scientists, these provoked Faried Zakaria: I think there are many people
a debate. It did not move away from the in this audience who find it a complex chal-
country's very clear and comprehensive policy lenge to be married to one person. Mr. Presi-
at the time. dent, pleasure to have you. Thank you.
What we have done now, we have removed Jacob Zuma: Thank you very much indeed.
the politicization of HIV and AIDS and there-
fore removed those debates and came back Issued by: The Presidency, January 28 2010
to the policies. At this point in time, we have
prioritized health as one of the five priorities
24 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Political Economy Davos World Economic Forum

Queen Rania of Jordan participated in a

panel debate entitled "Rebuilding Edu-
cation for the 21st Century", at the
World Economic Forum. She is one of
many royal participants in the annual
gathering in Davos, Switzerland.

An optimistic South
African Finance Minis-
ter Pravin Gordhan
told BBC at Davos his
country’s economy is
fairly buoyant.
Mr Gordhan ac-
knowledged that un-
employment remains
an issue, but said the
ANC government had
bold and energetic
plans to improve em-

Sky view of the Davos ski resort in the Swiss Alps where the Annual World Economic Forum is held

25 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

International/Socio-Cultural Commentary

Polygamy Under Attack

By Muhammed Kamil


D uring the 1970s when Liberia’s Rev. Can-

non Burgess Carr was Secretary General of
the Nairobi based All African Council of Churches
the Christian alliance issued a resolution that pro-
hibition of polygamy was one law of Euro-
American Christendom that they rejected. With-
out census data we cannot accurately determine
the number of people involved in polygamy in
Africa and the rest of the world, but suffice it to
say that polygamy is legal under Islamic civil law
and there are approximately 1.3 billion Muslims
worldwide. As much as South Africa has come
under the polygamy spotlight following the re-
cent media broadcast marriage of President Jacob
Zuma to his third wife, polygamy, whether formal
or informal is so widely practiced in Africa it is
inconceivable that it would ever be outlawed, no
matter how much criticism is thrown at it from
outside. Whatever the problems common to for-
President Jacob Zuma performing traditional Zulu dance
malized polygamy informal polygamy is not only
at his January 4th wedding to Thobeka Madiba
unstoppable but involves deceptive living in
which siblings either don’t know each other or In Europe and the United States homosex-
are introduced by knowing friends in public ual marriage is lawful in many places and advo-
places such as football stadiums and schools. It is cacy groups aim to make it universally lawful. A
only in parts of Africa where either Sharia law is documentary recently aired on Aljazeera Inter-
strictly enforced or local customs, as among the national focused on lesbians in South Africa and
Dinka in Southern Sudan, are intolerant of chil- their quest to have homosexual marriage legal-
dren out of wedlock that it might be possible to ized. Although homosexuality has traditionally
minimize informal polygamy but in all such in- been taboo throughout most of the world and
stances formal polygamy is socially accepted. still has stern opponents, increased prevalence
CNN International’s Faried Zakaria question- of homosexuality has resulted in wider accep-
ing the South African president about his polyga- tance. A high profile example of this is the expo-
mous married life was particularly interesting be- sure of Dick Cheney’s daughter as a lesbian co-
cause Zakaria is a Muslim born in South Asia and habiting with another woman. America’s Re-
is now an American citizen. Zakaria was giving publican Party, particularly its right wing which
Zuma a chance to explain his position for the includes the Christian Coalition, has typically
world to hear and the South African leader put it decried homosexuality but Cheney under pres-
neatly: "People interpret cultures differently," he sure on the presidential campaign trail in 2000
said. "Some people think their culture is superior to make a statement on his daughter’s devia-
to others, that it is the only one accepted by God. tion came soft, recognizing her right to choice.
That is a problem and one we need to deal with. In California when a referendum in 2004 over-
We (South Africa) follow a policy that says we turned a state Supreme Court ruling allowing
must respect the cultures of others." homosexual marriage by a slim margin, the gay
26 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Socio-Cultural Commentary Polygamy Under Attack by M. Kamil

South African President Jacob Zuma dances with his newly wedded wife, Thobeka Madiba, during a tra-
ditional Zulu wedding ceremony in Nkandla, South Africa Monday Jan 4, 2010.

activists vowed to mobilize support to win the than First Lady.

few extra percentages of approval needed in a No where in this world today is polyandry
subsequent referendum they would work to get. legal but that doesn’t mean it is not practiced.
Polygamy is also in the public sparring Probably the most jealous women regarding
arena in the U.S., particularly in the state of Utah their husband or lover having another woman
where an organization styled Tapestry Against are those who have intimate relationships with
Polygamy complains that soft government atti- more than one man concurrently. Some men
tudes towards the illegal practice of polygamy know their wives have outside relationships and
has allowed the number of people involved in live with it. I have known men to pay for their
polygamous marriages to soar to about 100,000. wife’s abortion of a pregnancy she had for a
Tapestry Against Polygamy claims that polygamy lover while working in another country; and also
enslaves women and children but documenta- men who kept their wives after she had a child
ries visiting the lives of polygamous households for a man married to another woman or even a
in Utah do not in the least give that impression young gigolo. Prostitution is informal polyandry
or indication. On the contrary, American polyga- because the men who play with these women
mist households seemed as comfortable with know that they also play sex with other men.
their way of life as could be. President Zuma’s response to CNN’s Faried
Former French President Francois Mitter- Zakaria was sensible and true in that South Af-
rand was a semi-formal polygamist in that while rica constitutionally outlaws discrimination on
French law did not allow him two wives his mis- grounds of sexual orientation, permits polygamy
tress and the daughter she had for him were as a socio-cultural choice and has no laws pre-
known to the public. A TIME Magazine journalist venting a woman from having two or more lov-
in criticizing American hypocrisy regarding polyg- ers. If we are going to advocate for freedom of
amy during the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky choice then there is no banning well known com-
White House sex scandal wrote that if America mon preferences; but if we say that the right to
were a more openly polygamist society Hilary homosexuality is sacrosanct but polygamy
would be referred to as the First Wife rather should be outlawed and purged from society, all
we would achieve if such lopsided advocacy
27 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Socio-Cultural Commentary Polygamy Under Attack by Muhammed Kamil

Traditionally clad Zulu women at President Zuma’s wedding

Thobeka Madiba, arrives for her wedding

ceremony with South African President Jacob

were to get its way is either driving polygamy

underground or persecuting polygamists.
Utah’s Tapestry Against Polygamy states in this
regard: “Pure and simple: polygamy is against
the law and should be prosecuted.” This sounds
Guests dined on traditional Zulu foods, and attendees were
irrational in a country where not only was a re-
told that more than a dozen sheep, goats and cows had
cent president a notorious adulterer, but such been slaughtered for the feast. Wedding guest Sipho
revered American presidents as Franklin Delano Msomi, a cattle herder, said President Zuma’s wedding
Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. made him proud to be Zulu, South Africa's largest ethnic
Kennedy were known to have extramarital af- group.
fairs− informal polygamists, were they not?
Such is American social-psychology. In Ger- have been going on for thousands of years and
many it is common public knowledge that male it’s doubtful that the 21st century will stop
politicians often have paramours. Recently the them. What will probably happen before the
wife of Northern Ireland First Minister Peter 21st century is over is that people will draw up
Robinson was exposed as deceptively polyan- their own contracts of emotional association
drous. Do we accuse her of enslaving the First according to mutual consent and desire be-
Minister? He discovered his wife’s adultery and tween the parties and governments will recog-
didn’t divorce her, which implicates him in cas- nize the validity of each contract for such mat-
ual polyandry. ters as joint bank accounts, next of kin legal
Marriage is both an emotional and legal functions, material obligations and emotional
contract. The legal aspects serve civil rights and complaints− including divorce.
law purposes; emotions are the essence. Polyg-
amy and polyandry don’t have to be legalized to
be a fact of life; just as homosexual marriages
don’t have to be recognized by law to be emo-
tionally and socially functional. These things
28 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Political Economy Commentary

Surmounting Recession
By Muhammed Kamil


L ike the Great Depression that destabilized

the world in 1929 the seismic recession of
2008 resulted from macro-economic myopia, as
well as imprudent corporate management and
financial market practices. Had the crisis man-
agement expertise not been up to the challenge
and governments not acted swiftly and smartly
the 2008 financial market debacle could have
been worse than the 1929 stock market crash
because the imprudence had a derivative dimen- Lehman Brothers building at Times Square symbolized over
sion that was not a significant factor 80 years 150 years of successful financial market dealing until im-
earlier. By increasingly concentrating economic prudent speculation suddenly caused its collapse in 2008
opportunities at the elite levels of the financial
cial market trading were more numerous and
establishment an asymmetrical relationship de-
complex in 2008 than in 1929, in both cases ex-
veloped between the incentives to make money
cessive risk taking led to defaults and bloated
in financial markets and capacity of employees
stock values that crashed the economy, as con-
and entrepreneurs in the real economy to pay
tracts and stocks lost their values.
their debts− particularly those taking credit in
Regulatory regimes are designed to set the
the subprime market where credit approval re-
rules for and monitor financial market activities
quirements were below the conventional prime
so that they benefit both the companies dealing
market rating levels− and to put enough cash
in them and the economy at large. In the global-
into consumption to substantiate the value of
ization age not only is compatibility of regula-
assets underlying derivative (debt market, fu-
tory regimes necessary to maintain global finan-
tures ) trading. In the lead up to both the 1929
cial market equilibrium, but regulators must
Great Recession and the 2008 seismic recession
constantly monitor the introduction of new fi-
global industrial production fell significantly.
nancial instruments and understand all the
From 2006 to 2008 industrial production rates
ways in which they could possibly impact the
fell in Germany [by 20%], Japan [30%], France
markets and overall economic stability. How-
[15%], Russia [18%], Brazil [22%], Sweden [17%],
ever, the liberalization of regulatory regimes
Mexico [10%], USA [15%] and UK [10%]. The rate
during the Clinton era (1992-2000) and repeal
of industrial production decline was lower in the
of legislation limiting both the volume and types
U.S.A. and U.K. where the financial crisis first
of bank investment risk opened the way for
manifest but no doubt exposure to derivative
mergers and acquisitions that not only in-
and subprime risks was greater in these coun-
creased risk of bank depositors but gave rise to
tries. Markets stability in an economy depends
the “Too big to fail” category of financial com-
on symmetry between demand and supply
panies, leaving governments with no reasonable
throughout the system. Whenever asymmetry in
option but to bail them out once they were on
the demand/supply equation occurs in any part
the verge of collapse from bad risk taking. When
of the economy nexus there are consequences
158 year old Lehman Brothers filed for bank-
such as default, inflation and deflation that have
ruptcy on September 15, 2008 the alarm had
destabilizing impact; the degree depending on
rung and panic shook down markets throughout
magnitude. Although the instruments of finan-
the world.
29 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Political Economy Commentary Surmounting Recession By M. Kamil
Lehman Brothers’ troubles began in the
early 1980s when internal friction between in-
vestment bankers and traders resulted in the
latter wrestling control of the company, where-
upon former trader Lewis Gluksman edged out
successful career corporate Chief Executive Offi-
cer Peter Peterson who had led the firm to five
consecutive years of record profits. Gluksman
imprudently managed Lehman Brothers to the
point where in 1984 it had to be sold. Shearson/
American Express, an American Express-owned
securities company focused on brokerage rather
than investment banking, acquired Lehman
Brothers in 1984 for $360 million. On May 11,
1984 the combined firms became Shearson Leh-
man/American Express. In 1993 American Ex-
press spun off Lehman Brothers in the course of
divesting itself of banking and brokerage busi-
ness, whereby the Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
that finally collapsed in 2008 was established.
While Lehman Brothers’ investment manage-
ment business generated $3.1 billion in net prof-
Franklin Delano Roosevelt who became America’s president
its for 2007, its toxic assets in the subprime
at the height of the Great Depression like Obama increased
mortgage market, where it securitized loans of the public debt to rescue the economy. When conservative
retail mortgage financers, sent the firm into advisors pressured him to balance the budget during his sec-
bankruptcy the following year. ond of four terms the economy dipped back into recession,
Apart from the regulatory issues, many vital highlighting the hard choices involved in rescuing an econ-
questions about the ethical structure of free omy from devastating mismanagement. .
market capitalism have been raised by the de-
fault of a substantial number of citizens in the banks, throughout the world. However, officials
world’s wealthiest country, the United States of in America’s regulatory system had from the
America, on their home mortgage loans to cause beginning of Madoff’s “Ponzi scheme” faulted
a seismic recession that could have become a Madoff’s dealings and called for investigation,
second great depression had the U.S.A. and but there was no order for one. President
other governments around the world, many of Obama described regulators as “sleeping at the
whom are U.S. Government Bond holders, not switch”, but looking at the full financial market
quickly injected massive financing into their and capitalist pictures we see that the philoso-
economies. Surveys have shown that American phy of laissez faire, contrary to what Adam
households give priority to making their mort- Smith meant when he coined the term, has
gage payments; and this was no doubt an impor- been distorted to inspire a culture of greed.
tant part of the rationale behind establishing the Some Wall Street philosophers were naïve
subprime market. Financial instrument traders enough to publicly advocate economic virtues
driven by bonuses on sales income incentives and benefit of greed; but this has only shown
may have abandoned prudence for greed, but that laissez faire capitalists are so obsessed with
the fact remains that companies like Lehman luxurious living within their elite social circles
Brothers which securitized sub-prime mortgages that not enough of them were thinking about
were professional market players who knew the structural implications of the world’s
meeting demand was a fundamental principle of wealthiest economy having to institute sub-
the market economy. prime mortgages to meet the demand of many
Financial market fraud also played a signifi- working class families for a private residence.
cant role in the 2008 seismic recession. Bernard The CEO of Ferrari, Amedeo Felisa, in an-
Madoff’s $65 billion fraud betrayed the confi- nouncing that 2008 was the highest sales vol-
dence of thousands of investors, including major ume year in his company’s history remarked,
30 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Political Economy Commentary Surmounting Recession By M. Kamil
‘Six thousand people were crazy enough to buy
our cars this year with the lowest priced model
going for $250,000.’ Demand for goods only the
super rich could afford peaked in the same year
that the world fell into its worst economic crisis
in 79 years. The problem is that while the super
rich may hold the bulk of the world’s assets, they
cannot possibly consume enough to sustain all
their own investments. Ferrari boasted its best
year since commencing business in 1947− only
6,000 cars; while companies manufacturing the
millions of cars for average consumers were los-
ing and collapsing. Investors expect businesses
and economies to expand; that is an essence of
the competitive objective. For businesses and
economies to sustain expansion public purchas-
ing power must expand, which means that elimi-
nating poverty and promoting a universally mid-
dle class socio-economic model offers the best
prospects for corporate and macroeconomic ex-
Another indication of capitalist cultural dis-
order is the gap between skills and demand in
job markets. On top of that is the lag in creating
renewable energy jobs, given the prevailing intel-
lectual realization that environmentally consider-
ate, renewable energy is essential to sustaining
2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammed Yunus of Bang-
modern life on earth long term. Stimulus pack-
ladesh, dubbed “Banker to the Poor” conceptualized micro-
ages devised by governments to prevent seismic finance in 1976, advancing the theory that socio-economic
recession from degenerating into depression development can only be measured by the Gross Domestic
have included investment in green technology; Product (GDP) of the bottom 50% of the population and
but considering all the documentaries, features poverty alleviation by measuring GDP growth of the bottom
and advertisements informing us about new en- 25%. Professor Yunus was given the Nobel Prize in respect of
ergy resources, including the world’s first carbon his success in alleviating poverty through micro-credit pro-
neutral city under development in Abu Dhabi, grams in many parts of the world, including Arkansas share-
the pace of green jobs development in the West- croppers while Bill Clinton was state governor.
ern industrial nations seems dilatory. China, by
contrast, already has a city with a population of 3 ployment in the richest Western countries is in
million, Rizhao, on the way to being entirely the vicinity of 10% and in Spain nearly 20%; yet
powered by solar energy. Climate Leadership thousands of new jobs are being offered for
Group Clinton Foundations estimates that solar which there is insufficient qualified applicants.
power water heaters which are in 99% of Riz- Moreover, the earnings levels at the elite
hao’s residences save households on average levels of the economy continue growing much
$120 a year. faster than at the lower and middle levels. For
The rationale of bloating national debts to example, in the late 1990s executive income in
provide stimulus packages was not only that they the United States was on average 70 times
were unavoidable if depression was to be more than that of industrial workers. Rectifying
averted, but also that investment in new tech- these asymmetries is fundamental to ultimately
nology would generate new wealth and higher surmounting recession.
quality jobs. It makes sense, but time is of the
essence. The banking system throughout the
world is rebounding and most major economies
are at least marginally out of recession. Unem-
31 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Political Economy Commentary

Social Democracy Redefined

By Muhammed Kamil


T he question is now being asked:

has capitalism become an anach-
ronism? While we acknowledge capital
accumulation as a strategic imperative
for socio-economic progress and free-
dom of enterprise is essential for un-
fettered human potential development
and should everywhere be enshrined
as a fundamental human right, it
wouldn’t hurt if capitalism ceased be- Participants in the session Skills Creation: The Future of
ing an ideology and the term purged from our Employment, at the Annual Meeting of the 2010 World
lexicon as an anachronism. Perhaps we should Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 27 to 31
substitute for capitalism a redefined social de-
chies and provoking social tensions and revolt,
mocracy that emphasizes universal wealth gen-
which start as common crime and usually lead
eration potential development rather than social
to political turmoil or upheavals.
Africans and people in other Global South
A principal lesson of the industrial, techno-
countries have been questioning capitalism’s
logical and digital ages is that rationalization of
relevance since the beginning of their post-
interests common to all socio-economic classes is
colonial experiences. Institutionalization of
both necessary and possible; whereas heedless
parastatals occurred not simply because only
polarization of class interests has proven disrup-
governments could organize the capital re-
tive. Ultimately economic policy is made in the
quired for infrastructural development, but also
political system; therefore free political discourse
because of popular and intellectual sentiments
in which all social strata have sufficient access to
against creation of oligarchy. However, no-
the media and constitutional structures that pro-
where was there the foresight to realize that
mote universal human potential development as
the parastatals which invariably politicized eco-
both strategic and ethical bases of national and
nomic opportunities were doomed to manage-
regional development are necessary. Our vision
ment failure and that the risks of promoting a
should not simply be to eradicate poverty but to
popular equity economic culture by selling
create societies that are predominately middle
shares in them once they were established was
class. Invariably expansion of the middle class
worth taking. By the 1980s African governments
and minimization of poverty would generate
were being pressured by the IMF to sell off their
more wealth for the upper classes; just as do-
parastatals and in most instances they ended up
mestic production of consumer goods for the
owned by foreign investors; hence, African
rich should mean higher earnings for industrial
countries were not only suffering the lingering
workers, craftsmen and engineers. Removing
drainpipe impact of the parastatals on their
capitalism as an ideological imperative from the
economies but were now faced with situations
premises opens our rationalism to the advan-
where the value of their currencies would be
tages of balancing class interests for optimal so-
increasingly pressurized downwards by the de-
cial stability, rather than indulgence of the com-
mand for foreign exchange to facilitate growing
mon tendency to risk social stability by obses-
profit repatriation. We cannot reverse such
sively serving capitalism; thereby creating oligar-
situations overnight but it highlights once again
32 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Political Commentary Social Democracy Redefined By Muhammed Kamil
the importance of domestic and re-
gional capital market development to
Africa’s future.
By the end of the last century
the 14 states member African Stock
Exchanges Association (ASEA) had
signed an agreement in Abuja to inte-
grate their listings. The technology
was not yet installed to facilitate re-
alization of this but it was a strategic
and historical step forward. It re-
flected a vision towards capital inte-
gration as vital to regional and conti-
nental economic integration as well
as a vision towards “popular capitali-
zation” through the stock markets. In
South Africa the Congress of South The informal economy is the principal employer in Cotonou,
African Trade Unions (COSATU) had already capital of Benin Republic
taken the unprecedented step of buying large
holdings in listed companies, marking a major on some trading activity. Licensing for such resi-
step towards merging the interests of capital dence based enterprises could be obtained
and labor in the country. Foreign pension funds from the local government through simple pro-
had long been investors in Johannesburg Stock cedure. Production is typically carried out by
Exchange (JSE) securities, but there had also household members or by kinsmen who live
been substantial withdrawal of pension funds nearby. Allowing cottage industries to flourish,
causing considerable de-capitalization of JSE in without protecting big industries that they suc-
the mid 1990s. Since the 1990s there has been cessfully compete against reflects more of a
discussion in emerging African capital markets social democratic model of economics than
about how to increase popular access to capital capitalism and helps reduce unemployment.
markets, for both purchases and commodity Fortunately, the 1993 Revised Treaty of the Eco-
trading. Substantiation of such vision will come nomic Community of West African States
in time but what is now important is that we (ECOWAS) contains a protocol on West African
have a vision to broadening the participation of citizens’ right to settlement in any country in
Africa’s people in the capital markets. the community they choose provided one is self
Nigeria is a country of cottage industries -employed, opening the way for small scale en-
and small scale traders, which reflects the wide trepreneurship emigration within the region.
inclination to independent entrepreneurship. As An employment survey of West African
cottage industry technology advances we can countries taken by Lagos published African
expect Nigerians to increasingly engage in cot- Economy magazine in the mid 1990s that took
tage industry production. In middle class Lagos the informal sector into consideration had sub-
quarters such as Ikeja and Apapa, many resi- stantially lower unemployment rates than those
dences have business signs and in the Gwagwal- published by the Bretton Woods institutions
ada suburb of Abuja where I lived almost every and most significantly employment in Benin Re-
house, including my own, had some kind of public was rated at 100%. Benin is one of the
small scale commercial production machine. least industrialized countries in West Africa, but
Garments, purified water, grain grinding, choco- along with Togo is known to have a freely oper-
late drink powder, digital printing, lithography, ating informal sector. No doubt many self-
letter printing, book binding, school note book employed people in Benin lived in poverty, but
production, sliced and branded bread, cosmet- so did many, if not most of West Africa’s indus-
ics, laundry and beauty soap are commonly pro- trial workers. Hence, social justice in this envi-
duced in Nigerian cottage industries, apart from ronment requires incentives to self-employed
computer assembly and maintenance. Many of people and cottage industries, including micro-
the houses having such machines also carried finance schemes; leaving those who would like
33 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Political Commentary Social Democracy Redefined By Muhammed Kamil
to make larger investments to invest in utilities,
aviation, railways, banks, insurance companies
and heavy industry and also in the develop-
ment, importation and distribution of cottage
industry technologies. Habitat development,
particularly for low and lower middle income
households, including long and medium term
financing is an area in which all levels of local
and foreign investors are needed.
Agricultural cooperatives in Africa have not
historically had an impressive performance re-
cord, but perhaps we can glean some useful
lessons from the experience of small town hold-
ing companies in Turkey, which have played a
major role in the country’s industrial and com-
mercial development. Here too, capital markets
must be structured to accommodate mobiliza-
tion of community investment in local conglom-
erates. Regulatory systems must also be de-
signed to monitor and enforce proper standards
Le Ramatou Motel is one of the many cozy relaxation
on community based capital market operations.
spots owned by Africans in Lomé, Togo
At the same time, regional and continental
economic integration must continue developing tal goods manufacture and marketing are also
with capital market integration being promoted essential to cottage industry proliferation.
to the extent that citizens and companies in less Popular access to and participation in capi-
developed economies can buy equities in com- tal markets promises to broaden stake-holdings
panies based in Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt and in the free enterprise systems, while increasing
Kenya. We would like to see the day when auto- trade volumes on the secondary markets and
mobile importers in Africa own shares in the raising the prospects for new stock issues on
South African automobile manufacturers that the primary markets; meaning not only greater
they import from, when Guineans can buy income for capital market operators but also
shares in the Nigerian aluminum smelting com- creation of new capital market jobs as new
panies that import their bauxite and Liberians structures are devised and established to facili-
can buy shares in the Nigerian tire manufactur- tate popular access to securities, as well as
ing companies that import and use their rubber. regulation of the new structures.
In this model comparative advantage does nec- Continued capital market integration
essarily perpetuate a neo-colonial relationship promises enhanced systematic capital integra-
between African countries that have greater tion in Africa as well as strategic and timely
potential for heavy industry development than movement of capital. Here too new job oppor-
others. tunities arise for technology providers and infor-
Many Africans already either augment mation publishers and broadcasters. Expansion
their incomes or entirely sustain themselves of stake-holding at all levels from the household
from cottage industries. Cottage industries’ to big industries and financial corporations en-
popular economic empowerment prospects hances social democracy, broadening opportu-
largely depend on technology availability and nities for individual and community potential
advancement. Their proliferation would gener- development and economic empowerment,
ate opportunities for internationally established while strengthening and further modernizing
brands, quality control services and professional the economic superstructure. Stake-holding ex-
marketing companies. In all of this we would pansion also promises to be a boon for political
see socio-economic progress, enriching the stability and social cohesion in maturing African
quality of both individual and household life, democracies.
plus new opportunities for large corporations.
Research & Development, cottage industry capi-
34 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
2010 Annual Letter from Bill Gates: Introduction
downturn. 2009 started with no one knowing
how long the financial crisis would last and how
damaging its effects would be. Looking back
now, we can say that the market hit a bottom in
March and that in the second half of the year the
economy stopped shrinking and started to grow
again. I talked to Warren Buffett, our co-trustee,
more than ever this year to try to understand
what was going on in the economy.

Although the acute financial crisis is over, the

economy is still weak, and the world will spend a
lot of years undoing the damage, which includes
lingering unemployment and huge government
deficits and debts at record levels. Later in the
letter I’ll talk more about the effects of these
deficits on governments’ foreign aid budgets.
Despite the tough economy, I am still very opti-
mistic about the progress we can make in the
years ahead. A combination of scientific innova-
tions and great leaders who are working on be-
half of the world’s poorest people will continue
to improve the human condition.

One particular highlight from the year came last

T his is my second annual letter. The focus of

this year’s letter is innovation and how it
can make the difference between a bleak future
summer, when I traveled to India to learn about
innovative programs they have recently added
to their health system. The health statistics from
and a bright one. northern India are terrible—nearly 10 percent of
children there die before the age of 5. In re-
2009 was the first year my full-time work was as sponse, the Indian government is committed to
co-chair of the foundation, along with Melinda increasing its focus and spending on health. On
and my dad. It’s been an incredible year and I the trip I got to talk to Nitish Kumar, the chief
enjoyed having lots of time to meet with the minister of Bihar, one of the poorest states in
innovators working on some of the world’s most India, and hear about some great work he is do-
important problems. I got to go out and talk with ing to improve vaccination rates. I also got to
people making progress in the field, ranging meet with Rahul Gandhi, who is part of a new
from teachers in North Carolina to health work- generation of political leaders focused on mak-
ers fighting polio in India to dairy farmers in ing sure these investments are well spent. The
Kenya. Seeing the work firsthand reminds me of foundation is considering funding measurement
how urgent the needs are as well as how chal- systems to help improve these programs. Rahul
lenging it is to get all the right pieces to come was very frank in saying that right now a lot of
together. I love my new job and feel lucky to get the money is not getting to the intended recipi-
to focus my time on these problems. ents and that it won’t be easy to fix. His open-
ness was refreshing, since many politicians won’t
The global recession hit hard in 2009 and is a say anything that might discourage a donor from
huge setback. The neediest suffer the most in a giving more. He explained how organizing local
35 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
2010 Annual Letter from Bill Gates

From left: Visiting a smallholder dairy farm in Kabiyet (Rift Valley Province, Kenya, 2009); Indian politician Rahul Gan-
dhi speaking in Raipur Phulwari (Uttar Pradesh, India, 2008); cassava research laboratory at the National Crops Re-
sources Research Institute (Namulonge, Uganda, 2009).

groups, primarily of women, and making sure pick the best ideas. If we project what the world
they watch over the spending is one tactic he will be like 10 years from now without innova-
has seen make a big difference. The long-term tion in health, education, energy, or food, the
commitment to measuring results and improving picture is quite bleak. Health costs for the rich
the delivery systems that I heard from him and will escalate, forcing tough trade-offs and keep-
other young politicians assured me that health in ing the poor stuck in the bad situation they are
India will improve substantially in the decade in today. In the United States, rising education
ahead. costs will mean that fewer people will be able to
get a great college education and the public K–
In India, just like everywhere else we work, the 12 system will still be doing a poor job for the
needs of the poor are greater than the resources underprivileged. We will have to increase the
available to help them solve their problems. It is price of energy to reduce consumption, and the
important to get more money, but that alone poor will suffer from both this higher cost and
will not solve the big problems. This is why the effects of climate change. In food we will
Melinda and I are such big believers in innova- have big shortages because we won’t have
tions that allow you to do a lot more for the enough land to feed the world’s growing popula-
same cost. tion and support its richer diet.

During the last two centuries, there have been a However, I am optimistic that innovations will
huge number of innovations that have funda- allow us to avoid these bleak outcomes. In the
mentally changed the human condition—more United States, advances in online learning and
than doubling our life span and giving us cheap new ways to help teachers improve will make a
energy and more food. Society underinvests in great education more accessible than ever. With
innovation in general but particularly in two im- vaccines, drugs, and other improvements, health
portant areas. One area is innovations that in poor countries will continue to get better, and
would mostly benefit poor people—there is too people will choose to have smaller families. With
little investment here because the poor can’t better seeds, training, and access to markets,
generate a market demand. The second area is farmers in poor countries will be able to grow
sectors like education or preventative health more food. The world will find clean ways to pro-
services, where there isn’t an agreed-upon duce electricity at a lower cost, and more people
measure of excellence to tell the market how to will lift themselves out of poverty.

36 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation It is critical that we understand in advance what
might prevent an innovation from succeeding at
2010 Annual Letter from Bill Gates scale. For work in developing countries, the lack
of skilled workers or electricity might be a key
Although innovation is unpredictable, there is a constraint. For work with teachers, we need an
lot that governments, private companies, and approach to measuring their effectiveness that
foundations can do to accelerate it. Rich govern- they will welcome as a chance to improve rather
ments need to spend more on research and de- than reject because they think it’s more over-
velopment, for instance, and we need better head or fear that it might be capricious. Even
measurement systems in health and education with the best efforts to make sure we under-
to determine what works. stand the challenges, we need intermediate
milestones so we can look at what we have
Melinda and I see our foundation’s key role as learned about the technology or the delivery
investing in innovations that would not other- constraints and either adjust the design or de-
wise be funded. This draws not only on our back- cide that the project should end. We are focused
grounds in technology but also on the founda- on strong measurement systems and sharing our
tion’s size and ability to take a long-term view results where we have successes but also where
and take large risks on new approaches. Warren we have failures. Innovation proceeds more rap-
Buffett put it well in 2006 when he told us, idly when different parties can build on each
“Don’t just go for safe projects. You can bat a other’s work and avoid going down the same
thousand in this game if you want to by doing dead end that others have gone down.
nothing important. Or you’ll bat something less
than that if you take on the really tough prob- To provide some examples, in the chart below, I
lems.” We are backing innovations in education, show nine innovations we are investing in, bro-
food, and health as well as some related areas ken into sections for each of the foundation’s
like savings for the poor. Later in the letter I talk three divisions. Overall we have about 30 inno-
about why we don’t currently see a role for the vations we are backing. Although the list below
foundation in energy. includes only one new vaccine and one new
seed, we are funding vaccines for several dis-
We have a framework for deciding which inno- eases (malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis, etc.) and new
vations we get behind. A key criterion for us is seeds for many crops (corn, rice, wheat, sor-
that once the innovation is proven, the cost of ghum, etc.). For each innovation I show the time
maintaining it needs to be much lower than the frame, beneficiaries, and constraints. A few
benefit, so that individuals or governments will things we do, like disaster relief and scholar-
want to keep it going when we are no longer ships, do not fit this model, but over 90 percent
involved. Many things we could fund don’t meet of our work does.
this requirement, so we stay away from them.
Another consideration for us is the ability to find
partners with excellent teams of people who will
benefit from significant resources over a period
of 5 to 15 years.

Our framework involves funding a range of ideas

with different levels of risk that they could fail.
The ones with low risk are where the innovation
has been proven at a small scale and the chal-
lenge is to scale up the delivery. High-risk inno-
vations require the invention of new tools. Some
are at the frontiers of science, such as finding a
new drug and running a large trial to see how
well it works. Other high-risk efforts involve
changing social practices, such as persuading
men at risk of getting HIV to get circumcised.
37 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Big Bill
By Muhammed Kamil


B ack in 1992, the first time a friend in Lagos

showed me Microsoft’s Encarta
(multimedia) Encyclopedia I declared after an
other health, education and agriculture dona-
tions. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has
since 1998 poured more than $860 million into
hour sitting at his PC and going through it that fighting malaria and some $650 million into the
Bill Gates deserved to be the richest man in the Global Fund for fighting HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis
world. Then came Microsoft Windows, one had and malaria. Much of the money has gone into
to learn how to use the newly introduced mouse funding research for high-tech, high-impact solu-
and computing which seemed quite amazing tions, although basic solutions like bed-nets –to
with MS-DOS (Microsoft Disc Operating System) the tune of $64 million−have been financed for
now unimaginably opened up a new world of immediate impact.
productive and creative opportunities; for writ- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works
ers and publishers, programmers, system design- with a range of public and private partners, in-
ers and administrative offices. Dbase (Data Base cluding savings banks and credit unions, to help
Management System) gave full practical tangibil- make micro-finance−particular savings accounts
ity to the claim that the PC was a digital filing
cabinet. Then Microsoft Office, with Microsoft
Word and Excel, put market leaders Word Per-
fect and Lotus 1-2-3 virtually out of business.
Whereas Word Perfect had a complicated tem-
plate to be memorized before fully using it, MS-
Word had all commands on a categorized series
of drop-down menus that one could master
without taking a course. Windows progressed
from the 97 and 98 versions, to the 2000 and
Millennium versions and finally to XP, with XP
2007 delivering optimal satisfaction. Compatible
product development strategies with Intel, Sea-
gate and Hewlett Packard (HP) put at PC users’
disposal speed of light data processing, massive
storage space, image and text scanners, desktop
printers and a wide variety of digital printing
presses, up to 120 color pages a minute, collating
and printing front and back simultaneously.
When Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates retired
from the company, while still in his 40s, and
along with his wife Melinda dedicated his life to
philanthropy it dawned on me that there is no
greater person of our times.
Concerned all along with the future of hu-
man society, Bill Gates’ donation of $10 billion
over the next ten years for research to develop
vaccines for tropical diseases is now added to his
38 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Personality Big Bill By Muhammed Kamil
− widely accessible to poor people throughout tell the next American president to improve the
the developing world. The short to medium term country’s competitiveness and innovation, Seat-
goal is to double the number of poor clients. tle, Washington born and raised Bill Gates re-
Tech savvy BMGF teams work with mobile plied, “I tend to think more about improving the
phone companies, banks and microfinance insti- entire world as opposed to relative positions.”
tutions, and others to explore agent banking When once asked if he had his eye on a future in
systems based in post offices and retail outlets politics Bill Gates unhesitatingly replied that run-
to extend financial services into neighborhoods. ning for public office was not the way he oper-
Part of the strategy is to connect networks of ated. No less focused on solving global human
small credit unions and other community-owned problems than he was on developing the pros-
financial institutions to each other and the na- pects for Personal Computer usage, Bill Gates
tional payments system to increase the value of has built up a league of institutional and individ-
deposit accounts held locally—since people can ual associates around the world that include
use deposit accounts anywhere. BMGF also sup- Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases,
ports the startup and growth of new banks. In World Food Program (WFP), Cornell University
addition, the Foundation supports research into and former United Nations Secretary General
how to most efficiently deliver micro-credit and Kofi Annan, chair of the Gates Foundation
other financial services to the poor. All of this is funded African Green Revolution. The Bill &
done with Bill Gates’ characteristic confidence Melinda Gates Foundation’s laudable motto is
that solutions exist and can be discovered with “All Lives Have Equal Value”.
dedicated ingenuity. Worldwide $69.8 million in We occasionally get from the media claims
grants have been awarded by the Foundation to that Bill Gates ties self interest into his philan-
expand access of poor people to financial ser- thropy, but as a digital technology innovator and
vices tailored for their situations, with $10 mil- business empire builder the better off people all
lion of that in Africa (spread between DR Congo, over the world are economically the better it
Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, would be for his business; though one suspects
Tanzania, and Uganda). Additionally $35 million such claims in the American press are exagger-
is earmarked over a four-year period to establish ated. Whatever the case, doing good and making
a global policy facility that will help countries money at it so that you have the resources to
adopt and implement pro-poor policy solutions expand the good you do makes good sense. The
more quickly, with a view to enabling 50 million anti-trust cases against Mr. Gates during the
people living on less than $2 (U.S.) per day to 1990s gave him a reputation as a ruthless busi-
access safe, convenient, and affordable financial nessman. He has sometimes been compared by
services. commentators to the notoriously ruthless John
Working with the Kofi Annan chaired Alli- D. Rockefeller, the world’s wealthiest man dur-
ance for a Green Revolution in Africa the Gates ing the early part of the 20th century, but in a
Foundation has earmarked $341.8 million in very significant way he is much more like Henry
grants in support of farmer productivity and Ford. Rockefeller was a hard nosed wheeler and
market access projects over six-years. Countries dealer, but Ford and Gates have in common that
involved in these projects are Angola, Ethiopia, they became wealthy through technological in-
Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Burkina Faso, Côte novation; Ford the motor car and assembly line;
d’Ivoire, Senegal, Cameroun, Mozambique, Ni- Gates mini and micro computer programming.
ger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Gates’ father, who co-chairs the Foundation
Zambia. Projects include a soil health program. along with Bill and Melinda, recalled that when
The African Agriculture Technology Foundation his son was growing up he loved competition
has received a $42 million grant to help develop and hated to lose, even when playing inconse-
drought tolerant maize in Kenya, Tanzania, quential games like Monopoly. That is no doubt
Uganda and South Africa, in addition to $57.6 the American spirit, but it is a credit to Bill that
million granted for worldwide projects. For India he has dedicated himself to globally enriching
a $27.1 million grant has been given to help de- the quality of our lives. That the world’s wealthi-
velop and deliver affordable irrigation technolo- est person is also its greatest achiever tells us
gies to small farmers. that the world is not always and necessarily un-
When asked in June 2008 what he would fair.
39 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International Women’s Day

World marks International Women's Day

Author Zahra Rahnavard, wife of Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Moussavi, meets with women's rights activ-
ists in Tehran

(CNN) -- The world marked International

Women's Day on Monday, March 8th, an annual The 100th anniversary of the occasion,
celebration that highlights their economic, politi- marked with the slogan 'Equal Rights, Equal
cal and social achievements. Opportunities: Progress for All', saw rallies,
"International Women's Day is the story of
ordinary women as makers of history; it is rooted
seminars and assemblies take place around
in the centuries-old struggle of women to partici- the globe.
pate in society on an equal footing with men,"
the United Nations says. flict, the group said.
The day was marked for the first time in the On a bridge between Rwanda and the De-
early 1900s. More than 1 million women and mocratic Republic of Congo -- countries marred
men attended rallies in Austria, Denmark, Ger- by internal violence -- thousands of women will
many and Switzerland in 1911, according to the gather in support of peace and development, the
United Nations. They demanded that women be group said.
given the right to vote and to hold public office, While a celebration of progress, Interna-
and an end to job discrimination. tional Women's Day is also a time to acknowl-
"It is a time to reflect on progress made, to edge the struggles women still grapple with
call for change and to celebrate acts of courage around the globe.
and determination by ordinary women who have Sarah Brown, wife of UK Prime Minister
played an extraordinary role in the history of Gordon Brown, joined thousands of demonstra-
women's rights," the United Nations said. tors on London's Millennium Bridge on Monday
Women for Women International is spon- in a stand against obstacles faced by women.
soring peace demonstrations on bridges in 70 "There are still too many women suffering
locations. The event will "honor the resilience of in pregnancy, childbirth, no access to good
millions of women survivors of war around the health care, suffering from violence, suffering in
world" and push for peace instead of armed con- all kinds of ways," Brown told CNN. "I think
40 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International Women’s Day

Kathryn Bigelow on the eve of International Women's Day became the first woman to win an Oscar for directing

women all around the world feel a greater sense In Iran, female activists were honored Sun-
of solidarity for campaigning for better human day by author Zahra Rahnavard, wife of Iranian
rights." opposition leader Mir Hossein Moussavi, in cele-
Hundreds of white balloons were released bration of International Women's Day.
to signal the marchers' desire for peace and About 30 of Iran's most prominent women's
equality. rights activists and their supporters held a pri-
A push for equality in India prompted angry vate gathering in Tehran. Rahnavard declared
protests, which disrupted the Parliament several that the opposition movement was still alive. She
times Monday in a bid to thwart a landmark bill said the movement would not forget the sacri-
that would reserve one-third of the seats in fed- fices by women who were jailed, beaten or died
eral and state legislatures for women. While the in the post-election protests last year. Women,
president is a woman -- Pratibha Devisingh Patil treated as second-class citizens under Iranian
is India's first female president -- women make law, were noticeably front and center at the
up just 11 percent of the members of the lower massive demonstrations after the disputed elec-
house of the Indian Parliament. tion in June.
On Saturday, Indian Prime Minister Manmo- "This year these women are now much
han Singh vowed to work for greater female rep- more visible," said Nadya Khalife, a gender
resentation in the country's democratic process, equality researcher for Human Rights Watch in
citing Women's Day as a time to "reaffirm our Beirut, Lebanon. "But Iranian women are not
government's commitment to all-round social, only battling gender discrimination, they are also
economic and political empowerment of our battling heightened political tensions."
women." Gender Equality for Iran, an activist organi-
Half of India's female population cannot zation, launched a renewed campaign for
read or write, authorities say. women's rights to mark International Women's
41 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International Women’s Day
Day, the group said. The cam-
paign, Call for Solidarity: Free-
dom and Gender Equality in Iran,
is calling for the release of all po-
litical prisoners and an end to
government-sponsored repres-
sion, the group said.
U.S. Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton, who has made
women's rights a key aspect of
her international agenda, said
Monday that women still have a
long way to go in obtaining full
"Women are still the major-
ity of the world's poor, un-
healthy, underfed, and unedu-
cated," Clinton said in a video Symbol of African Women’s Progress Former
message posted on the State De- Liberian Finance Minister, Liberian Bank for Develop-
partment Web site. "They rarely ment & Investment President and Senator, Ellen John-
cause violent conflicts but too son-Sirleaf on January 16, 2006 became Africa’s first
often bear their consequences. democratically elected woman president. Madam
Women are absent from negotia- Johnson-Sirleaf, a Harvard University graduate, has
tions about peace and security to also served as Citicorp Vice President and UNDP Af-
end those conflicts. Their voices rica Bureau Director.
Aside from being a world class technocrat
simply are not being heard."
Madam Johnson-Sirleaf has an enduring record of
She repeated her words standing up for transparency, good governance and
from a speech she made at the democracy, for which she had been jailed and har-
1995 United Nations Fourth assed by successive Liberian governments.
World Conference on Women in On January 25, 2010, she announced that she
Beijing: "Human rights are would seek a second term of office in 2011.
women's rights, and women's
rights are human rights."

Women’s progress quest through the 20th Century, into the 21st
International Women's Day has been observed NWD on the last Sunday of February until 1913.
since the early 1900's, a time of great expansion
and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw 1910 In 1910 a second International Conference of
booming population growth and the rise of radical Working Women was held in Copenhagen. A
ideologies. woman named a Clara Zetkin (Leader of the
1908 Great unrest and critical debate was occur- 'Women's Office' for the Social Democratic Party in
ring amongst women. Women's oppression and Germany) tabled the idea of an International
inequality was spurring women to become more Women's Day. She proposed that every year in
vocal and active in campaigning for change. Then every country there should be a celebration on the
in 1908, 15,000 women marched through New same day - a Women's Day - to press for their de-
York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and mands. The conference of over 100 women from
voting rights. 17 countries, representing unions, socialist parties,
working women's clubs, and including the first
1909 In accordance with a declaration by the So- three women elected to the Finnish parliament,
cialist Party of America, the first National Woman's greeted Zetkin's suggestion with unanimous ap-
Day (NWD) was observed across the United States proval and thus International Women's Day was
on 28 February. Women continued to celebrate the result.
42 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International Women’s Day Women’s Progress Quest into the 21st Century
1911 Following the decision agreed at Copen-
hagen in 1911, International Women's Day
(IWD) was honored the first time in Austria,
Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on 19
March. More than one million women and men
attended IWD rallies campaigning for women's
rights to work, vote, be trained, to hold public
office and end discrimination. However less
than a week later on 25 March, the tragic
'Triangle Fire' in New York City took the lives of
more than 140 working women, most of them
Italian and Jewish immigrants. This disastrous
event drew significant attention to working con-
ditions and labour legislation in the United
States that became a focus of subsequent Inter-
national Women's Day events. 1911 also saw
women's 'Bread and Roses' campaign.

1913-1914 On the eve of World War I cam-

paigning for peace, Russian women observed
their first International Women's Day on the last
Sunday in February 1913. In 1913 following dis-
cussions, International Women's Day was trans-
ferred to 8 March and this day has remained the
global date for International Wommen's Day
ever since. In 1914 further women across
Europe held rallies to campaign against the war
and to express women's solidarity.
Native American woman shot at the World Body Painting Festival
1917 On the last Sunday of February, Russian 2009 in Seeboden, Austria. Body painting Artist: Mark Reid.
women began a strike for "bread and peace" in
response to the death over 2 million Russian by the United Nations. Women's organizations
soldiers in war. Opposed by political leaders the and governments around the world have also
women continued to strike until four days later observed IWD annually on 8 March by holding
the Czar was forced to abdicate and the provi- large-scale events that honor women's advance-
sional Government granted women the right to ment and while diligently reminding of the con-
vote. The date the women's strike commenced tinued vigilance and action required to ensure
was Sunday 23 February on the Julian calendar that women's equality is gained and maintained
then in use in Russia. This day on the Gregorian in all aspects of life.
calendar in use elsewhere was 8 March.
2000 and beyond IWD is now an official holi-
1918 - 1999 Since its birth in the socialist day in China, Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Bela-
movement, International Women's Day has rus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mace-
grown to become a global day of recognition donia, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Ukraine,
and celebration across developed and develop- Uzbekistan and Vietnam. The tradition sees
ing countries alike. For decades, IWD has grown men honouring their mothers, wives, girlfriends,
from strength to strength annually. For many colleagues, etc with flowers and small gifts. In
years the United Nations has held an annual some countries IWD has the equivalent status
IWD conference to coordinate international ef- of Mother's Day where children give small pre-
forts for women's rights and participation in sents to their mothers and grandmothers.
social, political and economic processes. 1975
was designated as 'International Women's Year'
43 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International Women’s Day Women’s Progress Quest into the 21st
The new millennium has witnessed a sig-
nificant change and attitudinal shift in both
women's and society's thoughts about women's
equality and emancipation. Many from a
younger generation feel that 'all the battles
have been won for women' while many femi-
nists from the 1970's know only too well the
longevity and ingrained complexity of patriar-
chy. With more women in the boardroom,
greater equality in legislative rights, and an in-
creased critical mass of women's visibility as
impressive role models in every aspect of life,
one could think that women have gained true
equality. The unfortunate fact is that women
are still not paid equally to that of their male
counterparts, women still are not present in
equal numbers in business or politics, and glob-
ally women's education, health and the violence
against them is worse than that of men.
However, great improvements have been
made. We do have female astronauts and prime
ministers, school girls are welcomed into univer-
sity, women can work and have a family,
women have real choices. And so the tone and
nature of IWD has, for the past few years,
moved from being a reminder about the nega-
tives to a celebration of the positives.
Annually on 8 March, thousands of events
are held throughout the world to inspire
women and celebrate achievements. A global
web of rich and diverse local activity connects
women from all around the world ranging from
political rallies, business conferences, govern-
ment activities and networking events through
to local women's craft markets, theatric per-
formances, fashion parades and more.
Many global corporations have also started
to more actively support IWD by running their
own internal events and through supporting
external ones. For example, on 8 March search
engine and media giant Google some years even
changes its logo on its global search pages. Year
on year IWD is certainly increasing in status. The
United States even designates the whole month
of March as 'Women's History Month'.
So make a difference, think globally and act
locally !! Make everyday International Women's
Day. Do your bit to ensure that the future for
girls is bright, equal, safe and rewarding. Top: European Union Foreign Minister Baroness Catherine
Ashton of the United Kingdom
Bottom: Nobel Peace Laureate Ecologist Wangari Mathaai of
Kenya Photo by Martin Rowe

44 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Global Commodity Markets

Closing Prices March 31, 2010
Index Name Value Change Open High Low Time
UBS BLOOMBERG CMC 1298.92 11.81 1290.56 1300.03 1290.35 04:44
S&P GSC 534.25 4.10 534.76 535.58 533.75 04:54
RJ/CRB Commodity 273.34 -.38 274.60 275.19 271.77 03/31
Rogers Intl 3226.56 26.56 3207.28 3231.56 3205.17 04:54

Energy $Price Change %Chang Time

Brent Crude Future (USD/bbl.) 83.190 0.490 0.59 04:44
Gas Oil FUT (ICE) (USD/MT) 692.500 11.500 1.69 04:44
Gasoline RBOB Future (USd/gal.) 231.950 1.230 0.53 04:43
Heating Oil Future (USd/gal.) 218.930 1.030 0.47 04:44

Natural Gas Future (USD/ 3.892 0.023 0.59 04:43

WTI Crude Future (USD/bbl.) 84.230 0.470 0.56 04:44

Industrial Metals $Price Change %Change Time

Copper Future (USd/lb.) 359.150 3.800 1.07 04:44

Precious Metals $Price Change %Change Time

Gold 100 OZ Future
1,116.800 2.300 0.21 04:44
(USD/t oz.)
Silver Future (USD/t
17.680 0.154 0.88 04:44

Livestock $Price Change %Change Time

Cattle Feeder Future
113.200 0.225 0.20 04:28

Lean Hogs Future 83.275 0.375 0.45 04:44

Live Cattle FUTR 93.975 0.425 0.45 04:42

45 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Global Agriculture Commodity Market

Closing Prices March 31, 2010
$Price Change %Change Time
Canola Future (WCE)
379.800 -0.200 -0.05 04:24
Cocoa Future - LI
2,263.000 8.000 0.35 04:39
Cocoa Future (USD/
2,988.000 19.000 0.64 04:44

Coffee 'C' Future 136.750 0.600 0.44 04:44

Corn Future (USd/ 348.000 3.000 0.87 04:44

Cotton NO.2 Future 81.160 0.610 0.76 04:43

FCOJ-A Future (USd/

135.300 -0.100 -0.07 03/31

Lumber Future
285.500 -1.700 -0.59 04:37
($/1,000 board ft.)

Oat Future (USd/bu.) 212.250 4.250 2.04 04:43

Rough Rice (CBOT)

12.295 0.080 0.65 04:19

Soybean Future
945.250 4.250 0.45 04:42

Soybean Meal Fu-

268.800 3.000 1.13 04:36
ture (USD/T.)

Soybean Oil Future

38.600 0.290 0.76 04:44
Sugar #11 (WORLD)
16.770 0.180 1.08 04:44

Wheat Future (CBT)

470.500 6.500 1.40 04:44

Wheat Future (KCB)

468.000 6.250 1.35 04:34

Wool Future (SFE)

960.000 -4.000 -0.41 04/01

46 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Benchmark Currency Exchange Rates

HKD 7.7676 10.544 0.0828 11.8651 7.3549 7.6843 7.141

AUD 1.0877 1.4765 0.0116 1.6615 1.0299 1.0761 0.14

CAD 1.0108 1.3722 0.0108 1.5441 0.9571 0.9293 0.1302

CHF 1.0561 1.4336 0.0113 1.6132 1.0448 0.9709 0.1359

GBP 0.6547 0.8887 0.007 0.6199 0.6476 0.6019 0.0843

JPY 93.776 127.2944 143.2428 88.7929 92.7695 82.2111 12.0776

EUR 0.7367 0.0079 1.1253 0.6975 0.7288 0.6773 0.0948

USD 1.3574 0.0107 1.5275 0.9469 0.9893 0.9193 0.1287

Currency Key USD:U.S. Dollar CAD: Canadian Dollar GBP: Great Britain Pound
EUR: Euro CHF: Swiss Franc AUD: Australian Dollar HKD: Hong Kong Dollar JPY: Japanese Yen

South African Rand, April 1, 2010 Exchange Rates Latvian Lat 0.0723197 13.8275

Libyan Dinar 0.265504 3.76641

1 ZAR in ZAR
Lithuanian Litas 0.352244 2.83894
American Dollar 0.137396 7.27822
Malaysian Ringgit 0.4477 2.23364
Argentine Peso 0.533437 1.87464
Mauritius Rupee 4.22566 0.236649
Australian Dollar 0.149811 6.67506
Mexican Peso 1.69547 0.589807
Botswana Pula 0.923983 1.08227
Nepalese Rupee 9.87879 0.101227
Brazilian Real 0.244361 4.09231
New Zealand Dollar 0.195148 5.12432
British Pound 0.0902696 11.0779

Brunei dollar 0.192204 5.20282 Norwegian Kroner 0.817848 1.22272

Bulgarian Lev 0.199524 5.01193 Omani Rial 0.0528289 18.9291

Canadian Dollar 0.138967 7.19597 Pakistan Rupee 11.5838 0.0863273

Chilean Peso 71.7237 0.0139424 Qatari Rial 0.500122 1.99951

Chinese Yuan 0.937912 1.0662 Romanian Leu 0.419096 2.38609

Colombian Peso 263.67 0.00379262 Russian Ruble 4.03971 0.247543

Croatian Kuna 0.74103 1.34947 Saudi Riyal 0.515236 1.94086

Danish Krone 0.759495 1.31666 Singapore Dollar 0.192057 5.2068

Estonian Kroon 1.59621 0.626482 South Korean Won 154.763 0.00646149

Euro 0.102017 9.8023 Sri Lanka Rupee 15.6432 0.0639253

Hong Kong Dollar 1.06714 0.937088 Swedish Krona 0.992501 1.00756

Hungarian Forint 27.012 0.0370206 Swiss Franc 0.144649 6.91327

Iceland Krona 17.4034 0.0574599 Taiwan Dollar 4.36402 0.229147

Indian Rupee 6.14161 0.162824 Thai Baht 4.44885 0.224777

Trinidad/Tobago Dol-
Israeli New Shekel 0.507058 1.97216 0.870608 1.14862
Japanese Yen 12.8827 0.0776236 Turkish Lira 0.208941 4.78604

Kazakhstani Tenge 20.1945 0.0495184 Venezuelan Bolivar 0.590054 1.69476

Kuwaiti Dinar 0.0396113 25.2453 47 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

FX Update: Is a EUR short-squeeze the first

thing we will see in Q2?
Andrew Robinson, FX Analyst, Saxo Capital Markets
01 April 2010

Trading commentary In other data, Australia’s trade deficit wid-

ened further in February, jumping to A$1.924 bln
Japan’s Tankan shows modest, expected im- from A$1.12 bln in January. In the details, a fall in
provement but indices still in negative exports together with increased imports were
the culprits, -1.5% m/m and +2.4% respectively.
Market Comments: Still, key commodity exports continued to fare
well while rising capital/consumer demand un-
The dollar was generally weaker across the board derlines the steady recovery. AUD only had a
overnight as month/quarter-end position adjust- minor reaction to the data.
ment induced some volatility. US data was also The Kiwi took an early hit after the IMF re-
below forecasts adding to the dollar’s woes with leased its report on the New Zealand economy
the ADP employment change coming in at a and commented that the NZD was overvalued by
negative rather than the +40k consensus esti- between 10-25%, though thought that part of
mate. This may question the bullish expectations the over-valuation was temporary. On growth
for tomorrow’s non-farm payroll, though many prospects, it predicted roughly 3% growth in
note the ADP report does not include census hir- both 2010 and 2011 but highlighted that the key
ing, nor seen any weather-effect. The Chicago risks to growth were a drop in Chinese demand
PMI was also weaker, falling to 58.8 in March and a possible stalling of the global recovery.
from 62.6 in February. Looking ahead, it is a manufacturing PMI-
In Europe, Greek bonds continued to per- fest in Europe with releases from Sweden, Swit-
form poorly and Moody’s announced a further zerland, Germany, EU and UK together with Ger-
downgrade to five Greek banks but the EUR re- man retail sales. In the US session we see initial
mained firm on the back of the weak USD and jobless claims, ISM manufacturing and prices
strong demand for EURJPY. CHF firmed on the paid while construction spending rounds off the
back of a slightly stronger KOF leading indicator day. Tomorrow sees the all-important release of
and EURCHF slid to new record lows despite EUR non-farm payrolls when most markets are enjoy-
strength elsewhere. Canada’s GDP numbers for ing a long Easter weekend.
January were a touch better than expected at
+0.6% m/m vs. 0.5% expected and CAD firmed to Happy Easter.
1.0125 vs. the greenback.
The start of a new trading month saw Ja-
pan’s Q1 Tankan report of major focus in Asia.
Indices were broadly in line with consensus with
the non-manufacturing report showing a better
improvement than expected. Sentiment for large
firms now stands at their highest levels since
September 2008 amid the ongoing pickup in ex-
ports and output. While both categories did
show the expected improvement, it is l noted
that indices are still in negative territory suggest-
ing further sluggish growth trajectory ahead.

48 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

New York Stock Exchange, Dow Jones Industrials Value 10,856.63
Change -50.79
% Change -0.47
TIME 03/31
Total Members 30
Up 6
Down 24
Unchanged 0


3M CO 83.57 -0.71 -0.84 4,336,635

ALCOA INC 14.24 -0.16 -1.11 23,328,865
AMERICAN EXPRESS 41.26 -0.03 -0.07 6,883,008
AT&T INC 25.84 -0.11 -0.42 36,707,896
BANK OF AMERICA 17.85 0.09 0.51 114,280,873
BOEING CO 72.61 -0.92 -1.25 5,884,899
CATERPILLAR INC 62.85 -0.31 -0.49 6,661,317
CHEVRON CORP 75.83 0.53 0.70 9,875,589
CISCO SYSTEMS 26.03 -0.62 -2.33 54,749,425
COCA-COLA CO 55.00 0.13 0.24 11,461,001
DU PONT (EI) 37.24 -0.54 -1.43 8,267,316
EXXON MOBIL CORP 66.98 -0.07 -0.10 22,354,369
GENERAL ELECTRIC 18.20 -0.10 -0.55 59,216,423
HEWLETT-PACKARD 53.15 -0.11 -0.21 12,855,733
HOME DEPOT INC 32.35 -0.34 -1.04 10,343,169
IBM 128.25 -0.52 -0.40 4,904,711
INTEL CORP 22.29 -0.05 -0.22 45,991,988
JOHNSON&JOHNSON 65.20 0.30 0.46 11,939,078
JPMORGAN CHASE 44.75 0.17 0.38 39,047,962
KRAFT FOODS INC 30.24 -0.26 -0.85 8,654,013
MCDONALDS CORP 66.72 -0.52 -0.77 5,765,742
MERCK & CO 37.35 -0.31 -0.82 12,967,268
MICROSOFT CORP 29.29 -0.48 -1.62 63,762,620
PFIZER INC 17.15 -0.11 -0.64 59,034,428
PROCTER & GAMBLE 63.27 -0.39 -0.61 8,194,089
TRAVELERS COS IN 53.94 0.01 0.02 3,357,022
UNITED TECH CORP 73.61 -0.52 -0.70 3,761,566
VERIZON COMMUNIC 31.02 -0.21 -0.67 21,437,104
WAL-MART STORES 55.60 -0.31 -0.55 9,966,853
WALT DISNEY CO 34.91 -0.19 -0.54 10,789,476
49 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

50 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Forbes rich list topped by Mexican mobile

phone titan Carlos Slim
Developing nations storm Forbes rich list as America Movil's Carlos Slim
beats Microsoft's Bill Gates to top spot
Duke of Westminster, could
only muster 45th position as
his vast land-ownings gave
him a net worth of $12bn.
Below the top few indi-
viduals, however, the lower
ranks of Forbes's closely
watched annual list showed
a substantial shifting in the
sands of wealth, with Asian
entrepreneurs catapulted
into remarkable riches by a
swift bounce-back in emerg-
ing financial markets. The
number of billionaires from
Asian and Australasian na-
Forbes rich list names Carlos Slim as world's wealthiest.
Photograph: Jason DeCrow/AP
tions leapt from 130 to 234 last year, with the
net worth of the region's super-rich doubling
Andrew Clark in New York from $357bn to $729bn., Wednesday 10 March 2010 "Asia is leading the comeback," said
23.05 GMT Forbes's editor-in-chief, Steve Forbes. "There are
The old order is under threat at the world's bil- remarkable changes taking place in the global
lionaires club. Traditionally dominated by Ameri- economy."
cans and Europeans, the top ranks of the world's He pointed out that as the number of bil-
richest people have been infiltrated by scores of lionaires in the world swelled from 793 to 1,011,
ultra-rich entrepreneurs from the developing the proportion of Americans dropped from 45%
world – capped by the Mexican telecoms tycoon to 40%: "The US still dominates but it's lagging.
Carlos Slim. It's not doing as well as the rest of the world in
Today, Slim, the titan of mobile phones in coming back from the financial crisis."
Mexico, criticized as a ruthless monopolist, was Asia's richest man, Mukesh Ambani, became
crowned as the richest person in the world by the fourth-richest person on the planet with
Forbes magazine, which calculated his net worth $29bn, as his textiles-to-petrol Reliance Indus-
at $53.5bn (£35.7bn). Bolstered by a surge in the tries empire prospered. Pakistan also produced
share price of his America Movil empire, Slim's its first billionaire, banking magnate Mian Mham-
wealth edged ahead of the $53bn fortune mad Mansha, and the number of Chinese billion-
amassed by the Microsoft boss Bill Gates, making aires leapt by 27 to 64.
the portly cigar-smoking 70-year-old the first non Among those enjoying an upsurge in for-
-American to hold the top spot since 1994. tunes was Robin Li, founder of the Chinese inter-
In third place was the legendary Nebraska- net search engine Baidu, whose wealth reached
based stock-picker Warren Buffett with $47bn, $3.5bn as his company prospered on Google's
completing a triumvirate that has occupied the abrupt withdrawal from China, due to censorship
top three positions for five successive years. Brit- concerns. Another Chinese tycoon, property
ain's top entrant into the global rich list, the magnate Wu Yajun, has emerged as the world's
51 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Economy Forbes 500 Richest People
richest self-made woman with $3.9bn from her Green and Virgin supremo Sir Richard Branson.
Longfor Properties empire, which spans apart- Two new British names joined the billionaires'
ments, townhouses, luxury villas and commercial club – financier Alan Howard, who runs the
property across China. hedge fund Brevan Howard, and China-based
The upsurge in the number of super-rich property developer Xiu Li Hawken of Renhe Com-
individuals from less affluent nations went be- mercial Holdings, who holds British citizenship.
yond Asia. The number of billionaires from Russia For the newly crowned richest person on
almost doubled from 32 to 62. The owner of the the planet, topping the rich list cements a rapid
Evening Standard, Alexander Lebedev, re- rise to global fame. A spokesman for Carlos Slim
entered the ranks with $2bn, after threatening to offered no comment, although in the past, the
sue Forbes a year ago for claiming that losses in Mexican tycoon has disdained such competi-
the financial crisis had stripped him of his billion- tions.
aire status. And Alisher Usmanov, a shareholder However, he is only top thanks to the gener-
of Arsenal, often touted as a future buyer of the osity of a rival – if Bill Gates had not chosen to
football club, enjoyed a lucrative year at his met- hand a huge chunk of his wealth to his Gates
als conglomerate with his net worth surging from Foundation to fight disease in the developing
$1.7bn to $7.2bn. world, the software supremo would be worth as
Turkey saw its legion of billionaires swell much as $80bn.
from 12 to 28. And from South America, a com-
modities tycoon, Eike Batista, became the first
Brazilian to make the world's top 10 for wealth.
Batista, 52, a college dropout who made his for-
tune from gold, oil and diamonds, and has been
an enthusiastic cheerleader for Rio's 2016 Olym-
pics, is ranked eighth in the world with $27bn.
Economists say that a rapid rise in super-
wealthy individuals from the developing world
reflects the pace of globalization, with cross-
border stock markets allowing international in-
vestors to pump funds at the touch of a button
into major corporations in Asia, Latin America
and the Middle East.
"It's symptomatic of the spread of globaliza-
tion, the spread of market economies and the Aliko Dangote, 51, earns his money mainly
maturing of financial markets in these countries," from sugar, flour and cement manufacturing and
said Homi Kharas, senior fellow at the Brookings at an estimated net worth of $2.5 billion ranked
Institution in Washington. "These are paper bil- #261 on Forbes 500 richest people list at the end
lionaires. The values being placed on their com- of 2009. His conglomerate, the Dangote Group
panies have shot up and that's a result of stock has expanded its cement operations with new
exchanges in these countries being a bit better plants across Nigeria, as well as in South Africa
developed and being able to gain foreign invest- and Ethiopia.
ment." But, Kharas added, it also points to a wid- Dangote began his trader career at the age
ening in inequality between the "haves" and the of 21 with a loan from his uncle; and over the
"have nots" in poorer parts of the world. "In In- years expanded his Dangote Group’s activities
dia, for example, you see some particularly con- into food processing, cement manufacturing,
spicuous consumption and when that's juxta- textiles, real estate and oil and gas.
posed against the grinding poverty of the rest of Rival in the oil and gas investment field, new
the nation, it surely does have an effect on social Nigerian billionaire Femi Otedola has bought
stability," he said. shares in Dangote’s companies.
In British terms, little changed among the
ranks of the super-rich. Behind the Duke of
Westminster came property developers David
and Simon Reuben, the Top Shop boss Sir Philip
52 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

The Paradox Syndrome

By Muhammed Kamil

L ast September 6, President Obama’s green

jobs advisor Van Jones resigned amid con-
troversy over his having signed a 2004 petition
requesting congressional hearings and other in-
vestigations to determine whether high level
Bush administration officials had allowed the Sep-
tember 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York
and the Pentagon to succeed. The Bush admini-
stration had been accused by some government
insiders of negligence in allowing the attacks, but
Americans have for the most rejected the possibil-
ity that high level Bush administration officials
intentionally obstructed lower level official efforts
to follow through on the available intelligence
information and go after the plotters. However,
some Americans and many observers outside the
United States have been more open to the impli- Environmental justice advocate and founder of Green for
cations of the known facts surrounding the terror- All, Van Jones resigned last year as President Obama’s
ist assault on New York and the Pentagon com- Green Jobs Advisor after coming under attack from Re-
monly believed to have been done by Al Qaeda publicans who accused him of signing a petition calling
for Congressional investigation into Bush administration
whose leader Osama bin Laden was at that time
complicity in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
based in Afghanistan. No doubt there are thou- on New York and the Pentagon
sands of pages of documents on this matter but a
fair summary of the case against Bush’s neo-cons
can be derived from two sources of public infor- dent’s junior brother and at the time Florida gov-
mation. First of all the reports on Bush admini- ernor, along with Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld,
stration cabinet meetings narrated by Washing- Paul Wolfowitz and Lewis Libby, who became VP
ton Post Assistant Managing Editor Bob Wood- Cheney’s chief of staff, had in September 2000,
ward in his book Bush at War; secondly an article under the auspices of a neo-conservative think
published in London’s Guardian and Saudi Ara- tank dubbed Project for the New American Cen-
bia’s Arab News by British Parliamentarian Mi- tury, wrote a document entitled Rebuilding Amer-
chael Meacher in September 2003. ica’s Defenses, in which “a substantial force pres-
Woodward tells us that at the first cabinet ence” in the Gulf as part of a “worldwide com-
meeting following the 9/11 assaults Vice Presi- mand and control system” was the essence of the
dent Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald anticipated neo-conservative administration’s Iraq
Rumsfeld opposed focus on invading Afghanistan policy. The policy document noted that the need
on the grounds that it had no assets, arguing that for a formidable American force presence in the
the opportunity should be used to invade Iraq. “Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Sad-
President Bush, according to Woodward, con- dam Hussein.”
tended that he had nothing against invading Iraq Woodward leads us to believe that so unhappy
but could not explain to the American people why were Cheney and Rumsfeld with Bush’s focus on
Iraq was being invaded when the notorious leader Afghanistan instead of Iraq that they schemed to
of presumed culprit Al Qaeda was in Afghanistan. allow the American president to fly in his presi-
MP Meacher reports that Jeb Bush, the presi- dential jet to New York, on September 14, 2001
53 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Geopolitics The Paradox Syndrome By Muhammed Kamil
without the usual fighter jet escort. Early in the America’s federal law requires that once an air-
morning of September 14 Condoleezza Rice, then craft strays significantly off its flight plan fighter
National Security Advisor, received a telephone planes are sent up to investigate; this happened
call from the National Military Command Centre 67 times between September 2000 and June
in the Pentagon, wherein she was asked by a “mid 2001. Meacher therefore raises the logical ques-
-level officer” to confirm that President Bush “did tions: “Was this inaction simply the result of key
not want a fighter jet escort accompanying Air people disregarding or being ignorant of the evi-
Force One when he flew to New York that after- dence? Or could US air security operations have
noon.” Rice informed her deputy, Steve Hadley been deliberately stood down on Sept. 11? If so,
and White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and why and on whose authority?”
while they all agreed it was Rumsfeld who had the In the American political environment it is
decision in the premises, if something happened not surprising that President Obama not dare de-
to the president it was also “Rumsfeld who would fend his green jobs guru Van Jones, a fellow Afri-
have to explain to the country, and the world.” can American, for having signed the petition call-
One of Rice’s deputies telephoned the Defense ing for congressional hearings on Bush administra-
Secretary for an explanation. In the words of tion complicity in 9/11, but even Jones backed
Woodward, “Rumsfeld went nuts.” He would not down from his support for the petition, although
have anybody in his building talking to the White he is said to have been inundated with calls telling
House without his knowledge or permission. Im- him to stay on and fight the Republicans demand-
mediately he launched a search to identify the ing his resignation. How sizeable the advocacy in
officer who called Miss Rice, but refused to ad- America for investigating Bush Administration
dress the question of whether or not he was going complicity in the Al Qaeda attacks is not precisely
to give the president a fighter jet escort to New known, but it is clear that with an African Ameri-
York. Nothing was said of the matter in the cabi- can president who right wing extremists are ready
net meeting that morning, but later in the day to depict as unpatriotic any official disposition
Rumsfeld insinuated in a rambling non- towards congressional hearings that would impli-
committing monologue that someone in the cate a Republican Party led government in the
White House other than the president had told most atrocious terrorist attack on the United Stats
the National Military Command Centre Mr. Bush in history would certainly divide the nation and
did not want a fighter jet escort for his Air Force cripple the administration. Yet, if America verily
One to New York. About 15 minutes prior to Presi- has absolutely no moral legitimacy in Afghanistan
dent Bush’s departure for New York aboard Air and Obama fails to come to terms with that real-
Force One, Secretary Rumsfeld, according to ity he would be betraying the new world order
Woodard, gave the order for a fighter jet escort. that he professes to champion.
Woodward simply stated these facts without What then is the way forward? Without Af-
speculation on Rumsfeld’s motives, though one ghanistan America’s hands are so bloody from its
could gather from the narrative that Cheney support of Israel atrocities in the Middle East over
wanted to be in control and had in fact told Bush the past 60 years that Obama is in no position to
he would chair cabinet meetings and give him the play an effective leadership role in the Middle
summaries; a proposition Bush flatly rejected, East or Afghanistan. Furthermore, it does not
reminding Cheney, “I’m Commander in Chief”. seem likely that Islamic militant ideology attract-
MP Michal Meacher quotes former US fed- ing young Muslims to Al Qaeda and Taliban can be
eral crimes prosecutor John Loftus saying: “The discredited in the absence of a just solution to the
information provided by European intelligence Middle East crisis. The Muslim world is undoubt-
services prior to 9/11 was so extensive that it is edly the principal victim of the crises in its midst
no longer possible for either the CIA or the FBI to and therefore only it can take the initiative to mo-
assert a defense of incompetence.” Not less than bilize international support against the apartheid
11 countries are said to have provided advance vision of the Israeli extreme right and for a just
warnings to Washington that a horrific terrorist solution to the Middle East crisis as a strategically
attack on the U.S. was in the making. Israel was essential first step forward in building a new, 21st
one of them, with its Mossad sending experts to century, world order. The link between the Pales-
Washington during August 2001 for conference tinian problem and Muslim extremism, manic
on the matter. Moreover, MP Meachr points out
54 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
International/Geopolitics The Paradox Syndrome By Muhammed Kamil
and un-Islamic as it manifests, is that Muslims are halting of Jewish settlement construction in the
increasingly aggravated by the failures of a mod- occupied territories. The United Nations General
ern civilization that they find no place in and see Assembly subscribes to this vision and Secretary
themselves as its victims. The Taliban-Al Qaeda General Ban Ki-moon made this clear during his
alliance rose to power in an Afghanistan that was March visit to the Middle East. Important English
in anarchy following the defunct Soviet Union’s media establishments, notably most of the CNN
attempt to impose on it communism. So adamant and BBC journalists, incline to support for this vi-
were the Taliban about imposing their primitive sion. Is it not then reasonable and possible that
world view that they persistently refused coop- Arab leaders from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Ku-
eration with the Americans who had supported wait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Morocco, Alge-
the resistance to Soviet communism and were ria, Tunisia and Palestine, with committed support
ready to develop Afghanistan’s oil pipeline poten- from Turkey, agree to launch a concerted and sus-
tial. If Taliban are the 21st century’s barbarians, tained effort to win committed support from
they are equally ideologically driven rebels against China, Russia and Japan with a view to sustaining
Western civilization. When American National pressure on Israel and the United States to move
Security Advisor James Jones argues that Taliban back to the negotiating position of Kadima when
without Al Qaeda would not likely be a threat to it went into last March’s elections? This is the
the United States not only does he underestimate centrist way forward. If we cannot move the
how hardened the Taliban have become in their world forward through the center we invariably
ideological opposition to Western civilization and leave the way open for the destructiveness and
influence, but also fails to realize how incompati- pugnacity of the right wing extremists.
ble they are with the Afghanistan’s mainstream Coming back to Afghanistan, if as the evi-
elite and the evolving aspirations of the country’s dence suggests, the Cheney-Rumsfeld clique sacri-
common people. ficed thousands of American lives with a view to
Pakistan’s government has experienced first advancing American global hegemony, not to
hand that the Taliban cannot be trusted or com- mention those killed by the Bush administration
promised with; they are ruthless politicized and outside the U.S., there are both moral and strate-
power hungry barbarians, homicidal and suicidal gic reasons for President Obama and his NATO
maniacs living off opium trade. Pakistanis by and allies to focus on stabilizing Afghanistan both in-
large are not ready to submit to the Taliban and stitutionally, including the security forces, and
now that Afghans have tasted hope of progress economically. This was in fact the strategy an-
they are not likely willing to submit to Taliban’s nounced at the time General Stanley McCrystal
primitive tyranny. Thus, with or without Ameri- was sent in as commanding officer in 2009. This
can and NATO troop presence Afghanistan would was a noble rectification policy but Mr. Obama is
not be in peace. As much as the Taliban are like faced with the dilemma that by satisfying domes-
un-extinguishable rats, Pakistan’s army is bent on tic commitment to standing by Israel, irrespective
quashing them and if they succeed the prospects of its pariah behavior, his vision of reconciliation
for doing the same in Afghanistan would have with the Muslim world is wasting. A BBC global
greatly improved. poll conducted in 2008 revealed world opinion
That European Union Middle East envoy regarded Israel, Iran and the United States, in that
Tony Blair told the press last October that Pales- order as the three worst influences in world af-
tinian President Mahmoud Abass has the right fairs. While world opinion may no longer look at
vision for the region but he has no partner in Is- America as being the pariah it was during the
rael is fortunately consistent with the promising Bush era, by failing to recognize that the apart-
indications prevailing before the Israeli extreme heid clique currently governing Israel has no more
right won last year’s elections. Obama, Abbas and moral credibility than did the defunct National
Tzipi Livni had all indicated their support in princi- Party regime in South Africa, Obama’s America
ple for the Saudi King Abdallah Plan that would cannot even be an effective ally of the Muslim
accord pan Arab recognition of Israel in return for world in reducing the influence of Al Qaeda and
captured Arab lands and a Palestinian state with Taliban, talk less of selling America’s leadership
East Jerusalem as its capital. Pope Benedict also role to Muslims.
indicated his support for this vision by his insis-
tence on an independent Palestinian state and
55 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
The 3 day African Union Summit opened at the Pan African supranational body’s headquarters in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 31st

A ddis Ababa was host to a series of Pan Af-
rican confabs from the 22nd of January to
the February 1st that culminated in the 14th
violence was also stressed. In response, the AU
Department of Peace and Security indicated
that it would undertake a risk assessment exer-
Ordinary Summit of the African Union Assembly cise on opening gender related issues offices in
of Heads of State & Government. conflict areas.
The 3rd Pre-Summit Gender Meeting Concerning the African Year for Peace and
kicked off at the AU Commission Headquarters Security, the pre-summit meeting on gender
on the 22nd. The meeting was aimed at assess- recommended that women should be better
ing the level of implementation of Resolutions integrated in the prevention and post-conflict
1325, 1820, 1888 and 1889 of the United Na- reconstruction processes; and that women’s
tions Security Council concerning women and networks should be involved in missions for me-
their security. However, in line with the overall diation in areas of conflicts. Elaboration of a
Summit theme, Information and Communica- database of qualified and competent women
tion Technologies (ICT) in Africa: Challenges and with expertise on peace and security issues was
Prospects for Development , the Gender meet- proposed.
ing dwelled how ICT could be used for equality In her closing remarks, Mrs. Litha Musyimi-
and empowerment of women, calling for Ogana, Director Women and Gender Develop-
greater involvement of women in ICT. Address- ment, reiterated the commitment of the AU to
ing the global concern about victimization of protect women's rights and empowerment.
women in conflicts the women’s confab ap- The 19th Ordinary Session of the Perma-
pealed for greater peace and security in Africa. nent Representatives Committee commenced
After 3 days of brainstorming, the partici- on January 25th, closing the following day. Also
pants recommended that AU offices on Gender on the 26th instant the International National
be opened in areas of conflict to be more in- Contact Group on Guinea (ICG-G) met. Meetings
volved in creating awareness on the role of gen- of the African Peer Review Mechanism, which is
der in the peace keeping processes. They also part of the New Partnership for African Devel-
emphasized the need to increase and opment (NEPAD) institutional structure, were
strengthen the participation of civilian and mili- held from January 26th to 30th. The APRM
tary women in peace processes and decision- agenda consisted of an Eminent Persons Meet-
making in the continent. The need for better ing, a meeting of the Strategic Partners/
protection of women and girl children against Oversight Committee, a Pre-Summit Meeting of
57 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
14th Ordinary Summit of the African Union
APRM Focal Points and Advisors to the Heads of The 14th Ordinary Session of the African
State and Government and on January 30th the Union Assembly of Heads of State & Govern-
12th Summit of the APR Forum of Heads of State ment opened on the morning of January 31st at
and Government. Meanwhile, on January 27th the United Nations Conference Center with out-
there was a Panel Discussion on Informational & going Chairman Brother Leader Muammar El
Communications Technology (ICT), which had Gaddafi requesting the Assembly to stand for
been selected as the AU focus theme for 2010. the AU Anthem, followed by launching of the
The 16th Ordinary Session of the African African Union flag which thenceforth replaced
Union Executive Council, principally composed the Organization of African Unity logo as AU
of foreign ministers, met on January 28th and symbol.
29th. The adopted decisions of the Executive Following a group photo and launching of
Council are formulated into Draft Decisions & the ICT exhibition, AU Commission Chairperson
Declarations for consideration by the Assembly Jean Ping made a statement, after which
of Heads of State & Government. The Ministe- United Nations Secretary Ban Ki-Moon spoke.
rial Committee on Post-Conflict Reconstruction Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa
and Development in The Sudan meet on Janu- then addressed the Assembly, followed by a
ary 28th. The Ministerial Meeting on Candida- statement from Guest of Honor Prime Minister
tures for AU positions due for a change of per- José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero of Spain.
sonnel was also held on the 28th. Chairman of the AU Assembly Brother
On the 29th the Ministerial Committee on Leader Muammar El Gaddafi then spoke, before
Scale of Assessment was held as well as an the election of members of the AU Bureau and
evening session Briefing by Burkina Faso Presi- Drafting Committee.
dent Blaise Compaore on the Mediation efforts Malawi’s President Dr. Bingu Wa
in Guinea . Mutharika was elected Assembly Chairman for
Meanwhile, an Information & Communica- 2010, after which he delivered his acceptance
tions Technology (ICT) exhibition jointly organ- speech. Next was the signing of AU treaties by
ized by the African Union Commission and the all Assembly members.
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa An awards ceremony was held at which
was staged at the UNCC-ECA headquarters. two successful African scientists were honored.
The Inter-Governmental Authority for De- The official ceremony ended with handing over
velopment (IGAD) Summit, consisting of East the flame of peace to members of the Assem-
African countries Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, bly. Assembly members then went into a closed
Uganda and Kenya held on January 30th at the session.
AU Headquarters. After lunch statements were made con-
Also on January 30th was the Summit of cerning the Summit theme, Information and
NEPAD Heads of State & Government Imple- Communication Technologies (ICT) in Africa:
mentation Committee (HSGIC) and the meeting Challenges and Prospects for Development.
of the Committee of Ten Heads of State on Speakers were Senegal’s President Abdoulaye
United Nations Reform. Wade and South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma
The Organization of African First Ladies and Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame. Dr.
Against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA) met on January 31st Hamadoun Touré (a West African), Secretary
and February 1st at AU Headquarters. The con- General of the International Telecommunication
fab consisted of a Technical Advisors Meeting, Union and Mr. Robert Zoellick, President of the
Steering Committee Meeting and First Ladies World Bank made brief remarks.
General Assembly Meeting. The Assembly adopted the 2010 AU
In the afternoon of the 31st host Ethiopian budget, appointed members of the AU Peace &
Prime Minister Meles Zenawi held a luncheon Security Council and considered reports from
for his colleagues at the National Palace, after the Peace & Security Commission and the
which was the Meeting between the Great NEPAD Heads of State and Government Imple-
Lakes Special Envoys and the ICGLR Heads of mentation Committee.

58 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

14th Ordinary Summit of the African Union

African Union Heads of State

Commit Themselves to Move
Africa from Poverty to Prosperity

Addis Ababa, 2nd February 2010 – The 14th Ordinary

Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Gov-
ernment of the African Union officially ended today,
Tuesday 2nd February 2010, under the Chairmanship
of the new Chairperson of the African Union, Dr.
Bingu Wa Mutharika, President of the Republic of

The closing ceremony began with a word from H.E

Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St. Vincent
and the Grenadines who was addressing the Assem-
bly on behalf of the Caribbean. He said that there Meanwhile,
was a strategic necessity to have a deeper coopera- President Wa
tion with the African Union Member States, given Mutharika
that his region has a large population of people of hailed the AU
African descent. He appreciated the solidarity of the initiative for
African people to the victims of the earthquake that launching 2010
occurred in Haiti. According to Prime Minister Gon- as the year of
salves, the Caribbean has benefited from the rich peace in Africa.
culture of Africa. “We wish to reaffirm our love to He hoped that
Africa and our commitment to work together to concrete steps
build a better life for our populations”, he said. would be taken
to restore
Taking the floor, the President of the Republic of peace and sta-
Gabon, H.E Ali Bongo Ondimba, thanked the Assem- bility in conflict
bly and the AU Commission for the successful pro- areas in the
ceedings of the 14th AU Summit. He also thanked the near future.
Ethiopian Government for the warm hospitality. He This, he said, needs the full support of the Regional
expressed satisfaction over the fruitful deliberations Economic Communities. He requested the AU Com-
of the Summit, hoping that its Decisions will be care- mission to follow-up the different partnerships of
fully implemented by the Member States. (See com- the AU with the international community while en-
plete message of President Ali Bongo on the AU web- suring that these partnerships are beneficial to the
site: development of the continent. With regard to the
launch of the African women’s fund, the Chairperson
In his closing remarks, the Chairperson of the African encouraged his peers to support the project saying
Union, Dr. Wa Mutharika, recalled the theme of the that it is a practical step of addressing the needs of
14th AU Summit: “Information and Communication women while contributing to gender development
Technologies in Africa: Challenges and Prospects for on the continent. The new AU Chairperson finally
Development”, saying that ICTs should be taken very thanked the Assembly for electing him to lead the
seriously in the development agenda of the Union. organization, while promising them that he would
He emphasised on the slogan: “no child should die of work hard to mobilize funding for the implementa-
hunger and malnutrition”. The Chairperson further tion of the different projects of the Union, in a bid to
outlined the following priority areas to be consid- “move the continent from poverty to prosperity and
ered as an immediate plan of action for the next to position it as an effective player in the global
three months. These include: the putting in place of arena. (See complete speech of Chairperson Bingu
a food security program to alleviate poverty in the Wa Mutharika, on the AU website:
next five years; the need to develop transport and
telecommunications, and connect countries through
ICTs; and the development of energy; amongst oth-
59 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
14th Ordinary Summit of the African Union




Addis Ababa, 30 January 2010 - The 22nd Summit of

the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Imple-
mentation Committee (HSGIC) took place on 30
January 2010, at the Headquarters of the African
Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, within the frame-
work of the 14th Ordinary Session of the African Un-
ion Summit. H.E. Mr. Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister NEPAD Heads of State Meeting
of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Speaking later, Mr. Jean Ping, Chairperson of the AU
Chairperson of the HSGIC, chaired the meeting. Commission, recalled that both the AUC and NEPAD
have been working together following the conclu-
The 22nd HSGIC Summit was held in the presence of sions of the 21st NEPAD HSGIC so as to ensure a
the current Chairperson of the African Union, Leader smooth integration process of the NEPAD into the
Muammer Gaddafi, Leader of the Revolution of the AU structures. He explained that, efforts have been
Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the made to harmonize the work programmes of the
Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Mr. AUC and NEPAD Secretariat in order to identify over-
Jean Ping, the Presidents of the Republic of Algeria, laps, foster a clear delineation of roles and promote
H.E. Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the Republic of South Af- joint efforts.
rica, H.E. Jacob Zuma, the Republic of Senegal, Ab-
doulaye Wade, the Republic of Malawi, H.E. Bingu Concerning programme harmonization, Chairperson
wa Mutharika, the Republic of Namibia, H.E Ping said, the AUC and NEPAD Secretariat held their
Hifikepunye Pohamba, Lesotho Prime Minister, H.E. first programmme harmonization session on 3rd No-
Bethuel Pakalitha Mosisili, as well as Ministers of vember 2009. A report analyzing and proposing ar-
Foreign Affairs of the NEPAD HSGIC Member States, eas of joint collaboration has been prepared as well
representing their President. as harmonization of future partnership support. He
reiterated the AUC’s commitment to ensure that the
Addressing the NEPAD – HSGIC, Prime Minister various decisions of the AU Assembly on the integra-
Zenawi pointed out that the objective of the meeting tion of NEPAD are fully implemented.
was to consider vital issues with regard to the inte-
gration of NEPAD into the African Union (AU) struc- The floor was given to the Foreign Minister of Can-
tures and processes. He said the integration of ada, future host of the G8 and G20 Summits, to ad-
NEPAD into the AU structures has been under discus- dress the state of preparedness of his country. He
sion for a long time, calling on his peers to consider expressed satisfaction with the existing bilateral rela-
that this was the last Summit to settle any pending tionship between Canada and AU Member States,
issues in order embark on the implementation of the saying, there is need to reinforce the cooperation
integration agenda of the NEPAD. ties so that Canada can fully contribute to the devel-
opment of the African continent.
Prime Minister Zenawi, highlighted some of the
achievements in the process of integrating NEPAD, The Heads of State further considered the activity
including the creation of a NEPAD Coordination Unit report of the NEPAD Secretariat, presented by the
in the office of the AUC Chairperson which will serve Chief Executive Officer of NEPAD, Dr. Ibrahim Assane
as interlocutor between the NEPAD Secretariat and Mayaki, for the period of July 2009 to January 2010.
the AU Commission. This Unit, the HSGIC Chairper-
son said, has already commenced the process of re- Worth recalling that, NEPAD HSGIC is made up of 20
cruitment of staff and once completed, it will for- Member countries. They are: Algeria, Benin, Camer-
merly be established and assume the role and re- oon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo Brazza-
sponsibilities of the current NEPAD Coordinating Unit ville, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Lesotho, Libya, Mada-
in the Department of Economic Affairs of the African gascar, Malawi, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda,
Union Commission. Senegal, South Africa, Sudan and Tunisia.
Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
New Flag for the African Union
AU Division of Communications & Information
Press Release N024/2010

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 31 January 2010- The

African Union today unveiled its new flag at its
14th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads
of State and Government taking place in Addis
Ababa. To tunes of the AU anthem, the new flag
was hoisted by the outgoing Chairperson of the
African Union, Brother Leader Muammar El
Gaddafi, leader of the Libyan Revolution, Great
Socialist People’s Libyan Jamahiriya.
It will be recalled that during the 8th African
Union Summit which took place in Addis Ababa
on 29 and 30 January 2007, the Heads of State
and Government decided to launch a competi-
tion for the selection of a new flag for the Un-
ion. They prescribed a green background for the
flag symbolising hope of Africa and stars to rep-
resent Member States.
Pursuant to this decision, the African Union
Commission (AUC) organized a competition for
the selection of a new flag for the African Un-
ion. All African citizens were free to compete,
including those in the Diaspora and the laureate
would be awarded a prize in cash. The AUC re-
ceived a total of 106 entries proposed by citi-
zens of 19 African countries and 2 from the Di-
At the 13th Ordinary Session of the Assembly,
aspora. The proposals were then examined by a
the Heads of State and Government examined
panel of experts put in place by the African Un-
the report of the Panel and selected one among
ion Commission and selected from the five Afri-
all the proposals. The flag is now part of the
can regions for short listing according to the
paraphernalia of the African Union and replaces
main directions given by the Heads of State and
the old one.

Top to bottom: press release image

of new flag; outgoing AU Chairman
Libyan Leader Muammar Ghaddifi
presenting the flag; and Assembly
of Heads of State & Government
posing to view the new ensign

61 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

22nd Arab League Summit, Sirte, Libya

The Arabs are Fed Up


A rab League Secretary Gen-

eral Amr Moussa, address-
ing the 22nd Arab League Summit
in Sirte, Libya on March 27, ex-
pressed doubt that the Arab/
Israeli peace process would yield
any results and urged Arab lead-
ers to seek other alternatives.
‘It's time to face Israel. We have
to have alternative plans be-
cause the situation has reached a turning point,’ Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (L) and Libya's
he said. In the light of Israel’s continued settle- leader Muammar Ghaddafi attend the opening session of
the Arab summit in Sirte March 27, 2010
ments building in occupied areas, defying interna-
tional law, Moussa assessed the peace process to dent Obama’s proposition of improving rela-
be on the road to failure. ‘We have to study the tions with the Middle East portion of the Mus-
possibility that the peace process will be a com- lim world and raised tensions not only in the
plete failure,’ Moussa declared to the summit. region but globally, as increased polarization
Arab heads of state appeared determined to pur- between the West and the Muslim World is
sue legal action against Israel in international bound to fuel extremism. If the Arab-Muslim
courts as an immediate alternative tactic. mainstream starts becoming hawkish the ex-
While condemning Israel’s continued settle- tremists will likely be increasingly perceived as
ment building in the occupied areas, United Na- legitimate in the eyes of the Muslim masses in
tions Secretary General Ban Ki-moon stressed the Middle East. The contagiousness of Islamic
that the two-state solution was the only reason- extremism has already been demonstrated,
able objective. ‘My message to you is that, what- most significantly by its spread into Africa; fail-
ever our concerns, there is no alternative to ne- ure by the Americans and Europeans to take
gotiations for a two-state solution,’ the UN’s chief control of the Middle East crisis and impose an
diplomat told Arab leaders. equitable solution based on the existing road-
The Arab League Secretary General also map could lead to chaos increasingly undermin-
urged closer ties with Iran, saying that Arab states ing efforts to achieve international peace and
should engage the Persian power directly over its security.
growing influence in the Middle East and its nu- The tone of the Sirte Summit may be a cal-
clear program. Specifically in this regard, he culated bluff to see what the Western response
called for a regional cooperation and conflict will be, but looking at the situation one would
resolution forum that included both Iran and Tur- be mistaken to regard it as entirely bluff; be-
key. Should the 22 Arab League states agree to cause Arab public opinion is steadily losing the
this proposition it would slice weight off Ameri- once prevalent respect for the West; and this is
can efforts to isolate Iran over contentious issues especially true in its feelings about America.
related to its nuclear program. Obama brought hope and won applause with
Soft handling of the Benjamin Netanyahu led his Cairo speech last year but politicians and
Israeli right wing extremist governing coalition many others were saying, ‘Sounds good but let’s
has left Washington behind the ball, sunk Presi- wait and see.’ Nearly a year latter Israel has
62 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
22nd Arab League Summit, Sirte, Libya The Arabs are Fed Up
persistently raised the bar for attain-
ing peace and the Arab League with
Palestinian President Mahmoud
Abbas leading the way has declared
that the terms for entering negotia-
tions show neither good faith nor
intention on the part of the Israelis.
The presence of Italian Prime
Minister Silvio Berlusconi at the Sirte
Summit could suggest that he at
least realizes the Western powers
are falling behind the ball and must
face the reality that the opportunity
for Middle East peace and attenuat-
ing terrorism is in peril. While Berlus- Jordan's King Abdullah (L) talks to Algeria's President Abdelaziz Boute-
coni asked the Arab leaders at Sirte flika during their arrival in Sirte March 26, 2010. Libya's Muammar
to give the American administration Gaddafi hosted this year's summit of the Arab League in his home
the opportunity to achieve peace he town of Sirte from March 27-28.
called for the Golan Heights to be REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra (LIBYA - Tags: POLITICS ROYALS)
returned to Syria.

Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi (L) listens to Arab League secretary

general Amr Mussa as they wait to greet Arab leaders at the airport
in the Libyan coastal city of Sirte. Arab leaders gathered in Libya in
late March focused on Israel over its settlement policy in annexed
east Jerusalem.

Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, right

walks with Emir of Kuwait Sheik Sabah Al
Ahmed Al Sabah after his arrival at Sirte
airport to attend the Arab League summit
in Sirte, Libya, Friday, March 26, 2010.
(AP Photo/Abdel Magid Al Fergany)

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

greets an official upon his arrival at
the airport in the Libyan coastal city
of Sirte.

63 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Africa/Information & Communications Technology (ICT)

Thousands of African youth will benefit from

Lloyd’s support
D igital Links, in partnership with Lloyd’s
and The Commonwealth Youth Peace
and Development Mission (CYPADEM) Nigeria,
has provided disabled youth in the northern
Nigerian state of Jigawa an incredible opportu-
nity to overcome significant challenges through
the exploitation of ICT in education and other
daily activities.
By donating laptops to Digital Links, Lloyd’s
has helped CYPADEM to provide young people
struggling with physical disability, as well as chil-
dren with learning difficulties, an opportunity to
lead independent lives that enhance and serve
their communities. These computers are em- School girls and their teachers in Zigawa State, Nigeria, during
braced as tools to offer these young people a the launching of the Stand Up Against Poverty program
wealth of learning opportunities tailored to
their environment. -friendly manner, providing a world of informa-
In 2009, Lloyd’s has donated over 700 ICT tion. By connecting people across regions and
assets which have been reused in Digital Links’ socio-economic groups, computers can help to
programs across Africa. Digital Links has been eliminate barriers and prejudice that limit life
working since 2002 to help bridge the digital and learning opportunities.”
and knowledge divide in Africa by providing ac- Digital Links and CYPADEM would like to
cess to low-cost, high-quality computer hard- thank Lloyd’s for their continued support of our
ware and digital learning resources. To date, work and we are thrilled that this equipment is
through generous donations from organizations able to reach individuals who benefit dramati-
such as Lloyd’s, Digital Links has provided over cally thanks to their donations.
70,000 computers in the developing world, ena- “Lloyd’s is proud to support Digital Links
bling first access to ICT for more than 1.5 million through the redeployment of IT assets that are
young people. no longer needed. We are not only assured that
The Commonwealth Youth Peace and De- our equipment is disposed of in a secure man-
velopment Mission is a non-governmental or- ner but also that it is put to great use in initia-
ganization in Nigeria, focused on helping indi- tives such as the CYPADEM and recycled at end
viduals suffering from discrimination resulting of life”.
from disability, illness or prejudice. The CY-
PADEM mission is to redress the violation of Marcus Alldrick, Senior Manager, Information and
inalienable human rights, as well as helping to Risk Protection, Lloyd’s.
correct the economic imbalance existing be- For more information on Digital Links, please visit our
tween the haves and have nots within commu- website at: or to become a
nities in Nigeria. CYPADEM’s work is youth donor please contact Tansy Simpson, Corporate Rela-
driven ensuring that discrimination, whether tions Manager, at: [email protected] or on +44
due to health, gender or disability is recognized (0) 207 785 6259.
and remedied.
Digital Links’ Executive Director, Mrs. Aissa-
tou Sow said, “Computers not only provide
knowledge and educational benefits, but also
enable those with specific learning needs the
chance to learn in a more independent and user
64 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

ECOWAS Chairman demands

immediate elections in Niger


E conomic Community of West African

States (ECOWAS) Acting Chairman Acting
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan and West
African Parliament Deputy Speaker Ike Ekwere-
madu, who is also the Nigerian Senate’s deputy
president, were both firm and clear in telling
the military junta that took over Niger on Febru-
ary 19th to hold elections as soon as possible.
Colonel Mossi Haassan led a six man delegation
to Abuja on February 25th to brief the Acting
ECOWAS Chairman on the situation in Niger.
Acting ECOWAS Chair Jonathan urged them
to emulate the example of General Abubaker
Abdulsalaam who faithfully and in a matter of
months arranged elections that in 1999 ended
13 year of military rule in Nigeria.
Colonel Hassan explained: "Council came
about because there is a real problem in Niger.
We have to tackle the problem and reconcile
the people, and finally have to restore democ-
racy in the country. While acting as Nigeria’s president Dr. Goodluck Jonathan
"We have appointed the Prime Minister also acts as the current 15 nation ECOWAS Chairman
and he will put in place the cabinet that will Nigerian Senate President David Mark, a
come and do the job, and they will determine retired general, noted that it had come to his
how long we will stay." attention that Senators Mohammed Mana
The junta leaders said they were not plan- (PDP, Gombe) and John Shagaya (PDP, Pla-
ning a long transition. teau) had been instructors of members of the
The Nigerian Senate in a motion co- new junta in Niger while they attended the
sponsored by 31 Senators condemned both the Nigerian Defense Academy (NDA) in Kaduna
coup and dethroned President Mamadou and urged them to try and influence their for-
Tandja’s attempt to perpetuate himself in mer students to re-establish democracy in Ni-
power by subverting Niger’s constitution which ger.
disallowed referendum on alteration of the "Shagaya and Mana go and tell them to be
presidential term limit. The resolution called on brief or we will descend heavily on them. Let
ECOWAS and the international community to them know that it will be in their interest to
assist the Niger junta to return the country to return the country to democracy," the Senate
democratic civilian governance as soon as possi- President urged his colleagues.
ble. Deputy West African Parliament Speaker State Minister for Foreign Affairs Jibril
Ike Ekweremadu told the junta leaders that mili- Maigari who accompanied the visiting delega-
tary rule was no longer in vogue. Senator Ek- tion to the Presidential Villa insisted that de-
weremadu also chairs the Niger Committee in spite meeting with Jonathan Niger’s suspen-
the West African Parliament. sion from ECOWAS remains in force.
65 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Political Commentary

Africa versus Al Qaeda & Co.

By Muhammed Kamil


S enegalese President Abdoulaye Wade ta-

bled the issue of Al Qaeda’s growing pres-
ence in Africa at the African Union Summit on
February 1st, calling on his country’s neighbors
and the international community to join forces
to end the desert terrorism of the group styled
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb; meanwhile in
Somalia Al Qaeda in the Horn of Africa vowed to
forcefully replace the AU and internationally
recognized government with its Taliban brand
of governance. Mounting terrorism in the name
of Islam is the latest severe crisis in Africa and
its danger lies in the vulnerability of impover-
ished and ignorant Muslim populations, espe-
cially youths, to being drawn into the destruc-
tive syndrome that groups like Al Qaeda and
Taliban represent. The case of Omar Farouk Ab-
dulmuttalib, a Nigerian Al Qaeda dupe who was
overpowered by passengers as he attempted to
blow up a commercial passenger jet as it was
about to land in Detroit, Michigan, alerts us to Senegal’s President Abdoulaye urged African leaders to
the fact that even the children of rich Muslims take seriously the growing Al Qaeda threat in Africa
are susceptible to the inimical lure of suicide
bombing. that enable Al Qaeda & Co. to recruit; but there
Of particular concern for Africa in this mat- are a few constants that we have been ob-
ter is a recent Aljazeera poll which revealed that served over the years. In an Aljazeera documen-
from their September 11, 2001 Kamikazi style tary of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb armed
attacks on the United States, to late 2009, the group members claimed that they resorted to
only place in the Muslim world where the popu- guerrilla warfare in self-defense against the
larity of Al Qaeda has grown is among Muslims Mauritanian government’s brutal repression
in Nigeria. No doubt the poll did not cover So- against Islamic sheikhs, their students and any-
malia and the Western Sahel, two places where one who appeared too religiously oriented for
there is no indication that Al Qaeda existed be- their liking. Muslim Brotherhood members have
fore 9/11, but now have become its two bases claimed that during Gamal Abdel Nasser’s rule
in Africa. in Egypt the security forces harassed young men
The war on Al Qaeda & Co. in Africa has to and teenagers who regularly went to mosques
be carefully waged on the social-psychology for morning prayers. In Palestine, where the
front, aimed at developing strong Muslim com- struggle for liberation was initially essentially
munity opposition to terror; while strategically secular, Western support for Israel despite its
dealing with terrorists groups. The social- intransigence led to propagation of the belief
psychology effort requires professional study that the struggle was failing because it was not
and understanding of the vulnerability factors a jihad in the name of Allah. Jordan’s Queen

66 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Africa/Political Commentary Africa vs. Al Qaeda & Co. By Muhammed Kamil

Managing Religious Freedom

in Africa

N o freedom can be unlimited without be-

coming anarchic. All freedoms therefore
need to be specifically defined by law. In the
case of freedom of religion there are several
vital considerations necessary to defining its
shape and dimensions. The primary considera-
tion is that we are in an era where freedom of
conscience has superseded freedom of religion,
implying that religious freedom should not be
exercised in a way that infringes upon the pub-
lic and individual right not to be concerned
Africa Union backed Somalia President Sheik Sharif Sheik with or bothered by religion if they so choose.
Ahmed, former Islamic Courts Union head, is target of Al Freedom of conscience rests on the premise
Qaeda terrorists fighting to take over Somalia
that whether one is interested in religion or be-
liever in the unseen is a personal matter and in
Rania, whose parents were Palestinians, told
that the law must assume no one is interested
Aljazeera’s Riz Khan in an interview broadcast
in challenges to their conscience in this regard
on February 2nd this year that injustice was the
while using public services such as government
primary cause of Islamic militancy; and this is
offices and institutions, transport, schools, hos-
almost everywhere evident. Afghanistan was
pitals and accessing political and civic informa-
militarized in the name of Islam by inimical So-
tion. In respect of freedom of conscience the
viet intervention; Pakistan was vulnerable to
state must be not only theologically non-
the primitive Taliban essentially because it left
committal but heedful of the emotional impact
the tribal regions bordering Afghanistan back-
of religions on their adherents.
wards and largely unattended by modernization
In most societies where there is freedom of
going on elsewhere in the country since inde-
religion multiple religions have followers. Chris-
pendence in 1947; Islamic militancy grew in
tianity, Islam and a variety of traditional belief
South Philippines as a result of policies that ig-
systems are pervasive in Africa; both Christian-
nored or disdained Muslim cultural, civil and
ity and Islam are proselytizing, very assertive
religious rights.
and each has various sects. The history of reli-
Also, on the social psychology front, Afri-
gious violence in Africa provides ample evidence
can countries should discourage religiosity, es-
that freedom of religion needs careful manage-
pecially in politics and the media; without going
ment in terms of laws and regulations; and also
to the extreme of harassing religious leaders. A
public education on the pre-eminence of free-
philosophy of humanism that stands against
dom of conscience and the attending ethical
ethnocentrism, religiosity and nepotism is ap-
and civic imperatives. In this light it must be rec-
propriate for all Africa. The international com-
ognized that freedom of religion does not like
munity would need to support Africa in this. I
freedom of enterprise imply open competition.
think it would help if both Muslim and Christian
Many societies award religious establishments
countries give their missionaries incentives to
tax free status based not only on presumption
restrict their involvement in Africa to humani-
of non-profit motives but on the underlying
tarian work and refrain from proselytizing. That
principle that religion is not a business but a
would give African governments more space to
spiritual or psychological refuge− whichever we
unify their people around the goals of Pan Afri-
prefer to consider it. Yet we know that many
can democracy building and socio-economic
religious leaders in Africa enjoy living standards
higher than the majority of people and it is a
fact that people have been starting churches
with business motives and Islamic leaders have

67 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Africa/Political Commentary Managing Religious Freedom in Africa By M. Kamil
substantially profited materially from their social ed up financing some of the fundamental causes
status and influence. This, no doubt cannot be of riots, if not the weapons used in massacres dur-
easily checked by the state, but the state none- ing the riots. Now with Al Qaeda on the scene, the
theless has an obligation to face up to the dangers stakes are raised. If in the coming months and
of vested material interests in religion and insti- years untold numbers of Nigerian Muslims start
tute laws and regulations to regulate religious following the path of Umar Farouq Abdulmuttalib
competition in the public sphere. the political establishment in Nigeria will have no
During the 1990s Babangida era in Nigeria, one to justly blame but itself; because local, state
following religious disturbances in Oyo state, then and federal governments have allowed the con-
military governor, now late, Abdulkareem Adisa cept and dimensions of religious freedom to be
took the boldest step to curtail aggravating reli- defined by opportunism rather than national in-
gious rivalry that I can recall in the country’s his- terests and reasonable understanding of the role
tory. He banned all preaching and religious rallies reserved for religion in a secular polity. Secularism
in public places, as well as pasting religious propa- (exclusion of religion from public affairs) by defini-
ganda on street walls, and ordered Christians and tion implies freedom of conscience, to which any
Muslims to confine their religious activities to role for religions must be subordinated.
their churches, mosques and other places under Although secularism implies agnosticism
their private dominion. At the time Christians had (philosophical indecision as to whether there is a
littered walls all over Nigeria with posters declar- God or not), in Africa we can fairly say that the
ing “All for Christ by 2000”, while Muslim leaders overwhelming majority of people believe in God
were openly insisting that they would never again and it is neither realistic nor necessary under the
allow a Christian president of the country. Both circumstances to be afraid to make reference to
sides were receiving support of various types from God in conversations and discussions in the public
outside: Muslims from the Arab world and Iran, sphere, but still any sectarian references [to Mu-
Christians from countries in Europe and North hammed or Jesus Christ, Islam or Christianity] in
America. In this religiously charged political at- theological context should, as a matter of ethics
mosphere religious insults were regularly traded and objective civic spirit first of all, be restricted to
in the press and religious leaders were preaching private situations where all present are of the
in the frontlines of national politics, even writing same religion.
ridiculously insulting books attacking both the Some advocates of secularism have assumed
theology and adherents of the rival creed. Baban- and promoted the idea that the secular state is
gida and others talked meaninglessly about toler- driven solely by material opportunity and is essen-
ance, but they missed the point that what was tially morally indifferent. However, in Africa where
being allowed in the name of religious freedom obviously most people are religiously oriented
was actually politicized and commercial peddling secularism is a public order and national interests
of religion to ends that perpetuated enmity, vio- imperative, not a popular philosophical ideal. This
lence, enormous destruction and political instabil- was made clear in Nigeria’s Vision 2010 docu-
ity. When the majority of the population in any ment, where it was agreed by the elites who
African country has been divided between pawns wrote it during the early 1990s that the country
for Rome and Mecca that country has lost proper would remain secular and at the same time mor-
sense of patriotism, national responsibility and ally sensitive and principled.
national vision. In such instances the mutual dis- No doubt the best way to avoid religious fa-
trust between Christians and Muslims is aggra- naticism, which is a form of escapism, is for gov-
vated by influences of external interests; as they ernment’s to well manage the affairs of state, up-
have aligned their economic as well as political holding principled morality and aversion to cor-
interests with external co-religionists. ruption. The challenges facing African societies are
Many African countries have laws prohibiting material and social; they need rational, humanistic
domestic political parties and candidates from approaches based on a common national develop-
receiving external funding, but whereas main- ment, socio-economic progress ethic.
stream politicians in a country like Nigeria know
that the way to office is through campaigning and
election, religious leaders and institutions freely
receive external funding that has persistently end-
68 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Political Commentary

Rethinking African Union

By Muhammed Kamil


W e are grateful to outgoing African Union

Chairman Muammar Ghaddafi for his
efforts made to advance Africa’s position in the
world, particularly his call at last year’s United
Nations General Assembly Summit for democra-
tization of the UN by abolishing the Security
Council and recognizing the General Assembly as
the World Parliament; at the same time we wel-
come Malawi’s democratically elected President
Dr. Bingu Wa Mutharika as the new Assembly of
Heads of State and Government chairman. Also
welcomed is the down to earth theme of the
Summit that began on January 31, “Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Africa:
Challenges and Prospects for Development”.
President Mutharika’s stress on the importance
New African Union Assembly Chairman Dr. Bingu Wa
of new technologies in meeting the develop-
Mutharika is a former Common Market for East &
ment challenges facing Africa were encouraging
Southern Africa (COMESA) Secretary General and also
as well as refreshing. This marks a pragmatic former United Nations Director of Trade & Development
departure from the pressure put on the AU As- for Africa
sembly in recent years to establish a United
States of Africa with a central government; but federations in Africa, including Nigeria, which has
we should not make the mistake of abandoning more than a tenth of the continent’s population.
the USA idea, or putting it indefinitely on a back Are we going to abolish those 36 states in Nigeria
burner. Concern about the ultimate conse- and make Nigeria a unitary state in the United
quences of Sudan disintegrating in the aftermath States of Africa, or would we make each of those
of the scheduled 2011 referendum on unity or states independent, so that we end up with more
separation in Southern Sudan and the impact than 100 African states when Sudan’s 25 states
break up of Sudan might have on other situa- are added? Europe is in a similar situation regard-
tions of demand for separate states in Africa ing unity, with federation in its largest country
should keep us focused on the proposition that Germany; that is no doubt one of the reasons the
the stronger and more cohesive the African Un- European Union vision appears to be towards
ion, the less negative would be the impact of an continental confederation. To that end Europe is
independent South Sudan, or any other instance gradually making constitutional and institutional
of secession that might occur in the future. progress. European Union has now advanced to
The problem with the proposition of African having a functioning central bank, a common cur-
Union debated by the Assembly thus far has rency, a foreign minister, an executive president
been the assumption that the United States of and an envoy to the Middle East, as well as a
Africa would be a federation similar to the popularly elected Parliament and a European con-
United States of America; whereas this is evi- stitution that was approved by referendums in
dently impractical. First of all, there are already member states. This is evidently the making of
69 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Political Commentary

Rethinking African Union

By Muhammed Kamil


confederation; and nobody in the mainstream is

seriously talking about a European federation at
this point. Maybe federation will in the long
term come about −maybe before the end of this
century− but certainly not before European con-
federation, which is now nearly consolidated.
There are substantial parallels between the
African model and European model on paper. Southern Sudan Government President Salva Kiir Ma-
The Constitutive Act of the African Union pre- yardit chided UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and
scribes a Pan African Parliament which is now African Union Commission Chairperson Jean Ping for
seated in Midrand, South Africa; also a central calling on the International Community to work for
bank, common currency, economic and social Sudan’s unity, saying that the decision of independence
council, commission with a chairperson and Af- or unity was left solely with the people of Southern Su-
dan in next January’s referendum.
rican Court of Justice. In the continent’s most
enduring Regional Economic Community, the
money on a vote in favor of independence,
Economic Community of West African States
though it pains us to see Sudan destined to
(ECOWAS), free movement of people and goods
breakup. Considering the likelihood of two Su-
has been largely established, as any citizen of
dans following the outcome of the January 2011
the community has the right to settle in any
referendum, the African Union should be busy
ECOWAS country he pleases so long as he or she
promoting institutional and policy models that
is self-employed. Both ECOWAS and the African
other regions of Africa have achieved in the di-
Union raise armies to intervene in civil war
rection of consolidating African union; so that in
situations. If ECOWAS does not yet have a com-
the event of breakup we have a soft landing.
mon currency it is due to technical difficulties
Alarmingly, we’ve already heard an understand-
that have yet to be overcome, but political deci-
ing announced by national Vice President Ali
sion has been made and a central bank of West
Osman Muhammed Taha and Southern Govern-
Africa established along with an institutional
ment Vice President Riak Machar that if the
mechanism to monitor and act upon the macro-
South votes to be independent Southerners
economic performance convergence criteria.
would lose their citizenship in the North and
Africa has from all indications been progressing
Northerners would lose their citizenship in the
on the track of confederation, following the per-
South. This is what unfortunately happened
fectly rational strategy of building on the inte-
when Eritrea voted in a referendum for inde-
gration progress of the Regional Economic Com-
pendence from Ethiopia; and since African un-
munities; but two years of preoccupation with a
ion has not advanced to common continental
proposition to rush formation of a continental
citizenship, the least we can hope for in the
government without laying proper institutional
short term is pushing the idea of free move-
and constitutional foundation has no doubt set
ment of goods and people between North and
us back and got us and the world so distracted
South Sudan, as well as right to settlement, as
that the approach to the possibility of Southern
pertains in ECOWAS. Sudan recently, at great
Sudanese voting for an independent state ap-
cost, printed and circulated a new currency;
pears somewhat panicky.
would an independent South print a new cur-
It is expected that the international com-
rency again? That would be pushing against the
munity and the African Union would want to
tide of African union; on the other hand a com-
preserve Sudan’s unity, but if I were betting,
mon currency and collaboration on monetary
and I think this is true of most people familiar
policy would be consistent with the AU and
with the Sudanese situation, I would put my
RECs policy of eventual monetary integration
70 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Political Commentary
Rethinking African Union cally united and economically integrated conti-
By Muhammed Kamil nent with supranational institutions, we should
be prepared to face the challenges that would
emerge if Sudan divides.
Perspective There are already other very difficult situa-
tions in East Africa that are worsening; the fight
between Africa and Al Qaeda for Somalia; con-
tinual tensions between Ethiopia and Eritrea;
tenuous stability in Kenya and the nuisance of
Lord Resistance Army (LRA) terror in northern
Uganda and Southern Sudan; and then there is
the crisis in Darfur. What we need is a pact be-
tween all leaders of the East Africa region, in-
cluding Egypt as the largest COMESA member
and a stakeholder in the Nile that is also an is-
sue if Sudan divides, to map out a strategy for
stabilizing and developing East Africa as a strong
region within the African Union as we continue
towards the goal of continental confederation−
that is independent African countries bound by
supranational constitution and institutions, as
well as laws passed by the Pan African Parlia-
ment and regulations set by the African Union

African Union Commission Chairperson worries that a

Southern Sudan referendum vote in favor of secession
will trigger other demands for separation in African

and a common continental currency.

Generally, the AU needs to concentrate on
giving finer and stronger definition to East Af-
rica as a supranational institutionalized region
within the African Union. Here lay the possibili-
ties for mitigating and eventually eliminating
adverse impact from emergence of an inde-
pendent South Sudan. Although the Common
Market of East & Southern Africa (COMESA) has
been hailed by Western observers as a success
and its common market involving most of its
member states, as well as its recent alliance
with the Southern African Development Com- Pan African Parliament dialogue forum with civil society
munity (SADC) are great steps forward, East
Africa lacks the political institutional vision of
West Africa. Yes, East African has its own prob-
lems and quite a different historical evolution
than West Africa, where there were large an-
cient empires, Songhai stretching from Senegal
in the West to Kano in the East, and a colonial
federation that bound together Francophone
countries; but having reached the stage of Afri-
can Union and accepted the vision of a politi-
71 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Political Economy Commentary

One Billion Africans

By Muhammed Kamil


A ccording to the United Nations

Population Estimates & Projec-
tions Section the one billionth African
was born sometime during 2009.
Gerhard Heilig, head of the section,
expects, looking at the current nearly
3% per annum population growth
rate the continent has sustained over
the last 20 years, that by 2050 Af-
rica’s population will be 2 billion.
China which some years ago estab- The Gautrain, Johannesburg’s new rail mass transit project
lished a 1 child policy for its women is expected is scheduled to come on stream in 2010. Johannesburg is
to have a population of 1.4 billion by 2050, one of three South African cities with populations above 3
while India which has now surpassed China as million.
the world’s most populous country with 1.6 bil-
editor Patrick Smith says, and I agree, that
lion people will have added 120 million more by
whether we benefit or suffer from increasing
2050, putting it just over the 1.7 billion mark.
population density depends on whether we
The question Africa’s rising population profile
continue enhancing African economic integra-
raises is whether increasing population density
tion to the end of a single continental market,
will stimulate ambition and competitiveness or
which would no doubt make Africa the new
aggravate poverty. Africa Confidential magazine
promise land for investment
in the coming decades.
African stock exchanges
in the 1990s agreed to inte-
grate their listings and the
Common Market for East &
Southern Africa (COMESA),
the East African Community
and the Southern African De-
velopment Community
(SADC) agreed last year to
create a single free trade
zone, with a population of
530 million; that’s about half
the continent’s population.
Such agreements take time
to implement to the point of
being effective; but regional
integration in African has
The Cairo-Helwan metropolitan area has an estimated population of 17.8 million.
substantially developed both
Egypt’s Nile Valley is the most densely populated place on earth.
institutionally and practically
72 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Political Economy Commentary One Billion Africans By Muhammed Kamil
since the Organization of African Unity (OAU)
was established in 1963. The OAU has been up-
graded to African Union and the proposition of
a United States of Africa is now on the AU’s con-
sideration agenda.
While I think the idea of a Pan African fed-
eration is unrealistic and to entertain such an
idea is counterproductive, I have confidence
that if we change the vision to a United States
of Africa that is a confederation we can achieve
that in short order and gradually build up and
strengthen its institutions. A federation requires
common standards of governance on a democ-
ratic foundation, which many leaders would not
be willing to adhere to; apart from the problem
of Africa’s most populous country, Nigeria, be-
Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE), one of 29 in Africa, in
ing a federation with 36 states. Sudan has 25
December 2009 signed an agreement to join the West
states that are advocating for greater auton-
Africa Regional Stock Exchange in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire
omy, while South Africa’s nine provinces each that lists companies from 8 West African countries. The
have an elected premier and provincial assem- Nairobi, Kenya based African Stock Exchanges Associa-
bly. The level of democratic decentralization is tion has 17 members which have signed a treaty of
so disparate between Nigeria and South Africa integrated listings.
on the progressive end, and Egypt, where the
president appoints the 26 governors, and Libya included in the 1999 Constitutive Act of the
where despite the 1,500 Local People’s Con- African Union are an African Central Bank and
gresses most policy devolves from the central common currency. That West Africa has not
government down, on the centralized end, that been able to overcome the technical hurdles to
the structural symmetry for federalism is lacking establish a common currency for the Economic
on the continental scale. Confederation, on the Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
other had, could accommodate the disparate lets us all know how difficult it is to make mone-
systems with a view to gradually using the Peer tary integration workable, even when the politi-
Review Mechanism incorporated into the New cal will hurdle has been overcome. The Euro-
Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) pean Union is currently experiencing technical
to bring about greater compatibility in progres- difficulties in trying to keep the Euro beneficial
sive democratic standards. Yet, it appears that to all participating states in the face of budget
we cannot realistically expect constitutional de- deficits and public debts in some countries that
velopment throughout Africa to reach the level threaten to destabilize the entire Euro commu-
that it is in South Africa and Nigeria for at least nity.
another generation or two. Meanwhile, we Looking back over the years since Kwame
should focus on financial and trade market inte- Nkrumah led Ghana to independence in 1957,
gration, common investment policies and Africa has made steady, if dilatory Pan African
monetary integration, as well as the infrastruc- progress. Hence, the question of whether we
tural challenges identified for the NEPAD under- will benefit or suffer from increasing population
taking density looks to time for an answer. Can we
The African Economic Community (AEC) achieve the Pan African goals agreed upon at
agreed upon by OAU member states in Lagos the highest levels of political and business lead-
back in 1980 was actually the base institution of ership before becoming overwhelmed and crip-
the AU. It was agreed at the Extraordinary Sum- pled by population growth? It is a race against
mit of the OAU in Sirte, Libya in September time that we must focus on winning.
1999 that the AEC schedule for a common Afri-
can market by 2025 was too long and that an
Africa Union should be established to fast track
it. Among the institutional and facilitating goals
73 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Political Economy Commentary

African Economy Exceeds $1tr

By Muhammed Kamil


A t the end of the last cen-

tury China had a popula-
tion of 1.2 billion and its Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) was
$902 billion. In 2009 when Af-
rica’s population reached 1 bil-
lion the continent’s aggregate
GDP, according to the Interna-
tional Monetary Fund (IMF) was
$1.185 trillion, down from
$1.282 trillion in 2008. Does this
mean that Africa is now only 10
years behind China in economic
expansion? At the end of 2009 China’s economy The East London Industrial Development Zone (ELIDZ) is a
had expended to just under $5 trillion. What are South African government initiative to encourage export-
oriented growth in the country through the attraction of
the prospects for Africa having a $5 trillion econ-
foreign and local investors. The East London IDZ offers in-
omy by 2020? vestors a globally competitive combination of geographic
The $97 billion decline in Africa’s GDP from position, infrastructure, services and labor. Currently 14
2008 to 2009 was mainly attributable to the manufacturers have already taken up the opportunity of
drop in oil prices, which resulted in sharp GDP settling within one of South Africa’s prime industrial estates.
decline for major oil producing countries. Nige- The zone’s Automotive Supplier Park positions Mercedes-
ria’s economy receded by $42.327 billion from Benz suppliers within easy reach of its manufacturing plant.
2008 to 2009 as crude oil prices dropped from as The ELIDZ also accommodates aquaculture and transport
high as $150 a barrel in 2008 down into the $30 and logistics.
range before rising up and steadying in the $70
to $80 range towards the end of 2009 and into bon producer lost $24.872 billion on its 2008
the first quarter of 2010.That was a 20.4% reces- GDP of $159.669, a recession of about 15.6%.
sion against Nigeria’s 2008 GDP of $207.116bn, Oil producing Libya lost $29.31 billion off its
throwing the GDP of Africa’s most populous 2008 GDP of $89.916, suffering recession to the
country down to $165.437bn. Nigeria’s nominal tune of 32.5%. Together Africa’s oil producing
per capita GDP plunged 22.6% from $1,401 to giants shed $119.096 in GDP, $22.1 billion more
$1,089. Angola, which has overtaken Nigeria as than the aggregate continental decline. Dia-
Africa’s largest oil producer suffered a $15.237 mond king Botswana receded by 13.4% from
recession in its economy; nearly 18% off its $13.461 billion 2008 GDP to $10.808 for 2009,
$84.945 billion 2008 GDP. Oil rich Equatorial losing another $2.653 for Africa.
Guinea which in 2008 recorded the highest per Countries with the strongest manufactur-
capita income ever by an African country, at ing and services sectors faired much better.
$14,941, experienced a 41.3% per capita income Egypt’s economy in 2009 expanded 15.5%, from
decline in 2009, in tandem with a 40% recession $162.617bn to $187.956bn. Africa’s largest
on its 2008 GDP of $18.525 billion, down to economy, South Africa which is more integrated
$11.175 billion. Algeria, another major hydrocar- into the global economy than any other in Africa

74 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Africa/Political Economy Commentary
Burundi, from $1.097bn to $1.410bn, for an in-
African Economy Exceeds $1tln
credible 28.5% growth. Central Africa’s São
By Muhammed Kamil
Tomé & Principe registered a respectable GDP
growth of 8%, from $0.175bn in 2008 to
$0.189bn for 2009.
Perspective Overall African GDP receded by 8.15% com-
pared to 10% growth for
China. If by 2020 Africa’s
economy is to be as large
and China’s today our con-
tinent would have to more
or less duplicate China’s
sustained 8% to 10% an-
nual GDP growth from
2010 until the end of the
decade. Looking at current
indicators, that does not
seem probable; though we
shouldn’t rush to say it’s
absolutely impossible. Cer-
tain countries are showing
great promise. First of all
Egypt with its population
of 81.5 million is off to an
Egypt’s Al Tajamouat industrial City impressive start, growing 15.5% in the face of
global recession. While Egypt still trails South Af-
grew quite marginally, at 0.02% from $276.764bn rica in nominal GDP, it has over taken it in Pur-
to $277.379bn. Kenya grew from $29.564bn to chasing Power Parity GDP (that is the relative pur-
$30.212bn, or 2%. Ethiopia overtook Kenya as chasing power in local prices compared to U.S.
Africa’s 10th largest economy, registering a phe- dollar purchasing power in the United States of
nomenal 28.5% expansion, whereby its GDP grew America), attaining a PPP Gross Domestic Product
from $26.393bn in 2008 to $33.920 by the end of of $467.6bn, compared to South Africa’s
2009. Sudan which has a more balanced economy $403.9bn. This essentially means that in terms of
than the other major oil producers experienced a domestic purchasing power Egypt’s economy now
slight recession with GDP dropping from exceeds South Africa’s. South Africa with a 2009
$58.029bn to $54.294bn, or 6.4%. population of about 50 million still has a substan-
Other African countries that grew were Tan- tially stronger per capita PPP than Egypt, $9,961,
zania at 7.2%, from $20.668bn to $22.159bn, ranking 80 out of 180 countries listed by the IMF;
moving ahead of Côte d’Ivoire into the 13th larg- compared to Egypt’s $6,147, ranking 101. Despite
est African economy slot; Zimbabwe grew at 4%, having overtaken Japan as the world’s second
from $3.415bn to $3.556bn; Malawi grew at 15%, largest economy in 2009, China ranks 97 globally
from $4.268bn to $4.909bn; and Rwanda at in PPP per capita income at $6,546. In other
12.3%, from $4.459bn to $5.011bn. Mauritania words, in terms of per capita purchasing power
also grew, closing 2009 with a GDP of $3.241bn Egypt already rivals China and if it sustains growth
compared to $3.161bn at the end of 2008, a gain rates at above 10% over the next decade by 2020
of 2%. Swaziland’s GDP grew from $2.840bn in it could possibly overtake China in per capita pur-
2008 to $2.929bn in 2009, expansion of 3.1%. In chasing power. South Africa is already ahead of
West Africa Sierra Leone’s tiny economy ex- China in per capita purchasing power by 52%, but
panded by 29.56%, from $1.593bn to $2.064bn; apart from the obnoxious internal wealth distri-
Cape Verde’s marginally by 0.06%, from $1.744bn bution disparity in South Africa as it strives to
to $1.755bn; and Liberia’s by 2.1%, from overcome the damages of apartheid, its annual
$0.850bn to $0.868bn ($850,000,000 to growth is not nearly as dynamic as that of China.
$868,000,000). Another East African gainer was Hence, at current performance rates both China
75 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Political Economy Commentary African Economy Exceeds $1tln By M. Kamil
trade exchange of
$96.43million. During
President Hosni Muba-
rak’s visit to South Africa
in July 2008 a Declaration
of Intent was signed by
which bilateral coopera-
tion would be promoted
in fields of agriculture;
industry; tourism; invest-
ment; infrastructure;
transferring technology;
and prospecting for oil
and gas and detecting
metals. It was also agreed
that Egypt, which has a
skilled manpower surplus,
The Annual Chinese-African Summit provides an opportunity would send engineers,
for African leaders to view China’s ongoing progress and doctors and teachers to South Africa.
discuss economic relations issues Emulating the socio-economic success of
China would require stronger institutionalized
and Egypt could overtake South Africa in PPP per
African integration, as intended by the African
capita by 2020. In addition to South Africa, only
Union and Regional Economic Communities, im-
5 other African countries currently have PPP per
proved governance and sustained political stabil-
capita incomes higher than China: Seychelles ity. Although democratic advances in Africa
($19,274;population 84,000), Equatorial Guinea
should be an important advantage area, China’s
($16,853; population 676,000), Gabon ($14,421;
policy of changing its Communist Party leader-
population 1,475,000), Libya ($14,381; popula-
ship at 8 year intervals compensates to a consid-
tion 6,420,000) and Botswana ($13,417; popula-
erable extent for its lack of democratic pluralism.
tion 1,950,000). These are countries with rela-
Like China, Africa has a large Diaspora elite that
tively small populations and their impact on the
constitute potential human resource wealth in all
full African economic picture will continue to be
fields, from technology to administration and
investment. In the final analysis China is both an
Significantly, from 1998 to 2009 Zimbabwe
encouraging example and a standing challenge
dropped from being the 10th largest African for Africa. If over the past 50 years China has
economy down to 37th place. Sudan has risen in
been advancing economically and technologically
prominence from 10th among African countries in
at a much faster pace than Africa, Africa has in
1998 to 8th in 2009, while Angola has risen from
recent years shown increased capacity for mod-
13th in 1998 to 7th in 2009. Ghana has dropped
ernization, good governance and economic
from sharing 13th place with Angola in 1998 to
growth. Trade and investment relations between
16th in 2009.
Africa and China have been controversial from
Africa’s economy leaders will probably con-
the African perspective, as complaints of poor
tinue to be South Africa and Egypt. With the re-
quality Chinese goods adversely affecting African
cent alliance established between the Common
living standards and complaints of poor wages for
Market of East & Southern Africa (COMESA) and Africans working in Chinese establishments
the Southern Africa Development Community
abound; but nonetheless China is a good inspira-
(SADC) economic exchanges between Egypt and
tional model for Africa. Perhaps Africans will in
South Africa could increase, but as of 2009 South
the coming years resolve that we can do better
Africa’s major economic exchange partners in
than China.
North Africa were Algeria and Libya, with Egypt
3rd. Egyptian exports to South Africa in 2008 to-
taled $29.6 million, while South African exports
to Egypt were $66.83 million, for an aggregate
76 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Capital Markets

Sub-Saharan Africa Stocks

April 01, 2010, 11:25 AM EDT Nigeria Stock Exchange 12 month capitalization movement
By Paul Richardson
April 1 (Bloomberg) -- The Nigerian Stock
Exchange All- Share Index gained for the sev-
enth day in eight, climbing 1 percent to
26,219.74 in Lagos, according to the ex-
change’s Web site.
Kenya’s All-Share Index advanced for
the second day in three, climbing 0.5 percent
to 69.55 in the capital, Nairobi. Mauritius’s
SEMDEX Index was little changed at 1,639.46
in the capital, Port Louis.
Namibia’s Overall Index rose 1.3 per- NSE Capitalization, closing March 31, 2010
cent, its fourth straight gain, to 822.24, its
highest level since Aug. 29, 2008. in the capi- $41,870,658,333
tal, Windhoek. The Ghana Stock Exchange All
- Share Index rose for an eighth day in nine,
gaining 0.3 percent to 6,031.16 in the capital,
The following shares rose or fell in sub-
Saharan Africa, excluding South Africa. Stock
symbols are in parentheses.
Harel Freres Ltd. (HFRERES MP), a Mau-
ritian sugar producer, fell 1.7 rupees, or 5.4
percent, to 29.7 rupees after Reuters re-
ported that its annual pre-tax profit fell 42
percent, citing the company.
Swan Insurance Co. (SWAN MP), a Mau-
ritian insurer, gained for a second day after it
announced on March 30 that annual net in-
come increased 36 percent. Swan climbed 1
of 10 kobo per share and offer one bonus share
Mauritian rupee, or 0.6 percent, to 182 ru-
for every five held.
TPS Eastern Africa Ltd. (TPSEA KN), the
“A dividend of 10 kobo at that price is too low
Kenyan company that owns the Serena hotel
compared to other stocks in the market,” Abiodun
chain, rose for a third day after it said annual
Keripe, an analyst at the brokerage, said by phone
profit surged. TPS climbed 50 cents, or 0.8
today from Lagos. “Even the dividend of one for
percent, to 64 shillings, bringing its gain to 25
five is less than what investors expect.”
percent since March 29.
United Bank for Africa Plc, Nigeria’s
Editors: Philip Sanders, Antony Sguazzin
fourth-biggest lender, fell in Lagos trading
amid disappointment about its dividend and
To contact the reporter on this story: Paul Richard-
bonus-share offer, Meristem Securities Ltd.
son in Johannesburg at pmrichard-
said. The stock dropped as much as 40 kobo,
[email protected].
or 2.6 percent, to 14.8 naira.
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
UBA said yesterday it would pay a dividend
Gavin Serkin at [email protected]

77 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Ghana: Another Oil Producer


O n March 1, 1957 Ghana became the first

West Africa country to gain independence
from colonialism and in the years up to 1966
under the leadership of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah
championed the cause of total liberation of the
African continent and African Union. Following
Nkrumah’s overthrow by Washington backed
soldiers Ghana experienced political and eco-
nomic tumult until retired Fl. Lt. Jerry Rawlings,
a popular nationalist, executed a military take-
Ghana President John Atta Mills (left) with British Prime Minis-
over on December 31, 1981. Over the next 19 ter Gordon Brown.
years Ghana established itself as one of the best
managed African countries, winning favor with Nonetheless, Ghana has had a tough road
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and economically, providing a historical lesson in the
World Bank, and also investors. In fact during inevitable problems involved in excessively rely-
the 1990s Ghana was the largest recipient of ing on foreign investment. During the Rawlings
foreign investment of Africa’s non-oil producing years Ghana became an investment magnet, with
countries. In 1993 Rawlings was elected civilian the Ghanaian Stock Exchange (GSE) during one
president and after serving two terms, in accor- year in the mid 1990s yielding a 70% return on
dance with the new constitutional limit on investment. The Bretton Woods institutions (IMF
presidential terms of office he retired and was and World Bank) were holding Ghana up as a fine
succeeded by opposition leader Barrister John example of good economic and political manage-
Kufur, standard bearer of New Patriotic Party. ment. One of the policies that attracted foreign
Kufur in turn lead the country respectfully for investment was unrestricted repatriation of prof-
two-four year terms and was succeeded by op- its. This put unyielding pressure on Ghana’s cur-
position candidate Professor John Atta Mills, rency, the cedi; for the greater investors’ demand
National Democratic Congress standard bearer for their cedis to be converted to U.S. dollars for
who had served Rawlings as vice president. In profit repatriation the weaker the value of the
the 2009 Failed State Index Ghana ranked sec- cedi became and this not only adversely im-
ond to Mauritius as Africa’s least failed state. So pacted the purchasing power of Ghanaians but
respectable had Ghana’s democratic and human made production in Ghana cheaper in dollar
rights credentials become that President Barack terms. As local production cost deflated in dollar
Obama chose it as the first African country he terms the flow of foreign investment increased;
would visit. In the interview CNN Focus on Af- and while Ghana’s economy was growing steadily
rica conducted with former President John at between 4% and 6% annually during the
Kufur on the occasion the retired president ac- 1990s, the free floating cedi constantly weak-
knowledged with pride and satisfied emotion ened in the currency exchange market by de-
that it was Ghana’s demonstrated political ma- mand for conversion to dollars, diminishing the
turity and sustained democracy that brought it purchasing power of Ghanaians for imported
the honor of Obama’s historical first stop in Af- goods and industrial raw materials. This has con-
rica. tinued to be the fate of Ghana: a well managed
78 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Ghana Another Oil Producer by Muhammed Kamil
country that suffers from over dependence on
foreign investment and the absence of Pan Afri-
can economy of scale that would put it in much
larger domestic capital and consumer markets. In
2009 Ghana, with a population of 24 million,
ranked 16th among African countries in per capita
GDP (PPP) at $1, 571 and (nominal) $739. Al-
though this is higher than Nigeria and most other
West Africa countries, the World Bank estimates
that 28% of Ghana’s population still lives below
the international poverty line of $1.25 a day. In
2008 high gold and cocoa prices sent export earn-
ings up to $4.03 billion ($1.8 billion from gold;
Ghanaians have impressive talent for wood crafts, including
$1.1 billion from cocoa), but the balance of trade house furniture and parquet floors, both of which they export
was still excessively negative as the country’s im-
port bill amounted to $9.048 billion. Petroleum Oteng-Adjei said last week in Spain, “We think
accounted for $1.5 billion of the import bill. the gas will allow us to expand our electricity pro-
Last July British Firm Tullow Oil announced duction, help us reduce the cost of electricity so
the discovery of between 600 million and 1.8 bil- that it will be a direct benefit to the people of
lion barrels of oil in Ghana’s territorial waters. The Ghana, and also it will help the environment.”
IMF realistically referred to this as a modest crude On February 11th Ghana’s Chronicle Newspa-
oil stock; even if recoverable reserves turn out to per carried an article in which former President
be at the high end. We have been unable to get Jerry Rawlings accused President Mills of weak
an accurate indication of planned production fig- leadership in a meeting with National Democratic
ures, but considering its proven reserves 150,000 Congress party cadres. I recall Rawlings during his
barrels a day seems prudent and would extend years as president complaining to his ministers in
production for 10 years. Ghana might in this light public gatherings about their unbecoming behav-
develop a ten year development plan− 2010 to ior. Accra, Ghana’s capital, is one of Africa’s good
2020. Including 2010 would be in consideration of times towns− one of those philanders’ paradises;
the current capital investment, including infra- and if Rawlings, known as one of the ultimate
structure in preparation for next year’s produc- African strongmen could have trouble keeping his
tion stream. ministers under control, we can believe him
On February 5, 2010 Ghana’s Energy Minister when he says that ministers serving Professor
Joe Oteng-Adjei told Oil & Gas Journal while at a Mills’ administration are out of hand. This is not a
conference in Spain that the Ghana National Pe- good sign for a country about to enjoy a substan-
troleum Company (GNPC), which currently has a tial boost in its national income owing to petrol
10% stake in the Jubilee Field operating consor- production. According to Rawlings who ruled
tium, intended to buy the 23.49% stake held by Ghana for 18 years, the power of the presidency
Kosmos, rather than allow Kosmos sell out to lies in productivity. In other words, keep your
ExxonMobil for $4billion. By increasing its national ministers too busy for them to have time to mis-
petroleum company’s share in Jubilee Field Ghana behave. President Mills not only needs an oil dec-
will reap greater dividends. The energy minister ade development plan, he should take a page
said that Ghana does not have production sharing from the legacy of Liberia’s late President William
agreements but would rely on taxes and royalties Tolbert. Upon launching a development project
for income from hydrocarbon production. Ghana Tolbert would make an agreement with the min-
Ports and Harbor Authority is spending $50 mil- ister in charge on the stages of completion dates
lion on a new oil export terminal at Takorodi that and at each date Tolbert would appear at the
will have a capacity of 10 to 15 supply vessels. project site along with the press and if he was
Ghana is at this point thinking prudently not satisfied with the progress the minister
about the oil income expected to come on stream would be dismissed while the public watched on
by the beginning of 2011. President Mills says that their TV screens and listened on their radios. He
hydrocarbon revenue will simply contribute to was also killed in a Washington backed coup, but
existing earnings. Meanwhile, Energy Minister Joe we wouldn’t expect that from Brother Obama.
79 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Malawi: Full Court Trial for Gay Couple

Claire Ngozo
22 March 2010

Blantyre — Two men who married each other in labour. Monjeza and Chimbalanga, who are be-
a traditional engagement ceremony will have to ing held at Chichiri Prison, one of Malawi's maxi-
undergo trial and face years of imprisonment if mum security jails, have been refused bail on
found guilty of having a homosexual relation- two different occasions by the same magis-
ship. trates' court. They are taunted and jeered by
The state, through police prosecutors, crowds of people every time they make a court
brought the two men to court soon after their appearance. The situation was not different on
Boxing Day engagement and asked the magis- the day of the ruling.
trate to determine that they are criminals for The case has attracted a lot of interest both
indulging in a homosexual relationship. A magis- locally and internationally. The court was jam-
trate's court in Malawi's main commercial cen- packed during the ruling, with on-lookers, rights
tre, Blantyre, on Mar. 22 ruled against the two groups and diplomats from the British High
men, Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Mon- Commission. The diplomats did not comment.
jeza. "The court ruling today is a very sad devel-
Blantyre chief resident magistrate, opment. The full trial will only perpetuate mis-
Nyakwawa Usiwa Usiwa, declared that Chim- ery for the couple as they will continue to be
balanga and Monjeza have a case to answer to. kept in prison and continue to face the wrath of
The couple is facing official charges of "gross homophobic people," said Gift Trapense, direc-
indecency" and "buggery" for "having carnal tor of human rights organization The Centre for
knowledge against the order of nature", of- the Development of People.
fences under Malawi's colonial-era penal code. "It is very unfair to continue holding the
"In the balance of probability the state has couple in jail just because they are expressing
established a prima-facie case against the two their love for each other. The conditions in Ma-
as charged," Usiwa Usiwa told the couple. The lawi's prisons are very bad; there is overcrowd-
state has already administered several medical ing in the cells and inmates go hungry most
tests on the couple to establish that they were times. It is sad that they should continue suffer-
having sexual intercourse as well as a mental ing just for choosing their own way of life," Trap-
examination to test if each is mentally stable. ense told IPS.
The couple will undergo a full trial and the The magistrate has since set trial for Apr. 3.
onus now lies on the two men to prove their Meanwhile, Amnesty International has adopted
innocence. Chimbalanga and Monjeza as prisoners of con-
Chimbalanga and Monjeza did not seem to science. The rights organization defines prison-
be moved by the magistrate's decision. They ers of conscience as people who have been
were not allowed to comment on the ruling. jailed because of the lawful expression of their
The lawyer representing the couple, Osward beliefs.
Ntuwakale, asked the court to give him two In a recent statement, Amnesty Interna-
weeks for him to prepare for their defence. "I tional United Kingdom director Kate Allen said
will call upon defence witnesses," he said. Monjeza and Chimbalanga have committed no
Chimbalanga and Monjeza have been ar- criminal offence.
rested based on Sections 153 and 156 of the Support for the gay couple has been
Penal Code which criminalize homosexuality mounting. On Mar. 16, Malawi's main donors,
and recommend that anyone convicted under including the UK government, Germany, African
these sections may be jailed for a minimum of Development Bank (AfDB), Norway, the Euro-
five years and maximum of 14 years and hard pean Union and the World Bank, who operate
- 80 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Europeans and Africa on Collision
Course Over Homosexuality?
Full Court Trial for Gay Couple
by Claire Ngozo By Muhammed Kamil

under the Common Approach to Budget

Support (CABS), warned Malawi against T he threat of suspending European develop-
ment assistant if Malawi prosecutes homo-
sexuals under its laws and through it judicial sys-
the prosecution of homosexuals. CABS
provides up to 80 percent of Malawi's tem is a dangerous precedence in cultural black-
development budget of 438 million dol- mail and the response of the Malawi Council of
lars. Churches that the government should proceed with
the prosecution of the Gay marriage case and not
"When we talk about human rights, we give in to donor pressure portends a confrontation
do not only talk about the majority but between Africa and Europe over retention of colo-
also minority groups like the on-going nial era laws made by Europeans but found suitable
issue of homosexuals which needs to be by Africans.
looked into thoroughly," Frank Kufwak- A prominent question raised in the premises is
wandi, head of AfDB in Malawi and also whether or not communities and societies have
chairman of CABS said in a statement . cultural and value rights and with corresponding
legitimacy to give them legal teeth. In the United
Kufwakwandi urged Malawi to respect States homosexuals fought for legal and social ac-
human rights issues. "Respect for human ceptance through the facilities of the democratic
rights is one of the fundamental princi- system and there is ongoing national debate and
ples of Malawi's budget support coopera- contention over the issue of homosexual marriage.
tion from the CABS group," he stated. In post-apartheid South Africa the constitution for-
The donor group also warned that that bad discrimination on grounds of sexual orienta-
the country risks international isolation if tion, which reflected the human rights philosophy
it continues prosecuting homosexuals. and vision of the democratically empowered Afri-
can National Congress. During January Aljazeera
The government of Norway issued a channel aired a documentary on lesbians in South
warning saying the government of Ma- Africa in which they expressed their desire to be
lawi must respect gay rights or risk taint- able to legally marry, something South African law
ing its human rights record. does not presently accommodate but advocacy for
it persists.
But the Malawi Council of Churches In many parts of the world, and no doubt most
(MCC), a grouping of up to 22 protestant notably in California, the issue of homosexual mar-
churches, has since urged government riage divides society almost down the middle. De-
not to give in to donor pressure to accept spite having enjoyed the right to marry for several
gay rights in exchange for aid. years a 2004 referendum in California forbad ho-
mosexuals from marrying under state law by a slim
In a statement released on Mar. 19, the margin of 52% to 48%. Gay rights advocates vowed
MCC called on the international commu- to continue their quest until another referendum is
nity to "respect Malawi's cultural and held and the vote reversed in their favor.
religious values and refrain from using aid For external powers to attempt denying Afri-
as a means of forcing the country to le- can countries liberty to handle the issue of homo-
galize sinful acts like homosexuality in the sexuality within their internal democratic dynamics
name of human rights." is at best imperialistic. As democratic political
power is typically based on plurality individual
The MCC also asked government to main- rights will invariably be determined by popular will.
tain the laws that criminalize homosexual As long as the right of advocacy is preserved popu-
acts and practices. lar will is systemically open to change.

81 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Soldiers end
Mamadou Tandja’s Reign
By Muhammed Kamil

Niger’s now deposed President Mamadou Tandja with Chinese President Hu Jintao at the
2003 China-Africa Summit in Beijing

I f megalomania was not a common affliction

among African and other Global South lead-
ers, I would be tempted to argue that Mamadou
vision come to lead Africa into the new millen-
nium. It was this group that gave hurdle scaling
impetus to the African Union’s realization and
Tandja’s height impaired his view of realities the New Partnership for African Development
way down on the ground. Mamadou Tandja, 72, (NEPAD). Earlier President Abdel Aziz Bouteflika−
retired Lt. Colonel, erstwhile military junta who holds the historic distinction of having been
member and populist, veteran political actor, president of the United Nations General Assem-
strode Niger’s political terrain with giant steps bly in 1975 when it voted to oust apartheid South
but unfortunately though he was being urged Africa from the world body− succeeded in obtain-
on by stalwarts of his National Movement of the ing referendum endorsement of his bid to change
Development Society he neither saw nor sensed the constitution to allow him run for a third term.
that he was treading backwards down a slope Obasanjo tried to do the same in Nigeria but the
until soldiers burst in on his cabinet meeting Senate killed his proposition to institute a one
shooting. It was a sad ending for a man democ- term five year presidency whereby his previous
ratically elected in 1999 enjoying extraordinary two terms would be regarded as part of a de-
goodwill from his people and the international funct dispensation and he would be allowed to
community. Along with Nigeria’s Obasanjo, Al- run again. Obasanjo, who appears as a dwarf
geria’s Bouteflika, South Africa’s Mbeki and when standing next to Tandja, went to Niger last
Senegal’s Abdoulaye Wade, Mamadou Tandja year to advise his fellow soldier-man turned poli-
was seen as part of a providential flock of ex- tician not to venture pursuit of a third term but
perienced populists with pragmatic Pan African the giant of Niamey, urged on by sycophantic
82 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Niger Soldiers End Mamadou Tandja’s Reign by Muhammed Kamil
opportunists, was determined to his own detri-
That neither Mamadou Tandja nor any one of
his ministers was killed spared the coup bitter-
ness. Ali Sabo, vice president of Tandja's National
Movement for a Developing Society, spoke so-
berly, admitting that the army's reaction caught
them by surprise, but urged the military to exer-
cise fairness during the transitional phase. How-
ever, his statements betray the naiveté of Tandja
and his backers: "We had not expected a reaction
from the army; we thought that the army would
steer clear of politics and leave political differ-
ences to be resolved between politicians. We ex-
pect the military to be fair and just,” Sabo said on
privately-owned radio Saraounia. This TV grab image taken from Euronews channel shows
Tandja had been a major actor in Niger’s first Gokoye Abdul Karimou, spokesman for the military junta,
military coup d’état in 1974 that toppled maiden delivering a televised statement in Niamey, February 19.
Niger's new military rulers posted tanks and trucks
post-colonial president Hamani Diori. He was on
mounted with machine guns around the presidential pal-
this planet and in Niger when former army colo-
ace Friday after toppling President Mamadou Tandja and
nial, military coup maker turned civilian president sacking the government.
Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara was gunned down by his
presidential guards as he was about to board an Department spokesman Philip Crowley said in Ni-
airplane at Niamey’s airport. Tandja in an inter- ger’s case, "President Tandja has been trying to
view with France’s Le Monde newspaper pub- extend his mandate in office. And obviously, that
lished in October 2007 maintained that he in- may well have been, you know, an act on his be-
tended to step down at the end of his second half that precipitated this act today." The fact
term, but party supporters, including his prime was that Tandja had already extended his man-
minister took to the streets in December 2008 date by subverting the constitution.
rallying for constitutional change to allow not only The coup in Niger was hardly the neat and
the president an extended stay in office but also proper political surgery that we saw in Honduras
Parliament. Such clamoring by stalwarts of a rul- where Parliament swore its speaker in as care-
ing party for the incumbent president to change taker president until the presidential elections six
the constitution to allow him stay longer or indefi- months away. There was no ambiguity in Hondu-
nitely is sheer opportunism, typically driven by ras about the presidential election date and it
material and privilege motives. was made clear from the beginning that care-
The African Union policy of condemning mili- taker president Roberto Micheletti would not be
tary coups and suspending member countries that allowed to contest. Everything went according to
are taken over by force, while engaging in dia- originally stated intentions and with the election
logue with the soldiers with a view to achieving a and swearing in of Porfirio Lobo as the new presi-
speedy return to constitutional civilian, democ- dent in January this year all the condemning
ratic governance is wise and this is the very stance noise and measures hurled at Honduras’ govern-
AU Commission Chairperson Jean Ping announced ment were rendered illusory skepticism. Niger’s
immediately news of the military coup in Niamey coup makers styled themselves Supreme Council
broke. Washington took a more realistic position for the Restoration of Democracy (CSRD).
than it did when Emmanuel Zalaya was removed “Supreme Council” is typical military coup mak-
by soldiers as president of Honduras last year ers’ jargon and has totalitarian connotations. It
upon orders of the country’s Supreme Court remains to be seen whether this contradiction is
which along with Parliament accused the charis- merely one of intellectual clumsiness or sub-
matic Honduran conservative turned populist of conscious clue that betrayal is inevitable. The
plotting a referendum to change the constitution Niger situation was much more complicated than
to allow him overstep the country’s presidential that in Honduras because Tandja had already
mandate limit of one five year term. U.S. State succeeded in staging and claiming victory in a
83 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Niger Soldiers End Mamadou Tandja’s Reign by Muhammed Kamil
referendum that allowed constitutional changes
to entrench him in power; despite the Constitu-
tional Court calling attention to the constitutional
provision stating that a referendum may not be
called relating to the limit on the presidential
mandate. Tandja reacted to the Constitutional
Court warning in the premises by dissolving Parlia-
ment. Following the formal ruling of the Constitu-
tional Court that the proposed referendum was
unconstitutional Present Tandja said that he
would forgo it, but three days later, on June 21,
2009, he reversed his acknowledgement of the
Constitutional Court’s authority in the matter by
demanding that the court reverse its ruling. This
provoked immediate unrest, initially with a one
day general strike by seven labor confederations
and withdrawal from government of the CDS-
Rahama party of former president Mahamane
Ousmane, who had backed Tandja in the 2004
runoff election against Mahamadou Issoufou,
leader of the Nigerien Party for Democracy and
Socialism-Tarayya (PNDS-Tarayya), a social de-
mocratic opposition. Tandja closed the gate to
resolution of the crisis and locked himself in on
the dead end street to disaster on June 27th when
he announced dissolution of government and rule
by decree. In doing so he assumed the role of a
soldier, thereby provoking an explicable challenge Protestors in Niger’s capital Niamey against Mamadou
from younger generation officers. Tandja’s violation of the constitution to perpetuate
In such situations the ‘Supreme Council” pos- himself in the presidency
turing of the military typically reflects disdain for
the wrangling and failures of the actors and cul- constitutional provisions are bad practice and
ture of democracy. The African Union Commission urging Africans to insist on permanent, unalter-
leaders are well acquainted with such situations able limits of presidential mandate in their con-
and have in the pass demonstrated the blend of stitutions.
tact, patience, pressure and perseverance to Agitation for a military takeover in Nigeria
thwart legitimization of undemocratic means of appearing here and there on the internet, the
acquiring and exercising state power in the conti- bloody foray into politics of Guinea’s young sol-
nent. There is no reason to believe that they will diers after the demise of General Lansana Conte−
not once again be smart on the job, but as the a military coup maker turned elected civilian dic-
lingering governance crises in Côte d’Ivoire and tator, raises alarm that ambitious and visionless
Madagascar attest push button fixes can only soldiers in Africa are disposed to defying the
come from within, provided willingness. world, not to mention the popular aspirations of
That African constitutions still empower ex- Africans, and turn back the clock to the era when
ecutive presidents to dissolve Parliament is a mat- the continent was largely a collection of military
ter for NEPAD’s Peer Review Mechanism (PRM) fiefdoms. This challenge the AU must meet push-
participants to consider. This is a practice carried ing for strengthened civil society, continental
over from the colonial era when European Gover- wide constitutionally enshrined democratic stan-
nor Generals reserved the power to halt the de- dards, fully empowering the Pan African Parlia-
mocratic processes if they didn’t like the way ment, fully developing the African Court of Jus-
things were going. Africa would be well served if tice and giving the PRM a higher profile….I re-
the PRM Heads of State & Government Commit- spectfully submit.
tee were to issue a resolution explaining why such
84 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Nigeria/Capital Market
Keep to retirement promise, operators urge Okereke-Onyiuke

Dr. Ndi Okereke-Onyiuke, Director General of Nigeria Stock Exchange since 2000 is scheduled to voluntarily
retire November 2, 2010

By Daniel Osunkoya and Oluwaseyi Bangudu Exchange performance

January 14, 2010 12:38AM In Ms. Okereke-Onyiuke’s review, the stock market
indicators recorded downward movements in 2009.

O perators at the Nigerian capital market

have urged the Director General/Chief
Executive Officer of the Nigerian Stock Exchange
Turnover on the Exchange closed the year at
N685.72 billion, down by 350% per cent from the
N2.4 trillion recorded in 2008. Average daily activity
(NSE), Ndi Okereke-Onyiuke, to keep to her re- dropped from 775.65 million shares worth N9.55
tirement promise. billion in 2008 to 414.73 million shares valued at
The national chairman of the Progressive N2.8 billion in 2009.
Shareholders Association of Nigeria, Boniface The bulk of the transactions were in equities,
Okezie, said it was good that Ms. Okereke- which accounted for N685.3 trillion or 99.94 per cent
of the turnover value compared to N2.376 trillion or
Onyiuke clarified her stand on the controversy
99.85 per cent recorded in 2008.
surrounding the postponement of her retire-
Transactions in the industrial bonds sector ac-
counted for N412.8 million or 0.06 per cent com-
Mr. Okezie said market operators “now
pared to N3.53 billion or 0.15 per cent in 2008, while
know that she is going to retire by the end of transactions in the State Government bonds sector
the year. We believe she has told the truth and were very minimal, accounting for only N119,530.
will keep to her promise.” The Preference Stocks subsector was inactive in
“We also expect her successor to come 2009.
from within the capital market system since the Furthermore, a turnover of N18.51 trillion in
position is not going to be a government ap- 134,120 deals was recorded in the over-the-counter
pointed one. The Exchange’s council will find market for Federal Government bonds, as against
someone who fits the position,” he said. N10.44 billion in 78,248 deals recorded in 2008.
The association chairman pointed out that Overall, the Exchange‘s Turnover Ratio dropped
the current assistant director-general of the from 21.86 per cent in 2008 to 13.26 per cent in
Exchange, Lance Elekama, is fit to succeed her 2009, attributing the performance to the decline in
because “he is qualified by profession”. stock prices.

85 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Head of the Body Politic

By Muhammed Kamil


sonification of the state’s apex institution. In as

much as the person holding the apex executive
office of state is a creature of discretion and judg-
ment as well as subject of law and institution, he
is ethically and morally bound to strengthen the
body politic’s institutions and its image in the
comity of nations. In pursuit of this efficiency op-
timization ideal, Chile’s National Renewal Party,
to which newly elected President Sebastián Pi-
ñera belongs, requires its candidates once
elected to resign from the party and serve the
body politic as an independent in a system where
the constitution restricts the presidential term to
one lasting four years.
Generally speaking African states in the 21st
century cannot achieve beneficial image profiles
with throwback to the 1980s when a senile Presi-
Nigeria’s President Umaru Musa Yar’adua
dent Habib Bourguiba clung to power while Tuni-
sians and the rest of the world knew not whether
he was dead or alive. He was finally deposed by
I n tandem with the crisis provoked, the ab-
sence of Nigeria’s President Umaru Musa
Yar’adua from office for medical attention in
his Prime Minister Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali toward
the end of 1987, at the age of 84. We recall that
the late President Felix Houphouët-Boigny of
Saudi Arabia for seven weeks without any offi-
Côte d’Ivoire made a practice of not informing
cial report on his condition raises ethical and
the nation whenever he travelled outside or re-
philosophical questions about the connection
turned to the country. It was then simply as-
between the body politic and its head. In the
sumed that when he was not appearing on televi-
bio-physics of social science, by natural law the
sion every evening he was abroad; and there
head and the body politic are a single unit with
were always stories afloat that he had his blood
many organs; and all people, including the head
changed every year in Switzerland. Those are
of state, are institutionalized; in the presidency
tales from a bygone era when not only Africa but
at the top, the various offices of government
even some of the leading powers operated at
and at the mass level what we now in democ-
lower political standards than are common to-
ratic parlance refer to as “civil society”. In this
arrangement institutions and laws are intended
Invariably lack of transparency instigates
to facilitate efficient functioning of the body
and fuels rumors which only undermine our ef-
politic, including the presidency or Parliament
forts to attain higher standards of democratic
with its Prime Minister, as the case might be. In
participation and governance. Over the past year
this context personalization, regionalization or
Sudanese have been hearing stories about Vice
localization of the head of the body politic is a
President Ali Osman Muhammed Taha battling
deforming anomaly. In modern democracy, nei-
with leukemia and making frequent trips to Jor-
ther a tribe, particular region or family rules;
don to change his blood. From where do these
rather, the head of the body politic is the per-
86 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Nigeria Head of the Body Politic By Muhammed Kamil
stories repeated by Sudan’s professional elites, democratic practices; and in many instances,
including doctors, and foreign diplomats origi- such as America’s legal tolerance of racist politics
nate? No one knows for sure. It is hard to imag- and Californians walking the streets with six
ine that top government officials have not shooters strapped around their waist, democratic
heard these stories but we cannot deem them development in the West in being retarded by
true because government has not confirmed conservatism. Significantly, Britain which has
them. Al-Although Ali Osman was not elected hate laws prohibiting propagation of ethnic and
by the public he is still a vice president on the religious hatred, heard Parliamentary voices in
public payroll, a deputy head of the body politic March calling for greater independence from
and a principal in the Presidency, which imposes American foreign policy, not withstanding their
upon government an ethical obligation to be remaining firm allies.
accountable to the nation concerning his health. The presidential health debacle came at a
I recall that when Gerhard Schröder was time when Nigeria is in a constitution review
Germany’s Federal Chancellor in the 1990s a process, at a time when there is a military take-
row erupted between him and the press over over in neighboring Niger following an unconsti-
whether or not he dyed his hair. To the Ger- tutional referendum to allow the president to
mans for the Chancellor to dye his grey hair extend his term of office; it comes at a time when
black was unacceptable deception but Mr. the poorly educated ANC youth leader in South
Schröder insisted his hair was still naturally Africa is mocking the country’s non-racial society
black and no one was able to sustain a case to basis and polarizing people on racial lines; it
the contrary. Hence, the issue waned away. comes at a time when the African Union is chal-
Germany and indeed the world have come lenged to quicken its institution building; at a
a long way since the days of Adolf Hitler’s Third time when talent and individual achievements of
Reich and Prime Minister Winston Churchill tell- Africa’s young elite are simply amazing. Verily,
ing fellow Parliamentarian Bessie Braddock who this is a time for broad and deep reflection on the
accused him at a public function of being drunk, challenge of Africa in the digital age, globalization
“And you, madam, are ugly. But I shall be sober age potential and paying particular attention to
in the morning.” Gordon Brown would not dare the disposition, thinking and achievements of
venture down that lane. Prime Minister Silvio Africa’s young elites.
Berlusconi may be the most high and mighty Late last year in a BBC documentary on the
Italian leader since fascist dictator Benito Mus- drones operation in the United States military,
solini but the electorate has dumped him before the commanding officer was honest enough to
and appear about to do so again. admit that his generation, the over 50 genera-
President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua is a world- tion, was no match for the performance capacity
wide respected gentleman and I have heard few common to digital age generation cognizant el-
if any questions about his integrity to date, but ites; noting that while they were conditioned to
at the head of state level in today’s world indis- concentrate on only one task at a time, the digital
cretion and omission often amount to misfea- age youths found no problem multi-tasking. The
sance. least then the older generation can do is lead the
Going forward, Africans generally, if we are way in wisdom and political development. Every-
to develop our immense latent potential must one one of us should resolve not to stunt democ-
study the best practices in democracy world ratic development with conservative outlook and
wide. Some, such as South Africa’s s non-racial practices tendencies.
Rainbow society policy and social philosophy
and Benin Republic’s compulsory 70 years old
retirement age for presidents are found in Afri-
can polities. The growing trend in contemporary
Latin America to restrict presidential mandates
to one term of office means that a president
cannot divert attention from the affairs of the
country to campaign for re-election. Europe and
America no longer have a monopoly on best

87 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Bush, Blair and Condoleezza Rice visit Abuja

Former U.S. President George Bush (L-R), Chairman of Nigeria's THISDAY Newspapers Nduka
Obaigbena, Britain's former Prime Minister Tony Blair and former U.S. Secretary of State Condo-
leezza Rice pose for a photograph during the "Nigeria at 50 Awards", organized by Nigeria's
THISDAY Newspapers, in the capital territory of Abuja February 21, 2010. Picture taken February
21, 2010. REUTERS/Afolabi Sotunde (NIGERIA - Tags: POLITICS MEDIA)

F ormer British Prime Minister Tony Blair,

former United States President George W.
Bush and former U.S. Secretary of State Condo-
This Day

From Sufuyan Ojeifo in Abuja, 02.22.2010

leezza Rice, all of whom served concurrently,
were in Nigeria during the week of February Former US Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleezza
21st to attend the This Day Nigeria At 50 Rice, yesterday night made a prognosis of
Awards, honoring contributions to society. where Nigeria should be within the next fifty
Former anti-corruption investigator Nuhu years, saying that the country should have a
Ribadu though not present received an accolade strong democracy which would deliver for the
which was accepted by family members. people.
Condoleezza Rice, the only one of the three But Rice, while answering questions mod-
to speak at the occasion, hoped over the course erated by the Chairman of THISDAY Newspa-
of its second 50 years Nigeria’s democracy pers, Mr. Nduka Obaigbena, at the THISDAY Ni-
would wax stronger and satisfy its people with geria at 50 Awards Dinner last night in Abuja,
services delivery. sidestepped a question requiring her to make
Former Nigeria President Olusegun comments on the prolonged absence of ailing
Obasanjo also spoke at the occasion. Having President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua.
served concurrently with the three guest former She said: "I will leave this point to Nigeri-
leaders, he singled out Tony Blair as the princi- ans. One thing that is important… I pray for your
pal facilitator in securing Paris Club debt relief president's recovery. I met him. I saw him to be
for Nigeria. Obasanjo said that while in his trav- somebody who had a real vision for Nigeria. But
els he received promises of support for debt ultimately, the presidency is more important
relief from various world leaders, when none than the person who occupies it. In a democ-
proved fruitful he realized a facilitator was racy, there is the office of the presidency and
needed, which was found in then Prime Minis- the person elected to that office is the servant
ter Blair.
88 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Nigeria Bush, Blair and Condoleezza Rice visit Abuja

Attending a training workshop of Christian and Muslim faith leaders on ways to combat
malaria, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair called for concerted efforts to fight ma-
laria in Nigeria. Since July 2008 Mr. Blair’s Faith Foundation has also been foremost in the
bednet/end malaria campaign in Africa. .Photo from report by Neal Walker, Sky News

of the people and he is accountable to the peo- the country with skill.
ple… Blair congratulated the Acting President on
"I am certain that Nigerians would find his assumption of office, saying the Government
within their democratic institutions a way to of the United Kingdom was pleased with the
deal with the current crisis that you have; but resolution of the political situation in Nigeria.
with that said, my prayers are with your Presi- Mr. Blair, who spoke to newsmen after
dent and my prayers are with your Acting Presi- meeting with the Acting President at the Presi-
dent with whom I met today (yesterday) and dential Villa, described the current situation in
with all of your other leaders who must lead Nigeria as ”unique and pretty difficult.”
Nigeria through this critical time." “I say to the Acting President that I want to
The 15th THISDAY Awards ceremony held thank him for the wise way he and the institu-
at the THISDAY Dome, Abuja, saw a number of tion of Nigerian government have handled
prominent Nigerians both living and dead, as themselves in last few days and I want to say it
well as companies and institutions, recognized has been a pretty difficult situation and I think
for their contributions and achievements in the they have handled it with skill,” Blair said.
polity. Giving insight into his closed-door discussions
Rice continued the discussion on "Nigeria: with Jonathan, Blair noted that the Acting Presi-
The Next 50 Years," from where the duo of for- dent and the Nigerian legislature had shown a
mer US President George W. Bush and former willingness to ensure that Nigeria moved for-
British Prime Minister Tony Blair left off in the ward “in a proper way.”
afternoon during a Special Luncheon, which ”He (Acting President) was explaining to
presaged the Awards night. me the importance of maintaining the right con-
In trying to define the trajectory open to stitutional process and we both agree that one
Nigeria in the next fifty years, she said while of the greatest things to have happened is re-
rounding off her speech which she made almost turning democratic government and we would
extempore, "I come to you as a daughter of or- want to see that maintained.”
dinary people. I come to you also as a citizen of
the country that struggled to make 'we, the peo-
ple' have meaning because, of course, when the
founding fathers said 'we, the people' they did-
n’t mean me.”
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair
last Saturday said Acting President Dr. Goodluck
Jonathan and the ”institution of Government” in
Nigeria have handled the difficult situation in
89 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Senate Committee on Constitution Review


T he Nigerian Senate Committee on

Constitution Review, headed by Dep-
uty Senate President Ike Ekweremadu, on
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 formally pre-
sented a revised constitution on the Senate
floor. Prominent among SCCR recommen-
dations was full autonomy for the Inde-
pendent National Elections Commission
(INEC), as well as the National Assembly,
whereby they should be placed on the first
line charge of the Consolidated Revenue
Fund. Presently, funding or these two bod-
ies is subject to executive control.
Also stipulated in the SCCR recommen-
dation is that funds for the Judiciary should
be disbursed from the Consolidated Reve-
nue Fund to the National Judicial Council for
disbursement to the courts established for Deputy Senate President Ike Ekweremadu, Chairman
the federation and the states under Section of the Senate Committee on Constitution Review
6 of the Constitution.
Significantly, establishment of an Elec- not more than 210 days and not less than
toral Offenses Tribunal has been recom- 80 days before the expiry of the current
mended and that all elections related cases term of office.
should be disposed of within 60 days of the Also of particular public interest was
elections. Also, SCCR recommends the Na- rejection of the recommendation made by
tional Assembly passing laws to standardize the Justice Muhammadu Lawal Uwais
and ensure democratic practices by political headed Electoral Reform Committee (ERC)
parties, specifically regarding party prima- that the chairman of INC should be recom-
ries, party congresses and party conven- mended by the National Judicial Council
tions. It was recommended that all political (NJC) and submitted to the president who
parties have their head offices in Abuja and would in turn submit it to the National As-
that they annually submit detailed state- sembly. The SSCR report recommends that
ments and analysis of their sources and us- members of the INC and its board shall not
age of funds and other assets. However, the be members of any political party.
SCCR report recommends approval of inde- SCCR deliberations have been going on
pendent candidates for subsequent elec- since last year with the issue of reviewing
tions. Nigeria’s 1999 Constitution part of the pub-
In the case of annulled elections, the lic discourse since its inception. The SSCR
eventual winner must have fresh tenure was set up after the Joint Committee on
starting from the date of swearing in. No Constitution Review was dismantled follow-
alteration was recommended on the four ing disagreement between members of the
year terms of office for the president and Senate and the House of Representatives.
governors. It has, however, been recom-
mended that election for president be held
90 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

The Qualification Debate

T he Senate Committee on Constitution Re-

view recommendation that qualification
for holding elected office in Nigeria be raised
from O level (Ordinary Secondary School Certifi-
cate) to tertiary level (diploma from a higher
education institution) has sparked a public de-
bate with Senator Jibril Aminu (PDP, Adamawa
Central), a professor of cardiology and former
education minister, arguing that it unfairly dis-
enfranchises 98% of Nigerians. On the other
side of the isle Nigerians welcome the SCCR rec-
ommendation as necessary given the complex
and technocratic work involved in legislating for Senator Jibril Aminu
Nigeria in the 21st century.
Commenting on Daily Trust website where
the newspaper’s interview with Senator Jibril Zanna Baruwa Gashua, also disagrees with
Aminu on this matter appeared, Bashir Ham- Senator Jibril Aminu, arguing that the qualifica-
man Gabdo Marafa, a Ph. D. student at Malay- tion level for elected public office should be
sia’s University of Putra, thinks raising the edu- HND and Bachelor’s degree, maintaining that
cational bar for holding public office is “quite “this will bring competence and competition to
healthy”, arguing that it will improve the quality our people to seek education for good repre-
of intellectual debates and “do away with the sentation.”
politics of political office holders communicating Sanusi Musa doubts that the SCCR recom-
in local languages (not in English) during official mendation that elected office holders should
meetings and public functions.” have tertiary education qualifications would
Commenting on Prof. Aminu’s statistic that pass when it reaches the state Houses of As-
enrollment for higher tertiary education is only sembly. “For me, it's just a confirmation of how
about 1.8%, Aji Isuwa Suleiman thinks the focus selfish yan boko are. After all we have seen that
should be on expanding education opportuni- the more Western educated you are the more
ties and improving the quality of education. your primitive sense of accumulation,” he says.
While Aji, writing in broken English, would like From a democratic ethics perspective this
to see elected officials from the state assem- recommendation raises the question of
blies upwards be at least Higher National Di- whether or not it is right for the constitution to
ploma (HND) holders, he accuses the system of stipulate educational qualifications for elected
allowing people to attain degrees without legiti- office or should its provisions be confined to
mately earning them. matters of legal moral standing, such as convic-
Mallam Bello Birchi Abdalla asks, “Who is tion for a crime, and leave the electorate to de-
this senator (Jibril Aminu) protecting by oppos- termine the suitability of candidates that have
ing raising qualification for electoral positions to conviction free histories.
tertiary education level, unless maybe he is en- Perhaps this matter should be debated in
joying the domination of the house by few of the legislative arena rather than at the constitu-
their type from the North or he wants to tell the tional level. Even if one disagrees with Senator
world that we can not have people from the Jibril Aminu’s argument it seems that this
North to fill in those positions in the two federal proposition is too loaded with rights denial im-
houses and other post at state level?” plications to be associated with the high guiding
law of the land.

91 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Nigeria’s National Assembly passes $30.72bn

2010 budget

T he Nigerian National Assembly on March

25th passed a N4.6 trillion budget for the
fiscal year 2010, N530 billion (13.3%) more than
the N4.079 trillion proposed by the executive
arm. The budget will b sent to Acting President
Goodluck Jonathan for assent.
The budget is based on an exchange rate of
N150 to the benchmark U.S. dollar and an aver-
Nigeria Senate President David Mark
age oil price of $67 per barrel. The original pro-
posal was based on a petrol price of $57; the
billion, Aviation Ministry N71.310 billion, Minis-
revision obviously takes into account the steady
try of Health N67.277 billion, Office of the Secu-
above $70 per barrel oil price in recent months.
rity Adviser N65.686 billion and the Environ-
The budget anticipates a 5.7% GDP growth
ment Ministry which is allocated N26.124 bil-
rate and 11.2% inflation. Net revenue is pro-
jected at N3.086 trillion, leaving a budget deficit
The huge spenders on the recurrent (non-
of N1.51 trillion, to be financed from crude oil
debt) side of the budget are: the Ministry of De-
earnings in excess of the budget benchmark,
fense with an allocation of N217.340 billion, fol-
sale of government properties, oil blocks, inter-
lowed by the Ministry of Education’s N198.084
national bonds and domestic borrowing. The
billion and Police Formation & Commands
deficit financing breakdown of the budget pro-
N191.428 billion.
jects proceeds from Sale of Government Prop-
Other ministries with huge recurrent ex-
erty at N9.56 billion, Privatization Proceeds
penditures include, the Ministry of Health
N107.208 billion, Net FGN’s Consolidated share
N112.722 billion, Interior Ministry N81.567 bil-
of the proposed Excess Crude Account (ECA)
lion, Office of the Secretary to the Government
N309.13 billion, FGN share of signature bonus
of the Federation (SGF) N45.962 billion, Ministry
N132.312 billion, International bonds N75 bil-
of Youth Development N43.213 billion and the
lion and Domestic Borrowing N897.3 billion.
Niger Delta Ministry with allocation of N41.458
The breakdown of the budget shows that
Net Retained Revenue is N3.086 trillion, Aggre-
The budget provides N27 billion to pay lo-
gate Expenditure N4.608 trillion, Statutory
cal debts owed to 698 verified contractors and
Transfers N180.2 billion, Debt Service N497 bil-
4,931 unverified contractors to be verified. The
lion, Non Debt Recurrent N2.077 trillion, Capital
United Bank for Africa Development (UBA) will
Expenditure N1.853 trillion and the N1.521 tril-
receive N5 billion as repayment of loan for the
lion budget deficit .
Save Tower Project in the aviation sector.
The allocation breakdown shows the Minis-
The National Assembly also approved
try of Agriculture & Water Resources gets
N123.486 billion Capital Supplementation for
N149.9 billion, the Federal Capital Territory Ad-
some major ongoing works under Quick Win
ministration N138.360 billion, Ministry of Trans-
projects and Millennium Development Goals
port N127. 548 billion and the Ministry of Edu-
(MDG) projects.
cation N97.208 billion.
The Appropriation Act as passed provides
Ministries receiving the most capital devel-
that “The Accountant General of the Federation
opment funds include Ministry of Niger Delta
shall forward to the National Assembly full de-
with N90.908 billion, Ministry of Police Affairs
tails of funds released to the government agen-
N80.371 billion, Ministry of Defense N74.378
cies immediately such funds are released.”
92 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Nigeria Federal Cabinet Reshuffle

“Today, the acting President of the Federal Re- Alhaji Musa Sada: Commissioner for Finance un-
public of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, dissolved der Governor Ibrahim Shema's administration in
the Federal Executive Council (cabinet),” an- Katsina State
nounced Information Minister Dora Akunyili on
March 17th. “He did not give us any reason,” she Alhaji Murtala Yar'Adua: a Director of the defunct
added. Habib Bank
On March 24th the new list of ministers was
announced which would be forwarded to the Hon. Nduese Essien
Nigerian Senate for screening on Monday, March
29th. Ministers are approved without specifying Alhaji Umaru Aliyu
the portfolio to be held, which is left to the dis-
cretion of the President. Alhaji Abubakar Sadiq Mohammed

The Ministerial List Olusegun Olutoyin Aganga: Managing Director at

Goldman Sachs in London.
Mrs. Diezani Allison Madueke: former Minister of
Solid Minerals Development Bawa Bwari: Chief Whip of the House of Repre-
sentatives between 1999 and 2007
Sumo Wey: former minister
Senator Bala Mohammed: leader of the National
Odein Ajumogobia: former Minister of State, Petro- Interest Group which moved the Senate to em-
leum Resources power Dr. Jonathan as Acting President

Fidelia Njeze: former minister, last served as Min- Adamu Maina Waziri: former minister and ex-
ister of State in the Ministry of Works Executive Secretary of the Petroleum Technology
Development Fund (PTDF)
Adetokunbo Kayode: former minister
Labran Maku: former student activist and deputy
Sen. Akinlabi Olasunkanmi: Minister of Youth De- governor of Nassarawa State
velopment in the dissolved cabinet
Senator Sanusi Daggash: formerly Minister of Na-
Godsday Orubebe: former minster tional Planning

Josephine Anenih: former minister Emeka Wogu

Prof. M.K. Abubakar; university don Bello Adoke

Navy Captain N.S. Olubolade: former military ad- Mrs. Josephine Tapgun: Director of the campaign
ministrator of Bayelsa State to re-elect the Obasanjo-Atiko ticket in 2003

Eng. Chris Ogienwonyi: former Managing Director Suleiman Bello

of NAPIMS, a division of Nigerian National Petro-
leum Corporation (NNPC), Professor Dora Akunyili

Ndanusa Alao, Ogun State Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman: former Minister of Fi-
nance and also of National Planning Minister

93 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Cabinet Reshuffle
Outgoing National
Planning Minister
Dr. Shamsudden
Senator Jubril Martins Kuye: .former Minister of Osman, 61, who
State for Finance in the President Olusegun in 2007 gained
Obasanjo administration unique distinction
by declaring his
Professor Ruqaiya Rufai: former Commissioner assets upon being
for Education in Jigawa State appointed Minis-
ter of Finance, will
be back in the
Captain Emmanuel Ihenacho: maritime expert cabinet despite
from Imo State speculation to the
Barrister Mohammed Adoke (SAN): from Kogi

From Vanguard In a statement issued on March 27th NMA

said it had "carefully studied the list of ministerial
Emmanuel Aziken, Daniel Idonor, Chinyere Amalu nominees sent to the Senate and wishes to ex-
& Samuel Orji 24 March 2010 press her confidence and belief that the acting
president, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, will neither
Women want more slots marginalize the members of the medical profes-
The struggle by Nigerian women to make govern- sion nor ignore their patriotic contributions to
ment live up to its commitment of giving women nation-building.
30 per cent representation in decision making, "It is curious that in the list of 33 nominees,
has gained momentum, as they have renewed there is no medical practitioner. We however re-
their call for more slots in the on-going new cabi- call the unique and remarkable role the acting
net nomination. president played (as Vice-President) in the resolu-
The Nigerian Women in Politics made the tion of the turbulence in the health sector last
call in Abuja at a one-day Public Dialogue on Po- year (2009) engendered by the restiveness of
litical Party Regulation - Gender Perspectives or- doctors over the circularization of the Consoli-
ganized by Gender and Affirmative Action, an ini- dated Medical Salary Structure (CONMESS)," the
tiative of Coalition for Change (C4C), funded by association said.
DFID (UK). The statement signed by NMA President and
Speaking to newsmen shortly after the open- Secretary-General, Prosper Igboeli and Kenneth
ing ceremony, the National Coordinator, Okoro respectively, maintained that, "in this criti-
Women's Rights Advancement and Social Devel- cal period, we need a health minister who will
opment, WRAPA, Saudatu Mahdi, said that Nige- fast-track the current improvement in our health
rian women want nothing less than 30 per cent indices with improved immunization coverage,
representation. commendable reduction in the transmission of
She said: "We want government to fulfill its wild polio virus cases and mobilization of re-
commitment of implementing 30 per cent af- sources to combat malaria and maternal mortal-
firmative action they are signatory to. Even ity among other areas.
Yar'Adua administration was committed to it. We The Senate faced Intense lobbying as it con-
have lobby groups who are working on it to en- sidered the fate of the nominees. Acting Presi-
sure that we are well represented." dent Goodluck Jonathan was reported to have
The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) pro- made the list in consultation with political heavy
tested the non-inclusion of a medical practitioner weights, including former president Olusegun
in the list of 33 ministerial nominees submitted to Obasanjo.
the Senate.
94 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Cabinet Reshuffle

The Nigerian Senate

tional planning counterpart Sanusi Daggash were

Former National Food & Drug Administra-
also confirmed, along with the ailing president’s
tion & Control Agency Director General
nephew Murtala Yar’Adua.
Prof. Dora Akunyili who had been President
Yar’Adua’s Information Minister retains a In his interview by the Senate, Murtala
place in the new cabinet Yar’Adua, son of the late vice head of state during
the Obasanjo military rule era Shehu Musa

O n March 31, Nigeria’s Senate confirmed 38

ministerial nominees presented by Acting
President Goodluck Jonathan. Alhaji Umar Aliyu
Yar’Adua, said that as cabinet minister he would
bring hope and youthful vigor to the national
scene. "The energy of youth is very important.
of Traba State was the only nominee to be re- Around the world a lot industrialists and senior
jected. According to Daily Champion, Nigeria’s people running conglomerates are actually our
heroic former Food & Drug Agency boss Prof. age mates. A lot of our friends and colleagues are
Dora Akunyili ably defended herself against out- in private industry and I believe that I can draw a
burst by Senators Kanti Bello and Garba Lado who lot of experience and advise new ways of doing
declared that she was unfit to serve in the cabi- old things," he told his Senate audience. The 40
net, accusing her of betraying the ailing president year old banker was escorted to the Senate by
by leading the calls for Goodluck Jonathan to be what the Vanguard described as “an enthusiastic
installed as Acting President. Prof. Dora circulated crowd including family members, friends and offi-
a memo to the Cabinet in February calling on it to cials of the Katsina State government who repeat-
grant then-Vice President Goodluck Jonathan edly hailed him as Tafidan, the traditional Katsina
powers to act on behalf of President Umaru title he inherited from his father, the late Gen.
Yar'Adua who has been ill and absent from office Shehu Musa Yar'Adua.”
for months. According to the Vanguard report, Yar'Adua
The nominees confirmed yesterday are also touched on the banking reforms which he
Senator Akin Olasukunmi, Isa Bio, Peter Orubebe, endorsed as an attempt to save the country's fi-
Nukhu Way, Senator Bala Muhammed, Mrs. De- nancial system and the spate of sectarian conflicts
zieni Alison-Madueke, Odein Ajumogobia, John in the country which he attributed mainly to pov-
Odey, Aderemi Babalola, Humphery Abba, Chuk- erty and ignorance.
wuemeka Wogu, Iyom Josephine Anenih, Labaran "On conflict resolution, I believe that every-
Maku and Chris Ogiemwonyi. thing has to do with social problem, poverty, es-
Others are Alhaji Suleiman Bello, Hon. Ndue- pecially leads to discontent, people blame each
sien Essien, Josephin Tapgun, Mr. Mohammed other or their neighbours for their problems, it is
Adoke, Earnest Olubolade, Senator Martins Kuye, not new to Nigeria. A lot of it has to do with edu-
Capt. Emmanuel Iheanacho (rtd) and Alhji Idi cation, it depends on what you were taught. Gov-
Hong. ernment has to get involved in the system," the
Dr. Shamsundeen Usman and his former na- president’s nephew said.
95 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Political Management Challenge of Ethnic Violence

zealotry on both sides.
The conflict In Plateau is essentially ethnic
with religious differences as a reinforcing and
aggravating factor. Whatever Nigeria’s leadership
has done historically to curb the negative influ-
ences of religiosity in society and dissuade ethno-
centrism, these problems still demand more
study, greater understanding and successful
remedies. Nigeria like so many other parts of the
world is still troubled by unethical and immoral
conservatism that impedes both the capacity and
willingness to rise above traditional animosities,
or the traditional inclination to ruthless ethnic
rivalry, emotionally supercharged by religious
Nigeria’s Acting President Dr. Goodluck Jonathan (front left) differences.
However, few countries, if any, in the devel-

H istorically, ethnic violence between the

ethnic communities that now constitute
the Federal Republic of Nigeria dates back cen-
oping world have an intellectual elite comparable
to that of Nigeria and this is frequently cited by
the Americans and Europeans in discussing Nige-
turies. That in this modern age with all the pro- ria. Just as Nigeria’s problems are complex and
fessors, legal luminaries, national planning and immense, the world views the country as rich in
administration experts, for all the experience in sophisticated and capable people. Hence, the
democracy and in international institutions Ni- high expectations for Nigeria and the severe criti-
gerians have had, it would appear that continu- cism whenever there is a headline making crises;
ous failure to make substantial progress in curb- whether of corruption, rebellion or communal
ing ethnic violence is owing to political will defi- clashes. With 15% of the continent’s population
ciency rather than lack of professional compe- and an even more sizable portion of Africa’s
tence. Moreover, the slow socio-economic de- world class professionals, any disappointing news
velopment pace of Nigeria compared to its ma- from Nigeria invariably has a demoralizing effect
terial and human resource wealth indicates that on other Africans. Nigeria is widely regarded as
politicization of economic opportunities and the big brother of the continent; it’s successes
graft are among the factors informing political inspire hope in Africans everywhere, including
attitudes. In this anomalous system Nigeria’s the Diaspora; just as its failures are depressing
ethnic communities tend to cling to accultur- news. This has also become true for South Africa
ated rivalries; and despite indications that the to the extent that if both South Africa and Nigeria
youth are transcending tradition in this regard, are seen to be progressing nicely hope is gener-
ghosts from the past continue haunting Nigeria ously generated; if one is seen to be progressing
as it joins the rest of the world in rising to the well while the other falters, then the expecta-
challenges of the 21st century. tions for the one seen to be doing better rise; but
As of March 9th about 500 people had been when both are seen to be falling short of the
massacred in primitive ethnic violence in Pla- challenges faced, a lot of disappointment and
teau State, including women and children. demoralization circulates in African psyches.
These are genocidal acts and the international Coming to basics, the ongoing chaos in Pla-
community is accusing Nigeria of a culture of teau State raises some questions about utiliza-
impunity that lends tacit legitimacy to them. tion of Nigeria’s professionals and technocrats.
The world is asking: why is Nigeria the most dif- Since we all know, as all the world knows, that
ficult of all places for Christians and Muslims to what is going on Plateau is nothing new we are
live together in peace? Although we know that wont to ask: where are the experts in conflict
external parties have historically fueled religious resolution? How much investment has been
96 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Nigeria Political Management Challenge of Ethnic Violence
made, material and noetic, in resolving the per- involvement could initially aggravate local ethnic
ennial conflict between farmers and the no- sentiments but once it becomes an established
madic herdsmen whose cows devour planted norm, in lieu of the International Criminal Court,
crops? We find conflicts of interests between and multiple countries have cases before it, the
planters and herdsmen in Africa being politi- African Court of Justice system would become a
cized when these are essentially technical prob- fact of African life. ; the
lems that require technocratic solutions. Why Acting-president Dr. Goodluck Jonathan
has Nigeria not yet introduced a ranching sys- sacked his National Security Advisor in the wake of
tem suited to herd ownership patterns and that the March 8th massacre in Plateau, which is his
restricts the movement of herds within desig- prerogative; but there are other things done by
nated areas? Why have food supplements not him. African socio-economic development needs
been introduced to herdsmen to reduce live- fast tracking so that we focus on and plan double
stock reliance on grazing resources? Have fer- digit growth for the bottom 50% of the population.
tilizers reducing crop reliance on water re- Moreover, Britain’s anti-hate laws and South Af-
sources been introduced? Plateau State and all rica’s non-racial society endeavor need be studied
the rest of Nigeria’s Middle Belt is facing desert not only by Nigerians but by all Africans. South
encroachment which will further fuel the an- Africa needs to show more dramatic commitment
tagonistic issues. How much is being done to to racial harmony, which requires dramatically ac-
stop the advancing desert? Much of Nigeria’s celerated socio-economic improvement for the
savanna is already poor and up in the far north poorest 75% of the population. .
states of Yobe and Borno the cows are smaller There is no doubt that Africans are growing in
than ever and still shrinking. Are we not aware sophistication and enlightenment, but as human
that environmental degradation could eventu- beings we must be careful because even in the
ally make affected citizens so desperate that most enduring democracies racist devilment still
Nigeria starts experiencing untamable anarchy? persists. Spread of democracy while progressive in
When communities attack each other in the essence has allowed the freedom of political mobi-
night, slaughtering men, women and children, lization and expression that is leading to political
what are we faced with? paralysis in some countries as conservatives and
Nigeria has it own specific cases of histori- progressives clash in the political arena− some-
cal inter-communal massacres but it is not we times in violent demonstrations, as well as in par-
all know the only African country with such a liaments. This challenges political scientists to
problem. The problem of ethnic violence is an show their mettle by proactively in all situations
African Union concern as well as national. At the leading public discussion and coming up with pro-
African Union objective advice and strategies posals for strengthening the democratic systems’
might be offered towards mitigating ethnic ri- capacity to accommodate this rivalry between con-
valries and steering away from violence; also servatives and progressives which provides the
the AU needs an institution analogous to the breeding ground of our societies’ inertia in the
International Criminal Court of Justice (ICC) with face of ethnic hostilities.
imprisonment facilities, in case for political sta- While many countries are divided between
bility reasons a member national government proponents of conservatism and those of social
request those implicated in genocide are inves- and political progress, the international system is
tigated with involvement of the AU or REC becoming increasingly firm in upholding progres-
criminal justice system and if indicted tried by sive ideals and transcending the imperialism and
that system rather than the national system. racism typical of past centuries.
I recall that in the early 1990s there was a The March 10th announcement by Police in
spate of massacres in the Southern Zaria district Jos, Plateau State that 49 people are to be charged
of Nigeria’s Kaduna State and in one instance for murder in the massacre spate was not unex-
the community charged with doing the killing pected and was applauded by the international
was threatening war if any of them was exe- community, but such politically charged cases con-
cuted. Of particular focus in these threats was a tinue to be troubling and the International Com-
retired Army General from the community munity’s support and respect for Nigeria’s criminal
against which murder charges were lodged, justice system in handling them is crucial.
who was convicted of murder. AU institutional
97 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature

The Nigerian Senate


The Senate as the upper house

of the Nigerian National Assem-
bly is in global context rooted in
a political tradition that goes
back to the origins of democracy
in ancient Rome. Legend has it
that Romulus, in the outcome of
a fraternal conflict surviving his
twin brother Remus, both of
whom had life histories of mi-
raculous survival from the brutal
envy of a granduncle king, estab- The National Assembly Complex in Abuja’s Three Arms
lished the Roman senate consisting of the 100 Zone is the home of both the Nigerian Senate and House
most eminent persons in the course of structuring of Representatives
the governing and social system of his newly built
city, which was a refuge for debtors, escaped
and ]Senate on their behalf.
bondsmen, fugitives and the like. The Roman Sen-
In a modern democracy like Nigeria caste dis-
ate established in the 8th century B.C., the mem-
tinctions are outside the legal and institutional
bers of which were dubbed patricians, emerged as
frame of society and elected officials must put
a powerful institution that controlled foreign pol- their mandates up for re-approval or disapproval
icy, monitored military operations and managed by the electorate every four years; hence, in the
the treasury. Literally, Senate meant to the Latin open political contests with multiple parties com-
speaking peoples “Council of Elders”. However, peting senators must at least be seen to be per-
there were aristocratic implications in being con- forming to the satisfaction of their constituencies
sidered patrician and thus eligible to be a senator.
or risk removal from office. In the 2007 elections,
In the a revolutionary democracy that Rome is re-
only 26 of Nigeria’s 109 senators were re-elected,
ported to have initially been, patricians were peo-
while 83 new Senators went to Abuja promising to
ple, usually wealthy, who could not only attest to
satisfy their people’s expectations in the coming
who their fathers were and give account of honor-
four years. This attests to the rising demand and
able lineage, but as senators were expected by performance levels Nigerians are setting for the
Romulus to be patrons, protectors and defenders
officials they elect.
of the weak and needy. A senator in the concept
Upon independence from Britain on October
of Romulus was a paternal personality, compas- 1, 1960 the newly born Federal Republic of Nigeria
sionate, caring and concerned for the plebeians;
operated a facsimile of the Westminster Parlia-
encouraging plebeians not to dread or resent their
ment, but there was no House of Lords comprised
social and political elite but to love and respect
of nobles presumed superior by divine right to the
them. Nonetheless reality fell short of the ideal
House of Commons, as found in London. The Nige-
and the plebeians sustained for several centuries a
rian Senate as the upper house of the representa-
struggle for political and social equality, until in
tives’ assembly came into being with the Second
the Plebeian Council was formed, presided over by Republic and its presidential system patterned
Tribunes whose duty it was to safeguard the ple-
after that in the United States of America. Histori-
beians’ interests and negotiate with the [consuls
cally the senate concept was clearly distinguished
100 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
from the House of Lords by Romulus shunning
the prevailing protocol of calling such high offi-
cials of state lords, dubbing them instead Patres
Conscripti. In contemporary Africa members of
national assemblies and Parliaments are typi-
cally referred to as “Honourable”, consistent
with Romulus’ idea that they should be of high
character and devoted to bettering the lot of
the common people. In the United States, be-
fore women entered the Senate it attained the
dubious distinction of being the country’s most
exclusive men’s club, with 100 members, coinci-
dently like Romulus’ original Roman senate.
Nigeria’s 6th Senate, inaugurated 5 June,
2007, has 109 members; 3 from each of the
Federation’s 36 states and 1 representing
Abuja, Federal Capital Territory. In Nigeria’s
three armed federal governmental system,
Interior of National Assembly main building;
comprising the Executive, Judiciary and National
the steps link the main entrance lobby to
Assembly, the Senate as upper house of the Na-
the basement
tional Assembly, is principally the apex legisla-
tive body but its powers extend to balancing
power vis-à-vis the Executive Arm, with consti- Enough rally, which was an extension of the one
tutionally specified prerogatives such as con- held in Ikeja, Lagos State, on January 21st, was
firming the President’s ministerial nominees, not verbally addressed by the Senate leadership
investigating matters of governance as it deems as the protestors were demanding, but the
necessary and approving the annual federal timely affirmation of Vice President Goodluck
budget, as well as internal investigative and dis- Jonathan as Acting President and confirmation
ciplinary powers informed by consensually of his cabinet nominees facilitated revitalization
adopted rules. Its members belonging to two of the Executive Arm, with the acting president
major parties, People’s Democratic Party (PDP) himself taking the electric power portfolio and
with 73 seats and All Nigeria Peoples Party promising to stabilize power supply and solve
(ANPP), 27 seats, and 4 parties with less than 10 other pressing problems within the remaining
Senators including Action Congress (AC) with 6, months of his mandate.
Accord with 1, People’s Redemption Party (PRP) The 6th Senate has thus far tabled 23 public
with 1 and Progressive People’s Alliance 1, the petitions, mostly concerning public service em-
Nigerian Senate like its counterparts throughout ployee claims of unlawful dismissal and non-
history and around the world is lively and con- payment, but also including complaints against
tentious in its advocacies, debates, political ma- police, non-paving of roads and unpaid public
neuvers, internal alliances and dealings with the debts. All bills passed into law by the Senate are
Executive Arm. available for download from its website
As elected representatives of Nigerians, ( Prominent among them
Senators individually and as a body face con- are (HB 367) an Act to Make it Mandatory for
stant demands, challenges and pressures from Ministers to Appear Quarterly on National TV/
the public. On March 16, 2010, young Nigerian Radio on a Phone in Programme on the Imple-
professionals, students, celebrities and activists mentation of Their Ministry's Budget and for
marched on Abuja, carrying their “Enough is Related Matters (year 2010); (HB 270) the Act
Enough” demonstration to the National Assem- to Provide for the Implementation of Public-
bly Complex, demanding to have answers con- Private Partnership Contracts Between Public
cerning the prolonged absence from public view Partner and Private Partner and to Establish a
of ailing President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, the set of Rules Governing Public-Private Partner-
continued inadequacy of electric power supply ship Contract; (HB 368) an Act to Amend the
and chronic fuel scarcity. The Abuja Enough is
101 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Policy Analysis & Re-
search Project (PARP) is a
parliamentary capacity
strengthening initiative of
the National Assembly. It
was established in Septem-
ber 2003 through a Grant
Agreement signed be-
tween the National Assem-
bly and the African Capac-
ity Building Foundation on
20th December 2002.
Among PARP’s many pub-
lications is the Nigerian
Journal of Legislative Af-
fairs and a Study of Legis-
lative Activities of Nige-
ria’s State Assemblies.
Aside from serving
the Nigerian National As-
sembly, PARP’s expertise is
sought by other Economic
Amb. Oyedekpo Laleye, Project Coordinator Policy Analysis & Research Projects (PARP )Dr. Community of West Africa
Ladi Hamalai, Hon. Dr. Andrei Dassoundo 1st Vice President, National Assembly, Be- States’ parliaments.
nin, standing in front of the PARP building in the National Assembly Complex

Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999

and for Matters Connected Therewith (year 2010);
(HB 374) an Act to Amend the Constitution of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria Cap. C23 Laws of the
Federation of Nigeria 2004 to Make Provision for the
Vice President and Deputy Governor to Assume and
Discharge the Functions of the President/Governor
During Their Absence or Temporary Incapacity and
for Matters Connected Therewith (year 2010); (HB
327) an Act to establish the Nigerian grazing reserve
authority which shall provide for the establishment
and management of grazing reserves and livestock
routes in Nigeria and other matters connected
Sen. Ike Ekweremadu, Deputy President of the Senate, Alhaji Nasir
therewith (year 2010); (HB 357) an Act to Amend the I. Arab, Clerk National Assembly at that time and Dr Ladi Hamalai,
Criminal Code Act, Cap. C38 LFN 2004 so as to Make Project Coordinator Policy Analysis & Research Projects (PARP )
Provision for Law Relating to Ritual Killings; and for Third Clerk to the National Assembly Management Seminar
Matters Connected Therewith (year 2010); and (HB
Troll (NAFDAC), led by Dr. Paul Orhii, paid a working
371) A Bill for an Act to Amend the Child's Right's
visit to China in connection with the problem of
Act, No 26, 2003 (year 2010). In the public health
counterfeit drugs and unwholesome food being ex-
domain the Senate in 2010 passed the (HB 345) an
ported by unscrupulous elements in that country. A
Act to amend the National Hospital for women and
similar visit is planned to India.
children, Abuja (establishment, etc.) Act (Cap.N44 The Nigerian Senate has 55 standing commit-
LFN, 2004) and for other matters; and (HB 370) an
tees; hence, senators invariably serve on more than
Act to Establish a National Kidney Center .that is one committee and all senators have either commit-
Charged with the Responsibility of Addressing the
tee chairman or vice chairman responsibilities. Daily
Problems of Kidney Disease and for Related Matters.
reports of the Senate’s proceedings, entitled “Votes
In April a Senate Health Committee team led by
and Proceedings”, which is actually the minutes of
Senator Iyabo Obasanjo Bello, along with a National
the day’s proceedings, are available for download.
Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Con-
102 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate

Senate President Dr. David A.B. Mark, GGON, FNIM
People’s Democratic Party (PDP)
Chairman Selections Committee
Born April 1948, retired Army General,
B.Sc Telecommunications,
College of Military Engineering,
Military College of Telecommunication, Molow and
Formerly Member Armed Forces Ruling Council, Niger
State Military Governor; Member of the 5th and 6th Sen-
Occupation: Business Entrepreneur

Senate Vice President Ike Ekweremadu

People’s Democratic Party (PDP)
Vice Chairman Senate Selections Committee
Master’s Degree in Law
Member of the 5th and 6th Senates

Senate Leader Teslim Folarin

People’s Democratic Party (PDP)

Senator Mahmoud Kanti Bello,

Chief Whip
People’s Democratic Party (PDP)

Senate Victor Ndoma-Egba (SAN),

Deputy Senate Leader
People’s Democratic Party (PDP)

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate


Senate Mohammed Mana,

Deputy Senate Whip
People’s Democratic Party (PDP)
Vice Chairman Cooperation & Integration Committee

Senate Minority Leader Maina Maaji Lawan

All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP)
Vice Chairman Independent National Elections Commis-
sion (INEC) Committee

Senator Ahmed Rufai Sani

Minority Whip
All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP)

Senator Adeleke Olurunnimbe Mamora

Deputy Senate Minority Leader
Action Congress (AC)
Vice Chairman Federal Character & Inter-Government
Affairs Committee

Senator Kabiru Ibrahim Gaya,

Deputy Minority Whip
All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP)

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate

Senator Ahmed Ibrahim
Yobe State; Yobe North Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP)

Senator Dr. Bukar Abba Ibrahim

Yobe State; Yobe East Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP)

Senator Dr. Gyang Dalyop Datong

Plateau State; Plateau North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Vice Chairman Health Committee

Senator Abaribe Enyinnaya Harcourt

Abia State; Abia South Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Vice Chairman Internal Parliamentary Affairs Committee

Senator Abdulaziz Usman

Jigawa State; Jigawa Northeast Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Internal Parliamentary Affairs Committee

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate

Senator Abubaker Atiku Bagudu
Kebbi State; Kebbi Central Constituency
People’s Democratic Party

Senator Abubaker Sodangi

Nassarawa State; Nassarawa West Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Federal Capital Territory Committee

Senator Abubaker Tanko Ayuba

Kebbi State; Kebbi South Constituency
People’s Democratic Party

Senator Abubaker Gada

Sokoto State; Sokoto East Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Vice Chairman Downstream Petroleum Committee

Senator Adamu Garba Talba

Yobe State; Yobe South Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Vice Chairman Industry Committee

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate

Senator Ahmed M. Makarfi
Kaduna State; Kaduna North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Finance Committee

Senator Ahmed Mohammed Inuwa mni

Kwara State; Kwara North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Establishments & Public Service Committee

Senator Ahmed Muhammed Maccido

Sokoto State; Sokoto North
People’s Democratic Party
Vice Chairman Appropriations Committee

Senator Aloysius Akpan Etok

Akwa Ibom State; Akwa Ibom Northwest
People’s Democratic Party

Senator Andrew A. Babalola

Oyo State; Oyo North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Vice Chairman Agriculture & Rural Development

Senator Annie Okonkwo

Anambra State; Anambra Central Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Vice Chairman Environment & Ecology

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate


Senator Anthony G. Manzo

Taraba State; Taraba North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Vice Chairman Information & Media Committee

Senator Anthony O. Agbo

Ebonyi State; Ebonyi North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Vice Chairman Federal Capital Territory Committee

Senator Anyimchukwu Ude

Ebonyi State; Ebonyi South Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Aviation Committee

Senator Audu Idris Umar

Gombe State; Gombe Central Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Air Force Committee

Senator Ayodele S. Arise

Ekiti State; Ekiti North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate


Senator Ayogu Eze

Enugu State; Enugu North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Information & Media Committee

Senator Bala A. Mohammed

Bauchi State; Bauchi South Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party
Vice Chairman Aviation Committee

Senator Bassey Ewa-Henshaw

Cross River State; Cross River South Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Water Resources Committee

Senator Bello Hayatu Gwarzo

Kano State; Kano North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party

Senator Bode Olajumoke

Ondoi State; Ondo North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party

Senator Caleb Zagi

Kaduna State; Kaduna South Constituency
People’s Democratic Party

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate


Senator Chimaroke Nnamani

Enugu State; Enugu East Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Vice Chairman Foreign Affairs Committee

Senator Chris N. D Anyanwu

Imo State; Imo East Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party
Vice Chair Defense Committee

Senator Dahiru A. Kuta

Niger State; Niger East Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Vice Chairman Drugs, Narcotics & Anti-Corruption

Senator Dahiru Bako Gassol

Taraba State; Taraba Central Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Culture & Tourism Committee

Senator Effiong Dickson Bob

Akwa Ibom State; Akwa Ibom Northeast Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Senate Services Committee

Senator Ehigie Edobor Uzamere

Edo State; Edo South Constituency
People’s Democratic Party

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate
Senator Eme Ufot Ekaette
Akwa Ibom State; Akwa Ibom South Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chair Women & Youth Committee

Senator Felix Kolawole Bajomo

Ogun State; Ogun West Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party
Vice Chairman Banking, Insurance & Other Financial
Institutions Committee

Senator Festus Olabode Ola

Ekiti State; Ekiti Central Constituency
Action Congress ( AC )

Senator Ganiyu O. Solomon

Lagos State; Lagos West Constituency
Action Congress (AC)
Chairman Capital Markets Committee

Senator Garba Yakubu Lado

Katsina State; Katsina South Constituency
People’s Democratic Party

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate

Senator Gbenga Ogunniya
Ondo State; Ondo Central Constituency
People’s Democratic Party

Senator George Akume

Benue State; Benue Northwest Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )

Senator George Thompson Sekibo

Rivers State; Rivers East Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )
Chairman Solid Minerals Committee

Senator Grace Folashade Bent

Adamawa State; Adamawa South Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )
Chair Environment & Ecology Committee

Senator Gregory Ngaji

Cross River State; Cross River North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party

Senator Hassan M. Gusau

Zamfara State; Zamfara Central Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP)

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate


Senator Heineken Lokpobiri

Bayelsa State; Bayelsa West Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Sports Committee

Senator Hosea O. Ehinlanwo

Ondo State; Ondo South Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )
Chairman National ID & NPC Committee

Senator Ibrahim M. Ida

Katsina State; Katsina Central Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )

Senator Ibrahim S. Turaki

Jigawa State; Jigawa Northwest Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )
Vice Chairman Sports Committee

Senator Ikechukwu J. Obiorah

Anambra State; Anambra South Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Housing & Urban Development Committee

Senator Isiaka Adetunji Adeleke

Osun State; Osun West Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Independent National Elections Commission (INEC)

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate


Senator Iyabo Obsasanjo-Bello

Ogun State; Ogun Central Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chairman Health Committee

Senator Iyiola Omisore

Onsun State; Osun East Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )
Chairman Appropriations Committee

Senator James Manager

Delta State; Delta South Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )

Senator Jibrl Muhammed Aminu

Adamawa State; Adamawa Central Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )
Chairman Foreign Affairs Committee

Senator Joel Danlami Ikenya

Taraba State; Taraba South Constituency
People’s Democratic Party (PDP)
Chairman Commerce Committee

Senator John Nanzip Shagaya

Plateau State; Plateau South Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )
Vice Chairman Solid Minerals Committee

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate


Senator Joseph I.Kaagerger

Benue State; Benue North Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Vice Chairman Communications Committee

Senator Julius Ucha

Ebonyi State; Ebonyi Central Constituency
People's Democratic Party (PDP)
Chairman Works Committee

Senator Kaka Mallam Yale

Borno State; Borno Central Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party ( ANPP )
Vice Chairman Establishments & Public Services

Senator Kamorudeen A. Adedibu

Oyo State; Oyo South Constituency
People's Democratic Party (PDP)
Chairman Industry Committee

Senator Lee Meaba

Rivers State; Rivers Southeast Constituency
People’s Democratic Party (PDP)

Senator Mohammed Adamu Bello

Kano State; Kano Central Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP)
Vice Chairman Capital Markets Committee

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate

Senator Mohammed Kabiru Jibril
Kaduna State; Kaduna Central Constituency
People’s Democratic Party

Senator Muhammed A. Muhammed OFR

Bauchi State; Bauchi Central Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP)
Vice Chairman Finance Committee

Senator Mujitaba Mohd Mallam

Jigawa State; Jigawa Southwest Constituency
People's Democratic Party (PDP)
Vice Chairman Housing & Urban Development Committee

Senator Munirudeen Adekunle Muse

Lagos State; Lagos Central Constituency
Action Congress ( AC )
Vice Chairman Air Force Committee

Senator Nicholas Ugbane

Kogi State; Kogi East Constituency
People’s Democratic Party (PDP)

Senator Nimi Barigha-Amange

Bayelsa State; Bayelsa East Constituency
People's Democratic Party (PDP)
Vice Chairman Home Affairs Committee

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate


Senator Nkechi Justina Nwaogu

Abia State; Abia Central Constituency
People’s Democratic Party
Chair Banking, Insurance & Other Financial Institutions

Senator Nuhu Aliyu Labbo

Niger State; Niger North Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )

Senator Odion M. Ugbesia

Edo State; Edo Central Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )

Senator Omar Abubakar Hambagda

Borno State; Borno South Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party ( ANPP )
Chairman Ethics & Petitions Committee

Senator Osita B. Izunaso

Imo State; Imo West Constituency
People's Democratic Party (PDP)
Chairman Gas Committee

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate


Senator Otaru Salihu Ohize

Kogi State; Kogi Central Constituency
Action Congress ( AC )

Senator Patricia N. Akwashiki

Nasarawa State; Nasarawa North Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party ( ANPP )
Vice Chairman Women & Youth Committee

Senator Patrick Enebeli Osakwe

Delta State; Delta North Constituency
Vice Chairman Gas Committee

Senator Paul Emmanuel

Bayelsa State; Bayelsa Central Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )

Senator Prof. Adego Erhiawarie Eferakeya KSM

Delta State; Delta Central Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )
Vice Chairman Ethics & Petitions Committee

Senator Ramoni O Mustapha

Ogun State; Ogun Central Constituency
Peoples Redemption Party (PRP)
Chairman Home Affairs Committee

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate


Senator Sahabi Alh. Yaú

Zamfara State; Zamfara North Constituency
All Nigeria Peoples Party ( ANPP )
Chairman States & Local Government Committee

Senator Satty D. Gogwim

Plateau State; Plateau Central Constituency
People's Democratic Party (PDP)
Vice Chairman National ID & NPC Committee

Senator Sidi Ali

Abuja F.C.T.
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )

Senator Simeon O. Oduoye

Osun State; Osun Central Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )

Senator Simon Ajibola

Kwara State; Kwara South Constituency
People's Democratic Party (PDP)
Vice Chairman Water Resources Committee

Senator Smart Adeyemi

Kogi State; Kogi West Constituency
People's Democratic Party (PDP)
Chairman Federal Character & Inter-Government Affairs

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate

Senator Sola Akinyede
Ekiti State; Ekiti South Constituency
People's Democratic Party (PDP)
Chairman Drugs, Narcotics & Anti Corruption Committee

Senator Sulaiman Mohammed Nazif

Bauchi State; Bauchi North Constituency
Action Congress ( AC )

Senator Suleiman A. Adokwe

Nasarawa State; Nasarawa South Constituency
People's Democratic Party (PDP)
Vice Chairman Senate Services Committee

Senator Sylvester Udubuisi Anyanwu

Imo State; Imo East Constituency
People's Democratic Party (PDP)
Chairman Communications Committee

Senator Uche Chukwumerije

Abia State; Abia North Constituency
Progressive Peoples Alliance ( PPA )

Senator Umar A. Tafidan Arugungu, OON

Kebbi State; Kebbi North Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )

Africa/Nigeria/ Special Feature The Nigerian Senate


Senator Umaru Dahiru

Sokoto State; Sokoto South Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )

Senator Wilson Asinobi Ake

Rivers State; Rivers West Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )

Senator Yisa Braimoh

Edo State; Edo North Constituency
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )
Vice Chairman Culture & Tourism Committee

Senator Zaynab A Kure

Niger State; Niger South
People's Democratic Party ( PDP )

Senator Gbemisola R. Saraki

Kwara State; Kwara Central Constituency
People’s Democratic Party

Africa/South Africa

South Africa: State of the Nation


South African President Jacob Zuma delivered the

annual State of the Nation Address, his first since
becoming the country chief executive in May
2009. After opening with appropriately apprecia-
tive greetings to former Presidents Nelson Man-
dela and F. W. DeKlerk who was the last apart-
heid propagating National Party South African
head of state, praising both men, and a host of
other distinguished guests who included Zam-
bia’s first President Kenneth Kaunda, now 86,
and special representatives from Botswana and
South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma Namibia, President Zuma got into the realities of
South Africa facing the global recession.

A Johannesburg resident described the city,

South Africa’s financial and commercial
hub, as combining the best of Africa and
Jobs lost in 2009 were 900,000, a terrible
setback for a country facing the awesome uphill
challenge of eradicating the gruesome poverty
Europe; being familiar with both Africa and remaining among the indigenous Africa popula-
Europe I fully agree with that summary descrip- tion. In the words of the president, “Last year, we
tion. While I was remarking that Johannesburg experienced our first recession in 17 years….
was the most beautiful city I had ever been in, Many of those who lost their jobs were the
considering the scenery, the people and the breadwinners in poor families.” He then gave
ambiance, those familiar with Cape Town say it account of the social welfare measures instituted
is South Africa’s most beautiful city and indeed to alleviate the recession’s impact. The child sup-
it recently ranked 6th on Forbes’ list of the port grant was extended to children over 14
world’s 10 most beautiful cities; behind Paris, years of age, so that 2 million children from 15 to
Vancouver, Sydney, Florence and Venice. A Su- 18 years old would now benefit. Balancing the
danese who once visited South Africa described social welfare grants with business support,
it as paradise on earth. When considered President Zuma affirmed, “The Industrial Devel-
against the background of South Africa’s well opment Corporation has put aside R6 billion to
known drawbacks, such as the world’s highest help companies in distress”− about $800 million.
homicide rate, above 20% HIV/AIDS prevalence The ANC government also introduced a program
among adults and extreme deprivation among to allow workers to undergo training instead of
the country’s indigenous population stemming being retrenched. The 500,000 jobs to be pro-
from the apartheid era, South Africa can be vided under the Expanded Public Works Program,
summed up as a country of immense potential 480,000 of which were created by the end of
and equally immense challenges. 2009, Zuma said were not to be considered main-
February 11, 2010 marked the 20th anniver- stream jobs, but rather “job opportunities cre-
sary of release from 27 years imprisonment of ated to provide unemployed people with an in-
the heroic Nelson Mandela, signaling the end of come, work experience, and training opportuni-
the world’s most inhumane systematic oppres- ties.” According to the President, “The jobs are in
sion since the end of slavery in the Americas, areas like construction, home and community
commonly known as apartheid. On that day based care, and environmental projects,” to
122 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa

South Africa: State of the Nation

South Africa’s Parliament Building in the country’s Legislative Capital, Cape Town

which he added that “going forward….more la- government. The President’s closing promise was
bour intensive projects” would be undertaken. that 2010 shall be a year of action.
Government plans to spend R846 million (about This testimony by the South African presi-
$115 million) on infrastructure over the next 3 dent, who apart from being a veteran ANC mem-
years. In the mainstream, Mr. President noted ber and guerrilla fighter is a life long member of
that there was focus on green jobs in the gov- the South African Communist Party and once
ernment’s Industrial Policy Action Plan. served on its Political Bureau, considered in light
With the measures instituted South Africa’s of the successes registered in recent years by Bra-
economy has climbed out of recession and is zil’s Worker’s Party, Turkey’s Justice & Develop-
now creating jobs rather than shedding them; ment Party and China’s Communist Party, espe-
however the President cautioned that it was too cially their quickly getting recession under con-
soon to be certain about the pace of recovery, trol, alerts us to the need to study such develop-
hence support measures would not yet be with- ments very carefully.
drawn. The infrastructure development pro- Particularly in South Africa, what we see
gram and the educational programs would be emerging is a society where ethnocentrism and
continued as catalysts for long term growth. It racism are reputed to be ideologically and phi-
includes establishment of an Inter-Ministerial losophically unacceptable− even if this is not en-
Committee on Energy mandated to develop a tirely the case in practice; where the democratic
20 year plan, which would among other things system is stronger than any personality, including
assure the poor are protected from electricity the president, where people are as Ahmed Sékou
price hikes and consider independent power Touré once wrote the object and instruments of
producers as an alternative to relying solely on the national vision, and at the same time partner-
Eskom Holdings which is Africa’s biggest electric ship is promoted between business and employ-
power conglomerate. ees, as well as with government− what former
Finally the President stressed the need to Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed
improve economic opportunities for the youth, promoted in the Global South as “Smart Partner-
disclosing that the National Youth Development ship.” South Africa was one of the countries
Agency created last year had been instructed to where Malaysia under Mahathir held Smart Part-
work faster to establish its structures through- nership symposiums. The challenge South Africa
out the country so that it could assist in main- is undertaking is to end oligarchy without creating
streaming youth development programs within crises provoking panic in the financial markets.
- 123 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa State of the Nation by Muhammed Kamil
However, ANC under Zuma appears intent on
selling its vision of accelerated poverty alleviation
to the markets so that investors support it.
ANC, having taken over the reigns of state
when South Africa was already tied into interna-
tional capital and currency markets, could not for
a day ignore the sensitivity of the Rand and Jo-
hannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) to policy deci-
sions. Thus ANC was by circumstances locked into
a situation where balancing business, on the
right, and social development and welfare on the
left, became imperative. On the left its alliance
South Africa’s principal commercial hub, Johannesburg
partners are the Congress of South African Trade
Unions (COSATU) and the South African Commu- crease but after 28 days striking by more than
nist Party. COSATU on February 21st issued a pre- 700,000 civil servants enjoying wide public sup-
liminary assessment of the Zuma administration’s port COSATU’s analysis of the situation rational-
New Industrial Policy Action in which support for ized acceptance of government’s offer, despite
targeting labor intensive areas of the economy repeated police attacks on picket lines with tear
for job creation was expressed, noting that they gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades. The strike
have been calling for this all along. In the state- demonstrated both the possibility of the alliance
ment posted on its website ( between government and organized labor to
COSATU in supporting acknowledgement in the pass through extremely bitter times and recogni-
New Industrial Policy Action document that de- tion of the alliance’s strain limits.
velopment of a New Growth Path Strategy was COSATU highlighted its recent study at the
necessary said that it was in the final stages for time (2007) showing that while executive pay had
developing its perspective on such strategy and increased 34% the previous year, workers pay
would soon engage with government on it; thus increases ran between 1% and 2% above inflation
not only affirming the close collaboration be- and workers earnings had fallen from 50% of the
tween organized labor and government, but also national income to 45%, while company profits
organized labor’s involvement in the country’s rose from 27% to 32% of national income. CO-
industrial development affairs. Showing particular SATU accused the government then led by Presi-
interest in Green Jobs, COSATU in its February dent Thabo Mbeki of being pro-market and in-
21st statement faulted the government for not deed Mbeki was regarded by the business com-
being specific about the number and types of munity as o.k. Such disputes occur all over the
green jobs envisaged, warning that unless it was world, but in the African context South Africa’s
satisfied with the green jobs component it would professionalism, rationality and institutional
ultimately reject the New Industrial Policy Action. strength in dealing with conflicts of interests are
Although COSATU, the biggest of South Africa’s amazing.
three main trade union federations with 21 affili- President Zuma in responding to questions
ated unions and 1.8 million members, has not about internal disagreement within the South
been able to prevent strikes, its alliance with ANC African polity during an interview with CNN’s
and involvement in national policy making con- Fareed Zakaria in Davos during January made
tributes to realization of the ANC vision of South clear his understanding that conflicts and dis-
Africa being run by a national interest conglomer- agreements are natural and inevitable in human
ate focused on national prosperity with poverty affairs but it is his job to keep the ship of state
eradicated. COSATU as an institutionalized and balanced and forward moving.
historical ally of ANC also provides an internal
counter force to government policies, decisions
and omissions. In 2007 COSATU in fact led a pub-
lic sector strike against government when affili-
ated unions representing civil servants demanded
a 12% pay increase across the board. COSATU
initially refused government’s offer for a 7.5% in-
124 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa/Politics

South African Opposition Hard on Zuma


A frican National Congress has nearly two-

thirds of South Africa’s 400 seat Parlia-
ment, but the opposition led by the Democratic
Alliance does not miss an opportunity to come
down hard on the ANC, especially its vulnerable
President Jacob Zuma. It reached public atten-
tion just around the time of Zuma’s marriage to
his third wife in late January that the 68 year old
South African president had fathered a child
with a friend’s daughter who he apparently has
no intention of marrying. Although the ANC
Youth League and other Zuma loyalists
staunchly defended the president, who made
the customary traditional compensation, the
opposition has been relentless in lambasting
Zuma over this and other issues. Even the
Churches have been critical of him of late; first
faulting him for omitting mention of their role in
the struggle against apartheid in his State of the
Nation speech, while other elements were duly
recognized; secondly for saying that ANC would
rule South Africa until the second coming of Je-
sus Christ, which many South African Christians
construed as mockery of their faith and finally Former anti-apartheid journalist Helen Zille, who
over the child out of wedlock, which was not his gained notoriety for exposing the brutal police killing
first in such circumstances. of South African youth leader Steve Biko while working
Since former anti-apartheid journalist for the Daily Mail in the late 1970s, leads South Af-
rica’s main opposition party, Democratic Alliance,
Helen Zille became leader of the opposition De-
apart from being Premier of Western Cape Province.
mocratic Alliance in March 2007 relations be- Zille, 59, has been a persistent critic of President Zuma
tween the DA, which now holds 67 seats in Par-
liament, have been rough. Zille, daughter of
Green Point Stadium. Her presidential ambition
German emigrants to South Africa and former
is undisguised as she stood against the ANC’s
Mayor of Cape Town (2006-2009) enjoys a high
Zuma in the March 2009 elections, winning
profile owing to her multiple award winning
16.6% of the vote, compared to Zuma’s 65.9%.
role as an anti-apartheid journalist and has ag-
While Zille has a commendable record as Mayor
gressively challenged the ANC on various issues,
of Cape Town, having reduced the crime rate in
including crime, corruption, health care policy
the Central Business District by 90% and
and the integrity of Jacob Zuma and his fitness
brought about a 9.5% growth in fixed invest-
for office. At the same time she has used the
ments in the city, in addition to beating ANC’s
World Cup to show off once again her adminis-
pervious new housing delivery record of 3,000
trative competence, personally overseeing con-
per annum, providing 7,000 new units, criticiz-
struction and financing of Cape Town’s new
ing ANC and Zuma has ostensibly become like
125 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa South Africa Opposition Hard on Zuma By M. Kamil

South Africa’s Parliament Chamber, Cape Town

scoring points in a boxing match for Zille. the Congress of the People (COPE), formed by
In September 2007, while serving as Mayor ANC members opposed to the presidential candi-
of Cape Town, Zille was arrested when she vis- dacy of Jacob Zuma and what they saw as moral
ited a police station to investigate the arrest of and ethical drift by ANC, though they have no
a group called People's Anti-Drug and Liquor significant ideological differences with the party
Action Committee (PADLAC), which had been to which they belonged from the struggle against
distributing leaflets in the campaign against apartheid up until the 2008 ANC Congress where
abuse of alcohol and drugs in Cape Town. Police outgoing President Thabo Mbeki lost his bid to
alleged that as Mayor she supported vigilante hold on to the party’s presidency to Jacob Zuma.
groups opposed to drug abuse. She was subse- Consistent with their objection to Zuma on moral
quently charged in the Mitchell's Plain Magis- and ethical grounds COPE responded to the news
trates Court with contravening the Regulation of Zuma’s child out of wedlock with call for his
of Gatherings Act. Intelligence sources in West- resignation. “President Jacob Zuma is not fit for
ern Province where Cape Town is located leaked office,” Cope Secretary-General Charlotte Lobe
information to Zille that ANC had infiltrated told reporters in Johannesburg on February 8th.
PADLAC with armed operatives in an attempt to “He has tarnished the image of the republic and
criminalize the group and by implication Zille as brought the office of the presidency into disre-
its supporter. Zille was later acquitted by the pute.” COPE, Zille led Democratic Alliance and
Magistrate court on the grounds that the prose- other critics have cited the contradiction be-
cution’s case against her and nine other defen- tween South Africa having more people living
dants didn’t have a chance of succeeding. In with HIV/AIDS than any other country in the
March 2008 Zille took her anti-drug campaign to world and President Zuma’s undisciplined sexual
Johannesburg, where marchers wore DA t-shirts behavior which has followed him into the public
bearing the message: “No to drugs and save our spotlight.
children.” Helen Zille in welcoming Zuma’s apology for
The other opposition party of consequence his misconduct said on February 6th, “He must
at the moment, with 30 Parliamentary seats, is now focus on repairing the damage he has done
126 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa South Africa Opposition Hard on Zuma By M. Kamil
to the fight against HIV/Aids.” "President a certain block within your party's alliance that
Zuma's behavior directly contradicts the govern- makes you all the more compromised and vulner-
ment's campaign against multiple sexual part- able." Referring to the pardoning of Zuma’s fi-
ners, and the inherent AIDS risk in having un- nancial advisor as vice president, Schabir Shaik,
protected sex," said Zille. who was serving a prison sentence, MP Trollip
Zuma, a former head of the South Africa said, "The tenuous respect given to you by a
National AIDS Council, was tried and acquitted deeply suspicious electorate in April 2009 has
of raping an HIV-positive family friend in 2006. been systematically eroded."
He testified that his accuser had consented to Challenging Zuma’s record on economic
having sex and although he knew she was HIV management and services delivery, Independent
positive he had not used a condom because he Democrats leader Patricia de Lille said, "It is an
did not have one available. He said he took a indictment on the Mandela legacy that we have
shower after the act to minimize the chance of become the most unequal society in the world ...
infection. This prompted South African editorial Millions of South Africans have been living in an
cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro, pen name Zapiro, economic depression all their lives. The recession
to start putting a showerhead over Zuma when- has only worsened their situation.”
ever portraying him in a cartoon. After Zuma Responding to criticism of the his State of
was elected South Africa’s president last year the Nation address, President Zuma said in Cape
Zapiro halted this characterization, he said in Town on February 16th that he knew exactly
respect for the office and as a goodwill gesture what he wanted to say and he said it. In response
towards the new president; but after marrying a to the mounting criticism of ANC Youth League
new wife reports surfaced that the President leader Julius Malema’s call for government na-
had fathered a child with his friend’s daughter, tionalization of at least 60% equity in the coun-
Zapiro resumed taunting Zuma’s cartoon images try’s mines, Zuma said it was not the policy of his
with the shower head. “All sorts of people tried government to nationalize private enterprise but
to give him a break. I lifted the shower off his Malema had the right to put his views forth and
head according to how well or badly I thought the public should debate them. “This is a democ-
he was doing. More people are criticizing, even racy. He (Malema) has views. Debate the views of
from within his own ranks. It is obviously an op- Malema and don’t confuse a debate raised with
portunity for me to play around with the the policy of government,” President Zuma said.
shower,” said Zapiro. After the President addressed Parliament
South African Member of Parliament Ken- COPE MP Mluleki George read a statement which
neth Meshoe, leader of the African Christian Deputy Speaker Nomaindia Mfeket interpreted
Democratic Party, called Zuma a sex addict and as accusing President Zuma of leading South Af-
recommended that he seek professional help as rica to lawlessness. Madam Nomaindia Mfeket
Tiger Woods has done. Independent Democrats ordered MP Mluleki George to withdraw her
leader Patricia de Lille noted of Mr. Zuma: "He is comment but George insisted that she never said
the one who is always preaching responsible what the Deputy Speaker accused her of. Madam
sexual behavior, but it seems he is sending a Nomaindia Mfeket then ordered MP Mluleki
message which says, 'Don't do as I do, do as I George to leave the House, to which George ac-
say.’" cused her of bullying. Democratic Alliance MP
Democratic Alliance Parliamentary leader Davidson accused the Deputy Speaker of narrow-
Athol Trollip also had disparaging words for ing the scope of freedom of speech in Parliament
President Zuma, maintaining that the South Af- and called upon her to read the Parliamentary
rican president elected last year has failed to rules. When she refused to take another point of
live up to the legacy of Nelson Mandela with order from COPE's Mbhazima Shilowa, he in-
whom Zuma spent time as a prisoner on Robin’s formed the House his party was leaving "until as
Island. Apparently referring to the strong sup- and when you want Ms. Mluleki back, thank
port President Zuma enjoys from COSATU, the you".
ANC Youth League and the South African Com- "Fine," was Mfeketo's response. "Fine".
munist Party, Trollip taunted Mr. President: The DA and Cope MPs then left the House in
"Apart from being personally compromised, Mr. protest.
President, you appear to owe your allegiance to Stay tuned for the next episode.
127 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa

Zuma Dines with the Queen

By Muhammed Kamil

C onsidering her longevity and fame Queen

Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is cer-
tainly the Queen of Queens of our times. Now
84, on the throne of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland since 1953,
Queen Elizabeth II has been friendly with Afri-
can leaders since her youth, dancing with
Kwame Nkrumah and William W.S. Tubman and
encouraging African polities on the eves of inde-
pendence as well as upon independence. Queen
Elizabeth was given a state banquet by then President Jacob Zuma at the banquet hosted for him by Queen
President Thabo Mbeki upon he visit to South Elizabeth II at London’s Buckingham Palace, March 2, 2010
Africa in 1999 when the Commonwealth Sum-
mit was held in Pretoria and also by President have that attitude. It was such an issue in the
Nelson Mandela when she visited South Africa British media that South Africans back home
in 1995. Mandela was last hosted by Queen were complaining; and frankly it would have
Elizabeth in 2008 while in London as part of been fairer to put in the headlines Zuma’s closing
celebrations of his 90th birthday and the friend- remark on the matter that he respects all cul-
ship between the two has been described in the tures.
press as warm (Associated Press, June 25, That is what we get with Jacob Zuma: the
2008). Unlike Mandela who visits everywhere benefit of his charm and distractions of his con-
as a hero President Jacob Zuma continues to be troversies. He is reported being about to marry a
dogged by controversies stemming from his life- fourth wife who is not the friend’s daughter re-
style, particularly his relationships with women. cently in the news for having his child.
However, Queen Elizabeth, who’s heir apparent As for making an issue out of Jacob Zuma being a
Prince Charles has been involved in lifestyle polygamist I would advise the world to drop that,
controversies and is currently married to a because in an era where women are marrying
woman who left her husband for him, did not women and men wedding men, and homosexual
slight Mr. Zuma and his attractive new wife rights advocacy is part of the global human rights
Thobeka Madiba in the least. He was welcomed agenda, the logic behind ridiculing polygamy is
with a royal coach and rode to Buckingham Pal- not only culturally chauvinistic and particularly
ace where he would be hosted during his three targeted at Africa, but negates the fact that po-
days in the U.K. alongside the Queen in grand lygamy is unofficially or unceremoniously prac-
style with magnificent trotting white stallions ticed throughout the world and up to the highest
pulling them grandly along. Wife Thobeka Mad- levels, including Western presidents and royalty−
iba who he married in January rode behind in a we need not here mention names because this is
second royal coach along side the Queen’s con- a fight against the hypocrisy of ridiculing polyg-
sort Prince Philip. President Zuma responding to amy not an indictment of those who break the
London’s Daily Mail calling him a bigot and buf- cultural norms of their societies by practicing it.
foon on the eve of his departure for London Discussing this matter brings to mind the obses-
reminded the British that when they first came sive objection that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, a
to South Africa they regarded the indigenous homosexual, had to the Kennedy family men be-
people as barbarians and some of them still cause they were by his account womanizers….
128 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa Zuma Dines with the Queen
Ing Zimbabwe; ANC Youth
League leader Julius Malema
ranting that the problems of
South Africa can be reduced
to black and white not with-
standing. President Zuma
said that building a non-
racial society was South Af-
rica’s pride and an inspira-
tion for the rest of the world,
which tells us he is fully
aware of how important
South Africa’s ultimate suc-
cess in this regard would be
for the future of mankind.
Queen Elizabeth, speaking
President and Mrs. Zuma descend from their aircraft upon
arrival in London before Zuma, expressed her satisfaction with
what she saw of South Africa’s political and social
”You Kennedys, women, women, women,”− progress during her 1999 visit, compared to
classic J. Edgar. when she and husband Prince Philip first visited
Now that there are same sex divorce cases the country in 1947.
on grounds of infidelity, the West’s commit- The large community of South Africans in
ment to monogamy, whether in same sex or the U.K. was also noted by President Zuma and
heterosexual marriage, is affirmed unflagging. I South Africa’s TNT Magazine was quick to inter-
have nothing here to say about homosexual view professionals among them to get an idea of
marriage in Africa, but no one should imagine how realistic is Mr. Zuma’s stated assumption
that the majority of virile African men are or that they will eventually return to South Africa as
ever likely to be faithfully monogamous. Consid- valuable human resource assets. One of the ap-
ering the number of children born out of official proximately one thousand South African invitees
wedlock from generation to generation in mod- welcoming President Zuma at London’s Dorches-
ern Africa, considering the cheating that wives ter Hotel told TNT, “If he gets only half of the
suffer and the furtive social status assigned to doctors, dentists and financial service workers
mistresses, official polygamy need be encour- back home then that’ll be a good thing for South
aged in Africa with a view to achieving a more Africa."
honest and fair social culture. U.K journalists focused on the substantial
Now for peace’s sake let’s get out of the non-tabloid issues described South Africa as Af-
people’s bedrooms and into the substantial rea- rica’s economic powerhouse and noted the pros-
sons why the British and South African heads of pects of its growing prosperity for investment
state and government came together in London and development throughout the continent.
in early March for serious talks and ceremonial However, persistent calls by ANC Youth League
expressions of friendship. First of all, as both leader Julius Malema for nationalization of South
Queen Elizabeth and President Zuma pointed Africa’s mines have investors concerned and this
out a substantial portion of South Africa’s popu- advocacy was raised by British newspaper editors
lation is of British heritage; and Zuma noted when thy met with President Zuma on March 2nd,
that there are more British citizens living and whereby the South African leader assured it is
working in South Africa than any other expatri- simply a public debate, not ANC policy.
ate nationality. Warm relations between Britain With World Cup 2010 South Africa only
and South Africa and no doubt the Queen invit- three months away President Zuma from London
ing the new president, hosting him and consort gave assurances to all comers, “For the duration
at Buckingham Palace, sends a message of as- of the World Cup it (South Africa) will be the saf-
surance to all concerned that post-apartheid est place on earth. The amount of police and se-
South Africa is not headed for racial polarizing curity around will ensure people’s safety,” but
like Robert Mugabe has instigated in neighbor- cautioned, “Sure, if they want to go looking for
129 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa Zuma Dines with the Queen

From left, foreground: Queen Elizabeth II, President Zuma, wife Thobeka Madiba Zuma and Prince Philip; Prime
Minister Gordon Brown and Secretary of State for Commonwealth and Foreign Affairs David Milbrand can be
seen in the rear

drugs and prostitutes they may run into trouble told SW Radio Africa on March 2nd that targeted
but as long as they stay on the beaten track sanctions should be removed when human rights
they’ll be fine.” The South African president an- violations come to an end. "Never did the Prime
nounced a special visa dispensation for the esti- Minister refer to them as sanctions, but
mated 450,000 ticket holders attending the 'restrictive measures.' The media quoted him out
tournament, by which visas would be issued on of context, but he reiterated that the West
arrival to anyone travelling from non-visa ex- should acknowledge the progress of the govern-
empt countries, provided proof of purchase of a ment by lifting restrictive measures, once certain
FIFA match ticket is given. prerequisites have been met," Maridadi said.
The major political issue discussed be- Meanwhile, U.S. President Obama is calling
tween President Zuma and British Prime Minis- for extension of sanctions against Zimbabwe.
ter Gordon Brown is the South African proposal Given his practice of regularly consulting with
of a deal to lift sanctions off Zimbabwe. Accord- Africa leaders by telephone I can’t imagine that
ing to Presidential spokesman Vincent Mag- Obama is pursuing this against the will of Prime
wenya South Africa proposes a conditional lift- Minister Tsvangirai who seems to regard Presi-
ing of sanctions involving a timeline with a view dent Mugabe as precarious. The Zimbabwe crisis
to easing the tension between Movement for is delicate and difficult; perhaps its time for an
Democratic Change (MDC) led by Prime Minis- international conference on Zimbabwe with the
ter Morgan Tsvangirai, whose party’s ministers participation of Mugabe and enough money on
are not affected by the travel ban and President offer from the former colonial power and other
Mugabe’s Zimbabwe African Union-Patriotic rich countries to finance a reasonable economic
Front (ZANU-PF), the high ranking officials of plan, as well as a political plan that would prom-
which are affected. Progress on the ground ise a win-win result for indigenous and settler
would be assessed on its keeping pace with stock Zimbabweans.
timeline stipulations. Despite reports to the Now is the time to also have an interna-
contrary, Tsvangirai' spokesman James Maridadi tional investment conference for South Africa

130 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Africa/South Africa Zuma Dines with the Queen

Top: Mrs. Thobeka Madiba Zuma rides with Prince Philip to Buckingham Palace in a royal coach;
Bottom is the coach with the Queen and President Zuma

because the rise of a heedless, polarizing that of any contemporary politician, I’m in-
demagogue like Julius Malema to the leader- clined to read into her inviting South Africa’s
ship of the ANC Youth League and cries for him president a hint to the British political class
to be South Africa’s next president highlight that priority must be given to seeing that this
poverty eradication in South Africa as an country realizes its immense potential.
emergency with a 9 year rectification limit.
It was a singular honor that South African
President Jacob Zuma was the first foreign
leader to be hosted by the Queen in 2010, but
considering that the longevity and depth of
her experience with Africa are greater than
131 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa Zuma Dines with the Queen

Top: Left: The Queen watches with interest as President Zuma dons gloves;
Top right: The Queen and Mrs. Thobeka Madiba Zuma
Bottom: Prince Charles of Wales and his consort Camelia Parker-Bowles

132 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Africa/South Africa Zuma Dines with the Queen

Top: President Zuma after alighting from the royal coach awaits Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
Bottom Prince Philip reviews the Palace Guard with Mrs. Zuma

133 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Africa/South Africa Zuma Dines with the Queen

Top: President Zuma greets the Queen’s First Minister Gordon Brown
Bottom: President Zuma shakes hands with Prince Philip

134 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Africa/South Africa Zuma Dines with the Queen

Top: President Zuma inspecting the Buckingham Palace Honor Guard with Duke of Edinburg Prince Philip
Bottom: Queen Elizabeth with her First Minister Gordon Brown and Secretary of State for Commonwealth and
Foreign Affairs David Milbrand

135 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Africa/South Africa Zuma Dines with the Queen

Clockwise from top: (1) Mrs. Thobeka Mad-

iba Zuma followed by Prince Philip as they
enter the palace interior; (2) President Zuma
greeting British Parliamentary opposition
leader David Cameron of the Conservative
Party; (3 & 4) Mrs. Zuma; (5) President Zuma
chatting with Queen Elizabeth and (6) Presi-
dent and Mrs. Zuma on the airport tarmac
with South Africa’s Ambassador to the Court
of St. James

South Africa/Capital Markets

Johannesburg Stock Exchange

JSE drops on profit taking
Business Report– South Africa March 31, 2010
JSE All Share Index
The JSE was soft at its opening bell on Wednes-
day amid some profit taking ahead of the long
A local trader did however, note firmer
metal prices, while a merger deal between Met-
ropolitan and Momentum had also yielded posi-
tive results on the local bourse.
By 9.26am the JSE all share index had shed
0.22 percent, with resources down 0.4 percent.
Platinum miners however, added 0.89 per-
cent and Gold miners gained 0.31 percent.
Banks were 0.57 percent stronger, finan-
cials were 0.39 percent better off but industrials JSE Capitalization
edged 0.24 percent lower.
The rand was bid at R7.32/$, from R7.38/$ Week Ended Week Ended %Change on
at the JSE's close on Tuesday. March 26, 2010 March 27, 2009 Year
Gold was quoted at $1 108.99/oz from $1
103.64/oz at the JSE's last close. R bn 6,101.1 4,332.8 4.81%
Platinum was at $1 643/oz from $1 618/oz
at the JSE's last close.
A local trader said: "US futures are weaker, Rand Exchange to USD, March 31, 2010
and the Dow was pretty flat, which has contrib-
R7.32 = USD1
uted to a softer start on the local bourse."
"The market has run well of late, so we JSE Capitalization in USD
may just be seeing a bit of profit taking ahead of $833,483,606,557
the long weekend, with quarter end also upon $833.484bn
"A bit of positive news coming through is
the Metropolitan and Momentum merger
agreement." JSE Performance
Dow Jones Newswires reported that Euro- March 31, 2010
pean stocks are expected to start the session
higher Wednesday, taking their lead from the Total value (R) R1.32bn
late rebound on Wall Street, although activity is Total volume traded 36.81m
likely to be light in most asset classes, said mar- Total shares traded 250
ket participants.
"Clearly, we're at the month- and quarter- Shares up 89
end so this could initiate some volatility, espe- Shares down 101
cially with talk that stocks are starting to look
Shares unchanged 263
overvalued," said Ben Potter, research analyst
at IG Markets. Shares active 394
He called London's FTSE 100 index to open Number of deals 21,386
up 14 points, or 0.2 percent, at 5686, Frankfurt's
DAX up 15, or 0.2 percent, at 6157 and Paris's
CAC-40 up 11, or 0.3 percent, at 3998.
137 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/South Africa/Economy/Mining

Changes pending for SA mining laws

Allan Seccombe | Wed, 31 Mar 2010 15:55
[] -- THE much-anticipated Min-
ing Summit has yielded mixed results and did
not address a review of the Mining Charter that
some had been expecting ahead of a sweeping
range of amendments to legislation governing
mining and changes to the charter.
The summit, which was attended by repre-
sentatives from mining companies, labour and
government, addressed two broad issues,
namely transformation and sustainable growth,
or rectifying the industry’s competitiveness so
as to catch the next commodities boom and not
Susan Shabangu, South Africa’s mines minister
miss out again.
While representatives from the three sides
changes on an international road show in the
sounded upbeat during a media conference
second half of 2010.
delegates told Miningmx on the sidelines that
The issue of transformation, unsurprisingly,
the talks behind closed doors had been intense
generated the most heat within the summit,
and heated, particularly around transformation. with a number of items set aside for further
Task teams drawn up from each side inves- study, like removing white women from the
tigated various key issues, finding out what the definition of historically disadvantaged South
impediments were to transformation and the Africans, a politically correct term used to
competitiveness of the mining sector and then broadly define those who are to benefit from
presenting these findings to delegates at the the drive to rectify racial injustices of the past.
Shabangu declared the department dissat-
The requirement was for delegates to
isfied with the rate at which black equity owner-
reach consensus on what the hurdles were and
ship of mining companies is being achieved. The
assign the relevant task teams the objective of
targets were 15% by 2010 and 26% by 2014.
coming up with a set of proposals on how to “The 15% target was not achieved. We’ve
remove these obstacles, said DMR director gen- got to ask ourselves why not,” she said. “For us
eral Sandile Nogxina. to now get to 26% we’ got to see what has to
These obstacles included legislation, pro- change and what stopped us in the past from
ductivity, managerial matters and the quality of reaching the target. We need to unpack the log
applications for mining and prospecting rights jam.”
submitted to the DMR, he said.
Zoli Diliza, the CEO of the Chamber of
“The breakthrough of this summit is that
Mines, said other impediments to equity owner-
there is consensus from all stakeholders on un-
ship that needed addressing fell outside the
derstanding what the impediments for the sec-
mining sector, like the financial sector and how
tor are,” he told Miningmx. deals were structured.
One delegate, who declined to be named, The downturn in global commodity mar-
said: “It was a real fight over certain things and kets from late 2008 and into 2009 left a number
there are a number of sensitive issues that still of empowerment deals under water, a source of
need resolution.” frustration for the government.
The finalized set of proposals must be com- The issue of ownership is in the charter but
pleted by June this year when mines minister
it did come up for discussion at the summit as
Susan Shabangu wants the review of the charter
did employment equity, where the call was for
to be completed too so she can take the
138 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Economy/Changes pending for SA mining laws/Real Estate Market
40% black representation across six catego- Malema rants hurt house prices
ries ranging from artisans to upper level
Mar 29 2010 13:27 Leani Wessels
Another sticking point was housing and
living conditions for workers, with mining
companies saying the 2014 deadline to build J ohannesburg - ANC Youth League leader Julius
Malema's controversial utterances do not bode
single-room accommodation instead of ram-
well for the country's residential property sector.
bling hostels was tight and difficult to
First National Bank's property market analytics
achieve given the cost pressures the sector is
division said on Monday Malema is placing the sector
facing with electricity, steel and other inputs.
at risk by boosting emigration selling.
The talks and those to be held before
"Sentiment appears positive in the residential
June around the review of the charter would
market," said FNB Home Loans strategist John Loos in
be meshed to determine sticking points or
a report. "But recent political developments in the
items that generate confusion in the industry
form of the 'hate speech' issues rearing its ugly head
-transforming document and mining legisla-
pose risks for sentiment."
According to Loos, such events can lead to a re-
The DMR wants to make one sweeping
newed rise in the prominence of emigration selling.
set of amendments to the Mineral and Petro-
An emigration selling surge in 2008 (during the
leum Resources Development Act and other
Eskom crisis and after the ANC's Polokwane congress
pieces of legislation like the Mines Health
in 2007) saw an oversupply of property on the mar-
and Safety Act to clarify exactly what is ex-
ket at the time.
pected of mining groups operating in South
"The reality is that events that stir up a lot of
Africa and give potential investors a clear
hype do have the potential to dampen sentiment in
idea what is expected of them, removing un-
some of the country's major residential markets,"
certainty coming from piecemeal changes.
said Loos.
These amendments are likely to be
The report also said that despite positive eco-
made in early 2011 and give the mining sec-
nomic data released in March, households are still
tor a stable platform from which it can work
struggling with debt.
over the next three or four years, Shabangu
Mortgage rates are at their lowest level in three
told Miningmx.
decades as the South African Reserve Bank (Sarb) cut
The private sector also backed the in-
the interest rate to 6.5% in Match. February's Con-
volvement of a state-owned mining company
sumer Price Inflation figure had dropped, and the
in an arena long dominated by private play-
Sarb's leading business indicator for January showed
further economic growth is likely in the short term.
“A state-owned mining company is not a
Loos said the economic data releases were "the
bad idea, but we need to deal with rules of
shining light" for property in March.
engagement,” said Sipho Nkosi, president of
"[It's] all very positive for residential property de-
the Chamber of Mines. “It will not impact
mand," he said.
negatively on the private sector... Let’s give it
However, the Sarb Quarterly Bulletin showed
a chance.”
household finances are still in a state of despair.
The state-owned company already ex-
Households' debt to disposable income ratio rose
ists and will pull together a number of re-
again from 78.4% to 79.8% in the fourth quarter of
source-related businesses owned by various
departments after an audit of state-owned
According to Loos, the high debt levels of house-
assets. The findings of the audit will go be-
holds imply there's little room to absorb any negative
fore parliament in April and be made public
events such as rate hikes.
"Current high levels of debt-service ratio, at a
The government is keen to secure min-
time when interest rates are probably at or near their
ing operations in minerals deemed as strate-
low point, continue to place the housing sector and
gic, like coal for its power stations and ura-
thus the housing market at risk," said Loos.
nium for energy. It also includes coal-bed
methane deposits, again for electricity gen-
139 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
SPLM’s Yasir Arman withdraws from Sudan’s Presidential elections

Sudan People’s Liberation Movement’s erstwhile

presidential candidate Yasir Arman is from
Northern Sudan and a former student leader
who fought on the side of the South as a mem-
ber of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA)
during the protracted Second Civil War (1982–

March 31, 2010 (Juba) -- Yasir Arman, the

SPLM’s candidate for presidency against the
incumbent, al-Bashir, quits Sudan presiden-
tial race due to what his party called
“electoral irregularities.” The move
comes less than two weeks after 17 opposi-
tion parties questioned the handling of the
elections by the NCP; which they believe
dragged its feet on implementation of the
democratic process. They also accused the
NCP of blocking some key measures which
are required by the Comprehensive Peace
Agreement (CPA) in the upcoming elections.
The two peace partners have recently
held secret meetings to try to iron out their
differences but with little success. Saudi Arabia based Arab News, the
One Observer, who spoke to the SSNA Middle East’s major English language daily
on condition of anonymity said that “The faulted the SPLM move, calling it “a wrong
SPLM has a good case to present to the move” that threatens to plunge the country
world because what we have seen in recent back into a sea of violence. “If Yasir Arman
weeks is a clear sign of delaying tactics by of the southern-based Sudan People’s Lib-
the NCP. This is clearly an act of double stan- eration Movement (SPLM) sticks with this
dards”, he added. decision, then the imminent presidential,
The decision to boycott the presidential gubernatorial and national elections will be
race by the SPLM was received with mixed rendered meaningless,” Arab News com-
reactions throughout Sudan—particularly in mented.
the semi-autonomous region. Acknowledging that outside observers
Sudan is due to conduct its first multi- affirm the truth of the opposition parties
party elections in 24 years which are sched- charge that the campaign is not being con-
uled for April 11-13, 2010. But the decision ducted freely and fairly, as President Omar
by the SPLM to withdraw its presidential can- Al Bashir’s National Congress Party has pref-
didate casts doubt on whether or not the erential access to the information media,
two main partners to the CPA can still live up while opposition parties are being denied
to their promises. media access, Arab News nonetheless
opines that boycotting what were expected
South Sudan News Agency to be the first democratic elections in more
than 20 years is a dangerous tactic.
140 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/ Togo/ Politics

President Faure Gnassingbe

wins 2nd term

G nassingbe Eyadéma ruled Togo from April

14, 1967 until his death on February 5,
2005, upon which Togo’s army chief Zakary
Nandja pronounced his son Faure Gnassingbe the
new president. Objections raised by the African
Union and Economic Community of West African
States (ECOWAS) pressured Togo to on February
20, 2005 install deputy Parliamentary leader Bon-
foh Abbass as acting president until elections.
Faure Gnassingbe won the April 24, 2005 elec-
tions with a 60% majority. The opposition cried
foul and violence erupted.
With financial support to the tune of €9.1
million for the 2010 elections from the European
Union Togo’s government facilitated institution of
a credible system in which the Ruling Togolese
People’s Rally, the Parliamentary and non-
parliamentary opposition were all represented on
the National Elections Commission and the chair-
man, Issifou Tabiou Taffa belonged to no party.
President Faure Gnassingbe
However, the election rules in which the candi-
date who received the most votes, even if less in 1963, has been leading the opposition since the
than 50% would be declared winner, was opposed 1970s and was expected to stand as the UFC can-
by the opposition as it precluded a second round didate but owing to ill health Jean Peirre Fabre
in which all opposition parties might join forces stood as UFC’s presidential candidate instead.
behind the strongest contender. The opposition Any objective analysis of Togo’s electoral
also objected to the large deposit (equivalent to politics would have to take into consideration the
$44,000) candidates were required to pay and North-South demographics and the extent to
there were also squabbles over the voter lists. which Northerners voted for Faure Gnassingbe.
Government Spokesman Pascal Bodjona main- On March 4, 2010, Faure won re-election with
taind in the premises that the voter rolls had been 61% of the vote.
established prior to the 2007 parliamentary elec- Wealth and education advantages lie with
tion and it was up to CENI to decide whether to Southerners, particularly the Erwe whose histori-
revise them. cal center of gravity is in and around the capital,
The dispute over voter rolls was carried to Lomé; the Northerners dominate the army and
Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaoré in Ouaga- ostensibly tend to have larger families than South-
dougou who mediated talks between the ruling erners. A prominent feature of the latter is a dis-
RPT and the two leading opposition parties, Union tinguished urban professional and commercial
of the Forces of Change (UFC) and Action Commit- elite.
tee for Renewal (CAR). No agreement was The struggle between the political heirs of
reached on opposition demands but Compaoré the aristocratic Olympio camp and those of the
advised against postponing elections past the con- village wrestling champ, ambitious soldier,
stitutionally required date. Eyadéma, continues to play out in Togo’s political
None of the three leading parties are new. arena. For now the second generation Eyadéma,
Former IMF Economist, London School of Eco- holder of an MBA from America’s George Wash-
nomic and Oxford University graduate Gilchrist ington University, inheritor of the military’s sup-
Olympio, now 74, whose father was overthrown port, has Togo’s reins of power in hand for at least
and killed during Eyadéma’s first military takeover another 5 years.
Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Uganda Moving Up


U ganda more than doubled its Gross Do-

mestic Product (GDP) over the ten year
period 1998 to 2008, from $6.6bn to $14.565bn,
but per capita income in the country of 32.5
million people, compacted in 91,136 square
miles, remained below the Sub-Sahara Africa
average of $600, at $454 and 76% of the popu-
lation lives on less than $2.00 per day; now dis-
covery of approximately 2 billion barrels of
crude oil reserves brings hope of moving the
country up into a higher income bracket. How- Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni (right) hosting U.S. Presi-
ever, as is the case with Ghana, prudence in dent George W. Bush in Entebbe, July 3, 2003
managing the additional income provided the
productive; 11% hosts production of coffee
country from petroleum is essential to reaping
[which after independence overtook cotton as
long term benefit. Uganda’s population is about
Uganda’s major export], banana, tea, tobacco,
one fifth that of Nigeria’s, yet Nigeria’s proven
cocoa, corn, beans, sesame and vanilla; in addi-
petroleum reserves of 30 billion barrels is 15
tion to mainly locally consumed cash crops such
times Uganda’s; and at least half of Nigerians
as cassava, millet and sweet potatoes. Impor-
live in poverty despite the country’s 40 years as
tance of these major crops will no doubt con-
a leading hydrocarbon produce exporter.
tinue commensurate with demand. Agriculture
Uganda is also handicapped by being landlocked
continues to contribute on annual average ap-
and is now in negotiations with Kenya over
proximately 32% of GDP. Livestock (particularly
pipeline conditions. The existing pipeline facili-
cattle) is another export earner. Production of
tates petrol flow from Kenya to Uganda.
round-wood timber in 2006 amounted to 40.5
Uganda’s government wants to now use it for
million cu m (1.431 billion cu ft). However, the
reverse flow from Uganda to Kenya but the Ken-
country needs to promote new green energy so-
yans are resisting this proposition, insisting that
lutions being introduced in other parts of Africa,
a separate pipeline be constructed to carry
most notably Mozambique, which are not only
Uganda crude to the port of Mombasa.
conserving forests but opening opportunities to
The World Bank has just faulted Uganda for
penetrate the carbon credit market. Meanwhile,
wealth distribution disparities between the dif-
Uganda has developed an export market for Nile
ferent regions of the country. As with most Afri-
fish, especially perch and tilapia species, supplied
can countries, national investment since inde-
by annual production in excess of 400,000 metric
pendence has been largely concentrated in the
capital city, Kampala. Kampala with a popula-
Coffee processing and textiles are the major
tion of nearly 1.5 million will no doubt receive
industries in Uganda; followed by sugar refining,
substantial investment as a result of the in-
grain processing, beverages, tobacco and chemi-
creased liquidity afforded by Uganda’s hydro-
cals. Minerals play a minor role owing to modest
carbon production, but if other areas are ne-
reserves, though the variety includes copper, co-
glected rebellions and political destabilization
balt, gold, tungsten, tin, iron ore, beryllium, lime-
risk would increase.
stone and apatite.
Only 26% of Uganda’s land is agriculturally
142 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Uganda Uganda Moving Up

Kampala, Uganda’s capital and largest city has a population of 1.5 million

Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has including the Mbarara University of Science &
over the years been a good diplomat, engaging Technology, the oldest of the new generation
Uganda well with the international community higher education institutions, opened in 1989.
and now he is playing host to all interested ma- Uganda has a small educated middle class com-
jor oil companies; though Tullow Plc., the British prised mainly of professionals, senior civil ser-
company playing the leading role in Ghana’s vants and commercial farmers. Poor peasant
new upstream petroleum industry, is already farmers remain the most numerous socio-
operating fields in Uganda and partnering with economic class.
the Uganda government in hosting Chinese Na- Only 60% of the population has access to
tional Petroleum Company, Russia’s Lukoil, It- clean drinking water; a situation which informs a
aly’s Eni and France’s Total. Tullow is negotiat- substantial portion of the country’s illnesses.
ing sale of portions of its share in already Extended family relations characterize
awarded blocks to other companies. Uganda’s social structure and polygamy is widely
Uganda continues to have low rankings in practiced. No doubt as a result of rampant prom-
international stability related indexes: ranking iscuity Uganda was one of the first country’s in
103 out of 144 countries in the Global Peace Africa where HIV/AIDS prevalence reached 10%,
Index; 157 out of 182countries in Human Devel- but a national campaign promoting adherence to
opment Index; 130 out of 180 in the Corrup- traditional religious values remarkably reversed
tions Perception Index; and 108 out of 133 in the situation, cutting the prevalence rate in half.
the World Economic Forum’s Global Competi- Most Ugandans are Christians, with Catholicism
tiveness Report. Almost all primary school aged having about 42.5% of the population and the
children are enrolled but the dropouts percent- Anglican Church 36%. Muslims constitute about
age at the junior and senior secondary level has 12% of the population.
increased in recent years. Nearly half of Traditionally women were not encouraged
Uganda’s primary school pupils are female. Lit- to take individual socio-economic initiatives but
eracy is 72%; 63% for females and 81% for with the increase in number of AIDS widows and
males. Uganda’s Makerere University estab- orphans they have been compelled to greater
lished in 1922 produced the first generations of independence. The constitution adopted in 1995
East African graduates, but today only 3% of the guarantees women equal opportunities in poli-
country’s secondary school graduates enter in- tics, social affairs and in the economic field. At
stitutions of higher education. In addition to one point President Museveni had a female vice
Makerere, Uganda has four other universities, president and the Speaker of Parliament was also
143 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Uganda Uganda Moving Up
a woman. in Uganda, at least 20 cents is lost due to a poor
Northern Uganda, which is mostly savanna, road network.
has been ravaged by the Lord’s Resistance Army Two billion barrels of crude oil for a country
(LRA), once supported by Khartoum in reaction to with nearly 33 million people and a high popula-
Uganda’s support for [South Sudan’s] Sudan Peo- tion growth rate, informing a median age of 15,
ple’s Liberation Army (SPLA). Although Khartoum could bring a decade of extra income to rectify
is no longer known to support LRA, the maniac infrastructure inadequacies and improve the hu-
rebel movement whose leader Joseph Konney is man development situation; especially educa-
wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) tion, health care and job creation. Presently only
for crimes against humanity, continues to terror- 8% of the productive population works in indus-
ize Northern Uganda, Southern Sudan and Congo. try, while 22% works in services and 69% works
From an achievements perspective, post- in agriculture. Coffee will continue to be a major
colonial Ugandan history can now be divided into export, especially to Sudan, but the burgeoning
two parts: pre-Museveni and the Museveni era. petroleum industry offers an opportunity to cre-
The first era, from independence in 1962 until ate downstream industries, such as lubricant
1986 was characterized by political upheavals and blending and refineries, as well as service indus-
economic mismanagement, leaving Uganda not tries. Increased national income should also build
only one of the world’s poorest countries but also up financial services and markets, providing more
a flash point with no apparent prospects for a lucrative investment opportunities. Increasing
better future. Yoweri Museveni came to power as civil servant salaries is necessary if corruption is
a guerrilla leader in 1986, bringing sustained to be curbed, as over the years since the 1970s
growth and development ever since. The discov- civil servant purchasing power has decreased;
ery of oil in 2006 came at the time when the particularly during the implementation of the
country had firmly established sound economic IMF prescribed Structural Adjustment Program
management and along with it the confidence of (SAP). Services have now surpassed agriculture as
the International Monetary Fund and World the major contributor to GDP at 49%, with retail
Bank. During February 2010 the World Bank, trade contributing the largest share after govern-
while faulting Uganda for uneven regional devel- ment services. During the Museveni era tourism
opment, gave the country financing of $189 mil- which had virtually died out during the Idi Amin
lion to strengthen its export capacity to Southern years, has been revived, with most tourists com-
Sudan and northern Congo. Part of the money ing from Western Europe and North America.
will be used to build major roads such as the Uganda’s balance of trade has since the
northeastern corridor, which links Southern Su- 1970s constantly been largely skewed in favor of
dan and northeastern Congo. Only about a quar- imports. Forty-eight years after independence
ter of Uganda’s roads are now paved. Uganda does not have a petroleum refinery and
Ugandan exports to Southern Sudan in 2009 has been bearing the high and sometimes spiral-
amounted to $245.8 million, out of a total of ing costs of importing refined petroleum prod-
$1.17 billion in exports to the whole Sudan. ucts. In January 2008 President Yoweri Musevini
Uganda’s exports to Kenya, once its largest mar- announced plans for Uganda to establish a refin-
ket, were $164 million. Improving the export fa- ery at Hoima in northwestern Uganda where up-
cilitating infrastructure is expected to enable stream petroleum production fields are located.
Uganda reap the full potential of the Sudanese In May 2009 Museveni while in Tehran reached
market. Both Germany and China, which are in- an agreement with Iran to construct the refinery
terested in Uganda’s resources, have held nego- at Hoima, against the view of operating company
tiations with President Museveni’s government Tullow Oil that emphasis should be on building a
concerning revamp of the railway system in pipeline through Kenya to its Mombasa port for
northern Uganda and possibly extending it to exporting crude oil. Museveni at the time said:
Juba, South Sudan’s capital. Kenya is competing "We are more inclined to building a refinery than
with Uganda for the Southern Sudan market and exporting unprocessed crude oil." With reserves
also has plans for rail as well as better road links of only 2 billion barrels giving priority to satisfy-
with its northwestern neighbor. A 2007 Common ing domestic demand from Uganda’s oil produc-
Market of East & Southern Africa (COMESA) re- tion is a sensible starting point for the country’s
vealed that for every dollar invested in businesses hydrocarbon production era.
144 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Compromises for Zimbabwe

By Muhammed Kamil


I t came to my mind while pondering the mat-

ter of confiscation of white owned farms to
redress colonial era battering and suppression
Zimbabwe’s capital Harare has a population of about 2

sions, opposing sides in this debacle should be

of the indigenous African population that per- seriously pondering a compromise.
haps the best way forward would be ordering The principal points of consideration in the
white commercial farmers to establish their ag- premises are that Europeans seized African
ricultural holdings as public liability companies lands at gunpoint during colonial conquest; but
floated on a special section of the Zimbabwe on the other hand, that is long past history and
Stock Exchange, where Black Zimbabweans Zimbabweans now have a multiracial society to
might purchase a specified portion of the share move forward. Added to this are the economic
value− whether 50%, 60% or whatever would be and commercial advantages of maintaining the
rationally determined. Then, recently I read in professional management culture that previ-
the news that there are private, limited liability ously made commercial agriculture Zimbabwe’s
agricultural companies owned by white farmers, main income earner, plus the social justice im-
and that one of them, Gramara (private) Limited perative of economically empowering the Afri-
had won a case in the Southern African Devel- can population which had been suppressed and
opment Community (SADC) court against having deprived during European racist and brutal rule.
their land acquired by the state. Complicating If this idea of having Zimbabwe’s commer-
matters, Zimbabwe’s High Court said it would cial farms organized into various agricultural
not register the SADC tribunal’s ruling because public liability companies is seriously consid-
it contravenes Zimbabwe’s constitution and ered, next would be the difficult task of devising
public policy. It seems that instead of continued socially equitable terms for share offering and
confrontation on this matter, which heightens distribution. This is where the characteristic
already mountainous political and social ten- Zimbabwean ingenuity is required; to be equita-
145 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Zimbabwe Compromises for Zimbabwe
bly balanced are the interests of the common cendants of white settlers as citizens. Keeping
people, the indigenous African economic elite them as happy as possible is good public policy.
and the white famers. Entertaining the idea of second class citizenship
In the final analysis, considering the desire in Africa or reverse discrimination would be ret-
of Zimbabwe’s farmers to improve their lot by rogressive and undemocratic; making them mis-
farming, not just by holding shares in commer- erable until they have to leave Africa to pre-
cial farm companies, a nucleus farm with out- serve their human dignity would be very self-
growers system might also be considered and degrading for us as Africans. The Harambe (all
eventually developed. That is established com- working together for the national good) policy
mercial farms serving as technical consultants adopted by President Jomo Kenyatta upon
and models for surrounding small farms. Kenya’s independence in 1963 is best and most
There is no doubt that Zimbabweans have rational for African states.
traditionally inherited farming aptitude, but Black power now prevails throughout the
with the fast pace of technological progress the Southern and East African regions where Euro-
entire agricultural industry in Zimbabwe and peans had permanently settled during the colo-
throughout Africa needs to be focused on up- nial era and the fate of white citizens on the
grading. New opportunities are constantly continent rest in black hands. We should not
opening up and it behooves all Africans to raise use our advantage to mistreat our white citi-
and broaden our horizons. zens, nor should Africa’s white citizens continue
There is no denying the past, but we can- entertaining notions of justification for colonial-
not allow Africa to be held hostage to the past. ism and apartheid and cling to a frame of mind
However, it is naïve to think that we can move wherein they refuse to admit that they owe
forward without recognizing and compensating compensation to Africans. We have to move
for past injustices. Head of the British South forward as brothers and sisters, black and
Africa Company, Cecil Rhodes initiated Euro- white; we must overcome racism, because race
pean colonial intrusion into Zimbabwe in 1890, has now been exposed by genetics as a superfi-
when the so-called Pioneer Column, composed cial fantasy with no scientific basis. The images
of some 200 farmers, artisans and traders, as of white nationalists shouting down President
well as 300 policemen, ventured into the coun- Obama in the United States, proclaiming “Take
try. The white farmers fared so badly at first our country back” are shameful and primitive.
they had to buy foodstuffs from African farm- White people cannot do that in Africa and the
ers. Realizing the indigenes were farming on time has past, with the end of colonialism and
the best land, the BSA, with backing from the apartheid, when Africans need to do that. We
British Crown, brutally forced Africans into should make Africa a model of humanism, of
Tribal Reserves, seizing and appropriating their human solidarity and universal human frater-
lands to white settler farmers. With time the nity.
Europeans mastered the art-science of farming The Southern African Development Com-
in Zimbabwe. Nonetheless, peasant farmers munity (SADC) should help Zimbabwe move
have made substantial contributions to the past its land crisis, but not by negating the his-
value of Zimbabwe’s agricultural output during torical and natural right of Africans to be com-
peak production years. Both drought and man- pensated for colonial era plunder; a win-win
power loss to the HIV/AIDS epidemic have in situation must be worked out and whites must
recent years weakened agricultural production be encouraged to cooperate so that Zimbabwe
capacity. Against this background, the policy of and Africa on the whole can build a “non-racial
Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-Patriotic Front to redis- rainbow” future. This requires equitable part-
tribute the land of white farmers to the descen- nership between those of settler stock and indi-
dants of the communities that had it forcefully genes. It requires respect for the achievements
seized from them has moral justification; but and contributions of the whites and recognition
there is also moral justification for not entirely of the fact that the indigenous Africans had
dispossessing white Zimbabwean farmers be- been brutally suppressed, deprived and reduced
cause of the crimes of their forebears. After all, to desperation. Obviously Zimbabweans have
Zimbabwe and other countries in Southern Af- greatly advanced in education and capability
rica upon independence accepted to have des- over the years since independence; politically it
146 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Zimbabwe Compromises for Zimbabwe
appears that white Zimbabweans have sought
their place in the Movement for Democratic
Change (MDC) led by current Prime Minister
Morgan Tsvangirai. It therefore appears that the
stage is set for moving the country forward until
it has transcended racial antagonisms.
The indigenization decree that all busi-
nesses in Zimbabwe have 60% indigenous eq-
uity should have likewise made the Zimbabwe
Stock Exchange the vehicle for achieving its
goal. The way President Mugabe and his ZANU- Republic of Zimbabwe
PF forces are pursuing it, providing lists of suit-
able black partners for whites, has been ex-
posed as a plot to confiscate white equity and Area 390,759 sq. km
give it to ZANU-PF partisans. In any event at- 150,873 sq. miles
tempting to compel a 60% equity shift in a short Population 12,500,000
frame of time is disruptive and Zimbabwe can-
not afford further disruption. Banks can give Population Growth Rate 0.57% per annum
loans to those indigenes to invest in promising
stocks listed on the ZSE but for those stocks to Projected Population in 13,000,000
appreciate in value and for companies to make 2025
profits Zimbabwe must climb out of its political Population Density 32 persons per sq. km/
and economic crises. 83 persons per sq. mile
As for the small privately owned and part-
Share Urban 36%
nership business sector, government should
simply ensure a level playing field in terms of Share Rural 64%
fair trade practices and non-discrimination on
ethnic, racial or political grounds in bank financ- Largest Cities
ing and supplier credit. Through education and
a level playing field indigenes, who constitute Harare 1,500,000
the vast majority of the population, should be
Bulawayo 680,000
able to do better in the market places than oth-
ers. Chitungwiza 322,000
Not only does Zimbabwe have the lowest
per capita income in the world, it also has one Mutare 153,000
of the lowest population growth rates, conse-
quent to the HIV/AIDS epidemic which has in- Gweru 137,000
fected more than 20% of the adult population,
Life Expectancy 40 years
depleting the workforce, health care workers
inclusive. While drought is a factor in the ad- Infant Mortality 51 deaths per thousand
verse economic picture, there is no denying live births
economic, political and social mismanagement.
Zimbabwe is not the worst affected country by Population per physician 6,200
natural disaster in the world, but its degree of Population per hospital 2,000
economic decline over the past 20 years has no bed
parallel. The world can clearly see that the
Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) tech- Literacy 92% (female 88.7%; male
nocrats are committed to and capable of revers- 95.1%)
ing Zimbabwe’s decline but it is also obvious Gross Domestic Product 3.556bn (nominal)
that the prevailing ZANU-PF mindset is far aloof
from reality. In this situation, MDC must proac- Per Capita Income $285
tively seek comprise solutions that promise a
win-win result for Blacks and Whites.
147 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Globalizing Black History Month

By Muhammed Kamil


N ow that Black History

Month which Americans
celebrate annually every Feb-
ruary is over and we have next
February to look forward to I
think it’s time to plan for it
keeping the issues raised by
American author/historian Ira
Berlin in mind. Ira observes
that with the influx into the
United States of immigrants
from Africa and the Caribbean
following the 1965 change in
Barack & Michelle Obama on Inauguration Day, January
immigration policy that maintained preference 21, 2009, represented the two trails of African American
for immigrants from Europe, the meaning of history converging in the White House
being an African American has broadened and
at the same time a situation has been created his voice told me that this was not a mere curious
where an increasing number of them might at observation but something he had been aware of
best only casually identify with the traditional for quite some time. I’m wondering if any of the
focus of Black History Month on the experience American or Egyptian journalists ever raised this
of those whose forebears were brought to the issue with him for discussion or if anything more
Americas from Africa in chains on slave ships. It was ever said about it in the public sphere. In any
is significant in this regard, and I think this is a event, it is common knowledge among astute
starting point, that the first African American students of ancient African history that the Luo
president of the United States is the son of a are of ancient Egyptian heritage and they mi-
Kenyan university student studying in the grated from Egypt up the Nile (that is south-
United States, while the First Lady is a descen- wards) into Sudan where they are known as Funj
dant of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade victims. and established and ruled the region’s kingdom
Perhaps planning a re-conceptualization of until the Ottoman Turk invasion in the second
Black History Month can begin by discussing the decade of the 19th century; while other Luo mi-
matter with the first couple; not simply because grated further south into what is today Kenya.
they represent the fusion of the two trails of The historical significance of a son of ancient
African American history, because certainly Egypt serving as President of the United States of
there must be others who do likewise, but America with a First Lady that is the descendant
among Africans there is something of particular of slaves brought in shackles from the West Coast
significance about the Luo ethnic community to of Africa provides us the scope to start conceptu-
which Obama belongs. I trust that our scholarly alizing a globalized Black History Month that
brother now President of the United States is would not only be celebrated in the United States
aware of this because while visiting the pyra- every February but throughout the world.
mids during his visit to Egypt, in one of the From a global black history perspective I saw
crypts he turned to the accompanying journal- Barack Obama’s election to the office of Presi-
ists and said, “Look at those ears; they are just dent of the United States of America as the
like my ears.” The knowingness in the tone of greatest political feat for Black people since the
148 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/History Globalizing Black History Month
Kushite kings from Jebel Barkel (in Nubia, now
part of Northern Sudan) were literally invited by
the Egyptians to rule the entire Nile Valley from
Thebes in the 7thcentury B.C. owing to their
renowned integrity and piety. I recall Professor
Henry Louis Gates, chair of the Black Studies
Department at Harvard University, saying upon
Obama’s victory that ‘we have seen many ex-
traordinary things but we have never seen any-
thing like this’. That was a pivotal moment in
Black history and I remember the news com-
mentators in discussing the significance of the
event for African Americans pointing out that
while Michelle’s forebears were brought to
America as slaves the president had his broth-
ers, sisters and grandmother in Kenya. It was
like fulfilling a prophecy, not one that could be
specifically identified in the Bible or Quran,
apart from the last becoming first, but that was
the secret of God most compassionate and ulti- Sculptured portrait of the legendary Kushite King Taharqa,
mately just. It happened some 14 years after the last ruler of Egypt’s 25th Dynasty, who fled to his family
Nelson Mandela became president of South home, Nubia, after his army’s resistance to the Assyrian
Africa, something we had hoped and prayed for invasion crumbled
but were not certain of seeing in our lifetime. thick skin’. As president Obama, unlike Mandela,
Putting the pieces of relationship together is surrounded mostly by white cabinet ministers,
between Mandela emerging as President of advisors and aids, as well as a mostly white U.S.
South Africa and Obama 14 years later becom- Congress, but as Jessie Jackson observed, he is
ing president of the United States across the incredibly majestic. What I would add is that
Atlantic where people of African descent consti- President Obama’s majestic demeanor is natural,
tute less than 20% of the population may be true, unassailable, unflinching and above all
difficult and in the final analysis we could be yearning for an America and a world where hu-
talking about a relationship that is essentially manism, value of our common humanity, fills our
abstract, but the significance in Mandela, repre- hearts and minds to the extent that there is in-
senting the most systematically abused people sufficient space for narrower considerations to
in the 20thy century, declaring South Africa a gain political force, nor polarizing social force.
non-racial society, politically and ideologically In this light I wish that Black History Month
putting an end to the notion of race, already 2011 focus on the historical role of Black people
proven scientifically untenable, and playing a in both the failures and successes of humanity;
father of all role, was a challenge to white peo- focus on our own failures, on the geopolitical
ple everywhere. I am yet to be convinced that power vacuums that we left to be exploited by
Black people living under rule by Whites have others to our detriment; focus on our music, art,
ever received justice, but Mandela overturned literature, drama, cinema and intellectual
the historical relationship between Black and thought and how we have engaged other peoples
White by replacing racialism with humanism. with us through them; and on the many other
Likewise, young man Obama has reached out to aspects of our positive as well as our negative
all Americans as a brother and friend, holding relations with other peoples. In a nutshell, Black
his head above the racist taunts and racial people to be true to history as God has unfolded
slights thrown and tossed at him. I recall his re- it, have to look both backwards and forwards
sponse to the New Yorker magazine cover car- from Mandela and Obama, understanding the
toon depicting him as an Al Qaeda terrorist and past and present and informing our visions of the
Michelle as an armed black nationalist: ‘I’ve ex- future through what they have represented for
perienced worse; when your name is Barack us as part of the greater humanity.
Hussein Obama in America you learn to have a
149 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/History Globalizing Black History Month By M. Kamil

The Mandela Factor

Mandela and Springboks captain Francois Pienaar And what did they do when they saw him? They
rose as if one and chorused - bayed - his name. It
John Carlin wrote in the Observer (U.K.), was, as Desmond Tutu would describe it, 'an
January 7,2007 electric moment'.
No serious commentator that day gave Fran-
24 June 1995, Ellis Park, Johannesburg cois Pienaar's South Africa team much chance of
To black South Africans, the Springbok rugby defeating New Zealand, quite the most formida-
jersey was always one of the most hated sym- ble rugby side anyone could remember. But for
bols of apartheid. Rugby was a sport that the all their strength, speed and talent, the All Blacks
Afrikaner, 'the oppressor', regarded with at found no way through the Springboks' grim de-
least as much fervor as the Old Testament God fense. For the thin green line to break would be
of (another old racist symbol) the Dutch Re- an act of treason, would be to allow the enemy
formed Church. When the Springboks played at to storm the ramparts of the motherland - or so
home, there was always a small area of the sta- would the Springbok players describe it after the
dium where the blacks were penned in. It was game was over. So there were no tries, an infinite
always full. And they always supported the visit- number of South African tackles and lots of kicks
ing team. on goal. Joel Stransky clinched it, 15-12, with a
So for Nelson Mandela, the symbol of black drop goal in extra time.
suffering, the man who had spent 27 years in a Approached by a TV commentator within
white jail, to appear before a worldwide audi- seconds of the final whistle, Pienaar was asked
ence wearing the notorious green-and-gold jer- what it felt like to have such fervent support
sey (and cap) at the 1995 World Cup final repre- from 63,000 people. With remarkable presence
sented the most unlikely political turnaround of mind for a man experiencing the highest pitch
imaginable. He would not have worn it had he of ecstasy, Pienaar replied: 'We didn't have the
not achieved the almost impossible task during support of 63,000 South Africans today. We had
the year before the competition, his first year as the support of 42 million.'
President, of deliberately working away at erod- Mandela, still wearing his Springbok gear,
ing the bitterness and mistrust of his black sup- handed the cup to Pienaar, saying: 'Thank you
porters, persuading them that the slogan of the very much for what you have done for our coun-
new Springboks, 'One Team, One Country', was try.'
for real. 'Mr. President,' replied Pienaar, who did not
Of the 63,000 people in the stadium, put a foot wrong that day, 'it is nothing com-
62,000 were white, most of them Afrikaners. pared to what you have done for our country.'
They had been conditioned to believe that the
President, for whom barely a handful of them
would have voted a year earlier, was not only a
dangerous terrorist, but less than fully human.
150 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Queen of Hearts
By Muhammed Kamil


S erena Williams, currently number one

ranked female tennis player in the world,
fashion designer and, model, actress and philan-
thropist is not only queen of the tennis court
which brought her fame and wealth; she has
endeared herself to many around the world,
particularly among Africans both on the conti-
nent and in the Diaspora. Whenever I see
Serena Williams on TV I’m amazed at how typi-
cally African this American born and raised ten-
nis star is in her facial expressions and de-
meanor. As she’s into acting I imagine she could
well play with ease a heroic market woman in
an African film; with that calm, resolute and
indomitable natural air of hers.
For all her showmanship, on the court and
in celebrity fashion circles, Serena has demon-
strated a serious, heartwarming interest in the
education of children in African communities.
During February Serena Williams flew into
Kenya to follow up on the progress of the
Serena Williams Secondary School in Matooni
which she helped build in partnership with tech-
nology firm Hewlett Packard, for whom she is a Serena Williams
global ambassador, and the Build African
Schools initiative; and to inaugurate her newly Speaking on Serena’s commitment, Hew-
sponsored Wee Secondary School in Makueni, lett Packard East Africa managing director Ken
in Kenya’s Eastern Province. In addition to view- Mbwaya, said, “As our ambassador, Serena was
ing the progress at the two schools Serena held touched by the plight of children from these
a one hour teaching session with students at areas. This has made many keen to learn, even
both schools. with the daily challenges and limitations. Educa-
Responding to the songs the school chil- tion is the best platform to invest in as it em-
dren dedicated to her, Serena remarked: “I’m powers whole communities." Patrick O'Sullivan,
very happy to be here and, besides winning the founder and chief executive officer of Build Af-
Australian Open, this is more victory for me. I rican Schools, the organization partnering with
will always hold this school dear to me and I Serena and Hewlett Packard in the school pro-
hope that I’ll get more chances to continue with jects, said the objectives of his non-profit or-
this venture.” ganization is to build primary and secondary
The schools have been equipped with com- schools in marginalized areas.
puter labs, laptops and internet; and training in Serena, 28, has been playing professional
their use provided for teachers and students. tennis since she was 14 years old. Although her
The philosophy behind the projects is forthright: father had encouraged her and her sister Venus
empower African youth through education. to play tennis he was apprehensive about them
151 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Africa/Philanthropy Queen of Hearts By Muhammed Kamil
Tennis star, philanthropist
Serena Williams with stu-
dents at a school she
sponsored in Kenya in col-
laboration with Hewlett
Packard for whom she is
an ambassador and Build
African Schools Organiza-

joining the professional circuit at such tender

ages but his two daughters in their early teens
were catapulted to stardom so fast he could not
hold them back; they had become child pro-
sports celebrities and as their coach he had to
move into the spotlight with them. Serena won
the U.S. Open, her first Grand Slam, at the age
of 17 and entered the women’s top ten rankings
the same year. She has now won 25 Grand Slam
titles, 12 single, 11 in women’s doubles and 2 in
mixed doubles. She has also won two Olympic
gold medals.
Serena has won more career prize money
than any female athlete in history. She and her
sister Venus have earned nearly $60 million on
the tennis court, but in recent years Serena has
made a fortune in the entertainment, fashion
and sports wear industries. Being ambassador
for computer manufacturer Hewlett Packard fits
well with her interest in African education be-
cause of the importance of IT technology for
today’s students.
Serena received a Celebrity Role Model
Award from Avon Foundation in 2003 for work
in breast cancer. She has also been involved in a
number of clinics at schools and community
centers, particularly those which have programs
focusing on at-risk youth. She has won the
"Young Heroes Award" from Big Brothers-Big Serena is deeply involved in the fashion industry as a
Sisters of Greater Los Angeles and Inland (2003) designer with her own brand and as a model. In August
and the "Family Circle and Prudential Financial 2009 she and sister Venus (right in photo above) be-
Player Who Makes a Difference Award" (2004). came the first African American females to become part
In response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Wil- owners in a National Football League team when they
liams, along with other ATP and WTA stars de- bought a stake in the Miami Dolphins. Having competed
against each other in 8 Grand Slam finals they are the
cided to forgo their final day of preparation for
most outstanding sibling act in the contemporary world
the 2010 Australian Open to form a charity
of sports.
event in which all proceeds would go to the
Haiti earthquake victims.
152 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
China in the last week of December 2009 launched the world’s fastest train, travelling 350 kmph (217 mph).
Dubai on January 4, 2010 opened the tallest building in the world, Burj al Khalifa. The 828 meters high build-
ing, costing $1.5 billion, is tallest man made structure ever built.

Asia/ Afghanistan

Afghanistan: the Challenge of Creating a Modern State


L ike many other countries antiquity co-exists

in Afghanistan with modern times, but it is
not simply a matter of bridging the education and
exposure gap between the sophisticated and
somewhat cosmopolitan elites and Taliban influ-
enced portion of the population. There is a world
view gap, informed by ideological and philosophi-
cal differences, wherein external influences, prin-
cipally represented by Arabian Peninsula born and
rooted Osama bin Laden, have indoctrinated a
substantial portion of Afghans to fight tooth and
nail to install medieval tyranny, deepening the Fawzia Koofi, Second Deputy Chairperson of the Lower
House of the Afghanistan Parliament (Wolisi Jirga)
ignorance of the common people, winning them
to this retrogressive cause. In this complicated
syndrome bombs, landmines and AK-47 assault Afghanistan’s tradition. Hamid Karzai admits to
rifles of the modern age are common weapons in initially having no objection to the Taliban, only
defense of a social system and manner of govern- opposing them owing to the foreign influences he
ance that predated them by many centuries. Her- saw increasingly misguiding them. Abdullah Ab-
oin addiction, largely affecting women, and mi- dullah, son of a senator and ophthalmologist, was
sogyny, as well as rampant child abuse are fea- foreign minister and spokesman for the Islamic
tures of the country’s prevailing corrupted tradi- State of Afghanistan that overthrew the Soviet
tional social culture, implying the need for mod- backed regime.
ern civil society building, including supportive in- The Taliban toppled the Islamic State of Af-
stitutions. Taliban insurgency reliance on opium ghanistan in 1996. The primitively extremist re-
trade, implicates them and their ideology in both gime suppressed the modern schools that were
the domestic and global social damage done by made free at all levels by the 1964 Afghan consti-
narcotics. Afghanistan is now accused by the tution. This was against the background of war
Americans of producing 92% of the global opium which left an entire generation of Afghan youth
supply. without formal schooling; though many people
Complicating Afghanistan is not only the eth- left the country and their children were born in
nic diversity but the traditional ethnic independ- refugee camps or abroad. After the Taliban were
ence, wherein the existing borders of the country overthrown in late 2001, Kabul University
were not drawn until the late 19th century when (founded in 1931) reopened and student enroll-
Afghanistan became a buffer state between the ment filled to capacity, as was the case with the
British and Russian Empires; yet the populations 1962 established University of Nangarhār in Jalā-
of most major ethnic groups cross national bor- lābād and the smaller universities at Kandahār,
ders. Herāt, Balkh, and Bāmiān. Mobile schools were
From what we have seen of Afghanistan’s set up to provide education in the rural areas and
mainstream intelligentsia, President Hamid Karzai foreign universities and organizations donated
and former Foreign Minister, 2009 presidential books and teaching materials. By the 2003-2004
candidate Abdullah Abdullah, for example, they academic year 4.2 million boys and girls attended
are pious and respectful Muslims with modern about 7,000 schools in the country. Girls were
education and cosmopolitan outlooks in tandem once again in school. UNESCO in January 2003
with appreciation for their roots in the best of launched a massive literacy campaign.
154 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Afghanistan The Challenge of Creating a Modern State

March 26, 2010 Brussels Forum on the question of winning in Afghanistan

The traditional elder authority based family modern democratic society and the need for the
system prevalent throughout Afghanistan does Afghan government to be a competent and credi-
not rub smoothly with modernization, especially ble partner of the international community. She
the practice of forced marriage. However, the so- also stressed the need for patience, given the im-
cial degradation attributable to forced marriage mensity and complexity of the challenges being
has become a major issue of political and intellec- faced. Incidentally, a support committee has been
tual discourse and is thus being increasingly chal- set up for Fawzia Koofi by a group of young Af-
lenged by Afghanistan’s intelligentsia. Like most ghans to publicize her vision and promote her
other societies there is a worldly exposure gap voice as a genuine female leader of Afghanistan.
between urban dwellers and those in rural areas, University education in Afghanistan first opened
which include nomads. to women in 1961.
The natural attractiveness of progress is Canada’s Defense Minister Peter MacKay,
countered by Taliban terror and the frustration addressing the topic question of the March 26th
visited on the population by the systemic failures Brussels Forum, Is the Afghanistan War Winna-
of government to satisfy people’s expectations. ble?, pointed out from the audience that although
Thievery, banditry and kidnapping are rampant; as the public in countries contributing troops were
are child abuse and woman battering. Blood feuds invariably concerned about casualties, their en-
are ongoing and legendary. Added to these inter- gagement has brought many victories: there is an
nally rooted problems, is the civilian casualty rate, incipient democracy, unlike the Taliban era when
largely from the fire of foreign forces, in the girls were forbidden from attending school they
counter insurgency. All these factors, plus the now have equal access to education and women
years of war against the Soviets have swelled the were serving in both Parliament and the Cabinet,
ranks of incapacitated and handicapped people. children are now being vaccinated and social re-
Although Afghanistan appears to be rich in habilitation programs are in motion.
mineral resources and had begin industrialization All participants in the Brussels Forum panel
around the middle of the 20th century, the prevail- agreed that the comprehensive approach of
ing underdevelopment in the wake of prolonged bringing socio-economic and political progress in
tumult makes poverty and despair common. tandem with peace from the Taliban insurgency
In the March 26, 2010 Brussels Forum mod- was the right way forward. Although civilian casu-
erated by BBC’s Nik Gowing, Afghan Lower alties are a terrible embarrassment for the gov-
Houseof Parliament Deputy Speaker Fawzia Koofi ernment and by tolerating them the impression is
was emphatic about how important international given to ordinary Afghans that their government
support was for her country’s efforts to build a is a client, if not a puppet, of the United States
155 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Afghanistan The Challenge of Creating a Modern State
and its NATO allies, the fact is that for President ment only to get positioned to advance their in-
Karzai and the rest of Afghanistan’s modern elite surgency, affirms that trusting the Taliban is any-
expelling foreign forces is inconceivable, because thing but wise. Nonetheless, Hamid Karzai’s gov-
they want and need them there even more than ernment has never ceased efforts to win over as
those forces want to be there. In 2007 following many Taliban as they can to the democratic sys-
about 50 civilian deaths from NATO operations in tem. Dr. Vali Nasr explained to the March 26th
the western province of Herāt the upper house of Brussels Forum that while there had from the be-
the Afghan Parliament, comprised of elders, ginning of the fight to oust the Taliban from
passed a resolution calling for a ceasefire with the power been efforts to win some of them over to
Taliban and setting of a date for foreign troop democracy, reconciliation with the Taliban leader-
withdrawal, but the resolution failed to be en- ship was not likely.
acted. Brigadier Amir Sultan Tarar, a retired officer
Dr. Vali Nasr, Senior Advisor to Special Repre- with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
sentative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, State De- agency who admitted to previously training Mul-
partment, United States of America, speaking as a lah Muhammad Omar, in January 2010 said that
panel member at the Brussels Forum acknowl- the Taliban leader was ready to break with his al-
edged that if Afghan government appointments to Qaida allies in order to make peace in Afghani-
head the areas being captured from Taliban under stan: "The moment he gets control the first target
the ongoing new offensive were not credible it will be the al-Qaida people". However, the notion
would hurt the chances of success. He was re- of returning to power in Afghanistan exposes Mul-
sponding to a charge from the audience that the lah Omar’s disregard for democracy. A captured
governor appointed for Marjah, captured from Taliban spokesman, Muhammad Hanif, told Af-
the Taliban in the February 2010 NATO offensive, ghan authorities in January 2007, that Omar was
had served 4 years in a German prison for stab- being protected by the Inter-Services Intelligence
bing a relative with a knife. However, all partici- in Quetta, Pakistan. Hamid Karzai, in 2006, ac-
pants acknowledged that appointing credible and cused Pakistan’s intelligence of harboring Mullah
suitable people in Afghanistan was problematic, Omar but Pakistan’s officials denied it. That Paki-
especially owing to the need to have strong men stan’s intelligence network was laced with ex-
in place that could control the situation at hand. tremist group sympathizers has been for quite
Parliamentarian Fawzia Koofi assesses the some widely suspected in international circles.
predicament in Afghanistan to require foreign At the January 28, 2010 Afghanistan Confer-
troop, technical and capacity building support at ence at London’s Lancaster House, the interna-
or near present levels for at least another ten tional community came together to fully align
years. This means that while President Obama has military and civilian resources behind an Afghan-
promised starting troop draw-downs as early as led political strategy. The agreed strategy is to
2011, if the gains are not to be lost it would have engage the Afghan people in defense of their
to be very gradual and spread out over a decade. country, to divide the insurgency and build re-
Fawzia Koofi pointed out the need to clear the gional cooperation. Delegations from 66 countries
Talban from the areas to which they fled after attended, as well as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-
being driven from Marjah so that there is no safe moon, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and British
haven for them. She doubted that Talban could be Prime Minister Gordon Brown. It was resolved
bought over with money because they are ideo- that a stable Afghanistan is vital to international
logically motivated; and she objected to the idea peace and security and that the “brutal” Taliban
of buying the rank and file with jobs, arguing that should never again be allowed to take over the
there are many law abiding Afghans that had country. To that end the delegates entered agree-
never been part of Taliban who were in search of ments with the Afghan government to support it
economic opportunities and such people should in exercising sovereignty over all its territory, of-
be given priority. Although she did not stress wip- fering its people representative government,
ing the Taliban out, in her view counting on Tali- bringing about the conditions for economic pros-
ban being won over to assimilation in the democ- perity, and playing a constructive role in the re-
ratic system is naïve. The deception of the Taliban gion. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) an-
in Pakistan, entering an accord with the govern- nounced during the London Conference that un-
der its Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative
156 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Afghanistan The Challenge of Creating a Modern State
there would be $1.6 billion deft relief for Afghani-
The specifics of the support agreed by the
attending countries and international organiza-
tions were:
♦ To develop a plan for phased transition to
Afghan security lead province by province to
begin, provided conditions are met, by late
2010/early 2011.
♦ Targets for significant increases in the Afghan
Army and Police Force supported by the inter-
national community: 171,000 Afghan Army
and 134,000 Afghan Police by the end of 2011,
taking total security force numbers to over
♦ Confirmation of a significant increase in inter-
national forces to support the training of Af-
ghan forces. In total, the US have increased
levels by 30,000 and the rest of the interna-
tional community by 9,000, including the Ger-
man contribution taking total force levels to
Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan’s first democratically
around 135,000.
elected president, is the son of Deputy Parliament
♦ Measures to tackle corruption, including the Speaker during the 1960s Abdul Ahad Karzai and the
establishment of an independent Office of grandson of Khair Muhammed Khan who once served
High Oversight and an independent Monitor- as Deputy Speaker of Afghanistan’s Senate. He and his
ing and Evaluation Mission. family had been strong supporters of Afghan King Za-
♦ Better coordinated development assistance to hir Shah. Holder of a Master’s Degree in political Sci-
be increasingly channeled through the GoA, ence, Karzai was part of the resistance to the Soviet
supported by reforms to structures and budg- Najibullah regime and after the Soviet’s withdrew he
ets. served as deputy foreign minister under President Bu-
hanuddin Rabbani.
♦ A civilian surge to match the military surge,
Taliban founder and leader Mullah Muhammed
including new civilian leadership of the inter-
Omar by contrast was an orphan from a poor family
national community’s programs, with the ap- and grew up in huts, educated in mosque schools that
pointment of Mark Sedwill, previously British taught reading, writing, arithmetic and Quran recita-
Ambassador to Afghanistan, as NATO’s Senior tion and precepts. He speaks Arabic and probably
Civilian Representative; a new UN representa- gained his ‘Mullah” title for being able to recite the
tive plus more civilians on the ground to sup- Quran from memory. He was a crack marksman in the
port governance and economic development. resistance against the Najibullah regime and report-
♦ Enhanced sub-national government to im- edly inspired by a dream he formed his jihad move-
prove delivery of basic services to all Afghans. ment by arming 50 of the students he taught in a relig-
ion school. Taliban simply means “Students”.
♦ Support for the GoA’s national Peace and Re-
As head of the Supreme Council of Afghanistan
integration Programme, including financial
from 1996 to 2001 he resided in Kandahar, coming to
support for a Peace and Reintegration Trust the capital Kabul only twice, and was never seen by
Fund, to offer economic alternatives to those foreigners. Thus there is no confirmed photo of Mullah
who renounce violence, cut links to terrorism Omar in circulation. That Mullah Omar rates himself a
and agree to work within the democratic proc- moderate is an indication of how out of touch with the
ess. world he is. "All Taliban are moderate. There are two
♦ Support for increased regional co-operation to things: extremism ["ifraat", or doing something to ex-
combat terrorism, violent extremism and the cess] and conservatism ["tafreet", or doing something
drugs trade, to increase trade and cultural ex- insufficiently]. So in that sense, we are all moderates –
taking the middle path”, he told BBC in an interview via
change and to create conducive conditions for
satellite, November 15, 2001.
the return of Afghan refugees.

157 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Asia/Afghanistan The Challenge of Creating a Modern State
U.S. Marine from Bravo Com-
pany of 1st Battalion, 6th Ma-
rines, gestures during a gun
battle in the town of Marjah,
in Nad Ali district of Helmand
province, February 13, 2010.
REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic.
On February 25th US marines
declared the capture of the
Afghan town of Marjah, a
former Taliban stronghold, a
"historic day" in the fight to
oust the regime. Mohammad
Gulab Mangal, governor of
Helmand province, raised the
green, red and black flag in
Marjah, watched by Brigadier
General Larry Nicholson, the
commander of the US Marines in southern Afghanistan, an AFP photographer said. Around 15,000
US, Afghan and NATO forces launched Operation Mushtarak ("Together") on February 13 in what
has been billed the biggest military operation since the 2001 US-led invasion brought down the Tali-
ban regime. Their mission was to capture the Marjah and Nad Ali areas of Helmand from the Taliban
and drug lords in a major test of US President Barack Obama's troop surge battling to end the eight-
year Afghan war.

United States soldiers after a firefight with Taliban insurgents during

March in Kandahar Province, where a full-scale military offensive was
being planned for the coming weeks. By March 26th Coalition forces and
Taliban were full scale fire fighting. Taliban suicide bombings and assas-
sinations had left this city virtually paralyzed by fear. When all the
forces for the Kandahar offensive finally arrive the biggest and most im-
portant battle since the war began in 2001 is expected. The bulk of the
additional 30,000 forces America is sending to Afghanistan before July is
slated for deployment in Kandahar. Kandahar is the home province of
President Hamid Karzai
158 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/ Afghanistan

Obama’s surprise visit

to Afghanistan

U .S. President Barack Obama secretly

slipped into Afghanistan under the
cover of darkness on March 27th, where he
addressed about 2,500 cheering American
troops and civilians at Bagram Air Field, North
of Kabul.
Appearing before the Americans in Af-
ghanistan, Obama opened jauntily, "I thought Presidents Obama and Karzai at Kabul’s Presidential Palace
I'd come over and say hello," then grimly pro-
ceeded to talk about the threat of terror and to Afghanistan. Unnoticed departures are eas-
America’s determination to prevent Afghani- ier from there owing to its secluded mountain
stan soil from being a base for terrorists. location.
The essence of his message was that Obama’s message to the Afghan govern-
their success in defeating the Taliban insur- ment was that it must assist American efforts
gency was vital to the security of the people to support it by providing good governance,
back home in the United States. "Those folks specifically mentioning the importance of
back home are relying on you. We can't forget curbing corruption, enforcing the law and im-
why we're here," he told his audience. proving the population’s living conditions.
Recalling the September 11, 2001 attacks The war in Afghanistan is one of the
on New York and the Pentagon, the American many issues dividing Americans, although it is
President told his troops in Afghanistan, "We one of the few major issues on which he is not
did not choose this war." dramatically at odds with Republicans. Ac-
Affirming his resolve and stressing the cording to Associated Press, recent polls show
peril of failure in Afghanistan, President that there is a broad base of approval for the
Obama said, "If this region slides backwards, if way Obama is handling the war.
the Taliban retakes this country, al-Qaida can In his meeting with Afghan President
operate with impunity, then more American Hamid Karzai Obama stressed the importance
lives will be at stake, the Afghan people will of good governance and invited him to Wash-
lose their opportunity for progress and pros- ington. According to AP, Karzai has raised eye-
perity and the world will be significantly less brows in Washington with his recent trips to
secure. As long as I'm your commander in Iran, China and Pakistan and his welcoming
chief, I'm not going to let that happen.” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to
Obama maintained that Al-Qaida is still Kabul earlier in March. However, no indica-
using the region to plan terrorist strikes tion was given that this became a point of
against the U.S. and its allies. "We are going friction during the two leaders’ discussions.
to disrupt and dismantle, defeat and destroy Afghanistan and Iran are neighbors with his-
al-Qaida and its extremist allies," he vowed. toric ethnic and cultural ties.
Obama’s arrival in Afghanistan, his first In public remarks President Obama told
as president, came just two days after the President Karzai and his cabinet that he was
most recent threatening audio message at- pleased with progress that had been made
tributed to Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. since their last discussion by video conference
A small contingent of White House staff ac- on March 15th, stressing that progress in civil
companied him. The trip was secretly ar- society would make Afghanistan more pros-
ranged, with Obama going to the Presidential perous and secure.
retreat at Camp David, Maryland on Friday,
March 25th and from there flying Air Force 1
159 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Why is China Successful?

By Muhammed Kamil
[email protected]


The Making of Modern China

T he phenomenal rise of China since its
Communist revolution in 1949 from a
weak, socially senile and opium ridden country
vulnerable to imperialist conquest, to a super
power to which the United States of America is
nearly $1 trillion in debt is perhaps the most
spectacular national feat of our times. What
makes China successful is likewise one of the
most intriguing questions of our age.
From a geographical perspectives we can
generally see that the larger a country’s land
mass the more likely it is to have a substantial
variety of natural resources. For example, with- Mao Zedong (1893-1976 ) Chairman of the Chinese
out Texas and Alaska, 2,700 miles apart, the Communist Party which staged the revolution that led
United States would not have had vast hydro- to founding of the People’s Republic of China on Octo-
ber 1, 1949
carbon reserves; neither would Russia without
Siberia which constitutes much of the Asian part or negative factor, depending on available re-
of the country’s 6,593,000 square mile territory. sources, climate and socio-economic and politi-
Looking at Africa from the perspective of Afri- cal organization. Japan is a country not rich in
can Union it has vastly more resources than any resources but its combination of population
single country. Also countries that traverse cli- density and relatively efficient socio-economic
matic zones invariably have greater agricultural and political organization compared to its
production varieties than those localized in the neighbors made it the dominant country in the
tropics or the Nordic regions and their latitu- Asian Pacific for many centuries, up to the pre-
dinal vicinities. Africa from Morocco, Algeria, sent although China has over the past 60 years
Tunisia and Egypt in the North to Senegal, been on a rapid progress course that appears
Guinea and Côte d’Ivoire in the West, to Kenya destined to eventually make it the Asian-
and Sudan several thousand miles eastward and Pacific’s greatest country.
South Africa in the southern most human being At the close of the 20th century China led
inhabited latitudinal region, has ane optimally the world in cotton yarn production; at the end
rich variety of meat, fish, grain, vegetable and of the new century’s first decade China had
fruit production; but there are humid tropical passed the United States as the world’s largest
countries with limited livestock capacity and consumer of automobiles and most of its cars
humid rocky soil countries like Liberia where are domestically manufactured.
vegetable variety is limited. While technology Chinese history from the beginning of the
may offer new possibilities in the future, tradi- 20th century up to the present reveals a struggle
tionally land mass has in well known countries− for internal Chinese control and strong sover-
Australia, Brazil, China, Russia and the United eignty of the country against external imperial-
States of America− been a factor in mineral and ism, colonial aggression and super power med-
agricultural resource variety. dling, with a view to organizing China for opti-
Population density can be either a positive mal potential development of its human and
160 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/China Why is China Successful?

Chinese de-facto Paramount Leader Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) with U.S. President Jimmy Carter, 1978

material resources; and can significantly be di- leader of China and the Maoist revolutionary
vided into 10 periods. era began. Chiang Kai-shek and his Kuomintang
First the dark era of social decay, political established a bourgeois nationalist outpost on
turmoil and imperialist exploitation carried over the island of Taiwan, in contrast to the egalitar-
from the 19th century, abated by the 1911 bour- ian communism pursued by Mao throughout
geois revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen that van- the 3.6 million square mile mainland.
quished the senile 267 year old Qing Dynasty. During this sixth period China virtually
Then the revolutionary nationalist period, dur- closed itself off from the rest of the world and
ing which Sun Yat-sen and the progressive practiced radical self-reliance, with Mao’s phi-
forces in the Kuomintang Party joined forces losophical writings providing the ideological
with the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) to guidance as well as inspiration and motivation
make the Great Revolution of 1924. A fourth to build a great Chinese nation. Targets of the
period followed the death of Sun Yat-sen, when first five year plan were achieved ahead of
right wing forces led by General Chiang Kai-shek schedule and the base for full industrialization
took over the Kuomintang, reverting to a man- was established. Seven years into the revolu-
ner of bourgeois nationalism closely resembling tion, in 1956 Mao launched the Great Leap For-
the feudalism of the abolished Qing Dynasty. ward. The energies and ingenuity of the Chinese
During this period the Chinese Communist Party people were taxed optimally. Aerospace, astro-
waged a 10 year Agrarian Revolution. nautics, automobile, computer, telecommunica-
The fifth monumental period was the suc- tions, petrochemical, instruments and defense
cessful war against Japanese colonial aggression industries emerged. China became a nuclear
launched in 1937, during which the CPC and power and a symbol of revolutionary nationalist
Kuomintang rose up in collaborative defense of fortitude.
the homeland. With the Japanese driven out the The seventh period in which Chinese Pre-
power struggle between the Communists and mier Zhou Enlai asserted himself as a major in-
Kuomintang resumed, erupting in a protracted fluence was the rapprochement with the West,
civil war that ended in victory for the former in particularly the U.S. In 1971 Beijing replaced
1949. Mao Zedong replaced Chiang Kai-shek as Taiwan in China’s seat at the United Nations,

161 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Asia/China Why is China Successful?
becoming one of the five permanent members
of the Security Council. The following year,
China officially reconciled with its mortal en-
emy, the United States of America, marked by
U.S. President Richard Nixon’s historic visit to
Another period of change which ran con-
currently with the rapprochement, which we
shall call the 8th period because its conse-
quences led to the reforms that marked the 9th
period, had begun in 1966: The Great Proletar-
ian Cultural Revolution. Communist Party Chair-
man Mao Zedong saw the incipient emergence
of what he termed “liberal bourgeois” elements
in the system that threatened to steer China off
his course to an envisaged pure Communism
where the proletariat would be the only class
and the Communist wealth distribution ideal of
from each according to his capacity and to each
according to his needs would prevail. Mao theo-
rized and called for the liberal bourgeois ten-
dencies as well as elements to be removed by
post-revolution class struggle in which the
thoughts and activism of the generation of
China’s youth that had been educated in the
Communist era would be mobilized. The move-
ment eventually spread to the military, urban
workers and CPC leadership with massive Zhou Enlai (1898-1976), long time Chinese Premier, lead
purges. Chinese youth organized into Red author of “The Four Moderations” in collaboration with then
Guards dedicated to the maturation of Commu- Deputy Premier Deng Xiaoping that provided the theoretical
basis for moderating the policies of the Chinese Communist
nism to its presumed radically egalitarian logical
conclusion. Apparently recognizing the need to
curb the upheavals caused by the Cultural Revo- to rise to the helm of affairs.
lution and restore the country’s stability Mao An example of Mao’s balancing role is illus-
officially ended it in 1969 but the power strug- trated in his handling of Deng. First he inter-
gles it had generated continued until 1976 with vened to cancel the prison sentencing of Deng
his wife Jiang Qing leading a quartet that would after he and President Liu Shaoqi were both
in disgrace come to be known as ‘The Gang of condemned as “enemies of the people.” Deng
Four.” Also associated with them was former was placed under house arrest in Beijing. Mao
Minister of Defense, Commanding General of classified the case against Deng who had been
the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Lin Biao. by his side since the late 1920s as “antagonisms
The extent of Mao’s involvement in and ap- among the people” while allowing the enemy of
proval of the Gang of Four’s destabilizing Cul- the people charge to stand against President Liu
tural Revolution excesses is a discussion for his- Shaoqi. Secondly, Mao in 1975 restored Deng
tory researchers and scholars to lead, but as I to his post as Deputy Premier, expecting him to
can remember at the time and from what I have curb the militarism that had grown out of the
read, Mao’s balancing role was a little too far Cultural Revolution to the extent that civilian
tilted towards the extreme left. Hence he did posts were being manned by soldiers.
not escape the blame heaped upon the Gang of That was what would proved to be the per-
Four and a month following his death the Gang forated beginning of the 9th period. Deng to-
of Four was arrested and the way opened for gether with Premier Zhou Enlai authored the
long time Mao loyalist Deng Xiaoping, 11 years manifesto of practical reforms entitled “Four
younger than Mao, who had once been purged, Moderations” that provided the ideological di-
162 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/China Why is China Successful?
rection for reforms that would accelerate
China’s growth from 6% average through most
of the pre-Cultural Revolution years after 1950
to decade averages above 8%. In the wake of
Premier Zhou Enlai’s death in early 1976 there
were massive demonstrations of sorrow that
loudly criticized Jiang Qing and her cohorts,
which were blamed on Deng, though the Gang
of Four would subsequently be charged with
having orchestrated them to have a pretext for
purging Deng. Mao, then in the terminal stages
of his affliction with Parkinson Disease, refused
to allow Deng to be purged altogether. “Leave
him his party card to show his descendants and
to see how he will behave in the future,” Mao
ordered, intervening on his old comrade’s be-
half for the last time. Mao died in September
1976 and within a month Jiang Qing and the
other members of her infamous quartet were
arrested. Deng gradually made his bid for
power, eventually out maneuvering Hua
Guofeng, Mao’s appointed heir, and other Mao-
Although Hua Guofeng, a moderate not
associated with Jiang Qing, succeeded Mao as Mao Zedong (right) married Jiang Qing (1914-91) (left), a
CPC chairman, Deng gradually emerged as professional actress and Chinese Communist Party member,
China’s de-facto leader and by 1978 had as- in 1939, 10 years before the triumph of the revolution. After
sumed the role of Paramount Leader, an unoffi- Mao became China’s leader she worked in the Ministry of
cial status that befell him as the CPC leader able Culture. In 1966 she was appointed Deputy Director of Cul-
to exercise ultimate influence over the party’s tural Revolution (1966-76). In that capacity she incited radi-
cal youths against senior party and government officials,
hierarchy. In the meantime Hua Guofeng in his
and replaced nearly all earlier works of art with revolution-
capacity of Premier of the State Council had Ji- ary Maoist works. A member of the politburo (1969-76), she
ang Qing, her cohorts and a number of lesser was one of the most powerful political figures during Mao's
associates arrested. They were charged with the last years. For her role in the Cultural Revolution she was
excesses of the Cultural Revolution and in the arrested (Oct., 1976) by Hua Guofeng , Mao's successor, and
media campaign waged against them they were sentenced to die (later commuted to life imprisonment).
dubbed “The Gang of Four”. In their trial which
resulted in death sentences, later commuted to munist Party leadership and masses of Chinese
life imprisonment, political errors were sepa- to his plan to strategically involve free enter-
rated from actual crimes, which included perse- prise in accelerating development of productive
cution of some 750,000 people and usurping forces and national wealth generation. By sup-
state power. porting local initiatives that proved successful
Deng departed from classical Marxist- even though they had not been officially en-
Leninism and introduced the concept of the dorsed Deng encouraged innovative thinking
‘Socialist Market Economy,” wherein develop- and experiments that gradually reformed the
ment of productive forces was given primacy as socio-economic system and encouraged Chinese
essential to ultimately achieving an egalitarian ingenuity expression and development. This
society. “The fundamental task for the socialist bottom up approach is no doubt one of the fac-
stage is to develop the productive forces… So- tors that made reform in China more successful
cialism means eliminating poverty. Pauperism is than in post-Soviet Russia. Departing from
not socialism, still less communism,” Deng Mao’s mass campaign economic construction
wrote in his essay on “Socialism with Chinese style, of which he had been critical of since the
Characteristics”. Deng won over both the Com- days of the Great Leap Forward, Deng intro-
163 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/China Why is China Successful?

Beijing’s Chang’an Avenue

duced centralized planning that not only accom-

modated private sector initiatives, but de-
China emerges as a 21st Century
pended on massive capital investment which Superpower
the country opened up to and indeed massively Amelia Charles’s article, “Chopstick Mercantil-
attracted. ism− China’s involvement in Africa is an unfor-
Following Deng’s death in February 1997, givable human rights disaster”, published in Su-
President Jiang Zemin retained his policies and dan’s Citizen Newspaper, February 22, 2010,
China continued as the world’s fastest growing raises the issue of China’s fitness to be a world
major economy. The demise of Deng came at a leader, saying, “Of course, there are many in the
time when the West was quickening the pace of United States, in particular, who would cringe at
its advance into the post-industrial age, wherein the mention of China taking their place in the
the contribution of Science & Technology to world economy and contend that despite
GDP growth in the G-7 countries exceeded 50%. China’s vast and undeniable important influ-
China had already been reorienting its economy ence, their government is not built for the kind
in consonance with this development, becoming of leadership the U.S. has demonstrated.” The
a major supplier of light manufactured goods to first vital question raised by this statement
the world while attaining a 25% S & T contribu- which I would say expresses an American point
tion to GDP growth. At the same time China was of view is are the Chinese interested in challeng-
rapidly modernizing its industrial and financial ing or displacing America as assumed world
service sectors. leader? Perhaps so during the Mao era when
With the retirement of Jiang Zemin from China championed an alternative ideology, but
the presidency in 2003, along with Premier whatever could be said against Mao the fact
Zhou Rongi and other top officials China intro- remains that he was a materially supportive
duced limits on terms of office while retaining friend to African freedom fighters and estab-
single party dominance. This was the beginning lished China’s policy of financing infrastructural
of the 10th major period in the making of mod- development in Africa with interest free loans
ern China. repaid in local currency, starting in importance
with the TanZam Railway which gave landlocked
Zambia, then a major cooper exporter, access to
Dar Es Salaam’s seaport. Even then the only
164 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/China Why is China Successful? By Muhammed Kamil

With massive foreign investment and host to international events, including the Beijing 2008 Olympics, China
is growing increasingly cosmopolitan and sophisticated

string attached to Chinese aid was recognition fighting against the white racist regime estab-
of Beijing rather than Taipei; and China was sim- lished by renegade British subjects in what was
ply the strongest actor in the anti-imperialist then known as Southern Rhodesia.
movement composed of liberation movements Twenty-first century China, whether having
and socialist leaning governments. To a large consciously adopted the principle of diplomacy
extent leadership was imposed upon Mao’s laid down by German American political scientist
China by those anti-colonial and anti-imperialist Hans J. Morgenthau in his book Politics Among
forces seeking material and political support Nations (1948), or are simply relying on realism,
and in some cases ideological guidance as well. pragmatism and prudence, is very much in line
Today China is not the principal influence with the thinking of the pre-eminent 20th century
behind the war crimes and crimes against hu- theorist of geopolitics who summed up the ideal
manity that Sudan’s President Field Marshal of modern diplomacy: (1) Diplomacy must be di-
Omar Al Bashir has been indicted for by the In- vested of its crusading spirit; (2) the objectives of
ternational Criminal Court (ICC); Beijing in sell- foreign policy must be defined in terms of the
ing arms to the Khartoum regime and providing national interest and must be supported with
diplomatic support at the UN Security Council adequate power; (3) diplomacy must look at the
permanent seat level is culpable as an oppor- situation from the point of view of other nations;
tunistic accomplice, which is not an assertion of (4) nations must be willing to compromise on all
geopolitical leadership nor mercantilism in the issues that are not vital to them; (5) the armed
classical colonizing sense. China is essentially a forces are the instrument of foreign policy, not its
philosophical materialist power, consistent with master; and (6) the government is the leader of
the ideological foundation of the ruling Chinese public opinion, not its slave. In the modern West
Communist Party; and prudent pursuer of its with its public opinion polls and the prominence
own interests as defined by historical relations, of advocacy and lobbying, civil society groups and
particularly in Africa, and economic imperatives unfettered information media, Morgenthau’s
of its ongoing revolution. China did not start ideal of modern diplomacy may be somewhat
supporting Robert Mugabe because he is or anachronistic, but China’s Communist party, at
when he became a tyrant; Beijing was Mugabe’s least for now, seems intent on maintaining condi-
principal supporter when he was Zimbabwe Af- tions that allow it such dispassionate and self-
rican National Union (ZANU) guerrilla leader interested pragmatism.

165 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Asia/China Why is China Successful? By Muhammed Kamil
Communist society
and is getting results.
The economy grew
10% in 2009 in a
global recession envi-
ronment while the
one child per woman
policy has halted
population growth,
stabilizing population
for over a decade now
at 1.2 billion. China is
overtaking Japan as
the world’s second
largest economy and
given that its popula-
Australia Pavilion at Shanghai’s Expo 2010
tion is nearly three
China’s success appears to be fundamen- and a half times that of the United States attain-
tally rooted in its sustaining the revolution that ing a per capita income in the range of the lead-
came to power on October 1, 1949. While it has ing industrial countries (at least $20,000 to
altered its methodologies and introduced a neo- $25,000 at current value) means it must eventu-
communism ideology, China is still a material ally become the world’s largest economy.
target driven country, led by a regime that not I would predict that as pressures from
only places a premium on meeting targets but Western cultural influences among its popula-
has sustained a system wherein CPC officials tion mounts, the Chinese Communist Party will
must perform to avoid criticism from within the increasingly rely on a neo-Confucianism while
ranks of the party hierarchy (what Mao relent- studying the examples of Japan and South Korea
lessly stressed in his famous Red Book as for ideas as it endeavors to liberalize and de-
“criticism and self criticism”), or at worst sidelin- mocratize. Compared to the United States
ing and removal from office. After 61 years where on the political spectrum the center is to
Communist revolution, given objective clarity by the right of the European center, which is to say
Deng Xiaoping as the pursuit of poverty eradica- that the right of center parties in Europe are at
tion, has become the political culture of China. least as far left as the centrist Democrats in the
Secondly, although Mao in his radical revo- U.S., China is essentially a Neo-Communist
lutionary tenor condemned Confucianism, this country where the political perspective repre-
traditional Chinese philosophy derived from the sents a New Left in geopolitics in tandem with
teachings of the 6 century B.C. Chinese phi- Confucian-Communism, or Neo-Communism, if
losopher Confucius, which stresses progressive you like, domestically.
governance serving the people’s potential de- It was quite interesting that during the
velopment, cultivation of virtue, politeness, re- joint press briefing given by Presidents Hu Jin-
spect for legitimate authority and elders, for tao and Barack Obama in Beijing last December
close family bonds and education remains an nothing so obviously pleased the Chinese presi-
essence of Chinese culture, urging its moderni- dent than his American counterpart announcing
zation while keeping it stabilized. Apparently that he would establish in China a Chinese-
the revival of Confucian influences in the con- American Green Technology Research Institute.
text of the Chinese Communist revolution is This announcement came only a few days after
what Deng Xiaoping had in mind when he advo- scientists in West Virginia, where coal is and has
cated making the Communist revolution more long been the bedrock of the economy, told the
Chinese, as opposed to the Great Proletarian world of a new technology that sent carbon
Cultural Revolution goal of supplanting virtually emissions from burning coal deep into the
all tradition with a futuristic culture informed ground for storage as a fossil fuel for future ex-
essentially by Maoism and Marxist-Leninism. ploitation. Even a cursory survey of green tech-
China now appears to be building a Confucian-
166 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/China Why is China Successful? By Muhammed Kamil
China’s new Harmony Express, the
world’s fastest bullet train, went
into service in late December, 2009,
blazing across central China at 350
kmph. The actual top speed of the
Harmony Express in trials was 394
kmph. The Harmony Express cov-
ered 1,068 kilometers (683 miles)
from Wuhan to Guangzhou in less
than three hours. Previously, the
same Wuhan-Guangzhou travel
would take 11 hours.
The four Hexie Hao (Chinese
for Harmony) trains that went into
service last December were manu-
factured in China jointly by Ger-
many’s Siemens, Brazil’s Bombar-
dier and France’s Alstom. The pro-
ject cost was about $17 billion. The
city of Wuhan invested $2.4 billion
to set up a world-class station de-
signed by a French company. There
are 20 high-speed rail tracks and 11
platforms at the new Wuhan sta-
tion. There are eight coaches to
each train, each one air-
conditioned and well-appointed.
The Hexie Hao are luxury
trains with hotel like dining service
nology developments in China tells us that the and ticket prices for fast moving
business travelers− 780 yuan ($115,
Chinese are certainly no less concerned about
€80, £72) for first class tickets and
environmental pollution than the Europeans 490 yuan for second class.
and Americans, though they are apparently not
particularly interested in joining carbon emis-
sion target treaties. In this as in geopolitics, as 20th century thinking that there would be a
well as domestic policies, China has demon- Global North-South Armageddon as the world’s
strated since the Maoist revolution establishing population increased and resources dwindled
the People’s Republic in October 1949 that has been superseded by the Bill Gates genera-
while its egalitarian vision is to the far left, the tion’s confidence in boundless technological
CPC is vigilant against what Mao warningly de- possibilities waiting to be discovered and devel-
fined as left and right wing opportunism. In oped for 21st century humanity. The extent to
other words, China is suspicious of and disin- which countries share best socio-political prac-
clined to bandwagons. tices depends on the degree to which societies
The American market and American fi- are open to progressive change, but I wouldn’t
nance have provided vital opportunities for expect China any time in the foreseeable future
Asian Pacific economic expansion, industrial to imbibe a socio-political culture that accom-
development and technological ingenuity; it is modates the kind of destructive demonstra-
not in the interest of the Chinese or any other tions, replete with arson, that we saw at the
global mainstream country for America to de- 2009 NATO 50th anniversary celebrations in
cline or fall; rather, as President Obama ac- France. For Africa, my home domain, I think it
knowledged in both Russia and China last year, would be sufficient to allow organizations to
global prosperity is the only realistic vision for post virtual demonstrations on electronic bill-
the 21st century. British Prime Minister Gordon boards rather than going into the streets and in
Brown acknowledged this in his speech at the nihilistic frustration destroying the structures
2009 Davos World Economic Forum. The mid- constituting our development; and I imagine

167 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Asia/China Why is China Successful? By Muhammed Kamil
China Panorama
this would be the limit the Chi-
nese would incline to.
Finally, it is my opinion that
the Mao led Chinese revolution
has been one of the most suc-
cessful in history. Mao outlived
his relevance and passed from
the scene; Deng carried the revo-
lution to a higher level of mod-
ernization, pragmatism and man-
agement and now Hu Jintao
represents the full [first half of
the] 21st century face of China−
an emerging super power con-
tent to leave the front line of
global leadership profiling to the
Americans and Europeans, along
with all the enmity, terrorist at-
tacks, etc. provoked thereby.

U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao in Beijing last

Hong Kong which the British returned to China in 1997 is the wealthiest part of China with a per capita in-
come of $45,000 and a $300 billon economy. It is the Asian Pacific’s leading financial center.

168 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Asia/China Why is China Successful? By Muhammed Kamil
China Panorama

China’s BYD electric car developed jointly with Daimler-Benz for the Chinese market
which is now the world’s largest for automobiles. American investor Warren Buffet has
a sizable stake in BYD.

The main square at China’s Tsingua

University (left)

The number of university students in

China rose from 1.08 million in 1998
to 17 million in 2003.

Results of a survey conducted by

Sinomonitor− a Sino-Japanese inde-
pendent market monitoring com-
pany, and China Youth Zeitgeist Cul-
tural Co Ltd, a domestic media firm
specializing in university students−
covering 10,000 students in 126 Chi-
nese universities published on March
2, 2010 revealed that Chinese uni-
versity students have disposable
incomes higher than the country’s
average urban resident.

Beijing’s spectacular Bird’s Nest

was the main stadium of the
2008 Summer Olympics

Profit on non capital expendi-

tures were reported at $16 mil-
lion, but infrastructure invest-
ment was reported to be in the
vicinity of $40 billion.

169 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Asia/Middle East/Iran

Can Iran be Stopped?


T he first nuclear power

development program in
Iran was initiated by the late
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
in the 1950s with help from the
United States. Iran and Paki-
stan were the first beneficiaries
of U.S. President Dwight Eisen-
hower’s Atoms for Peace an-
nounced to the United Nations
General Assembly on Decem-
ber 8, 1953. In the speech President Eisen- Iran’s capital Tehran has a population of nearly 8 million
hower, former commanding general of Allied
Forces during World War II, proffered the idea watts of electricity using nuclear plants.” Con-
of steering the world away from focus on nu- struction of the Bushehr facility started in 1975
clear weapons development by promoting after Germany’s Kraftwerk Union AG, a joint
peaceful use of nuclear power, extending over- venture involving Siemens AG and AGE Tele-
seas America’s domestic policy of supplying nu- funken, signed a contract worth about $6 billion
clear power related equipment and information to build the pressured water reactor (PWR) nu-
to schools, hospitals and research centers. Iran clear power plant. In a PWR the primary coolant
was then a close ally of the United States and its (superheated water) is pumped under high
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies pressure to the reactor core, then the heated
and American support for Iran’s nuclear power water transfers thermal energy to a steam gen-
generation program continued until Shah Reza erator. Construction of two 1,196 MWe nuclear
Muhammed Pahlavi fled the country in the face generating units, identical with the two reactors
of the 1979 Islamic Revolution that brought from the German Biblis Nuclear Power Plant,
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to Iran’s seat of was subcontracted to ThyssenKrupp AG, and
power. was to have been completed in 1981. Kraftwerk
The nuclear program involved a uranium Union was eager to work with the Iranian gov-
mine, several research sites, a nuclear reactor ernment because, as spokesman Joachim Hospe
and uranium processing facilities that include said in 1976, "To fully exploit our nuclear power
three known enrichment plants. Iran’s first nu- plant capacity, we have to land at least three
clear power plant, Bushehr I, along the Persian contracts a year for delivery abroad. The market
Gulf, was expected to be operational in 2009. here [in Germany] is about saturated, and the
The Buchehr facility was the idea of Shah Pah- United States has cornered most of the rest of
lavi who envisioning a time when the world’s oil Europe, so we have to concentrate on the Third
supplies would be depleted thought it wise to World."
develop Iran’s electricity grid powered entirely The Ayatollah regime, owing to departure
by clean nuclear power plants. In August 1974 of the German consortium constructing the
Shah Pahlavi said, “Petroleum is a noble mate- Bushehr power plant, temporarily abandoned
rial, much too valuable to burn….We envisage elements of the nuclear power program but
producing, as soon as possible, 23,000 mega- eventually revived it with less involvement from
170 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East/Iran Can Iran be Stopped?
Western contractors. Kraftwerk Union fully
withdrew from the Bushehr nuclear project in
July 1979, after work stopped in January 1979,
with one reactor 50% complete, and the other
reactor 85% complete. They said their action
was based on Iran's non-payment of
$450 million in overdue arrears. The company
had received $2.5 billion of the total contract.
However, their cancellation came after certainty
that the Iranian government would unilaterally
terminate the contract themselves, following
the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which paralyzed
Iran's economy and led to a crisis in Iran's rela-
tions with the West.
With Bushehr I operational Iran plans
building 19 additional nuclear plants, but there
are no indications that the originally planned
Bushehr II is among them. Tehran has an-
nounced that it is working on a new 360MWe
nuclear power plant in Darkhovin. On October Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, born in 1954,
20, 2008, Iran power plant construction com- holds a Ph. D. in transport engineering and was formerly
pany managing director Mohammad Qods said mayor of Tehran
some Western countries had expressed readi-
ness to cooperate in the construction of the Iran's noncompliance with its safeguards agree-
Darkhovin nuclear power plant. In making the ment to the UN Security Council, the Council
announcement, Qods disclosed that the com- demanded that Iran suspend its nuclear enrich-
pany had arranged in the city of Shiraz a 3-day ment activities, while Iranian President Mah-
seminar on nuclear power plants designing and moud Ahmadinejad argued that the sanctions
are "illegal," imposed by “arrogant powers,”
construction. He said the designing process of
Darkhovin power plant would take 6 years and and that Iran had decided to pursue the moni-
toring of its self-described peaceful nuclear pro-
its construction would start by the beginning of
2013. At the time the director of the Bushehr gram through "its appropriate legal path,” the
International Atomic Energy Agency.
nuclear power plant was a Russian and a num-
ber of Russian nuclear scientists were working After public allegations about Iran's previ-
on Iran’s nuclear program. The managing direc- ously undeclared nuclear activities, the IAEA
tor of Iran’s nuclear power plant construction launched an investigation which concluded in
company maintains that the Darkhovin project November 2003 that Iran had systematically
failed to meet its obligations under its Non-
would for the most part be implemented by
Iranian experts but the views of foreign experts Proliferation Treaty (NPT) safeguards agree-
ment to report uranium enrichment and related
would be sought.
activities to the IAEA, although it also reported
The controversy over Iran’s nuclear power
no evidence of links to a nuclear weapons pro-
program arose as a result of Tehran’s failure to
declare sensitive enrichment and reprocessing gram. The IAEA Board of Governors delayed a
formal finding of non-compliance until Septem-
activities to the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA); given that enriched uranium can ber 2005, and (in a rare non-consensus deci-
be used for weapons as well as nuclear reactor sion) reported that non-compliance to the UN
fuel. Iran maintains that it was pushed to se- Security Council in February 2006. Again, after
the IAEA Board of Governors reported Iran's
crecy after the United States had pressured
noncompliance with its safeguards agreement
some of its foreign contractors to abandon their
to the United Nations Security Council, the
dealings with its nuclear power program; and
Council demanded that Iran suspend its enrich-
furthermore insists that it is only enriching ura-
ment programs. The Council imposed sanctions
nium 5% as required for nuclear power plants.
after Iran refused to do so. A May 2009 U.S.
After the IAEA Board of Governors reported
171 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East/Iran Can Iran be Stopped?
Congressional Report suggested "the United
States, and later the Europeans, argued that
Iran's deception meant it should forfeit its right
to enrich, a position likely to be up for negotia-
tion in talks with Iran."
In exchange for suspending its enrichment
program, Iran has been offered "a long-term
comprehensive arrangement which would allow
for the development of relations and coopera-
tion with Iran based on mutual respect and the
establishment of international confidence in the
exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear
program." However, Iran has consistently re-
fused to give up its enrichment program, argu-
ing that the program is necessary for its energy U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton (above) said at Carnegie
security, that such "long term arrangements" Mellon University in Doha, Qatar during February that Iran
are inherently unreliable, and would deprive it was becoming a military dictatorship, as it was being increas-
of its inalienable right to peaceful nuclear tech- ingly controlled by the Revolutionary Guards (below)
nology. Currently, thirteen states possess opera-
tional enrichment or reprocessing facilities, and
several others have expressed an interest in
developing indigenous enrichment programs.
Iran's position was endorsed by the Non-Aligned
Movement, which expressed concern about the
potential monopolization of nuclear fuel pro-
duction. On September 16, 2006, in Havana,
Cuba, all of the 118 Non-Aligned Movement
member countries, at the summit level, de-
clared their support of Iran's civilian nuclear
program in their final communiqué. On July 30,
2008, the Non-Aligned Movement welcomed
the continuing cooperation of Iran with the
IAEA and reaffirmed Iran's right to the peaceful enrichment facility at Natanz as a multinational
uses of nuclear technology. The movement fur- fuel center with the participation of foreign rep-
ther called for the establishment of a nuclear resentatives, renouncing plutonium reprocess-
weapons free zone in the Middle East and for a ing and immediately fabricating all enriched
comprehensive multilaterally negotiated instru- uranium into reactor fuel rods. Iran's offer to
ment which prohibits threats of attacks on nu- open its uranium enrichment program to for-
clear facilities devoted to peaceful uses of nu- eign private and public participation mirrors
clear energy. Public opinion surveys conducted suggestions of an IAEA expert committee which
in 2006 in Iran's three neighboring countries, was formed to investigate the methods to re-
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey found large duce the risk that sensitive fuel cycle activities
numbers of people favoring the possibility of a could contribute to national nuclear weapons
nuclear-armed Iran and even greater numbers capabilities. Some non-governmental U.S. ex-
opposed to any American military action against perts have endorsed this approach, but the
Iran. United States Federal Government has insisted
To address concerns that its enrichment that Iran must meet the demands of the UN
program may be diverted to non-peaceful uses, Security Council to suspend its enrichment pro-
Iran has offered to place additional restrictions gram. In every other case in which the IAEA
on its enrichment program including, for exam- Board of Governors made a finding of safe-
ple, ratifying the Additional Protocol to allow guards non-compliance involving clandestine
more stringent inspections by the International enrichment or reprocessing, the resolution in-
Atomic Energy Agency, operating the uranium volved (in the cases of Iraq and Libya) or is
172 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East/Iran Can Iran be Stopped?
expected to involve (in the case of North Korea)
at a minimum ending sensitive fuel cycle activi-
ties. According to Pierre Goldschmidt, former
deputy director general and head of the depart-
ment of safeguards at the IAEA, and Henry D.
Sokolski, Executive Director of the Nonprolifera-
tion Policy Education Center, some other in-
stances of safeguards noncompliance reported
by the IAEA Secretariat (South Korea, Egypt)
were never reported to the Security Council
because the IAEA Board of Governors never
made a formal finding of non-compliance;
though South Korea's case involved enriching
uranium to levels near weapons grade.
Israel, one of only three nations not part of
the Non-Proliferation Treaty on nuclear weap-
ons, and which the U.S. Trade Representative in
2007 found to be violating sanctions against
Iran by purchasing Iranian pistachio nuts from
Turkey while shunning U.S. pistachios for ex-
port, and which recently declassified U.S. docu-
ments reveal has secretly had nuclear weapons
since 1975, accused former IAEA Chairman
Iran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki reacted to U.S.
Mohammad El-Baradei of being pro-Iranian.
Secretary of State Hilary Clinton branding Iran a military
IAEA chief Mohammed El-Baradei said in No- dictatorship, saying she was trying to deliberately mislead
vember 2009 that while he had found no evi- Middle East public opinion. Motakki in turn accused the
dence that Iran had a nuclear weapons program United States of acting like a military dictator in the Middle
he could not confirm that Iran's nuclear pro- East
gram is exclusively geared toward peaceful
uses, and expressed "serious concern" that a series of tension raising policy statement ex-
Iran's stonewalling of an IAEA probe means "the changes between Iran and the United States
possibility of military dimensions to Iran's nu- aggravated the crisis. Finally, on February 2,
clear program" cannot be excluded. 2010, in the wake of announced details of new
In October 2009, the United States, France sanctions, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
and Russia proposed a U.N.-drafted deal to Iran said Iran was ready to send its uranium abroad
regarding its nuclear program, in an effort to for further enrichment as requested by the U.N.
find a compromise between Iran's stated need At the same time he dismissed as baseless fears
for a nuclear reactor and international concerns by some of his “colleagues” that the Russians or
that Iran harbors a secret intent to develop nu- French, the two countries the U.N. proposed do
clear weapons. The proposal called for Iran to the enrichment, would not send Iran’s uranium
send its uranium to France and Russia for en- back. However, he insisted the time given in the
richment, to be returned within one year. After proposal of one year was too long and he would
some delay in responding, on October 29, only enter the deal under condition that any
Ahmadinejad voiced openness towards coop- uranium sent to the designated countries for
eration with other world powers. "We welcome enrichment would be returned to Iran within
fuel exchange, nuclear co-operation, building of four or five months. Western experts say that if
power plants and reactors and we are ready to Iran were to send all its uranium abroad for en-
co-operate," he said in a live broadcast on state richment under condition that it would not get
television. However, he added that Iran would it back until after one year that would ensure it
not retreat "one iota" on its right to a sovereign had not enough uranium on hand to secretly
nuclear program. enrich for nuclear weapons production. How-
Thereafter Tehran made several position ever, deplored such concerns.
shifts on the uranium exchange proposal, while Tehran continued making position shifts on
173 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East/Iran Can Iran be Stopped?
the uranium exchange proposal, while the time nies that they are the losers while foreign com-
frame given in the U.N. proposal was geopoliti- petitors benefit from sanctions imposed on for-
cal rather than technical. Officials in Europe and eign countries by Washington.
Washington responded the following day, Feb- It seems that if the Western powers had
ruary 3rd, dismissing the Iranian president’s new listened to the Chinese on this matter instead of
proposition as an attempt to buy time to avoid responding rashly, President Ahmadinejad’s
sanctions. The new sanctions agenda included defiant move would have been averted. Now
possible measures against Iran’s central bank, they are behind in the game and with Beijing’s
Revolutionary Guards and energy sector. hot grudge against Washington it remains to be
At a meeting of senior officials from the seen whether the Security Council will be able
United States, China, Britain, France, Germany to back up the tough talk of the Europeans and
and Russia on February 5th, China did not concur Americans.
with the Euro-American view, insisting that the
big powers should continue talking with Iran
rather than being hasty to exert punishment.
Beijing had a week earlier, expressing its disgust
with U.S. weapons sales to Taiwan, threatened
to cease cooperation with Washington on the
North Korea and Iranian nuclear issues. Russia,
which stands to gain commercially by enriching
Iranian uranium, was reported in the press indi-
cating it was ready to support new punitive
measures against Tehran. Russian Foreign Min-
ister Sergei Lavrov qualified his country’s posi-
tion saying, “We confirmed that if we do not see
a constructive answer from Iran, we will have to
discuss this in the U.N. Security Council." A Chi-
nese diplomat at the U.N. said that the six pow-
ers should "take that offer [of February 2nd] and
see if the Iranians really mean to want to have a
breakthrough in the negotiations," noting, ‘This
is an open, public ... offer from the highest
[Iranian] authorities."
Iran’s President Ahmadinejad responded to
the tough Euro-American talk on February 7th by
ordering the country’s atomic energy agency to
start enriching its uranium stockpiles, while
maintaining that Iran was still willing to cooper-
ate with the Security Council by exporting its
uranium abroad for enrichment. On Thursday,
February 11th President Mahmoud Ahmadine-
jad, addressing hundreds of thousand of cheer-
ing Iranians on the 31st anniversary of the Is-
lamic Revolution proclaimed that Iran is now a
“nuclear state”, informing the world that Iran
had produced its first batch of uranium en-
riched to a higher level, saying his country will
not be bullied by the West into curtailing its nu-
clear program. The previous day the U.S. im- BBC photos of Iranian nuclear power facilities at Bushehr,
posed new sanctions but given 31 years of living including a defense missile (bottom)
without economic or political relations with the
U.S., additional sanctions will probably draw
increasing complaints from American compa-
174 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Iraq/ Politics

Iraq front-runner Alawi meets nation’s

Kurdish president
The Associated Press

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 | 6:37 a.m.

The former Iraqi prime minister whose elec-

toral bloc was the top-vote getter in parlia-
mentary elections has met with Iraq's Kurd-
ish president in an effort to shore up Kurdish
support he would need to form a govern-
Ayad Allawi said the meeting Wednes-
day was also designed to reduce tensions
amid what has been a controversy-filled pos-
telection period.
The former prime minister, whose coali-
tion won 91 seats in the March 7 election,
says he is also sending envoys to neighboring Former Prime Minister Iyad Alawi tries to build a governing
countries to deliver his party's message coalition after his secular Iraqia Bloc won the most Parliamen-
about its ideas for a future government. tary seats
Allawi also says his bloc has the right to precedent upon which to draw, the constitution and
form a governing coalition under the consti- laws passed by parliament are not always clear.
tution. No issue is potentially more explosive than a
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's pos- committee's attempts to disqualify some winning
telection strategy suggests he is prepared for candidates because of ties to Saddam Hussein's re-
a long and bitter fight to hold on to power, gime. Sunnis view the committee, led by a Shiite with
even if it alienates the country's Sunni com- ties to the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, as
munity and risks new sectarian warfare. nothing other than a group dedicated to purging Sun-
The Iraqi leader is trying all sorts of legal nis from government.
maneuvers to deny victory to his chief oppo- While al-Maliki does not directly control the
nent, former prime minister Ayad Allawi, committee, he has certainly benefited from its ac-
whose secular, nationalist bloc won the most tions and has done little to deter it. At least four can-
parliamentary seats in the March 7 elections didates targeted by the committee are from Allawi's
and presumably the right to try to form a party list, which includes many Sunnis and won sig-
new government. nificant voter support from the minority sect. If a
Even if al-Maliki sticks with nominally court disqualifies enough candidates to tilt the race
legal measures, he risks serious damage to in al-Maliki's favor, that would be a huge provocation
all the efforts to ease sectarian tensions to Sunnis.
which had begun to bear fruit three years Even before the final vote tallies were an-
after the U.S. troop surge. A resurgence of nounced Friday, al-Maliki was maneuvering to put
major violence would complicate U.S. plans himself in a better position, likely sensing the results
to withdraw all its forces from Iraq by the were not going his way.
end of next year. The prime minister went to the Supreme Court
The showdown has cast a spotlight on on Thursday and asked for a legal definition of what
Iraq's judicial process, which some have said constitutes the largest bloc. The constitution says the
is far from independent and often subject to coalition with the largest bloc in parliament gets the
outside pressures. And in such a young de- first crack at forming a government.
mocracy with little institutional knowledge or Allawi's Iraqiya list has argued that this means
175 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Iraq/ Politics Alawi meets nation’s Kurdish president
their 91 seats− al-Maliki's State of Law list
won 89 − give them the first opportunity. But
the court ruled that the largest bloc could
also be one created after election day
through negotiations, giving al-Maliki time to
find new partners and outmaneuver Allawi.
If al-Maliki forms a government with a
rival Shiite bloc, excluding Iraqiya entirely,
Sunnis could feel disenfranchised, said
Meghan L. O'Sullivan, a professor at Harvard
University's Kennedy School and a former
deputy national security adviser on Iraq for
President George W. Bush.
"The Sunnis perceive that they `won'
this election in the sense that Allawi, who
was the person that they put most of their
votes and support behind, has the most
number of parliamentary seats. So their in-
ability to be in government, or even be given
the chance to try to form a government, af-
ter they won, could be explosive," O'Sullivan
said in an interview posted online by the
Council on Foreign Relations.
O'Sullivan said that although al-Maliki Iraq’s Prime Minister’s Nour Al Maliki State of Law bloc
and Allawi, both Shiites, share an Arab na- trailed Alwai’s Iraqia bloc with 89 seats to 91
tionalist outlook and a desire for a more cen-
tralized state, personality issues make a gov- figure who can move Iraq forward."
erning coalition between their two blocs Al-Maliki's supporters defend the maneuverings
highly unlikely. as perfectly acceptable under the Iraqi constitution.
Sunnis, and even many Shiites, also sus- "We raised our complaints, our appeals, and we will
pect that al-Maliki is not sufficiently inde- be loyal to the decision of the courts," said Sami al-
pendent of Iran. Askari, a close confidante of al-Maliki.
At a news conference via satellite from Independent observers such as Hussein al-Sahi,
Baghdad with reporters at the State Depart- a spokesman of The Sun Network, an NGO which
ment, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Hill de- monitors Iraqi elections, have defended al-Maliki,
clined to speculate on whether al-Maliki or saying it's a stretch to say that al-Maliki's decision to
Allawi would be able to form a coalition gov- consult the court would undermine democracy.
ernment. He said the prime minister has "Al-Maliki is not Saddam who issued laws
given no indication that he would not follow against international standards," al-Sahi said. "Al-
the law. Maliki does not have an absolute power."
"He has been very clear and very clear But Allawi supporters say the tactics reek of op-
with us in private, very clear in public, that portunism designed to reverse the will of the people
he will follow the law," Hill said. −and that security forces have issued arrest warrants
Since the election, the prime minister for some of their candidates.
has called for a manual recount of the vote, "Obviously the Prime Minister is trying to find
attacked the United Nations for not support- ways to sabotage Iraqiya's clear win," said Maysoun
ing him and angrily challenged the results. al-Damlouji, a spokeswoman for the Iraqiya bloc.
"It's straight power politics," said An- "We are still the largest bloc in parliament."
thony Cordesman, an analyst with the Center
for Strategic and International Studies in Associated Press writers Adam Schreck, Mazin Yahya and
Washington. "You're seeing somebody who Qassim Abdul-Zahra in Baghdad, and Robert Burns in
Washington, contributed to this report.
basically wants to retain power. Over time,
he's begun to see himself as a leading strong
176 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East

Middle East Chess


A lthough journalists serving the mainstream

news media like BBC World News, CNN
International and Aljazeera International are
sensitive to and unprecedentedly critical of Is-
rael’s political behavior, both internally and to-
wards Palestinians, neither Europe nor the
United States has shown willingness to treat
Israel as a pariah state. The reasons for this are
varied. Europeans were prime supporters of
establishing a Jewish state, feeling a sense of
obligation against the historical background of
difficulties between the Jews and other Euro-
pean communities among whom they settled
which culminated in Adolf Hitler’s holocaust. In
the United States, Jews have become so power- European Union Middle East Envoy says that Palestinian
ful and influential that they exercise direct influ- Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has the right vi-
ence on foreign policy and public opinion. Suf- sion for the Middle East but he has no partner in Israel
fice it to say that European Union Middle East
Envoy Tony Blair’s remark in a television inter- crisis to profit from the region’s arms buildup.
view that Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas Hence, we see camps (America and Europe in
has the right vision for the Middle East but un- the West; Russia and China in the East) that dis-
fortunately he does not have a partner in Israel, agree over the implications of Iran’s rising
and Barack Obama’s presidential campaign trail power and potential to become nuclear armed,
remark that Israel would be crazy not to accept as well as on international policy towards Cuba
the Saudi King Abdallah Plan [calling for Arab and Sudan, yet on the historically most intracta-
recognition of Israel in return for a Palestinian ble of all the world’s crises they seem to delib-
state with East Jerusalem as it capital and return erately play stalemate chess.
of captured Arab lands), means that at the high- In 1950 Israel earned the distinction of be-
est level Western powers realize Israel is out of ing one of the first countries –the very first in
the box but are politically paralyzed in dealing the Middle East −to recognize the Mao Zedong
with the problem. led Chinese Communist regime established in
Failing to rein in Israel intransigence is a October 1949; although China did not recipro-
familiar Western political behavior convention cate until 1992 Beijing’s military ties with Israel
that we shall not attempt treating in depth preceded formal recognition. Despite Israel’s
here. A more curious phenomenon is the reluc- support for China in an era when the People’s
tance of major Arab-world arms supplier Russia Republic was ostracized by the West, China was
and Iran’s apparent ally China to rattle the is- the first non-Arab country to recognize the Pal-
sues of Israel’s nuclear weapons, bellicosity and estinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and was
insistence on defying United Nations resolu- a steadfast supporter of the Palestinian cause,
tions. They not only have their own self-interest providing guerrilla training and arms. No doubt
reasons for soft-peddling on Israel’s intransi- China’s support for the PLO was influence ped-
gence, but apparently rely on the Middle East dling rather than expectation that the Palestini-

177 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Asia/Middle East Middle East Chess
rounding Israel balloons in the media and public
discourse world-wide, China’s firm stance on
avoiding entanglement in political conflicts that
would raise the risk of it being targeted by ter-
rorist reprisals holds.
Obviously as a suppler of military devices
to Iran, China benefits from the perception that
Israel is nuclear armed and is not being called to
account for it by the international community.
The greater the Israeli threat appears to Iran
and the greater the tension between the Per-
sian and Jewish states, the more Iran is likely to
spend on weapons that China supplies. In this
context, it is not surprising that China has been
willing to cooperate in the arms embargo
against North Korea; China stands to have Py-
Under Deng Xiaoping China in 1992 finally reciprocated ongyang out of its market, apart from wanting
Israel’s 1950 recognition of China. to remove the strategic discomfort of having a
nuclear armed pariah state on its border. Sup-
ans could drive the Israelis out of power and re- porting the Al Bashir regime in Sudan is proba-
establish Palestine as it had been before Zionist bly an inconvenience for Beijing, but apart from
settlement began in the early 20th century, the importance of Chinese economic interests
which was the goal prior to agreement on the in Sudan, it serves the purpose of pushing in the
two-state solution at Oslo in 1993. international arena against interference in the
With theocratic styled Arab monarchies internal affairs of sovereign states, something
opposed to ties with atheistic Communist re- which China despite being the emerging super-
gimes, China’s allies in the Middle East during power is regularly subjected to by the United
the Cold War were Egypt and Syria. Following States and sometimes also members of the
pragmatist Deng Xiaoping’s 1978 rise to power European Union. By contrast, China’s refusal to
China’s Middle East policy was increasingly in- oppose America and Europe in their backing
formed by economic interests and less by ideo- Israel despite its flaunting of UN resolutions
logical considerations. During the Iraq-Iran War doubtlessly reflects a calculated policy to avoid
Beijing supplied arms to both sides, taking ad- confrontations where vital Chinese national in-
vantage of U.S. and Soviet cooperation in im- terests are not at stake.
posing an arms embargo on the two belliger- Defusing responses are expected from
ents. Under Deng China actively promoted pro- around the globe to the February 4th taunt at
liferation of non-conventional weapons, helping Syria by Israel’s provocative Foreign Minister
Iran, Syria and Iraq to acquire missiles capabil- Avigdor Lieberman that Damascus should forget
ity. Beijing nonetheless changed its policy to- about ever having back the Golan Heights and if
wards Israel in tune with Egypt’s commitment another war with Israel is provoked, Syria would
to engagement and in 1992 China formally rec- not only be defeated but its regime would col-
ognized the Jewish state established by the lapse. Lieberman, who last year dismissed the
United Nations Security Council on November idea of Middle East peace as illusory, was imme-
29, 1947 in circumstances bearing salient simi- diately responding to Syrian President Bashar
larities to the Unilateral Declaration of Inde- Assad’s remark the previous day that Israel was
pendence (UDI) in Southern Rhodesia (now Zim- avoiding peace, which followed upon a threat
babwe); insomuch as the racialist settler com- earlier made by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid
munity systematically suppressed the indige- Moallem that in any future war Israeli cities
nous population. At the moment, as Israel’s ex- would be attacked. U.S. State Department offi-
treme right wing dominates the political scene, cials were quoted by Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, a Lon-
reflecting the disposition of the majority of the don-based Saudi newspaper, saying that the
country’s electorate, and the controversy sur- exchange of threats between Syria and Israel is
making it difficult to resume negotiations be-
178 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East Middle East Chess
the door for Islamic extremists from the Arabian
Peninsula to set up their global terrorism base
across its border; and Russia saw its influence
dwindle in Egypt after President Anwar Sadat
decided to align with the West and recognize
Israel. Hence, Russia as a leading arms exporter
to the Middle East and moreover bent on pene-
trating Middle Eastern consumer markets, and
considering that 20% of its population has a
Muslim heritage and has its largest emigrant
community in Israel (numbering 900,000), is
keen to maintain a balance in its relationships in
the Middle East, not appearing biased in favor
of either the Arabs or Jews. Like China, Russia
wants to avoid provoking terrorists attacks,
whether Zionist or Islamist; would prefer to
maintain good relations with both sides and sell
its products in the region to anyone who would
buy. Unlike China, Russia is part of the Middle
East Crisis Diplomatic Quartet along with the
European Union, the United States of America
and the United Nations; by which Moscow af-
firms its neutrality in the premises.
The question against the prevailing back-
Syria’s President Bashar Assad accused Israel of delib-
ground is whether another Middle East war is
erately frustrating Middle East peace efforts
likely. With the possibility of Egypt teaming up
tween the two sides. Washington having just with Syria to fight Israel non-existent, another
again ignored Beijing’s objections to it supplying war seems improbable; but so is peace in the
Taiwan with arms is due for a retaliatory swipe foreseeable future, given the global unwilling-
from the Chinese mainland and Syria is already ness to reign in Israel and compel it to comply
China’s regular arms customer. with the agreements of the 2007 Middle East
Russian policy in the Middle East is no less Summit at Annapolis, Maryland, wherein both
self-interest driven than China’s and amounts to parties determined to establish a two-state so-
the same strategy of selling arms to the Arabs lution and promote peace throughout the Mid-
and Iranians while trying to avoid a political dle East in accordance with the Oslo Accord. As
brawl with Israel. Russia during the Soviet Union President Obama has acknowledged, there is an
era, like China, was shunned by theocratic inescapable correlation between achieving a
styled Arab regimes that tooted qualms about just peace in the Middle East and reducing ter-
friendship with atheists. On September 21, rorism.
2001, Ahmedhadji Kadyrov, the chief of the Rus-
sian-installed Chechen administration, told Syr-
ian officials in Damascus that the difficulties
Moscow faced in Chechenya were "caused by
the presence of many mercenaries from Arab
countries in the rebel units." According to him ,
"They are fighting for money and want to seize
power" (Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ), Winter,
2002; by Andrej Kreutz). The Soviet Union had a
mixed experience in relations with the Arab
Middle East, wherein Syria and Iraq were allies
and arms customers; yet, not only did it lose a
war trying to force communist rule on fiercely
independent Muslim Afghanistan but it opened
179 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East

Israel biting the hand that feeds it


T he incompatibility between U.S. President

Barack Obama and Israel’s extreme right
wing is such that either one has to bend to the
other or they fall out. Since Obama took office in
January 2009 Washington has been bending to
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right wing
coalition with a Foreign Minister who maintains
that peace between Israel and the Palestinians is
not only unachievable but is an unrealistic propo-
sition. Israeli government officials and the Israeli
public that voted largely for the right in 2009 elec-
tions have been saucy in remarks towards the
United States over differences of Middle East pol- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Israeli Prime
icy and in softening his criticism of Israel in the Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: ‘Israel needs America’
face of pressure from the U.S. Israeli lobby, Presi-
dent Obama has effectively betrayed his initial out Israel. If we are to take the cynical words and atti-
reach to the Arab and Muslim world, highlighted tude towards the peace process of Israeli Foreign
with quite a nice speech in Cairo last year. Em- Minister Avigdor Lieberman at face value this is
boldened by their upper hand in the policy dispute exactly what the most extreme right members of
with the U.S. Israel went so far as to announce Prime Minister Netanyahu’s governing coalition
construction of 1,600 new housing units in occu- wanted− to sabotage peace talk plans.
pied East Jerusalem, against international law, For all Vice President Biden’s visible displeas-
while Vice President Joe Biden was on his way ure and hard talk it was U.S. Secretary of State
there to assure doubters that despite differences Hillary Clinton who came down hardest on Israel,
Washington would remain steadfast in its support turning her rebuke diplomacy on extreme right
of the Jewish State. No doubt U.S.-Israeli relations coalition leader Prime Minister Benjamin
will eventually recover from that rude slap in the Netanyahu for the first time. In a 43 minute phone
Obama administration’s face but for the moment conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu she
it has proved to be the straw that broke the reportedly unleashed reality in his ear: Israel needs
camel’s back. Meanwhile, Israeli’s increasingly the United States’ support. U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
right leaning public is applauding the slap and en- boss General Mike Mullen seized the opportunity
couraging more international law violating settle- of sudden realism towards Israel saying that an
ments. Polls show that Obama is extremely un- unprovoked Israeli attack on Iran would be unlaw-
popular for an American president among Israelis. ful and not have U.S. backing. The Americans ap-
Vice President Biden responded upon arrival pear to be getting back into the ball game with Is-
in Israel by condemning the housing construction rael after a year of helplessly watching Netanyahu
announcement and calling a spade a spade, he score goals in a shutout. In the physics of geopoli-
said it undermined the trust needed to kick start tics making unreasonable compromises at the
the peace talks with the Palestinians. The Arab hands of Israeli hawks increasingly weakens Amer-
League wasted no time telling the Palestinians to ica’s position, not only vis-à-vis Israel but increas-
call off current plans to restart negotiations with ingly emboldens as well as outrages Islamic ex-
180 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East Israel biting the hand that feeds it
tremists, making the U.S.
homeland and American citi-
Spheres zens abroad ever more vul-
Perspective nerable to terrorist attacks.
By flagrantly violating interna-
tional law in its pursuit of an-
nexing captured territories
Israel affirms its utter disregard for the existing
international system and Prime Minister
Netanyahu last year in his address to the General
Assembly made clear Israel’s longstanding disdain
To add insult to injury U.S. VP Joe Biden was given a dam-
for the UN that created it as a modern state; in aged welcoming gift by the Israeli Prime Minister
becoming a tacit accomplice of Israel in its maver-
ick role, the assumed moral pedestal of the U.S. is tically Israel needs the U.S. far more than the U.S.
increasingly exposed as an illusion. needs Israel− if it needs Israel at all, Israel’s drift
Netanyahu promised an investigation into to the right could probably be reversed and its
the timing of the announcement but he affirmed extreme right advocates made irrelevant. How-
the housing construction in East Jerusalem would ever, just as Netanyahu’s Israel appears to have
proceed nonetheless. For this he drew wide no foreign policy− only a domestic policy which
spread applause from various sectors of Israeli the foreign minister justifies, America’s Middle
society; highlighting not only the hard line Zion- East policy, as many Americans have complained,
ism prevailing among the Israeli public but the has been dictated by the U.S. Zionist lobby rather
political strength of his extreme right wing Inte- than a common sense understanding of U.S. na-
rior Minister Eli Yishai, who timed the settlement tional interests. When Vice President Biden says
expansion announcement to coincide with Bi- ‘Israel is like no other friend’ he is not in the post
den’s visit, and peace disparaging foreign minister Cold War era speaking geo-strategically, but ei-
Lieberman. Some analysts pointed out that ther sentimentally or in respect of the fact that
Netanyahu had the option of changing his coali- no other foreign country approaches Israel in
tion partners if he wanted to improve relations level of influence on U.S. foreign and domestic
with Washington but he would no doubt consider policies. Hence, it is not surprising that President
that if Lieberman and Yishai teamed up against Obama’s declaration that peace in the Middle
him and moderate former Prime Minister Tzipi East is in America’s national security interest has
Livni continued her refusal to join him his govern- not pervasively sunk into the psyches of Ameri-
ment could collapse, whereby Lieberman could cans, whether policy makers or the citizenry at
face and beat him in early elections. Lieberman large; nor is it surprising that an insignificant
and Yishai have used their positions in govern- number of Americans have faced up to the fact
ment to condition the Israeli public to uncompro- that Israel is pulling America’s credibility down
mising Zionist leadership and they are apparently with its own and are determined to get their
succeeding. country out of this headlock.
Aljazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan For Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to flatly
Bishara sees Lieberman and Yishai as dema- tell Prime Minister Netanyahu that Israel needs
gogues trying to compensate for their lack of Is- America and must stop taking America for
raeli establishment credentials, compared to granted was revolutionary straight talk in con-
moderates like highly decorated General Ehud temporary U.S.-Israeli relations. It remains to be
Barak and intelligence service groomed Tzipi seen whether Washington’s apologetic softening
Livni, by using extremist rhetoric. According to a few days later with assurances from both Clin-
Bishara: “Yishai's religious Sephardic (oriental) ton and Obama that Israel’s special relationship
based Shas party, and Lieberman's secular Rus- with the U.S. is unshakable was in response to
sian-based Yisrael Beiteinu, are engaged in a zero apologies and constructive promises from Israel
sum political battle with Netanyahu's Likud party or pressure from its formidable U.S. lobby. Are
over right-wing voters in Israel. we at last at the threshold of peace between Is-
If Bishara’s analysis is accurate and Washing- rael and its Arab neighbors, or back to business as
ton were to stand firm on the reality that geopoli- usual?
Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia / Middle East/ Israel

AIPAC’s heroic Netanyahu

I sraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was

very much himself at the March 22nd annual
conference of the America-Israel Public Affairs
Committee, going full blast with rhetoric about
the historical claim of the Jews to the land they
have over the past 62 years disputed with Arabs.
"Jerusalem is not a settlement. It's our capital,"
Netanyahu proclaimed to passionately approving
applause. Rather than leading his Zionist audience
to an appreciative understanding of contempo-
rary geo-political and intellectual realities,
Netanyahu played the banal anti-Semitism card,
saying that anti-Semitism in its most pernicious
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressing the
form "argues that if only Israel did not exist, many AIPAC Annual Conference in Washington
of the world's problems would go away." Associ-
ated Press writer Stephen Gutkin construed this Dubai hotel by people using European passports
statement to be a veiled reference to U.S. Secre- has already provoked European condemnation of
tary of State Hilary Clinton and U.S. Central Com- Israel. Yet, Israelis by and large are historically
mand Commander General David Petraeus facing conditioned to construing any criticism of Israel as
the reality that lack of progress towards solving anti-Semitism and cowing critics and loading con-
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impedes other U.S. senting voices on their bandwagon with it, to the
goals around the world and fuels extremism. It is extent that they are now unable to put on the
most unfortunate that blind, utterly subjective brakes and reflect. Staunch anti-Communist Rich-
right wing extremism has, as BBC’s Hard Talk Ste- ard Nixon stepped over the Cold War sentiment
ven Hacker put it, become the Israeli mainstream. and rhetoric to secure rapprochements with both
The difference between Netanyahu and the the Soviet Union and Peoples Republic of China;
crowd he pleases and on the other hand Hilary current Israeli President Simon Peres asserted his
Clinton in this context is that they want to impose vision while foreign minister under Yitzhak Rabin
the weight of sentiment rooted in ancient times to seek an accord with the Palestinian Liberation
on the 21st century while she is trying to alert Organization, which theretofore had been taboo;
them to the mounting dangers as time moves on. but in this era when the old fashioned conserva-
Israeli’s were nonetheless annoyed that after tism and hawkishness is becoming increasingly
Netanyahu and others boasted disdain for the irrelevant to the global mainstream vision for the
Obama administration policy of trust building and future of mankind, the right extremists appear to
fairness with respect to the Palestinians at the be making a last ditch stand. This is everywhere
AIPAC conference, the American president true− in Sudan and Iran, in the Al Qaeda and Tali-
avoided a public appearance with Netanyahu fol- ban syndromes, in Europe’s extreme right circles
lowing their several hours of discussions. No and America’s Republicans, as well as in Israel.
doubt the Israelis have reached this subjective American Jews demonstrating against
state of national consciousness because the West- Netanyahu’s policies were also on hand at the
ern world has hitherto over indulged them. Now AIPEC conference in Washington and their com-
matter have reached a point where Britain’s For- mon message was that the extreme right was re-
eign Secretary David Milbrand has stood in Parlia- ducing Israel’s credibility in the world and turning
ment after expelling the Israeli intelligence atta- it into a pariah state. Peace activists from Code-
ché and advised British citizens that if they go to pink, a group that calls for foreign policies based
Israel they risk having their identities stolen. Euro- on diplomacy, not aggression, unfurled banners
pean reaction to the revelation by Dubai police that read "Netanyahu: Build Peace Not Settle-
that a Hamas gun runner was assassinated in a ments!"
182 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East/Israel

Israel’s Struggling Peace Movement


S ince last November Israel’s peace move-

ment has staged demonstrations in East
Jerusalem every Friday to protest continued
expansion of Zionist settlement there, but ac-
cording to Associated Press writer Diaa Hadid
(Isolated and battered, Israel’s doves hold pro-
test− February 13, 2010) their numbers are
shrinking. Israel’s extreme right coalition has
been accused of attempting to halt interna-
tional funding for groups they deem disloyal,
arresting demonstrators and vilifying peace ad-
Nearly a thousand Jewish peace demon-
strators came out on January 22nd, assembling
in a vacant lot in Sheikh Jarrah nearby the loca-
tion from which Palestinian residents had been
evicted. Former minister Yossi Sarid joined the
protest along with painter Uri Lifshitz and sev-
eral professors from the Hebrew University.
They shouted at the Jewish settlers occupying
the places from where the Palestinians had
been evicted, “Thieves go home, Sheikh Jarrah
Author Uri Avnery, born 1923 in Germany, migrated to
is Palestine!” Arrests started when the protes- Israel at the age of 10, former Zionist terrorist and for the
tors left the lot the police had designated for past 35 years Israeli’s highest profile peace advocate, was
them and marched towards the buildings occu- a friend of the late Palestinian Authority President Yasser
pied by the Jewish settlers. One female protes- Arafat and a supporter of the two state solution based on
tor was thrown to the ground and dragged by pre-1967 war borders. He regards Arabs and Jews as one
police to their car. Gush Shalom, the Israeli Semitic family. He has been stabbed by attackers and ex-
peace movement website, said press reports tremists have called for the military to put him on their
that orthodox Jews who pushed their way targeted killing list.
through the crowd on their way to a graveyard
were attacked were false, noting: “Nobody hurt −including rabbis, veteran activists and former
them. From time to time they were greeted politicians whose leftist views have been edged
with loud shouts of ‘Thieves, go home!’ because out of the mainstream by the prevalence of
the grave [of Righteous Rabbi Shimon] is located right wing extremism− shouted at settlers in
in occupied territory.” Gush Shalom (Peace East Jerusalem, “You have no shame!” Riot po-
Coalition) founder Uri Avnery told the press lice were on hand wielding batons and assault
which included foreign as well as Israeli report- rifles. More people joined the protest when po-
ers: “We are protesting against the injustice lice started arresting the protestors. Prominent
done to the Palestinian families that were among the former politicians was Moshe Hal-
evicted.” bertal, who helped draft the Israeli army's code
On February 12 about 250 peace advocates of ethics. Holocaust survivor, 84 year old Max

183 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Asia/Middle East/Israel Israel’s Struggling Peace Movement

Israeli peace activists protesting eviction of Palestinians from their residences in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah
neighborhood, which were given to Jewish settlers

Moray joined the protest in indignation over the is regarded by Zionist as a traitor but while he de-
crackdown on freedom of speech. Many protes- fends Zionism as historically important to the Jewish
tors came with their toothbrushes ready to go to people achieving self-determination he defines him-
jail. To inform the world about their activities vid- self as post-Zionist, arguing, “….that chapter in our
eos of the protest were shared on Facebook and history is over and we need to move forward.” After
YouTube. creating the Israeli Council for Palestinian-Israeli
Gush Shalom, the far left of the Israeli peace Peace in 1975 he was assaulted and stabbed several
movement, objects to Israeli occupation of the times. In 2006, settler activist Baruch Marzel called
West Bank and accuses the Jewish state of com- on Israel’s military to assassinate Avnery. Gaining
mitting war crimes on a daily bases as it perpetu- fame for crossing the enemy line during the 1982
ates and consolidates its illegal occupation. Gush Battle of Beirut to meet Al Fatah leader Yasser
Shalom supports a two-state solution to the Israel Arafat− believed to have been the first Israeli to
-Palestine crisis, with the 1967 border between have ever done so, before founding Gush Shalom
Israel and Palestine and Jerusalem as the capital Avnery had served in Parliament and advocated fed-
of both states. It also advocates Israeli govern- eration of Semitic states, including Jordan, Pales-
ment dialogue with Hamas, with the slogan, tine, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. While Avnery has
‘Peace is made with enemies.” Author Uri Avnery been the driving force behind Israel’s peace move-
who founded Gush Shalom in 1993 with a view to ment, his Pan Semite fraternity vision is too progres-
providing a more dynamic opposition to the re- sive for most people in a conservative polity like
pressive measures of Prime Minister Yitzhak Zionist Israel to digest. Aging and relentless in his
Rabin’s government, sees increasing sectarianism advocacy of peace and reconciliation between Jews
as setting back the Palestinian cause, but one and Arabs, Avnery is losing rather than gaining influ-
does not have to be an atheist as he describes ence. Although he and his wife Rachel were in 2001
himself to see that from both the Jewish and Arab honored with the Right Livelihood Award, some-
sides religiosity is a force for confrontation rather times referred to as the alternative Nobel Prize, he
than compromise. German born Avnery, now 86, is not promoted by the Americans and Europeans as
184 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East/Israel Israel’s Struggling Peace Movement

Thousands of Israeli and Palestinian activists joined the rally Saturday, March 6, 2010, in East Jerusalem to pro-
test the eviction of Arab families from Sheikh Jarrah, where Jewish settlers continue to occupy Palestinian
homes. The photos were taken by Brady Ng, FLV, Julian

other progressive leaders like Myanmar’s Aung the creation of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Coali-
San Suu Kyi and Zimbabwe’s Morgan Tsvangirai. tion that evolved from the Israeli Peace Coalition
While Avnery profiles Gush Shalom as “the which was also spearheaded by Peace Now. Peace
hard core of the Israeli peace movement”, Peace Now continues its mission through public cam-
Now (Shalom Achshav) styles itself as the leading paigns, advertisements, petitions, distribution of
voice of Israeli public pressure for peace. Like educational materials, conferences, lectures, sur-
Gush Shalom, Shalom Achshav advocates a 2 state veys, dialogue groups, street activities, vigils, and
solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and op- demonstrations.
poses continued Israeli presence in the territories Peace Now is also involved in the Sheikh Jarrah
occupied during the 1967 war, arguing that protest with the slogan, “The struggle against the
“continued occupation of these territories harms settlement in Sheikh Jarrah is a struggle for all of
Israel economically and politically and damages us!” It also conducts tours of East Jerusalem for
the values and fabric of Israeli society.” Peace Jews in an effort to appeal to the better side of their
Now was born in 1978 when 348 reserve soldiers consciences by exposing them to “the complex real-
from Israeli combat units published an open letter ity of life in East Jerusalem.” The March 12, 2010
urging Israeli leaders not to miss the opportunity tour covered the East Jerusalem neighborhoods of
for peace being offered by Egyptian President An- Nof Zion, Sheikh Jarrah, Jabal Mukaber, Silwan and
war Sadat and tens of thousand of Israeli’s sent in included meetings with local residents. Conserva-
support letters. Following Palestinian acceptance tives criticize Peace Now, questioning its legitimacy
of United Nations Security Council Resolution call- on the grounds that there is no corresponding Arab
ing for a two-state solution Peace Now led a dem- movement, but Peace Now, Al Fatah and the Saudi
onstration of 100,000 persons calling on the gov- King Abdallah Plan correspond in their advocacy of
ernment to negotiate with the Palestinian Libera- land for peace and normalization of relations be-
tion Organization (PLO). When the second Intifada tween Arabs and Jews so that the Middle East can
broke out in 2001 Peace Now was instrumental in move into a post-conflict era.
185 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/Middle East/Israel Israel’s Struggling Peace Movement

As a part of the blockade on the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Navy prevents Gaza fishermen from working for their
livelihood and from providing food to the population. On Monday (16.6.08), 10 fishing boats went out to sea to
protest, using their last fuel. Gush Shalom and dozens of activists from other organizations decided to organize
a simultaneous Israeli action and hired a large vessel at the Herzliya marina.

Ami Ayalon, former head of the Shin Bet and There appears to be a common ground gap
co-initiator of the National Census peace proposal where peace advocates and the bulk of Israel’s
(with Professor Sari Nusseibeh), has criticized moderate opinion leaders can converge. Amnesty
Peace Now for what he describes as demonization International and other Non-Governing Organiza-
of the Jewish settlers, thus encouraging hate to- tions supportive of the Israeli peace movement are
wards settlers, and providing the general public thus challenged to play greater roles in Israel with a
reasons to dislike the peace camp. Ayalon criti- view to bridging the gap between liberals, moder-
cizes Peace Now for failing to rally the masses in ates and radicals in the peace movement. The pre-
support of the Israeli Peace movement. Ayalon vailing reluctance of Israelis to compromise to the
also says that this is because Peace Now and the extent of agreeing to a Palestinian state with all the
left wing have shown alienation and a patronizing now occupied lands returned is obvious for all to
attitude towards the general Israeli public, and see. Whether or not the charge that Peace Now de-
that this attitude, combined with increased ter- monizes the settlers in the occupied territories is a
rorist activity over the past four years, are the question up for debate but the unjust demonization
cause of what he described as Peace Now's unfa- of Palestinians and other Arabs when Al Fatah’s
vorability among the Israeli public, which, accord- leadership has clearly acculturated a civil, ostensibly
ing to Ayalon, feels the peace camp is not com- friendly attitude towards their Israeli counterparts
mitted enough to stop Palestinian terrorism and on the left is sheer demagoguery. It happened in
protect Israel's interests. Ayalon also says that Sudan during the days of the North-South conflict,
many settlements should be disbanded, but the its happening in the United States right now with
transferred settlers should be embraced and re- the Obama administration and its standard politics
ceive support - both financial and moral - from in Israel that the center-left-politicians play to the
the state and the public, and not treated as ene- right wing gallery to avoid being washed away into
mies. irrelevance by the rising tide of regressive extrem-
186 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Asia/United Arab Emirates/ Dubai

Dubai inaugurates
world’s tallest

O n January 10, 2010, Burj Khalifa,

the tallest man made structure
ever built was opened in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates. Burj Khalifa is 828 me-
ters high(2,717 ft.), took 6 years and 4
months to complete and cost about
$1.5 billion.
Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill of
Chicago, which also designed the Willis
Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) in
Chicago, Illinois and World Trade Cen-
ter in New York City, among numerous
other famous high-rises, did the
tower's architecture and engineering.
Adrian Smith, who started his own firm
in 2006, was the chief architect, and
Bill Baker was the chief structural engi-
neer for the project. The primary con-
tractor, Samsung C&T of South Korea,
also built the Taipei 101 and Petronas
Twin Towers. Major subcontractors
included Belgian group Besix and UAE’s
Arabtec. Turner Construction Company
was chosen as the construction project
manager. Under UAE law, the Contrac-
tor and the Engineer of Record, Hyder The design of Burj Khalifa is derived from patterning systems embod-
Consulting, are jointly and severally ied in Islamic architecture. According to the structural engineer, Bill
liable for the performance of Burj Baker, the building's design incorporates cultural and historical ele-
Khalifa. ments particular to the region.
Speaking at the Council on Tall
Buildings and Urban Habitat 8th World
Congress in March 2009, the Chairman
of Emaar Properties, which owns Burj
Khalifa, Mohamed Ali Alabbar said that
the price of office space at Burj Khalifa
had reached US$4,000 per sq ft (over
US$43,000 per m2) and that the Ar-
mani Residences, also in Burj Khalifa,
were selling for US$3,500 per sq ft
(over US$37,500 per m2).
Total floor area is 464,511 sq. m.
The building has 160 habitable floors,
plus 46 maintenance levels in the spire
and 2 parking levels in the basement.

187 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Asia/United Arab Emirates/ Dubai
Dubai World Lenders ‘Positive’ About Debt Plan,
Al Saleh Says
March 28, 2010, 12:17 AM EDT

By Inal Ersan
Dubai Debt Plan May Be
March 26 (Bloomberg) -- Dubai World credi- ‘Negative’ for Banks, JPMorgan
tors are “positive” on the state-owned hold-
ing company’s debt restructuring proposals,
March 28, 2010, 1:54 AM EDT
the emirate’s finance chief Abdulrahman Al
Saleh said. By Haris Anwar
This represents “a preliminary indication
the plan is being deemed acceptable,” Al March 28 (Bloomberg) -- Dubai World’s debt
Saleh said in remarks reported by the official restructuring plan may be “negative” for its
WAM news agency today, citing an interview bank creditors as they will have to rely on as-
on Dubai state television. set sales and dividends for principal repay-
Dubai said yesterday it will support Dubai
ment, JPMorgan Chase & Co. said.
World’s debt restructuring with $9.5 billion as
Dubai World, a state-owned holding
the company asked creditors to wait up to
company, is asking creditors to wait as many
eight years to receive all their money back. as eight years to receive all their money back
Dubai World said in November it would seek as part of its $23.5 billion debt restructuring
to delay repaying debt until May, roiling mar- plan announced last week.
kets worldwide. “There is no mention of a government
The company said yesterday it is seeking repayment guarantee for Dubai World’s bank
to renegotiate $23.5 billion in debt with credi- creditors,” Zafar Nazim, a London-based ana-
tors, with $14.2 billion owed to lenders other lyst at the bank, wrote in a report dated
than the government at the end of 2009.
March 25.
“The main elements of the proposal
“The government intends to inject only
made by Dubai World will not change, but
$1.5 billion cash into Dubai World to support
some details require more discussions with its creditors and working capital commit-
relevant parties to arrive at an agreeable for- ments,” JPMorgan said. “In essence, Dubai
mula,” Al Saleh said, according to the WAM World’s creditors will be relying upon assets
report. sales and dividends for eventual principal re-
The proposed plan doesn’t intend to fa-
vor holders of Islamic bonds of property unit
Nakheel PJSC over other creditors, Al Saleh
Editors: Inal Ersan, Shaji Mathew.
said. The nature of the instrument required
the decision for payment on maturity, he said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Haris
Nakheel will receive $8 billion in funding
Anwar in Dubai on [email protected];
and $1.2 billion by converting government
debt to equity, Dubai said yesterday.
To contact the editor responsible for this
story: Claudia Maedler at cmaed-
Editors: Peter Branton, Dick Schumacher
[email protected]
To contact the reporter on this story: Inal Er-
san in Dubai at [email protected]

To contact the editor responsible for this

story: Claudia Maedler at cmaed-
[email protected]
188 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd lashes back at opposition claims that Australia is
about to default on its debts


Australia’s Prime Minister

Kevin Rudd
Denies Debt Crisis

A ustralia’s Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on

February 10th reacted to opposition fi-
nance spokesman Barnaby Joyce’s claim that
the continent-country might default on its
debts, accusing him of trying to embarrass the
government with a false alarm. "We know that
Senator Joyce is for the high jump," the Prime
Minister said. The Prime Minister predicted
Senator Barnaby Joyce would not long remain in
his present position on what opposition leader
Tony Abbot described as his Coalition’s “front
bench” that he will carry into the next election−
meaning that if Abbot’s coalition wins National
Party Senator Barnaby Joyce will become fi- Opposition Senator Barnaby Joyce’s accusation that Aus-
nance minister. Prime Minister Rudd accused tralia might default on its national debts provoked re-
Abbot of flawed judgment for appointing Joyce sounding criticism from stakeholders, but others say his
remarks reflect public concern.
to the finance job. Treasurer Wayne Swan ac-
cused Senator Joyce of attacking Australians.
this debt binge and that Australians will suffer
"Now when representatives of the Opposition,
for it in the long term." Mr. Abbott told Austra-
the alternative government, go out and slur our
lia’s Radio 2GB that he neither agreed nor dis-
record and do that in the face of international
agreed with what Senator Joyce said, but he
visitors; that is damaging to Australia," Mr.
likes the way he says it."Barnaby Joyce has a
Swan said.
great gift for communicating with people and
Several Coalition (Liberal Party and Na-
the Government is trying to ridicule him, but
tional Party) Senators supported government’s
out there on the street I think people take Ba-
criticism of Senator’s Joyce but also gave a
rnaby Joyce a lot more seriously than they take
range of explanations about why he said what
[Minister of Finance & Deregulation] Lindsay
he did.
Tanner, who's a jumped-up union official," Mr.
Exactly what Senator Barnaby Joyce said
Abbott said.
that has Australian stakeholders holding him to
The Opposition claims a speech by the Re-
be an irresponsible bloat apt to create panic in
serve Bank governor Glenn Stevens vindicates
Australia’s capital and debt markets is: “We're
its economic stance. "What the Reserve Bank
going into hock to our eyeballs to people over-
governor said [Tuesday, February 9th] was I can
seas, and you've got to ask the question how far
take my foot off the brake but only if the Gov-
in debt do you want to go?" We are getting to a
ernment takes its foot off the accelerator," Mr.
point where we can't repay it."
Abbott said.
Leader of Australia’s right of center opposi-
Western Australia Liberal Party Senator
tion Liberia Party Warren Truss defended his
Dennis Jensen also felt Senator Joyce had rea-
coalition’s finance spokesman saying that while
sons for raising alarm about the mounting debt.
Senator Joyce was getting under the Labor
"I'm saying immediately, right now, that's
Party’s skin, "He's telling the truth. He's telling
probably correct, but obviously in the longer
people that there will be serious implications of
term you will have capacity to repay debt," Mr.
190 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Australia/ Economy PM Kevin Rudd Denies Debt Crisis
Jensen said. Northern Territory Senator Nigel ed. Williamson also assesses debt default by ei-
Scullion suggested that right or wrong, Senator ther the Federal Government or the states to be
Joyce is just reflecting the views of the public. "If highly unlikely. "Australia's economic perform-
you go down the street and you talk to everyday ance throughout the crisis has been the envy of
Australians, they'll say, 'well, Barnaby's saying the industrialized world,” Williamson argued.
exactly what I'm worried about'," Senator Scullion According to the Australian based Citigroup
said, adding, "In Opposition I think that has to be economist, "We have an excellent debt-to-GDP
a fundamental part of the role." position, which is also the envy of the industrial-
South Australian Senator Simon Birmingham ized world and we are being distinguished by in-
explained what he thought Senator Joyce meant ternational investors as an excellent credit risk. So
to say. "Barnaby Joyce has highlighted and shone it's very surprising to hear a federal politician
a big spotlight on the fact that the Government make this comment."
has a big debt, a huge debt, a mounting debt, and Mr. Williamson doubts that Senator Joyce’s
has plunged Australia into hundreds of billions of remarks will have any long term consequences
dollars of debt," he said, adding, "They're the and expects them to eventually be ignored. On
points that I know Barnaby was trying to make." the short term impact, he says, "But in the short
According to the Prime Minister’s economics term, if there are international investors out
correspondent Stephen Long, economists joined there who do not know about the history of Ba-
the Federal Government in branding Senator rnaby Joyce, they may just get a little bit con-
Joyce's comments irresponsible, especially at a cerned, particularly given that he is the Opposi-
time when financial markets are jittery and over- tion finance spokesman."
seas investors might take his comments seriously. Concerned that the situations in Greece and
Credit ratings agencies that monitor sovereign Iceland could reflect on Australia in the wake of
risk said the Opposition finance spokesman's as- Senator Joyce’s remarks, Josh Williamson noted,
sessment is nonsense. "We've also got the situation of certain European
Brendan Flynn, sovereign risk analyst for states that are having legitimate difficulties with
Standard and Poor's, gives the Federal Govern- the ability to reign in their deficits and their
ment the highest triple-A credit rating. "With the debts. The market's very sensitive to negative
triple-A rating, that's indicative of the extremely information at the moment that has to do with
strong ability to meet financial obligations and credit availability; whether it be at a corporate or
therefore in our opinion, very little chance of de- a sovereign level."
faulting on debt," Mr. Flynn said, adding, "We Australia’s Reserve Bank also indirectly dis-
rate all of the Australian states triple A or double credited Senator’s Joyce’s remarks. At a closed-
A-plus, and the double A-plus is our second- door symposium of top central bankers in Sydney,
highest rating − our opinion of a very strong abil- Reserve Bank chief Glenn Stevens noted a global
ity to meet debt obligation." trend since the 1960s of rising levels of govern-
Fitch Ratings also said Senator Joyce's claim ment debt to GDP. "There are exceptions to this,
that the Federal Government is sending Australia with Australia being a particularly striking one,"
broke does not make sense. "There are concerns he said.
in the market right now with other European na- According to the Industry & Investment
tions regarding their debt levels, but Australia's page on the New South Wales Government web-
sovereign has a very good debt position to begin site, “Australia and New South Wales continue to
with," said Ailing Ngiam, director of Fitch's Asian enjoy AAA sovereign credit ratings from both
sovereign ratings. "Public finances are a hallmark Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. A top sovereign
of the credit strength, and it has been so even credit rating signifies an extremely strong capac-
despite fiscal measures undertaken by the Gov- ity for governments to meet their financial com-
ernment for combating the global financial crisis, mitments and withstand changing economic cir-
he added, and assessed that, "The probability of cumstances.
default is extremely low, probably even lower Australia ended 2009 with a Gross Domestic
than 2 or 1 per cent." Product of $1.056 trillion and has a nominal per
Citigroup economist Josh Williamson capita income of $47,500. It enjoyed a trade sur-
weighed in against Senator Joyce, saying his com- plus of $5.7 billion, informed by exports of $284.7
ments were wrong, irresponsible and poorly tim- billion and imports of $279 billion.
191 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
The world rallied to Haiti’s rescue following the devastating earthquake that struck the country in the afternoon of
January 12th

Caribbean & Central America /Haiti

Sarkozy’s Historic Haiti Visit


S ince Haiti’s declaration of independence

from France in 1804 following a protracted
and bloody slave revolt no French president
has ever stepped foot in the country occupying
the western half of a Caribbean island it shares
with Dominican Republic. Yet reparations
France forced out of Haiti were not fully paid up
until 1947, said by current commentators to
total in today’s value about $20 billion. French
President Nicolas Sarkozy on his historic first
ever visit by a French president to Haiti, in keep-
ing with a commitment he made in the wake of Haitian President René Préval and French President
the devastating January 12 earthquake, evaded Nicolas Sarkozy at the airport in Porte au Prince, Febru-
ary 17, 2010
journalists’ questions about paying reparations
for France’s imperialistic imposition of a ransom
heroic leadership role required in the country’s
for Haiti’s early 19th century liberation, but he
present catastrophic situation. It was this re-
was realistic in acknowledging that France’s his-
serve and gentlemanliness that characterized
torical relationship with Haiti was controversial.
his handling of President Sarkozy and made the
Unlike the shoddy foreign minister led wel-
shoddy reception for Prime Minister Harper
come given Canadian Prime Minister Stephen seem not to be ill intended; and Harper spokes-
Harper a few days earlier, Haitian president man Dimitri Soudas told journalists when ques-
René Préval was not only waiting at the airport tioned on how the Canadians felt about the dis-
for the French president, he rushed up the port- parity in treatment that protocol wasn’t a prior-
able steps to shake Mr. Sarkozy’s hand as he ity for them under the circumstances; nor did it
descended from the aircraft. Looking at it all on
stop Canada from donating construction of a
the T.V. screen I didn’t read obsequiousness
temporary structure for the Haitian government
into Préval’s handling of Sarkozy but rather a
which had been homeless since the earthquake
conscious effort to assure the French President
destroyed the presidential palace and other
that despite sufficient historical cause and wide-
government buildings.
spread resentment among Haitians no hard President Préval knew that President
feelings would be shown. Journalist Andrew
Sarkozy was coming with big money. In his first
Chung reporting for Canada’s “The Star” said
public address concerning the earthquake in
that his sampling of 5 Haitians on the street in- Porto Prince Sarkozy proclaimed it was time to
dicated lingering antipathy towards France for
pour the required funding into Haiti to rebuild
the 90 million pieces of gold France extracted
the country and get it rolling on the rails of sus-
from the colony of slaves brought shackled from
tained development. It would have been irre-
Africa as the price of no future reprisals. Also,
sponsible of the Haitian government not to roll
Haitians interviewed on the networks had not
out the red carpet, beginning with an airport
forgiven France.
guard of honor for the first French president to
Préval always appears as a level headed, if ever visit the former slave colony. United States
not dynamic, Haitian bourgeois, self confident
President Barack Obama pledged $100 million
but too reserved and gentlemanly to play the
193 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Caribbean & Central America /Haiti
for Haiti in the wake of the earthquake; France
with an economy less than one fifth the size of
America’s put $384 million upfront, in addition
to cancellation of Haiti’s current $80 debt to
France. This is not to overlook the fact that Can-
ada is Haiti’s largest donor per capita, in 2006
committing $555 million over five years and in
addition to pledging another $84 million after
the earthquake, Canada’s federal government
committed to matching Canadians’ private do-
nations which by the time Prime Minister
Harper visited Haiti on February 15th amounted
to $154 million. A study released by Washing-
ton-based Inter-American Development Bank
the day before Sarkozy arrived in Haiti esti- Former democratically elected Haitian president Jean
Bertrand Aristide, twice ousted by coup d’état (left)
mated the cost of rebuilding the devastated
upon receiving his doctorate degree in African lan-
country at $15 billion. The Haitians have a long
guages from the University of South Africa (UNISA) in
road of convincing diplomacy in front of them, Pretoria where he lives in exile. Next to him is then
requiring a background of ongoing results as South African President Thabo Mbeki
well as suaveness and protocol that pleases
people in the visiting leaders’ home countries substantially more than the 60 million Francs
who would be watching events on their TV for which France sold Louisiana to the Ameri-
screens. cans in1803. Thousands of his supporters pro-
All indications were that both Presidents tested in the streets against the French presi-
Sarkozy and Préval were looking forward with- dent’s visit while calling for Aristide to return
out wanting to disrupt the momentum to the home to help in relief and recovery efforts.
future raising historical issues and both Sarkozy There is of course a senseless contradiction,
and his foreign minister Bernard Kouchner said seeking distress relief and insulting those who
as much. come to help.
Though Haitians might be happy with Presi- President René Préval who was formerly an
dent Obama, they blame current UN Envoy to Aristide ally has expressed his willingness to
Haiti Bill Clinton for imposing American rice on allow the former president return, but on De-
them while he was U.S. president and ouster of cember 21, 2007 in a speech marking Haitian
the still popular former president Jean Bertrand independence Aristide who is generously
Aristide is believed by many Haitians to have hosted by the South African government called
been a collaborative conspiracy between Hai- the 2006 presidential election won by Préval a
tian business tycoons and the Clinton admini- "selection" in which "the knife of treason was
stration not to upset the status quo. There was planted" in the back of the Haitian people.
evidence of former soldiers who lost out when Nonetheless, a few hours after the earthquake
their first coup against Aristide was reversed by news broke on January 12th Aristide said in the
American military intervention being behind the course of expressing his condolences that he
second coup against him. Meanwhile, Aristide’s wishes to return home to help in rebuilding the
supporters have seized upon the disastrous country. Aristide, a former Catholic priest and
situation to rally people to demand the exiled espouser of liberation theology is an intellectual
former leader’s return to power. This could who has obtained a doctorate in African lan-
prove disruptive going forward if Aristide is not guages, mastering Zulu, from the University of
welcomed back home from exile in South Africa South Africa (UNISA) in Pretoria where he lives.
and given a part to play in national reconstruc- As a 57 year old internationally known twice
tion until the next election when he should be ousted president one hopes he would seize the
allowed to stand if popular support demands. moment to establish himself as a honorable
Aristide had in 2004 demanded reparations statesman above the political fray. That is os-
from France for the 90 million gold francs ran- tensibly the most constructive political role he
som Haiti was compelled to pay for its freedom; can play for Haiti at the moment.
194 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Caribbean & Central America /Haiti
French officials say that if
Haitian officials and Sarkozy
agree on a reconstruction plan
the French president will for-
mally announce it. The plan
would boost agricultural and
tourism and shift concentration
of wealth and power substan-
tially away from Porte au Prince
to the hinterland. Unlike the
Americans, the French have no
rice to impose on Haiti at the
expense of the country’s farm-
"The productivity of the
people, the quality of their work
and their work ethic helps our
decision in making the move
back to Haiti," said Jeffrey Blatt
of L.V. Myles Inc., a clothing
manufacturing firm, in 1995
following his return to the
world’s oldest Black republic
when Aristide was restored to
power and the trade embargo
imposed on the military regime
lifted. That is a good testimony
of the country’s potential and
moreover from all indications
many people from around the
world who have gone to Haiti
since the earthquake are falling
in love with the country and its

Clockwise: Presidents Sarkozy and Préval at announcement of aid package; (2) the
two presidents discuss with injured patients at an emergency medical facility; (3)
Messrs. Préval and Sarkozy walk past the remains of earthquake destroyed Haitian
Presidential Palace; (4) the two presidents about to take off in a helicopter for an
areal view of the earthquake caused damage
195 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Caribbean & Central America/Haiti
UN’s Haiti Donor Conference dent Bill Clinton, who now serves as the U.N.
Special Envoy to Haiti. They led informative
Yields Nearly $10 billion presentations and discussions on the way for-
ward for Haiti. I am convinced that U.N. Secre-
U.S. Congress- tary General Ban Ki-moon has a strong under-
woman Maxine standing of the challenges facing the country
Waters: “I’m and is committed to its long-term development.
extremely hope- And of course, the U.S. government’s support
ful for Haiti’s for Haiti is clear: both chambers of Congress
future following have passed legislation I authored to cancel
Haiti’s debt held by international financial insti-
the U.N. Donor
tutions, and the $1.15 billion pledged by the
U.S. at yesterday’s conference is an impressive
addition to the almost $1 billion our country has
already committed to Haiti.
New York – Con- Haitian President René Préval and Haitian
gresswoman Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive were impres-
Maxine Waters (D-CA), a leading advocate in sive as they explained their plan to put Haiti on
Congress for assistance to and development of a path to stability and prosperity. In particular,
Haiti, attended the International Donors’ Con- President Préval made an impassioned and seri-
ference for Haiti at the United Nations (U.N.) ous request about the need to invest in educa-
yesterday (March 31st) where leaders and rep- tion for Haiti’s youngest citizens, which he plans
resentatives of the world’s nations pledged $9.9
to make a top priority in the new Haiti.
billion in aid – including $5.3 billion for the first There is a strong consensus that the Hai-
two years, far exceeding Haiti’s goal of $3.9 bil- tian government must and will take the lead on
lion. The Congresswoman attended policy dis- the initiative to renew Haiti. And I am confident
cussions and donor pledging sessions, and met that the Haitian government realizes that in or-
with former President Bill Clinton, the U.N. Spe- der to rebuild and advance the country, there
cial Envoy to Haiti. must be transparency, accountability and effec-
After the conference she issued the follow- tive efforts to deal with corruption. The recent
ing statement:
disclosure of salaries by high-ranking Haitian
“Attending the donor conference at the officials is an important start in this endeavor.
U.N. today was a continuation of my longtime
The Interim Haiti Recovery Commission, to
concern for Haiti and its people. I have worked be co-chaired by Mr. Clinton and Mr. Bellerive,
for many years to assist Haiti, the poorest coun- will be an important organizational mechanism
try in the Western Hemisphere, by promoting to track donations and redevelopment efforts
debt forgiveness, aid for development, the and to make sure all parties operate openly and
building of democratic institutions, and the pro- with accountability. This Commission, which will
tection of human rights. include representatives from the Haitian gov-
Following my two visits to Port-au-Prince ernment, donor countries, international organi-
since the earthquake, I have worked closely
zations, international financial institutions, and
with Haitian-Americans, believing like so many
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), will be
that the Haitian Diaspora will be most effective
instrumental in laying the groundwork for a new
in helping Haiti get back on its feet and move
forward. I had a chance to speak with Haitians I look forward to continuing to work with
in the Diaspora at a recent conference at the the State Department, the United States Agency
Organization of American States (OAS) and for International Development (USAID), the
again today at the U.N., where they were United Nations, the international financial insti-
strongly represented and organized. tutions, the NGOs and the Haitians on the
I was inspired by the tone and the sub- ground – in conjunction with the Commission –
stance of today’s conference, and I’m extremely
to help Haiti recover, rebuild, and prosper.
proud of the leadership of both Secretary of
I leave the donor conference feeling ex-
State Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Presi-
tremely hopeful for Haiti’s future.”
196 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Caribbean & Central America/Politics

Honduras Heroes


P erhaps the old saying “All

is well that ends well”
was never more true than the
ending of the Honduras politi-
cal crisis with the swearing in
as scheduled of a new presi-
dent on January 27th. Those
who were dogmatically casti-
gated for having President
Manuel Zelaya arrested by
soldiers last June and sent into Honduras’ new President Porfirio Lobo with U.S. Secretary of
exile exonerated themselves from charges that States Hilary Clinton when the latter visited Tegucigalpa to
they had executed a coup d’état and proved affirm that the crisis brought about by the forcible removal of
their originally stated noble intentions by fol- former President Emmanuel Zelaya was over
lowing through on the democratic process until
he persists in flouting the constitution. This is
it produced a new popularly elected president.
what happened in Honduras last June. Although
It was clearly and without contradiction stated
Honduran twin political commentators Luis Al-
by the political establishment in Honduras from
berto Lopez Rafaschieri and José Alberto Lopez
the beginning of the crisis that the Supreme
Rafaschieri, writing on Twitter, maintain that
Court had ordered Zelaya’s arrest and exile after what transpired the night of June 29, 2009 in
ruling that his attempts to change the constitu- the Honduran capital was a coup d’état, they
tion, most especially the provision that presi- confirm that President Zelaya was not only
dents serve only one four year term and are not scheming and maneuvering to change the con-
eligible for re-election, was unconstitutional. stitution to open the way for perpetuating him-
When Zelaya was arrested and exiled presiden-
self in office, his government had been attack-
tial elections were only six months away and
ing independent media, compelling them to
Honduras Parliament Speaker Roberto Mich-
broadcast interviews with the president and
eletti who became interim president assured
government ministers for two hours every day;
the world he was ineligible to contest the No- they accuse him of strangulating the private
vember polls and never was there any sugges-
sector and rejecting dialogue with dissidents
tion or reason for fears to the contrary. With and confrontation with the Church and other
swearing in of Porfirio Lobo those castigated as national sectors, apart from being under the
coup makers have gained a place in world his- influence of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
tory as guardians of constitutional democracy In short, the twin Venezuelan commentators
and leaders around the world who tried to por-
depict Zelaya as an aspiring socialist dictator.
tray them as otherwise, as well as political sci-
It is significant that the Honduran Parlia-
entists, especially in the Global South, need to
ment did not object to Zelaya’s ouster, but
do some rethinking.
rather was reluctant to strike a deal that would
Concluding the Honduran crisis consistent
allow him to resume power until the November
with the initially stated intentions makes a seri-
ous case for a nation’s highest court to order
An incumbent president trying to change
the army to remove its commander-in-chief if
197 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Caribbean & Central America/Politics Honduras Heroes
the constitution to allow himself to continue in
office after the constitutional limit under which
he was elected has expired is not only unethical
and dishonorable; it sends a message through-
out the polity that democracy is being sub-
verted in favor of demagoguery. When former
Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo tried it,
the country was in political disarray; but Sena-
tors insisting that vote on the proposition be
secret saved the day; they voted against
Obasanjo’s scheme and he was unable to iden-
tify those who opposed. A powerful president
is in such circumstances positioned to take re-
prisals against legislators who don’t do his bid-
ding. Zelaya is said to have wanted a referen- After returning from exile Zalaya held court in the Brazilian
dum, like President Hugo Chavez had in Vene- Embassy until the new president’s inauguration made it
zuela and President Tandja Mamadou recently clear to the world that his political career was over
in Niger; but as much as it can be argued that
referendums are a democratic way of testing the most politically expedient position; con-
propositions for constitutional change, the fact demn Zelaya’s arrest and exile as a coup. I beg
remains that for an incumbent to benefit from to disagree with the Alberto Lopez Rafaschieri
alteration or removal of a constitutional provi- twins; we make a big mistake by calling an order
sion limiting a president’s mandate is unethical from the Supreme Court with the backing of
and dishonorable. If a president assesses the Parliament, to the military, to arrest and exile
maximum mandate time as too short, the hon- their commander-in-chief for flouting court rul-
orable thing to do is propose a constitutional ings on such a crucial matter as removing the
amendment that not he but his successor would limit on the presidential term of office, a coup
benefit from. When politicians play dirty politics d’état. Throughout the Global South we should
they make it a dirty game and everyone gets to now be seriously thinking about installing in our
know that the system is soiled, lacking morel constitutions provisions for the Supreme Court
credibility. This usually only happens in under- to join with Parliament in ordering the military
developed countries where democracy is nei- to arrest a president whenever he ignores a rul-
ther well entrenched nor properly understood. ing to cease unconstitutional pursuits, actions
In the United States, for example, state gover- or policies. In this light I see those who collabo-
nors have been known to rule in the fashion of rated to oust Zelaya and proceeded to uphold
some Global South dictators and some mayors the democratic system until a new president
have been outright gangsters, but fortunately was duly elected on schedule as heroes of Third
consensus at the national level reflects a higher World democracy.
mindset than can be found in the states and Presently Brazil’s President Luca da Silva is
municipalities. An example is the way President nearing the end of his second term and is cam-
Richard Nixon was brought down for wire- paigning for a successor from his own party. The
tapping the 1972 National Democratic Conven- fact that Da Silva supported Zelaya and has not
tion at Watergate Hotel in Washington. Listen- recognized the newly elected Honduran presi-
ing to tapes of his rude office conservations dent is another matter; but Brazil has become
Americans were appalled; and intellectuals and sophisticated and globally prominent enough
journalists in Africa at the time were joking that for its president not to stoop to the banana re-
Nixon was behaving like an Africa president. public level of trying to change the constitution
However, for all his determination to subvert to perpetuate himself in office when the proper
justice it proved impossible at the U.S. national thing to do if you believe you have led the coun-
level and events reached a point where he re- try on the right course is campaign for a succes-
signed to avoid being impeached. sor from your own party.
Western leaders were caught off guard by
the events in Honduras last June 29 and took
198 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
European Commission President José Manuel Borroso ponders challenges ahead of the
European Economic Summit in Brussels on February 11th

Europe/ European Union

State of the European Union


T he road that Europe has travelled from

two World Wars in the 20th century, pre-
ceded by centuries of mutual aggression, to
European Union culminating in the first ever
President of Europe taking office on the first
Monday of 2010, is perhaps the most remark-
able political progress story in modern history
and a vindication of idealist vision for the future
of mankind. Europe in the first decade of the
21st century is politically vastly different from
the era of Napoleonic Wars in the first decade
of the 19th century. In overseas relations it is
inconceivable that any European nation could
today be at war with the United States of Amer-
ica as the United Kingdom was in 1812. Europe First President of Europe,
is entirely democratized, its colonies are virtu- former Belgium Prime Minister Herman van Rompuy
ally all gone and its militarist past has been su-
perseded by “real-diplomacy”− in today’s world the European Union [in 1993] would evolve
essential to realpolitik. over the second half of the 20th century.
The end of the 20th century’s Second French President Charles de Gaulle and Kon-
World War in 1945 gave rise to new perspec- rad Adenhauer, who had been arrested by
tives and provided an opportunity for construc- Adolf Hitler’s Gestapo because he refused to
tive visionaries to step to the fore in shaping raise the Nazi flag over government offices in
Europe’s future. Historians have credited four Cologne where he was Lord Mayor, conjoined
men with laying the foundation for the Euro- behind Schuman’s European Coal and Steel
pean Union as it has evolved into its present Community idea and it became a reality with
form: brandy merchant Jean Monnet, West the 1951 signing of the Treaty of Paris by
Germany’s first post-war Federal Chancellor France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxemburg
Konrad Adenhauer, French President Charles de and The Netherlands. Schuman said his aim
Gaulle and his foreign minister Robert Schu- was to make war between Europeans “not
man. Monet whose business not only familiar- only unthinkable, but materially impossible.”
ized him with the entire continent, but also af- Despite the vision of a united Europe and
forded him a network of contacts and friends unwavering commitment to it by France and
summarized his vision in 1950 writing: “The Germany, always with the support of the four
contribution that an organized and vibrant other signatories to the Treaty of Paris, the
Europe can make to civilization is indispensable technicalities and democratic processes in-
to the maintenance of peace. To achieve that volved in advancing Europe to the European
Europe must be organized on a Federal basis.” Community and European Union stages, have
French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman im- involved a tremendous amount of paper
bibed Monet’s ideas and in May 1950 proposed work, political advocacy and brain storming;
the European Coal and Steel Community from and also trial and error. Following the process
which the European Community [in 1967] and in the American and British media over the

200 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Europe/European Union/ Economic Summit State of the EU
Papandreou stressed that what his gov-
ernment needed from sister EU states
was “psychological and political sup-
port". Mr. Papandreou told France’s La
Monde newspaper that Europe must say,
"Yes, Greece is credible, we guarantee
that their program is realistic". That is
essentially what the rest of the EU said.
Greece’s debt is expected to reach 120%
of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) this
year. The crisis is a consequence of over-
spending that left Greece particularly
vulnerable to the impact of the 2008
global recession and yet Greek civil ser-
vants were demonstrating against the
inevitable payroll cuts. London Times
Online assesses the situation requiring
€50 billion for 2010, noting that interest
rates would be at the high end owing to
the country’s rock bottom credit rating.
On April 20th Greece has to pay €8 billion
Greek Premier George Papandreou, a son and grandson of to bond holders.
two former Greek premiers, leader of the Panhellenic Social- The deal was formally announced by
ist Movement has affirmed his commitment to cooperating maiden European President Herman van Rom-
with the EU in managing his country’s debt crisis
puy. Although no details were given, Van Rom-
puy said: "Euro area member states will take
years, the Americans were typically cynical determined and coordinated action if needed to
about Europe’s unification prospects all the way safeguard stability in the euro area as a whole.
up to the time where the Euro which started The Greek government has not requested any
out at 90% to 95% the value of the U.S. dollar in financial support." Chancellor Merkel later con-
currency markets decisively surpassed the dollar firmed that the decision on Greece was under-
in value following the circulation of Euro coins written by all 27 EU member states, noting that
and notes in 2003, 4 years after the Euro zone Greece’s situation would be re-examined in
went into effect. Today the Euro and European March.
Union are irreversible realities, although only 16 President Sarkozy and Chancellor Merkel
of the EU’s 27 countries use the common cur- seized upon the Greek financial crisis as an op-
rency. portunity to push their markets reform agenda.
Speculation was rift as the severity of the Merkel affirmed that Germany and France be-
debt crisis in Greece came to light that the con- lieved there should be a new architecture for
sequence might be the Euro’s demise, but at markets. The German Chancellor described the
the February 12th European Economic Summit in affirmative unified position taken by EU mem-
Brussels perennial EU heavy weights France in ber states in Euro crisis management in the face
the person of President Nicolas Sarkozy and of the worst crisis in the Euro zone’s 11 year
Germany, reunified since 1990, in the person of history as a “clear political signal.”
Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel worked out a Meanwhile the Euro was depreciating as
mechanism for stabilizing the Euro in the midst speculators skeptical that Greece would be able
of Greece’s national debt crisis. The prospect of to rise out of the current crisis started offload-
expelling Greece from the Euro zone was politi- ing it. Although Prime Minister Papandreou was
cally untenable, though domestic pressures on not yet asking for bailout financing Austrian
the German leader precluded announcement of chancellor Werner Faymann predicted in an
a bailout and Greece affirmed its resolve to put interview with radio station ORF that IMF funds
the situation under control without external would make up a significant part of any bailout,
financing. Greece’s Prime Minister George
201 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Europe/European Union/ Economic Summit State of the EU
situations of Spain, Portugal and Ireland, and
the prospects of the Euro’s value tumbling loom
large. Whether this would result in greater reli-
ance on inter-Europe trade and moreover make
European exports cheaper, thus providing an
opportunity for economic expansion remains to
be seen; but given the Euro zones high energy
import bill, the pace of renewable energy devel-
opment will invariably be an important deter-
mining factor one way or the other. At the mo-
ment Europe appears to lead the world in en-
thusiasm for green technology.
A public servant wears a skull mask and holds a placard read-
ing 'employed' during a strike by Greek public sector workers.
Crises are inevitable and no one of the
Photograph: Milos Bicanski/Getty Images principals could have imagined that suprana-
tional institution building in Europe would be
along with loans from European Union mem- like cruising in a Mercedes-Benz on the auto-
bers. Giving the strongest hint to date of how bahn; but Jean Monnet’s vision for Europe con-
far Europe is prepared to go to rescue Greece, tinues to fulfill and appears to be self propelling.
Faymann said, “We are not talking about a do- Mainstream conservatism in the 21st European
nation or subsidies, we are talking about loans context is more a matter of prudence rather
with interest, which we provide to help a coun- than inclination to roll back or halt progress.
try in order to avoid irritations on financial mar- When two right of center leaders, Sarkozy and
kets and crises nobody can handle anymore." Merkel, talk about new financial market archi-
Only Britain ruled out participating in a tecture, it sounds like they are pushing refine-
bailout, but it is not part of the Euro zone. UK ment of the post-Second World War socio-
Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling said economic model of an economically stratified
there was no plan to use UK taxpayers' money society built on a middle class base− commonly
to support Greece. "The other members of the called “The European Social Model”
euro group want to monitor and manage the
situation very carefully, they may have fresh
proposals to make," Darling said.
The February 12th Brussels Summit, offi-
cially meant to cover medium-term European
economic strategy, was dominated by the crisis
in Greece. It had earlier emerged that Germany
and France were likely to stand together and
pledge to come to Athens's aid by guaranteeing
Greek solvency. Despite the commitment of
national leaders, particularly those of Germany
and France, and despite the opportunities now
available to all Europeans to go and work in any
EU member state, popular will to collectively
stand together and sacrifice in times of crisis
lags behind and can militate against political will
at the leadership level. With Britain, which has
historically been reluctant to get fully involved
in the European unity project, preferring to stick
closer to America in the notion of an Anglo-
Saxon alliance, France and Germany show no
signs of backing down on the commitment to an
institutionally united Europe that their leaders European Union visionary Jean Monnet on TIME maga-
affirmed 60 years ago. The Euro crisis is likely to zine’s cover October 6, 1961
balloon this year given the precarious financial
202 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Deal reached over Greece debts at Brussels summit
March 26, 2010− All 16 eurozone countries der the single currency rules.
have backed a financing plan to help debt-
laden Greece, which will include IMF money. Austerity drive
Greece has enacted unpopular measures to
The safety net would total up to 22bn euros curb its deficit, including a freeze on public sec-
(£20bn), but would only be used if market tor wages, pension reforms and increases in
lending to Greece dried up. fuel taxes.
Eurozone nations would grant co- It is also having to refinance its debt. Be-
ordinated bilateral loans, totalling some two- cause of doubts over its ability to pay, it is hav-
thirds of the funding, French President Nicolas ing to pay interest at about 6% - around double
Sarkozy said. what Germany has to pay.
The plan was worked out at a summit in Mrs Merkel said she would press for the
Brussels. Greek PM George Papandreou called EU to amend its treaties to strengthen its abil-
it "a very satisfactory" move. ity to prevent future budget crises.
The President of the European Council, Stressing the need to learn lessons from the
Herman Van Rompuy, said the deal was signifi- crisis, she wants a treaty change to allow sanc-
cant "not just for Greece, but for the stability tions to come into force should a eurozone
of the eurozone". country ever default on its debts.
European Commission President Jose Mr Papandreou urged EU leaders to act to
Manuel Barroso said he was "extremely happy stabilise the euro. The single currency hit a 10-
that we've reached this deal", calling it "a right month low against the dollar on Wednesday
decision". after a credit downgrade for Portugal, which is
also struggling with heavy debts.
'Last resort' Greece's woes have exposed fundamental
The joint eurozone and International Monetary disagreements about how the 11-year-old euro
Fund bail-out programme envisages strict con- project should work, the BBC's Europe business
ditions and requires the unanimous agreement reporter Nigel Cassidy says. The eurozone's
of the 16 eurozone nations to release loans. governance will have to be re-examined, he
The agreement included no numbers, but adds.
officials in Brussels - speaking on condition of The commitment to help Greece could
anonymity - said the total package would be prevent the crisis sapping market confidence in
some 22bn euros. the euro and ease fears of contagion in the
A draft of the plan, seen by the BBC, says eurozone.
the Greek government "has not requested any EU members Hungary, Latvia and Romania
financial support", so "no decision has been have received emergency loans from the IMF
taken to activate" the mechanism yet. and EU as their budgets have been hit hard by
"We hope that it [the bailout mechanism] the global economic downturn. But, unlike
will not have to be activated," Mr Van Rompuy Greece, they are not in the eurozone.
said late on Thursday, after the deal was The Greek crisis is not formally on the agenda
agreed. of the summit, which is officially concerned
He added that the deal should tell mar- with the EU's 10-year economic strategy, and
kets to "have confidence that the eurozone will reinvigorating international negotiations over
never abandon Greece". global warming.
The eurozone had previously avoided German taxpayers are fiercely opposed to
seeking an IMF loan for Greece, preferring a bailing out Greece, which is burdened by debt
European solution and anxious to maintain of nearly 300bn euros (£267bn, $407bn) and a
global confidence in the euro. public deficit of 12.7% of GDP - more than four
Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel has times the official eurozone limit.
signaled reluctance to offer Greece anything
resembling a bail-out, which is not allowed un-
203 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Europe/ United Kingdom

Barrister Blair


Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair , now EU Envoy to the Middle East, argued before his country’s Iraq
War enquiry that after 9/11 the risks of leaving Saddam Hussein in power were too great to take.

A s generally expected, Tony Blair the lawyer

was in due form appearing before the Iraq
War Enquiry panel in London on Friday, January
on than perforated rationale that an amateur
cross-examiner should be able to tear to pieces.
Without providing any evidence of connec-
29th. Stop the War Coalition Chairman Andrew tion between the late Saddam Hussein and Al
Murray summed up the Blair persona in the pub- Qaeda Barrister Blair argued that the September
lic eye, “He is an accomplished actor but I think 11, 2001 Al Qaeda attacks on the United States
most people have long since seen through the meant that it was no longer possible to contain
script.” Murray added, “The real question Tony the Iraq leader through sanctions; he had to be
Blair needs to answer will be at The Hague and removed. Again, without establishing any evi-
before a War Crimes tribunal.” The former British dence of collaboration between Saddam and
Prime Minister’s scheduled 6 hour grilling before Osama bin Laden he argued that the “calculus
the Iraq War Enquiry panel was an international risk” of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs)
news headline attended by the expectations of getting into the hands of terrorists changed after
characteristic Blair dramatics and tough legal 9/11.
questioning from the high table. One BBC World To say that the American decision to attack
News commentator, acknowledging Blair’s per- Iraq, to which Blair signed onto at President
formance clout, said early Friday morning before Bush’s Crawford, Texas ranch in April 2002, was
the 9:30 am enquiry got under way, “The panel because as Blair put it, the lengths to which Is-
had better be on their toes, because Blair will lamic religious fanatics would go as demon-
certainly be on his.” When the hours of truth strated by 9/11, negates the well known fact that
arrived, the panel continued its emphasis on in- Ba’athist Saddam Hussein was anything but a
telligence evidence and legal criteria for justifica- religious fanatic. While Bush was ranting about
tion of the 2003 United States and British inva- Saddam Hussein’s contempt for the American
sion of the Iraq without United Nations Security way of life and values, a former U.S. ambassador
Council sanction, but Blair, described by report- to Iraq called to his attention that Saddam wore
ers on the scene as tense and at times somewhat London tailored suits, sported a Texas style Stet-
nervous, seemed to have nothing more to lean son ten-gallon hat, smoked Havana cigars and

204 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Europe/ United Kingdom Barrister Blair
drank Scotch whiskey. During Saddam’s rule mini Nicolas Sarkozy became president of France and
skirts were mainstream fashion in Baghdad while talked passionately before a joint session of the
the burqa was worn on the fringes. Saddam was U.S. Congress about the importance he, and
first of all a fierce Iraqi nationalist and there was other French of his generation, placed on friend-
nothing in his personality or history indicating ship and alliance with America.
that he would ever hobnob with the likes of Nothing, not even Anglo Saxon hegemony
Osama bin Laden. However, what the invasion of or prominence preservation motives, would stop
Iraq did was provoke an alliance between the the legal minded British from continually ques-
remnants of the deposed Ba’athists and other tioning the legality of the Iraq War and the hon-
Sunni Muslim groups with Al Qaeda against the estly of Blair in feeding his public information on
majority and now politically dominant Shi’ite. the risks that Saddam Hussein’s regime posed to
Hence, the situation has been moved by the in- Britain and the rest of the West. It has already
vasion from a fictitious terrorist threat from Iraq come out in the enquiry that two top Foreign
to a real one. Office legal advisors insisted that the war was
The Weapons of Mass Destruction Saddam illegal under international law and one of them, a
was believed to have had were first given to him woman, went so far as to resign because their
by the first Bush administration to exterminate advice was ridiculed as dogmatic.
religious fanatics connected with Iran and trying While relatives of the 179 British soldiers
to depose him. The Rebuilding America’s De- killed in Iraq sat in the gallery listing to the en-
fenses document, cited by British MP Michael quiry proceeds, demonstrators were outside on
Meacher in an article published in London’s the streets calling Blair a war criminal. Blair has
Guardian newspaper on September 8, 2003, re- also been implicated in shady deals with Libya
vealed that the Neo-Conservatives’ plan to in- and other oil producing countries, trading politi-
vade Iraq was in the making even before their cal favors for economic opportunities for Britain.
candidate George W. Bush won the November While we have not heard of deals for personal
2000 presidential election. Getting rid of Saddam gain, it is clear to many of us that Tony Blair as
and taking over Iraq was part of the Neo-Cons’ Prime Minister used his dramatic charisma to
vision of unrivaled global hegemony, as later impose upon Britain his vision, along with the
spelled out for public consumption in Bush’s Na- strategies, methods and practices entailed in re-
tional Security Doctrine. alizing it, irrespective of their ethical, moral and
Blair was Prime Minister of Britain at a time legal legitimacy.
when talk of the “Anglo-Saxon” was prominent in In early March current Prime Minister
British intelligentsia circles; the Economist maga- Gordon Brown appeared before the Iraq enquiry.
zine constantly lauding the “Anglo-Saxon eco- The questions given him dealt mainly with
nomic model” of capitalism and the prevailing whether he denied adequate financing and
political obsession with tying British destiny to thereby put the lives of British forces in danger
more their American cousins than to Europe. In and whether he agreed with Blair’s decision to
public debates on this matter the Anglo-Saxon go to war in Iraq. Mr. Brown maintained that he
fraternity advocates cited the historical kinship had not denied any request made for funding the
with America along with the perception that operation and furthermore he supported his for-
America was and would remain more powerful mer boss in the decision to join the Americans in
than Europe. Blair in his exuberant belief in An- invading Iraq. He upheld Labor Party’s interests
glo-Saxon alliance appeared to the British public by sticking to Blair’s argument that Saddam Hus-
so obsequious in dealing with Bush that he at- sein posed a potential threat that was too great a
tracted accusations of being the American presi- risk to leave in place.
dent’s “poodle”. Given the controversy that
hounded Blair’s decision to go along with Bush’s
belligerent Iraq policy, it would appear that the
primary motive behind his government’s inva-
sion of Iraq alongside the Americans was preser-
vation of the Anglo-Saxon alliance, in which Brit-
ain was invariably a junior partner. However, the
idea of Anglo-Saxon primacy was diluted when
205 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Erdoğan charges generals with coup plotting

T urkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Er-
doğan, having led Turkey into an unprece-
dented era of socio-economic progress has now
determined to end the military’s bogeyman role
in his country’s post-Ottoman politics, arresting
49 generals− some retired, others serving− in mid
February on charges of coup plotting. A 5,000
page memo attributed to the military and pub-
lished in Taraf newspaper reveled a murderous
plot to bomb mosques and shoot down military
planes in order to justify a coup. Turkey’s military
has toppled four civilian governments since 1960.
According to political scientist Cengiz Aktar,
until these arrests the military had considered
itself untouchable. “It is historic, it is something Fethullah Gülen: is this the man behind a
that the country has never seen before; I mean plot to bury Ataturk’s legacy?
four star generals, although retired, have been
arrested en masse. I think it’s the beginning of a 2002, has accused elements of the judiciary of
new era; we are at the very beginning of the de- being part of a conspiracy against it.
militarization process in this country, like Spain, Tensions rose in early February when a gov-
Greece and Portugal in the ’70s, and ’80s”, h said. ernment appointed special prosecutor investi-
Leaders of the two main opposition parties gating the ergenekon conspiracy, was stripped of
nonetheless doubted the legitimacy of the his powers by senior judges. The action against
charges and accused Prime Minister Erdoğan of the special prosecutor reportedly came after he
moves to consolidate his power. National Action arrested another prosecutor who was investigat-
Party leader Deniz Bahceli, addressing fellow Par- ing an Islamic Brotherhood group for suspected
liamentarians, said what was going on was not a money laundering and corruption. In the wake of
legal process but political maneuvering. Political that incident Prime Minister Erdoğan said judicial
columnist Nuray Mert accused the judiciary reform is needed, which the European Union Tur-
which is handling the cases of falling victim to the key is seeking to join happens to support in prin-
growing polarization in the country between sup- ciple, though Turkey’s government has yet to
porters of Erdoğan’s government and those who present a proposal. Government critics have
accuse it of threatening Turkey’s secularism. raised alarm that judicial reform in tandem with
“Under these circumstances between these two the crack down on the military would remove all
camps, pro-government and anti-government, checks on Erdoğan’s power. Columnist Mert calls
nothing can be solved; and the judiciary is also the situation scary, pointing out that the govern-
divided in two. So under the circumstances there ment is labeling systemic checks and balances,
can’t be any kind of resolution of the crisis within including those from the judiciary, as interfer-
the judiciary,” Mert maintained. ences. Political scientist Aktar doubts that the
Observers say concerns in Turkey about the judicial reform will succeed, pointing out that the
judiciary have steadily grown with the ongoing referendum the government has in mind to hold
investigation into another alleged military led on the eventually proposed constitutional
conspiracy dubbed ergenekon. As the number of changes that would include the judiciary, would
arrests rose into the hundreds, including many be a vote on the Justice & Development Party
government critics, legitimacy of the moves− rather than on the merits of the constitutional
broadly welcomed initially− has been increas- changes it proposes.
ingly questioned. Accusations have been leveled An article in Foreign Policy magazine quoted
against Erdoğan’s government that it has author- a diplomat dismissing the 5,000 page memo im-
ized over 10,,000 phone taps over the past three plicating the military as a fabrication; and accus-
years, including taps on senior judges and prose- ing a U.S. resident Turkish exile and conservative
cutors. Following the 2008 court conviction of Islamist, Fethullah Gülen, leader of a movement
Erdoğan’s government, charged with undermin- bearing his name, of conspiring to weaken the
ing the secular state, the Justice & Development military with a view to clearing the way for religi-
Party administration, first elected into power in osity to take over all spheres of Turkish life.
206 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
President Barack Obama completed his first year in office, during which
he faced unyielding opposition from America’s conservatives as he
sought to advance the Democratic Party’s liberal agenda.

North America /U.S. Politics

One Year of Obama

By Muhammed Kamil
[email protected]


T hat there has been a surge in hateful

white nationalism in the United States
since Barack Obama was elected president in
November 2008 is not surprising; first of all, be-
cause it had already manifest in the campaign
run by Republican Party candidate Senator John
McCain and his vice presidential running mate
Alaska governor Sara Palin. At one campaign
rally hatred for Obama was so fired up that peo-
ple started shouting “kill him”. Their rationale
was that he was a terrorist, an absurdity McCain
and particularly Palin perpetuated on the pre-
text that he hobnobbed with a University of Chi-
cago faculty colleague who had been a left wing
terrorist in the 1960s. The professor in question
later said that apart from working on a Univer-
sity of Chicago committee with Obama he had
no contact with him, even though they had
been neighbors. On the day Obama was sworn
in as 44th president of the United States numer-
ous death threats were heard and posted in
various parts of the United States. Now, promi-
tries to bring about major changes. No doubt
nent members of the Republican Party and its
center-right Republicans like John McCain are
new media support conglomerate Rupert Mur-
not obsessed with objection to an African
doch’s News Corporation are shouting that
American being president but they are wont to
President Obama is a racist and hates white
exploit the sentiments of those who are in their
people. When he was seen to be getting too
quest for Republican Party power. Thus the Re-
tough with the extreme right wing government
publican Party has become indebted to the
in Israel he was taunted with accusations of anti
hateful white nationalist movement and will
-Semitism. Thus in addition to the usual core
continue to use its support as the 2012 presi-
differences between Republicans and Democ-
dential election approaches. However, when it
rats in the U.S. Obama is faced with radical op-
comes to Republican Party primaries to select
position on racial grounds, as white nationalists
the GOP’s presidential candidate divisions are
cry, “Take it back!”, meaning get that African
sure to appear between the moderate and ex-
American out of the White House.
treme wings of the Republican Party. The party
Obama has remained characteristically cool
now has an African American national chairman
headed through all of this and when asked dur-
and he and former Secretary of State Colin Pow-
ing an interview if he felt he was being opposed
ell are intent on distancing the Republicans
because of his race he calmly acknowledged
from the swastika waving white nationalist
that there are some people against him simply
because he’s an African American but for the
During his first year in office President
most part he is up against the traditional con-
Obama has been careful to maintain his center-
servatism asserted whenever any president

208 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

North America/U.S. Politics One Year of Obama
left support base led by House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, as well as credibility with the main-
stream of the Democratic Party, especially those
constituting his White House staff. All American
presidents are careful not to stray too far from
the center, irrespective of whether he is a con-
servative Republican or a liberal Democrat and
Obama never gave any indication that he would
be different in this respect. Domestically, Presi-
dent Obama in this vain has done an impressive
job, considering the threat of a great depression
that loomed when he took office last January.
He has restored growth, taking America out of
recession and he has remarkably been attentive
to and involved in virtually all the pressing is-
sues confronting the United States as it strug-
gles to shore up its sagging prestige in the world
and face the challenges of being nearly $1 tril-
lion in debt to China which continues to over-
take the U.S. in significant areas of economic
leadership. China overtook the U.S. as the world First Lady Michelle with daughters Sasha and Malia
largest automobile market in 2009 and intro-
Obama administration’s failure to get tough
duced the world’s fastest train while Obama has
with the extreme right wing regime in Israel and
yet to make headlines with progress on his
insist on settlement freeze in the occupied terri-
promise that America would produce a bullet
tories in accordance with United Nations resolu-
train during his administration. On the first an-
tions has damaged his credibility in the Muslim
niversary of his inauguration Democrats lost
world. His overtures to Iran have not led to im-
their 60 seat majority in the United States Sen-
proved relations between Washington and Te-
ate when a Republican Party candidate won the
hran because the Iranian ruling establishment
seat occupied by the late Senator Ted Kennedy
has been hardened by Western media sympa-
for over 30 years. New Massachusetts Senator
thies with the opposition protests that followed
Scott Brown is known to oppose everything that
last June’s elections and America refuses to face
Kennedy stood for. The 60 seat Senate majority
up to the fact that the only way to gain game
enabled Democrats to elude Republican filibus-
changing leverage on Iran in the campaign to
ter that could tie down their proposed legisla-
prevent it from becoming nuclear armed is to
tion indefinitely and Republicans across America
put the issue of Israel’s nuclear weapons pro-
have vowed to do all they can to make Obama
gram on the table. Obama had repeatedly said
fail. Obama responded to the Massachusetts
that Middle East peace was in America’s na-
upset saying the same measure of discontent
tional security interest, implying that he realizes
that swept him to power against the Republi-
that Israel’s obstacles to creation of an inde-
cans brought Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate
pendent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem
seat that had long been held by Ted Kennedy,
as its capital fuels Islamic terrorism, but he has
signaling that his administration would have to
yet to build a broad American public consensus
make policy adjustments to satisfy the public
on squarely facing this obvious fact. Until he
does that his administration is likely to remain
Barack Hussein Obama’s failure to make
on a collision course with Iran, while going to
good on his promise to improve relations with
war with Iran would only further expose Amer-
the Muslim world was also predictable from the
ica’s incapacity to impose its will on medium
outset. He has been faithful to his campaign
powers. Right now the entire Western world
promise to withdraw from Iraq by 2011, he has
with all its technology is unable to prevent So-
fixed a date to begin troop reduction in Afghani-
mali pirates from taking their ships hostage at
stan but America continues to aggravate the
will off the East African coast. Meanwhile, Mus-
Afghan situation with civilian casualties and the
209 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
North America/ U.S. Politics
One Year of Obama
By Muhammed Kamil


lims are the main victims of Islamic fascism as

represented by Al Qaeda and Taliban and they
are blaming American policies for making these
groups attractive to young Muslims.
Obama has proven to be an astute politi-
cian who realizes that American presidents get
into trouble when they stray too far left or right
of the center, but the problem with America is
that the country has in global context tradition-
ally been right wing and remains so. Thus a cen-
ter-left policy regime of an American admini-
stration continues to carry considerable ex-
treme right baggage, such as alignment with an
extreme right wing coalition in Israel, double
standards on nuclear arms proliferation and
continued hostility towards Cuba. For all his ob-
vious heartfelt idealism, which was well on dis-
play in the speech he gave in Berlin while cam-
paigning for the Presidency, being unable to be
truly progressive in global context is the price
Obama must pay for being President of the
United States of America.

210 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

North America/U.S. Politics

State of Obama’s Union

By Muhammed Kamil
[email protected]


O ne may have grounds for arguing that Af-

ricans or Black people generally are prone
not to be objective about America’s President
Barack Obama, but it has appeared to me since
he took office last year January that our African
brother is nobly committed and trying to rescue
a sinking ship but conservatism is so deeply
rooted in America that his vision is lost on ap-
proximately half the population−mostly Repub- President Barack Obama delivering first State of the Union
licans. A poll taken on the eve of President address on January 27th
Obama’s January 27th State of the Union ad-
dress revealed that 88% of Democrats approve and jobs on offer. Most of the jobs offered by
of the way he is doing his job, while only 23% of the 22 companies were either in digital technol-
Republicans approve. The Republicans shame- ogy or sales. For example, a heath care com-
lessly vowed when President Obama embarked pany advertised 510 jobs for various categories
on his mission to have health care reform legis- of professional personnel below the level of
lation passed by the United States Congress that doctor, but for a high tech clinical environment.
they would make it his “Waterloo”− in refer- Obama pushed ahead in January with his vision
ence to the town in Belgium where France’s to give America a bullet train 45 years after the
Emperor Napoleon was defeated in 1815, end- Japanese, and also after the Chinese had put
ing his military campaign to dominate Europe. into motion the fastest train in the world
Yet the United States lags far behind Cuba in (350km per hour), allocating $8 billion of eco-
health care provision, the country that it has nomic stimulus funds towards the project.
held sanctions against for 50 years on the Obama in his address went so far as to call upon
grounds that it is not free. Conservative pres- Americans not to let China catch up with them
sure on Obama not to get tough with the apart- but China continues to fulfill its potential to be-
heid vision right wing coalition government in come the world’s largest economy and the In-
Israel has not merely made a pack of lies out of ternational Monetary Fund (IMF) in January
his promise to improve relations with Muslims; projected 10% Gross National Product (GNP)
it has, as he has persistently warned both his growth for China in 2010, while America is just
compatriots and the Israelis, made America barely out of recession and still very much at
more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. risk of slipping back in it.
Creating more jobs, largely through mod- Meanwhile white nationalists are all over
ernization of the American economy was a cen- America insisting on the sheer nonsense that
tral rallying point of President Obama’s State of President Obama was not born in the United
the Union address, but paradoxically, Fortune States and that they want their country back−
magazine advertised 141,465 news jobs on as if they are indigenous Americans and appar-
January 27 , 88,000 of them by 22 of the 100 ently forgetting that people of African descent
top rated companies to work for. It has been in have been in American as long as those of Euro-
the news that there are a growing number of pean descent. White nationalists are also call-
unfilled jobs in the United States because of ing for an end to the visa lottery that enables
asymmetry between job seekers qualifications thousands of people from around the world to

211 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

North America/ U.S. Politics State of Obama’s Union
settle in America, while companies are looking
for research scientists in a job market where
they are in short supply.
While many Americans have been evicted
from their homes for defaulting on their mort-
gage payments, thousands of repossessed
houses all across America have been left vacant;
now jobs are being created demolishing these
houses. That is telling us that American bankers
are so inhumane, unpatriotic and inflexible that
they would rather repossess and demolish
houses than give people extended grace periods
on their mortgage contracts. They could have
repossessed the houses without forcing the oc-
cupants out until the house was sold; but in a
market where there were few buyers the banks
perpetuated a lose-lose situation, whereby they
gained absolutely nothing, but rather lost, from
evicting the mortgage payment defaulters, be-
cause the vacant houses became hideouts for
criminals, were pulling neighborhood property
values down and ended up dilapidated and
eventually demolished.
Today America appears before the world as
a country where approximately half its popula-
tion is out of touch with the times. Indeed this
became apparent when right wing militarist
George W. Bush and his “neo-conservatives”
were elected America’s leaders as a welcoming
of the 21st century and the new millennium. the gap between the number of new jobs being
Today America is bitterly divided between liber- created and sufficient people to fill them is nar-
als and conservatives, between progressive rowed. Moreover, many of those out of work
management oriented professionals and tradi- will never be able to fit into the new economy
tionalists seeking domination through dema- Obama is trying to create to keep America com-
goguery; between greedy financial market trad- petitive in the world; and they will probably re-
ers and productive people in the real economy; main trouble makers. At the rate things are go-
between Social Darwinists and reformers. The ing racist demagogue Sarah Palin (John
reaction against Obama’s push for progressive McCain’s erstwhile vice presidential running
change is not neo-conservatism, but old fash- mate) is liable to end up America’s president in
ion, primordial conservatism. 2012 and that is when the down-sliding of the
Barack Obama proved on the campaign U.S.A. will become like racing on an Alaska ski
trail that he is a tough guy and he’s still standing sloop.
tall, smartly resourceful and cool as ever. With
the country divided down the middle between
die hard conservatives, drifting ever further to
the right extreme, and liberals with contempo-
rary 21st century vision, it is proving very diffi-
cult for Obama to bring substantial change to
America. While he is focusing on creating jobs−
mostly new jobs because every up to date per-
son in America knows that many of the old jobs
are gone forever, he’s also focusing on educa-
tion; but it will take a number of years before
212 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
North America / United States / Health Care Reform

Obama signs historic health care reform,

Republicans vow to continue fighting it

President Barack Obama, surrounded by supporters and camera-wielding lawmakers, signs the health care insurance
reform legislation during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House on Tuesday. The little boy standing near
the table on Obama’s right lost his 27 year old mother after she had lost her insurance owing to a circulatory system
ailment and couldn’t afford to seek proper treatment.

A fter the long and trying political battle that he

inherited from previous Democratic Party admini-
strations and which reached a climax of intensity and
options, extending coverage to 32 million who are cur-
rently uninsured.

bitterness in recent months, U.S. President Barack And it reduces the cost of care -- cutting over 1 trillion
Obama on Tuesday, March 23rd finally had a compre- dollars from the federal deficit over the next two dec-
hensive health care reform bill on his desk for signing. ades.
He used several pens in the exercise for the purpose of
giving them as souvenirs to allies who had worked hard To ensure a successful, stable transition, many of these
to get the bill through Congress. changes will phase into full effect over the next several
Implementation of the reform will cost nearly $1 years.
trillion but the non-partisan Federal Office of the
Budget estimated that it would reduce the Federal But for millions of Americans, many of the benefits of
Government’s deficit by $143 billion over the next ten reform will begin this year -- some even taking effect
years. this afternoon. Here are just a few examples:
In a letter sent by e-mail to supporters not only in
the United States but to all those throughout the world Small businesses will receive significant tax cuts, this
on his mailing lists, the U.S. President wrote: year, to help them afford health coverage for all their
I'm writing to you on a great day for America.
Seniors will receive a rebate to reduce drug costs not
This morning, I gathered with members of Congress, yet covered under Medicare.
my administration, and hardworking volunteers from
every part of the country to sign comprehensive Young people will be allowed coverage under their
health care reform into law. Thanks to the immeasur- parents' plan until the age of 26.
able efforts of so many, the dream of reform is now a
reality. Early retirees will receive help to reduce premium
The bill I just signed puts Americans in charge of our
own health care by enacting three key changes: Children will be protected against discrimination on the
basis of medical history.
It establishes the toughest patient protections in his-
tory. Uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions can
join a special high-risk pool to get the coverage they
It guarantees all Americans affordable health insurance need, starting in just 90 days.
213 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
North America / United States / Health Care Reform
Obama signs historic health care reform,
Republicans vow to continue fighting it

Insured Americans will be protected from seeing their

insurance revoked when they get sick, or facing restric-
tive annual limits on the care they receive.

All Americans will benefit from significant new invest-

ments to train primary care doctors, nurses, and public
health professionals, and the creation of state-level
consumer assistance programs to help all patients un-
derstand and defend our new rights.

As I've said many times, and as I know to be true, this

astounding victory could not have been achieved with- America’s third highest elected official, House of Represen-
out your tireless efforts. tatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Democrat, San Francisco,
California) signing the health care reform bill after it
So as we celebrate this great day, I want to invite you passed the Congress on March 22nd.
to add your name where it belongs: alongside mine as
a co-signer of this historic legislation. Organizing for court. Conservatives argue that the heath care
America will record the names of co-signers as a per- reform bill is undue interference of the federal
manent commemoration of those who came together
government in American life. Republican Senator
to make this moment possible -- all of you who refused
to give up until the dream of many generations for af- Jim DeMint of South Carolina said last year he be-
fordable, quality care for all Americans was finally ful- lieved the health care overhaul would turn out to
filled. Obama's "Waterloo" and Republicans rallied be-
hind that prospect.
Owing to cost considerations the provision in On March 24th Obama, in deference to Re-
the bill that prohibits insurance companies from publican opposition to abortion, signed an execu-
rejecting applicants for coverage and fines citizens tive order that no federal money would pay for
without coverage won’t become effective until abortions under the new health care law. Laura
2014 Meckler writing in Washington Wire, a Wall Street
Congress on March 22nd passed the health Journal online blog, commented: “Abortion rights
care reform bill passed by the U.S. Senate last De- supporters are angry that the new law will make it
cember with an understanding that a fix bill would difficult for women to get abortion coverage in
be sent to the Senate to amend sections of the bill their insurance policies. Antiabortion advocates
to meet the lower house’s wishes. Republican are angry that they’ll be able to do it at all.”
Senators schemed to stall its passage, but by David Leonhardt writing for the New York
March 28th the fix it bill was on the president’s Times said that President Obama had attacked the
desk awaiting his return from travels and signa- growing rich and poor disparity in health care op-
ture. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., wanted a vote on portunities in America. He described the bill as
his amendment to prohibit coverage of Viagra for “the federal government’s biggest attack on eco-
sex offenders. Sen. Judd Gregg, R-NH, wanted sav- nomic inequality since inequality began rising
ings from Medicare cuts plowed back into the more than three decades ago,” adding, “Over
health care program for seniors, instead of being most of that period, government policy and mar-
used to expand coverage to the uninsured. Sen. ket forces have been moving in the same direc-
Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., wanted to remove the provi- tion, both increasing inequality.” In Leonhardt’s
sion for penalties on employers whose workers view the health care reform bill represents a de-
wind up getting taxpayer subsidized coverage. liberate attempt by Obama to end what historians
Many conservative groups that failed in their have called “The Age of Reagan” in reference to
bid to stop the legislation have shifted their focus the neo-Social Darwinism normalized in American
to attacking Democrats who backed the overhaul society by its 40th president.
and to supporting efforts by more than a dozen
Republican governors to challenge the law in
214 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
North America/United States of Mexico/Crime

Mexico’s Drug Baron Terror


O n the first day in office of his 6 year presi-

dency, December 1, 2006, Mexico’s Presi-
dent Felipe Calderon ordered raids on the illicit
drug cartels, igniting a brutal war that he has
yet to win. As a leader he had no other decent
alternative, especially in the wake of a spate of
drug cartel violence in his home state, Michao-
can. On January 19, 2007, five weeks into an
army crack down on narcotics cartels, one of
Mexico’s 7 leading drug barons, Pedro Diaz
Parada was captured, the first major victory in
the war on Mexico’s mafia. Parada’s cartel oper-
ates across Southern Mexico.
More than 20,000 drug related deaths fol-
lowed the launch of President Calderon’s war
on drug cartels in December 2006. Many of
then have been innocent women , children and
the elderly; families of soldiers, police officers Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon
and politicians, as well as police officials and
politicians themselves. Violence from that point but independent observers and commentators
has been escalating, attaining a new peak in the seem more emphatic about cracking down on
first quarter of 2010 after 9,635 drug related the immense U.S. market for narcotics that sus-
deaths in 2009. Among the 3,365 people who tains the Mexican cartels.
lost their lives in the drug area in the first quar- The principal traffic point for arms and
ter of 2010, were 21 students slain at a party drugs exchange is between Juárez in Chihuahua
during January; An increasing fearful and de- state on the Mexican side of the border and El
moralized population continued to mount Paso, Texas on the American side. Chihuahua
blame on Calderon for what many believe is a and neighboring Durango and Sinaloa states
futile ambition to smash the drug cartels out of form what is know in the drug syndrome as the
business. Golden Triangle, supplying billions of dollars in
Not only has the United States pledged narcotics annually from Mexico to the U.S.A.
$1.6 billion dollars to better equip Mexico’s Since 2007 the Juárez Cartel has been at war
army and police, both President Barack Obama with the Sinaloa Cartel for control over Juárez,
and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton have vis- in which thousands of people in Chihuahua
ited Mexico in a show of support for President state have lost their lives. The Juárez cartel has
Calderon, besides conferring on strategy for its gangs on both sides of the border: La Lina,
dealing with the drug problem in its various di- comprised of current and former police officers
mensions, which include cross border gun traf- operates on the Mexican side, while street gang
ficking and a seemingly insatiable American con- Barrio Azteca does its violent bidding in the
sumer market for illicit drugs. Blogger Jess Texas cities of EL Paso, Dallas and Austin, as well
Hunter Brown commends increased funding by as in the U.S. sates of Arizona and New Mexico.
the U.S. government for prevention and treat- Perhaps nothing breeds cynicism among the
ment programs, opining that ultimately this will Mexican population towards the government’s
have greater positive impact than gun battling war on the narcotics trade than the cartels Cor-
the cartels. Washington has backed Calderon’s rupting or intimidating law enforcement offi-
war on the narcotics cartels since its beginning, cials in sustaining their operations.
215 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
As the end of his second term nears Brazil’s President Lula da Silva campaigns for his chosen successor

South America/Brazil Politics

Luca’s choice nominated


"We are building a new country in de-

mocracy, a country that rediscovered
itself where everyone can freely ex-
press their opinions and ideas, but a
country that will no longer tolerate so-
cial injustice," declared newly nomi-
nated presidential candidate of Brazil’s
Workers’ Party Dilma Rousseff in her
acceptance speech at the party’s con- Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, third left, raises his
vention in Brasila on February 19th. Rousseff, Chief of Staff Dilma Rousseff’s hand in victory after she was
the chosen successor of current Brazilian Presi- nominated by acclamation at the congress of the ruling Work-
dent Lula da Silva, has been serving as his Chief ers’ Party, February 20th
of Staff. "I want to say to the political parties, to
everyone who believes it is necessary to con- ness and confidence." Assuring that she felt to-
tinue transforming Brazil, that there is no tally prepared to govern the country, Rousseff
woman better prepared to govern Brazil than promised macroeconomic stability; but despite
our dear companion Dilma Rousseff," the retir- warnings from opposition parties on maintain-
ing president averred after the Worker’s Party ing a bloated and inefficient bureaucracy the
Convention had nominated the 62 year old new candidate promised to expand the civil ser-
economist by acclamation. President Lula da vice. President Silva, giving his vision for her
Silva, affectionately called Luca by Brazilians, is political future told his Worker’s Party com-
rounding up his second term as Brazil’s execu- rades, "I want her to have an extraordinary first
tive leader and in accordance with the country’s term and earn the political authority for a sec-
constitutional limit on the presidential mandate ond term."
to two-four year terms he is retiring from office. The presidential chief of staff turned candi-
Despite Luca’s 80% job approval ratings date for her bosses job promised to continue
Dilma Rousseff faces an uphill battle for victory Silva's popular social programs that have helped
in October’s poll. On February 20th, the day af- millions of poor Brazilians, and also build upon
ter she was nominated, Sao Paulo Governor them with new initiatives boosting education
José Serra lead the popularity monitoring poll and assuring universal basic health care in all
with 36% support, down from 38% last Novem- Brazil's cities. She also promised to continue
ber, while President Lula’s backing sent Rousseff government’s investment friendly economic
support rating up to 25%, from 17% in Novem- policies, offering the current ruling coalition’s
ber. synthesis of social democracy and private in-
Having never run for public office before vestment driven national income growth.
Rousseff’s profile is of a technocrat and former Apart from needing greater name recogni-
guerrilla fighter against the military dictatorship tion to boost her chances there are concerns
that reigned in Brazil from 1964 to 1985. Ac- about Rousseff’s health because she had a ma-
knowledging the new terrain she is stepping lignant tumor removed from her left arm pit last
into, Rousseff told party stalwarts, "I never in year, but her doctors say she was cured. Critics
my life thought that I would be faced with such say she lacks charisma; however she is good-
a challenge, but I take it on with humility, calm- looking and her background as a guerrilla and

217 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

South America/ Brazil Politics Luca’s choice nominated
youth resistance leader during military rule
speaks for toughness. In a dynamic country of
180 million people, being chosen by the suc-
cessful outgoing president after having served
as his chief minister is the ultimate reference.
Da Silva said he chose Rousseff for her rigor,
ethics and determination.
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is domestically the
most popular Brazilian president in recent his-
tory and internationally the most media ex-
posed. With a labor union background and lack-
ing a college education, he has consolidated
Brazil’s position as one of the world’s leading
economies; and is probably one of the most
influential Global South leaders on the world
stage. He founded the Worker’s Party 30 years
ago and led it to its first presidential victory in
2002, repeating the feat in 2006. In the midst of
the global economic recession Silva quickly re-
turned Brazil to growth and GDP increment is Former Mines & Energy Minister, currently Presidency Chief
forecast for 5% in 2010. of Staff Dilma Rousseff favored by Brazilian President Lula
Rousseff served in Silva’s cabinet as minis- da Silva to be his successor won the Worker’s Party presi-
ter of mines and energy during his first term dential nomination by acclamation
before being brought in as Presidential Chief of
Staff. Under Brazil’s electoral rules she will have
to resign from her high office by April 3. Elec-
tions are scheduled for October 3rd. Analysts
expect her vice presidential running mate to be
Michael Temer, Brazil’s parliamentary leader
and also leader of the Worker’s Party’s main
alliance partner, the centrist Brazilian Democ-
ratic Movement Party (PMDB). Worker’s Party
leads an 11 party coalition the members of
which range from the far left to the center.
Rousseff was emphatic about forming a strong
coalition going into the October elections. How-
ever, some analysts believe she lacks Lula’s po-
litical savvy and would have trouble managing
often volatile alliance member party interests.
Other pollsters say should could fall short in
votes owing to her technocratic way of speak- Sao Paulo State Governor José Serra, pictured with
ing, in contrast to Lula’s folksy style, noting that pop star Madonna in Sao Paulo on February 11, 2010,
in Brazil personality can outweigh campaign has strong public support for the presidency in next
issues. Romulo Carneiro, town mayor in the October’s elections.
northeastern Ceara state, said of the Worker’s
Party presidential candidate, "I think the biggest fare programs.
obstacle Dilma will face is that she lacks the President Lula who over the years has
ability to communicate with the people." moderated his party’s policy vision to be more
The Workers' Party on February 19th ap- investor friendly, has retained his philosophy of
proved a campaign platform that proposes ex- social equality and in endorsing Rousseff’s can-
tending Lula's economic policies; but it also in- didacy he spoke of the need to establish gender
cludes proposals to expand the role of state en- equality in Brazil and urged women voters to
terprises, tax big wealth and expand social wel- support her in the battle against deep-seated
218 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
South America/ Brazil Politics Luca’s choice nominated By Muhammed Kamil

Presidential Palace Brasilia, Brazil

gender- inequality, noting that Brazilian women holds the office on the platform of the centrist
have rarely risen to high political office. Party of the Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB)
"Women are still treated like second-class citi- which was also the party of Silva’s predecessor
zens," he said. His appeal brought applause from Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Serra served as
the 3,000 delegates and others in attendance at Minister of Planning and later Minister of Health
the convention. “It's high time for a woman under Cardoso’s presidency. As health minister
president," said Cibele Figuereido, a 50-year old Serra presided over the creation of the generic
teacher and Rousseff supporter. drug industry, which gave the poor population
Ahead in the polls without having confirmed wider access to pharmaceuticals, and ANVISA,
his candidacy, Sao Paulo Governor José Serra like the Brazilian food and drug regulatory agency.
Dilma Rousseff was part of the student opposi- Also during Serra’s health minister tenure to-
tion to military rule in Brazil from 1964 to 1985, bacco advertising was totally banned and ciga-
but whereas she went into the bush as a guerrilla rette packages were made to show pictures of
he went into exile to elude persecution, finally diseases caused by smoking.
returning in 1978, after the amnesty, with a Ph. Winning the Sao Paulo gubernatorial seat
D. in economics from Ithaca, New York’s Cornell with a 10% first round margin tells us voters in
University. In 1982 he was appointed Sao Paulo Brazil’s highest populated state did not hold his
state secretary for economic planning. Serra, a broken promise against him. Serra is a veteran
son of Italian immigrant parents, was elected to politician and it is not surprising that he leads the
Congress upon return to civilian democracy in field to replace President Lula da Silva without
1986 and in 1994 he won a landslide victory in having formally declared his candidacy. Rousseff
the Sao Paulo state senate race. He lost the 2002 has a spotless and outstanding record as a tech-
presidential race in the second round to Luiz Ina- nocrat as well as endorsement of a retiring presi-
cio Lula da Silva who was running for the fourth dent who is immensely popular. It remains to be
time. Serra ran for Mayor of Sao Paulo and won seen whether she can improve her mass commu-
in 2004, having given a promise to voters that he nication skills on the campaign trail, but we
would not resign to run for president or governor should never under estimate a woman, especially
and if he did they should never vote for him a successful one.
again. He broke his promise one year later and
ran for governor, winning the gubernatorial elec-
tion in the first round with 60% of the vote. He
219 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
South America/Chile

Chile changes guard in the

midst of earthquakes


F orty-seven days after becoming the first

South American country to join the elite
Organization for Economic Cooperation & De-
velopment and only two weeks before the end
of President Michelle Bachelet’s one term con-
stitutional mandate Chile was struck by a devas-
tating 8.8. magnitude earthquake. On February
27, 2010 at about 6:30am Concepción, Chile’s
second most populated metropolitan area with
approximately one million inhabitants, was dis-
placed 3 meters to the west by the 7th most
powerful earthquake ever recorded. The quake
is believed by Richard Gross at NASA's Jet Pro-
pulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California to
have tilted the earth’s axis. It was the second
earthquake in 71 years for this former capital of
Chile located in one of the world’s most seismi-
cally active zones. Completely destroyed in
1939, Concepción was shook by the 1960 earth- Sebastian Peñera , 60, economist, business tycoon,
Senator and second time presidential candidate took
quake that had an epicenter nearby. Earth-
over the reins of Chile’s government on March 11 with
quakes and tsunamis raised this 460 year old
a promise to rebuild the earthquake devastated na-
port city that has traditionally thrived off the tion. On March 26 he pledged $12bn for reconstruc-
trade and export of agricultural commodities tion
produced in surrounding areas in 1570, 1657,
1687, 1730 and 1751, after which the Spanish members work together to find solutions
colonial authorities moved Concepción from to global problems, from economic policy
to climate change. As a club of countries
Concepción Bay 7.55 miles southwest to its pre-
committed to championing the highest
sent site near the Pacific Ocean mouth of Biobio standards in all areas of public policy, our
River. aim is to provide the best possible educa-
In his press statement confirming Chile’s tion, healthcare and employment opportu-
formal acceptance of the invitation issued last nities for our citizens and to help other
December OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria countries do the same.
noted that the 292,135 square mile Pacific
Coast country of 16.5 million inhabitants was Gurria who is from Mexico, which up until
invited to become the 31st member of the OCED Chile’s entry had been the only Latin American
and its first from South America in recognition OCED member state, went on to say, “Being at
of its democratic development and economic the OECD means being at the heart of designing
progress in recent years, although there is still and implementing the rules that will shape to-
an obnoxious disparity between rich and poor. morrow’s global economy and society.” This
The January 11, 2010 release stated: was the crowning achievement of outgoing
Chile has worked hard to join the OECD. In President Michelle Bachelet who throughout
doing so, it joins an organization whose her four years as Chile’s president focused on
220 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
South America/Chile Chile changes guard in the midst of earthquakes

Chile’s second largest city, Concepción, where the series of February and March earthquakes started

raising her country to a globally recognized elet and made a token donation of 25 satellite
status that would earn it a seat at the second phones to help with relief efforts. Incoming
tier table of global policy making− the Group of President Sebastian Peñera a week after taking
20 leading nations having last year been recog- office announced a $110 million reconstruction
nized by President Obama and his colleagues as plan aimed at priorities that include re-housing
successor to the G-8. Against this background those the earthquake left homeless, restoring
President Michelle Bachelet’s quick notice to school attendance and creating jobs in the af-
the world following the February 27th earth- fected coastal areas. Before leaving office Presi-
quake that Chile did not need external assis- dent Michelle Bachelet ordered 20,000 new
tance to cope with the disaster connoted her homes for the displaced and President Peñera’s
determination to assure a stable middle income plan added another 20,000.
country image for South America’s only OECD Within the space of 15 minutes four earth-
member. quakes, ranging in magnitude from 5.1 to 7.2
Chile purchasing power parity per capita struck Chile’s capital Santiago minutes before
income of $14,300 (according to the Interna- Sebastian Peñera was sworn in on March 11th
tional Monetary Fund) for 2009 is lower than along with his 22 member cabinet which had
that of some other countries in the Latin Amer- already been approved by the National Renewal
ica/Caribbean region, notably Bermuda Party. Planning Minister Felipe Kast said the
($91,477) the Bahamas ($26,877), Antigua & houses given under the initial plan were part of
Barbuda ($18,161), Trinidad & Tobago ($20,437) emergency measures and would not substitute
and Barbados ($18,869); but with the exception for permanent new housing. The Education
of Trinidad & Tobago which has a population of Ministry announced a $60 a month grant for
about 1.5 million these are tiny countries with some 20,000 university students whose homes
less than half a million people. Mexico with a were damaged by the quake. Economy Minister
$1.143 trillion nominal GDP, per capita PPP of Juan Andres Fontaine said government would
$14,534 and a population of nearly 110 million give priority attention to the rebuilding of fish-
is a much more substantial country and that is eries and providing temporary employment for
no doubt why it was the first in the Latin Ameri- fishermen until their usual livelihood is re-
can/Caribbean region to be brought into the stored. Fontaine said, "This package of meas-
OECD and so is Brazil (population of nearly 200 ures will help support 9,000 families in 27 coves
million, $10,455 PPP per capita and $1.482 tril- who were affected by the tsunami."
lion nominal GDP) but while Brazil has in recent President Peñera is his first national televi-
years increased its cooperation with the OECD sion address on March 18th said his administra-
and is a step higher at the G-20 table, Chile’s tion would create 60,000 new jobs, especially in
President Bachelet reached as far into the the affected areas although he did not specify a
global core as was practical for hr country and time frame; but with a promise to create one
got what she sought. Significantly, Chile’s UNDP million jobs during his four years in office peo-
Human Development Index is 44th in the world ple will be expecting 1/20 of them right away.
at .878 on a scale of 1. Central Workers' Union (CUT) president Arturo
U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton on her Martinez told AFP on March 20th that up to
March 2nd visit to Chili nonetheless discussed 15,000 sackings had been recorded, aggravating
humanitarian aid with President Michelle Bach the situation; 9,000 of which were retrenched
221 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
South America/Chile Chile changes guard in the midst of earthquakes
without severance pay. Such practices in a humanitar-
ian disaster situation highlight the challenge President
Peñera faces in assuring Chili’s workers that though a
billionaire businessman with a cabinet largely com-
prised of technocrats from the business community he
is not insensitive to the plight of the masses.
Looking at the victory of center-right billionaire
Sebastian Peñera over the former president Eduardo
Frei, despite the latter being from the immensely
popular retiring President Michelle Bachelet’s camp,
and also the opinion poll advantage that Sao Paulo gov-
ernor José Serra has over the chosen successor of retir-
ing and immensely popular President Luiz Inacio Lula
da Silva, personality and experience appear to mean
more to Latin American voters than ideology. Peñera is
a well known and accomplished Chilean billionaire who
lost to Michelle Bachelet in the 2006 presidential lec-
tion run offs, just as Serra lost to Lula in Brazil’s 2002
presidential election. Peñera in his inaugural address
promised to continue the social policies of his socialist
Harvard University Ph. D. in economics Peñera
President Michelle Bachelet, 59, Socialist, retired at the promised in his inaugural address to rebuild Chile and
end of her four-year term on March 11th in accordance use his business acumen to create more jobs, while
with the country’s constitution. She was immensely also stressing a strong law and order regime. Perhaps
popular until the end of her term but unlike her succes- the most interesting thing about Peñera stepping into
sor was reluctant to use soldiers to maintain order in the presidency is that the National Renewal Party on
the wake of the earthquakes. which he contested the elections stipulates in its by-
laws that any candidate winning the election on its
ticket must resign from the party and serve the nation
as an impartial independent.
As of January 2010 the IMF quoted Chile’s interna-
tional reserves at $25 billion. According to the
amended 2006 Fiscal Responsibility Law Chilean gov-
ernments must run annual budget surpluses of not
more than 0.5% of GDP, which means, given the over
reliance on copper exports, the price of which are vola-
tile, President Peñera may have to spend from the
country’s international reserves to do the rebuilding he
promises. Copper prices rose in the wake of the
quakes but at least 165 of the country’s production
facilities were shut down from the damage. In 2009
copper accounted for half of this world leading pro-
ducer’s $53 billion export income. With Chile’s largest
petroleum refinery scheduled to be shut down 2 or 3
months for repairs the ripple effects on the economy
will be harshly challenging to 60 year old Peñera who
built his fortune on smart investments, including the
introduction of credit cards to Chile, not industrial
About 1,000 people lost their lives and tens of
thousand left homeless in Chile’s first quarter 2010
222 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Spheres in the current edition of Pan Africa & World Review exhibits the art of Sudanese painter
Bakri Bilal whose flair for romance blends Nubian and West African traditional flavors


Bakri Bilal
African Romance Painter
B akri Bilal, Omdurman, 1943 born, internationally exhib-
ited artist, scion of a family of artists, has been painting
professionally since 1970, after graduating from the College of
Applied & Fine Arts at what is now Sudan University of Science
& Technology. Although he has gone through different peri-
ods of subject matter preoccupation his signature abstrac-
tions of people and scenes lodged in his memory and por-
trayed with unwrinkled, un-dimpled faces inspired by the
resoluteness of West African mask and the royal dignity of
ancient Kush and Merowe have mostly characterized his crea-
tions through the years.

224 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Arts Bakri Bilal African Romance Painter

Like most other Sudanese artists Bakri Bilal is far removed from the Ara-
besque school informed by the ever debated belief that anyone who draws hu-
mans or animals will be hopelessly ordered by God on the Judgment Day to give
them life. Commenting on this matter Bakri Bilal points out that only Saudi Ara-
bia outlaws painting of human beings and animals, but has been challenged by
the artwork of Prince Khalid al Faisal which typically features horses. Bakri agrees
with Morocco resident Egyptian writer Sheikh El Hadawi that abstract figures are
outside the debate over Islam’s assumed rejection of drawing animated crea-
He found his enduring style after the discipline of his college training where
rudimentary skill development in reproducing models, still life and learning
Western art was required. He started out around 1970 with a series of paintings
depicting scenes from the then popular historical drama, “Ajoba Who Destroyed
the Kingdom of Soba”. Then to the masquerades, but never devilish or harsh
looking like West African mask which often symbolized power to be dreaded. His
masquerades are usually accompanied by esoteric Arabic calligraphy. Bakri Bilal
loves creating beautiful, almost enchanting femininity. His queens of the Nile are
ever in his painting, from the first ones up to the present. He thrives on romance.
He is in fact an African romance painter.
225 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Arts Bakri Bilal African Romance Painter

I observed that the somber tone which characterized his paintings when I first saw
them about 18 months ago had been overtaken by the regal brightness of gold. He la-
mented that the somber mood reflected the gloominess he felt devoting himself to art
in a society where very few people appreciated it. The new regal brightness was in
response to criticisms about the dark atmosphere of his works. Although he has over
the years sold most of his paintings in Sudan, buyers have mostly been foreigners.
During mid-February 2010 Bakri Bilal participated in the first ever art auction held
in Sudan, aboard a Nile yacht. It was an encouraging experience for a veteran painter
in a community of many immensely talented colleagues, no doubt owing to their Nu-
bian genes, though they have not been locally celebrated commensurate with the mar-
vels they create.

226 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Arts Bakri Bilal African Romance Painter

Asked whether at 67 he is losing inspiration Bakri Bilal says on the contrary he is at

the peak of his inspiration. “Presently, I’m into inventing decorations that give optical
illusions, enriching objects. I’m experimenting with gold and silver metallic colors that I
concoct from an ancient formula I learned from colleagues aboard. It enhances the
regal flavor I’m disposed to giving my works.” He recalls that he started out with
acrylic colors, then went to oil painting and is now using ink colors that he mixes along
with the metallic gold and silver dust.
Bakri Bilal’s inspirational attachment to his Merowe ancestors is not merely aca-
demic or intellectual; it is intuitive and very sensual. He needs heat and sunlight to
paint, saying it puts his imagination in the environment of the royal courts of the an-
cient Nubian kingdoms and then the images come to mind and from mind to his can-

Each of the 8 Bakri Bilal paintings exhibited

here is priced at $500.

Contact [email protected]

227 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Arts Bakri Bilal African Romance Painter

228 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Arts Bakri Bilal African Romance Painter

Article and photographs by Muhammed Kamil

229 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Toyota shooting itself in the foot


N ow in its fourth year as

the world’s largest auto-
mobile manufacturer Toyota
faces the toughest crisis in its 73
year history. Having built a repu-
tation over the years for techno-
logically advanced, smooth driv-
ing, sturdy and reliable motor
vehicles that have made the 2010 Toyota Prius Hybrid
brand the world’s most favored, Toyota has sud-
denly found itself in a scandalous crisis of design quent production with a software adjustment in
faults and shabby public relations. Between an- January, but 2010 models sold prior to that
nouncing recall of several models for accelerator would have to be recalled for adjustment. The
hitches in late January and recall of the Prius on 2010 Prius was introduced in the American mar-
February 8th, Toyota’s capital market value de- ket in May 2009. Worldwide, Toyota says it is
preciated by 20%. This is in addition to value lost recalling more than 437,000 Prius cars.
attributable to the company in 2008 operating at Plaintiff counselor Warshaw points out that
a loss for the first time since it started manufac- according to law Toyota is obligated to issue a
turing automobiles in 1937. Toyota is now strug- technical service bulletin to inform the public
gling to correct design faults on several of its about the causes of the problem and the effec-
models and salvage its suddenly damaged image. tiveness of the remedy, but since Toyota has
Toyota’s top selling Prius hybrid model, not done that consumers cannot rest assured
powered by a combination of petrol and electric- that the defect has been finally corrected. Thus
ity, epitomizes the paradoxical situation Toyota far approximately 103,000 2010 Priuses have
has fallen into. Technologically, it is one of the been sold in the U.S. with Californians buying
most futuristic mass market production car avail- more than any other state. Toyota has taken
able today; yet the Prius models, according to 70% of the American market for cars powered
the class action lawsuit filed in Los Angeles by a combination of an internal combustion en-
County Superior Court on February 5th, “suffer gine and an electric motor.
from a material defect" in their "regenerative Lawyer Warshaw disclosed that the 2010
braking system" −designed to recycle kinetic en- Lexus HS250h hybrid has the same problem and
ergy from the friction of slowing the car − that is included in the lawsuit with Prius. Lexus is the
causes the brake system "to routinely and sys- luxury car division of Toyota Motors established
tematically disengage." Daniel Warshaw, the in the early 1990s. The complainants say that
lawyer representing the case which names re- the crux of the lawsuit is to get the vehicles
tiree Elaine Miller who owns a 2010 Prius as fixed and safe. California, where Toyota has its
plaintiff says the problem seems to stem from a U.S. headquarters, has some of the toughest
computer software glitch, noting that the prob- consumer protection laws in that country. Sev-
lem is most pronounced when trying to slow eral accidents have occurred resulting from the
down or stop the vehicle on uneven or slippery defect, prompting the National Highway Safety
road surfaces. Toyota acknowledged the braking Administration in the U.S. to open an investiga-
problem and says it sought to rectify it in subse- tion into the problem on February 4th. Prior to
231 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Automobiles/Toyota shooting itself in the foot
the first U.S. class lawsuit, 30 other class action Experts assess the brake problem as being
lawsuits had been filed against Toyota worldwide. manageable, by allowing a little more time and
Borneo Motors, a Toyota’s agent in Singa- distance for braking. “You can drive it, just allot it
pore recalled all the 70 third-generation 1.8-litre a little more stopping distance," said Dan Ed-
Prius on the road, registered under his company, munds, director of vehicle testing for the auto re-
citing “inconsistent brake-feel.” Also in Singapore, search Web site "If you're on a
Mr. Eddie Lo, CEO of Hybrid Motors said on Febru- rough road, just be a little more mindful of that."
ary 8th that he had sold about 13 of the affected Jake Fisher, senior automotive engineer for Con-
vehicles, all of which had been recalled for com- sumer Reports, agreed that 2010 Prius drivers
puter software rectification. The Toyota Sai was should simply give themselves a bit more space
also found to have the same braking problem. when braking on harsh surfaces, especially if there
In late January Toyota recalled 8 million vehi- are other cars on the road. "We don't believe it
cles because of accelerator pedals that tended to means you should park your car," Fisher said. "If
get stuck in the surrounding floor mat. According you happen to be driving in the city, for instance,
to Toyota USA Newsroom’s website, models in- with a lot of pot holes and close traffic, it could be
volved were 2007-2010 Camry, 2009-2010 RAV4, a bigger issue. If I had one of the affected cars, I
2005-2010 Avalon, 2009-2010 Corolla, 2010 High- would probably try to avoid that situation." Con-
lander, 2008-2010 Sequoia, 2009-2010 Matrix and trarily, class action plaintiff Elaine Miller described
the 2007-2010 Tundra. The current recall is Toy- the Prius brakes as “dangerous”.
ota’s third since September 2008. It was noted on Car appraiser Kelley Blue Book, on February
Toyota’s website that Camry and Highlander hy- 8th dropped the resale values of recalled Toyotas
brids are not affected by the malfunction and for the second time in four days, leaving them
would remain or sale. worth as much as 4 percent or $300 to $750 less
After the recalls spread to Prius Toyota’s than a week earlier, depending on the model; an-
president Akio Toyoda, a grandson of the com- other sign that recalls and Toyota's slow response
pany’s founder, vowed that “everything in our to safety questions have put a dent in the market
power” would be done to gain customer confi- value of its products.
dence. “We will tackle the issue with dealers and Toshirou Yoshinaga, auto analyst at Aizawa
suppliers,” said he. However, it took a week and Securities in Tokyo, said that Toyota needs to im-
much pressure from the press and legal action prove how it communicates. Yoshinaga said the
before Toyota issued the Prius recall. As late as company’s explanations were insufficient, calling
February 7th, despite a barrage of brake failure on Toyota to explain things better.
reports, Toyota spokeswoman Ririko Takeuchi On February 24th Toyota's president Akio To-
said no decision on a Prius recall had been made. yoda apologized to the US Congress and American
Auto industry analyst at Tokai-Tokyo Securities Toyota owners for safety problems that led to
Mamoru Kato on Feb. 7th said the best thing for deaths and worldwide recalls, saying he was
Toyota to win back consumer trust is to recall ve- "deeply sorry" for any incidents which had oc-
hicles as quickly as possible." However, by the curred as a result of failures with accelerators and
time Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda announced the re- brakes on several models.
call on February 8th the impression had already
been made that the car giant had not acted re-
Toyota CEO Akio
sponsibly. The Japanese media widely disparaged
Toyoda meets the
Mr. Toyoda’s apologies and assurances as coming press in Washington
too late; accusing him of not offering a clear pic-
ture of how the company would resolve its spiral-
ing problems.
Company insiders said the delay was because
the option of asking owners to bring their cars in
for repairs was being considered as an alternative
to recall. In the U.S. Toyota had been in talks with
the National Highway Safety Administration on
how to fix cars having the problem.

232 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


80th Geneva Motor Show

ll major automo-
bile manufactur-
exhibited at
March’s Geneva Motor
Show, the biggest in
the world, where 33
new models were
launched and the
trend towards electric
and hybrid (electric
and petrol) was clearly
First held in 1905,
the Geneva Motor
Show is also the long-
est running, marking
its 80th edition this
year. It was inter-
The New Twizy Z.E electric concept car is shown during the press day at the 80th Ge-
rupted during the two
neva International Motor Show, Wednesday, March 3, 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland.
World War years. Photo/Keystone/Martial Trezzini


Porsche CEO Michael Macht presents three hybrid cars at the Geneva Motor Show in Geneva, Swit-
zerland, Tuesday, March 2, 2010. From left, the new Cayenne, the Spyder 918 and the Porsche GT3R.
AP Photo/Martin Meissner

233 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show

Porsche Spyder
"Power is transmitted to the
wheels by a seven-speed
(PDK) transmission that
feeds the power of the elec-
tric drive system to the rear
axle. The front-wheel elec-
tric drive powers the wheels
through a fixed transmission
ratio," Porsche explained in
an official statement.

Porsche Spyder, 500hp, V8, low mission hybrid car capable of travelling
198mph (320km/h)

"With the battery suffi-

ciently charged, a push-to-
pass button feeds in addi-
tional electrical power (E-
Boost), when overtaking or
for even better perform-
ance," says Porsche

234 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show

Lotus Evora 414E Concept

235 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show
Lotus Evora 414E Concept Hybrid

236 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show
Mercedes F800 Style

237 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show
Mercedes F800 Style

Multi-touch information and entertainment system

238 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show
Mercedes E-Class

Mercedes E350 CGI

Mercedes Benz SLS AMG F1 Safety Car

239 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show


Ferrari HY KER

Ferrari’s first gasoline/electric hybrid sacrifices neither the traditional charm nor performance

240 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show

Ferrari HY KER

241 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show


Bugatti-Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport Cabriolet

The world’s most expensive car

Made by Volkswagen

March 2, 2010

One year on from the launch of the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport, Bugatti Automo-
biles S.A.S. exhibited two customized Grand Sport models at the Geneva International
Motor Show 2010. A special exhibit on the Bugatti stand also gives visitors to the show
a glimpse at the technology that lies beneath the bodywork of the Grand Sport.

242 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show

Hyundai iFlow Concept

243 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show

Citroen Revolte

Citroen Survolte

244 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show

Citroen Survolte


Renault Wind

245 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show

Bertone Alfa Romeo Pandion Concept Car

After an absence of two years, Bertone returns to the Geneva Motor Show with a beautiful
Bertone Alfa Romeo Pandion concept car that has been created to celebrate Alfa Romeo’s hun-
dred year anniversary.

The Bertone Pandion is powered by a 4.7 litre 8-cylinder Alfa Romeo engine. The Pandion is the
first car produced by Mike Robinson, the new Design Director at Bertone. The Pandion draws
its name from an Osprey in the animal world. The doors stretch from front to rear fender, open
up 90 degrees and stretch out 3,7 meters into the sky when fully opened.

246 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show

Sbarro Coupe Autobau

The new Sbarro Coupe Autobau concept car is shown during the press day at the 80th Ge-
neva International Motor Show, Tuesday, March 2, 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland.
AP Photo/Keystone/Martial Trezzini

Nissan Micra

247 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show


Lamborghini Gallarado LP 570-4 Superleggera

248 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/80th Geneva Motor Show

Aston Martin

Aston Martin Cygne

Auston Mini

249 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase

Bentley Mulsanne
Unveiled by Bentley Motors at Pebble Beach, California in August
2009 the marque’s new flagship goes on sale in mid 2010 as a 2011
model; specifications and price not yet released.
The name to this top of the Bentley line, first introduced in
1980, was taken from the famous bend on the Le Mans race track,
the Mulsanne bend at the end of the long Hunaudières straight, in
order to commemorate the many Bentley victories at the famous
French race circuit
250 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase

Bentley Continental GT Speed

Engine: 6 litre; Horsepower: 600
Top Speed: 200 mph (323km/h)
Price: $207,000
251 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase

Top Speed: 253 mph
Price: $1,700,000
252 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase

Ferrari 599 FXX

Engine: 6.3 litre V12 Horsepower: 700
Top Speed: 200 mph (300 km/h)
Price: €1,100,000

253 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase

Acura NSX
Engine: 5.5 litre V10 Horsepower: 600
Top Speed: 186 mph
Price: $160,000
254 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase

Lexus GS
Engine: GS350 V6, 303hp/GS460 V8 342hp
Performance: 0-60mph 5.7 /5.4 seconds
Price: $42,000 $50,000
255 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase

BMW X6 Active Hybrid

Engine: 4.4 litre V6 Horsepower: 407@5800rpm
Performance: 0-60mph 5.6 seconds; Top Speed: 146
Price: $67,000—$90,000
256 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase

Honda CR-Z Hybrid

Engine: combination electric & petrol
Horsepower: 126
Price: $25,000

257 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase

Ford Taunus
Engine: 3.5 lire V6 Horsepower: 263 @6250rpm
Price: $25,000-$32,000

258 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Automobiles/Spheres Auto Showcase

The world’s lowest priced car

Tata Nano
Engine: 623cc Horsepower: 33
Top Speed: 65mph
Price: about$2, 000

259 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

On January 29th in Los Angeles Beyoncé won an un-
precedented 6 Grammy Awards for her performances
during 2009

Entertainment/ Music

Beyoncé wins unprecedented 6 Grammy Awards

F abulous Beyoncé on January 29

in Los Angeles became the first
female artists in the 52 year Grammy
Awards history to win 6 titles,
though the best album award for
2009 went to Taylor Swift’s
Beyoncé won song of the year
for her anthem “Single Ladies (Put a
Ring on It)” and also best female pop
vocal for her ballad “Halo”. She
shared the songwriting trophy with
three others for the “Single Lady (Put
a Ring on It)” lyrics and won the best
contemporary Rhythm & Blues al-
bum for “I am Sasha Fierce”.
Family quartet The Kings of
Leon’s "Use Somebody" won record
of the year.
The 20 year old Swift went into
the awards ceremonies with 8 nomi-
nations, second only to Beyoncé. She
had been winning awards all last
year for “Fearless” but hadn’t yet
come down from her cloud in the
sky. "I just keep thinking back to
when you're in second grade and
you sing in the talent show for the
first time and people joke around
and say, 'Maybe we'll see you at the
Grammys some day.' But that just
seems like an impossible dream," she
said. "I just feel like I'm standing here
accepting an impossible dream."
Jay-Z, Beyoncé’s husband, won
a Grammy for the best rap solo per-
formance and shared two awards
with Rihanna and Kayne West for
“Run This Town.
The show included a 3-D trib-
ute to Michael Jackson featuring a Folk Singer Taylor Swift’s “Fearless” won
video clip he made of "Earth Song" album of 2009
as Usher, Carrie Underwood, Celine
Dion, Jennifer Hudson and Smokey
Robinson sang along.

261 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Entertainment/ Cinema

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences

82nd Annual Awards
March 7, 2010, Hollywood, California

Kodak Theater, Hollywood, California

Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin served Kathryn Bigelow (“The Hurt Locker”)
as co-hosts of the 82nd Academy became the first woman in Oscar his-
Awards. Robert Downey Jr., Tina Fey, tory to win the directing award. Jeff
Tyler Perry and Barbra Streisand were Bridges and Sandra Bullock (pictured
among the presenters. above) took home the awards for Best
Actor and Best Actress.

262 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Entertainment/ Cinema

82nd Academy Awards

March 7, 2010, Hollywood, California

Best Picture

The Hurt Locker

Kathryn Bigelow, Mark Boal, Nicolas Chartier and Greg Shapiro

Best Actor in a Leading Role

Jeff Bridges
Crazy Heart

Best Actor in a Supporting Role

Christoph Waltz
Inglourious Basterds

Best Actress in a Leading Role

Sandra Bullock
The Blind Side

Best Actress in a Supporting Role


263 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Entertainment/ Cinema

82nd Academy Awards

Best Animated Feature Film

Pete Docter

Best Art Direction

Rick Carter and Robert Stromberg (Art Direction); Kim Sinclair (Set Decoration)

Best Cinematography

Mauro Fiore

Best Costume Design

Costume Designer
Sandy Powell

The Young Victoria

Best Directing

The Hurt Locker

Kathryn Bigelow
264 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Entertainment/ Cinema

82nd Academy Awards

Best Documentary Feature

The Cove
Louie Psihoyos and Fisher Stevens

Best Documentary Short

Music by Prudence
Roger Ross Williams and Elinor Burkett

Best Film Editing

The Hurt Locker

Bob Murawski and Chris Innis

Best Foreign Language Film

The Secret in Their Eyes (El Secreto de Sus Ojos)

Directed by Juan José Campanella

Best Makeup

Star Trek

265 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Entertainment/ Cinema

82nd Academy Awards

Best Music (Original Score)

Michael Giacchino

Best Music (Original Song)

Crazy Heart
"The Weary Kind (Theme from Crazy Heart)"
Music and Lyric by Ryan Bingham and T Bone Burnett

Best Short Film (Animated)

Nicolas Schmerkin

Best Short Film (Live Action)

The New Tenants

Joachim Back and Tivi Magnusson

Best Sound Editing

The Hurt Locker

Paul N.J. Ottosson
266 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Entertainment/ Cinema

82nd Academy Awards

Best Sound Mixing

The Hurt Locker

Paul N.J. Ottosson and Ray Beckett

Best Visual Effects

Joe Letteri, Stephen Rosenbaum, Richard Baneham and Andrew R. Jones

Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire

Screenplay by Geoffrey Fletcher

Best Writing (Original Screenplay)

The Hurt Locker

Written by Mark Boal

267 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Entertainment/ Cinema

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences

82nd Annual Awards
March 7, 2010, Hollywood, California

268 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Entertainment/ Cinema

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences

82nd Annual Awards
March 7, 2010, Hollywood, California

Dancers perform to the nominated musical scores; bottom: Mo’Nique accepts Best Supporting Actress

269 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Entertainment/ Cinema

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences

82nd Annual Awards
March 7, 2010, Hollywood, California

Kodak Theater

270 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Entertainment/ Cinema

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences

82nd Annual Awards
March 7, 2010, Hollywood, California

Top: Kathryn Bigelow receiving Best Director Award for Hurt Locker ; below Jeff Bridges receiving best Ac-
tor award

271 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Solar powered Babcock Ranch Residential Estate in Southwest Florida (top); and
(bottom) China’s Rizhao City, where solar power is mandatory in all new buildings


Freezing the Case for Global Warming


W ith this winter producing records for low

temperatures and snow fall nature itself
seems to be contradicting the case of liberal
scientists and politicians for global warming. Pre
-winter 2009-2010 forecasts told of below aver-
age temperatures in many parts of the Northern
Hemisphere but did not warn there would be
record freezing and snow. January 2010 brought
Europe the coldest temperatures in nearly 30
years. Snow started falling in the United King-
dom on December 16th, several days before the White House rear steps covered with snow from February’s
blizzard President Obama dubbed “snowmagedden”
calendar start of winter, spreading into France
and northern Spain. On December 17th the tem- mas since 1929. Given the novelty of white
perature in the Swiss canton of Grisons dropped Christmases and with cold and snow related
to a record low of -32C (-25.6F). The Nether-
deaths, transport disruption, road accidents,
lands’ Utrecht Central railway was forced by
school closures and even slowdown in London
cold and snow to shut down and just as people and later Washington government operations,
were prepared to travel between England and was this an atmosphere in which to advocate
France for the year end holiday season, five Eu- for concerted action on global warming?
rostar trains got stuck in the Channel Tunnel, We wonder whether the shift in emphasis
trapping more than 2,000 people for up to 16 from Environmentalism to global warming has
hours as the electrical power supply failed un- complicated the issue of environmental protec-
der impact of sub-freezing weather. Service had tion with unnecessary controversy. Air pollu-
to be suspended, leaving passengers stranded. tion, for example, is visible, is well known for its
In Zagreb, Croatia 50 people were injured when
adverse effects on the physical health of socie-
a train failed to stop owing to cold impact oper- ties. Although melting glaciers and rising sea
ating trouble and hit a buffer in the main rail- levels are attributed by scientists to global
way station. On December 22nd some 3,000 U.K. warming and the implications of statistical pro-
motorists had to abandon their vehicles or sleep jections of average temperature rise are alarm-
overnight in them upon being stuck in gridlock ing, the leaks indicating that scientists have ex-
traffic caused by snow. Desired white Christ- aggerated the impact of carbon emissions on
mases were pervasive. Snow fell on Netherlands global warming have created species contro-
and parts of Britain on Christmas Eve. Blizzards versy; for irrespective of the merits of claims
were the lot of most of the United States; in- that carbon emissions cause global warming,
cluding Texas and Oklahoma, as well as the Mid-
the adverse impact of air pollution, of which
west, Great Plains, Southeast and Eastern Sea- carbon emissions are a contributor, is univer-
board. South Dakota received 78cm (30.8”) of sally known and irrefutable. Moreover, there
snow, Minnesota 66cm (26”) and parts of Texas are other environmental issues that cannot be
23cm (9”). By January leading into February dismissed with skepticism informed arguments
snow was piling on the ground in Europe and from myopic vested interests bent on making
North America at record levels. For Texas and money as conveniently as they know how.
Oklahoma 2009 brought the first white Christ-
273 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Environment Freezing the Case for Global Warming
“Climate Change” appears to have scare
tactic value because of historical indications
that ice ages, excessive warming and desertifi-
cation have adverse impact on societies to the
extent of factoring in civilization decline. Yet
those of us who accept the importance of envi-
ronmental protection and ecological balance
must ask ourselves whether the “Climate
Change” slogan is yielding the vast majority con-
sensual support needed to mobilize world pub-
lic opinion and governments to come together
for concerted action.
We can appreciate that ‘Climate Change”
and “Global Warming” cannot be reduced to
In Washington snow reached 13 inches immobilizing
domestic impact problems, whereas issues such motor vehicles and slowing government operations
as smog, soil erosion, desert encroachment,
offshore water pollution and over-fishing are properly packaged they would not be so difficult
not only issues traditionally the concern of na- to sell as global warming which appears abstract
tional governments, but in a federation like the each time record breaking cold and snowy win-
United States each state has had its own policy ters occur in the Northern Hemisphere; and in
on these matters despite Federal Environmental many parts of the Global South we are so accus-
Agency efforts to impose national standards. tomed to hot weather that we often don’t no-
In this age of global information network- tice the few degrees heat increase from year to
ing and international conferencing expected to year.
produce global resolutions, should we not make To realize a global convention Global South
the effort to raise public awareness on a full countries have to be more involved because
package of environmental issues under the ban- there are in the economically underdeveloped
ner of “Environmental Protection”? Greenhouse and impoverished societies, priorities that can-
gases, air acidification and fossil fuels all cause not be overlooked. In many African countries
air pollution. There are more than 20 general forest trees are a major source of household
topics of environmental harm. Many of them energy; yet we have seen green projects intro-
are both urgent and commonly discussed. De- duced in Mozambique that provide alternative
forestation, desert encroachment and soil ero- cooking and house lighting fuel, created new
sion are current issues of serious concern in jobs and community industries and earned car-
most of the Global South and solving these bon credits that can be marketed. Such con-
problems is in our immediate interest; likewise crete solutions must be brought to the fore of
carbon emissions. The problems of health, habi- discussions between the industrial nations and
tat and agricultural production loss caused by developing ones. We cannot mobilize suppor-
the various manner of environmental damage tive consensus for environmentalism as long as
confront us and our children. Is it not strategi- it sounds or appears to many of us as too ab-
cally wiser to concentrate on these packages of stract or opaque; or as long as the issues raised,
current terrible impact problems than on aver- like species preservation do not strike a chord
age global temperature rise by the end of this of immediate community benefit in respect of
century, when no contemporary adult is likely our pressing priorities of eating, health, sanita-
to be alive? Action on these other problems in- tion, security and income generation.
variably amounts to action on climate change. If we conceptualize environmentalism in all
Renewable energy, environmentally its multifarious implications and develop agen-
friendly technology, reforestation, improved das and programs accordingly, we are likely to
agriculture technology and whatever other solu- find that the Global South becomes more en-
tions to our current socio-economic, habitat and thusiastic and committed than any other part of
environmental challenges we can bring to frui- the world. China is frequently criticized by the
tion will improve all our lives; and no doubt Europeans and Americans for not being particu-
larly cooperative when it comes to signing on to
274 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Environment Freezing the Case for Global Warming

UN Climate Change chief Yvo de Boer announced in February that he would

not renew his contract when it expired on June 30, 2010

commitments, but every day we see new envi- carbon emission caps. Mr. de Boer did not
ronmentally friendly, futuristic developments openly link his resignation to the sense of failure
coming out of China, like the BYD saloon car at Copenhagen but he is known to have been
that you charge from your wall socket in the frustrated and exhausted after putting forth so
night and drive in the morning; and solar pow- much effort and coming out with what was
ered Rizhao City. From the publicity that green widely perceived as very little. The best thing to
developments in China are getting we are left do at this point is gradually broaden the center
with the impression that if it is not already lead- stage of environmental protection to put a full
ing the world in environmentally friendly tech- package of issues, including climate change to
nology in a few years it certainly will be. the fore.
During the press briefing in Beijing last year
by Presidents Hu Jintao and Barack Obama on
the outcome of their talks nothing so evidently
pleased the Chinese leader as the announce-
ment by his America counterpart that the U.S.
would establish a joint American-Chinese Clean
Energy Research Institute. Only a few days ear-
lier, scientists in West Virginia showcased a new
technology that enables carbon emissions from
burning coal to be injected and stored under-
ground for future extraction. The American
state of West Virginia is no less under pressure
by environmentalists than China for its eco-
nomic reliance on coal. Blizzards gave school children holidays
A wealth of political capital has been in-
vested in the vision of a global treaty on carbon
emission caps but the December 2009 Copenha-
gen Summit on Climate Change turned out dis-
appointing. The February 2010 announcement
by the UN Environmental chief Yvo de Boer that
he was resigning at the end of his contract in
June heightened the sense of defeat in pursuing

275 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Sony Pictures partners in green energy waste

compost program
Culled from Fizzy Energy, posted by Energy News Sony Pictures is reportedly the first and only
movie studio to receive ISO14001 certification,
which is the global standard for controlling a
corporation’s environmental influence. The
conglomerate has had a wide-spread studio
sustainability system instituted for more than
four years and has worked to reduce their per-
sonal carbon footprint by implicating practices
to moderate climate change, protect and con-
serve natural resources and help safeguard
health and security of the community by apply-
ing policies that involve it’s facility procedures
and employees, product production, customer
products and community outreach. These ac-
complished renewable energy measures are
thanks to Sony Pictures Entertainment’s Chair-
Glimpsing at the current condition of our natu- man and CEO Michael Lynton and Co-Chairman
ral world and economic market and the bene- Amy Pascal, who has worked vigorously to ap-
fits associated with renewable energy utiliza- ply these vital energy conservation customs to
tion, there is really no wonder why large movie the studio. “We’re proud to partner with
picture conglomerates are making the transi- Culver City on this important initiative… Ulti-
tion to green energy programs. Sony Pictures mately, we want to become a ‘zero waste’ fa-
Entertainment is the preliminary affiliate in a cility, and this program gets us vastly closer to
new organic waste program initiated through a reaching that goal on our lot,” stated Jon Cor-
recent unanimous vote by the Culver City coran, Vice President of Environmental Sus-
Council, where the studio is centered. The pro- tainability for the studio. Finally, we have seen
gram, which begins June 8th, is significant in change we can all believe in.
many ways; it brings a vital source of renew-
able energy to an especially outsized city, the
composted waste will be sold to local farmers
which will provide them with cheaper organic
fertilizer to sustain their efforts, tax dollars
saved by developing renewable energy will be
helpful toward the local economy, waste will
be reduced by immense proportions, and last –
but not least – Sony’s switch to renewables will
inspire other large corporations to move in the
same direction. Mayor Andy Weissman, states,
“Culver City has implemented a number of re-
cycling programs designed to give local busi-
nesses and city residents the tools they need
to reduce the amount of waste that gets sent
to landfills… We are excited about this organic
composting pilot program with Sony Pictures
which stands to reduce waste by up to 1,000
tons per year.”

276 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Jay-Z and Beyoncé

Spheres Fashion Shows

Legendary Italian actress Sophia Loren at the Singer/Actress Maria Carey at the 16th Annual Screen
16th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles
January 23rd in Los Angeles, California.

Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus at the 16th Annual

Screen Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles Actress Tina Fey at the 16th Annual Screen
Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles

278 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Spheres Fashion Shows

Style at the Grammies

Lady Gaga

Nicole Snooki Polizzi

Britney Spears

Taylor Swift

279 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Spheres Fashion Shows

Style at the Grammies

Custom made $200,000

Lorraine Schwartz and Ofira
earrings and Ofira rings

280 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Spheres Fashion Shows

Style at the Grammies

Actress, TV Show Host Niecy Nash

281 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Spheres Fashion Shows

Style at the Grammies

Usher & Mya Ricky Martin

Pink with Carey Hart Adam Lambert

282 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Spheres Fashion Shows

Abuja Style

Lotanna, a 20 year old student in Abuja, wearing the batik

dress she handmade

283 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Spheres Fashion Shows

Abuja Style

Lotanna, a 20 year old student in Abuja, wearing the batik

dress she handmade

Bella Naija’s fusion fashion

284 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Spheres Fashion Shows

Abuja Style

Lotanna, a 20 year old student in Abuja, wearing the batik

dress she handmade

Bella Naija’s fusion fashion

285 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Spheres Fashion Shows

Accra Style

Ghanaian singer Mimi

286 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Spheres Fashion Shows

Khartoum Style

Inaam Abdallah Abu Zayad, wife of Pan Africa & World Review Publisher Muhammed Kamil

Spheres Fashion Shows

Lagos Style

Models at Face of African Fashion show in Lagos, Nigeria, February 10, 2010

World Health Organization headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, from where the campaign to end
cigarette smoking is driven, as cancer replaces cardiovascular disease −the risk of both is increased
by smoking −as the world’s number 1 cause of death.

Health & Medicine

World Cancer Day


T he International Union Against Cancer pre-

pared a report for Thursday, February 4th,
World Cancer Day telling us how experts believe
that the prevalence of the dreaded often termi-
nal disease can be reduced by 40%. The basic
advice given in the report we have been hearing
over and over again: don’t smoke, don’t over-
eat, exercise regularly and be vaccinated against
infections that could lead to cancer.
However, the new report alerts us to
changing causes of cancer and changes in the
types of cancer that are becoming increasingly
prevalent. It also stresses responsibility of gov-
ernments as well as individuals.
According to World Health Organization
(WHO) cancer causes 1 out of 8 deaths world-
wide; more than malaria, AIDS and tuberculoses
combined and in 2010 will overtake cardiovas-
cular disease as the leading cause of death in
the world. WHO is warning that without major
health management changes global cancer
deaths will jump from 7.6 million this year to 17
Woman Receiving a Mammogram
million by 2030.
Studies show that 21% of all cancers are
Fifty years ago few people diagnosed with cancer sur-
now due to infections like human papilloma vi-
vived longer than one year. Today, 60 percent of
rus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer, and Americans diagnosed with cancer live five years or
hepatitis infections that cause stomach and liver longer. This remarkable turnaround is due, in part, to
cancer. While the vaccines to prevent these our ability to detect cancerous tumors early, before
conditions degenerating into cancer are widely they have spread to other parts of the body. Using
regular screening tests, even in the absence of any
available in Western countries, they are almost
cancer symptoms, Americans are finding and treating
nonexistent in the developing world. Nearly 80 cancers more successfully than ever before. One such
percent of the world's cervical cancer deaths screening test, the mammogram, detects tumors and
are in poor countries, according to WHO. other abnormalities in the breast before they can be
This is where governments are challenged. felt as a lump by a woman or her doctor. Because
catching breast tumors early dramatically improves a
WHO calls on policy makers around the world to
woman’s chances for survival, the American Cancer
regularize access to the available vaccines that Society recommends that women over the age of 40
could reduce cancer prevalence; and also to have an annual mammogram.
provide public health care information on how
to reduce the risk of cancer. Cary Adams, chief
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008
executive of the International Union Against Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Cancer stresses that it is very important for
290 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Health & Medicine World Cancer Day
governments to educate people about lifestyle tos and mining area sludge, both of which should
choices and how they relate to risk of cancer. be avoided, along with swimming in or drinking
For Africa this suggest instituting public mine water that could be contaminated with
health campaigns analogous to those against uranium. Vehicle exhaust fumes also increase
HIV/AIDS, which in the Sub-Sahara region has cancer risk. Children are warned to limit con-
overtaken all other diseases as the leading sumption of potato crisp and other such pack-
cause of death. In the final analysis lifestyle af- aged snacks. Plastics that have a triangle with #7
fects public health generally. Studies in Western at the bottom should not be used for baby feed-
countries have revealed that smoking, immod- ing bottles and should generally be avoided.
erate alcohol consumption, obesity and insuffi- CANSA moreover warns against foods with more
cient physical exercise increase the risk of lung, than 2% trans-fatty acids like confectionary and
breast and colon cancer. For white people over processed foods, including margarine.
exposure to the sun contributes to skin cancer Cancer Africa, an internet based interactive
being for them one of the most common types, platform designed to enhance south-south dy-
especially in the United States of America. namics and north-south cross-collaboration in
WHO has vowed to eventually bring about cancer education, research and practice, was
a global ban on cigarettes and many countries initiated in March 2003 with the support of an
have in recent years passed legislation banning International Cancer Research and Technology
smoking in public places. In most Muslim coun- Transfer (ICRETT) award administered by the
tries and communities alcoholic beverages are UICC (Geneva, Switzerland) and with federal
taboo and in countries like Sudan, Saudi Arabia funds from the National Cancer Institute, Na-
and Iran alcoholic beverages are outlawed. tional Institutes of Health (USA). Cancer Africa’s
However, developing countries have been slow mission is to optimize resources in preventing
to limit smoking in public and the generally pre- and treating cancer in the world’s second largest
vailing ban on smoking in public transport is in continent. Currently Cancer Africa is building its
some countries violated by drivers and conduc- database on cancer in Africa so as to become a
tors with impunity. reliable information provider on cancer, as well
The Cancer Association of South Africa as strengthening its advocacy capacity, and is
(CANSA) informs us recent research shows up to seeking partnerships with institutions and or-
90% of cancers are caused by environmental ganizations that share its values.
factors and some cancer risk factors can be re- In April 2008, the European Cancer Patient
duced. A cancer causing factor is officially Coalition (ECPC) held a Cancer Summit in Brus-
known as a carcinogen. Your risk of getting can- sels, sponsored by the Slovenian EU Presidency
cer increases the more you are exposed to a at which the prevalence of cancer in Europe was
carcinogen; hence, it is important to know the highlighted. Everyday 6,000 Europeans are diag-
different carcinogens and avoid being exposed nosed with cancer and half of them would die
to them in order to reduce your risk of getting from the disease. One in 3 Europeans are even-
cancer. tually diagnosed with cancer and 25% of
Carcinogens attack the DNA of the cell Europe’s deaths are caused by cancer; second to
causing mutations. This can cause cells to divide cardiovascular disease. It was predicted that
or multiply out of control. These cancer cells over 2 million new cases of cancer would be di-
multiply and grow into a lump or tumor and can agnosed in Europe during 2009. The most com-
spread to other parts of the body. In this con- mon types of cancer in Europe are breast cancer
nection CANSA warns against smoking of any (affecting women), prostrate cancer in men and
kind, promotes usage of clean fresh drinking colon and lung cancer which affect both sexes, in
water, vaccinations against hepatitis B and Hu- that order. Breast cancer accounts for 31% of
man papilloma virus, cautioning women to have cancer cases in women and 16.7% of cancer
regular pap smears and participate in HPV vacci- deaths among women. Colon and lung cancer
nation programs. CANSA also warns against ex- are more common in European men than
cessive exposure to the sun, avoiding obesity women, but prostrate cancer accounts for over
and eating mainly plant based foods while 24% of men cases and 10.5% of male cancer
maintaining a regular exercise regime. Industrial deaths. Most other cancers occur in small num-
pollution risk factors cited by CANSA are asbes- bers; unlike the United States where skin cancer
291 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Health & Medicine World Cancer Day
Vegetables, termined useful as vivo sensors and photoactive
fruits, grains, agents for optical imaging and as drug carriers, as
and legumes
well as contrast enhancers in computer tomography
constitute a rich
source of die-
and X-ray absorbers in cancer therapy. A University
tary fiber. Com- of Missouri research team reported in this connec-
posed of the tion: “Our results demonstrate that naturally occur-
indigestible cell ring GA can be used as a nontoxic phytochemical
walls of plant construct in the production of readily administrable
material, fiber
acts like a
biocompatible AuNPs for diagnostic and therapeutic
scouring pad to applications in nanomedicine.”
cleanse and Dutch researcher Cristianne Rijcken has devel-
flush the diges- oped biodegradable nanoparticles which may be
tive tract. Re- used to encapsulate and deliver fat-soluble antican-
searchers claim it helps eliminate cancer-causing
chemicals and may decrease the amount of cho-
cer drugs. The spherical structures of nanoparticles
lesterol in the blood stream. can encapsulate various fat-soluble medicines,
which makes it easier to target tumor tissue. These
is the most common type. The Summit revealed nanoballs are highly promising carriers for the con-
that while screening programs can help reduce trolled release of anticancer drugs. Rijcken recently
cancer in some European countries they are gained her doctorate for this research from Utrecht
poorly implemented and in others they are non- University.
existent. The nanoparticles consist of polyethylene gly-
Medical research on cancer attracted much col (PEG) chains which are attached to recently de-
funding during the 20th century, in response to veloped components: lactic acid derivatives of poly-
growing awareness of the disease and its in- methacrylamides. These new chains possess the
creasing frequency of occurrence. However, it unique combined property of biodegradability and
wasn’t until the biotechnology advances in the heat sensitivity. By simply heating up an aqueous
last decade of the 20th century that encouraging polymer solution, compact spherical nanoparticles
signs that cancer could eventually be conquered smaller than 100 nanometres are spontaneously
appeared. Early diagnosed prostrate cancer, formed. The properties and life span of Rijcken's so-
worldwide the most common type among men called ' stabilized micelles' can be completely con-
can now be treated in just three clinical visits trolled by changing the components.
with a procedure known as seed implantation. Experiments have shown that various types of
Instead of external radiation treatment, ultra- fat-soluble anticancer drugs could be enclosed in
sound guided cancer cell killing radioactive the core of these micelles. The enclosed substances
seeds are permanently implanted in the pros- were only released after the lactic acid groups in the
trate, but are not strong enough to penetrate polymer had been split off, causing the nanoparti-
adjacent areas such as the bladder or rectum. cles to fall apart. The stabilized nanoballs accumu-
Natural cancer treatments are being given lated to a larger extent in the tumors of tumor-
more promotional prominence and in Africa carrying mice than traditional micelles. The new
various herbal treatments are available but nanostructures exhibited no side effects and are
clinical studies and documentation on them are completely biodegradable, whereas the current
yet underdeveloped. One treatment for breast products with anticancer drugs often also contain
cancer reputed to be effectively offered in Su- other toxic ingredients.
dan and Nigeria is to apply an ointment to the However, clinical control in administration
cancer infected breast that causes the cancer of gum Arabic for medicinal purposes is vital be-
cells to collect in a boil which the doctor breaks cause nanoparticles are being researched as a possi-
and cleans out. This process is repeated until ble agent of calcification that results in kidney
the boils cease to appear. stones.
Gum Arabic which is found in Africa’s sa-
vanna belt from Sudan in the East across
through Chad and Northern Nigeria is increas-
ingly used in research of cancer detection and
treatment. Its gold nanoparticles have been de-
292 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Information Media

Gagging the Arabs


U .S. Congress Resolution H.R.2278, passed

by virtually an absolute majority of 395
to3 last December calling for sanctions of Arab
Satellite television stations that air anti-
American propaganda to my mind would be
appropriate if there were a global understand-
ing against incitement of hatred, racism and
religious enmity, but when Americans are left
free to advocate and threaten assassination of
its African American president, to racially insult
President Barack Obama and his African roots,
to openly advocate taking their country back
from leadership by a citizen who happens to be
a son of Africa, it only shows how far out of
touch with reality America’s political establish-
ment is. There is much more to this matter
than the lousy racist abuse of President Representing the U.S. at the September 2001 United
Obama; America’s carte blanche ally Israel is a Nations Racism Summit, then Secretary of State Colin
country obsessed with hatred of Arabs so it is Powell was booed for standing up for the position of
no wonder that extremist anti-American and the United States and Europe that neither apologies
nor reparations should be given for colonialism and
anti-Zionist opinion is prevalent and broadcast
slavery and rejecting an earlier UN General Assembly
in the Arab world. Arab support for the Jan- resolution that Zionism was a form of racism.
jaweed in Darfur, the racist insults against
Southern Sudanese that occur in Arab minded of U.S. Congress Resolution H.R.2278.Less than
Sudanese media only highlight the necessity of
two weeks after the United Nations Racism
addressing the issue of hate preaching under
Summit in Durban, South Africa, where West-
the guise of freedom of speech with global
ern powers took a hubristic attitude towards
conventions and enforcement mechanisms. African demands for apology and reparations
However, I would like to see this initiated and for colonialism and slavery, as well as to Arab
brought to realization by civil society, most insistence that Zionism be recognized as ra-
especially journalist unions around the world cism, Al Qaeda struck the United States killing
and then legal support measures could be pre- several thousand innocent people. The world
sented to the United Nations General Assem- was expected to condemn the attacks but U.S.
bly at its next summit for universal adoption. President George W. Bush’s proclamation that
From there we would see who has the moral
you’re either with us or against us only brought
right to call for gagging troublemakers and who
out lots of pretense. African feelings were still
doesn’t. If there is no distinction made be-
aggravated by European and American atti-
tween freedom of speech and criminal advo- tudes in Durban. We had been disimpassioned
cacy, between freedom of advocacy and hate from our American and Israeli brothers in hu-
mongering, between freedom of expression manity by the failure of their leaders to more
and incitement of violence, then how shall we constructively engage us on the issue of repa-
carry the world forward from Social Darwinism rations for colonialism and slavery.
whereby might is right? This is the implication
294 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Information Media Gagging the Arabs By Muhammed Kamil
The situation of African dispassion has been
worsened by both the Janjaweed syndrome in
the Arab and Muslim world against our people in
Darfur and unabashed manifestations of racism
against President Obama; and by Indonesian
government tyranny against Africans indigenous
to West Papua which the United Nations unfor-
tunately gave to Jakarta following the end of
Dutch colonialism. Indeed there are brutal Afri-
can injustices against Africans; all of which
makes a 21st century universal convention
against racial, ethnic, religious and gender chau-
vinism imperative now.
We fear that America shackled in its conser-
vatism will continue to provoke resentment and
hostility from the rest of the world and this ad-
versely affects all of us, because those of us try-
ing to advocate universal understanding, coop-
eration and friendship are overtaken by bomb
blasting extremists. President Obama who we
are still convinced has a lofty vision for the fu-
ture of humanity finds himself a prisoner of Image by David McKalip, a Florida neurosurgeon who
America’s conservatism and now has no alterna- serves as a member of the American Medical Associa-
tive but to almost cynically play politics as the tion’s House of Delegates
art of the possible. Many of us saw it coming
but we wanted the lessons of history to play out country squander its potential in myopia.
and now the difficulties of moving the world for- In the recently aired Aljazeera documentary
ward are more brutally evident than ever. on White Nationalism in America we learned that
Targeting Aljazeera is the height of Ameri- following the September 11, 2001 Al Qaeda at-
can hypocrisy. Personally I daily watch three net- tacks on New York, the Pentagon and Pennsyl-
works: Aljazeera International (English), CNN vania the white nationalists were divided down
International and BBC World News. Aside from the middle on whether to blame the Jews for
CNN’s Jonathan Mann who comes across as a making America a target of Muslim terrorists by
biased Republican, maybe even a closet Tea extending via systematic influence Zionist ambi-
Party white nationalist, I find all three of these tions into American foreign policy, or the Muslims
networks trying in their own ways to bring about who did the attacking. If this is true America is at
a more enlightened standard of journalism than risk of its own anti-Semitic crisis in the post-
the world has ever before had; all have multieth- Obama era, as well as further alienation from
nic, multi-religious presenters, but Aljazeera much of the Global South, unless it produces a
which clearly demonstrates a commitment to leader who can enlighten the country to the need
balance and fairness touches on issues that the to be truly fair and non-racial in both its domestic
Americans might not like exposed, such as the and foreign policy.
influence of the White Nationalist Movement in The African National Congress led by Nelson
America and also that of the right wing media. Mandela that won South Africa’s first all inclusive
They are not condemning America for these democratic elections in 1994 set the standard for
things but rather highlighting them as well as the future of mankind by proclaiming a non-racial
opposition to them among Americans. rainbow society, despite indigenous South Afri-
America today is a country clearly divided cans having long been victim of the most inhu-
between conservatives and liberals, but if dia- mane systematic oppression in modern history.
logue between these contrary perspectives is We should all stand by the ANC ideal, which Man-
not constructive, rational and intellectually hon- dela actually made a precedence. The African Un-
est, America will continue to decline and it ion is morally obligated and historically account-
would be unfortunate, as in all cases, to see a able to promote the ANC/Mandela ideal through-
295 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Information Media

Former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential running mate to Senator John McCain in the 2008 presidential
election campaign, Sarah Palin who along McCain incited white Americans to start calling for Obama to be
killed, during February addressed a Tea Party rally in Nashville, Tennessee.

out the continent first of all, at the institutionally empowered to construct and disseminate the
United Nations and in all interna- information and ideas that people all over the world consume
tional forums; otherwise we as Afri- every day. This should not be left to governments. Unless we
cans will be betraying the most out- take the initiative to press for more bottom up rather than top
standing element in our heritage. down policy formation, entitles like the U.S. Congress and the
South Africa as it celebrates 20 years Arab governments will impose their own prejudices and self-
since apartheid began being disman- interested priorities on the media and world with disastrous
tled is the natural leader of both Af- consequences; as faith in the mainstream continues eroding
rica and the world in this regard and and extremists seize each opportunity to spread their disrup-
must assume that role. Just as it is tive influences.
significant that Judge Warren Gold-
stein, a South African Jew, was faith-
ful to what his country has come to
represent in the ANC era to standby
an impartial professional interna-
tional law based assessment of hu-
man rights violations in the 2008
Gaza War, South Africa has a moral
as well as Mandela-heritage obliga-
tion to stand up to the Americans
and Israelis on their power politics
towards Palestine and also to the
Sudanese, Arab World, Organization
of Islamic Conference and China on
the racist atrocities in Darfur which
they continue to deny just as Iran’s
President Ahmadinejad and his likes
deny the Holocaust.
Journalist unions in taking the
advocacy lead need to first organize
themselves internationally and come
Photo of Barack Obama with caption on Republican National Convention
up with an international charter that
Face Book page saying that for a black person and a white person to marry
draws the perimeter of freedom of and have children is against American values. A kill Obama group operated
speech and expression from the per- on Face Book for a month in 2010 before being removed after a complaint.
spective of those professionally and
296 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Information Media/Book Review
The Guardian,

Uncovering the Potency of African Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine and the Revival of African Civilisation
Anselm Adodo,
Zoe Communications Limited, Lagos, 2010

T he aim of the book, Herbal Medicine and

the Revival of African Civilisation is to show
that herbal medicine is a key part of the African
change happen. It must be sought because
change does not just happen. We must instigate
change. So long as we believe others will make
civilization. change, so long shall we keep in perpetual pov-
This knowledge is necessary for the eco- erty and under-development”.
nomic, social and cultural recovery of Africa. For According to Adodo, “one day, we shall
every sickness in Africa, there is a plant in a gar- wake up and rise to set our country free. It may
den somewhere to cure it. Somewhere in the be hard, but one day we shall liberate Africa
African garden is a plant for the cure of cancer, from the domination of the buccaneers and com-
diabetes, malaria or hypertension. pradors. We will frustrate them by our resil-
Each form of medicine, whether orthodox or ience, and humiliate them by our determination.
alternative, started in the bush. The most potent “Then we shall not depend on spiritual vig-
of drugs ever developed by humans came from ils, miracle nights, or crusades. Of course, we
plant sources. The author believes that the best shall pray to Jehovah – for help and sustenance,
is yet to come from African herbs. but we must also fight as if everything depends
“Here in the African bush, dead bones shall on it.
rise, persons of wisdom and vision and knowl- “Real power does not lie in the hands of
edge shall rise and change the face of the earth. those who hold the gun. Rather, it lies in the
Since civilization, started from Africa, Africa can- hands of the polity. Real power lies in men and
not be the Third World. As the original home of women of ideas, persons with imagination and
the human race, Africa is the first world”. the willpower to liberate themselves from lead-
Herbal Medicine has five chapters, 168 ers with little education”.
pages and a bibliography of seven pages. The Certainly, readers may not agree with every
book is printed legibly, neat and portable. Ad- idea proffered by the author in this book, it how-
odo claims to be more of a narrator than an ever stands to challenge you positively, to make
originator of the ideas in the volume. He asks a difference in your life and that of others.
why, despite man’s claim to better education, The book will rub off on the profile of Father
better technology, cases of deadly diseases are Anselm Adodo of Saint Benedict Monastery,
increasing all over the world! “Malaria, which Ewu, Edo State of Nigeria.
used to be a mild illness, treatable with medi- For the past 15 years, Adodo has been en-
cines, has become one of the higher killer dis- gaged in research in the medicinal uses of plants
eases in the world”. and African healing systems. He is the Director
However, he expresses the worry that in- of the Monastery’s Pax Herbal Clinic. His other
stead of leaders looking inwards into alternative works include: Herbs for Healing, New Frontiers
therapy, African governments are busy importing in African Medicine and the best selling Nature
drugs, sophisticated medical equipment and Power. Also, he is Editor of Pax Herbal Magazine
more fake drugs. The biggest beneficiaries of this bi-monthly.
misgovernment, the book asserts, are the Euro-
American pharmaceutical companies fleecing us
of billions of naira. The rich getting richer, and Culled from The Guardian, Lagos
poor poorer therefrom. Saturday February, 27, 2010
But one cannot agree less with the author.
According to him, the hope that things would
improve is not enough, but that “we must make
297 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
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ally required by offset printers, compelling
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or resort to costly laser printing. Also with
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multiple types of substrates, including plastic sheets and
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The HP Digital Indigo Press single sheet Standard production is four colors but a seven
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The technology is based on a single 1,000 copies but at lower volume levels printing on the
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with each page sent from the built in micro
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In the United States the HP Digital In-
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For most African universities these ma-
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The single sheet HP Indigo Digital
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Prices are in the range of $500,000

299 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Serena Williams in route to winning the Australian Open Championships women’s singles in
Melbourne and retaining her World # 1 ranking; she and sister Venus also won the women’s
doubles title at Melbourne.

Roger Federer and Serena Williams win
Australian Open and remain number 1

B oth Roger Federer and Serena Williams

went into the Australia Open ranked
number one and both came out victorious and
still at the top of the rankings.
Serena went through the tournament in
strong form beating unranked Justine Henin in
the finals, extending her current stretch as
world’s number 1 to 15 weeks. Henin quit in
May 2008 while ranked No. 1 and now has to
play three tournaments before she re-enters
the rankings.
Serena and sister Venus, who was elimi-
nated in the quarter finals by rising Chinese
star Li Na, won the women’s doubles.
Russia’s Dinara Safina who pulled out of
the tournament because of injury retained her
number 2 spot, while Caroline Wozniacki
moved up from number 4 to third in the rank-
In February Australian Open semi finalist
Li Na became the first Chinese woman to be
ranked as high as number 10.
Last year’s Australian Open men’s winner
Rafael Nadal who has been suffering an injury
has fallen from number 1, to 2 and now down
to 4th ranked, dropping out of the top 3 for the From top: Roger Federer, Serena Williams
first time since his debut in 2005. Ahead of him From left: Caroline Wozniacki, Li Na and Dinara Safina
are new number 2 ranked Novak Djokovic and Bottom: Justine Henin
third ranked Andy Murray.

Sports/Africa Cup of Nations

CAF Gone Mad

by Muhammed Kamil
[email protected]


T ogo’s national football

team coach Hubert Ve-
lud called the CAF two year
suspension and $50,000 fine
ruling "a final blow" to the
team, according to a state-
ment released by Togo's gov-
ernment; but that was a re-
served and polite response
from a victim that warrants
our sympathy. As an African
writer who characteristically
believes in politeness and
reserve, I feel at this moment profuse disgust Tears of grief at the funeral for loved ones slain in the
and must tell these fellows (Confederation of Cabinda rebel attack on Togo’s national football team;
African Football big wigs) that they are out of the team bus driver, assistant coach and team spokes-
man were killed in the armed assault.
their wits. If because of its own political posi-
tion in Africa CAF does not want to recognize tional ambitions are laudable. The risk of rebel
the truth of what happened in Angola, it does attack was nonetheless there and materialized.
not mean that they can blindfold the world. Angola was chosen; and before the games
Truth is that African footballs teams’ were put could get underway secessionist guerrillas at-
in danger of losing their lives because the gov- tacked the Togolese team bus with gun fire,
ernment in Luanda wanted to make a political killing three people, injuring several and trau-
statement that Cabinda is fully, and rightfully, matizing the entire team; such that captain
under its control. However, I don’t so much and African footballer of 2009 Emmanuel Ade-
blame the Angolan government as I do CAF for bayor was too emotionally destabilized to re-
deciding to have the Africa Cup finals in An- turn to his European club where he earns mil-
gola. The political history of the MPLA regime lions of dollars annually. It should have been
in facing down guerrilla opposition is well evident to the CAF decision makers that this
known and we are not to blame them. Sched- was a sensitive as well as unfortunate situation
uling some of the Africa Cup of Nations that required sympathy. Instead, it dealt the
matches in Cabinda was consistent with its de- team and country a ‘final blow”. If Emmanuel
termination over the years to assert govern- Adebayor’s European club Manchester City
ment authority over the whole country. Not had been as hard hearted as CAF he would
knowing exactly what considerations were in- have been fined and otherwise molested for
volved in CAF selecting Angola for the 2010 not returning to play as soon as he left Angola.
African football classic, I would imagine that it After Adebayor had scored a goal in his first
was a combination of the country’s ability and match upon returning to action for Manchester
willingness to finance the tournament in style, City [on January 31st], the club’s coach,
as well as the fact that Angola had never Roberto Mancini, said he expects it to take
hosted such an event before and was eager to more time for Adebayor to fully recover.
raise its national profile. If I am correct, these Mancini does not imagine that footballers are
are decent considerations, just as Angola’s na- soldiers, but CAF apparently does. Or do they
302 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Sports/Africa Cup of Nations CAF Gone Mad
assume that Africans
should be used to and not
Spheres particularly disturbed by
Perspective the type of incident en-
countered in Cabinda? I
don’t know exactly how
Togo’s coach meant his
remark, "Apart from the coaches and the play-
ers, it is the people as a whole who are going
to be penalized," but in entirely agreeing with
him I see it as far more than a football matter.
Suspending Togo’s team for two years from
the African Cup of Nations competition and Togo team captain Emmanuel Adebayor called the CAF ban
adding a $50,000 fine insult to injury because on Togo “outrageous” . In an interview with French sports
they didn’t show the gumption of soldiers, or paper L'Equipe, he said: "Mr. Hayatou (CAF President) has
because the government in Lomé didn’t concur served Africa extensively, but now he must escape. This de-
that the country’s footballers should see and cision is outrageous." The Manchester City striker added, "If
feel themselves to be soldiers is a disgrace to they let this go, it is the gateway to completely dysfunc-
our continent. If Manchester City which has tional football. I officially launched an appeal to interna-
millions of dollars invested in Emmanuel Ade- tional bodies to see their reaction."
bayor could overlook the material losses and
fall into sympathy with their player for the ter- Togo’s appeal against ban
rifying experience suffered in Cabinda, then provisionally rejected
what does it say for Africa if its continental
football authority could treat the Togolese The Court of Arbitration for Sports on February
team as if they were soldiers running away 19th provisionally rejected Togo’s appeal against
from duty under fire? It’s a shame that no one the 2 year ban imposed by the Confederation of
with proper human sensitivities should want to African Football (CAF) consequent to the team
be associated with. withdrawing from the Angola 2010 Africa Cup of
Faulting the Togo team for choosing to Nations after their bus was attacked by armed
travel to Cabinda by bus rather than fly was rebels in Cabinda Province where they were to
both absurd and insensitive on the part of vet- play their first game. The CAF pretext for the ban
eran CAF president Issa Hayatou; the rebels is government interference in Togolese national
could have shot down their plane killing every- team affairs, as the President of Togo had insisted
one on board. Cabinda is a war zone. Football- that the team return home following the attack in
ers should have not been sent into a war zone which the team driver, an assistant coach and the
to play. That is the bottom line. Personally, I team spokesman were killed.
had my own objectionable feelings about what The decision provoked widespread protest
was allowed to happen from the minute the on the streets of the Togolese capital, Lomé, and
news broke, but didn’t want to go into the me- also on the popular social networking internet
dia with this matter because I realized it was site, Facebook.
complicated and it was better to let wounds Togo appealed the ban ahead of the mid
heal than aggravating the situation. I thought February draw for the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations
we were moving ahead and away from this qualifying groups, but CAS said that if the final
tragedy as much as was possible. Never did I ruling, which will come before the September
expect CAF to revengefully flog the dead for 2010 qualifying matches, goes in Togo’s favor
dying and the traumatized survivors for crying. there should be no reason why the draw could
If CAF wanted to set a precedent that it would not be redone to include Togo.
not tolerate African footballers fleeing under Togo's Interim Caretaker Committee, a tem-
gunfire, I would rather hope, pray and be cau- porary body set up by world football's governing
tious that such an incident never happens to body FIFA to run the Togo Football Federation,
footballers on African soil again. made its appeal to the Lausanne-based court on
February 12th.
Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Sports/Africa Cup of Nations Egypt Wins 7th Africa Cup by Muhammed Kamil

Egypt wins 7th Africa Cup, 3rd in a row

U nrivalled in number of Africa Cup
of Nations championships Egypt
beat Ghana 1-0 in Angola, winning the
title for the third time in succession
and 7th overall. In was evident from
the first round that the Pharaohs were
the most cohesive team and would
likely take the cup once again. Egypt
also beat Ghana in the final of the last
Africa Cup in 2008 at Kumasi, Ghana.
Egypt’s team manager Hassan
Shehata, having led the team to three
straight African championships has
proven himself to be the continent’s
most successful football field boss to
Nigeria beat Algeria 1-0 in the
semi final to take third place.
Algeria eliminated Egypt from the
World Cup finals last year in a match
played in Khartoum, Sudan. Egypt got
revenge in Angola beating Algeria 4-0
to move into the finals against Ghana,
after the Black stars beat Nigeria.

Angola vs. Ghana

Ghana’s Dede Ayew, son of the legendary Abede Pele, and Nigeria’s Yu-
suf Mohammed

304 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


Didier Drogba
African Footballer of the Year

T he Confederation of African
Football (CAF) selected Eng-
lish Premier League center forward
Didier Drogba of Chelsea African
Footballer of the Year for 2009.
Drogba also won BBC Footballer of
the Year Award for 2009, which is
determined by votes from fans.
Drogba, who is captain of Côte
d’Ivoire’s national team, won the
CAF honor with 92 votes. Three
time CAF African Footballer of the
Year Samuel Eto’o was runner-up
with 69 votes. Ghana’s Michael Es-
sien placed third with 43 votes.
Eto’o played for European Cup and
Spanish champions Barcelona
throughout 2009 but currently
plays for Italian Serie A champions
Inter Milan.
Drogba missed much of the
2008-2009 season due to injuries
and suspensions and scored only 14
goals in 42 appearances. Eto’o
scored 36 goals in 52 games for
Barcelona in the 2008-2009 season
but since moving to Inter-Milan for
the 2009-2010 season the 29 year
old Cameroonian striker has had
periodic goal droughts, scoring only
13 goals in 33 games.
The 2009-2010 season has
been much better for Drogba with
30 goals in his first 36 appearances.
The current season promises to be
the most fruitful to date in the 32
year old strikers career.
Ghana’s Michale Essien came
2nd and Eto’o 3rd in the BBC fans
poll. Essien was the first in BBC in
Three time CAF award winner Samuel Eto’o placed second for 2009
305 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Sports/Football/ FIFA Player of the Year

FIFA World Footballer of the Year 2009

Messi: Third time a charm

O ver the years, a succession of Argentine

players have been hailed as 'the new
Diego Maradona'. Very few, however, have
been blessed with as many qualities as the lat-
est heir to that sizable throne, one Lionel
Possessing superb vision, mesmerizing
close control and sublime technique, the left-
footed Messi comes into his own in the tightly
congested areas of midfield, finding and dart-
ing through seemingly impossible gaps with
deceptive ease. With his explosive change of
pace, breathtaking dribbling and unerring eye
for goal, he poses a continual threat to oppos-
ing teams.
While the Barcelona star is always at pains
to avoid comparisons with El Diego, his goal
against Getafe in April 2007, a virtual carbon
copy of the legendary No10's second against
England in the quarter-finals of the 1986 FIFA
World Cup Mexico™, served only to underline
the similarities between the two. On one occa-
sion Maradona himself was moved to say: "I've
seen the player who will take my place in Ar-
gentine football and his name is Lionel Messi."
After that, no one was surprised when Mara-
dona – now Argentina’s coach – handed Messi was the following year that his inexorable rise
his old No10 jersey for the South Africa 2010 to stardom began. His first goal in Barcelona
qualifying campaign. colours came on 1 May against Albacete, mak-
Born on 24 June 1987 in Rosario, Santa Fe, ing him the youngest scorer in the club's long
Messi first served notice of his artistry in the history, a record only recently eclipsed by the
youth ranks at Newell's Old Boys. At the age of precocious Bojan Krkic.
13, as the economic crisis ravaging Argentina
International star born
reached its height, he moved with his family to
Spain. After settling in Barcelona, the teenager His love affair with the blue-and-white jersey
was invited to the Nou Camp for a trial, where of Argentina began just a few months later
he was spotted by the then Blaugrana youth when he played a starring role in the side that
team coach Carles Rexach. "I saw him straight- won the FIFA U-20 World Cup Netherlands
away, and just to make sure I made him sign 2005, making off with the adidas Golden Shoe
for the club on the back of a paper napkin," as the tournament's top scorer and the adidas
Rexach would later recall. Golden Ball as the best player just for good
So slender was he for his age that he was measure.
quickly dubbed La Pulga (The Flea), with the In August that year, Jose Nestor Pekerman
club also arranging for special medical treat- gave Messi his first full international cap in a
ment to stimulate the young wizard's growth friendly against Hungary. It proved to be an
hormones. Suitably bulked up, Messi made his unhappy beginning, however. Just 47 seconds
Spanish league debut at the end of 2004, but it after coming on the debutant was dismissed
306 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Sports/Football/ FIFA Player of the Year From FIFA. Com Messi: Third time a charm
for lashing out after a foul.
Nevertheless, the youngster was back less
than two months later to make his first start
for the Albiceleste in a Germany 2006 qualify-
ing match against Peru in Buenos Aires. His
first goal for his country followed on 1 March
2006 in a friendly against Croatia and by the
time he arrived in Germany he was being
widely tipped as one of the tournament's star
performers. To the surprise of many, however,
Messi played only a supporting role for his side
and looked on from the bench as his team-
mates lost out to the hosts in the quarter-
In 2007, Messi put in a strong perform-
ance at the Copa America in Venezuela, where
his team finished second, losing to Brazil in the
final. La Pulga pulled off some suitably magic
moments in that competition, such as the
memorable goal he scored against Mexico in
the semi-finals. One year later he was again
the star of the team that retained the Gold
Medal at the Olympic Football Tournament in
Beijing. His output was such that the he went
on to finish second behind Cristiano Ronaldo at
the FIFA Player of the Year Gala.

Glittering career
Playing for Barcelona, Messi has already won
three national league titles, one Copa del Rey,
one European SuperCup, three Spanish Super-
Cups, two UEFA Champions League titles and
the FIFA Club World Cup. Messi played an inte-
gral role as Barcelona won their first FIFA Club
World Cup, scoring the winning goal in the final
against Estudiantes and being named winner
of the adidas Golden Ball as the best player in
the competition. Add that to his two-time run-
ner-up finishes in the voting for FIFA World
Player of the Year, and Messi looks like one of
the finest players in the game’s recent history.
During the 2008/2009 season, the player’s po- Qualified now for the FIFA World Cup
tential was confirmed beyond all doubt. Al- South Africa 2010, Messi is looking to prove
ready owner of the historical No10 worn by that he can match his amazing club form with
Maradona, Romario, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho, Argentina on the world stage. Runner-up at the
La Pulga helped Barcelona to the coveted Tri- Copa America and in the last two FIFA Player of
ple Crown of La Liga, Copa del Rey and Champi- the Year Galas, Messi has now taken the big-
ons League titles. As if that were not enough, gest step of his career by being crowned king
he was top scorer in the Champions League of football for 2009. The first-ever Argentine to
with nine goals, including one in the final be named FIFA World Player of the Year, the
against Manchester United. In the Copa del Barcelona star proved a popular and modest
Rey he scored six times, and he even managed winner and, at 22, is sure to be a contender for
to score 23 times in the league. such honors for years to come.
307 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Sports/World Cup 2010

South Africa is Ready


A fter all the nagging apprehension from the

news media countered by assurances from
South African officials that “yes we can” and
“indeed we will” the Federation of International
Football Federations (FIFA) has started certifying
the stadiums for the 2010 World Cup complete
three months before the competition is sched-
uled to begin. South Africans are raving over their
stadiums and hopeful that they will continue to
attract major sporting and entertainment events
after the World Cup guests depart.
The full picture management of South Africa
World Cup 2010 principal Danny Jordaan not
withstanding, Provincial Premiers were compet- Cape Town’s Green Point Stadium
ing with each other to produce the most fantastic cause she is responsible for managing the visi-
stadium on time and the results of this politically tors center at the Durban venue, described
intoned commitment are out. FIFA Secretary Gen- Moses Mabhida Stadium as the “Jewel of Dur-
eral Jerome Valcke after touring Johannesburg’s ban,” predicting that it would attract well at-
Soccer City, the main venue where the opening tended events for many years to come. Her job
and final matches will b played, rated it among responsibilities include giving visitors enough
the biggest and best stadiums in the world, de- information about the stadium and Durban to
scribing the pitch as immaculate. He added that generate interest in staging future events there.
it was time people stop doubting South Africa’s The stadium, named after an anti apartheid la-
capability to host the World Cup, telling the ac- bor leader, has a cable car to carry people up to
companying journalists, “As you can see the sta- its highest point where they can get out and en-
dium is complete and I have no doubt that every joy a panoramic view of Durban which is known
team that plays in this venue will find it awe- for its magnificent Table Mountain, beaches with
some.” restaurants and recreation facilities.
Soccer City has the capacity to seat 94,000 South Africa already has a well developed
people and incorporates facilities for physically tourist infrastructure with fine low cost hotels,
challenged people so that that have easy access, including estates with apartments rented on
without worry of being knocked around or stam- daily basis and an array of restaurants serving
peded by the energetic crowd. South Africa’s delicious food. South African specialties are os-
World Cup 2010 organizing boss Danny Jordaan trich, raised on farms and said to be cholesterol
told the press, “All our stadiums have facilities for free, and springbok, the local dear which is suc-
people who are disabled because we want them culent and appetizing. It is also a country of en-
too to be part of the World Cup.” During the Feb- tertainment. From the assurances given by Presi-
ruary 28th tour the outer perimeter was still un- dent Jacob Zuma during his early March visit to
der construction but Jordaan assured it would be the United Kingdom, the government has taken
completed well before football fans start pouring the challenge of hosting the World Cup as an
in from around the world to witness the opening opportunity to build up its crime control appara-
match between South Africa’s Bafana Bafana and tus. A written security plan has been developed
Mexico. and implemented in conjunction with the Orga-
Florina Maphalala, dubbed Mama 2010 be- nizing Committee and the Ministry of Safety and
308 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Sports/World Cup 2010 South Africa is Ready
Security, supported by the South African Police
Service (SAPS), has guaranteed safety and secu-
rity during the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
South Africa’s Tourism Minister Marthinus
van Schalkwyk on March 4th ordered an investi-
gation into reports that hotel operators are ex-
cessively hiking prices for the World Cup sea-
son. However, the Tourism Minister said, "Until
now our impression has been that this is not the
case, but we believe it should be investigated
and the results made public". Minister Van
Schalkwyk said the survey would help safeguard
the reputation of the tourism industry since
South Africa is known as a "value-for-money Durban’s Moses Mabhida Stadium
ACSA began upgrading the country’s airports in
South Africans are generally friendly and
2006, investing about R17-billion (US$2.3-
intelligent which helps make the country good
billion) in operations even before FIFA an-
for vacationing. It is a great place for shopping
nounced in May that year that South Africa
with an array of multi-story shopping malls of-
had won the bid. Since then construction has
fering all the world renowned brands, especially
been speeded up to meet the June 2010 dead-
for fashion. Mall stores are equipped with com-
puterized systems for accommodating interna-
For health care, in keeping with health-
tional credit cards and ATM machines found in
service requirements outlined by FIFA, the
petrol stations are programmed to enable tour-
Ministry of Health has guaranteed that the in-
ists to draw down cash on their credit card ac-
frastructure of the South African health system
− and, specifically, a comprehensive medical
South Africa’s government has guaranteed
and disaster-management service − will be
it will have in place a transport infrastructure
available in the host cities for the World Cup.
that can accommodate the travel demand cre-
According to Deputy Health Minister Dr. Molefi
ated by the World Cup. The Ministry of Trans-
Sefularo, "It's all systems go. We are happy
port, in keeping with the agreement signed with
with the health preparedness plan in as far as
FIFA, is to coordinate provision of efficient and
the FIFA Confederations Cup is concerned. Our
safe transport in each host city and, with its
emergency medical services are ready.” The
partners in the transport sector, ensure suffi-
Department of Health's preparedness plan is
cient and appropriate transport capacity. For
based on key concerns, including Communica-
South Africa this means augmenting the rolling
ble and Non-Communicable Diseases, Food
stock of taxis, tour agency cars and tourist
Control, Emergency Medical Services and Port
buses. Also, the Ministry of Communications
Health. Expressing his confidence in the pre-
has guaranteed that the telecommunications
paredness of South Africa’s health care system
infrastructure will conform to FIFA's require-
to meet the challenge of having athletes and
ments. This includes the infrastructure for wire
other people from all over the world in its care
and wireless national and international tele-
in just three months time, Dr. Molefi Sefularo
phone, data, audio and video exchanges.
declared, “Let the games begin!"
OR Tambo International Airport general
Aware of the opportunity hosting
manager Chris Hlekane, speaking on behalf of
World Cup 2010 presents to promote tourism
Airports Company South Africa (ACSA), told the
in Africa long term, Ghana’s Tourism Minister
press on March 5th in Johannesburg that the
Mrs. Zita Okaikoi urged at the United Nations-
airports infrastructure upgrading for the World
World Trade Organization/South Africa Inter-
Cup was 90% complete. “The 10% of work re-
national Summit on Tourism, Sport and Mega
maining, largely tying-up loose ends, will be
Events on March 4th that African countries
concluded in time for the World Cup,” Hlekani
build on the opportunity by developing their
said, adding, “By the end of March a lot more
tourism infrastructures and environments.
will be accomplished, [we’ll be] closer to 100%.”
309 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Sports/World Cup 2010 South Africa is Ready

Johannesburg’s Soccer City Stadium overran the original development budget by €100 million, finally costing €320m
“We are living in exciting times because
this is not just a year for Africa but the begin-
ning of a decade for Africa to shine and show-
case its uniqueness to the rest of the world,”
Mrs. Okaikoi told the audience in Johannesburg.
She advocates collaborative efforts among Afri-
can states to boost the entire continent’s pros-
pects for tourism revenue. She noted that
Ghana has been hosting mega events, including
the Africa Cup of Nations and Non-Aligned
Movement Summit, since the late 1950s, fol-
lowing its independence in ’57.
The World Cup games will be held in 9 dif-
ferent South African cities: Cape Town, Durban,
Johannesburg, Manguang/Bloemfontein,
Tshwane/Pretoria, Rustenburg, Port Elizabeth,
Polokwane and Nelspruit.
Giving an indication of local enthusiasm for
World Cup 2010, Durban’s World Cup 2010 pub-
lic relations principal Florina Maphalala told the
press, "The community in KwaMashu is so
proud of me. When I drive down the street,
people always stop me and ask me about the
stadium. I love meeting and speaking to differ-
ent people so I always make sure that I make
time for people wherever I go."

Sports/World Cup 2010 South Africa is Ready

Moses Mabhida Stadium has been dubbed “The Jewel of Durban”

Rustenburg World Cup 2010 Stadium

311 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/World Cup 2010 South Africa is Ready

Photo by Bruce Southerland

Cape Town’s Green Point Stadium

Photo by Belinda Van Niekerk

312 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/World Cup 2010 South Africa is Ready

Pretoria’s Loftus Versfeld Stadium renovated for World Cup 2010

Port Elizabeth World Cup 2010 Stadium

Bloemfontein World Cup Stadium

313 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Sports/American Football

New Orleans Saints prevail in Super Bowl, University of

Alabama captures college title

Tracy Porter scores the final Super Bowl 2010 touch-

down on an interception and 74 yard run
Super Bowl MVP New Orleans Saints quarterback
Drew Brees
N umber one ranked Alabama University
beat second ranked University of Texas at

A merican Football Conference (AFC) cham-

pions, and under dogs, New Orleans
Saints, on February 7th upset National Football
Pasadena’s Rose Bowl Stadium on January 17th,
37– 21 to win the National Bowl Championship
Series (BCS) which annually determines Amer-
League (NFL) champs Indianapolis Colts, prevail- ica’s premier National Collegiate Athletic Asso-
ing 31-17 at Sun Life Stadium in Miami, Florida. ciation (NCAA) football team. It was Alabama
For the Saints it was their first Super Bowl out- U’s 13th national championship and capped off
ing; for the Colts it was their fourth time repre- a season of 14 victories and no losses.
senting the NFL in the winter classic. Alabama’s Heisman Award winning sopho-
Over the course of the regular season the more scored 2 touchdowns, the second of which
Saints complied a 13-2 won lost record, com- put his team ahead 31-21, contributing 12
pared to the Colt’s 14-2. points to the victory, and running with the ball a
Saints free-kicker Garrett Hartley kicked 3 total 116 yards.
field goals, contributing 9 of the victor’s 31 Alabama coach Nick Saban became only
points. New Orleans was trailing 13-0 when the second in history to win the BSC national
Hartley kicked two balls over the goal post in title for two different teams. The University of
the second quarter for the AFC squad’s first 6 Texas, which won the national championship 3
points. times, was handicapped early in the game when
New Orleans didn’t take the lead until the starting quarterback Colt McCoy had to leave
fourth and final quarter when star quarterback the game suffering from an injury, to be re-
Drew Brees completed a 2 yard pass to tight placed by freshman Garrett Gilbert. Gilbert’s
end Jeremy Shockey for a touch down. Brees, passes were intercepted twice.
31, tied a Super Bowl record, completing 32 out
of 38 passes and won the games Most Valuable Alabama U’s
Player (MVP) award. Mark Ingram
Jr. was the first
The highlight and victory clinching run of
from the
the game however was corner back Tracy Por- school to win
ter’s interception of a pass by Indianapolis quar- the coveted
terback Peyton Manning, intended for wide- Heisman
receiver Reggie Wayne, for a 74 yard run into award
the touchdown zone.

314 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010


XXI Winter Olympics


Apolo Anton Ohno (left) won a silver medal in the 1500 meter short track speed skate and bronze in the 1000
meter short trace race to become the most decorated Winter Olympics competitor in history, carrying his ca-
reer medals total to 7. Teammate Shani Davis (left), reigning world record holder at 1000 and 1500 meters on
the long track won gold in the 1000 meters and silver in the 1500 meters

T he twenty first Winter Olympic Games were

held in Canada’s west coast resort city Van-
couver from February 12-28 with 82 National
$150 million. The Games took place in 9 different
Algeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Senegal
Olympic Committees participating. The United and South Africa represented Africa. Caribbean
States won the most medals, 82. Using the 5 for countries participating were Bermuda and Ja-
gold, 3 for silver and 1 for bronze pointing system maica. No African or Caribbean athlete won a
the U.S.A. could be proclaimed the overall winner medal. Ghana’s much publicized entry in the al-
with 103 points, followed by Germany and Can- pine skiing men’s slalom (downhill skiing event)
ada tied for second with 96 points. Host Canada Kwame Nkrumah Acheampong, dubbed the
won the most gold medals, 14, while Germany “Snow Leopard” came 47th. He had not received
was runner up in event wins with 10, followed by funding from the Ghanaian Olympic Committee.
the U.S.A. with 9. However the U.S.A. won the Individual fans sponsored him, each of whose
most medals, 37; with 15 silver and 13 bronze, in name appeared in one of the leopard spots on his
addition to its 9 gold. suit. The suit is to be auctioned after the Olympic
Russia did so poorly its coach resigned upon Games to help support Kwame Nkrumah-
arrival back home. Traditionally one of the strong- Acheampong and the development of skiing in
est teams Russia won only 15 medals comprised Ghana. Senegal, another novelty contender also
of 3 gold, 5 silvers and 7 bronzes. Approximately participated in the alpine skiing men’s slalom with
2,600 athletes participated in 86 events in 15 dis- Leyti Seck finishing 73rd. South Africa’s two en-
ciplines trants, Peter Scott in alpine skiing and Oliver Kraas
Canada spent $6 billion on the games, 90% of in cross country sprint skiing failed to pass the
that for infrastructure. International accounting qualifying round. Mehdi Selim Khelifi, represent-
firm Price Waterhouse projected direct revenues ing Algeria in the 15 kilometer free-style cross
of $1 billion. BC Place Stadium where the opening country skiing, finished 84th. Morocco’s Samir Azzi-
ceremonies were held was renovated at a cost of mani bested Ghana’s Snow Leopard in the men’s
315 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Sports/XXI Winter Olympics Vancouver

South Korea’s Lee Jung-su (front) won the 1000 meter short track gold; Canada’s Charles Hamelin (behind)
won his gold in the 500 meters sprint and the 5 x 1000 meter men’s team pursuit.

slalom to post the highest place among African men’s 1000 meter speed skate. Davis, 27, the cur-
participants taking 44th. Summer Olympics long rent world record holder for both 1,000 and 1,500
distance running power Ethiopia was represented meters, won silver in the 1,500 meter long track
by Robel Teklemariam in the free-style cross race. Competing for the first time in the 5000 me-
country skiing event. He finished in 93rd place. ters, Davis finished 12th but said it gave him confi-
Kenya which participated in the previous Winter dence for the future. The Netherlands’ Sven
Olympics at Turin, Italy passed up Vancouver. Kramer won the event in Vancouver in world re-
Jamaica, the country of 3 million inhabitants cord time.
that has become a world powerhouse for Track & America’s Apolo Anton Ohno became the
Field sprinting fielded Errol Kerr in the men’s free- most decorated competitor in Winter Olympics
style ski cross and he didn’t do badly for a fellow history winning silver in the short track 1500 me-
representing the tropics, finishing 9th. Kerr was ters speed skate and bronze in the 1000 meter
born in the United States and previously com- short track race. South Koreans Lee Jung-su and
peted for the U.S. team but chose to represent Lee Ho-suk won the gold and silver, respectively,
Jamaica in Vancouver. It was the7th time Jamaica in the 1000 meter short track speed skate. Lee
was represented in the Winter Olympics. Jung-su also won the 1,500 short track gold, but
In the exciting speed skating event Canada’s teammate Lee Ho-suk fell out of contention when
Charles Hamelin won 2 gold medals; one in the the two, leading, crashed in the final turn, opening
500 meter sprint and the second in the 5-man the way for Ohno to finish second. American J. R.
5,000 meter relay team race won by Canada. Celski also moved ahead of Lee Ho-suk to capture
Teammate François-Louis Tremblay’s 3rd place the bronze. Summer Olympics fourteen swimming
finish in the 500 meter sprint affirmed Canada’s gold medal winner Michael Phelps was watching
dominance of men’s skate sprinting. the skate racing in Vancouver.
Shani Davis, who in 2002 became the first
African American to qualify for the U.S. speed
skating team at the Olympics, won gold in the

316 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/XXI Winter Olympics Vancouver

Medals Table
Country Total
Gold Silver Bronze
1 United States 9 15 13 37
2 Germany 10 13 7 30
3 Canada 14 7 5 26
4 Norway 9 8 6 23
5 Austria 4 6 6 16
6 Russian Federation 3 5 7 15
7 South Korea 6 6 2 14
8 China 5 2 4 11
8 Sweden 5 2 4 11
8 France 2 3 6 11
11 Switzerland 6 0 3 9
12 Netherlands 4 1 3 8
13 Czech Republic 2 0 4 6
13 Poland 1 3 2 6
15 Italy 1 1 3 5
15 Finland 0 1 4 5
18 Australia 2 1 0 3
18 Belarus 1 1 1 3
18 Slovakia 1 1 1 3
23 Latvia 0 2 0 2
24 Great Britain 1 0 0 1
24 Estonia 0 1 0 1
24 Kazakhstan 0 1 0 1

Speed Skaters: Canada’s Charles Hamelin (left) and Shani Davis, U.S,A.

317 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/XXI Winter Olympics Vancouver

Exterior of Speed Skating Long Track (400 meters) venue, Richmond Olympic Oval (top); interior (bottom)

Sports/XXI Winter Olympics Vancouver

Shani Davis
King of the Ring

When Shani Davis won the 1000 meter speed skating gold
medal at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy he be-
came the first black athlete to ever win a medal in the Win-
ter Olympics. In January 2009 he won the world sprint
championship in Moscow. Davis has set a total of 8 world
records. At 6’2”(188cm) and 190lbs (84kg) he is the tallest
speed skater on the American Olympic team and is also
rated highest in technical efficiency. Coached and managed
by his mother Cherie Davis, he started roller skating at the
age of 2 and first made the U.S. National Junior team in
1999. He has since won 2 Olympic gold medals and 2 silvers,
in addition to 9 World Championship gold medals, 2 silvers
and 3 bronzes. He is a graduate of Northern Michigan Uni-
versity. ,

The Snow Leopard

Ghana’s Snow Leopard Kwame
Nkrumah Acheampong (top right
and right), was born in Glasgow,
Scotland while his father was
studying for a Master’s Degree
at the University of Glasgow, but
raised in Ghana, the country of
his parents. The first Ghanaian to
ever participate in the Winter
Olympics, he finished 47th in the
men’s slalom. He holds a M.A. in
Tourism Management and works
at a ski resort as an instructor.

319 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/XXI Winter Olympics Vancouver

Germany’s gold medal winning women's speed skating team: Friesinger-Postma (right), skating the anchor leg,
threw her skate forward as she scrambled across the finish line

A jubilant Canadian hockey team waves their

country’s flag after defeating Russia 7-3 in the
men’s quarter final. Canada beat the United
States in the final to win the gold medal.
Canada’s Sydney Crosby scored the win-
ning goal in the February 28th game. .

320 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/XXI Winter Olympics Vancouver
Georgian luge slider Kumaritashvili killed at Vancouver
2010 Winter Olympics
Nodar Kumaritashvili, a Geor-
gian luge slider competing at
the Vancouver Olympics, died
on the XXI Winter Olympics
opening day after crashing dur-
ing a training run and hitting a
metal pole. He was 21.
Kumaritashvili is reported
to have told his father that he
was terrified of the track on
which he later died. According
to the Vancouver Sun, Kumari-
tashvili was traveling at speeds
greater than 90 miles per hour
at the time of the crash. The
luge track (pictured bottom
right) had been called the fast-
est ever, and Associated Press
notes that concerns were raised
even before the fatal crash

TEN people suffered injuries after a

ski gondola at the 2010 Olympic site
of Whistler-Blackcomb snapped in
More than 50 stranded skiers and snowboarders
at the resort were rescued and the evacuation
took several hours on one of the coldest days
this season.
Steve Wright, a spokesman for Royal Cana-
dian Mounted Police, confirmed none of the in-
juries were serious.
The accident happened on the Excalibur
gondola, which carries skiers to the top of Black-
comb Mountain from Whistler Village, which co-
hosted the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.
Vanoc, the organizing committee for the
Vancouver 2010 Olympics, was not planning on
using the Excalibur, according to spokeswoman
Renee Smith-Valade.

321 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/Doha 2010 World Indoor Athletics Championships

Doha’s Aspire Dome Hosts

World’s Track & Field Champions

A thletes from 150 countries competed in

the Samsung sponsored International As-
sociation of Athletic Federations (IAAF) 2010
Jamaica’s 28 year old sprint queen and
UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Veronica Camp-
bell-Brown showed that she is not ready to re-
Indoor World Championships at Doha’s Aspire linquish dominance in the women’s sprint, cap-
Dome from March 12th to 14th. 374 men and turing gold in the 60 meters dash. Jamaica’s
283 women competed in 26 events. only other medal was a bronze in the women’s
The U.S.A. came in with the strongest 4x400 meter relay. Veronica won gold in 200
team, winning gold in 8 of the 26 events, plus 3 meters at both the 2004 Athens Olympics and
silver and 6 bronze medals. Kenyan born Ber- 2008 Olympics in Beijing, as well as gold on the
nard Lagat won the 3000 meters race for Amer- women’s 4x100 meter relay at Athens. She is
ica, while Christian Cantwell won the men’s one of only two women to win 200 meters in
shot put and Bryan Clay the Heptathlon. Amer- two consecutive Olympic Games. In 2007 Ve-
ica’s men picked up a fourth gold winning the ronica won the 100 meters at the World Cham-
4x400 relay with Jamaal Torrance [who won the pionships in Osaka.
bronze medal in the men’s 400 meters], Greg Sudan’s 20 year old Abubaker Kaki Khamis
Nixon, Tavaris Tate and Bershawn Jackson. won his second World Indoor Championship
America’s Debbie Dunn won the woman’s 400 title, leading from start to finish in the men’s
meters and ran on the winning women’s 4x400 800 meters. Kaki covered the four laps on the
meter relay team along with Deedee Trotter, 200 meter track In 1:46.23. In 2008 Kaki won
Natasha Hastings and Allyson Felix. Brittney the 800 meters run at Valencia. Kenya’s Boaz
Reese won the women’s long jump for the Kiplagat Lalang finished on Kaki’s heals, fol-
U.S.A. and LoLo Jones beat all comers in the lowed by Poland’s Adam Kszczot only three
women’s 60 meters hurdles field. tenths of a second behind the winner.
322 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
Sports/Doha 2010 World Indoor Athletics Championships

Cuba’s 2008 Beijing Olympics 110

meter hurdles champion Bryon Robles
leaned past America’s Terrence Trammel
at the finish line of the men’s 60 meters
hurdles. David Oliver won bronze for the
U.S.A. in the event. Cuba won silver med-
als in the women’s triple jump, with Yar-
geris Savigne finishing second to Kazakh-
stan’s Olga Rypakova, and the men’s tri-
ple jump on the strength of Yoandris
Betanzos’s second place finish behind
France’s Teddy Tamgho and William Col-
lazo’s second place spot behind Chris
Brown of the Bahamas in the men’s 400
meters. Brown, 32, ran on the silver
medal winning Bahamas 4x400 meter
relay in the 2008 Beijing Olympics but last
won gold in the 400m at the 2007 Pan
American Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Ethiopia was runner-up to the U.S.A.
in gold with three. Deresse Mekonnen
won the men’s 1500 meters, Kalkdan
Gezahegne won the women’s 1500 me-
ters and Meseret Defar won the women’s
3000 meters race. African women’s mile
record holder and 2008 World Indoor
1500 meters Champion Gelete Burka won
bronze for Ethiopia in the women’s 1500
meters after being overtaken late in the At 36 Lagat is the oldest athlete to win the indoor 3000 meters
race by Spain’s Natalia Rodriguez. Ethio- world title. It was his 4th Worldf Championship gold, but the first
pia’s Sentayehu captured bronze in the indoors. In 2007 Lagat won both the 1500 and 5000 meters at
women’s 3000 meters. Osaka, Japan.

Sudan’s Abubaker Kaki Khamis, leading

all the way, crossed the 800 meter finish
line in 1:46.23 ahead of Kenya’s Boaz
Kiplagat Lalang and Poland’s Adam

323 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/Doha 2010 World Indoor Athletics Championships

Jamaica’s Veronica Camp-

bell-Brown overtakes
LaVerne Jones-Ferrette of
the Virgin Islands to win
the women’s 60 meter
dash in 7.00 seconds. It
was the 28 year old
Campbell-Brown fastest
indoors 60 meters to
LaVerne Jones-
Ferette had run the fast-
est time this season at
6.97, followed by Carme-
lita Jeter’s 7.02. Jones
Ferettte’s 7.14 was the
fastest qualifying time in
the heats and she led for
the first 40 meters in the
final before Campbell-
Brown sped past her.

Jamaica's gold medalist

Veronica Campbell-Brown
(C), Virgin Island's silver
medalist LaVerne Jones-
Ferrette (L) and U.S. bronze
medalist Carmelita Jeter
pose during the medals
ceremony for the women's
60 meters final at the 2010
IAAF World Indoor Athletics

324 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/Doha 2010 World Indoor Athletics Championships

France’s only medalist at

Doha Teddy Tamgho set a
world indoor record in
triple jump, going 7.90
meters. Cuba’s Aliecer
Urrutia set the previous
record of 17.83 meters in
It was the first major
victory for 19 year old
Paris born Tamgho out-
side the junior class where
he won the World Cham-
pionship in 2008 and the
European Championship
in 2007.

America’s 23 year old Britt-

ney Reese (pictured here in
Berlin, 2009 World Champi-
onships where she won the
gold medal) won the
women’s long jump in Doha
with a 6.70 meters leap. Her
personal best is 7.10
achieved outdoors at last
year’s World Championships
where at 22 she became the
3rd youngest woman to ever
win the event.

325 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/Doha 2010 World Indoor Athletics Championships

Competing at the 2010 IAAF World

Indoor Championships, Ethiopia’s
Kalkidan Gazahegh (pictured here
at the February 20, 2010 Birming-
ham indoor meeting) had a star-
tling comeback to qualify for the
final. In the middle of her heat, she
collided with Yevgeniya Zolotova
and fell onto the track. She got
back up to continue the race, how-
ever, and not only caught up with
her competitors, but won the race
with the fastest time of any runner
that day. In the final she outdid
compatriot and reigning champion
Gelete Burka to win the gold
medal. This made the 18-year-old
the youngest ever winner of an
event at the IAAF World Indoor
Championships, beating the previ-
ous record set by Gabriela Szabo
15 years earlier. Kalkidan won in

Ethiopia’s Deresse Mekonnen leading

the field to the finish line in the men’s
1500 meters, rated by some observers
as the most exciting race of the Doha
championships. Mekonnen clocked
3:41.86, ahead of Morocco’s Abdelaati
Iguider in 3:41.96 and Kenya’s Haron
Keitany in 3:42.32

326 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/Doha 2010 World Indoor Athletics Championships

Cuba’s 23 year old Bryon Robles caught and leaned ahead of America’s Terrance Trammel at the tape to
add the 2010 Indoor World Championships to his string of gold medals which includes the 110 meter hur-
dles at the Beijing Olympic Games. Robles set the current world record of 12.87 seconds for 110 meter
hurdles in 2008 at Ostrava, Czech Republic. Robles 7.34 seconds in Doha set a new World Indoor Champi-
onship record for the 60 meter hurdles

America’s Terrance Trammel cleared the final

hurdle in the 60 meter race at Doha ahead of
Robles but the Olympic Champion and world re-
cord holder from Cuba sprinted first to the tape

327 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/Doha 2010 World Indoor Athletics Championships

Brazil’s Fabiana Murer pictured hr at the 2007 Rio d Janeiro Pan American Games won the pole vault in
Doha clearing the bar at 4.80 meters. Last year she won the South American Championships in Lima ,
Peru and in 2007 she won the Pan American Games pole vault. Her best vault to date, 4.82 outdoors was
achieved last year in Rio de Janeiro.

Pictured here winning the

2009 European Indoor Cham-
pionship in Turin, Italy, Rus-
sia’s Mariya Savinova won
the woman’s 800 meters at
Doha in 1:58.26, the fastest
time this indoor season. Her
personal best time is 1:57.90
minutes, achieved last July in

328 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/Doha 2010 World Indoor Athletics Championships

Britain’s 24 year old Jessica

Ennis, the current pentathlon
world champion, beat the
field in Doha. Her 4,937
points pentathlon in Doha
was the fourth best all time,
54 points behind the world
record of 4,991 set by Rus-
sia’s Irina Belova in 1992

The Pentathlon for women

consist of 5 events: 60 meter
dash, high jump, long jump,
800 meters and shot put

The men’s indoor counter-

part, the Heptathlon is com-
prised of 7 events: 60m hur-
dles, 60 meters dash, high
jump, shot put, pole vault,
long jump and 1000 meters

DOHA, QATAR - MARCH 13: Bryan Clay (R) of United States celebrates the gold medal and Trey Hardee
of United States the silver medal in the Men’s Heptathlon during Day 2 of the IAAF World Indoor Cham-
pionships at the Aspire Dome.

329 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/Doha 2010 World Indoor Athletics Championships

Team Medals Table

Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 United States 8 3 6 17
2 Ethiopia 3 0 2 5
3 Russia 2 4 3 9
4 United Kingdom 2 1 1 4
5 Australia 2 0 1 3
6 Cuba 1 3 1 5
7 Belarus 1 1 1 3
8 Brazil 1 0 1 2
Jamaica 1 0 1 2
10 Bahamas 1 0 0 1
Croatia 1 0 0 1
Kazakhstan 1 0 0 1
France 1 0 0 1
Sudan 1 0 0 1
15 Spain 0 3 0 3
16 Kenya 0 2 2 4
17 Germany 0 1 2 3
18 Canada 0 1 1 2
19 Belgium 0 1 0 1
Morocco 0 1 0 1
New Zealand 0 1 0 1
Portugal 0 1 0 1
South Africa 0 1 0 1
Ukraine 0 1 0 1
United States Virgin
0 1 0 1
26 Poland 0 0 2 2
27 Antigua and Barbuda 0 0 1 1
Bulgaria 0 0 1 1

Total 26 26 26 78

330 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/Doha 2010 World Indoor Athletics Championships

Men’s Medals Table

Event Gold Silver Bronze

60 Meters Dwain Chambers 6.48 Mike Rogers 6.53 Daniel Bailey 6.57
U. K. U.S. Antigua &
400 Meters Chris Brown 45.96 William Collazo 46.31 J. Torrance 46.43
Bahamas Cuba USA
800 Meters Abubaker Kaki 1:46.2 B. K. Lalang 1:46.3 Adam Kszczot 1:46.69
Sudan 3 Kenya 9 Poland
1500 Meters D. Mekonnen 3;41.8 A. Iguider 3:41.9 H. Keitany 3:42.32
Ethiopia 6 Morocco 6 Kenya
3000 Meters Bernard Lagat 7:37.9 Sergio Sanchez 7:39.5 Sammy Alex 7:39.90
USA 7 Spain 5 Mutahi
60 Meter Hurdles Bryon Robles 7.34 Terrance 7.36 David Oliver 7.44
Cuba Trammell USA USA
4x400 Meters Relay Jamaal Torrance 3:03.4 C. van 3:06.9 C. Williams 3:07.52
Greg Nixon 0 Branteghem 4 Nigel Levine
Tavaris Tate Kévin Borlée Chris Clarke
Bershawn Jackson Antoine Gillet Richard Buck
USA Jonathan Borlée UK
High Jump Ivan Ukhov 2.36m Y. Rybakov 2.31m Dusty Jonas 2.31m
Russia Russia USA
Pole Vault Steve Hooker 6.01m Malte Mohr 5.70m Alex Straub 5.65m
Australia Germany Germany
Long Jump Fabri Lapierre 8.17m G. K. Mokoena 8.08 Michael Watt 8.05m
Australia South Africa Australia

Triple Jump Teddy Tamgho 17.9m Y. Betanzos 17.69 A.. D. Girat 17.36
France Cuba m Cuba

Shot Put Christ Cantwell 21.83 A. Mikhnevich 21.68 Ralf Bartels 21.44
USA m Belarus Germany

Heptathlon Bryan Clay 6204 Trey Hardee 6184 A. Drozdov 6141

USA USA Russia

331 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/Doha 2010 World Indoor Athletics Championships

Women’s Medals Table

Event Gold Silver Bronze

60 Meters Veronica Brown- 7.00 LaVerne Jones- 7.03 Carmelita 7.05
Campbell Ferrette Jeter
Jamaica Virgin Islands. USA
400 Meters Debbie Dunn 51.04 Tatyana Firova 51.13 V. Stambolova 51.50
USA Russia Bulgaria

800 Meters Mariya Savinova 1:58.2 J. Meadows 1:58.4 A. Johnson 1:59.60

Russia 6 UK 3 USA
1500 Meters K. Gezahegne 4:08.1 N. Rodriguez 4:08.3 Geletee Burka 4:08.39
Ethiopia 4 Spain 0 Ethiopia
3000 Meters Mesere Defar 8:51.1 V. Cheruiyot 8:51.8 S. Ejigu 8:52.08
Ethiopia 7 Kenya 5 Ethiopia
60 Meter Hurdles LoLo Jones 7.72 P. Felicien 7.86 P. Lopes- 7.87
USA Canada Schliep
4x400 Meters Relay Debbie Dunn 3:27.3 S. Pospelova 3:27.4 B-G Wilkins 3:28.49
Deedee Trotter 4 N. Nazarova 4 Clora Williams
Natasha Hastings K. Vdovina D. Prendagast
Allyson Felix T. Firova N. Williams-
USA Russia Mills
High Jump Blanka Vlašić 2.00m Ruth Beitia 1.98m C. Howard- 1.98m
Croatia Spain Low
Pole Vault Fabiana Murer 4.80m S. Feofanova 4.80m A. Rogowska 4.70m
Brazil Russia Poland
Long Jump Brittney Reese 6.70m Naide Gomes 6.67 Keila Costa 6.63m
USA Portugal Brazil

Triple Jump Olga Rypakova 15.14 Y. Savigne 14.86 A.nna Pyatykh 14.64
Kazakhstan m Cuba m Russia

Shot Put Nadzey Ostapchuk 20.85 Valerie Vili 20.49 N. Mikhnevich 20.42
Belarus m New Zealand Belarus

Pentathlon Jessica Ennis 4937 N. Dobrynska 4851 T. Chernova 4762

UK Ukraine Russia

332 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010

Sports/Horse Racing World Cup/Dubai

Gloria De Campeao wins Dubai 2010 World Cup

Close call: Ahmed Ajtebi (centre) congratulates South Africa’s Kevin Shea (left) af-
ter the finish of the Dubai World Cup, but the winner Gloria de Campeao is on the
right Photo: REUTERS. Shea thought that he had won until the official announce-
ment of the photo finished informed the world he had finished second to Tiago
Pereira riding Gloria De Campeao, a Brazilian horse trained by a French stable.

T he world richest horse race, the

$10 million winner’s purse Du-
bai World Cup at Meydan was won on
March 27th by French trained Brazil-
ian house Gloria De Campeao, ridden
by Tiago Pereira. Gloria De Campeao
held on to the lead in the final stretch,
withstanding a challenge from Godol-
phin’s Allybar and getting to the fin-
ish a nose ahead of late surging East
Cape Derby winner Lizard’s Desire
from South Africa. The second place
finisher bagged $2 million.
It was a thrilling win for the 7
year old Brazilian horse that finished
second in last year’s World Cup. This year’s race marked the 15th running of the
Trainer Pascal Bary told Racing Dubai World Cup, but the first at the state of the art
Base: "To win a race like that with a Meydan racecourse (pictured above), which apart
horse like this is great. from its one kilometer long grandstand has a newly
"He's such a wonderful horse, he developed synthetic track surface that is easy on the
always tries. horses’ feet and legs. An estimated 50,000 turned out
"The other horses finished so fast for the occasion, which marked the start of a new era
I wasn't sure if we had won. in racing in the Arabian Gulf .
"When he comes to Dubai he is a Jockey Tiago Pereira’s strategy of taking and
different horse." early lead and slowing the pace paid off handsomely.
333 Pan Africa & World Review 1st Quarter 2010
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June 11 to July 11, 2010

Africa the World and You
Quarterly Review of Global Africa and World History in the Making

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