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Summer Course
Llus Pacheco, Xavier Cuf, Ningsu Luo, Ins Ferrer and Joan Batlle
Institute of Informatics and Applications
University of Girona, Spain
{ lluispa, ningsu, xcuf}@eia.udg.es
Abstract This paper presents the use of a mobile robot important institutions such like the Carnegie Mellon
platform as an innovative educational tool in order to promote University have developed various teaching activities by
and integrate different curriculum knowledge. Hence, it is introducing the mobile robots as a necessary academic tool
presented the acquired experience within a summer course from a broad sense in order to extend the acquired
named Applied Mobile Robotics. The main aim of the course
is to integrate different subjects as electronics, programming,
knowledge of the students. Moreover, other related activities
architecture, perception systems, communications, control and are developed, such as the mobile robot competitions or
trajectory planning by using the educational open mobile some special summer programs like RoboCamp, which
robot platform PRIM. The summer course is addressed to a permit the students to do themselves the design,
wide range of student profiles. However, it is of special programming and construction of the autonomous robots.
interests to the students of Electrical and Computer This paper presents the educational aspects of the developed
Engineering around their final academic year. The summer summer course Applied Mobile Robotics. The course
course consists of the theoretical and laboratory sessions, started in the summer of 2005 at the Polytechnic School of
related to the following topics: Design & Programming of University of Girona. It was proposed by a group of faculty
Electronic Devices, Modelling and Control Systems, Trajectory
Planning and Control, and Computer Vision Systems.
members belonging to the teaching areas of Control and
Therefore, the clues for achieving a renewed path of progress Computer Engineering and sharing a common background
in robotics are the integration of several knowledgeable fields, that involves the research on mobile robots. The main aim of
such as computing, communications, and control sciences, in the course is to integrate different subjects as electronics,
order to perform a higher level reasoning and use decision programming, architecture, perception sensors,
tools with strong theoretical base. communications, control, computer vision and trajectory
Index Terms mobile robotics, multidisciplinary education, planning by using the educational open mobile robot
Electrical and Computer Engineering, integration of knowledge. platform PRIM [4]. The academic skills are attained by the
students in a broad sense; hence experiments are used to
I. INTRODUCTION reinforce previously introduced knowledge by integrating
relationships among different academic subjects. Thus, as a
Future directions in education are pointing towards the practical approach, the majority of the teaching activities of
ability of understanding the technical details of a wide the course are carried out at our university labs. The students
variety of disciplines [1]. In this sense, mobile robot are greatly motivated by working on such a robotic
platforms can be used as educational tools in order to platform, which permits them to consolidate the acquired
promote and integrate different curriculum knowledge. knowledge and to extend their complementary curricula.
Hence, control system society and computer science share a The paper is organized as follows: In section I, the main
mutual interest on robotics. However, despite of the ideas and research objectives are presented. Section II shows
enormous progress in robotics over the last half century, this the community of students suitable for this teaching activity
field is still in its infancy. For instance, the robot behavior is within the context of our university framework. The used
much simpler compared with the human behavior, in which robotic platform and the summer course program are
its ability to move, to understand complex sensorial inputs, presented from a wide scope concerning about the
or to perform higher level reasoning, is limited. The clues multidisciplinary teaching. Section III presents the detailed
for achieving a renewed path of progress are the integration program related to the educational content of the summer
of several knowledgeable fields, such as computing, course. Especially, attention is paid to describe the different
communications, and control sciences, in order to perform a experiments designed in order to fulfill the process of
higher level reasoning and use decision tools with strong knowledge learning. The Section IV presents the main
theory base [2]. Moreover, developed experimental conclusions attaining future research directions as a feasible
environments have helped to breathe life into various way to improve the students feedback. Finally, the opinions
control theories found in text books and have thereby greatly of students are also outlined
changed the educational experience of students [3]. Thus,
students react positively to realism, since the models used II. THE EDUCATIONAL FRAMEWORK
for such experiments are in general accurately described by
some relatively simple differential equations. Within this This section presents the profile of related students
framework, the challenge of mobile robots is clearly community to which the course is addressed. The headlines
exhibited. Within the educational community, the Robotics and schedule as well as the mobile robot platform used in
Education Lab becomes a resource to support courses of the course are also introduced.
academic curriculum in a broad range of subjects. Some
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A. Schedule of the Course and Student Curricula directional wheel is used to guarantee the stability of
system. The maximum continuous torque of each motor is
The summer course is addressed to a wide range of student
131mNm. The gear reduction proportion for each motor is
profiles. Both undergraduate and graduate students can take
86:1 and thus the total force actuating on the robot is near
this course to consolidate their complementary study
141N. Shaft encoders, with 500 counts/rev, are placed at the
curriculum. However, it is of special interests to the students
motor axes, which provide 43000 counts for each turn of the
of Electrical and Computer Engineering around their final
academic year. It is recommended that the student who
wants to pursue the course had acquired previously basic A set of PLD (programmable logic device) boards is
skills in some fundamental issues as electronics, connected to the digital outputs of the shaft encoders. The
programming, control and perception systems. Moreover, it printed circuits boards (PCB) are used to measure the speed
is provided a self-guided lab practice manual that includes of each motor at every 25ms. Another objective of these
the theoretical introduction concerning to the related issues. boards is to generate a signal of 23khz PWM for each
In this way, it is guaranteed that those students, being of motor. The communication between the central digital
different educational frameworks with different curricula, computer and the boards is made through the parallel port.
can follow the summer course without any difficulty. The The speed is commanded by a byte and thus it can generate
number of students is limited to 12, accordingly with the lab from 0 to 127 advancing speed commands. The maximal
reality and the need of a mutual relationship and contact speed is near 0.5m/s. A set of microcontroller boards
between the students and teachers. Furthermore, the (MCS-51) is used to read the information available from
presence of two lab teachers allows the students to acquire different connected sensors. The distance between objects is
different level of skills with an adequate assistance, provided by an array of 8 sonar sensors, which are based on
accordingly with their educational background, through a ultrasound sensors within a range of measurement from 3cm
continuous evaluation process. The summer course was to 6m. The data provided by these boards are gathered
developed during two weeks in July, with 4.5 hours through the serial port in the central computer. The rate of
everyday. The students passing successfully the course will communication with these boards is 9600 b/s. An absolute
be awarded to 3 credits that correspond to 45 hours of counter provides the counts in order to measure the robot
teaching activities. It consists of the theoretical (T) and position by the odometer system. Fig. 2 shows the electronic
laboratory (L) sessions, related to the following different and sensorial system blocks. The data gathering and control
topics: by digital computer are set to 100ms, running in a embedded
PC of 700 MHz. The proposed educational open hardware
- DPED: Design & Programming of Electronic Devices;
has its advantages in many aspects. First, the use of a
- MCS: Modeling and Control Systems;
structure similar to that employed by students at the
- TPC: Trajectory Planning and Control;
laboratories can enable their easy understanding and
- CVS: Computer Vision System.
prototyping of a new hardware of low level. Furthermore,
The schedule of the course is shown in Table 1. the reinforcement of the teaching activities can be achieved
through the knowledge integration of different subjects. The
B. The Mobile Robot Platform system flexibility is increased with the possibility of
connecting it with other computer systems through a local
The mechanical structure of the robot PRIM, shown in
LAN. Hence, in this research a network server has been
Fig.1, is made of aluminum, with two independent wheels of implemented, which allows the different lab groups to make
16cm diameters actuated by two dc motors. The distance their remote connection with the mobile robot during
between two wheels is 56.4cm. A third spherical omni-
different practices.
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The proposed PLD practices are conducted to implement a
PWM signal and odometer system approaches. The
laboratory material used consists of logical trainers with
multiple inputs and outputs, as switches, led (light emission
diodes) and displays, which allow testing the different
performed practices. The logical trainer includes the
ispLSI1032E device used to program the different circuit
tested. The set of PLD practices introduce the logic digital
design by creating different basic blocs as a one bit
magnitude recursive comparison and binary counters. Once
it is done, students can perform different practical
approaches as PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), Odometer
Fig. 1: Mobile robot educational platform PRIM. system (robot position and speed) designs. Hence, the Fig. 3
shows the equations of one bit recursive magnitude
III. THE MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEACHING PROGRAM comparison and the corresponding electronic scheme. By
using previously developed basic blocks, students can
In this section it is developed the course program that approach to closer on-robot developments. Hence, for
consists of the theoretical and laboratory sessions, related to instance, the Fig. 4 shows the 4 bits PWM implementation,
the following different topics: where the inputs (d0, d1, d2, d3) denote the selected value
Design & Programming of Electronic Devices. This bloc for the output PWM signal. The first microcontroller
presents the robot architecture and the PLD (programmable practice objectives are the knowledge of the hardware and
logic device) and p use. Finally, by using high level software environment used with the 80C552 devices. The
language from the PC labs, students can learn about how to microcontrollers have integrated special functions as PWM,
use the created functions to realize the remote inter- ADC (analog digital converter), or serial interface. Once
actuation with the robot sensors and actuators. again the knowledge is pursued using educational trainers
Modelling and Control Systems. It is presented the used in different curriculum teaching subjects. The
concerned basic control theory related to experimental environment knowledge is accomplished by implementing
modelling, classic PID controllers design and optimal short C code programs that will be used in an integrated
observers. final practice, in which the students will learn how to edit,
Trajectory Planning and Control. This bloc presents the compile, link and program the code as well as the serial
strategies of trajectory planning as well as trajectory communication, the analog/digital conversion, and PWM
tracking by using techniques of speed control or MPC. signal generation. Finally the use of a PC as a high level
Computer Vision System. The last bloc introduces the device is presented from two different points of view,
computer vision as an advanced perception system that can consisting in PC high level programming by using VBASIC
improve the robot environment knowledge. language and the TCP/IP protocol net knowledge that allow
running on-robot LINUX created functions by the use of the
A. Design and Programming Electronic Devices laboratory LAN. Hence, lab personal computers become a
flexible and easy tool that allows communicating with the
This subsection presents the DPED teaching bloc on-robot devices by the use of WIFI connections. The
concerning about the architecture of the mobile robot PRIM. proposed practices firstly introduce VBASIC language by
The basic devices to be programmed are the PC, the creating short source codes that include protocol with
microcontrollers and the PLD boards. The sensor system, created objects to perform TCP/IP communication with the
actuators and power drivers are also introduced. The theory robot. Students learn client-server protocol by programming
addressed can be covered by concerning references as [5-6]. the follow steps: Server connection, receive and transmit
Once, these theoretical aspects are described and a set of commands, server disconnection and to close the socket.
practices are developed in order to consolidate the Finally it is proposed the on-robot sonar sensor reading
knowledge presented. The set of practices are divided in practice in order to test the remote robot connection.
PLD, microcontrollers, and PC issues.
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The obtained complete MIMO (multiple input multiple
output) discrete-time model will be used by students for
validating the control effectiveness. The second practice
consists in finding a simplified robot model. The
continuous-time model is introduced into the SIMULINK
environment, as shown in Fig. 6. Several studies concerning
about the importance of coupling terms are carried out by
students through the analysis of stationary gains, while the
order reduction is done by searching for dominant poles.
Fig. 4: The 4 bits PWM implementation. The students can learn from the obtained results that the
B. Modelling and Control Systems MIMO model can be approximated by two SISO (single
input single output) models. Thus, it is proposed the coupled
The MCS bloc presents the concerned basic control theory system analysis using analytical and experimental data. The
related to experimental modeling, classic PID controllers frequency response, and BODE analysis can provide a
design and optimal observers. Students have acquired a dominant pole existence, which can reduce the system order.
similar background concerning about the basic classical Finally, the reduce SISO systems should be validated by
control theory in continuous-time [7-8]. However, it is not a considering the static gain and simulating reduced and
homogeneous aspect and some discrepancies arise from the complete robot models.
difference in academic profiles. For example, additional
knowledge is given to the Electrical Engineering students The third practice consists in obtaining a controller based on
through some advanced materials in control theory [9-10], the simplified SISO models. The students will try to make
while Computer Engineering students show obviously better the controller design by using the pole placement techniques
experience in their programming skills. The above and the MATLAB design facilities. For instance, students
discrepancy in educational background is solved by can use the MATLAB sisotool to design the controller by
providing to students a self-guided lab practice manual that importing first the transfer functions corresponding to both
includes the theoretical fundamentals of the summer course. robot wheels. Then, they depict the open loop frequency
Students try to obtain the model experimentally, make the response without compensator. Afterwards, students learn to
controller design on the computer by using the MATLAB add a PI controller to the system in order to achieve the
program and validate finally the results on the robot. The desired response. The control performance is verified by
first lab control practice begins with the experimental using the complete MIMO model of the robot in the
parametric model identification [11-12]. Hence, the model is presence of several perturbations.
obtained by sending different PRBS (Pseudo Random The students will analyze the uncontrolled and controlled
Binary Signals) to the robot for the low, medium and high system response. The advanced students are also encouraged
speeds. The students select the adequate speed model and to consider the case in which the measurement noise is
load the experimental data to MATLAB environment. Each involved. Kalman filter is designed based on the model
data group has 5 different arrays containing the time, right knowledge and is implemented in SIMULINK
consign, right velocity, left consign and left velocity, environment,. The on-robot speed control is a subject of the
respectively. Then, they obtain the time response of the last MCS practice. The students transform firstly the
inputs and outputs. The system identification is carried out controller from continuous to discrete time. Then, they use
by using the MATLAB toolbox ident, shown in Fig.5, the robot remote network server to send the PID controller
selecting a second-order ARX model and importing the parameters to the robot in order to test the speed control
necessary workspace data that should be identified. performance.
Tendency suppression and data filtering are suggested. C. Trajectory Planning and Control
TPC theory introduces the trajectory planning techniques
through concepts as C-space and robot wide-path [13].
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The path planning approach consists in following a The CVS practices are focused by using the facilities
sequence of straight lines and considering the vertex of provided by the MIL libraries of Matrox running under
obstacles and the desired final configuration [14]. Thus, the VBASIC source code. The code is implemented by using
trajectory tracking can be performed through either straight previously acquired frames. Firstly some basic functions, as
lines following or turning actions [15]. The trajectory space memory management, image acquisition and
control tracking is attained by introducing discontinuous visualization, are introduced. Once it is done, students learn
control laws and MPC [16-17]. The discontinuous control how to process RGB color images by using 3 different
approaches are presented to students as an in-lab robot buffers. Thus, the use of 3 different histograms can allow
demo, while the MPC strategies are simulated at the efficient color segmentation. Other MIL facilities as HSI
laboratory by using the methods and software developed by color space conversion are also proposed to students. Hence,
our teaching members participated in the course [18]. In the results should allow segmenting a featured color object from
MPC design, students will try to find the optimal input the rest of the scene. Application aspects as noise are
sequence taking as design parameter the input constraints, introduced by using existing functions as blob analysis that
prediction horizon, and cost function weights. The MPC can filter small particles. The last practice consists in object
simulation software provides to students a set of files and boundaries detection by using frequency filters. The design
facilities to draw the results, and consequently the students of filters is presented by performing image convolutions
can represent the files containing the cost function values, through either the use of existing MIL filters or the creation
for different available set of inputs, corresponding to of arbitrary filters. Students can analyze the effects of filters
different moments of the simulation. The computation of by comparing histogram results. The course ends with some
optimal cost can be done by using the complete input search final demonstrations concerning about the trajectory
and gradient descent approaches. The prediction horizons tracking and advanced perception features. The accuracy of
between 0.5s and 1s were proposed and the computation trajectory tracking using MPC technique is also discussed.
time for each LMPC step was set to less than 100ms, Fig. 8 shows the experimental results obtained when the
running in the embedded PC of 700MHz. The simulated robot of 35cm wide-path passes across a lab door of 80cm
results, for the trajectory tracking of a 2m straight line, are width. The effectiveness of different applied machine vision
shown in Fig. 7. It is depicted two simulated results with systems tested during the robot navigation are also
two prediction horizons: 1s, n=10 (in red) and 0.5s, n=5 (in presented. By using previously computed floor radiance
blue). The final TPC practice consists in implementing a energies, the one bit of depth is used to perform obstacle
high level program code for achieving the reactive obstacle detection and the obstacle avoidance navigation strategies
avoidance, in which the students should avoid obstacle with reactive robot behavior are experimented and
collisions by sending the speeds commands to both wheels commented [21]. The robot tracking abilities are also shown
of the robot by means of sonar sensor measures. by using a color featured target. Therefore, the final
demonstrations are used as a way to experiment previously
D. Computer Vision System and Final Demos
introduced and tested concepts as color segmentation and
The CVS teaching bloc briefly introduces to students some constancy. The Fig. 9 shows the robot color tracking
applied aspects as color constancy and image energy filters. experience.
The concerning theoretical aspects can be covered by using
related bibliography [19-20]. Hence, computer vision
features are introduced from a wide scope. Image formation
based on basic paraxial optic is also shown. The image
segmentation is depicted as a way to obtain the image
relevant areas. Thus, segmentation is a previous steep in
order to obtain a binary image where the interest area is split
of the rest of the image. The image representation is
considered in continuous and discrete spaces. The Fourier
Transform is studied as a meaningful tool in order to
develop frequency filters. Therefore, the radiance energy (a)
measures are studied as a way to obtain object boundaries.
Fig. 7: Trajectory tracking simulation with two different prediction Fig. 8: (a) the robot moves always is advancing sense. (b) The
horizons robot turns around itself.
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III. CONCLUSIONS MOMARNE EU project MRTN-CT-2004-505026, the
Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under grant
The integration of the different knowledge is presented
CTM2007-64751, and by the Government of Catalonia
through an adequate robotic framework that acts as an
through the project Xartap -Estaci de Muntatge Universal
educational multidisciplinary tool in the course. The
and the consolidated research groups grant SGR2005-
teaching experience gained from the summer course has
shown the usefulness of the mobile robot as an important
experimental platform for education. The course framework REFERENCES
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This work has been partially funded by the Commission of
Science and Technology of Spain (CICYT) through the
coordinated project DPI-2007-66796-C03-02, the
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