Summary 1-Four Psychological Secrets For Effective Presentations

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There are strategies that can be used to hold the audiences attention and interest
whenever it comes to make a presentation. First, bear in mind that 'Content is King'. This
little line is highly valued by todays search engine optimization (SEO) industry, because it
summarizes whats currently the most effective way of increasing website traffic and making
sales. Besides that, you should beware of information overwhelm. Provide the audience with
beneficial information is necessary to a successful presentation. Do not exhaust the
audience with an overwhelming avalanche of facts and figures. Maximum of 10 points in a
20-minute talk will be enough, preferably fewer. This suggestion may trace back to a 1956
article by George A. Miller, where the short-term memory can only store between 5 and 9
major points or concepts in such a period of time. You should consider distributing
supplemental handouts or a list of links and resources if you have more information.
Moreover, Learning Channels. There are some auditory learners, visual and kinesthetic. To
the Auditory learner which picks up ideas best through words and sounds, you should talk
clearly, vary your vocal pitch, volume and tones, as well as your pace and learn the art of the
pause. Give the audience a chance to absorb your ideas. To those who are visual which
learn most effectively through images and illustrations, you should customize your
PowerPoint slides with photos, illustrations, or graphics. Make sure each contains a simple
message, visually relayed in a clear, definite and straightforward way. As you speak, use
gestures, facial expressions and other visual cues to help convey your meanings. To
kinesthetic person which they absorb concepts best through feeling and doing, you should
Integrate simple activities or ice breakers into your presentation then invite them to share
their thoughts or conclusions from the experience. All these things may help to make your
messages stick.Robert Cialdini in his book explains people perceive those who look and
behave like experts as being credible. Cialdini relates this fact to an experiment conducted
by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram where two-thirds of the studys participants
were willing to inflict pain on other people if directed to do so by figures of authority. As a
presenter, your appearance must match up with the audiences concept of an authority.
Wearing impressive but comfortable. Your posture and tone of voice should exude
composure and confidence. Another credibility builder is to arrange for someone to introduce
you before you begin. Your personal background considerably influences peoples
perception of your credibility. Finally, know your material well, practice your delivery to
achieve natural confidence to look more eloquent.


Based on the article, there are 14 statements given that we need to answer to see
how good our presentation skills. From my answer, I got 43 score. For people who got score
interpretation 33-51 score, actually our presentations are ggod, and this are very common
average among public speaker. The reaction we show isn't good or and our message is
likely soon erased. There are four aspects to become a powerful presenter and have
effective presentations. Firstly , considerate your audience. You must know the audience
response based on your presentations, types of your listener and what their expectation from
your presentation. Moreover, preparation for your content. You must know what they really
want to hear from your presentation and provide them with fact and statistic to make them
interested and trust with your presentation. Also , you need to avoid from include every
single detailed, start and ending your presentation with interesting way and use any types of
example that is possible . Furthermore, convey confidently. When you can put confidence in
yourself, it probably avoid you feel scared when present. Convey confidently by practice to
increase confidence in yourselves, be soft, welcome a good explanation to audience,use
visual information to audience and display a simple visual to make your audience get what
you want to present. Lastly, controlling environtment. There are some way to cut potential
risk in your presentations which are practice in presentation room that will make you
comfortable to the room. Also you can do you own structure to avoid something bad happen
and you need to test your time whether enough and not too long. As a conclusions,
presentation are not scary and you just need to become more confident to face to others.


Based on the video that I watched by Jason Teteak, there are many ways to defeat
fear among people when they need to present in front a community. From that , he also give
five steps to be a killer opener while doing presentation. Firstly, give upbeat introduction.
You need to stand still and have in a good posture to show your confident which are
introduce your name with lead smoothly until the end. Next, give your credentials to your
audience. By doing this, your audience will know what they will achieve from your
presentation and solution that they will get from you. Furthermore, distribute hook. You must
show intelligent in front of audience of first five minutes. The audience must feel something
unique and interesting of your presentation and make them happy and want hear more talk
from you. So, you will less worry about them whether they wanted to listen your speech.
Moreover, introduce your plan. Make a simple slide with only about point that you want to
speak among audience. This can help them memorize what actually you present and also
you must avoid to read the notes. You must explain to them and make them summarize
easily. The last steps to be a killer opener are give rational comment. Make a relevant
presentation to make them believe what you are talking about. As a conclusions, based on
research studies said that most adult will stop listening presentation in first ten minutes.


There are 70% of community who have a problem to give speech or presentation in
front others. From the statistic given, public speaking are the biggest fright which are 240
score over 250. There are three stride to make yourself confident among people . Firstly,
ready, ready and ready. Before you give speech in front of others, you must know the topic
you want tell them specifically . Also, you must know exactly how youre gonna present the
topic you choose and give energetic introduction to attract others, fact to make people
believe and all-powerful conclusion. Secondly, posture and sensuality. Before you give a
speech or presentation, you must bypass from taking a full meals and you need to drink a lot
of water to stay confident. Furthermore, to show you are very confident, you need to stand
naturally and make eye contact with your audience. Lastly, gratify your audience . You need
to make a simple jokes when talk to them and never read your notes in front of them
because you may lose your audience when doing like that . As a conclusions , when you
practice the steps given, you will become more confident among public .


There are many emotion come out when you are afraid. Firstly, you have a bad
dream which are you remembers about your past presentations or about you audience react.
Furthermore, when you afraid, you also crying and dont seem other thinks are good. Next,
you will also feel anxious and messy in physically. Besides, when youre afraid to do
presentation, you find the best presenter to ask them to take place your presentations. Also,
you talk in front of mirror and think badly about what people concern about you and also
think the boss will fire you. Then , when you take string cheese on breakfast, people will
know it. As a conclusions, when youre think too much about what going on when you
present, sometimes the things will not turn like that . People will enjoy it when you more
steady and calm while giving your presentations.


Based on the video that I watched , we also can develop english speaking skills by
ourselves when we dont have someone to talk with. Firstly, we need to practice and speak.
This can help progress many aspects of our ultered english. Next, try to deliver english
through parody. From this parody, you does not replay same words from the speaker . Also,
you can hear chat story or some other kind of discussion then try to parody them by using
your own words. Furthermore, rather than parody using small portions of speech like
phrases, you also can hear for the whole speech and then you can conclude it and speak by
your words. Besides that, by doing parody , you can also upgrade your idioms, speaking
pattern and also expressions. As a conclusions, learning will happen without realization.

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