Cycle Angermangamengt
Cycle Angermangamengt
Cycle Angermangamengt
Triggering Event
An event or situation triggers a persons
anger. Examples:
Getting cut off while driving.
Having a bad day at work.
Feeling disrespected.
Negative Thoughts
Irrational and negative thoughts occur as a
result of the triggering event. Examples:
Im the worst parent ever.
The jerk who cut me off doesnt care
about anyone but themselves.
Emotional Response
Negative thoughts lead to negative emotions,
even if the thoughts are irrational. Examples:
Feelings of shame and guilt due to being
the worst parent ever.
Rage directed toward a bad driver.
Physical Symptoms
The body automatically responds to anger
with several symptoms. Examples:
Racing Heart Sweating
Clenched Fists Shaking
Behavioral Response
The person reacts based upon thoughts,
feelings, and physical symptoms. Examples:
Fighting Arguing
Yelling Criticizing