Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
Da Vinci redirects here. For other uses, see Da Vinci ings have survived.[nb 1] Nevertheless, these few works,
(disambiguation). together with his notebooks, which contain drawings, sci-
entic diagrams, and his thoughts on the nature of paint-
This is a Renaissance Florentine name. The name da ing, compose a contribution to later generations of artists
rivalled only by that of his contemporary, Michelangelo.
Vinci is an indicator of birthplace, not a family name
and the person is properly referred to by the given name Leonardo is revered for his technological ingenuity. He
Leonardo. conceptualised ying machines, a type of armoured ght-
ing vehicle, concentrated solar power, an adding ma-
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (Italian: [leonardo chine, and the double hull. Relatively few of his de-
di sr pjro da (v)vinti]; 15 April 1452 2 May signs were constructed or even feasible during his life-
1519), more commonly Leonardo da Vinci or simply time, as the modern scientic approaches to metallurgy
Leonardo, was an Italian polymath whose areas of inter- and engineering were only in their infancy during the Re-
est included invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, naissance. Some of his smaller inventions, however, such
science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, as an automated bobbin winder and a machine for testing
anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, the tensile strength of wire, entered the world of manufac-
and cartography. He has been variously called the fa- turing unheralded. A number of Leonardos most practi-
ther of palaeontology, ichnology, and architecture, and cal inventions are nowadays displayed as working models
is widely considered one of the greatest painters of all at the Museum of Vinci. He made substantial discov-
time. Sometimes credited with the inventions of the eries in anatomy, civil engineering, geology, optics, and
parachute, helicopter and tank,[1][2][3] he epitomised the hydrodynamics, but he did not publish his ndings
Renaissance humanist ideal. they had no direct inuence on later science.
Many historians and scholars regard Leonardo as the Today, Leonardo is widely considered one of the most
prime exemplar of the "Universal Genius" or Renais- diversely talented individuals ever to have lived.[10]
sance Man, an individual of unquenchable curiosity
and feverishly inventive imagination.[4] According to
art historian Helen Gardner, the scope and depth of his 1 Life
interests were without precedent in recorded history, and
his mind and personality seem to us superhuman, while See also: Personal life of Leonardo da Vinci
the man himself mysterious and remote.[4] Marco Rosci
notes that while there is much speculation regarding his
life and personality, his view of the world was logical
rather than mysterious, and that the empirical methods 1.1 Childhood, 14521466
he employed were unorthodox for his time.[5]
Born out of wedlock to a notary, Piero da Vinci, and
a peasant woman, Caterina, in Vinci in the region
of Florence, Leonardo was educated in the studio of
the renowned Florentine painter Andrea del Verrocchio.
Much of his earlier working life was spent in the service
of Ludovico il Moro in Milan. He later worked in Rome,
Bologna and Venice, and he spent his last years in France
at the home awarded to him by Francis I of France.
Leonardo was, and is, renowned primarily as a painter.
Among his works, the Mona Lisa is the most famous and
most parodied portrait[6] and The Last Supper the most
reproduced religious painting of all time.[4] Leonardos
drawing of the Vitruvian Man is also regarded as a cultural Leonardos childhood home in Anchiano
icon,[7] being reproduced on items as varied as the euro
Leonardo was born on 15 April 1452 (Old Style) at the
coin, textbooks, and T-shirts. Perhaps fteen of his paint-
third hour of the night[nb 2] in the Tuscan hill town of
2 1 LIFE
robe in a manner that was so far superior to his masters the monks of San Donato a Scopeto.[30] Neither commis-
that Verrocchio put down his brush and never painted sion was completed, the second being interrupted when
again, although this is believed to be apocryphal.[27] Leonardo went to Milan.
Close examination reveals areas that have been painted orIn 1482, Leonardo, who according to Vasari was a tal-
touched-up over the tempera using the new technique of ented musician,[31] created a silver lyre in the shape
oil paint; the landscape, the rocks seen through the brown
of a horses head. Lorenzo de' Medici sent Leonardo
mountain stream and much of the gure of Jesus bearing to Milan, bearing the lyre as a gift, to secure peace
witness to the hand of Leonardo.[28] Leonardo may have with Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan.[32] At this time
been the model for two works by Verrocchio: the bronze
Leonardo wrote an often-quoted letter describing the
statue of David in the Bargello and the Archangel Raphaelmany marvellous and diverse things that he could achieve
in Tobias and the Angel.[13]
in the eld of engineering and informing Ludovico that
By 1472, at the age of twenty, Leonardo qualied as a he could also paint.[24][33]
master in the Guild of Saint Luke, the guild of artists Leonardo worked in Milan from 1482 until 1499. He
and doctors of medicine,[nb 5] but even after his father was commissioned to paint the Virgin of the Rocks for
set him up in his own workshop, his attachment to Ver- the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception and
rocchio was such that he continued to collaborate with The Last Supper for the monastery of Santa Maria delle
him.[14] Leonardos earliest known dated work is a draw- Grazie.[34] In the spring of 1485, Leonardo travelled to
ing in pen and ink of the Arno valley, drawn on 5 August Hungary on behalf of Ludovico to meet Matthias Corvi-
1473.[nb 6][24] nus, for whom he is believed to have painted a Holy Fam-
ily.[35] Between 1493 and 1495, Leonardo listed a woman
called Caterina among his dependents in his taxation doc-
1.3 Professional life, 14761513
uments. When she died in 1495, the list of funeral expen-
ditures suggests that she was his mother.[36]
ing it. The monument remained unnished for several from the sea to Florence, in order to allow a supply of
years, which was not unusual for Leonardo. In 1492, the water to sustain the canal during all seasons.
clay model of the horse was completed. It surpassed in Leonardo returned to Florence, where he rejoined the
size the only two large equestrian statues of the Renais- Guild of Saint Luke on 18 October 1503. He spent two
sance, Donatellos Gattamelata in Padua and Verrocchios years designing and painting a mural of The Battle of
Bartolomeo Colleoni in Venice, and became known as the Anghiari for the Signoria,[37] with Michelangelo design-
"Gran Cavallo".[24][nb 7] Leonardo began making detailed ing its companion piece, The Battle of Cascina.[nb 9] In
plans for its casting;[24] however, Michelangelo insulted Florence in 1504, he was part of a committee formed to
Leonardo by implying that he was unable to cast it.[14]
relocate, against the artists will, Michelangelos statue of
In November 1494, Ludovico gave the bronze to be used David.[42]
for cannon to defend the city from invasion by Charles
VIII.[24] In 1506 Leonardo returned to Milan. Many of his
most prominent pupils or followers in painting ei-
At the start of the Second Italian War in 1499, the in- ther knew or worked with him in Milan,[14] includ-
vading French troops used the life-size clay model for ing Bernardino Luini, Giovanni Antonio Boltrao and
the Gran Cavallo for target practice. With Ludovico Marco d'Oggiono.[nb 10] At this time he may have com-
Sforza overthrown, Leonardo, with his assistant Salai and menced a project for an equestrian gure of Charles II
friend, the mathematician Luca Pacioli, ed Milan for d'Amboise, the acting French governor of Milan.[43] A
Venice,[37] where he was employed as a military architect wax model survives and, if genuine, is the only extant ex-
and engineer, devising methods to defend the city from ample of Leonardos sculpture.
naval attack.[14] On his return to Florence in 1500, he
and his household were guests of the Servite monks at the Leonardo did not stay in Milan for long because his father
monastery of Santissima Annunziata and were provided had died in 1504, and in 1507 he was back in Florence
with a workshop where, according to Vasari, Leonardo trying to sort out problems with his brothers over his fa-
created the cartoon of The Virgin and Child with St Anne thers estate. By 1508 Leonardo was back in Milan, living
and St John the Baptist, a work that won such admiration in his own house in Porta Orientale in the parish of Santa
that men and women, young and old ocked to see it Babila.[44]
as if they were attending a great festival.[38][nb 8]
to visit Venice.[53][55]
Like the two contemporary architects Bramante and
Antonio da Sangallo the Elder, Leonardo experimented
with designs for centrally planned churches, a number of
which appear in his journals, as both plans and views, al-
though none was ever realised.[53][58]
Small devotional picture by Verrocchio, c. 1470
3 Painting
See also: List of works by Leonardo da Vinci
Despite the recent awareness and admiration of
a rich owing garment, raised wings and bearing a lily. Leonardos life, as evidenced in his diary: I thought I
Although previously attributed to Ghirlandaio, the larger was learning to live; I was only learning to die.[14] Al-
work is now generally attributed to Leonardo.[76] though the painting is barely begun, the composition can
[nb 16]
In the smaller painting, Mary averts her eyes and folds her be seen and is very unusual. Jerome, as a penitent,
hands in a gesture that symbolised submission to Gods occupies the middle of the picture, set on a slight diago-
will. Mary is not submissive, however, in the larger piece. nal and viewed somewhat from above. His kneeling form
The girl, interrupted in her reading by this unexpected takes on a trapezoid shape, with one arm stretched to the
messenger, puts a nger in her bible to mark the place outer edge of the painting and his gaze looking in the op-
posite direction. J. Wasserman points out the link be-
and raises her hand in a formal gesture of greeting or [78]
surprise.[52] This calm young woman appears to accept tween this painting and Leonardos anatomical studies.
Across the foreground sprawls his symbol, a great lion
her role as the Mother of God, not with resignation but
with condence. In this painting, the young Leonardo whose body and tail make a double spiral across the base
of the picture space. The other remarkable feature is the
presents the humanist face of the Virgin Mary, recognis-
ing humanitys role in Gods incarnation. [nb 15] sketchy landscape of craggy rocks against which the g-
ure is silhouetted.
The daring display of gure composition, the landscape
3.2 Paintings of the 1480s elements and personal drama also appear in the great un-
nished masterpiece, the Adoration of the Magi, a com-
mission from the Monks of San Donato a Scopeto. It is
a complex composition, of about 250 x 250 centimetres.
Leonardo did numerous drawings and preparatory stud-
ies, including a detailed one in linear perspective of the
ruined classical architecture that forms part of the back-
ground. In 1482 Leonardo went to Milan at the behest of
Lorenzo de' Medici in order to win favour with Ludovico
il Moro, and the painting was abandoned.[13][76]
The third important work of this period is the Virgin of
the Rocks, commissioned in Milan for the Confraternity
of the Immaculate Conception. The painting, to be done
with the assistance of the de Predis brothers, was to ll a
large complex altarpiece.[79] Leonardo chose to paint an
apocryphal moment of the infancy of Christ when the in-
fant John the Baptist, in protection of an angel, met the
Holy Family on the road to Egypt. The painting demon-
strates an eerie beauty as the graceful gures kneel in
adoration around the infant Christ in a wild landscape
of tumbling rock and whirling water.[80] While the paint-
ing is quite large, about 200120 centimetres, it is not
nearly as complex as the painting ordered by the monks
of St Donato, having only four gures rather than about
fty and a rocky landscape rather than architectural de-
tails. The painting was eventually nished; in fact, two
versions of the painting were nished: one remained at
the chapel of the Confraternity, while Leonardo took the
other to France. The Brothers did not get their painting,
however, nor the de Predis their payment, until the next
Virgin of the Rocks, National Gallery, London, demonstrates
Leonardos interest in nature
3.3 Paintings of the 1490s
In the 1480s, Leonardo received two very important
commissions and commenced another work that was of Leonardos most famous painting of the 1490s is The Last
ground-breaking importance in terms of composition. Supper, commissioned for the refectory of the Convent of
Two of the three were never nished, and the third took Santa Maria della Grazie in Milan. It represents the last
so long that it was subject to lengthy negotiations over meal shared by Jesus with his disciples before his capture
completion and payment. and death, and shows the moment when Jesus has just
One of these paintings was St. Jerome in the Wilder- said one of you will betray me, and the consternation
ness, which Bortolon associates with a dicult period of that this statement caused.[24]
Leonardo started his study in the anatomy of the human Leonardos Physiological Sketch of the Human Brain and Skull.
body under the apprenticeship of Andrea del Verrocchio, (1510)
who demanded that his students develop a deep knowl-
edge of the subject.[104] As an artist, he quickly became
master of topographic anatomy, drawing many studies of lished his work on anatomy and physiology in De humani
muscles, tendons and other visible anatomical features. corporis fabrica in 1543.[108]
As a successful artist, Leonardo was given permission to
dissect human corpses at the Hospital of Santa Maria
4.4 Engineering and inventions
Nuova in Florence and later at hospitals in Milan and
Rome. From 1510 to 1511 he collaborated in his stud-
ies with the doctor Marcantonio della Torre. Leonardo
made over 240 detailed drawings and wrote about 13,000
words towards a treatise on anatomy.[105] These papers
were left to his heir, Francesco Melzi, for publication,
a task of overwhelming diculty because of its scope
and Leonardos idiosyncratic writing.[106] The project was
left incomplete at the time of Melzis death more than
50 years later, with only a small amount of the material
on anatomy included in Leonardos Treatise on painting,
published in France in 1632.[24][106] During the time that
Melzi was ordering the material into chapters for publi-
cation, they were examined by a number of anatomists
and artists, including Vasari, Cellini and Albrecht Drer,
who made a number of drawings from them.[106]
Leonardos anatomical drawings include many studies
of the human skeleton and its parts, and of muscles
and sinews. He studied the mechanical functions of A design for a ying machine, (1488) Institut de France, Paris
the skeleton and the muscular forces that are applied to
it in a manner that pregured the modern science of During his lifetime, Leonardo was valued as an engineer.
biomechanics.[107] He drew the heart and vascular sys- In a letter to Ludovico il Moro, he claimed to be able
tem, the sex organs and other internal organs, making one to create all sorts of machines both for the protection of
of the rst scientic drawings of a fetus in utero.[95] The a city and for siege. When he ed to Venice in 1499,
drawings and notation are far ahead of their time, and if he found employment as an engineer and devised a sys-
published would undoubtedly have made a major contri- tem of moveable barricades to protect the city from at-
bution to medical science.[105] tack. He also had a scheme for diverting the ow of the
Arno river, a project on which Niccol Machiavelli also
Leonardo also closely observed and recorded the eects
worked.[109][110] Leonardos journals include a vast num-
of age and of human emotion on the physiology, study-
ber of inventions, both practical and impractical. They
ing in particular the eects of rage. He drew many
include musical instruments, a mechanical knight, hy-
gures who had signicant facial deformities or signs
draulic pumps, reversible crank mechanisms, nned mor-
of illness.[24][95] Leonardo also studied and drew the
tar shells, and a steam cannon.[14][24]
anatomy of many animals, dissecting cows, birds, mon-
keys, bears, and frogs, and comparing in his drawings In 1502, Leonardo produced a drawing of a single span
their anatomical structure with that of humans. He also 720-foot (220 m) bridge as part of a civil engineering
made a number of studies of horses.[95] project for Ottoman Sultan Beyazid II of Constantinople.
The bridge was intended to span an inlet at the mouth of
Leonardos dissections and documentation of muscles,
the Bosporus known as the Golden Horn. Beyazid did not
nerves, and vessels helped to describe the physiology and
pursue the project because he believed that such a con-
mechanics of movement. He attempted to identify the
struction was impossible. Leonardos vision was resur-
source of 'emotions and their expression. He found it dif-
rected in 2001 when a smaller bridge based on his design
cult to incorporate the prevailing system and theories of
was constructed in Norway.[111][112]
bodily humours, but eventually he abandoned these phys-
iological explanations of bodily functions. He made the Leonardo was fascinated by the phenomenon of ight
observations that humours were not located in cerebral for much of his life, producing many studies, including
spaces or ventricles. He documented that the humours Codex on the Flight of Birds (c. 1505), as well as plans for
were not contained in the heart or the liver, and that it several ying machines such as a apping ornithopter and
was the heart that dened the circulatory system. He was a machine with a helical rotor. The British television
the rst to dene atherosclerosis and liver cirrhosis. He station Channel Four commissioned a 2003 documentary,
created models of the cerebral ventricles with the use of Leonardos Dream Machines, in which various designs
melted wax and constructed a glass aorta to observe the by Leonardo, such as a parachute and a giant crossbow,
circulation of blood through the aortic valve by using wa- were interpreted, constructed and tested. Some of
ter and grass seed to watch ow patterns. Vesalius pub- those designs proved successful, whilst others fared less
well when practically tested.
[4] The diverse arts and technical skills of Medieval and Re-
naissance workshops are described in detail in the 12th-
7 See also century text On Divers Arts by Theophilus Presbyter and
in the early 15th-century text Il Libro Dell'arte O Trattato
Aerial perspective Della Pittui by Cennino Cennini.
Italian Renaissance painting [5] That Leonardo joined the guild before this time is deduced
from the record of payment made to the Compagnia di
Leonardo da Vinci, A Memory of His Childhood San Luca in the companys register, Libro Rosso A, 1472
1520, Accademia di Belle Arti.[13]
Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport
[6] This work is now in the collection of the Uzi, Drawing
List of Italian painters
No. 8P.
List of vegetarians
[7] Verrocchios statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni was not cast
Medical Renaissance until 1488, after his death, and after Leonardo had already
begun work on the statue for Ludovico.
Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo
da Vinci [8] In 2005, the studio was rediscovered during the restora-
tion of part of a building occupied for 100 years by the
Renaissance technology Department of Military Geography.[39]
[9] Both works are lost. The entire composition of Michelan- [20] Left-handed writers using a split nib or quill pen experi-
gelos painting is known from a copy by Aristotole da San- ence diculty pushing the pen from left to right across the
gallo, 1542.[40] Leonardos painting is only known from page.
preparatory sketches and several copies of the centre sec-
tion, of which the best known, and probably least accurate, [21] This method of organisation minimises of loss of data in
is by Peter Paul Rubens.[41] the case of pages being mixed up or destroyed.
[13] This was a charitable legacy as each of the sixty paupers [6] John Licheld, The Moving of the Mona Lisa, The In-
would have been awarded an established mourners fee in dependent, 2 April 2005 (accessed 2012-03-09)
the terms of Leonardos will.
[7] Vitruvian Man is referred to as iconic at the following
websites and many others:Vitruvian Man, Fine Art Clas-
[14] The black cloak, of good quality material, was a ready-
sics, Key Images in the History of Science; Curiosity and
made item from a clothier, with the fur trim being an
dierence Archived 30 January 2009 at the Wayback Ma-
additional luxury. The possession of this garment meant
chine.; The Guardian: The Real da Vinci Code
that Leonardos house keeper could attend his funeral re-
spectably attired at no expense to herself. [8] Kaplan, Erez (1996). Roberto Guatellis Controver-
sial Replica of Leonardo da Vincis Adding Machine.
[15] Michael Baxandall lists 5 laudable conditions or reac-
Archived from the original on 29 May 2011. Retrieved
tions of Mary to the presence and announcement of the
19 August 2013.
angel. These are: Disquiet, Reection, Inquiry, Submis-
sion and Merit. In this painting Marys attitude does not [9] Capra, pp.56
comply with any of the accepted traditions.[77]
[10] See the quotations from the following authors, in section
[16] The painting, which in the 18th century belonged to Fame and reputation: Vasari, Boltrao, Castiglione,
Angelica Kauman, was later cut up. The two main sec- Anonimo Gaddiano, Berensen, Taine, Fuseli, Rio, Bor-
tions were found in a junk shop and cobblers shop and tolon.
were reunited.[78] It is probable that outer parts of the
composition are missing. [11] Vezzosi, Alessandro (1997). Leonardo da Vinci: Renais-
sance Man.
[17] Whether or not Vasari had seen the Mona Lisa is the sub-
ject of debate. The opinion that he had not seen the paint- [12] His birth is recorded in the diary of his paternal grandfa-
ing is based mainly on the fact that he describes the Mona ther Ser Antonio, as cited by Angela Ottino della Chiesa
Lisa as having eyebrows. Daniel Arasse in Leonardo da in Leonardo da Vinci, p. 83
Vinci discusses the possibility that Leonardo may have [13] della Chiesa, Angela Ottino (1967). The Complete Paint-
painted the gure with eyebrows that were subsequently ings of Leonardo da Vinci. p. 83.
removed. (They were not fashionable in the mid-16th
century.)[24] Pascal Cotte said in 2007 that, according [14] Bortolon, Liana (1967). The Life and Times of Leonardo.
to his analysis of high resolution scans, the Mona Lisa London: Paul Hamlyn.
had eyebrows and eyelashes that have been subsequently
removed.[87] [15] Margherita (da Vinci) in: geni.com [retrieved 15 June
[18] Jack Wasserman writes of the inimitable treatment of the
surfaces of the painting.[88] [16] Lucrezia Cortigiani in: geni.com [retrieved 15 June 2016].
[20] Brigstoke, Hugh (2001). The Oxford Companion the West- [46] Miranda, Salvador (19982007). The Cardinals of the
ern Art. Oxford, ENG, UK. Holy Roman Church: Antoine du Prat. Retrieved 4 Oc-
tober 2007.
[21] Vasari, Giorgio (1568). Lives of the Artists. Penguin Clas-
sics. pp. 25859. [47] Vasari, p.265
[22] Rosci, p.13 [48] Reconstruction of Leonardos walking lion (in Italian).
Retrieved 5 January 2010.
[23] Leonardo da Vinci Encarta (cached)". refseek.com.
Retrieved 8 November 2015. [49] Vasari, p.270
[24] Arasse, Daniel (1998). Leonardo da Vinci. [50] Leonardos will. Leonardo-history. Retrieved 28
September 2007.
[25] Rosci, p.27
[51] Lucertini, Mario; Gasca, Ana Millan; Nicolo, Fernando
[26] Martindale, Andrew (1972). The Rise of the Artist. (2004). Technological Concepts and Mathematical Mod-
els in the Evolution of Modern Engineering Systems.
[27] Vasari, p.258
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[29] Priwer, Shana; Phillips, Cynthia (2006). The Everything [52] Hartt, Frederich (1970). A History of Italian Renaissance
Da Vinci Book. p. 245. Art. pp. 127333.
[30] Wasserman, Jack (1975). Leonardo da Vinci. pp. 7778. [53] Rosci, Leonardo, chapter 1, the historical setting, pp.920
[31] Winternitz, Emanuel (1982). Leonardo Da Vinci As a [54] Brucker, Gene A. (1969). Renaissance Florence.
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[32] Rossi, Paolo (2001). The Birth of Modern Science. p. 33. cyclopedia.
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English, De Pictura, in Latin
[35] Franz-Joachim Verspohl, Michelangelo Buonarroti und
Leonardo Da Vinci: Republikanischer Alltag und Kn- [58] Hartt, pp.39192
stlerkonkurrenz in Florenz zwischen 1501 und 1505 (Wall-
stein Verlag, 2007), p. 151. [59] Williamson, Hugh Ross (1974). Lorenzo the Magnicent.
[36] Codex II, 95 r, Victoria and Albert Museum, as cited by [60] Vasari, p.253
della Chiesa p. 85
[61] Vasari, p.257
[37] della Chiesa, p.85
[62] Mntz, Eugne (1898). Leonardo da Vinci. Artist,
[38] Vasari, p.256 Thinker, and Man of Science. Volume 1. London:
William Heinemann. p. 17.
[39] Owen, Richard (12 January 2005). Found: the studio
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7148-1314-1. [64] Cartwright Ady, Julia. Beatrice d'Este, Duchess of Milan,
14751497. Publisher: J.M. Dent, 1899; Cartwright Ady,
[41] della Chiesa, pp.106107 Julia. Isabella D'Este, Marchioness of Mantua, 1474
1539. Publisher; J.M. Dent, 1903.
[42] Gaetano Milanesi, Epistolario Buonarroti, Florence
(1875), as cited by della Chiesa. [65] Sigmund Freud, Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo
da Vinci, (1910)
[43] Achademia Leonardi Vinci. Journal of Leonardo Stud-
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[67] Michael Rocke, Forbidden Friendships epigraph, p. 148
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[69] della Chiesa, p. 84 [98] Sketches by Leonardo. Turning the Pages. British Li-
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[70] Vasari, p. 265
[99] Windsor Castle, Royal Library, sheets RL 19073v74v
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[78] Wasserman, pp.1046
[106] Keele Kenneth D (1964). Leonardo da Vincis Inuence
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Appleton Company.
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