Silk Screen Printing Instructions

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Silk Screen Printing Instructions


INTRODUCTION to Silk Screen Printing



Screen printing, sometimes called silk screening or serigraphy, has long proved it's worth as a fine arts
and commercial medium. While SPEEDBALL Screen Printing Materials meet the high quality standards
of professionals, our hope is to bring the satisfaction and enjoyment of Screen Printing to the
hobbyist, the handicrafter and the student as well.
The Speedball systems allow total flexibility. You can create screen stencils in a variety of ways and
produce prints with three SPEEDBALL water-based, solvent-free inks; watersoluble, permanent acrylic
and textile inks.
These instructions have been prepared in simple language. If followed, they will produce satisfying
results. Most importantly, we have made additional and replacement materials available at low prices
from all stores where SPEEDBALL art products are sold.
In addition to the materials supplied in the SPEEDBALL Kits, you may want to have the following items
on hand:
. Water resistant masking tape, 1 "wide
. Screw driver
. Old newspapers
. Sheet of cardboard
. Small scrub brush
. House detergent (See pg.6)
. Scissors
. Small lamp or lamp cord with a standard socket
. BBA No.1 Photoflood (preferred) or a clear 150W incandescent bulb
. Aluminum foil disposable pie tin with 10" or 12" diameter
. Cellophane tape
. Paper cups
. SPEEDBALL Technical Black Ink & SPEEDBALL Pens
. Old towels, rags, paper towels
. 9"x12" piece of glass, plexiglas, or lucite
. Rubber gloves
. Apron or smock

An added luxury is an electric fan. This can be used to cut down the required drying time in the
preparation of screens for printing as well as the drying of prints.


A card table will provide enough work area for most projects. It is necessary to locate your work area
with easy access to a large sink or laundry tub with hot and cold water.
If you plan to make a large number of prints, you may wish to string a line through spring-type
clothespins or make a rack to keep prints from smearing while they dry.


Step A

Two hinges with screws and removable pins are included in Speedball kits (#4521 & 4522 only). These
are easily attached by first joining the halves together with the hinge pins. It is best to mount the side
of the hinge with two bearings to the base and the side of the hinge with one bearing to the screen
frame. Then, position the assembled hinges over the 11 pilot" holes on top of the frame and base and
screw them in place. Be sure they are right side up. Follow this by screwing the kickleg to the side of
the frame. A "pilot" hole has been provided for this also.
The kickleg should be "freeswinging".

Step B

The next important step in preparation is to detach the frame from the base and scrub both sides of
the screen fabric with a bristle or nylon brush and trisodium phosphate/water or dish washer powder/
water solution.
Let it dry thoroughly after rinsing. For water-based inks, use 1 wide water-resistant masking tape. Lay
the tape so it is divided equally-half on the screen fabric-half on the screen frame. Turn the frame
over and cover the groove with tape. Be certain that the tape extends beyond the frame and onto the
fabric. For solvent-based inks, use gummed water-soluble tape in the same manner.
Taping in this way helps to maintain a "tight" screen, and prevents ink from leaking under the screen
frame during printing and will keep the edges of your prints clean. To get maximum adhesion of the
tape, rub it with a spoon or wooden stirrer.
Step C

There are a number of ways to prepare a screen to print the picture or message you want. While the
methods are different, the basic principle is to make a stencil on the screen fabric which allows ink to
be forced through its "open" areas to produce a design.


These instructions explain 4 of the more popular methods used for preparing screens. Read them
carefully. Follow them carefully.


This is the best method for a beginner It is the fastest, least expensive, and simplest way to prepare a
screen. It is done by cutting the message or illustration from paper. Newspaper or newsprint will work
satisfactorily. Keep the paper flat and not wrinkled. For more accurate and durable cut paper stencils,
use waxed paper. Designs can be cut with scissors or stencil knife or they can be "torn" to create a
textured appearance.

Step A

Cut your paper stencil. You may wish to create a design by folding and cutting your paper as
illustrated. For your stencil, you can use either the cutout or the paper remaining.

Step B

Position printing paper under the frame.

Lay your cutouts on this paper as desired and lower the screen.
Screen Printing Fabric Kit #4526 has materials for methods 1, 2, 3 & 4.. Craft Kit #4521 & Deluxe Kit
#4522 have materials for methods 1, 2, & 3.
Step C

Follow the directions found in the section "Making Prints."

Press down on the screen frame to insure complete contact with all cutouts. Make your first print. You
will find with the first pass of the squeegee, the ink will cause the cutouts to stick to the underside of
the screen creating a stencil effect.
Once you see how simple this method is, you may wish to try variations by creating two or three
designs with torn paper of various shapes and printing each in a different color or hue. Do not overlap
cutout pieces on the screen.
For intricate cutouts and small pieces, you may use school paste or rubber cement to adhere them to
the bottom of the screen. NOTE: Generally ten to fifteen prints can be satisfactorily produced by this
method. When a larger number of prints is desired, you should use one of the more "permanent"


Direct block-out or "Negative Method"

Using Screen Filler is another simple means of preparing a screen for printing. The Screen Filler is
used to block out those areas which you do not wish to print. This allows the ink to be forced through
the screen whenever the Screen Filler has not been applied.

Step A

On a sheet of plain paper, make up the illustrations or message you wish to print with your screen.
Place this layout on a table top. Place your screen over this layout and trace your design directly on
the screen fabric with a soft lead pencil.

Step B

Stir the Screen Filler until it is thoroughly mixed to a smooth consistency. Select an appropriate
brush. This will be determined according to the type of line or texture to be produced. You can work
on either the front or back of the screen. Be certain that bottom of screen is elevated-not touching
table. Paint areas of the layout that you do not want to print. When all areas to be blocked out are
covered with Screen Filler, flip the screen over and smooth out places the Filler may have collected
on the opposite sideof the screen. Be careful during this smoothing out not to distort your work.

Step C

Leave the screen to dry in a level position. Make sure nothing touches the areas covered with Screen
Filler Thorough drying is necessary. Overnight drying is recommended to assure best results.
Check for pin holes in the blocked-out areas. You can do this by holding the screen up to a light. Fill
any pin holes with Screen Filler and allow to dry completely. You are now ready to print. NOTE: Since
Screen Filler is applied to all areas which are not to be printed, this-along with all traditional "direct"
methods-is considered to be a "negative" method of printing. Your print will be the opposite of that
which you created in your screen.


Tusche-resist or " positive!' method

Step A

On a sheet of plain paper, make up the illustrations or message you wish to print with your screen.
Place this layout on a table top. Place your screen over this layout, top side up. Trace your design
directly on the screen fabric with a soft lead pencil.

Step A-Alternative

The preparation of a layout is to help guide the application of Drawing Fluid. If you feel such a guide
is unnecessary, go directly to step B.

Step B

Select an appropriate brush. This will be determined by the type of line or texture to be produced.
You can work on either side of the screen. Remember, however, that your printing will be done from
the top (or "ink-fill") side of the screen.
Be certain that screen is elevated-not touching table. Paint the Drawing Fluid over those areas of your
layout that you want to print. Leave the screen to dry in a level, flat position. Make sure nothing
touches the areas covered with Drawing Fluid.

Step C

After the Drawing Fluid is completely dry, open the Screen Filler and mix it thoroughly to a smooth
consistency. Spoon it onto the screen fabric on the same side of the screen used for the application
of Drawing Fluid.
Use the squeegee or the plastic spreader to apply an evenly smooth coating over the entire screen.
One pass should be sufficient. Multiple passes of Screen Filler will dissolve the Drawing Fluid and
prevent character washout.
Again, put the screen to dry in a horizontal position making sure nothing touches the fabric. It is
important that the Screen Filler dry completely.

Step D

When the Screen Filler has thoroughly dried, spray cold water on both sides of the screen.
Concentrate the spray on the areas where Drawing Fluid was applied. These areas will dissolve and
the screen will become open at those points so that ink can flow through them.
If some areas remain slightly blocked, scrub them lightly with a small stiff brush on both sides of the
screen (an old toothbrush will do a good job). DO NOT USE HOT WATER DURING THIS STAGE. Allow
your screen to dry in a level (horizontal) position, bottom-side up.
Drying time may be accelerated by using a hair dryer or fan.

You are now ready to print. Follow the directions found in the section, "Making Prints."

Use polyester or other suitable synthetic fabric or screen material. Do not use silk or organdy if you
wish to reclaim the screen.
This is one of the most exciting methods of Screen Printing because it offers the widest range of
possibilities. It makes possible the printing of fine line drawings, various hand and commercial
lettering techniques, as well as photographic half-tone positives.
All methods of photographic Screen Printing require three things: (1) a screen prepared with a light-
sensitive coating, (2) a film positive, or equal, and (3) a light source that will enable you to transfer
the opaque images on your positive to the light-sensitive screen you have prepared.
Let's examine these requirements.

Step A--Mixing the photo emulsion


SB4558 Diazo Kit Follow the mixing instructions given on both containers. Store the sensitized
emulsion in a cool and dark place. Shelf life for the sensitized emulsion is 4 weeks at 90 Degrees F 8
weeks at 70 Degrees F and 4 months when refrigerated.

Step B Coating the screen

Coat the screen by first pouring a bead of the solution on one end of the bottom side of the screen.
Spread it evenly and thinly with the squeegee or the plastic spreader. Use more solution where
necessary. Pour a bead of the solution on one end of the inside of the screen and spread it evenly with
the squeegee or the plastic spreader. Work to achieve an even continuous coating on both sides of the
screen fabric. Perform the final spreading on the inside of the screen. Return any excess solution to
your mixing container.

Step C-Drying the coated screen

In an area AWAY FROM LIGHT AND HEAT, set the screen to dry horizontally, bottom side down. This
will provide the most even, flat "film" on the underside of the screen. It will, however, require your
elevating the four corners of the underside of the frame during the drying stage with push pins or
other suitable devices. An empty drawer, cupboard, closet, or under a cardboard box will work fine.
Allow the screen to dry thoroughly. If more than 300 prints are to be run, it is best to apply a second
coating of the sensitized Photo Emulsion to the bottom of the screen after the first coat is dry.
Remember, work for a smooth, even THIN coating. Repeat the drying process away from heat and
Once the sensitized screen is dry, it must remain in a darkened area until it is ready to be exposed. A
fan in the dark area will greatly speed up the drying of the emulsion on the screen.

Step D--Preparing a positive

With the SPEEDBALL Bichromate System, the maximum allowable time between application of the
sensitized emulsion to the screen and the exposure is 6 hours at room temperature. With the
SPEEDBALL Diazo System, the maximum allowable time is eight weeks at room temperature.
A "positive" is any opaque image (usually black), on any transparent or translucent surface. There are
many ways you may choose to prepare them.
A excellent transparent film for this purpose is Bienfang" Wet Media Mylar. Wet Media is available in
various sizes.
SPEEDBALL Screen Printing Craft Kits include both plain and printed tracing paper. The printed sheets
(positives) have copy and illustrations that may be used to create a picture or message. With the plain
sheets, you may make art work of your own with SPEEDBALL Technical Black Ink and an artists' brush
or SPEEDBALL pens. Excellent results can also be obtained by using dry transfer or pressure sensitive
letters and symbols. These can be applied directly on the tracing paper or clear plastic. The graphics
must be opaque to light.
Another way of producing positives is through copy machines that have the capability of reproducing
very opaquely on film, tracing paper, etc. In order to satisfactorily produce a positive using a copy
machine, the following conditions must be met:
. (1) Black and white line work-Must be opaque
. (2) Photographic print-Must have high contrast
. (3) Copy machine must have capability stated above. You must check this out in advance.
Photographic images can also be accurately screen printed.
However, because of the half-tones (or continuous tones) which are in all photographs, a special type
of "positive" must be prepared. This must be done by someone with photographic expertise and who
has the necessary equipment.
Essentially, this person will photographically transfer the halftones to Kodalith Ortho film. A dot
patterned half-tone screen will be placed between the lens, and the ortho film. These "half-tone" dots
will be exposed to the film simultaneously with the photograph.
The resulting "half-tone" negative will then be converted by the photographer to a "half-tone" positive.
This is the same type of "conversion" that is made in the preparation of photographs for newspaper and
magazine printing. The dot pattern breaks up the continuous tones into a half-tone interpretation that
can be printed.
Fine art half-tone screen printing involves a posterization process whereby a series of selected
positives are produced through a process camera. With filters, the process camera can selectively
identify specific colors in the original art. These are then, sequentially prepared for color registry.
This is a highly technical procedure and should be attempted only by experienced printers.
For an in-depth treatment of photographic screen procedures, we highly recommend the book, "Screen
Printing-Contemporary Methods and Materials" by Frances and Norman Lassiter This book 00 is
available at most artists' materials stores.

Step E

Before you remove the sensitized screen from the dark drying area, make sure everything you need to
print with is on hand. Set up your exposure lamp as described in step F Copy and illustrations
(positives) can be fixed in place with cellophane tape. Do not let two layers of tracing paper overlap.
A better alternative than taping the "positives" to the screen fabric is to lay a piece of clear glass,
lucite, or plexiglass on top of them. One of these must be used if thin lines or lettering less than 1/4"
tall is to be printed. Which ever you use, once you are all "positives" are in place and against the
fabric, you are ready to expose the screen.
A screen using positives made tracing paper and india ink could now look something like this:
Step F-Light source

To set up your "Light Station" place the screen on top of a piece of black paper and center it 12 inches
directly below a 150W clear incandescent bulb or a BBA No.1 Photoflood (preferred) Bulb. Either
should be fitted with a foil-type pie tin as a reflector.
The positive can be placed in contact with the coated (dry) screen by either of the above methods.
Figure F-1 does not require the foam rubber cushion and the positive will read "correctly" as it's
positioned in the screen frame.
Figure F-2 employs the use of a foam rubber cushion which is cut to the inside dimensions of the
screen frame. The positive is placed in reverse (mirror image) on top of the underside of the screen.


Recommended Exposure Chart (Revised 1/77)
150 Watt Bulb, Clear Incandescent
Screen Size . 150W Bulb Height . . Exposure Time

8"x10" . . . . . . 12 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 minutes

10"x14" . . . . . 12 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 minutes
12"x18" . . . . . 15 inches . . . . . . . . . 1 hr. 14 minutes
16"x20 . . . . . . 17 inches . . . . . . . . . 1 hr. 32 minutes
18"x20" . . . . . 17 inches . . . . . . . . . 1 hr. 32 minutes

BBA No. 1 Photoflood (250 Watt)

Screen Size . . Lamp Height . . Exposure Time

8" x 10". . . . . . 12 inches . . . . . 10 minutes

10"x14". . . . . . 12 inches . . . . . 10 minutes
12 "x 18" . . . . .15 inches . . . . . 16 minutes
16"x2O" . . . . . 17 inches . . . . . 20 minutes
18"x2O" . . . . . 17 inches . . . . . 20 minutes


This chart has been prepared using an aluminum foil pie-plate reflector as indicated in our
More sophisticated light sources, reflectors and equipment can, of course, be used. However, as any
variable is changed, you will have to adjust the exposure times and distances. This will require
experimentation through the use of test strips or other light testing devices or procedures.
Turn on the light and note the time. Expose according to time and distance indicated in chart. After
exposure, remove positive and take screen to sink.

Step G

Apply a forceful spray of water (body temperature) to both sides of the screen. DO NOT USE HOT
WATER. Concentrate this spray on the light images on the top side of the screen. After a few minutes,
these areas will become "open." Continue spraying until all unwanted emulsion is gone.
Once you have completely washed the screen, let it dry thoroughly in a level flat position.
Hold the dry frame to the light and check for pin-holes. These can be covered with Speedball Screen
Filler or pieces of masking
I stuck to the bottom of the screen. If Screen Filler is used, let the screen dry again. Follow the
directions found in the section, "Making Prints."

NOTE: Photo Emulsion should not be left in the screen indefinitely unless a permanent stencil is

It should be washed out as soon as the run is completed. See Clean-up instructions on page 6.

Step A-Preparations

Attach your screen frame to the base by inserting the hinge pins. For off-contact printing tape a penny
or a nickel to each of the four corners on the underside of the screen. Place a sheet of your printing
paper under the screen and position it as it is to be printed. Allow for margins. When you are certain
that the paper is in the correct position, lift the screen gently and mark where each edge of the paper
should be placed.
Cut three pieces of cardboard about 1 " x 2" and use these for registration guides. Place these next to
the lines you drew on the base so you can correctly locate each sheet to be printed.
These guides should be fastened securely with tape or rubber cement. Good guides are particularly
important if you intend to print more than one color of any print.

Step B-Selecting inks for printing on paper


Art prints require porous-surface papers of high quality. For most other printing applications,
construction paper, drawing paper, charcoal paper, pastel paper, most board items (except railroad
board) and cover stock (especially good for greeting cards) will be fine. Ink remains water soluble
after drying.
Avoid slick coated, high gloss papers or vinyl or plastic coated papers.
Stir the ink completely until you achieve a "buttery" or "creamy" consistency. If too thick, add one or
two drops of water or Water Soluble Transparent Extender Base. Mix thoroughly. Colors may be


Fine art prints require smooth matte finish, medium or heavyweight papers. To overcome "buckling"
caused by water penetration, after each color run is dry, place a flat weight on stacked prints. This
will cause them to dry flat and is especially important for good color registration.
These water-based acrylic inks dry waterproof.
To achieve transparency or economy, SPEEDBALL Extender Base (preferred) or Transparent Base may
be added. Do not allow ink to dry in screen.
For most other printing applications like posters, greeting cards, book covers, etc. 20# weight and over
cover stock paper is recommended.
Avoid slick coated, high gloss papers or vinyl or plastic coated papers.
Stir the ink completely until you achieve a "buttery" or "creamy" consistency. If too heavy or thick, add
one or two drops of water, SPEEDBALL Acrylic Extender Base or SPEEDBALL Acrylic Transparent Base.
Mix thoroughly.

Step B-Alternative
Selecting inks for printing on non-paper surfaces.


These can be used on wood or masonite if first coated with an acrylic emulsion base coat such as
SPEEDBALL Gesso. To achieve waterresistance, use an acrylic aerosol spray or a solventbased varnish
as a topcoat.


These can be used on almost any fabric that can be subjected to a hot iron (275'-375'). Do not use on
nonporous fabrics such as nylon.


These inks can also be used on wood, masonite and many coated surfaces. Always pre-test before

Step C-Printing on paper

Spoon out the ink across the end of the screen nearest to you. With the screen lifted slightly from the
base, apply an even blanket of ink onto the print area. Be sure to use an easy, smooth stroke with the
squeegee at a slight angle away from you. This is the flood stroke. Drop the screen onto your paper
Lift the squeegee over the ridge of ink and make the print stroke by pulling towards yourself. Keep the
squeegee at a 45 degree angle with enough pressure to scrape the ink from the screen. Lift the screen
from the print, make the flood stroke, set the kick leg, remove the print and put it to dry on your rack
or line. Insert new paper, release the kick leg and repeat the process.
Sharp clear prints can be produced provided you (1) maintain a generous quantity of ink on the screen,
(2) use the flood stroke and (3) maintain adequate and even pressure on the squeegee during the print

Silk Screen Kits & Silk Screen Acrylic Ink

Ink Tools for outdoor
Textile Watersoluble Print
Ink Ink Making
for T Shirts for printing paper Books
& fabrics & cardboard stocks


Any number of paper and cardboard stocks are suitable for screen printing depending upon the
particular need or function. Many relatively inexpensive papers can be used successfully where
economy is a prime consideration. Poster Board
We recommend the following Fine Art papers in 100 lb. weight or higher:
Arches 88 100% Rag
Stonehenge (England)
Reeves BFK
Blank Greeting Cards

Step D-Clean-up

After you have made your prints, remove any remaining ink in screen. This ink can be saved if you
wish. Detach the frame from the base (don't lose the hinge pins).


For the most part, screen printing on fabric is the same as printing on paper. Use only fabrics that can
be subjected to temperatures of at least 275'-375'F Do not use on nonporous fabrics such as nylon. Pre-
test all fabrics. Fabrics with sizing must be washed prior to printing. This will assure proper adhesion
of the textile ink to the fabric.
Five important differences are:
. (1) The screen frame is usually detached from the base and used by itself. Usually two people should
work on the printing process-one holding the screen frame tightly against the fabric, and the other
doing the printing.
. (2) On articles like T-shirts, a piece of cardboard or paper must be put inside each garment to act as
a barrier. This guarantees only one thickness of material will be printed by the ink.
. (3) To transparentize or to improve the lubricity (slipperiness) of the ink, you may add the
Transparent Base. To slow drying or to prevent screen clogging, add the Retarder Base.
. (4) Wash-up of screens and tools must be done immediately after use. If they are allowed to dry on
your screen or tools, they are difficult or impossible to remove.
. (5) After the textile ink dries on the fabric, set a household iron at the highest heat that will not
scorch the fabric and with a cloth or paper between the iron and printed material, iron on each side
for 3 to 5 minutes. This will make the ink withstand repeated washings.



Multi-color signs can be achieved easily by making one screen with the entire message on it. Prepare
the screen by any method you prefer. Once the screen is ready, simply block the words you do not
want to print with your first color by putting masking tape or paper on the bottom side of the screen
After you have made your first run of prints, wash the ink from the screen and let it dry. Follow this by
blockingout the words you just printed and unblocking words you want to print with your second run of
After you have made this second run, again wash the screen and let it dry.

Repeat the blocking and unblocking process and screen wa for as many colors as you wish to run.
Making multi-color prints of detailed art work requires the making of a screen for each color to be
printed. (Some books on the subject are listed later.) One way is to have these screens prepared
before you start to print. Additional Speedball frames are available. Another way is to remake or
revise the original screen for each color to be printed.
One interesting effect can be made by having two color print on overlapping areas. These "overlaps"
can add a third (darker) value to the print. Speedball Transparent or Extender Bases are formulated to
enable Screen Printers to achieve this.
Registration guides are very important when printing with more than one color Details on registration
guides are given in step A of the "Making Prints" section.


An organized work area will make clean-up easy. Here are the recommended procedures:
Water Soluble Inks

Use warm water and a soft brush. These inks will remain water soluble even after thorough drying.

Textile and Acrylic Inks

Should ink dry in the screen, spray with Windex or a similar window cleaner. Rub with a lint-free
cloth. When ink is removed, wash with a mix of warm water and dishwasher detergent (Cascade, etc.)
using a soft brush. Rinse with warm water

Drawing Fluid

Wash with cool water

Screen Filler

At the time of this draft, Lemon Fresh Mr. Clean (28 fluid ounce bottle) and Palmolive Fresh Scent
Dishwasher Detergent Gel were suitable for removing screen filler Instructions are:
. 1. Apply to both sides with a paint brush. Scrub with a nylon bristle brush.
. 2. Apply again to both sides. Let stand in a horizontal position for three to five minutes.
. 3. Scrub with a nylon bristle brush while spraying with a forceful stream of hot water

Photo Emulsion

Be certain all of the ink has been removed from the screen fabric. Apply Speedball Photoemulsion
Remover liberally to both sides of the stencil using a paint brush. Immediately scrub both sides of the
stencil with a dry nylon bristle brush. Again, apply Speedball Photoemulsion Remover liberally to
both sides of the stencil. Keep the screen in a horizontal position for three minutes. Scrub both sides
with the nylon bristle brush and flush with a hard spray of hot water.


Be certain all of the screen ink has been removed from the screen fabric. Soak the screen in fresh, full
strength household bleach for exactly ten minutes. At about the 5 minute interval, scrub both sides
with a soft, nylon bristle brush. Complete the 10 minute total soaking and then use a maximum
pressure hot water spray to remove the emulsion from the screen. Using a soft bristle brush and
dishwasher detergent (CASCADE, etc.) scrub both sides of the screen. Rinse with a maximum pressure
hot water spray.
If there is any emulsion residue after the screen has dried, scrub with a strong solvent such as
acetone. Acetone is available at many paint and hardware stores. Read the manufacturers cautionary
statements regarding the use of acetone.
You should also exercise extreme caution in the use of the bleach. Wear rubber gloves and avoid
splashing. If you accidentally get bleach on yourself, wash thoroughly with cold water.



Screen Stencils

Problem: Drawing Fluid, Screen Filler or Photo Emulsion won't adhere to screen.

Screen fabric dirty. Screen may have been used with solvent based materials or the sizing may not
have completely washed out of the screen fabric.
Scrub with a soft bristle brush and a dish washer powder/ water solution. Rinse well.

Problem: Photo Emulsion will not wash out to create a stencil.

Artwork not prepared with a visually or photographically opaque material.
Heat as well as light will "set" the photoemulsion. There must not be any heat build-up (above 105
Degrees F) on the stencil during exposure.
More than 12 hours (at 70 degrees F.) elapsed before the sensitized screen was exposed (Speedball
Bichromate System).
The sensitized screen was exposed to too much light or heat before exposure to art work.
Overexposure. The instructions lists exposure time and heights for a "disposable foil pie tin" reflector.
More efficient reflectors will require a higher bulb height and/or less exposure time.
Artwork did not make proper contact with screen. Incomplete washout.

Problem: Too much or all Photo Emulsion washed out of screen after exposure.

Improper mixing of emulsion and sensitizer.
Tracing paper or film not sufficiently transparent.
Washout temperature was too high.
Screen not dry before coating.
Screen not dry before exposure.
Problem: Some small details on Photo Emulsion screen did not wash out completely.

See relevant "Possibilities" under "Photoemulsion will not wash out to create a stencil."
Failure to use a black, non-reflective background under the screen during exposure.
Using a more intense light source, such as the BBA No. 1 photoflood, will reduce the required exposure
time and resultant light bounce-back. This will improve detail wash-out.

Problem: Inks drying in screen.

Use the flood stroke technique given in the instructions.
Keep squeegees sharpened.
For the Acrylic Screen Inks and Textile Inks, mix with the Retarder Base.
Use a couple of humidifiers or "sick-room" vaporizers in the printing area.

Problems: Textile ink prints not opaque enough.

Use a coarser scree!n fabric.
Make multiple passes.
Use a rounded squeegee.
Use a soft base under the fabric to be printed.
Use a hair dryer to flash dry the print immediately after printing and then reprint overtop in exact

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