Observation Form Cameron
Observation Form Cameron
Observation Form Cameron
In your lesson, you asked kids, When does Friday come before
Thursday? Many of the kids answers involved the timing of a
week. While the content answer was in a dictionary, the kids
were still demonstrating a great creative skill thinking flexibly!
For example, once I asked the question, How are roller coasters
like movies? and a student responded, Because there is always
THAT person using their phone. Was it an accurate and clever?
Absolutely! This child saw a connection that no one else thought
of and used humor/wit. Was it what I was trying to teach? Not
reallyWe all had a laugh, acknowledged the creativity, and then
focused on the responses that were more targeted to my physics
lesson (such as, They both have ups and downs.)
Another way you could fish for the right answer is to leave it
hanging until the end of the lesson. You might have said to the
kids, These are some great connections! There is one more way
that Friday comes before Thursday, and at the end of our lesson,
Im going to see if someone can guess it!
Adapted from GA DOE GAPSS Analysis Classroom Instruction Observation Form and NAGC-CEC Teacher Standards for Gifted Education
Assessment Formative assessments are utilized X Monitored student answers in order to
during instruction to provide immediate deliver timely feedback.
evidence of student learning and to
provide specific feedback to students.
Planning and Classroom management is conducive to X Classroom Environment is very
Organization student learning. welcoming, and students were
Instruction is provided in a safe and X comfortable in taking risks with their
orderly environment. answers. They were excited and proud
The teacher maximizes instructional X to share out.
School The culture of the classroom reflects a X
Culture risk-free learning environment.
Overall Assessment Below the Standard - 1 Approaching the Standard 2 Meets the Standard - 3 Exceeds the Standard - 4
Absence of major components While students met the learning With implementation of 15-20 With full implementation of
of a standard-based classroom as goals of the lesson, absence of major of the components of a 17-20 of the components of a
noted above prevented the gifted components of a standards-based standards-based classroom, standards-based classroom,
learners from meeting the goals classroom as noted above prevented the students met the learning the students exceeded the
of the lesson. the gifted learners from being fully goals and demonstrated learning goals and gained new
challenged by the lesson to think critical and/or creative insights that can be transferred
critically and/or creatively. thinking. beyond the discipline of study.
Adapted from GA DOE GAPSS Analysis Classroom Instruction Observation Form and NAGC-CEC Teacher Standards for Gifted Education