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Vacuum Circuit-Breakers

Catalog HG 11.11
3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers

R-HG11-059a eps

8BJ50 medium-voltage
withdrawable switchgear
with 3AH vacuum circuit-breaker
on central truck

R-HG11-058 eps
Airport Munich

Features of the 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers

Quality standard Freedom from maintenance Environmental compatibility

Catalog section 1 Page The 3AH vacuum circuit-
The 3AH vacuum circuit- The 3AH vacuum
Applications, 1/ 2 breakers are subjected to a circuit-breakers are breakers are environmental-
cases of application routine inspection exceeding maintenance-free: friendly:
Versions, 1/ 3 the requirements laid down Under normal As far as material selec-
fields of application in the standards: ambient conditions tion and manufacturing
Current measured value in accordance with methods are concerned
Supply program 1/ 4
acquisition such as, for IEC 60 694 and Environmentally neutral
Technical 1/ 4 1/ 5 example, operating speed VDE 0670 Part 1000 in operation and during
specifications and contact travel during Up to 10,000 switching operations
Construction and 1/ 5 1/ 7 the run-in phase in compa- operating cycles
rison with the values of Easy to dispose of at
mode of operation No relubrication the end of their service
the long-term tests No readjustment
Power consumption 1/ 8 life
and rated currents Nominal performance
Additional features remains within
Secondary 1/ 8 1/ 11 Stable measured values tolerance even at
equipment with narrow tolerance very high operating
Schematic 1/ 12 1/ 14 limits frequencies or after
diagrams long periods of idleness
Low power loss
Standards, tests, 1/ 15 Uniform long-term thermal Advantages of vacuum
insulating capacity, stability technology:
ambient conditions Vacuum-tight for life
Soldered seal
Small number of mechanical
Siemens HG 11.11 19991/1
3AH Contents
Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers
3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers
Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers
3AH5 Economy Circuit-Breakers
3AH3 83 High-Current Circuit-Breakers
3AH4 7 Traction Circuit-Breakers, 1-Pole
Special Circuit-Breakers On Request

Medium-Voltage Equipment
Catalog HG 11.11 1999
Supersedes: Catalog HG 11.11 1997 Siemens AG 1999
3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum


Applications Cases of application

Universal installation in all Synchronization tion Reclosing, for example, Making currents up to 10 kA
standard medium-voltage The closing times (for switching the following sequence: (peak value) are permissible;
equipment duties U and K) are so short O-t-CO-t'-CO-t'-CO-t'-CO higher values on request.
Suitable for use as 1-pole that, at the instant the contacts (t 0.3 s, t' 15 s).
or multi-pole medium- touch, the systems being paral- Switching of overhead lines
voltage circuit-breaker for leled are still sufficiently in Switching of transformers and cables
all switching duties in synchronism. Due to the special type of When unloaded overhead lines
indoor switchgear contact material used, the and cables are being discon-
For switching all resistive, Rapid load transfer chopping current of vacuum nected, the relatively low capa-
inductive and capacitive circuit-breakers is only 2 to 3 A, citive currents are interrupted
(Transfer of loads from one
currents which means that no danger- without restrike and, therefore,
source of supply to another
ous overvoltages arise when without overvoltage.
For switching generators without interruption of service)

1 For switching contact

lines (1-pole traction
The vacuum circuit-breakers
(for switching duties U and K)
have the very short closing and
unloaded transformers are dis-
connected. Switching of motors
If small high-voltage motors are
circuit-breakers) Interruption of short-circuit disconnected during start-up,
opening times which are re- currents
quired for this purpose. switching overvoltages may
Switching duties (with very high initial rates-of- occur. This affects high-voltage
Tests conforming to the rele- rise for the transient recovery motors with a starting current
The switching duty of the voltage)
vacuum circuit-breaker vant standards have been car- of up to 600 A.
depends on its type of ried out on the vacuum circuit- When interrupting short-circuit
breakers for switching duty U. The level of these overvoltages
operating mechanism: currents arising from faults can be reduced to safe values
They included tests using the immediately behind a trans-
Stored-energy operating sequence O-t- CO-t'- CO by means of special surge limi-
former, generator or current- ters.
mechanism (t, t' 3 min) with full rated limiting reactor on the load
for synchronization and short-circuit breaking current. side, firstly it is possible for the Overvoltage protection is not
rapid load transfer (U) full short-circuit current to de- required for motors with indi-
for auto-reclosing (K) Auto-reclosing velop and, secondly, the initial vidual p.f. correction.
Snap-action operating Used in overhead line systems rate-of-rise of the transient re-
mechanism (snap-action to eliminate transient faults or covery voltage may be con- Switching of generators
CLOSED, stored-energy short-circuits, such as those siderably higher than the values If generators with a short-
OPEN) caused by thunderstorms, specified according to IEC circuit current 600 A are
for normal closing and lightning or animals. 60 056 and VDE 0670. Initial switched, switching overvolt-
opening. rates-of-rise of up to 10 kV/s ages may occur.
The vacuum circuit-breakers may occur, or even higher
for switching duty K have such values when interrupting short- In such a case, surge limiters
short dead times between circuits on the load side of or surge arresters should be
opening and closing, even at reactors. The vacuum circuit- used.
full short-circuit current, that breakers are also designed for
the interruption in the supply these types of stresses. Switching of filter circuits
has no appreciable effect on When interrupting filter circuits
the load. Switching of capacitors or disconnecting reactor-con-
If auto-reclosing is unsuccess- Vacuum circuit-breakers are nected capacitor banks, loading
ful, the affected circuit is com- primarily designed for switching of the vacuum circuit-breaker
pletely disconnected. operations in capacitive circuits. by recovery voltage is greater
According to VDE 0670 a vacu- They are able to disconnect than with pure capacitors.
um circuit-breaker designed for capacitor banks of the highest The reason for this is that the
auto-reclosing must be able to ratings without restrike and, reactor and the capacitor are
perform the test sequence therefore, without overvoltages. connected in series.
O-t-CO-t'-CO (t 0.3 s; t' 3 min); The interruption of capacitive This has to be taken into
in the case of unsuccessful currents has been tested up account when selecting the
auto-reclosing, only the to 600 A for rated voltages up vacuum circuit-breaker with
sequence O-t-CO (t 0.3 s) is to 12 kV, up to 300 A for rated respect to rated voltage.
required. voltages up to 24 kV and up to
for switching duties 200 A for rated voltages up to Switching of arc furnaces
and cases of application:
Auto-reclosing in contact 36 kV. These values depend
line systems Up to 100 operating cycles per
on the test facility used.
day are required, for which the
U = Synchronization and When, after auto-reclosing, a
rapid load transfer
Operating experience has 3AH2 and 3AH4 vacuum cir-
(closing time  90 ms) contact line system is tested shown that as a guiding value cuit-breakers are particularly
with test resistors to ensure capacitive currents up to 70 % suitable.
K = Auto-reclosing
that no short-circuits are pres- of the breaker rated normal
As a result of the characteris-
O = Opening ent, the sequence O-t-CO current can generally be
tics of the load circuit, the cur-
(t 15 s) is required. handled.
C = Closing rents can be asymmetrical and
CO = Closing with subsequent
When capacitors are connected distorted.
Multiple auto-reclosing in parallel, currents which have
opening in the breakers In order to prevent any reso-
shortest close-open time The vacuum circuit-breakers the same level as short-circuit
nance in the furnace trans-
are also suitable for multiple currents can occur which, due
t, t' = Dead time formers, an individually adapted
auto-reclosing. This is employed to their high rate-of-rise, may
suppressor circuit is necessary.
primarily in English-speaking cause damage to the system
countries under the designa- components.
1/2Siemens HG 11.11 1999
3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers

Versions Fields of application

Standard circuit-breakers Case of Number of Rated voltage/ Vacuum Catalog

application* operating rated short-circuit circuit- page
Type 3AH1
cycles breaking current breaker type
Up to 10,000 operating cycles
Up to 24 kV Cables and over- 10,000 17.5 kV / 40 kA 3AH1 2/2 2/9
head power lines 24 kV / 25 kA 2/10, 2/11
Type 3AH3
Rated short-circuit breaking currents of Transformers 17.5 kV / > 40 kA 3AH3 2/2 2/9
24 kV / 40 kA 2/10, 2/11
up to 63 kA 36 kV / 40 kA 2/12, 2/13
Rated normal currents of up to 4000 A
Up to 10,000 operating cycles 12 kV / 25 kA 3AH5 4/2, 4/3
17.5 kV / 25 kA 4/4, 4/5
Up to 36 kV 24 kV / 16 kA 4/6, 4/7
36 kV / 16 kA 4/8, 4/9
Frequent-operation circuit-breakers
Type 3AH2
Generators 10,000 17.5 kV / 40 kA 3AH1 2/2 2/9
24 kV / 25 kA 2/10, 2/11
Up to 60,000 mechanical operating cycles
17.5 kV / 63 kA 3AH3 2/2 2/9
Up to 24 kV 24 kV / 40 kA 2/10, 2/11
36 kV / 40 kA 2/12, 2/13
Type 3AH4
For very high numbers of operating cycles, 17.5 kV / 50 to 80 kA 3AH3 83 5/2, 5/3
up to 120,000 mechanical operating cycles
24 kV and 36 kV Capacitors 10,000 17.5 kV / 40 kA 3AH1 2/2 2/9
24 kV / 25 kA 2/10, 2/11
Filter circuits
Economy circuit-breakers 17.5 kV / 50 and 63 kA 3AH3 2/2 2/9
24 kV / 40 kA 2/10, 2/11
Type 3AH5 Filter circuits 36 kV / 40 kA 2/12, 2/13
cause an increase
For small switching capacities in voltage at the 12 kV / 25 kA 3AH5 4/2, 4/3
Individual secondary equipment series-connected 17.5 kV / 25 kA 4/4, 4/5
Up to 10,000 operating cycles switchgear. 24 kV / 16 kA 4/6, 4/7
12 kV to 36 kV 36 kV / 16 kA 4/8, 4/9

High-current circuit-breakers > 10,000 17.5 kV / 40 kA 3AH2 3/2 3/9

24 kV / 25 kA 3/10, 3/11
Type 3AH3 83 24 kV / 40 kA 3AH4 3/10, 3/11
According to ANSI C37.013 36 kV / 40 kA 3/12, 3/13
Rated short-circuit breaking currents of
up to 63 kA Motors 10,000 15 kV / 40 kA 3AH1 2/2 2/7
Rated normal currents of up to 12,000 A
Up to 10,000 operating cycles 15 kV / 50 and 63 kA 3AH3 2/2 2/7
17.5 kV 12 kV / 25 kA 3AH5 4/2, 4/3
According to IEC 60 056
Rated short-circuit breaking currents of > 10,000 15 kV / 40 kA 3AH2 3/2 3/7
up to 80 kA
Rated normal currents of up to 12,000 A
Up to 10,000 operating cycles Reactors 10,000 17.5 kV / 40 kA 3AH1 2/2 2/9
17.5 kV 24 kV / 25 kA 2/10, 2/11
17.5 kV / 50 and 63 kA 3AH3 2/2 2/9
24 kV / 40 kA 2/10, 2/11
Traction circuit-breakers, 1-pole 36 kV / 40 kA 2/12, 2/13
Type 3AH4 7
Rated short-circuit breaking currents of > 10,000 17.5 kV / 40 kA 3AH2 3/2 3/9
up to 50 kA 24 kV / 25 kA 3/10, 3/11
Rated normal currents of up to 2500 A 24 kV / 40 kA 3AH4 3/10, 3/11
Up to 60,000 operating cycles 36 kV / 40 kA 3/12, 3/13
17.5 kV, 16 2/3 Hz
27.5 kV, 50/60 Hz
Arc furnaces 60,000 17.5 kV / 40 kA 3AH2 3/2 3/9
24 kV / 25 kA 3/10, 3/11
Special circuit-breakers 120,000 24 kV / 40 kA 3AH4 3/10, 3/11
36 kV / 40 kA 3/12, 3/13
1-pole to 3-pole
Rated short-circuit breaking currents of
up to 80 kA Traction 16 2/3 Hz 60,000 17.5 kV / 31.5 kA 3AH4 7 6/2, 6/3
Rated normal currents of up to 4000 A 10,000 17.5 kV / 40 and 50 kA 3AH4 7 6/2, 6/3
Up to 10,000 operating cycles
7.2 kV to 36 kV
Traction 50/60 Hz 60,000 27.5 kV / 31.5 kA 3AH4 7 6/4, 6/5

On req. On request On req. 7/2
* Please pay attention to the notes applications
Cases of application on page 1/2.
Siemens HG 11.11 19991/3
3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum


Technical specifications for details regarding service life, please refer to catalog sections 2 to 6

Electrical data and supply program

Circuit-breaker Rated short- Rated short- Rated normal Rated voltage and rated frequency
types circuit circuit current
breaking making 7.2 kV 12 kV 15 kV 17.5 kV 17.5 kV 24 kV 27.5 kV 36 kV
current1) Isc current Ima 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 16 2/3 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
3AH1 / 3AH3 13.1 kA 32.8 kA 800 A 3AH5
standard circuit- 16 kA 40 kA 800 to 1250 A 3AH5 3AH1
3AH5 3AH5
3AH2 / 3AH4
frequent-operation 20 kA 50 kA 800 to 1250 A 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1
circuit-breakers 3AH5
3AH5 economy 800 to 2500 A 3AH1

1 circuit-breakers 25 kA 63 kA 800 to 1250 A

800 to 2500 A






31.5 kA 80 kA 1250 to 2500 A 2) 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 3AH3
3AH2 3AH2 3AH2 3AH2 3AH4
40 kA 100 kA 1250 to 3150 A 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1
3AH2 3AH2 3AH2 3AH2
2500 A 3AH3 3AH3
3AH4 3AH4
50 kA 125 kA 1250 to 3150 A 3AH3 3AH3 3AH3 3AH3
63 kA 160 kA 1250 to 4000 A 3AH3 3AH3 3AH3 3AH3

3AH3 83 50 kA 125 kA 8000 and 12 000 A 3AH3 83

high-current 63 kA 160 kA 8000 and 12 000 A 3AH3 83
80 kA 225 kA 8000 and 12 000 A 3AH3 83

3AH4 7 25 kA 63 kA 1250 to 2000 A 3AH4 7

traction circuit- 2000 A 3AH4 7
breakers, 1-pole
31.5 kA 80 kA 2000 A 3AH4 7
2000 to 2500 A 3AH4 7
40 kA 100 kA 2500 A 3AH4 7
50 kA 125 kA 2500 A 3AH4 7

Special circuit- On request


Operating times
Operating times Vacuum circuit- Vacuum circuit-breaker operating time
at rated voltage breaker equipment
3AH1 3AH2 3AH3 3AH4 3AH5 3AH3 83 3AH4 7
of secondary circuit

Closing time ms <75 3) <75 3) <80 3) <80 3) <75 3) 5) <80 3) <80 3)

Opening time 1st shunt release ms <65 3) <65 3) <65 3) <65 3) <65 3) <65 3) <65 3)
2nd and 3rd releases ms <50 <50 <45 <45 <50 <45 <45
Opening time Instantaneous release ms 15
Arcing time ms <15 <15 <15 <15 <15 <15 <15 4)
Break time 1st shunt release ms <80 <80 <80 <80 <80 <80 <80
2nd and 3rd releases ms <65 <65 <60 <60 <65 <60 <60
Dead time ms 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
CLOSE/OPEN time 1st shunt release ms <80 <80 <90 <90 <75 <90 <90
2nd and 3rd releases ms <65 <65 <70 <70 <60 <70 <70
Minimum command duration Closing solenoid ms 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
1st shunt release ms 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
2nd and 3rd releases ms 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Pulse time for breaker tripping signal 1st shunt release ms >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15
2nd and 3rd releases ms >10 >10 >10 >10 >10 >10 >10
Spring-charging time for electrical operation s <15 <15 <15 <15 <10 <15 <15
Synchronous operation error ms 2 2 2 2 2 2
between the poles

1) DC component 36% (higher values on request). 3) Shorter operating times on request. 5) With stored-energy mechanism.
2) 3150 A for rated voltage 17.5 kV. 4) Arcing time < 33 ms at rated frequency of 16 2/3 Hz.

1/4Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers

Construction and mode of operation

Current-carrying capacity Arc-quenching system

As the contacts are galvanically sepa- Connecting
rated, the current that is to be inter- disc
rupted initiates a metal-vapour arc
discharge. Current continues flowing
5 000 through the metal-vapour plasma Insulator
HG11-2262a eps

Rated normal until the next current zero. The arc

current extinguishes at approximately cur-
load current at 50 Hz

A rent zero. The metal vapour loses its Fixed

contact piece
4 000 A conductivity within a few microse-
conds, which very quickly re-estab-

4 000 lishes the dielectric strength of the

contact gap.
A certain minimum current is need-
ed in order to maintain the metal-
contact piece
3 150 A vapour arc discharge. The arc will be
chopped before the natural current

HG11-2362a eps
3 000 zero, if the current falls below this
value. chamber

2 500 A In order to prevent impermissible Metal

overvoltages when performing switch- bellows
ing operations in inductive circuits, the
2 000 A
chopping current must be limited to the
2 000 lowest possible value. Due to the use of a Guide
special contact material, the chopping cur-
rent in the 3AH vacuum circuit-breakers is
Drive and
only 2 A to 3 A. terminal bolt
1 250 A
Due to the rapid recovery of the dielectric
strength of the contact gap, the arc is
1 000 800 A
safely quenched even in cases where
contact separation occurs immediately Vacuum interrupter
before a current zero. Consequently, the example
arcing time of the last poles to clear is no
more than 15 ms.
The shapes and sizes of the contacts vary
0 according to the breaking current and the
20 30 40 50 C 60 dimensions of the interrupters:
Ambient temperature In the case of all the conventional methods
In the case of the radial magnetic field of arc-quenching this means that the arc is
contact, the arc burns diffusely while the being cooled even before the minimum
current is up to approximately 10 kA (in- quenching gap and the subsequent current
stantaneous). At higher current values the zero are reached. As a result, the arc
arc is contracted, so local overheating of power is unintentionally increased to a
The values of rated normal current the contact pieces must be avoided. An considerable degree.
listed above were defined in additional radial magnetic field produces a With the vacuum circuit-breaker, on the
accordance with the requirements of force which causes the arc to run around other hand, the arc is not cooled. The
IEC 60 694 and VDE 0670, Part 1000 the arcing rings of the contact pieces. This metal-vapour plasma has a high conduc-
at an ambient temperature of 40 C allows the contact erosion that occurs at tivity which results in an extremely low arc
and apply for open-type switchgear. the root of the arc to be distributed over voltage with values from only 20 to 200 V.
In the case of enclosed-type switch- the whole circumference of the rings.
For this reason, and due to the short arcing
gear, the information of the switchgear In the case of the axial magnetic field times, the amount of energy conversion in
manufacturer are applicable. contact, the axial field causes the arc to the contact gap is very low. This relatively
In the event of ambient temperatures remain diffuse, even at high current low stress level means that the quenching
< 40 C, higher normal currents may values. This means that the stress on the system is maintenance-free.
be carried (see diagram). disc-shaped contact surfaces is uniform Due to the very low pressures of less than
and any local melting is avoided. 10-9 bar in the interrupter under steady-
With AC circuit-breakers the actual task of state conditions, contact gaps of only 6 to
the arc-quenching system is to deionize 20 mm are required to achieve a high
the contact gap immediately after current dielectric strength.

Siemens HG 11.11 19991/5

3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum


Construction and mode of operation

Pole assemblies, mechanisms

Vacuum circuit-breakers Mechanism Rated values and
The pole assemblies consist of (examples) versions operating motion
Vacuum interrupters
2 interrupter supports for 3AH1 and 3AH5
The vacuum interrupters are 12 kV with pole-centre

R-HG11-060a eps
freely accessible, therefore en- 2 distance 160 mm
abling the insulating parts to be 3 31.5 kA / 1250 A
easily cleaned in the case 12
up to 17.5 kV
of difficult ambient conditions 4 13 25 kA / 1250 A
(fouling). 24 kV
5 25 kA / 1250 A
The pole assemblies are
1 mounted on the housing of the
operating mechanism by
means of post insulators.
14 36 kV
16 kA / 1250 A
The operating motion re-
8 sults from the operating
The vacuum interrupter (4) is 15 rod (16), lever (15) and
mounted rigidly to the upper opening and contact-
interrupter support (1). The 11 pressure spring (9) to the
HG11-2259a eps bracket (11) attached to
lower part of the interrupter is 16
3AH1 vacuum circuit-breaker Section the drive bolt (5).
inserted in the lower inter- 24 kV / 25 kA / 1250 A through the pole assembly;
rupter support (7). The struts mechanism version 1
(3 and 13) absorb the external
forces arising from switching
operations and contact pres- for 3AH1 and 3AH2
sure. up to 17.5 kV
R-HG11-061a eps

2 25 kA / 2000 A
3 versions of pole assemblies
31.5 kA / 1250 A
are available which differ in 3 12
function according to the 24 kV
method by which the operating 4 13 20 kA / 1250 A
25 kA / 1250 A
rods are attached to the
interrupters (see mechanism The operating motion re-
5 sults from the operating
versions shown opposite). 14
rod (16) and lever (15) to
the drive bolt (5).
Legend 6 The contact-pressure
11 Upper interrupter support 7 15 spring (10) acts on the
drive bolt (5) through the
12 Upper terminal 8 bracket (11) and lever (15).
13 Outer strut 10 16
14 Vacuum interrupter 11
HG11-2260b eps
15 Drive bolt of the 3AH2 vacuum circuit-breaker Section
vacuum interrupter 24 kV / 25 kA / 2500 A through the pole assembly;
mechanism version 2
16 Flexible connector
17 Lower interrupter support
for 3AH3 and 3AH4 1)
18 Lower terminal
1 up to 17.5 kV
19 Opening and 50 kA
contact-pressure spring 2
24 kV
40 kA
R-HG11-124 eps

10 Contact-pressure spring
36 kV
11 Bracket 31.5 kA
12 Upper post insulator The operating motion re-
13 Inner strut 3 sults from the operating
rod (16) and lever (15) to
14 Lower post insulator 4 the drive bolt (5).
15 Lever
16 Operating rod

7 15
1) 3AH4 7 traction circuit-breakers HG11-2261b eps 16
with 2 interrupter units per pole 3AH4 vacuum circuit-breaker Section
have a slightly different operating 24 kV / 40 kA / 2500 A through the pole assembly;
mechanism. (partitions not shown) mechanism version 3

1/6Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers

Construction and mode of operation

Operating mechanisms
Control, display and operating elements (example)
The whole operating mechanism is con-
tained in a single housing, including the re- 1 6
leases, auxiliary switches, indicators and
actuating devices.

R-HG11-062a eps
1 Rating plate
Stored-energy operating mechanism 2 Hand crank coupling
The operating drive is usually a stored- 3 Closing spring charged
energy mechanism. The mechanism oper- 2 indicator
ates the pole assemblies through rods. The
closing spring can be charged either electri- 7 4 Operating cycle counter
cally or manually. It latches in when charg- 3
ing is complete. The closing spring acts as
the stored-energy mechanism.
To close the breaker, the closing spring can

6 LV plug connector
be unlatched either mechanically by means
of the local CLOSE pushbutton or electri- 7 CLOSE pushbutton
cally by remote control. The closing spring 8 OPEN pushbutton
charges the contact-pressure/opening
springs as the breaker closes.
The now discharged closing spring will be 3AH1 vacuum circuit-breaker
charged again automatically by the mecha- 12 kV / 31.5 kA / 2000 A
Front side with control and display elements
nism motor if this exists.
The breaker is now capable of performing
the OPEN CLOSE OPEN switching se-
quence that is required for an unsuccessful
9 Motor and gearbox

R-HG11-063a eps
auto-reclosing operation.
All stored-energy mechanisms perform the 10 Closing spring
switching duties of synchronizing and rapid
load transfer (U) as well as auto-reclosing (K). 11 Closing solenoid
9 13
Snap-action operating mechanism 12 Opening spring
10 (only on vacuum circuit-
On the snap-action operating mechanism, breakers of mechanism
closing inevitably follows charging of the versions 2 and 3, page 1/6)
closing spring.
11 13 Auxiliary switch S1
During closing operation, the opening and 14 available in a choice
contact-pressure springs are charged at the 12 of 3 versions:
same time, therefore a stored-energy 2 NO + 2 NC
mechanism is available for opening. 6 NO + 6 NC
12 NO + 12 NC
Opening can be initiated on all vacuum cir-
cuit-breakers by various releases or locally 14 1st shunt release
by the OPEN pushbutton. 3AH1 vacuum circuit-breaker
If there is a failure of power to the motor, 12 kV / 31.5 kA / 2000 A
Front side open with interior view of mechanism
the spring can always be recharged housing

Trip-free mechanism
The 3AH vacuum circuit-breakers are
equipped with a trip-free mechanism
according to IEC 60 056 and VDE 0670.
In the event of an opening command being
given after a closing operation has been
initiated, the moving contacts return to
the open position and remain there even
if the closing command is sustained.
This means that the contacts of vacuum
circuit-breakers are momentarily in the
closed position under these circumstan-
ces, which is permitted according to
IEC 60 056 and VDE 0670.

NO = normally-open
NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19991/7

3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum


Power consumption and rated currents Secondary equipment

Motor short-circuit protection The scope of the 3AH vacuum Two different types of shunt
circuit-breaker secondary releases are available:
Rated voltage Operating Power con-- Smallest possible equipment depends on the par-
of operating voltage sumption of rated current of the The 1st shunt release
mechanism the motor m.c.b. with
ticular application and offers a 3AY15 10 is normally included
C-characteristic variety of possible variations in the basic equipment of the
max. min. which satisfy nearly every re- vacuum circuit-breaker (ex-
V V V W VA A quirement. In the following, all cept of 3AH5 vacuum circuit-
secondary modules are describ- breaker). With this design,
ed. The availability and com- the electric tripping pulse is
For 3AH1, 3AH2, 3AH5 vacuum circuit-breakers
bination possibilities are stated fed to the OPEN latching
DC 24 26 20 350 8 for the relevant breaker type mechanism by means of a di-
48 53 41 350 6 series (see catalog sections 2 rect-acting solenoid armature
60 66 51 350 4 to 6).
1 110

1.6 Releases
in order to open the circuit-
The 3AX11 01 shunt release
AC 110 121 93 400 2 A release is a device which is fitted if more than one
230 244 187 400 1.6 transfers commands from an shunt release is required (2nd
external source, such as a con- or 3rd release). In the case of
For 3AH3, 3AH3 83, 3AH4, 3AH4 7 vacuum circuit-breakers trol room, to the latching me- the 3AH5 vacuum circuit-
chanism of the circuit-breaker breakers a maximum of 2
DC 24 26 20 500 16 so that it can be opened or shunt releases is possible.
48 53 41 500 8 closed. The various types of re-
60 66 51 500 6 leases available are described With this design, the electri-
110 121 93 500 3 in detail below. The VDE desig- cal opening command is
220 242 187 500 1.6 nations for the devices are also boosted by means of a sole-
AC 110 121 93 650 3 given (in brackets) when they noid armature unlatching a
230 244 187 650 1.6 differ from the terms used in stored-energy mechanism
this catalog. before being fed to the
OPEN latching mechanism
The releases are designed for in order to open the breaker.
Motors of operating short-time duty up to 1 minute. Shorter opening times are
mechanism In the case of 3AH1 to 3AH4 possible with this release
vacuum circuit-breakers they than with the 3AY15 10 type.
The motors operate in short- are reset internally and in the
time duty and therefore the case of 3AH5 vacuum circuit- Refer to the selection and
voltage and power consump- breakers the pulse time has to ordering data in catalog sec-
tion do not have to be in con- be limited externally. tions 2 to 6 for the relevant
formance with the data of the types of vacuum circuit-break-
rating plate. 3AY15 10 closing solenoid ers concerning the maximum
possible number of releases
Protection of the motors Available for DC or AC opera- that can be fitted.
See table above. The closing solenoid unlatches
The inrush current in the motor the charged closing spring of
can be neglected since it is of the vacuum circuit-breaker,
very brief duration. closing it by electrical means.

Shunt releases
Shunt releases are used for
automatic tripping of circuit-
breakers by suitable protective
relays and for deliberate trip-
ping by electrical means.
They are intended for connec-
tion to an external power sup-
ply (AC or DC) but, in special
cases, may also be connected
to a voltage transformer for
manual operation.

1/8Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers

Secondary equipment

Releases Undervoltage release the vacuum circuit-breaker to

with delay be opened.
Order No. Power consumption Operating ranges
of DC opera- AC operation Tripping voltage Tripping voltage/ For delayed tripping, the under- 3AX11 04 current transform-
releases tion 50/60 Hz (DC) current voltage release can be com- er-operated release, low-
(AC 50/60 Hz) bined with stored-energy me- energy version for a tripping
chanisms: pulse of min. 0.1 Ws.
approx. W approx. VA
Type AN 1901 (for AC), The transformer current en-
settable sures that the protective sys-
Closing solenoid delay times: tem is supplied with energy,
3AY15 10 140 140 85 to 110% U 85 to 110% U 1 s 1.8 s 2.5 s and fills an energy store, the
charge of which is available as
Type AN 1902 (for DC),
a tripping pulse 0.1 Ws at the
1st shunt release (without stored-energy mechanism)
time of tripping. This pulse is
3AY15 10 140 140 70 to 110% U 85 to 110% U delay times:
switched by the command
0.5 s 0.9 s 1.5 s
contact and is capable of ac-
2nd shunt release (with stored-energy mechanism) These stored-energy mecha- tivating the current transform-
3AX11 01 70 50 70 to 110% U 85 to 110% U nisms can either be order to- er-operated release.
gether with the vacuum circuit-
The 3AX11 04 current transform-
Undervoltage release breaker, or can be purchased
er operated release is always
3AY11 03 20 20 35 to 0% U 35 to 0% U
separately from Bender 1):
used in conjunction with a pro-
tective system or protective
Current transformer-
Current transformer-operated release (rated current 0.5 A or 1 A) relay that takes its supply and
operated release
3AX11 02 10 * 90 to 110% Ia release energy for the vacuum
comprises circuit-breaker from its own
Current transformer-operated release (tripping pulse 0.1 Ws) A stored-energy mechanism current transformer and is thus
An unlatching mechanism not dependent on external
3AX11 04
An electromagnetic system auxiliary voltages:
7SJ41 protective system
It is used when there is no protective relay make SEG 2),
3AX11 03 Manual tripping of the under- external source of auxiliary type WIP 1
undervoltage release voltage release is generally per- power (e.g. a battery). Tripping or similar protective systems.
formed with an NC contact in is effected by means of a pro-
An undervoltage release com- tective relay (e.g. overcurrent-
the tripping circuit but may also 3AX6 01.
prises a stored-energy mecha- time protection) acting on the
be performed with an NO instantaneous release
nism, an unlatching mecha- current transformer-operated
contact by short-circuiting the
nism and an electromagnetic release. For traction circuit-breakers
solenoid coil. With this type of
system which is permanently
release, the short-circuit cur- The following current trans- For 1-pole special
energized while the circuit- circuit-breakers
rent is limited by the built-in former-operated releases are
breaker is closed.
resistors (see page 1/13 for used: Extremely short opening
If the voltage falls below a pre- typical circuitry). times
determined value, unlatching of 3AX11 02 current transform-
Undervoltage releases can also er-operated release with DC operation only
the release is enabled and the
be connected to voltage trans- a rated current of 0.5 A or
circuit-breaker is opened via For special switching duties
formers. If the operating voltage 1 A which requires auxiliary
the stored-energy mechanism. with extremely short opening
drops to an impermissibly low transformers (e.g. type
level, the vacuum circuit-breaker times, vacuum circuit-break-
4AM5 see catalog sheet
will be tripped automatically. ers can be equipped with a
LSA 2.2.6 Auxiliary current
3AX6 01. instantaneous
Unsuccessful attempts at clos- transformers for differential
release, which requires an
ing when the solenoid coil of relays for overhead lines,
electrical energy store.
the undervoltage release is not cables and transformers) in
energized can be prevented in addition to the main current A 3AX15 50-0 capacitor re-
the following ways: transformers. lease is additionally required
for operating the instanta-
By normally fitting electrical The stored-energy mecha-
neous release. This capacitor
local closing in conjunction nism is unlatched when the
release is not part of the
with the undervoltage re- tripping current is exceeded
scope of supply and must be
lease and additionally (90 % of the rated current of
ordered separately. The rated
the current transformer-oper-
By connecting the undervolt- voltage of the capacitor re-
ated release), thus causing
age release, operated lease must be chosen to suit
through an NO contact and the operating voltage of the
closing solenoid, to the same instantaneous release.
operating voltage. Ordering addresses:
1) Dipl.-Ing.
W. Bender GmbH & Co. KG
Postfach 11 61
D-35301 Grnberg
2) Schaltanlagen Elektronik
Gerte GmbH & Co. KG
* Consumption with operating current Krefelder Weg 47
(90% of the rated current) and D-47906 Kempen
open-circuit armature. Germany

Siemens HG 11.11 19991/9

3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum


Secondary equipment

Electrical local closing Breaker tripping signal Secondary connections Interlocking

In the standard version, the The NO contact S6 makes brief (for control circuit)
3AH1 to 3AH4 vacuum circuit- contact while the circuit-break- Versions: Mechanical interlocking
breakers can be remote-closed er is opening and this is often 64-pole plug connector (e.g. Sensing devices on the system
electrically. In addition, they used to operate a hazard-warn- type Han 64 D of Harting side check the status of the
can be mechanically closed lo- ing system which, however, make) with crimping connec- vacuum circuit-breaker and
cally by direct unlatching of the is only allowed to respond to tions1) (a Harting crimping prevent it from closing if the
closing spring. automatic tripping of the cir- tool1) is necessary to connect associated disconnector is not
However, electrical local clos- cuit-breaker. Therefore, the the wiring in the lower plug in a position to allow safe
ing is also available instead of signal from the NO contact part) operation.
the mechanical mechanism. must be interrupted when the The system also prevents the
circuit-breaker is being opened 24-pole plug connector disconnector from being oper-
In this version the closing (e.g. type Han 24 E of Harting
1 circuit of the vacuum circuit-
breaker is triggered electrically
by means of a pushbutton.
This is accomplished under
local control with the cut-out
make) with screw connec-
tions in the upper plug part
and with crimping connec-
ated while the vacuum circuit-
breaker is closed.
Similarly, the mechanical inter-
switch S7 that is connected in tions1) in the lower plug part locking system can also be
This arrangement allows inter- series with the NO contact (see used for interlocking breaker
locking conditions arising from typical circuit on page 1/13). Prefabricated cables can be trucks or withdrawable
the system to be accepted in ordered for wiring up the circuit-breaker units.
the local mode so that the Position switch for signalling lower plug part (64-pole or
vacuum circuit-breaker cannot Closing spring charged 24-pole) Electrical interlocking
close accidentally. For example, 24-pole terminal strip
the vacuum circuit-breaker can The charging status of the Vacuum circuit-breakers can be
be interlocked through the aux- closing spring in the vacuum Please refer to Secondary incorporated in electromagnetic
iliary contact of a disconnector circuit-breaker can be inter- equipment in catalog sections interlocking schemes for
(see Interlocking and the rogated electrically by means 2 to 6 for availability of second- feeders and substations. With
schematic diagrams on page of the position switch. ary connections. electrical interlocking, a mag-
1/12 ). netic lockout mechanism is fit-
The upper plug part and sleeve
Varistor module ted to the disconnector or its
Vacuum circuit-breakers with of the connector are supplied
When inductive loads are being operating mechanism. The
electrical local closing cannot loose. No tools are required for
disconnected in DC circuits it is lockout is operated through an
be closed mechanically. plugging and unplugging the
possible for switching overvolt- auxiliary contact of the vacuum
upper and lower plug parts.
ages to be produced which circuit-breaker so that the
Anti-pumping The schematic diagrams show disconnector can only be oper-
(mechanical and electrical) might pose a risk to solid-state
the factory assignment of the ated when the vacuum circuit-
devices. This risk can be elimi-
If constant CLOSE and OPEN secondary connections. All breaker is open.
nated by connecting varistors
commands are present at the Siemens circuit-breakers have
across the inductances of the The vacuum circuit-breaker is,
vacuum circuit-breaker at the the same assignment of ter-
vacuum circuit-breaker (motor, on the other hand, controlled
same time, the vacuum circuit- minals if they have the same
closing solenoid, releases). by the disconnector or its oper-
breaker will return to the open secondary connections, with
A suitable varistor module for ating mechanism so that it may
position after closing. It remains the result that it is easy to re-
operating voltages 60 V to only be closed when the discon-
in this position until a new place any breakers. Other ter-
250 V DC is fitted when nector is at its end positions.
CLOSE command is given. In minal assignment on request.
ordering; it limits overvoltages For this purpose, the operating
this manner, continual closing mechanism of the vacuum
and opening (= pumping) is to approximately 500 V. 3SV9 auxiliary switch
circuit-breaker must be fitted
prevented. The following versions are with the electrical local closing
available: system (see Electrical local
2 NO + 2 NC closing).
6 NO + 6 NC
12 NO + 12 NC
Please refer to Secondary
equipment in catalog sections
2 to 6 for availability and con-
tacts of the auxiliary switch
which can be used by the
Rated insulation 250 V AC/DC

Insulation Class C to
VDE 0110
Continuous current 10 A
1) Can be ordered from your
Siemens Partner or from Making current 50 A
Harting, Steckverbinder und Breaking capacity 2A
Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG at 220 V DC,
Postfach 2451 T = 20 ms
D-32381 Minden

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open
NC = normally-closed

1/10Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers

Secondary equipment Wiring overview

3AH vacuum circuit-breakers (without 3AH5) 3AH5 vacuum circuit-breaker

Basic equipment Basic equipment

Lower plug part, 64-pole without wiring

Manual operation ON/OFF -X0 Manual operation ON/OFF

Motor operation, mechanical ON 1st shunt release not wired
1st shunt release wired
Closing solenoid
and and
Auxiliary switch -S1, 6 NO+6 NC , of which: Auxiliary switch -S1, available to the customer
2 NO+2 NC but not wired

1 NO+1 NC internally wired

2 NO+2 NC+2 CH available to the customer and wired

1 NO+1 NC available to the customer Basic and additional equipment

wiring on request
Lower plug part or
terminal strip, 24-pole Manual operation ON/OFF
Motor operation wiring
Manual operation ON/OFF -X0 on request
1st shunt release
Motor operation, mechanical ON
1st shunt release wired
Closing solenoid
Auxiliary switch -S1, 6 NO+6 NC , of which: Closing solenoid
on request
1 NO+1 NC internally wired
5 NO+5 NC available to the customer wiring
2nd release 2)
on request

Auxiliary switch -S1, 6 NO+6 NC , of which:

Basic and additional equipment 1 NO+1 NC internally wired

Lower plug part, 64-pole
2 NO+2 NC+2 CH
Manual operation ON/OFF -X0 or available to the customer
Motor operation 3 NO+3 NC+1 CH wiring on request
1st shunt release
Closing solenoid 1 NO+1 NC available to the customer
2nd and 3rd release 1) wired or
and Auxiliary switch -S1, 12 NO+12 NC , of which:
Auxiliary switch -S1, 12 NO+12 NC , of which:
1 NO+1 NC internally wired
1 NO+1 NC internally wired
7 NO+4 NC+2 CH available to the customer
7 NO+4 NC+2 CH available to the customer and wired wiring on request

2 NO+5 NC available to the customer 2 NO+5 NC available to the customer

Lower plug part or

terminal strip, 24-pole Alternatively
Auxiliary switch -S1, 12 NO+12 NC , of which:
Manual operation ON/OFF -X0
Motor operation 1 NO+1 NC internally wired
1st shunt release
Closing solenoid 11 NO+11 NC available to the customer
2nd and 3rd release 1) wired Wiring of the equipment (auxiliary switch, motor-
and operated mechanism and release) possible with
Plug connector, 64-pole or
Auxiliary switch -S1, 12 NO+12 NC , of which: Plug connector, 24-pole or
Terminal strip, 24-pole
1 NO+1 NC internally wired
2) In the case of more than one release, the number of
11 NO+11 NC available to the customer auxiliary switch contacts available to the customer and
given in the schematic diagrams is binding.
1) In the case of more than one release, the number of auxiliary switch contacts available NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed,
to the customer and given in the schematic diagrams is binding. CH = changeover contact (NO/NC)

Siemens HG 11.11 19991/11

3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum


Schematic diagrams for 3AH vacuum circuit-breakers (without 3AH5) Not binding examples only

Basic equipment

Legend Manual closing Manual tripping Auxiliary switch -S1 (6 NO + 6 NC)

A1 3AX15 50-0 capacitor release -X0

HA Manual tripping
HE Manual closing -S10 -S11 -Y9
K1 Contactor (anti-pumping) HE
M1 Motor-operated mechanism
P Stored-energy mechanism -S21 -S22 -S3 -S41 -S42
11 13 21 23 31 33 41 43 51 53 61 63
R1 Resistor -S1
-M1 M P
S1 Auxiliary switch

1 S10, Mechanical
S11 anti-pumping
S14, Electrical
-S7 -S6
Release OFF
12 14 22 24 32 34 42 44 52 54 62 64


HG11-2393a eps
S15 local closing
S21, Position switches -Y1
S22 (switch off motor-operated me-
chanism after spring charging) -X0
S3 Position switch 5 NO + 5 NC contacts available to the
(opens when closing spring customer (see also page 1/11)
S41, Position switches
S42 (signal charging state) Additional equipment, motor-operated mechanism and auxiliary switch
S6 Breaker tripping signal
Motor-operated mechanism with electrical local closing
S7 Cut-out switch for breaker
tripping signal -X0
V1, Varistor modules* 14
V2 -S14 -S15 -Y9 -S14
X0 24-pole or 64-pole plug 13
11 -S3 22
connector, or 24-pole HE -S1
terminal strip 12
Y1 1st shunt release -S21 -S22 -S3 -S41 -S42 21 3
Y2 2nd shunt release *
22 14
Y2 Instantaneous release
-M1 M P -V1 u
(for 3AH4 7 traction circuit- -K1
breakers only) 4
-S7 -S6 32
Y4 Current transformer-operated Release OFF 14 -Y9 A1 -K1 A1
release HA -S15

HG11-2398 eps
(rated current of 0.5 A or 1 A) 13 A2 A2
HG11-2396a eps -Y1
Y6 Current transformer-operated
release -X0
(tripping pulse 0.1 Ws)
Electrical Closing and
Y7 Undervoltage release
local closing anti-pumping
Y9 Closing solenoid

* Option: Additional equipment, releases (for combination possibilities, refer to Secondary equipment, catalog sections 2 to 6)
Varistor circuitry
for 60 V DC (on request) Releases

-X0 -X0 -X0 -X0

-Y7 D1 44
-S1 U<
34 D2

-Y2 A1 -Y4 A1 -Y6 A1 1

A2 A2 A2 2
HG11-2400a eps

HG11-2402a eps
HG11-2399a eps

HG11-2401a eps

Abbreviations: -X0 -X0 -X0 -X0

NO = normally-open 2nd shunt release Current transformer-oper- Low-energy current trans- Undervoltage release
NC = normally-closed ated release, 0.5 A or 1 A former-operated release 0.1 Ws

1/12Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers

Motor-operated mechanism with mechanical closing

-S21 22 22 -S1
11 -S3 22 -S7
22 24
-S10 12
21 21
21 1 3 21 1
A1 -K1
-M1 M * 22 14 14 *
-V1 u u -S6 -S41 13 -S42 21 -V2 u

-S11 22
21 2 4 -K1


A1 -K1 A1
13 14 22

-Y1 A1
2 1

HG11-2394a eps
-S22 21 A2 A2 A2

Breaker tripping Closing spring 1st shunt

signal charged signal release

Auxiliary switch -S1 (12 NO + 12 NC), instead of the auxiliary switch with 6 NO + 6 NC
-X0 -X0

-S21 22
A1 11 13 21 23 31 33 41 43 51 53 61 63 71 73 81 83 91 93 101 103 111 113 121 123
* -S1
-M1 M -V1 u
D2 12 14 22 24 32 34 42 44 52 54 62 64 72 74 82 84 92 94 102 104 112 114 122 124

HG11-2397a eps

HG11-2395 eps

-X0 -X0
Motor-operated Contacts available to the customer: 11 NO + 11 NC
mechanism (see also page 1/11)

L+ L+ Instantaneous release, for 3AH4 7 traction

circuit-breakers only
Tripping Tripping
via NC via NO Wiring in OFF
contact contact the system L+
-X0 -X0

43 43
-S1 -S1 Wiring in the 33
-Y7 D1 44 -Y7 D1 44 vacuum cir-
U< U< -S1
cuit-breaker 34
D2 D2
for der-
itry n
a l circu f the u
c o
Typi ection ase
1 conn rele 1 -Y2 A1
-R1 volt -R1 -A1
2 2 A2
HG11-2403a eps

HG11-2404a eps

-X0 -X0
L- L- Wiring in the L

Siemens HG 11.11 19991/13

3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum


Schematic diagrams for 3AH5 vacuum circuit-breakers Not binding examples only

Basic equipment

Legend Manual closing Manual tripping

HA Manual tripping without wiring

HE Manual closing
K1 Contactor (anti-pumping) -Y9
M1 Motor-operated mechanism HE
P Stored-energy mechanism
R1 Resistor -S21 -S22 -S3 -S4
S1 Auxiliary switch 11 13 21 23
-M1 M P
S21, Position switches

1 S22 (switch off motor-operated

12 14 22 24

mechanism after spring -S7 -S6
charging) Release OFF 2 NO + 2 NC contacts
S3 Position switch HA available to the customer
(opens when closing spring
charged) HG11-2405a eps -Y1
S4 Position switch
(signal charging state)
S6 Breaker tripping signal
S7 Cut-out switch for breaker
tripping signal
X0 Lower plug part Additional equipment
Y1 1st shunt release
Y6 Low-energy current -X0 -X0 -X0 Auxiliary switch
transformer-operated release 6 NO + 6 NC or 12 NO + 12 NC
22 (instead of 2 NO + 2 NC in the
Y7 Undervoltage release 21 -S3 21
-S21 21
-S7 basic equipment).
Y9 Closing solenoid 13 21 Most of these contacts are avail-
22 -K1 able to the customer and on
22 14 request can in some cases be
A1 31 wired to a plug connector or ter-
-M1 M -K1 minal strip (see page 1/11).
-S6 13
D2 32
Wiring of the
22 -Y9 A1 -K1 A1 14 secondary equipment
-S22 The secondary equipment is
A2 A2
21 wired only in cases where the
HG11-2264a eps

HG11-2269a eps
HG11-2265b eps

terminal strip or plug connector

is included in the order.

-X0 -X0 -X0 Wiring to choice of

64-pole plug connector or
Motor-operated Closing and Breaker trip- 24-pole plug connector or
mechanism * anti-pumping * ping signal * 24-pole terminal strip
Releases, with wiring
to choice of
Plug connector or
Terminal strip
-X0 -X0 -X0 -X0

13 21 -Y1 A1 -Y7 D1 -Y6 A1

14 22 A2 D2 A2

HG11-2266a eps
HG11-2270a eps

HG11-2268a eps
HG11-2267a eps

-X0 -X0 -X0 -X0

Closing spring 1st shunt Undervoltage Low-energy cur-
charged signal * release * release * rent transformer-
operated release *

NO = normally-open * Only when explicitly ordered:
NC = normally-closed For combination possibilities, refer to Secondary equipment in catalog section 4.

1/14Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers


Standards Tests Insulating capacity Ambient conditions

The vacuum circuit-breakers For the development and type- The specified values are refer- 3AH vacuum circuit-breakers
conform to the following testing of high-performance red to sea level. When installed are designed for the normal
standards: switchgear which meet the at altitudes above 1000 m, an operating conditions laid down
IEC 60 056 applicable standards, Siemens allowance must be made for in standards IEC 60 694 and
has its own accredited testing the resulting decrease in insu- VDE 0670.
IEC 60 694 facilities for: lating capacity (see correction
BS 5311 High-power electrical testing factor a in the diagram below). Ambient temperature
VDE 0670 Testing of: 1 Highest value: +40 C

HG11-2271a eps
ANSI C37.013 Mechanical operation Highest value of
0.9 24-hour mean: +35 C
(only 3AH3 83 high-current Reliability
0.8 Lowest value: 5 C

Correction factor a
Insulating capacity
circuit-breakers up to 63 kA)
Temperature rise
Climatic withstand capability.
Relative humidity
(average values measured):
Extensive series of tests are 0.1
Over 24 hours: max. 95%
carried out for the type-tests 0 m 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Over 1 month: max. 90%
specified in the relevant stand-
ards in order to achieve Altitude above sea level
reliable results. Under these conditions, con-
densation may sometimes
If a customer wishes tests to The following expression thus arise.
be carried out by an independ- applies for the selection of the The ambient air is not heavily
ent organization, the testing fa- devices and equipment:
polluted with dust, smoke,
cilities of the following com- corrosive or flammable gases,
pany are also available: Rated lightning impulse vapours or salt.
withstand voltage to be selected 1)
PEHLA Required rated lightning impulse
Gesellschaft fr withstand voltage 1)
elektrische Hochleistungs-
1.1 a
Theodor-Stern-Kai 1
D-60596 Frankfurt/Main If, however, the actual insulating
Germany capacity must be determined
at the installation site the
The tests encompass switch- withstand voltage the re-
ing capacity, current-carrying duction of the insulating capa-
capacity and, where applicable, city from that for an altitude of
insulating capacity. The fees 0 m (sea level) must be
for these tests are charged by calculated as follows:
PEHLA according to their
current price schedule. Withstand voltage 2) = rated light-
ning impulse withstand voltage 1)
of the selected device.

Rated lightning impulse with-
stand voltage or rated short-
time power frequency
voltage 1) = target value
according to VDE, IEC, etc.
referred to sea level.
Lightning impulse withstand
voltage or power frequency
withstand voltage 2)
= actual value
at the respective height.

The vacuum circuit-breakers for

15 kV rated voltage meet the
requirements of the American
standard ANSI C 37 with re-
spect to their insulating capacity.

1) Rated
lightning impulse withstand voltage
Rated short-time
power frequency voltage
2) Lightning impulse withstand voltage
Power frequency withstand voltage

Siemens HG 11.11 19991/15

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers

7.2 to 36 kV

R-HG11-065a eps
R-HG11-062a eps

e. g. 3AH1 standard circuit-breaker e. g. 3AH3 standard circuit-breaker

12kV / 31.5 kA / 2000 A 12 kV / 50 kA / 3150 A

R-HG11-064 eps
Vehicle production (photo Volkswagen Factory, Wolfsburg)

Features of standard circuit-breakers

Rated voltages 7.2 to 36 kV

Catalog section 2 Page
Maintenance-free up to 10,000 operating cycles
Rated data
Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles
Selection and ordering data
Electrical and Rated short-circuit breaking currents up to 63 kA (r.m.s. value),
mechanical service life up to 50 operating cycles
Dimensions and weights DC component 36%, higher values on request
Secondary equipment
Suitable for use in conjunction with, for example:
For rated voltages Overhead lines and cables
7.2 kV 2/22/3 Generators
12 kV 2/42/5 Capacitors
15 kV 2/62/7 Filter circuits
17.5 kV 2/82/9 Motors
24 kV 2/102/11 Reactors
36 kV 2/122/13

Enquiry form A/2

Siemens HG 11.11 19992/1

3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

7.2 kV
3AH1 055-4

R-HG11-066a eps
Rated voltage 7.2 kV
31.5 kA / 2000 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 60 kV
Rated short-time power frequency
withstand voltage 20 kV
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table

Rated operating sequences

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 7.2 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO

2 Isc Ima Pole-

Please add
Order No.
Order No. suffix

at rated normal current


iry fo
kA kA mm 800 A 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A 3150 A 4000 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1
20 50 210 3AH1 053- 1 2

Load char. No. 2 2 2 4

25 63 210 3AH1 054- 1 2 4 6

Load char. No. 3 3 5

31.5 80 210 3AH1 055- 2 4 6

Load char. No. 6 6 6 6

40 100 210 3AH1 056- 2 4 6 7  Isc up to 44 kA, Ima up to 110 kA

Load char. No. 7 7 7

50 125 210 3AH3 057- 2 6 7 

Load char. No. 8 8 8 8

63 (can 160 275 3AH3 078- 2 6 7 8  Ima up to 181 kA
be used up
to 72 kA)

Possible  Isc up to 31.5 kA possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 to 8 ) Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles

Load char. Nos. 1 2 3 Load char. Nos. 4 5 6 Load char. Nos. 7 8

100 000 100 000 100 000

HG11-2234a eps

HG11-2235a eps

HG11-2236a eps

50 000 50 000 50 000

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

20 000 20 000 20 000

10 000 10 000 10 000
5 000 5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000 2 000

1 000 1 000 1 000
500 500 500

200 200 200

140 2 145 5
80 85 100 75
50 50 50
1 3 4 6 7 8
20 20 20
10 10 10
1 2 5 10 20 31.5 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 31.5 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
25 25 40 63
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value)

2/2Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weights Secondary equipment

7.2 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
520 Pole-centre distance
210 210 210 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
20 kA / up to 1250 A
Basic equipment Remarks

25 kA / up to 1250 A Additional equipment

190 Weight approx. 75 kg
Electrical operating mechanism Can
HG11-2194c eps

also be manually controlled


Option: with manual control

Closing solenoid
type 3AY15 10


604 520 1st shunt release

type 3AY15 10
Refer to table below for
release combinations
2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined
549 25 kA / 2000 A, 2500 A type 3AX1101
550 A current transformer-operated
210 210 31.5 kA / 1250 A, 2000 A , Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
2500 A release 0.5 A / 1 A, type 3AX11 02 0.1 Ws is used in connection
with the 7SJ41 protective

40 kA / 1250 A, 2000 A, Current transformer-operated

release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04 system or with the protective
2500 A, 3150 A relay made by SEG
190 Undervoltage release
Weight 110 to 130 kg

type 3AX11 03
HG11-2196e eps

Dimension a in mm Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning

contacts available for customer
1250/2000 A 550 mm Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC* use

2500/3150 A 565 mm
604 a On request:
More than 12 NO + 12 NC
Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
switch contacts
210 210 561 Terminal strip 24-pole or
plug connector
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug

50 kA / up to 3150 A connector
Weight approx. 180 kg Option: Gold-plated plug
connector contacts

HG11-2212a eps

mechanical and electrical

Breaker tripping signal
Operating cycle counter

610 571
Position switches (2 pieces)
for signalling

Closing spring charged

a e Pole-centre distance Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
275 275 c 275 mm local closing
63 kA Mechanical interlocking

Weight up to 3150 A Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,

approx. 196 kg for 60 V DC
211 Weight at 4000 A Halogen-free and flame-

approx. 308 kg retardant wiring cables

HG11-2213a eps

Condensation protection For 230 V AC

Dimensions in mm
Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal

To 3150A 4000 A primary current paths connections on both sides

d mm mm
776 e a 680 750 Hand crank For manual charging of
the closing spring
b 668 733
c 591 Silicone-free design
d 601
e 694
3 combination possibilities of the releases
Release Release combinations
1 2 3
1st shunt release
2nd release
3rd release
The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired
(0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).
1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19992/3

3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

12 kV
3AH3 117-7

R-HG11-067a eps
Rated voltage 12 kV
50 kA / 3150 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 75 kV
Rated short-time power frequency
withstand voltage 28 kV*
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table
* Up to 42 kV on request

Rated operating sequences

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 12 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO

2 Isc Ima Pole-

Please add
Order No.
Order No. suffix

at rated normal current


iry fo
kA kA mm 800 A 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A 3150 A 4000 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1
20 50 210 3AH1 113- 1 2

Load char. No. 2 2 2 4

25 63 160 3AH1 104- 1 2
63 210 3AH1 114- 1 2 4 6

Load char. No. 3 3 3 5

31.5 80 160 3AH1 105- 1 2
80 210 3AH1 115- 2 4 6

Load char. No. 6 6 6 6

40 100 210 3AH1 116- 2 4 6 7  Isc up to 44 kA, Ima up to 110 kA

Load char. No. 7 7 7

50 125 210 3AH3 117- 2 6 7  Isc up to 57.8 kA, Ima up to 145 kA

Load char. No. 8 8 8 8

63 160 275 3AH3 128- 2 6 7 8 
Possible  Isc up to 31.5 kA possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 to 8 ) Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles

Load char. Nos. 1 2 3 Load char. Nos. 4 5 6 Load char. Nos. 7 8

100 000 100 000 100 000

HG11-2234a eps

HG11-2235a eps

HG11-2236a eps

50 000 50 000 50 000

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

20 000 20 000 20 000

10 000 10 000 10 000
5 000 5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000 2 000

1 000 1 000 1 000
500 500 500

200 200 200

140 2 145 5
80 85 100 75
50 50 50
1 3 4 6 7 8
20 20 20
10 10 10
1 2 5 10 20 31.5 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 31.5 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
25 25 40 63
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value)

2/4Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weights Secondary equipment

12 kV
422 519
For a description of the secondary equipment,
Pole-centre distance
160 160 160 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
25 kA / up to 1250 A
Basic equipment Remarks

31.5 kA / up to 1250 A Additional equipment

Weight approx. 62 kg
Electrical operating mechanism Can also be manually controlled
HG11-2214a eps


Option: with manual control

Closing solenoid
type 3AY15 10


492 519 1st shunt release

type 3AY15 10
Refer to table below for
release combinations
2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined
type 3AX1101
522 520 Pole-centre distance A current transformer-operated
210 210 210 mm Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
release 0.5 A / 1 A, type 3AX11 02 0.1 Ws is used in connection
20 kA / up to 1250 A with the 7SJ41 protective
Current transformer-operated

25 kA / up to 1250 A release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04 system or with the protective
Weight approx. 75 kg relay made by SEG
Undervoltage release

HG11-2194c eps


type 3AX11 03
Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning
contacts available for customer
Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC* use

604 520 On request:

More than 12 NO + 12 NC
Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
switch contacts
549 550 25 kA / 2000 A, 2500 A
210 210 31.5 kA / 1250 A, 2000 A ,
Terminal strip 24-pole or
plug connector
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
2500 A 64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug

40 kA / 1250 A, 2000 A, connector

2500 A, 3150 A Option: Gold-plated plug
Weight 110 to 130 kg connector contacts


HG11-2196e eps

Dimension a in mm mechanical and electrical
1250/2000 A 550 mm
Breaker tripping signal

2500/3150 A 565 mm
604 a Operating cycle counter
Position switches (2 pieces)
for signalling

Closing spring charged

210 210 561 Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
local closing
Mechanical interlocking

50 kA / up to 3150 A
Weight approx. 180 kg Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
for 60 V DC

Halogen-free and flame-

HG11-2212a eps

retardant wiring cables

Condensation protection For 230 V AC
Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal

610 571 primary current paths connections on both sides

Hand crank For manual charging of
the closing spring
a e Pole-centre distance Silicone-free design
275 275 c 275 mm
63 kA

3 combination possibilities of the releases

Weight up to 3150 A
approx. 196 kg Release Release combinations
211 Weight at 4000 A 1 2 3

approx. 308 kg 1st shunt release

HG11-2213a eps

Dimensions in mm 2nd release


To 3150A 4000 A 3rd release

d mm mm The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
776 e a 680 750 releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired
b 668 733 (0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).
c 591 1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.
d 601
e 694

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19992/5

3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

15 kV

R-HG11-074a eps
3AH1 166-6 Rated voltage 15 kV
40 kA / 2500 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 95 kV
Rated short-time power frequency
withstand voltage 36 kV*
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table
* Up to 42 kV on request

Rated operating sequences

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 15 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO

2 Isc Ima Pole-

Please add
Order No.
Order No. suffix

at rated normal current


iry fo
kA kA mm 800 A 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A 3150 A 4000 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1
20 50 210 3AH1 163- 1 2

Load char. No. 2 2 2 4

25 63 160 3AH1 154- 1 2
63 210 3AH1 164- 1 2 4 6

Load char. No. 3 3 5

31.5 80 210 3AH1 165- 2 4 6

Load char. No. 6 6 6 6

40 100 210 3AH1 166- 2 4 6 7  Ima up to 110 kA

Load char. No. 7 7 7

50 125 210 3AH3 167- 2 6 7 

Load char. No. 8 8 8 8

63 160 275 3AH3 178- 2 6 7 8 

Possible  Isc up to 31.5 kA possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 to 8 ) Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles

Load char. Nos. 1 2 3 Load char. Nos. 4 5 6 Load char. Nos. 7 8

100 000 100 000 100 000

HG11-2234a eps

HG11-2235a eps

HG11-2236a eps

50 000 50 000 50 000

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

20 000 20 000 20 000

10 000 10 000 10 000
5 000 5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000 2 000

1 000 1 000 1 000
500 500 500

200 200 200

140 2 145 5
80 85 100 75
50 50 50
1 3 4 6 7 8
20 20 20
10 10 10
1 2 5 10 20 31.5 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 31.5 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
25 25 40 63
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value)

2/6Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weights Secondary equipment

15 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
422 584 Pole-centre distance
160 160 519 160 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
25 kA / up to 1250 A
Basic equipment Remarks

Weight approx. 67 kg Additional equipment

Electrical operating mechanism Can also be manually controlled

HG11-2215a eps


Option: with manual control

Closing solenoid
type 3AY15 10


492 519 1st shunt release

type 3AY15 10
Refer to table below for
release combinations
2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined
type 3AX1101
522 520 Pole-centre distance A current transformer-operated
210 mm Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
210 210
release 0.5 A /1 A, type 3AX11 02 0.1 Ws is used in connection
20 kA / up to 1250 A with the 7SJ41 protective
Current transformer-operated

25 kA / up to 1250 A release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04 system or with the protective
Weight approx. 75 kg relay made by SEG
Undervoltage release

HG11-2198d eps


type 3AX11 03

Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning

contacts available for customer
Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC* use

604 520 On request:

More than 12 NO + 12 NC
Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
switch contacts
549 550 25 kA /
210 210 2000 A, 2500 A Terminal strip 24-pole or
plug connector
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
31.5 kA / 64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug

1250 to 2500 A connector

40 kA / Option: Gold-plated plug
190 1250 to 3150 A connector contacts

HG11-2200d eps

120 to 130 kg Anti-pumping
mechanical and electrical

Breaker tripping signal


Dimension a in mm
604 a 1250/2000 A 550 mm Operating cycle counter
2500/3150 A 565 mm Position switches (2 pieces)
for signalling

550 679 Closing spring charged

210 210 561
Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
50 kA / up to 3150 A local closing

Weight approx. 184 kg Mechanical interlocking

Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
for 60 V DC

Halogen-free and flame-

HG11-2216a eps

retardant wiring cables

Condensation protection For 230 V AC
Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal

primary current paths connections on both sides

610 571 Hand crank For manual charging of
the closing spring
Silicone-free design
a e Pole-centre distance
275 275 c 275 mm
63 kA 3 combination possibilities of the releases

Weight up to 3150 A Release Release combinations

approx. 198 kg
211 1 2 3
Weight at 4000 A

approx. 310 kg 1st shunt release

HG11-2217a eps

2nd release
Dimensions in mm
3rd release


To 3150A 4000 A
The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
mm mm
releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired
776 d a 680 750 (0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).
f b 668 733
e 1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.
c 591
d 601
e 694
* Lowest breaker size up to 3150 A f 623 * Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).
** Lowest breaker size for 4000 A g 697 Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19992/7

3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

17.5 kV
3AH3 228-7

R-HG11-057a eps
Rated voltage 17.5 kV
63 kA / 3150 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 95 kV
(Partitions not Rated short-time power frequency
shown) withstand voltage 38 kV*
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table
* Up to 42 kV on request

Rated operating sequences

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 17.5 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO

2 Isc Ima Pole-

Please add
Order No.
Order No. suffix

at rated normal current


iry fo
kA kA mm 800 A 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A 3150 A 4000 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1
20 50 210 3AH1 213- 1 2

Load char. No. 2 2 2 3

25 63 160 3AH1 204- 1 2
63 210 3AH1 214- 2 4 6

Load char. No. 4 4 4 4

31.5 80 210 3AH1 215- 2 4 6 7

Load char. No. 5 5 5 5

40 100 210 3AH1 216- 2 4 6 7  Ima up to 110 kA

Load char. No. 6 6 6

50 125 210 3AH3 217- 2 6 7 

Load char. No. 7 7 7 7

63 160 275 3AH3 228- 2 6 7 8 
160 275 3AH3 818- 7 8 Standard: ANSI C37.013
Possible  Isc up to 31.5 kA possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 to 7 ) Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles

Load char. Nos. 1 2 Load char. Nos. 3 4 5 Load char. Nos. 6 7

100 000 100 000 100 000

HG11-2237b eps

HG11-2238b eps

HG11-2378 eps

50 000 50 000 50 000

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

20 000 20 000 20 000

10 000 10 000 10 000
5 000 5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000 2 000

1 000 1 000 1 000
500 500 500

200 200 200

140 145 4
100 100 100
80 85
50 50 50
1 2 30
3 5
20 20 20
6 7
10 10 10
1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 31.5 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
25 25 40 63
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value)

2/8Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weights Secondary equipment

17.5 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
422 584 Pole-centre distance
160 160 519 160 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
25 kA / up to 1250 A
Basic equipment Remarks

Weight approx. 67 kg Additional equipment

Electrical operating mechanism Can also be manually controlled

HG11-2215a eps


Option: with manual control

Closing solenoid
type 3AY15 10


492 519 1st shunt release

type 3AY15 10
Refer to table below for
release combinations
2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined
type 3AX1101
522 520 Pole-centre distance A current transformer-operated
210 mm Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
210 210
release 0.5 A / 1 A, type 3AX11 02 0.1 Ws is used in connection
20 kA / up to 1250 A with the 7SJ41 protective
Current transformer-operated

25 kA / up to 1250 A release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04 system or with the protective
Weight approx. 75 kg relay made by SEG
Undervoltage release

HG11-2198d eps


type 3AX11 03

Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning

contacts available for customer
Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC* use

604 520 On request:

More than 12 NO + 12 NC
Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
switch contacts
549 550 25 kA /
210 210 2000 A, 2500 A Terminal strip 24-pole or
plug connector
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
31.5 kA / 64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug

1250 up to 2500 A connector

40 kA / Option: Gold-plated plug
190 1250 up to 3150 A connector contacts

HG11-2200d eps

120 to 135 kg Anti-pumping
mechanical and electrical

Breaker tripping signal


Dimension a in mm
604 a
1250/2000 A 550 mm
Operating cycle counter

2500/3150 A 565 mm Position switches (2 pieces)

for signalling

550 679 Closing spring charged

210 210 561
Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
50 kA / up to 3150 A local closing

Weight approx. 75 kg Mechanical interlocking

Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
for 60 V DC

Halogen-free and flame-

HG11-2216a eps

retardant wiring cables

Condensation protection For 230 V AC
Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal

primary current paths connections on both sides

610 571 Hand crank For manual charging of
the closing spring
Silicone-free design
a e Pole-centre distance
275 275 c 275 mm
63 kA 3 combination possibilities of the releases

Weight up to 3150 A Release Release combinations

approx. 198 kg
211 1 2 3
Weight at 4000 A

approx. 310 kg 1st shunt release

HG11-2217a eps

2nd release
Dimensions in mm
3rd release


To 3150A 4000 A
The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
mm mm
releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired
776 d a 680 750 (0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).
f b 668 733
e 1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.
c 590
d 600
e 694
* Lowest breaker size up to 3150 A f 623 * Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).
** Lowest breaker size for 4000 A g 697 Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19992/9

3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

24 kV

R-HG11-060a eps
3AH1 284-2 Rated voltage 24 kV
25 kA / 1250 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 125 kV
Rated short-time power frequency
withstand voltage 50 kV
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table

Rated operating sequences

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 24 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO

2 Isc Ima Pole-

Please add
Order No.
Order No. suffix

at rated normal current


iry fo
kA kA mm 800 A 1250 A 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1
16 40 210 3AH1 252- 1 2
40 275 3AH1 262- 1 2

Load char. No. 2 2 4 4 4

20 50 210 3AH1 273- 1 2
50 3AH1 253- 2 4 6
50 275 3AH1 283- 1 2
50 3AH1 263- 2 4 6

Load char. No. 3 3 5 5 5

25 63 210 3AH1 274- 1 2 3AH1 274: up to 35 x Isc
63 3AH1 254- 2 4 6
63 275 3AH1 284- 1 2 3AH1 284: up to 35 x Isc
63 3AH1 264- 2 4 6

Load char. No. 6

40 100 275 3AH3 266- 6 

Possible  Isc up to 31.5 kA possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 to 6 ) Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles

Load char. Nos. 1 2 3 Load char. Nos. 4 5 Load char. No. 6

100 000 100 000 100 000

HG11-2241a eps
HG11-2240a eps
HG11-2239b eps

50 000 50 000 50 000

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

20 000 20 000 20 000

10 000 10 000 10 000

5 000 5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000 2 000

1 000 1 000 1 000

500 500 500

200 200 200

100 100 100
80 90
50 50 50
4 5 6
20 20 20
1 3
10 10 10
1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
16 25 25 40
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value)

2/10Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weights Secondary equipment

24 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
532 635 Pole-centre distance
210 210 565 210 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
16 kA / up to 1250 A
20 kA / up to 1250 A
Basic equipment Remarks
Additional equipment

(only for type

3AH1 27.-.)
Electrical operating mechanism Can also be manually controlled

25 kA / up to 1250 A
HG11-2206c eps

Option: with manual control


(only for type

3AH1 27.-.) Closing solenoid
type 3AY15 10

Weight approx. 85 kg
1st shunt release Refer to table below for

type 3AY15 10 release combinations

604 565
2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined
type 3AX1101
540 690 20 kA A current transformer-operated
210 210 595 (for type 3AH1 253-.) Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
release 0.5 A /1 A, type 3AX11 02 0.1 Ws is used in connection
25 kA
Current transformer-operated with the 7SJ41 protective
(for type 3AH1 254-.)
system or with the protective

release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04

Weight relay made by SEG
Undervoltage release

190 120 kg to 130 kg
type 3AX11 03

Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning

HG11-2209b eps

Dimension a in mm
contacts available for customer
1250/2000 A 595 mm Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC* use
2500 A 610 mm On request:

More than 12 NO + 12 NC
604 a
Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
switch contacts

662 565 Pole-centre distance

Terminal strip 24-pole or
plug connector
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
275 275 275 mm 64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug
16 kA / up to 1250 A

Option: Gold-plated plug

20 kA / up to 1250 A
connector contacts
190 (only for type
3AH1 28.-.) Anti-pumping
HG11-2202c eps


mechanical and electrical

25 kA / up to 1250 A
(only for type Breaker tripping signal
3AH1 28.-.)
Operating cycle counter

708 565
120 kg to 130 kg Position switches (2 pieces)
for signalling

Closing spring charged

670 595 20 kA
275 275 (for type 3AH1 263-.) Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
local closing
25 kA
Mechanical interlocking

(for type 3AH1 264-.)

Weight Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
120 kg to 130 kg for 60 V DC

Halogen-free and flame-

HG11-2205c eps

Dimensions a in mm retardant wiring cables

1250/2000 A 595 mm Condensation protection For 230 V AC

2500 A 610 mm Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal

708 a primary current paths connections on both sides
Hand crank For manual charging of
680 773 the closing spring
275 275 635
Silicone-free design
40 kA / 2500 A
approx. 168 kg 3 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations

1 2 3


1st shunt release


2nd release
HG11-2218a eps

3rd release
The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired

(0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).

704 645 1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19992/11

3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

36 kV

R-HG11-126 eps
3AH3 305-6 Rated voltage 36 kV*
31.5 kA / 2500 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 170 kV**
(Partitions Rated short-time power frequency
not shown) withstand voltage 70 kV***
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table
* Up to 40.5 kV on request
** Up to 185 kV on request
*** Up to 85 kV on request

Rated operating sequences

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 36 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO

2 Isc Ima Pole-

Please add
Order No.
Order No. suffix

at rated normal current


iry fo
kA kA mm 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1
31.5 80 350 3AH3 305- 2 4 6

Load char. No. 2

40 100 350 3AH3 306- 6 

Possible  Isc up to 31.5 kA possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 and 2 ) Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles

Load char. No. 1 Load char. No. 2 Kennlinien-Nr. 7 8

100 000 100 000

HG11-2242a eps

HG11-2255a eps

50 000 50 000
Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Zulssige Schaltspiele

20 000 20 000
10 000 10 000
5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000
1 000 1 000
500 500

200 200
100 100
50 50
1 2
20 20
10 10
1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
31.5 40
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Ausschaltstrom (Effektivwert)

2/12Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH1/3AH3 Standard Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weights Secondary equipment

36 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
820 823 Pole-centre
737 distance refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
350 350
350 mm
Basic equipment Remarks
Additional equipment

Electrical operating mechanism Can also be manually controlled

Option: with manual control



type 3AY15 10
HG11-2219a eps

31.5 kA / 1st shunt release

type 3AY15 10
Refer to table below for
release combinations
up to 2000 A
2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined

approx. 175 kg type 3AX1101
A current transformer-operated
853 737 Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
release 0.5 A/1 A, type 3AX11 02 0.1 Ws is used in connection
Current transformer-operated with the 7SJ41 protective
release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04 system or with the protective
820 823
relay made by SEG
350 350 737 Undervoltage release
type 3AX11 03
Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning
contacts available for customer
Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC*

On request:
More than 12 NO + 12 NC

211 Option: Gold-plated auxiliary


31.5 kA /
2500 A switch contacts
HG11-2220a eps

40 kA / Terminal strip 24-pole or

plug connector
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
2500 A
64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug

Weight connector
approx. 180 kg
853 737 Option: Gold-plated plug
connector contacts
mechanical and electrical

Breaker tripping signal

Operating cycle counter
Position switches (2 pieces)
for signalling

Closing spring charged

Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
local closing
Mechanical interlocking
Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
for 60 V DC
Halogen-free and flame-
retardant wiring cables
Condensation protection For 230 V AC
Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal
primary current paths connections on both sides
Hand crank For manual charging of
the closing spring
Silicone-free design

3 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations
1 2 3
1st shunt release
2nd release
3rd release
The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired
(0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).
1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19992/13

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers

7.2 to 36 kV

R-HG11-127 eps

R-HG11-071b eps

e. g. 3AH2 frequent-operation circuit-breaker e. g. 3AH4 frequent-operation circuit-breaker

24 kV / 25 kA / 2500 A 24 kV / 40 kA / 2500 A

R-HG11-070 eps
(partitions not shown)

Arc furnace of a steelworks

Features of frequent-operation circuit-breakers

Rated voltages 7.2 to 36 kV

Catalog section 3 Page
Maintenance-free up to 10,000 operating cycles
Rated data
Mechanical breaker service life
Selection and ordering data
for 3AH2 frequent-operation circuit-breakers, 60,000 operating cycles
Electrical and
for 3AH4 frequent-operation circuit-breakers, 120,000 operating cycles
mechanical service life
Dimensions and weights Rated short-circuit breaking currents up to 40 kA (r.m.s. value),
Secondary equipment minimum 50 operating cycles
DC component 36%, higher values on request
For rated voltages
Switching capacity at a rated normal current of up to 2500 A,
7.2 kV 3 /23 /3 30 ,000 operating cycles
12 kV 3 /43 /5
15 kV 3 /63 /7 Suitable for use in conjunction with, for example:
17.5 kV 3 /83 /9 Capacitors
24 kV 3 /103 /11 Filter circuits
36 kV 3 /123 /13 Motors
Reactors (individual protection circuitry required)
Enquiry form A/2 Especially suitable for operating arc furnaces
(individual protection circuitry also required)

Siemens HG 11.11 19993/1

3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

7.2 kV

R-HG11-073a eps
3AH2 056-6 Rated voltage 7.2 kV
40 kA / 2500 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 60 kV
Rated short-time power frequency
withstand voltage 20 kV
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table

Rated operating sequences

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 7.2 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO
Isc Ima Pole- Please add Order No. suffix Remarks
centre Order No.
distance suffix at rated normal current rm
iry fo
kA kA mm 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A 3150 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1 1

3 31.5 80 210 3AH2 055-

Load char. No. 2

2 4


2 2

40 100 210 3AH2 056- 2 4 6 7  Isc up to 44 kA, Ima up to 110 kA

Possible  Isc up to 31.5 kA possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 and 2 ) Mechanical breaker service life 60,000 operating cycles

Load char. No. 1 Load char. No. 2 Kennlinien-Nr. 7 8

100 000 100 000

HG11-2244a eps
HG11-2243a eps

50 000 50 000
Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Zulssige Schaltspiele

30 000 30 000
20 000 20 000
10 000 10 000
5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000
1 000 1 000
500 500

200 200
100 100
50 50
1 2
20 20
10 10
1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
31.5 40
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Ausschaltstrom (Effektivwert)

3/2Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weights Secondary equipment

7.2 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
549 550 Pole-centre distance
210 210 210 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
31.5 kA /
Basic equipment Remarks

1250 A, 2000 A,
2500 A Additional equipment
190 40 kA /
Electrical operating mechanism Can also be manually controlled

1250 A, 2000 A,

HG11-2227b eps

Option: with manual control

2500 A, 3150 A
Weight approx. 130 kg Closing solenoid
type 3AY15 10


604 a
Dimension a in mm 1st shunt release
type 3AY15 10
Refer to table below for
release combinations
1250/2000 A 550 mm
2500/3150 A 565 mm 2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined
type 3AX1101
A current transformer-operated
Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
release 0.5 A /1 A, type 3AX11 02 0.1 Ws is used in connection
Current transformer-operated with the 7SJ41 protective
release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04 system or with the protective
relay made by SEG
Undervoltage release
type 3AX11 03
Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning
contacts available for
Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC* customer use
On request:
More than 12 NO + 12 NC

Terminal strip 24-pole or

Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
switch contacts
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
plug connector
64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug
Option: Gold-plated plug
connector contacts
mechanical and electrical

Breaker tripping signal

Operating cycle counter
Position switches (2 pieces)
for signalling

Closing spring charged

Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
local closing
Mechanical interlocking
Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
for 60 V DC
Halogen-free and flame-
retardant wiring cables
Condensation protection For 230 V AC
Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal
primary current paths connections on both sides
Hand crank For manual charging of
the closing spring
Silicone-free design

3 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations
1 2 3
1st shunt release
2nd release
3rd release
The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired
(0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).
1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19993/3

3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

12 kV

R-HG11-073a eps
3AH2 116-6 Rated voltage 12 kV
40 kA / 2500 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 75 kV
Rated short-time power frequency
withstand voltage 28 kV*
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table
* Up to 42 kV on request

Rated operating sequences

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 12 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO
Isc Ima Pole- Please add Order No. suffix Remarks
centre Order No.
distance suffix at rated normal current rm
iry fo
kA kA mm 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A 3150 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1 1

3 31.5 80 210 3AH2 115-

Load char. No. 2

2 4


2 2

40 100 210 3AH2 116- 2 4 6 7  Isc up to 44 kA, Ima up to 110 kA

Possible  Isc up to 31.5 kA possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 and 2 ) Mechanical breaker service life 60,000 operating cycles

Load char. No. 1 Load char. No. 2 Kennlinien-Nr. 7 8

100 000 100 000

HG11-2244a eps
HG11-2243a eps

50 000 50 000
Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Zulssige Schaltspiele

30 000 30 000
20 000 20 000
10 000 10 000
5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000
1 000 1 000
500 500

200 200
100 100
50 50
1 2
20 20
10 10
1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
31.5 40
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Ausschaltstrom (Effektivwert)

3/4Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weights Secondary equipment

12 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
549 550 Pole-centre distance
210 210 210 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
31.5 kA /
Basic equipment Remarks

1250 A, 2000 A,
2500 A Additional equipment
190 40 kA /
Electrical operating mechanism Can also be manually controlled

1250 A, 2000 A,

HG11-2227b eps

Option: with manual control

2500 A, 3150 A
Weight approx. 130 kg Closing solenoid
type 3AY15 10


604 a
Dimension a in mm 1st shunt release
type 3AY15 10
Refer to table below for
release combinations
1250/2000 A 550 mm
2500/3150 A 565 mm 2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined
type 3AX1101
A current transformer-operated
Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
release 0.5 A /1 A, type 3AX11 02 0.1 Ws is used in connection
Current transformer-operated with the 7SJ41 protective
release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04 system or with the protective
relay made by SEG
Undervoltage release
type 3AX11 03
Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning
contacts available for
Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC* customer use
On request:
More than 12 NO + 12 NC

Terminal strip 24-pole or

Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
switch contacts
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
plug connector
64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug
Option: Gold-plated plug
connector contacts
mechanical and electrical

Breaker tripping signal

Operating cycle counter
Position switches (2 pieces)
for signalling

Closing spring charged

Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
local closing
Mechanical interlocking
Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
for 60 V DC
Halogen-free and flame-
retardant wiring cables
Condensation protection For 230 V AC
Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal
primary current paths connections on both sides
Hand crank For manual charging of
the closing spring
Silicone-free design

3 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations
1 2 3
1st shunt release
2nd release
3rd release
The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired
(0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).
1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19993/5

3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

15 kV
3AH2 166-6

R-HG11-074a eps
Rated voltage 15 kV
40 kA / 2500 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 95 kV
Rated short-time power frequency
withstand voltage 36 kV*
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table
* Up to 42 kV on request

Rated operating sequences

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 15 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO
Isc Ima Pole- Please add Order No. suffix Remarks
centre Order No.
distance suffix at rated normal current rm
iry fo
kA kA mm 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A 3150 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1 1

3 31.5 80 210 3AH2 165-

Load char. No. 2

2 4


2 2

40 100 210 3AH2 166- 2 4 6 7  Ima up to 110 kA

Possible  Isc up to 31.5 kA possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 and 2 ) Mechanical breaker service life 60,000 operating cycles

Load char. No. 1 Load char. No. 2 Kennlinien-Nr. 7 8

100 000 100 000

HG11-2244a eps
HG11-2243a eps

50 000 50 000
Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Zulssige Schaltspiele

30 000 30 000
20 000 20 000
10 000 10 000
5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000
1 000 1 000
500 500

200 200
100 100
50 50
1 2
20 20
10 10
1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
31.5 40
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Ausschaltstrom (Effektivwert)

3/6Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weights Secondary equipment

15 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
549 550 Pole-centre distance
210 210 210 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
31.5 kA /
Basic equipment Remarks

1250 A, 2000 A,
2500 A Additional equipment
190 40 kA /
Electrical operating mechanism Can also be manually controlled

1250 A, 2000 A,

HG11-2228b eps

Option: with manual control

2500 A, 3150 A
Weight approx. 135 kg Closing solenoid
type 3AY15 10


604 a
Dimension a in mm 1st shunt release
type 3AY15 10
Refer to table below for
release combinations
1250/2000 A 550 mm
2500/3150 A 565 mm 2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined
type 3AX1101
A current transformer-operated
Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
release 0.5 A/1 A, type 3AX1102 0.1 Ws is used in connection
Current transformer-operated with the 7SJ41 protective
release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04 system or with the protective
relay made by SEG
Undervoltage release
type 3AX11 03
Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning
contacts available for
Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC* customer use
On request:
More than 12 NO + 12 NC

Terminal strip 24-pole or

Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
switch contacts
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
plug connector
64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug
Option: Gold-plated plug
connector contacts
mechanical and electrical

Breaker tripping signal

Operating cycle counter
Position switches (2 pieces)
for signalling

Closing spring charged

Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
local closing
Mechanical interlocking
Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
for 60 V DC
Halogen-free and flame-
retardant wiring cables
Condensation protection For 230 V AC
Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal
primary current paths connections on both sides
Hand crank For manual charging of
the closing spring
Silicone-free design

3 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations
1 2 3
1st shunt release
2nd release
3rd release
The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired
(0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).
1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19993/7

3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

17.5 kV

R-HG11-074a eps
3AH2 215-6 Rated voltage 17.5 kV
31.5 kA / 2500 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 95 kV
Rated short-time power frequency
withstand voltage 38 kV*
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table
* Up to 42 kV on request

Rated operating sequences

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 17.5 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO
Isc Ima Pole- Please add Order No. suffix Remarks
centre Order No.
distance suffix at rated normal current rm
iry fo
kA kA mm 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A 3150 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1 1 1

3 31.5 80 210 3AH2 215-

Load char. No. 2

2 4



40 100 210 3AH2 216- 2 4 6 7  Ima up to 110 kA

Possible  Isc up to 31.5 kA possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 and 2 ) Mechanical breaker service life 60,000 operating cycles

Load char. No. 1 Load char. No. 2 Kennlinien-Nr. 7 8

100 000 100 000

HG11-2244a eps
HG11-2243a eps

50 000 50 000
Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Zulssige Schaltspiele

30 000 30 000
20 000 20 000
10 000 10 000
5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000
1 000 1 000
500 500

200 200
100 100
50 50
1 2
20 20
10 10
1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
31.5 40
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Ausschaltstrom (Effektivwert)

3/8Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weights Secondary equipment

17.5 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
549 550 Pole-centre distance
210 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
210 210
31.5 kA /
Basic equipment Remarks

1250 A, 2000 A,
2500 A, 3150 A Additional equipment
190 40 kA /
Electrical operating mechanism Can also be manually controlled

1250 A, 2000 A,

HG11-2228b eps

Option: with manual control

2500 A, 3150 A
Weight approx. 135 kg Closing solenoid
type 3AY15 10


604 a
Dimension a in mm 1st shunt release
type 3AY15 10
Refer to table below for
release combinations
1250/2000 A 550 mm
2500/3150 A 565 mm 2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined
type 3AX1101
A current transformer-operated
Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
release 0.5 A/1 A, type 3AX1102 0.1 Ws is used in connection
Current transformer-operated with the 7SJ41 protective
release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04 system or with the protective
relay made by SEG
Undervoltage release
type 3AX11 03
Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning
contacts available for
Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC* customer use
On request:
More than 12 NO + 12 NC

Terminal strip 24-pole or

Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
switch contacts
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
plug connector
64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug
Option: Gold-plated plug
connector contacts
mechanical and electrical

Breaker tripping signal

Operating cycle counter
Position switches (2 pieces)
for signalling

Closing spring charged

Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
local closing
Mechanical interlocking
Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
for 60 V DC
Halogen-free and flame-
retardant wiring cables
Condensation protection For 230 V AC
Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal
primary current paths connections on both sides
Hand crank For manual charging of
the closing spring
Silicone-free design

3 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations
1 2 3
1st shunt release
2nd release
3rd release
The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired
(0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).
1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19993/9

3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

24 kV
3AH4 266-6

R-HG11-124 eps
Rated voltage 24 kV
40 kA / 2500 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 125 kV
(Partitions Rated short-time power frequency
not shown) withstand voltage 50 kV
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table

Rated operating sequences

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 24 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO

3 Isc Ima Pole-

Please add
Order No.
Order No. suffix

at rated normal current


iry fo
kA kA mm 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1 1
25 63 210 3AH2 254- 2 4 6
63 275 3AH2 264- 2 4 6

Load char. No. 2

40 100 275 3AH4 266- 6 

Possible  Isc up to 31.5 kA possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 and 2 )

Mechanical breaker service life Mechanical breaker service life

60,000 operating cycles 120,000 operating cycles
Load char. No. 1 Load char. No. 2

100 000 100 000

HG11-2246a eps
HG11-2245a eps

50 000 50 000
Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

30 000 30 000
20 000 20 000

10 000 10 000

5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000

1 000 1 000

500 500

200 200

100 100

50 50

1 2
20 20
10 10
1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
25 40
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value)

3/10Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weights Secondary equipment

24 kV
540 690
For a description of the secondary equipment,
Pole-centre distance
210 210 595 210 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
25 kA /
1250 A, 2000 A, Basic equipment Remarks

2500 A Additional equipment

Weight approx.130 kg
Electrical operating mechanism Can also be manually controlled
Option: with manual control

HG11-2229a eps

Closing solenoid
type 3AY15 10

Dimension a in mm
1st shunt release Refer to table below for

1250/2000 A 595 mm type 3AY15 10 release combinations

2500 A 610 mm
604 a 2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined
type 3AX1101
A current transformer-operated
Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
670 595
release 0.5 A/1 A, type 3AX1102 0.1 Ws is used in connection
Pole-centre distance
Current transformer-operated with the 7SJ41 protective
275 275 275 mm
release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04 system or with the protective
25 kA / relay made by SEG

1250 A, 2000 A, Undervoltage release

2500 A type 3AX11 03
Weight approx.130 kg Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning

contacts available for


Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC*

HG11-2230a eps

customer use
Dimension a in mm On request:
1250/2000 A 595 mm More than 12 NO + 12 NC

714 a
2500 A 610 mm

Terminal strip 24-pole or

Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
switch contacts
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
plug connector
680 773 64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug
275 275 635 connector
Option: Gold-plated plug
40 kA / 2500 A connector contacts
approx.168 kg
mechanical and electrical


Breaker tripping signal

Operating cycle counter


Position switches (2 pieces)


for signalling
HG11-2231a eps

Closing spring charged

Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
local closing

Mechanical interlocking
704 645 Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
for 60 V DC
Halogen-free and flame-
retardant wiring cables
Condensation protection For 230 V AC
Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal
primary current paths connections on both sides
Hand crank For manual charging of
the closing spring
Silicone-free design

3 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations
1 2 3
1st shunt release
2nd release
3rd release
The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired
(0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).
1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19993/11

3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

36 kV

R-HG11-126 eps
3AH4 305-6 Rated voltage 36 kV
31.5 kA / 2500 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 170 kV*
(Partitions Rated short-time power frequency
not shown) withstand voltage 70 kV**
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table
* Up to 185 kV on request
** Up to 85 kV on request

Rated operating sequences

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 36 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO
Isc Ima Pole- Please add Order No. suffix Remarks
centre Order No.
distance suffix at rated normal current rm
iry fo
kA kA mm 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1 1

3 31.5 80 350 3AH4 305-

Load char. No.

2 4 6

40 100 350 3AH4 306- 6 

Possible  Isc up to 31.5 kA possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 and 2 ) Mechanical breaker service life 120,000 operating cycles

Load char. No. 1 Load char. No. 2 Kennlinien-Nr. 7 8

100 000 100 000

HG11-2247a eps

HG11-2248a eps

50 000 50 000
Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Zulssige Schaltspiele

30 000 30 000
20 000 20 000
10 000 10 000
5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000
1 000 1 000
500 500

200 200
100 100
50 50
1 2
20 20
10 10
1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
31.5 40
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Ausschaltstrom (Effektivwert)

3/12Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH2/3AH4 Frequent-Operation Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weight Secondary equipment

36 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
820 823 Pole-centre
737 distance 350 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
350 350

Basic equipment Remarks

Additional equipment

Electrical operating mechanism Can also be manually controlled

Option: with manual control



type 3AY15 10
HG11-2232a eps

1st shunt release

type 3AY15 10
Refer to table below for
release combinations
31.5 kA /
2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined

up to 2000 A
type 3AX1101
Weight A current transformer-operated
853 737 approx. 175 kg Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
release 0.5 A/1 A, type 3AX1102 0.1 Ws is used in connection
Current transformer-operated with the 7SJ41 protective
release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04 system or with the protective
820 823 relay made by SEG
350 350 737 Undervoltage release
type 3AX11 03
Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning
contacts available for
Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC*

customer use
On request:
More than 12 NO + 12 NC


211 Option: Gold-plated auxiliary


switch contacts
31.5 kA /
HG11-2233a eps

2500 A Terminal strip 24-pole or

plug connector
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
40 kA / 64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug

2500 A connector
Weight Option: Gold-plated plug
853 737 approx. 180 kg connector contacts
mechanical and electrical

Breaker tripping signal

Operating cycle counter
Position switches (2 pieces)
for signalling

Closing spring charged

Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
local closing
Mechanical interlocking
Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
for 60 V DC
Halogen-free and flame-
retardant wiring cables
Condensation protection For 230 V AC
Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal
primary current paths connections on both sides
Hand crank For manual charging of
the closing spring
Silicone-free design

3 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations
1 2 3
1st shunt release
2nd release
3rd release
The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired
(0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).
1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19993/13

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH5 Economy Circuit-Breakers

12 to 36 kV

R-HG11-076a eps

e. g. 3AH5 economy circuit-breaker

12 kV / 20 kA / 1250 A

R-HG11-075a eps
Transformer station (Rheingau Elektrizittswerke GmbH)

Features of economy circuit-breakers

Rated voltages 12 to 36 kV
Catalog section 4 Page
Maintenance-free up to 10,000 operating cycles
Rated data
Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles
Selection and ordering data
Electrical and mechanical Rated short-circuit breaking currents up to 25 kA (r.m.s. value),
service life minimum 25 operating cycles
Dimensions and weights DC component 36%, higher values on request
Secondary equipment
User configurable secondary equipment
For rated voltages Optimum replacement for breakers of conventional design,
12 kV 4 / 44 / 3 e. g. low-oil breakers and dead-tank oil circuit-breakers
17.5 kV 4 / 44 / 5 Suitable for use in conjunction with, for example:
24 kV 4 / 64 / 7 Overhead lines and cables
36 kV 4 / 84 / 9 Transformers
Enquiry form A/3 Filter circuits

Siemens HG 11.11 19994/1

3AH5 Economy Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

12 kV
3AH5 103-2 Rated voltage 12 kV

R-HG11-077a eps
20 kA / 1250 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 75 kV
Rated short-time power frequency
withstand voltage 28 kV*
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table
* Up to 42 kV on request
(in case of vacuum circuit-breakers for Isc = 20 kA and 25 kA)

Rated operating sequences 1)

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 12 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO
Isc Ima Pole- Please add Order No. suffix Remarks
centre Order No.
distance suffix at rated normal current rm
iry fo
kA kA mm 800 A 1250 A Enqu e A / 3
see p
Load char. No. 1
13.1 32.8 160 3AH5 101- 1
32.8 210 3AH5 111- 1

Load char. No. 2 2

16 40 160 3AH5 102- 1 2

4 20


3AH5 112-

Load char. No. 3

3AH5 103-



50 210 3AH5 113- 1 2

Load char. No. 4 4

25 63 160 3AH5 104- 1 2
63 210 3AH5 114- 1 2

1) Motor stored-energy mechanism required Possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 to 4 ) Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles

Load char. No. 1 Load char. No. 2 Kennlinien-Nr.

Load char. Nos. 73 84

100 000 100 000 100 000

HG11-2249a eps

HG11-2272 eps
HG11-2250a eps

50 000 50 000 50 000

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles


20 000 20 000 20 000


10 000 10 000 10 000


5 000 5 000 5 000


2 000 2 000 2 000

1 000 1 000 1 000
500 500 500

200 200 200

100 100 100
50 50 50
25 25 25
20 20 20
1 2 3 4
10 10 10
0,5 1 2 5 10 20 kA 50 0,5 1 2 5 10 20 kA 50 0,5 1 2 5 10 20 kA 50
13.1 16 25
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking
(r.m.s. value)

4/2Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH5 Economy Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weight Secondary equipment

12 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
390 491 Pole-centre distance
160 160 160 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 11 and 1 / 14.
13.1 kA / 800 A The basic version of the 3AH5

16 kA / up to 1250 A vacuum circuit-breaker is supplied unwired.

171 Basic equipment Remarks
HG11-2221c eps


35 kg to 45 kg
482 Additional equipment

Manual snap-action With manual mechanism always

490 491 operating mechanism with hand crank
405 491 Manual stored-energy mechanism
160 160 Motor stored-energy mechanism Always with closing solenoid
and anti-pumping

20 kA / up to 1250 A Closing solenoid 3AY1510 Including Spring charged signal

171 25 kA / up to 1250 A 1st shunt release Refer to table below

HG11-2222c eps


type 3AY1510 for release combinations


40 kg to 45 kg 2nd shunt release Only a maximum of 2 releases
type 3AX1101 can be combined

490 491 Current transformer-operated A current transformer-operated release

release 0.5 A/1 A, type 3AX1102 for a tripping pulse of 0.1 Ws
Current transformer-operated is used in connection with the
490 491 Pole-centre distance release 0.1Ws, type 3AX1104 7SJ41 protective system or with the
210 210 210 mm protective relay made by SEG
Undervoltage release
13.1 kA / 800 A type 3AX1103

16 kA / up to 1250 A Auxiliary switch 2 NO+2 NC, Free contacts available for customer use
Weight unwired Option: Auxiliary switch contacts
HG11-2223c eps

40 kg to 50 kg


Auxiliary switch 6 NO+6 NC,* wired to plug connector

unwired Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
Auxiliary switch 12 NO+12 NC,* switch contacts




Terminal strip 24-pole
Option: 12 NO + 12 NC available
only with 64-pole plug connector
Only in connection with auxiliary
or plug connector switches 6 NO+ 6 NC and 12 NO+12 NC
64-pole or 24-pole Option: Electrical equipment such

20 kA / up to 1250 A as motor, release wired to terminal

strip or plug connector
171 25 kA / up to 1250 A
HG11-2224c eps


Option: Gold-plated plug


connector contacts
45 kg to 50 kg
Breaker tripping signal

592 491 Operating cycle counter

Mechanical interlocking In the case of manual snap-action
mechanism, mechanical scanning
Secondary equipment of the circuit-breaker positions
1 View into the Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit, for 60 V DC
mechanism housing Halogen-free and flame-retardant
1 Gearbox wiring cables
3 10 2 Position switch Condensation protection For 230 V AC
3 Closing spring Silver-plated or tinned primary External terminals and internal
4 Motor current paths connections on both sides
5 Closing spring Hand crank For manual charging of the closing spring
charged signal Silicone-free design
HG11-2252 eps

6 Operating cycle
8 combination possibilities of the releases
7 Closing solenoid
Basic equipment
8 Auxiliary switch Release Release combinations
14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 9 PushbuttonCLOSED
1st shunt release type 3AY15 10
1 S1
10 PushbuttonOPEN
2nd shunt release type 3AX11 01
11 2nd release
Current trans- type 3AX11 02; 0.5 A or
2 9 12 1st release former-operated type 3AX11 02; 1 A or


3 13 Mechanical release type 3AX11 04; 0.1 Ws

4 interlocking Undervoltage release type 3AX11 03
11 or scanning
99981 14 Low-voltage 1 piece per release. A maximum of 2 releases can be combined.
6 12 plug connector
HG11-2253a eps

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 2 NO + 2 NC).
Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed
Maximum equipment 13

Siemens HG 11.11 19994/3

3AH5 Economy Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

17.5 kV

R-HG11-078a eps
3AH5 204-1 Rated voltage 17.5 kV
25 kA / 800 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 95 kV
(Partitions Rated short-time power frequency
not shown) withstand voltage 38 kV*
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table
* Up to 42 kV on request

Rated operating sequences 1)

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 17.5 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO
Isc Ima Pole- Please add Order No. suffix Remarks
centre Order No.
distance suffix at rated normal current rm
iry fo
kA kA mm 800 A 1250 A Enqu e A / 3
see p
Load char. No. 1 1
25 63 160 3AH5 204- 1 2
63 210 3AH5 214- 1 2

1) Motor stored-energy mechanism required Possible

Electrical service life (load char. No. 1 ) Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles

Load char. No. 1

100 000
HG11-2256b eps

50 000
Permissible operating cycles

20 000
10 000
5 000

2 000
1 000

0.5 1 2 5 10 20 kA 50
Breaking current (r.m.s. value)

4/4Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH5 Economy Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weight Secondary equipment

17.5 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
422 629 Pole-centre distance
160 160 491 160 mm
refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 11 and 1 / 14.
25 kA / up to 1250 A The basic version of the 3AH5
vacuum circuit-breaker is supplied unwired.

40 kg to 45 kg
171 Basic equipment Remarks

HG11-2225c eps


482 Additional equipment

Manual snap-action With manual mechanism always


operating mechanism with hand crank

490 491
Manual stored-energy mechanism
Motor stored-energy mechanism Always with closing solenoid
and anti-pumping
Closing solenoid 3AY1510 Including Spring charged signal
522 Pole-centre distance 1st shunt release Refer to table below
210 210 491 210 mm type 3AY1510 for release combinations
25 kA / up to 1250 A 2nd shunt release Only a maximum of 2 releases

Weight type 3AX1101 can be combined

45 kg to 50 kg Current transformer-operated A current transformer-operated release
for a tripping pulse of 0.1 Ws
HG11-2226c eps

release 0.5 A/1 A, type 3AX1102



Current transformer-operated is used in connection with the

release 0.1Ws, type 3AX1104 7SJ41 protective system or with the
protective relay made by SEG
Undervoltage release

592 491 type 3AX1103

Auxiliary switch 2 NO+2 NC, Free contacts available for customer use
unwired Option: Auxiliary switch contacts
Auxiliary switch 6 NO+6 NC,* wired to plug connector
Secondary equipment unwired Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
8 Auxiliary switch 12 NO+12 NC,* switch contacts
1 View into the
mechanism housing Option: 12 NO + 12 NC available

1 Gearbox only with 64-pole plug connector

2 Position switch Terminal strip 24-pole Only in connection with auxiliary
3 10
or plug connector switches 6 NO+ 6 NC and 12 NO+12 NC
3 Closing spring 64-pole or 24-pole Option: Electrical equipment such
4 Motor as motor, release wired to terminal
5 Closing spring strip or plug connector
charged signal Option: Gold-plated plug
HG11-2252 eps

6 Operating cycle connector contacts

counter Breaker tripping signal
7 Closing solenoid Operating cycle counter
Basic equipment
8 Auxiliary switch Mechanical interlocking In the case of manual snap-action
9 PushbuttonCLOSED mechanism, mechanical scanning
8 of the circuit-breaker positions
1 S1
10 PushbuttonOPEN
Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit, for 60 V DC
11 2nd release
9 Halogen-free and flame-retardant
2 12 1st release
wiring cables


3 13 Mechanical
Condensation protection For 230 V AC
4 interlocking
11 or scanning Silver-plated or tinned primary External terminals and internal
5 current paths connections on both sides
99981 14 Low-voltage
6 12 plug connector Hand crank For manual charging of the closing spring
HG11-2253a eps

7 Silicone-free design

13 8 combination possibilities of the releases

Maximum equipment
Release Release combinations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1st shunt release type 3AY15 10
2nd shunt release type 3AX11 01
Current trans- type 3AX11 02; 0.5 A or
former-operated type 3AX11 02; 1 A or
release type 3AX11 04; 0.1 Ws
Undervoltage release type 3AX11 03
1 piece per release. A maximum of 2 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 2 NO + 2 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19994/5

3AH5 Economy Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

24 kV

R-HG11-083a eps
3AH5 252-1 Rated voltage 24 kV
16 kA / 800 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 125 kV
(Partitions not Rated short-time power frequency
shown) withstand voltage 50 kV
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table

Rated operating sequences 1)

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 24 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO
Isc Ima Pole- Please add Order No. suffix Remarks
centre Order No.
distance suffix at rated normal current rm
iry fo
kA kA mm 800 A 1250 A Enqu e A / 3
see p
Load char. No. 1 1
16 40 210 3AH5 252- 1 2
40 275 3AH5 262- 1 2

1) Motor stored-energy mechanism required Possible

Electrical service life (load char. No. 1 ) Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles

Load char. No. 1

100 000
HG11-2257a eps

50 000
Permissible operating cycles

20 000
10 000
5 000

2 000
1 000

0.5 1 2 5 10 20 kA 50
Breaking current (r.m.s. value)

4/6Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH5 Economy Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weight Secondary equipment

24 kV
516 700
For a description of the secondary equipment,
210 210 567 distance
refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 11 and 1 / 14.
210 mm The basic version of the 3AH5
16 kA / up to 1250 A vacuum circuit-breaker is supplied unwired.

55 kg to 70 kg Basic equipment Remarks
Additional equipment

HG11-2312c eps

Manual snap-action With manual mechanism always

operating mechanism with hand crank
Manual stored-energy mechanism

592 567 Motor stored-energy mechanism Always with closing solenoid

and anti-pumping
Closing solenoid 3AY1510 Including Spring charged signal
1st shunt release Refer to table below
type 3AY1510 for release combinations
646 567 Pole-centre 2nd shunt release Only a maximum of 2 releases
275 275 distance type 3AX1101 can be combined
275 mm
Current transformer-operated A current transformer-operated release
16 kA / up to 1250 A

release 0.5 A/1 A, type 3AX1102 for a tripping pulse of 0.1 Ws

Weight Current transformer-operated is used in connection with the
55 kg to 70 kg 7SJ41 protective system or with the

release 0.1Ws, type 3AX1104

protective relay made by SEG
HG11-2313c eps

Undervoltage release
type 3AX1103
Auxiliary switch 2 NO+2 NC, Free contacts available for customer use
unwired Option: Auxiliary switch contacts
708 567

Auxiliary switch 6 NO+6 NC,* wired to plug connector

unwired Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
Auxiliary switch 12 NO+12 NC,* switch contacts

Secondary equipment
View into the Terminal strip 24-pole
Option: 12 NO + 12 NC available
only with 64-pole plug connector
Only in connection with auxiliary
mechanism housing or plug connector switches 6 NO+ 6 NC and 12 NO+12 NC
1 Gearbox 64-pole or 24-pole Option: Electrical equipment such
10 2 Position switch as motor, release wired to terminal
3 strip or plug connector
3 Closing spring
Option: Gold-plated plug
4 Motor connector contacts
12 5 Closing spring Breaker tripping signal
charged signal
HG11-2252 eps

Operating cycle counter

6 Operating cycle
counter Mechanical interlocking In the case of manual snap-action
mechanism, mechanical scanning
7 Closing solenoid of the circuit-breaker positions
Basic equipment
8 Auxiliary switch Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit, for 60 V DC
8 9 PushbuttonCLOSED Halogen-free and flame-retardant
1 S1
10 PushbuttonOPEN wiring cables
11 2nd release Condensation protection For 230 V AC
2 9 12 1st release Silver-plated or tinned primary External terminals and internal
10 current paths connections on both sides


3 13 Mechanical
4 interlocking Hand crank For manual charging of the closing spring
11 or scanning
5 Silicone-free design
99981 14 Low-voltage
12 plug connector
HG11-2253a eps

7 8 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Maximum equipment 13 1st shunt release type 3AY15 10
2nd shunt release type 3AX11 01
Current trans- type 3AX11 02; 0.5 A or
former-operated type 3AX11 02; 1 A or
release type 3AX11 04; 0.1 Ws
Undervoltage release type 3AX11 03
1 piece per release. A maximum of 2 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 2 NO + 2 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19994/7

3AH5 Economy Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

36 kV

R-HG11-134 eps
3AH5 302-2 Rated voltage 36 kV
16 kA / 1250 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 170 kV
(Partitions Rated short-time power frequency
not shown) withstand voltage 70 kV
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table

Rated operating sequences 1)

O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 36 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO
Isc Ima Pole- Order No. Rated normal current Remarks
distance rm
iry fo
kA kA mm A Enqu e A / 3
see p
Load char. No. 1
16 40 350 3AH5 302-2 1250

1) Motor stored-energy mechanism required Possible

Electrical service life (load char. No. 1 ) Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles

Load char. No. 1

100 000
HG11-2257a eps

50 000
Permissible operating cycles

20 000
10 000
5 000

2 000
1 000

0.5 1 2 5 10 20 kA 50
Breaking current (r.m.s. value)

4/8Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH5 Economy Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weight Secondary equipment

36 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
Pole-centre distance
350 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 11 and 1 / 14.
818 786 The basic version of the 3AH5
350 350 673 vacuum circuit-breaker is supplied unwired.

Basic equipment Remarks

Additional equipment

Manual snap-action With manual mechanism always

operating mechanism with hand crank

171 Manual stored-energy mechanism
HG11-2258a eps


Motor stored-energy mechanism Always with closing solenoid

and anti-pumping
Closing solenoid 3AY1510 Including Spring charged signal

1st shunt release Refer to table below

868 673 type 3AY1510 for release combinations
2nd shunt release Only a maximum of 2 releases
16 kA / 1250 A type 3AX1101 can be combined
Weight Current transformer-operated A current transformer-operated release
85 kg to 95 kg release 0.5 A/1 A, type 3AX1102 for a tripping pulse of 0.1 Ws
Current transformer-operated is used in connection with the
release 0.1Ws, type 3AX1104 7SJ41 protective system or with the
protective relay made by SEG
Undervoltage release
Secondary equipment type 3AX1103
1 View into the Auxiliary switch 2 NO+2 NC, Free contacts available for customer use
mechanism housing unwired Option: Auxiliary switch contacts
1 Gearbox Auxiliary switch 6 NO+6 NC,* wired to plug connector
unwired Option: Gold-plated auxiliary
3 10 2 Position switch
Auxiliary switch 12 NO+12 NC,* switch contacts
3 Closing spring

4 Motor
5 Closing spring
charged signal
Terminal strip 24-pole
Option: 12 NO + 12 NC available
only with 64-pole plug connector
Only in connection with auxiliary
or plug connector switches 6 NO+ 6 NC and 12 NO+12 NC
HG11-2252 eps

6 Operating cycle 64-pole or 24-pole Option: Electrical equipment such

as motor, release wired to terminal
7 Closing solenoid strip or plug connector
Basic equipment
8 Auxiliary switch Option: Gold-plated plug
9 PushbuttonCLOSED connector contacts
1 S1
10 PushbuttonOPEN Breaker tripping signal
11 2nd release Operating cycle counter
2 9 12 1st release Mechanical interlocking In the case of manual snap-action
10 mechanism, mechanical scanning


3 13 Mechanical of the circuit-breaker positions

4 interlocking
11 or scanning Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit, for 60 V DC
99981 14 Low-voltage Halogen-free and flame-retardant
6 12 plug connector wiring cables
HG11-2253a eps

7 Condensation protection For 230 V AC

Silver-plated or tinned primary External terminals and internal
current paths connections on both sides
Maximum equipment 13 Hand crank For manual charging of the closing spring
Silicone-free design

8 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1st shunt release type 3AY15 10
2nd shunt release type 3AX11 01
Current trans- type 3AX11 02; 0.5 A or
former-operated type 3AX11 02; 1 A or
release type 3AX11 04; 0.1 Ws
Undervoltage release type 3AX11 03
1 piece per release. A maximum of 2 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 2 NO + 2 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19994/9

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH3 83 High-Current Circuit-Breakers

17.5 kV

R-HG11-140 eps

e. g. 3AH3 83 high-current circuit-breaker

17.5 kV / 63 kA / 8000 A

R-HG11-143 eps
Xing Hydroelectric power plant, Brazil

Features of high-current circuit-breakers

Rated voltage 17.5 kV

Catalog section 5 Page
Maintenance-free up to 10,000 operating cycles
Rated data
Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles
Selection and ordering data
Electrical and mechanical Consisting of 3 individual vacuum circuit-breakers,
service life i. e. 1 vacuum circuit-breaker is used for each phase
Dimensions and weights Rated normal currents up to 12,000 A
Secondary equipment
Suitable for use in conjunction with generators
For rated voltage
According to ANSI C 37.013
17.5 kV 5 / 25 /3
Rated short-circuit breaking currents of 50 kA and 63 kA
Enquiry form A/2 DC component 50%, higher values on request

According to IEC 60 056

Rated short-circuit breaking current 80 kA
DC component 50%, higher values on request

Siemens HG 11.11 19995/1

3AH3 83 High-Current Circuit-Breakers 3AH Vacuum

17.5 kV
- voltage 17.5 kV
- lightning impulse withstand

R-HG11-139 eps
voltage 95 kV
- short-time power frequency
withstand voltage 38 kV*
- short-circuit duration 3 s
- short-circuit breaking current Isc and
- short-circuit making current Ima
see table
3AH3 838-7 * Up to 42 kV on request
63 kA / 8000 A

Rated operating sequence

Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 17.5 kV O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO
Isc Ima Pole- Please add Order No. suffix No. of Remarks
centre Order No. poles
distance suffix at rated normal current per phase rm
iry fo
kA kA mm 8000 A 12 000 A Enqu e A / 2
see p
Load char. No. 1 1
50 125 210 3AH3 837- 7 3 Standard: ANSI C37.013
125 275 3AH3 837- 8 3 Standard: ANSI C37.013

Load char. No. 2 2

63 160 275 3AH3 838- 7 8 3 Standard: ANSI C37.013

Load char. No. 3 3

80 225 275 3AH3 830- 7 8 3 Standard: IEC 60 056


Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 to 3 ) Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles

Load char. Nos. 1 2 3

Kennlinien-Nr. 7 8
100 000 Phase L1 Phase L2 Phase L3
HG11-2307a eps

50 000
Permissible operating cycles

Zulssige Schaltspiele

20 000
10 000
5 000
HG11-2311a eps

2 000
1 000

High-current circuit-breaker, consisting of 3 individual
vacuum circuit-breakers with 3 poles per phase.
30 1
15 2 3
For dimensions for 1 phase, refer to page 5 / 3.
1 2 5 10 20 kA 50 100
63 80
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Ausschaltstrom (Effektivwert)

5/2Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH3 83 High-Current Circuit-Breakers

Dimensions and weights Secondary equipment

17.5 kV
For a description of the secondary equipment,
550 Pole-centre distance
210 210 561 210 mm refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
50 kA / 8000 A
Basic equipment Remarks

Weight of the Additional equipment

3 vacuum
211 Electrical operating mechanism Can also be manually controlled

approx. 552 kg

Option: with manual control

HG11-2379 eps

type 3AY15 10

shunt release Refer to table below for

610 571 type 3AY15 10 release combinations
2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases can be combined
type 3AX1101
A current transformer-operated
Current transformer-operated release for a tripping pulse of
release 0.5 A/1 A, type 3AX11 02 0.1 Ws is used in connection
750 694 Pole-centre distance Current transformer-operated with the 7SJ41 protective
275 275 275 mm release 0.1 Ws, type 3AX11 04 system or with the protective
50 kA / 12 000 A relay made by SEG
Undervoltage release

Weight of the type 3AX11 03

3 vacuum
circuit-breakers Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning
contacts available for customer
Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC *

approx. 930 kg use


On request:
HG11-2380 eps

More than 12 NO + 12 NC
Option: Gold-plated auxiliary

switch contacts

776 694 Terminal strip 24-pole or

plug connector
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or plug
680 590
Option: Gold-plated plug
275 275 connector contacts

63 kA / 8000 A
mechanical and electrical
80 kA / 8000 A
Weight of the Breaker tripping signal
3 vacuum Operating cycle counter


Position switches (2 pieces)
HG11-2381 eps

approx. 594 kg for signalling

Closing spring charged

Electrical local closing In place of mechanical

local closing
776 600
Mechanical interlocking
Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
750 694 for 60 V DC
275 275 Halogen-free and flame-
retardant wiring cables

63 kA / 12 000 A Condensation protection For 230 V AC

80 kA / 12 000 A Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal
Weight of the primary current paths connections on both sides

3 vacuum Hand crank For manual charging of


circuit-breakers the closing spring

approx. 930 kg
HG11-2382 eps

Silicone-free design

776 694 3 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations
1 2 3
1st shunt release
2nd release
3rd release
The 2nd and 3rd releases can be shunt releases, undervoltage
releases or current transformer-operated releases as desired
(0.5 A, 1 A or 0.1 Ws).
1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).

Dimension drawings,
all for 1 phase only. Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19995/3

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH4 7 Traction Circuit-Breakers, 1-Pole

17.5 kV, 16 2/3 Hz and 27.5 kV, 50/60 Hz

R-HG11-137 eps

R-HG11-138 eps

e. g. e. g.
1-pole traction circuit-breaker 1-pole traction circuit-breaker
27.5 kV, 50/60 Hz / 17.5 kV, 16 2/3 Hz /
25 kA / 2000 A 50 kA / 2500 A

R-HG11-044 eps
Krle substation, 110 / 15 kV, 16 2/3 Hz (traction power supply) with ICE power unit

Features of 1-pole traction circuit-breakers

Rated voltages 17.5 kV, 16 2/ 3 Hz and 27.5 kV, 50 / 60 Hz
Catalog section 6 Page
Maintenance-free up to 10,000 operating cycles
Rated data
Selection and ordering data Mechanical breaker service life up to 60,000 operating cycles
Electrical and mechanical Rated short-circuit breaking currents up to 50 kA
service life DC component 36%, higher values on request
Dimensions and weights
Secondary equipment Rated lightning impulse withstand voltages 125 kV to 250 kV
Suitable for use in conjunction with, for example
For rated voltages Traction power supply installations
17.5 kV, 16 2/3 Hz 6 /26 / 3 Contact line sections
27.5 kV, 50 / 60 Hz 6 / 46 / 5 Primary power supply (main circuit-breaker function)
of locomotives and motor cars
Enquiry form A/4

Siemens HG 11.11 19996/1

3AH4 7 Traction Circuit-Breakers, 1-Pole 3AH Vacuum

17.5 kV, 16 2/3 Hz

Rated voltage 17.5 kV, 16 2/3 Hz

R-HG11-136 eps
3AH4 757-6
50 kA / 2500 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 125 kV
Rated short-time power frequency
withstand voltage 50 kV
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table

Rated operating sequences

O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO
Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 17.5 kV, 16 2/3 Hz O - 15s - CO
Isc Ima Please add Order No. suffix Remarks
Order No.
suffix at rated normal current rm
iry fo
kA kA 2000 A 2500 A Enqu e A / 4
see p
Load char. No. 1
25 63 3AH4 754- 4

Load char. No. 2

31.5 80 3AH4 755- 4

Load char. No. 3

40 100 3AH4 756- 6

Load char. No. 4

50 125 3AH4 757- 6


6 Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 to 4 )

Mechanical breaker service life Mechanical breaker service life Mechanical breaker service life
60,000 operating cycles 60,000 operating cycles 10,000 operating cycles
Load char. No. 1 Load char. No. 2 Load char. Nos. 3 4

100 000 100 000 100 000

HG11-2384a eps
HG11-2383a eps

HG11-2385b eps

50 000 50 000 50 000

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

20 000 20 000 20 000

10 000 10 000 10 000
5 000 5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000 2 000

1 000 1 000 1 000
500 500 500

200 200 200

100 100 100
80 80
50 50 50
20 20 20
1 2 3 4
10 10 10
1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 31.5 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
25 40
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value)

6/2Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH4 7 Traction Circuit-Breakers, 1-Pole

Dimensions and weights equipment
17.5 kV, 16 2/3 Hz
153 636
For a description of the secondary equipment,
refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.

25 kA / 2000 A
31.5 kA / 2000 A Basic equipment Remarks
Additional equipment
approx. 90 kg

Electrical operating mechanism Can also be controlled manually

Closing solenoid

type 3AY15 10
1st shunt release Refer to table below

type 3AY15 10 for release combinations

531 636
2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases
type 3AX1101 can be combined
Instantaneous release A capacitor release type
type 3AX60 1. 3AX1550-0 is necessary in
138 716
Undervoltage release connection with the

type 3AX11 03 instantaneous release

40 kA / 2500 A
50 kA / 2500 A Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning
contacts available
Weight Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC *
approx. 138 kg for customer use

211 On request:
More than 12 NO + 12 NC
Option: Gold-plated auxiliary

switch contacts

Terminal strip 24-pole or

plug connector
Electrical equipment such
as motor, release wired
64-pole or 24-pole to terminal strip or

plug connector
HG11-2390 eps

Option: Gold-plated plug

connector contacts
531 716 Anti-pumping
mechanical and electrical

Breaker tripping signal

Operating cycle counter
Position switches (2 pieces)
for signalling

Closing spring charged

Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
local closing
Mechanical interlocking
Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,
for 60 V DC
Halogen-free and flame-
retardant wiring cables
Condensation protection

For 230 V AC
Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal
primary current paths connections on both sides
Hand crank For manual charging
of the closing spring
Silicone-free design

4 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations
1 2 3 4
1st shunt release type 3AY15 10
2nd shunt release type 3AX11 01
Instantaneous release type 3AX60 1.
Undervoltage release type 3AX11 03

1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO +6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19996/3

3AH4 7 Traction Circuit-Breakers, 1-Pole 3AH Vacuum

27.5 kV, 50/60 Hz

R-HG11-135 eps
3AH4 784-4 Rated voltage 27.5 kV, 50 / 60 Hz
25 kA / 2000 A Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage Up and
rated short-time power frequency
withstand voltage Ud
see table
Rated short-circuit duration 3 s
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc and
rated short-circuit making current Ima
see table

Rated operating sequences

Selection and ordering data for rated voltage 27.5 kV, 50/60 Hz O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO
Up Ud Isc Ima Please add Order No. suffix Remarks
Order No.
suffix at rated normal current rm
iry fo
kV kV kA kA 1250 A 2000 A 2500 A Enqu e A / 4
see p
Load char. No. 1 1
170 70 25 63 3AH4 784- 2 4

Load char. No. 2

31.5 80 3AH4 785- 6

Load char. No. 1 1

250 105 25 63 3AH4 794- 2 4

6 Possible

Electrical service life (load char. Nos. 1 and 2 ) Mechanical breaker service life 60,000 operating cycles

Load char. No. 1 Load char. No. 2 Kennlinien-Nr. 7 8

100 000 100 000

HG11-2387b eps
HG11-2386b eps

50 000 50 000
Permissible operating cycles

Permissible operating cycles

Zulssige Schaltspiele

20 000 20 000
10 000 10 000
5 000 5 000

2 000 2 000
1 000 1 000
500 500

200 200

100 100
50 50

20 20
1 2
10 10
1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100 1 2 5 10 20 50 kA 100
25 31.5
Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Breaking current (r.m.s. value) Ausschaltstrom (Effektivwert)

6/4Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers 3AH4 7 Traction Circuit-Breakers, 1-Pole

Dimensions and weights equipment
27.5 kV, 50/60 Hz
153 721
For a description of the secondary equipment,
Up = 170 kV
refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/ 13.
25 kA / up to 2000 A

31.5 kA / 2500 A Basic equipment Remarks

Weight approx. 100 kg Additional equipment

HG11-2391 eps

Electrical operating mechanism Can also be controlled manually

Closing solenoid
type 3AY15 10


shunt release Refer to table below

type 3AY15 10 for release combinations
534 721
2nd shunt release Max. 3 releases
type 3AX1101 can be combined
Undervoltage release
118 type 3AX11 03
914 Up = 250 kV
Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC Refer to page 1/11 concerning

25 kA / up to 1250 A
Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC * contacts available
Weight approx. 135 kg
for customer use
On request:
More than 12 NO + 12 NC

Option: Gold-plated auxiliary

switch contacts

Terminal strip 24-pole or

plug connector
Electrical equipment
such as motor, release
64-pole or 24-pole wired to terminal strip or
HG11-2407 eps

plug connector

Option: Gold-plated plug

connector contacts
mechanical and electrical

531 914
Breaker tripping signal
Operating cycle counter

120 914 Position switches (2 pieces)

for signalling

Closing spring charged


25 kA / up to 2000 A
Electrical local closing In place of mechanical
Weight approx. 135 kg local closing
Mechanical interlocking
211 Varistor circuitry In the secondary circuit,

for 60 V DC
Halogen-free and flame-

retardant wiring cables

Condensation protection For 230 V AC
HG11-2392 eps

Silver-plated or tinned External terminals and internal


primary current paths connections on both sides

Hand crank For manual charging
of the closing spring
Silicone-free design
531 914

3 combination possibilities of the releases

Release Release combinations
1 2 3
1st shunt release type 3AY15 10
2nd shunt release type 3AX11 01
Undervoltage release type 3AX11 03

1 piece per release. A maximum of 3 releases can be combined.

* Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO +6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed

Siemens HG 11.11 19996/5

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers Special Circuit-Breakers

7.2 to 36 kV

R-HG11-131 eps
R-HG11-130 eps

e. g. e. g.
special circuit-breaker, 2-pole explosion-protected circuit-breaker
24 kV / 25 kA / 800 A 12 kV / 23.6 kA / 630 A

R-HG11-129 eps
Mobile selective-cut road driving machine for underground mining type WAV 300 (photo Westfalia Lnen)

Features of special circuit-breakers

Special circuit-breakers
Catalog section 7 Page
Rated voltages 7.2 to 36 kV
Rated data
Maintenance-free up to 10,000 operating cycles

Service life
Secondary equipment
Ambient influences
Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles
Rated short-circuit breaking currents up to 63 kA (r.m.s. value), min. 50 operating cycles
DC component 36 %, higher values on request
Special circuit-breakers 7 / 2 Explosion-protected circuit-breakers
1, 2 and 3-pole Rated voltages 7.2 and 12 kV
Explosion-protected 7/3 Maintenance-free up to 10,000 operating cycles
Mechanical breaker service life 10,000 operating cycles
Enquiry form A/5 Rated short-circuit breaking currents up to 23.6 kA (r.m.s. value)

ts int
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Siemens HG 11.11 19997/1

Special Circuit-Breakers, 1, 2 and 3-Pole 3AH Vacuum

7.2 to 36 kV
2-pole special

R-HG11-132 eps
1 and 2-pole special circuit-breakers
circuit-breaker can be derived from
24 kV / 3AH1 to 3AH4 3-pole vacuum
25 kA / 800 A circuit-breakers.
Pole-centre distance
550 mm

Requirements Selection data

Vibration stability and seismic Rated voltages Ur 7.2 to 36 kV
withstand capability in accordance with Rated frequencies fr 16 2/3 or 50 / 60 Hz
the guidelines of Germanischer LIoyd
and LIoyds Register of Shipping, Rated lightning impulse withstand voltages Up 60 to 250 kV
e. g. for Rated short-time power frequency withstand voltages Ud 20 to 105 kV
Power plants Rated short-circuit duration tk up to 4 s
Rated normal current Ir 800 to 4000 A
Climatic withstand
capability Rated short-circuit breaking currents Isc 16 to 80 kA

s into Rated short-circuit making currents Ima 50 to 225 kA

r r equire line. Rated O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO - 15s - CO possible
ou a
urn y p us
We t . Just dro y form
in operating
O - 0.3s - CO - 3min - CO possible
e ality nq uir sequences
r ou r e A / 5
see age
Also pendix, p O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO possible
the A Pole-centre distances of 2-pole special circuit-breakers 320 to 700 mm

Secondary equipment For description refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/13

Basic equipment
Additional equipment

Electrical operating mechanism

Closing solenoid, type 3AY15 10

1st shunt release, type 3AY15 10

2nd shunt release, type 3AX11 01
Current transformer-operated release, type 3AX11 02, for 0.5 A or 1 A

7 Current transformer-operated release, type 3AX11 04, for tripping pulse 0.1 Ws
Undervoltage release, type 3AX11 03
Instantaneous release, type 3AX60 1.

Auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC
Auxiliary switch 12 NO + 12 NC 1)

Terminal strip, 24-pole or plug connector, 64-pole or 24-pole

Anti-pumping, mechanical and electrical
Breaker tripping signal
Operating cycle counter
Position switches (2 pieces) for Closing spring charged signal
Electrical local closing
Mechanical interlocking
Varistor circuitry
Silicone-free design

1) Exchanged for the basic equipment (auxiliary switch 6 NO + 6 NC).

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed
7/2Siemens HG 11.11 1999
3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers Explosion-Protected Circuit-Breakers

7.2 and 12 kV

R-HG11-133 eps
12 kV /
23.6 kA / 630 A

Requirements Selection data

Explosion protection, e. g. for Rated voltages Ur 7.2 and 12 kV
Mining installations Rated frequencies fr 50 / 60 Hz
Chemical plants
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltages Up 75 kV
Firedamp protection
Rated short-time power frequency withstand voltages Ud 28 kV
Firedamp protection involves special
Rated short-circuit duration tk 3s
design measures as compared with
normal industrial equipment: Rated normal current Ir 630 A
Vacuum interrupters with cast-resin- Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc* 23.6 kA
impregnated glass-fibre coating and Rated short-circuit making current Ima 75 kA
with the same distances between
Rated operating sequences O - 3min - CO - 3min - CO possible
poles, degree of protection EEx d I
Auxiliary switch, fitted in the lower sec- Pole-centre distance 210 mm
tion of the operating mechanism box
(actuated by a linkage from the opera-
ting shaft), degree of protection EEx d I
Lift motor with degree of
protection EEx d I
Secondary equipment For description refer to pages 1/ 8 to 1/13
Secondary release and closing solenoid,
degree of protection EEx e I
Limit switch (Sch)d, degree of Basic equipment
protection EEx d I
Line-up terminals with degree of
protection EEx e I
Electrical operating mechanism
Closing solenoid
ts int
o 1st shunt release
urn y
ou r r equir a line.
p us
Undervoltage release
We t . Just dro rm in
y iry fo
enqu A / 5
Auxiliary switch 4 NO + 4 NC
the A
see ou
Also pendix, p
age Terminal strip as line-up terminal 22+6-pole
Operating cycle counter

* Reduced 90% value certified by the BVS.

Abbreviations: NO = normally-open, NC = normally-closed
Siemens HG 11.11 19997/3
3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers Appendix

R-HG11-142 eps

R-HG11-141 eps
3AH vacuum circuit-breaker
assembly line
Berlin switchgear factory of Siemens AG

Medium-Voltage Equipment and Components Subdivision

Production shops at the Berlin

Catalog section A Page switchgear factory for
Vacuum circuit-breakers
Enquiry forms for Vacuum contactors
3AH1/3AH3 A/2 About 400 employees
standard circuit-breakers
3AH2 / 3AH4 A/2 Development
frequent-operation Design
circuit-breakers Type testing
3AH3 83 high-current

Accredited test bays
Parts manufacture
Surface treatment
3AH5 economy A/3
circuit-breakers Several assembly lines
Routine testing and dispatch
3AH4 7, 1-pole A/4 Training and information centre
traction circuit-breakers Quality management and environmental protection management
Special circuit-breakers A / 5
Catalog index A / 6A / 8
Conditions of A / 10
sale and delivery

Siemens HG 11.11 1999A/1

Enquiry Form 3AH Vacuum

Enquiry concerning Technical specifications

Other values
 Standard  7.2 kV  12 kV  15 kV  17.5 kV
circuit-breakers type 3AH1/3AH3 Rated voltage  kV
 24 kV  36 kV
 Frequent-operation Rated lightning impulse  60 kV  75 kV  95 kV  125 kV
circuit-breakers type 3AH2/3AH4  kV
withstand voltage  170 kV
 High-current Rated short-time power  20 kV  28 kV  36 kV  38 kV
circuit-breakers type 3AH3 83  kV
frequency withstand voltage  50 kV  70 kV

Rated short-circuit  16 kA  20 kA  25 kA  31.5 kA

breaking current  40 kA  50 kA  63 kA  80 kA
 800 A  1250 A  2000 A  2500 A
 Offer Rated normal current  A
 3150 A  4000 A  8000 A  12 000 A
 Phone call
Pole-centre distance  160 mm  210 mm  275 mm  350 mm

Your address Secondary equipment

Refer to pages 2 / 3 to 2 / 13, 3 / 3 to 3 / 13 and 5 / 3 for combination possibilities

Motor-operated mechanism  DC V  AC V, Hz
Closing solenoid  DC V  AC V, Hz
1st shunt release  DC V  AC V, Hz

Name  2nd shunt release  DC V  AC V, Hz

 Current transf.- operated  0.5 A 1A  Tripping pulse min. 0.1 Ws

Street release

 Undervoltage release  DC V  AC V, Hz
Auxiliary switch  6 NO + 6 NC  12 NO + 12 NC
Low-voltage connection  Plug connector or  Terminal strip, 24-pole

 Electrical local closing

Siemens AG
 Mechanical interlocking

 Varistor circuitry at 60 V DC
Language of operating  German  English  French  Spanish
Field of application and other requirements

A Street



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in r.
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A/2Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers Enquiry Form

Enquiry concerning Technical specifications

Other values
 Economy Rated voltage  12 kV  17.5 kV  24 kV  36 kV  kV
circuit-breaker type 3AH5
Rated lightning impulse  75 kV  95 kV  125 kV
withstand voltage  170 kV

Rated short-time power  28 kV  38 kV  42 kV

frequency withstand voltage  50 kV  70 kV

Rated short-circuit  13.1 kA  16 kA  20 kA

breaking current  25 kA
requesting Rated normal current  800 A  1250 A  A
 Offer Pole-centre distance  160 mm  210 mm  275 mm  350 mm
 Phone call
Secondary equipment
Refer to pages 4 / 3 to 4 / 9 for combination possibilities
Your address
Wiring  without  with

 Snap-action operating mechanism, manual operating mechanism

 Stored-energy mechanism  as manual operating mechanism
Department  as motor-operated mechanism
 DC V  AC V, Hz
 Closing solenoid  DC V  AC V, Hz

Street  1st shunt release  DC V  AC V, Hz

 2nd shunt release  DC V  AC V, Hz

 Current transf.- operated  0.5 A 1A  Tripping pulse min. 0.1 Ws
 Undervoltage release  DC V  AC V, Hz
Auxiliary switch  2 NO + 2 NC  6 NO + 6 NC  12 NO + 12 NC

Low-voltage connection  Plug connector or  Terminal strip, 24-pole

Siemens AG  64-pole
 without  with  24-pole

 Mechanical interlocking  Operating cycle counter

 Varistor circuitry at 60 V DC  Breaker tripping signal
Language of operating  German  English  French  Spanish

Field of application and other requirements A

copy this it to your
Pleas and send
in r.
fill it ns partne
ie m e

 Please mark with a cross. Please fill in.

Siemens HG 11.11 1999A/3

Enquiry Form 3AH Vacuum

Enquiry concerning Technical specifications

Other values
 Traction Rated voltage  17.5 kV, 2/
3 Hz  27.5 kV  kV
1-pole, type 3AH4 7 Rated lightning impulse
 125 kV  170 kV  250 kV  kV
withstand voltage

Rated short-time power

 50 kV  70 kV  105 kV  kV
frequency withstand voltage

Rated short-circuit
 25 kA  31.5 kA  40 kA  50 kA  kA
breaking current
requesting Rated normal current  1250 A  2000 A  2500 A  A
 Phone call
Secondary equipment
 Visit Refer to pages 6 / 3 and 6 / 5 for combination possibilities

Your address Motor-operated mechanism  DC V  AC V, Hz

Closing solenoid  DC V  AC V, Hz

Company 1st shunt release  DC V  AC V, Hz

 2nd shunt release  DC V  AC V, Hz

 Instantaneous release  DC V
Name  Undervoltage release  DC V  AC V, Hz

Auxiliary switch  6 NO + 6 NC  12 NO + 12 NC

Low-voltage connection  Plug connector or  Terminal strip, 24-pole

Postcode/town  64-pole
 Electrical local closing

FAX  Mechanical interlocking

 Varistor circuitry at 60 V DC

Siemens AG Language of operating  German  English  Others


Field of application and other requirements

A Street



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in r.
fill it ns partne

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A/4Siemens HG 11.11 1999
3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers Enquiry Form

Enquiry concerning Technical specifications

Other values
 Special circuit-breakers  7.2 kV  12 kV  15 kV  17.5 kV
for special applications Rated voltage  kV
 24 kV  27.5 kV  36 kV

Rated lightning impulse  60 kV  75 kV  95 kV  125 kV

withstand voltage  170 kV  250 kV

Rated short-time power  20 kV  28 kV  36 kV  38 kV

frequency withstand voltage  50 kV  70 kV  105 kV

Rated short-circuit  16 kA  20 kA  25 kA  31.5 kA

breaking current  40 kA  50 kA  63 kA  80 kA
 800 A  1250 A  1600 A  2000 A
 Offer Rated normal current  A
 2500 A  3150 A  4000 A
 Phone call
Number of poles  1-pole  2-pole  3-pole
Pole-centre distance 3-pole  160 mm  210 mm  275 mm  350 mm
2-pole  320 mm  420 mm  550 mm  700 mm
Your address
Secondary equipment

Company Motor-operated mechanism  DC V  AC V, Hz

Closing solenoid  DC V  AC V, Hz
1st shunt release  DC V  AC V, Hz
 2nd shunt release  DC V  AC V, Hz

Street  Current transf.- operated  0.5 A 1A  Tripping pulse min. 0.1 Ws

Postcode/town  Instantaneous release  DC V

 Undervoltage release  DC V  AC V, Hz
Auxiliary switch  6 NO + 6 NC  12 NO + 12 NC
Low-voltage connection  Plug connector or  Terminal strip, 24-pole
Siemens AG
 Electrical local closing

 Mechanical interlocking
 Varistor circuitry at 60 V DC
Language of operating  German  English  French  Spanish

Field of applications and other requirements A

copy this it to your
Pleas and send
in r.
fill it ns partne
ie m e

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Siemens HG 11.11 1999A/5

Appendix 3AH Vacuum

Power Transmission and Distribution Group

Catalog Index (Please contact your Siemens Representative)

Designation Title Order No.

High Voltage High-Voltage Equipment (Above 52 kV)

HG 21.4 Surge Counting Devices for Surge Arresters E50001- K1521-A401- A1-7600

Medium-Voltage Equipment (High-Voltage Equipment up to 52 kV)

HG 11.11 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers E50001-K1511-A111-A4-7600

HG 11.15 3AY2 Components up to 36 kV for 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers E50001-K1511-A151-A1-7600
HG 11.21 3TL Vacuum Contactors E50001-K1511-A211-A1-7600
HG 11.31 Disconnectors and Earthing Switches E50001-K1511-A311-A1-7600
HG 11.51 NXACT Vacuum Circuit-Breaker Modules E50001-K1511-A511-A1-7600
HG 12 Vacuum Switches, Switch-Disconnectors, HV HRC Fuse E50001-K1512-A101-A4-7600
HG 13 Switchgear Interlock Units, Control Valves, Compressed Air Systems E86010-K1513-A101-A1-7600
HG 21 Overvoltage Protection E50001-K1521-A101-A1-7600
HG 21.2.5 3EH2 Surge Arresters E50001-K1521-A251-A3-7600
HG 21.2.7 2EE2 Special-Purpose Surge Arresters for the Protection of Motors,
Generators and Furnace Transformers E50001-K1521-A271-A3-7600
HG 22 Insulators of Cast Resin (Excerpt) E50001-K1522-A111-A1-7600
HG 24 Current and Voltage Transformers E50001-K1524-A101-A2-7600
HG 25 Air-Cored Reactors, High-Voltage Capacitors E86010-K1525-A101-A4-7600

Medium-Voltage Medium-Voltage Switchgear (High-Voltage Indoor Distribution Switchgear)

HA 21 Metal-Enclosed Truck-Type Switchboards for Indoor Installation 8BC1, 8BD1 E86010-K1421-A101-A3-7600
HA 25.21 Type 8BK20 Switchgear up to 24 kV with Withdrawable Circuit-Breakers (Metal-Clad) E50001-K1425-A311-A6-7600
HA 25.31 Type 8BK40 Switchgear up to 17.5 kV/63 kA with Withdrawable Circuit-Breakers E50001-K1425-A411-A2-7600
HA 25.41 Generator Circuit-Breaker Units up to 17.5 kV/80kA, Type 8BK41 E50001-K1425-A511-A1-7600
HA 25.61 Type 8BJ50 Switchgear up to 24 kV with Withdrawable Circuit-Breakers* E50001-K1425-A711-A2-7600
HA 25.71 NX AIR Withdrawable Circuit-Breaker
Module Switchgear up to 12 kV, Air-insulated E50001-K1425-A811-A1-7600
HA 26.1 36/38 kV Switchgear with Withdrawable Vacuum Circuit-Breakers, Siemens Den Haag,
Type 8BK20 Dept. CMS DMS
HA 27.11 Type 8BK30 Switchgear up to 12 kV with Draw-Out Vacuum Contactors E50001-K1427-A111-A2-7600
HA 35.11 Panels up to 36 kV with Fixed-Mounted Circuit-Breakers, SF6 -Insulated ,
Types 8DA10 and 8DB10, Single-Pole, Metal-Enclosed, Metal-Clad,
Single-Busbar Switchgear, Duplicate-Busbar Switchgear E50001-K1535-A101-A6-7600
HA 35.41 Type 8DC11 Panels up to 24 kV, Fixed-Mounted Vacuum,
Circuit-Breaker Switchgear, SF6-Insulated E50001-K1435-A401-A3-7600
HA 35.51 NXPLUS Fixed-Mounted Circuit-Breaker Switchgear up to 36 kV, SF6 -Insulated E50001-K1435-A511-A1-7600
HA 39.1 Spline-Shaft Drive 8UG for Torque Transmission up to 200 Nm E86010-K1439-A111-A2-7600
HA 39.3 Motor Drive 8UH for Torque Requirements up to 250 Nm E86010-K1439-A131-A1-7600
HA 40.1 Switchgear for Secondary Distribution Systems up to 24 kV,
SF6-Insulated, Types 8DJ and 8DH: General Part E50001-K1440-A111-A1-7600
HA 41.11 Fixed-Mounted Ring-Main Units up to 24 kV, SF6-Insulated, Type 8DH10 E50001-K1441-A101-A2-7600
HA 45.11 Fixed-Mounted Ring-Main Units up to 24 kV, SF6-Insulated, Type 8DJ10 E50001-K1445-A111-A6-7600
HA 45.31 Secondary Distribution Switchgear up to 24 kV, SF6-Insulated, Type 8DJ20 E50001-K1445-A311-A1-7600
HA 51.1 Type 8FB1 Compact Transformer Substations up to 24 kV E50001-K1451-A111-A2-7600
HA 52.1 Factory-Built Container Stations, Type 8FF1 E50001-K1452-A111-A1-7600

Protection and Power Quality
Control Systems SR 10.1.1 Fault and Digital Recorder SIMEAS R E50001-K4011-A101-A1-7600
SR 10.1.2 Central Fault Data Unit DAKON see Intranet
SR 10.1.3 OSCOP P The Program for Power Quality Recorders E50001-K4013-A101-A1-7600
SR 10.2 Power System Quality Analysis OSCILLOSTORE E50001-K4020-A101-A1-7600
SR 10.2.5 SIMEAS Q Quality Recorder E50001-K4025-A101-A1-7600
SR 10.2.6 SIMEAS P Power Meter E50001-K4026-A101-A1-7600
SR 10.4 SIMEAS T Transducers for Power Variables E50001-K4040-A101-A1-7600
SR 10.5 Active Filter and Power Conditioner for Distribution Networks SIPCON P/S E50001-K4050-A201-A1-7600
SR 10.6 Low Voltage Capacitors and Power Factor Correction Units SIPCON T E50001-K4060-A101-A1-7600

A/6Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers Appendix

Power Transmission and Distribution Group

Catalog Index (Please contact your Siemens Representative)

Designation Title Order No.

Protection and Analog Protective Relaying

Control Systems R 1.1 Static Analog Network Protection Relays E50001-K4501-A111-A1-7600
R 1.2 Static Analog Machine Protection Relays E50001-K4501-A121-A1-7600
R 1.3 Static Analog Ancillary Protection Equipment E50001-K4501-A131-A1-7600
R (Extract) Hand and Electrical Reset Tripping Relay 7PA20 E86010-K4500-A151-A1-7600
R (Extract) Trip Circuit Supervision Relay 7PA21 E86010-K4500-A161-A1-7600
R (Extract) Pilot-Wire Differential Relay 7SD24 E86010-K4500-A131-A1-7600
R (Extract) Microprocessor Based Overcurrent Relay 7SJ55 E50001-K4500-A361-A2-7600
R (Extract) High-Speed Busbar Differential Relay 7SS10 E50001-K4500-A241-A2-7600
R (Extract) High Impedance Differential Relay 7VH80 E86010-K4500-A321-A1-7600
R (Extract) Auto-Reclose Relay 7VK14 E86010-K4500-A141-A1-7600

Numerical Protective Relaying

LSA 2.0.1 Numerical Protection Devices E50001-K5702-A011-A1-7600

LSA 2.0.2 Operation and Evaluation Software for Numerical Protection Devices E50001-K5702-A121-A1-7600
LSA 2.0.3 Relay Selection Guide E50001-K5702-A031-A2-7600
LSA 2.1.15 SIPROTEC 7SJ600 Overcurrent, Motor and Overload Protection E50001-K5712-A251-A2-7600
LSA 2.1.16 SIPROTEC 7SJ601 Overcurrent Protection E50001-K5712-A261-A1-7600
LSA 2.1.10 7SJ41 Definite-Time Overcurrent Protection Relay E50001-K5712-A201-A2-7600
LSA 2.1.3 7SJ511 Numerical Overcurrent-Time Protection (Version V3) E50001-K5712-A131-A2-7600
LSA 2.1.4 7SJ512 Numerical Overcurrent-Time Protection (Version V3) E50001-K5712-A141-A3-7600
LSA 2.1.30 7SJ512 Numerical Feeder Protection E50001-K5712-A411-A1-7600
LSA 2.1.9 SIPROTEC 7SJ531 Numerical Line and Motor Protection with Control Function E50001-K5712-A191-A4-7600
LSA 2.4.2 7SJ551 Multi-Function Protection Relay E50001-K5742-A121-A3-7600
LSA 2.1.17 SIPROTEC 7SA510 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3) E50001-K5712-A271-A1-7600
LSA 2.1.11 SIPROTEC 7SA511 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3) E50001-K5712-A211-A2-7600
LSA 2.1.12 7SA513 Line Protection Relay (Version V3) E50001-K5712-A221-A1-7600
LSA 2.1.14 7SA518/519 Overhead Control-Line Protection Relay (Version V3) E50001-K5712-A241-A2-7600
LSA 2.1.8 3VU13 Miniature Circuit-Breaker E50001-K5712-A181-A2-7600
LSA 2.2.1 7SD502 Line Differential Protection with Two Pilot Wires E50001-K5722-A111-A2-7600
LSA 2.2.2 7SD503 Line Differential Protection with Three Pilot Wires E50001-K5722-A121-A2-7600
LSA 2.2.3 7SD511/512 Current Comparison Protection Relay (Version V3)
for Overhead Lines and Cables E50001-K5722-A131-A2-7600
SIPROTEC 5.2 SIPROTEC 7SD60 Numerical Current Differential Protection Relay for Two Pilot-Wire Link E50001-K4405-A121-A1-7600
LSA 2.2.4 7UT512/513 Differential Protection Relay (Version V3)
for Transformers, Generators and Motors E50001-K5722-A141-A2-7600
SIPROTEC 5.1 SIPROTEC 7SS50 V1.2 Busbar/Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection Relay E50001-K4405-A111-A1-7600
LSA 2.2.6 Auxiliary Current Transformers 4AM50, 4AM51, 4AM52 and Isolating Transformers 7XR95 E50001-K5722-A161-A1-7600
LSA 2.2.7 SIPROTEC 7SS52 Distributed Numerical Busbar and Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection Relay E50001-K5722-A171-A1-7600
LSA 2.3.1 Introduction to Earth-Fault Detection E50001-K5732-A111-A2-7600
LSA 2.3.2 7SN71 Transient Earth-Fault Relay E50001-K5732-A121-A1-7600
LSA 2.3.3 7XR96 Toroidal Current Transformer E50001-K5732-A131-A1-7600
LSA 2.3.4 7VC1637 Earth-Leakage Monitor E50001-K5732-A141-A1-7600
LSA 2.5.1 7SK52 Motor Protection E50001-K5742-A111-A1-7600
LSA 2.4.1 Introduction to Generator Protection E50001-K5752-A111-A1-7600
LSA 2.5.2 7UM511 Generator Protection Relay (Version V3) E50001-K5752-A121-A2-7600
LSA 2.5.3 7UM512 Generator Protection Relay (Version V3) E50001-K5752-A131-A2-7600
LSA 2.5.4 7UM515 Generator Protection Relay (Version V3) E50001-K5752-A141-A2-7600
LSA 2.5.5 7UM516 Generator Protection Relay (Version V3) E50001-K5752-A151-A1-7600
LSA 2.5.6 7UW50 Tripping Matrix E50001-K5752-A161-A1-7600
LSA 2.5.7 7VE51 Synchronizing Unit E50001-K5752-A171-A1-7600
LSA 2.6.1 7VP151 Three-Phase Portable Test Set (Omicron CMC56) E50001-K5762-A111-A2-7600
LSA 2.6.2 7XV72 Test Switch E50001-K5762-A121-A1-7600
LSA 2.7.1 7SV50 Numerical Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection Relay E50001-K5772-A111-A1-7600
LSA 2.7.2 7SV512 Numerical Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection Relay E50001-K5772-A121-A1-7600
LSA 2.7.3 7VK512 Numerical Auto-Reclose/Check-Synchronism Relay E50001-K5772-A131-A1-7600
LSA 2.7.5 7SM70 Analog Output Unit E50001-K5772-A151-A1-7600
LSA 2.7.6
LSA 2.7.9
LSA 2.7.10
7SM71 Analog Output Unit
7SV7220 Power Supply Unit
SIPROTEC 7RW600 Numerical Voltage, Frequency and Overexcitation Relay
Communication for Protection Devices
SIPROTEC 8.1 Centralized and Remote Control of Siemens Protection Relays (Overview) E50001-K4408-A111-A1-7600
LSA 2.8.2 Operating and Analysis Software DIGSI V3 E50001-K5782-A121-A1-7600
SIPROTEC 7.1 6MB525 Mini Bay Unit for Energy Automation with SICAM E50001-K4407-A111-A1-7600

Energy Automation

SICAM 2.1.1 Substation SICAM RTU System E50001-K5602-A111-A1-7600

SICAM 2.3.1 SICAM MicroRTU 6MD2030 Substation E50001-K5602-A311-A1-7600
SICAM 5.1.1 PS20A-6EP8090 Power Supply Module E50001-K5605-A111-A1-7600
SICAM 5.2.1 DI32-6MD1021 Digital Input Functional Module E50001-K5605-A211-A1-7600
SICAM 5.2.2 AI32-6MD1031 Analog Input Functional Module E50001-K5605-A221-A1-7600
SICAM 5.2.3 AI16-6MD1032 Analog Input Functional Module E50001-K5605-A231-A1-7600
SICAM 5.3.1 CO32-6MD1022 Command Output Functional Module E50001-K5605-A311-A1-7600
SICAM 5.3.2 CR-6MD1023 Command Release Functional Module E50001-K5605-A321-A1-7600

Siemens HG 11.11 1999A/7

Appendix 3AH Vacuum

Power Transmission and Distribution Group

Catalog Index (Please contact your Siemens Representative)

Designation Title Order No.

Substation Substation Control and Protection

Control and
Protection LSA 1.1.1 Input/Output Unit 6MB522 E50001-K5701-A111-A4-7600
LSA 1.1.2 Input/Output Unit 6MB523 E50001-K5701-A121-A2-7600
LSA 1.1.3 6MB511/6MB512 Substation Control Master Unit and
7SW511/7SW512 Relay Data Concentrator E50001-K5701-A131-A2-7600
LSA 1.1.4 6MB520/6MB521 Input/Output Units E50001-K5701-A141-A1-7600
LSA 1.1.6 6MB513/514 Compact Control Master Unit and Relay Data Concentrator E50001-K5701-A161-A1-7600
LSA 1.1.7 6MB524 Bay Control Unit E50001-K5701-A171-A2-7600
LSA 1.1.8 6MB525 Mini Bay Unit (MBU) E50001-K5701-A181-A1-7600
LSA 1.2.1 6MB5510 Station Control Unit E50001-K5701-A211-A2-7600
LSA 1.2.2 6MB552 Compact Remote Terminal Unit E50001-K5701-A221-A1-7600
LSA 1.2.3 6MB5530-0 Minicompact Remote Terminal Unit E50001-K5701-A231-A1-7600
LSA 1.2.4 6MB5530-1 Minicompact Remote Terminal Unit for Cable Shield Communication E50001-K5701-A241-A1-7600
LSA 1.2.5 6MB5540 SINAUT LSA COMPACT Remote Terminal Unit E50001-K5701-A251-A1-7600
LSA 1.2.6 6MB5515 Station Control Unit E50001-K5701-A261-A1-7600
LSA 1.4.1 Control in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection E50001-K5701-A411-A1-7600
LSA 1.4.2 Status Indications in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection E50001-K5701-A421-A1-7600
LSA 1.4.3 Analog Values in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection E50001-K5701-A431-A1-7600
LSA 1.4.4 Metering in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection E50001-K5701-A441-A1-7600
LSA 1.4.5 Voltage Control with Input/Output Units 6MB520/6MB521 E50001-K5701-A451-A1-7600
LSA 1.4.6 Network Synchronization with Input/Output Units 6MB520/521 E50001-K5701-A461-A1-7600
LSA 1.4.7 Operation with Two Control Master Units E50001-K5701-A471-A1-7600
LSA 1.4.8 Node Functions in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection E50001-K5701-A481-A1-7600
LSA 1.4.9 System Management with the SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection System E50001-K5701-A491-A1-7600
LSA 1.5.2 LSADIAG Testing and Diagnostics System for SINAUT LSA E50001-K5701-A521-A1-7600
LSA 1.5.3 Substation Control and Protection LSACONTROL Control and Monitoring E50001-K5701-A531-A1-7600
LSA 1.5.5 LSAPROCESS Process Information Analysis E50001-K5701-A551-A1-7600
LSA 1.6.1 LSA 678 Standard Cubicle E50001-K5701-A611-A1-7600

Distribution Transformers
GEAFOL Buchholz Relays to DIN 42 566 with Change-over Contacts A19100-T5101-A9A-7600
TV 1 Cast-Resin Transformers 100 to 2500 kVA E50001-K7101-A101-A2-7600
TV 2 TUMETIC and TUNORMA Oil-Immersed Distribution Transformers 50 to 2500 kVA E50001-K7102-A101-A1-7600

Energy Meters
Energy Meters
Z 9.1.1 7EC48 Solid-State 3-Phase Meter with Drum-Type Registers E50001-K8991-A101-A1-7600
Z 9.1.2 7E.62/63 Static Multifunction Meters E50001-K8991-A111-A3-7600
Z 9.1.3 7EC49 Electronic 3-Phase Meter with Drum-Type Registers E50001-K8991-A121-A1-7600
Z 9.1.4 7EC60/61 Multi-Tariff Maximum Demand Meter E50001-K8991-A131-A1-7600
Z 9.1.5 7E.64/65 Electronic Precision Meters E50001-K8991-A141-A1-7600
Z 9.2.2 DATAREG 48 Data Recording and Transmission Unit E50001-K8992-A111-A1-7600
Z 9.2.3 7FM803/804 Universal Tariff Unit E50001-K8992-A121-A1-7600

A Power Cables
Power Cables
SK 1.12 Power Cables Flexible Electric Cables for Cranes
and Material Handling Equipment E50001-K8112-A101-A1-7600
SK 3.30 SIENOPYR Power Cables E50001-K8133-A101-A1-7600
SK 3.40 Installation Cables, Power Cables E50001-K8134-A101-A2-7600
SK 4.20 Special-Purpose Cables for Industrial Applications E50001-K8142-A101-A1-7600

A/8Siemens HG 11.11 1999

3AH Vacuum
Circuit-Breakers Notes

Siemens HG 11.11 1999A/9

Appendix 3AH Vacuum

Conditions of Sale and Delivery

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Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Order No.: E50001-K1511-A111-A4-7600

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