Custom Updates
Custom Updates
Custom Updates
Custom Updates are updates where you can do actions before and/or after the update itself. As
these actions can write in registry, create folders these updates needs to be run with administrative
privileges. So, if you use the option Can Request User Input in the main Update Creation Wizard, the
user must belong to the administrators group.
- Wait x seconds:
- Kill a process:
- Return Code:
These Actions are simple. For more complex actions, you should write a VbScript and run it.
This action is usually use to run the update itself (generally an EXE or a MSI).
Fill the Path to the File field. Dont use quote.
If you need to add some Parameters, put it in the next field. If some parameters have
space in it, use quote like this:
If you dont want this EXE to run too much time, you can set a maximum time.
Choose between VbScript or Powershell script. Indicate the path to the script and eventually
If you dont want this script to run too much time, you can set a maximum time.
If the script file returns a Return Code at the end, you can store it in a Variable. You
have to define this variable before.
When you create a new folder, you can create several folders at once. For example, if
only C:\Temp exists, you can create C:\Temp\folder1\folder2\folder3 in on
When you delete a folder, if the folder is not empty, it will delete with all its content.
Hive: Choose between HKLM and HKCU. Be aware that HKCU is only reachable if you
are using the option Can Request User Inputs in the main Update Creation window.
Key: Full path to the key, which you want to work with.
New Name: Name of the key after renaming.
Hive: Choose between HKLM and HKCU. Be aware that HKCU is only reachable if you are
using the option Can Request User Inputs in the main Update Creation window.
Key: Full path to the key, which you want to work with.
Value: Name of the Value, which you want to work with.
New Data: Data you want to put in the Value when Adding or Modifying a Value.
Value Type: Type of the Value, when you Adding a Value.
i. Declare a Variable :
Variable are useful to store Return code of an Exe or MSI, and using it later with
the Exit action.
l. Kill a process :
Allow to kill a process. If the process is start many times, all instance of this process
will be killing.
m. Return Code:
Usually, the last action. Allow to end the process by sending a Return code for this
custom update.
You can return always the same code, or return a code from a variable previously
In the Path to the File field, put the name of the MSI : AdbeRdrUpd11003.msp
You do not have to give the full path because we will provide the MSI file with the update, so the MSI
file will be in the same directory.
In the parameters, we need to indicate some switch to make this update silent :
This shouldnt take more than 10 minutes to update client computers, so we check the checkbox to
kill the process if it runs more than 10 minutes.
In the combobox, choose the variable previously define. So that, the code return by the MSI will be
store into this variable.
Setting it like above. This allows to set to zero the iProtectedView Value. This wills deactivate the
ProtectedView feature of Adobe Reader.
The Update File is pre-filled with the CustomeUpdateEngine.Exe, which is the engine who will run
customs actions. In Additional Files you can see the XML file which contains actions setting.
Dont forget it. Or else the Executable action wont run it.
Fill necessary fields. Dont touch the CommandLine. It contains the parameter for
Adobe Reader 11.0.3 can be installed over Adobe Reader XI, 11.0.1 and 11.0.2.
Publish the update. Check that it apply to computers that need it, and dont apply to computer that
dont need it.
If you are satisfied with your test, you can deploy it on test group to see if installation goes right.