00 Crimpro Bail Compiled Digest
00 Crimpro Bail Compiled Digest
00 Crimpro Bail Compiled Digest
Court fix the amount of the bond at P10K for the petitioners release xxx According to this xxx the right to bail only
pending trial, but the Provincial Fiscal of Pampanga opposed the provision, the general rule is accrues when a person is
motion on the ground that the filing was premature because the that any person, before being arrested or deprived of his
petitioner had been arrested. The respondent Judge dismissed the convicted of any criminal liberty. The purpose of bail
motion on the ground that the petitioner does not have the right to offense, shall be bailable, is to secure one's release
ask for the court to admit him to bail pending his arrest or except when he is charged and it would be
surrender. with a capital offense and the incongruous to grant bail to
evidence of his guilt is strong. one who is free. Thus, `bail is
The petitioner contends that as, under the Constitution, "all persons Of course, only those the security required and
shall before conviction be bailable by sufficient sureties, except those persons who have been given for the release of a
charged with capital offenses when evidence of guilt is strong," Article either arrested, detained or person who is in the custody
III, Section 1, paragraph (16), Constitution of the Philippines, and that otherwise deprived of their of the law.'
the words "all persons" used in said constitutional provision have liberty will ever have
been interpreted to mean "all persons, without distinction, whether occasion to seek the Without surrendering himself,
formally charged or not yet so charged with any criminal offense". benefits of said provision.
But in order that a person can he filed the motion in which
invoke the constitutional he asks that the court fix the
ISSUE: WON the judge erred in not granting the petition for admission amount of the bail bond for
precept, it is not necessary
to bail. his release pending trial. It is,
that he should wait until a
formal complaint or therefore, clear that the
HELD/RATIO: No. information is filed against petitioner is a free man and is
him. From the moment he is under the jurisprudence not
placed under arrest, entitled to admission to bail.
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
sworn confession of SPO2 Maderal. Acting Presiding Judge Wilfredo Honorable Court of Appeals
Tumaliuan issued warrants of arrest against petitioners and SPO2 gravely erred in reversing and
setting aside the Joint Order of Petitioners counter the
Judge Anastacio D. Anghad finding of the Court of
dated August 17, 2001, Appeals by arguing that
Petitioners filed an urgent motion to complete preliminary jurisdiction over the person
September 21, 2001, October
investigation, to reinvestigate, and to recall and/or quash the warrants of the accused is required
16, 2001 and November 14,
of arrest. only in applications for bail.
2001 issued in criminal cases
numbered 36-3523 and 36- Furthermore, petitioners
Judge Tumaliuan noted the absence of petitioners and issued a Joint 3524; and, erred in upholding, argue, assuming that such
Order denying said urgent motion on the ground that, since the court affirming and reinstating the jurisdiction over their person
did not acquire jurisdiction over their persons, the motion cannot be Order dated July 6, 2001 is required before the court
properly heard by the court. In the meantime, petitioners appealed issued by then Acting can act on their motion to
the resolution of State Prosecutor Leo T. Reyes to the Department of Presiding Judge Wilfredo quash the warrant for their
Justice. Tumaliuan, on the alleged rule arrest, such jurisdiction over
that an accused cannot seek their person was already
any judicial relief if he does acquired by the court by their
the new Presiding Judge Anastacio D. Anghad took over the case
not submit his person to the filing of the above Urgent
jurisdiction of the court. Motion.
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash) obedient to the will of the law. Custody of the
law is literally custody over the body of the
accused. It includes, but is not limited to,
The voluntary appearance of the accused, whereby the court acquires
jurisdiction over his person, is accomplished either by his pleading to
the merits (such as by filing a motion to quash or other pleadings Therefore, in narrow cases involving special
requiring the exercise of the courts jurisdiction thereover, appearing appearances, an accused can invoke the processes of
for arraignment, entering trial) or by filing bail. On the matter of bail, the court even though there is neither jurisdiction
since the same is intended to obtain the provisional liberty of the over the person nor custody of the law. However, if a
accused, as a rule the same cannot be posted before custody of the person invoking the special jurisdiction of the court
accused has been acquired by the judicial authorities either by his applies for bail, he must first submit himself to the
arrest or voluntary surrender. custody of the law.
Our pronouncement in Santiago shows a distinction between . If we allow the granting of bail to persons not in the
custody of the law and jurisdiction over the person. Custody of the custody of the law, it is foreseeable that many persons
law is required before the court can act upon the application for who can afford the bail will remain at large, and could
bail, but is not required for the adjudication of other reliefs elude being held to answer for the commission of the
sought by the defendant where the mere application therefor offense if ever he is proven guilty. On the other hand,
constitutes a waiver of the defense of lack of jurisdiction over the if we allow the quashal of warrants of arrest to
8 persons not in the custody of the law, it would be very
person of the accused. Custody of the law is accomplished either rare that a person not genuinely entitled to liberty
by arrest or voluntary surrender, while jurisdiction over the would remain scot-free. This is because it is the same
person of the accused is acquired upon his arrest or voluntary judge who issued the warrant of arrest who will
10 decide whether or not he followed the Constitution in
appearance. One can be under the custody of the law but not yet
subject to the jurisdiction of the court over his person, such as his determination of probable cause, and he can
when a person arrested by virtue of a warrant files a motion easily deny the motion to quash if he really did find
before arraignment to quash the warrant. On the other hand, one probable cause after personally examining the
can be subject to the jurisdiction of the court over his person, and records of the case.
yet not be in the custody of the law, such as when an accused
escapes custody after his trial has commenced. Being in the
custody of the law signifies restraint on the person, who is thereby AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin
deprived of his own will and liberty, binding him to become
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CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
FACTS: Cortes filed a complaint against Judge Catral for granting bail ISSUE: WON the allegations of In a crime of murder. The
without hearing. the complainant would provincial prosecutor
warrant the imposition of recommended the sum of
Catral allegedly granted bail in two murder cases, a crime that is administrative sanction P200,000.00 as bailbond for
supposedly not bailable) without hearing. Catral says:In one of them, against respondent judge. each accused. The records do
the case was frustrated homicide, and the prosecutor recommended not reveal whether a hearing
bail of 200K, plus the circumstantial evidence were weak. HELD/RATIO: YES. was actually conducted on the
application for bail although
respondent judge implies that
In the case of People v. Rodrigo Bumanglag, Criminal Case 08-866 for Bail should be fixed according there was one, stating that
murder, the inquest judge issued a warrant of arrest for the accused to the circumstances of each acting on this
with no bail recommended. When the case was elevated to the case. The amount fixed should recommendation of the
Regional Trial Court upon information filed by the provincial be sufficient to ensure the provincial prosecutor and
prosecutor, the information made no mention of a bailbond. In the presence of the accused at the taking into account the
hearing of the petition to determine whether or not the evidence of trial yet reasonable enough to guidelines prescribed in
guilt is strong, the fiscal opted not to introduce evidence and comply with the Section 9 of Administrative
recommended bail in the sum of P200,000.00 instead. constitutional provision that Circular 12-94, the court
bail should not be excessive. issued a warrant of arrest and
Respondent judge acting on the said recommendation and again Therefore, whether bail is a fixed the amount of
guided by the provision of Section 9, Administrative Circular 12-94 in matter of right or of P200,000.00 for the
conjunction with the evidence extant on the record approved the discretion, reasonable notice provisional liberty of each of
recommendation of Prosecutor Apolinar Carrao. A duplicate copy of of hearing is required to be the accused.
trial prosecutor Apolinar Carraos letter dated September 3, 1996 given to the prosecutor or
addressed to the provincial prosecutor Romeo Sacquing was fiscal or at least he must be
asked for his recommendation Subsequently, counsel for
presented by the respondent to disprove the accusation that he accused Ahmed Duerme filed
granted bail to the accused without conducting any hearing. because in fixing the amount
of bail, the judge is required to a motion for reduction of bail.
take into account a number of The hearing of the motion
Catral allegedly reduced bailbond for an illegal possession of firearms factors such as the applicants was conducted on August 21,
case from 180K (recommended by prosecutor) to 30K without character and reputation, 1995 with the prosecution,
hearing. forfeiture of other bonds or not having interposed any
whether he is a fugitive from opposition, and submitting
Catral says: bailbond recommended was 180K. accused filed for justice. the resolution of the motion to
reduction and there was no opposition from prosecutor. the sound discretion of the
court instead. Respondent
When the accused is charged judge then issued an order
Barangay Captain Nilo de Rivera with a homicide case was granted with an offense punishable by granting a reduced bailbond
with a bailbond of P14,800.00 by Judge Segundo Catral. The amount is death, reclusion perpetua or
of P50,000.00 for accused
too low. It is because this Nilo de Rivera is another goon of Julio Bong life imprisonment, the judge is
Ahmed Duerme inasmuch as
Decierto. mandated to conduct a the evidence was not so
hearing, whether summary or strong to warrant the fixation
Catral says: he was acting on the recommendation of the OIC provincial otherwise in the discretion of of said amount. The order
prosecutor and mindful of the guidelines in fixing a reasonable amount of the court, not only to take into granting the reduced
bailbond coupled by the fact that the evidence on record is merely account the guidelines set bailbond, however, did not
forth in Section 9, Rule 114 of contain a summary of the
circumstantial and there was no eyewitness to the commission of the Rules of Court, but evidence for the prosecution.
crime granted bailbond in the sum of P14,800.00. primarily to determine the
existence of strong evidence
of guilt or lack of it, against In another murder case, after
4. . Jimmy Siriban the right hand man of Julio Bong the accused. conducting a preliminary
investigation, the inquest
Dicierto was sued for concubinage and convicted by Judge Herminio Respondent judge, in two judge issued a warrant of the
del Castillo in MTC. Jimmy Siriban appealed and it was elevated to the instances, granted bail to an arrest for the accused with no
RTC Branch 08, the sala of Judge Segundo Catral. Judge Segundo Catral accused charged with murder, bail recommended. When the
acquitted Jimmy Siriban, rumors in Aparri spread that the wife of case was elevated to the
without having conducted any Regional Trial Court, the
Judge Segundo Catral went to Jimmy hearing as to whether the information made no mention
evidence of guilt against the of a bailbond. Consequently,
Siribans house to get the envelop accused is strong. accused through counsel
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
Rosaldiza helped in the household chores by washing the familys HELD/RATIO: NO. Even a (please see previous case for
dirty laundry every Saturday at the barangay reservoir. The route to cursory reading of the the duties of the trial court in
the reservoir was uninhabited. Going there was quite a long trek. It decision of the trial court will resolving a motion or petition
usually took Rosaldiza fifteen minutes to negotiate the grassy path readily show that it convicted for bail)
from the reservoir to their house. appellant of the crime charged
in light of the testimony of In this case, the appellant filed
In 1989, Romeo engaged the services of Alex Manallo, as coconut Rosaldiza and Dr. Loria- his motion for bail on May 8,
gatherer. Alex helped the Nabor couple gather coconut produce once a Florece and the physical 1992. There was no specific
week. evidence adduced by the date and time for the hearing
prosecution. of said motion. And yet, on
the same day that the
One day, in 1992, Rosaldiza went to the reservoir to wash her clothes motion was filed, the trial
and to take a bath. On her way back home, Manallo suddenly appeared The trial court considered court granted the said
from the bushes, grabbed her and raped her. Alex dressed up and appellants flight from the
motion and fixed the bail
warned her not to tell her parents, brothers and sisters of the incident, scene of the crime, his having bond for the provisional
otherwise, he would kill them all. Rosaldiza put on her clothes and ran jumped bail and for eluding liberty of the appellant in
home. Rosaldiza related to her mother what had happened to her. arrest for six long years as
evidence of his guilt for the the amount of P50,000.00
crime charged without any factual basis
Medico-Legal. Then Rosaldiza and Liliosa went back to the police therefore stated in the
station and executed their respective sworn statements. An order. Even when the public
information was filed with the Regional Trial Court of Legaspi City, BAIL-RELATED (copy-paste): prosecutor prayed the court
charging Alex with rape. on June 17, 1992, for the
The Court cannot write finis to cancellation of the property
No bail was recommended for the provisional liberty of Alex. He this case without making of bond of the appellant on the
filed, on May 8, 1992, a motion for bail with no specific date and time record its concern and ground that the trial court
for the hearing thereof. Upon the filing of said motion, the Executive displeasure at the egregious granted his motion for bail
Judge issued an order granting the motion and fixing his bail bond procedural lapse of the trial without even affording the
at P50,000.00. On the same day, Alex posted a property bond court in granting bail to prosecution a chance to be
which was immediately approved by the court. Alex was forthwith appellant. It bears stressing heard thereon and adduce
released from detention. that he was charged with rape its evidence in opposition
punishable by reclusion thereto, the trial court held in
perpetua to death. Section 5, abeyance resolution thereof
At his arraignment on June 17, 1992, Alex, duly assisted by counsel de Rule 114 of the 1985 Rules of
and even allowed the
oficio, pleaded not guilty. Trial was set on June 18, 1992. The Criminal Procedure reads: appellant to remain free on
prosecution prayed the trial court to cancel the bond of Alex
his bond in the amount of only
considering that his petition for bail was granted without due hearing.
SEC. 5. Burden of proof in Bail P50,000.00. Patently, the
However, the trial court held in abeyance resolution of the motion
prosecution was deprived of
until after the prosecutor shall have presented its witnesses on June application. At the hearing of
its right to due process.
18, 1992. The trial court stated that the evidence to be adduced by the an application for admission
prosecution would be its evidence in Alexs petition for bail and trial to bail filed by any person
on the merits. On June 18, 1992, the trial court issued an order that who is in custody for the A bail application does not
Alex would remain free on his bond until June 22, 1992, the date set commission of an offense only involve the right of the
for the hearing on his petition for bail. However, Alex failed to attend punishable by reclusion accused to temporary liberty,
the trial on said date. The trial court issued and order for his arrest. perpetua to death, the but likewise the right of the
However, Alex could no longer be found at his address. It was only six prosecution has the burden of State to protect the people
years thereafter, or on January 22, 1998, that he was arrested. showing that evidence of guilt and the peace of the
is strong. The evidence community from dangerous
presented during the bail elements. These two rights
He denied raping Rosaldiza and claimed that they were lovers. He was hearings shall be considered
must be balanced by a
found guilty. (short story version.) automatically reproduced at magistrate in the scale of
the trial, but upon motion of justice, hence, the necessity
ISSUE (in the case): WON the trial court gravely erred in convicting either party, the court may for hearing to guide his
accused-appellant not on the basis of the strength of recall any witness for exercise of jurisdiction.
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
G.R. 129670
February 1, 2000
his bail bonds. His contention
FACTS: Manolet Lavides was arrested on April 3, 1997 for child abuse d) Approval of the bail is that this condition is void
under R.A. No. 7610 (an act providing for stronger deterrence and bonds shall be made only and that his arraignment was
special protection against child abuse, exploitation and after the arraignment to also invalid because it was
discrimination, providing penalties for its violation, and other enable this Court to held pursuant to such invalid
purposes). His arrest was made without a warrant as a result of an immediately acquire condition.
entrapment conducted by the police. It appears that on April 3, 1997, jurisdiction over the
the parents of complainant Lorelie San Miguel reported to the police accused; ISSUE: WON the condition is
that their daughter, then 16 years old, had been contacted by void and the arraignment
petitioner for an assignation that night at petitioners room at the Petitioner filed a motion to invalid.
Metropolitan Hotel in quash the informations
against him. Pending HELD: CONDITION IS VOID.
Diliman, Quezon City. Apparently, this was not the first time the police resolution of his motion, he
received reports of petitioners activities. asked the trial court to bail should be granted before
suspend the arraignment arraignment, otherwise the
When petitioner opened the door, the police saw him with Lorelie, scheduled on May 23, 1997. accused may be precluded
who was wearing only a t-shirt and an underwear, whereupon they He filed a motion in which he from filing a motion to quash.
arrested him. Based on the sworn statement of complainant and the prayed that the amounts of For if the information is
affidavits of the arresting officers, which were submitted at the bail bonds be reduced to quashed and the case is
inquest, an information for violation of Art. III, 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610 P40,000.00 for each case and dismissed, there would then
was filed against petitioner. that the same be done prior to be no need for the
his arraignment. arraignment of the accused. In
petitioner filed an "Omnibus Motion (1) For Judicial Determination of the second place, the trial
Probable Cause; (2) For the Immediate Release of the Accused the trial court, in separate court could ensure the
Unlawfully Detained on an Unlawful Warrantless Arrest; and (3) In orders, denied petitioners presence of petitioner at the
the Event of Adverse Resolution of the motions to reduce bail bonds, arraignment precisely by
to quash the informations, granting bail and ordering his
and to suspend arraignment. presence at any stage of the
Above Incident, Herein Accused be Allowed to Bail as a Matter of Accordingly, petitioner was proceedings, such as
Right under the Law on Which He is Charged. arraigned during which he arraignment. Under Rule 114,
pleaded not guilty to the 2(b) of the Rules on Criminal
nine more informations for child abuse were filed against petitioner charges against him and then Procedure, one of the
by the same complainant, Lorelie San Miguel, and by three other ordered him released upon conditions of bail is that "the
minor children posting bail bonds in the total accused shall appear before
amount of P800,000.00, the proper court whenever so
No bail was recommended. Nonetheless, petitioner filed separate subject to the conditions in required by the court or these
applications for bail in the nine cases. the May 16, 1997 order and Rules," while under Rule 116,
the "hold-departure" order of 1(b) the presence of the
April 10, 1997. The pre-trial accused at the arraignment is
TRIAL COURT: 2. The accused is entitled to bail in all the above-
conference was set on June 7, required
entitled case. He is hereby granted the right to post bail in the amount
of P80,000.00 for each case or a total of P800,000.00 for all the cases
under the following conditions: to condition the grant of bail
The Court of Appeals declared to an accused on his
conditions (a) and (b) invalid arraignment would be to
The accused shall not be entitled to a waiver of appearance during the
but declined to pass upon the place him in a position where
trial of these cases. He shall and must always be present at the
validity of condition (d) on the he has to choose between (1)
hearings of these cases;
ground that the issue had filing a motion to quash and
become moot and academic. thus delay his release on bail
In the event that he shall not be able to do so, his bail bonds shall Petitioner takes issue with the because until his motion to
be automatically cancelled and forfeited, warrants for his arrest Court of Appeals with respect quash can be resolved, his
shall be immediately issued and the cases shall proceed to trial in to its treatment of condition arraignment cannot be held,
absentia; (d) of the May 16, 1997 order and (2) foregoing the filing of
of the trial court which makes a motion to quash so that he
The hold-departure Order of this Court dated April 10, 1997 stands; petitioners arraignment a can be arraigned at once and
and prerequisite to the approval of thereafter be released on bail.
These scenarios certainly
8 or of guilt, (b) during trial whenever necessary for
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash) identification purposes, and (c) at the promulgation
of sentence, unless it is for a light offense, in which
case the accused may appear by counsel or
representative. At such stages of the proceedings, his
undermine the accuseds constitutional right not to be put on trial presence is required and cannot be waived.
except upon valid complaint or information sufficient to charge him
with a crime and his right to bail. IT DOES NOT FOLLOW THAT THE ARRAIGNMENT OF
The condition imposed in the trial courts order of May 16, 1997 that Contrary to petitioners contention, the arraignment
the accused cannot waive his appearance at the trial but that he must did not emanate from the invalid condition that
be present at the hearings of the case is valid and is in accordance with "approval of the bail bonds shall be made only after
Rule 114. For another condition of bail under Rule 114, 2(c) is that the arraignment." Even without such a condition, the
"The failure of the accused to appear at the trial without justification arraignment of petitioner could not be omitted. In
despite due notice to him or his bondsman shall be deemed an express sum, although the condition for the grant of bail to
waiver of his right to be present on the date specified in the notice. In petitioner is invalid, his arraignment and the
such case, trial shall proceed in absentia." Jjsc subsequent proceedings against him are valid.
discretion, by the very in section 34 b(2) (b)the
This is a petition for certiorari filed by Eduardo Ocampo to set aside an nature of things, may determination as to
order issued by the Fourth Division of the People's court denying his rightly be exercise only whether the proof is
application for bail.chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary chanrobles virtual law after the evidence is evident or the presumption
library submitted to the court at great must, on an original
the hearing. Since application, be determined
from the evidence adduced
The petitioner was arrested by the Counter Intelligence Coprs of the on the application no
Armed Forces of the United States and confined in Muntinglupa Prisons the discretion is directed to matter which side bears
since July 30, 1945, and pursuant to Executive Order No. 6555 he was the weight of evidence the burden of proof. Where
turned over to the Commonwealth of the Philippines and later on filed cannot properly be accused under a capital
with the Peoples Court his application for bail under Act No. 682. weighed if not duly
exhibited or produced indictment bears the
before the court (Ramos vs. burden of proof he should
At the hearing of the application, the special prosecutor stated that Ramos, 45 Phil., 362), it is offer the witnesses whose
petitioner with having pointed out Placido Trinidad as a guerilla to the obvious that a proper names are endorsed on the
Japanese and for that reason Placido Trinidad was shot to death. exercise of judicial indictment, although he is
discretion requires that the not limited to such
No evidence, however, was presented by the special prosecutor and all evidence of guilt be witnesses.
that he did at the hearing was to recite the contents of an affidavit submitted to the court, the
which has no referrence to count No. 4, and to state further that he had petitioner having the right o The court should hear
27 more affidavits. of cross-examination and all material and relevant
to introduce his own evidence offered by either
Petitioner made an objection stating that a mere recital is not a evidence in rebuttal. party, such as the grand
evidence and that evidence cannot be considered strong which has not jury minutes, and should
been subjected to the test of cross-examination. Mere affidavits or recital of consider the evidence as a
their contents are not whole. (8 C.J.S., section 46
He testified in his own behalf in denying all the charges preferred sufficient since they are [b], p. 94.).
against him and stated that said charges are mere intrigues of his mere hearsay evidence,
political enemy Marcelo Trinidad. unless the petitioner fails Upon the hearing it is
to object thereto. proper to require the
Under all these circumstances, the Fourth division of the People's Court prisoner to begin the
composed of Judges Jose Bernabe, Emilio Rilloraza and Angel Gamboa, And this is the prevailing evidence, although it
issued an order dated February 23, 1946, denying the application for doctrine in the United imposes upon him the
bail. States. In some states of necessity of producing
the American union, the evidence upon which the
burden of showing that state intended to rely for
Hence, this petition for certiorari. his conviction on the final
proof is evident or the
presumption great, lies on trial. But the accused will
ISSUE: WON no proof was presented by the special prosecutor to the prosecution while in not by this procedure be
show that the evidence of guilt is strong, thus, the People's Court others on the petitioner, denied the opportunity of
committed a grave abuse of discretion in denying the application but the rule seems to be cross-examining the
for bail -YES. uniform to the effect that people's witnesses. (Ex
no matter which side bears parte Heffren, 27 Ind., 87.
We have held in Herras Teehankee vs. Director of Prisons the burden of proof, the To the same effect, Rigdon
evidence of guilt should be vs. State, 41 Fla., 308; 26
adduced before the court So., 711; ex parte
(76 Phil., 756), that all persons shall before conviction be bailable Nathan[Fla.]; 50 so., 38."
for a proper determination
except when charge is a capital offense and the evidence of guilt is (39 L. R. A., New Series, pp.
of its probative force
strong. the general rule, therefore, is that all persons, whether charged 752, 774, 775.).
or not yet charges, are, before their conviction, entitled to provisional
release on bail, the only exception being where the charge is a capital In corpus Juris Secundum
offense and the evidence of guilt is found to be strong. the rule is summarized as The evidence for the state,
follows: as well as that for the
accused, should be
At the hearing of the application for bail, the burden of showing that the presented (1) by the
case falls within the exception is on the prosecution, according to Rule o Unless the presumption petitioner in an application
110, section 7. from an indictment for a
for bail. (Ex parte Tully
capital offense is [Fla.], 66 S., 296; Rigdon vs.
The determination of whether or not the evidence of guilt is strong is, conclusive against accused State, 41 Fla., 308; 26 S.,
as stated in Herras Teehankee case, a matter of judicial discretion. This which has been considered 711; Ex parte Heffren, 27
Ind., 87. (2) But the petitioner, by proper procedure, may test the Heffren, supra. (6 C.J., p. library chanrobles virtual
probative force of the testimony for the state in order to fully present 984, fn. 50 [a], section law library
his case for the purposes of the hearing. Ex parte Tully, supra; Ex parte 214.).chanroblesvirtuallaw
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash) The course of the inquiry may be left to the discretion
of the court which may confine itself to receiving such
evidence as has reference to substantial matters
avoiding unnecessary thoroughness in the
Where on a motion to admit to bail after the indictment, the evidence of examination and cross-examination of witnesses and
the witnesses who testified before the grand jury does not make a reducing to a reasonable minimum the amount of
prima facie case against the accused, he is entitled to bail, and it is an corroboration particularly on details that are not
error to refuse bail upon the statement of the district attorney that he essential to the purpose of the hearing.
has other evidence which he will not disclose for fear of weakening the
state's case. (In ex parte Reynald, 37 Texas, 1.)
Objection has been made long ago to this method of
hearing wherein the regular trial is anticipated
And this is in conformity with the former rulings of this Court. though to a limited extent at least. but the objection
True that in the same case of Herras Teehankee vs. Director of Prisons, It appearing in the instant case that on the hearing of
supra, we said that the hearing of an application for bail should be the application for bail filed by the petitioner no
summary or otherwise in the discretion of the court. By "summary proof was offered by the prosecution to show that the
hearing" we meant such brief and speedy method of receiving and evidence of guilt is strong, the Fourth Division of the
considering the evidence of guilt as is practicable and consistent with People's Court committed a grave abuse of discretion
the purpose of the hearing which is merely to determine the weight of in denying the bail applied for.
the evidence for purposes of bail. On such hearing, the court "does not
sit to try the merits or to enter into any nice inquiry as to the weight
that ought to be allowed to the evidence for or against accused, nor will
it speculate on the outcome of the trial or on what further evidence may AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin
be therein offered and admitted." (8 C. J. S., 93,94.)
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CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
into any nice inquiry as to the circumstances which tend to
At the outset it should be mentioned that the instant petition is weight that ought to be connect the two accused with
formally defective in that the petitioner appears to be the State allowed to the evidence for or thecrimes and who
Prosecutor handling the case below instead of the People of the against accused, nor will it presumably will also be called
Philippines, who should properly be represented in this proceeding by speculate on the to testify, and whose
the Solicitor General. (BUT FOR SPEEDY DISPOSITION OF THE CASE, willingness to do so may
THIS INFIRMITY IS OVERLOOKED. SC PROCEEDS). outcome of the trial or on thereby be adversely
what further evidence may be influenced by such revelation,
does not appear to be
At the outset, let it be stated that after the arraignment of the accused therein offered and admitted.' convincing, since the record of
and before the commencement of the trial, the applications for bail, (8 C.J.S. 93, 94.) T the cases already contains the
were heard testimony which Najar gave at
The course of the inquiry may the preliminary investigation,
The Court ruled and ordered a joint hearing of the cases on the merits be left to the discretion of the aside from his three sworn
and of the applications for bail. On this same occasion the Court also court which may confine itself statements consisting of 16
considered the motion filed by the prosecution to discharge the to receiving such evidence as pages typed single-space in
defendant Angelico Najar. Without any objection on the part of the has reference to substantial question and answer form.
defense, said motion to discharge was granted and accused Najar was matters, avoiding unnecessary (TANGGAPIN NA KASI NILA
discharged to become state witness pursuant to Sec. 11, Rule 119 of thoroughness in the NA INSUFFICIENT NGA DAW)
the Rules of Court. examination and cross-
examination of witnesses and
reducing to a reasonable The proviso that any witness
As the trial progressed, with the prosecution presenting several minimum at the amount of may be recalled at the trial for
witnesses whose testimonies have not established evidence directly corroboration particularly on additional examination
linking the accused Escribano and Padilla to the conspiracy alleged in details that are not essential underscores, if anything, the
the informations in these cases, the defense on August 2, 1971 filed an to the purposes of the difference between the
urgent motion for the reconsideration of the order given in open Court hearing." hearing for purposes of the
ordering a joint hearing of the cases on the merits and of the petition for bail and the trial
applications for bail, to which the prosecution also filed its opposition. on the merits. This is as it
We do not see that the should be, because one has for
addition of the provision Sec. its purpose, from the endpoint
The Court reconsidered its previous order and ordered that the 7, Rule 114 has materially
applications for bail be first heard to which the prosecution gave its changed the nature of the of the prosecution, to show
assent. that strong evidence of guilt
hearing on a petition for bail exists while the contemplates
to the extent of depriving the proof beyond reasonable
ISSUE: whether or not a proceeding in an application for bail is Court of its discretion to doubt.
still summary in nature as it was under the old rule - YES confine the evidence to the
extent necessary for the
proper determination of the The right of the prosecution to
As a general proposition, all persons shall before conviction be
control the quantum of
bailable except when the charge is a capital offense and the evidence question of whether or not
the evidence of guilt is strong. evidence and the order of
of guilt is strong.
The only change that has been presentation of the witness
introduced is that such while not to be disregarded,
At the hearing of the application for bail the burden of showing that must nevertheless be equated
evidence shall be considered
the case falls within the exception is on the prosecution, according to with the purpose of the
automatically reproduced at
Section 7, Rule 114 of the Rules of Court. T hearing, which is to determine
the trial in order to avoid
unnecessary repetition. whether the accused falls
he determination of whether or not the evidence of guilt is strong is a within the exception to the
matter of judicial discretion, which in the very nature of things may general rule that he is
The prosecution had had constitutionally entitled to
rightly be exercised only after the evidence is submitted to the court at
three months since the bail before conviction.
the hearing. Neither under the old nor under the new Rules is there
hearing started until the
any specific provision defining what kind of hearing it should be, but
questioned order was issued
in the two cases cited at the footnote hereof it was stated that the To allow the prosecution to
and had called 27 witnesses
hearing should be summary or otherwise in the discretion of the conduct the hearing as if it
just to lay a sufficient
court. were a full-dress trial on the
corroborative basis for the
testimony of its principal merits who defeat the
"By 'summary hearing,' this Court added, "we mean such brief and witness, Angelico Najar. The purpose of the proceeding.
speedy method of receiving and considering the evidence of guilt as is plea that this witness will
practicable and consistent with the purpose of the hearing which is reveal the names of persons DISPOSITIVE: the petition is
merely to determine the weight of the evidence for purposes of bail. who have some knowledge of dismissed and the temporary
On such hearing, the court does not sit to try the merits or to enter
restraining order issued by this Court is lifted, with instructions to the prejudice to said Court's such other prosecution as it
respondent Court to resume the hearing forthwith for the allowing, in the exercise of its may deem advisable, in the
presentation of Angelico Najar as witness for the prosecution, without discretion, the presentation of interest of justice.
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
where the prosecutor
On 16 May 1994 a criminal complaint for murder was filed against It is worthy to note that in refuses to adduce evidence
Antonio Balagot and Ariel Acha for the murder of Daniel Mamolo,Jr., son the resumption of the in opposition to the
of complainant hearing in the afternoon of application to grant and fix
25 May 1994 the bail, the court may ask the
prosecution prefaced its prosecution such questions
After Judge Rogelio R. Narisma conducted the requisite preliminary as would ascertain the
examination he issued the corresponding warrants of arrest against the submission with a strength of the states
accused. Respondent Judge recommended no bail since murder is a statement of its serious
vehement objection to the evidence or judge the
capital offense and the evidence of guilt was strong. Acha was later adequacy of the amount of
arrested while Balagot surrendered to the PC Provincial Command in petition for bail. bail x x
Such manifestation ought
Subsequently, Balagot through counsel filed a Petition For Admission to to have alerted respondent
Bail and set the same for hearing. At the scheduled hearing defense of the next appropriate
counsel informed the court that Balagot was ill and asked the court to steps in resolving the The failure of respondent
dispense with the submission of his petition and, instead, to allow petition. In Borinaga v. Judge to adhere to a basic,
Balagot to be treated at the hospital (SPECIAL TREATMENT???). Tamin we delineated a fundamental procedure
clear guideline on the cannot be lightly
exercise of judicial overlooked. As correctly
MAMOLO:claims that despite the fact that respondent Judge discretion in hearing perceived by OCA, this
recommended no bail for both accused he nevertheless allowed Balagot petitions omission by respondent
to put a bail of P150,000.00 without giving the prosecution the constitutes gross ignorance
opportunity to present its evidence to prove that the evidence of guilt of the law since it resulted
against the accused was strong. for bail -x x x (w)hile the
determination of whether in depriving the
or not evidence of guilt is prosecution the time-
MAMOLO: also avers that on several occasions he saw respondent strong is a matter of tested and enduring
Judge and counsel for accused Balagot together and engaged in a series judicial discretion, this procedural due process.
of private talks at a nearby restaurant. discretion by the nature of
things may rightly be It is an oft-repeated dictum
In his Memorandum of 21 July 1995, approved by Court Administrator exercised only after the that a judge should exhibit
Ernani Cruz Pan o, Deputy Court Administrator Reynaldo L. Suarez evidence is submitted to more than just a cursory
found that respondent Judge disregarded procedural due process in the court at such hearing. acquaintance with the
granting bail to the accused. He opined that the prosecutions waiver to Whether the motion for statutes and procedural
present evidence ought to have prompted respondent Judge to ask the bail of an accused who is in rules. For the role of judges
prosecution to present its witnesses at another date set for the purpose custody in a summary in the administration of
(of asking) clarificatory questions from which he may infer the strength proceeding or in the course justice requires a
of the evidence of guilt of the accused.. of a regular trial the continuous study of the law
prosecution must be given and jurisprudence.
ISSUE: WON JUDGE NARISIMA ACTED INAPPROPRIATELY IN an opportunity to present, Indubitably, the industry of
RECOMMENDING THE BAIL FOR BALAGOT?-YES within a reasonable time, a judge in keeping abreast
all the evidence that it may with the law and court
desire to introduce before rulings will enhance the
The procedure of conducting a hearing on the application for admission
the court may resolve the faith of our people in the
to bail should provide the basis for judges to determine whether the
motion for bail. If the administration of justice
prosecutions evidence is weak or strong. In the case at bench, while
prosecution should be since litigants will be
respondent conducted a hearing on Balagots petition for bail such
denied of such an confidently and invariably
proceeding did not elicit evidence from the prosecution to guide
opportunity, there would assured that the occupants
respondent in the proper determination of the petition.
be a violation of procedural of the bench cannot justly
due process, and the order be accused of a deficiency
The deferential attitude of the prosecution cannot excuse respondents of the court granting bail in their grasp of legal
disregard of his peremptory duty. should be considered void principles.
on that ground x x x (E)ven
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
among the accused was
On appeal is the joint decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of It is settled that the established- YES
Ilagan, Isabela, finding appellant Saturnino Tuppal guilty of robbery assessment of the
with homicide and sentencing him to reclusion perpetua. prosecution evidence After accused Ben Tuppal
presented during bail announced the hold-up, co-
Appellants conviction stemmed from four charges filed on August 21, hearings in capital offenses accused Danilo Tuppal took
1992, by the Provincial Prosecutor of Isabela is preliminary and Florfinas handbag
intended only for the containing P2,500.00.
purpose of granting or Appellant Saturnino
Appellant remained at large for almost nine (9) years after the filing of denying applications for Tuppal then shot Florfina
the aforesaid cases. It was only on March 5, 1998 that appellant was the provisional release of with a handgun, hitting her
arrested in Cainta, Rizal and in connection with another case for the accused. on the left side of her
robbery. abdomen.
Appellant was arraigned. Assisted by counsel, he pleaded not guilty to Their concerted action
the charges. The cases were then consolidated and trial ensued. shows their unity of
WON the evidence now on
record is sufficient to hold purpose to rob the victim,
The prosecutions evidence established that: appellant Saturnino at all cost. These concerted
Tuppal guilty beyond acts of appellant and his
On the evening of December 22, 1989, the spouses Bonifacio and reasonable doubt of the co-accused manifestly
Florfina Solito and their four-year-old child, Efren, attended the crime of robbery with disclose concurrence of
wedding of Florfinas younger sister, Loida Atuan, at Barangay Banguro, homicide- YES wills, unity of action, joint
Reina Mercedes, Isabela. At about 11:30 P.M., the Solitos accompanied purpose and common
by Bartolo Atuan, Jr., Florfinas 26-year-old brother, left the wedding design. Hence, although
The court a quo found the appellant did not himself
reception. They had barely traveled some 300 meters away and were in prosecutions evidence
front of the house of Felix Sacang, when they were waylaid by appellant credible. It disbelieved shoot Bartolo Atuan, Jr., he
and his four companions, now the co-accused.After Ben Tuppal is still liable for
appellants bare denials.
announced a heist, Danilo Eyewitness Florfina Solitos
testimony on the hold-up Bartolos death as principal
Tuppal immediately ran off with Florfinas handbag containing incident was replete with because the existence of
P2,500.00 in cash. Appellant then shot Florfina with a short firearm, material details. She conspiracy makes the act of
hitting her in the abdomen. Bartolo Atuan, Jr., tried to shield Florfina testified that after being one the act of all.
from further harm but Marcelo Tuppal then shot Bartolo, killing him on shot in the abdomen, she
the spot. grappled with appellant for The charges against
possession of the gun. appellant and his co-
Florfina took advantage of the situation and scurried towards a nearby Meanwhile, co-accused accused, constitute only
banana plantation. The malefactors gave pursuit and continued to fire Danilo Tuppal dashed off one special indivisible or
at her hitting her further at the buttocks and in the arm. She pretended with her bag and its composite crime as defined
to be dead and fell to the ground. The ploy worked because she heard contents, according to her. in Article 294 (1) of the
accused Pedro Tuppal say, Let us go, she is already dead. She also described the Revised Penal Code.
firearm used in shooting
her and killing her brother. the prosecution amply
In the meantime, upon hearing the gunshots, Bonifacio Solito and his
These details could not established the following
son Efren scampered towards the house of Felix Sacang. Co-accused
have sprung from her elements of robbery with
Ben Tuppal ran after both father and son. He aimed the gun at them,
imagination, but only from homicide: (a) the taking of
but the gun jammed and did not fire.
her vivid recollection of the personal property is
fatal incident implicating perpetrated by means of
In the present cases, appellant raised the defense of denial and alibi. the appellant and his violence or intimidation
brothers as the against a person, (b) the
CRIMPRO ISSUE: malefactors. property taken belongs to
another, (c) the taking is
WON the fact that the trial court had held during the bail hearing Appellants defense of alibi characterized by intent to
that the prosecution evidence was weak, it is estopped from is untenable. gain or animus lucrandi,
rendering a contrary ruling after the trial.- NO and (d) on the occasion of
the robbery or by reason
thereof, the crime of
Said findings should not be construed as an immutable evaluation of
homicide, in its generic
the prosecutions evidence.
WON the conspiracy sense, is committed.
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
other incidents of the case, person is bailable except if
An order of respondent Judge Manuel Lopez Enage, fixing the bail of which, to his mind would charged with capital
petitioner, Ricardo de la Camara, in the sum of P1,195,200.00 is disprove any charge that he offenses when the evidence
assailed in this petition for certiorari as repugnant to the constitutional was guilty of grave abuse of of guilt is strong. Such a
mandate prohibiting excessive bail. discretion. It stressed, right flows from the
moreover, that the presumption of innocence
challenged order would in favor of every accused
The merit of the petition on its face is thus apparent. Nonetheless, relief find support in circulars who should not be
sought setting aside the above order by reducing the amount of bail to of the Department of subjected to the loss of
P40,000.00 cannot be granted, as in the meanwhile, petitioner had Justice given sanction by freedom as thereafter he
escaped from the provincial jail, thus rendering this case moot and this Court. He sought the would be entitled to
academic. dismissal of the petition for acquittal, unless his guilt
lack of merit. be proved beyond
It is deemed advisable, however, for the guidance of lower court judges, reasonable doubt. Thereby
to set forth anew the controlling and authoritative doctrines that Respondent Judge a regime of liberty is
should be observed in fixing the amount of the bail sought in order that submitted a supplemental honored in the observance
full respect be accorded to such a constitutional right. (I.E., answer wherein he alleged and not in the breach. It is
MASYADONG MAGANDA ANG PONENCIA KO PARA LANG MASAYANG! that petitioner escaped not beyondthe realm of
DI KO NAMAN KASALANAN NA NAKATAKAS SILA EH!- FERNANDO, from the provincial jail on probability, however, that a
HAHAHA) April 28, 1971 and had person charged with a
since then remained at crime, especially so where
Ricardo, de la Camara, Municipal Mayor of Magsaysay, Misamis Oriental, large. There was a his defense is weak, would
was arrested on November 7, 1968 and detained at the Provincial Jail of reiteration then of the just simply make himself
Agusan, for his alleged participation in the killing of fourteen and the dismissal of this petition scarce and thus frustrate
wounding of twelve other laborers of the Tirador Logging Co for lack of merit, to which the hearing of his case. A
petitioner countered in a bail is intended as a
guarantee that such an
Thereafter, the Provincial Fiscal of Agusan filed with the Court of First pleading, and filed with
intent would be thwarted
Instance a case for multiple frustrated murder and another for multiple this Court the next day
murder against petitioner, his co-accused Nambinalot Tagunan and with this plea: "The
Fortunato Galgo, resulting from the aforesaid occurrence. undersigned counsel, Nor is there, anything
therefore, vehemently unreasonable in denying
interpose opposition, on this right to one charged
Then on January 14, 1969, came an application for bail filed by
behalf of petitioner, to with a capital offense when
petitioner with the lower court, premised on the assertion that there
respondent's prayer for evidence of guilt is strong,
was no evidence to link him with such fatal incident of August 21, 1968.
dismissal of the present as the likelihood is, rather
He likewise mantained his innocence. Respondent Judge started the
petition for lack of merit. than await the outcome of
trial of petitioner on February 24, 1969, the prosecution resting its case
For, the issue in this case is the proceeding against him
on July 10, 1969. As of the time of the filing ofthe petition, the defense
not alone the fate of with a death sentence, an
had not presented its evidence.
petitioner Ricardo de la ever-present threat,
Camara. The issue in the temptation to flee the
Respondent Judge issued an order granting petitioner's application for present petition that calls jurisdiction would be too
bail, admitting that there was a failure on the part of the prosecution to for the resolution of this great to be resisted.
prove that petitioner would flee even if he had the opportunity, but Honorable Tribunal is the
fixed the amount of the bail bond at the excessive amount of fate of countless other Where, however, the right
Ricardo de la Camaras who to bail exists, it should not
P1,195,200.00,the sum of P840,000.00 for the information maybe awaiting the clear- be rendered nugatory by
charging multiple murder and P355,200.00 for the offense of cut definition and requiring a sum that is
multiple frustrated murder. declaration of the power of excessive. So the
trial courts in regard to the Constitution commands. It
fixing of bail." (HOW is understandable why. If
Then came the allegation that on August 12, 1970, the Secretary of
TOUCHING. BLEH) there were no such
Justice, Vicente Abad Santos, upon being informed of such order, sent a
telegram to respondent Judgestating that the bond required "is prohibition, the right to
excessive" and suggesting that a P40,000.00bond, either in cash or ISSUE: WON THE BAIL bail becomes meaningless.
property, would be reasonable. There was likewise a motion for RECOMMENDED WAS It would have been more
reconsideration to reduce the amount. Respondent Judge however EXCESSIVE AND forthright if no mention of
remained adamant. Hence this petition. VIOLATIVE OF THE such a guarantee were
CONSTITUTION-YES found in the fundamental
The answer filed by respondent Judge on March 5, 1971 set forth the
circumstances concerning the issuance of the above order and the Before conviction, every
19 CrimPro (Bail, Motion to
Quash) constitutional right to bail, we will not hesitate to
exercise our supervisory powers to provide the
required remedy."
It is not to be lost sight of that the United States Constitution limits No attempt at rationalization can therefore give a
itself to a prohibition against excessive bail. color of validity to the challenged order. There is grim
irony in an accused being told that he has a right to
Nothing can be clearer, therefore, than that the challenged order of bail but at the same time being required to post such
August 10, 1970 fixing the amount of P1,195,200.00 as the bail that an exorbitant sum.
should be posted by petitioner, the sum of P840,000.00 for the
information charging multiple murder, there being fourteen victims, It is no wonder that the resulting frustration left
and the sum of P355,200 for the other offense of multiple frustrated resentment and bitterness in its wake. Petitioner's
murder, there being twelve victims, is clearly violative of constitutional subsequent escape cannot be condoned. That is why
provision he is not entitled to the relief prayed for. What
respondent Judge did, however, does call for
.Under the circumstances, there being only two offenses charged, the repudiation from this Court.
amount required as bail could not possibly exceed P50,000.00 for the
information for murder and P25,000.00 for the other information for Nor is there any justification then for imputing his
frustrated murder. Nor should it be ignored in this case that the inability to fix a lesser amount by virtue of an alleged
Department of Justice did recommend the total sum of P40,000.00 for reliance on a decision of this Tribunal. Even if one
the two offenses. were charitably inclined, the mildest characterization
of such a result is that there was a clear reading of the
Villaseor v. Abano: The guidelines in the fixing of bail was there Abano opinion when such a meaning was ascribed to
summarized, in the opinion of Justice Sanchez, as follows: "(1) ability of it. No doctrine refinement may elicit approval if to do
the accused to give bail; (2) nature of the offense; (3) penalty for the so would be to reduce the right to bail to a barren
offense charged; (4) character and reputation of the accused; (5) health form of words. Not only is the order complained of
of the accused; (6) character and strength of the evidence; (7) absolutely bereft of support in law, but it flies in the
probability of the accused appearing in trial; (8) forfeiture of other face of common sense. It is not too much to say that it
bonds; (9) whether the accused wasa fugitive from justice when is at war with the command of reason.
arrested; and (10) if the accused is under bond for appearance at trial
in other cases." Respondent Judge, however, did ignore this decisive
consideration appearing at the end of the above opinion: "Discretion,
indeed, is with the court called upon to rule on the question of bail. We AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin
must stress, however, that where conditions imposed upon a defendant | Vien
seeking bail would amount to a refusal thereof and render nugatory the
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
21 SCRA 321 (1967)
161 SCRA 490
People v. Austria - the presentation of evidence cannot have the effect of DISPOSITION the petition is DENIED. The orders
validating a void information, or proving an offense which does not appealed from are hereby AFFIRMED.
legally exist. The information was not merely defective but it does not
charge any offense at all. Technically speaking, that information does
not exist in contemplation of law.
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin
The Court is not unaware that accuse- Abadilla, rightly or wrongly, is | Vien
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
266 SCRA 678
Garcia even admits that he is the offended party in the criminal case NO
because the information therein describes him as the offended party who
suffered damage and prejudice. We agree with the Court of Appeals that these trips abroad did
not constitute the "absence" contemplated in Article 91. These
NO trips were brief, and in every case Adela returned to the
Philippines. Besides, these were made long after the Garcia
discovered the offense and even if the aggregate number of days
Even People v. Alagao, which he cites, mentions the exceptions to the
of these trips are considered, still the information was filed well
rule as provided in par. (f) and (h) of Sec. 2, and Sec. 4 and 5 of the old
beyond the prescriptive period.
Rule 117 viz., (a) extinction of criminal liability, and (b) double
jeopardy. His claim that the exception of extinction can no longer be
raised due to the implied repeal of the former Section 4, Rule 117 of the DISPOSTION the instant petition is DENIED for lack of merit and
Rules of Court occasioned by its non-reproduction after its revision, is the challenged decision of 13 February 1995 of the Court of
equally without merit. No repeal, express or implied, of the said Section Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No.14324 is AFFIRMED.
4 ever took place. While there is no provision in the new Rule 117 that
prescribes the contents of a motion to quash based on extinction of
criminal liability, Section 2 thereof encapsulizes the former Sections
3,4, and 5 of the old Rule 117.
Sec. 2, Rule 117 - Form and contents. - The motion to quash shall be in
writing signed by the accused or his counsel. It shall specify distinctly
the factual and legal grounds therefor and the court shall consider no
grounds other than those stated therein, except lack of jurisdiction over
the offense charged.
UY v. CA
276 SCRA 371
279 SCRA 393
Panganiban, J
People v. Moran
January 27, 1923
Araullo, C.J.
Offenses resulting from State has no right to prosecute
Facts: violations of this Act shall the offender, or to punish him,
prescribe one year after their and if he has already been
commission. punished, it has no right to
March 31, 1922
continue holding him subject
to its action by the imposition
SC affirmed judgment of CFI of Pangasinan convicting the accused Meaning, there is no need for
herein for violation of the Election Law an allegation by the accused of the penalty. The plain
as to the prescription of the precept contained in article
crime, the Court may by itself 22 of the Penal Code,
declaring the retroactivity of
May 2, 1922 accused filed a special motion, alleging that the crime render a
5 penal laws in so far as they are
has prescribed under the provision of Section 71 of Act 3030 favorable to persons accused
(enacted March 9, 1922), thus praying for absolution Therefore, as on March 9th of of a felony or misdemeanor,
this year, 1922, when Act No. even if they may be serving
Issue # 1: Whether or not the prescription provided in section 71 of 3030 went into effect, sentence, would be useless
Act 3030 refers only to that act and not to any other. providing in its section 71 and nugatory if the courts of
that offense resulting from the justice were not under
violations thereof shall obligation to fulfill such duty,
Held/Ratio: NO. prescribe one year after their irrespective of whether or not
commission, the accused and the accused has applied for it,
Said act was amendatory to several provisions of the Election law, as the Attorney-General had
just as would also all
such Act 3030 rather than being an integral part of the former election already filed their respective
provisions relating to the
law is in conjunction with the latter the only Election Law in force briefs in this court for the prescription of the crime and
prosecution of the appeal the penalty.
While it is true that Sec.72 provided that the act shall take effect on taken from the judgment of
the date of its approval (March 9, 1922), the meaning of such the court below, and the
hearing of the case had
expression (effectivity) in connection with prescription is that Article 22 of the Penal Code
prescription can be invoked from that date, as was done by the already been held, this court can only be invoked when the
accused, and not that such provision may have a retroactive effect itself, without the necessity of provisions of some other penal
from that same date. any motion of the accused, or law than the provisions of the
of the Attorney-General, Penal Code are under
should have declared the consideration. In other words,
Issue #2 (more crimpro relevant): Whether or not such
crime in question to have the provisions of article 22 can
provisions may be applied retroactively in favor of the accused.
prescribed, in view of the only be invoked with reference
provision of said section. to some other penal law. It has
Held/Ratio: YES. Consequently, as this court no application to the
had not up to that time made
While it is a rule of general application that unless the defense of such pronouncement, the provisions of the Penal Code
prescription is pleaded in the trial court, it will be deemed to have accused are perfectly justified except in relation with some
been waived and cannot later be raised, yet this rule is not of absolute in asking, as they have done in other law. It is not believed,
application in criminal cases, for if the prescription of the crime, as their motion of May 2d of this therefore, that the Legislature
well as of the penalty whereby criminal responsibility is extinguished, year, that the offense having in enacting article 7 of the
may, as is the case here with regard to the former, be provided by prescribed, they be absolved Penal Code intended to
statute after the termination of all the proceedings in the trial court, as from the complaint. This duty provide that article 22 should
well as in the appellate court, and when the case has already been is imperative upon the courts not be applicable to special
submitted for discussion and is awaiting only the final judgment; and of justice at any moment that laws.
if the prescription of the crime is but the extinguishment of the right the offense appears to have
of the State to prosecute and punish the culprit, it is beyond question prescribed under the
It cannot be maintained
that, once the State has lost or waived such right, the accused may, at provision of the law. With
that said article 22 of the
any stage of the proceeding, ask and move that the same be dismissed particular reference to the
Penal Code refers only to
and that he be absolved from the complaint. And not only that, the present case, this conclusion
is necessarily reached from penalties and is not
right to prosecute and punish the criminal having been lost by the
the letter as well as the spirit applicable to appeals and
prescription of
of the provisions of the Penal proceedings, because the
Code relative to prescription, prescription of the crime is
the crime expressly provided by the statute, the State itself, the intimately connected with
and from that of section 71 of
Government through the proper court, is in duty bound to make a that of the penalty, for the
6 the aforesaid Act No. 3030, for
pronouncement to that effect. once the offense or the length of time fixed by the
penalty has prescribed, the law for the prescription
depends upon the gravity of
the offense, as may be seen from Title VI of Book I of the Penal Code, without distinguishing decision absolving a
containing, as its heading indicates, "General Provisions Regarding between the penalties and the defendant because of
Felonies and Misdemeanors, the Persons Liable and the Penalties," prescription. (US v. Rama)
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash) With regard to the question whether prescription must
be considered as a matter of procedural or formal law,
or as a substantive law for the purpose of the
retroactivity of laws, we must state, with reference to
extinguishing of the criminal responsibility dealt with in said Title VI of the present case, that the prescription provided in
said Book, which title comes next to Title V, treating of the penalties section 71 of Act No. 3030 is of the nature both of a
incurred by those who evade service of sentence and those who, while substantive law, in so far as it gives a person accused of
serving sentence, or after having been convicted by a final judgment not any of the crimes therein referred to, the right not to
yet served, commit some other crime. be prosecuted nor punished after the lapse of the
period of one year from the commission of said crimes,
And aside from this intimate connection between the prescription of within which the criminal action must be commenced,
the crime and that of the penalty, a statute declaring the prescription and of a procedural or adjective law in so far as it fixes
of the crime has no other object and purpose than to prevent or the time within which such action must necessarily be
annul the prosecution of the offender and, in the last analysis, the commenced in order that the prosecution may be legal
imposition of the penalty. and the proper penalty may lawfully be imposed. but
however said provision may be considered, the same
Moreover, if the provisions relative to the prescription of ownership must have a retroactive effect, as will be seen later on.
and to the prescription of actions in civil matters are part of the civil
law, it cannot be denied that the provisions relative to the prescription
of crimes and of penalties are penal laws or form part thereof.
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin
| Vien
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
People v. Salico
October 13, 1949
Feria, J.
offense charged, or for any for further proceeding. The
Facts: attempt to commit the same fact that the lower court has
or frustration thereof, or for to proceed to the trial of the
any offense which necessarily case against the defendant on
CFI of Occidental Negros dismissed the complaint for homicide against includes or is necessarily the merits and may after the
defendant on the ground that it was not able to prove that the offense included in the offense trial either acquit or convict
was committed within its territorial jurisdiction charged in the complaint or him, would not place the
information. defendant in double jeopardy,
Issue: Whether this appeal would place the defendant in double because the further
jeopardy. Besides, under section 2, Rule proceeding by the court below
118 of the Rules of Court the is not a new trial of a case
prosecution may appeal against the defendant, but a
Held/Ratio: NO.
because the defendant would mere continuation of the
not be placed in double former trial in order that the
By the dismissal of the case by the court below upon motion of the lower court may decide the
jeopardy, not only when the
defendant, the latter has not been in jeopardy case on the merits or the guilt
defendant has not yet been
placed in jeopardy in the court or innocence of the defendant.
8 below, but also when,
Section 9, Rule 113 basically states that when a defendant when a
defendant has been convicted or acquitted or the case against him is although a defendant had Assuming arguendo that the
dismissed or otherwise terminated without his express consent, upon a already been in former defendant had been already in
valid complaint or information by a court of competent jurisdiction jeopardy, the appeal by the jeopardy in the court below
and after he has pleaded to the charge, the conviction or acquittal of prosecution would no place and would be placed in the
the defendant or the dismissal of the case shall be a bar to another him in danger again of being double jeopardy by the
prosecution for the same offense. convicted by the appellate appeal, the defendant has
court by the same offense, waived his constitutional right
because the question for the not to be put in danger of
But when the case id dismissed with the express consent of the
appellate court to decide is being convicted twice for the
defendant, the dismissal will not be a bar to another prosecution for
not the guilt or innocence of same offense.
the same offense; because, his action in having the case dismissed
the defendant.
constitutes a waiver of his constitutional rights or privilege, for the
reason that he thereby prevents the court from proceeding to the trial Assuming, arguendo, that the
on the merits and rendering a judgment of conviction against him. o For example, when after a defendant had been already in
judgment of conviction jeopardy in the court below
and that appeal would put
Court cited: Ruling Case Law and American Jurisprudence; Carrol v. rendered by the lower court
had become final the court him in double jeopardy, it is
State; Craig v. US
reconsiders its decision and well settled in this jurisdiction
renders another acquitting that the right of the defendant
The appeal by the prosecution in the present case would not place the the defendant, in which the not to be put twice in
defendant in double jeopardy. question raised in the appeal jeopardy is deemed waived if
is not the guilt or innocence of not set up in time as a defense
As a necessary corollary of the above conclusion that the defendant the appellee, but the or ground for a motion to
not been in jeopardy in the court below, because the case was jurisdiction of the court to dismiss. As the defendant has
dismissed upon the defendant's own motion, this appeal by the render the second judgment. not set up said right or
prosecution would not place the defendant in double jeopardy, since a Or, as in the present case, objected on that ground to the
person who has not been once, cannot be put twice in jeopardy. when the question involved appeal by the prosecution,
in the appeal is whether or this court can not motu
not the lower court erred in proprio dismiss the appeal, in
As in, literally, they didnt know whether the municipality of
dismissing the case on the the same way that if the
Victorias is within Negros Occ. stupid, much?
ground that the evidence defendant appeals from a
for the prosecution does not judgment of conviction,
show that the place where waiving his right not to be put
Former conviction or acquittal or former jeopardy. - When a defendant the offense was committed twice in jeopardy, the
shall have been convicted or acquitted, or the case against him was within the territorial appellate court can not motu
dismissed or otherwise terminated without the express consent of a jurisdiction of the court. proprio dismiss the appeal.
defendant, by a court of competent jurisdiction, upon a valid This court by reversing the The provision of section 2,
complaint or information or other formal charge sufficient in form and appealed decision in such Rule 118, can not be
substance to sustain a conviction, and after the defendant had pleaded cases cannot convict the construed to mean that this
to the charge, the conviction or acquittal of the defendant or the appellee, but only remand Court can not entertain an
dismissal of the case shall be a bar to another prosecution for the the case to the lower court appeal by the prosecution
even if the
35 defendant by a court of competent jurisdiction upon a
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash) valid complaint or information . . . and after the
defendant has pleaded to the charge, the conviction
or acquittal of the defendant or the dismissal of the
case shall be a bar to another prosecution for the same
defendant has waived his right to object to the appeal on the ground offense, etc." It does not say that it shall be a bar if the
that it would place him in double jeopardy; because the Congress has defendant sets up the defense of double jeopardy in
no power to make the judgment of the Court of First Instance the same way that section 2 of Rule 118 does not
unappealable by the mere fact that the defendant had already been in provide that the prosecution cannot appeal if the
jeopardy, inasmuch as section 2, Article VIII, of the Constitution defendant set up the defense of double jeopardy; and
provides that the Congress may not deprive the Supreme Court of its yet the defendant shall have to set up that defense if
appellate jurisdiction to review on appeal all final decisions and orders prosecuted again for the offense, for otherwise it is
of the inferior courts in all cases in which an error or question of law is deemed waived and the defendant may be prosecuted
involved, as in the present case. and convicted for the same offense.
Besides, section 9, Rule 113, of the Rules of Court provides that "when a
defendant shall been convicted or acquitted, or the case against him
dismissed or otherwise terminated without the express consent of the AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin
| Vien
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
Padilla, J.
Those who in theaters, fairs, Board, its public showing
Facts: cinematographs, or any other constitutes a criminal offense.
place open to public view, 3
On the other hand, the
shall exhibit indecent or offense punished in Article
2 informations were filed against Agapito Gonzales and Roberto immoral plays, scenes, acts, or
9 201 (3) of the Revised Penal
Pangilinan: the first for violation of Section 7 , in relation to Section shows; Code is the public showing of
10 nd 11
11 , of RA 3060, the 2 for violation of Art 201(3) of RPC indecent or immoral plays,
jeopardy must have attached scenes, acts, or shows, not just
Judge, upon motion of accused to quash information, dismissed the prior to the second; (2) the motion pictures.
nd first jeopardy must have been
2 information on the ground of double jeopardy.
validly terminated; and (3) o The nature of both offenses
the second jeopardy must be also shows their essential
Issue: Whether or not the 2 information causes double jeopardy. for the same offense, or the
difference. The crime
Peoples contention: The accused could not invoke the constitutional second offense includes or is
punished in Rep. Act No. 3060
guarantee against double jeopardy, when there had been no necessarily included in the
is a malum prohibitum in
conviction, acquittal, dismissal or termination of criminal proceedings offense charged in the first
which criminal intent need
in another case for the information, or is an attempt
not be proved because it is
to commit the same or a
presumed, while the offense
1 frustration thereof
same offense. The respondent, on the other hand, argues that punished in Article 201 (3) of
conviction or acquittal in, or dismissal or termination of a first case is the Revised Penal Code is
not necessary, so long as he had been put in jeopardy of being All these requisites do not malum in se, in which criminal
convicted or acquitted in the first case of the same offense. exist in this case. intent is an indispensable
Held/Ratio: NO. The two (2) informations with
which the accused was It is a cardinal rule that the
charged, do not make out only protection against double
It is a settled rule that to raise the defense of double one offense, contrary to jeopardy may be invoked
jeopardy, three requisites must be present: (1) a first private respondent's only for the same offense or
allegations. In other words, Identical offense. A single
the offense defined in section act may offend against two
It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to exhibit or cause to be 7 of Rep. Act No. 3060 (or more) entirely distinct
exhibited in any motion picture theater or public place, or by punishing the exhibition of and unrelated provisions of
television within the Philippines any motion picture, including motion pictures not duly law, and if one provision
trailers, stills, and other pictorial advertisements in connection with passed by the Board of requires proof of an
motion pictures, not duly passed by the Board; or to print or cause to Censors for Motion Pictures additional fact or element
be printed on any motion picture to be exhibited in any theater, or does not include or is not which the other does not, an
public place or by television, a label or notice showing the same to included in the offense acquittal or conviction or a
have been previously passed by the said Board when the same has not defined in Article 201 (3) of dismissal of the information
been previously authorized, except motion pictures imprinted or the Revised Penal Code under one does not bar
exhibited by the Philippine Government and/or its departments and punishing the exhibition of prosecution under the
agencies, and newsreels. indecent and immoral motion other. (People v. Bacolod, 89
pictures. The two (2) Phil. 621; People v. Alvarez,
offenses do not constitute a 45 Phil. 24). Phrased
Any violation of Section seven of this Act shall be punished by
jeopardy to each other. elsewhere, where two
imprisonment of not less than six months but not more than two
years, or by a fine of not less than six hundred nor more than two different laws (or articles of
thousand pesos, or both at the discretion of the court. If the offender is o the elements of the two (2) the same code) define two
an alien he shall be deported immediately. The license to operate the offenses are different. The crimes, prior jeopardy as to
movie theater or television shall also be revoked. Any other kind of gravamen of the offense one of them is no obstacle
violation shall be punished by imprisonment of not less than one defined in Rep. Act No. 3060 is to a prosecution of the
month nor more than three months or a fine of not less than one the public exhibition of any other, although both
hundred pesos nor more than three hundred pesos, or both at the motion picture which has not offenses arise from the
discretion of the court. In case the violation is committed by a been previously passed by the same facts, if each crime
corporation, partnership or association, the liability shall devolve Board of Censors for Motion involves some important act
upon the president, manager, administrator, or any office thereof Pictures. The motion picture which is not an essential
responsible for the violation. may not be indecent or element of the other.
immoral but if it has not been (People v. Alvarez, 45 Phil.
previously approved by the 472).
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
People v. Pineda
February 16, 1993
Melo, J.
2(h) Rule 117 of the Old Rules consent of the accused
Facts: as suggested in the motion to (People vs. Miraflores, 115
quash, because this plea is SCRA 586 [1982]; Nierras vs.
understood to presuppose Dacuycuy, 181 SCRA 8 [1990])
Basically: Consolacion Naval sold the subject realty on August 12, that the other case against
1969 to Edilberto Ilano who made a partial payment of P130,850.00. private respondent has
About two years later, or on August 17, 1971, an application for Justice Oscar Herrera, in his
been book "Remedial Law"
registration under the Land Registration Act was submitted by
Consolacion wherein she stated that she owned the same lot and that enumerates the elements
it was unencumbered. For those reasons, the corresponding title was dismissed or otherwise constitutive of first jeopardy,
issued in her name but she allegedly disposed of the half portion of terminated without her to wit:
the property to nine other persons. express consent, by a court
of competent jurisdiction, Court of competent
upon a valid complaint or jurisdiction;
Hence she was charged with estafa and falsification of public information, and after the
documents on 2 separate informations defendant had pleaded to
the charge Valid complaint or
She moved to quash the information for falsification on the ground information;
that such was a necessary means to commit estafa, and a separate Arraignment
(People of the Philippines 4. Valid plea (People vs.
conviction would constitute double jeopardy. versus Hon. Maximiano C. Ylagan, 58 Phil. 851; 853)
Asuncion, et al., G.R. Nos.
Judge Pineda granted said petition. 83837-42, April 22, 1992;
Section 7, Rule 117, 1985 The defendant was acquitted
or convicted or the case was
Issue: Whether or not quashing the information was correct (whether Rules on Criminal Procedure, dismissed or otherwise
or not there would be double jeopardy) as amended). In the Asuncion
case, Justice Nocon said that: terminated without the
express consent of the
Held/Ratio: NO. accused (People vs. Declaro,
. . . according to a long line of G.R. No. 64362, February 9,
cases, in order that a 1989, 170 SCRA 142; See also
Assuming in gratia argumenti that falsification was indeed necessary
defendant may successfully People vs. Santiago, 174 SCRA
to commit estafa, which ordinarily constitutes a complex crime under
allege former jeopardy, it is 143; People vs. Gines, G.R. No.
Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code and thus susceptible to challenge
necessary that he had 83463, May 27, 1991, 197
via a motion to quash under Section 2 (e), Rule 117 vis-a-vis Section
previously been (1) convicted SCRA 481; Que vs. Cosico, 177
12, Rule 110 (Moran, Rules of Court, Vol. 4, 1980 Ed., p. 42; 230), still,
or (2) acquitted, or (3) in SCRA 410 [1989]; Caes vs.
it was serious error on the part of the magistrate below to have
jeopardy of being convicted of Intermediate Appellate Court,
appreciated this discourse in favor of private respondent since this
the offense charged, that is, 179 SCRA 54; Lamera vs.
matter was not specifically raised in the motion to quash filed on
that the former case against Court of Appeals, 198 SCRA
October 28, 1975 (p. 16, Record). It was only in the motion for
him for the same offense has 186 [1991]). (Herrera,
reconsideration where private respondent pleaded this additional
been dismissed or otherwise Remedial Law, 1992 Ed.,
ground after her motion to quash was denied
terminated without his Volume 4, p. 417).
express consent, by a court of
At any rate, it is virtually unacceptable to suppose that private competent jurisdiction, upon
respondent concocted the sinister scheme of falsification in 1971 a valid complaint or Citing cases, both old and of
precisely to facilitate the commission of estafa in 1973 such that both information, and after the recent vintage, Justice Herrera
crimes emanated from a single criminal impulse. Otherwise, an defendant had pleaded to the continues to submit the idea
unfounded verisimilitude of this nature will run afoul with what this charge. that:
Court already observed in People vs. Penas (68 Phil. 533 [1939]; 1
Aquino, Revised Penal Code, 1976 Ed., p. 574) to the effect that the The first jeopardy is said to
Withal, the mere filing of
eleven estafas through falsification which the same accused therein have validly terminated upon
two informations charging
committed between November 24, 1936 and January 3, 1937 conviction, acquittal or
the same offense is not an
including the falsification which he committed on January 8, 1937 dismissal of the case or
appropriate basis for the
were considered distinct offenses, not one complex crime, because otherwise terminated without
invocation of double
they were committed on different dates, not to mention the the express consent of
jeopardy since the first
discrepancy in places where they were accomplished. defendant (People vs. Garcia,
jeopardy has not yet set in
by a previous conviction, 30 SCRA 150; People vs.
It was similarly fallacious for the lower court to have shared the acquittal or termination of Ledesma, 73 SCRA 77; People
notion that private respondent is in danger of being convicted twice the case without the vs. Pilpa, 79 SCRA 81;
for the same criminal act, a circumstance recognized under Section Buscayno vs. Military
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash) Court of Manila, a 1983 case, can now be
considered modified in that a prior conviction, or
acquittal, or termination of the case without the
express acquiescence of the accused is still
Commission, 109 SCRA 273; People vs. Cuevo, 104 SCRA 319; Galman, required before the first jeopardy can be pleaded
et al. vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 72670, September 12, 1987.) (Vide, at to abate a second prosecution.
page 423).
At any rate, and inasmuch as this Court has spoken quite recently
in People vs. Asuncion, (G.R. Nos. 83837-42, April 22, 1992), the
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin
ambiguity stirred by the imprecise observation in People vs. City | Vien
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
People v. Mogol
Aguust 24, 1984
Guerrero, J.
be legally erroneous. Held/Ratio: NO.
The proceedings in the case, In the case of Jaca vs. Blanco,
An information for serious physical injuries was filed against accused however, may not be 86 Phil. 452 (1950), this Court
Edgardo Caballas considered to have been held that:
rendered useless because by it
more than by a mere ... the dismissal contemplated
After arraignment (on which Caballas pled not guilty), prosecution
preliminary investigation, the in the above-quoted section of
motioned to amend the information from serious PI to frustrated murder
court has arrived at a better the rule (referring to Section
supported finding that the
Naturally, court denied 9. Rule 113 of the old Rules of
proper complaint should have Court, now Section 9, Rule
been for frustrated murder; 117 of the Revised Rules of
However, after the submission of evidence by both prosecution and that the crime of frustrated
defense, no decision on the merits was rendered, basically because the murder has been committed Court) is a definite or
court thought now that the crime was indeed frustrated murder and and that there is reason to unconditional dismissal which
not serious PI, to wit: terminates the case, and not a
believe that the accused dismissal without prejudice as
Edgardo Caballas might have in the present case. In the
While considering the evidence of this case the court realized that the been the one who had absence of any statutory
evidence on the injuries sustained by the accused and the circumstances committed the same. provision to the contrary, we
surrounding the infliction thereof overwhelmingly point to the find no reason why the court
conclusion that the intention of the assailant was to inflict more than IN VIEW OF ALL THE may not, in the interest of
just injuries. Hence, the court is restricted by what it considers a legal FOREGOING, this case is justice, dismiss a criminal
obstacle to the validity of whatever judgement it renders, because hereby dismissed to give case provisionally, i.e., without
whether it be one of acquittal or conviction - it shall have so ordered on way to the filing of a prejudice to reinstating it
a case outside its jurisdiction. complaint for frustrated before the order become final
murder. Since the proceedings or to the subsequent filing of a
The evidence is positive and uncontradicted that the person who from the preliminary new information for the same
inflicted the stab wounds on Ernesto Sandoval had evidently not by examination up to the offense. (Page 454.)
accident but by design, walked with the victim from a certain point on conclusion of the trial hereof
Real Street up to some 400 meters therefrom which is another spot on a has amounted to a compliance The Jaca ruling was reiterated
quite unfrequented side street; that it was in that spot where the victim with the requirements of a in People vs. Manlapas et al., L-
was stabbed four times, two of which hit the victim - one, on the preliminary investigation first 17993, August 24, 1962, 5
abdominal region and another "penetrating and perforating the and second stage, let the SCRA 883, 887; Republic vs.
posterior abdominal wall cutting the terminal portion of the 10th rib"; records hereof be forwarded to Agoncillo, et al., L-27257,
that this was at about 7:00 o'clock in the evening of December 1971, at the Court of First Instance at August 31, 1971, 40 SCRA
which time it must have been dark already; that the victim was alone, Calauag, Quezon, under the 579, 587; and People vs. Hon.
and that the attack was sudden and treacherous. jurisdiction of which court the Surtida, et al., L-24420,
case for frustrated murder January 26, 1972, 43 SCRA 29,
It has also been shown that the knife used by the assonant measures pertains, through the office of 37. Moreover, as stated in the
about 6 inches in length; that the victim was not able to walk by himself the Provincial Fiscal so that aforementioned case of
after having been stabbed but that he had to be carried to the hospital the latter may act on this case Republic vs. Agoncillo, et al.
and that while there, the victim almost lost consciousness. By the and file the corresponding (supra, p. 588):
medical certificate issued by a physician of the hospital (Magsaysay complaint as above-
Memorial Hospital, Lopez, Quezon) the duration of treatment has been recommended. ... the authoritative
placed at 30 days. pronouncement in the ... case
So, a new info/complaint for of People vs. Obsania (L-
The Court believes that the foregoing evidence would support prima frustrated murder was filed 24447, June 29, 1968, 23
facie a complaint for the crime of frustrated murder and, as stated, Issue: W/N the new info SCRA 1249), with Justice
prevents it from rendering judgment in this case. It cannot even rule constitutes double jeopardy Castro as ponente, had made
that the parties have waived the question of jurisdiction having clear beyond doubt that
proceeded with the trial of the case up to its termination as this would
40 it must have the effect of an acquittal Thus: "The
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash) appealed order of dismissal in this case now under
consideration did not terminate the action on the
merits, whereas in Cloribel and in the other related
cases the dismissal amounted to an acquittal because
for dismissal to be a bar under the jeopardy clause of the Constitution, the failure to prosecute presupposed that the
Government did not have a case against the accused, who in the first victim. The Judge committed grave abuse of
place, is presumed innocent." discretion amounting to excess of jurisdiction thereby
rendering his Order of
There can be no question, as indeed it is quite clear, that in the
case at bar, the Order of dismissal issued by the Municipal Court November 29, 1972 null and void.
did not actually terminate or put an end to the prosecution against
herein private respondent for the felonious act he was alleged to o Since the order of dismissal was without
have committed. On the contrary, the dispositive portion of said authority and, therefore, null and void, the
Order expressly directed that the records of the case be forwarded
proceedings before the Municipal Court have not
to the Court of First Instance so that the Office of the Provincial
been lawfully terminated, Accordingly, there is no
Fiscal could file a complaint for frustrated murder.
second proceeding to speak of and no double
jeopardy. A continuation of the proceedings
In any case, the dismissal Order was NOT legal and valid. o We against the accused for serious physical injuries is
hold and rule that respondent Judge erred in dismissing the case for in order.
serious physical injuries "to give way to the filing of a complaint for
frustrated murder." For it is the duty of the respondent Judge to render
the decision as the evidence presented warrant under the information
as filed for serious physical injuries, and not dismiss the case on his AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin
Idea or belief that there was evidence of intent to kill the intended | Vien
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
Esmea v. Pogoy
February 20, 1981
Aquino, J.
was not in court. Respondent
Facts: 12 judge on his own volition
Original date: 10.04.1978 provisionally dismissed the
case. The petitioners did not
A grave coercion case was filed agains Esmen a, et. al. for having Reason # 1: priest requested expressly manifest their
allegedly forced Rev.Fr. Thomas Tibudan to withdraw P5,000 because reset on 12.13.78 Reason # 2: conformity to the provisional
the priest lost it in a game of cards. accused not duly notified dismissal. Hence, the
Arraigned on 01.23.79 dismissal placed them in
12 NO TRIAL priest absent jeopardy.
Because of many different reasons , the hearing was reset many
times, until the respondent judge (siguro napikon) issued an order BEST REASON OF ALL:
setting the trial for the last time on FISCAL LOST RECORD OF Even if the petitioners, after
CASE invoking their right to a
August 16, 1973 speedy trial, moved for the
*applause* -- hearing on dismissal of the case and,
06.19.79 moved again. <kaya therefore, consented to it, the
However, on said date, priest was allegedly sick, and again motioned to ayun, napikon na si judge.> dismissal would still place
reset the date. Counsel for accused opposed and invoked the right of
them in jeopardy. The use of
the accused to have a speedy trial
not have place the the word "provisional" would
petitioners in jeopardy if not change the legal effect of
Respondent judge provisionally dismissed the case as to the four respondent judge had taken the dismissal (Esguerra vs. De
accused who were present because it "has been dragging all along and the precaution of making la Costa, 66 Phil. 134;
the accused are ready for the hearing" but the fiscal was not ready sure that the dismissal was Gandicela vs. Lutero, 88 Phil.
with his witness. The court noted that there was no medical certificate with their consent. In this 299)
indicating that the complainant was really sick. case, it is not very clear that
the petitioners consented to If the defendant wants to
wenty-seven days later, or on September 12, 1979, the fiscal filed a the dismissal of the case. exercise his constitutional
motion for the revival of the case. He attached to his motion a medical right to
certificate under oath attesting to the fact that Father Tibudan was It is the practice of some
sick of influenza on August 16, 1979 judges before issuing an order speedy trial, he should ask,
of provisional dismissal in a not for the dismissal, but for
Issue: W/N the revival of the case would place the accused in double case wherein the accused had the trial of the case. After the
jeopardy already been arraigned to prosecution's motion for
require the accused and his postponement of the trial is
Held/Ratio: YES. counsel to sign the minutes of denied and upon order of the
the session or any available court the fiscal does not or
part of the record to show the cannot produce his evidence
In order that legal jeopardy may exist, there should be (a) a valid
conformity of the accused or and, consequently, fails to
complaint or information (b) before a court of competent jurisdiction
his lack of objection to the prove the defendant's guilt,
and (c) the accused has been arraigned and has pleaded to the
provisional the court upon defendant's
complaint or information.
motion shall dismiss the case,
dismissal. such dismissal amounting to
When these three conditions are present, the acquittal or conviction of an acquittal of the defendant"
the accused or the dismissal or termination of the case without his (4 Moran's Comments on the
express consent constitutes res judicata and is a bar to another The judge specifies in the Rules of Court, 1980 Ed., p.
prosecution for the offense charged, or for any attempt to commit the order of provisional dismissal 202, citing Gandicela vs.
same or frustration thereof, or for any offense which necessarily that the accused and his Lutero, 88 Phil. 299, 307 and
includes or is included therein (4 Moran's Comments on the Rules of counsel signified their assent People vs. Diaz, 94 Phil. 714-
Court, 1980 Ed., p. 240). thereto. That procedure 717).
leaves no room for doubt as to
the consent of the accused
Previous acquittal (autrefois acquit), previous conviction (autrefois The dismissal of a criminal
and precludes jeopardy from
convict) or the dismissal or termination of the case without his consent case upon motion of the
attaching to the dismissal.
precludes his subsequent indictment for the same offense as defined accused because the
in section 9 prosecution was not prepared
The petitioners were insisting
for trial since the complainant
on a trial. They relied on their
In the instant case, we hold that the petitioners were placed in and his witnesses did not
constitutional right to have a
jeopardy by the provisional dismissal of the grave coercion case. appear at the trial is a
speedy trial. The fiscal was
That provisional dismissal would dismissal equivalent to an
not ready because his witness
acquittal that would bar
further prosecution of the defendant for the same offense (Salcedo vs. Sarmiento, L-28025, SCRA 437; People vs. Cloribel,
Mendoza, L-49375, February 28, 1979, 88 SCRA 811; Lagunilia vs. December 16, 1970, 36 SCRA 120 Phil. 775; People vs.
Hon. Reyes, etc. and Motas, 111 Phil. 1020 citing People vs. Tacneng, 247; Baesa vs. Provincial Aban o 97 Phil. 28; People vs.
105 Phil. 1298 and People vs. Robles, 105 Phil. 1016. See Taladua vs. Fiscal of Camarines Sur, L- Labatete, 107 Phil. 697)
Ochotorena, L-25595, February 15, 1974, 55 SCRA 528; Acebedo vs. 30363, January 30, 1971, 37
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
People v. Villalon
December 21, 1990
Regalado, J.
Federico de Guzman was charged with estafa through falsification of public documents for allegedly forging the signature of Carrera to make
it appear that the former was made the latters attorney-in-fact, and subsequently mortgaging the parcel of land which Carrera owns.
De Guzman raised the issue of prescription he claims that the crime has prescribed since more than 10 years has elapsed from the time the
crime was committed.
Issue: W/N this appeal by the people would constitute double jeopardy.
As a general rule, the dismissal or termination of a case after arraignment and plea of the defendant to a valid information shall be a bar to
another prosecution for the offense charged, or for any attempt to commit the same or frustration thereof, or for any offense which necessarily
includes or is necessarily included in the complaint or information (Sec. 9, Rule 113). However, an appeal by the prosecution from the order of
dismissal (of the criminal case) by the trial court shall not constitute double jeopardy if (1) the dismissal is made upon motion, or with the
express consent, of the defendant, and (2) the dismissal is not an acquittal or based upon consideration of the evidence or of the merits of the
case; and (3) the question to be passed upon by the appellate court is purely legal so that should the dismissal be found incorrect, the case would
have to be remanded to the court of origin for further proceedings, to determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant.
Irrele on issue of whether the charge of estafa thru falsification of a public document has sufficient basis to exist in fact and in law COURT:
The falsification of a public document may be a means of committing estaga bacuase before the falsified document is actually utilized to
defraud another, the crime of falsification has already been consummated, damage or intent to cause damage not being an element of the
crime of the falsification of public, official or commercial documents. The damage to another is caused by the commission of estafa, not by the
falsification of the public, official or commercial document, hence, the falsification of said document is only a necessary meanse to commit
the estafa.
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Hizon lent money to Sorriano who in turn issued a post dated check to answer for the debt.
When they tried to encash the check, the account was already closed.
The RTC dismissed the BP 22 charge because the information was fatally defective and convicted him of the estafa charge
The people now is appealing the other case (BP 22) saying that the info was not fatally defective.
3 Elements of BP 22
Subsequently dishonored.
The judge said that the information failed to allege that the accused knew when he issued the check that the then did not have sufficient funds in the
bank; the information should have allege that the accused knew that he would not have sufficient funds in the bank to pay the check in full upon its
presentment. ---
st rd
The presence of the 1 and 3 elements of the offense constitutes prima facie evidene that the second element exists. (Look at Sec 2 of Law.)
Decision cannot be annulled or set aside because it amounted to a judgment of acquittal. It became final and executory upon its
promulgation. The state may not appeal that decision for it would place the accused twice in jeopardy of punishment for the offense in
violation of his constitutional rights against double jeopardy.
Soriano had been arraigned, pleaded not guilty, and was tried upon a valid and sufficient information and case was dismissed by trial court
(without his consent), he has been placed in jeopardy for the offense charged so re-assesing the evidence against him pursuant to the appeal
of the govt would put him in double jeopardy.
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Galvez vs. CA
Oct. 24, 1994
petitioners were given by
Galvez, the incumbent mayor of San Ildefonso, Bulacan was charged Judge Villajuan the
with 3 infos for homicide and 2 infos for frustrated homicide. opportunity to file a
considering that in the motion for
original cases before Branch reconsideration, even
The prosecution filled a motion to defer arraingment to review the 14 of the trial court assuming the alleged
evidence to determine the proper charges as well as change of venue petitioners had not yet been procedural infirmity in his
because complainants fear for their safety and to prevent miscarriage placed in jeopardy, and the issuance of the order of
of justice. ex parte motion to withdraw dismissal, the same was
was filed and granted before thereby deemed cured.
Before their arraignment, petitioners filed a motion to withdraw they could be arraigned,
informations, and subsequently filed informations for murder and there would be no
imperative need for notice Sec 11 rule 119 governs
illegal possession of firearms. the trial stage vs sec 10
and hearing thereof. In
actuality, the real grievance rule 114 governs
They filed a motion to quash saying the court never acquired of herein accused is not the procedural governance
jurisdiction, which was denied and judge set arraignment. Assailed dismissal of the original for prosecution of
resolution. three informations but the offenses, from the filing of
filing of four new info to just before the
informations, three of which trial.
Which set of informations should Galvez be tried with? The 1 or 2nd?
charge graver offenses and
the fourth, an additional Sec 10 rule 114- The first
Corollary issues: offense. Had these new paragraph provides the
informations not been filed, rule for amendment of the
Whether the ex parte motion to withdraw the original informations is there would obviously have information or complaint,
null and void on the ground that (a) there was no notice and hearing been no cause for the instant while the second
as required by Sections 4, 5 and 6, Rule 15 of the Rules of Court; and petition. Accordingly, their paragraph refers to the
(b) the appropriate remedy which should have been adopted by the complaint about the substitution of the
prosecution was to amend the informations by charging the proper supposed procedural lapses information or complaint.
offenses pursuant to Section involved in the motion to Under the second
dismiss filed and granted in paragraph, the court can
Criminal Cases order the filing of another
of Rule 110;
information to charge the
Nos. 3642-M-93 to 3644-M- proper offense, provided
Whether the order granting the withdrawal of the original the accused would not be
93 does not impress us as a
informations was immediately final and executory; placed thereby in double
candid presentation of their
real position. jeopardy and that could
Whether Judge Pornillos was correct in denying the motion to quash only be true if the offense
and thereby acquired jurisdiction over the new informations proved does not
the absence of notice and necessarily include or is
considering that (a) the designated public prosecutor allegedly had no hearing does not divest a
authority to file the second set of informations; and (b) the filing not necessarily included
trial court of authority to in the offense charged in
thereof constituted forum shopping; and pass on the merits of the the original information.
motion. It is only an
Whether the arraignment proceeding held on January 24, 1994 in irregularity.Besides, when
Criminal Cases Nos. 4004-M-93 to 4007-M-93 was valid. Petition dismissed.
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On November 22, 1964, barely a day after the occurence of the alleged Rape does not require that specific allegation.Lascivious
crime, Erlinda Dollente, the 14-year old victim, and her parents, Ciriaco intent inheres in rape and the unchaste design is
Dollente and Carmelita Lureta, filed in the municipal court of Balungao, manifest in the very act itself the carnal knowledge of
Pangasinan a complaint for rape with robbery a woman through force or intimidation, or when the
woman is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious,
After the case was remanded to the Court of First Instance of or when the woman is under twelve years of age.
Pangasinan for further proceedings, the assistant provincial fiscal filed
an information for rape against the accused, embodying the allegations
of the above complaint, with an additional averment that the offense
was committed "with lewd designs".
W/N there is double jeopardy? NO
The accused pleaded not guilty upon arraignment, and forthwith his
counsel moved for the dismissal of the case, contending that the In order that the protection against double jeopardy
complaint was fatally defective for failure to allege "lewd designs" and may inure in favor of an accused, the following
that the subsequent information filed by the fiscal which averred "lewd requisites must have obtained in the original
designs" did not cure the jurisdictional infirmity. The court a quo prosecution: (a) a valid complaint or information; (b) a
granted the motion and ordered dismissal of the action, ruling that "the competent court; (c) the defendant had pleaded to the
failure of the complaint filed by the offended party to allege that the charge; and (d) the defendant was acquitted, or
acts committed by the accused were with 'lewd designs' does not give convicted, or the case against him was dismissed or
this Court jurisdiction to try the case." From this order, the fiscal otherwise terminated without his express consent.
brought the instant appeal
The court then discusses a long history of jurisprudence
and somewhat seemingly conflicting rulings that is too long to put in
the digest. In the end through the accused can be estopped or can waive and second, such dismissal must not be on the merits
double jeopardy. and must not necessarily amount to an acquittal.
Indubitably, the case at bar falls squarely within the
The application of the sister doctrines of waiver and estoppel requires periphery of the said doctrines which have been
two sine qua non conditions: first, the dismissal must be sought or preserved unimpaired in the corpus of our
induced by the defendant personally or through his counsel; jurisprudence.
Ada was initially charged under BP 22 for issuing 3 checks that bounced
Before prosecution rested its case, he was also charged with estafa, which Ada tried to object to but was arraigned nevertheless.
After prosecution rested its case, he filed a motion to dismiss the later cases saying it was violation is Double jeopardy right.
It is a settled rule that to raise the defense of double jeopardy, three requisites must be present: (1) a first jeopardy must have attached prior
to the second; (2) the first jeopardy must have been validly terminated; and (3) the second jeopardy must be for the same offense, or the
second offense includes or is necessarily included in the offense charged in the first information, or is an attempt to commit the same or a
frustration thereof.
These requisites do not exist in the case at bar. The prohibition is against a second jeopardy for the same offense. The plea of double jeopardy
applies where the offenses in the two informations are the same in law and in fact. It is not necessarily decisive that the two offenses may
have material facts in common, or that they are similar, where they are not in fact the same. The test is not whether the defendant has already
been tried for the same act, but whether he has been put in jeopardy for the same offense. A single act may offend against two (or more)
entirely distinct and unrelated provisions of law, and if one provision of law requires proof of an additional fact or element while the other
does not, an acquittal or conviction or a dismissal of the information under one does not bar prosecution under the other. In other words,
where two different laws (or articles of the same Code) define two crimes, prior jeopardy as to one of them is no obstacle to a prosecution of
the other, although both offenses arise from the same facts, if each crime involves some important act which is not an essential element of the
The 2 laws are distinct from each other. There is no identity of offenses charged.
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The defendants were prosecuted in the municipal court of Manila for the crime of malicious mischief.
After presentation of evidence for the prosecution, the municipal court dismissed the case on the ground that the prosecution failed to prove
that the removal or destruction of the property in question had been inspired by resentment, rancor, or desires for revenge.
Subsequently, the same fiscal who filed the information in the municipal court, filed the following information of coercion in the court of First
Instance of Manila against the defendants.
Issue: Whether or not there is double jeopardy? Yes, the rule against double jeopardy prohibits prosecution for the same offense it
seems basic that an accused should be shielded against being prosecuted for several offenses made out from a single act.
Counsel for defendants filed a motion to nullify the second information on the grounds of double jeopardy.
Contented for the appellant there is no double jeopardy since the second information charges an offense different from that included in the
information filed in the municipal court.
The rule against double jeopardy protecting the accused not against the second punishment for the same act but against being tried for the same
A brief comparison of the two informations, the act complained of in the case for coercion is the same act which formed the basis of the information
for malicious mischief.
The rule against double jeopardy prohibits prosecution for the same offense it seems basic that an accused should be shielded against being
prosecuted for several offenses made out from a single act. Otherwise, an unlawful act or omission, may give rise to several prosecutions
depending upon the ability of prosecuting officer to imagine as many offenses as can be justified by said act or omission, by simply adding or
subtracting essential elements.
The case at bar is an occasion for reminding prosecuting officers to be careful and comprehensive in criminal investigations with the view to
determining definitely, before filing the necessary information, the offenses in fact and in law committed, in order to avoid situations
smacking of persecutions.
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same or identical offense. offenses are identical.
Petitioner Conrado Melo was charged on December 27, 1949, with
frustrated homicide, for having allegedly inflicted upon Benjamin No person shall be twice put There is identity between two
Obillo, with a kitchen knife and with intent to kill at the Court of First in jeopardy of punishment for offenses when the evidence to
Instance of Rizal. the same offense. Meaning support a conviction for one
when a person is charged offense would be sufficient to
with an offense and the case is warrant a conviction for the
On December 29, 1949, at 8 a.m., the accused pleaded not guilty to the
offense charged and at 10:15 p.m. of the same day, Benjamin Obillo died terminated either by acquittal
from his wounds. or conviction or in any
manner without the consent On the other hand, the rule of
of the accused, the latter identity does not apply, when
Evidence of death was available to the prosecution only on January 3,
cannot be charged with the the second offense was not in
1950 and January 4, 1950 and amended information was filed
same or identical offense. existence at the time of the
charging the accused with consummated homicide.
first prosecution, for the
It is noticed that the simple reason that in such
The accused then filed a motion to nullify the amended information claiming case there is no possibility for
double jeopardy. protection of the
constitutional inhibition is the accused, during the first
against a second jeopardy for prosecution, to be convicted
Motion was denied by the respondent court; hence, instant petition for for an offense that was in
the same offense, the only
prohibition to enjoin the respondent court from further entertaining the existent.
amended information exception, that if an act is
punished by a law and an
ordinance, conviction or The rule is that where after
Issue: Whether or not an accused who pleaded guilty to the acquittal under either shall the first prosecution a new
offense of frustrated homicide, upon death of the offended party, constitute a bar to another fact supervenes for which the
could not rely on a plea of double jeopardy, if the information prosecution for the same act. defendant is responsible,
amended is to charge him with homicide? No, because the which changes the character
petition is denied, and the respondent court may proceed to the of the offense and, together
trial of the criminal case under the amended information. Same offense, under the
general rule, has always been with the facts existing at the
interpreted to mean not only time constitutes a new and
Rule 106, section 13, 2d paragraph, under this provision, it was proper that the second offense distinct offense. The accused
for the court to dismiss the information and order the filing of a new charged is exactly the same as cannot be said to be in second
one for the reason that the proper offense was not charged in the the one alleged in the first jeopardy if indicted for the
former and it did not place the accused in a second jeopardy for the information, but also the two new offense.
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accordingly. Thus, jeopardy the former.
This is a petition to review the order, dated November 17, 1972, of the had attached and no new
City Court of Manila, Branch XI, dismissing the information for fact supervened after the However, it must be pointed
homicide thru reckless imprudence filed against respondent Francisco arraignment and conviction that, the rule of identity does
Gapa y Mallares on the ground of double jeopardy. of the accused. not apply when the second
offense was not in existence at
Respondent court held that the private respondent having been It follows that after the first the time of the first
previously tried and convicted of serious physical injuries thru prosecution a new fact prosecution, for the reason
reckless imprudence for the death of the victim would place the supervenes on which that in such case there is no
accused in double jeopardy. defendant may be held liable, possibility for the accused,
resulting in altering the during the first
character of the crime and
The case at bar, the incident occurred on October 17, 1972. On the giving rise to a new and
following day, October 18, information was filed against respondent prosecution, to be convicted
distinct offense, the accused for an offense that was then in
for serious physical injuries thru reckless imprudence. On the same cannot be said to be in second
day, the victim Diolito de la Cruz died. existent.
jeopardy if indicted for the
new offense.
On October 20, 1972, private respondent was arraigned on the charge Accordingly, where the
of serious physical injuries thru reckless imprudence. He pleaded accused was charged with
However, article 365 of the Penal
guilty and was sentenced to one month and one day of arresto mayor, Code punishes the negligent state physical injuries and after
and commenced serving sentence. of mind and not the resulting
conviction, the injured person
injury. dies, the charge for homicide
against the same accused does
On October 24, 1972, information for homicide thru reckless imprudence was
filed against respondent.
not put him twice in jeopardy.
The trial court concluded that
once prosecuted for and
On November 17, 1972, the City Court of Manila, upon motion of convicted of negligence, the As stated, the victim Diolito de
respondent, issued and order dismissing the homicide thru reckless accused cannot again be la Cruz died on the day the
imprudence case on the ground of double jeopardy. prosecuted for the same information was filed, and the
negligence although for a accused was arraigned two
different resulting injury. days after, or on October 20,
Issue: Whether or not a person who has been prosecuted for 1972. When the information
serious physical injuries thru reckless imprudence and convicted for homicide thru reckless
thereof may be prosecuted subsequently for homicide thru Well-settled is the rule that
imprudence was filed on
reckless imprudence if the offended party dies as a result of the one who has been charged October 24, 1972, the
same injuries he had suffered? No, the fact remains that the with an offense cannot be
accused- private respondent
victim Diolito de la Cruz died on October 18 one day after the charge again with the same or
was already in jeopardy.
accident and arrest of the respondent Gapay and that on October identical offense though the
20 the accused was arraigned, pleaded guilty and sentenced latter be lesser or greater than
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June 1, 1983, thee Provincial Fiscal of Isabela filed information charging Our law recognizes two kinds
petitioner Manantan with reckless imprudence resulting in homicide. of acquittal, with different
On arraignment, petitioner pleaded not guilty to the charge. effects on the civil liability of However, it found that a
the accused. First is an hypothesis inconsistent with the
Petitioner was acquitted by the trial court of homicide through reckless acquittal on the ground that negligence of the accused
imprudence without ruling on his civil liability. the accused is not the author presented itself before the court.
of the act of omission
On appeal from the civil aspect of the judgement in Criminal Case no. complained of. This closes the The foregoing clearly shows
066, the appellate court found the petitioner Manantan civilly liable door to civil liability. Second is that petitioners acquittal based
and ordered him to indemnify private respondents Marcelino Nicolas an acquittal based on on reasonable doubt and a suit
and Maria Nicolas for a total of 174,400.00 for the death of their son, reasonable doubt on the guilt to enforce civil liability for the
Ruben Nicolas. of the accused, in this case if same act or omission lies.
the guilt of the accused has
Petitioner moved for reconsideration, but the appellate court in its resolution
not been satisfactorily Furthermore, petitioner
of August 24, 1992 denied the motion. established, he is not argues that the Court of
exempted from civil liability Appeals made a mistake in
which may be proved by the awarding damages and
Issues: Did the acquittal of petitioner foreclose any further
preponderance of evidence indemnity, since private
inquiry by the Court of Appeals as to his negligence or reckless
only. respondents did not pay the
imprudence? Did the court a quo err in finding that petitioners
acquittal did not extinguish his civil liability? corresponding filing fees for
Hence, petitioners acquittal was their claims for damages
not precluded from looking into when civil case was instituted
Did the appellate court commit a reversible error in failing to the question of petitioners with the criminal action.
apply the Manchester Doctrine to CA-G.R. CV No. 19240? negligence.
since they we personally includes the offense proved, the
Rufino T. Samson was jointly charged with Amado L. Cruz and unknown to him. The mere defendant shall be convicted of
Bonifacio Vergara and two others whose names are unknown in two assurance of a former class, mate the offense proved included in
separate informations with the complex crime of estafa through would certainly not be a that which is charged, or of the
falsification of two checks of the Philippine National Bank satisfactory identification to offense charged included in that
justify disbursement of such a which is proved" (Section 4, Rule
large amount if the funds 116. Rules of Court).
The trio appealed from the decision and the Court of Appeals belonged to appellant.
affirmed the same but with a reduced penalty with regard to
appellants Cruz and Vergara. Appellant Samson was only found guilty As a complement we have also
of committing the crime through gross imprudence and was Under the facts found by the the following rule: "An offense
accordingly sentenced to 4 months of arresto mayor in each of the Court of Appeals, the acts of charged necessarily includes that
two cases. appellant constitute in each case which is proved, when some of
the crime of estafa through the essential elements or
falsification of a mercantile ingredients of the former, as this
Dissatisfied with his conviction, Samson sued out the present document by reckless is alleged in the complaint or
petition for review contending (1) that the acts done by him, as found imprudence, because in so far as information, constitute the latter.
by the Court of Appeals, do not constitute gross imprudence; (2) that the falsification is concerned, his And the offense charged is
there is no such offense as estafa through (falsification by) acts of endorsing the respective necessarily included in the
negligence; and (3) that the Court of Appeals erred in denying his checks by way of identification of offense proves, when the
motion for new trial. the signatures of the payees essential ingredients of the
entitled to said checks and their former constitute or form a part
Espiridion Lascan o, father of the late Felipe Lascan o, a lieutenant of of those constituting the latter"
the USAFFE, who died during the last World War, and his widow proceeds, constituted a written (Section 5, Rule 116, Idem.).
Rosanna Paras, are Felipe Lascano's only legitimate surviving heirs, representation that the true
payees participated in the While a criminal negligent act is
They filed their claim papers with the Red Cross Chapter in the indorsement and cashing of the not a simple modality of a willful
Province of Sorsogon in the early part of 1946. checks aforesaid, when in truth crime, as we held in Quizon vs.
and in fact the true payees had Justice of the Peace of Bacolor,
On October 2, 1948 Amado L. Cruz asked the help of his former no direct intervention in the G.R. No. L-6641, July 28, 1955,
classmate Rufino T. Samson in getting the checks of the two claimants proceedings (Art. 171, Revised but a distinct crime in itself,
who were with him at Camp Murphy . Penal Code). designated as a quasi offense in
our Penal Code, it may however
They were successful in having the checks of the two claimants. They Even if such indorsement and be said that conviction for the
went to Aristocrat restaurant and Samson went on to watch a movie identification were extraneous to former can be had under an
that night ( I know. Weird.). the official duties of appellant, he information exclusively charging
would be nevertheless liable as a the commission of a willful
private person under Article 172 offense, upon the theory that the
Just two days after cashing the checks, while at Camp Murphy
of the Revised Penal Code. greater includes the lesser
Samson was informed by Severino Anda, one of those who were with
Decisions of this Court and of the offense. This is the situation that
the party which cashed the checks, thus said cheeks were delivered
Supreme Court of Spain assert obtains in the present case.
to the wrong parties. Worried by such news he left for Sorsogon the
the juridical standing of the
following day to locate the real claimants.
crime of falsification by The fact that the information
imprudence since in falsifying does not allege that the
He found Espiridion too weak and too old to get out of the house and public or mercantile document,
falsification was committed with
saw Rosalina (I think this should be Rosanna) in the school where of intent to cause damage is not imprudence is of no moment for
she was teaching and confirmed that the old mans check was never required because what the law,
here this deficiency appears
claimed by them. seeks to repress is the prejudice supplied by the evidence
to the public confidence in these submitted by appellant himself
ISSUE (CRIMPRO): WON Samson can be convicted of the crime of documents. and the result has proven
estafa through falsification by imprudence despite the fact that beneficial to him. Certainly,
the information filed against him charges only a willful act of The rule regarding variance having alleged that the
falsification and contains no reference to any act of imprudence between allegation and proof in a falsification has been willful, it
on his part- YES criminal case, is: "When there is would be incongrous to allege at
variance between the offense the same time that it was
Appellant was, or must have been aware that the claim was for a charged in the complaint or committed with imprudence for
sizeable amount, totalling over twelve thousand pesos, and ordinary information, and that proved or a charge of criminal intent is
prudence required that he should satisfy himself by all proper and established by the evidence, and incompatible with the concept of
adequate means of the identity of the persons claiming said amounts, the offense as charged, is negligence.
included in or necessarily
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requirement for perfecting an legislative authority Under
Petitioner Sta. Rita was charged in the RTC with violating Section appeal within the reglementary Section 4 (a) of R.A. No.
2(a) in relation to Sections 22(d) and 28(e) of Republic Act No. 1161, period laid down by law, must be
as amended, otherwise known as the Social Security Law. strictly followed as they are 1161, as amended, which reads
considered indispensable as follows:
interdictions against needless
The Information alleged that petitioner, "as President/General delays and for orderly discharge
Manager of B. Sta. Rita Co., Inc. a compulsorily (sic) covered employer 5 Sec. 4. Powers and Duties of the
under the Social Security Law, as amended, did then and there of judicial business. Petitioner's Commission. For the
willfully and unlawfully fail, neglect and refuse and still fails, neglects failure to seasonably file the attainment of its main objectives
and refuses to remit to the Social Security System contributions for Petition and its failure to comply as set forth in section two hereof,
SSS, Medicare and Employees Compensation for its covered with the aforequoted Circulars of the Commission shall have the
employees." the Court necessitate the denial following powers and duties:
of the Petition.
Petitioner Sta. Rita moved to dismiss said criminal case To adopt, amend and rescind,
Besides, even if the Petition had subject to the approval of the
been filed on time and had President, such rules and
The RTC sustained petitioner's motion and dismissed the criminal complied with the Circulars, it
case filed against him. It ruled that the Memorandum of Agreement would still have to be denied as regulations as may be necessary
entered into between the Department of Labor and Employment to carry out the provisions and
petitioner has failed to show that purposes of this Act.
("DOLE") and the Social Security System ("SSS") extending the respondent appellate court
coverage of Social Security, Medical Care and Employment committed any reversible error
Compensation laws to Filipino seafarers on board foreign vessels was in rendering the assailed What the Memorandum of
null and void as it was entered into by the Administrator of the SSS decision. Agreement did was to record the
without the sanction of the Commission and approval of the understanding between the SSS
President of the Philippines, in contravention of Section 4 (a) of R.A. on the one hand and the DOLE on
No. 1161, as amended. WON THE INFORMATION the other hand that the latter
AGAINST PETITIONER IS would include among the
SUFFICIENT- YES provisions of the Standard
The People, through the Solicitor General, filed in the Court of
Appeals a petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus assailing Contract of Employment
the order of dismissal issued by the trial court. The Court agrees with the CA required in case of overseas
that the Information filed against employment, a stipulation
petitioner was sufficient as it providing for coverage of the
Respondent appellate court granted the petition. clearly stated the designation of Filipino seafarer by the SSS.
the offense by the statute, i.e.
Thereafter, petitioner filed in this Court a motion for extension of violation of the Social Security The Memorandum of Agreement
thirty (30) days from the expiration of reglementary period within Law, and the acts or omissions is not an implementing rule or
which to file a petition for review on certiorari. The Court granted the complained of as constituting the regulation of the Social Security
motion and gave petitioner until 9 June 1995 to file the petition with offense, i.e., petitioner's failure to Commission which, under
warning that no further extension will be given. remit his contributions to the Section 4 (a) abovequoted, is
SSS. The CA found that there is subject to the approval of the
Despite the warning, the petition was filed only on 13 June 1995 or prima facie evidence to support President. Indeed, as a matter of
four (4) days after the due date. Moreover, it failed to comply with the allegations in the Information strict law, the participation of the
requirement no. 2 of Circular No. 1-88, as amended and Circular No. and to warrant the prosecution SSS in the establishment by the
19-91 of the Court as it did not contain an affidavit of service of of petitioner. DOLE of a uniform stipulation in
copies thereof to respondents. It was only on 14 July 1995, through the Standard Contract of
an ex-parte manifestation, that the affidavit of service was belatedly WON THE QUESTIONED Employment for Filipino
submitted to this Court. MEMORANDUM AGREEMENT seafarers was not necessary; the
(DOLE-SSS) IS VALID- YES Memorandum of Agreement
In the Petition for Review, petitioner Sta. Rita contends that the related simply to the
Filipino seafarers recruited by B. Sta. Rita Co. and deployed on board Contrary to the trial court's administrative convenience of
foreign vessels outside the Philippines are exempt from the coverage finding, the Memorandum of the two (2) agencies of
of R.A. No. 1161 under Section 8 (j) (5) thereof Agreement was approved by the government.
Social Security Commission per
WON THE PETITION MUST FAIL DUE TO NON-COMPLIANCE WITH the Commission's Resolution No. The Standard Contract of
THE PROCEDURAL RULES YES 437, dated 14 July 1988. Upon Employment to be entered into
the other hand, the between foreign shipowners and
Memorandum of Agreement is Filipino seafarers is the
It is well-settled in our jurisdiction that the right to appeal is a
not a rule or regulation enacted instrument by which the former
statutory right and a party who seeks to avail of the right must
by the Commission in the express their assent to the
comply with the rules. These rules, particularly the statutory exercise of the latter's quasi- inclusion of the latter in the
coverage of the Social Security Act. In other words, the extension of generally expressed their It is, finally, worthy of special
the coverage of the Social Security System to Filipino seafarers arises conformity to the inclusion of note that by extending the
by virtue of the assent given in the contract of employment signed by Filipino seafarers within the benefits of the Social Security Act
employer and seafarer; that same contract binds petitioner Sta. Rita coverage of the Social Security to Filipino seafarers on board
or B. Sta. Rita Company, who is solidarily liable with the foreign Act even prior to the signing of foreign vessels, the individual
shipowners/employers. the DOLE-SSS Memorandum of employment agreements entered
Agreement. into with the stipulation for such
It may be noted that foreign shipowners and manning agencies had coverage contemplated in the
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Memorandum of Agreement, merely give effect to the constitutional mandate to the State to afford protection to labor whether "local or overseas."
The Court of Appeals properly held that the reinstatement of the criminal case against petitioner did not violate his right against double jeopardy
since the dismissal of the information by the trial court had been effected at his own instance. There are only two (2) instances where double
jeopardy will attach notwithstanding the fact that the case was dismissed with the express consent of the accused. The first is where the ground
for dismissal is insufficiency of evidence for the prosecution; and the second is where the criminal proceedings have been unreasonably
prolonged in violation of the accused's right to speedy trial. Neither situation exists in the case at bar. There is no legal impediment to the
reinstatement of Criminal Case No. Q-92-35426 against petitioner Sta. Rita. (AS IN ITO LANG ANG DISCUSSION ABOUT THAT, ARGH.)
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
from which the civil liability may arise did not exist. If the trial court issues an order or renders judgment not only granting the demurrer to
evidence of the accused and acquitting him but also on the civil liability of the accused to the private offended party, said judgment on the civil
aspect of the case would be a nullity for the reason that the constitutional right of the accused to due process is thereby violated
The principles find universal acceptance and are tersely expressed in the oft-quoted statement that procedural due process cannot possibly be
met without a law which hears before it condemns, which proceeds upon inquiry and renders judgment only after trial.
This is so because when the accused files a demurrer to evidence, the accused has not yet adduced evidence both on the criminal and civil aspects
of the case. The only evidence on record is the evidence for the prosecution.
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
Indeed, the records of this case are inconclusive on the factual issue of DISPOSITIVE: case at bar is remanded to the RTC -
whether the multiple murder cases against respondent Lacson are being Quezon City, Branch 81 so that the State
revived within or beyond the 2-year bar. The reckoning date of the 2-year prosecutors and the respondent Lacson can adduce
bar has to be first determined - - - evidence and be heard on whether the
requirements of Section 8, Rule 117 have been
complied with on the basis of the evidence of which
whether it is from the date of the Order of then Judge Agnir dismissing
the trial court should make a ruling on whether the
the cases or from the dates the Order were received by the various
Informations in Criminal Cases Nos. 01-101102 to
offended parties or from the date of the effectivity of the new rule.
01-101112 should be dismissed or not. Pending the
ruling, the trial court is restrained from issuing any
If the cases were revived only after the 2-year bar, the State must be given warrant of arrest against the respondent
the opportunity to justify its failure to comply with said timeline. The new
rule fixes a timeline to penalize the State for its inexcusable delay in
prosecuting cases already filed in courts. It can therefore present
compelling reasons to justify the revival of cases beyond the 2-year bar. AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |
Martin | Vien
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
APRIL 1, 2003
case may be revived only within justice to every man and to assist
Before the Court is the petitioners Motion for Reconsideration of the the periods provided in the new the court in dispensing that
Resolution dated May 28, 2002 rule. On the other hand, if a justice.
criminal case is provisionally
dismissed without the express In this case, the respondent has
ISSUE: WON SECTION 8, RULE 117 OF THE REVISED RULES OF consent of the accused or over
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE IS APPLICABLE TO CRIMINAL CASES NOS. his objection, the new rule would failed to prove that the first and
Q-99-81679 TO Q-99-81689- NO second requisites of the first
not apply. The case may be paragraph of the new rule were
revived or refiled even beyond present when Judge Agnir, Jr.
Having invoked Section 8, Rule 117 of the Revised Rules of Criminal the prescribed periods subject to dismissed Criminal Cases Nos. Q-
Procedure before the petitioners-panel of prosecutors and before the the right of the accused to 99-81679 to Q-99-81689.
Court of Appeals, the respondent is burdened to establish the oppose the same on the ground Irrefragably, the prosecution did
essential requisites of the first paragraph thereof, namely: of double jeopardy or that such not file any motion for the
revival or refiling is barred by the provisional dismissal of the said
the prosecution with the express conformity of the accused or the statute of limitations. criminal cases. For his part, the
accused moves for a provisional (sin perjuicio) dismissal of the case; respondent merely filed a motion
or both the prosecution and the accused move for a provisional The case may be revived by the for judicial determination of
dismissal of the case; State within the time-bar either probable cause and for
by the refiling of the Information examination of prosecution
the offended party is notified of the motion for a provisional or by the filing of a new witnesses.
dismissal of the case;
Information for the same offense The respondent did not pray for
the court issues an order granting the motion and dismissing the or an offense necessarily the dismissal, provisional or
case provisionally; included therein. There would be otherwise, of Criminal Cases Nos.
no need of a new preliminary Q-99-81679 to Q-99-81689.
investigation. However, in a case Neither did he ever agree,
4. the public prosecutor is served with a copy of the order of
wherein after the provisional impliedly or expressly, to a mere
provisional dismissal of the case. The foregoing requirements are
dismissal of a criminal case, the provisional dismissal of the
conditions sine qua non to the application of the time-bar in the
original witnesses of the cases.
second paragraph of the new rule.
prosecution or some of them
may have recanted their The respondents admissions
The raison d etre for the requirement of the express consent of the testimonies or may have died or
made in the course of the
accused to a provisional dismissal of a criminal case is to bar him may no longer be available and proceedings in the Court of
from subsequently asserting that the revival of the criminal case will new witnesses for the State have
Appeals are binding and
place him in double jeopardy for the same offense or for an offense emerged, a new preliminary
conclusive on him. The
necessarily included therein. investigation must be conducted respondent is barred from
before an Information is refiled repudiating his admissions
Although the second paragraph of the new rule states that the order or a new Information is filed. A absent evidence of palpable
of dismissal shall become permanent one year after the issuance new preliminary investigation is mistake in making such
thereof without the case having been revived, the provision should also required if aside from the admissions.
be construed to mean that the order of dismissal shall become original accused, other persons
permanent one year after service of the order of dismissal on the are charged under a new
criminal complaint for the same To apply the new rule in Criminal
public prosecutor who has control of the prosecution without the
Cases Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99-
criminal case having been revived. The public prosecutor cannot be offense or necessarily included
81689 would be to add to or
expected to comply with the timeline unless he is served with a copy therein; or if under a new
criminal complaint, the original make exceptions from the new
of the order of dismissal.
charge has been upgraded; or if rule which are not expressly or
under a new criminal complaint, impliedly included therein. This
Express consent to a provisional dismissal is given either viva voce or the Court cannot and should not
the criminal liability of the
in writing. It is a positive, direct, unequivocal consent requiring no do.
accused is upgraded from that as
inference or implication to supply its meaning. Where the accused
an accessory to that as a
writes on the motion of a prosecutor for a provisional dismissal of
principal. The accused must be The Court also agrees with the
the case No objection or With my conformity, the writing amounts to
accorded the right to submit petitioners contention that no
express consent of the accused to a provisional dismissal of the case.
counter- affidavits and evidence. notice of any motion for the
The mere inaction or silence of the accused to a motion for a
After all, the fiscal is not called provisional dismissal of Criminal
provisional dismissal of the case or his failure to object to a
by the Rules of Cases Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99-
provisional dismissal does not amount to express consent.
81689 or of the hearing thereon
Court to wait in ambush; the role was served on the heirs of the
A motion of the accused for a provisional dismissal of a case is an victims at least three days before
of a fiscal is not mainly to
express consent to such provisional dismissal. If a criminal case is said hearing as mandated by
prosecute but essentially to do
provisionally dismissed with the express consent of the accused, the Rule 15, Section 4 of the Rules of
Court. It must be borne in mind that in crimes involving private prosecutor who in turn must proof of such service must be
interests, the new rule requires that the offended party or parties or relay the notice to the offended shown during the hearing on the
the heirs of the victims must be given adequate a priori notice of any party or the heirs of the victim to motion, otherwise, the
motion for the provisional dismissal of the criminal case. Such notice enable them to confer with him requirement of the new rule will
may be served on the offended party or the heirs of the victim before the hearing or appear in become illusory
through the private prosecutor, if there is one, or through the public court during the hearing. The
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash) The Court agrees with the respondent that
procedural laws may be applied retroactively. In
Tan, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, this Court held
Since the conditions sine qua non for the application of the new rule were that:Statutes regulating the procedure of the
not present when Judge Agnir, Jr. issued his resolution, the State is not courts will be construed as applicable to actions
barred by the time limit set forth in the second paragraph of Section 8 of pending and undetermined at the time of their
Rule 117 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure. The State can thus passage. Procedural laws are retroactive in that
revive or refile Criminal Cases Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99-81689 or file sense and to that extent. The fact that procedural
new Informations for multiple murder against the respondent. statutes may somehow affect the litigants rights
may not preclude their retroactive application to
pending actions. The retroactive application of
WON THE TIME-BAR IN SECTION 8, RULE 117 OF THE REVISED RULES procedural laws is not violative of any right of a
OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE SHOULD BE APPLIED RETROACTIVELY- NO person who may feel that he is adversely affected.
Nor is the retroactive application of procedural
The new rule is not a statute of limitations. Statutes of limitations are statutes constitutionally objectionable. The reason
construed as acts of grace, and a surrender by the sovereign of its right to is that as a general rule no vested right may attach
prosecute or of its right to prosecute at its discretion to, nor arise from, procedural laws. It has been held
that a person has no vested right in any particular
On the other hand, the time-bar under Section 8 of Rule 117 is akin to a remedy, and a litigant cannot insist on the
special procedural limitation qualifying the right of the State to prosecute application to the trial of his case, whether civil or
making the time-bar an essence of the given right or as an inherent part criminal, of any other than the existing rules of
thereof, so that the lapse of the time-bar operates to extinguish the right procedure. X
of the State to prosecute the accused.
The time-bar under the new rule does not reduce the periods under FORTHWITH PROCEED WITH THE CRIMINAL
Article 90 of the Revised Penal Code, a substantive law. It is but a CASES
limitation of the right of the State to revive a criminal case against the
accused after the Information had been filed but subsequently
provisionally dismissed with the express consent of the accused. Upon
the lapse of the timeline under the new rule, the State is presumed, albeit AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |
disputably, to have abandoned or waived its right to revive the case and Martin | Vien
prosecute the accused.
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
OCTOBER 7, 2003
The absence of a provision in considerably less than two years
Before the Court are the following motions of the respondent, to wit: Section 8 giving it prospective to do so.
(a) Omnibus Motion; (b) Motion for Reconsideration; (c) Supplement application only does not
to Motion for Reconsideration; (d) Motion To Set for Oral Arguments proscribe the prospective In this case, when the Court
application thereof; nor does it approved Section 8, it intended
imply that the Court intended the the new rule to be applied
RESPONDENT asserts that pursuant to a long line of jurisprudence new rule to be given retroactive
and a long-standing judicial practice in applying penal law, Section 8, and prospective effect. If the prospectively and not
Rule 117 of the RRCP should be applied prospectively and retroactively, for if the intention
statutory purpose is clear, the of the Court were otherwise, it
retroactively without reservations, only and solely on the basis of its provisions of the law should be
being favorable to the accused. He asserts that case law on the would defeat the very purpose
construed as is conducive to for which it was intended,
retroactive application of penal laws should likewise apply to fairness and justice, and in
criminal procedure, it being a branch of criminal law. namely, to give the State a period
harmony with the general spirit of two years from notice of the
and policy of the rule. It should provisional dismissal of criminal
The respondent insists that Section 8 was purposely crafted and be construed so as cases with the express consent of
included as a new provision to reinforce the constitutional right of the accused. It would be a denial
the accused to a speedy disposition of his case. Accordingly, not to defeat but to carry out of the States right to due process
prospective application thereof would in effect give the petitioners such end or purpose. A statute and a travesty of justice for the
more than two years from March 29, 1999 within which to revive the derives its vitality from the Court to apply the new rule
criminal cases, thus violating the respondents right to due process purpose for which it is approved. retroactively in the present case
and equal protection of the law. To construe it in a manner that as the respondent insists,
disregards or defeats such considering that the criminal
ISSUE: APPLICATION OF THE TIME-BAR RULE- PROSPECTIVE OR purpose is to nullify or destroy cases were provisionally
RETROACTIVE?- ONLY PROSPECTIVE. RAAR. the law. In Cometa v. Court of dismissed by Judge Agnir, Jr. on
Appeals, this Court ruled that March 29, 1999 before the new
The time-bar under the new rule was fixed by the Court to excise the "the spirit rather than the letter rule took effect on December 1,
malaise that plagued the administration of the criminal justice of the statute determines its 2000. A retroactive application of
system for the benefit of the State and the accused; not for the construction; hence, a statute the time-bar will result in
accused only. must be read according to its absurd, unjust and oppressive
spirit or intent." While we may consequences to the State and to
not read into the law a purpose the victims of crimes and their
The Court emphasized in its assailed resolution that: In the new rule
that is not there, we nevertheless heirs.
in question, it has fixed a time-bar of one year or two years for the
revival of criminal cases provisionally dismissed with the express have the right to read out of it the
consent of the accused and with a priori notice to the offended party. reason for its enactment. In DISPOSITIVE: respondent
In fixing the time-bar, the Court balanced the societal interests and doing so, we defer not to the Panfilo M. Lacsons Omnibus
those of the accused for the orderly and speedy disposition of "letter that killeth" but to the Motion and Motion to Set for
criminal cases with minimum prejudice to the State and the accused. "spirit that vivifieth, to give effect Oral Arguments are DENIED. The
It took into account the substantial rights of both the State and of theto the lawmakers will."X respondents Motion for
accused to due process. The Court believed that the time limit is a Reconsideration and its
reasonable period for the State to revive provisionally dismissed Supplement are
The Court agrees with the
cases with the consent of the accused and notice to the offended petitioners that to apply the
parties. time-bar retroactively so that the DENIED WITH FINALITY. The
two-year period commenced to Executive Judge of the Regional
The Court approved Section 8 pursuant to its power under Article run on March 31, 1999 when the Trial Court of Quezon City is
VIII, Section 5, paragraph 5 of the Constitution. This constitutional public prosecutor received his hereby DIRECTED to
grant to promulgate rules carries with it the power, inter alia, to copy of the resolution of Judge CONSOLIDATE Criminal Cases
determine whether to give the said rules prospective or retroactive Agnir, Jr. dismissing the criminal Nos. 01-101102 to 01-101112
effect. Moreover, under Rule 144 of the Rules of Court, the Court may cases is inconsistent with the and to RE-RAFFLE the same with
not apply the rules to actions pending before it if in its opinion their intendment of the new rule. dispatch to one of the branches
application would not be feasible or would work injustice, in which Instead of giving the State two of the Regional Trial Court of
event, the former procedure shall apply. years to revive provisionally Quezon City designated as a
dismissed cases, the State had special court, exclusively to try
and decide heinous crimes.
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
AJ | Amin | Cha | Janz | Julio |Martin | Vien
violated by the postponements of In the present case, it is clear
Petitioner was charged with rape. When he was arraigned on the trial on several instances, but from the records that the
February 26, 1999, petitioner pleaded not guilty to the charge because petitioner through dismissal ordered by the trial
against him. counsel moved that the case be court on May 31, 1999 was a
dismissed at least even temporary dismissal of the case,
temporarily to which the public and not a permanent dismissal
On March 31, 1999, the date set by the trial court for the initial prosecutor interposed no on the ground that the right of
hearing, the prosecution moved that the same be postponed due to objection. The Solicitor General the accused to speedy trial had
the absence of the complainant and her witnesses. The hearing was points out that the prosecution been violated by the delay in the
reset on April 29, 1999. moved for the postponement of prosecution of the said case. The
the trial several times in good trial court apparently denied
On April 29, 1999, the prosecution again moved to postpone the faith and for valid reasons. He petitioners motion to have
hearing due to the absence of the complainant and her witnesses. likewise argues that the revival Criminal
of the case does not place the
Petitioner objected to the motion on the ground that his right to petitioner twice in jeopardy for Case No. 10770 dismissed on the
speedy trial was being violated by such postponements. The trial the same offense because the ground of his right to speedy trial
court granted the prosecutions motion and reset the hearing on dismissal of the case on May 31, when despite said motion made
1999 was made at petitioners in open court on April 29, 1999,
instance. it ordered the resetting of the
May 31, 1999. It also directed that the subpoenae to the complainant
and her witnesses be coursed through the National Bureau of hearing of the case on May 31,
Investigation which handled the investigation of the case. ISSUES: 1999. In subsequently granting
petitioners request for the
A.Whether or not the dismissal dismissal of Criminal Case No.
During the hearing on May 31, 1999, the prosecution requested for
of Criminal Case No. 10770 by 10770 on May 31, 1999, the trial
another postponement. Petitioner moved for at least a temporary
the trial court in its Order of court expressly stated that the
dismissal of the case. The prosecution manifested that it would not
June 25, 1999 is permanent in same was subject to
object to a temporary dismissal. Thus, on the same date, the trial
character so as to operate as reinstatement within thirty days
court issued an order temporarily dismissing the case.
an acquittal of the petitioner from the date of the temporary
for the crime charged- NO dismissal.
On June 22, 1999, the prosecution filed a Motion for Reinstatement
and/or Revival of Criminal Case No. 10770. Appended to said motion
Therefore, it cannot be gainsaid
was the affidavit of private complainant that the subpoenae sent to B.Whether or not the
reinstatement of Criminal Case that the dismissal of Criminal
her for the trial of the case did not reach her because in the
No. 10770 places the petitioner Case No. 10770 on May 31, 1999
meantime she had transferred her residence.
in double jeopardy.- NO was provisional or temporary,
without prejudice to the revival
The trial court set the hearing on the motion for reinstatement on thereof within thirty days from
June 25, 1999. A permanent dismissal of a the date of dismissal. Thus, the
criminal case may refer to the Court finds that the
termination of the case on the reinstatement thereof on June
Petitioner opposed the motion contending that the revival or
merits, resulting in either the 25, 1999 did not place petitioner
reinstatement of the case will place him in double jeopardy. On
conviction or acquittal of the in double jeopardy.
September 29, 1999, the Court issued a resolution reinstating the
accused; to the dismissal of the
said case and reiterating the issuance of a warrant of arrest for
case due to the prosecutions
petitioner. The proscription against double
failure to prosecute; or to the
dismissal thereof on the ground jeopardy presupposes that an
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration of said resolution of unreasonable delay in the accused has been previously
insisting that the reinstatement of the case will place him in double proceedings, in violation of the charged with an offense, and the
jeopardy. accuseds right to speedy case against him is terminated
disposition or trial of the case either by his acquittal or
against him. In contrast, a conviction, or dismissed in any
On January 14, 2000, the court issued a resolution denying the
other manner without his
motion for reconsideration of petitioner. Consequently, Criminal Case provisional dismissal of a
criminal case is a dismissal consent. As a general rule, the
No. 10770 is still pending before the trial court.
without prejudice to the following requisites must be
reinstatement thereof before the present for double jeopardy to
Aggrieved, petitioner filed the instant petition on February 1, 2000. attach: (1) a valid indictment,
order of dismissal becomes final
He claims that Criminal Case No. 10770 cannot be revived because
or to the subsequent filing of a
the dismissal of the case on May 31, 1999 is permanent in character,
new information for the offense before a court of competent
having been made in consideration of his right to speedy trial.
within the periods allowed under jurisdiction, (3) the arraignment
the Revised Penal Code or the of the accused, (4) a valid plea
The Solicitor General, on the other hand, contends that the case was Revised Rules of Court. entered by him, and
dismissed not because petitioners right to speedy trial has been
the acquittal or conviction of the accused, or the dismissal or accuseds right to speedy trial. earlier stated, said case was
termination of the case against him without his express consent. provisionally dismissed by the
However, there are two exceptions to the foregoing rule, and double Petitioner is not in danger of trial court upon his motion. Thus,
jeopardy may attach even if the dismissal of the case was with the being twice put in jeopardy with the requirement that the
consent of the accused: first, when there is insufficiency of evidence the reinstatement of Criminal dismissal of the case must be
to support the charge against him; and second, where there has been Case No. 10770 because as without the consent of the
an unreasonable delay in the proceedings, in violation of the accused is not present in
CrimPro (Bail, Motion to Quash)
this case. Neither does the case fall under any of the aforecited
exceptions. The prosecution had not yet presented evidence at the time
the case was dismissed on May 31, 1999. Moreover, as previously
explained, said dismissal was temporary in nature, as the case was
subject to reinstatement within thirty days from the date of dismissal