Pedagogy Map

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From General Low End High End Links to ICT In My

Capabilities Pedagogy Pedagogy Pedagogy Connections Classroom

- Develop and - Explicitly - Learners - Teacher - Comprehend a - Both the
understand the teaching of implement health facilitates the variety of text students and
language and terminology in literacy introduction and from different myself use the
terminology specific to context. knowledge and support of health sources video, correct
health and movement skills to access, literacy skills podcasts, info terminology in
science. - Explicit interpret and through a range graphics, class verbally
teaching of analyse health of different research articles, or written.
- Access, interpret, language in information. activities and and government-
analyse, challenge and context. strategies. based websites. - Class will
evaluate knowledge and - Use information collaborate and
influences in the fields of -Demonstrate to identify health - Inquiry based - Use of online develop a digital
health and physical basic verbal and problems and and student health tools and glossary, which
education. written concepts and centred learning. apps. can be referred
communication challenge ideas to and add to on
-Comprehend and
skills. through deeper -Differentiation: a regular basis.
compose text in the
thinking. ensuring arrange
context of health and
of strategies are -Using
physical education.
put in place such multimodal text
as visual, audio, to emphasis the
etc. importance of
- Explore, interpret and - Measuring long - Using food dairy - Student focused: - Using video, - Students can
analyse health and or triple jump input to analyse students using apps and analyse their
physical activity attempts. and interpret each other as the biomechanical own and others
information using: nutritional test subject to analysis specific sporting
statistical reasoning, - Timing each breakdown and collect analyse software. performance,
identifying patterns and other during draw conclusions and interpret fitness levels
relationships, draw fitness tests and and data. - Using and nutritional
conclusions, and make understanding recommendations - Real life and nutritional intake. Make
predictions and inform correctly stating . relevant health analysis and app recommendation
health behaviour and the time to two - Use collected problems and software. s on
practice. decimal points. fitness data and relating to improvements.
biomechanical students. - Webinars with
- Use spatial reasoning in - Demonstrating information to health and - Students can
movement activities and basic counting, analyse and -Critical analysis fitness discuss with
in developing concepts adding and evaluate sporting of nutritional professionals. health and
and strategies. subtracting skills performance, intake or fitness
to work out movement - Statistical, professionals
nutrition intake - Gather public patterns. government their ideas and
or fitness health statistical based websites concepts on
improvement. information, and research improving the
interpret, and articles online. general health of
draw conclusions the community
and predictions in order to
about health. change
statistical data.
- Use ICT for - Demonstrating - Student use - Introduction of - Using a variety - Students use
communication, basic use of ICT specific software digital tools and of digital tools specific software
collaboration creating to find and to analyse and resources that that develop and for recording and
content, seeking help, access interpret data. engage and support students analysing data.
accessing information information, and enhance learning. ICT capabilities.
and analysing create content. -Students create - Creating and
performance. a platform where - Linking back to collaborating as
- Use a variety of they can developing and a class a digital
- Become critical ICTs in a health collaborate and supporting glossary.
consumers when using a and fitness create content literacy,
multitude of context. between numeracy and - Interacting with
wellbeing apps. themselves and creative thinking peers and health
health skills. professionals
- Use ICT to analyse, professionals over a range of
measure and enhance - Inquiry based digital mediums.
movement performance, - Students use a and student
access and critically variety of ICTs to centred learning.
evaluate health reach out to a
information, products and wider audience
services. and promote
health and
- Critically evaluate - Identify the - Critically - Specific - Utilising online - Utilise
evidence as well as benefits and evaluate health teaching information and interactive and
associated media and consequences of habits of the strategies to research. creative digital
other messages to healthy eating, community, pose meet different - Using a variety technologies and
creatively generate and exercise, and questions and levels and needs. of different digital resources to
explore original community seek / create engage students
- Student driven tools for
alternatives and health issues. solutions in to consider,
promoting and
possibilities. relation to - Collaborative explore and
advocating for
promoting and and authentic
- Pose questions and healthy lifestyles. communicate
- Demonstrate improving health learning. about health
seek solutions to health critical and and wellbeing. - Collaboration issues.
issues by exploring and - Using real life
creative thinking over different
designing - Students to problems and - Use a variety of
when looking at mediums.
appropriate strategies to create a rock and getting students digital
health and
promote and advocate role style dance to be active in technologies to
fitness issues.
personal, social and piece using a the community. reach out and
community health and modern piece of promote health
wellbeing. music. and well being to
a wider
- Creative thinking - Students select
through dance making, a sport and
games creation and modify it for a - Use digital
technique refinement. specific disability. technologies to
enhance a dance
performance or
modified game.
- Establish awareness - Demonstrate - Reflecting on - Learning - Using a range of - Students create
and appreciation of their respect and personal strategies are digital technology a blog where
own and others good strengths and responsive and resources and they do regular
strengths and abilities. sportsmanship abilities and supportive to the strategies to reflections on
when evaluating and learners needs. engage students their learning.
- Develop a range of
participating in evolving strength and enhance
interpersonal skills - Differentiation - Students
games and and abilities learning.
(communication, in lessons and contribute
negotiation, teamwork -Demonstrating activities to cater - Communicating, weekly to an
and leadership) and deep thought for all abilities. Collaborating and online forum
an appreciation of - Students when supporting question.
- Reflective practice.
diverse perspectives. recognise theirs communicating through different Discussing their
and others and negotiating - Collaborative mediums (blogs, ideas about the
- Recognise, understand,
strengths and with others learning. weebly, online importance of
validate and respond
abilities. whilst - Setting clear forum). diversity, values
appropriately to their
appreciating and SMART and morals, goal
own and others - Demonstrate
diversity. learning goals setting,
emotions, strengths and teamwork and
with students responsibility,
values. leadership. - Validating and
and encouraging etc.
- Develop the - Recognise and
appropriately to students to set
knowledge, understand
emotions, their own goals.
understanding and skills different
strengths and
to set and monitor goals, emotions,
time, prioritise tasks and strengths and
responsibilities. values. - Reflecting and
goals and
- Examine ethical - Understand the - Elaborating on - Set clear - Using a range of - Students
principals and codes of terminology of understanding expectations in digital tools and research the
practice appropriate to ethics and code and awareness class. resources and ethical
different contexts. of practice in a though the - Create an discussing how considerations
- Explore concepts and health and analysis and ethical they also affect when it comes to
fitness context. evaluation of classroom with ethics. food advertising
consequences of fair
food advertising the students. for kids.
play, equitable - Explore, - Access to a
in relation to
participation, empathy demonstrate - Lead by range of real life - Students
ethical principles.
and respect in understand the example. examples explore a sports
Students need to
relationships. concepts of fair case where unfair
make conclusions - Use real life
play, equitable play has
- Develop skills to make on truthfulness of examples in
participation, occurred.
ethical decisions and the ad. learning
empathy and
understand the
respect. - Examining a
consequences of their
real life case
study on fair play
- Apply these skills in in sport.
everyday situations and a
movement-based context.
- Examine ethical - Demonstrate - Students - Differentiation of - Using a range of - Students do a
principals and codes of understanding research and activities to cater for
digital tools and research project
practice appropriate to when evaluate the all abilities and needs.
resources to on culture and
different contexts. participating in a influences culture understand the what influences
- Having a good
culturally diverse has on food understanding on importance of their eating
- Explore concepts and
environment. choice. culture in relation habits. Need to
consequences of fair strategies to
teach Aboriginal to sport and food. then assess how
play, equitable -Explore, - Students study
this culture may
participation, empathy demonstrate the traditional and Torres Strait
have influenced
and respect in understand the Aboriginal and Islander students.
the Australian
relationships. concepts of fair Torres Strait - Leading by food culture.
play, equitable Islander games
- Develop skills to make example showing
participation, and activities - Explore the
ethical decisions and respect to all.
empathy and and connect traditional
understand the
respect. them back to - Set clear Aboriginal and
consequences of their
the importance expectations. Torres Strait
actions. - Demonstrating
of culture and Islander games
- Apply these skills in fairness and identity. and activities and
everyday situations and equality in class incorporate them
a movement-based and on the into school lunch
context. sporting field. times.

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). (2016). Health and Physical Education: F-10 Curriculum. v8.3.
Retrieved from:

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). (2016). General Capabilities in the Australian Curriculum:
Health and Physical Education. Retrieved from

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). (2016). General Capabilities Literacy Learning Continuum.
Retrieved from:

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