Foam Assisted CO2-EOR
Foam Assisted CO2-EOR
Foam Assisted CO2-EOR
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Foam assisted CO2 enhanced oil recovery has attracted increasing attention of oil companies and
Received 1 October 2012 research institutions, mainly due to the potentially high benet of foam on CO2-EOR performance.
Accepted 20 May 2014 Numerous theoretical and experimental studies, limited numbers of pilot tests as well as cases of
Available online 4 June 2014
eld applications have indicated that foaming of CO2 can greatly improve the EOR process, at both the
Keywords: microscopic and macroscopic levels. However, there are still various conceptual and operational
foam assisted CO2-EOR challenges, which may compromise the success and application of foaming process.
CO2 mobility control The oil recovery mechanisms involved in a CO2 foam ood, the complex ow behavior of the system,
capillary force reduction and the synergy between gas mobility control foaming agent and ultra-low IFT surfactants have been
capillary number denition
identied as the main challenges of this process. The unavailability of reliable predictive tools due to the
interfacial mass transfer
less understood concepts and phenomena adds more challenges to the process results and application
foam simulation analysis
A literature review of the foam assisted CO2-EOR process is presented in this paper to reveal
its strengths, highlight the knowledge gaps, and suggest ways to bring physical understandings of
experiments into foam projects' performance evaluation and simulation models for potential eld
application purposes.
& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
2. Foam-enhanced CO2-EOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
2.1. Stabilizing the displacement front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
2.2. Reducing the capillary forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
2.2.1. Capillary number application in the process assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
2.3. Modifying the rock wettability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
2.3.1. Surfactant adsorption on the rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
2.3.2. Preferred rock wetting nature for FAWAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
2.4. Enhancing the interfacial mass transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
2.4.1. Delayed gas ngering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
2.4.2. Oil transport through the lamellae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
3. Foam enhanced CO2-EOR issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
3.1. Laboratory studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
3.2. Challenges of foam simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Corresponding author. Tel.: 60 5 368 7073.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (S.H. Talebian), [email protected] (R. Masoudi),
[email protected] (I.Mohd. Tan), [email protected] (P.L.J. Zitha).
Tel.: 60 3 2331 2918.
Tel.: 60 5 368 7618.
Tel.: 31 15 278 84 37.
0920-4105/& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.H. Talebian et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 120 (2014) 202215 203
1. Introduction
CO2 mobility, and the mechanical techniques (i.e. inll drilling,
Carbon dioxide physical properties and its multiple interactions horizontal wells, various completion practices, and cement or
with oil, over a wide pressure and temperature range as found packers for isolation.) have been employed to help the CO2
in many oil reservoirs, make it a valuable displacing uid conformance (Enick and Olsen, 2011). However, CO2-WAG also
(Mathiassen, 2003). CO2 dissolves in oil, at the same time the oil suffers from viscous instabilities and gravity segregation problems,
components transfer into the CO2-rich phase, and the resulting especially in heterogenous reservoirs (Wang, 1984; Rogers and
mixture can displace oil more efciently in the CO2 swept zone Grigg, 2000). The problem is exacerbated with the high solubility
(Schramm and Wassmuth, 1994). CO2 recovers more oil via the of CO2 in brine causing a chemical reaction with water, and altering
generation of miscibility by lowering the CO2/oil interfacial tension the phase behavior of the gas/crude oil system (Masoudi et al.,
(IFT). Even non-miscible CO2 injection is still economically attrac- 2006).
tive due to the reduced oil viscosity and oil swelling (Jarrell et al., To overcome the conformance and mobility limitations of CO2-
2002). Moreover, due to the extremely low solubility of water EOR and expand its eld of application, new chemical techniques
in dense CO2 (less than 10 mol% in the temperature range of have been introduced to take advantage of the synergistic combi-
40180 1C and ambient pressure) (Tassaing et al., 2004), the nation of chemical- and gas-EOR methods. CO2 thickeners, con-
mutual solubility of oil and CO2 is not reduced. Overall, micro- formance control gels and in depth mobility control CO2-foams
scopic sweep efciency in CO2-oods can be high. have been investigated. The governing mechanisms of foam
However, CO2 viscosity ( 0.01 cP) is inherently lower than those assisted CO2-WAG, also known as low-tension CO2 process
of water ( 1.0 cP) and most of the crude oils (0.610 for conventional (Nguyen et al., 2000; Liu et al., 2010; Guo et al., 2011), in porous
oil), which can lead to a number of conformance and mobility issues, media (fractured/non-fractured), and at extreme reservoir condi-
and instability in the displacement front. Due to the adverse mobility tions of high temperature, pressure and salinity, are not fully
ratio, ngers of CO2 grow from the displacement front, and cause a understood and need more elaboration (Llama, 2011). This paper is
premature gas breakthrough, and inefcient gas utilization. Further- focusing on the most recent conrmed facts, and controversial
more, the tendency of a lower density CO2 ( 0.050.5 g/cm3) to issues involved in the process based on microscopic and macro-
migrate toward the upper part of the pay zone, a condition known as scopic views. Gaps are identied, and the future prospective works
gravity override, causes even more oil to be missed. In heterogenoeus to address them are provided.
reservoirs, unfavorable mobility ratios lead to even more severe
channeling; CO2 ows along the high permeability streaks. Conse-
quently, the volumetric sweep efciency remains low and CO2 does 2. Foam-enhanced CO2-EOR
not contact a large part of the recoverable oil in the lower permeability
regions (Sanders et al., 2010b). Fig. 1(a) and (b) demonstrates the Bond and Holbrook (1958) were the rst to show that foam
conformance and mobility issues involved in CO2-EOR, respectively. generated in oil reservoir by consecutive injection of aqueous
A solution to mobility-based sweep efciency problem is to surfactant solution and gas, for both miscible and immiscible gas
increase the viscosity of the injected uid and improve the macro- drives, could increase sweep efciency. The concept however, was
scopic sweep efciency (EMA) of the process. Water-alternating- not immediately adapted, due to the lack of understanding of the
with-gas (WAG) is considered as the technology of choice to control mobility control mechanism by foam (Li et al., 2008).
Fig. 1. (a) CO2-EOR conformance issue and (b) CO2-EOR mobility issues, listed as: (1) poor area sweep, (2) gas channeling and (3) gravity override (Hanssen et al., 1994).
204 S.H. Talebian et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 120 (2014) 202215
Foam in porous media is a gasliquid mixture where the liquid distinguish unambiguously the contributions made by either
phase forms a continuum wetting the rock, whereas a part or all of viscosity or relative permeability caused by foams (Rossen, 1992).
the gas is made discontinuous by thin liquid lms called lamellae The fraction of gas trapped within foam at steady state
(Kovscek and Radke, 1994; Gauglitz et al., 2002). Co-injection or condition in sandstone, ranges from approximately 85% to 99%
alternate injection of surfactant solution and CO2 results in the (Radke and Gillis, 1990). The amount of trapped gas in bubbles is
formation of foam in porous media. Foam can also be formed governed by pressure gradient, pore size/geometry, and foam
when the surfactant dissolved in supercritical CO2 is injected in texture. However, there is not sufcient experimental data to
porous media, without the need to inject liquid slug. Scientically, explain properly the relationship between foam texture and gas
CO2-in-water (C/W) macro-emulsion is more correct in this case. mobility reduction (Nguyen et al., 2000). Radke and Gillis (1990)
However, the term foam has come to dominate the literature in proposed a schematic summary of the pore-level microstructure of
respect to CO2-EOR (Sanders et al., 2010b; Mclendon et al., 2012). foam during ow through porous media, as shown in Fig. 2.
Foam also alleviates gravity segregation. It does not alter the
density of gas, but shifts the competition between viscous and
2.1. Stabilizing the displacement front gravity forces, especially if operation strategies maximize injectiv-
ity. Computer Tomography (CT) imaging of coreoods, where the
The CO2-EOR displacement process is controlled by viscous, dominant feature of the experiment is the CO2 gravity override
capillary, and gravity forces. Chemicals are added to modify with and without foam during a miscible ood (Wellington and
the balance between these forces. Foaming agents are known to Vinegar, 1985) are illustrated in Fig. 3(a) and (b). The CO2 (blue,
mitigate viscous instability. Mobility control by reducing viscous injected on the left hand side), injected into a horizontal core
instability is a function of foam that results in further sweep containing water and waterood residual oil, formed a single
improvement and incremental oil recovery or production accel- gravity tongue that overrides both the oil (doped to appear red)
eration (Lawson and Reisberg, 1980). and the brine (yellow), as shown in Fig. 3(a). When the experiment
Foam affects gas mobility in complex ways. The rst mechan- was repeated with a surfactant solution (yellow) injected prior to
ism is associated with moving bubbles and re-arrangement of CO2, the occurrence of CO2 foam behind oil and brine became
bubbles interfacial area. The exceeding pressure drop to drive a
bubble at a constant velocity exceeds that of an equivalent volume
of liquid, hence increasing the effective viscosity of the gas phase
(Xu, 2003). Surfactant movement at the gasliquid interfaces
induces a surface-tension gradient, which slows down the bubble
motion and this increases the effective foam viscosity (Schramm
and Wassmuth, 1994). The second and major mechanism that
reduces gas mobility is trapping of the gas phase in foam,
surrounded by liquid lamella (Radke and Gillis, 1990; Llama,
2011). At the pore level, foam tends to ow through the high
permeability and high porosity zones, while the wetting phase
occupies the smallest pore channels (Friedmann and Jensen, 1986).
A signicant trapping of gas occurs in the intermediate-sized
pores, where the capillary forces are sufciently large to immobi-
lize a large fraction of the foam bubbles. Hence, the pore space,
which would otherwise carry gas, is blocked and the gas relative
permeability is reduced signicantly. An apparent increase in gas Fig. 2. Pore scale schematic of gas trapping function of foam in porous media,
viscosity is achieved due to reduced gas ow rate, while the actual while the cross-hatched space indicates solid grains, the dotted space reects the
gas viscosity remains unchanged. However, it is not possible to wetting liquid (Radke and Gillis, 1990).
S.H. Talebian et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 120 (2014) 202215 205
apparent, which prevents gravity and viscous instabilities as propagation in higher permeability channels rather than polymer,
shown in Fig. 3(b). since foam is more stable in that part. The SMR function of foam is
Foam provides mobility control in a selective manner that can illustrated in Fig. 4 in a layered reservoir rock and a layered micro-
smooth out heterogeneities. The uniqueness of foam behavior over model (CEOR-Alliance, 2011) as the macro- and micro-scales,
the other chemical agents (i.e. polymer) is that it is stronger and respectively.
acts like a more viscous uid in high-permeability regions than in Tsau and Heller (1992), testing 10 different surfactants through
low-permeability ones (Nguyen, 2010). The strong foam formed in the core, reported specied types of surfactants that showed
high permeability regions diverts the injected uids into the low behaviors contrary to the optimistically assumed SMR mechanism.
permeability regions, providing mobility and conformance control. It highlights the need for more investigations to ascertain the
This property of foam known as selective mobility reduction (SMR) underlying mechanism involved in CO2-foam mobility.
has been observed in different research works (Tsau and Heller,
1992; Hanssen et al., 1994). Srivastava (2010), replaced polymer
2.2. Reducing the capillary forces
with foam in a chemical drive, and reported a more robust
Beeson (1963) reported experimental studies where surfactant
injection was accompanied by a gas-driven solvent bank, leading
a to substantial EOR. He attributed the observed effect to a change of
the rock wettability from water-wet to oil-wet. Marsden (1986)
however, suggested that it is more likely that an oil emulsication
by foam could produce a bigger contribution to improved oil
recoveries. In 2010, a micro-model study involving CO2 injection
showed that residual oil trapped in the model could not be
released by CO2, once a channel was created in the micro-model,
due to a highly unfavorable mobility ratio between oil and gas
(Zhang et al., 2010). This nding emphasizes the need to rst
c detach oil from the porous medium by lowering the capillary forces
through emulsication mechanism. The interactions between sur-
factants in the slug and oil favorably lower the interfacial tension
between oil and water and lead to the formation of oil-in-water
emulsions at the displacement front. As the chemical slug propa-
gates through the porous media, more oil and water are solubilised
into the microemulsion, resulting in the mobilization of residual oil,
as well as the formation of an oil bank right in front of microemul-
a sion phase. As long as the microemulsion slug is still able to
solubilize oil and water, the ow remains a single phase (Nguyen,
2010). Fig. 5(a)(c) are sequences of images from a recent work on
visualization of the pore-scale displacement in a silicon micromodel
b (Doorwar and Mohanty, 2011). A blob of trapped oil being pulled
out from the sides of ow channels due to the surfactant slug
contact is shown.
Fig. 4. Foam SMR property in macro- and micro-scale: foam efciently diverts gas bubbles from the high to the low permeability zones (with courtesy to
206 S.H. Talebian et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 120 (2014) 202215
Fig. 5. (a) Trapped oil left behind after the waterood, capillary forces prevent oil from crossing through pore throats, (b) trapped oil gets mobilized in contact with alkaline-
surfactant slug, (c) the mobilized blob of oil being pulled into the ow channel, forming a microscopic oil bead, which is eventually washed away by the ow current
(Doorwar and Mohanty, 2011).
Fv vw
N cow 1
F c sw=o cos
2.3.2. Preferred rock wetting nature for FAWAG in both water wet, and mixed/oil wet conditions would be an
The wetting nature of the reservoir rock is an important option to be considered for future studies.
variable in feasibility studies, since it not only governs uids
distribution in the reservoir pore space, but also inuences the 2.4. Enhancing the interfacial mass transfer
uid ow behavior during oil production (Kulkarni, 2005). If the
rock is strongly water-wet and CO2 is injected in WAG mode, water The formation of foam can control mobility of CO2 inside the
can shield the globules of residual oil from the CO2 due to a porous media, hence increase the opportunity for CO2 to contact
phenomenon called water blocking (Tifn and Yellig, 1983), which oil. It is anticipated that the interfacial mass-transfer between CO2
adversely impacts the process. The saturation of the CO2-rich and oil in-place is favorably enhanced in this system. At the same
phase will be limited by the presence of injected water, and as a time, there exist CO2aqueous solutionoil three phase contacts,
result, might not have sufcient capillary pressure to enter all the when foam trains pass across oil drops in un-swept pores. A brief
pores containing the remaining oil. Therefore, oil in the smaller description of the mechanisms that formation of foam can affect
pores might not be in contact with CO2 and could remain trapped mass transfer is followed.
(Jarrell et al., 2002). Although it was pointed out in another study
(Hadlow, 1992) that alternate injection of water and gas is not
detrimental to CO2 ood and water-blocking is not a signicant 2.4.1. Delayed gas ngering
problem for strongly water-wet reservoirs, continuous CO2 ood- If stable enough in the presence of oil, foam can cause large
ing has been used successfully so far and probably continues to be ow resistance and provide a higher retention time for CO2 inside
used in future (Jarrell et al., 2002; Fatemi et al., 2011). the porous media, which is the essential ingredient for a
As described in Fig. 8(a) and (b), CO2-WAG is more efcient in successful phase interaction. Foam-induced delayed gas ngering
strongly oil-wet or mixed-wet porous media. The connected oil is anticipated to enhance CO2oil interfacial mass-transfer and
layers spreading on the lms of connate water (wetting layer) gas dissolution, which in turn can mobilize oil in-place by oil
facilitate the oil ow and recovery in this case in a process called viscosity reduction and swelling (Radke and Gillis, 1990;
lm drainage (Fatemi et al., 2011). If the lm drainage mechanism Srivastava, 2010).
is dominant and active, it could potentially lead to very low Several authors reported a signicant enhancement in the
residual oil saturation. mass transfer of CO2 into water and oil (n-Decane) due to
Limited and conicting experimental results are available to surfactant presence at elevated pressures (Farajzadeh et al.,
evaluate the inuence of rock wettability on stability and perfor- 2007). However, there is still a need to measure the effect of
mance of foam (Romero-Zeron and Kantzas, 2006). Researchers surfactant on mass transfer extent, at higher pressures (Aleidan
conducted visual micro-cell (Schramm and Mannhardt, 1996) and and Mamora, 2010).
coreood (Suffridge et al., 1989) experiments in both hydro- and
oleo-philic atmospheres, observed that when the medium is not 2.4.2. Oil transport through the lamellae
water-wet, because of lamellae detachment and collapse, signi- According to experiments both in bulk and porous media,
cantly less stable foams is formed compared to the same crude oils when foam lamellae move along a thin channel and come into
and water-wet surfaces. Sanchez and Hazlett (1992) experiments contact with residual oil, different interaction models at the foam/
in initially oil-wet porous medium demonstrated that foam oil interface can occur. These interactions are classied as emulsi-
formation is a result of wettability alteration from oil-wet to cationimbibition, pseudo-emulsion lm thinning, entering, and
water-wet. From the above results, it has been concluded that spreading (Farajzadeh, 2009). At the rst place, there may be no
favorable environment for foam is water-wet system and it is signicant interaction, and the foam train would simply advance
difcult to form foam in a medium that is not water-wet unchanged over the oil. As long as foam spreads over the oil
(Farajzadeh et al., 2012). However, another foam ood perfor- (or foam-forming surfactant partition in the oil), some oil could
mance vs. wettability experiment indicated that CO2 foam is more become emulsied into the aqueous phase, and lms of aqueous
efcient in oil-wet medium than in water-wet due to larger solution separating oil from gas (pseudo-emulsion lms) will be
surfactant adsorption in the water-wet medium (Lescure and produced. Alternatively, the oil could spread over the foam, like
Claridge, 1986). defoaming agents that act by spreading out over the lamellae
Considering different effects of rock wettability on the perfor- surfaces or by penetrating and rupturing the surfaces form within
mance of CO2-WAG and foam processes, dening the favorable the lamellae (Schramm, 1994). Afterwards, the foam will be
rock wetting nature for foam assisted CO2WAG (FAWAG) is still an destabilized in the present and contact of more free oil (Denkov,
issue that needs extensive study to obtain a consistent theory. An 1999). Fig. 9(a) demonstrates the movement of gas bubbles
intelligent surfactant or foaming agent with optimal performance trapped in foam lamellae, across an oil droplet, as the pseudo-
emulsion lm separates the gas bubbles from the oil globule and
no rupture occurs (Bergeron et al., 1993). Fig. 9(b) shows how the
oil globules enter the gaswater interfaces of two bubbles, at the
three phase contact lines (Denkov, 1999).
Radke and Gillis (1990) studied foam/oil interactions in a micro
visual glass cell. They reported that stability of foam in the
presence of emulsied oil depends rst on the stability of
pseudo-emulsion lm and then on the ability of oil to enter the
foam lm surface and spread on it. Furthermore, Schramm and
Novosad (1990) highlighted the importance of pseudo-emulsion
lm stability on the movement of crude oil in the porous medium.
The degree of emulsication of the crude oil into the moving foam
greatly affects the oil transport. They observed that pseudo-
Fig. 8. (a) Water-wet rock mechanism; oil is trapped as globules surrounded by
water, and act as choke valves and (b) mixed-wet/oil-wet rock mechanism; oil
emulsion lm was less stable with ner emulsions. They concluded
remains as a lm on the rock, and can be gradually stripped away by owing water that the oil transport is best in the systems where the degree of
(Jarrell et al., 2002). emulsication and the stability of the pseudo-emulsion lm are
S.H. Talebian et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 120 (2014) 202215 209
intermediate. This nding is however, in contrast with what oil drops through the lamelle Plateau channels. The oil emulsica-
Nikolov et al. (1986) observed as the stability of pseudo-emulsion tion character of FOMAX is compared with the bench mark AOS
lm is higher with smaller crude oil drops in the alpha olen foaming agent, as can be seen in Fig. 10.
sulfonate (AOS) foaming agent. A possible reason for this difference Results of Kristiansen and Holt (1992) on foam ow in the
may come from different types of crude oils used, and the effect of presence of residual oil in core plugs are taken as the support for
oil properties, such as viscosity on foam/oil interactions. It can be the emulsicationimbibition mechanism of oil drops into the
concluded that the stability of foam in the presence of oil is related foam structure. Fig. 11 shows the efuent of a surfactant alternat-
to the stability of the foam pseudo-emulsion lm, which is ing gas (SAG) coreood dynamic displacement test carried out by
dependent on surfactant type as well as type of the oil. using Malaysian crude oil (Dulang) and FOMAX surfactant at the
Fig. 10 presents the results of a bulk experiment focusing on the reservoir conditions. As can be inferred from Fig. 11(a), the foam
stability of a newly-developed CO2-philic surfactant foaming agent break through contains oil drops inside the foam lamellae exiting
(FOMAX), in contact with a Malaysian crude oil (Dulang) to show the core holder. Fig. 11(b) also shows the produced oil-in-water
the emulsion mechanism and ability of foam bubbles to carry emulsion as the result of foam ooding.
Oil drops
3.1. Laboratory studies
Fig. 10. Bulk experiments of oil transport through the lamellae channels at 90 1C and atmospheric pressure: (a) AOS foam is not able to carry sufcient amount of oil,
(b) FOMAX foam carrying oil drops via emulsion mechanism, and (c) oil drops shown in the FOMAX lamellae structure.
210 S.H. Talebian et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 120 (2014) 202215
Fig. 11. Efuent recovered from the coreood test using FOMAX surfactant in SAG mode: (a) Foam break through during the chasing water injection and (b) oil drops
suspended in the efuent solution.
and simulations heavily based on the 1-D test results should be Since oil saturations greater than the critical saturation (Snor :
cautiously used in the eld application design. 510%), tend to signicantly reduce the effectiveness of foams in
The effect of oil on foam stability has been a subject of debate coreood tests (Schramm, 1994), the use of CO2 foams as a
for long time (Schramm, 1994). Most of foam/oil interaction secondary oil recovery mechanism may not be advantageous
characterizations have been performed in bulk column tests, or widely feasible. Nevertheless, recent studies on foam in the
where the foam height is considered as the representative of the presence of oil provided tangible evidence of foam adequate
ability of surfactant to produce stable foam in the presence of oil stability and ability to recover signicant amount of oil remaining
(Manlowe and Radke, 1990). However, one should take note that in the core after waterood (Farajzadeh et al., 2012; Simjoo et al.,
theories of oil/foam interactions based on bulk experiments may 2012). However, the sandstone cores used in these studies were
not necessarily be related to foam ow in porous media, and the partially saturated with oil, leaving a part free of oil, namely as
physics of foam in bulk and porous media are rather different foam generation chamber, to generate foam that did not comple-
(Andrianov et al., 2012). Mechanisms of foam generation and tely decay upon coming in contact with oil (Simjoo et al., 2012).
coalescence in porous media are related to foam lm, foam Development of strong foam in realistic situations, where oil is
texture, and capillary pressure (Kovscek and Radke, 1994), which present in the entire porous media is still of question, and further
are radically different from the bulk tests. Furthermore, the oil laboratory studies are still needed to provide answers to this
used in the column test is limited to dead oil, which is different question.
from the live oil present in the reservoir rock, containing high Because measuring in-situ foam texture is practically impos-
amount of light components. sible, and due to some biases regarding off-situ bubbles-size
Various core-ood tests in the presence of different crude oils measurements from the efuent ow of coreood experiments,
showed that the foam is destabilized more by light oils. On the it is still controversial how to control foam behavior inside
other hand, a study used pure alkenes did not nd any general the porous media to achieve desired outcomes. Whether pre-
correlation between foam destabilization and oil carbon number generated foam would obtain a new texture when injected into a
(molecular weight). This can point to a danger in studying foam porous medium, or the critical conditions under which the
destabilization by single-component pure hydrocarbon oils if the different foam generation mechanisms become important, have
results are intended to reect the action of reservoir crude oils that not been claried yet. Micromodels can provide an insight into
contain many components (Schramm and Novosad, 1992). The how foam is generated and destroyed, the mechanisms that
effect of different oils could be described in a manner of oil dominate bubble-size distribution, and the foam rheological pro-
viscosity, in which the more viscous oils would be expected to perties. However, dimensionality of micromodels is the main
emulsify more slowly than the others, and this slow emulsication limitation in extrapolating the microscopic observations to core-
would be expected to retard the rate of foam lamellae breakage. ood studies (Nguyen et al., 2000).
S.H. Talebian et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 120 (2014) 202215 211
3.2. Challenges of foam simulation mobility with respect to bubble population. Fractional-ow theory
or model based on method of characteristics can provide qualita-
Efforts to capture the detailed physics of foam ow in porous tive predictions of foam displacement in an ad/hoc manner, which
media have resulted in models with many parameters that need to can be used as the rough estimate prediction tool. Percolation
be determined from the experimental data. However, the physics approaches also can provide qualitative predictions. However, in
of the process is in general very complex; The ow performance in contrast to fractional-ow method, this method may require
the foam ooding should be handled with dynamically created intensive computations and limited to their assumptions. The
phases (water, oil, gas, microemulsion, and other HC phases), functionality and limitations of each of the above methods have
foamoil interactions, dependence of foam stability on several been discussed in various works (Falls et al., 1988; Chou, 1990;
parameters (salinity, wettability, temperature, oil composition), Kam et al., 2007; Zanganeh, 2011).
and nally up-scaling the parameters derived from the coreood The concept of local-equilibrium method has been adopted in
experiments for eld scale modeling are still not fully understood. different commercial simulators (i.e. CMG STARS, ECLIPSE) with
Addition of the above complexities to these models leads to few different modications. Ma et al. (2013) have recently examined
concerns about their practicality. Therefore, it is recommended for CMG STARS for foam ow through the porous media and proposed
the user of the simulation models to know what can be expected an approach to obtain the model tting parameters for different
from a model to deliver in terms of the physics of the process. experimental conditions successfully.
Fig. 12 illustrates the foam material balance in a unit cell of the The ECLIPSE black oil model (ECLIPSE 100) model does not
reservoir, as it is generated in-situ, propagated, degraded, and attempt to capture the details of foam generation and coalescence
in-situ re-generated under proper conditions. Foam lamellae mechanisms, and the effective foam is treated as the surfactant
generation mechanisms in the porous medium are snap-off, concentration that acts to decrease the mobility of the gas, as is
lamella-division, and leave-behind, and well-documented else- transported in either the water or the gas phase as a tracer. The
where (Kovscek and Radke, 1994; Nguyen et al., 2000). In-situ main effect of foam ood captured is the gas mobility reduction
generated foam is then transported through the porous medium factor, in which the foam mobility reduction factor (MRF) is
and distributed into decayed foam, adsorbed foam, the effective attributed to the concentration of lamellae in gas phase. Effects
foam (Spirov et al., 2012), and the temporarily trapped foam. Foam of gas velocity, oil saturation, surfactant (foam) concentration,
loss would be through foam natural decay over time, which could water saturation, and capillary number can be added through the
be enhanced due to increased temperature and pH, or foam MRF function of foam. Surfactant concentration effect is consid-
coalescence due to lamellae stretching and squeezing while foam ered through the oilwater interfacial tension changes for capillary
is owing through pores (Jimnez and Radke, 1989). The adsorp- number calculations. The reference capillary number for foam
tion of foam on to the rock is other foam loss mechanism, which ood in simulator is calculated, when gas is displacing water
may result in surfactant induced wettability alteration. Trapped (without surfactant added yet), in a rock considered strongly
foam or the temporarily solid foam lamellae, which is not owing water-wet, and remains water-wet during the whole process.
through the core like other uids, can be another state of the foam. The newly-released version of ECLIPSE compositional model
Desorption of part of the adsorbed surfactant, can raise the (ECLIPSE300) has aimed phenomenological modeling of the foam
surfactant concentration in the unit cell, which under favorite process in terms of foam adsorption and decay, IFT reduction
conditions for the key components such as surfactant, oil and function, and wettability alteration. In the new version of simu-
water saturationsC nS ; Snor ; Snw , can bring about foam re-generated lator, foam and surfactant are modeled as separate water compo-
in-situ. The foam re-generation, which is a relatively new concept nents having their own properties different from the ones of pure
observed in recent laboratory studies, can result in signicantly water (ECLIPSE Technical Manual, 2013). The surfactant model
extending the life of the foam, and increasing the oil recovery. provides a way to model the transformation of collapsed foam into
However, the so-called proper conditions are yet to be dened and a surfactant dissolved in water. In such a model, foam component
used in models. would act on the mobility of the gas phase, while surfactant
The existing theoretical models for foam process can be may change capillary pressure, miscibility, and wettability. Foam
classied into four groups know as population-balance, local- adsorption and desorption can be modeled using chemical reac-
equilibrium method, fractional ow, and nally models based on tions, in which the surfactant is converted from water components
network analysis or percolation approach. The population-balance into a solid component and vice versa, respectively. The change to
foam model is the most comprehensive mechanistic foam model wettability is then modeled, dependent on the adsorbed solid
in terms of the physics of foam generation and decay. The concentration, by interpolating between two extreme states of low
signicant achievement of this model is that it can track dynami- and high concentrations of adsorbed solids. However, as discussed
cally mobility of foam and accounts for non-Newtonian gas in the previous section, the surfactant adsorption and wettability
modication depend on the type of oil surrounding the oil-wet undesirable results of several trial tests, in combination with some
rock. The differences in the adsorption levels depending on the practical difculties including maintaining foam at a specied
composition of oil in grid cells, is not considered in the current quality deep within the formation, forming weak foams in low-
version of simulator. The advantage of introducing chemical permeable, oil-bearing zones compared to generating strong
reaction mechanism in foam simulation is that the concept can foams in high-permeable, watered-out zones, and nally demand-
be used to model other processes involved in foam ood. The ing logistics of SAG mobility control treatments, especially for
dissolution of CO2 in aqueous solution, or in case of CO2-soluble cycles of very short duration.
surfactants, the solubility of surfactant component (water compo-
nent) into CO2 (gas component) can be captured in this way. 3.4. Pilot to eld development limitations
Although there is no example of foam simulation considering
trapped foam, it can also be implemented in simulation using In any of the different schemes used for pilots, to answer the
chemical reaction. question why successful pilots did not make a transition to wider
In general, studies on the available commercial simulators eld applications, developers are dealing with the challenges such as
suggest that there is still a room for renements in capturing the scale-up from pilot to full eld, remote onshore environments,
detailed physics of foam system. Furthermore, since their adopted offshore application issues, chemical supply, storage, transfer limita-
methods are heavily dependent on the experimental ndings for tions (Waldman, 2012; Zain, 2012), and HSE concerns (Razali, 2012).
model tuning process, they might be hard to rely on for full-eld Separation and post-processing techniques of produced uids are
scale predictions. also of concern (Janssen, 2012). Answers to the problems associated
to transition to the larger scale is not clearly specied and out of
3.3. Pilot studies scope of this work. However, it should be noted that, in addition to
the concerns on the fundamental physics/sciences and economic
After mobility control trial at Joffre Viking oil eld, which was challenges, the comfort level and mindset of the ones involved in the
unsuccessful because of the foam propagation failure, there are no approval process play a key role.
reports of CO2-foam pilot tests using brine-soluble surfactants for Table 1 presents the results of US eld trials of CO2-foam
mobility control (Enick and Olsen, 2011). This may be due to ooding during 1990s (Jonas et al., 1990; Chou et al. 1992;
CO2-foam Field Trials, USA (1990s), (Jonas et al., 1990; Chou et al., 1992; Enick and Olsen, 2011).
Joffre Viking 1990 CO2 22 times as mobile as reservoir oil and brine Slow foam propagation, No: Technical/Economical
Viscous ngering/gravity segregation Modest rise in oil production
Wasson 1994 Extremely high cyclic gas production rates Delayed CO2 breakthrough, Yes: Technical
Reduced CO2 production No: Economical
EVG/SAU 1992 Signicant CO2 breakthrough SAG for offending well provided: Yes: Technical
Near well-bore conformance issue Positive oil response, Delayed CO2B.T., Economic can be modied; sacricial
Thoroughly documented eld test Reduced CO2 production surfactant/less surfactant usage
SACROC 1984 Conformance issue Dual-porosity reservoirs are not the No adverse/benecial effects
best candidates for foams
Wilmington 1984 Extremely high CO2 production during WAG Dramatic increase of gas ow to less Partial: Water injection after foam
permeable zones formation collapsed foam
Uneven distribution of injected uids In-depth permeability reduction
SAG should be followed by surfactant
or CO2
Rock Creek 1984 High residual oil after miscible CO2 ood Co-injection of CO2 and surfactant No: Nor mobile oil front, neither
Frontal instability Foam formation in well foam pass the observation well
No intention for conformance issue Reduced injectivity
Operational problems
Wertz pre-1991 Need for conformance control Short-lived, unsatisfactory No: SAG abandoned in favor of
conformance, polymer gel conformance control
Need to divert CO2 using by SAG Ineffective diversion of in-situ methods
generated foam to fractured portions
North Ward-Estes 1992 Poor sweep efciency due to vertical conformance issue, Strong in-situ generated foam Yes: Key benet related to reduction
of CO2 recycling,
Problematic producer caused Reduced CO2 injectivity, Foam can dramatically improve CO,
high gas production/early B.T. Signicant CO2 diversion from high utilization in reservoirs containing
permeability zones, large thief zones
Foam used to selectively retard gas ow Reduced CO2 production at
problematic producer
Incremental oil recovery
Rangely Weber 1990 Signicant CO2 production Foam placed in formation despite Yes: Foam was found less expensive
hydraulic fractures in injector conformance technique than
Need to divert CO2 away from watered-out thief zones into Lower gas production, improved gas polymer gels
less permeable oil-rich layers utilization
Higher oil production
EMU31 1991 Need for reversible conformance control Foam 310 times less mobile than CO2 Yes: The most conclusive evident of
in the presence of oil foam effect on conformance/mobility
Most appropriate situation for foam Reduced gas injectivity control
Multiple thin intrazone thief zones, not vertically Fluid diversion from thief zones
differentiated thief zones, thief zones capable of oil Continued gas production cut
production 8 weeks after SAG ended
Increased entire oil recovery
S.H. Talebian et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 120 (2014) 202215 213
Enick and Olsen, 2011). The initial problem of the reservoir, foam stability by increasing liquid phase viscosity, which slows the rate
function, and the consequent results of foam injection are also of liquid drainage and the rate of gas diffusion from foam
presented in this table. Reduced CO2 injectivity is a common (Schramm and Wassmuth, 1994). The type of applied polymer
observation in mostly all of the trials, which in some cases resulted depends on the desired application and selected reservoir condi-
in reduced CO2 production, and increased oil production tions. Low concentrations of polyacrylamides for instance, showed
accordingly. higher foam resistance and longer foam persistence. However, the
relationships between the physical characteristics of polymer-
thickened foams and their performance in porous media are
4. Foam enhanced CO2-EOR prospects unclear (Zhu et al., 1998). The mechanism, which leads to foam
stability by polymer, is yet to be understood (Schramm and
Sufcient amount of effective foam is indispensible for each Wassmuth, 1994), and discussion about polymer foam stability is
type of mobility reduction mechanism and conformance control. still open. Some recent studies even claim that polymer destabi-
The formation of strong foam with the ability to propagate a lizes foam especially in the presence of oil, raising water saturation
considerable distance from the injection well, due to the trapped and hence water relative permeability (Shen et al., 2006).
surfactant mobilization, improves the mobility ratio and diverts Recently, the notion of stabilizing foams with nanoparticles
the injected uids to other regions of the rock that can cause the (rather than surfactants) has been raised. These particles can be
transport of oil droplets before the rupture. Three distinct types of readily dispersed in the brine that is injected alternately with CO2,
foam-stabilizing compounds have been considered: CO2-soluble and irreversibly adsorbed at CO2-water interface, providing longer
non-ionic surfactants, nanoparticles, and gel conformance control. term foam stability than traditional surfactants (Worthen et al.,
2013). Johnston and co-workers pioneered the use of nanoparti-
4.1. CO2 soluble surfactants culate matters for generating Pickering emulsions (particle-stabi-
lized emulsions) of CO2-in-water (C/W) foams as an alternative to
To mitigate the conventional SAG operational problems, slow surfactant-stabilized CO2 foams(Adkins et al., 2007; Enick and
foam propagation, and reduced injectivity, and to provide additional Olsen, 2011). Nanoparticles (i.e. Silica) have been used to stabilize
options for generating foam in-situ, the idea of dissolving surfactant CO2-in-water emulsions and foam, since they are available
in the injected high pressure CO2 rather than brine has been at reasonable prices and from environmentally benign materials
developed (Le et al., 2008). The CO2-soluble surfactant in this for lab-scale experiments, or in bulk for pilot tests. Because the
process would be present where the CO2 ows in the formation primary particle size of nano-silica can be as small as several nm,
(sometimes at lower velocity than gas) and the injected CO2 is the dispersion of these particles in brine yields a transparent
diverted into the oil bearing zones by surfactant in a more effective solution that can readily ow through porous media with pore
manner. Given the large amounts of brine in the pore space, foam throats that may be 1000 nm in diameter. Unlike surfactants,
could still be generated in-situ, which can reduce or even eliminate such particles could be used without loss of the foam-stabilizing
the need for alternating injections of brine. Therefore, excellent gas agent due to adsorption or chemical degradation. The effect of a
injectivity less gravity segregation, and no issue of salinity and mixture of silica nanoparticles and a cationic surfactant on the
hardness are expected in the reservoir. Surfactant adsorption on the stability of C/W foam has also been tested recently and assessed in
porous rock and its partitioning between water and oil is also terms of interfacial properties. The resulted stable foam showed a
reduced which helps accelerating foam propagation (Rossen, 2012). good synergism between nanoparticles and surface active materi-
The result of core-ood experiments conducted to compare als (Worthen et al., 2013). In essence, the initial lab tests, especially
conventional SAG with novel injection strategies (water-alternat- for the generation of mobility control foams, appear to be
ing-gas with surfactant injected in CO2 or WAGS, and continuous promising (Espinoza et al., 2010; Worthen et al., 2013), but the
CO2 injection with dissolved-surfactant) was reported by Le et al. process has yet to be fully assessed in lab tests, reservoir cores, or
(2008). Ultimate oil recovery of SAG and WAGS was almost pilot tests.
the same, while novel CO2 injection gave a substantially higher
recovery, nearly 61% of OOIP. In essence, CO2-soluble surfactants 4.3. Combining gel conformance control with CO2-foam
would be the recommended foam-stabilizing agent available for mobility control
eld operations dedicated to the continuous injection of CO2.
Recent results of displacement experiments conducted on mixed In-depth gel placement for carbon dioxide conformance control
wettability SACROC carbonate core plugs, where surfactant is to block thief zones has been used in both pilot and eld tests
dissolved in both CO2 and brine slugs have shown that the since 1980s (Wagner and Weisrock, 1986; Sydansk, 1988; Seright,
pressure drop, which is a signature of in-situ foam propagation, 1988). More expensive and less reversible than foam, gels are
when surfactant was dissolved in the brine, was 1.53 times reported to be more robust and effective conformance control
greater than in the CO2-dissolved surfactant test (Mclendon et agents according to the eld trials conducted in the late 1970s and
al., 2012). CT images of the cores from the SACROC pilot ood have continuing to the present day (Enick and Olsen, 2011). However,
not published yet, however the results are indicative of a CO2 the choice of foam or gel for conformance control is still case
diversion to the previously CO2-free zones due to the CO2- sensitive, depending on the characteristics of reservoir thief zones.
surfactant solution implementation (Sanders et al., 2010a). Remarkable mobility reductions have also been reported for gel-
The overall results indicate that slightly CO2-soluble, water- based techniques in extremely high permeability ow paths, in
soluble, non-ionic surfactants can provide mobility control improve- which foams are generally inefcient. Nevertheless, in other cases,
ment during CO2 ooding, while bringing new opportunities for the gels are incapable of being used for effective mobility control
operators for designing continuous or alternating injection strategies. purposes due to dramatic increase in viscosity. Hence, operator
should consider the conditions of the reservoir before employing
4.2. Polymer and nanoparticles as foam-stabilizing agents any of these chemical techniques. Given the few CO2 foams that
were tested in the eld for mobility control/sweep improvement,
The addition of polymer was recommended to enhance the perhaps pilot tests of gel-based conformance control followed
foam properties by several authors (Ali and Selby, 1986; Khatib by SAG mobility control foam can improve interest in CO2 foam
et al., 1988; Kutay and Schramm, 2004). Polymer increases foam technology.
214 S.H. Talebian et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 120 (2014) 202215
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