The Role of Shielding Gas
The Role of Shielding Gas
The Role of Shielding Gas
Research Journal
Volume 10, No. 32, Dec. 2016, pages 156168 Research Article
DOI: 10.12913/22998624/65119
Centre for Excellence in Corrosion and Surface Engineering (CECASE), National Institute of Technology,
Tiruchirappalli 620 015, Tamilnadu, India
CECASE & Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 620 015,
Tamilnadu, India, e-mail: [email protected]
Central Workshops, Southern Railway, Tiruchirappalli 620 004, Tamilnadu, India
Keywords: gas metal arc welding, shielding gas, corrosion, weld microstructure, cor-
ten steel.
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016
ability of materials of the prescribed quality and contents of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen dis-
specification variations in quality of workman- solved in the weld metal [18].
ship and climatic and service conditions from The low alloy high yield strength corten steel
Railway to Railway, it is difficult to predict the to IR Specification No. M-41 [10], used in the
period for repair with any degree of accuracy [8]. construction of Indian Railway Coaches, falls in
It will, therefore, be necessary that on subsequent the category of weathering steels [13, 21] and it
despatch of these coaches to workshops for Peri- is similar to commercially available steels such as
odical Overhauling (POH) which is now fixed as SAILCOR grade steel produced by Bokaro Steel
once every 18 months, all coaches irrespective of Plant,SAIL, India and patented CORTEN steel
age and the degree of attention given in the previ- USA [6]. They contain small amounts of alloying
ous POHs should be subjected to a thorough ex- elements such as Chromium, Nickel, Copper and
amination. During POH, the corroded portions of Phosphorus for mitigating atmospheric corrosion
structural members such as sole-bar are gas cut and solid-solution strengthening. The enhanced
and new parts are welded in position. corrosion resistance of Corten Steel is due to the
This analysis is carried out to find a suitable formation of a dense and well-adhering corrosion
combination of shielding gases for improved product layer known as the patina [13] which
mechanical, metallurgical and corrosion proper- protects the steel from corrosive environment.
ties of welds during corrosion repair using semi- Besides possessing greater mechanical strength
automatic GMAW process with copper coated and corrosion resistance than mild steel or plain
solid MIG/MAG welding filler wire size 1.2 mm carbon steel, the patina is also valued for its at-
conforming to AWS/SFA 5.18 ER 70 S. The solid tractive appearance and self-healing abilities.
wire is found to have a good operator appeal due It is sometimes difficult to determine why
to less noxious fumes , smooth wire flow and easy welds corrode and many factors starting from
manipulation of weld Torch for corrosion repair weld design are implicated. Weldments can ex-
activities in coaches at various locations in Semi- perience all the classical forms of corrosion, but
automatic GMAW process and also economical they are particularly susceptible to those affected
due to low cost compared to Flux cored wire. by variations in microstructure and composition
[4]. Corrosion resistance can usually be main-
tained in the welded condition by balancing alloy
LITERATURE SURVEY compositions to inhibit certain precipitation reac-
tions, by shielding molten and hot metal surfaces
High productivity, applicability for a wide from reactive gases in the weld environment,
range of base metal thickness in all welding posi- by removing chromium-enriched oxides and
tions, and adoptability to automation are charac- chromium-depleted base metal from thermally
teristics of Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) pro- discoloured (heat tinted) surfaces, and by choos-
cess [14]. GMAW process has become popular ing the proper welding parameters. Weldments
because of its high quality welded joints that can exhibit special microstructural features that need
be obtained at relatively low cost [5], and its con- to be recognized and understood in order to pre-
siderable potential for automation [7]. The pri- dict acceptable corrosion service life of welded
mary function of the shielding gas is to protect structures. Weldments inherently possess com-
the molten metal from atmospheric gases as the positional and microstructural heterogeneities,
weld pool is being formed. The gas also promotes which can be classified by dimensional scale. On
a stable arc and uniform metal transfer. The qual- the largest scale, a weldment consists of a transi-
ity, efficiency, and overall operating acceptance tion from wrought base metal through an HAZ
of the welding operation are strongly dependent and into solidified weld metal and includes five
on the shielding gas, since it dominates the mode microstructurally distinct regions normally iden-
of the metal transfer [7]. The shielding gas not tified as the fusion zone, the unmixed region, the
only affects the properties of the weld but also partially melted region, the HAZ, and the unaf-
determines its shape and penetration pattern. fected base metal. On a fine scale, microstructural
During welding, the shielding gas also interacts gradients exist within the HAZ due to different
with the welding wire determining the strength, time-temperature cycles experienced by each el-
toughness and corrosion resistance of weld de- ement of material. Gradients on a similar scale
posits. The shielding gas also affects the residual exist within solidified multi-pass weld metal due
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016
Table 1. Chemical composition requirement of parent metal and filler wire (in weight %)
Incidental Elements
C Si Mn Ni Cu Cr S P
(0.15 max)
Mo=0.05 max
0.10 0.28 0.25 0.20 0.30 0.35 0.03 0.075 V=0.05 max
max. to 0.72 to 0.45 to 0.47 to 0.60 to 0.60 max. to 0.140 Al=0.08 max
Nb=0.04 max
Table 2. Mechanical property requirement of parent 5.32 [1] and have the compositions: (1) Pure CO2,
metal and filler wire (2) 80% Ar 20% CO2, (3) 90% Ar 10% CO2.
Mechanical property Parent Metal Filler wire The experimental work setup is shown in Fig-
Tensile strength(MPa) 480 min. 510 ure 1, thus to obtain good actual heat input (HI);
Yield strength(MPa) 340 min. 350 electric cables of arc data monitor III device were
Elongation (%) 22% min. 26% precisely fitted according to the manual user of
the device especially to the contact tube and work-
piece to minimize the losses in the generated HI
to bead-to-bead variations in thermal experience. and to obtain high arc efficiency for each shield-
Compositional gradients on the scale of a few ing gas. On the other hand, for the theoretical HI
microns, referred to as microsegregation, exist the welding machine was precisely programmed
within individual weld beads due to segregation to reduce the losses in the resulted HI.
of major and trace elements during solidification. The optimum welding conditions were select-
ed as shown in table 3 and complete weld joints
were accomplished using plates of 5 mm in thick-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ness with dimensions 130 mm (length) 125 mm
(width) for each composition of shielding gas as
The sample pieces of Parent metal for ex- shown in Figure 2. Each plate was mechanically
periment were made ready from the cut pieces of bevelled to an angle of 30 to form a single V
new Sole bar material conforming to corten steel butt groove joint with 1 3 mm root gap opening
to Indian Railway Standard, IRS M41/97 [10]. to study the effect of shielding gas compositions
The filler wire used for the welding of three test
pieces was Copper coated solid MIG/MAG wire
conforming to AWS/SFA 5.18 ER 70 S with 1.2
mm nominal diameter. The chemical composition
and mechanical property requirements of both
parent metal and filler wire are shown in Table 1
and Table 2 respectively.
Semi-automatic GMAW process with combi-
nations of argon (Ar) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as
shielding gas was used in this study. The welded
specimens were subjected to test and analysis to Fig. 1. Experimental work setup
find out the Mechanical, metallurgical and corro-
sion properties to arrive at the most appropriate
shielding gas. Table 3. Welding conditions/Welding parameters
Current 220 Amps
Voltage 24 V
EXPERIMENTAL WORK Gas flow rate 15 Lpm
Welding speed 35 mm/min
Pure carbon dioxide (CO2) and combinations
Coil feed rate 80 mm/min
of argon (Ar) and CO2 were used throughout this
Standoff distance 15 to 18 mm
study. They meet the requirements of ASME SFA
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016
Table 4. Chemical composition of parent metal and weld metal (in weight %)
Fe C Si Mn Ni Cu Cr S P Nb
Parent metal 98.238 0.097 0.31 0.34 0.21 0.30 0.41 0.02 0.075 --
Weld Metal 1 97.972 0.069 0.604 1.009 0.068 0.123 0.087 0.019 0.032 0.017
Weld Metal 2 97.969 0.069 0.542 1.076 0.073 0.122 0.078 0.024 0.024 0.023
Weld Metal 3 97.703 0.076 0.647 1.132 0.092 0.149 0.132 0.013 0.025 0.031
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016
Table 5. Microstructure phases of shielding gases used Table 6. Effect of the different shielding gas composi-
for complete welded joints tions on tensile strength
Microstructure phases percent Tensile
Shielding gas Shielding gas Point of
composition PF and FC composition Fracture
AF GF(%) MPa
Specimen 1, Weld
Pure CO2 36 60 4 459.10
Pure CO2 metal
80% Ar 20% CO2 56 40 3
Specimen 2, Parent
90% Ar 10% CO2 32 28 40 531.37
(80% Ar 20% CO2) metal
Specimen 3, Weld
(90% Ar 10% CO2) metal
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016
Fig. 9. Fracture appearance figures (1) Pure CO2, (2) 80% Ar 20% CO2, (3) 90% Ar 10% CO2
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016
confirmed that Acicular Ferrite percent decreased Effect of the different shielding gas
and Grain boundary Ferrite percent increased with compositions on hardness test
the increase in CO2 content of the shielding gas
[14, 18]. Acicular Ferrite has a beneficial effect on Hardness was measured at several points
the toughness in the absence of other brittle zones which represented its distribution along the dif-
[18]. In the case of (90% Ar 10% CO2), tough- ferent areas of weldment. Plots of test positions
ness reduced due to formation of coarser alloy against hardness values (HV 10) for all the three
carbides and reduction in Acicular Ferrite as seen shielding gases are shown in Figure 10. At HAZ,
from microstructures in Figure 7 (g) and fracture the microstructure is relatively harder due to the
surface of specimen-3 in Figure 9. On increasing transformation of structure from austenite to pearl-
silicon content toughness decreases due to the for- ite with some martensite caused by heat treatment
mation of coarser alloy carbides [6]. during welding. Whereas at weldment area, the
Scanning electron micrographs of fracture hardness is relatively low due to overheat treat-
surfaces of Tensile and Charpy impact toughness ment received inside the fusion zone. Weld metal
test specimens in magnification of 2000X are hardness decreases with increasing CO2 content in
shown in Figure 9 along with EDAS for specific the shielding gas, this may be related to the loss
inclusions. in some alloying elements such as Mn, Ni and Cu
It is clear that the fracture surface morphol- during arc welding. The hardness in case of pure
ogy for the weld using (80% Ar 20% CO2) CO2 shielding gas showed the lowest values. In
shielding gas is dimple rupture that was recog- case of (90% Ar-10% CO2) shielding gas, inad-
nized by numerous cuplike depressions which equate weld dilution resulted in segregation of in-
are the direct result of the microvoid coales- clusion and caused non uniform hardness of weld.
cence, and this shows that the impact fracture
Effect of the different shielding gas
surface of weld metal exhibited exclusively duc-
compositions on corrosion rate
tile fracture and also the parent metal is ductile
as seen from tensile fracture surface, as shown Electrochemical polarisation method is pre-
in Figure 9, specimen 2. On the other hand, with ferred for corrosion measurement because it en-
pure CO2 shielding gas, the resulting fracture ables the determination of instantaneous reaction
surface of weld revealed shiny (cleavage) areas rates at electrode or solution interface in a single
as shown in Fig 9, specimen 1. As mentioned experiment while other methods require multiple
previously in section 5.2, as the CO2 percent in measurements over time to obtain the required
the shielding gas increases; the Grain boundary corrosion rate data [19]. Further the data gener-
Ferrite (GF) percent also increases. Accordingly, ated from such study is broad and can be analysed
cleavage cracks propagate more easily in the GF in many forms thus, serving as the basis for an
than in Acicular Ferrite (AF). This observation effective corrosion mitigation.
confirms that Acicular Ferrite has a beneficial Samples for Tafel extrapolation study were
effect on toughness [18]. In case of (90% Ar grounded successively to 1200 grit SiC abra-
10% CO2) gas, fracture surface of weld reveals sive paper and were degreased with acetone.
relatively less number of cuplike depressions The polarization experiments were conduct-
with oxide inclusions and shiny cleavage areas ed in a standard flat cell (Princeton Applied
for crack propagation. Research,Ametek, USA) in the potential range
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016
250 mV to +250 mV versus open circuit poten- used for the potentiostatic Tafel polarization is
tial of samples, using a computer controlled po- aerated and neutral where the cathodic reaction
tentiostat (Princeton Applied Research, Ametek- consists of the oxygen reduction (O2 + 2H2O +
273A, USA). 3.5% NaCl was used to simulate 4e 4OH-) [6]. This is also evident from Pour-
the immersed corrosion in saline environment baix diagram of Fe-H2O system [15]. Therefore,
[12]. A saturated silver-silver chloride (SSC) as the diffusion controlled oxygen reduction is
reference electrode with platinum counter elec- the only dominant cathodic reaction, the linear-
trode was used. The scan rate employed for the ity of cathodic Tafel region is absent. The icorr and
polarization studies was 0.25mVs-1. corrosion rate (in mpy) obtained from the Tafel
The corrosion current density (icorr) and zero polarisation curves of specimens under investiga-
current potential (Ecorr) were evaluated from Tafel tion are tabulated in Table 7.
polarization plots by Tafel extrapolation method as The corrosion rate is proportional to icorr and
per ASTM Standard G3-89 [9,20].Corrosion rate from the table 6, it can be seen that the specimen-
in penetration units, mils/year (mpy) was calcu- 1(pure CO2) and specimen 2 (80% Ar 20% CO2)
lated from icorr using the following equation [20]: are found to be having lower corrosion potential
and the corrosion rate is in the acceptable range
(1) when comparing to similar commercial steels [6].
Steel with Acicular ferrite microstructure exhibits
where: = 1.2866105 [equivalentssecmil]/ the lowest corrosion rate [22].
[Coulombscmyears] It is found that the surface of the Acicular
I corr the corrosion current density in ferrite specimen uniformly covered by corrosion
Amps/cm2 (Amp = 1 Coulomb/sec), products is seemingly denser and more compact
density (7.86 grams/cm3 for iron), as shown in Figure 12, and can provide some
equivalent weight (27.56 grams/ amount of protection to the steel; thus the charge
equivalent, for iron) (According to stan- transfer resistance and modulus values of the
dard ASTM (G.102-89 of 1999) practice Acicular ferrite specimen are the largest.
for calculation of corrosion rates and re- However corrosion products on martensite
lated information from electrochemical and polygonal ferrite are generally loose, porous,
measurements, the calculation of equiva- and defective, and can provide minor protective-
lent weight () for alloys entails that only ness; thus, the charge transfer resistance values
elements above 1 mass percent are in- for polygonal ferrite and martensite are lower
cluded. Hence, in the case of corten steel, and hence the icorr value for specimen 3 (90% Ar
iron (Fe) is the only relevant element (see 10% CO2) is higher indicating high corrosion
table 1). Equivalent weight is therefore rate and the icorr value for Specimen 2 (80% Ar
calculated for Fe only in the equation for 20% CO2) is lower indicating better corrosion
calculation of mpy). resistance than the others.
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016
Fig. 11. Tafel plots of weld joint specimens and parent metal
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