Microcontroller Lab Viva Questions & Answers
Microcontroller Lab Viva Questions & Answers
Microcontroller Lab Viva Questions & Answers
Microprocessor Microcontroller
Memory, ports, timers, interrupts and Memory, ports, interrupts and controllers are
controllers are external to the chip. internal to the chip.
Based on Von-Neumann architecture. Based on Harvard architecture.
Have many instructions for data transfer b/w Have limited instructions for data transfer b/w
the microprocessor and external memory. the microcontroller and external memory.
The instruction sets contains limited number It performs large number of bit level
of instructions for bit operation. operation.
Ans: Flags are 1-bit registers provided to store the result of certain program instructions.
PSW: The PSW contains the math flags, user program flag F0, and the registerselect bits
that identify which of the four general purpose register banks is currently in use by the
CY AC F0 RS1 RS0 OV -- P
Ans: The stack refers to an area of internal RAM that is used in conjugation with certain
opcodes to Store and retrieve data quickly.
41.What is counter?
Ans; Counter is the process of counting the pulses generated by any system.
Explain the above table based on your microcontroller knowledge of flags1 and 0s and
SM0D -- -- -- GF1 GF0 PD IDL
Ans: When a timer/counter overflows, the corresponding timer flag, TF0 or TF1, is set to 1.
The flag is cleared to 0 when the resulting interrupt generates a program call to the
appropriate timer subroutine in memory.
46. Draw and explain the Interrupt enable (IE) and Interrupt Priority (IP) special
function register.
--not implemented
47. What are different addressing modes in microcontroller? Give one example for each.
2.Arithmetic instruction.
3.Logical Instruction.
49. For the given set of instruction name the operation and addressing modes.
i)MOV A,#n
ii)MOV A, addr
v)XCH A,Rn
Ans: i) Operation: Copy the immediate 8 bit data into the accumulator.
Addressing mode: Immediate add mode.
It is a 2 byte instruction.
ii) Operation: Copy the contents of the internal RAM address (addr) into theaccumulator.
Addressing mode: Direct addressing mode.
It is a 2 byte instruction.
iii) Operation: Copy the contents of the external RAM address stored in DPTR into
the accumulator.
Addressing mode: Indirect addressing mode.
It is a 1 byte instruction.
iv) Operation: Copy the code byte, found at the ROM address formed by adding A and the
DPTR, into the accumulator.
It is a 1 byte instruction.
v) Operation: Exchange data bytes between the accumulator and the register Rn.
It is a 1 byte instruction.
Ans: It is of two types- conditional jump and unconditional jump. Conditional jump is of two
types byte level instruction an bit level instruction. Similarly unconditional jump is also
divided into 3 sub-jump and these are- Short jump, Absolute jump, Long jump.
Ans: A subroutine is a program that may be used many times in the execution of a larger
A. 32 bytes
B. 64 bytes
C. 128 bytes
D. 256 bytes
Answer: Option C
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4
Answer: Option B
4. The address space of the 8051 is divided into four distinct areas: internal data,
external data, internal code, and external code.
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
5. Data transfer from I/O to external data memory can only be done with the MOVX
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
A. 3 B. 4
C. 5 D. 6
Answer: Option C
There are five interrupt sources for the 8051, which means that they can recognize 5
different events that can interrupt regular program execution. Each interrupt can be
enabled or disabled by setting bits of the IE register. Likewise, the whole interrupt
system can be disabled by clearing the EA bit of the same register.
7. The special function registers are maintained in the next 128 locations after the
general-purpose data storage and stack.
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
8. This statement will set the address of the bit to 1 (8051 Micro-controller):
A. True B. False
Answer: Option B
9. MOV A, @ R1 will:
Answer: Option C
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
11. The following program will receive data from port 1, determine whether bit 2 is high,
and then send the number FFH to port 3:
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
12. Device pins XTAL1 and XTAL2 for the 8051 are used for connections to an external
oscillator or crystal.
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
13. When the 8051 is reset and the line is HIGH, the program counter points to the
first program instruction in the:
Answer: Option A
A. Timer 0
B. Timer 1
C. interrupt 0
D. interrupt 1
Answer: Option A
15. Both registers TL0 and TL1 are needed to start Timer 0.
A. True B. False
Answer: Option B
16. The I/O ports that are used as address and data for external memory are:
A. ports 1 and 2
B. ports 1 and 3
C. ports 0 and 2
D. ports 0 and 3
Answer: Option C
17. The last 96 locations in the internal data memory are reserved for general-purpose
data storage and stack.
A. True B. False
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option D
A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. 5
Answer: Option C
20. The total external data memory that can be interfaced to the 8051 is:
A. 32K B. 64K
C. 128K D. 256K
Answer: Option B
21. Which of the following instructions will load the value 35H into the high byte of timer
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
23. The 8-bit address bus allows access to an address range of:
A. 0000 to FFFFH
B. 000 to FFFH
C. 00 to FFH
D. 0 to FH
Answer: Option C
24. The contents of the accumulator after this operation
will be
A. 11010111 B. 11011010
C. 00001000 D. 00101000
Answer: Option C
B. CS line
C. INTR line
D. V ref/2 line
Answer: Option A
A. True B. False
Answer: Option B
27. Which of the following instructions will move the contents of register 3 to the
A. MOV 3R, A
B. MOV R3, A
C. MOV A, R3
D. MOV A, 3R
Answer: Option C
28. Which of the following statements will add the accumulator and register 3?
A. ADD @R3, @A
B. ADD @A, R3
C. ADD R3, A
D. ADD A, R3
Answer: Option D
29. Data transfer from I/O to external data memory can only be done with the MOV
A. True B. False
Answer: Option B
30. Which of the following commands will move the number 27H into the accumulator?
A. MOV A, P27
B. MOV A, #27H
C. MOV A, 27H
D. MOV A, @27
Answer: Option B
31. This program code will read data from port 0 and write it to port 2, and it will stop
looping when bit 3 of port 2 is set:
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
32. Which of the following commands will move the value at port 3 to register 2?
A. MOV P2, R3
B. MOV R3, P2
C. MOV 3P, R2
D. MOV R2, P3
Answer: Option D
A. 8 B. 16
C. 32 D. 64
Answer: Option C
34. When the 8051 is reset and the EA line is LOW, the program counter points to the
first program instruction in the:
Answer: Option B
35. The designs of a centigrade thermometer and a PWM speed-control circuit can be
implemented by the 8051.
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
36. What is the difference between the 8031 and the 8051?
Answer: Option B
37. The I/O port that does not have a dual-purpose role is:
A. port 0
B. port 1
C. port 2
D. port 3
Answer: Option B
38. To interface external EPROM memory for applications, it is necessary to demultiplex
the address/data lines of the 8051.
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
39. The following command will copy the accumulator to the location whose address is
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
40. The special function registers can be referred to by their hex addresses or by their
register names.
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
A. 1B H
B. 2B H
C. 3B H
D. 4B H
Answer: Option B
42. The following program will cause the 8051 to be stuck in a loop:
A. True B. False
Answer: Option B
43. Which of the following commands will copy the contents of RAM whose address is in
register 0 to port 1?
A. MOV @ P1, R0
B. MOV @ R0, P1
C. MOV P1, @ R0
D. MOV P1, R0
Answer: Option C
44. The statement LCALL READ passes control to the line labelled READ.
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
45. Which of the following commands will copy the contents of location 4H to the
A. MOV A, 04H
B. MOV A, L4
C. MOV L4, A
D. MOV 04H, A
Answer: Option A
46. The microcontroller is useful in systems that have nonvariable programs for dedicated
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
47. The total amount of external code memory that can be interfaced to the 8051 is:
A. 32K B. 64K
C. 128K D. 256K
Answer: Option B
A. 4-bit B. 8-bit
C. 16-bit D. 32-bit
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B
51. Which of the following instructions will move the contents of the accumulator to register
A. MOV 6R, A
B. MOV R6, A
C. MOV A, 6R
D. MOV A, R6
Answer: Option B
52. The following command will rotate the 8 bits of the accumulator one position to the
A. True B. False
Answer: Option A
53. An alternate function of port pin P3.0 (RXD) in the 8051 is:
Answer: Option A