Examples of Company Policies

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Examples of Company Policies & Procedures

company policies and procedures establish the rules of conduct within an organization, outlining
the responsibilities of both employees and employers. Company policies and procedures are in
place to protect the rights of workers as well as the business interests of employers. Depending
on the needs of the organization, various policies and procedures establish rules regarding
employee conduct, attendance, dress code, privacy and other areas related to the terms and
conditions of employment.

Employee Conduct

An employee conduct policy establishes the duties and responsibilities each employee must
adhere to as a condition of employment. Conduct policies are in place as a guideline for
appropriate employee behavior, and they outline things such as proper dress code, workplace
safety procedures, harassment policies and policies regarding computer and Internet usage. Such
policies also outline the procedures employers may utilize to discipline inappropriate behavior,
including warnings or employee termination.

Equal Opportunity

Equal opportunity laws are rules that promote fair treatment in the workplace. Most
organizations implement equal opportunity policies -- anti-discrimination and affirmative action
policies, for example -- to encourage unprejudiced behavior within the workplace. These policies
discourage inappropriate behavior from employees, supervisors and independent contractors in
regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation or religious and cultural beliefs of another person
within the organization.

Attendance and Time Off

Attendance policies set rules and guidelines surrounding employee adherence to work schedules.
Attendance policies define how employees may schedule time off or notify superiors of an
absence or late arrival. This policy also sets forth the consequences for failing to adhere to a
schedule. For example, employers may allow only a certain number of absences within a
specified time frame. The attendance policy discusses the disciplinary action employees face if
they miss more days than the company allows.

Substance Abuse

Many companies have substance abuse policies that prohibit the use of drugs, alcohol and
tobacco products during work hours, on company property or during company functions. These
policies often outline smoking procedures employees must follow if allowed to smoke on
business premises. Substance abuse policies also discuss the testing procedures for suspected
drug and alcohol abuse.
Employee policies are a legal necessity for all employers. They cover legal aspects of
employment such as anti-discrimination and harassment, workplace communications and
attendance. Employee policies are also a way for employers to implement disciplinary action for
employees who display inappropriate workplace behavior. As a condition of employment,
employees must sign and attest that they have received and understand workplace policies.


Employee attendance policies allow employers to effectively communicate expectations

regarding adherence to work schedules. The policy emphasizes the importance of regular
attendance and establishes the consequences for failing to adhere to a schedule. Attendance
policies also describe the procedures for reporting tardies and absences. For example, the policy
explains the number to call if an employee cannot report to work or will be late for work. This
policy clearly communicates how many absences or tardies an employee can have before the
employer takes disciplinary action to correct the behavior.


Employee harassment policies encourage a cooperative and respectful workplace. These policies
prohibit harassing behavior between co-workers, supervisors, managers and contractors. The
type of harassment and inappropriate behavior that violates employee harassment policies
typically include offensive jokes and negative stereotyping; inappropriate nonverbal conduct;
inappropriate physical conduct; and the sharing of offensive visual images. Anti-harassment
policies support equal opportunity laws that prohibit discrimination and harassment on the basis
of race, gender, disability, pregnancy, religion or other classes and characteristics protected by
state and federal law.

Electronic Communications

Most businesses use electronic communication such as phone and e-mail so co-workers and
business partners can efficiently interact with each other. Companies implement an electronic
communications policy to govern the use of Internet, e-mail, mobile phones, telephones, fax
machines and personal media devices. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that the employees
who have access to electronic devices use the technology for business purposes. The policy
describes the various websites an employee can access as well as which websites are prohibited
from use. The policy also describes how the employer monitors electronic communications such
as recording phone conversations and storing deleted emails.

Drug and Alcohol Use

Employers implement "Drug-Free Workplace" policies to prohibit drug and alcohol use while on
company property or on company time. An employer can tailor the drug-free policy to meet the
specific needs of the organization. The written policy typically includes why the employer has
chosen to implement the program. For instance, an employer may implement a drug-free
workplace policy for the safety and well-being of its employees. The policy may also include a
description of prohibited behavior, such as the use, possession or sale of illegal drugs. Further,
the drug-free workplace policy explains the consequences for non-compliance such as
termination if an employee is caught with drugs or alcohol while at work.

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