L-50 Lincolnweld 980
L-50 Lincolnweld 980
L-50 Lincolnweld 980
Operating Settings Requirements RESULTS
Electrode Size 162in
5/32 5/321inch
Polarity DC+
Voltage, V 27 - 30 28
Wire Feed Speed, cm/min (in/min) 112 (44)
Current, A 475 - 575 525
Contact Tip to Work Distance, mm (in) (1 - 1.5) 32 (1 1/4)
Travel Speed, cm/min (in/min) (15 - 17) 41 (16)
Pass/Layers 15/7
Preheat Temperature, C (F) (60 - 325) 20 (69)
Interpass Temperature, C (F) (275 - 325) 150 (300)
Postweld Heat Treatment As-welded As-welded
Mechanical properties of weld deposits
Tensile Strength, MPa (ksi) (70 - 95) 540 (78)
Yield Strength, 0.2% Offset, MPa (ksi) (58 min.) 440 (64)
Elongation % 22 min. 31
Average Impact Energy (20 min.) 61 (45)
Joules @ -29 C (ft-lbs @ -20 F) 45,54,84 (34,40,62)
Average Hardness, HRB Not Required 85