Survey On Dove Shampoo

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1 . Name

2 . Age

0 - 20 20 - 40 40 - 60

3 . Gender

Male Female Other

4 . Income

0-15000 15000-30000 30000- 45000 45000 & above

5 . Occupation .

6 . Family size .

No. of Males . No. of Females .

7 . What do you use to wash your hair ?

Shampoo Ayurvedic thing Homemade recipe Other

8 . How often you wash your hair ?

more than 3 times a week twice a week

once a week once a month

9 . Have you ever used Dove shampoo ?

Yes No

If yes , are you still using it ?

Yes No

10 . Does the name Dove induce you to buy the shampoo ?

Yes No

11. What made you purchase Dove shampoo ?

price Quantity Packaging other

12 . How did you get to know about Dove ?

Word of Mouth Advertisement

Celebrity Endorsement Other

13 . What type of shampoo do you use ?

Anti Dandruff Hair fall control

Split end repair Intense Damage Repair


14 . Choose the option which you consider while choosing shampoo

Very Important Neutral Not Not at all

important important important

15 . How often you switched the shampoo brand in past 6 months ?

Never Once Twice

Thrice More than thrice

16 . Will you prefer Dove shampoo over other brands ?

Yes No Maybe

17 . Will you repurchase it ?

Yes No

18 . Will you recommend it to others ?

Yes No Maybe

19 . Any recommendations ?

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