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Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volume 2016, Article ID 7618631, 7 pages

Case Report
Ectopic Molar Pregnancy: Diagnostic Efficacy of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Review of the Literature

Yasushi Yamada,1 Satoshi Ohira,1 Teruyuki Yamazaki,2 and Tanri Shiozawa1

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shinshu University School of Medicine, 3-1-1 Asahi, Matsumoto 390-8621, Japan
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Iida Municipal Hospital, 438 Yawatamachi, Iida 395-8502, Japan

Correspondence should be addressed to Satoshi Ohira; [email protected]

Received 19 July 2016; Accepted 7 August 2016

Academic Editor: Yoshio Yoshida

Copyright 2016 Yasushi Yamada et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Ectopic molar pregnancy is extremely rare, and preoperative diagnosis is difficult. Our literature search found only one report of
molar pregnancy diagnosed preoperatively. Moreover, there is no English literature depicting magnetic resonance image (MRI)
findings of ectopic molar pregnancy. We report a case of ectopic molar pregnancy preoperatively diagnosed using MRI. A literature
review of 31 cases of ectopic molar pregnancy demonstrated that lesions have been found in the fallopian tube (19 cases, 61%), ovary
(5 cases, 16%), cornu (3 cases, 10%), peritoneum (2 cases, 6%), uterine cervix (1 case, 3%), and cesarean scar (1 case, 3%). Abdominal
pain and abnormal vaginal bleeding were reported in 70% and 61% of the patients, respectively. Twenty-one cases (67%) presented
with rupture and hemoperitoneum. All patients underwent surgical resection or dilatation and curettage. Methotrexate therapy
was performed in one case because residual trophoblastic tissue was suspected. A second operation was performed in one case of
ovarian molar pregnancy because serum hCG levels increased again after primary focal ovarian resection. No patients developed
metastatic disease or relapsed. These findings suggest the prognosis of ectopic molar pregnancy to be favorable.

1. Introduction studies were obtained from Medline using the terms ectopic
molar pregnancy, and from references of the articles. All
Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) consists of hyda- articles without an abstract or with unavailable full text
tidiform mole, choriocarcinoma, placental site trophoblastic were excluded. We identified 26 articles reporting 31 cases of
tumor, and epithelioid trophoblastic tumor. Because the ectopic molar pregnancy [227] (Table 1).
majority of GTD cases occur in the uterus, ectopic molar
pregnancy is extremely rare. Gillespie et al. estimated that 3. Clinical Case
the incidence of ectopic GTD is 1.5 per one million births
in the UK [1]. Preoperative diagnosis of ectopic molar We recently observed a 33-year-old, gravida 3 para 2, woman
pregnancy is difficult, and our literature search found only who visited our hospital with a complaint of amenorrhea
one report of molar pregnancy diagnosed preoperatively [2]. for 8 weeks and 3 days since her last menstrual period. Her
Moreover, there is no English literature depicting magnetic blood pressure was 104/76 mmHg, with pulse of 68 beats per
resonance image (MRI) findings of ectopic molar pregnancy. minute. Her abdomen was soft and she had no tenderness
Here, we report the first case of ectopic molar pregnancy on palpation. On vaginal examination, the uterus was asym-
preoperatively diagnosed using MRI, with a review of the metrically enlarged. Transvaginal ultrasonography (TVUS)
literature. revealed an empty endometrial cavity and right cornual
hyperechoic mass (5 cm) with multiple vesicles (Figure 1).
2. Literature Serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin (-hCG) level
was 66,400 ng/mL. Because molar ectopic pregnancy was
We performed a review of all ectopic molar pregnancy cases suspected and her vital signs were stable, MRI was performed.
published in English and Japanese between 1960 and 2014. All MRI revealed a 5 cm mass on the right cornu, of isosignal

Table 1: Thirty-one cases and the current case on ectopic molar pregnancy.
Case Age Gestation hCG level Preoperative
Author Site Symptom hCG type Rupture Treatment
number (years) (weeks) (mIU/mL) diagnosis
Asseryanis et al. Ectopic molar
1 27 16 Left tube Pelvic mass hCG 3.5 Left tubal resection
[2] (1993) pregnancy
DAguillo et al.
2 24 15 Right ovary Abdominal pain hCG 44000 Right tubal pregnancy RSO
[3] (1982)
Chase et al. [4] Laparoscopic right
3 38 8 Right tube Amenorrhea hCG 83 Ectopic pregnancy
(1987) tubal resection
Chapman [5] D&C +
4 35 9 Cervix Vaginal bleeding hCG 90181 Cervical pregnancy
(2001) laparoscopy
Chauhan et al. Laparoscopic right
5 27 6 Right tube Abdominal pain hCG 406 Right tubal pregnancy
[6] (2004) tubal resection
Wu et al. [7] Abdominal pain
6 31 7 Cesarean scar hCG 61798 Missed abortion D&C 2
(2006) Vaginal bleeding
Chauhan et al. Abdominal pain
7 40 12 Left cornua hCG 2905 Unknown TAH
[8] (2006) Vaginal bleeding
Tulon et al. [9] Abdominal pain Ruptured ectopic
8 30 7 Left tube hCG 5308 + Left tubal resection
(2010) Vaginal bleeding pregnancy
Hwang et al. [10] Laparoscopic left
9 41 12 Left cornua Vaginal bleeding hCG 57738 Ectopic pregnancy
(2010) cornual resection
Laparoscopic left
10 Juan [11] (2013) 20 8 Left tube Abdominal pain hCG 6984 + Left tubal pregnancy
tubal resection
Abdominal pain Laparoscopic left
11 32 6 Left tube hCG 404000 + Left tubal pregnancy
Mbarki et al. Vaginal bleeding tubal resection
[12] (2015) Abdominal pain Ruptured ectopic Laparoscopic left
12 37 7 Left tube hCG 290600 +
Shock vital pregnancy tubal resection
Jock et al. [13] Ovarian
13 27 12 Left ovary Amenorrhea Serum hCG 165000 + LSO + OM + D&C
(1981) choriocarcinoma
Zite et al. [14] Intrauterine mole + Right cornual
14 Unknown 12 Right cornua Abdominal pain Serum hCG 97000 +
(2002) ovarian bleeding resection + D&C
Mohamed and
Abdominal pain Right tubal
15 Sharma [15] 32 Unknown Right tube Serum hCG 7823 + Ectopic pregnancy
Vaginal bleeding resection
Church et al. Abdominal pain
16 29 6 Left ovary Serum hCG 3584 + Left tubal pregnancy LSO
[16] (2008) Vaginal bleeding
Leung et al. [17] Uterus + D&C right
17 38 Unknown Vaginal bleeding Serum hCG 54000 + Intrauterine mole
(2010) right ovary ovarian resection
Bousfiha et al. Abdominal pain Laparoscopic left
18 32 6 Left tube Serum hCG 3454 Ectopic pregnancy
[18] (2012) Vaginal bleeding tubal resection
Laparoscopic left
Sehn et al. [19] Abdominal pain ovarian resection
19 20 Unknown Left ovary Serum hCG 100355 + Unknown
(2013) Vaginal bleeding laparoscopic
Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Table 1: Continued.
Case Age Gestation hCG level Preoperative
Author Site Symptom hCG type Rupture Treatment
number (years) (weeks) (mIU/mL) diagnosis
Ota et al. [20] Abdominal pain Ruptured ectopic
20 23 8 Peritoneum Serum hCG 8000 + Laparotomy
(2014) Shock vital pregnancy
MTX 1corse
Ikuma et al. [21]
21 44 11 Left tube Vaginal bleeding Urine hCG 1600 + GTD ATH + LSO
MTX 1corse
P. Dumitrescu
Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology

and A.
22 28 Unknown Peritoneum Unknown Not performed + Ectopic pregnancy Laparotomy
Dumitrescu [22]
Abdominal pain
Westerhout Jr.
23 32 810 Left tube Vaginal bleeding Not performed + Unknown LSO
[23] (1964)
Shock vital
Pour-Reza [24] Abdominal pain
24 36 Unknown Left tube Not performed + Ectopic pregnancy LSO
(1974) Vaginal bleeding
Farrukh et al. Abdominal pain Laparoscopic right
25 27 Unknown Right tube Not performed + Ectopic pregnancy
[25] (2007) Vaginal bleeding tubal resection
Abdominal pain Laparoscopic tubal
26 20 Unknown Tube Not performed + Unknown
Vaginal bleeding resection
Abdominal pain Laparoscopic tubal
27 28 Unknown Tube Not performed + Unknown
Vaginal bleeding resection
Samaila et al. Abdominal pain Laparoscopic tubal
28 [26] (2009) 33 Unknown Tube Not performed + Unknown
Vaginal bleeding resection
Abdominal pain Laparoscopic tubal
29 35 Unknown Tube Not performed + Unknown
Vaginal bleeding resection
Laparoscopic tubal
30 37 Unknown Tube Amenorrhea Not performed + Unknown
resection + LM
Yakasai et al.
31 35 12 Left tube Abdominal pain Not performed + Left tubal pregnancy Left tubal resection
[27] (2012)
Ectopic molar
32 Current case 33 8 Right cornua Amenorrhea hCG 66400 (ng/mL) TAH
hCG: human chorionic gonadotropin; TAH: total abdominal hysterectomy; LSO: left salpingo-oophorectomy; RSO: right salpingo-oophorectomy; D&C: dilatation and curettage; OM: omentectomy; LM:
laparoscopic myomectomy; MTX: methotrexate; GTD: gestational trophoblastic disease.
4 Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Figure 1: Transvaginal ultrasonographic image at 8 weeks of gestation. A hyperechoic mass (5 cm) in the right cornu containing multiple
vesicles (arrows).

(a) (b)


Figure 2: Coronal MRI images. (a) T1-WI shows an isosignal intensity mass in the right cornu. The mass includes a cyst (arrow) and shows
low signal intensity. Several flow voids (arrow heads) are observed at the edge of the mass. (b) T2-WI. The mass and cyst (arrow) show high
signal intensity. Several flow voids (arrow heads) are observed at the edge of the mass. (c) Gadolinium-enhanced and fat-suppressed T1-WI
demonstrates a well-enhanced mass and clear margins. Arrow indicates the cyst.

intensity on T1-weighted images (T1-WI) and high signal rupture of enlarged uterine cornu during removing of the
intensity on T2-weighted images (T2-WI). The mass included uterus through the vagina. On laparotomy, a dark-blue mass
vesicles with low signal intensities on T1-WI and high signal with increased vascularity in the right uterine cornu was
intensities on T2-WI, suggesting hydropic villi. The mass noted (Figure 3(a)). Both adnexa were normal, and there
showed strong gadolinium contrast enhancement, and its was no hemoperitoneum. Total abdominal hysterectomy was
margins were clear. Several flow voids were observed at the performed because the patient and her husband did not
edge of the mass (Figure 2). wish to preserve fertility. Grossly, cut sections of the uterus
According to these findings, a preoperative diagnosis showed a dark-red 4 cm mass with small vesicles in the right
of ectopic molar pregnancy in the right uterine cornu was cornu. The uterus had no malformation such as unicornuate
made. Because the patient no longer had any wish for or bicornuate uterus. On pathology, chorionic villi with
a baby, an abdominal hysterectomy was performed. We focal trophoblastic proliferation and hydropic change were
chose not a laparoscopic surgery but a laparotomy to avoid observed. There was no cistern formation. A few proliferating
Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology 5

(a) (b)


Figure 3: (a) Photograph of the uterus during laparotomy. A dark-blue mass is seen in the right cornu, with increased vascularity (arrow).
(b) Enlarged hydropic villi and focal trophoblastic proliferation (asterisk) are observed. There is no cistern formation. A few proliferating
stromal cells are observed but degeneration is not noted. (c) Invasion of villi and trophoblasts to the uterine myometrium. The trophoblastic
proliferation is variable.

stromal cells were observed but degeneration was not noted primary focal ovarian resection. Methotrexate therapy was
(Figure 3(b)). Invasion of trophoblasts to the myometrium performed in one case because residual trophoblastic tissue
was noted (Figure 3(c)). The postoperative diagnosis was was suspected. None of the patients developed metastatic
ectopic invasive mole in the right cornu. Systemic computed disease or relapsed.
tomography was performed after operation and revealed
no metastatic lesion. The patient was followed up weekly 5. Discussion
or biweekly, and her -hCG level was negative 8 weeks
postoperatively. The patient has been free from relapse for 60 Preoperative diagnosis of ectopic molar pregnancy is difficult,
months. and we found only one reported case. Asseryanis et al.
preoperatively detected a left tubal molar pregnancy using
4. Results (Table 1) transvaginal color-flow Doppler, revealing an arteriovenous
shunt flow of both the tumor and myometrium [2]. However,
Of the 31 cases reviewed, the mean age was 31.3 years (20 to the efficacy of transvaginal color-flow Doppler in the diag-
44 years), and the lesions were found in the fallopian tube nosis of ectopic molar pregnancy remains controversial [28].
(19 cases, 61%), ovary (5 cases, 16%), cornu (3 cases, 10%), We suspected cornual molar pregnancy because transvaginal
peritoneum (2 cases, 6%), uterine cervix (1 case, 3%), and ultrasonography revealed a mass with small vesicles in the
cesarean scar (1 case, 3%). Abdominal pain and abnormal right cornu, which is a typical finding of molar pregnancy.
vaginal bleeding were reported in 70% and 61% of the MRI revealed a right cornual mass with isosignal intensity
patients, respectively. Twenty-one cases (67%) presented with on T1-weighted images (T1-WI) and high signal intensity
rupture and hemoperitoneum. Serum -hCG levels in 12 on T2-weighted images (T2-WI). In addition, small vesicles
cases and serum hCG levels in 8 patients ranged within 3.5 in the mass showed low signal intensities on T1-WI and
404,000 mIU/mL and 3,454165,000 mIU/mL, respectively. high signal intensities on T2-WI, which suggested hydropic
All patients underwent operation or dilatation and curettage. villi. Distinguishing between ectopic molar pregnancy and
A second operation was needed in one ovarian molar preg- choriocarcinoma or ordinary ectopic pregnancy is impor-
nancy case because serum hCG levels increased again after tant. Ha et al. reported four important MRI findings for
6 Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology

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