Cfgregionalsmasters2017 Workout 3 4 Sndjhiwy763bva561g3
Cfgregionalsmasters2017 Workout 3 4 Sndjhiwy763bva561g3
Cfgregionalsmasters2017 Workout 3 4 Sndjhiwy763bva561g3
Workout 3
M 135 lb.
F 95 lb.
This workout begins with the athlete standing tall in front Pull-up bar
of the barbell. At the call of 3, 2, 1 go! the athlete will Barbell
reach down, clean the barbell and begin the set of 21
shoulder-to-overheads. They will then move to the pull-up
bar for 21 pull-ups, then back to the barbell for 15 shoulder- Plates to load to the appropriate weight for your division
to-overheads, followed by 15 pull-ups, and finishing with 9 *The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the
shoulder-to-overheads and 9 pull-ups. The workout ends minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 29 kg (65 lb.),
when the final rep of the pull-ups is successfully completed. 43 kg (95 lb.) and 61 kg (135 lb.).
Every second counts in this workout. The score will be the For each workout, be sure the athlete has adequate space to
time it takes to complete all 90 repetitions. There is no time safely complete all the movements. Clear the area of all extra
cap for this workout. Time will be recorded in full seconds. Do equipment, people or other obstructions.
not round up. If you finish in 4:25.7, your score is 4:25. Any athlete who in any way alters the equipment or
movements described in this document or shown in the
TIEBREAK workout standards video may be disqualified from the
There is no tiebreak for this workout. competition.
2017 CrossFit Inc. CrossFit and Forging Elite Fitness are registered trademarks and 3,2,1... Go!,
Fittest on Earth and Sport of Fitness are trademarks of CrossFit, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Presented by
This is a standard chest- At the top, the chest must This is a standard chin-over- At the top, the chin must
to-bar pull-up. Dead hang, clearly come into contact bar pull-up. Dead hang, break the horizontal plane
kipping or butterfly pull-ups with the bar below the kipping or butterfly pull-ups of the bar.
are allowed as long as all the collarbone. are allowed as long as all the
requirements are met. The requirements are met. The
arms must be fully extended arms must be fully extended
at the bottom, with the feet at the bottom with the feet
off the ground. off the ground.
2017 CrossFit Inc. CrossFit and Forging Elite Fitness are registered trademarks and 3,2,1... Go!,
Fittest on Earth and Sport of Fitness are trademarks of CrossFit, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Presented by
Workout 3 21
Workout Variations 72
Ages 16-17 and 35-54
Men use 135 lb. 9 SHOULDER-
Women use 95 lb. TO-OVERHEADS
Ages 14-15
Boys use 95 lb.
Girls use 65 lb.
Ages 55+ TIME
Men use 95 lb. and perform chin-over-bar pull-ups
Women use 65 lb. and perform chin-over-bar pull-ups
Workout 3 TIME: