Affidavit Od Desistance Samples
Affidavit Od Desistance Samples
Affidavit Od Desistance Samples
Department of Justice
National Prosecution Service
Makati City
2. In this regard, the accused has already paid the damage to our vehicle;
2. (Give the reason/s for the desistance here, e.g., for B.P.
22 violation, "That in view of the payment in full by the accused, I
would like to manifest that I am no longer interested in the
prosecution of the aforementioned criminal case.")
Public Prosecutor
I, Juan del la Cruz, of legal age, single, and a resident of # 123 Main
St., Malate, Manila, after having duly sworn to in accordance with law hereby
depose and state:
3. Since I could not state with certainty and without doubt the liability
of Jesus Santos, in fairness to him, I am permanently withdrawing my
complaint against him. I clear him of whatever responsibility or liability to
5. I likewise request the Metropolitan Trial Court, Branch No. 11, City of
Manila to dismiss with prejudice the said criminal case.
Juan de la Cruz
Complaining Witness
Romeo Abad
Public Prosecutor
CITY OF ..........................................)
I , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , o f l e g a l a g e s , F i l i pi n o, ( s i n g l e /
m a r r i e d / w i d o w ) , an d a resident of _____________,
Philippines, after having been duly sworn in accordance withlaw,
hereby depose and say: That I am the private complainant in the
criminal case entitled "_____________"for
_________________ docketed as _____________ before
_____________ TrialCourt, Branch _______, _____________
City, Philippines;
That after a thorough analysis of my memories of the
incident that occurred
on _____________________________, I have realized that I ca
nnot point out, beyondreasonable doubt that
the accused _____________, committed the above stated
crime of _____________ on ____________________, as it was
too dark to discern the features of the perpetrator with any
degree of certainty;
Since I could not state with certainty and without doubt the
liability of the
accused ____________________, I feel compelled to withdraw m
y complaint against him and I clear him of whatever responsibility
or liability to me;
T h a t i n v i e w o f th e f o r e g o i n g , I f i n a l l y m a n i f e s t t h a t I
n o w c o m pl e t e l y an d absolutely exonerate the accused
_____________ from any liability in connection with the
above-mentioned criminal case and that I am no longer
interested, and I hereby desist, in prosecuting the said criminal
That I execute this Affidavit of Desistance so that the above-
mentioned criminal case be immediately dismissed and
considered finally closed and the bond posted by the herein
accused be released to him;
As such, I respectfully pray that the aforementioned case
against the Accused _____________ be dismissed and finally
closed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
_____________ at _____________ City, Philippines.