AG EXT Chapter10
AG EXT Chapter10
AG EXT Chapter10
Concept of Organization
Why do we organize? This is a basic question that rural people and personnel from
government and the private sector usually ask. Is there really a need to organize? The simple
answer is: people are organized into clubs, associations, cooperatives, societies and fraternities in
order to achieve common goals which ultimately may give/contribute benefits to the
person/individual, groups/association, and to the community. There are activities, projects or
programs that a person cannot do individually; he needs other people including their resources,
knowledge, capabilities, time and values.
Community organizing (CO) is a process that revolves around the lives, experiences and
aspirations of the people; a process that is people-centered and geared towards their continuing
capability building, self reliance and empowerment. It is a process wherein the people analyze
their own problems and needs, decide on their own future, and ultimately make their own
solutions (Manalili, 1990).
First, unorganized poor people have become indifferent and apathetic about their lives
because they are objectively and subjectively powerless in dealing with their problems.
Second, that when the poor band themselves together into an organization, they can help
redress the socio-political and economic imbalance between the rich and the poor and between
the weak and the strong.
Third, the organization brings about a sense of power among poor people.
To summarize the points of people who used the CO approach, a viable and functional
organization serves as: (a) an organization that elicits people participation in identifying
problems common to many and affect a great number of people; (b) venue to collectively plan,
implement and evaluate projects that solve identified problems; (c) an action group that mobilize
and harness human, material, financial resources to achieve common goals; (d) a group to
network with other organizations, agencies of government, and private sector to help resolve
specific problems; and (e) a learning process for community people to achieve empowerment
particularly of the depressed, deprived and the less privileged members of society.
(Adapted from the Professional Chair Lecture of Prof. Elmer M. Ferrer delivered
on February 18, 1988 at Bulwagan Tandang Sora, College of Social Work and
Community Development, University of the Philippines).
2. Has extensive relations in the area and is well respected by members of the community;
He lives in the area to really integrate with the people and tries to be close with
them. The people may accept him as one of them. Through social and very personal
interactions, his knowledge of the barrio becomes substantive.
The first two steps are concentrated on the organizer, this time SA revolves on the
peoples lives, experiences and aspirations. The COer helps people to become more
systematic in the analysis of the situation.
The process is a collective and continuing activity so that analysis becomes a tool
for conscientization for action. SA is an activity that helps raise the level of consciousness
of the people and the organizer. This is a dialogue/focus group discussion. There is now
collective consciousness.
SA should lead to the continuing development of the peoples critical awareness
and their ability to relate to national and global realities.
Among the potential leader, a core group for organizing is formed. Core group for
farmers, women and youth.
At this stage of CO, The people are now to set up their organization. In their
general assembly, they will formally declare their unity and select their officers. Reasons
for organizing are clear. Members have full confidence of the organization. The
organization is the embodiment of their collective dreams and aspirations. Tasking must
be based on the capability of everyone.
The BIDANI program is one of the extension programs of SUCs. The Extension
Office implementing the program must be well-trained and committed in its goals.
All the implementers (faculty and staff) must be fully aware/knowledgeable of the
vision. Mission, goals, components, structure, process/activities, projects,
funding, monitoring and evaluation of the program. SUC administrators, LGUs
and external funding support are necessary to implement the program.
This is the presentation of the program and approach to the municipal mayor
and his councilors and other chief of offices. Another orientation shall be conducted
for the barangay chairmen of selected pilot barangays. Site visitation will be
conducted where local leaders become aware of the program, thereby planning for
orientation training will be done.
From the 3-day training, real planning of the various committees will be done
at the municipality or barangay. Plans will be consolidated in an agreed format. These
include a three-year annual investment plan and annual plan. A general assembly will
be conducted to present the plans or each sector/committee. The barangay will also
plan to establish their barangay management and information system. This is to be
organized and managed by the people themselves.
When the plans are finalized and approved by the Barangay Development
Councils (BDCs), it will be submitted to the Barangay Council (BC). A resolution
will be prepared for the approval of the plan. The Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA)
particularly the 20% development fund will be budgeted. External funding will be
sourced out.
8. Technical Backstopping
Weekly visitations of Cos, training, focus group discussion are conducted. Each
committee is encouraged to lead proposed projects and encourage to look for
external assistance.
9. Evaluation, Replanning and Updating
Review Questions:
2. Are these agencies providing assistance to these organizations? In what way assistance were
3. Define the following terms:
3.1 community
3.2 organization
3.3 community organizing
4. Select one model of CO and briefly discuss. Present its strengths and weaknesses.
5. What are your suggestions to strengthen rural organization? Explain your answer.