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Instruction: Select The Correct Answer For Each of The Folloaing

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Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the folloaing 13. How many arrangements of the letters in the word VOLTAGE
questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box begin with a vowel and end with a consonant?
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet A. 1490 C. 1440 *
provided. B. 1460 D. 1450
Strictly no erasures allowed. Use pencil no. 1 only. 14. Find the sum of all the 4-digit positive numbers with no zero
NOTE: Whenever you come across a caret (^) sign, it means
A. 36644635 C. 36445335
B. 36644645 D. 36446355 *
1. A degree 10 polynomial has three roots with positive imaginary.
15. How much water must be evaporated from 10 kg solution which
How many real roots does it have?
has 4% salt to make a solution of 10% salt?
A. 2 C. 3
B. 4 * D. 5 A. 4 kg C. 5 kg
B. 6 kg* D. 7 kg
2. If the repeating decimal 0.15151515 is expressed as a ratio of
16. If greeting cards cost $2.50 for a box of 12, $1.25 for a packet of
whole number a/b in lowest terms, what is the value of b a^2?
three, or 50 cents each, then the greatest number of cards that
A. 6 C. 8 *
B. 7 D. 9 can be purchased for $14.75 is
A. 62 C. 63
3. The number o.123123123 is a/an B. 64 D. 65 *
A. irrational number C. surd
B. rational number* D. transcendental 17. The sum of three succeeding odd integers is 75. The largest
integer is
4. Which of the following is not a transcendental function? A. 25 C. 29
A. a^x C. loga x B. 27* D. 31
B. sinhx D. x^3-5x^2+11x-15*
18. Let ABC be a 3-digit number such that its digits A, B, and C
5. An infinite geometric series has sum 2014. If the sum of their form an arithmetic sequence. The largest integer that divides all
squares is also 2014, and find the first term numbers of the form ABCABC is
A. 4028/2015 * C. 2013/2015 A. 11 C. 1001
B. 2013/2014 D. 2014/2015 B. 101 D. 3003 *

6. A teacher has a class of 9 students: 3 girls and 6 boys. How 19. Given that w varies directly as the product of x and y and
many ways can she seat her students in a line of 9 chairs if inversely as the square of z, and that w = 4, when x = 2, y = 6,
between any 2 girls there are exactly 2 boys? and z = 3. Find the value of w when x = 1, y = 4, and z = 2.
A. 504 C. 84 A. 2 C. 3*
B. 12,960 * D. 362,880 B.4 D. 5

6 20. If John gets a 97 on his next math test, his average will be 90. If
x2 3
7. In the binomial expansion of 2 the value of the he gets 73, his average will be 87. How many tests has John
3 x already taken?
constant term is A. 8 C. 6
A. -10 C. -20 * B. 7 * D. 5
B. 10 D. 20
21. A father and his son can dig a well if the father works 6 hours
8. Two teams A and B play in a tournament. The first team to win and his son works 12 hours or they can do it if the father works
three games wins the tournament. In how many ways can the 9 hours and son works 8 hours. How long will it take for the son
tournament occur? to dig the well alone?
A. 8 C. 20* A. 5 hours C. 10 hours
B. 31 D. 12 B. 15 hours D. 20 hours*

9. What is the 17th term of the Fibonacci sequence? 22. At what time between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. will the minute hand
A. 4597 C. 1597* and hour hand of a clock make an angle closest to 60?
B. 3427 D. 1287 A. 6: 22 a.m.* C. 6: 27 a.m.
B. 6: 38 a.m. D. 6: 45 a.m.
10. It is a statement that is always true.
A. Contradiction C. Tautology * 23. The pages of a book are numbered 1 through n. When the page
B. Equivalence D. Conditional numbers of the book were added, one of the page numbers was
mistakenly added twice, resulting in an incorrect sum of 1986.
11. Five different MATH books, 4 different HYDRO books and 2
What was the number of the page that was added twice?
different CE DESIGN books are to be placed on a shelf with A. 33 * C. 44
books of each subject together. Find the number of ways in B. 22 D. 55
which the books can be placed.
A. 35,420 C. 30,240 24. Two thousand kilogram of steel containing 8% of nickel is to be
B. 32,520 D. 34,560 * made by mixing stell containing 14% nickel with another steel
containing 6% nickel. How much of the steel containing 14%
12. Five logicians meet at a math party. Uno said, Only one of us is
nickel is needed?
lying. Duo said, Exactly two of us are lying. Trio said, Exactly
A. 1500 kg C.800 kg
three of us are lying. Quatro said, Exactly four of us are lying. B. 750 kg D. 500kg *
Cinco said, All five of us are lying. Which one of the five was
telling the truth? 25. The difference of the squares of the digits of a two digit positive
A. Uno C. Duo number is 27. If the digits are reversed in order and the resulting
B. Trio D. Quatro * number subtracted from the original number, the difference is
also 27. What is the original number?

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A. 63* C. 54 A. 6416 C. 1681*

B. 48 D. 73 B. 3616 D. 1664

26. A man left his home at past 3:00 oclock PM as indicated in his 38. If 19 kilos of gold losses 1 kilo, and 10 kilos of silver losses 1kilo
wall clock. Between two to three hours after, he returned home when weighed in water, find the weight of gold in a bar of gold
and noticed that the hands of the clock interchanged. At what and silver weighing 106 kilos in air and 99 kilos in water.
time did he left his home? A. 76* C. 82
A. 3:27.27 C. 3:31.47* B. 30 D. 58
B. 3:22.22 D. 3:44.44
39. In how many minutes after 2 oclock will the hands of the clock
27. If the letters of the word MATHEMATICS are repeatedly and form an angle of 34 for the second time?
consecutively written, what is the 2009th letter? A. 2:08:40 C. 2:31:20*
A. M C. E B. 2:15:30 D. 2:37:10
B. T D. A*
40. Suppose f(x) = ax + b, g(x) = bx + a (a, b integers). If f(1) = 8
28. In what radio must a peanut costing P240.00 per kg. be mixed and f(g(50)) - g(f(50)) = 28, find the product of a and b.
with a peanut costing P340.00 per kg so that the profit of 20% is A. 11 C. 13
made by selling the mixture at 360.00 per kg? B. 12* D. 14
A. 1:2 C. 3:2
B. 2:3* D. 3:5 41. If John is 10 percent taller than Peter and Peter is 10 percent
taller than May, then John is taller than May by
29. Find the fraction such that if 2 is subtracted from its terms A. 18% C. 20%
becomes 1/4, but if 4 is added to its terms it becomes 1/2. B. 21%* D. 22%
A. 3/5 C. 5/12
B. 5/14* D. 6/13 42. Let . What is the
value of the product abcdef?
30. A number is divided into two parts such that when the greater A. 2* C. 4
part is divided by the smaller part, the quotient is 3, and the B. 3 D. 25
remainder is 5. Find the smaller number if the sum of the two
numbers is 37. 43. Find f(1) + f(2) if ( ) .
A. 8* C. 29 A. 10 * C. 8
B. 22 D. 16 B. 6 D. 7

31. In one day (24 hours), how many times will the hour hand and 44. If y = logax , and a > 1, which of the following statements is
minute hand of a continuously driven clock be together? incorrect
A. 21 C. 22* A. if x = 1, then y = 0
B. 23 D. 24 B. if x = a, then y = 1
C. if 0 <x < 1, then y is always less than 0
32. The man has a total of 33 goats and chickens. If the total of their D. above statements are correct *
feet is 900, find the number of goats and chickens.
A. 12 goats and 21 chickens* C. 9 goats and 27 chickens 45. Maria sold a drafting pen for P612 at a loss of 25% on her
B. 6 goats and 5 chickens D. 13 goats and 20 chickens buying price. Find the corresponding loss or gain in percent if
she had sold it for P635?
33. A boat going across a lake 8 km wide proceeds 2 km at a A. 20.18% C. 11.18%
certain speed and then completes the trip at a speed of km/hr B. 22.18%* D. 28.18%
faster. By doing this, the boat arrives 10 minutes earlier than if
the original speed had been maintained. Find the original speed 46. Find the inverse function. f (x) = 5ln(x + 2)
of the boat. A. f^-1(x) =e^x+2/5 C. f^-1(x) =5e^x-2
A. 5 km/hr C. 8 km/hr B. f^-1(x) =e^x/5-2 * D. does not exist for this
B. 4 km/hr* D. 6 km/hr function
47. If f(x) = (x + 3)^x+2(x + 1)^x, then what is f(0) + f(1) + f(2)?
34. Beginning with 1, all the positive integers are written A. 5067 C. 5895
successively, beginning 1234567891011121314. What digit B. 5726* D. 5673
appears in the 2011th position?
48. On one job, two power shovels excavate 20000m 3 of earth, the
A. 5 C. 7*
B. 6 D. 8 larger shovel working for 40 hours and the smaller shovel for 35
hours. Another job, they removed 40000m3 with the larger
35. A certain two-digit number is equal to five times of the sum of its shovel working for 70 hours and the smaller working 90 hours.
digits. If nine is added to the number, its digits would be How much earth can the larger shovel move in one hour?
reversed. The sum of the digits of the number is A. 173.91 C. 347.83*
A. 6 C. 8 B. 368.12 D. 162.22
B. 7 D. 9*
49. Sam is going to assemble a computer by himself. He has the
choice of ordering chips from two brands, a hard drive from four,
memory from three, and an accessory bundle from five local
36. Sam and Susie are brother and sister. Sam has twice as many stores. How many different, ways can Sam order the parts?
sisters as brothers. Susie has twice as many brothers as sisters. A. 120 * B. 140 C. 100 D. 150
The number of girls in the family is B.
A. 2 * C.3 50. In how many ways can 3 Americans, 4 Frenchmen,4 Danes and
B. 4 D. 5 2 Italians be seated in a row so that those of the same
nationality sit together?
37. If a four-digit perfect square number is such that the number
A. 96 B. 6912 C. 165,888* D. 13!
formed by the first two digits and the number formed by the last
two digits are also perfect, then the four digit number is :

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51. Find the sum of all the 4-digit positive numbers with no zero 63. It takes an apprentice twice as long as it takes an experienced
digit. carpenter to do a certain piece of work. Working together they
A. 36644635 C. 36644645 can do the work in 6 days. How long would it take for the
B. 36445335 D. 36446355 * apprentice to do it alone?
A. 12 days C. 22 days
52. In a geometric sequence of real numbers, the sum of the first B. 18 days* D. 32 days
two terms is 7, and the sum of the first six terms is 91. Find the
sum of the first four terms. 64. A group consists of n engineers and n nurses. If two of the
A. 28 * B. 30 C. 29 D. 31 engineers are replaced by two other nurses, then 51% of the
group members will be nurses. Find the value of n.
53. If you toss a fair coin four times, in how many ways can you A. 80 C. 55
obtain at least one head? B. 110 D. 100*
A. 15* B. 8 C. 4 D. 16
65. The average rate of production of transistors is 12 units for
54. Five people need to travel in a 5-passenger car. There are a every 2 hours work by 3 workers. How many workers are
drivers seat and a passenger seat in the front and three needed in an assembly line working 40 hours each week with a
passenger seats in the back: a left seat, a middle seat, and a weekly production of 800 transistors?
right seat. Two of the people are children and can sit only in the A. 5* C. 10
back. One of the three adults is busy reading a math book and B. 25 D. 12
refuses to drive. In how many ways can they get seated?
A. 6 C. 12 66. Eve open her coin purse and found dimes, quarters and nickels
B. 18 D. 24 * with a total value of $1.90. There are twice as many dimes as
there are quarters and half as many nickels as quarters. How
55. Reid is twice as old as Gabe. Four years ago, Gabe was twice many quarters are there?
as old as Dani. In 10 years, Reid will be twice as old as Dani. A. 2 C. 8
How many years old is Reid now? B. 4* D. 6
A. 18 C. 28 *
67. If a = b, then b = a. This illustrates which axiom in algebra?
B. 14 D. 30
A. Symmetric axiom* C. Reflexive axiom
56. If John gets a 97 on his next math test, his average will be 90. If B. Replacement axiom D. Transitive axiom
he gets 73, his average will be 87. How many tests has John 68. The sum of the ages of Peter and Paul is 21. Peter will be twice
already taken? as old as Paul 3 years from now. What is the present age of
A. 8 C. 6 Peter?
B. 7 * D. 5 A. 8 C. 18
B. 6 D. 15*
57. There are 5 geese in a gaggle. If, working together, the gaggle
produces 55 eggs in 5555 days, what is the average number of 69. The seating section in a Coliseum has 30 seats in the first row,
days it takes a single goose to lay an egg? 32 seats in the second row, 34 seats in the third row, and so on,
A. 11 C. 101 until the tenth row is reached, after which there are ten rows
B. 505 * D. 555 each containing 50 seats. Find the total number of seats in the
58. Tim's car gets 3 more miles per gallon during highway driving A. 900 C. 890*
than it does during city driving. On a recent trip, Tim drove 136 B. 910 D. 1000
miles on the highway and 155 miles in the city, using a total of 9
70. If f(x) = x squared and g(x) = 2x, what is the value of f(g(-3))
gallons of gasoline. How many miles per gallon does Tim's car
get during city driving?
A. 54 C. -18
A. 29 C. 31 * B. 18* D. -54
B. 30 D. 32
71. Find the 7 term of 0.5, 0.2, 0.125,.
59. Nick is a runner, and his goal is to complete four laps around a A. 0.010 C. 0.050*
circuit at an average speed of 10 mph. If he completes the first B. 0.025 D. 0.100
three laps at a constant speed of only 9 mph, what speed does
72. Newtons Law of Gravitation states that the force with which
he need to maintain in miles per hour on the fourth lap to
each of two masses of m pounds and M pounds attracts the
achieve his goal?
other varies directly as the product of the masses and inversely
A. 10 mph C. 30 mph
as the square of the distance between the masses. Find the
B. 20 mph D. 15 mph * 6
ratio of the force of attraction when two masses are 10 miles
60. Johns rate of doing work is three times as fast as Bill. On a apart to the force when they are 10 miles apart.
given day John and Bill work together for 4 hours then Bill was a. 1/150 b. 1/200 c. 1/100* d. 1/50
called away and John finishes the rest of the job in 2 hours.
73. If log10 7 = a, then log10 (1/70) is equal to
How long would it take Bill to do the complete job alone? -1
A. - (1 + a)* B. (1 + a) C. a/10 D. 1/10a
A. 18 hrs. C. 22 hrs.*
B. 15 hrs D. 31 hrs. 74. From 9 different books including just 2 books of poetry, how
many groups of 5 books each can be formed, if each group is to
61. The ratio of three numbers is 2:5:7. If 7 is subtracted from the involve just 1 book of poetry?
second, the resulting numbers form an arithmetic progression. a. 40 b. 50 c. 60 d. 70*
Determine the smallest of the three numbers.
75. The first of the three numbers exceeds twice the second
A. 28* C. 21
B. 15 D. 18 number by 4, while the third number is twice the first. If the sum
of the three numbers is 54, find the smallest of the three
62. If the sides of a right triangle are in A.P., then what is the ratio of numbers.
its sides? A. 12 B. 32 C. 16 D. 6*
A. 3:4:5* C. 4:5:6
B. 1:2:3 D. 2:3:4
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