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Cold War Era Happy Day

French Indochina- Following WWII Communist Ho Chi Minh liberated Vietnam. The French
tried to regain control and set up a puppet govt.

GOP- Grand Old Party: Nickname of Rep. Party.

Operation Paperclip- Project to rescue German rocket engineers from WWII. Worked on rocket
and space travel for the US.

Brinkmanship- Necessary to go to the brink of war to preserve the peace of the world.

Joseph McCarthy- Senator Joseph McCarthy Felt Communists had taken over many
government positions. Accused many individuals of Communist activities.

Sputnik- Oct. 4, 1957 Russians sent up the first man-made earth satellite.

Berlin Airlift- June 1948 - Russians banned all traffic between Allied controlled West Berlin and
Russian controlled East Berlin.

NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Allied US and Canada with ten W. European nations
from Norway to Portugal; Eventually 15 members. Gen. Eisenhower - Commander of NATO

GI Bill of Rights- Provided veterans of WWII with variety of services. Examples: Hospital fees,
payments to vets without jobs, and free tuition.

Truman Doctrine- Attempted to contain communist growth. Containment Policy

Truman vs. MacArthur- MacArthur An entirely new war Wanted to bomb mainland China.
Truman and Joint Chiefs of Staff refused him. Truman relieved MacArthur from his position.

Marshall Plan- Sec. of State Marshall - Provide gifts to Europe. Wanted to prevent economic,
social, and political deterioration.

Levittown- NY one of the first suburbs. Bill Levitt - Mass produced similar looking houses.
Houses were inexpensive.

Interstate Highway System- The individual state's own and operate the Interstate System.
Baby Boom Generation- Soldiers coming home from WWII. Numbers of babies increased
exponentially. Baby Boom- Typically born between 1946-1964.

Jonas Salk- Jonas Salk first tests it on himself and family. Albert Sabin invents oral vaccination.

Crisis of Change

Bay of Pigs- The US supplied money and arms to anti-Castro Cubans.1500 Anti-Castro troops
land at the Bay of Pigs.

Kennedy Assassination- Death in Dallas. Lee Harvey Oswald - Seized for the crime.

Cuban Missile Crisis- Summer 1962 - USSR began to move ballistic missiles and nuclear
warheads into Cuba.

Civil Rights Act (1964)- Forbade racial discrimination/segregation in the use of federal funds
and in most places of public accommodation.

Peace Corps- Volunteers that helped work in underdeveloped countries.

Great Debates- Kennedy benefited from the debates. JFK won one of the closest elections in

Domino Theory- If S. Vietnam fell to Communism so would the rest of Southeast Asia.

Tonkin Resolution- Allowed the Pres. to expand war powers in Vietnam.

Medicare- Citizens over 65 - Received low cost hospital insurance.Financed by the federal
government (tax).

Civil Rights

Rosa Parks- Would not give up her seat to a white passenger.

Jackie Robinson- Breaks the color barrier in MLB in 1947.

Brown vs. Board of Education- Supreme Court decision Public schools could not be separated
by race. Reversed the separate but equal clause of Plessy vs. Furguson (1896).

March on Washington D.C. (1963)- Organized to pressure Congress into passing a civil rights
bill. King delivered his I have a dream speech.
Sit-In- Used in an effort to help integrate restaurants.

Freedom Riders- Used to help draw attention to the Souths refusal to integrate buses and bus


Mission to the Moon- Goal: Putting a man on the moon by the end of the decade. Apollo 11 -
Command ship for Aldrin, Armstrong, and Collins.

Kent State University- Four students killed by Nat. Guard.

SALT- Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. Limited nuclear arms development.

Camp David Accords- Egypt and Israel met at Camp David to discuss peace.

OPEC- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

Oil Embargo- Arab response to US aid to Israel - Embargoed oil shipments.

Hostage Crisis (Iran)- Angry mob invaded US Embassy in Teheran, taking 52 Am. hostages.

Watergate Crisis- A special investigations unit, Plumbers, broke into the Democratic Nat.

Olympic Boycott (Moscow 1980) - US response - Embargo of grain to the Soviets, and boycott
of 1980 Olympics in Moscow.

Iran Contra Scandal- US sold arms to Iran; Reagan - Wanted to free hostages being held in the
Middle East.

Grenada- After a military coup, a govt. sympathetic to Communist Cuba was established.

Ronald Reagan- Took over during a time of Stagflation A combination of high unemployment
and high inflation.

Trickle Down Economics- Tax cuts to businesses and wealthy individuals.

Sandra Day O'Connor- First woman to serve on the court.

Impeachment- Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.

Desert Storm- US and allies attack Jan. 17, 1991.

NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agreement. Eliminated tariffs and other barriers to trade
with Canada and Mexico.

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