Jewish Standard June 2, 2017
Jewish Standard June 2, 2017
Jewish Standard June 2, 2017
JUNE 2, 2017
VOL. LXXXVI NO. 35 $1.00 86 2017
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Im reminded of a prayer, Mi Shebeirach, that I
say whenever I face a big challenge, that I sing
to my daughter thinking of her future when I
tuck her in at night.
Facebook founder and Harvard dropout Mark Zuckerberg, addressing Harvard
graduates as commencement speaker last week. He quoted the song popularized by
Debbie Friedman: May the source of strength, whos blessed the ones before us, help us
find the courage to make our lives a blessing.
Wonder Woman
finally arrives
Wonder Woman husband of 33 years,
is opening on June ROBERT ALTMAN,
2. Basic plot: Chris Pine, 69, is Jewish, and their
whose maternal grandpa children were raised as
was Jewish, plays Steve, Jews.) However, after
a WWI American secret two months, because
agent pursued by the objections were raised
German army because about using a fictional, Gal Gadot Zoe Lister-Jones
he knows the Germans scantily clad character as
plan to use a horribly a U.N. ambassador, the
deadly chemical weapon. honorary ambassador-
He crash lands on an ship ended.
idyllic island where This unexpected con-
Diana, AKA Wonder troversy is consistent,
Woman, lives. She takes somehow, with the long,
him back to England, and twisted history of getting
for a time she doesnt Wonder Woman to the
reveal her true self. But big screen. For 20 years,
fate takes her to a
no-mans land on a WWI
filmmakers have been
trying to find the right Drake dominates
battlefield, and look out,
its Wonder Woman in
approach and script that
would almost guarantee Adam Pally Ben Platt
Billboard awards
full regalia! a hit. Their caution was
Attention must be paid to DRAKE, 30. At the Bill-
Jews worldwide have reinforced by the box tured the real Wonder whose marital discord
been giddy since Israeli office and critical failure
board Music Awards, held on May 21, he took home 13
Woman successfully. ironically helps their
actress GAL GADOT, of other films featuring a She told Entertainment music career as they trophies, topping Adele, who won 12. He also beat out
32, was cast as Wonder superhero woman (Halle Weekly: For a long time form a band that does Adele for the coveted Top Artist award. His 13 wins
Woman. Shes practically Berry in Catwoman people didnt know how fight songs. Lister- is the highest total won in any single year since the
a superhero Jewish role and Jennifer Garner in to approach the story. Di- Jones, who was raised in Billboard Awards began in 1990. Unlike other awards,
model: A former Miss Elektra). ana [Wonder Woman] is her mothers Jewish the BMA winners are not chosen by voters. Rather, they
Israel, top model, Israeli The buzz is that WW not some idealized robot, faith, wrote and directed are determined statistically, based on album and digital
army veteran, motorcy- scriptwriter ALLAN a warrior and nothing the film. She co-stars in
songs sales, amount of streaming, radio airplay, touring
cle rider, mother of two HEINBERG, 49, has more. Shes a woman a the Fox series Life in
with her Israeli husband brought together the woman with very high Pieces. Pally co-stars in revenue, and social media presence.
(a successful hotel de- elements that eluded values but a woman. the Fox comedy Making N.B.
veloper) and, of course, others. He has a per- She goes through the History. The film got
hot actress. fect mixture of experi- same challenges we all very good advance
Last October, there ence for this movie he go through. She wants to reviews. as he was performing. unsanitary. But a lot
was a United Nations created a hit comic series feels like she belongsto BEN PLATT, 23, Glaring directly at them better idea, I think, than
ceremony in which the (Young Avengers) be appreciatedto help the Tony-nominat- didnt work, he said. But stopping the show to
Wonder Woman charac- and a new storyline for to be loved. ed star of the hit Broad- finally he had an idea. throw these self-entitled
ter, as played by Gadot the Wonder Woman Band Aid opens way musical Dear Evan Platt told Colbert, Id call idiots out. Doing that
and Lynda Carter on TV, comics. Plus he has writ- in a few theaters Hansen, appeared with it a come-to-Jesus would have ruined the
was named an honorary ten for and helped pro- on June 2 and will be Stephen Colbert on May moment, but Im a Jew, magic of the show for
ambassador for the Em- duce many hit TV series, available for streaming 22. He told a story about so I guess its a come-to- the whole audience.
powerment of Women & including Sex and the on IFC on June 9. It how he silenced four Moses moment. (See my Tonys cover-
Girls. Carter and Gadot City and Scandal. co-stars ZOE LISTER front-row Evan Hansen His great idea?: He age next week for more
met for the first time at Its clear that Gadot JONES, 34, and ADAM attendees who wouldnt sneezed on the talkers about Platt.)
the ceremony. (Carters thinks her film has cap- PALLY, 35, as a couple stop talking very loudly and that worked. Yes, N.B.
Want to read more noshes? Visit California-based Nate Bloom can be reached at
[email protected]
(when equipped with
optional LED headlamps)
eople often are drawn to support
causes or join professions that
have deep meaning to them, not
only intellectually but emotion-
ally as well.
High-school athletes become orthopedic
surgeons. Children of Holocaust survivors
become social workers. Children of parents
who got kidney donations work for organi-
zations that promote organ donation. Par-
ents of diabetic children work to enable
stem-cell research.
And the daughter of two blind parents
and a blind uncle devotes herself to the Jeru-
salem Institute for the Blind.
On Wednesday, Dianne and Stan
Bekritsky of Teaneck will host a fundraiser
for the JIB; theres more information in the
box. Ms. Bekritsky, the sighted mother of
four sighted children, grew up
with an intimate understand-
ing of what it means to be blind
and how it is possible to be
blind, enormously successful,
and influential.
Ms. Bekritskys parents Teachers at the Jerusalem Institute for the Blind help students with dancing and exercise movements.
both were born blind, as
was her uncle, she said. (Her was born in 1918, and her
uncle, Abraham Nemeth, had mother was born in 1926.)
retinitis pigmentosa, and her In elementary school,
mother, Marcia Nemeth Mof- when other students went
fitt, believed her blindness to Dianne Bekritsky for recess or lunch or art
be caused by silver nitrate, classes, they went for life
which was put in newborns eyes to pre- skills classes, but otherwise they were
vent blindness and often ironically caused included in the other classes. It was very
it instead. There was another sibling who inclusive.
was not blind.) Her father soon left her To be fair, she added, it seems that now
family, and his story therefore means less most blind people in the area have multi-
to her, but her mothers and her uncles ple handicaps, since many one-time causes
both have formed her. of blindness such as, for example, putting
Education for the blind was different silver nitrate drops into babies eyes have
when her mother and uncle were in school been eliminated.
than it is now, Ms. Bekritsky said; surpris- As they got older, they needed more
ingly, the change has not been for the bet- skills and more self-esteem and more inde-
ter. The New York City school system in pendence, so they went to special insti-
the 1920s and 30s were all about inclusion tutes for junior high and high school, she
for blind children, she said. (Her uncle continued. My uncle went to a place in Marcia Nemeth, far right, graduating from the New York Institute for the
Yonkers that I think was sponsored by the Education of the Blind.
Who: Dianne and Stan Bekritsky of Jewish Guild for the Blind, and my mother
Teaneck was at a school run by the New York Insti- a seeing eye dog. That first dog was named And then there was her uncle. He was
What: Invite the community to a wine tute for the Blind on Pelham Parkway, in Star, and she slept under my crib, Ms. a creative genius, Ms. Bekritsky said. He
and cheese tasting (and tips on pair- the Bronx. Bekritsky said. earned a masters degree in psychology at
ing) to benefit the Jerusalem Institute There, they became increasingly inde- Ms. Bekritsky and her mother lived with Columbia, doctorate in math at Wayne State
for the Blind pendent and self-confident. Both flour- her mothers parents, Sarah and Benja- University, and then taught computer sci-
When: On Wednesday, June 7, from ished. My mother learned how to catch a min Nemeth, in Brownsville, in Brook- ence at the University of Detroit, eventually
7:45 to 9 p.m. ball, and my uncle learned how to swim, lyn, where her grandfather was a kosher becoming the department chair. (He also
Where: At their home; details available Ms. Bekritsky said. They also learned the butcher, but my mother was indepen- earned some of the money to put himself
with RSVP skills necessary to function as a blind person dent, she said. She worked and she sup- through school by playing piano another
How to learn more: RSVP to JIBs in a sighted world. They were fluent readers ported us. She was a Dictaphone typist of his long list of skills at bars.)
executive director, Leo Brandstatter, or of Braille. My uncle learned how to use a brilliant and perfect, isnt that? and Because he was frustrated that Braille
call him at (212) 532-4155. cane, and after high school my mother got an opera singer. She died in 1993. See Blind page 29
ic ia l Start of
The O f
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the family
hen she approached her
synagogue sisterhood at
Temple Emanuel of North
Jersey with the idea of
sponsoring a free public educational pro-
gram about breast cancer, Hannah Lee Gold
of Wayne was driven not only by her own
interest but by the knowledge that many
women and men do not know the variety
of resources available to help them prevent,
or face, this condition.
My father had breast cancer, Ms. Gold
said; nevertheless, her insur-
ance company denied her
coverage for a genetic test.
I dropped it at that point,
she said, because the tests Team Sharsheret prepares for last years New York City Marathon; inset, Elana Silber.
are extremely expensive. But
then, several months ago, information, share it. Silber continued. PalB2 and Chek2 also have continued. You may find that your health
she learned that Sharsheret Ms. Gold is a big fan been identified as carrying possible risks. A care professional gives you two options and
a national Teaneck-based of Sharsheret, not only woman may be negative for BRCA, but that you dont know which to choose. Through
not-for-profit organization because of her own expe- doesnt mean that theres not something peer support you may find out someones
that supports young Jewish rience but because of the else, she said. Getting a negative BRCA experience with option A and someone
women and their families who many services it provides. result does not mean no risk of breast cancer. elses experience with option B. Sharsher-
face breast cancer was spon- She hopes that people will It reduces the risk, but its not a free pass to ets genetic counselor also can help women
soring a webinar on the subject. She called attend the June 12 program, Whats Jewish ignore family history. talk to their families about their condition. If
the organization and spoke with their genetic about Breast Cancer?, because even if breast Ms. Gold said that many women are strug- [family members] are in different places, we
counselor, who put her in touch with a com- cancer does not affect them directly, they gling with how to approach their personal can help coordinate a conference call, she
pany that could help her. may know somebody or will meet somebody history and what to do. She wants them to said.
They found someone who would take my who could benefit from the information. know that Sharsheret, which offers its ser- At the June 12 seminar, Sharsheret will
insurance, Ms. Gold said. I met with her Elana Silber, Sharsherets executive direc- vices at no cost, is completely confiden- be represented by Melissa Rosen, the orga-
and she explained the panel of tests. She said tor, noted that one in eight women will tial. We understand what it is to be a young nizations director of national outreach.
that if they were negative, I wouldnt have develop breast cancer at some point. While woman. Ms. Rosen travels across the country visit-
to proceed with further tests. Fortunately, there is no data yet on the incidence of breast Ms. Silber said that mammograms still are ing college campuses, among other places.
they were negative, although Ms. Gold under- cancer among Jewish women, Jewish women considered the best screening modality, See Breast cancer page 50
stands that this does not guarantee that she and men have a ten times greater risk of although there is a strong emphasis on using
will never get breast cancer. I did it for my inheriting the BRCA gene, which increases other modalities if you have dense breasts. Who: Temple Emanuel of North Jersey
children, said Ms. Gold, who has a son and the risk of getting breast and ovarian cancer, Ask your radiologist, she urged, noting that will sponsor a program
a daughter. My father had first cousins who she said. Indeed, women who carry the BRCA ultrasounds also may be used. Talk to your What: Whats Jewish about Breast
had breast cancer, and there was an aunt on mutation have an 80 to 85 percent chance of health care professional and know your fam- Cancer? featuring a presentation by
my mothers side. developing breast cancer. ily history. Melissa Rosen, Sharsherets national
She said she knows of several men who Ms. Silber agrees with Ms. Gold that semi- Every diagnosis is individualized, so every outreach director
have had breast cancer, and stressed that nars such as the upcoming program at Tem- course of action should be individualized as When: On June 12 at 7:30 p.m.
men should not assume that the program is ple Emanuel are vitally important. We want well, she said. While no two breast can-
Where: At the synagogue, 558 High
for women only. I wanted to offer a public people to understand both the risk and the cer diagnoses are the same, Sharsheret has Mountain Road, Franklin Lakes
program because I believe this is so impor- measures they can take, she said. Educa- a peer support network of more than 8,000
Cost: Free
tant, she said. With the proper information, tional seminars like these are life-saving. participants, allowing women to reach out
there are lives that are going to be saved While the BRCA mutation is significant, and speak to someone who can share in their For more information: Go to the shuls
website,, or call (201)
and people who will have a better quality many people do not realize that there are experience.
of life. Im a strong believer that if you have other genetic mutations to consider, Ms. Peer support is extremely helpful, she
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The rooftop garden honoring Ilan Tokayer at SAR Academy. Inset, the garden is yielding a bounty of flowers, herbs, and vegetables.
saturday 6/17
school, Mr. Hennessey said. When Reva told me Ilans
story dreaming about how to combine the kosher
world with high-end food I related almost immedi-
ately. I hope this garden can help future chefs graduat- 12 - 5 PM
ing from SAR learn about fresh ingredients, and remem-
ber that kosher can always be high-class. Captains Galley Outdoor Food Court
As Mr. Hennessey brought out each course, he Live steel drum band, AfriCarib
explained how the recipes were developed. The menu
included an amuse-bouche, a sweet corn chowder her-
Tiny Pirates Cove with face painting,
bed with rosemary from Gan Ilan; a charcuterie appe- balloon sculptures & more!
tizer of duck pastrami and pickled potato salad; a main
course of beef medallions with sweet pea puree and
sunchokes; and for dessert a lemon-curd tart with blue-
berries and nondairy whipped cream.
Gary Landsman of Taste Wine in Manhattan, who
was a friend of Mr. Tokayer, provided wine pairings.
The fundraiser helped drive home the point that
Gan Ilan isnt your typical schoolyard vegetable patch. FOR THE FULL LINEUP OF ACTIVITIES:
People tend to think of a school garden in terms of
preschoolers planting flowers on Tu bShvat, but edu- CITYPLACEPROMENADE
cational gardens are part of a much bigger picture of
education and life, Ms. Tokayer said. Plans are afoot
to connect the garden to the community and to orga-
nizations promoting food, health, and environmental RETAILERS: Aerosoles, Alain & Co. Jewelers, Ambience Boutique,
issues among children, she added. Anthropologie, Banana Republic, Bath & Body Works, Can Do Fitness, Carters, Charming
Charlie, Chicos, City Place Convenience, Express, Gap, Guess, Hand & Stone Massage,
There are a lot of levels of giving and experienc- Lenscrafters, Loft, Mercat Boutique, Metromix, Pier 1 Imports, Ulta, Verizon Wireless,
ing, she said. Our goal is to ignite passion and offer
Victorias Secret & The Vitamin Shoppe.
other educational opportunities beyond the classroom EATERIES: Bareburger, Baumgarts Cafe, Chipotle, Flemings Steakhouse, Greek Taverna,
for kids to discover those passions and excitement P l ac e Hagen Dazs, Izzys, The Orginial Pancake House & Panera Bread.
S H O P S & E AT E R I E S
about the world, and connect better with the things
they are learning.
Gan llan is something with longevity that will grow
in Ilans memory, his mother said.
To donate to Gan Ilan, go to SARs homepage and
search for Gan Ilan donate.
Playing team sports gives you a
n May 8, Dr. Herbert Schlus-
sel of Fort Lee was one of 11
sense of pride, accomplishment,
people inducted into Yeshiva
Universitys inaugural Athlet-
and fulfillment. It helps make you
ics Hall of Fame. a stronger person as you get older.
The celebration paid homage to iconic
YU coaches and all-time leading scorers for Every day, we had yeshiva classes from 9 to hard work, but I realize now how much I
mens and womens basketball. 1, and from 1 to 6 we had secular studies, Dr. enjoyed it. Playing team sports gives you a
Dr. Schlussel, now a retired dentist, was a Schlussel recalled. Then we had practices at a sense of pride, accomplishment, and fulfill-
5-foot-11 guard on the YU basketball team from gym on 23rd Street quite a schlep downtown ment. It helps make you a stronger person
1953 to 1957. He served as co-captain with Irwin from YUs Washington Heights campus and as you get older. And you make friends who
Blumenreich another of the Hall of Famers had to get down there by 7 or 7:30 by subway or you keep for a lifetime.
during the 1956-1957 season. car or whatever way we could. Wed practice till Dr. Schlussel played under another Hall
Over his four-year career, YU basketball 10, and I wouldnt get home to the Bronx until of Fame inductee, the late Bernard Red
posted a 51-29 record, which still stands as one 11 or 11:30 at night. Sarachek, coach of the YU mens basketball
of the best career win-loss records in its history. Today, the YU mens basketball, mens vol- team from 1942 to 1943 and from 1945 to
During the 19551956 season, the team broke leyball, and mens fencing teams practice and 1968. Credited with putting YU basketball
every individual and team scoring record, play in the large, modern Furst Gymnasium on on the map, Mr. Sarachek also coached and
including most wins (16), most points, most campus. mentored legendary players and coaches
field goals, and the highest average score per I said at the induction ceremony that if wed including the New York Knicks Red Hol- Dr. Herbert Schlossel during his YU
game. had that gym, Id still be in school, Dr. Schlus- zman, St. Johns/Nets Coach Lou Carne- playing days. Courtesy of Yeshiva University
Yet back then, YU didnt even have a gym on sel joked. secca, and YUs Jonathan Halpert. Dur-
campus. At the time it was a hassle and a lot of ing World War II, Mr. Sarachek coached a that game and from then on I got a lot more
military team at Pearl Harbor that won an confidence.
armed forces title. Dr. Schlussel had played on the basket-
Coach Sarachek was one of the best ball team of YUs high school for boys, and
coaches of his day. He got offers to coach he said there was no question of where I
professionally, but even though he wasnt would go to college. If YU had had a den-
a religious man, he had strong feelings for tal school, he probably would have gone
Yeshiva and thats where he wanted to be, there, but instead he was trained at Colum-
said Dr. Schlussel. bia University.
The coach was tough on his guys. The Schlussels three sons and one
He was always yelling and screaming daughter also graduated from Yeshiva Uni-
and throwing chairs, but I was very com- versitys colleges Yeshiva College for Men
Serving the Jewish community fortable with him, Dr. Schlussel said. He and Stern College for Women.
of Bergen County for 12 years was influential in molding my character His sons Richard and Larry live in Engle-
and my life. Ten days after my graduation, wood and Edison, respectively. His son
All certified home health aides he was at my wedding with his wife. David and daughter, Joy, live in Israel. Dr.
At the induction ceremony Dr. Schlus- Schlussel and his wife, Rita, have 17 grand-
licensed, bonded and criminal sel said that it took him four years to get up children and one great-grandchild.
background checks enough courage to suggest to Mr. Sarachek Eleven of those grandchildren live in
that perhaps if he had not yelled so much Israel, so the Schlussels travel there often
RN supervision & coordination at the younger guys he might have gotten and otherwise split their time between
more out of them. Florida and Fort Lee. They lived in Monsey,
He said to me, Schluss, once I stop yell- N.Y., for 47 years.
Hourly, live-in and respite care ing youll know I gave up on you. The other inaugural YU Hall of Famers
Among Dr. Schlussels most memo- inducted on May 8 were:
24/7 live on-call service rable highlights are playing in Madison Heidi Nathan Baker, who led the wom-
Square Garden against the Israeli Olympic ens tennis team to a Skyline Conference
team (the Israelis won by 2 points) in 1957; Championship in 1999, went undefeated
Complimentary social work beating the University of Toronto team in in singles all four years she played, and
services Toronto, where the then-small Jewish com- coached the womens tennis team for two
munity came out to cheer on the YU team; years;
and a match against St. Francis College at Daniela Epstein, the all-time leading
Linkages to other elder care the Brooklyn Armory during his junior scorer of the womens basketball team and
options year. the only woman in YU history to score over
The latter game stands out not because 1,000 points in her career (1999 to 2003);
YU was victorious it was not but Yossy Gev, the all-time YU mens bas-
because it was the only game he ever ketball points leader with 1,871 points and
played that was televised. YU and St. winner of many awards (1998 to 2002);
1.866.7FREEDOM Francis each had 10-and-0 records. We Marvin Hershkowitz, the first basketball
(1.866.737.3336) were the only teams in New York City that player in YU history to score 1,000 points. were undefeated. Even though we ended In the 19491950 season, he led Yeshivas
up losing to them, I scored a lot of points in See Basketball page 50
Courtesy Norpac
The letter from the family years of their lives in Teaneck
Host committee members begins: Thank you to Yavneh to be close to their only
Ben Chouake, left, and for allowing our family to daughter, Mona Weinberger,
Howard Jonas flank dedicate the recently com- their grandchildren, and their
Senator Robert Menendez. pleted gymnasium in memory great-grandchildren.
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Jewish Standard JUNE 2, 2017 15
Alix Wall with Marc Smolowitz,
her collaborator on the film paying
homage to The Lonely Child.
The song
plays on
Former Jewish Standard editor
makes film about Holocaust song Shmerke Kaczerginski, left, in the Vilna ghetto with Rakhele Pupko-Krinski
LARRY YUDELSON Syogt mikh ver, syogt, Your Sarahle seeks you years, from 1970 until the late 1990s.
Un lozt nit tsu ru. Your childs crying out! And in 1996 her granddaughter, Sarahs
his is a story about a film about a O mame, mayn mamele Howling and wailing daughter, Alix Wall, graduated from jour-
song about a mother separated Vu bistu, vu? Like wind in the grass, nalism school and worked for four years as
from a daughter and about writer and editor for the Jewish Standard.
the granddaughter who is mak- The songs tells a story that is sadly famil- Shmerke Kaczerginski wrote these words Next, she moved to San Francisco to work
ing the movie, which bills itself as not a iar from accounts of the Holocaust, of a in the Vilna ghetto in 1943. They were for that citys Jewish newspaper, J. Alix still
Holocaust film. child sent away by her Jewish mother to inspired by his friend, Rakhele Pupko- is in the Bay area, writing for J and other
The song is Dos Elnte Kind or in Eng- be raised by gentiles, safe from the Nazi Krinski, whose husband had been mur- publications.
lish, The Lonely Child. It starts like this: murder machine. dered and whose daughter Sarah had been Kaczerginskis lyrics laid down a man-
sent to live with her Polish nanny as a Pole. date for young Sarah:
Whos chasing me, who? Es zukht dir dayn sorele This is a Holocaust story with a happy
And leaves me no peace Sruft dikh dayn kind ending. Mother and child survived the Az du vest a mol
Oh mother, my mother S voyet un syomert war and were reunited. Rakhele remar- A mamele zayn,
Where are you, where? In feld um der vint. ried, emigrated to America, and as Rach- Zolstu dayne kinder
ela Melezin, lived in Teaneck with her hus- Dertseyln dem payn,
In the original Yiddish, it rhymes: band Abraham Melezin for more than 20 Vos tate un mame
of Auschwitz. I sing this in their memory. have the trailer. led him to be arrested many times for ille-
Ms. Yarmarkov asked Alix to come to her She hopes the movie can be finished gal Communist activities, as well as a stint
birthday party in Johannesburg. I actually by 2020; now, she has to raise money as a correspondent for the Morgn-frayhayt,
considered it for half a second, Alix says. for it. Tax deductible contributions can New Yorks Yiddish Communist daily paper.
Then I said, Whats the date? It was lit- be made through the National Center for He was an organizer of Yung Vilne, a
erally the exact day I was getting married. Jewish Film. group of Yiddish writers and poets that
She took this is as a huge sign. She sent Among the scenes already filmed: A also included novelist Chaim Grade and
me a DVD of her party and it was so sur- meeting in Tel Aviv with the woman from the poet Avrom Sutzkever. He wrote
real. This was a woman who had a much Johannesburg. more than 200 poems and songs during
more intimate relationship with the song Much of the movie will be music. Were the Holocaust. Before the ghetto was liq-
than I did. going to see a lot of snippets of the song, uidated, he escaped and joined the par-
Once Alix realized the story she wanted Alix says. Different performances of it. tisans. After the war, he published one of
to tell was about the song, she realized she Were going to travel to Vilna and learn the first collections of Holocaust music.
wasnt just embarking on a writing project. the context in which song was written. We He was in the Vilna ghetto along with
It has to be a film, she says. You have will meet all of these people keeping the my grandmother, Alix says. They were
to see it being performed. Making a film song alive. among a group of intellectuals whom
that has a lot of performances of the song Not long ago, she went to the YIVO Insti- the Nazis assigned to sort through Jewish
is a beautiful tribute to this powerful piece tute for Jewish Research, which had been books. They had collected all of these cul-
of memorabilia about the Holocaust. founded in Vilna in 1925. There she met tural artifacts for the planned Museum of
So how to make a film? with Lorin Sklamberg, YIVOs music archi- the Extinct Race, Alix says. They needed
One filmmaker came to mind: Marc vist (who also sings and plays guitar, accor- people who knew multiple languages.
Smolowitz. dion, and piano for the Klezmatics). Shmerke Kaczerginski was a partisan The group was known as The Paper
Marc had been a classmate of Alixs at He had pulled out all the recordings in World War II. Brigade.
University of California Santa Cruz. They he could find of The Lonely Child, she David Fishman, a historian at the Jewish
had both been active in the Progressive said Most were on vinyl from the 70s was a legend in Jewish cultural circles long Theological Seminary, has written a book,
Jewish Student Union. He majored in film. and 80s. The most interesting thing was a before the Germans invaded Lithuania set to be published in October, called The
For his senior project, he made a movie CD from this Yiddish singer Claire Osipov. and rounded up the Jews. He wrote what Book Smugglers: Partisans, Poets, and
about a woman whose mother had been Our Town is Burning: Cries from the Holo- would have been his first hit, had there the Race to Save Jewish Treasures from
hidden by a gentile during the war -- based caust. Shes in her 80s and shes still alive. been money rather than simply fame in the Nazis. It tells the story of this group,
on his own experience as the son of a hid- I wrote to her and explained who I was. composing Yiddish folks songs, when including Alixs grandmother.
den child. I remember how it made me She said, Id love to talk with you. Ive he was 15. Tates, mames, kinderlekh Its worth quoting a couple of para-
feel, Alix says. It was so powerful. sung so many songs about the Holocaust (Fathers, Mothers, Children), also known graphs from the books promotional mate-
Alix and Marc lost touch after gradua- over the years. You always wonder what as Barikadn (Barricades), put the class rials here:
tion. He began a career as a documentary happened to these people. You assume struggle to a jaunty beat. For those of us The Germans used forty ghetto
filmmaker and was a producer on Trem- the worst. To get an email from somebody who think of Yiddish as the language of inmates as slave-laborers to sort, select,
bling Before G-d, a powerful documen- whose a descendant of these people it warm and mellowed bubbies and zaydies, pack, and transport the materials, either
tary about gay Orthodox Jews. makes me so happy. who think of the word kinderlach as the to Germany or to nearby paper mills. This
The two reconnected in 2008 through Alix wants the film to include the story affectionate Yiddish of a rebbe addressing group, nicknamed the Paper Brigade,
Facebook and met for dinner. At the end of Virginia Burton Stringer, a non-Jewish children well, Kaczerginskis lyrics might and informally led by poet Shmerke Kac-
of the evening, Alix asked him: Do you woman from Florida who used the song at bring us up short: zerginski, a garrulous, street-smart adven-
ever feel compelled to do films about the the end of the play she wrote about chil- turer and master of deception, smuggled
Holocaust? dren in the Holocaust. Sveysn gut di kinderlekh, thousands of books and manuscripts past
Its late, he said. Lets table it. Her daughter starred in the play der tate vet nit kumen, German guards. If caught, the men would
Seven years later she took him out for when she was 9 years old, Alix says. Its siz der tate haynt in gas have faced death by firing squad at Ponar,
dinner again, this time to sound him out so touching to me that this non-Jewish mit zayn biks farnumen the mass-murder site outside of Vilna.
on working with her. He asked her to pre- girl who is now in her twenties can still To store the rescued manuscripts, poet
pare a treatment, and told her how to go remember it. The kids know well the reason why Abraham Sutzkever helped build an under-
about writing it. Now hes on board. Last All of these people had no idea who the father wont return, ground book-bunker sixty feet beneath the
month, the project released a five minute song was about. To meet these people in Hes taken to the streets today Vilna ghetto. Kaczerginski smuggled weap-
video trailer. person is really powerful. Were all con- and brought along his gun. ons as well, using the groups worksite, the
Im used to writing an article and hav- nected by this song. A song like this will former building of the Yiddish Scientific
ing it come out in a few hours, Alix says. outlive us all. Kaczerginski had been orphaned in World Institute, to purchase arms for the ghettos
The hardest part is knowing I had the Part of the power of the song comes War I. Raised in an orphanage, he probably secret partisan organization. All the while,
idea in 2015, and here it is 2017 and we just from its composers skills. Kaczerginski suffered from rickets. His radical outlook both men wrote poetry that was recited
Yiddish, so he and Rakhele spoke to each Jewish babies. Im not doing that. My own
other in that language. Alix called them personal way is taking what could be pos-
Babushka and Papa. sibly the most awful thing that happened
I have always idolized my grandpar- to the Jewish people, and to my family in
and sung by the fast-dwindling population To get my mom acclimated to who this ents and put them on this pedestal, Alix particular, and turning it into something
of ghetto inhabitants. strange woman was, they moved in with says. They were kind of superheroes beautiful. Thats why I want to focus on a
The film will include interviews with Dr. her for a couple of months without tell- because they were such loving people. As work of art and make a piece of art about
Fishman. ing her anything. She was playing with a child and grandchild of survivors, I feel it. I want to do a different kind of film and
Before the war, My mothers father another young girl, who told her, Youre incredibly lucky I did not get all the trauma make it beautiful and have people leave
was a wealthy factory owner, Alix says. so stupid! Dont you realize who that a lot of my peers have. hopeful and inspired.
He was taken very early on, before the woman is? Thats your mother! For a lot of us second or third genera- Thats my own f you to Hitler.
Jews were taken to the ghetto. There was a Alix believes that in the ghetto, her tion survivors, the kids and grandkids, we To learn more, go to www.lonelychild-
knock at the door. He was shot at Ponar, a grandmother and Kaczerginski were have a need and desire to say f you to to see the films trailer, hear
big mass grave outside Vilna. romantically involved, though after the Hitler. For many of us thats having lots of the song, and even make a donation.
Victoria, their nanny, offered to hide my war Rakhale decided to marry Abraham
mother and grandmother. My grandmother Melezein, who she thought would make
thought it was too risky. She said, just take a better father for Sarah. Kaczerginski
the baby. My mother was 2, she says. ended up in Argentina, working for the
At first, Victoria and Sarah remained in Congress of Jewish Culture. In one of his
Vilna. Victoria would push the baby car- memoirs, he wrote about his ghetto songs:
riage outside the YIVO building, where In ordinary times each song would prob-
Rakhele was working for the Paper Bri- ably travel a long road to popularity. But in
gade. Then she fled for the countryside. the ghetto we observed a marvelous phe-
The nanny took them to her brother- nomenon: individual works transformed
in-law and sister and said it was her baby. into folklore before our eyes.
I dont know if they believed her or not. He died in a plane crash in 1954.
They let her keep my mother there. They Less is known about Yankl Krimski, who
dyed her hair. They changed her name to composed the songs music. He is believed
Irena from Sarah and raised her as a Cath- to have died in an Estonian labor camp.
olic girl. She lived like that for four years. Rakhele came to America with Sarah.
The ghetto was liquidated in 1943. My She married Abraham Melezin, who had
grandmother was in several different con- been a professor of geography in Vilna,
centration camps. in 1948. When he learned English, first
At liberation, Sarah was 6 years old. She Trenton State and then City College hired
hadnt seen her mother for four years. Melezin. His Russian was better than his Sarah and her protective nanny, Victoria, in Poland after the war ended.
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Jewish World
The process of
asking for a [dues]
adjustment becomes
all about the money,
as opposed to you
are a member of this
congregation and
At the Conservative Temple Israel of Sharon, Mas-
sachusetts, in suburban Boston, which adopted the
voluntary model in 2008 in reaction to the recession,
revenue and membership have remained steady.
Engaged living...
But only about 45 percent of members pay dues at
or above the sustaining level. Thats a bit above the
average of 38 percent across the 57 synagogues.
The original goals of switching to this system,
creating a model that was financially welcoming and
sustainable for both the synagogue and our mem-
At Arbor Terrace Teaneck, were doing away with all of the traditional bership, continue to be met, Benjamin Maron,
stereotypes of senior living. We offer a maintenance-free lifestyle Temple Israels executive director, wrote in one of
with numerous amenities and luxury services to fit your every need. the reports case studies. In other ways, however,
challenges have grown over the last few years. While
Our community focuses on providing active seniors a comfortable
our membership has grown, the overall income from
and inspiring lifestyle. Kosher meals available.
our voluntary dues has not.
The 57 synagogues are still less than 5 percent of
Call or visit us online to set up a tour today! the countrys Conservative and Reform synagogues,
(201) 836-9260|
201-836-9260 but Frydman believes the number will continue to
grow. About 100 synagogues tuned in via livestream
to a recent conference on the report.
Studies suggest that millennials are less voluntary donations. While that means
inclined to become members of old insti- that the emissaries who run the chasidic Join your Temple Beth Sholom family
tutions. Rabbi Jack Wertheimer, a history movements outreach efforts spend a
professor at the Jewish Theological Semi- significant amount of time fundraising, For Our 2nd Annual
nary, said that free Jewish programs like Chabad spokesman Rabbi Motti Seligson
Birthright the 10-day trip to Israel for said it also removes a barrier to participa-
young adults get young Jews used to the tion in Jewish life, and it forces Chabad
idea of no- and low-cost Jewish services. centers to run programs people want.
Were living in a time when some This isnt a technique or a model thats
Jews dont want to pay anything to go to devised through a focus group, Seligson
synagogue and benefit from synagogue, said. This is about whats at the [move-
Wertheimer said. Were living in a time ments] core, which is love of Israel.
today when institutions are held suspect Chabad emissary couples, he added,
and also seen as rather cold and distant. are not living in an ivory tower. Theyre Saturday, June 10 10 AM
This whole idea of membership dues beholden to the community that theyre
reinforces that point. serving. They need to actually be serving
Grandparents please bring
Why arent Orthodox synagogues the community. your Grandchildren.
adopting the model? While Frydman emphasized that UJA-
Both Wertheimer and Frydman sug- Federation does not endorse any one
Grandchildren please bring
gested that because Orthodox Jews view dues model, she said that the volun- your Grandparents.
prayer as mandatory, the obligation car- tary model is appealing to some syna-
ries over to synagogue membership. gogues because it ensures that the syna-
Even so, Frydmans office is embark- gogue has an active relationship with its KID FRIENDLY KIDDUSH
ing on a study of young Orthodox Jew- congregants.
ish professionals on Manhattans Upper Theyre cultivating the relationship so
ldor vdor Grandchildren
West Side, who often bounce between a that people feel a connection, enough to
few synagogues rather than sticking to want to be a part of something bigger, she From Generation to Generation
are Special!
one and becoming a member of it. said. Its about that the synagogue should
One large Orthodox organization that take the time to ensure that they know all 32 Park Ave, Park Ridge, NJ (201) 391-4620
doesnt charge dues, however, is Chabad, the members, that they understand what
whose centers worldwide rely entirely on people are looking for. JTA Wire Service
Wendy at the May 18 NYC red carpet premiere of her feature film Among Lithuanias Jews,
fight for communal control
Wakefield with stars Bryan Cranston and Jennifer Garner, and
writer/director Robin Swicord.
In addition, Wendy is thrilled to announce the theatrical and Cnaan Liphshiz out Jews with Russian and Ukrainian
VOD release of her first film,Wakefield, starring Bryan Cranston roots from those with Litvak blood.
and Jennifer Garner. The film has received rave reviews. an Sofer and his wife consid- An out-of-order and illegitimate con-
ered it a great honor when ference of the Vilnius Jewish Community
they became the first couple attracted about 300 people to the con-
since the Holocaust to be ference hall of the Karolina Park Hotel in
wed in Lithuania by a chief rabbi of that
Vilnius, mainly Russian speakers calling
themselves Jews, with only a minority
Sofer, a Ukraine-born businessman of people with Litvak blood, is how the
from Israel, said his 2004 wedding was a statement described the vote.
chance to play a small part in the revival It also alluded to a wider debate in
of a community that had been nearly Lithuania, where people and politicians
wiped out by the Nazis. resent Russias expansionist tendencies.
We care deeply about this commu- The statement said the vote took place
nity, Sofer, 44, who immigrated to Lith- while military exercises are currently
uania shortly before his marriage, said. underway rehearsing the scenario of
Were invested in it Lithuania and Poland under attack a
That is why Sofer was shocked and clear appeal to Lithuanian nationalism.
offended last week, when he read a Headed by Faina Kukliansky, a law-
statement on the official website of LZB, yer who was a police officer during
the umbrella group of Lithuanian Jew- communism, the Vilnius community is
ish communities, flagging him and other one of several groups comprising LZB,
Russian speakers as foreign agents who which Kukliansky also chairs. The elec-
are merely claiming to be Jewish. tions for LZB leadership are scheduled
The statement, by one group of Jews for this weekend. She also co-chairs a
Flowers&&& and directed at another, later was pulled third group, which allocates restitution
Goods offline amid concerns that it reinforces money.
anti-Semitic and anti-Russian senti- The scrapping of a democratic elec-
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them of corruption. nationalists, LZB provoked an especially
The statement came after a 35-year- angry pushback by rank-and-file mem-
Weather-6 p.m.
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Located inin
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Located inin
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Road. Simonas Gurevicius, was voted the new ing into the hands of anti-Semites and
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head of the affiliated Jewish Community deepening internal divisions.
of Vilnius. I was horrified to see that LZB is now
Instead of accepting the results of the using the same anti-Semitic rhetoric
election, the LZB declared its results and propaganda that is going on in far-
by The201.907.0493
Cedar Laneor
Group void. Its statement then went on to single right forums, Ruta Bloshtein, another
member of both LZB and its Vilnius com- may not enter the communitys offices, and a younger generation that is committed to authorities that a changing of the guard
munity, said. This is unacceptable. because Kukliansky does not recognize to European values of transparency. Despite in the Jewish community would lead to its
Bloshtein was referring to one of the his election. No new date for an elec- the fights, he added, I think this is the direc- leadership falling into the hands of Russian
Lithuanian far-rights favorite canards: tion was announced. Kukliansky was tion that this community is heading. sympathizers.
That the countrys Jews are interlopers not reachable by phone Thursday and But Zuroff, who has written extensively This statement was for external con-
brought over by Russian authorities to Friday, and her office did not reply to about Lithuania, said the ethnic baiting rep- sumption by the government, signaling
colonize Lithuania and dilute its local questions. resents something new and troubling. them to ignore protests over the hijacked
population during Russias domination Katz, who is critical of Kukliansky, has He said the statement released by Kuk- elections, Zuroff said. And thats deeply
of Lithuania from 1940 to 1991. accused her administration of cronyism lianskys administration meant to signal troubling. JTA Wire Service
The LZB statement is dangerous in giving out scholarships paid for with
because it reinforces the anti-Semitic communal funds. Kukliansky has denied
rhetoric of the far right in Lithuania, that the charge. LZB has not offered aggre-
Jews are Russian stooges, according to gated reporting on its expenses, leading
Efraim Zuroff, who is in charge of the
Israel and Eastern Europe operations of
the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
to complaints that it lacks transparency.
Gurevicius, who worked as LZBs top
professional before quitting in 2015, said
Sandi M. Malkin, LL C
Only a few thousand Jews from Lithu-
ania survived the Holocaust; 95 percent
he had not seen evidence of corruption
by Kukliansky or others during his years
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of its Jewish population of 220,000 was in the communitys service. However, (former interior designer of model
murdered by Nazis and local collabo- he said, there is lack of transparency rooms for NYs #1 Dept. Store)
rators. Under the Russian domination in unspecified budgets and unexplained
that followed World War II, expressions expenditures, which led some observers
of Lithuanian nationalism were dis- to conclude there is corruption. For a totally new look using
couraged. The dominant language was
Russian. There is no hard data on the
Kukliansky, who never received a sal-
ary for her work as chairwoman of either
your furniture or starting anew.
proportion of ethnic Russians among LZB or the Vilnius community, has used Staging also available
Lithuanian Jews, and the issue is the sub- her amazing contacts with government
ject of some debate. to the communitys benefit, Gurevicius 973-535-9192
According to Zuroff, Survivors identi- added, including in negotiating the terms
fied more with the Russians who liber- of the restitution plan, which interna-
ated them than with Lithuanians who tional observers deemed fair.
murdered their families. As a result, The controversy is the latest in a string
many Lithuanian Jews, and the vast of vicious disputes that distinguishes
majority of those older than 30 today, Lithuanian Jewry from other fractious
speak Russian as a mother tongue and Jewish communities in Eastern Europe.
have Russian roots, he said. Simmering for years amid allegations
But Dovid Katz, a Yiddish scholar and of corruption by and against communal
member of the community, insists that leaders, these disputes repeatedly have
the vast majority of Lithuanias Jews are led to litigation, threats, and abrupt dis-
Litvaks and that very, very few are from missals including of the countrys pre-
Russia unlike Latvia and Estonia, the vious chief rabbi.
other two Baltic states. There even have been physical alter-
In any case, the community today cations between congregants at a shul in
does not appear to be divided along eth- Vilnius, a beautiful university city where
nic lines, with Jews of all origins conven- most of the countrys approximately
ing, praying together, and marrying one 3,000 Jews live. Its medieval center fea-
another. tures several historic store facades with
Singling out Jews with roots in Russia lettering in Yiddish, which date from
is considered a particularly grave prac- before the Holocaust.
tice in a country that, alone among its One of the worst disputes, which is
neighbors, officially defines the Rus- ongoing, has been over how to preserve
sian domination of their soil as a form the heritage of a community that gave
of genocide. the Jewish world such luminaries as the
Bloshtein, whose mother tongue is Vilna Gaon, an 18th-century sage. Kuk-
Lithuanian, insisted the people who liansky has faced considerable criticism
showed up with her to vote Wednesday for approving a government-led plan to
were card-carrying members of the Jew- build a conference center atop a former
ish community of Vilnius. Jewish cemetery, where the Gaon had
The reference to Litvak blood is so been buried along with other sages,
shameful, Gurevicius said. We are so though his body had been moved from
few, we need to treat each other respect- there.
fully and find unity instead of looking Gurevicius attributes the propensity
for what sets us apart, but this is what for infighting to complications con-
happens when people dont know how nected to the distribution of restitution
to lose. money in a small community. The gov-
Kukliansky, whose mandate to run the ernment allocated $41 million in restitu-
Vilnius community and LZB expired last tion money, to be used on cultural activi-
month, did not seek re-election in Vil- ties and commemoration projects.
nius but is running for re-election within But in addition to those conflicts,
LZB. Gurevicius said he also sees a genera-
Although Gurevicius was voted in tional tension between people who are
as head of the Vilnius community, he used to practices during communism
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a Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is deeply invested in After Trump announced the new sales to Saudi Ara-
- from page 21
the informal alliance between Israel and the Sunni Arab bia, Israels energy minister, Yuval Steinitz, delivered
i states, said Douglas Bloomfield, a political columnist who a similar warning.
Have the concerns about the stability of in the 1980s was a top AIPAC lobbyist. We have also to make sure that those hundreds of
the Saudi regime similarly abated? Dont forget Bibi has established his own relationship billions of dollars of weapons to Saudi Arabia will not,
with the Saudis, Bloomfield said, using Netanyahus nick- by any means, erode Israels qualitative edge because
Not at all. name, and doesnt want them to think hes running in Saudi Arabia is still a hostile country without any dip-
The potential for regime change in Saudi Arabia opposition to what he wants them to spend their money lomatic relations and nobody knows what the future
remains, Schanzer said. What happens if you have an on that is, confronting Islamists and Iran. will be, he said, according to Newsweek.
Arab Spring scenario in the same way Israelis were deeply But Steinitzs statement was an outlier. Two factors
concerned with Morsi inheriting the largest Arab air force? Israels qualitative military edge have changed since the 1980s: The Soviet Union, a
Mohammed Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood leader, was Its long been pro-Israel doctrine that an Israeli military major arms supplier to Israels enemies, is gone; and
elected president in 2012 and ousted in a pro-Western coup capability sufficient to defeat enemies is not enough, that maintaining Israels qualitative military edge has been
in 2013. there must be enough of a gap between Israels capabilities a matter of U.S. law since 2008. Israel has recourse to
Moreover, the threat of weapons delivered to friendlies and those of its enemies to prevent an outbreak of war. Congress if there is any concern.
falling into the hands of enemies has been freshened by that In 1982, the Israeli ambassador to Washington, Moshe
very phenomenon in the Syria civil war. Arens, bluntly warned that the arms sales to Saudi Arabia American jobs
Israel and the pro-Israel lobby are less vocal about the and other Arab states would erase Israels qualitative mili- The boost that arms sales would deliver to the U.S.
threat of an Islamist takeover now in part because Israeli tary edge. economy is a key feature of the pitch to sell arms to
the Saudis, as it was in the early 80s.
Decades ago, the pro-Israel lobby cast that appeal in
sinister terms. Arms salesmen who talked of jobs, of
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Jewish Standard JUNE 2, 2017 29
On memory When celebrities reign on the parade
and the senses o you want to catch a glimpse of former New possession, which [God has] given you.
York Giants running back Tiki Barber, or Reuven, Gad and half of Menashe may have thought
othing says summertime like cold, celebrity Chef Jamie Geller, or Jerusalems living outside the Land was their idea, but Moses says it
clammy rain, does it? Mayor Nir Barkat, or the much-tattooed was all part of Gods plan. This means the right of Jews
But thats how Memorial Day ushered Israeli mixed martial arts fighter Chaim Gozali? to live outside Israel exists only for those who actively
in the season; we hope its not a harbin- This Sunday is your chance. They will kick off a assist the people inside Israel to live securely. For those
ger of foul weather ahead but instead a final working- parade that begins at 11 a.m. at Fifth Avenue and 57th of us who are not active in that sacred task, there is
out of nasty, as if some sky goddess were wringing Street in Manhattan. no such right, and we sin against God (and ourselves)
out her sodden clothes before moving on to shine for You also can get to cheer on the Maccabi USA Team every moment we live anywhere but Israel.
golden months on end. (I know. I know. Humor me! and salute two Olympic medalists, U.S. swimming The Torah, however, was only stating the obvious.
Im working out the mildew) champion Lenny Krayzelburg (who won gold), and Israel can survive only if all the Jews support it, not just
This weeks paper, coming right after Memorial Israeli Judoka champion Arik Zeevi (who went home those who live within its borders.
Day and Shavuot, those very different holidays about with bronze). Anti-Israel feeling grows daily in country after coun-
memories and at the end of the month that also These are the draws for a parade, the name of which try today. Its very existence is challenged at every turn,
included Yom Hazikaron, more about memories is sadly is not the big draw, but should be the only one. especially at the United Nations and even within the
echoing with more memories. Celebrate Israel. European Union.
Thats because the senses so often evoke memories, How sad it is that it takes celebrities, along with Only the United States has stood firmly in Israels
memories that surface from some folds in our brains, marching bands and musical interludes, to bring Jews corner, although the often-clashing pronouncements
that waft up without being summoned consciously. out to demonstrate support for the State from President Trump and his appointees
That happens so often in the summertime, doesnt of Israel. (not to mention how the president has
it? Were outside; barbecue smells join seashore Israel is the Jewish state not a Jew- damaged security cooperation with Israel)
smells join kids playing sounds join someone elses ish state, but the Jewish state, the only have made that ground less firm for now. It
music sounds joins seagulls joins late-summer light Jewish state and we who live outside it is our task to keep the United States firmly
and blends and simmers in the hot sun until it turns are obligated to share in the responsibility in that corner.
into memory. for its well-being. This is so regardless of Politicians count heads, especially at elec-
This week, we explore various kinds of memory. whether we approve of its current Israeli tion time. It is because of election results in
The cover story looks at the power of a song a song government, or its approach to peace, or years past that American Jews were able to
about revolution, fighting back in very dark times its handling of religious matters, or any- wield considerable political clout.
and traces it through a family, glancing as it goes on thing else. Shammai The numbers, however, have been work-
its power over other families too. This obligation goes back to Israels Engelmayer ing against us for many years, and that
Another story looks at the Jerusalem Institute for 40-year sojourn in the wilderness, even has not improved lately. There are only
the Blind, which, like some highly local institutions before the conquest of Canaan. about 5.7 million Jews in the United States
for people with disabilities the Sinai Schools come The diaspora (in the broad sense of Jews living out- about 1.8 percent of the population and our zero
immediately to mind treats people in the JIBs side Israel) was born in Chapter 32 of Numbers, the population growth brings that number down year after
case blind people as individuals, as unique and as Torahs fourth book, which we began reading in syna- year. According to the Pew Research Center, by 2035
capable of functioning in the world just as anyone gogues last Shabbat. As Israel prepared to cross over the Muslim population here will catch up to us, and
else can, once they are given the tools that are abso- to the west bank of the Jordan, when Israel had to be overtake us. By 2050, the Muslim population will reach
lutely specific to them and their own sets of abilities united, the tribes of Reuven, Gad, and half of Menashe 2.1 percent, while we will have shrunk to 1.4 percent.
and needs. asked for the right to live outside the Land. Moses Of course, it was never about how many Jews there
We were struck by the story of Dr. Abraham granted the request. are in the United States. It has always been about how
Nemeth, who was not only blind but also a Ph.D. in He did so, as Deuteronomy 3:18-20 makes clear, many Jews vote on Election Day, and what percentage
mathematics and the creator of the Nemeth Code, because the fact of Jews living outside the Land was of the vote total belongs to them. For years, the per-
which allows blind people to do advanced mathemat- meant to benefit Israel. centage was significant enough to enable the Jewish
ics and computer science. Said Moses, And I commanded you at that time, say- vote to be the swing vote in many a race.
One aspect of his story that sticks in my mind is ing, The Lord your God has given you this land to pos- This is changing to our detriment.
that he also was a musician. We know that music and sess it; you shall pass over armed before your broth- For one thing, our declining numbers means there
math often go together for those of us incapable of ers the People Israel, all who are fit for the war.[And are fewer of us available to vote. As it is, Jewish par-
either both seem like magic and for him they did. there you shall remain] until they also possess the Land ticipation has been shrinking, even without the popu-
He supported himself as a piano player, with his ears which the Lord your God has given them beyond the lation decline. We are just as prone as anyone else to
substituting for his eyes. Jordan. And then shall you return every man to his becoming disenchanted with the political infighting
So as we head into the summer, we look forward to
engaging our senses, stimulating our memories, cre- Shammai Engelmayer is rabbi of Temple Israel Community Center | Congregation Heichal Yisrael in Cliffside Park and
ating new ones, and basking in the golden light. JP Temple Beth El of North Bergen.
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abbi Leonard and Rosalie Rosen- There was yet another lesson that I also
feld were among my parents didnt notice right away. I eventually real-
closest friends. They met walking ized that he never really answered my
that characterizes American governance today. down Beach 9th Street to tashlich question. True, he pointed out factors to
For another, survey after survey shows that ever on the first day of Rosh Hashanah early in our consider and helped me look at various
more Jews, especially among younger adults, are Far Rockaway years, and it was an instant alternatives. But he didnt tell me what to
growing ever more lukewarm in their support for match made in heaven. do, or even what he thought I should do.
Israel. Support for Israel, therefore, will be much As the years passed, the relationship Adults dont let others make decisions for
less of a factor when they go to the polls. (It is very expanded to the family, including grand- them, he was teaching. Consult others, ask
telling that only four out of every 10 Jews in the parents, my siblings and me, and the Joseph C. advice, seek information, wisdom, and
United States has ever visited Israel, or even cares Rosenfeld kids. We even took vacations Kaplan judgment but ultimately its your responsi-
to do so.) together, the kind that create lifelong bility to make the decision.
Along with the decline is the recognition that the memories; to Niagara Falls and Moosehead I had a similar experience a number of
Jewish vote, which never was monolithic, is becom- Lake, for example. (Ill leave the Moosehead Lake story years ago, when serious end-of-life issues arose with a
ing ever more fragmented. for another column. Maybe.) beloved family member. I called a rabbi with whom I
The Celebrate Israel Parade is one way to coun- In addition to the family relationship, though, I developed have a close relationship. He was someone whose knowl-
ter that. a special one with Lenny. (Not that I ever called him that edge, learning, wisdom, judgment, and sensitivity the
Because politicians count heads on Election Day, any until I was an adult. Before then, calling him Rabbi Rosen- family member thought very highly of, and whom we
diminution of the Jewish vote is a dangerous trend. feld seemed too formal, and using Uncle Lenny, follow- had been instructed to speak to in time of need.
Most politicians, of course, will ignore a huge ing the vogue of that generation for adults too close to use After I explained the issues, there was silence on the other
turnout. They expect nothing less. It will not prove honorifics, just didnt seem right. So I played the son-in-law end of the phone for a few moments.
game until I was finally able to utter Lenny face to face
since I didnt have Grandpa to fall back on.)
When my father was president of our shul and sat on the
front bimah throughout a long Yom Kippur, Lenny was the
Survey after adult who I, not yet bar mitzvah, sat next to. And the only True, he pointed
time I was tovel on erev Yom Kippur was when he suggested
survey shows that that we use the nearby roaring Atlantic surf as our mikvah. out factors to
ever more Jews, (Once was more than enough.) consider and helped
When Lenny had his heart attack, I sometimes kept him
especially among company if no one from the family was available. My pay- me look at various
younger adults, ment for this babysitting (as we jokingly referred to it) was alternatives. But
having several hours of his undivided attention, so we could
are growing ever schmooze about everything, especially Torah and baseball. he didnt tell me
more lukewarm in (Lots and lots of baseball.) He was equally expert in both, as what to do, or even
he was in almost everything I was interested in back then.
their support But Id like to focus on a conversation I had with him just what he thought I
for Israel. before Shavuot when I was in my teens (late high school or should do.
early college). I asked him whether he thought it would be a
good idea for me to follow the custom of staying up learning
anything to them about how American Jews feel Torah the entire first night. I vividly remember his answer, I almost thought we had been disconnected, until the rabbi
about Israels security. which Im putting in quotes, because although its not ver- began explaining that as is often the case, the rabbinic deci-
A poor turnout, on the other hand, is something batim, its pretty darn close. sors did not speak with one voice about the issues I raised. So
politicians will notice and they will see it as a If youre talking about quantity and quality of Torah first he clearly described the different viewpoints and then
sign that the surveys and analyses are correct, and learning, Id suggest the following, he said. After Yom Tov he carefully explained basic underlying concerns that hala-
the Jewish vote is becoming insignificant on the dinner, go to shul, learn for a few hours with a friend seri- cha had, concerns which all decisors agree upon, even if they
national scene. ously, no chit-chat and be in bed by 1 a.m. The next day, go disagree about how to meet those concerns. And he then sug-
All Israel, the Talmud tells us, is responsible to the regular minyan and have lunch and even a short nap, gested various approaches the family could take that would
one for another. since you went to bed late. And then use the rest of the long meet the physical and emotional needs of the patient while
This parade is the one chance we get each year to Shavuot afternoon for several hours of serious learning until remaining true to halachas concerns.
collectively demonstrate that we take that respon- mincha. And I guarantee that youll learn more Torah than But he didnt give a psak, although he certainly had the cre-
sibility seriously. We should not need celebrities to if you stay up all night, and as many do, sleep away much dentials to do so. He did not tell us what to do. Rather, he
bring us to Fifth Avenue. Support for Israel should of the next day. reviewed considerations relevant to the situation and sensi-
be more than enough. I thought I had my answer. But then he added, Of course, tively made suggestions for us to consider, and implement
thats only looking at quantity and quality. If we consider if appropriate. He too taught me that life and halacha often
developing a love for Torah, a dedication to Torah, a feeling are not binary, and that one of an adults responsibilities is to
of sacrificing (so to speak) for Torah, well then, theres noth- make difficult and important decisions personally, rather than
ing like staying up all night learning. leave them to someone else.
While I didnt realize it at first, there was a subtext I wish I could tell you what I did that tikun leil Shavuot night
in his response. In addition to dealing with the Hamle- so many years ago, but I simply dont recall. It really doesnt
tian to sleep or not to sleep question, what he also was matter, though. What I learned in my short conversation with
The opinions expressed in this section are those of saying, I think, is that life is not binary. Its not simply Lenny the importance of having choices and the personal
the authors, not necessarily those yes/no, can/cannot, best/worst, assur/mutar, must/may responsibility of making decisions was more significant than
not. The world and our lives are full of grays. There are anything I would have learned, no matter which of the two
of the newspapers editors, publishers, or other
times when quantity and quality are your goals, and paths I chose.
staffers. We welcome letters to the editor.
other times when you have different ones. So analyze And that made all the difference.
Send them to [email protected].
the specific situation carefully, and be thoughtful in your
decision making, in order to ensure that the result is Joseph C. Kaplan, a regular contributor, has been living in
appropriate in the circumstances. Teaneck and practicing law in Manhattan for many years.
n mid-May, I was at the JEIC Innovators Retreat in a product or event that shows evidence of the students to consider curiosity-based questions
Boston. learning and makes actionable some aspect of and problem-based questions. Curiosity-based
Unsurprisingly, the Mayberg Foundations JEIC the issue. Along the way, students reflect on questions stem from a wondering; from some-
Jewish Education Innovation Challenge funds inno- how their learning and action affects them. thing you become curious about. You may see
vation in Jewish education, and in addition to seeding new Our model is born out of the fact that often a beautiful sunset, become curious about what
initiatives in day schools, also formed HaKaveret, a group of students dont get to ask questions good or makes sunsets so gorgeously colored, and sub-
10 Jewish education designers who are tasked with coming otherwise in their classes, and Im only sorry sequently explore the physics behind them. On
up with new models for the field. we didnt remember the Isidor Rabi story when the other hand, a problem may spark inquiry:
I was fortunate enough to be one of the designers this year. we got up to speak about our Inquiry Beit you may notice the number of homeless people
Not only did the 10 of us present our models for feedback Midrash. What we did share was a chart from Tikvah in your town has increased, and that may lead
the final versions of the models are due in July, so the partici- the Right Question Institute (yes, there is such Wiener to your studying the reasons why.
pants at the retreat were able to provide us with constructive a thing) that shows a significant decrease in the Project- or problem-based learning, an edu-
critiques but the two schools that won grants from JEIC also number of questions students ask as they prog- cational model becoming increasingly popular
shared their initiatives. ress through school. today, is centered around an essential or driving question that
One of the presenters began with a story recorded in the A number of factors might be responsible for the decrease a learning unit seeks to answer. At a recent parlor meeting for
New York Times: in queries. As children grow and begin to make sense of the the Idea School, the high school my colleague, Rabbi Michael
Nobel prize-winning physicist Isidor Rabi, who died in 1988, world and the way it works, they learn the answers to many Bitton and I are starting, we asked attendees to participate in
was asked: Why did you become a scientist, rather than a questions and so dont need to keep asking so many. As well, a mini-PBL unit. Our essential question was: how do you culti-
doctor or lawyer or businessman, like the other immigrant when children learn to read and can access information by vate a good habit, and how do you break a bad one?
kids in your neighborhood? themselves, they dont need others to help answer their Asking the Right Questions
His answer: My mother made me a scientist without ever questions. We asked participants to generate more questions about the
intending it. Every other Jewish mother in Brooklyn would But lets be honest a large reason why kids stop asking essential question, and we loved Daniel Schlosbergs response:
ask her child after school: So? Did you learn anything today? questions is because we stop letting them. The irreverent How do you even know you have the right question?
But not my mother. She always asked me a different question. educator and social critic Neil Postman wryly observed that Precisely.
Izzy, she would say, did you ask a good question today? school is a place where students learn the answers to ques- When we ask students to differentiate between open and
That difference asking good questions made me become tions they dont have. closed questions, what were asking them to notice is that
a scientist! Sparking Inquiry open-ended questions are a lot more fascinating, since they
The Inquiry Beit Midrash Thats why the first part of the Inquiry Beit Midrash model lead to further questions and ideas. When students have to
I worked over the course of the year with Rina Hoffman is sparking inquiry. We want to start working students ques- generate questions based on topics they wonder about or
and Michal Smart, two talented educators, on an educational tioning muscle again. There are techniques for this. The Right problems that concern them, they soon realize that those
model weve called Hineini: The Inquiry Beit Midrash. (Hin- Question Institute has a rather elaborate one called the Ques- topics are complex and that theyre going to need to ask more
eini means Here I am, and can be seen as the answer to the tion Formulation Technique, where students get to think, questions before they narrow down the line of inquiry they
question God poses to man: Ayekha. Where are you?) In the for example, about whether questions they ask are closed or might want to pursue. There might be many complex reasons
model, a student finds a question he or she wants to explore open-ended that is, whether they have yes or no answers, for homelessness, for example.
in Judaism, researches Jewish texts and sources pertaining to or wider and more complex ones. Whats fascinating about this exercise, though, is that arriv-
the topic, finds current role models engaged in it, and creates In our research, we also discovered educators who asked ing at the right question isnt like getting the right answer in
ecently, the New York Times did a magazine The story was meant to be a tear-jerker. But wholly destructive. And Ive watched promising
cover story about open marriage. At times, the what is truly bizarre about the article, besides marriages be smashed to pieces once the non-
well-written article read like advocacy, as if it everything it says, is its tone of near veneration. monogamous stones were thrown.
were highlighting the benefits of welcoming addi- Dominus piece, titled Is An Open Marriage Dan Savages attempt at legitimizing Open
tional sexual partners into marriage. It wasnt the first time. a Happier Marriage?, reads like a testament to Marriage was based largely on theory. Monog-
In May 2011, the Times published a similar article by Dan Sav- the strength and boldness of these Open Mar- amy was unnatural, he claimed. That argu-
age also a cover story calling for couples to embrace his riage pioneers. These are people willing to risk ment is easy enough to refute. After all, what
bold new idea of being Monogamish. Savage called for cou- pain for the sake of their partners fulfillment, is natural is not always best. Laziness is natu-
ples to be far more understanding of infidelities and even to to take a blow to their egos so that their spouses ral. So is prejudice, as put forth in Newsweeks
discuss them before they happen so they could receive each might get the sex they really want but which Rabbi front-page article Is Your Baby Racist? Still, a
others informed consent, should that prove appropriate to they can never provide. Affairs, shed have us Shmuley hard-work ethic and tolerance never would be
the relationship. believe, that might actually strengthen the mar- Boteach discredited by any serious publication because
That was pretty weird, but the new cover story by Susan riage and intensity of a couples love and caring theyre unnatural.
Dominus took the weirdness to a whole new level. The worlds for one another. Dominus article was different, though. While
most influential newspaper was freely wielding such absurdi- Dominos peddles these ideas as if they are groundbreaking. it does touch upon some theories, it focuses largely on real-
ties of wives having boyfriends and helping their husbands Theyre not. For decades, popular thinkers and relationship life stories of couples who have chosen the open-marriage
make profiles on dating sites so that they might have girl- therapists have suggested this new form of love. Ive covered path and just how well it worked for them. How they broad-
friends too. Not fleeting affairs, but all-out extramarital rela- their exploits in some of my earlier books, like Kosher Adul- ened their horizons by removing the boundaries of fidelity by
tionships. Even the husband in that story, a man named Dan- tery. Many, like the philosopher Bertrand Russell and the which we lesser mortals have agreed to constrain ourselves.
iel, referred to the whole experience of finding a new sexual writer Iris Murdoch, even tried it. Its a results-based study. And thats exactly where its most
partner at his wifes behest as a new Absurdo World. At one As a marriage counselor for almost 30 years, Ive seen open troubling issues lie.
point, The Times wrote lovingly of how when Daniels wife infidelity many times. Almost every time, the couples really In the case studies presented, the couples examined faced
left him alone one night to have sex with her new boyfriend, did believe, or forced themselves to believe, that this sort of a sort of problem. One was a woman who developed Par-
she left him a handwritten heart-shaped card under his pillow. non-monogamous openness could be a good thing. But it was kinsons disease and felt her husband to be aloof from her
a more traditional classroom. What do I mean? Many times, Its crucial to get kids think-
teachers throw out questions to students in class, and their ing about open-ended questions
expectation is that students will get the answer right. For or wondering about the world
example, in the first Harry Potter book, Professor Snape asks and its problems. If theres only
his Potions students, Where would you look if I tell you to one right answer to a question,
find me a Bezoar? Clearly, theres only one correct answer to students dont develop sophisti-
that which of course Hermione knows. cated ways to think about their
And of course J.K. Rowling has created a satire with the environment. Ive heard the
character of Hermione, that most obnoxious of students, who thorny issues we have to address
always gets the answer right and makes everyone else look in the world today described as
bad. But in sparking inquiry in the classroom and making it a wicked problems. They dont
place where there isnt one right answer, but where students have easy answers and require
struggle. Another was a woman who was looking for a level of But only if the partners actually engage in struggle, and work Marriage, when boiled down to its most essential ele-
adventurous sex that she felt her husband couldnt provide. to make things better. The couples in this article, in taking ment, is the fact of being chosen. Chosen, like God himself,
Yet another was a young man whod noticed that his previ- other lovers, opted to diminish their spouses and trivialize as the one and only. Chosen for love and sex. Chosen for
ous relationships always ended with him growing restless, their marriages. They threw in the towel, looking elsewhere sympathy and support. Chosen for sharing a life and raising
intrigued by another woman and wanted to protect his cur- for the salvation they could have gotten from their spouses a family. It is chosenness that makes us feel special and it
rent relationship by just embracing other women. with just a bit of faith and work. is redundancy that makes us feel superfluous. No husband
These issues are the kinds that couples face and work And its a shame, not only because these couples missed is going to feel chosen where he becomes the child-rearer
through every day, and in so doing become closer, stron- out on a chance to embark further along the erotic journey while a boyfriend provides the sex, and no wife is going
ger, and more committed. To the first, Id tell the husband to of marriage, with all of its adjustments, but also because an to feel chosen where her husband displays an erotic mag-
listen to his wife and yearn to really understand her struggle open marriage never will end well. Jealousy is an active ingre- netism to another woman. Both scenarios are ultimately
with a new illness. To the second, Id advise her to focus on dient in any healthy marriage, and a malignant one in any soul-destroying.
building lust within their relationship and reap the rewards monogamish non-marriage. Jealousy can be an important And thats what makes the New York Times story so
that sexuality can yield when it is accompanied with the right glue in every relationship, and I always try to help couples strange. To write about open marriage as a little-practiced,
amount of attention and care. My book Kosher Lust is all understand the difference between envy and jealousy. The marginal idea that can bring the passion of novelty while
about the three ingredients of erotic attraction that every mar- former is the illegitimate desire to possess that which belongs accompanied by the wholesale destruction of non-exclusiv-
riage can rediscover and use. To the third, Id tell that man to someone else, while the latter is the legitimate need to con- ity and jealousy is something that would speak accurately to
how every time he grows restless for another woman that is nect with, and protect, that which is yours. In the Torah, God readers experience and sentiment. But to write about open
just another opportunity for him to turn away from diffusing is described virtuously as a jealous God. Why should we sur- marriage as a soul-expanding blessing being pioneered by
his erotic interest through multiple targets and choose his wife mount jealousy rather than use it to our advantage to create the courageous and the enlightened is what today we might
anew from amongst all other women, and in so doing, make more passionate and intimate marriages. call fake news.
her feel chosen. Jealousy is and always will be. No husband or wife will ever
All of the struggles faced by these couples were gilded be able to witness the repeated infidelity of their other half Rabbi Shmuley Boteach of Englewood has written more than 30
opportunities for making a better, stronger marriage. After all, without it taking a deathly emotional toll. books, including Kosher Sex and The Kosher Sutra. Follow
the complexity of struggle is what makes marriages stronger. Nor should they. him on Twitter @RabbiShmuley.
n many Sephardic con- Said the Awesome One, And He established the Torah in Yaakov with vigor,
gregations, before the You who from the time of love I have heard him, And He commanded to erect its fences
Torah reading on the And I love him with an eternal love, So no one would break through!
first day of Shavuot, May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! And I established faithful witnesses,
we read a poem that forms a To go to the wedding canopy, agreed the dancer of the camps, The heavens and the earth!
ketubah a marriage contract. And for her We will do, and then obey Let the bridegroom rejoice with the bride,
This love song is modeled merited six hundred thousand crowns; To take for his possession,
after Shir Hashirim the In the third month, from the time And let the heart of the bride rejoice
Song of Songs the book That Israel left Egypt. With the husband of her youth,
of the Bible, said to be writ- Rabbi Ilan And the connection was strong And let her say to the one who sings his praises,
ten by King Solomon, that is Acoca With this nation, which he acquired at Sinai, Happy is the People for whom it is so!
a metaphor for the relation- And the deed of purchase and the signature
ship between the Holy One, I read for my throngs, This ketubah expresses the responsibility we have
Blessed Be He, and the People of Israel. The poem, com- Behold! It is written before me. taken by accepting the Torah. It also gives us purpose in
posed by Rabbi Yisrael Najara (1555-1625), takes the form On the sixth day I will read what is written in the letter, life and traces our perspective. The Talmud Zevachim
of a marriage contract between Israel and the Torah. A day on which to bequeath to his beloved ones the Torah, (116A) teaches that the Torah was hidden among Gods
Even though the meaning of this great poetic song is The Living God did intend, treasures for 974 generations before He gave it to us.
lost when it is translated, Id like to share some excerpts Six days in the month of Sivan. How fortunate are we to have gotten it!
from it. that he should not travel far away, Let us all realize the invaluable gift that God has give
Or make his way in the sea, us. Without it, there would not be a Jewish nation. This
My beloved went down to his garden, to his bed of spices, Without the Torah placed near his heart; book has kept us alive, and today we can proudly say
To delight in the princess, and to spread over her the canopy It should be with him, and he shall read from it. Am Israel chai vekayam!
of his peace; Let the righteous see and rejoice,
King Solomon made for himself a palace. And let them enjoy their reward, Ilan Acoca is the rabbi of the Sephardic Congregation of
My beloved, my doe, come with me to my chamber, my hall, Of a testimony that is longer as the land, Fort Lee, rav mechanech rabbi in residence of Ben
For your sake I have left all the legions above, and their host; And wider than the sea, Porat Yosef in Paramus, and the author of the recently
And I have betrothed you unto me forever. And all is strong, and clear, and steadfast! released The Sephardic Book of Why.
hot button political issues. And that is well within the law. I 2. Instead of mocking the comment describing the visit to
have criticized and praised sitting presidents. I have spoken Saudi Arabia being in the Middle East, which it is, there could
More on the Johnson Amendment passionately against the Iran nuclear deal. Again, all within have been a description of the reception afforded to Presi-
I must respectfully disagree with my colleague Rabbi Mitchell the law. So did just about every other rabbi in Bergen County dent Trump and his party. The pomp and ceremonies began
Rocklin and the views he stated in his recent opinion piece, with regard to political issues they have wished to address in with the deplaning of the presidential party and continued
The presidency and the pulpit: Easing fears and uniting the their synagogues. Yet none of us ever were investigated by an throughout his visit. All of them were highly First Class. In a
faithful (May 19). His essay is based on a faulty understanding IRS agent. different scenario his reception would have been contrasted
of the Johnson Amendment, and the important role it plays in I am explaining this to the readership of the Jewish Stan- with the visit of the previous president.
our civic discourse. dard in this fashion so that the community might better 3. A listing of statements including the Kotel was part of
The Johnson Amendment is a significant godsend (no pun understand how the Johnson Amendment actually protects the West Bank by an unnamed Trump official presented
intended) to religious life in America. It is a provision in the free speech and expression, yet at the same time prevents our a lack of clarity by Trump representatives. The fact is that the
tax code that forbids tax-exempt organizations from endors- religious institutions from hyper-partisanship masquerading Kotel is on the West Bank but so are Tel Aviv, Haifa, etc.. Tiller-
ing or opposing political candidates. It allows leaders of reli- as religious piety. For the pendulum always swings between son stated that The Western Wall is in Jerusalem. No obfus-
gious congregations to fully speak about any issue that we left and right, between Republican and Democrat. And our cation there.
wish to speak about. Yet at the same time, it demands that tax exempt organizations need to stay above the fray. Or have 4. First Wife or Trumps third wife is only cringewor-
we obey the same rules as every other tax exempt organiza- the courage of their convictions and stop taking the govern- thy to those looking for a certain photo op.
tion. It makes no special provision or exemption for house of ments money. 5. We finally arrive at whether the White House consid-
worship, nor should it. It defends houses of worship from the For these and so many other reasons, I support the John- ers Jerusalem is in Israel. Trump has stated that he intends
political whims and tastes of their largest benefactors by main- son Amendment and oppose this shortsighted executive to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. One
taining them as nonpartisan. Yet with one stroke of the pen, order ordering the IRS to relax enforcement of it. We can establishes the U.S. Embassy in the capital of the nation it is
in order to satisfy a relatively small percentage of American only hope that legal challenges to this irresponsible and situated in. Congress has voted to move the embassy to Jerusa-
religious leaders, the president has threatened all that with unnecessary executive order will be successful. A great deal lem and the President has the power to not do so for security
his ill-considered executive order relaxing enforcement of the is riding on such success like the future of religious life in reasons.
Johnson Amendment. this great nation. Hopefully in the future I will be able to read the other set
Until recently, I could say to my congregation that I disagree Rabbi Arthur Weiner of pictures in the Jewish Standard.
with the president without any fear of reprisal, investigation, Jewish Community Center of Paramus/Congregation Beth Tikvah Howard J. Cohn, New Milford
or threat to our tax exempt status. Now, however, I also can
say that they should not vote for him, or that they should sup- Dont be negative about Trump visit Truly a small world
port some other candidate next time around. Reading Five odd moments from Trump Israel trip (May I so enjoyed your article a few weeks ago on the three men
Real religious leadership is to recognize how dangerous this 26), I was disappointed but not surprised. It reminded me of from Stoke Newington in England who re-met after many
power is, and refrain from using it. an anecdote I heard in a journalism class. A news photogra- years at the JCC (The Stoke Newington Connection, April
Rabbi Rocklin uses the simple language of the Johnson pher on his first assignment asked his editor, Should I take 7). One of them, Malcolm Galatin, is a good friend of mine.
Amendment to generalize about possible attempts by the pictures of the candidate picking his nose or kissing babies? I showed the article to my English friend, Carole Benson,
government to limit speaking about political issues in our Instead of photos we have words. She told me that her husband grew up in the borough adjacent
congregations, and claims that the executive order protects 1. Contrasting the articles interpretation of the message left to Stoke Newington. We ended up all having dinner together
us. Yet there is no evidence of such limits ever actually tak- in the guest book by Trump, there could have been quotes and Malcolm and Caroles husband, Gerry, found a lot of con-
ing place, for such speech never was limited or affected by from his powerful and direct words in his speech at Yad nections. They are even both in the same school photo!
the Johnson Amendment. Over the past several years, I have Vashem. In the paragraph commenting on an unfortunate Elizabeth Halverstam
spoken about health care, gun control, and voting rights, all typo the Jewish Standard prints one too, Dutch count (sic). Bergen County section, National Council of Jewish Women
or those like me
whod never really
given any thought
to s i n ge r A r i a n a
Grande before the terrorist
atrocity at her concert in the
British city of Manchester,
it took a few minutes to fig-
ure out the correspondence
between her audience and Ben Cohen
the target selection of suicide
bomber Salman Abedi.
Eventually, it dawned. Grandes primary audience
consists of girls in their teens and younger. If Abedi
wasnt aware of that before arriving at the Manchester
Arena venue, he surely would have worked that out in
the moments before he detonated himself.
In the name of a global Islamic caliphate, Abedi set
out to slaughter young people more precisely, teen-
age girls. Islamists violently detest any expression of
permissiveness among women; from an early age,
females in their grip are trained to think of themselves
only as servants and as child-bearers. Disobedience
inevitably dispenses a beating that varies from light
to heavy, depending on which Islamist preacher
their household suzerain happens to follow.
You saw this misogynistic hatred on display in Man-
chester, in the terrible, incessant screams forming the
soundtrack to the first images of the atrocity the out-
side explosion, the hordes of kids fleeing for the exits
as pink balloons floated eerily among them.
I wont pretend to have an answer to the question Ariana Grande during a concert in 2013 Photo By MeLissA rose.
are taught. In no time at all, moral values decay, and fused with hatred of relaxed sexuality and expressions
even our own children mimic our degeneracy f or of femininity, can be devastating once it is incorpo- Ben Cohen writes a weekly column on Jewish affairs and
example, by donning lipstick and going to a pop con- rated into an ideology of conquest as jihadism indu- Middle Eastern politics. His work has been published
cert unaccompanied. bitably is. in Commentary, the New York Post, Haaretz, the Wall
In Islamist literature, this panic is given exquisite In his book Terror and Liberalism, Paul Berman Street Journal, and many other publications.
FIRST PLACE he older I get, the easier my recipes become.
Ive cooked my share of three-pagers and
struggled through dozens of works of culi-
WE ARE NUT FREE! nary art. Im done with all that. But I still want
to serve delicious food that looks attractive, especially
when the weather gets warm, the sun is shining, and Id
rather be outside on the porch spending more time with
my family and friends.
It all can be done, even when you want to serve fancy-
looking food. For example, when I have guests over for
a Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon, I usually serve
hors doeuvres before the meal just a nibble or two.
Challah Pastries cookies bobkas pies & More... And yes, I could skip the cooking altogether and offer
WHERE QUALITY AND FRESHNESS COUNT! store-bought somethings from the supermarket condi- [email protected] ment bar, but I prefer to make my own, like these lox
and bagel bites, which have come in handy on many Ingredients:
occasions. They take about 15 minutes to prepare and 1/4 pound smoked salmon pieces
look so pretty on a platter that people think you actually 2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion
KOSHER spent a lot of time fussing. 1 to 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
All you have to do is chop smoked salmon (you could few drops of olive oil, few drops of lemon juice
use any smoked fish), add some sort of onion (I like cream cheese, dairy sour cream, crme fraiche or
the color contrast of red onion, but scallions or chives mascarpone cheese (optional)
will do), mix in a few drops of olive oil and lemon juice
for flavor and enrichment, and add a bit of fresh dill (it Chop the smoked salmon into tiny pieces and place
could be parsley or cilantro).
BUY ONE For a quick tidbit, spoon the mixture directly onto
in a bowl. Add the red onion and dill and mix thor-
oughly. Sprinkle in a few drops of olive oil and lemon
some bagel chips (or use potato chips, crackers, mat- juice and mix.
DONUT zah, or pumpernickel rounds). For dairy, spread a thin If youre making dairy-free appetizers, top bagel
layer of cream cheese (mascarpone, sour cream, etc.) chips with salmon mixture and serve. If using dairy,
GET on the chips first. You can make the salmon mixture a
spread the bagel chips with cream cheese, sour
cream, crme fraiche, or mascarpone cheese. Top
day ahead, but finalize the actual hors doeuvre up to an
ONE hour before serving. (If you do it more in advance the
with some of the salmon mixture.
chips will get soggy.) The Nosher via JTA
Families who sign up for Neil Klatskin Summer Camps are eligible for a Camp Family Membership which runs Memorial day-Labor Day. JCC membership
required for Neil Klatskin Day Camps and all sport camps, and for children under 10 years in art, science, Big Idea, dance, and drama camps. The JCC
offers many membership options, call 201.408.1448 for details.
aths these days are few and concerned with what you restrictions, but were born something is fresh and original doesnt
far between. Unless you are look like, or how people into it because of an event necessarily make it worthwhile. Indeed,
becoming a naturalized citi- think about your looks? in their parents lives. Rabbi one of the secrets of Jewish survival and
zen, joining the Boy Scouts, Swear a binding oath not Meir Simcha Cohen of Dvinsk excellence is how we manage to own
testifying in court, or assuming public to do anything with your discusses this strange life in for ourselves traditions that have been
office, theres hardly an occasion to raise hair for a month or more! his commentary, noting that bequeathed to us by our ancestors.
your right hand and solemnly swear In Tractate Nazir in the Tal- the Torah uses two different Even as traditions continue to link us
anything. Looked at from the other side, mud, Shimon Ha-Tzadik forms of the word nezer, to what has come before, the greatest
can we imagine anybody but an ISIS ter- (who was a rabbi but also one of which is possessive, as expression of holiness is not necessarily to
rorist giving up a normal life by means of had been the high priest) Rabbi David if owned by the practitioner, be found in extremism, in renunciation of
a determined and unbreakable promise? said he had only presided Bockman the other of which seems worldly pleasures (as the nazir does), but
Our Torah portion, Naso, speaks of the over one sacrifice from a Congregation thrust upon him. Is it ever in enjoying blessings that we have received
Beth Shalom,
nazir(ite), who vows to abstain from wine nazir. During that ritual, he Pompton Lakes,
truly possible for a parent and ultimately in raising the physical to a
and all grape products, not to cut his hair, shaved and burned all the Conservative to take a solemn oath about higher level. Rabbi Shalom Noach Bar-
and to avoid being in the presence of dead hair that had grown dur- what his offspring will or will zovsky, the Slonimer rebbe, noted that
bodies for a certain amount of time (mini- ing the time he was a nazir. not do, ever, in his entire the passage on the nazir is followed by the
mally a month). Rashi says the passage That man was the only one who, Shimon life? Look at the Manchester bombers tripartite priestly blessing, which in turn
about the nazir immediately follows that claimed, actually embraced the notion father (ISIS again), who denies any wrong- is followed by a list of the gifts each tribal
about the sotah (a suspected adulteress of rejecting lookism when he caught ful tendencies in his son, even though he leader brings at the dedication of the altar.
who is tested publicly in a magical ordeal) himself admiring his hair in a reflection, had previously threatened to take away Perhaps it is not a bad thing that we dont
in the Torahs text because seeing such a and thus could bring such a sacrifice with his sons passport due to the young mans renounce the world with extreme oaths
woman in her downfall can cause people pure motivation, thinking about God and extremism. like the nazir. Maybe the most important
to swear off intoxicants so they will not righteousness, as was necessary. Indeed, in the discussion on this subject path we need to take is that which has
end up that way. Thats the essence, Rashi In the haftarah, however, we read about in Emmanuel Levinas Nine Talmudic been handed down us: rather than reject-
thinks, of naziritude. the birth of Samson, whom the Bible Readings, the author explores the notion ing the imperfect world, we need to join in
Other commentators have under- terms a nazir from the womb. He and that someone who has chosen for himself the long line those pitching in and doing
stood the no haircutting rule as being the prophet Samuel are in a unique cat- is not necessarily the highest expression the hard work of perfecting it, even if only
the essential aspect of being a nazir. Too egory of nazirites who did not choose the of an ideal. We all know that just because incrementally.
Yahrzeit service will honor sculptor River Edge student in critical condition
of Liberty Park Liberation monument
Adam Messing, a 22-year-old college student from River Edge, suf-
There will be a memorial service fered a traumatic brain injury after falling during a hike with friends
Liberation by
Natan Rapoport
esterday, I went to #3 and I had the pleasure
my dads OB/GYN of spending some quality
office to take a preg- time in Brookline, Mass.,
nancy test and the with a childhood friend
nurse said to me, Its positive. of husband #1. When hus-
Yesterday, I was in labor for band #1 gets together with
24 hours and 30 minutes, most this friend, it is like they are
of those without any medica- transported back to Mon-
tion, because I was determined sey in the 1970s. They tell
to have a natural birth. Yes- Banji the same stories and gig-
terday, I was singing lullabies Ganchrow gle like they are little kids
to a bright-eyed baby boy who again, and her husband and
slept through the night and I roll our eyes and know
always had a smile on his face. Yesterday, which story will be coming next. It is like
I was running to Kmart to buy my 2-year- we are in a time machine, transported back
old Blues Clues underwear because he to the time before everything you did was
said he wanted to wear them and go on put on social media. Before kale became a
the potty. Yesterday, I was taking my little vegetable. Before we had kids and jobs and
boy by the hand and dropping him off at mortgages and yeshiva tuition. Before every
nursery school. Yesterday, I was sending scary thing that happened in the world was
my boy to sleep-away camp for the first plastered all over the place, giving young
time, and I was so nauseous I had to sit kids nightmares and their parents cause to
down. Yesterday, I watched my boy play up their medications. Across Down
goalie wearing equipment that weighed You would think I might think it was 1. Kudrow and Loeb 1. Day 33 in the Omer
more than he did. Yesterday, I took my son weird that husband #1 has such a special 6. Like Yoni Netanyahu or Judah 2. ___ Crown Jewish Academy
Maccabee 3. Mineo of Exodus
for his high school interview. Yesterday, I relationship with this woman. But I dont, 11. The Good Wife airer 4. Many a Ramallah resident
took my son to the airport to send him off because it is so sweet and special. And it 14. First of a doubled month 5. War that gave Israel back the Old City
for his year in Israel. brings out a side of him that I never see. 15. Menachem with the alias Rabbi Israel 6. 1-Down activity activity
Sassover 7. Subscribe to this publication for
Man, yesterday was a really long day. What do I mean by that? If this friend is in
16. Like Israel in the summer another year
It must have been, because today that town only for 15 minutes and she is spend- 17. 1999 Tim Allen hit 8. Like fine 11-Across
adorable little boy is a senior in college. ing those 15 minutes getting a manicure, 19. Barefoot Contessa chef Garten 9. They arent given to Israelis in some
I decided that since it is graduation sea- husband #1 will meet her at the manicure 20. Anti- Israel org. Arab countries
21. Letters many consider inappropriate 10. Sinus ent
son and I am not now mothering anyone place. A more drastic example? Well, in for the Western Wall? 11. Shot option when saying Lchaim!
who is graduating, I will be clichd and the almost 22 years we have been married, 22. Namesakes of the first lady 12. Lisa of The Cosby Show
reflective as my first-born begins his last making early Shabbos has been an annoy- 23. Pure tref 13. The Irgun might have had a secret
26. Capone and Michaels one of weapons
year of college. And all of those other mile- ing staple of every week. It drives me
28. Place for Davids sword 18. CK1 alternative
stones really do feel like they were just crazy, but as gabbai of our synagogue, this 30. Egypt to Israel, in 1948 22. Ending for puppet (e.g. Shari
yesterday. After all, I just graduated from is what husband #1 does. We drove to Bos- 32. Magen David Adom letters Lewis)
high school, so how do I have a son who ton and there was a ton of traffic and out 35. Some settings on Braffs Scrubs, 23. Glances (over the mechitzah)
for short 24. Country where Modi is in
is only a year away from graduating from of husband #1s mouth comes, You know 36. Jewish testimonials 25. Star in A Touch of Class and The
what, we might have to make Shabbos at 37. Night prayer Goldbergs
regular time. Thats OK with you, right? 39. Rabbinic title 27. Its breathed on the Mediterranean
42. Ya___ (name in Hebrew meaning 29. Lane for those carpooling to YU
Is that OK with me? I have been asking
precious) 31. NYC subway inits. or yeshiva
Yesterday, I was you to do this for almost 22 years! It takes
driving out to see his special friend for
43. With the start or end of 17 &
65-Across and 11 & 25-Down, shes
33. Madonnas nickname
34. Golani members
sending my boy this question to be asked. Fortunately, it making waves as Wonder Woman
44. Davidson of Saturday Night Live
37. Ben-Hur studio
38. Where ___ At (Beck hit)
to sleep-away only took five hours to get there, and not
eight, so we were still able to make early
45. Portman won this award for Black
40. What one might do on Yom Kippur
41. Line in the Bible
camp for the first Shabbos. Phew! 46. Chaverim, like Juan and Julio
47. Marty Feldman in Young
44. Apple ___ (Rosh Hashanah dessert,
time, and I was But, in the end, its all good. Being with
those people who have been in your life
Frankenstein 46. Austrian peak
so nauseous I
48. Eilat slitherer 49. Subj. for Israelis who move to the
forever makes you feel young. It helps 50. Kushners political party (now): U.S.
under a quota system that exists in only
elf-driving cars. Drip irrigation. two other nations, Canada and Norway.
Missile defense. Milk? In case of an increase or expected
Amid all the buzz around Israel increase in the demand for milk prod-
as the start-up nation, includ- ucts, the Dairy Board lifts the quota, Dr.
ing Intels recent $15 billion acquisition Ephraism Maltz said. Dr. Maltz is a senior
of Mobileye, the high-tech and hyper- researcher emeritus at the Volcani Cen-
efficient Israeli dairy industry is a lesser- ter, the Israeli Ministry of Agricultures
known phenomenon. research arm. The Dairy Board advises
Surprised? Dont be. The combination the farmers, considering the expected high
of Israelis high demand for dairy products demand for holidays and summer months,
and the Jewish states well-documented allowing the farmers to plan and get orga-
Former official: Palestinian Harold, she was active in City of Hope, the Con- John M. Gorny, Manager NJ Lic #3563
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n 1 Gail Black of West Caldwell,
president of Hadassah Northern
New Jersey, the Womens Zionist
Organization of America, recently
returned from a weeklong brief-
ing in Israel, focusing on current
events and Hadassahs projected
growth. The mission celebrated the
50 years since the reunification of
Jerusalem, which brought Hadas-
sahs Mount Scopus hospital cam-
pus back. Here, Ms. Black is with a
patient, Aaron Swartz, whose spine
was crushed in a mishap, and with
Dr. Amal Khoury, one of the two
orthopedic surgeons who in a
world first used two robots that 7
communicated with each other to
complete the precise repair of his
shattered spine. She also toured
the operating theaters where
breakthrough technologies are be-
ing developed. Courtesy Hadassah
n 2 Thirteen-year-old students
from the zayin class of the religious
school at Temple Emanuel of the
Pascack Valley, including Jeremy
Slaten, pictured, participated in
Remembering Together Across
Generations. The intergenerational
program with Holocaust survivors
and teens was sponsored by the
Jewish Home for Assisted Living in n 4 Seventh-grade graduates of the Fair Lawn Jew- Among those at the dinner were Rabbi Yosef Carlebach, a police chap-
River Vale. Holocaust survivor Han- ish Center/Congregation Bnai Israel religious school are lain for the New Jersey State Police; his son, Rabbi Mendy Carlebach, a
na Wechsler listens. Courtesy TEPV shown with their teacher, Deb Lesnoy. Courtesy FLJC police chaplain for the Port Authority Police; Rabbi Harry Berkowitzy, a
chaplain for the MTA Police, and Joseph Occhipinti, executive director
n 3 Choir members from the Ger- n 5 The Chabad of Teaneck hosted residents of the Jewish Asso- of the National Police Defense Foundation. Courtesy Rutgers Chabad
rard Berman Day School enter- ciation for Developmental Disabilities for a Lag BOmer barbecue.
tained at a Caf Europa program The day included crafts, food, and camaraderie. Courtesy J-ADD n 7 Members of Waynes Temple Beth Tikvah Renais-
at the Fair Lawn Jewish Center/CBI sance Club went to the Hunterdon Playhouse to see Born
earlier this month. Courtesy JFCSNNJ n 6 The Chabad House at Rutgers University wlecomed 25 officials from Yesterday, the Broadway show that made Judy Holi-
the Israeli police force at a dinner. It was part of the Israelis participation day a star. They also had lunch together. Courtesy TBT
in a police motorcycle unity tour in Washington to mark Police Week.
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Abe Sodden, who played from 1952 to Fame.
1956, serving as captain during the 1955 We are thrilled to gather some of Yeshi-
1956 season and breaking the record at the vas most accomplished alumni and honor
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