Reyna List

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AVE MARIA consists of eight little girls dressed in white each holding a letter

which spells out the word Ave Maria.

Metusalem (Methusalah) an old bearded man bent with age
Reina Banderada (Banner Queen) a young lady dressed in red with a yellow pennant
to represent the arrival of Christianity.
Tribal or Regional ethnic group (Aetas, Mangyans, Ati, etc) to represent the ind
igenous and aboriginal groups who have embraced the Christian faith.
Reina Mora (Queen Moor or Moroland) dressed in Muslim costume to represent the V
irgin Mary s status in Islam
Reina Saba (Queen Sheba) an unnamed queen associated with King Solomon and carri
es a jewelry box
Reina Judit / Infanta Judit (Queen Judith) represents the biblical widow of Beth
ulia and carries the head of Holofernes in one hand and a sword in the other.
Reina Ester (Queen Esther) the Jewish Queen of Persia and carries a scepter
Cleopatra (Queen Cleopatra VII Philopator) the famous last pharaoh of Ancient Eg
ypt elaborately dressed and made-up and escorted by a gorgeous-looking guy repre
senting Mark Anthony.
Samaritana / St. Photina (The female Samaritan) dressed in peasant costume and c
arries a jug on her shoulder.
Sta. Veronica (St. Veronique) the woman who wiped the face of Jesus that left ic
onographic three miraculous imprints of Jesus face.
Tres Marias (Three Marys) Mary Magdalene with a bottle of perfume, the Virgin Ma
ry with a black handkerchief and in mourning, and Mary of Cleofas, the mother of
James, and carries a bottle of oil.
Reina Fe (Queen of Faith) symbolizes faith, the first of the three theological v
irtues and carries a cross
Reina Esperanza (Queen of Hope) symbolizes hope, the second of the three theolog
ical virtues and carries an anchor
Reina Caridad (Queen of Charity) symbolizes charity, the third of the three theo
logical virtues and carries a red colored heart
Reina Sentenciada (Queen Convicted) dressed modestly with her hands bound by a r
ope to represent the early Christians martyred for faith. Two Roman soldiers acc
ompany her.
So far, the Marian titles are equally interesting with eye-catching costumes, as
Reina Abogada (Queen Advocate/ Lawyer) defender of the poor and the oppressed, s
he wears a black graduation gown with cap and carries a large book.
Reina Justicia (Queen Justice) - a personification of the Mirror of Justice , her
attributes are a weighing scale and a sword.
Divina Pastora (Divine Shepherdess) dressed in white and bears a shepherd s staff
Reina delos Angeles (Queen of Angels) dress in white and bears a bouquet of flow
ers while escorted by angels.
Luklukan ng Karunungan (Seat of Wisdom) the bible bearer
Susi ng Langit (Key of Heaven) bears two keys, one gold and the other silver, a
design adapted from the keys on the Papal arms.
Reina de las Estrellas (Queen of the Stars) dressed in gold and white, crowned wi
th a star and holds a wand topped the same
Rosa Mistica (Mystical Rose) carries a bouquet of rose
Reina del Santisimo Rosario (Queen of the Most Holy Rosary) displays a huge rosa
Reina Luna (Queen Moon) she represents the moon which serves as the footstool of
Mary as the Woman of the Apocalypse.
Reina Candelaria (Queen of Candles) she carries a long lit candle symbolizing th
e Purification of Mary
Reina de la Paz (Queen of Peace) dressed in white and holds a white dove
Reina de los Patriarcas (Queen of Patriarchs) bears a wooden rod
Reina de las Profetas (Queen of Prophets) she holds an hourglass
Reina de los Confesores (Queen of Confessors) she holds a scroll
Reina de los Martires (Queen of Martyrs) she wears a crown of thorns or a pierce
d heart to represent the Mater Dolorosa (Mother of Sorrows)
Reina de los Apostoles (Queen of Apostles) dressed in peasant attire and carries
a lamb and cane
Reina de los Santos (Queen of Saints) in white garment and wears a golden wreath
Reina del Cielo (Queen of Heaven) dressed in very light blue gown with a bouquet
of white roses and accompanied by two little angels
Reina de las Virgenes (Queen of Virgins) holds a rosary or a white lily to signi
fy chastity and also escorted by two angels
Reina de las Flores (Queen of Flowers) as the Queen of Flores de Mayo, she walks
beneath an arch festooned with assortment of blooms and carries a huge bouquet
of flowers.
Reina Emperatriz (Queen Empress) another representation of St. Helena alluding t
o the imperial Roman title of Agusta (Empress or Queen Mother) which her son Con
stantine bestowed upon her.
Reina Helena (Queen Helena) the actual personification of St. Helena and always
the last biblical figure in the procession. She carries a crucifix in her arms e
scorted by a young boy as Constantine who is dressed in princely raiment.

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