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Army Doctrine Publication - Land Operations

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Status The contents provide clear military information concerning the most up to
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ries concerning this publication should be addressed.

This publication replaces:

AC 71451 Design for Military Operations. The British Military Doctrine

AC 71565 Army Doctrine Publication Volume 1 Operations
AC 71564 Army Doctrine Publication Volume 2 Command
AC 71566 Army Doctrine Publication Volume 3 Logistics
AC 71700 Army Doctrine Publication Volume 3 Logistics Medical Supplement
AC 71621 Army Doctrine Publication Volume 4 Training
AC 71642 Army Doctrine Publication Volume 5 Soldiering




MAY 2005

The publication of British Military Doctrine in 1989 broke new ground in the British Armys under-
standing of its profession. For the rst time the Army had an explicit description of the overall
philosophy and principles by which it should operate. The subsequent publication of the Army
Doctrine Publication (ADP) series in the mid-1990s provided a broadly complete, coherent and
consistent understanding of land operations, linking philosophy and principles to the practices
and procedures that had been (and still are) contained in tactical handbooks and pamphlets.

Much has changed over the last 10 to15 years. We have learned lessons from operations in the
Middle East; the Balkans; and elsewhere, including those against international terrorism. A body
of United Kingdom joint doctrine now exists, reecting a greater emphasis on joint and multina-
tional expeditionary operations. In addition, the Army can benet from insights into the dynamics
of land operations from analysis not previously available.

ADP Land Operations describes how the British Army operates and ghts. It provides the phi-
losophy and principles for land operations. It is intrinsically linked to high-level joint doctrine. It
provides the authoritative guidance and framework for practices and procedures described in
other Army doctrinal publications. It concentrates on land tactical operations, since strategic
and operational doctrine are described in Joint publications. It is intended to be read as a single,
continuous narrative.

Much of its contents is enduring and will be familiar from previous publications. The warghting
ethos, the manoeuvrist approach and mission command remain keystones of our doctrine. What
is new is a description of how and why that body of doctrine is important, and particularly the
stress on the importance of shock and surprise in attacking the enemys will and cohesion in land

Fundamentally, doctrine is what is taught, and is not a matter of personal opinion. However, to
be effective doctrine needs to be read, understood and adhered to. Judgement and skill are re-
quired in its application. Above all, a pragmatic approach needs to be taken on operations. Com-
manders, staff ofcers and those dealing with the profession of arms should all become familiar
with the contents of ADP Land Operations, which I commend warmly.

General Sir Michael Jackson

May 2005 Chief of the General Staff


The central idea and purpose for an army is its doctrine, which has to be based on the principles
of war, and which to be effective has to be elastic enough to admit of mutation in accordance with
change in circumstance. In its ultimate relationship to the human understanding this central idea
or doctrine is nothing else than common sense that is, action adapted to circumstance.
Major General J F C Fuller1

1. This Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) is the primary source of United Kingdom land force
doctrine. It provides philosophical guidance and the principles required to plan and conduct
operations in a joint and multinational framework. Its approach and terminology are consistent
with its sister NATO publication Allied Joint Publication (AJP) 3.2 Allied Land Operations and joint
publications, particularly Joint Warfare Publication (JWP) 0-01 British Defence Doctrine and Joint
Doctrine Publication (JDP) 01 Joint Operations. Unless otherwise specied, all denitions used
in ADP Land Operations are derived from AAP-6 NATO Glossary of Terms.

2. The ADP examines the dynamic of land conict in accordance with the following struc-

Chapter 1 describes the purpose, functions and levels of doctrine, establishing a frame-
work of understanding linked to the conceptual component of ghting power. It considers
the levels of warfare, analyses the nature of land combat and then describes military activ-
ity within the continuum of operations.

Chapter 2 describes the British approach to the conduct of land operations considering
victory, success and end-states including the limitations on the application of armed force.
It explains the application of the Manoeuvrist Approach to land operations, focusing on at-
tacking an enemys understanding, will and cohesion.

Chapter 3 describes the main aspects of British land force doctrine. It considers in turn,
the functions in combat, the core functions, the operational framework and types of land

Chapter 4 examines the place of land forces in the joint campaign. It considers air/land
and maritime/land operations as well as other elements and enablers. It then looks at the
nature of multinational and coalition operations and their impact on command, and the
inter-agency dimension.

Chapter 5 considers the sustainment of land operations. It articulates the principles be-
fore examining each of the functional areas involved. It then considers the factors involved
in sustaining land operations.

Chapter 6 describes the philosophy and principles of command of land forces. It consid-
ers Mission Command, the role of the commander, and how command is exercised and

Chapter 7 considers the moral component of Fighting Power. It examines the ethical base
on which the Army operates, considering moral and legal considerations which underpin
the decision to employ military force. It then looks at motivation and how it is sustained
Major General J F C Fuller, The Foundations of the Science of War (London: Hutchinson & Co, 1926).

through leadership, man-management and discipline. Finally it considers the question of
cohesion, values and standards, loyalty and comradeship.

Chapter 8 examines how ghting power is prepared and generated. It describes the path
between those activities and describes the factors which contribute to their success.

3. A number of historical illustrations are included within yellow boxes. In addition a small
number of topics are considered in blue boxes. They cover issues which are the subject of con-
ceptual discussion at time of publication. Neither the historical illustrations nor the conceptual
material are intended to have the authority of doctrine.

4. ADP Land Operations replaces the following publications:

AC 71451 Design for Military Operations. The British Military Doctrine.

AC 71565 Army Doctrine Publication Volume 1 Operations
AC 71564 Army Doctrine Publication Volume 2 Command
AC 71566 Army Doctrine Publication Volume 3 Logistics
AC 71700 Army Doctrine Publication Volume 3 Logistics Medical Supplement
AC 71621 Army Doctrine Publication Volume 4 Training
AC 71642 Army Doctrine Publication Volume 5 Soldiering

5. Army Doctrine Publications are published and distributed by DGD&D on behalf of CGS.
All doctrine publications may be found on the British Army Army Electronic Battle Box (AC 71632
[CD ROM version] AC 71632Z [DVD version] ) and on the DGD&D website (which should always
be checked for the most up to date versions) at http://www.baebb.mod.uk.



Foreword i

Preface iii

The Principles of War viii

Chapter 1 The Employment of Military Force 1

1.1 Doctrine 1
1.2 Fighting Power 2
1.3 The Levels of Warfare 4
1.4 The Contribution of Land Forces to the Joint Campaign 6
1.5 The Nature of Land Combat 8
1.6 The Continuum of Operations 11
1.7 Campaign Themes 16

Annex A Joint and Multinational Land Force Doctrine 25

Annex B The Role and Composition of Land Forces 27

Chapter 2 The Approach to the Conduct of Land Operations 31

2.1 Success and End States 31
2.2 The Manoeuvrist Approach 33
2.3 Attacking the Enemys Understanding, Will and Cohesion 36
2.4 Ways and Means of Attack 41
2.5 Simplicity and Flexibility 45

Chapter 3 The Fundamentals of land Force Doctrine 47

3.1 The Functions in Combat 47
3.2 The Core Functions 51
3.3 The Operational Framework 57
3.4 Types of Land Tactical Operations 59

Annex A Forms of Manoeuvre 67

Chapter 4 Land Forces in the Joint Campaign 73

4.1 The Joint Campaign 73
4.2 Joint Air/Land Operations 76
4.3 Maritime/Land Operations 83
4.4 Other Components and Enablers 84
4.5 Operating in Alliances and Coalitions 85

Annex A Command of the Land Component 89

Chapter 5 The Sustainment of Land Operations 95

5.1 Context 95
5.2 Denitions 96
5.3 Principles 96
5.4 Functional Groupings 98
5.5 Sustainment of Operations 104

Chapter 6 The Command of Land Forces 113
6.1 The Nature of Command 113
6.2 Mission Command 115
6.3 The Role of the Commander 122
6.4 The Exercise of Command 127
6.5 Command Support 131

Annex A Formulating Concepts of Operations and Mission Statements 133

Annex B Qualities of Commanders 137

Chapter 7 The Moral Component 143

7.1 Introduction 143
7.2 Ethical Base 143
7.3 Motivation 145
7.4 Moral Cohesion 149

Chapter 8 Developing Fighting Power 155

8.1 Introduction 155
8.2 Developing Fighting Power 156
8.3 The Path to Force Generation 162

Essay - Doctrine and Command in the British Army: An Historical Overview 165

Glossary 183














The purpose of Chapter 1 is to set the context for the doctrine contained in this publication.
It considers the purpose and levels of doctrine, establishing that it provides a framework
of understanding linked to the conceptual component of Fighting Power. The chapter then
discusses the levels of warfare, analyses the nature of land combat and describes military
operations on land within the continuum of operations.

1.1 Doctrine OVERVIEW

1.1 Doctrine
Purpose Purpose
The Levels of Doctrine
0101. Doctrine is that which is taught. Mili- British Army Doctrine
tary doctrine is dened as fundamental princi-
ples by which military forces guide their action 1.2 Fighting Power
in support of objectives. It is authoritative, but 1.3 Levels of Warfare
requires judgement in application. Doctrine 1.4 The Contribution of Land Forces to the
does not constitute a set of rules to be applied Joint Campaign
without thought but seeks to guide, explain and
educate. It provides the basis for study, training 1.5 The Nature of Land Combat
Enduring Factors
and informed discussion.
0102. Doctrine is the body of thought which Symmetry and Asymmetry
underpins the development of Defence poli-
cy. It is informative whereas policy is essen- 1.6 The Continuum of Operations
The Spectrum of Conict
tially prescriptive. Doctrine has its foundation
Predominant Campaign Themes
in history and theoretical analysis, and derives Types of Tactical Operation
its authority from being the distillation of much Land Tactical Activities
hard-won experience. Therefore it is enduring
but not unchanging. Doctrine evolves in re- 1.7 Campaign Themes
Major Combat
sponse to changes in the political or strategic
situation, in the light of experience, or as a re- Peace Support
sult of new technology. In turn, it inuences the Limited Intervention
way in which policy and plans are developed, Peacetime Military Engagement
how forces are organized and trained, and what Military Aid to the Civil Authorities
equipment is procured.
The Levels of Doctrine A. Joint, Multinational and Land Force
0103. Doctrine is written both to impart under- B. The Role and Composition of Land
standing and to deliver instruction. The higher Forces
levels of doctrine establish the philosophy and
principles underpinning the approach to military operations. The function of such doctrine is to
establish a framework of understanding for the employment of military force and so pro-
vide the foundation for its practical application. The lower levels of doctrine describe the
practices and procedures for applying armed force. Doctrine has four conceptual levels, shown in
Figure 1.1.

0104. Philosophy is conceptual, endur-
ing and pervading. It is largely descrip-
tive. Principles are more specic and are
often listed as short statements, such as
the Principles of War. Practices describe Level
the ways in which force is applied. Pro- Doctrine
cedures are intended to be prescriptive.
They describe how lower-level activities,
such as employing a weapon system, Practices
should be conducted. In this sense, tac- Lower Level
tics are practices for the application of
force. Hence tactics, techniques and pro-
cedures describe lower levels of doctrine.
These levels of doctrine do not equate to Figure 1.1 The Levels of Doctrine
the levels of warfare - there are joint op-
erational procedures, just as there are land tactical procedures. Similarly, aspects of philosophy
and principles, such as the philosophy of mission command, apply as much to a corporal as to a
corps commander.

British Army Doctrine

0105. ADP Land Operations is the primary source of United Kingdom land force doctrine. It
provides philosophical guidance and principles required to plan and conduct land operations
within a joint and multinational framework. It expands and applies the principles of national and
NATO joint doctrine within land forces, as explained in Annex A. The approach and terminology is
consistent with its sister NATO publication, AJP-3.2 Allied Land Operations. It describes how the
British Army operates, primarily at the tactical level within the context of a joint campaign or major
operation. It encompasses doctrine for achieving success through combat. To do so, it describes
how the British Army expects to ght and win engagements and battles, and how to achieve suc-
cess when ghting is not appropriate.

0106. Responsibility for the development and dissemination of Army doctrine rests with the
Director General of Development and Doctrine (DGD&D) on behalf of the Chief of the General
Staff. Supported by the Directorate of Land Warfare, and advised by the Army Doctrine Commit-
tee, he is also responsible for supporting the development and dissemination of NATO and ABCA
land force doctrine and concepts. The Land Warfare Centre is responsible for the development
of lower-level combined-arms tactics, techniques and procedures. Its work is guided both by the
Army Doctrine Committee and the Land Tactical Doctrine Committee.

1.2 Fighting Power

0107. Fighting Power consists of a conceptual component (the thought process), a moral
component (the ability to get people to ght) and a physical component (the means to ght).
The conceptual component is pre-eminent - both the moral and physical components are derived
from it. Historically, aws in an armys conceptual approach have tended to have more impact on
operational effectiveness than deciencies in moral or physical components.

0108. An understanding of the complex, chaotic and potentially confusing environment of land
conict lies at the heart of the conceptual component. The ability to visualize the interaction be-
tween friendly and enemy forces is inherent in that understanding. Understanding how to impose

ones will on the enemy is also required. The Principles of War guide the conduct of operations
generally and land operations in particular although they are not unchangeable. Armed forces
should develop their understanding of the conceptual component over time, and doctrine should
evolve as a result. This is a signicant challenge and the price of failure can be high.

The Bagnall Reforms

The 1980s were signicant in the British Armys conceptual development of operational art and
the Manoeuvrist Approach. This was largely due to Field Marshal Sir Nigel Bagnall, command-
er of 1(BR) Corps and later NORTHAG. As an Army Group Commander facing the possibility
of massed Soviet attack, Bagnall explained the need for such conceptual development:

Main Defensive Battle: It is here that we must seek to halt the enemy advances. All the corps have
been told to conduct the battle within their own corps area and have been given a coordinating line be-
hind which they are not to withdraw without authority. Currently this instruction is interpreted in different
ways in the four corps, without an overall design for battle at the Army Group level National planners
and analysts tend to focus on the requirements within their respective corps areas, with scant regard
being paid to what the overall battleeld requirements are. Let me give you two examples. The British
Corps, having being schooled for years in the restrictive thinking of a static defence concept brought
about by an over-literal interpretation of forward defence, encase themselves in mineelds. The Ger-
man Corps, on the other hand, have placed far less dependence on mineelds but perhaps because
they have not seriously considered the need for offensive action under present plans, have no mineeld
breaching capability This unsatisfactory situation must be rectied. Soviet thrusts are not going to be
obligingly directed at individual corps but will spill over into neighbouring ones. In fact, even a cursory
map study suggests that at least one major Soviet thrust would be directed along what is an inter-corps
boundary. This consideration alone portrays the needs for the Army Group to ght a coordinated battle
and not four separate corps ones.
There is then the problem of tactical doctrine. As I have just pointed out, we must decide whether we
are to ght a basically static battle or should we put more emphasis on mobility? To adopt a static de-
fence entails an approximately equal dispersion of strength along the army group front, whereas the
Soviets can concentrate to attack at selected points. You do not have to be a military genius to see the
We have then got to be prepared to ght a more mobile battle so that we can achieve a concentration of
force at critical points, and when I talk about concentration of force, of course I include air power. If we
can achieve this, two possibilities are open to us. First we could achieve a local tactical success which
would enable us to seize the initiative. Secondly, I do not believe the Soviets will be capable of launch-
ing the massive and fully coordinated offensive with which we credit them. There will be mistakes, faulty
staff work and Murphys Law will lead to trafc jams and other delays, resulting in an imperfect deploy-
ment and so providing the opportunity for us to take advantage of their mistakes. We have then got to
break out of this defensive mentality. Of course, the risks are high in a battle of manoeuvre, but so is
the pay-off if successful, whereas a static concept, resulting as it does in a battle of attrition, can only
end in ultimate if not early disaster.
Lecture to the Royal United Services Institute, London, 23 May 1984

0109. Doctrine: the Framework of Understanding. Doctrine establishes the framework of

understanding and contributes to Fighting Power in several ways, as shown in Figure 1.2. To em-
ploy military force successfully, commanders should understand the nature of conict; what kinds
of operations armed forces may be required to conduct, and how those forces should be organ-
ized. The basis for military success consists of the approach to the conduct of operations, the
fundamentals of land force doctrine, and the joint, multinational and inter-agency context
within which they are set. Sustaining land forces preserves and regenerates the means of war.

The command of land forces determines the way armies are led, controlled, and decisions are
made. Force preparation and generation is the process of building armies in general, and a
land force for a given operation or campaign. These aspects are developed as chapters in this


- Principles of War
- Development
- Doctrine: the framework
of understanding

Physical Moral
Component Component

- Manpower - Ethical Base

- Equipment - Motivation
- Sustainability - Moral Cohesion
- Collective Performance

The Framework of Understanding

The Employment of The Basis for The Sustainment of The Command of Force Preparation
Military Force Success Land Forces Land Forces and Generation

The Approach to the The Fundamentals of The Joint, Multinational

Conduct of Land Land Force Doctrine and Inter-agency Context
Operations - Functions in Combat
- The Manoevrist - The Core Functions
Approach - The Operational

Figure 1.2 Fighting Power

1.3 The Levels of Warfare

0110. This Section describes the strategic, operational and tactical levels of warfare. The grow-
ing complexity of the operational environment, including advances in global communications and
weapons technology, makes it more difcult to dene discrete levels of warfare. Tactical actions
can have considerable consequences at the operational and strategic levels.

0111. The Strategic Level. Field Marshal Alanbrooke, Chief of the Imperial General Staff for
most of the Second World War, described the art of strategy as:

to determine the aim, which is or should be inherently political; to derive from that aim
a series of military objectives to be achieved: to assess these objectives as to the military
requirements they create, and the pre-conditions which the achievement of each is likely

to necessitate: to measure available and potential resources against the requirements and
to chart from this process a coherent pattern of priorities and a rational course of action.1

Figure 1.3 General Montgomery and Field Marshal Alanbrooke

Two aspects of strategy are particularly relevant to the armed forces:

a. National Strategy. A successful national strategy sets out a path using the diplo-
matic, economic and military instruments of national power to achieve the long-term aims
of the nation and protect its vital interests. Successful strategies tend to be those which
are integrated from the outset. They involve all relevant Government departments and
agencies. Four broad strategic responsibilities ow from national strategy:

(1) To specify the strategic objectives for any intended military activities.

(2) To stipulate any limitations to be imposed on those activities, including the

circumstances for military activity to end.

(3) To make the requisite resources available. This should include the direction
of the national economic base when necessary.

(4) To explain the interaction of strategic military and non-military lines of opera-
tion, and describe how success in these lines of operation is integrated to achieve
overall national objectives.

b. The Military Component of Strategy. The military component of strategy is the

application of military resources to achieve national strategic objectives. It encompasses
the art and science of the employment of armed force, and involves balancing resources
between different military activities, such as major combat or counter-insurgency, to meet
national objectives. During planning for operations, the military component of strategy de-
David Fraser, Alanbrooke (London, Harper Collins, 1997) p187.

termines operational-level objectives, desired end-state, and military action required. It al-
locates military resources and denes constraints. It contributes to formulation of national
strategy and provides the basis for military advice to the Government on the use of armed

0112. The Operational Level. Joint campaigns and operations are constructed and directed at
the operational level in fullment of a strategic directive. At this level, abstract strategic objectives
are translated into practical tactical actions, which is reected in A A Svechins enduring anal-

Tactics form the steps from which operational leaps are assembled; strategy points out
the path.2

At the operational level, military resources are directed to achieve the campaign objectives dened
by the strategic authority. An operational commander designs, plans, sequences and sustains a
campaign within his area of operations. He directs major operations within the campaign. Joint
doctrine concentrates on the operational level, unifying single-Service tactical operations into a
coherent campaign. The operational-level commander orders the activities of his forces in pursuit
of his campaign plan, while the strategic authority allocates objectives and resources and sets
limitations. The distinction between strategic and operational levels is rarely tidy in practice.

0113. The Tactical Level. Battles and engagements are planned and executed at the tactical
level to achieve campaign objectives. At the tactical level, battles and engagements are fought to
achieve tactical missions within the overall campaign design.3 It is at the tactical level that troops
are deployed directly for, and employed in, combat.

0114. Levels of Warfare and Command. The levels of warfare are not tied to the level of com-
mand. A corps, division, brigade, or battalion commander may operate at the operational or tacti-
cal level. At times, local actions that appear tactical may have signicant operational or strategic
impact, largely due to the inuence of the media. The nature of command differs at each level
of warfare and the level may change during a campaign. Therefore a commander should review
regularly where the levels of warfare and his responsibilities lie.

0115. Joint, Inter-agency and Multinational Operations. Doctrine denes campaigns as

joint activities; therefore campaign plans are joint plans. Furthermore, since strategic success
can rarely be achieved by military means alone, military activities at all three levels will often sup-
port, or be supported by, other agencies. The line between the operational and tactical levels
is often blurred, particularly when national contingents differ in size. The employment of a force
from another nation may have political implications even if it is of only small tactical value. The
signicance of committing forces may vary between nations. Therefore a multinational force com-
mander operating primarily at the tactical level may have an operational-level perspective.

1.4 The Contribution of Land Forces to the Joint Campaign

0116. Rarely will air, maritime or special forces alone achieve decisive results. Armies remain
the principal instrument through which a nation or coalition imposes its will forcibly upon another.
Land forces will frequently play an important and perhaps critical role in the joint campaign and
will often form the supported component. This is due to the characteristics of land forces:
A A Svechin: Strategiya, 1931.
JDP 01, Paragraph 203.

a. Only land forces can comprehensively defeat other land forces upon whom an
opposing regime is likely to rely for survival. Although air and maritime forces can do great
damage to land forces, adaptive enemies can adopt techniques to survive their attacks
and avoid overall defeat.

b. Only land forces can seize terrain objectives. Remotely delivered repower,
even on a massive scale, has rarely proved capable of ejecting determined troops from
the terrain they occupy. Such terrain may be a strategic or operational objective in its own
right, such as the Rumaila oilelds in Iraq seized by UK land forces in March 2003.

c. Only land forces can secure terrain objectives. Physical occupation by ground
forces is the only certain way of achieving the lasting security of an area.

d. Land forces have the greatest positive inuence on civil populations. Human
interaction is the surest method of creating inuence which is critical for longer term sta-
bility. Well-trained and educated soldiers, deployed amongst the population, can have a
major impact on that population.

e. Land forces enable other agencies to operate. Long-term stability is likely to

depend on other governmental and non-governmental agencies dealing with issues such
as reconstruction, humanitarian disaster, and inter-communal tension. These agencies
can only work in an environment in which land forces have achieved some measure of

f. Land forces represent the strongest evidence of political commitment. The

committal of land forces is potentially costly, both nancially and in human lives, and rep-
resents considerable political risk. A land component contribution is therefore likely to
achieve the greatest inuence within a coalition or alliance.

g. Land forces contribute greatly to the deterrent effect of the joint force. The
deterrent effect of land forces results from the above characteristics which, when coupled
with apparent willingness to use armed force, creates a credible ability to coerce that is
much reduced without land forces.

0117. The composition and organization of land forces are described at Annex B.

1.5 The Nature of Land Combat

Enduring Characteristics

0118. When land forces ght they create a unique environment which is highly complex, dy-
namic and adversarial. Combat occurs between human organizations that are themselves com-
plex. Its outcome is uncertain and hence unpredictable. Clausewitz described the uncertainty of
conict thus:

War moves in an atmosphere composed of danger, physical effort, uncertainty and

chance. Everything in war is simple, but even the simplest thing is difcult, and these dif-
culties, largely unforeseen or unpredictable, accumulate and produce a friction, a retard-
ing brake on the absolute extension and discharge of violence. These difculties consist
of danger, bodily exertion, information or the lack of it, and innumerable other small and
incalculable circumstances and uncertainties originated by chance. These are some of
the inevitable things that always prevent war in reality from ever approaching war on paper
and in plans.4

Land combat is fundamentally human. Human behaviour explains the nature of combat better
than numbers or the interplay of technology although both can be critical. Furthermore, warfare
tends to be evolutionary; armed forces learn from previous experience, and the loser tends to
learn most.

0119. Uncertainty and Chaos. Intelligence can reduce uncertainty and operations can be
designed to offset its effects. However, regardless of how much effort is allocated to intelligence,
commanders still have to make decisions based on incomplete, inaccurate or contradictory in-
formation. This is the so-called fog of war. Risk is reduced as information on the enemy is
increased but is exacerbated by the adverse effects of chance. Opportunities are created by the
benecial effect of chance. Such opportunities should be exploited relentlessly in pursuit of the
mission. Timely and effective decision-making, initiative and freedom of action are the keys to
exploiting uncertainty. These principles underpin the British Armys approach to command, de-
scribed in Chapter 6.

0120. Violence and Danger. The threat or use of violence is the means by which an enemy
is compelled to do ones will. Violence results in bloodshed, destruction and human suffering. It
brings shock, surprise, danger and fear. All men and women feel fear to some degree; courage is
the strength to overcome it. Some nd courage internally, although most need help from external
sources. Those sources include a shared belief in a cause, the moral cohesion of the group and
strong leadership.

0121. Friction. Friction resists all action. It can make the simple difcult and the difcult seem-
ingly impossible. Friction may be mental, such as indecision over what to do next. Alternatively it
may be physical, such as the effects of intense enemy re, difcult terrain or bad weather. It may
be induced by a poor plan, misunderstanding between allies, or a clash of personalities. Deter-
mination is a primary means of overcoming friction; experience is another. High morale, sound
organization, effective command systems and well-practiced drills all help a force overcome fric-

Carl von Clausewitz, On War, translated by Col J J Graham and edited by Col F N Maude.
(London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962) Book 1, p. 53 and 77.

0122. Human Stress. Although technology has transformed
combat, the presence of violence and its effect on man has not
changed. Combat is at times horric, and the effects of danger,
fear, exhaustion, loneliness and privation affect the willpower of
all combatants. Therefore the determination of commanders and
soldiers to full their mission despite circumstances is the bedrock
of an armys ghting effectiveness. Often the origin of an enemys
defeat is the erosion of his soldiers or commanders willpower.
Success on the battleeld frequently turns upon the relative re-
solve of opposing forces, both individually and collectively.


0123. In comparison with naval and air combat, land weapons

platforms are relatively simple. The complexity of land combat
stems from the large number of soldiers and weapons platforms
involved, and their interaction with the enemy, terrain and each
Figure 1 .4 - other. Land combat is thus fundamentally different from naval and
Human Stress air combat, and the command and organization of land forces are
Exhaustion critically different from those in other environments.

0124. The complexity of combat is not new. Considerable complexity emerged when individual
soldiers were rst allocated unique battleeld tasks, rather than all members of a battalion or
company acting identically. In the British Army, this occurred on a large scale between 1916 and
1918, spurred by technical and tactical innovation. Such complexity is also a function of the com-
bined arms and joint nature of land combat, involving the interaction and mutual support of differ-
ent Arms and Services. The term complexity of modern war refers generally to changes in the
operational environment. They include political, legal and social developments, and particularly
the consequences of developments in global communications. Many such changes appear to be


0125. Some broad guidelines can be deduced from the unpredictable nature of land combat:

a. Abide by Principles, not Prescription. In land combat there should be no pre-

scription, except for the most basic of drills and procedures. Therefore doctrine for land
combat is framed as guidance and principles aimed at gaining understanding, rather than
as direction and rules.

b. Understand and Overcome Complexity. Commanders should seek success in a

complex and seemingly chaotic environment, in which causes do not lead to intended ef-
fects with any certainty. This factor affects both the nature of land command and the busi-
ness of soldiering. Complexity can be reduced by adopting simple plans that concentrate
on the essentials.

c. Take Calculated Risks. Since friction and risk are inherent in land combat, cal-
culated risks should be taken. Risk can be reduced and should be managed. Although its
consequences can sometimes be predicted and accommodated, it can never be entirely

d. Act Pragmatically. The unpredictability of combat suggests that some courses of
action should work, but at times simply will not. Pragmatism, a function of experience and
good sense, is required to achieve practical results in complex and unpredictable situa-

Symmetry and Asymmetry

0126. Land combat is rarely symmetrical. Adversaries normally differ in some regard, and some-
times signicantly so. Asymmetry may reect differences of intent, the composition of forces,
culture, technology and size. Nations tend to develop means that benet their own advantages
and undermine their opponents. Technological edge, guile and deception are to be expected
and should be encouraged. The German airborne assault on the Belgian fort at Eben Emael in
May 1940 is a prime example of asymmetric attack using novel means and methods, augmented
by surprise.5 Non-conventional, low-technology or CBRN responses to conventional forces are
more recent examples, described colloquially as asymmetric warfare.

0127. In recent history, Western armed forces have shown marked superiority over many op-
ponents in conventional operations. It is to be expected that adversaries will choose not to ght
on these terms, but will respond asymmetrically by avoiding conventional armies strengths and
attacking their weaknesses. Developments of terrorist tactics in Northern Ireland from the early
1970s and in Iraq since 2003 show how adversaries learn to exploit regular armies vulnerabili-

0128. The consideration of asymmetry should focus not so much on whether combat is asym-
metrical, but rather on the extent and the nature of the asymmetry. The British Army should seek to
conduct operations asymmetrically and not be surprised if its adversaries attempt to do the same.
This has long been the experience of irregular warfare, sometimes described as small wars.

Small Wars (1906)

Lines of communication are in fact a necessary consequence of elaborate and systematic organiza-
tion, of modern armament, of the extensive requirements of the soldier of today, and of the conditions
under which a regular army operates. The enemy, on the other hand, in most small wars works upon
an altogether different system.

The adversaries with whom the regular troops in these campaigns have to cope, depend on no base
and have no xed system of supply. They are operating in their own country. Their food requirements
are smallwhat they need they carry with them. Each man takes with him all the ammunition that he
wants. The wounded in battle have to shift for themselves as best they can. The enemy lives in fact
from hand to mouth, and it follows from this that he does not need communications as a channel for re-
plenishing food or warlike stores, nor does he need lines of communications to retreat by if defeated
So it comes about that the enemy is untrammelled by the shackles which so limit the regular armys
liberty of action, a fact which is of great strategical importance; for while the organized forces are de-
pendent upon communications which their antagonists may attack and even cut, they cannot retaliate.
And as operations directed against an opponents communications represent the most effective weapon
in the armoury of strategy, the regular army is clearly at a disadvantage.

Colonel C E Callwell, Small Wars: Their Principles and Practice (3rd ed)
(London: HMSO, 1906) pp. 86-87
The assault on Eben Emael was one of the rst ever airborne operations; the rst instance in which a fortress was
captured from the air; and the rst use of shaped charges to attack fortications.

1.6 The Continuum of Operations

0129. In general terms, armed forces operate through use or threat of collective violence. They
do not always ght, but combat the application of armed violence against a responsive enemy
is the most demanding task. Military forces must be prepared at all times for high-intensity con-
ict. However the ability to ght also creates organizations capable of performing a wide variety
of other activities, including humanitarian assistance, peace support, deterrence and assisting in
the rebuilding of failed states. This last role has gained importance in the current operational en-
vironment. The increasing use of armed forces for stability operations demands a re-examination
of how we visualise the conduct of operations.

0130. Recent experiences in Iraq, Afghanistan, East Timor and elsewhere have shown that
campaigns and subordinate operations often require military forces to operate effectively across
the spectrum of conict. They must conduct a wide range of military activities simultaneously, and
transition quickly from one type of operation to another in rapidly changing operational environ-
ments. Commanders cannot focus on a single activity or sequential progression. Rather, they
must be able to effectively visualize how a campaign or operation will likely evolve over time and
in the light of changing circumstances throughout their area of operations. Campaign success
is likely to depend on understanding such simultaneity, how it evolves throughout the campaign,
and how it affects the planning and execution of operations. This concept is relevant to all levels
of command.

0131. The continuum of operations provides a framework for understanding the complexity of
the operational environment while planning, preparing for, executing an assessing all types of
operations. It places a specic mission into a wider context that includes four major concepts:
The spectrum of conict provides an environment in which predominant campaign themes
change over time, indicating priorities allocated to multiple types of operations that may be con-
ducted simultaneously.

0132. The continuum of operations model enables missions to be visualised in a broader per-
spective that goes beyond clear-cut military objectives to an environment where the level of con-
ict is reduced. Commanders must maintain a long-range vision of where a campaign is going
and consider the long-term effects of current operations. This framework should help command-
ers think beyond the specically assigned mission to what may(most likely) come next.

Spectrum of Conict

0133. The spectrum of conict reects the environment in which operations take place. The
principal discriminator is the prevalence, scale and intensity of violence. These vary between
absolute peace and absolute war.

Figure 1.5 the Spectrum of Conict

0134. No conict will exist at just one point on this spectrum. Its intensity will vary in time and
place. At any one time there may be a humanitarian crisis in one place, an insurgency in another,
and intense ghting somewhere else. At any one place there may be house-to-house ghting one
day, collection of forensic evidence the next day, and restoration of electricity and water supplies
the day after. It is important to recognize that all such operations are likely to take place across
the Spectrum of Conict.

Predominant Campaign Themes

0135. States of peace, tension, conict and combat may be local or widespread, and transient
or prolonged. The character of any particular campaign may be difcult to dene precisely and is
likely to change over time. It will probably consist of a wide variety of activities across the spec-
trum of conict, which also change over time. It is nevertheless possible to describe identiable
predominant themes at the campaign level within the Continuum. The character of the campaign
varies according to the theme. For example, major combat is identiably different from counter-
insurgency. They demand different approaches and require different force packages. However,
some tactical activities such as ambushes or reconnaissance are common to both.

Figure 1.6 Predominant Campaign Themes
0136. Campaign themes within the Continuum of Operations can be broadly divided into the
following categories: major combat, counter-insurgency, peace support, limited interven-
tion, and peacetime military engagement. For purely national operations, Military Aid to the
Civil Authorities (MACA) is an additional category.6 There are overlaps. For example, activities
usually associated with major combat might be necessary within the peace support campaign

0137. Link with Spectrum of Conict. The predominant campaign themes may be arranged
on the Spectrum of Conict, as shown in Figure 1.6. Major combat tends to occur when the
environment is characterized by extreme violence, while in PME the level of violence can be ex-
pected to be low. However, within major combat there may be large areas that are comparatively
MACA includes operations to support resilience in the UK, and is described at Paragraphs 0165 and 0166.

peaceful. Conversely within peace support there may at times be highly violent incidents. Thus it
is useful to describe operations as taking place across the Spectrum of Conict, where the char-
acter of the conict, and hence campaign theme, is only partly shaped by the varying degrees of
violence within that spectrum. Limited intervention and MACA can occur anywhere in the Con-
tinuum. Each of the differing predominant campaign themes are described in Section 1.7.

0138. Campaign Themes: Characterizations. Descriptions of campaign themes are broad

and tend to overlap. They will change over time for various reasons; such as, deliberate, pre-
planned phases and changes in the environment brought about by enemy or neutral activity,
changed political guidance, or unexpected opportunities that arise during operations. It is pos-
sible to discriminate between them by characterizing the level of political risk, the effect sought,
the character of combat and the type of enemy faced:

a. Political Risk. The level of risk acceptable to the Government, including the risk
of casualties, is a measure of the political importance of the campaign. It is proportionate
to the threat to the Nation or national interests. It is inuenced by the public appetite to
continue the operation, given the publics perception of the threat and the level of risk.

b. Effect Sought. The strategic effect sought will often determine the character of a
campaign. For example, the defeat of a hostile state will demand a different approach from
the separation of warring factions.

c. Character of Combat. Combat can be characterized by prevalence, scale, and

intensity. Prevalence is a measure of its frequency. Scale describes the level of combat,
which can be measured by the level at which forces integrate their activities in combat. For
example, in major combat,, battles are often fought at formation level; in COIN they will be
more usual at section, platoon and company level. Intensity describes the degree of con-
centration of combat, measurable by the rate of consumption of logistics.

d. Type of Enemies. The nature and number of enemies, or potential enemies, will
have a major inuence on the character of the conict. They range from sophisticated net-
worked forces to primitive tribesmen. It is important to appreciate that enemies are adap-
tive. For example, once a regular army has been defeated it may mutate into an irregular
force and change the character of the conict. Alternatively, a successful insurgent group
may evolve into a regular army.

0139. Implications. Campaign themes should not be confused with tactical operations, tasks
or activities. Tactical tasks are the specic application of doctrine to solve specic tactical prob-
lems and are used to assign missions. Campaign themes are too general to use in assigning mis-
sions. Rather, they describe the broad general conditions that exist in an area of operations and
provide principles to guide planning and action as a campaign progresses. Different approaches
are therefore required for differing types of campaign theme. This results in potentially different
principles to guide planning and action as a campaign progresses. Some tactical-level activities
may have low-level principles to guide their execution, but low-level principles should not con-
tradict the higher level principles that are appropriate for the particular campaign at the time. For
example, an assault conducted during COIN may use the tactical principles of the attack but it
should not contradict the broader principles of COIN.

0140. Although some campaign transitions may be easy to identify, such as the launch of a ma-
jor attack, a campaign will often change its character gradually over time. An insurgent group may

grow increasingly effective over a period, or there may be a gradual lessening of violence. In such
cases it will often be difcult to identify a single moment of campaign transition. Judgement will
be required to determine the most suitable philosophical approach. Different approaches may be
required in different parts of the same theatre. For example, forces may conduct predominantly
offensive operations in some areas, while other forces prevent the growth of a nascent insurgency
in areas which had been occupied earlier in the campaign.

Types of Tactical Operations

0141. Armed forces undertake a wide range of activities within a campaign. Although some
may be consecutive, such as attack followed by defence, many occur simultaneously. For ex-
ample, a force may be attacking in one area while defending in another, and conducting hu-
manitarian assistance in a third. Even when activities are sequential, it is important to plan them
simultaneously. If not, early actions may compromise subsequent operations. Examples include
the destruction of bridges required later in an operation and offensive actions which in practice
radicalize a civil population whose support is required later.

0142. The broad range of tactical activities is divided into offensive, defensive, and stability
operations. Together with enabling activities they describe all military activity undertaken within
a campaign. Generally, all three types of operation may be conducted simultaneously, regardless
of the campaign theme. For example, in peace support which consists mainly of stability opera-
tions there may be a requirement to attack a recalcitrant element or to defend a security base. The
balance between types of operation gives a campaign its predominant character. Major combat
may consist primarily of offensive or defensive operations, while COIN may have a complex mix
of all three types. Enabling activities are never conducted in isolation - their purpose is to enable
other operations.

0143. The combination of simultaneous offensive, defensive and stability operations that gives
a campaign its predominant theme can be illustrated by the Continuum of Operations model,
which also demonstrates how the combination can change over time. The model shows the
level of effort committed to the types of tactical operations, above a bar that indicates how the

Level of Effort



Peace Major Peace

Support Combat Support
1 Jan 03 1 Jan 04

Figure 1.7 The Continuum of Operations: Southern Iraq 2003 - 2004

predominant campaign theme evolves. An example of how the Continuum Model can be used to
represent the evolution of a campaign is at Figure 1.7.

0144. In southern Iraq in 2003 and 2004 the continuum of operations varied widely. In early
2003, before the attack on Iraq, Coalition aircraft enforced the no-y zone peace support. On
19 March, the campaign theme changed to major combat as the Coalition initiated predominantly
offensive operations which were declared complete by 1 May. The transition to peace support
started when Coalition forces rst occupied towns in southern Iraq and conducted stability opera-
tions. Initially the environment was relatively peaceful, with British and Coalition forces engaged
in peace support activities. Later in 2003, a Shia insurgency developed; the level of violence rose
and the campaign changed its character to COIN. This transition was difcult to identify accurately
and occurred over several months.

Land Tactical Activities

0145. Types of tactical operation and their enabling activities are sub-divided into lower level ac-
tivities such as the attack, exploitation and pursuit. Land tactical activities are listed in Figure 1.8.
Each has particular characteristics. Some of the lower-level activities can be dened as tactical
tasks because the effect they are intended to cause is implicit, but others are simply a particular kind
of tactical activity. The types of land tactical activities are explained in more detail in Chapter 3.

Offensive Operations Defensive Operations Stability Operations

Attack Defence Peacekeeping

Raid Delay Peace Enforcement
Exploitation Conict Prevention
Pursuit Peace Making
Feint Humanitarian Assistance
Demonstration Irregular Warfare
Reconnaissance in Force Post-Conict Reconstruction
Ambush Peace Building
Breakout Non-Combatant Evacuation
Enabling Activities

Reconnaissance Link-Up Retirement

Security Relief of Encircled Force March
Advance to Contact Relief of Troops in Combat Obstacle Breaching/Crossing
Meeting Engagement Withdrawal

Figure 1.8 Types of Land Tactical Activities

0146. A stability operation is dened as an operation that imposes security and control over an
area while employing military capabilities to restore services and support civilian agencies. Sta-
bility operations involve both coercive and cooperative actions. They may occur before, during
and after offensive and defensive operations, or as the primary objective of a campaign. Stability
operations contribute to creating an environment in which the other instruments of power diplo-
matic, informational and economic can predominate, in cooperation with a lawful government.

1.7 Campaign Themes

Major Combat

0147. In major combat, operations take place in a state usually characterized as war, in which
combat is frequent, widespread and intense. They are the most demanding military operations.
When states or coalitions embark on major combat it is usually because they are directly threat-
ened or there is signicant threat to their interests. They are therefore normally prepared to take
higher risks than in other kinds of operations. The goal of major combat may be far-reaching,
such as toppling a hostile government. Alternatively it may be more limited, such as the recovery
of territory or changing an enemys behaviour.

0148. Major combat tends to be characterized by: a series of battles and major operations at
high levels of command; and by high rates of combat activity and logistic consumption. Danger,
fear and stress are normally at their greatest; the tempo of operations is normally high and often
sustained; and they demand the highest levels of collective performance and training. Casualty
rates tend to be at their highest although overall totals may be higher during protracted, sporadic

0149. Major combat may be waged between the uniformed armed forces of nation states.
Where they are not, they tend to blur with other campaign themes. For example, in Vietnam both
sides deployed uniformed armed forces. However, although there were major battles, much of
the war can be characterized as a COIN campaign. Similarly, during the Second World War, Ger-
man forces conducted COIN operations against partisans across occupied Europe.

0150. Major combat normally seeks to defeat an enemys armed forces and seize his terrain.
Typical measures of effectiveness are therefore numbers of military units rendered ineffective or
irrelevant, the level of enemy resolve, and terrain objectives seized or secured. Major combat is
traditionally the type of campaign for which doctrine was originally developed, including the Prin-
ciples of War. They are considered the norm while doctrinal principles for other operations are

Figure 1.9 Major Combat, Cheshire Regiment MG Team in Action,

Monte Camino, Italy, 1943


0151. An insurgency is dened as an organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a consti-

tuted government through the use of subversion and armed conict. It is an armed political strug-
gle, the goals of which may be diverse. Some insurgencies aim to seize power through revolution.
Others attempt to break away from state control and establish an autonomous state within ethnic
or religious boundaries. In some cases an insurgency has the more limited aim of achieving po-
litical concessions unattainable without violence. Generally, an insurgent group attempts to force
political change by a mix of subversion, propaganda, political and military pressure. These aim
to persuade or intimidate the broad mass of the people to support or accept the desired change.
Campaigns of national resistance differ from insurgencies in that they aim to liberate a country
from government by an invader, or overthrow a government imposed by an invader. The French
Resistance of the Second World War is an example.

0152. Each insurgency is unique although there are similarities between them. Insurgencies
are more likely to occur in states where there are inherent social divisions which lead to a lack of
national cohesion. These may be based on racial, cultural, economic, religious or ideological dif-
ferences. Insurgencies may thrive where states are economically weak and lack efcient, stable,
or popular governments. Additional factors such as corruption and external agitation help to cre-
ate a climate in which political violence erupts. Few insurgencies t neatly into rigid classications
such as urban or rural, Leninist or Maoist. Effective insurgents adopt methods and tactics that suit
their own particular needs. To be successful, an insurgency has to develop a unifying leadership
and organization, together with a vision of the future which is acceptable to the general populace.
Insurgents may terrorize local people into providing support. However, in general only an insur-
gency that is capable of attracting widespread popular support in the long term poses a real threat
to state authority. Other characteristics of successful insurgencies tend to be: external support for
logistic supply, training, and sanctuary; an ability to control some territory; and the eventual ability
to form conventional units or cooperate with conventional units of allied organizations.7

0153. Insurgencies may be trans-national. Widespread communist insurgencies in the 1950s

and 1960s and Al Qaedas global campaign both aimed at the overthrow of western systems
through simultaneous regional insurgencies. In such cases it may be difcult to determine to what
extent the insurgency is directed centrally. This adds a further dimension to COIN. COIN should
aim to defeat insurgency within a state, but may also need to break the links between insurgen-
cies across a wide region.

0154. COIN is dened as: those military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological, and
civic actions taken by a government to defeat insurgency. The government facing an insurgency
in its own territory is under direct threat and can be expected to bear a higher risk and accept
proportionally higher casualties than an ally or coalition partner providing forces to assist the host
nation. The effect sought is not primarily the death or capture of insurgents. It usually relates to
controlling the level of violence, reducing popular support for the insurgency and cutting its exter-
nal links. Typical measures of effectiveness are: numbers of violent incidents; the level of popular
support for the government; numbers of surrendered enemy personnel; and levels of illegal bor-
der movement.

0155. COIN is characterized by relatively infrequent combat, compared with major combat.
Combat is typically at section, platoon, and company rather than formation level. The rate of
logistic consumption is also lower than in major combat although the campaign as a whole is
Drawn from Max Boot, Savage Wars of Peace (New York: Basic Books, 2002).

likely to last longer. COIN campaigns typically continue for several years and so overall resource
requirements may be higher.

0156. While principles and techniques from previous ex-

perience are valuable, the key to an appropriate response
to an insurgency is rigorous and objective analysis, based
on a broad perspective. Examining the complete range
of characteristics enables a commander and his staff to
build an accurate picture of the insurgent. They can then
develop an appropriate campaign plan which involves
all relevant civilian agencies. Such examination identi-
es the root cause or causes of the insurgency, and the
extent of internal and external support to the insurgents.
The basis on which the insurgent appeals to his target
population, the depth of his commitment, his likely weap-
ons and tactics, and the operational environment should
also be considered. This approach helps the operational
commander identify the insurgents centre of gravity and
design an effective campaign plan. It should also ensure Figure 1.10 COIN, KOYLI Patrol,
that he interprets the appropriate cultural signals and acts Crater, Aden, 1966
accordingly. The principles of COIN are:8

a. Ensure political primacy and political aim. The overall plan of campaign should
be the responsibility of government. However, the military commander plays a key role
in advising on the contribution of armed forces and their integration into the governments
political, legislative and economic programmes.

b. Build coordinated government machinery. Unity of effort is a prerequisite for

success, given the complexity and potential for friction of political/military structures. The
ideal is to have one individual responsible for the overall direction of the campaign. Com-
mittee systems integrating civil, military and particularly intelligence efforts at all levels can
be highly effective. The system initiated by Lieutenant General Briggs when appointed
Director of Operations in Malaya in 1950 is a prime example.

c. Develop intelligence and information. Good intelligence is perhaps the greatest

asset for a government combating an insurgency. Without it, security forces conduct unfo-
cused or random operations, and may alienate local and international populations.

d. Separate the insurgent from his support. The insurgents should be denied infor-
mation, logistics, recruits, safe bases and popular support. This can be achieved through
physical separation and developing government control from a rm base through a series
of expanding secured areas. A coordinated effort to win the psychological campaign for
hearts and minds, linked to the need for the government to retain legitimacy, should be
integral to this process.

e. Neutralize the insurgent. Neutralizing the insurgent and in particular the leader-
ship forms part of a successful COIN strategy. Methods include killing, capturing, demoral-
ising and deterring insurgents, and promoting desertions. This is an area in which military
Further detail is contained in AFM Volume 1 Part 10, Counter Insurgency Operations (Strategic and Operational

forces can specialize and should be a focus for COIN training. The aim should be to defeat
the insurgent on his own ground using as much force as is necessary, but no more.

f. Plan for the long term. Governments should make long-term plans to improve
the economic and social life of its population thereby reducing or eliminating the political
causes of the insurgency. The announcement of such government initiatives can play a
key role in winning the hearts and minds of the local population during a campaign.

Sir Robert Thompson

Sir Robert Thompson articulated ve principles of counter insurgency in his book Defeating Communist
Insurgency, based on personal observation in Malaya and Vietnam. They also reected broad British
experience of over 100 years of imperial policing. Although they were written in the context of the post-
1945 communist threat, the principles can be applied to any insurgency. Thompson stressed that the
most important aspect of COIN is achieving sound civil governance, as made clear by his description
of the rst principle:
The Government must have a clear political aim: to establish and maintain a free, independent and unit-
ed country which is politically and economically stable and viable It is essential to recognize that an
insurgent movement is only one of the problems with which governments are faced. The insurgency
may demand priority, but it cannot be treated in isolation. For example, in most Asian territories there
is an explosive population problem, with an annual growth rate of over 3 percent. The development of
the country to meet this problem can be just as vital as the defeat of the insurgent movement. It would
be futile to succeed in defeating the insurgency if the end result is a country which is not politically
and economically viable, and which might therefore fall to the communists at any moment perhaps
without a shot being red.
An insurgent movement is a war for the people. It stands to reason that government measures must
be directed to restoring government authority and law and order throughout the country, so that control
over the population can be regained and its support won. This cannot be done unless a high priority
is given to the administrative structure of the government itself, to its institutions and to the training of
its personnel. Without a reasonably efcient government machine, no programmes or projects, in the
context of counter-insurgency, will produce the desired results.
I have already stressed the great advantage which the communists derive from weaknesses in the
government and seeds of conict within the community what they term the contradictions The
correction of these weaknesses is as much a part of counter-insurgency as any military operation. In
fact, it is far more important because unless the cracks in the government structure are mended, military
operations and emergency measures, apart from being ineffectual, may themselves widen the cracks
and be turned to the enemys advantage.
Unless the long-term aim is constantly borne in mind, there will be a tendency to adopt short-term ad
hoc measures merely as reactions to insurgent initiative or with the limited aim of attempting to de-
feat the insurgents militarily in the guerrilla phase. A good example in Vietnam was the proliferation
of provinces; these were increased from thirty-seven in 1956 to forty-ve in 1964. The new provinces
were created solely for military and security reasons as sector commands, and completely lacked the
administrative backing necessary for them to function as provinces. In circumstances in which there
is a shortage of trained staff but in which modern means of communication are available, the fewer the
centres of authority outside the capital, the easier it is for the central government ministries to control
and supervise the execution of policy. In South Vietnam, thirty provinces would have been enough and
twenty-ve better.
Sir Robert Thompson, Defeating Communist Insurgency, Experiences from
Malaya and Vietnam (London: Chatto & Windus,1972) pp. 50-52

0157. Terrorism is a tactic. It is often used by insurgents to create terror through means such
as sabotage or assassination. Terrorist attacks are frequently aimed at strategic effect without at-
tempting to combat government armed forces. Terrorism is usually the only means of attack avail-
able to the insurgent at the beginning of an insurgency. A terrorist group can often be considered
as a nascent insurgent group. Where social, economic and political conditions do not favour the
would-be insurgent, the conict stays in the terrorist phase, as was the case with the European
urban terrorist movements of the 1970s. The terrorists tactic is often to force a disproportion-
ate response from the government thus alienating part of the population and building support for
a wider insurgent offensive. Operations to combat terrorism should therefore be integral to the
COIN strategy whilst ensuring that they do not contradict the principles of the COIN campaign.

Peace Support

0158. A peace support operation is dened as: an operation that impartially make use of diplo-
matic, civil and military means, normally in pursuit of United Nations Charter purposes and princi-
ples, to restore or maintain peace. Such operations may include conict prevention, peacemaking,
peace enforcement, peacekeeping, peace building and/or humanitarian operations. The intent to
uphold UN values and, where possible, act within a mandate is implicit. The UK frequently sup-
ports international responses to emergencies, ranging from humanitarian aid to the use of military
force. Responses at the low end of the Spectrum of Conict are usually coordinated by the UN or
other international organizations. If a situation worsens and requires force, the response may be
delegated to a military alliance or coalition. Development and relief agencies may have operated
in the area for several years beforehand. They may also play an important role as a transition to
a peace support campaign theme develops.

0159. Like most campaigns, a balance of military and non-military means is required for suc-
cess. The role of land forces in peace support is typically to create a safe and secure environ-
ment, providing specialist support to enable civil agencies to address the underlying causes of
the conict and generate a self-sustaining peace. Peace support, dominated campaigns are
generally long-lasting so perseverance is required from both civil and military forces to achieve
long term objectives. The creation, enhancement and sustainment of Campaign Authority9 is
key to success. This comprises: the perceived legitimacy of the operations mandate, including
the powers of those prosecuting it; the degree to which the factions and local population submit to
those powers; and the degree to which their expectations are met. In addition to remaining within
the Law of Armed Conict, the use of force should be balanced so as to enforce the mandate
without detriment to Campaign Authority.

0160. Levels of political commitment to peace support tend to be lower than COIN and lower
levels of risk tend to be sought. Most nations that send forces on operations to a peace support
campaign usually do not expect them to be committed to intense and sustained combat. The
effect sought is to uphold international peace and security by resolving conicts through preven-
tion, conciliation, deterrence, containment or stabilization. Typical measures of effectiveness are:
numbers of treaty violations; the level of popular support for the Campaign Authority; and indica-
tions of reduction in inter-factional friction. Combat is usually rare in peacekeeping but may be
intense in peace enforcement. When combat occurs, it is usually at a low level. Rates of logistic
consumption are also generally low.

0161. Depending on the effect required of the operation and its character, the forces engaged
on peace support can adopt one of three stances: enforcement, stabilization, or transition. These
JWP 3-50 The Military Contribution to Peace Support Operations, 2nd Edition, p. 3-2.

are not necessarily distinct and movement from one stance to another may be difcult to identify
at the time. Enforcement may be required to secure or implement a ceasere or settlement and
may use coercive force. Stabilization describes the period after an agreement or ceasere.
During stabilization land forces may be required to sustain a secure environment to enable other
agencies to operate, and to develop the level of Campaign Authority. Transition is the period in
which peace support operations seek to achieve the long term objectives, including the handover
of responsibility for security to indigenous forces.

Figure 1.11 Peace Support, 16/5L, UNFICYP Duties, Cyprus

0162. Peace support has a distinct political character. Approaches usually differ from major
combat or COIN to some extent. The principles10 for operations conducted within peace support

a. Conduct Comprehensive and Complementary Campaigning. An effective PSO

should integrate the efforts of all military and non-military agencies. Since centralized
command of the operation is unlikely, unity of effort should be achieved through collabora-
tion and coordination. This requires the establishment of mutual trust between military and
non-military agencies.

b. Take Preventative Action. To prevent worsening of a situation, military forces

need intelligence of any intent to disrupt the operation. They also need the military ability
to coerce or deter and the determination and mandate to take preventative action if re-

c. Conduct Sensitized Action. Military forces should understand the law, religion,
customs and culture of the elements of the population with whom they deal. Such under-
standing is necessary to predict the psychological effect of physical action. It will deter-
mine the plans and responses of the peace support force. Intelligence, education, training
and experience all contribute to the required sensitivity.

JWP 3-50, pp. 3-5 to 3-11.

d. Provide Security. Protection of the peace support force and civilian agencies is an
important requirement for land forces. A balance should be struck between robust force
protection and the need to be open to the population.

e. Ensure Transparency. There should be no doubt in the minds of the factions or

civil populations as to the aim and mandate of a PSO, nor of the penalties for transgressing
the terms of an agreement. However, operational security is likely to remain important in
many land operations, so complete transparency may not be achievable.

Limited Intervention

0163. Limited intervention has limited objectives such as the rescue of hostages or the security
of non-combatants. They can be aggressive in nature, such as a strategic raid. They are normally
intended to be of short duration and specic in objective and scope. They may be mandated by
the UN Security Council or legitimized under international law, and mounted unilaterally or multi-

0164. By their nature, limited intervention operations do not generally warrant great political risk.
They are frequently the response of a government wishing to limit risk. They may be planned to
seek combat, or to avoid it. The key characteristic is that they are intended to take place over a
limited period. They should be conducted according to the most appropriate principles, depend-
ing on the type of operation.

0165. Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations. National or coalition forces may be required

either to conduct or participate in operations to evacuate specied nationals from a conict area.
Certain pre-conditions should ideally be present. They include the agreement of the local gov-
ernment to the evacuation; the provision of logistic facilities; the availability of suitable airelds or
ports in the host or neighbouring country; and the availability of reliable intelligence. The deploy-
ing force should be prepared to provide security for the evacuees from their point of assembly in-
country to their nal departure from the area of conict. Such operations are normally joint. They
are planned, commanded and executed in the same way as other intervention operations.

Peacetime Military Engagement

0166. PME encompasses all military activities involving other nations that are intended to shape
the security environment in peacetime. It includes programmes and exercises conducted on a
bilateral or multinational basis and the provision of advisers and specialist training teams.

0167. Activities within PME are normally long-term and have the lowest levels of risk attached
to them. They are aimed at encouraging local or regional stability. Typical measures of effective-
ness include: progress of security sector reform; the level support for democracy; and the creation
of a secure environment for economic growth. Combat is not envisaged, although there is always
some possibility of terrorism against deployed forces.

Military Aid to the Civil Authorities

0168. Military support operations in the UK are described under the generic heading Military
Aid to the Civil Authorities (MACA). This type of operation is further subdivided into Military Aid to
the Civil Community (MACC), Military Aid to Government Departments (MAGD) and Military Aid
to the Civil Power (MACP). As shown below, these operations are quite distinct from one another
since they have differing legal bases and political and military implications.
Type Denition
MACC The provision of unarmed military assistance to the country at large:
Category A Emergency Assistance: assistance to the civil authorities in time of emer-
gency, such as natural disasters or major emergencies.
Category B Routine Assistance. Short-term routine assistance for special projects or
events of signicant social value to the civil community.
Category C Attachment of Volunteers. Individual assistance by volunteers through full-
time attachment to social service or similar organizations.
MAGD Assistance provided by the Armed Forces to other Government Departments on urgent work
of national importance or in maintaining supplies and services essential to life, health and
safety of the community.
MACP The provision of military assistance to the Civil Power in the maintenance of law, order and
public safety using specialist capabilities or equipment, in situations beyond the capabilities
of the Civil Power. Such assistance may be armed, if appropriate. For matters of public
safety, support will routinely be to the Police as the lead organization; this includes specic
security operations.

0169. Resilience is the term used to describe activities and structures that ensure the Govern-
ment can continue to function and deliver essential public services in time of crisis, including ter-
rorist attack.11


A. Joint, Multinational and Land Force Doctrine.

B. The Role and Composition of Land Forces.

Joint doctrine is contained in JDP 02 The Defence Contribution to the Resilience of the UK.



United Kingdom Joint Doctrine

01A01. United Kingdom doctrine at the highest level is described in Joint Warfare Publication
(JWP) 0-01, British Defence Doctrine (BDD). In describing the British approach to military op-
erations, BDD covers the essential elements of British doctrine and describes the core concept
of ghting power. It contains most of the philosophical content required for land force doctrine
and some of the principles. BDD is concerned mainly with the doctrinal component of military
strategy.1 It sits at the summit of United Kingdom doctrine publications and is the authoritative
source from which all United Kingdom doctrine should be derived. BDD describes the nature
and dimensions of conict, the nature of security, and the components of defence. It discusses
how the United Kingdoms Armed Forces contribute to national security and how military strategic
direction is formulated and passed to operational commanders.

UK Joint British Army NATO

Doctrine Doctrine Doctrine

JWP 0-01
Philosophy British Defence Doctrine

JDP 01 Allied Joint Doctrine
Principles Land
Joint Operations AJP-3.2
Allied Land Operations

The Army
Practices Field
Warfare Other Allied
Publications Land Component Publications
Special to Arm

Figure 1A.1 UK Joint, British Army and NATO Doctrine

JWP 0-01, p. iii.

01A02. Joint Doctrine Publication (JDP) 01, Joint Operations provides an understanding of how
to consider planning and conducting a campaign successfully.2 JWP 3-00, Joint Operations Ex-
ecution describes the integration, coordination and synchronization of deployed multinational and
national Joint Operations.3 JWP 5-00, Joint Operations Planning describes planning in deployed
multinational and national joint operations. It is aimed primarily at planning staffs at the operation-
al level.4 United Kingdom joint doctrine is developed and disseminated by the Joint Doctrine and
Concepts Centre, under the direction of the Director General of Joint Doctrine and Concepts.

NATO and ABCA Doctrine

01A03. The NATO standardization process encompasses development, ratication and subse-
quent promulgation of Standardization Agreements (STANAGs) and Allied Publications (APs). Al-
liance doctrine is developed by the member nations of NATO. It provides a common and agreed
reference point for the standardization of operations, tactics, techniques and procedures. At the
operational level, the principal NATO doctrinal publications are Allied Joint Doctrine (AJP-01) and
Allied Joint Operations (AJP-3). The principal land doctrine publication is Allied Land Operations
(AJP-3.2), which is the Alliance equivalent of this ADP. Once ratied by the United Kingdom, the
content of allied publications is reected in the United Kingdoms Joint and Single Service doc-
trinal publications. NATO doctrine is mandatory for NATO commands. Its use is not mandatory
within national formations and units. However, the United Kingdom exercises lead nation status
in the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC), and a considerable proportion of the Field Army is
assigned to it. A working knowledge of NATO doctrine is therefore required of national formation
commanders and staffs.

01A04. The American, British, Canadian and Australian Armies Standardization Programme
(ABCA) organization is an agreement between those four armies to achieve sufcient standardi-
zation to allow them to operate together in a coalition. It is not an alliance. The New Zealand
Army and the United States Marine Corps have associate status and their doctrines closely re-
ect ABCA practice. The ABCA organisation exchanges information, establishes standardization
agreements, and promotes exercises. These activities aim to develop interoperability and mutual
understanding between participating nations. ABCA agreements are developed in a fashion
similar to NATO doctrine. One of the most important ABCA publications is the Coalition Opera-
tions Handbook, which describes the activities required to form and operate a coalition force.

01A05. The United Kingdom is an active contributor to both NATO and ABCA doctrine. Its position
as the only European English-speaking nation in NATO allows it to observe and reect on both
European and North American practice in the formulation of Alliance doctrine. The United States,
Canada and Britain are members of both NATO and ABCA, and often carry NATO doctrine and
concepts into ABCA and vice versa. Participating nations are at liberty to express reservations as
to the content of NATO and ABCA doctrine, and on occasion do so. It is United Kingdom policy
that national doctrine, both joint and single Service, should be consistent with NATO doctrine, in-
cluding terminology and procedures, that the United Kingdom has ratied.5 Land forces assigned
to the ARRC will comply with NATO doctrine. In practice, although there are some differences
between United Kingdom national, NATO and ABCA doctrine, they are usually not signicant.

JDP 01, p. iii.
JWP 3-00, p. iii.
JWP 5-00, p. iii.
DCI JS 16 (2002).




01B01. British Forces may have to undertake operations which fall into three broad categories:
permanent tasks; contingent tasks; and tasks in circumstances which are unlikely to arise without
a signicant period of preparation. In present circumstances, general war falls into the latter cat-
egory. Specically:

a. Permanently committed forces are dedicated on a day-to-day basis to the protec-

tion and security of the United Kingdom and Dependent Territories. They include strategic
nuclear forces, forces for counter-terrorism, and overseas garrisons.

b. National contingency forces provide the core capability to meet a challenge to na-
tional interests and for operations in support of international peace and stability. Such
forces should be properly trained and available for operations world-wide at short notice.

c. All forces, be they: permanently committed and contingency forces; units and indi-
viduals employed in the recruiting and training organization; or the reserves, including the
Territorial Army, form the basis of a residual capability required to enable regeneration and
reconstitution for general war. Most forces are also available for Military Aid to the Civil
Authorities when required.

01B02. To meet these varied tasks, the Army requires forces capable of:

a. Conducting rapid intervention or expeditionary operations, possibly at great distanc-

es from their home bases for extended periods. These may involve: rapid deployment in
response to, or in pre-emption of, a crisis; deterrence or coercion of potential belligerents
from further escalation or confrontation; the conduct of high intensity combat to disrupt or
defeat a determined enemy, typically in conjunction with allies; or participation in other ac-
tivities in the Continuum of Operations aimed at stabilizing areas of conict.

b. Contributing to the defence and resilience of the United Kingdom. This requirement
includes maintaining a regional command and control infrastructure; providing a national
strategic reserve of military units trained and equipped to conduct the whole range of mili-
tary tasks, including MACA; and elding units to carry out a range of specialist tasks.

01B03. The Armys ability to address these tasks requires a broad mix of military capabilities.
Many such capabilities have a wide utility across the defence missions and military tasks. Chief
among these is the ability to conduct major combat operations. This provides core capabilities
which result in an army trained, equipped and mentally prepared to meet a wide range of chal-
lenges. It also provides deterrence against hostile conventional forces. The Army should also be
able to adapt to provide the broad range of skills and capabilities required across the Continuum
of Operations.

Land Force Elements and Types

01B04. A land force comprises several different elements, such as combat and combat support
units. It may also contain troops of different types such as ground and air manoeuvre units. The
land force should be selected and assembled so that it forms a cohesive and balanced whole that
can operate effectively and efciently.

01B05. Force Elements. A land force consists of combat, combat support, combat service sup-
port and command support elements. The proportion of each will vary between campaigns and

a. Combat. Combat elements are those elements that engage the enemy directly:
they ght, typically employing direct-re weapons. They include armoured, infantry and
some aviation units.

b. Combat Support. Combat Support is re support and operational assistance pro-

vided to combat elements.1 Combat Support elements include: re support, air defence,
reconnaissance, combat engineer, some aviation and some electronic warfare elements.

c. Combat Service Support. Combat Service Support is the support provided to

combat forces primarily in the elds of administration and logistics.2 These force elements
include logistic, medical and equipment support; personnel welfare; and administration.
Force support engineers are also generally required. They provide water and electrical
power supply, construct infrastructure and maintain supply routes.

d. Command Support. Command Support elements assist commanders in the exer-

cise of command. They include staff of all types; communications, intelligence and infor-
mation systems; and life support elements to protect, sustain and move the commander
and his staff.

01B06. Reconnaissance Forces. Reconnaissance forces act as either combat or combat sup-
port elements. Their primary purpose is to gain information, usually on the enemy and the terrain.
British reconnaissance elements do not generally ght for information, but some may be given
ghting roles, typically as guard forces. A reconnaissance element that is primarily tasked with
provision of battleeld information has a combat support role. One with a more aggressive task,
such as guarding another forces ank, has a combat role. It should have appropriate re, air and
aviation support.

01B07. Ground Manoeuvre Forces. There are three types of ground manoeuvre forces: heavy,
medium and light. They will usually operate in combination. For example, heavy and medium
units can be grouped together within a single formation.

JWP 0-01.1, p. C-11.

a. Heavy Forces. Heavy forces harness
automotive power to deploy considerable re-
power, protection and battleeld mobility; prin-
cipally through the use of armoured ghting ve-
hicles. They can apply concentrated repower
to achieve shock action; manoeuvre rapidly to
exploit it; and therefore form a major component
of many land forces. Their utility is restricted in
some complex terrain, and their operational and
strategic mobility is constrained by weight and
logistic requirements.

b. Medium Forces. Medium forces are

strategically and operationally more deployable
than heavy forces, and may be among the rst
elements to deploy into a theatre. They are less
capable than heavy forces, with reduced protec-
tion and repower; but are more capable than
light forces in many circumstances. They thus
form an intermediate step between heavy and
light forces.

c. Light Forces. Light forces have sig-

nicant strategic mobility, since they can be
transported by aircraft to any theatre. They
may be the only forces that can operate in
complex terrain. However, their repower is
limited compared to heavy or medium forces,
and they are vulnerable without the protec-
tion of dispersion, concealment or fortication.
Provision of greater mobility or repower gives
them the characteristics of medium forces, but
may reduce their strategic mobility and utility. Figure 1B.1 Iraq War 2003,

01B08. Air Manoeuvre Forces. Air Manoeuvre forces

exploit the mobility of aircraft3 to provide reach and agility. Air manoeuvre forces include attack,
support and reconnaissance helicopters; air assault and airborne infantry; combat support and
combat service support elements. Their operations should be closely integrated with close air
support, air interdiction and other strike or reconnaissance aircraft.

01B09. Combined Arms Groupings. The concept of combined arms integrates the applica-
tion of several arms such as infantry, armour, aviation, artillery and engineers.4 Combined arms
groups should be used within an air manoeuvre, heavy, medium or light force wherever possible.
Properly employed, combined arms groups provide a complementary range of capabilities that
allow the overmatch of a less well-balanced force. They present few functional weaknesses for
the enemy to exploit.

Aircraft may be xed wing aeroplanes or rotary wing helicopters.

Organization of Land Forces

01B10. The Structure of an Army. Armies are structured hierarchically into formations, units
and subunits. A typical hierarchy is Army Group - Army - Corps - Division - Brigade - Unit - Subu-
nit, although at present few nations possess discrete armies. Units of the British Army are called
regiments or battalions depending on their Arm or Service. Their subunits are squadrons, batter-
ies or companies.

a. Formations. A formation is a grouping of several units, together with dedicated

command and command support elements. They normally consist of units of several arms
and services, both in peacetime and on operations.

b. Units. A unit is the smallest grouping capable of independent operations over long
periods. It contains integral command support and combat service support elements, and
is normally commanded by a lieutenant colonel. They typically comprise between 400 and
1000 all ranks, the great majority of which are of one Arm or Service.

c. Subunits. A subunit is a subdivision of a unit. Subunits are normally commanded

by majors, and typically comprise between 60 and 150 all ranks. They are normally subdi-
vided further into troops or platoons.

01B11. Structure for Operations. Where possible, armies organize in peace as they do for
war. However, in practice most adopt a modular approach which enables regrouping for specic
operations, or phases within operations.

a. Peacetime Structure. Units and formations are organized against organization

tables, which are used to scale the provision of manpower, equipment, barracks infrastruc-
ture, pay and similar issues.

b. Order of Battle. Although there is a master Order of Battle for the British Army, the
normal meaning of the term is a list of those forces deployed for a campaign or major op-
eration. Examples include the Order of Battle of 1st (UK) Armoured Division for Operation
GRANBY in 1991, or that for Operation TELIC in 2003.

c. Task Organization. The regrouping of forces for specic operations and phases
within operations is described by the task organization. It is typically within the task organi-
sation that units are cross-attached to form all-arms battlegroups.

d. Task Forces. Within the UK the term battlegroup has a specic meaning. A bat-
tlegroup is an all-arms grouping based on the headquarters of an armoured, armoured
reconnaissance, infantry or aviation unit designed for combined arms operations. A more
general term for a force created by cross-attaching elements from parent formations, units
or subunits is task force.

JWP 0-01.1, p. C-12.



Chapter 2 describes the British approach to the conduct of land operations. It considers
success and end-states, including the limitations on the application of armed force. It
describes the Manoeuvrist Approach and the requirements for simplicity and exibility in

2.1 Success and End States OVERVIEW

2.1 Success and End-States
0201. Armed forces ght to win: winning
should therefore be denable and success 2.2 The Manoeuvrist Approach
should be measurable. This is achieved by de-
Cause and Effect in Land Operations
ning an end-state, which is a state of affairs Understanding, Will and Cohesion
which needs to be achieved either to terminate
or to resolve the conict on favourable terms.1 2.3 Attacking the Enemys Understanding,
Will and Cohesion
0202. There are degrees of success in con- Surprise, Shock Action and
ict which should be weighed against both the Destruction
physical and human cost of operations. The Exploiting Success
inuence of the media, legal constraints, pub- 2.4 Ways and Means
lic opinion and economic factors all impinge Ways of Attack
on military decisions. This is particularly true Means of Attack
in those operations which the United Kingdom
chooses to conduct, as opposed to wars of na- 2.5 Simplicity and Flexibility
tional survival. A conict may be resolved either
when one side subjugates the other to its will, or when terms are found that are acceptable to all
parties. Therefore the term victory may not always be appropriate to describe the desired out-
come of an operation.

0203. Success may have to be dened in other terms such as reconciliation, stabilization, or
the acceptance of a peace plan. Where such acceptance is reluctant, or has to be imposed,
protracted involvement is distinctly possible. A notion of graduated success has a direct bearing
on the two ends to which military operations are commonly directed: the tangible effects on an
enemys physical means of ghting; and the often intangible effects on his understanding, will and
cohesion. The physical destruction of elements of an adversarys capacity to ght is but one of a
number of ways to defeat him. Defeat can be considered in terms of diminishing the effectiveness
of a combatant to the extent that he is unable to prevent his adversary achieving his end-state.
Thus defeat is not an absolute condition, but rather a matter of degree.

0204. Land combat is a fundamentally human endeavour and human beings decide, rationally
or irrationally, when they are beaten. Historically, the defeat of an enemy force has almost never
come at the point of one hundred percent loss to the loser. It normally occurs at some earlier
point, which depends on the losers will and cohesion. On an individual or small unit level, emo-
tions such as fear, panic, shock and surprise are signicant. These emotions adversely affect
decision-making in commanders. When an enemy feels he is beaten, he withdraws his participa-
tion from the battle or engagement. However, the withdrawal of participation may not be total. A
JDP 01, Paragraph 3C5.

partial retreat or surrender may create a eeting opportunity. If exploited, that opportunity may
lead to defeat at a higher level and eventually bring about the successful conclusion of a cam-
paign. The collective withdrawal of an enemys participation in battle is primarily a mental rather
than physical issue and may not be rational. Conversely, it may be an explicit and rational deci-
sion: the loser can see that unless he desists he will lose not only his objectives but his forces as
well. Sometimes an enemy will stand and ght even if its destruction, defeat or capture appears
inevitable. Local tactical failure may set the conditions for operational or strategic success else-

0205. Given the likelihood of determined resistance amongst potential adversaries, British land
forces should be prepared for protracted and possibly costly close combat at the tactical level,
which may be the only option available to achieve operational level success.
The Tet Offensive (1968)

The military events of Tet in January and February 1968 are individually on a small scale and, to the
usual student of military history, hardly even interesting. They were essentially isolated but simultane-
ous guerrilla actions taking place in urban settings, and the two things most remarkable of them are,
rst, the degree of surprise achieved by the attackers, and second, the erce determination that the
latter showed in resisting to the death the counterattacks of
their militarily superior opponents.
At Saigon the attack began at night with a sapper assault
on the American Embassy, but this attack was contained
by midmorning of the following day. The Viet Cong coor-
dinated this attack with assaults on the Presidential Pal-
ace, the Vietnamese Joint General Staff compound, the
Tan Son Nhut Airbase complex, and even the Phu Tho
Race Track, which became their base of operations and
held out longest. According to the Westmoreland Report,
enemy forces consisted of elements of eleven local force
battalions, which can hardly be considered a large number
of men. Still, in order to deal with these attacks, General
Westmoreland was obliged for the rst time to put Ameri-
can combat forces into Saigon.
Why, then did [Tet] result in such a tremendous and nally
decisive blow to the Allies, who not without some justica-
tion called themselves the victors? The answer lies partly
Figure 2.1 US Marines Engage in the shatteringly painful truth of a long build-up of illu-
Viet Cong During the Tet Offensive sion. It lies also in a story of how generals in Washington
outsmarted themselves in trying to use the results of Tet as
leverage to secure a larger mobilization of American forces. And behind all this was the growing weari-
ness of the American people with a war of rather dubious relevance to themselves, which suddenly after
three years appeared to be no closer to its end than it had been at the beginning.
Naturally, the shock was much greater in South Vietnam itself, where the Tet Offensive demonstrated
in the most costly and effective manner that after all these years of war and pacication, and despite
three years of combat involvement by the ultra powerful United States, no part of the country was safe,
neither any rural area nor the heart of Saigon.

Bernard Brodie, Tet Offensive in: (eds.) Noble Frankland and Christopher Dowling,
Decisive Battles of the 20th Century (London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1976) pp. 322-5.

2.2 The Manoeuvrist Approach


0206. The Manoeuvrist Approach is one in which shattering the enemys overall cohesion and
will to ght, rather than his material, is paramount.2 It is an indirect approach which emphasizes
targeting the enemys conceptual and moral component of his ghting power rather than the
physical. The approach involves a combination of violent and non-violent means to achieve ef-
fects which shape his understanding, undermine his will and shatter his cohesion. It aims
to apply strength against identied vulnerabilities. Signicant features are momentum and tempo,
which in combination lead to shock and surprise. It calls for an attitude of mind in which doing the
unexpected, using initiative and seeking originality is combined with a relentless determination to
succeed. It is applicable to all types of military operations across the spectrum of conict. It:

a. emphasizes defeat and disruption of the enemy rather than, for example, taking
ground for its own sake and depends on the precise application of force against identied
points of weakness; and

b. aims to defeat the enemys will and desire to continue by seizing the initiative and
applying constant and unexpected pressure at times and places which the enemy least

In combat, the Manoeuvrist Approach invariably includes elements of movement, repower and
positional defence. There will almost always be a requirement to x the enemy, to deny him ac-
cess to routes and objectives, and secure vital ground and key points. However, any such defen-
sive measures should only be seen as part of the means to the end, which is the enemys defeat.
The forces employed in applying the Manoeuvrist Approach should normally be combined arms,
and in practice will often be multinational.

0207. Manoeuvrist thinking places a premium on understanding and manipulating human na-
ture, pitting strengths against weaknesses, adopting indirect and original courses of action, there-
by minimizing losses. Such an approach offers the prospect of rapid results, or results dispropor-
tionately greater than the resources applied. It is attractive to a numerically inferior side or to a
stronger side that wishes to minimize the resources committed.3

0208. Mission Command. The Manoeuvrist Approach is best applied when it is underpinned
by a philosophy of decentralized command that promotes freedom of action and initiative. Mis-
sion command also contributes to an effects-based approach as it stresses the importance of
understanding what effect is to be achieved rather than determining the ways by which it would
be achieved. At the tactical level, network-enabled capabilities enhance forward command. The
principles of Mission Command are described in Chapter 6.

BDD Edition 2, p 3-5.

Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003)

On paper it looked like an attack against

a numerically superior enemy with a
relatively small offensive force. Was I
tempting fate by defying the war college
maxim that an attacking force should
have a 3-to-1 numerical advantage over
an entrenched defender? Not a bit of
it, as my Brit friends would say. On the
twenty-rst-century battleeld, strength
would derive from the mass of effec-
tive repower, not simply the number of
boots or tank tracks on the ground.

Our ground forces, supported by over-

whelming air power, would move so fast
and deep into the Iraqi rear that time- Figure 2.2 US Forces Enter Karbala
and-distance factors would preclude the
enemys defensive manoeuvre. And this slow-reacting enemy would be xed in place by the combined
effect of artillery, air support, and attack helicopters.
Without question, our lines of communication would be long and exposed in places, stretching more
than three hundred miles from the border of Kuwait to the outskirts of Baghdad. But the object was to
destroy the Iraqi militarys will to ght. A larger, slower, methodical, attrition-based attack model could
defeat the enemy in detail, and our lines of communication could be better protected with such a force.
But the time it would take to stage and launch such a juggernaut would leave Saddam too many stra-
tegic options: he could use the time to destroy Iraqs water or oil infrastructure, launch missiles against
his neighbours, or use WMD against our troopsand his track record suggested he wouldnt think twice
about any of those options

No, manoeuvre speed would be our most important asset. If high balling armour units could sustain
that speed for days and nights on the end, they would own the initiative, and our momentum would
overwhelm Iraqs ability to reacttactically and strategically. We would not apply overwhelming force.
Rather, we would apply the overwhelming mass of effect of a smaller force. Speed would represent a
mass all of its own.

General Tommy Franks, American Soldier (New York: Regan Books, 2004) pp. 415-416

Cause and Effect in Land Operations

0209. Military commanders should consider potential courses of action in terms of the objec-
tives they seek and the associated effects they wish to achieve. These effects might relate to the
enemy, friendly forces, civilians, or the operational environment. A commander then describes
the actions he wishes his subordinates to conduct in order to achieve the desired effects. Those
actions are normally worded as tasks which, together with their purposes, constitute subordi-
nates missions. At the tactical level, such missions are typically concrete: they require some real
battleeld activity such as the destruction of a discrete part of the enemys force or the seizure
of a specic piece of terrain. In ordering physical actions, commanders should also attempt to
achieve psychological effects. In the longer run, the enemy is defeated when he considers him-
self beaten, which is as much a mental as a physical condition. At the same time, commanders
should gauge the appropriate level of violence required and minimize undesirable collateral ef-
fects, especially when they may prejudice a successful operational or strategic outcome.

Effects-Based Approaches

Effects are the consequences of actions. They are achieved through activity and are subject to the
actions and reactions of an enemy or other parties, and the inuence of the environment. Desirable
effects can be identied for any level of warfare. Tactical actions may have operational consequences
that can, in turn, have strategic impact. An effects-based approach requires analysis of the operational
objectives to identify the effects required to achieve those objectives, and thus determine what must be
achieved to conclude a campaign or major operation successfully. Such an approach considers ends
(required effects), the ways (methods) and the means to generate such effects. Time is a further di-
mension: effects may be immediate, short-term or long-term; and may or may not occur immediately.

Effects-based operations (EBO) are focused on outcomes rather than activity. Put simply, outcomes are
what is to be achieved, and activity is how it is to be achieved. A focus on outcomes should result in the
integration of military and non-military means, usually by collaboration and cooperation at operational
and tactical levels. The goal is to enable the military to identify how it may best support, and be sup-
ported by, the other instruments of power. Such a comprehensive approach offers a more holistic way
of inuencing the will, understanding, and capability of adversaries, allies and neutrals. EBO rely on
the successful orchestration of violent and non-violent actions to achieve desired effects, and an ability
to manage intended and unintended effects, however they occur.

0210. Land combat is adversarial and dynamic, and dominated by human behaviour. It is there-
fore inherently unpredictable. Actions do not lead necessarily and predictably to all desired ef-
fects, not least because it is difcult to predict psychological responses to physical acts. Thus
there is a limit to how far an approach to military operations based on the identication, resourcing
and execution of intended effects should apply to land warfare. For an effects-based approach to
succeed, it must be applied exibly to allow local commanders to manipulate the inherently cha-
otic and unpredictable nature of combat. This includes predicting the probable response to their
actions and the psychological impact of those actions on their opponents.

Understanding, Will and Cohesion

0211. An Integrated Approach. The Manoeuvrist Approach involves a combination of violent

and non-violent means to achieve effects which shape the enemys understanding, undermine
his will and shatter his cohesion. Land combat is complex, dynamic and unpredictable. It is con-
ducted by opposing and not necessarily symmetric forces that are themselves highly complex.
An enemy forces understanding of the situation affects its will: if it thinks that it is being beaten, it
tends to be demoralized. A tactical action which demoralizes a subordinate enemy commander
reduces his effectiveness, thereby lowering cohesion of the enemy force overall. Similarly, an
attack on the physical cohesion of the force, perhaps by destroying key elements, also demoral-
izes. Thus understanding, will and cohesion are intimately linked and an integrated approach to
attacking all of them is required.

0212. Understanding. Understanding has two major aspects. The rst is an understanding the
nature of conict in general and the current conict in particular. The second is an understanding
of the current situation, including the environment, friendly forces, the enemy, and the enemys
perception of the situation. Shaping an enemys understanding can involve any of these aspects.
Social and cultural perspectives have an impact on understanding, since different societies view
the same issues in different ways.

0213. Will. Will can be regarded as the determination to persist in the face of adversity. It has
two aspects: intent and resolve. Both can be attacked and so undermined. An enemy command-
ers intent is thwarted when he realizes that it is no longer relevant or achievable, and so desists
from that course of action. His resolve is his strength of will. It is overcome when he is demoral-
ized. Intent and resolve are not necessarily related.

Unit Cohesion: France 1940

When the British Expeditionary Force deployed to France in 1939 it contained 5 Regular and 5 pre-war
Territorial divisions. Another pre-war Territorial division, 51st Highland, was subsequently attached to
the French Army. In the Spring of 1939 the TA had been doubled to produce 14 second-line divisions in
addition to the original 14 pre-war divisions. By May 1940 two second-line TA divisions were in France,
employed on line of communication duties. The 1st Armoured Division also arrived, just in time to meet
the German attack near Arras.
There was a marked contrast between the various formations. The Regular 3rd Infantry Division, com-
manded by Major General Bernard Montgomery, was fully equipped and highly trained. Montgomery
had insisted on high standards and regular training, both in units and formation headquarters. During
the withdrawal to Dunkirk the Corps commander, Lieutenant General Alan Brooke, thought that Mont-
gomery had as usual accomplished the impossible; in practice the seemingly impossible was achieved
through collective training and high standards of staffwork.
Conversely the second-line 12th and 23rd Infantry Divisions were poorly equipped and under strength.
The 12th, for example, had no artillery and no divisional antitank, reconnaissance or machinegun bat-
talions. Employed mostly as a labour force, they had little opportunity to train. It was swept up in the
confused ghting around Lille and shattered. Remnants were evacuated through Dunkirk. Both 12th
and 23rd Divisions were disbanded in July 1940, and never reformed. The price of sending ill-equipped
and ill-trained formations to a theatre of war had been heavy.
Based on The Battle for France and Flanders; Sixty Years On. Brian Bond and
Michael Taylor ed. (London: Leo Cooper, 2001)

0214. Cohesion. Cohesion has three related aspects: moral, conceptual and physical. Moral
cohesion is an essentially human condition. Troops who have moral cohesion stick together:
they continue to ght despite adversity and local reverse. It results from a combination of several
factors, including high morale, good leadership, esprit de corps and belief in the cause at stake.
Realistic training and combat experience contribute to it, as does a commanders personal deter-
mination and force of character. The application of common doctrine through training and educa-
tion provides conceptual cohesion. It also encourages the development of a sense of perspec-
tive: the rst reverse does not mean that the battle is lost. Field Marshal von Manstein observed
that things are never as good or as bad as they rst appear. Physical cohesion largely results
from good tactics and balanced organizations. At the tactical level, it results from practical tactical
measures such as establishing air and artillery support, mutual support between formations and
units, and interlocking arcs within units and sub-units.

2.3 Attacking the Enemys Understanding, Will and Cohesion

0215. When an army ghts it should seek to attack the enemys understanding, will and cohe-
sion. This requires understanding the enemy, his system and his motivation so as to target at-
tacks most effectively. A commander should wherever possible attack his enemy systemically.
To the extent that they can be separated, the attacker should seek to shape the enemy forces
understanding, undermine its will and shatter its cohesion. Doing so should leave it unable to
respond effectively as the situation develops. One powerful way of achieving this is through induc-
ing shock, of which the classic symptoms are numbness and irrational behaviour.

Surprise, Shock Action and Destruction

0216. A force can be said to be shocked if it displays any or all of the following conditions:
reduced participation in combat; ight, panic or surrender of signicant numbers; or inappropri-
ate responses to the opponents actions. These symptoms are known as shock effects. At a
personal level, shock effect is physiological rather than psychological and requires the sudden
application of violence to induce it. Shock effects are transient and may be local. They represent
opportunities which should be exploited vigorously and may lead to success at higher levels. The
tactical effects of shock may be perceived as local panic or collapse. If exploited, they may lead
to more general collapse which may in turn lead to paralysis at the operational or strategic levels.
The German breakthrough on the Meuse at Sedan in May 1940 is a prime example. The initial
panic and collapse caused by the breakthrough of a single German infantry regiment, at the tip of
a panzer corps at the main effort of the German Army, was vigorously exploited and ultimately led
to the paralysis of the French high command and its government.

0217. There are, broadly, three main causes of shock effects: surprise, shock action and
destruction. Although these can be described separately, they tend to overlap in the complex
environment of the battleeld. The greatest shock effect results from a combination of all three
causes. Surprise and shock action are closely correlated with tactical success, and success
at the operational level if exploited vigorously. Although surprise, shock action and destruction
contribute to shock effect, the actual effect achieved remains unpredictable and will vary with the
enemys cohesion. Furthermore, shock effect is transient and should always be exploited.

0218. Surprise. Surprise, a principle of war, is one of the most signicant contributors to mili-
tary success at all levels. It can have an effect quite out of proportion to force ratios. It is difcult
to stress sufciently the importance of achieving surprise. It was one of the main elements of the
tactical and operational effectiveness of the German Army in the opening phases of the Second
World War, and of the Red Army towards its close. The Allied landings in 1942-44 in North-West
Africa, Sicily, mainland Italy and Normandy all achieved some degree of tactical and operational
surprise. General MacArthurs bold amphibious landing at Inchon in September 1950 restored
the initiative to United Nations forces in the Korean War. More recently, Coalition forces achieved
signicant operational and tactical surprise against Iraqi forces in two Gulf Wars.

0219. Surprise is a signicant means of seizing the initiative at all levels of war and in all types of
tactical activities. In offensive operations it can be generated in a number of ways, most notably
through unexpected timing, direction, means or methods of attack. Unexpected timing is espe-
cially effective if it is early. Surprise through unexpectedly early arrival can occur at any point, not
just at the start of a battle or engagement. Surprise though unexpected direction is particularly
effective if the resulting attack is from the enemys anks or rear. This may be a consequence of
the original plan of attack, or result from deep penetration and bypassing, which produce unpro-
tected anks and rears which can be exploited. Unexpected methods of attack typically result
from novel tactics, whilst unexpected means of attack typically result from novel weapons. The
Egyptian crossing of the Suez Canal in October 1973 demonstrated surprise in timing, method
and means simultaneously. In defensive operations, surprise can be generated through unex-
pected tactical depth, the concealment and employment of reserves, or by the sudden withdrawal
to defensive positions in the rear.

0220. The major factors in achieving surprise are deception, intelligence, security, speed and
originality. Commanders at all levels should create and exploit every available opportunity to
surprise an enemy. It need not be total, but merely sufcient to cause an enemy to delay a deci-

Deception: the Origins of Operation MINCEMEAT (1943)

By the time the Axis armies in Tunisia surrendered to the Anglo-American armies in May of 1943, it
had already been decided at Casablanca that the next step toward Europe would be Sicily. And when,
on June 11, 1943, the Allies captured the small island of Pantelleria, it might have seemed at OKW
[Oberkommando der Wehrmacht] that the Allies intentions were crystal clear. As Churchill said: Any-
body but a damned fool would know that it was Sicily. What could be done to mislead Hitler? There
was, it was decided, only one thing to do: play upon his probable conviction that Sicily was too obvious
a target and that the Allies were planning extensive landings on other parts of the southern littoral of
Europe. To cloak Husky, as the invasion of Sicily was cryptogram med, Hitler must be led to believe
that the Allies intended to invade two places: Greece in preparation for a thrust through the Balkans, and
Sardinia as a jumping-off point for an invasion of southern France. Thus the LCS [London Collecting
Section] began to plan a deception campaign to make it appear that Churchills strategy in 1943 would
be the same as it had been in 1915the Allies were indeed raising a knife to slide through the soft
underbelly of Europe. When its plans matured, as they did in June 1943, the LCS had produced a ruse
that was the equal of any of the great stratagems of historys great deceptions, and its main component
was called Mincemeat.
Anthony Cave-Brown, Bodyguard of Lies
(London: W. H. Allen, 1977) p. 279

sion or act until it is too late. Surprise can be used to generate a high tempo of advance, which in
turn contributes to further shock effect by enabling advancing forces to arrive unexpectedly early
and from unexpected directions. However, surprise soon wears off, therefore its effect should be
exploited rapidly.

0221. Shock Action. Shock action is the sudden, concentrated application of violence. Shock
action numbs, deters and frightens. At a collective level, it is characterized by concentrations of
indirect re and a high tempo of advance employing closely-coordinated re and manoeuvre. Key
aspects are: the concentration of violence; its sudden application; and a high rate of manoeuvre.
The mental perception of shock is reinforced by the rapid approach and impact of aircraft or heavy
armour; by the employment of seemingly invulnerable weapon platforms; or particularly frighten-
ing weapons. Shock action can be particularly effective if it can be achieved at night or in close

0222. Destruction. Unsupported or unfocused destruction is not normally a major contributor

to shock, other than when used massively it can become indistinguishable from shock action. The
careful selection and destruction of discrete capabilities or force elements can amplify the shock
effect of surprise and shock action. Considerable impact will be achieved when destruction is
carefully coordinated with the effects of shock action and surprise.

0223. Collapse. Shock effects can at times be observed as collapse. Collapse may be either
progressive or catastrophic. Progressive collapse occurs when the defending force surrenders or
retreats gradually, a little at a time. Catastrophic collapse occurs when all or a large part of the de-
fence gives way almost simultaneously. Although the two cases may not be clearly distinguished,
catastrophic collapse is more effective. Panic is a major indicator of catastrophic collapse, and
is infectious. Panic is transmitted as much by rumour as by fact. Bad news travels fast. The
perception of failure is the best mechanism by which to promote actual failure

Shock and Surprise in Practice (2003)

The armoured raid into Az Zubayr

in Iraq, conducted by 2 RTR bat-
tlegroup during the morning of 26
March 2003, is a good example of
achieving shock and surprise in
practice. The objective was an en-
emy command and control centre
(Objective BRAIN), which was to
be attacked just before H-Hr with
eight 1,000lb Joint Direct Attack
Munition precision munitions. An
armoured squadron would then
assault the objective, supported
by armoured infantry. The Com-
manders Diary contains the fol-
lowing report: Figure 2.3 Baath Party HQ after Attack

The enemy was completely paralysed by the surprise attack, especially the JDAMs. What had previ-
ously been a concentrated area of enemy strength was neutralized by the shock and surprise of the
bombing, followed up by tanks into the heart of the enemys perceived stronghold. That there was no
resistance during the conduct of the raid demonstrated the psychological effect as well as the physical
blow this achieved against the enemy. The enemy did subsequently reorganize but only achieved lim-
ited resistance further in depth.
2 RTR BG 2100/16/OA dated 30 April 2003

Exploiting Success

0224. The effects of shock are likely to be local, temporary, and unpredictable. Localized shock
effect should be expanded through exploitation to encourage collapse and paralysis at higher
levels and over wider areas. Exploitation may be planned or opportunistic. Planned exploitation
is designed beforehand to follow anticipated success, and may require fresh, echeloned forces.
Opportunistic exploitation is a key mechanism for seizing and retaining the initiative, and building
cumulative success at successively higher levels. Opportunistic exploitation should be carried
out with all available forces to hand and initiated as soon as an opportunity is recognized, particu-
larly at low tactical levels. Exploitation is a Core Function, and is described further in Chapter 3.
At the campaign level, if the opportunity to exploit is lost, then the decisive edge won in battle may
be blunted. Field Marshal Wavell observed that [w]hile coolness in disaster is the supreme proof
of a commanders courage, energy in pursuit is the surest test of his strength of will. Command-
ers should guard against the natural tendency of troops to relax after achieving initial success.

0225. In combat operations, the aggressive exploitation of success through reconnaissance is

a major contributor to achieving shock and surprise. It has two main elements. The rst is the
identication of gaps, weaknesses and opportunities by manned reconnaissance, UAVs, and
other sensors. Knowledge of the absence of the enemy is often as important as knowledge of his
location. The second element is the timely application of manoeuvre and repower to exploit op-
portunities. This does not mean ghting for information, but does require task-organizing forces
to allow the creation and exploitation of opportunities. For example, it may need forward detach-
ments or guard forces4 based on combined arms groupings. These should include indirect re

The Second Battle of El Alamein (1942)

At the end of the second battle of El Alamein, Field Marshal Rommels position was precarious.
The full depth of his defence was about to be penetrated, and the British Desert Air Force had
effective control of the air. To remain where he was would have invited total destruction in the
open desert. Only a general withdrawal (eventually all the way to Tunisia) offered the prospect
of saving his army. His greatest danger was for his line of retreat to be cut off and to be sur-
rounded by the British forces in pursuit.

The fourth of November saw the end of the Battle of El Alamein. About midday the over-strained Axis
defence snapped. Cohesion was lost and the containing line fell apart. Thoma [commander of the
Afrika Korps] was captured ghting with his Kampfstaffel (battle escort) to check the X [British] Corps
advance. At 5.30 p.m. Rommel realized the end had come and ordered a general withdrawal to Fuka
to save the mobile elements of the Panzer Army. He was forced by circumstances to abandon most of
his Italian infantry.
The immediate British pursuit was not a success. Field-Mar-
shal Carver, who was present at the time, has described the
rst night:
It would have been hard enough if all had been under
the command of the same corps; with two differing corps,
who were not on the best of terms anyway, both trying to
carry out the same task in the same area, it was chaotic.
There is no other word to describe the incredible confu-
sion of that dark night in a sea of dust. Vehicles of every
formation were travelling in every direction on every con-
ceivable track, looming up in front of each other from un-
expected directions out of the thick, stiing pall of dust.
During 5 and 6 November indifferent British staff work caused
by psychological exhaustion, shortage of fuel (due to difcul- Figure 2.4 General Montgomery
ties in switching supply from large quantities of ammunition Watches German Forces
to equally large quantities of fuel), and the resolute action of Withdraw From El Alamein
the German rearguards, all conspired to delay the British ad-
Sir William Jackson, El Alamein in: (eds.) Noble Frankland and Christopher Dowling,
Decisive Battles of the 20th Century (London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1976) pp. 205-206.

controllers and an allocation of air, aviation or airmobile forces. Aviation forces can provide an
effective method of exploiting success aggressively. Successful exploitation depends on rapid
response. This is best achieved by decentralization, to reduce the time taken both for decision-
making and translating decisions into action.

0226. Exploitation does not necessarily involve combat. Frequently, the most effective exploi-
tation of success, whether military or non-military, can be achieved through Information Opera-
tions. For example, the British Operation BARRAS on 10 September 2000 which destroyed the
West Side Boys in the Occra Hills of Sierra Leone was exploited effectively through the media.
In practice this halted combat operations by all rebel groups. The message was clear: dont
mess with the British.

Van-, rear and ank guards. See Paragraph 1B06.

2.4 Ways and Means of Attack

Ways of Attack

0227. Attacks on understanding, will and cohesion can be carried out by seizing and retaining
the initiative, preemption, dislocation and disruption. These are typically conducted in combina-

0228. Seizing, Retaining and Regaining the Initiative. The initiative can be dened as the
ability to dictate the course of tactical events. It may only be local; is usually gained through pre-
emption; and is easily lost. In adversarial combat, if one side acts rst and commits or threatens
violence on the other, the latter usually reacts to protect itself. This constrains its ability to act
offensively. Gaining the initiative is important to success and, once gained, should be retained
as a matter of priority. Gaining the initiative requires a high tempo of operations to force an op-
ponent continuously to react, making it difcult for him to initiate actions. Once it appears that
the initiative is lost, or soon will be lost, a commander should plan to regain it. This can be done
by withdrawing from combat so that an opponent cannot dictate events, enduring the enemys at-
tack until he exhausts or overextends himself, or counterattacking. Counterattacking has several
benets. It halts the enemys momentum, since he is compelled to protect himself. It may cause
surprise and shock, perhaps in the mind of the attacking commander. It may also present oppor-
tunities for exploitation.

0229. Pre-emption. To pre-empt the enemy is to seize an opportunity, which may be eeting,
before he acts in order to deny him an advantage. It wrests the initiative from the enemy and
frustrates his plan. Its success lies in the speed with which the situation can then be exploited.

0230. Dislocation. To dislocate the enemy is to deny him the ability to bring his strengths to
bear. Its purpose is wider than the frustration of the enemys plan. It seeks to render his strength
irrelevant. It may be deliberate or a fortunate consequence of other actions. It seeks not to ght
an enemy on his terms, by avoiding his strengths or xing them so they are ineffective. Deep
penetration and envelopment are two mechanisms of dislocation. The American drive across the
Pacic in the Second World War isolated large Japanese forces on islands that were bypassed.
This rendered them irrelevant, achieving dislocation through envelopment. Another means of dis-
location is distraction, as explained by Liddell Hart.

Liddell Hart and Dislocation

It is usually necessary for the dislocating move to be preceded by a move, or moves, which can best be
dened by the term distract in its literal sense of to draw asunder. The purpose of this distraction is
to deprive the enemy of his freedom of action, and it should operate in both the physical and psychologi-
cal spheres. In the physical, it should cause a distension of his forces or their diversion to unprotable
ends, so that they are too widely distributed, and too committed elsewhere, to have the power of inter-
fering with ones own decisively intended move. In the psychological sphere, the same effect is sought
by playing upon the fears of, and by deceiving, the opposing command. Stonewall Jackson aptly
expressed this in his strategical mottoMystify, mislead, and surprise. For to mystify and to mislead
constitutes distraction, while surprise is the essential cause of dislocation. It is through the distraction
of the commanders mind that the distraction of his forces follows. The loss of his freedom of action is
the sequel to the loss of his freedom of conception.
B H Liddell Hart, Strategy: The Indirect Approach (London: Faber and Faber, 1967)
pp. 341-342

0231. Disruption. Selective disruption can be used to break and confuse those assets that
are critical to the employment and coherence of an enemys ghting power. It aims to rupture
the integrity of an enemys force and render him incapable of deciding and acting purposefully.
Major General Fuller likened this to having an enemy shot through the brain. The identication
of those assets whose destruction is most likely to disrupt the enemy may not be easy. Military
targets might include communication networks, command centres, transport nodes, or logistic
facilities. Against irregular forces, command structures and supply routes may be the best targets
to disrupt, although some may be inaccessible or difcult to attack.

Means of Attack

0232. The principal means of attacking an enemys understanding, will and cohesion are the
threat and the use force, separately or in combination. Force is applied by repower and manoeu-
vre to achieve shock effect. High tempo and simultaneity are used to maximize shock effect and
exploit it. This enables local cracks in cohesion to be turned into wider and more damaging s-
sures throughout the enemy force. Such ssures should be magnied by Information Operations.
The aim is to overwhelm an enemy commander by simultaneous threats or actions conducted at
such a tempo that he cannot react coherently. Command paralysis may result.

0233. Manoeuvre. Manoeuvre places forces into a position of advantage from where the en-
emy can be surprised, suppressed, shocked or assaulted. Alternatively it may lead him to believe
he is defeated. There are several purposes to manoeuvre; they include:

a. To achieve a position from which re can be delivered. This might entail sudden
concentrations of re intended to allow further movement in the face of the enemy.

b. To gain a position that permits surprise to be obtained; perhaps by assault from an

unexpected or unguarded direction, or before the defender expects it.

c. To pre-empt an enemy manoeuvre by seizing and occupying terrain that is key to his

Manoeuvre is a Function in Combat, and is considered further in Chapter 3.

0234. Firepower. Firepower destroys, neutralizes, suppresses and demoralizes. It can be

delivered by sea, land and air platforms. It has physical, psychological and physiological effects.
Firepower provides the violent, destructive force to amplify or enable the effects of tempo, simul-
taneity and surprise. Its effectiveness depends on its volume, accuracy, lethality and its sudden-
ness or unpredictability. It allows destructive force to be applied precisely, effects from different
systems to be concentrated against a single task, and the rapid switching of re between targets.
The psychological and physiological effects of repower are transient, and should be exploited by
manoeuvre before they wear off. Hence effective operations require close coordination between
repower and manoeuvre.

0235. Tempo. Tempo is dened as the rhythm or rate of activity of operations relative to the
enemy. In combat, the side which consistently decides and acts faster gains and holds an advan-
tage. Speed of execution also matters, and forces should be organized to achieve high tempo
to the greatest extent possible. Shock and surprise enable the achievement of high tempo in
combat, allowing battles and engagements to be won faster. A high tempo of operations between
engagements creates further opportunities for surprise and shock. In manoeuvre operations,

Mount Harriet (1982)

42 Commando, Royal Marines assaulted Mount Harriet in the Falklands on the night of 11-12 June
1982 in a surprise attack from the enemys rear. The 4th Argentine Infantry Regiment defending Harriet
expected an attack from Mount Wall to the west; a diversionary attack by 12 Troop of 42 Commando
reinforced that perception. The main body attacked from the south-east and approached to within about
a hundred meters of the Argentine positions before it was detected. The assault was very rapid: leading
elements reached the crest of Mount Harriet within about 40 minutes; the crestline was cleared within
about two hours; and the ghting largely complete within 5 hours.
The Argentine regimental command post and mortar platoon were
overrun early in the assault: a lucky consequence of the chosen
axis of attack, but the effects of this selective destruction were sig-
nicant. The Argentines lost much of their primary indirect re sup-
port and command and control of their forces; both affected their
cohesion. An Argentine company commander attempted to organ-
ize a counterattack force on the north side of the ridgeline; however
a sudden, concentrated artillery re mission broke up the attack.
The survivors were seen eeing east towards Stanley through the
smoke and darkness. The surprise attack, shock action and some
aspects of the destruction achieved had overcome the 4th Argentine
Infantry Regiments cohesion; it collapsed and was effectively de-
stroyed as a ghting force

The battle contrasts with the other ve battalion battles in the Falk-
lands Conict - Goose Green, Mount Longdon, Wireless Ridge, Figure 2.5 Commando on
Two Sisters and Tumbledown - which all took over 7 hours ghting. Mount Harriet
42 Commando suffered only 2 dead and 7 wounded; substantially
less than Goose Green, Longdon and Tumbledown, and slightly less than Two Sisters and Wireless
Ridge. 42 Commando captured over 300 prisoners, more than any other unit involved (except for 2nd
Battalion, the Parachute Regiment, who captured 1007 Argentinians when the garrison of Darwin sur-
rendered after Goose Green).

Figure 2.6 Mount Harriet Plan of Operations

Drawn From Nicholas van der Bijl, Nine Battles to Stanley (Barnsley: Leo Cooper, 1999)

tempo can be achieved and maintained through the successful conduct of meeting battles and
engagements, where both sides may be surprised, albeit temporarily. High tempo is required to
support the exploitation of opportunities. Tempo does not require high physical speed in all cases,
although battleeld manoeuvre should be relatively faster than the enemys rate of recovery. The
primary goal of high tempo should be to gain and then retain the initiative.

0236. Simultaneity. Simultaneity seeks to overload an enemy commander by attacking or

threatening him in so many ways at once that he can not concentrate on any one, nor establish
priorities between them. He cannot choose how and where to react, he is torn in different direc-
tions, and he nds it hard to respond coherently. By acting simultaneously against several levels
of command, the effect on cohesion is cumulative. Risk may be accepted in seeking simultaneity
by having only a small reserve. As with tempo, simultaneity should be seen through the eyes of
an enemy, and its use judged by the effect on his cohesion and decision-making. Multiple pen-
etration is a signicant method of achieving simultaneity in offensive operations. Even a single
breakthrough can have signicant effect if it threatens a number of key enemy areas simultane-
ously. Simultaneity can be achieved in non-combat operations through a variety of methods,
including the coordinated use of a mix of agencies such as in joint military-police operations.

Figure 2.6 Operations in

Sierra Leone

0237. Information Operations. Information Operations can also be used to attack an enemys
Fighting Power, by manipulating the enemys understanding and by using the threat of force to
break his will and cohesion. Tactical Information Operations should be considered as a routine
aspect of operations and integrated with all other tactical activities. If not, their effects will tend to
be poorly coordinated with other military activity. Information Operations will have only an indirect
effect on physical aspects of cohesion, since they work on the mind of the adversary. They can
inuence moral aspects of cohesion, typically through psychological operations. Related media
and civil/military operations can assist this process. Operations PALLISER, BARRAS and SILK-
MAN conducted in 2000 in Sierra Leone all indicated the efcacy of Information Operations as a
fundamental part of the application of the Manoeuvrist Approach.

2.5 Simplicity and Flexibility

0238. The complexity of conict implies that military plans should be designed for simplicity, so
that subordinates can act purposefully in confusing situations; and for exibility, so that a plan can
adapt to changing conditions.

0239. Simplicity. Commanders should seek to adopt simple plans. These are often less vul-
nerable to friction than complex plans with many inter-locking elements, and are more easily
remembered by tired subordinates in the heat of battle. There are two guides to planning for

a. As few actions as possible should depend on the completion of a prior action. The
successful completion of a prior action conducted in contact with an enemy cannot be
guaranteed, thus sequential operations may increase the risk of failure.

b. There should wherever possible be multiple paths to success. Thus, wherever pos-
sible, the activity on the main effort should be one of several in parallel at that stage. In
this way a simple switch of main effort will immediately open up a different path to success
if the main effort is blocked.

Both aspects tend to suggest planning for simultaneous rather than sequential activities, where
the tactical situation permits.
0240. Flexibility. Flexibility applies to both individuals and to a land force as a whole. Indi-
vidual exibility is largely mental, requiring an enquiring mind and the ability to consider alterna-
tives. It is often a product of a broad education and is valuable both in commanders and staff
ofcers. Physical exibility is the ability of a force to move from one activity to another. It should
be nurtured through grouping, training, good battle procedure and robust and well-practiced drills.
It requires control systems that permit, for example, the swift massing and switching of indirect
re. It relies on fast and effective decision-making, and good staff work such as the production
and distribution of road movement tables. Flexibility results from a commanders intellect and
imagination, good staff and well-trained units.

0241. Balancing Simplicity and Flexibility. Increasing the number of planned options within
an operation undermines simplicity. Commanders and staff ofcers focus is diluted, and each
option is planned in less detail when time is short. Conversely a simple switch of main effort
should not require much planning. Thus considerable judgement is required in deciding how
many options should be planned in detail. The higher the level of a headquarters, the better it will
be able to deal with multiple options simultaneously. At lower levels, with fewer planning staff,
multiple options within a plan increase complexity and make it more difcult to act purposefully.
Imposing such plans on subordinates may be counter-productive.



Chapter 3 describes the main aspects of British land force doctrine. It describes the func-
tions in combat and the core functions, before considering the operational framework and
describing the types of land tactical operations.

3.1 The Functions in Combat OVERVIEW

3.1 The Functions in Combat
0301. When analysing military activity it is 3.2 The Core Functions
useful to have a list of functions which provides Finding the Enemy
a complete description of everything that mili- Fixing the Enemy
tary organizations do prior to, during, and after Striking the Enemy
operations. The resulting list or framework is Exploitation
an analytical tool for commanders and staffs to 3.3 The Operational Framework
use so as to ensure they address all aspects of Decisive, Shaping and Sustaining Opera-
operations. They also and offer a common vo- tions
cabulary and frame of reference. They provide Deep, Close and Rear Operations
a description of a forces overall capabilities
which is independent of Service or Arm. Within 3.4 Types of Land Tactical
Joint Doctrine, the Defence Capability Frame- Operations
Offensive Operations
work provides such a vocabulary of seven ca-
Defensive Operations
pabilities at the strategic and operational levels: Stability Operations
Command, Inform, Prepare, Project, Oper- Enabling Activities
ate, Protect, and Sustain. Airborne, Airmobile and Aviation Attack
0302. At the land tactical level, the six Func-
tions in Combat describe tactical battleeld ac- Annex:
tivities. They can be viewed as the land con- A. Forms of Manoeuvre
tribution to the Operate capability, and they
represent the practical expression of the physi-
cal component of Fighting Power. They are Command, Information and Intelligence, Firepow-
er, Manoeuvre, Protection, and Combat Service Support.

0303. Command. Command is the exercise of military authority by a designated commander

for the planning, direction, coordination and control of a military force. Control is a supporting
means by which command is exercised and regulated, and is normally the province of the staff.
Successful command requires positive leadership and teamwork, and the application of a com-
mon doctrine of command. Commanders and their staffs have to acquire and communicate infor-
mation, assess the situation and determine the required actions in a timely manner. Thus sound
intelligence, robust communications, and an efcient planning and decision-making organization
are required. The subsequent direction and tasking of subordinates rests on the delegation of
responsibility together with the allocation of the resources required to achieve their missions.
Coordination and liaison ensure that unity of effort is maintained across a force. Command is ad-
dressed in detail in Chapter 6.

0304. Information and Intelligence. Accurate and timely intelligence is fundamental to the
success of operations. Intelligence is the product of the organized efforts of commanders, staffs
and ISTAR collection assets to gather, analyse, and distribute information about the enemy and

operational environment. Information requirements are turned into intelligence through the IS-
TAR process and the use of ISTAR assets at each level of command. The commander sets out
his information requirements which, supported by intelligence preparation of the battleeld and an
intelligence estimate, are then rened into a collection plan. This plan provides the basis for ac-
quiring information, either through the coordinated use of ISTAR assets held at that level of com-
mand or from those held at other levels of command. The information received is then collated,
evaluated, analysed, integrated and interpreted. The process should be timely and responsive to
support decision-making, and exible enough to support the requirements of the whole force.

0305. Firepower. Firepower destroys, neutralizes and suppresses. It is essential in defeating

an enemys ability and will to ght and has utility in both decisive and shaping operations. In its
broadest sense repower includes conventional maritime, air- and land-delivered munitions, as
well as offensive EW assets. The application of repower should be judged by the effect required
on the enemy, be it neutralization, suppression or destruction. This prompts consideration of the
volume, duration and lethality of re, and the precision and range of the munitions. The appropri-
ate mix of weapons systems can then be chosen to achieve the desired effect. A combination of
systems should be used to deliver repower, thus complicating the enemys response.

Figure 3.1 Firepower, 3 RHA, Iraq War 2003

a. Firepower in Isolation. Firepower may be used in isolation from manoeuvre to

cause attrition, to delay, or to disrupt the enemy. For repower to be effective, strike assets
should be linked to the appropriate sensors to provide both target acquisition and damage
assessment. Modern command systems obviate the need for rigid groupings of repower
delivery systems.

b. Firepower and Manoeuvre. When repower and manoeuvre work together, the
manoeuvre commander should control the re. This requires exible command and con-
trol arrangements which allow the effects of repower to be allocated between manoeuvre
elements as appropriate. Firepower is likely to be a joint function, particularly in shaping
operations. Although joint systems may provide some of the means, command should lie
with the appropriate commander within the overall scheme of manoeuvre.

0306. Manoeuvre. Manoeuvre is the means of concentrating force or the threat of force at de-
cisive points to achieve surprise, shock and opportunities for exploitation. It has both spatial and
temporal dimensions which can be exploited to keep the enemy off balance: it thus also protects.
The use of time and space to generate a higher tempo than the enemy poses him new problems
which cause him to react, thus generating freedom of action. Manoeuvre enhances the potential
effects of repower, and repower in turn enables manoeuvre. However, repower can rarely
substitute satisfactorily for manoeuvre. Manoeuvre used to secure a position of advantage has
an enduring effect, which compels the enemy to respond by acting on terms that are not his own.
Land manoeuvre embraces ground and air manoeuvre, and manoeuvre support.

Figure 3.2 Manoeuvre, SCOTS DG, Iraq War 2003

a. Ground Manoeuvre. The positional advantages gained by ground manoeuvre forc-

es are unique, and irreplaceable by other means. Seizing, holding and denying ground,
blocking and penetrating enemy forces all contribute directly to success. The effects of
ground manoeuvre can be sustained, and a long-term presence can be established in an

b. Air Manoeuvre. Air manoeuvre seeks to unite attack helicopters, ground and air-
borne forces, support helicopters and offensive support within a combined arms and joint
approach to operations. An air manoeuvre force should be based on the integration of:
attack helicopters; air assault and airborne infantry; combat support and combat service
support elements; and the means to suppress enemy air defences. This optimizes the ca-
pacity for manoeuvre and tempo, leading to considerable exibility and utility. Air manoeu-
vre is especially signicant in the prosecution of operations to attack the enemys depth. It
does so by attacking long-range weapons systems, operationally signicant enemy group-
ings, and command and ISTAR systems. Air manoeuvre can achieve operational-level
surprise by using its reach and exibility. An opponent may be unwilling to concentrate,
employ or expose his key capabilities due to the threat of such an attack. Air manoeuvre
can be employed in decisive, shaping or sustaining operations. Air manoeuvre operations
are considered at Paragraphs 0363-5.

Figure 3.3 Air Manoeuvre, Move Forward by Chinook, Iraq War 2003

c. Manoeuvre Support. Those activities, primarily military engineering, which shape

the battlespace to enable strategic, operational and tactical freedom of manoeuvre across
the continuum of operations are described as manoeuvre support.

Figure 3.4 Manoeuvre Support, 26 Armd Engr Sqn Combat Engineer Tractor,
Iraq War 2003

0307. Protection. Protection preserves the ghting potential of a force so that it can be applied
at a decisive time and place. It also reduces friendly casualties that may cause media and politi-
cal pressure on the operation at the strategic level. Protection allows friendly forces to function
despite the effects of enemy weapons and hostile environments. It can be achieved in part by x-
ing an enemy and, if necessary, by destroying him before he can attack effectively. The need for
protection and the effort devoted to it may diminish as the operation progresses, as the initiative
is wrested from the enemy and he becomes increasingly unable to respond appropriately. Whilst
the need for protection will never disappear on operations, risks should be balanced in order to
free as much combat power as possible for offensive action. Effort spent in protecting the force is
necessary but does not contribute directly to striking the enemy. Protection functions include: air
and missile defence; counter-mobility; NBC defence measures; defensive Information Operations;
eld fortications; protective security; and the hardening of facilities and equipment. Intelligence,
surveillance and reconnaissance assist protection through early warning. Deception, Operations
Security and dispersion also contribute to protection. Counter-mobility limits the enemys ability to
manoeuvre and so enhances other aspects of protection. Counter-mobility tasks include obstacle
creation, route denial and obscuration.

0308. Combat Service Support. Combat Service Support sustains the force from its home
base to and within the theatre of operations. It inuences the tempo, duration and intensity of
all operations. It includes the sustenance and moral well-being of troops, the maintenance of
materiel, the provision of expendable commodities and the replacement of casualties. It allows
combat power to be maintained so that operations can be conducted successfully. It is therefore
an integral part of the planning and execution of campaigns, battles and engagements. More
detail is given in Chapter 5.

3.2 The Core Functions


0309. At the operational level, four functions are derived from the Manoeuvrist Approach.1 To-
gether they form a conceptual framework for the visualization and conduct of operations:

a. To shape the operational environment.

b. To attack the adversarys cohesion.

c. To protect the cohesion of the force.

d. To exploit the situation by direct or indirect means, or a combination of both.

These functions are often used in the design and phasing of joint campaigns. At the tactical level,
the focus is narrower. It concentrates on the achievement of tactical missions derived from the
campaign plan. In combat operations, they typically require the defeat of enemy forces, and the
seizure or defence of objectives.

0310. At its simplest, there are two core functions: to x and to strike. The need to nd and
to be prepared to exploit is implicit in both. In the 5th Century BC, Sun Tsu coined the terms
ordinary force for the function of xing the enemy or denying him the freedom to achieve his
purpose; and the extraordinary force for the function of manoeuvring into a position of decisive
JDP 01, Paragraph 314.

advantage from which he can be struck. Whilst nding and xing contribute to shaping, striking
and exploiting have the potential to be decisive. Fixing is by no means conned to defensive
operations to protect the force. Defensive or offensive operations designed to x the enemy may
set the conditions for offensive action to strike him. Where circumstances permit, operations
designed primarily to nd, x or strike the enemy should be exploited. Operational experi-
ence indicates that nding, xing, striking and exploiting should be conducted concurrently, or at
least achieve seamless transition from one to another. The campaign plan for Operation DESERT
STORM chose to do both.

Operation DESERT STORM (1991)

We will offset the imbalance of ground combat power by using our strength against his weakness. Ini-
tially execute deception operations to focus his attention on defense (sic) and cause incorrect organiza-
tion of forces. We will initially attack into the Iraqi homeland using airpower to decapitate his leadership,
command and control, and eliminate his ability to reinforce Iraqi forces in Kuwait and Southern Iraq. We
will then gain undisputed air superiority over Kuwait so that we can subsequently and selectively attack
Iraqi ground forces with air power in order to reduce his combat power and destroy reinforcing units.
Finally, we will x Iraqi forces in place by feints and limited objective attacks followed by armored (sic)
force penetration and exploitation to seize key lines of communication nodes, which will put us in a posi-
tion to interdict resupply and remaining reinforcements from Iraq and eliminate forces in Kuwait.

United States Secretary of Defense, Conduct of the Persian Gulf War: Final Report to Con-
gress (Washington DC: United States Department of Defense, April 1992)

0311. The core functions have wide utility across the continuum of operations. In a COIN
campaign non-military and paramilitary adversaries are found by information gathering by the
intelligence services, covert and overt elements of armed forces, and other government agen-
cies. The uniformed military forces and the police, combined with diplomatic efforts and Informa-
tion Operations, x the insurgents, acting as the ordinary force. Locally-raised forces can also
help to nd and x opponents, and have been employed in numerous campaigns to good effect.
Special Forces, military and police units and the legal system contribute to striking, acting as the
extraordinary force. Exploitation in both combat and non-combat operations involves taking
advantage of a developing situation in accordance with the superior commanders intent. For ex-
ample, local tactical successes against insurgents may enable freedom of movement for military
forces, civilian police, government ofcials and humanitarian workers. This process, if exploited,
may assist in winning the hearts and minds of the population and allow economic and political
development to take place.

Finding the Enemy

0312. Finding the enemy is a basic function which endures throughout an operation. It includes
locating, identifying, tracking and assessing the enemy. Forces may be directed specically to
ght the battle for information, particularly in the opening stages of an operation. This will nor-
mally be a sound investment when the situation is confused and seemingly chaotic. Whatever
its source, information is never wholly reliable. It may need checking or corroborating with other
sources. Too much information is a form of friction that can impede decision-making.

0313. To be successful, nding demands far more physical and intellectual effort than simply
locating the enemy. A commander is far more likely to succeed if he who knows the organiza-
tion and strength of an enemy force; what its intentions are; how it ghts; and how it may react
to friendly actions, than if he merely aware of the enemys position. It is equally important to es-
tablish where the enemy is not located, and to determine what he is unlikely to do within a given

time, as this may provide opportunities for surprise and exploitation. Finding also involves the
assessment of the physical, ethnic and political environment. This enables the commander to
understand the context and rationale of the enemys actions. Receiving information from a wide
variety of sources contributes to the quality of the intelligence picture that helps a commander
formulate his plan.

0314. A wide range of intelligence collection

systems should be used to provide information
about the enemys strength, composition, dispo-
sition and location. Human analysis and experi-
ence is still required to assess likely intentions. In
designing a nd system, three factors should be

a. Collection. A commander should

be allocated sufcient ISTAR collection
and analysis assets to support his mission,
and be provided with information from as-
sets held at other levels of command. A Figure 3.5 Find: MAMBA
variety of sensors and systems should be Mobile Artillery Monitoring
used to provide a comprehensive view and Battleeld Radar
be resistant to enemy action such as de-

b. Direction. A commander cannot know everything. Modern ISTAR systems can

produce so much information that they can overload a commander or analyst who tries
to assimilate too much. These problems can be overcome by setting clear and succinct
priorities for intelligence gathering, and directing ISTAR elements accordingly.

c. Process. Processing turns information into intelligence. It involves collation, evalu-

ation, integration and interpretation. Collection and collation capabilities should be bal-
anced. If not, information overload may result and critical information may be lost.

Fixing the Enemy

0315. To x is to deny the enemy his goals, to distract him and thus deprive him of his
freedom of action. By doing so, the friendly force gains freedom of action. Combat is adver-
sarial and lethal; an enemy will avoid being struck and defeated unless his freedom of action is
constrained. It is difcult to strike an enemy effectively if he is not xed. Furthermore, an enemy
who has no freedom of action cannot dictate the course of tactical events; he has lost the initia-
tive. Depriving an enemy of his freedom of action has both physical and mental aspects. Physi-
cally, his force can be blocked, or pinned against an obstacle. Mentally, he is xed if he believes
he has no freedom of action, if he feels himself compelled to do something, or if he believes he
should persist with something which in practice will not bring success. Deception or distraction
can play a major role. Often the easiest way to x an enemy is to attack something that he has
to protect: his forces, for example. Deception may x him until the deception is exposed, which
may be too late for him to regain the initiative.

0316. Denying the Enemy His Goals. A force can gain freedom of action by preventing its
enemy from achieving its goals and putting it in a reactive frame of mind. The aim is to throw
the enemy off-balance. The principal means are to surprise, to deceive and to lure. When the
enemy is surprised, he is uncertain how to act until it is too late. When he is deceived he may
be certain how to act, but his decision will be wrong. The lure invites the enemy to take a course
of action which makes him vulnerable. Inviting him to illuminate a target with radar which is then
destroyed with anti-radiation missiles is an example.

Fixing the Japanese at Kohima (1944)

At the operational level, Field Marshal Slims plan for the Battle of Imphal and Kohima sought to lure
the Japanese into offensive operations which fragmented their cohesion. In Spring 1944, preparing
for offence, Slim became aware that the Japanese Fifteenth Army was doing likewise. Slim had three
courses: to continue offensive preparations, to stand and ght or to retire to the Imphal Plain, where his
major logistics assets were dispersed. He chose the last course and in so doing, despite ceding hard
won ground, lured the Japanese on to ground of his own choosing in the Imphal area. Here his Four-
teenth Army could concentrate decisively to defeat them. Slim likened the concentration of administra-
tive units around Imphal to a tethered goat, which could not fail to attract the Japanese, whose supplies
were limited.

Figure 3.6 British Mortar Detachments Support the Advance

of 19th Indian Division, July 1944

Drawn From: Basil Collier, The War in the Far East 1941-45
(London: Heinemann, 1969) p. 415

0317. Distracting the Enemy. Freedom of action may be gained by distracting the enemy,
thereby reducing his ability to interfere with operations. Uncertain of his opponents objectives, a
distracted enemy will tend to cover all options, thereby dissipating his force and being driven off
his purpose. If he is not denied and distracted from his goals, he is able to continue with his plan,
maintain reserves and cause damage. A measure of success is the proportion of combat power
tied to protecting critical vulnerabilities. The tactic of the insurgent who apparently strikes at ran-
dom is an example of how a relatively small force can tie up a much larger one by distracting it.

0318. Depriving the Enemy of his Freedom of Action. The enemy can also be xed by a
combination of methods which deny him information, deny him the ability to pass orders, and
inhibit their execution. The enemys information sources and his command system are central
to his ability to concentrate force. Both often depend on the use of the electro-magnetic spectrum.
Dominating and exploiting it can help x the enemy. An unsophisticated enemy or one who de-
centralizes command will be less vulnerable. Distracting and xing the enemy is further achieved
by embroiling him in subsidiary actions which divert him from his main purpose. He should also
be denied physical mobility.

0319. Tactical Methods. Fixing the enemy may require the use of repower or close combat.
Such operations can use a signicant element of ones own combat power. Thus the extent to
which the enemys freedom of action should be constrained has to be judged carefully, to ensure
that the resources devoted to xing are no more than the minimum required. The air operations
which preceded the Normandy invasion in June 1944 xed the German mobile reserves by a
combination of interdicting road and rail routes, direct air attacks, and other deception measures.
These gave the impression of a direct threat in the Pas de Calais area. This example highlights
the value of xing the enemy by several different means, making it difcult to counter any one.
In Northern Ireland, patrolling, vehicle checks, searches and observation have all contributed to
xing the terrorist by limiting his freedom of action.

Striking the Enemy

0320. To strike is to manoeuvre and then take direct action to achieve the purpose of the mis-

a. Manoeuvre. To manoeuvre is to gain a position of advantage in respect of the

enemy from which force can be threatened or applied. Manoeuvre means more than
movement in combination with re. It allows combat power to be focused for greatest ef-
fect, avoid strengths and exploits weakness. The concept of water owing over surfaces
and gaps is useful to understand the concept. Water runs off surfaces enemy strengths
and pours through gaps enemy weaknesses. Existing gaps are exploited where pos-
sible. Failing that, they are created. There is usually a time aspect: to exploit eeting op-
portunities requires agility, anticipation, and decentralized decision-making. This places a
premium on reconnaissance, and on forward command which pulls combat power towards
enemy weaknesses rather than pushing it from the rear. Doing so opens up options for
striking the enemy which, if exploited, present him with multiple threats to which he is un-
able to respond coherently.

b. Direct Action. Direct action in combat means seizing objectives or destroying enemy
forces. Firepower and movement are focused through simultaneity and tempo, to achieve
shock and surprise and break the enemys will and cohesion. Such coordination makes the
most of the complementary characteristics of tactical capabilities, concentrating force at the
selected point to ensure a favourable outcome. There is also a time dimension to striking the
enemy. It is generally preferable to apply concentrated violence to win quickly at minimum
cost. However, constraints may dictate a more protracted approach without the prospect of
a single decisive act. In these circumstances, operations should be sequenced and sus-
tained so that the effects on the enemy are cumulative. Nevertheless, whenever force is
applied to strike it should be applied suddenly and in concentrations so as to achieve shock
effect. Where the mission requires action other than the use of violent force, such as an ar-
rest operation or preventing interference with the delivery of humanitarian assistance, similar

considerations of simultaneity and tempo apply. The aim should be to achieve shock effect,
while avoiding the adverse effects of shocking the general population.


0321. As a core function, exploitation is the seizure of opportunity in order to achieve a higher
commanders objective, or full some part of his intent, directly. Opportunistic exploitation re-
quires action beyond the given mission. It may therefore replace the task stated in orders2. For
example, a commander ordered to neutralize an enemy force covering the approaches to his
commanders objective may nd an approach which is not covered and simply move directly to
the objective. Opportunities can occur at any time whilst nding, xing or striking. A commander
should constantly search for such opportunities and, when they occur, pursue them ruthlessly.
Exploitation should be expected from subordinates. They should not have to be told to exploit,
and only told how far they may do so if absolutely necessary, using the term limit of exploitation.
General von Moltke the Elders prescription for success at the operational level was reconnais-
sance, victory and exploitation ;3 which might be described today as the aggressive handling of
reconnaissance, tactical success and exploitation.

0322. Striking the enemy is intended to achieve the purpose of the mission. To turn this suc-
cess into a greater one needs audacity and determination to seize eeting opportunities to exploit
its effect on the enemy. Admiral Nelson said to his captains before the Battle of the Nile in 1798
rst gain the victory and then make the best use of it you can. At the tactical level, exploitation
has concrete, physical aspects. It usually requires the use of manoeuvre, re, or both. Opportun-
istic exploitation allows unforeseen tactical advantages to be turned into operational success. It
requires commanders with initiative, ruthlessness and a readiness to do the unexpected. One ex-
ample was Operation COMPASS, Lieutenant General OConnors campaign against the Italians
in North Africa in 1941. Unexpected success by the Western Desert Force in a spoiling attack
at Sidi Barrani was exploited rapidly, and led to the destruction of the much larger Italian Tenth
Army at Beda Fomm. Exploitation relies on offensive action, surprise and exibility. In particular,
it requires forces able to react rapidly to an unexpected opportunity. Liddell Hart referred to its
importance as follows:

For success in the attack, two major problems must be solved dislocation and exploita-
tion. One proceeds and one follows the actual blow. You cannot hit the enemy with effect
unless you have rst created the opportunity; you cannot be decisive unless you exploit
the second opportunity that comes before he can recover.4

0323. Aggressive exploitation is a key mechanism for translating local success into campaign
victory. Once the enemy is found, force is applied to x and then strike him, creating opportunities
for higher levels of command. Reconnaissance forces, echelon forces, reserves or a combination
of them then exploit rapidly. Reconnaissance should be extensive, expansive and continuous
in order to nd the opportunities for exploitation. Where reconnaissance forces are not strong
enough to strike they x the enemy, limiting his freedom of manoeuvre and permitting him to be
struck by other elements. Aggressive exploitation can be conducted at any level at which seeking
the enemys positions, his strengths and weaknesses can be coupled uidly to the ability to apply
sudden concentrated violence. This might even be the platoon or the section level.
Planned and opportunistic exploitation are discussed at Paragraph 0224.
Von Moltkes thinking was dominated by Naploeons ruthless pursuit of the defeated Prussians after Jena, and
the apparent inability of Prussian forces to follow up the victory at Waterloo as energetically as they themselves
wished. General von Freytag-Lohringhoven, Foreword to Moltkes Cannae, quoted in T N Dupuy, A Genius for
War. The German Army and General Staff. London; Macdonald and Janes, 1977, p.179.

3.3 The Operational Framework

0324. The Operational Framework provides a means of visualizing operations and aids coor-
dination. It is most commonly used in the formulation and description of courses of action, and
hence concepts of operations. The framework is used to describe how the missions of subordi-
nates relate to each other by time, space, function, purpose and geography. It should be pri-
marily viewed in terms of the purpose of the forces involved: what is considered will be decisive,
and how other actions relate to that act by shaping conditions or sustaining the force. This is
the purposive framework, which should be used for most operations. In some circumstances it
may be simpler or clearer to describe operations primarily by their location in relation to the main
force. This uses the geographic description of deep, close and rear operations. In straightforward
operations, typically at lower tactical levels, operations may be described simply in terms of the
Core Functions.

0325. Since the operational framework aids the commander in his description of missions to his
subordinates, the particular framework used by one commander is not necessarily linked directly
to that of another. An operation which is decisive in the execution of one commanders mission
might, for example, be a shaping task within his commanders concept of operations. What is im-
portant is that each commander can visualize and clearly describe the actions he requires on the
battleeld, in the way that he anticipates them unfolding in time, space and desired effect. That
is the function of the Operational Framework.

Decisive, Shaping and Sustaining Operations

0326. The Operational Framework describes how the missions of subordinates interact in terms
of their purposes. The commander selects one task which he considers will be decisive, and then
describes the other tasks required to support it as either shaping or sustaining.

0327. Decisive Operations. A decisive act is one which, if successful, should lead inevitably
to the achievement of the assigned mission. The decisive operation in a commanders plan is
therefore the one which he selects as leading to success within his chosen concept of operations.
There should only be one decisive operation in a plan. The choice of decisive act, and the actions
required to support it, denes the plan uniquely. If a commander nds that he has more than one
decisive act he should either reconsider which of the enemy weaknesses that he intends to attack
is actually critical, or he should re-group the acts he considers decisive into one task. Outside
major combat, opportunities for a single decisive act may be rare. Conversely, for example, the
successful maintenance of a state of relative peace may be decisive in the resolution of the con-
ict as a whole.

0328. Shaping Operations. Shaping operations create or preserve the conditions for the suc-
cess of the decisive operation. Those conditions relate to the enemy, the environment, and to
own or friendly forces. Where they affect the enemy they act on his forces or his plans; hence
Information Operations may play a key role in shaping operations. Achieving economy of effort
is an important aspect of shaping operations, as it supports the concentration of force in time and
space required for the decisive operation. Shaping operations may occur before, during or after
the decisive operation. Security operations such as screen and guard force actions are shaping
operations, whereas lower-level force protection activities such as NBC defence are sustaining
operations. Shaping operations will often be aimed at the perceptions of the parties involved
and the population, or perhaps at facilitating a return to conditions of law and order. Information
B H Liddell Hart, Thoughts on War (London: Faber & Faber, 1944).

Operations should play a major role in this. In COIN or Peace Support, shaping operations may
include the use of observation posts and patrols to gather low-level intelligence and restrict the
movements of the adversarys men, equipment and weapons. Adversaries may attack non-mili-
tary targets, such as civilian infrastructure or economic assets; shaping operations may include
protecting these in order to secure political and public support. Such operations should normally
be aimed at reassuring the general public and improving community relations. Military involve-
ment may include covert action by special forces.

0329. Sustaining Operations. Sustaining Operations enable land forces to live, to move and
to ght, in order to conduct decisive or shaping operations. They include CSS and force protec-
tion activities. Although sustaining operations should be closely integrated with decisive and
shaping operations, they cannot by denition be decisive in themselves.

a. Sustaining operations include: reception into theatre; the assembly, movement and
security of reserves or echelon forces; redeployment of forces out of contact; Host Nation
Support; the establishment and protection of operating bases; establishment of lines of
communication; and support for and protection of civilians and civilian installations.

b. Sustaining operations may be the target of enemy operations. A balance should

be struck between active and passive force protection measures. Active measures seek
out and neutralize or destroy enemy forces capable of attacking ones own forces. Defen-
sive measures include guarding, dispersal, camouage and deception. Protection may
enhance our freedom of action, but the effort and resources used should be appropriate to
the risk, and related to the needs of decisive and shaping operations. The greatest risks
occur where forces need to concentrate but lack appropriate protection. This vulnerability
was exposed by the bombing of the US Marine Corps barracks in Beirut in 1982, which
effectively ended the US operation.

c. Sustaining operations should be focused to support the commanders intent. Unity

of command is essential to coordinate the many functions of sustaining operations. This
may be complicated by the diversity of the units involved and their wide geographic disper-

d. Sustaining operations may attract a higher priority in COIN or Peace Support than
in major combat , because of a greater sensitivity to casualties. Security forces are likely
to become heavily committed to protective duties. While the aim will normally be to secure
and hold the initiative, signicant numbers of troops may be needed until and unless locally
recruited forces and technological aids are available.

0330. Integration. Integrating an operation means more than simply initiating the decisive act.
The conditions for its success should be preserved and sustained, since the decisive act will often
not be the nal act in a plan. Where it is not, shaping acts should be planned to translate its suc-
cess into achieving the mission. This is the essence of planned exploitation. Shaping, decisive
and sustaining operations should be conducted concurrently where possible. Not only will each
inuence the other, but the enemy is best defeated by ghting him simultaneously at many points,
some of them in depth. However, shaping operations can take time to have effect. Shaping, de-
cisive and sustaining operations require continuous and careful coordination and, where neces-
sary, integration between levels of command. This is best done by ensuring that the purposes of
those operations are explicit, interact, and combine to support the achievement of the mission.

Deep, Close and Rear Operations

0331. The way in which land operations relate to each other in time and space can be described
geographically in terms of deep, close and rear operations. Geography is important in so far as
it describes where the intended operations are to take place. Even in a non-linear battlespace,
the concepts of deep, close and rear have concrete meaning. Deep simply implies lying far away
from the main force, close means being near to it, and rear areas are those where lines of com-
munications and logistic assets lie.

a. Deep Operations. Deep operations are usually conducted at long range and over
a protracted timescale, against the enemys forces or resources not currently engaged in
the close battle. Deep operations include three principal activities: Information Operations;
deep surveillance and target acquisition; and interdiction.

b. Close Operations. Close operations involve friendly forces in direct contact with
the enemy. They are usually conducted at short range and in an immediate timescale.
The means range from destruction to arrest. Close operations may include deception, ma-
noeuvre, close combat, combat support and combat service support of the forces in con-
tact. Activities involved with close operations require effective control to avoid fratricide.

c. Rear Operations. Rear operations are the largely administrative and logistic activi-
ties that take place in rear areas. They are intended to be conducted out of contact.

3.4 Types of Land Tactical Operations


0332. The description of land operations in Chapter 1 emphasized that military forces conduct
a range of activities concurrently. While the balance between the different types of activity varies
from one operation to another over time, there is likely to be a need to stabilize areas that have
been secured even in large-scale high-intensity combat. Land tactical operations are classied
as offensive, defensive, and stability. These may all take place in contact with the enemy and
are likely to be conducted simultaneously by different elements within a force. A single force
element may link them by a simple transition from one operation to another without breaking
contact; for example from defence to offence. Alternatively it may be necessary to disengage or
re-establish contact. A fourth group of activities are those that are never conducted in isolation;
their purpose is to enable other operations. Thus they help to ensure the continuity of operations
when the force is disengaging or seeking to re-establish contact, or out of contact. Land tactical
operations are covered in more detail in AFM Formation Tactics.

Offensive Operations

0333. The purpose of offensive operations is to defeat an enemy by imposing will through the
threat and the use of violence. Subsidiary purposes are: pre-emption to gain the initiative; disrup-
tion of enemy offensive action; deception or diversion from the main effort; seizing ground; xing
the enemy as an economy of force operation; or gaining information by reconnaissance in force.
Offensive operations have a role in all four Core Functions. The attacker seeks to create the con-
ditions for freedom of movement and manoeuvre, shatter the enemys cohesion and defeat his
forces selectively, thus creating and sustaining momentum. The main characteristics of offensive
operations are: surprise and shock; the seizure and retention of the initiative; agility, by which the

course of operations is changed to take advantage of eeting opportunities; superior tempo, by
which the intensity and sequence of operations is maintained to keep the enemy off balance; and
continual operations throughout the depth of the area of operations.

0334. In offensive operations the real damage to the enemys will is caused by surprise and
shock. Inicting physical damage is merely one means of doing so. The effects of repower,
tempo, simultaneity and surprise should be exploited by operating throughout the depth of the
area of operations. Manoeuvre in the enemys depth poses a major threat, to which the enemy
will normally respond. Coordination is the key to successful offensive operations. A commander
should coordinate the use of combat, combat support and combat service support forces, together
with offensive air support and Information Operations, to prevent the enemy from organizing and
maintaining a coherent defence. It will not always be possible to out-manoeuvre an enemy. Con-
siderable force may have to be applied either directly or indirectly to eject the enemy if he cannot
be by-passed. Commanders should seek to create surprise and shock to achieve a break-in to
the enemys defences, followed by aggressive exploitation.

0335. There are twelve offensive operations. Each is directed at a specic purpose:

a. Attack.

(1) Deliberate Attack. The purpose of the deliberate attack is to defeat the en-
emy, with an emphasis on massing combat power at the expense of time.

(2) Hasty Attack. The purpose of the hasty attack is to defeat the enemy, trad-
ing mass for time, in order to seize eeting opportunities.

(3) Counter Attack and Spoiling Attack. The purpose of a counter attack is to
defeat an enemy made vulnerable by his own offensive action. The spoiling attack
is similarly directed at enemy offensive operations but with the limited aim of disrup-

b. Raid. The purpose of a raid is to destroy or capture a vital enemy asset. Its wider
purposes may include disrupting an enemy and undermining his morale. Alternatively it
may be intended to raise the morale of ones own forces.

c. Exploitation. As a tactical task, exploitation is characterized by a rapid advance

against lessening resistance. The purpose is both physical and psychological. Physically,
the aim is to retain the initiative by preventing the enemy from reorganizing his defence or
conducting an orderly withdrawal. The psychological effect of an exploitation is to create
confusion and apprehension throughout the enemy command, reducing his capability to
react and lowering his morale. This may be decisive in itself.

d. Pursuit. The purpose of a pursuit is to catch or cut off a hostile force attempting
to escape, with the aim of destroying it. It may develop from a successful exploitation. It
may commence when the enemy force is demoralized and its units are beginning to disin-
tegrate under pressure. Alternatively, it may originate in an operation in which the enemy
loses his ability to operate effectively and attempts to disengage.

e. Feint and Demonstration. The purpose of a feint is to distract the action of an

enemy force by seeking combat with it. By contrast, the purpose of a demonstration is

to distract an enemys attention without seeking contact. Both may contribute to xing an

f. Reconnaissance in Force. The purpose of reconnaissance in force is to induce

an enemy to disclose the location, size, strength, disposition or possibly the intention of his
force by making him respond to offensive action.

g. Ambush. The purpose of an ambush is to inict damage on the enemy while deny-
ing him an opportunity to counter-attack, principally through surprise.

h. Breakout of Encircled Forces. In a breakout operation, an encircled force takes

offensive action to link up with a main force. The breakout should attempt to surprise the
enemy, and is more likely to be successful if it is conducted at the earliest opportunity.

Defensive Operations

0336. Approach. The purpose of defensive operations is to defeat or deter a threat. They
are generally intended to provide the right conditions for offensive action. Defensive operations
alone generally do not achieve a decisive conclusion to a campaign, which often requires offen-
sive operations. However, defensive battles have on occasions been decisive to the conduct of
a campaign.

0337. A Concept for the Defence. Defensive operations may be necessary at some stages in
a campaign. A commander may choose to defend in order to generate or maintain opportunities
for the offence. For example, by holding key terrain or xing the enemy in one area, he may be
able to establish the conditions for offensive action in another. The object is to force the enemy
into action that narrows his options, reduces his ghting power and xes him for counterattack.
The major challenge of the defence is to seize the initiative, which the attacker holds initially
through his ability to dictate where and when to attack. While maintaining the integrity and cohe-
sion of his force, the defender seeks to hold the enemy, to deceive him and encourage him to
make a plan that is inappropriate. He seeks to lure him into situations where he can create and
exploit surprise, denying him information, both actively and passively. He denies him the ability
to pass orders by attacking his command systems. He thereby xes the enemy for subsequent
defeat by counter attack.

0338. The Conduct of Defence. During defensive operations a commander should aim to
seize the initiative from the attacker. The enemys progress should be reduced, presenting the
opportunity for offensive action to defeat him. An effective defence is therefore rarely passive,
and should normally be based on the counter attack. Historical analysis suggests that a mobile
defence based on counterattacks is generally more effective in most types of terrain than one
based on positional defence. Defensive operations should not, therefore, be regarded as merely
reactive. They should aim to create the right conditions for offensive action. These conditions
may differ at the operational and tactical levels:

a. At the operational level, opportunities for more general counter offensives may be
limited early in a defensive phase of an operation, but the campaign plan should include
setting the conditions necessary for the enemys culmination. When an enemy is forced to
culminate in his offensive operation, the defender should switch to the counter-offensive.
The opportunity for a successful counter-offensive may be short before the enemy recov-
ers and resumes his offensive.

b. At the tactical level, the defender resists and contains the enemy only when neces-
sary, seeking every opportunity to act offensively. Local counter attacks should take place
to break the momentum of an attack as soon as opportunities present themselves. If
defending forces are deployed on wide fronts, a greater proportion of the force should be
dedicated as reserves for counterattack, blocking or reinforcement tasks. Attempting to be
strong everywhere is to invite defeat in detail.

0339. Characteristics of the Defence. During the early stages of a defensive operation, the
defender will usually have the advantage of ghting from positions of his own choosing. Prepara-
tion includes positioning forces in depth, using and improving ground, conducting reconnaissance
and security operations, developing plans for counterattacks, and initiating deception measures.
These should conceal dispositions and intentions and misdirect the enemys efforts.

a. Disruption. Defence gives the defender the opportunity to disrupt the enemys at-
tack. Disruption can be achieved by: defeating or blinding his reconnaissance; attacking
his cohesion and slowing his tempo, by xed defences and aggressive counter attacks;
and destroying critical assets through deep attack.

b. Concentration. Defence allows the defender to concentrate ghting power in or-

der to defend himself and, in turn, defeat the enemy. At the lowest levels, concentration
includes siting weapons and creating replans to mass re effects on the attacker. Con-
centration cannot be achieved by being strong everywhere. Trading ground for time, or
economy of force elsewhere, may be necessary to obtain an advantage at a decisive point.
The defender uses deception, concealment, counterbattery re, screening forces and air
defence in order to minimize the risks of vulnerability through concentration of force.

c. Flexibility. The defender will strive to avoid or counter the enemys attacks, while
preparing to seize the initiative and so turn defensive operations to his advantage. This
requires an ability to develop new plans rapidly, a willingness to shift the main effort, and a
readiness to move swiftly to the offensive without loss of tempo.

0340. Types of Defensive Action. The two principal types of defensive operation are:

a. Defence. The purpose of defence may be to defeat an enemy force or to hold

ground. Generally, both will require a xed element that denies the enemy freedom of
manoeuvre, and a moving element to counterattack the enemy. The balance between
these two forces depends upon the mission and the relative capabilities of the attacker and

b. Delay. Delaying operations are those in which a force being pressed by an enemy
trades time for space, reducing its opponents momentum and inicting damage without
itself becoming decisively committed. Delay may be conducted to slow an enemys ad-
vance, reduce his ghting power, gather information about enemy intentions, or protect
friendly deployments. Delaying operations also allow the commander to shape the bat-
tleeld, and to create the conditions for a counter attack.

Stability Operations

0341. There is a range of stability operations that are identied by their individual purpose.
The signicance of stability operations is sometimes underestimated, because of the low level at

which forces engage in them. A deliberate attack or an advance to contact may be conducted at
any level. Conversely procedures such as control of movement, search, and crowd dispersal are
drills which are conducted at low level but employed at high levels as part of stability operations.
Some of those low-level drills and procedures are also common to the other types of tactical op-
erations. An understanding of the different types of stability operations provides guidance as to
how the relevant low-level drills should be coordinated, and which are likely to be appropriate.

0342. Peacekeeping. Peacekeeping operations are generally undertaken to monitor and fa-
cilitate the implementation of a peace agreement in a situation where consent is substantially in
place. A loss of consent and a non-compliant party may limit the freedom of action of the peace-
keeping force and even threaten the continuation of the mission. Thus the requirement to remain
impartial, to limit the use of force to self-defence, and to maintain and promote consent, should
guide the conduct of peacekeeping.

0343. Peace Enforcement. The purpose of peace enforcement operations is to enforce the
provisions of a mandate designed to maintain or restore peace and order, to allow the operations
of a separately mandated peacekeeping force. Peace enforcement operations normally take
place under the principles of Chapter VII of the UN Charter. They are coercive in nature and are
conducted when the consent of all parties to the conict has not been achieved or might be un-
certain. The conduct of a peace enforcement operation will normally require robust methods and

0344. Conict Prevention. Conict prevention operations are used to deter and coerce parties
to a potential conict. Conict prevention activities may range from diplomatic initiatives, through
efforts designed to reform a countrys security sector, to preventative deployments of forces in
support of diplomatic initiatives. Those activities are typically intended to prevent or contain dis-
putes from escalating to armed conict.

0345. Peacemaking. Peacemaking describes the activities conducted after the commence-
ment of a conict aimed at establishing a cease-re or a rapid peaceful settlement. While peace-
making is accomplished primarily by diplomatic means, military support to peacemaking is pos-
sible either indirectly, such as staff support or planning, or in the form of the direct involvement of
military forces.

0346. Humanitarian Assistance. Humanitarian assistance aims to alleviate human suffering

where the responsible authorities in an area are unable, or unwilling, to fully support the popula-
tion. It may be conducted in the broader context of Peace Support, or as an independent task
which may precede or accompany the humanitarian activities of specialized civilian organizations.
Operations may require the direct provision of military assistance, or the provision of support to
civilian organizations.

0347. Irregular Warfare. Irregular warfare denotes a form of conict where one or more pro-
tagonists adopts irregular methods. Irregular troops are any combatants not formally enlisted in
the armed forces of a nation-state or other legally-constituted entity. Stability operations in this
category include actions to counter irregular troops or forces employing irregular methods, coun-
ter terrorism, and assistance to friendly irregular forces.

0348. Post-Conict Reconstruction. The immediate aftermath of conict will usually be char-
acterized by the absence of effective government, and the potential for a loss of control that can
be exploited by criminals and remaining hostile elements. The transition to civilian control by a
legitimate government should be supported by a wider diplomatic, humanitarian and economic
strategy. Military assistance should be but one element of that strategy. Military force has an
important role in the early stages when security is uncertain or other reasons delay the arrival of
civilian organizations. Action to maintain essential services and law and order will be required to
prevent the situation deteriorating. Military assistance should be withdrawn when an adequate
level of security can be maintained and security tasks handed over to civilians.

0349. Peace Building. Although supercially similar to post-conict reconstruction, peace

building implies a longer-term effort. It has particular relevance when the local infrastructure has
been severely damaged, or civil and political institutions are ineffective. The situation may be
exacerbated because one or more of the parties to the conict opposed the nal settlement or
objected to the role of the peace support force, the civil implementation elements, or both. Peace-
building actions are designed to cement a fragile peace, contribute towards long-term stability by
encouraging reconciliation, and support economic reconstruction. The purpose of military activity
will be the provision of a stable and secure environment in which civilian agencies can focus on
reconciliation and peace building.

0350. Non-Combatant Evacuation. A Non-combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) could be

mounted as a separate operation or by an in-place force when a situation deteriorates. NEO op-
erations are described in Joint Doctrine5. At the tactical level they consist of defensive and secu-
rity operations to protect the operation, and specialized activities to collect, process and evacuate
the non-combatants.

Enabling Activities

0351. Enabling activities link other operations. They include those intended to make or break
contact with the enemy, and those conducted out of contact.

0352. Reconnaissance. Reconnaissance operations are those operations undertaken to ob-

tain, by visual observation or other detection methods, information about the enemy, terrain or
indigenous population of a particular area. Area and route reconnaissance are common tasks.

0353. Security. Security operations provide early and accurate warning of enemy operations.
They provide time for a force to react effectively to the enemy; the three specic security tasks are
to screen, guard and cover.

0354. Advance to Contact. The advance to contact seeks to regain contact with an enemy un-
der the most favourable conditions. To achieve this, forces may be employed in both security and
reconnaissance missions. The advance to contact is normally executed in preparation for a subse-
quent offensive operation and therefore ends when the main force is positioned for the attack.

0355. Meeting Engagement. A meeting engagement involves action between two moving
forces. The meeting may be intentional or unintentional on either side. The dilemma for the com-
mander is to consider how his plans may need to be modied by the unexpected. The general
conditions for a meeting engagement are that neither force is prepared for defence, both are
generally engaged in movement, and that there is an element of surprise on both sides.
JWP 3-51, NEO.

0356. Link-Up. The aim of a link-up operation is to establish contact between two or more
friendly units or formations which may have the same or differing missions. Link-up operations
normally occur in enemy-controlled territory and may involve different kinds of forces. A typical
example is a link-up between ground and air manoeuvre forces in which the former relieves the
latter in place.

0357. Relief of Encircled Forces. The purpose of relieving encircled forces is to break through
enemy positions to reach an encircled force, thus restoring its freedom of action.

0358. Relief of Troops in Combat. The relief of troops occurs when combat activities are
taken over by one force from another. There are three types of relief operation. The rst is the
Relief in Place, in which all or part of a force is replaced in an area of operations by an incoming
unit. The second is the Forward Passage of Lines, in which a force moves through another, for
example holding a bridgehead, or attacks through a unit in contact with the enemy. The third type
of relief operation is the Rearward Passage of Lines, in which a force moving to the rear passes
through another unit in defence.

0359. Withdrawal. A withdrawal occurs when a commander seeks to disengage his force from
the enemy. Contact may be maintained through means such as indirect re, reconnaissance or
surveillance. The withdrawal should be conducted so as to minimizes enemy interference and
preserve ghting power. The ability to move rapidly to offensive or defensive operations should
always be retained.

0360. Retirement. A retirement is a movement away from the enemy by a force out of contact
with the enemy.

0361. March. A march is conducted to move a military force to its place of tactical employment
efciently. Units should be prepared to come into contact with the enemy. The march is distinct
from tactical movement, in which units move in battle formations and are either in contact with
the enemy or expect to meet him shortly. A march can take place by road, rail or on foot. When
planned and conducted efciently, a march adds tempo to operations.

0362. Crossing and Breaching Obstacles. The crossing and breaching of obstacles normally
occurs during offensive operations, but may also be necessary during defensive operations or
enabling operations such as withdrawal. They can occur throughout the battlespace, including
the rear area. They often involve a passage of lines.

Airborne, Airmobile and Attack Aviation Operations

0363. Airborne, airmobile or attack aviation operations can achieve notable success. Examples
include German parachute and glider operations in Belgium and the Netherlands in 1940; Allied
airborne operations in Normandy; the Israeli raid on Entebbe in 1977; the use of Apache attack
helicopters to open routes through Iraqi air defences in 1991; and the seizure of the Al Faw Pe-
ninsula by 3 Commando Brigade RM in 2003. When not conducted effectively they can be costly
or end in failure. Examples include the airborne operations on Crete (1941), Arnhem (1944), and
Dien Bien Phu (1953).

0364. Air manoeuvre operations are more challenging than air or aviation support to close
ground operations. They are invariably joint, and should be coordinated at component or corps
level. They should form part of the campaign plan, since the potential gains are inevitably sig-

nicant, and there is normally potential for friendly losses on a scale which would have political
impact. There are ve broad conditions for success. They are not categoric, but failure to achieve
one or more will tend to lead to failure:

a. Surprise should be achieved.

b. The force should be relieved, reinforced or withdrawn before surprise wears off.

c. They should be conducted as combined-arms and joint operations with effective

defence suppression.

d. Intelligence should be up-to-date and accurate.

e. Airborne or aviation force should be commanded effectively in real time.

0365. The required pre-conditions for deep, long range air manoeuvre are different from those
of relatively shallow penetrations. The Rhine Crossings of 1945 are a successful example of the
latter, but Operation MARKET GARDEN was a deep operation where the landing force was not
relieved in time. There should be an agreed procedure by which the operation is sanctioned, with
a nal decision point and clear authority to launch the operation. Principles and procedures for
air manoeuvre operations are given in Army Field Manual Volume 1, Part 1, Formation Tactics.


A. Forms of Manoeuvre



03A01. General. To manoeuvre is to gain a position of advantage relative to the enemy. That
often requires physical movement. Movement against or to threaten an enemys anks and rear
may have moral impact, and affect his will. It may assist the achievement of surprise and shock if
conducted at high tempo; that is, before the enemy can react effectively. Some forms of manoeu-
vre, such as single and double envelopment or turning movements, may disrupt and dislocate the
defence. Envelopment may have a more direct aim: to gain a position of advantage which is the
desired objective. Many, if not all, of the forms of manoeuvre can apply at any level.

03A02. Envelopment. Envelopment is dened as an offensive manoeuvre in which the main at-
tacking force passes around or over the enemys principal defensive position to secure objectives
to the enemys rear.


Figure 3A.1 Envelopment

Envelopment is a basic form of manoeuvre designed to apply force against enemy weakness,
and will normally require diversionary attacks against the enemys main defensive front. Consid-
erable speed of movement and the identication of weak points is required if the enveloping force
is to be able to reach its objectives in depth. The envelopment may cause the enemy to redeploy
or to withdraw. It may cause disruption to his command and control or logistic systems, or open
the way to objectives which he was trying to defend. It may be undertaken in order to outank or
trap enemy forces, possibly against a geographical feature. Airmobile or airborne forces may be
employed as part of an enveloping force; this is also known as a vertical envelopment.

03A03. Double Envelopment. Double envelopment is an envelopment operation mounted with
two axes which is designed to outank an enemy from both sides with a view to forcing him to
abandon of his intentions or withdraw, or as a prelude to encirclement and destruction of the
trapped forces.


Figure 3A.2 Double Envelopment

03A04. Encirclement. If the arms of a double envelopment are strong enough to meet after
trapping a force and to prevent it from breaking out, large forces may be neutralized or destroyed
with all their equipment. Large encirclements may be costly operations in terms both of troops
and the time taken to reduce the trapped forces. Encircled forces can only be resupplied by air.
Unless an early decision to relieve them by breakout or break-in is made, then resources may be
inadequate to force a breakout or ght their way back to rejoin the main body.


Figure 3A.3 Encirclement

03A05. Turning Movement. In a turning movement the attacking force passes around or over
the enemys principal defensive positions deep in the enemys rear to force the enemy to abandon
his position or divert major forces to meet the threat. A turning movement should make those forc-
es more vulnerable to attack, and may allow the use of an approach dominated by the abandoned
positions. The attacking force is organized into a turning force, a main body and a reserve. The
turning forces manoeuvre causes the enemy to leave his positions. The main body may initially

distract the enemy from the turning manoeuvre. It should subsequently exploit the success of
the turning force. The turning force is normally smaller than the main body and should be able to
operate independently, beyond the supporting range of the main body. Either the turning force or
the main body may conduct the decisive operation.

2. Enemy reacts to
turning force
1. Main body Objective
distracts enemy
from turning manoeuvre

1. Turning force
attacks deep into
3. Main body enemy's rear
attacks enemy's
exposed flank

Figure 3A.4 Turning Movement

03A06. Penetration. Penetration seeks to reach the depths of an enemy position on one or a
number of narrow sectors. Penetration of the enemys position may be necessary in order to
achieve any of the forms of manoeuvre listed above. It has two principal variants: deep and
multiple penetration. Both may be employed in the same operation. The fundamental tactic is
to seek the depth of an enemys position as rapidly as possible, preferably without ghting. This
requires enemy forces to be bypassed by design. That creates a risk that the penetrating force
may itself be attacked in its developing anks. The fear that this might happen may cause forces
to move cautiously when boldness is required. Personal example and determination will be re-
quired of commanders. The protection of the anks of the penetrating element is critical to suc-
cess, although at times protection can be afforded by the sheer speed of the penetrating force.

a. Deep Penetration. Deep penetration aims either to seize features or to destroy

specic objectives deep in the enemys rear. In doing so it perforates the enemys posi-
tions, introduces a force behind the enemy, and thereby causes fear and uncertainty. It
may of itself persuade an enemy commander that he has lost, particularly if the objective
is critical to him. Such objectives may include river crossings behind his position.

b. Multiple Penetration. Multiple penetration aims to disrupt and dislocate the cohe-
sion of a defensive position. In doing so it achieves simultaneity, presenting the defender
with a number of threats. It creates multiple opportunities for surprise and shock. A clas-
sic example of multiple penetration occurred on the Western Front on 21 March 1918, the
rst day of the German Kaisers Offensive. About forty-ve British infantry battalions were
destroyed through tactics of multiple penetration on a front of 56km. Roughly 21,000 Brit-
ish soldiers became prisoners of war, outnumbering the 17,500 killed and wounded. The
physical and moral cohesion of those battalions had been shattered.1 Multiple penetration
Martin Middlebrook, The Kaisers Battle (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983) pp. 204 and 322.

may bring about the catastrophic collapse of the defending force, particularly where high-
er-level reserves are interdicted through deep operations. However, it risks dispersion of
forces for little overall effect if it is not generally successful, as the Germans discovered in
April and May 1918.

c. Combination of Multiple and Deep Penetration. Where multiple and deep pen-
etration are combined, the effects can be dramatic. On the Sinai front in 1967, a total
of eleven Israeli brigades, operating on up to six separate axes, routed a force of about
seven Egyptian divisions in less than four days. The Israelis repeatedly achieved shock
and surprise; they reconnoitred aggressively; and they achieved and exploited control of
the air from the opening minutes of the campaign. The destruction of command posts and
offensive electronic warfare also contributed to the Egyptians panic and collapse.

Element 1 breaks though the front

and moves directly and rapidly to
the objective in depth.

2 1


Element 2 initially follows Element 1. Element 3: initially a reserve or echelon force.

As the counter-attack is detected, In this example, it might take over the role of
Element 2 moves to block it, enabling protecting Element 1's flanks and rear once
Element 1 to continue to attack Element 2 is committed.

Figure 3A.5 The Elements of Penetration

Each penetrating force will normally require at least two elements. The leading element is tasked
to penetrate to the objective or limit of exploitation as rapidly as possible, bypassing opposition.
The second element is tasked to follow the rst in order protect its anks and rear. Subsequent
elements are reserve or echelon forces. They are tasked to destroy bypassed enemy, take over
the lead of the advance, or exploit beyond the immediate objective. Penetration is unlikely to suc-
ceed against an enemy who is more agile; that is, more mobile and exible. Conversely, it has
often succeeded against a more numerous but less agile enemy.

03A07. Inltration. Inltration is penetration based on stealth. It may be used to occupy an ob-
jective in depth, or as a precursor to an attack mounted on an objective in depth. It may be single
or multiple. It is not the sole preserve of veteran troops: on the night of 9-10 July 1944 the Argyll
and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada, a militia battalion, occupied Hill 195, a key feature on the
approaches to Falaise, through inltration on its rst night in battle.

03A08. Mobile Defence. In mobile defence a xing force denies the enemy his freedom of ac-
tion while a striking force manoeuvres in order to defeat him. Commanders conducting a mobile
defence use terrain, obstacles, depth and deception, together with re and manoeuvre, to en-
courage an enemy to focus on the wrong objective. This renders the enemy vulnerable to attack.
Therefore depth, time and the ability to manoeuvre are particularly important factors in the con-
duct of mobile defence. Successful mobile defence requires rapid switching between activities,
and a readiness to concede ground where appropriate.

Figure 3A.6 Mobile Defence

03A09. Area Defence. The purpose of area defence is to hold ground or deny it to an enemy.
Unlike mobile defence, a force committed to area defence does not seek the destruction of the
attacking force. Instead, it relies on a separate but coordinated attack by other forces to deliver
tactical success. In area defence, commanders employ their forces in a framework of static and
mutually supporting positions, supported by counter-attacks at all available levels. The balance
between static and counter-attack elements is largely dictated by terrain. The closer the terrain,
the greater the proportion of counter-attacking forces and the lower the level at which they should
be employed.

Figure 3A.7 Area Defence

03A10. Defence by an Encircled Force. An encircled force may break out, exltrate towards
friendly forces, attack deeper into the enemy, or defend itself. The purpose of defending an en-
circled force may be to retain ground or draw enemy forces as part of a larger manoeuvre, or to
preserve the combat power of forces unexpectedly encircled and unable to break out or exltrate.
An encircled force may conduct either an area defence or a mobile defence if it has sufcient fuel.
The key consideration in organizing the defence of an encircled force is to anticipate how the en-
emy will attempt to split the force and reduce it piecemeal.

03A11. Integrating Forms of Manoeuvre and Land Operations. Although individual operations
or forms of manoeuvre may lead directly to the achievement of the mission, it may be necessary
to integrate them into a larger scheme of manoeuvre. Similarly, forms of manoeuvre will often
need to be divided into separate tactical tasks. For example, an encirclement will typically require
at least two penetrations, exploitation into the enemys depth, and a link-up operation. That may
be followed by defence of the outer anks of the encirclement, and either attack or defence on
the internal anks. Physical manoeuvre allows the manipulation of both the threat and the use of
force. Operations against anks, the rear, to bypass or to penetrate allow the creation of shock
and surprise at several levels, and hence the possibility of command paralysis and collapse. Any
penetration is an opportunity for aggressive exploitation. Manoeuvre is not limited to offensive
operations the most skilful counterattacks have often in effect been turning movements. Such
movements compel an attacker to desist from his attack, and create a threat to the rear of his



The purpose of this chapter is to describe how land forces interact with others, examining
the implications for land forces of operating in a joint and multinational environment. 1

4.1 The Joint Campaign OVERVIEW

4.1 The Joint Campaign
Organization Organization
Planning and Executing the Joint Cam-
0401. Expeditionary campaigns are conduct- paign
ed by Joint Task Forces (JTFs) created speci- The Land Component
cally for an operation. JTFs are tailored to a mis- 4.2 Air/Land Operations
sion, with the capabilities necessary to achieve The Role of the Air Component in the Joint
specied operational-level objectives. They Campaign
are usually multinational and their titles differ The Need for Synergy
depending on the alliance or coalition involved. Shaping the Joint Battlespace
Within NATO, an operational-level commander Attacking
of an Allied Joint Force or Combined and Joint Protecting
Task Force (CJTF) is generically termed a Joint Exploitation
Force Commander (JFC). Principles of Joint Air/Land Operations
4.3 Maritime/Land Operations
0402. Joint Task Force. A JTF consists of The Role of the Maritime Component in
a headquarters and a number of components, the Joint Campaign
such as maritime, land, air and special forces. Maritime/Land Synergy
There may be enablers specic to the mission 4.4 Other Components and Enablers
such as joint logistics, psychological operations
or rear area operations. JTF headquarters 4.5 Operating in Alliances and Coalitions
The Nature of Multinational Operations
plan and conduct the campaign and major op-
Command in Multinational Operations
erations at the operational level. Components The Inter-Agency Dimension
prosecute and coordinate battles and tactical
engagements to achieve operational-level ob- Annex:
jectives. Components are normally created for A. Command of the Land Component
a specic campaign and are likely to be multi-
national. Therefore the joint force commander,
his component commanders and their staffs may not have worked together before. Furthermore,
United Kingdom land forces may work within a land component under the command of a coalition
partner and may be supported by contingents from other nations.

0403. Supported and Supporting Commanders. Components work together using the sup-
ported/supporting relationship to maximize the overall effect of the joint force. A supported com-
mander has primary responsibility for all aspects of a task assigned by higher authority. A support-
ing commander provides augmentation or other support to a supported commander, or develops
a supporting plan. Land forces may receive support from, or give support to, other components
for each joint objective in a campaign.2

Joint doctrine at this level is articulated in JDP 01 Joint Operations (Edition 1), JWP 3-00 Joint Operations Execution
(Edition 2), and JWP 3-00 Joint Operations Planning (Edition 1).

Planning and Executing the Joint Campaign

0404. A campaign is a set of military operations planned and conducted to achieve a strategic
objective within a given geographical area. These operations normally involve maritime, land
and air forces. JTF commanders use campaign plans to focus operational activity in order to
achieve strategic objectives (the ends). They design a sequence of actions to achieve success
(the ways), and apply resources to accomplish this sequence (the means). They integrate the
actions of available military and non-military forces to achieve synergy at the operational level.

0405. A campaign plan is inherently joint. Campaign plans are developed by JTF staffs in col-
laboration with component staffs. The land, air and maritime component headquarters should not
produce their own campaign plans but contribute to the joint campaign plan. Collaboration be-
tween JTF and component staffs is essential. Only components have a detailed understanding of
how they will play their part in achieving a joint objective, their impact on other components, and
their impact on the joint plan as a whole. Planning is therefore conducted in parallel and there is a
signicant requirement for liaison between the JTF HQ and other component HQs. Synchroniza-
tion during the execution of an operation is achieved through liaison teams and the joint coordina-
tion process. Further details of land component responsibilities and processes are at Annex A.

0406. Operations in the Joint Campaign. The adoption of the Manoeuvrist Approach in joint
operations is typically characterized by a combination of the following operations, which are nor-
mally conducted in a joint and combined manner. They do not necessarily follow this sequence:

a. Joint operations to achieve and maintain control of the air. Control of the air
represents only one aspect of establishing freedom of manoeuvre on land. Joint opera-
tions may set the conditions for, or constrain, operations on land.

b. Deception operations aimed to shape the enemys understanding of the situa-

tion. These encourage him to act in a way that prejudices his interests. Deception meas-
ures should distort his view of events or to blind him as to our real intentions. Reinforcing
an enemys pre-conceptions often forms the basis for successful deception.

c. Information Operations designed to weaken the enemys will. In major combat

operations, such activities are predominantly focused on undermining and defeating the
enemys will. In other types of campaign, such as COIN, Information Operations may need
to be focused primarily on the local population. In such cases they should be aimed at
reducing the level of support and sanctuary afforded to insurgents.

d. Limited combat operations. Activities such as raids are designed to threaten or

appear to threaten an enemy, to attack his sense of security, and leave him more vulnera-
ble to subsequent attack. Such operations, primarily designed to shape his understanding
by confusing and out-witting him, may also contribute to attacking his moral and physical

e. Sustained and large-scale operations to shatter the enemys cohesion and

break his will. These should lead to his defeat. Such operations usually require a com-
bination of defensive and offensive measures, coordinating repower and manoeuvre to
achieve shock and surprise. Out-manoeuvring the enemy involves placing him where he
can no longer respond coherently and effectively to ones actions.
See JDP 01, Paragraph 332 for further details.

f. Activities and operations to protect the cohesion of own forces. These include
operational security measures, which prevent the enemy understanding ones intentions.
They also include physical force protection measures. The maintenance of morale is key
to sustaining cohesion. It is achieved through unity of purpose, a belief in a common and
worthwhile cause, leadership, and the anticipation of success.

g. Media operations. These are aimed at moulding the opinion of friendly forces, host
nations and force contributing states, as opposed to psychological operations which target
the enemy. They also have a key role in protecting and fostering the cohesion of the force.
In multinational operations, maintaining the cohesion and will of the allied or coalition force
is vital.

The Land Component

0407. Land forces within a JTF are normally grouped within a land component, although forces
may be allocated to other components for specic tasks. Amphibious forces, when ashore, may
also be allocated to a land component.

0408. Terminology. A land component commander is normally termed a joint force land com-
ponent commander. On coalition operations, particularly those with a US lead, he may be a
coalition force land component commander. This publication uses the generic titles of land
component commander and land component command. Where there is a national contribution
to a larger coalition or alliance land component, it is termed a national land contingent command.
Practices for the command of land components and land contingents are described in Annex A.

0409. Relation to the Levels of Warfare. The distinction between strategic, operational and
tactical levels is seldom tidy. Even if an element of a multinational land component is of small
tactical value, its employment may have strategic impact for the nation that provides it. Therefore
a land component commander should understand the strategic and operational implications of his
decisions when directing tactical actions. A land component command can in part be regarded as
an operational-level headquarters. It normally lies on the interface of operational and tactical lev-
els. Its commander and staff should have a deep understanding of operational art and the role of
the land component in the operational context. They will be expected to contribute to the design
of campaign and understand the roles and capabilities of other components. This position within
the levels of warfare is illustrated in Figure 4.1.

or National Strategic
Objectives and

Strategic Campaign Objectives

Campaign Plan and

Operational Major Operations

Tactical Battles and Engagements

Figure 4.1 Land Component Command and the Levels of Warfare

4.2 Joint Air/Land Operations

The Role of the Air Component in the Joint Campaign

0410. Of the interfaces between air, land and sea, the most important for the Army is that be-
tween air and land. Gaining, maintaining, and exploiting control of the air is critical to success
in most land operations. Understanding how air and land forces interact should therefore be
common to both the Army and RAF, and the principles of air/land operations described here are
replicated in RAF doctrine.3

0411. Combat Air Operations. Air power is fundamental to success in joint operations. It ex-
ploits the enduring characteristics of height, speed and reach to operate exibly throughout the
continuum of conict. Combat air operations fall into three categories: counter-air, anti-surface
force air operations, and air operations for strategic effect:

a. Counter-Air. The aim of counter-air operations is to achieve and maintain the re-
quired degree of control of the air, dened by three levels:

(1) Favorable Air Situation. A favourable air situation is one in which the extent
of air effort applied by an opponents air forces is insufcient to prejudice the suc-
cess of friendly maritime, land or air operations.

(2) Air Superiority. Air Superiority is dened as the degree of dominance in

the air battle of one force over another which permits the conduct of operations by
the former and its related sea, land and air forces at a given time and place without
prohibitive interference by the opposing forces.

(3) Air Supremacy. Air Supremacy is dened as that degree of air superiority
wherein the opposing air forces are incapable of effective interference.

b. Counter Surface Operations. Counter surface operations, in cooperation with

In AP3000, British Air Power Doctrine, containing the principles of UK air power doctrine.

Arab-Israeli Wars (1967 & 1973)

On 5th June 1967 Israel launched a pre-emptive attack on Egypt and Syria: in the south their opera-
tional objective was the seizure of Sinai. Israeli planners recognized that control of the air was funda-
mental to the success of the assault on Egyptian defences in Sinai, so the opening phase of the war
was a surprise attack against the Egyptian Air force before it had a chance to deploy. By the end of the
rst day of what turned out to be a six day war, the Egyptian Air Force had effectively ceased to exist,
with almost 70% of its combat strength destroyed. Air supremacy allowed Israeli armoured columns
almost total freedom of movement in their attack into Sinai: they were able to manoeuvre freely to attack
Egyptian positions from the ank and rear, and mass overwhelming strength against individual Egyp-
tian formations. Reconnaissance could roam with impunity through the depth of the Egyptian position,
without fear of detection or interference from the air. When the defence broke, Israeli jets and attack
helicopters caused great damage to the eeing Egyptians who had no means of defence from this at-
tack from the air.

By 1973 the situation had changed dramatically. The Egyptians had undergone radical re-equipment,
and were on the strategic offensive. It was they who achieved surprise by their Yom Kippur crossing
of the Suez Canal on Saturday 6th October 1973. Egyptian planners knew that they could not hope to
destroy the Israeli Air Force on the ground, as had happened to them in 1967; instead they planned
on limiting Israeli freedom of action in the air through a comprehensive air defence network of SAMs
through the entire depth of the Egyptian position. As a result the Israelis could not create general air su-
periority, and for some time the result of the campaign was in the balance. One of the main objectives of
the Israeli Chinese Farm counter-offensive across the Suez Canal on 18th October was the destruction
by land forces of a section of the Egyptian SAM system this permitted localized air superiority and an
opening of an air corridor into the Egyptian rear. The Egyptians agreed a ceasere shortly afterwards.
Drawn from Peter Young, The Israeli Campaign 1967 (London: William Kimber, 1967)
and Maj Gen Chaim Herzog, The Arab-Israeli Wars (London: Arms & Armour Press, 1982)

maritime and land forces, shape the battlespace by deterring, containing, defeating or de-
stroying enemy forces. They can be either direct or indirect. Tactical Air Support of Mari-
time Operations and Close Air Support are both direct air operations. Close Air Support is
dened as air action against hostile targets which are in close proximity to friendly forces
and which require detailed integration of each air mission with the re and movement of
those forces. Air Interdiction is an indirect air operation to destroy, disrupt, neutralize or
delay an adversarys military potential before it can be brought to bear. Air Interdiction is
conducted away from close proximity to friendly forces and thus requires coordination but
not the tight control needed for Close Air Support.

c. Air Operations for Strategic Effect. Air operations for strategic effect attempt to
inuence the opponents strategic centre of gravity directly. They can be used for making
political signals, to coerce an opponent, or as a discrete element of a joint campaign.

0412. Other Air Operations. Most Combat Support Air Operations directly concern the land
component, and their capabilities should be understood when planning and conducting opera-
tions. They include Aerospace Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Electronic Warfare and Air
Transport, including support helicopters.

The Need for Air/Land Synergy

0413. All assets available to a JFC should interact to achieve the greatest joint effectiveness,
measured against operational-level objectives. There should therefore be high levels of synergy be-
tween air and land forces. The problems of interaction are greatest in high-intensity joint operations.

0414. Three levels of interaction are possible. Deconiction divides responsibilities in time
and space. It avoids fratricide and duplication, but does not contribute to synergy. Coordination
requires air and land forces to act together to achieve shared objectives. It prevents fratricide
and duplication, and ensures that effects complement each other. Integration brings the parts
together to create a whole and occurs when the effects of air and land operations are planned
from the start to reinforce each other. It typically requires faster and more precise planning, with
real-time communications and liaison.

0415. The airmans perspective is typically theatre-wide. Airpower can be switched readily
across a theatre from strategic to tactical attack. As a result, airpower is normally commanded
at theatre level for greatest effect. Conversely, ground forces are normally controlled through
several echelons of command, principally due to the complex environment and the human limits
of the span of command. These differences impact on the practices and procedures by which air
and land forces are applied.

0416. The impact of airpower may appear transitory to the soldier, whose perspective is typi-
cally localized and sequential. The effect the airman leaves behind may be sudden, dramatic,
and critical. The soldier views tactical success as being best delivered by the sudden application
of violence, preferably in a way that surprises the enemy. This can frequently be delivered or
signicantly augmented by airpower integrated with ground manoeuvre. To the soldier, tactical
results are achieved in obvious and local ways through the effects of prior activities. The airman
moves rapidly through and out of his view of the battlespace. To the airman, the physical location
of the target is perhaps less important than the effect which attacking it produces. However, even
in a non-linear battlespace, the concepts of deep, close and rear areas retain concrete meaning
to a ground force.4

0417. Aircraft display great exibility, but the exibility of an air component requires balance
between efciency and effectiveness. Greatest efciency arises when all assets are allocated
to pre-planned targets; but greatest effectiveness in the support of land forces requires exible
response to ground targets, which may be inefcient in terms of air sorties. A balance should be
struck between pre-planning and responsiveness. This balance should be determined from the
campaign plan and change as the campaign progresses.


0418. Combat is complex, dynamic and unpredictable, and the area immediately around a land
force especially so. There will be a zone around any land force in which there is risk of air and
land fratricide. That zone will have three broad areas. The closest will be that in which the
ground force can easily observe and re its principal weapons, and into which it might move
rapidly. Close combat with the enemy will normally take place in this area. The next area will be
that into which the land force can observe and re long-range weapon systems. Friendly ground
reconnaissance units may be found in this area. Furthest out is the area into which the ground
force can project force or create effects only occasionally, and after considerable planning. Deep
aviation attacks, airmobile, airborne, or SF operations and very-long-range missile strikes are
examples of land operations in this area.

0419. These three areas require differing degrees of interaction between ground and air com-
ponents. Their sizes depend on concrete factors like weapons ranges and topology. They will
change over time as the ground force manoeuvres. Measurable, dened parameters should be
See Chapter 3, Paragraph 0331.

The Desert Air Force (1942-43)

It would be difcult for me to pay an adequate tribute to the work and achievements of the Desert Air
Force; sufce it to say here that the Desert Air Force and the Eighth Army formed one close, integrated
family: collectively they were one great ghting machine, working with a single purpose, and at all times
with a single joint plan.

Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, El Alamein to the River Sangro

(London: Hutchinson & Co, 1948), p. xi

(The Desert Air Forces) cooperation with the 8th Army did not come by accident; it was organized
The A.O.C. and G.O.C. shared the same mess, and this liaison was maintained by similar arrange-
ments between the A.O.A. and the A.Q.M.G. Army Operations Room and Air Operations Room were
always adjacent. Army liaison ofcers were attached to the A.H.Q. Operations Room and to all Group
and Wing H.Q. Operations Rooms R.A.F. ofcers were attached to armoured divisions Equipment
and supplies for both Services were likewise linked. Thus the basis for army/air cooperation had been
rmly laid.
Roderic Owen, The Desert Air Force (London: Hutchinson) pps. 110-111

Figures 4.2 & 4.3 RAF Operations, North Africa, 1942-43

used to plan the control measures associated with them. As a minimum, tactical air and land op-
erations should be integrated in the inner zone, coordinated in the middle zone and deconicted
in the outer zone. The staff procedures required for each zone will vary, particularly the need for
timeliness. Higher levels of interaction may be desirable but tend to reduce freedom of action.
They also require resources and take time.

0420. To some extent the increased range of modern groundbased weapons appears to have
reduced the meaning of geographical control measures and particularly control lines. However,
they continue to be useful. They ensure that systems that can create effects far beyond the loca-
tion of ground forces are truly integrated at campaign level, reduce fratricide and avoid duplica-

0421. Control measures, and particularly control lines, have both spatial and temporal signi-
cance. A practical balance between three factors should be sought when considering the location
of control lines. The rst is the distance of the control line from land forces. The second is the
rate at which land forces can move towards or away from that line. The third is the speed at which
changes to control measures can be promulgated across the joint force. Situations where the
freedom of action of air and ground forces is unnecessarily constrained should be avoided. Spe-
cic structures and processes should exist to provide control wherever tactical air and land op-
erations interact. These structures and processes require manpower, staff work and CIS. These
resources should be trained and exercised to achieve high degrees of efciency, since inefcient
staff processes impose time delay to the detriment of synergy.

The 1991 Iraq War and the Fire Support Coordination Line

After Operation DESERT STORM ended on 28 February 1991, it became clear that half the Re-
publican Guards equipment had not been destroyed and the majority of the eeing Iraqi Army
escaped to the area south of Basra. Many avoided destruction or capture because the Fire
Support Coordination Line (FSCL) was misplaced and procedures for its alteration were insuf-
ciently agile. This created large areas where Iraqi forces could move with impunity, beyond
reach of land systems but short of the line where air forces could attack them freely; or alterna-
tively prevented land systems (such as attack helicopters) from operating where they would be
more effective than xed wing aircraft. There were many examples; two are given below.

On the night of 26/27 February, VII Corps attack helicopters attacked Objective MINDEN over a ve
hour period 2100-0200 hours. The Corps Commander wanted also to attack Highway 8, the Iraqi es-
cape route, and at 2000 hours requested a move of the FSCL to the east to allow him to do this. He
found it would take several hours to shift the FSCL by which time it would be too late, allowing much
Iraqi armour to escape.
The second example occurred on the afternoon of 27 February, when the FSCL had been shifted to the
east of Highway 8, in anticipation of rapid land force advance into the area. In the event, land forces
were slower than predicted, and there was no ability to direct air attack onto the mass of Iraqi Army units
eeting up the coastal road. Attempts were made to shift the FSCL once more to the west, but by this
stage CENTCOM had assumed direct responsibility for the FSCL and declined to move it again. This
permitted a 14 hour window for Iraqi columns to escape, free from air attack.
Drawn From: Tom Clancy with General Fred Franks Jr, Into The Storm: A Study in Command,
(New York: G P Putnams Sons, 1997) and
James Dunnigan & Austin Bay, From Shield to Storm, (New York: William Morrow, 1992)

0422. To be relevant at the campaign level air and land operations should be integrated so that
they contribute synergistically to the operational-level functions of the Manoeuvrist Approach:
shaping the joint battlespace, attacking the enemy, protecting the joint force, and then exploiting
success to achieve the objectives of the campaign. The following sections describe how air and
land forces interact to achieve these operational functions.

Shaping the Joint Battlespace

0423. Gaining the required degree of control of the air is a critical part of shaping the bat-
tlespace. It protects friendly forces from air and missile attack and maintains freedom of action.
It is important to dene and achieve the appropriate level of control5 in time and space. Soldiers
should see this as a critical precursor to effective ground operations. Land forces contribute to
gaining control of the air by destroying and suppressing enemy air defences as required.

0424. Air and space sensors contribute to ground intelligence. They include photo reconnais-
sance aircraft, airborne radar, satellite and other systems. The resulting intelligence can have
a major impact on the conduct of ground operations, particularly when it identies location and
movements of enemy operational reserves. Control of the air also denies intelligence to the en-
emy through the denial of airspace to his airborne sensors and attacks on his long-range ground
sensors. The denial of such intelligence reduces an enemys ability to react effectively to land

0425. At the campaign level, ground forces may help shape air operations by seizing air bases
or locations from which air operations can be conducted. Simplistically, airbase location dictates
range and sortie rate, although air-to-air refuelling affects the overall reach of airpower. The
Pacic Campaign of 1943-45 was designed around the seizure of islands to establish air bases,
each one extending the coverage of Allied airpower towards Japan.

The Destruction of The Medina Division (March 2003)

By 31st March 3rd Infantry Division had approached the Karbala Gap, on their wide outanking move to
the west of Baghdad. The Medina Division of the Republican Guard had been tasked with blocking the
route to Baghdad from the south, its defensive positions effectively hidden in urban areas and dense
vegetation. However, it was about to be outanked by the American advance, and so it was ordered to
move and hold a defensive position facing west. The move took place during the sand storms of late
March; but nevertheless they were easily detected by aerial radars, and over the period of three days
were comprehensively attacked from the air. V (US) Corps estimate that the Medina Division started
their move at about 92% combat effectiveness. By the end of the move, they had been reduced to
about 29%; they had been effectively destroyed as a division. As a result, there was no effective Iraqi
defence of the Euphrates crossing points, and the way to the seizure of Saddam International Airport to
the west of Baghdad was open.
This is a good example of land/air synergy. The Medina Division was placed on the horns of a dilemma:
either stay put and be outanked by 3rd Infantry Division; or move to face the land force and risk destruc-
tion from the air.
Taken from Joint Fires in OIF: what worked for the Vth (US) Corps
Presentation by LTG W S Wallace Commander US Army Combined Arms Center

See Paragraph 0411a for denition of the levels of air control.

0426. Land and air forces acting together compel an enemy to make difcult decisions. He
must choose either to remain hidden from air attack and fail to counter ground manoeuvre, or to
react to such manoeuvre and increase the visual, thermal, radar and radio signatures by which
the air component can identify, locate and attack him. This is a good example of synergy and
demonstrates the importance of achieving control of the air. Furthermore, when the enemy is
engaged on land his logistic consumption increases, presenting useful targets on his lines of com-


0427. Air attack on ground forces causes delay, disruption and attrition. Attrition may be im-
portant of itself, whilst delay and disruption may be even more important at the campaign level.
Airpower should be concentrated in time and space for greatest effect. When supporting land
forces, this means prioritising between formations. Some ground forces will thus be at lower
priority for air support. This should be expected, regardless of the apparent tactical need at the
time. Importantly, air attack may take place far from where ground forces are in contact. This
may not be apparent to friendly ground forces, but can be critical from a campaign perspective. It
may also weaken enemy ground forces sufciently to alter force ratios at the point of contact, and
contribute directly to land tactical success.

0428. A deployed ground force usually consists of numerous elements which are dispersed over
a wide area. To defeat it, it is usually more effective to persuade its commander that he is beaten
than to rely on attrition of its elements. Persuading an enemy commander that he is beaten can
be achieved by the sudden application of concentrated violence which is then exploited rapidly.
Combined air/land forces excel at this: airpower can deliver sudden and concentrated repower,
permitting land forces to seize objectives rapidly while the defenders are incapacitated. Thus the
critical measure of effectiveness for air support to land forces is not the quantity of explosive de-
livered or targets hit, but rather the extent to which land forces can exploit its results. This requires
close coordination in time and space to ensure that the transient effects of shock and surprise are
not wasted.

0429. Overrunning or destroying elements of enemy ground-based air defences contributes

directly to the effectiveness of airpower. It opens corridors through which aircraft can penetrate to
the enemys depth. Ground forces can also overrun or raid enemy air bases, materially reducing
enemy air power. The loss of aircraft on the ground may be signicant, but the effect on range
and sortie rates may ultimately have a greater effect as the opposing air force is forced to use air
bases further away.


0430. Protecting the freedom of action of ones own ground forces is the converse of deny-
ing the enemys. It assists the committal of tactical and operational reserves and preserves the
ground forces effectiveness by protecting it from aerial attrition. Air forces have the exibility to
counter local reverses or exploit unexpected successes on land. These are typical tasks of a
reserve, and having control of the air permits a land commander to dedicate fewer forces to re-
serve missions. Ground-based air defence primarily protects ground forces but also contributes
to theatre-wide air defence. It prevents or reduces ingress at low levels, denies or reduces the
enemy use of UAVs and cruise missiles, and contributes to the protection of support helicopters,
air transport, and airbases.


0431. Joint forces should seek to exploit tactical victories on the ground or in the air, trans-
forming local success into wider operational-level achievement. Exploitation will typically require
ground manoeuvre, which should be anticipated and where possible pre-planned. Ground ex-
ploitation allows further destruction of enemy ground-based air defences, and greater control
of the air. Gaps in enemy air defences should be widened and exploited to penetrate his depth.
As enemy command systems are damaged, communications security may be lost and further
intelligence gained. Air forces can harass broken enemy forces and keep them on the run. The
effective coordination of air and ground actions should lead to an increase in the tempo of ground
operations. However, in some circumstances only airpower has the speed, range and respon-
siveness to maintain contact with a eeing enemy or slow him for subsequent defeat by ground

4.3 Maritime/Land Operations

0432. Over two thirds of the worlds population live within 200 km of the sea. 85% of the mem-
ber states of the United Nations have a coast and are accessible to operations mounted from the
sea. At a speech at the Royal Academy in October 1903 the future First Sea Lord, Admiral Fisher,
described the Army and Marines as a projectile to be red by the Navy. Although the purpose of
much naval activity is thus to enable land forces to operate overseas, some maritime tasks such
as strategic deterrence and security of trade routes are largely unrelated to land operations.

0433. The Role of the Maritime Component in the Joint Campaign.6 The principal character-
istics of maritime operations are access, reach, versatility and sustainability. The ability to poise
at sea for extended periods as an act of coercion, and the subsequent translation of this into direct
action against targets ashore, is a capability that is unique to maritime forces. The major catego-
ries of maritime operations are power projection, sea control and other tasks such as deterrence,
demonstrations of presence, intelligence collection and maritime counter terrorism.

0434. Amphibious Operations7. When operating in or near the littoral8, land forces may be
complemented by a range of amphibious operations. Amphibious demonstrations can tie
down enemy forces near the coast and weaken defences elsewhere. This occurred in Operation
DESERT STORM in 1991, where a United States Marine Corps demonstration in the Persian Gulf
played a major part in a deception designed to hide VII Corpss attack on the main effort inland.
Amphibious raids can distract or confuse an enemy, destroy key elements of his infrastructure,
gain intelligence, or rescue hostages or other personnel. Amphibious assaults can open ac-
cess to a theatre for land forces, such as the D Day Normandy landing in June 1944. They can
open another ank in an existing theatre, such as the Inchon landing in September 1950. In
either case, it is usual for land forces to reinforce the amphibious landing once established, per-
mitting further exploitation inland. Amphibious evacuations might be the only practical means
of extracting a land force, especially following an unexpected setback, such as the 1940 Dunkirk

This section draws on BR 1806, British Maritime Doctrine.
A military operation launched from the sea by a naval and landing force embarked in ships or craft, with the
principal purpose of projecting the landing force ashore tactically into an environment ranging from permissive to
hostile. (ATP-8B, NATO Doctrine for Amphibious Operations).
Coastal sea areas and that portion of the land which is susceptible to inuence or support from the sea. (BR

0435. Sea-based Joint Fires. Maritime-based aircraft can contribute to the full range of air
operations described in Paragraph 0410. In some campaigns maritime-based aircraft may be the
only air support available, such as during the 1982 Falkland Conict. In such cases the protection
of aircraft carriers becomes a signicant priority for the joint commander. Submarines and surface
ships armed with land attack missiles contribute to attacks on important shore targets. Naval sys-
tems can provide re support to all operations within range of the sea, which may be especially
important in the early stages of a campaign before ground forces have fully deployed.

0436. Other Support to Joint Operations. Maritime platforms can contribute signicant intel-
ligence, area surveillance and communications capabilities to the joint force. They can also pro-
vide air defence over littoral areas, including against theatre ballistic missiles. It is also possible to
provide logistic support for land forces from the sea, and so reduce the logistic footprint required
ashore. Maritime forces can assist in protecting joint forces or territory by providing a sea-based
defensive barrier, or by defending against enemy manoeuvre from the sea. Maritime platforms
may also be used as command and control locations by joint or land headquarters at all stages of
a joint operation.

0437. Threats to Maritime Operations in the Littoral. When operating close inshore with lim-
ited sea room, maritime units may be threatened by mines, fast attack craft and shore batteries.
Land forces ashore can enhance the protection of inshore maritime units by securing potential
ring or launching points and the destruction or capture of enemy coastal artillery or missile bat-

4.4 Other Components and Enablers

0438. Special Forces. In the United Kingdom, Special Forces are grouped together in a joint
organization comprising the regular and reserve units of the Special Air Service, the Special Boat
Service, and other specialist assets. In all cases, a decision to deploy them is only made at a
level where the joint commander has access to consideration of political and diplomatic risk, in-
telligence assessments, the campaign plan, military factors, force levels and information policy.
This will normally be at the strategic level. Special Forces should not normally be employed on
tasks which can be conducted by other combat forces and should never be employed on general
defensive tasks. They should be used on operations which provide a high return for the expertise,
expense and resources committed and the risks involved. Their operations will often be sup-
ported by land assets, such as light infantry and attack helicopters.

0439. Joint Logistics. A Joint Force Logistic Component may be created to coordinate sup-
port forward to other components and rearwards to the strategic home base. As with the other
components, it is task-organized as a result of the military-strategic estimate. The logistic compo-
nent may be built around an existing land logistic formation. The interaction between the logistic
component, the land component, and national logistics is explained further in Chapter 5.

0440. Joint Enablers and Operations Support Activities. JWP 3-00 describes a number of
activities that underpin joint and component level operations9. Operational Support Activities10
frequently play a signicant part in the campaign plan. If they are not lines of operation them-
selves, they may well support others. Joint Enablers11 underpin other activities. Both are likely to
have specic staffs within higher-level headquarters.

4.5 Operating in Alliances and Coalitions

The Nature of Multinational Operations

0441. A multinational operation combines forces of more than one nation. If the operation is
not conducted within an alliance such as NATO, the individual members are usually termed coali-
tion partners. They are often disparate in political orientation and culture but should at least have
temporarily merged their capabilities and submerged their differences in the interest of a common
goal. A coalition will only remain in being as long as sufciently strong mutual interests exist in
undertaking a common military enterprise. Command structures may be ad hoc and procedures
may follow either alliance practice or that of a lead nation. The reasons for establishing a commit-
ment to a common military goal may vary, but the aim is usually to accomplish an objective which
nations do not wish to, or could not, achieve unilaterally. Depending on the circumstance, there
will be differing degrees of national interest at stake, and the strength and nature of the contribu-
tion to the multinational operation will depend upon this. Nations participating in multinational
operations do so for reasons that are viewed as nationally advantageous in political and military
terms. Thus contributions should be judged not only on the capability of the forces provided but
also by the range of political benets, they bring on the alliance or coalition operation.

0442. Advantages. The political advantages of multinational cooperation include: sharing po-
litical risks; demonstrating economic, diplomatic, military or political support to other regions; and
inuencing national and international opinion. The military advantages are that cooperation adds
both strength in numbers and additional capabilities to a force. It also provides access to national
or regional logistic infrastructures and, in certain circumstances, access to high value information
and intelligence.

0443. Challenges. Multinationality poses challenges whose early resolution is crucial to mili-
tary effectiveness. These include the formation of an effective command and control system,
an intelligence system which can draw and share data from a number of sources, and a logistic
system which meets both national and multinational needs. Multinational command may lead to
slower response times than purely national command arrangements, and the quality of decision-
making may become adversely affected. Such detrimental effects can be counteracted through
the adoption of common doctrine and procedures together with realistic training. Therefore multi-
national command requires a mindset that is international in perspective. Differences in operating
procedures, language difculties, technical incompatibilities and a lack of standardization may
occur and should be anticipated.

Command in Multinational Operations

0444. Approach. The command of forces from other nations requires particular skills and at-
tributes. Commanders should understand the cultural background of the troops involved and the
conditions under which they are provided by the sending nations. Personal contact with contin-
gent commanders from these nations should occur as early as possible. The commander of a
multinational force should gain the condence of other national contingents as rapidly as possible
and should ascertain national constraints, which are known colloquially as red cards. The use of
JWP 3-00 Paragraphs 229-231 and Annexes 2D, 2E.
Operations Support activities are: Information Operations; Targeting (including Joint Fires); Media Operations;
CIMIC; and Force Protection.
Joint Enablers are: Operational Intelligence; Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance; Combat
Identication; Logistics; Political & Policy Advice; Legal Advice; Information Management and CIS; Integrated
Mission Support; Budgets & Accounting.

suitably trained and equipped liaison teams is essential. Overcoming the inevitable frustrations
and tensions of planning and executing multinational operations in an unpredictable strategic en-
vironment requires a positive approach. This demands a collective attitude of mind that accepts
the honest identication of problem areas and, more importantly, one that seeks timely and ap-
propriate solutions. Unity of purpose, exibility, coordination of effort, simplicity and determination
to succeed are key principles in developing the operational effectiveness of a multinational force.
The requirement to understand the nature of multinational operations, the advantages of conduct-
ing them and the challenges that need to be faced, are central to this approach.

0445. Mutual Condence. General Eisenhower stated that mutual condence is the one thing
that makes an allied command work. This condence stems from the following intangibles:

a. Rapport. Senior ofcers should strive to create rapport with each other. Personal
relationships amongst commanders will inuence all aspects of multinational cooperation.

b. Respect. Mutual respect for the professional ability, culture, history, religion, cus-
toms and values of participants will serve to strengthen relationships.

c. Knowledge of Partners. In multinational operations it is important to be as knowl-

edgeable about friendly forces as about the enemy. Time taken to understand the doctrine,
capabilities and aspirations of partners will pay dividends during multinational operations.

d. Patience. Effective cooperation may take time to develop. Differences of opinion

and perspective will require patience to achieve a focused and unied approach.

0446. Implications for UK Land Forces. Unless in a UK-led operation, British land forces are
likely to be incorporated into a multinational command structure or be under command of a land
component commander from a lead nation. In either case, British land forces should maximize
their interoperability with the component HQ and neighbouring land forces. Achieving this inter-
operability with other nations armies is as important as achieving interoperability with the UKs
other services. The UK should also strive to maximize its inuence within a coalition or allied
force. It does this through gaining appointment to command and staff positions within the land
component, commensurate with the level of commitment.

Iraq War 2003: Personal Relationships

The US Army appointed Lieutenant General David McKiernan as the Coalition Force Land Component
Commander (CFLCC) for the planning and execution of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. As a brigadier gen-
eral, he had been DCOS Ops of HQ ARRC; as a result he understood the British Army and the British
way, and had a number of important personal relationships with British ofcers. He knew both General
Sir Michael Walker (CGS and then CDS) and General Sir Mike Jackson (CINC LAND and then CGS).
He had also worked closely with Brigadier Albert Whitley as Chief Engineer, and previously ACOS
Plans, in HQ ARRC. Major General Whitley was to become the senior British liaison ofcer to CFLCC
during the war.

These personal relationships engendered high levels of condence and mutual trust both ways. Al-
though frictions and misunderstandings exist in any coalition, in this case they were minimised. The
trust placed in British ofcers by the CFLCC also permitted higher levels of British inuence in the de-
velopment and execution of the plan than might normally be expected.

Operations in Iraq: An Analysis From A Land Perspective (AC 71816)

The Inter-Agency Dimension

0447. Strategic success can usually only be achieved through the close interaction of all instru-
ments of national power: diplomatic, military, and economic. Those instruments should operate in
concert at all levels of war. The non-military instruments are represented by other governmental
and non-governmental agencies. The military role is frequently to create and maintain conditions
required by those other agencies to achieve the political, social, and economic development nec-
essary for lasting peace. Military activity can therefore often be regarded as a supporting effort
even in periods of intense ghting.

0448. Whereas formal government machinery may exist at the strategic level for inter-agency
interaction, at the operational and tactical levels inter-agency structures are usually less formal,
relying more on mutual understanding and cooperation. Since at the tactical level it is the land
component that deals most with other agencies on the ground, it is important that commanders at
all levels within the land force have a sound understanding of the inter-agency process in general,
and the part played by land forces within that campaign in particular.


A. Command of the Land Component.



04A01. Chapter 4 encompasses the philosophy and principles of land forces operating in a joint
campaign. This annex focuses on the command of a land component and national land contin-

04A02. Responsibilities of the Land Component Commander. In exercising command and

control over the forces assigned to him, a land component commander has a wide range of re-
sponsibilities, including:

a. Contributing to the campaign planning process and advising the operational com-
mander on the employment of all land forces under his control.

b. Planning and coordinating tactical operations in support of the operational com-

manders intent and concept of operations.

c. Executing elements of the campaign plan, coordinating those operations with other
component commanders.

d. Contributing to the joint coordination of the campaign, including lethal and non-le-
thal targeting and information operations.

e. Providing and maintaining communications and information services to subordinate


f. Cooperating with the host nation and civil agencies, normally at local or regional

04A03. Component and Formation Command. A land component headquarters may be formed
on an existing formation headquarters, but there are important differences between component
and formation command. These are:

a. Time and Space. A component commander plans for the entire campaign, not for
any specied period ahead of the current battle. He normally considers actions and effects
required across the whole of the JOA.

b. Level. Component commanders and staffs contribute to operational level planning

in close conjunction with the operational-level headquarters. However, component com-
mand is the highest level at which tactical activity is conducted, including joint tactical activ-
ity.1 The JTF headquarters should not conduct detailed tactical synchronization between
components. This is the responsibility of the supported component command.

c. Resources. Component commanders should be prepared and resourced to plan

at all levels, in conjunction with other components. This includes subordinate tactical lev-
els if this is the focus of a particular joint objective.

Joint Air Attack Team operations, Air Manoeuvre and Joint Fires are examples of joint tactical activities.

d. Staff Functions. At the land component level there are specialist staff functions
which may not be represented in a formation level headquarters. These include: political
advice; campaign planning; targeting, information operations; media operations; civil-mili-
tary relations; and coordinating the activities of national intelligence cells.

e. Liaison Requirements. There is signicant requirement for liaison at component

level: with other components; with subordinate formations or national contingents; and with
civilian agencies and organizations. Most are required on a reciprocal basis.

04A04. Organization. A UK-led land component could be employed in a wide range of situa-
tions and scales of effort. The land component could be of battalion (or battle group), brigade,
division or corps size. Every situation is likely to be different. It is important not to be prescriptive,
but to retain exibility and to consider each situation separately. The choice of land component
commander and headquarters will require considerable judgement. The remainder of this Annex
gives guidance as to what issues may be relevant to the command of a land component and de-
sign of its headquarters.

04A05. Selection of Land Component Headquarters. There may be circumstances in which

a separate land component command headquarters is required above a tactical formation head-
quarters. There is inherent tension between the tactical responsibilities of a formation com-
mander and the operational aspects of component command. This increases with the degree to
which the commander has to focus simultaneously on tactical decision-making and supporting
the development of the campaign plan. Any headquarters required to act as a land component
headquarters should be structured and trained for the task. The key factors in the selection of
the land component commander are the requirement for rank and authority to inuence the op-
erational employment of land forces, and the requirement to interact and liaise with the joint task
force commander. In some circumstances the appointment of a deputy to the tactical formation
commander, with responsibility for operational-level aspects of command, might be appropriate.

04A06. Direction of Tactical Planning. Experience from the 2003 Iraq War suggests that the
way in which land formations received direction resulted in a lack of focus in tactical planning.
This was due to the way in which the campaign plan was translated into orders and missions.
Subsequent analysis suggests that:

a. The land component staff should contribute to the joint campaign plan, and report
land force progress against it, in conjunction with Joint Force operations staff. It should not
produce a campaign plan.

b. The land component commander should write a campaign directive for the whole
campaign which describes, in largely narrative form, the anticipated course of events. It
might expand on the JTFCs intent as applicable to the land component.

c. The land component staff should then write an order for the rst major operation or
phase of the campaign. That order extracts tasks from the campaign plan and translates
them into missions for major subordinates. They issue that as the initiating operation
order. They also issue a warning order for the next anticipated operation or phase and
contingency plans for a few major or critical contingencies.

d. As the campaign progresses, the land component staff issue warning and executive
orders in a timely manner. This process of directing subordinates tactical planning should

give subordinates timely and sufcient direction for subsequent events. It should also pre-
vent subordinate HQs from being inundated with excessive planning.

04A07. Planning Timelines. Since they are not required to plan for the whole campaign, subor-
dinate staffs should concentrate on planning the next operation. As a guide, in war they should
plan for the next few days. In operations with much lower tempo, such as COIN, this period may
be weeks. It is not sensible to plan in detail beyond the next operation, since the situation will
change during the intervening period in ways that are not generally predictable. Conversely the
land component staff should plan further ahead, so as to contribute to campaign-level planning
and predict logistic requirements.

04A08. Deployment. When forming a land component, the appointment of a land component
commander should be considered as a priority. He should advise on force generation and prepa-
ration, and set priorities for land force deployment. He may also need to conduct theatre recon-
naissance. He can also play a key role in assisting the deployment of the joint force and coali-
tion-building in the land component. The land component headquarters may require additional
communications and information services if it is physically separated from other headquarters in
the joint force.

04A09. Liaison and Staff Functions. Elements of other components will operate in the land
components area of operations. International organizations, non-governmental organizations
and other civilian agencies are also likely to be present in theatre. The land components area of
operations will inevitably encompass the sovereign territory of another nation, except where its
area of operations is exclusively within the United Kingdom or its dependent territories. Conse-
quently the land component commander may have an important role in liaising with host govern-
ments or agencies. He should not allow himself to become distracted from his primary function of
commanding his force, and should not become the sole focus for liaison with national authorities
and international organizations: this is an operational or strategic level function. The delineation
of the land component commands area of operations is a critical factor in limiting the span of re-
sponsibility for that command. If an operational level joint force headquarters is not deployed into
a theatre, many of its liaison and staff functions may have to be subsumed by the land component
command. The headquarters concerned will need to be augmented in order to conduct a wider
range of responsibilities and tasks. However, the larger a headquarters grows, the less mobile
and survivable it becomes.

04A10. Staff and Command Posts. The requirements for staff and command posts will vary
with every operation. However, a number of broad principles apply:

a. A land component commander should conduct an estimate of the requirement for

staff and command posts as soon as he is warned for an operation. Contingency planning
for a range of potential scenarios should generate a set of assumptions concerning the
design of the headquarters, to assist that estimate.

b. Most of the staff functions within a land component command are largely independ-
ent of the scale and anticipated duration of an operation, although the staff numbers re-
quired to full those functions may vary considerably. Such functions depend more on the
nature of the operation than its scale.

c. Timely deployment of land component headquarters contributes to campaign suc-

cess. Potential land component headquarters should be designed and structured for rapid

deployment and staffs held at appropriately high readiness. Forward liaison and planning
teams should be typically held at the highest readiness, followed by elements of a forward

d. Training as a land component headquarters is essential to achieving operational

readiness. Integrated training programmes which incorporate joint force and other com-
ponent headquarters are required. It is usually beyond the resources of a land component
command to train itself: a land component commander can only be trained effectively when
a superior headquarters is in place.

04A11. The Command Estimate. All commanders should consider how to command their op-
eration as part of their plan and review that as the operation unfolds. At the tactical level this is
usually the sensible application of standard procedures such as where to site command posts
and when to move them. However, demands on the land component are more varied and nor-
mally greater. Once the land component or national land contingent commander is appointed he
should conduct a command estimate, which should consider: input to operational-level issues;
the requirement to interact with superiors and liaise with peers and subordinates; directing tacti-
cal planning; the requirement to move the command post; protection, CIS and life support.

04A12. Inter-Component Liaison. Coordination of tactical activities is not conducted by the

joint force headquarters but between components. The supported component leads on such
coordination and synchronization. Several measures are required to establish and sustain the
close and detailed liaison required. Within a United Kingdom context, an Air Operations Coor-
dination Centre (Land) will normally be attached from the air component to the land component
headquarters. In turn an Army Battleeld Coordination Detachment will join the air component
headquarters. RAF Air Liaison Ofcers are established in Army formation HQs, and Tactical Air
Control Parties at lower levels. In turn, Army Ground Liaison Ofcers are attached to appropriate
air force units.

04A13. Responsibilities of the National Land Contingent Commander. The principal role of
a national land contingent commander is to integrate national land forces into a coalition contin-
gent, enabling formation commanders to focus on their tactical missions. Specic tasks include:

a. The exercise of the national command of land forces, as directed by national au-
thorities. The national chain of command may be direct to strategic authorities or through
a national joint contingent commander.

b. Informing national strategic authorities of the current situation and future plans. De-
velopments that affect national political objectives or require changes in ROE, the concept
of operations, or commitment of additional national resources are particularly signicant.
The contingent commander should recommend any changes to national command ar-
rangements within the multinational land component.

c. Inuencing the planning and execution of a coalition operation in accordance with

national objectives and direction. This is achieved through his personal relationship with
the land component commander and staff engagement at lower levels. To assist this, the
UK may command and staff seek positions within the land component headquarters, com-
mensurate with the size of its land contribution.

d. Conducting longer term national land force planning, to ensure integration into the
land component plan and that national resources are in place when they are required.
These include administrative and logistic support. This permits national tactical formations
to focus on current and impending operations rather than the whole campaign.

e. Integrating the national land contingent into a coalition component, including: advis-
ing on the capabilities of national forces and any constraints on their employment; harmo-
nizing national CIS with other contingents; and facilitating the integration of national intel-
ligence architecture while ensuring the integrity of national security.



Chapter 5 explores the implications of the context in which land operations are sustained.
It then identies how the principles of logistics and administration, and the functions of
Combat Service Support are applied to sustain land operations.

5.1 Context OVERVIEW

5.1 Context
The more I see of war, the more I realize how The Operational Environment
it all depends on administration and transporta- Joint and Multinational Operations
tion (what our American allies call logistics). It Directed Logistics
takes little skill or imagination to see where you
would like your army to be and when. It takes 5.2 Denitions
much knowledge and hard work to know where
5.3 Principles
you can place your forces and whether you can
maintain them there. A real knowledge of supply 5.4 Functional Groupings
and movement factors must be the basis of every Logistic Support
leaders plan; only then can he know how and Medical Support
when to take risks with those factors, and battles Equipment Support
are won only by taking risks. Administrative Support
Infrastructure Engineering
Field Marshal Wavell, Speaking Generally,
(London: Macmillan, 1946) pp 78-79 5.5 The Sustainment of Operations
Sustainment Planning
Sustaining Operations
0501. Throughout history, successful com-
manders have recognized the importance of lo-
gistics and administration. The Duke of Wellington applied as much attention to sustainment as to
the command of his army, writing that: without supply, I cannot continue operations in Spaina
starving Army is worse than none at all. Soldiers lose their discipline and their spirit...1 More re-
cently General Smith, as GOC 1st (UK) Armoured Division during the 1991 Iraq War, stated a
commander can only ght the battle he can sustain, emphasizing that commanders should be
fully aware of constraints imposed by sustainability.

The Operational Environment

0502. The operational environment described in Chapter 1 poses many challenges for sustain-
ment. Expeditionary operations face a wide range of threats across the continuum of operations
and in a potentially dispersed battlespace. Providing sustainment across the continuum of opera-
tions is challenging; for example, exibility is required to sustain combat and humanitarian relief
operations simultaneously. Dispersion may lead to unoccupied areas through which sustainment
assets have to move, on lines of communication that are insecure. Combat may be required to
enable such movement. Adversaries are likely to attack logistic and administrative elements in
preference to combat forces, and their security should be planned from the outset. Better situ-
ational awareness may allow some threats to be avoided, but logistic assets should have mobility
and protection comparable to the forces they support. They should also be trained and equipped
for self-defence, thereby reducing the need for combat forces to protect them.

Richard Holmes, Wellington: The Iron Duke, (London: Harper Collins, 2003) pp 135-141.

Joint, Inter-agency and Multinational Operations

0503. Chapter 4 showed that the Land Component is unlikely to work alone. Operations will al-
most certainly be joint and probably multinational, and coordination of sustainment assets across
the force will be important. Rationalizing sustainment assets maximizes the availability of resourc-
es and optimizes sustainment operations. Common joint, inter-agency and multinational doctrine
improves interoperability and increases operational effectiveness. The goal is joint, interagency
and multinational synergy, where overall support is greater than that of individual elements in iso-
lation. Joint logistics are explained in JWP 4-00 and multinational logistics in AJP-4.

5.2 Denitions

0504. Sustainability refers to the potential resilience and capacity of a force. It is the ability
of a force to maintain the necessary level of combat power for the duration required to achieve
its objectives. Insufcient sustainability will lead to a force over-reaching itself before achiev-
ing its objective. Sustainment is the actual process of maintaining a force during an operation.
Sustainment is the combination of logistics, administration, resources and organization to deliver

0505. Logistics is the science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of
forces. In its fullest sense, logistics comprise those aspects of military operations that deal with
the development, acquisition, storage, movement, distribution, maintenance, evacuation and dis-
position of materiel, transport of personnel, acquisition or construction, maintenance and opera-
tion of facilities and services and medical and health support.

0506. Administration is the management and execution of all military matters not included in
tactics and strategy, primarily in the elds of logistics and personnel management. It also refers
to the internal management of units. It includes: staff and personnel support; medical support;
welfare support; the provision of legal advice; chaplaincy and pastoral care; and provost support
including military police and investigative support. Staff and personnel support includes the main-
tenance of casualty and reinforcement plans, the management of pay and documentation, and
routine staff management. Preventative medical support and force preparation are administrative
functions, whereas medical support to deployed units and formations is a logistic function.

0507. Combat Service Support (CSS) is the usual term for sustaining land operations, and
dened as the support provided to combat forces, primarily in the elds of administration and lo-

5.3 Principles

0508. The six principles of logistics are Foresight, Economy, Simplicity, Cooperation, Flex-
ibility and Robustness. They are equally applicable to administration. These principles should
be considered in combination with the Principles of War when considering sustainment. They
should be applied using agreed planning yardsticks, contained in logistic publications2 or forma-
tion SOPs. The principles of logistics provide a check list against which commanders can judge
logistic plans.

0509. Foresight. The objective of the logistic staff is to ensure that the execution of an opera-
tion is not avoidably delayed or limited by a lack of resources. Sustainment planning should be
For example, AFM Vol 1 Pt 6 Combat Service Support.

an early priority. Sustainment plans should be developed concurrently with operational plans
in order to forecast likely requirements for personnel, materiel, services and equipment. They
should also conrm that the operational plan is viable. Foresight becomes more important as
stock redundancy reduces.

0510. Economy. The logistic principle of economy minimizes support effort in one area so as to
maximize sustainability in another. This achieves concentration of sustainment effort, to support the
concentration of combat force for the decisive act. Thus the principle of economy seeks to maximize
sustainment using as few resources as necessary, as effectively and as efciently as possible.

0511. Simplicity. The complexity of sustainment operations demands a simple plan that can
survive friction and the uncertainty of a complex and dynamic environment. Simplicity enables
plans, systems and organizations to react better to the unforeseen. It also enhances understand-
ing, eases implementation, and develops trust and condence in sustainment capabilities.

0512. Cooperation. Cooperation seeks to share logistic responsibilities or resources to opti-

mize capability. It seeks to ensure that the logistic elements within a force interact to best effect.
It also enables joint, inter-agency, multinational, host nation and contractor support to supplement
land component sustainment. Such cooperation with non-governmental organizations and other
government departments is often highly desirable, such as during humanitarian relief operations.
Cooperation requires condence in other organizations, which can be fostered by joint training,
visits and liaison.

0513. Flexibility. Logistic exibility allows a force to vary its tempo and change missions at
short notice. It is derived from speed, capacity and mobility; and from the staffs ability to react as
the operational situation changes. It is assisted by modular organizations that can be regrouped
for specic operations and by the application of functional expertise across all aspects of CSS.

0514. Robustness. Since operations rarely develop as originally envisaged, sustainment

should be robust to cater for losses, changes, and setbacks. The level of robustness should be
assessed against risk, and a balance should be struck in both planning and execution between
economy, exibility and robustness.

Directed Logistics

Deployed force logistic processes have historically been characterized by large stocks held forward as
insurance against uncertainty. These stocks provide redundancy to lessen operational risk. However,
they are uneconomic, consume considerable strategic and operational lift to the detriment of combat
forces, and are vulnerable to attack. Although satisfying traditional operational needs, traditional logistic
processes face challenges in meeting the demands of expeditionary operations.
Expeditionary operations can be characterized by rapid deployment into dispersed and hostile areas
of operations. The directed logistics concept seeks to meet this challenge by ensuring that resources
can be delivered precisely and responsively when required. The aim is to reduce both the overall logistic
footprint of the force and excess stock throughout the logistic chain. The effectiveness of directed logis-
tics will largely depend on a joint logistic picture and logistic stock management systems. These should
allow resources to be delivered only when and where they are required. The full benets of directed
logistics would require all equipment to be tted with Health and Usage Monitoring Systems to allow
demand to be accurately predicted. Reducing redundancy, increasing speed, and command at the ap-
propriate level should permit resources to be directed where they are needed most. Directed logistics
also seeks to ensure that the design and capability of equipment, processes and training all minimize
sustainment requirements and increase self-sufciency.

5.4 Functional Groupings

0515. There are ve main functional groupings of CSS: Logistic Support, Medical Support,
Equipment Support, Administrative Support and Infrastructure Engineering.

Logistic Support

0516. Logistic Support links a deployed force to its sustaining base. It is the sustainment of
forces through provision of materiel including acquisition, control and distribution; provision of
movement of personnel and materiel: and provision of logistic support services.

0517. Provision of Materiel. Materiel encompasses all items provided by the supply chain. The
provision of materiel includes the procurement, management and distribution of supplies from
the strategic to the tactical levels. It is a major contributor to the physical component of Fight-
ing Power through storage, maintenance, conguration and the distribution of stock to a force.
Steady-state usage planning gures allow planners to predict materiel requirements with a high
degree of condence, except during major combat operations. It also allows the effective provi-
sion of those requirements by military or contracted means.

Port Operations The Iraq War (2003)

Once the port of Umm Qasr had been secured in the early stages of Operation TELIC, Port Operators
from 17 Port and Maritime Regiment RLC commenced the task of re-opening the port to trafc. UK and
US Navy divers started clearing the port of mines and explosives while port operators began to assess
the port infrastructure. The port was a key asset for supporting continuing combat operations, consider-
ably shortening the overland MSR from Kuwait, and allowing humanitarian aid to be delivered and the
re-building process to begin. On 28 March 2003, RFA Sir Galahad steamed into Umm Qasr with the rst
shipment of aid for the region. The port operators provided an immediate military capability to re-open
the port, but then undertook the re-commissioning of much of the port infrastructure and trained local
workers as stevedores and warehouse staff. The impact of returning the port to normal operation was
seen as an essential step in building the trust and condence of the local population and indicating the
resolve of the Coalition to re-build Iraq.

Figure 5.1 RFA Sir Galahad

HQ 102 Log Bde Op TELIC Post Op Report (JF LogC 5001 dated 12 May 03)

0518. Provision of Movement. Deploying a force and managing the ow of personnel and
equipment into a theatre is a joint activity, and is essential to expeditionary operations. Deploy-
ment can be by air, land and sea using military or commercial assets. All require close control.
The land component can assist by providing movement control and port operating staffs to a joint
movements organization. Transport is a generic term to describe the movement of personnel
and materiel. General Transport provides container movement, palletized and loose freight, and
personnel movement. It uses ships, aircraft, barges, rail or road vehicles. Specialist Transport
provides the movement of casualties, bulk fuel, water, armoured vehicles requiring specialist lift,
and chilled transport for rations.

0519. Logistic Support Services. Logistic Support Services are those activities not providing
materiel or movement. They are wide-ranging, but focus on health, safety, sanitation and morale.
Some may be contracted to civilian organizations when the situation permits. Postal and Courier
Services provide a courier service for classied mail, a mail distribution service for ofcial and
personal letters, and a post ofce-equivalent counter service. Ammunition Technical Support
maintains the availability, reliability and safety of ammunition. It provides personnel to manage,
repair, modify and refurbish deployed stocks; to investigate ammunition incidents and accidents;
and to deal with unexploded ordnance. The Expeditionary Forces Institute (EFI) provides welfare
support to deployed personnel by providing recreational facilities and comfort items for sale. Bath
and Laundry facilities assist preventative health support through personal and clothing cleanli-
ness. Catering Services provide deployed catering and the quality control of rations, and assist
the provision of locally supplied rations. Pioneer and Labour services provide a military workforce
for general labouring tasks or local security and hire local labour to release military personnel
from support tasks or to enhance the support provided. Other logistic support services include
Photography, Fire Services and Fuel and Lubricants Technical Support. The latter provides and
controls the quality of fuel and lubricants, including any provided from local sources.

0520. The Need for Specialists. Logistic support functions are varied and complex. Many
demand specialist operators who are not immediately capable of re-roling. A stevedore cannot
assume the duties of a chef, nor can a railwayman be an air dispatcher without additional train-
ing. A small number of specialists can have considerable impact on the success of the operation.
Examples include the use of railwaymen in Kosovo, port operators in Sierra Leone and labour
support staff in Iraq.

Medical Support

0521. The principal task of the medical services on operations is to maintain the ghting strength
of the force by preventing disease and tending to the sick and wounded.3 Medical services identify
hazards to health, such as those from indigenous diseases, and recommend measures to allevi-
ate their effects. The preventable loss of soldiers is minimized by nutrition, shelter, clean water,
clothing, sleep, immunization and health education. Injured and sick personnel are treated and
evacuated according to their clinical needs. The quality of the care which they receive from the
point at which they enter the medical chain improves the chances and speed of recovery. Medical
assets should be distributed so that treatment timelines can be met for all personnel.4 Medical sup-
port contributes to both physical and moral components of ghting power. It helps to maintain the
morale of a force by reassuring personnel that they will be cared for if they become injured or ill.

See JWP 4-03 Joint Medical Doctrine.
Treatment philosophy is based on the 1,2 and 4 hour rule, which denes the critical timeline from point of
wounding to receiving medical attention at Role 1, 2 and 3 facilities.

0522. Role 1 medical sections (unit aid posts) are organic to combat units and provide skilled
medical care from a doctor, nurse and combat medical technicians. Role 2 medical support deals
with the evacuation of casualties through critical care stations5 between Role 1 and 3. Where
evacuation time between Role 1 and 3 exceeds 2 hours, enhanced Role 2 support may be need-
ed to provide forward surgery to sustain the most seriously wounded and increase the likelihood
of reaching Role 3 alive.6 Role 3 (eld hospital) support provides hospital care on deployed op-
erations and seeks to achieve the highest practical standards of clinical care. Where possible, it
is equivalent to that available in National Health Service hospitals. Medical services are respon-
sible for transferring casualties between medical facilities as quickly, safely and comfortably as
possible while maintaining in-transit care by appropriately skilled personnel. Such transit may be
by vehicle, rotary-wing, or xed-wing aircraft. Registered medical staffs are non-combatants and
are protected under the provisions of the Geneva Convention.

0523. Medical support should be proportionate to the force as a whole and the nature of the
operation. A balance should be struck between the clinical ideal and the operational situation, to
produce a plan that is tactically feasible and has acceptable risk. While the medical mission sel-
dom changes, the way it is achieved may vary considerably. Medical planning should always be
aligned to the operational plan. This ensures that correctly congured, trained and equipped

Deploying Medical Facilities The Iraq War (2003)

The deployment of 33 Field Hospital to Operation TELIC was delayed at Marchwood Military Port by
Greenpeace Protestors. In order to provide a Role 3 capability during the force generation phase of
the operation, 22 Field Hospital was deployed by PJHQ. The Unit deployed to Kuwait by air to provide
Role 3 support to an initial population at risk of 3,500. This subsequently increased to over 28,000. The
hospital deployed via an Antonov aircraft which carried the 9 standard and 2 refrigerated ISO contain-
ers required to establish the airportable, 25-bed, Role 3 facility. Personnel arrived in theatre in three
phases and were married up with the equipment at Camp Koyote. The Role 3 facility was open within
3 days of personnel arriving in theatre; ten days after being warned for deployment. The 25-bed facility
treated a total of 600 patients and admitted over 240, with a peak in-patient capacity of 74. The Hospital
re-deployed after 30 days in theatre, once 33 Field Hospital arrived to relieve it.

Figure 5.2 Field Hospital Ward, Iraq War 2003

34 Fd Hosp Op TELIC Post Op Report (G405 dated 20 Jun 03)

Formerly Dressing Stations.
See AJP 4-10 Allied Medical Support Doctrine.

medical assets are in the right place and that critical treatment timelines are met. Capability, ca-
pacity, convenience and continuity should be balanced across the medical element of a force.

Equipment Support

0524. The principal task of equipment support is to maintain combat power by keeping equip-
ment operational. This includes the procurement of equipment designed both for high reliability
and maintainability for and easy user maintenance and repair. Equipment support focuses on
maximising equipment availability
through user care and the rapid re-
turn of repaired equipment. Equip-
ment support within a deployed
land force is termed battleeld
maintenance and is primarily deliv-
ered by REME craftsmen, although
initial responsibility for serviceabil-
ity of equipment lies with the user.
Specialist maintenance is generally
carried out by REME and other spe-
cialists. Equipment support staffs
are responsible for the command of
REME units, technical advice, equip-
ment management, and direction on
distributing technical spares includ-
ing forward repair pools. They also
provide advice as to how to preserve, Figure 5.3 Equipment Support, Iraq War 2003
restore and enhance the operational
capability of equipment.

0525. Maintenance Support. Battleeld maintenance is underpinned by three principles. For-

ward Repair seeks to ensure that equipment critical to an operation is repaired as close to the
point of failure or damage as tactically and technically feasible. More technically demanding main-
tenance requires Stability to devote the necessary time and resources for long-term sustainment
of the force. Echeloning Maintenance Support describe the layering of equipment support on the
battleeld. It consists of mobile, well-protected assets integral to combat elements, and less mo-
bile and less well protected but more technically capable assets located in securer areas.

0526. Maintenance Functions. Scheduled servicing is conducted by equipment users, who

are responsible for most routine and preventative maintenance. Inspection and diagnosis as-
sesses the suitability of equipment for its task through routine inspection or diagnosis of failure.
Recovery involves the extrication of abandoned, disabled or immobilized vehicles and, if neces-
sary, their removal for subsequent repair. Backloading is movement of damaged equipment to
a suitable place for repair. Repair is the technical operation to restore operational functions to
equipments or repairable damaged parts. Expedient repair, including battle damage repair, is
improvised repair to return damaged or disabled equipment to temporary service. Reclamation is
the process by which materiel declared worn or scrap is restored to a condition which renders it
t for further use.7 Salvage is a process in which t sub-assemblies or components are removed
from unrepairable equipment to supplement the supply system. Cannibalization is a process of
taking t sub-assemblies or components from repairable equipment to respond to an urgent sup-
AFM Vol 1 Pt 6 Combat Service Support Chapter 8 Glossary.

ply need. Cannibalization is a policy of last resort. Its implementation should be sanctioned by a
command decision taken at high level. Modication enables equipment enhancements, either to
rectify faults or improve operational effectiveness, either before deployment or in-theatre.

Administrative Support

0527. Administrative Support encompasses the activities required to manage and support a
force effectively. While many administrative tasks are undertaken in barracks and on operations,
several are specic to operations.

0528. Personnel Support. Deployed forces require routine administration on operations. Per-
sonnel support seeks to maintain the terms and conditions of service that underpin the moral
component of Fighting Power and the Military Covenant. It includes pay, allowances and charges,
documentation, and the reporting of personal occurrences. It can also include banking services
for contract payments, local currency issue, nancial regulatory advice, notication of casualties,
and control and movement of individual reinforcements.

0529. Staff Support. Most staff support maintains deployed headquarters processes by provid-
ing clerical staff and watchkeepers. Specialist staff support encompasses a wide range of tasks
including: burial registration and the disposal of personal records and effects; recording prisoner
of war custody details; education and training support; and civil affairs support. It also includes
legal services, which ensure the application of the laws of armed conict, provide guidance on
rules of engagement and targeting, develop Status of Forces Agreements with host nations, and
provide disciplinary advice. Provost staff support includes investigation of crime and serious in-
cidents, crime prevention, NBC warning and reporting, and the regulation of movement. Medical
staffs undertake health care policy and planning, provide preventative and environmental health
advice, and liaise with host nation and coalition medical services. Practical staff support includes
the provision of working dogs, dog handlers and veterinary services.

0530. Welfare Support. The emotional and physical strains of combat can be mitigated by
welfare support, provided by: operational welfare packages for telephone and internet access,
reading and recreational materials; chaplains for spiritual ministry; and EFI which, while dened
as a logistic support function, also provides welfare support.

0531. G8 Support. The Budget and Finance (G8) staff exercise nancial management, includ-
ing control and scrutiny of expenditure, for an operation. The oversight and award of local con-
tracts, provision of advice on the legality of expenditure, and close cooperation with G1 and G4
staffs are essential activities to maintain nancial probity. A balance should be struck between
essential nancial bureaucracy and meeting operational needs, so as not to impede operations.

0532. G9 Support. The principal function of G9 is civil and political affairs, of which civil-military
cooperation (CIMIC) is a major part, particularly for sustainment operations. It provides a two-way
exchange between a force and the host nation for contracting, humanitarian relief and re-con-
struction tasks. G9 staff should be included in the planning process and resource requirements
prioritized from the outset.

Infrastructure Engineering

0533. Infrastructure. Infrastructure is dened as all xed and permanent installations, fabrica-
tions or facilities required for the support and control of military operations. It comprises temporary

The Importance of Infrastructure North West Europe (1944)

By the autumn of 1944 the Allied advance towards Germany was so successful that logistic support
was showing increasing signs of inadequacy. At this time 12th Army Groups plan was to advance from
Aachen to the Ruhr, with the longer term objective of Berlin. The subordinate 1st Army was tasked to
cross the River Ruhr towards the Rhine. An area of the Aachen front, which had been temporarily taken
from VII (US) Corps, was assigned by V (US) Corps to 28th (US) Infantry Division. Thus the stage was
set for the Battle of Schmidt; a battle which exemplied the increasing stress of sustaining a rapid ad-
vance. One of the major constraints was that forward re-supply was conned to a single, narrow, steep
sided route known as the Kall Trail. The battle situation did not permit forward repair but thrown tracks
and other mechanical problems effectively halted movement along the Trail; repair on the route became
almost impossible. The engineers failed to appreciate the importance of the Trail and did not allocate
the necessary heavy equipment to its improvement (picks and shovels were used). Moreover, they were
not afforded adequate protection. In sum, the condition and security of the Kall Trail greatly hindered
replenishment of 28th Divisions attack.

Major J W Wothe US Army, Logistics and the Battle of Schmidt

(US Army Command and General Staff College: Military Review, March 1980)

or existing accommodation, airelds, ports, railways, roads, bridges and other permanent or semi-
permanent installations designed to operate for extended periods. It also includes associated for-
tications, power, bulk fuel and water facilities. Infrastructure Engineering is the means of den-
ing, supplying, operating, maintaining, dismantling and disposing of the operational infrastructure
necessary to support a deployed force.

0534. Operational Infrastructure. Operational infrastructure comprises the structures, facili-

ties and services needed in a Joint Operational Area for the direct support of a force. It has four
components. Theatre Entry Infrastructure enables a force to get into theatre and includes air and
sea points of disembarkation; deployed operating bases; Reception Staging, Onward Movement
and Integration (RSOI) camps; logistic bases; and forward mounting bases. Communications In-
frastructure includes roads, railways, and waterways. Accommodation Infrastructure includes ex-
peditionary campaign infrastructure, ranging from service tentage to purpose-built hutted camps.
Utility Services provide gas, electricity, water and fuel.

0535. Military Works Area. A Military Works Area provides a technical and management frame-
work to deliver operational infrastructure when operational conditions allow the use of peacetime
procedures. A designated military commander is usually responsible for all infrastructure engi-

0536. Engineer Processes. Formal procedures are used to conduct infrastructure engineer-
ing. An infrastructure development plan sets the broad requirement which is then rened by engi-
neer staff, usually in consultation with the user. Three engineer processes translate that plan into

a. Design. A military design authority (or consultant) will design the required infra-
structure, unless combat engineering procedures are appropriate. The design will normally
include a construction plan, method statements and a construction materiel list.

b. Resource. Infrastructure works generally require large quantities of materiel. Some

may be provided through the supply chain, but much construction materiel (such as timber,
bricks and concrete) can often be purchased or manufactured locally. Where there is no

local supply, or it does not meet safety or construction standards, out-of-theatre sources
may be used.

c. Construct. Once materials are available, a construction force can undertake the
work. This could either be: a military construction force, used when work is urgent or the
threat is high; locally employed civilians; or a local or UK construction company under con-
tract. Where works are contracted out, the contractor is likely to carry out all three functions
of design, resource and construct.

0537. Host Nation Infrastructure. A force may use national infrastructure within a theatre or a
third country, if used as a mounting base. This reduces the infrastructure engineering requirement
but may deprive the local population of facilities.

5.5 Sustainment of Operations

Sustainment Planning

0538. Sustainment planning should be versatile, support the mission, be integrated into opera-
tional planning, and be conducted jointly and multi-nationally where appropriate. The integration
of strategic, operational and tactical effort to support a mission may require the commander to
inuence administrative and logistic functions outside his own organisation.

0539. Factors. Operational planning requires consideration of the principles of logistics and
factors specic to the theatre or operation being conducted. Many sustainment operations, such
as marrying materiel up to distribution assets, have long lead times. An understanding of four
main factors assists the prediction of the sustainment requirement. These are known as the 4Ds
and apply to both troops and materiel:

a. Destination. The destination denes the environment of the operation. It deter-

mines the pattern of wear on equipment and the physiological demands on troops, which
allow preventative planning. The destination of resources and the distances involved de-
ne the strategic line of communication (LOC), the design of the regeneration system, and
the resources, timing, speed of deployment, reaction, and execution of subsequent plans.

b. Distance. The length of both strategic and intra-theatre LOCs, including length,
capacity and topography, determines the size, shape, structure and balance of resources
required. It also determines the design of the re-supply and evacuation systems required
for casualty management and equipment repair.

c. Demand. Demand is inuenced by the consumption or usage of men and ma-

teriel, and its pattern, rate of change and variability. It stems from the commanders intent
and type of operation, and is the sum of three elements, shown graphically in Figure 5.4.
Steady state demand represents daily sustainment needs that have little variation, such as
predictable non-battle injuries or the consumption of rations. Cyclical demand represents
additional needs to the steady state caused, for example, by training or seasonal condi-
tions. Surge demand is driven by operations. It is the least easy to predict and the most
susceptible to variation, for example in response to enemy action. Surge usually places
the highest demand on a support organization. It requires responsive command systems,
reserve stocks, and a delivery capability able to switch between priorities.

d. Duration. The duration of the operation and the rate of demand determine the
quantity of men and materiel required. In Figure 5.4, the overall volume of materiel re-
quired is represented by the coloured areas. Mathematically, volume = rate (or Demand)
x time (or Duration). The duration of an operation dictates endurance requirements and
the need to rotate or replace equipment and men. A commander should balance the risk
of a rapid, lightly supported operation against that of a better resourced, more deliberate
operation that takes longer to mount.

Level of
Effort Offensive


Predominant Peace Major Peace

Campaign Theme Support Combat Support
Commodity 1 Jan 03 1 Jan 04
Steady Rations
State & Water

Cyclical Fuel & Mats

Surge Ammunition

Figure 5.4 Demand Patterns across the Continuum of Operations:

an illustrative example

0540. Sustainment Reach. Sustainment reach denes the limit at which a force can assure
sustainment. Beyond it, a force may culminate due to inadequate sustainment. Reach is affected
by available stocks, movement assets, and the 4Ds: Destination by terrain, obstacles, and cli-
mate; Distance by the re-supply loop; Demand by the type of operation; and Duration by stock
consumption. Reach starts in the sustaining base and ends where the item is used. General Pat-
tons Third Army, advancing across France in September 1944, was unsuccessful during the early
stages of the Lorraine Campaign because his speed of pursuit made him exceed his sustainment
reach. Stocks were available in theatre, but Patton was unable to achieve logistic concentration
of force because he could not get stocks to his forward units.

0541. Risk. Risk should be taken to concentrate combat power at the critical point. A force can-
not be strong everywhere and the identication of a main effort for combat, combat support and
CSS allows concentration of force. Two aspects of sustainment risk should generally be consid-

a. The level of support to achieve the aim, maintain freedom of action and be able
to react to the unforeseen should be balanced against risk, which is largely quantiable.
Sustainment planning should assess where risk may be taken so as to achieve agility and
enhance freedom of manoeuvre. This is done by expressing sustainment reach in terms
of options available to the commander, with resulting constraints or freedoms of action.
Pessimism or over-insurance should be avoided. Risks taken in the short term may have
unforeseen and undesired long-term effects, and changes to support can have cumulative
impact on risk.

b. Reduction in the volume of sustainment stocks increases the vulnerability of sus-

tainment operations to friction and enemy action. Sustainment assets have an easily iden-
tiable signature and they operate along obvious LOCs from obvious sustainment areas.
They should be reduced or protected against detection and attack. They can be protected
by enhancing their integral defence capability; integrating them into a scheme of manoeu-
vre; or by allocating combat forces to their defence.

0542. Sources of Support. There are generally ve sources of support available for deployed
operations. Each may use commercial support through contracted logistics or civilian contractors
deployed on operations. The primary source is military-controlled assets organic to a deployed
force or made available from supporting organizations such as the Defence Logistics Organisa-
tion and Army Personnel Centre. National industrial facilities, host nation support including in-
country resources, coalition assets, and resources contracted internationally are also available.

0543. Balancing Support. A balance of support from all sources is likely; military resources
may be augmented by increased levels of multinational, host nation and in-country support. The
balance of resources available is crucial to sustaining combat power. Commanders and staff
should not adhere to any prescribed ratios of CSS to combat forces; the objectives of an opera-
tion and the requirements of efciency, effectiveness, robustness and acceptable risk should de-
termine the balance and sources of support. Some operations to support another nations combat
forces or provide humanitarian aid may be purely administrative or logistic, such as during Opera-
tion GABRIEL in Rwanda in 1995.

0544. The Commanders Role. Before operations commence a commander should ensure
he is able to deploy, sustain and regenerate his force. He should consider the sustainment im-
plications of casualties, consumption and materiel losses; and then plan, allocate and balance
resources to achieve the objective. A commander should also evaluate the risk of enemy action
and the security of his sustainment assets, lines of communications and communication assets;
and adapt his plans to reduce the effect of resource constraints.

0545. Logistic Estimate. A logistic estimate considers both the logistic and the administrative
requirements needed to support an operational plan. It is an iterative and consultative process un-
dertaken concurrently and in collaboration with the operational estimate.8 It should be completed
in sufcient time for an operational commander to assess whether he has to alter his plan and
to allow the completion of preparatory activity. At each level the estimate can be rened, implica-
tions assessed and detail added. Logistic preparation of the battleeld identies possible local or
regional sources of support, and highlights shortfalls of support that should be addressed in the
logistic estimate. A logistic estimate should also consider the afliation of supporting to supported
units and formations, by phase of operation, to ensure that support is directed where needed.

Details are at AFM Vol 1 Pt 6 Combat Service Support, Sect 2, CSS Planning.

The three products of the logistic estimate are administrative and logistic afliations and control
measures; a concept of operations; and a sustainability statement.

0546. Sustainability Statement. The more accurately demand can be quantied, the more
economically and efciently a sustainment system can be designed. An estimate is by deni-
tion inexact. Anticipated demand derived from a logistic estimate should therefore be predicted
by iterative analysis to produce a progressively more accurate estimate from which a sustain-
ability statement can be developed.9 Accurate analysis during the estimate and planning stages
improves the assumptions underlying the sustainability statement. Sustainability statements are
issued at strategic and operational levels in consultation with tactical commanders. For enduring
operations, the sustainability statement should be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains
relevant to the operational circumstances. A sustainability statement fullls two purposes:

a. It is the commanders direction to planners and resource providers on what

needs to be delivered. It may be modied as a campaign progresses. Individual opera-
tions or phases within a campaign may need their own statements. Long lead-times are
often involved in the manufacture of materiel; these should be anticipated at the strategic
level to retain operational exibility.

b. It denes the level of resources made available to a campaign which allows

risks to be identied. It is important to spend time on analysis and prediction early in a
campaign. The sustainability statement should be integrated into the operational planning

A commander need not know how to construct a sustainability statement but should be aware
of the process and factors involved. It normally includes: the expected duration of an operation;
the essential equipment and availability requirements; the level of self-sustainment required; the
predicted casualty rate for men and equipment; the anticipated battleeld day; and information on
the climate, environment, topography and human factors that inuence logistic requirements.

Sustaining Operations

0547. The sustainment of operations can be considered at four distinct levels: strategic; op-
erational; tactical and individual. Each harnesses some or all of the functions of CSS, applies
the principles of logistics and seeks to exploit the synergistic effect of these in delivering sustain-

0548. Strategic Sustainment. Strategic sustainment links the national industrial base to a
deployed force by providing resources necessary to prosecute operations. It seeks to generate
forces at appropriate readiness for operations and focuses on obtaining materiel, building stocks,
and ensuring strategic mobility. It also assesses the balance between civilian and military as-
sets, the structure of the national defence industrial base and the lead times required to obtain
materiel. It is conducted primarily by the MoD, single-Service staffs and PJHQ. It is primarily
delivered through a combination of industrial capacity and the Defence Logistics Organisation. It
is inuenced by many factors, including cost, but the drive for efciency in peace should be bal-
anced by the need for effectiveness on operations.

See JWP 4-00, Logistics for Joint Operations, (2nd Edition), Ch 6 Annex C, Illustrative Sustainability Statement.

0549. Operational Sustainment.10 Operational sustainment aims to create and maintain an
operational environment in a theatre to give a force freedom of action: it is an essential part of
campaign planning. It includes:

a. Pre-Deployment. Pre-deployment activities include dening requirements for

LOCs, developing a sustainability statement, preparing a force administratively and medi-
cally, and determining theatre and logistic command structures. The identication, acqui-
sition and integration of Urgent Operational Requirements should be undertaken as early
as possible. Logistic preparation of the battlespace allows the assessment of potential
deployment areas to contribute to the support of a force, including infrastructure such as
ports of disembarkation, road, rail and inland waterways, materiel and resources. It will
indicate the potential for using HNS to support the force. Stocks should be checked, con-
gured and prepared for outloading, including those required for in-theatre training.

b. Deployment. Deployment establishes the LOC infrastructure. It includes mounting

and strategic deployment and RSOI. Enabling capabilities such as movement staffs should
be among the rst into theatre. Stocks can be outloaded by air, sea or land to sustain the
force and provide a reserve optimized for the environment and type of operation. RSOI is
normally a joint function whose coordination requires the expertise of a properly-resourced
joint tactical-level staff for any but the smallest operations. It is normally provided by a joint
force logistic component. The land component commander is responsible for ensuring that
the reception, training, preparation and integration of his units is conducted effectively.

c. Infrastructure and Facilities. Infrastructure and facilities are created to sustain

a force in theatre. Their purpose is to marry up incoming units and formations with their
equipment, carry out modications to equipment, and deploy the force to its training, accli-
matization or operational locations. Infrastructure and facilities can then be used to sustain
the force during operations. Logistic expertise is required to coordinate port, maritime,
movements, supply, local purchase, fuel handling, catering, water, sanitation and engi-
neering and construction tasks.

d. Legal and Finance. Legal tasks include establishing the legal authority to enter
a theatre of operations; dening the status of deployed forces, including the provision of
memoranda of understanding between the nations involved; establishing Rules of En-
gagement; and ensuring the legality of orders. Finance tasks include the provision of civil
secretariat assistance to funding and accounting.

e. Supporting the Operation. Supporting the operation links sources of supply with
tactical sustainment to ensure the supply and distribution of materiel. Additional assist-
ance, such as support during the redeployment of formations or support to post-conict
activities, may also be required.

f. Rehabilitation and Reconstitution. Rehabilitation, including the refurbishment of

equipment and the reconstitution of units and formations, may be required during and af-
ter combat. It is likely that resources for rehabilitation will be controlled at the operational
level. Although appropriate stocks should be available, they might not be in theatre and
may need to be moved from either a sustaining base or an intermediate location.

See JWP 4-00, Chapter 7.

g. Security of Sustainment Operations. Enemy interruption of operational sustain-
ment can be expected and may have a critical impact on the outcome of a campaign.
Dedicated combat forces may be required to protect installations and lines of communica-

h. Re-deployment. Re-deployment from operations includes recovery into a point of

embarkation, clean-up and refurbishment of equipment, repackaging of unused materiel,
environmental clean-up, and movement back to a home base. An explicit theatre closure
operation may be required at the end of a campaign, requiring additional logistic units.

0550. Tactical Sustainment. Tactical sustainment encompasses those actions required to sup-
ply and maintain the physical needs of tactical forces on operations. It meets the demands of the
operation and sustains the physical component of Fighting Power. Such demands can be con-
siderable, and re-supply normally takes up most of the available transport. Tactical sustainment
includes arming the force by the provision and replacement of weapon systems and ammunition
to meet the required availability and expenditure rates; fuelling the force by providing fuel to meet
routine and operational consumption rates; supplying and distributing materiel required by a force
such as engineer stores, eld equipment, spare parts, replacement engines and major assem-
blies; and the recovery, repair and maintenance of equipment, which involves the provision and
establishment of systems and services to recover and repair failed and damaged equipment.
When combined with operational sustainment, tactical sustainment provides the physical means
to conduct operations and maintains the physical component of ghting power. Neither can be
successful without the other. Nor can they operate without the individual sustainment required to
maintain the moral component and hence the will to conduct operations.

Sustainment in the Western Desert (1941-42)

The War in the Western Desert from late 1940 until the end of 1942 was the sole area in which the UKs
ground forces were continuously engaged in operations against the Italians and then their German al-
lies. Logistics played a key part in the success or failure of operations on both sides. Neither side was
self-sufcient in combat supplies: these had to be moved from respective home bases using such ship-
ping routes as were available. This in itself provided logistic difculties. For Britain, German submarines
and aircraft attack prevented use of the short route through the Mediterranean; instead its shipping had
to use the far longer route around the Cape of Good Hope. For the Germans, although they could use
the short sea crossing between Italy/Sicily and the North African coast, they had a less well-developed
and stocked base and were also vulnerable to attack by both sea and air.
The movement of supplies on land caused further problems. British experience was that as much as
30% of fuel was being lost due to leakage from inadequate containers, before the adoption of the jer-
rycan. German experience showed that desert conditions affected vehicle life, even with ad hoc desert
modications, so that up to 35% of transport vehicles were unserviceable at any time, and 10% of avail-
able fuel was required to ferry the other 90% forward. All these factors impacted on operations. Com-
manders had to pay great attention to the ability of their logistic chain to build-up sufcient stocks and,
more importantly, its capability to move such stocks to meet the needs of subsequent operations.
The British put great effort into solving logistic problems. Even before Montgomerys arrival, the railway
in Egypt was steadily extended westwards; water pipelines were run as far forward as possible; and
new concepts of forward stock holding were developed. The importance of logistics is reected in the
planned 3 day delay in the opening of the major British Crusader offensive of the winter of 1941/1942
to allow completion of stockpiling and maintenance of armoured vehicles.

John Harding, Army Historical Branch: Logistic Support in the Western Desert 1941-42
(AC 71566 ADP Vol 3, Logistics, Annex A to Chapter 4)

0551. Individual Sustainment. Individual sustainment supports the moral component of Fight-
ing Power by meeting the individual needs of the soldier and maintaining his will to ght. It covers
all levels of command and provides for both individual and collective requirements. There are
three primary areas of individual sustainment:

a. Meeting individual needs, both physiological and welfare. Physiological needs are
met by the provision of food, water, shelter, clothing, hygiene and sanitation services.
Welfare provision includes communication and information services, spiritual support and
canteen and recreational facilities. Administration provides personal and nancial adminis-
tration, honours and awards, and the maintenance of discipline, law and order. It is a key
element of meeting individual needs, but also provides a system of eld records to record,
report, monitor and maintain personnel information. There may also be a requirement to
provide humanitarian assistance to refugees.

b. The system for the treatment and evacuation of casualties consists of medical
assistance from the point of wounding, through treatment and evacuation, to the home
base. This includes provision of mortuary services for those killed. It also provides for the
treatment of non-operational sick and wounded and preventive medicine. The Geneva
Conventions oblige nations to provide suitable medical care for prisoners of war: their han-
dling, guarding and care are requirements under international law. The resources to do so
are often considerable and require forethought and planning.

c. Manning an operation requires the provision of sufcient trained manpower to meet

the required order of battle. It includes an estimate of likely casualty rates and hence the
demand for, and provision of, battle casualty replacements. Provision includes their recep-
tion, induction, training and preparation for operations. Manning also includes the provision
of reinforcements required to bring units up to strength. They are produced through the
Individual Reinforcement Plan, which is an integral element of the preparation for deploy-
ment. Certain posts are unmanned during peacetime and the call-up of reserves may be
required. In-theatre reinforcements can be provided as individuals or formed units. All
reinforcements and replacements require equipping, training, orientation brieng and de-
ployment; all of which demand organization and resources from within the support area.

0552. The four sub-sets of sustainment are not discrete activities but depend on each other for
success. Individual sustainment is of little value unless the means for conducting operations is
provided by tactical sustainment. Equally the means for tactical sustainment must be deployed,
sustained and re-deployed by operational sustainment, enabled in turn by strategic sustainment.
All four interact with each other to provide the overall sustainability of the force. The vignette be-
low describes sustainment in the 2003 Iraq War, providing an example of an expeditionary opera-
tion and the sustainment issues that arose.

0553. Command and Control. Command is the unifying function that enables sustainability.
Control is likely to be retained centrally to make efcient use of scarce sustainment resources.
An operational commander identies his priorities for sustainability during planning and these are
incorporated into the sustainability statement. Individual and tactical sustainment are of particular
interest to tactical commanders but they should also be aware of the level of operational sustain-
ment available to their units and formations. Equally, the operational commander should quantify
the likely demand for individual and tactical sustainment so that he can meet it through opera-
tional sustainment.

Sustaining Operation TELIC

In terms of Logistics, Op TELIC was quite a challenge, not least because until 6 Jan 03 we were fo-
cussed on a quite different operation to be conducted on a line of communication through Turkey. The
rst task for the JFLogC was to design and populate a HQ structure. Experience from Ex SAIF SAREEA
(Oman) and Op VERITAS (Afghanistan) allowed us to complete this quickly. Over 200 augmentees
were eventually required to establish the HQ JFLogC around the nucleus of HQ 102 Log Bde.
Theatre entry was begun by a recce party into Kuwait on 8 Jan 03 and theatre preparation immediately
followed. At this very early stage, we were heavily reliant on the US Forces and Host Nation Support
(HNS) along with preliminary work conducted by 3 Cdo Bde. Once our own enabling forces were in
theatre, Engineer, Pioneer and Contractor support were used to develop the theatre infrastructure, the
majority of which was built in the harsh Kuwaiti desert. The main Land base of TAA RIPPER eventually
housed 22,000 UK personnel. Concurrently, the RAF established 10 Deployed Operating Bases (DOBs)
and the maritime assets of the Amphibious Task Group (ATG) provided invaluable early resources.
Because of the speed of deployment, some risks were taken with the RSOM planning process and we
were heavily reliant on HNS and Coalition support throughout. Into Kuwait were brought nearly 32,000
personnel, over 16,000 vehicles (these would stretch over 130km if parked end to end) and more than
5,400 ISO containers. This took 78 ships and over 360 aircraft sorties. 197 Urgent Operational Re-
quirements (UORs) were accepted and elded and 6, 500 vehicles were re-painted. Not everything
was elegant, but all the main aims were achieved, albeit only just, with the last armoured battlegroup of
7 Armoured Brigade being declared operationally ready 2 days before G Day. In concept, the RSOM
process was simple, but its execution less so due to the complexity, speed and volume of personnel,
equipment and materiel to be received.
In the area of Personnel Support, much work had to be achieved in order to develop the J1 support.
A modied Operational Welfare Package (OWP) was delivered including access to phones and the
establishment of BFBS radio and TV and a full mail service, including e-blueys. Catering support was
delivered through contracts supplemented by military control and manpower; maintenance of catering
standards was a particular challenge.
Support to the war-ghting phase effectively began on D Day (19 Mar 03) and lasted just over 4 weeks.
Although demand did not exceed supply, strategic re-supply by air was essential throughout. HQ 102
Log Bde deployed forward in direct support of the Land component. Medical services provided proved
to be robust throughout and we were able to provide a better Role 3 capability than our allies, and in-
deed provided Role 3 support to them. During this period we were able to provide mutual support to
US Forces; signicant amounts of fuel were moved forward in support of 5 US Corps and 1 MEF during
their advance North and we moved USAF assets to Talil aireld. In addition, HET support was provided
to deploy US 4ID forward. The UK EPW holding facility was rapidly constructed and eventually became
the Coalition facility.
Even before war-ghting had concluded, post conict activities commenced. Humanitarian assistance
in terms of water and food distribution points were established on demand. Projects such as the build-
ing of a freshwater pipeline from Kuwait to Umm Qasr was completed and the opening of Umm Qasr
port was achieved within 5 days. This was followed quickly with the re-establishment of the Umm
Qasr-Basra rail link. The re-commissioning of the Oil for Food Programme infrastructure was begun.
Signicant work was completed successfully on this and other utility services by the various STREs and
other engineer assets. The dredging of the Port was also re-started. The JFLogC were allocated the
town of Umm Qasr as an AO and 23 Pioneer Regiment re-established municipal governance, as well
as law and order.

HQ 102 Log Bde Op TELIC Post Op Report (JFLogC 5001 dated 12 May 03)

0554. Recuperation. When the operation has been concluded, the force - personnel, equip-
ment and unused stocks - is returned to the home base during re-deployment and is usually recu-
perated for further deployment. Alternatively, the force may be recuperated for future operations
in the current theatre. Recuperation is the process by which unused stocks are inspected and
returned for storage, depleted stocks replenished, materiel and equipment returned to pre-opera-
tion standards and levels of availability, and personnel are rested, trained and prepared for future
operations. 11 It is the nal activity of an operation and is planned at the strategic level, since it is
at that level that resources required to achieve recuperation can be directed and, in the case of
concurrent operations, prioritized.

See JWP 4.00, Chapter 8.



Chapter 6 describes the philosophy and principles of the command of land forces. It
explains the nature of command in order to set the context of the British philosophy of
command. It then describes the principles of Mission Command, explains the role of the
commander and describes how command is exercised and supported. The formulation of
concepts of operations and the qualities of commanders are considered in the Annexes.

6.1 The Nature of Command OVERVIEW

6.1 The Nature of Command
The Environment The Environment
Authority, Responsibility and
0601. Land forces, like the environment in Accountability
which they operate, are complex. They typical- Decision-Making, Leadership and
ly comprise large numbers of ghting elements Control
with multiple levels of command and there are 6.2 Mission Command
often several headquarters at any one level. Approach
Unity of Effort
0602. The command of land forces is charac- The Main Effort
terized by the need for concerted action across Freedom of Action
a complex set of inter-related headquarters, Trust
many of which are physically distant from each Mutual Understanding
other. This places considerable emphasis on Timely and Efcient Decision-Making
unity of effort, mutual understanding and com- 6.3 The Role of the Commander
mon intent across the force. The complexity of Pre-requisites for Command
command varies with the size and organiza- Command Prior to Operations
tion of a force. The larger and more diverse Command on Operations
the force, the more difcult it is to preserve its Command after the Operation
cohesion. Assessment of Subordinates
6.4 The Exercise of Command
0603. On operations, a commander exercis- Promoting Common Understanding
es command in conditions of uncertainty, risk, Decision-Making
violence, fear and danger. Friction adds to the The Duty to Act
chaos and confusion of conict. A commander Plans and Orders
cannot master all the conditions and events af- 6.5 Command Support
fecting his command since military activity does
not take place in a vacuum. He should there- Annexes:
fore not only accept that chaos and confusion A. Formulating Concepts of Operations
are inevitable but seek instead to generate them and Mission Statements
in the minds of his opponents while minimizing B. Qualities of Commanders
them in his own. He should attempt to create
just sufcient order to enable him to carry out his own operations. Success will depend largely on
his experience, exibility and determination.

0604. Command is linked inextricably to the strategic context and environmental conditions of a
particular campaign. A military force is unlikely to succeed unless its commander understands the
operating environment, in which he and his adversary play but a part. This environment is also
affected by the local population, which may have ethnic, ideological, and religious factions. It is

also affected by other groups such as non-governmental organizations and agencies, the media,
and by a range of external factors such as political and legal constraints.

Authority, Responsibility and Accountability

0605. Command is the authority vested in an individual for the direction, coordination, and con-
trol of military forces. It has a legal and constitutional status codied in Queens Regulations1 and
is vested in a commander by a higher authority that gives him direction and assigns forces to him
to accomplish that mission.

0606. The exercise of command includes the process by which a commander makes decisions
and impresses his will on, and transmits his intentions to, his subordinates. It entails authority,
responsibility and accountability. Authority involves the right and freedom to enforce obedience
if necessary. Whilst a commander can devolve specic authority to subordinates to decide and
to act within their own areas of delegated responsibility, he retains overall responsibility for his
command. Responsibility is thus fundamental to command. Accountability involves a liability
and obligation to answer to a superior for the proper use of delegated responsibility, authority and
resources; it includes the duty to act. Thus he who delegates responsibility should grant suf-
cient authority to a subordinate to enable him to carry out his task; the subordinate, meanwhile,
remains accountable to his superior for its execution.

Decision-Making, Leadership and Control

0607. Military command at all levels is the art of decision-making, motivating and directing forc-
es into action to accomplish missions. It requires an understanding of the desired result; an ap-
preciation of concepts, missions and priorities; and the allocation of resources. It also requires an
ability to assess people and risks and involves a continual process of re-evaluating the situation.
A commander is required to decide on a course of action, to lead his forces, and to control the
execution of his mission. Thus the three constituents of command are decision-making, lead-
ership and control, as illustrated in Figure 6.1. These three constituents overlap. Most major
decisions will have implications for leadership and control while the demands of leadership may
inuence decisions and the way in which control is exercised. It may also affect the position of
the commander and his staff.

0608. A commanders ability to harness decision-making, leadership and control is a major con-
tributor to all three components of Fighting Power. If any of the three constituents of Command is
lacking or decient, it will have detrimental effect on the Fighting Power of a force as the whole. In
particular, a commanders contribution to the conceptual component should conform to doctrine if
it is not to be counter-productive. Common and authoritative doctrine maximizes cohesion, and
thus Fighting Power, if applied intelligently and exibly. Commanders who understand each other
and share a common approach to the conduct of operations are more likely to cooperate success-

0609. The making of major decisions is a commanders key duty. Although he can be advised
and provided with relevant information by his staff, responsibility and authority are his. Minor
decisions should be delegated to the staff, consistent with their competence and authority. Lead-
Queens Regulations (QRs) state that The government and command of each of the ghting Services is vested in
Her Majesty The Queen, who has charged the Secretary of State with general responsibility for the defence of the
Realm and established a Defence Council having command and administration over Her Armed Forces (J1.001);
and in turn, Commanders in Chief who in conjunction with their other duties are operationally responsible to the
Defence Council for the command of all British Army personnel in their area (J2.002).

ership is also a commanders duty although some aspects may be delegated. For example, the
leadership of a headquarters staff falls to the chief of staff. Control is the continuing oversight,
direction and coordination of assigned forces in accordance with the commanders intent.2 To
achieve this, he and his staff employ common doctrine for command, including standardized pro-
cedures for control. Control is thus a subordinate aspect of command and is largely the province
of the staff.

0610. The terms command and management are closely related. In a British military context
command has a legal and constitutional status and involves the ultimate responsibility for a mili-
tary force or organization. The term management can be used to describe an equivalent function
for a civilian organization. Both manage-
ment and command contain elements of
leadership, decision-making and control.
Management is not the same as manage-
ment processes, which are primarily about
the allocation and control of human, ma-
terial and nancial resources. These are DECISION-
frequently used in military organizations to MAKING LEADERSHIP
enhance the planning, organization and
execution of operations, logistics, admin-
istration and procurement. Whilst military
organizations are commanded, not man- CONTROL
aged, they make full use of management
processes. For example, the British Army
has a personnel management system
which operates within the overall system of
command. Management processes such
as resource allocation, accounting, and Figure 6.1 The Command Model
budgetary control are critically important
activities in many military organizations.

0611. The remainder of this chapter is developed from the command model. It explains the
philosophy Mission Command, the role of the commander, how he exercises command, and what
support he requires in order to undertake this function.

6.2 Mission Command


0612. Mission Command is a philosophy of decentralised command intended for situations

which are complex, dynamic and adversarial. It underpins the Manoeuvrist Approach and has
four enduring tenets: timely decision-making; the importance of understanding a superior com-
manders intention; a clear responsibility on the part of subordinates to full that intent; and de-
termination on the part of the commander to see a plan through to a successful conclusion. The
underlying requirement is the fundamental responsibility to act, or in certain circumstances
to decide not to act, within the framework of the commanders intent. This approach requires a
style of command which promotes decentralized command, freedom and speed of action, and
initiative. Mission Command is a central pillar of Joint and Army doctrine. It has the following key
ATP 3.2.2, Command and Control of Allied Land Forces, Paragraph 103.

a. A commander gives his orders in a manner that ensures that his subordinates un-
derstand his intentions, their own missions, and the context of those missions.

b. Subordinates are told what effect they are to achieve and the reason why it needs
to be achieved.

c. Subordinates are allocated sufcient resources to carry out their missions.

d. A commander uses a minimum of control measures so as not to unnecessarily con-

strain his subordinates freedom of action.

e. Subordinates then decide for themselves how best to achieve their missions.

The commanders intent binds the activities of a dispersed force into a whole while maximizing his
subordinates authority to act. It is the principal output of decision-making and is further described
in Annex A. Expressing and conveying intent is a commanders personal responsibility, as Field
Marshal Slim noted:

I have published under my name a good many operational orders and a good many di-
rectives but there is one paragraph in the order that I have always written myself the
intention paragraph.3

0613. Principles. Mission Command is designed to promote a robust system of command

balancing unity of effort with freedom of action at all levels. It requires the development of
trust and mutual understanding between commanders and subordinates throughout the chain
of command. The exercise of command requires timely and effective decision-making based
on initiative and creativity.

Unity of Effort

0614. Unity of effort in a ghting force stems from a number of inter-related means. These
include: the commanders ability to formulate a clear intent and mission statements; the use of
common doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures; a common language of command; a high
standard of collective training and teamwork; and the designation of a main effort. Taken togeth-
er, these generate common understanding throughout a force. They also assist the coordination
of actions in time and space on the battleeld and the ability to anticipate and respond swiftly
to changes in the situation. Failure to achieve unity of effort will, at best, lead to confusion and
missed opportunities. At worst, the result can be catastrophic. For example, much of the Eighth
Armys inability to concentrate force effectively at the battle of Gazala in June 1942 was rooted in
a lack of both unity of effort and a disciplined approach to command at all levels. As one noted
historian observed:

[The British] were plagued by feebleness, by lack of instant authority in the high com-
mand. Intentions were too often obscure. On the British side orders at army, corps or divi-
sional level were too often treated as the basis for discussion, matters for visit, argument,
expostulation even. The result was a system of command too conversational and chatty,
rather than instant and incisive.4

Lecture to the Staff College, 2 November 1967.

0615. A commander has a duty to enforce common doctrine in the execution of command. This
ensures that the commander, his staff and subordinates work together efciently to a common
purpose. The employment of common doctrine should not lead to standard responses to every
situation. Mission Command encourages initiative at all levels within a common framework of
military thought. The use of common doctrine and language applies to principles, practices and
procedures; all of which should be adopted exibly on operations and training.

0616. Unity of effort is enhanced by subordinates understanding the intentions both of their im-
mediate superiors and of those two levels up. This is described as vertical integration and allows
subordinates to nest their own plans within those of their superiors. The concept of horizontal
integration, which helps subordinates understand how their missions interact with others at their
own level, is equally important. Horizontal and vertical nesting is essential to understanding a
formations or a units contribution to the battle and hence the part it plays in fullling the superior
commanders intent. They support decentralized decision-making in uid operations and ensure
that a concept of operations is coherent.

0617. In a politically-charged and volatile situation, it is important that soldiers understand both
their task and the purpose behind it. Subordinates well versed in Mission Command should be
able to work within constraints and thus avoid the pitfalls which await the unwary. Therefore di-
rectives and orders should express the commanders intent and concept of operations in such a
way that everyone understands not just the aim but also the atmosphere which is to be created
and the manner in which it is to be achieved; including the key constraints which the situation
demands. This is particularly important in COIN or Peace Support, in which one ill-judged tactical
action can have a disproportionate and undesirable operational or strategic effect.

Main Effort

0618. While Main Effort is not a principle of Mission Command, it is an essential concept that
balances unity of effort and freedom of action. The Main Effort is a concentration of forces or
means by which a commander seeks to bring about a decision. It is a mental tool to provide a
focus for that activity which a commander considers crucial to the success of his mission. Unity
of effort is enhanced through the selection and maintenance of the aim and concentration of force.
Both are supported by designating a Main Effort.

0619. A Main Effort is given substance in three inter-related areas. The rst is in the manner in
which a force on the main effort is supported. This might require grouping extra combat power to
the main effort and the allocation of priority for combat support and combat service support. The
second area relates to the tasks and purposes given to commanders who are not on the main effort
but have to support it directly or indirectly. This might include the employment of echelon forces and
reserves and the sequencing of shaping, decisive and sustaining operations. The third area is the
practical integration of main and supporting efforts into a concept of operations. This might require
the narrowing of boundaries to concentrate force, requiring economy of effort elsewhere.

0620. Giving substance to a main effort is directly related to achieving a decision in tactical ac-
tion. The Main Effort should be expressed as a single action together with the principal
force undertaking that activity. A Main Effort described as the seizure of Objective GOLD by
4th Armoured Brigade is more useful than the seizure of Objective GOLD because it informs the
force as a whole as to who should be supported. A land tactical commander should have only one
Main Effort within the concept of operations for a given battle or engagement. It is mandatory for
General Sir David Fraser, Knights Cross (London: Harper Collins, 1993) p. 332.

subordinates elsewhere to support the Main Effort, in order to ensure its success and hence the
fullment of the higher commanders intent. Commanders of combat, combat support, combat
service support and command support elements should assume that they are to support the main
effort unless specically ordered otherwise.

0621. In combat, shifting the Main Effort is the principal means available to a commander to
respond to a changing situation. By the simple articulation of a switch of Main Effort, subordinates
should change the focus of their support without further detailed orders. This requires a thorough
understanding of the concept of the Main Effort and particularly the duty of subordinates to sup-
port it in practical ways. The Main Effort should be shifted once the commander can identify a
more effective manner of achieving his mission. The mission and the broad concept of operations
remains the same but shifting the Main Effort to a subordinate on a subsidiary effort may allow him
to exploit an unexpected opportunity.

Freedom of Action

0622. Commanders should not seek to over-coordinate the inherently complex and at times
chaotic activity of war. They should accept that closely coordinated plans made in advance will
probably not work as intended once combat is joined against a competent enemy. In particular,
synchronization (the coordination of activities at specied times) is unlikely to succeed unless
responsibility for its implementation is delegated to the lowest practical levels. It is critically im-
portant that coordination is conducted but it is often best for subordinates to cooperate between
themselves.5 Cooperation, not coordination, is a principle of war, and detailed coordination from
above is contrary to the spirit of mission command. In general, coordination should be devolved
to subordinates, who should coordinate between themselves.

0623. Decentralization. At the tactical level, freedom of action is largely achieved through de-
centralization of responsibility and authority. Freedom of action is the aim; decentralization is the
principal means. Decentralization has marked the practice of many successful commanders in
British military history. Field Marshal Slim noted of the Fourteenth Army:

Commanders at all levels had to act more on their own; they were given greater latitude to
work out their own plans to achieve what they knew was the Army Commanders intention.
In time they developed to a marked degree a exibility of mind and a rmness of decision
that enabled them to act swiftly to take advantage of sudden information or changing cir-
cumstances without reference to their superiors. [This] requires in the higher command
a corresponding exibility of mind, condence in subordinates, and the power to make its
intentions clear through the force.6

Decentralization applies to all levels. It allows subordinates to use their initiative within their dele-
gated freedom of action and provides them with a greater sense of involvement and commitment.
Decision levels should be set as low as possible. This permits decisions to be made swiftly in the
confusion and uncertainty of battle. It also reduces the need for any but essential information to
be passed up and down the chain of command and ensures that decisions are taken by the com-
mander with the most up-to-date information. The more uid the circumstances, the lower the
decision level should be set.

The corps operation order for Guderians crossing of the Meuse at Sedan did not even include the location of the
crossing site or sites. That was a matter for subordinates to decide, advised by their engineer advisers. Having
selected those sites, it was the duty of those subordinates to inform higher, lower and anking headquarters.
Field Marshal Sir William Slim, Defeat Into Victory (London: Cassell, 1956) pp. 541-2.

0624. Delegation of Responsibility. Decentralization of decision-making requires delegation
of responsibility in the exercise of command. It underlies much of the practical application of com-
mand, from creating the conditions for freedom of action for subordinate commanders on the bat-
tleeld to granting nancial responsibility to designated budget holders in peacetime. Assessing
which responsibilities to delegate is therefore an essential part of decision-making. Control, in the
form of reporting performance and progress to a higher commander, remains an important com-
ponent of command. The quality of a superiors decision-making depends upon honest and frank
reporting from subordinates. The term reach-down refers to a state of affairs where, for whatever
reason, a higher commander directs actions at a subordinate level two or more levels below him.
Whilst there may be legitimate and exceptional occasions that demand jumping across echelons
in this way, its repeated use will rapidly undermine condence in the chain of command, not least
at intermediate levels. Therefore any decision to direct two or more levels down should be very
carefully considered by the senior commander involved. Any potential short-term gains involved
will almost certainly be outweighed by a loss of morale, condence, and cohesion in the force.
This applies particularly within a joint or multinational force, where trust and mutual understanding
across national contingents may be insufciently robust to withstand such practices.

0625. Allocation of Resources. Resource allocation is the corollary of delegation of respon-

sibility. A commander who delegates responsibility for action to a subordinate should furnish him
with sufcient resources to carry out the action concerned. Such a tidy relationship between
responsibility and resources is unlikely to survive in the complex and uncertain conditions of op-
erations. In these circumstances, the allocation of resources is much more dependent on judge-
ment and can never fully allow for the actions of the enemy. The requirement to allocate sufcient
resources implies the responsibility to sustain the force in terms of men, equipment and materiel,
and to prevent wastage. The demands of a force as a whole, or of a particular part of it, may re-
quire austerity elsewhere. This is consistent with the principles of war: economy of effort in one
activity allows the concentration of force in another. Consequently, a commander should allocate
priorities in almost any eld of military activity and identify his Main Effort.


0626. Trust must be earned, not demanded. Personal trust can only be built up over time with
experience, rather than by reputation. The spirit of Mission Command requires a presumption of
trust between superior and subordinate, and between peers, that should develop through shared
experience. In the rst instance a commander should formulate and express his intent clearly
and succinctly, delegate responsibility, and provide the necessary resources. He should then
trust his subordinates to act as required. Likewise, a subordinate should trust that his superior
has decided wisely, given effective direction, and that he will be supported when required. This
bond of trust includes the tolerance of well-intentioned mistakes. If a subordinate cannot trust his
superior to support him in such circumstances, the bond of trust will be eroded; the subordinate
will not act on his own initiative; and the moral fabric of Mission Command will be destroyed.

0627. Trust is based on a number of qualities including professional competence, personal

example and integrity. Once established and sustained, trust brings its own rewards for com-
manders and subordinates alike. It is a vital constituent of the maintenance of morale and so, ul-
timately, of victory. Soldiers should not only consider that they can trust their immediate superiors
but should also have condence in the ability of commanders right to the top of the chain of com-
mand. Field Marshal Montgomery, as Commander in Chief of the 21st Army Group in 1944-45,
enjoyed the trust of his troops and consequent loyalty and respect throughout his command.
It was based on his victory at El Alamein in October 1942 and subsequent successes in North

Africa and in Italy. It was sustained in North West Europe despite the disappointment of Arnhem.
As Montgomerys biographer notes:

Montys appeal across the chasm between leader and those led rested in great measure
on the trust he inspired: a trust that he had the ordinary soldiers well-being at heart, that
he would not risk life unnecessarily but would wage war with a studied attention to casual-
ties and the cost of victory.7

For Mission Command to function effectively, a superior needs to have the trust of his subordi-
nates and they of him. The basis of this two-way trust is respect and mutual understanding.

Mutual Understanding

0628. Like trust, mutual understanding requires time to establish. With experience, command-
ers should be in a position to understand the issues and concerns facing their subordinates. Pro-
fessional knowledge and study will give subordinates, in turn, an insight into command at levels
higher than their own. Thus a good commander ensures that he understands his subordinates
and that they understand him. Only then can they together conduct operations in a cohesive and
effective manner. Mutual understanding is also based on sharing a common perception of mili-
tary problems. Here a common doctrine and philosophy of command bonds commanders and
subordinates together by providing a unifying framework of understanding. This does not imply
any requirement to come to identical solutions, since Mission Command stresses that an under-
standing of what effect has to be achieved is more important than concurrence over how it is to
be achieved.

0629. A common approach to command assists mutual understanding and is a fundamental tool
of Mission Command. It should be based on a professional understanding of doctrine, drills and
procedures, including the language of command. Commanders intentions must be quite clear to
subordinates if they are to understand what they are to achieve. On operations there may be little
time for questions or debate over the meanings of tactical terms or command expressions. One
of the most infamous orders in British military history which resulted in the Light Brigade charging
the wrong guns illustrates this point:

Lord Raglan wishes the cavalry to advance rapidly to the front and try to prevent the en-
emy carrying away the guns. Troop of horse artillery may accompany. French cavalry is
on your left. Immediate.

Thus for those who aspire to command or hold key operational staff jobs in the Army, there is no
substitute for professional competence, including uency in the language of command.

0630. Where shared experience and common doctrine do not exist, the commander should
pay particular attention to the generation of mutual understanding between himself and his sub-
ordinates. Orders may have to become longer to allow more detailed descriptions of intent.
The commander may consider visiting subordinates more often, and capable liaison ofcers who
understand the commanders intentions will be particularly useful. Differences in language and
culture tend to limit mutual understanding. Although individuals from other nations may speak
English, it should not be assumed that their national or military cultures are identical.

Nigel Hamilton, Monty The Field Marshal 1944-1976 (London: Sceptre, 1987) p. 532.

Figure 6.2 The Ability to Inspire Trust: Field Marshal Montgomery

Timely and Effective Decision-Making

0631. Successful command requires timely and effective decisions at all levels. Much of the
art of command depends on recognizing when to decide, which depends on good judgement and
initiative. The British approach to operations requires that a commander should aim to reach a
timely decision in relation to an opponents decision-action process. This seeks to pre-empt him
and to seize the initiative. The ability to know if a decision is required and, if it is, when it must be
taken is critical. Only occasionally should a commander delay making a decision if he has insuf-
cient information, or when he is waiting for others to decide.

0632. Fleeting opportunities should be grasped. Many tactical decisions will have to be made
on the basis of incomplete information. A commander who always waits for the latest avail-
able, or complete, information is unlikely to act decisively or in good time. The ability to
take difcult decisions, particularly when the outcome is uncertain, marks a strong commander.
Those who are unsure of themselves may seek to have the decision referred up the chain of
command or may turn to their advisers for help. As Major General Fuller observed:

How many generals say to their staffs: Give me all the facts and information and then
leave me alone for half an hour, and I will give you my decision. In place they seek a
decision from their staffs, and frequently the older they are the more they seek it, because
they so often feel that the latest arrival from the Staff College must know more than they
do sometimes they are not wrong.8

In contrast, authoritarian leaders who reserve even the most minor and trivial decisions for them-
selves invariably paralyse the entire chain of command, stiing all initiative beneath them. In this
respect, Saddam Hussein did much to hasten the defeat of his army in both Gulf Wars. Principles
of decision-making and planning are given in Section 6.4.

6.3 The Role of the Commander

Creating the Command Climate

0633. A commander has considerable inuence on the morale, sense of direction and per-
formance of his staff and subordinate commanders due to his authority, personality, leadership,
command style and general behaviour. This applies both in training and on operations. Thus it
is a commanders responsibility to create and maintain an effective climate within his command.
Although Field Marshal Montgomery has been severely criticized for his autocratic manner and
attitudes to certain individuals, he was clear enough on the requirement to create the right atmos-

Inspiration and guidance must come from above and must permeate throughout the force.
Once this is done there is never any difculty, since all concerned will go ahead on the lines
laid down; the whole force will thus acquire balance and cohesion, and the results on the
day of battle will be very apparent.9

0634. Successful Mission Command depends on a culture of command which encourages sub-
ordinate commanders at all levels to think independently and to take the initiative. Subordinates
should also understand the rationale for their superiors decisions. A wise commander will recog-
nize this. He should explain his intentions to his subordinates in order to foster a sense of involve-
ment in decision-making and to develop shared commitment.

Personal Qualities

0635. There is no unique formula for describing the right combination of qualities or attributes
required of commanders. Clausewitz, for example, described two indispensable qualities of com-
mand: First, an intellect that, even in the darkest hour, retains some glimmerings of the inner light
which leads to the truth; and second, the courage to follow this faint light wherever it may go.10
A successful commander requires a blend of mental, moral and physical qualities; those of intel-
lect, character and temperament. Whatever the level, the foundation of command is leadership,
complemented by a number of other attributes such as professional knowledge, under-pinned
by integrity and example based on values and standards. In general, the higher the level of com-
mand, the wider the scope of qualities required and the emphasis on, and between, the required
attributes changes. For example, those at higher levels are likely to require moral rather than
physical courage, and will have increasing demands placed on their intellect, creativity and initia-
tive and their ability to develop subordinates. Organizational and management skills, including
powers of communication, will complement judgement and self-condence. These qualities are
described in further detail at Annex B.

Maj Gen J F C Fuller, Generalship; Its Diseases and Their Cure A Study of the Personal Factor in Command.
(Harrisburg, PA: Military Service Publishing Co, 1936) pp. 65-66.
FM Montgomery, High Command in War (21st Army Group, June 1945) p. 21.
Carl von Clausewitz, On War, p. 102.

Command Prior to Operations

0636. Prior to the commencement of operations, a commander directs, trains and prepares his
command, and ensures that sufcient resources are made available. The training of subordinates
is a key responsibility of all commanders in peacetime and a core function which, if neglected or
under-resourced, will undermine the operational capability and ghting power of the Army. The
training of future commanders should reect the requirement under Mission Command to under-
stand operations two levels of command up. In addition, all ofcers should be trained to assume
command one level up. This requires that they should also be capable of thinking two levels up
from that.11

0637. Fostering an Understanding of War. Professional development also includes evok-

ing an interest in the conduct of war through the critical study of past campaigns and battles, in
order to learn relevant lessons for the future. Commanders should whenever possible educate
subordinates through battleeld tours, staff rides and study days. These stimulate professional
interest, evoke an understanding of the realities of war and widen military perspectives. At the
higher levels of command, a staff ride which is extended into a tactical exercise without troops
represents a very good training investment for senior commanders and their staffs, and those of
subordinate formations. Staff rides and battleeld tours are discussed further in Chapter 8.

Command on Operations

0638. A commander should lead his command to defeat the enemy quickly and at minimum
cost to his own forces, while maintaining the morale and material well-being of his troops. This
may occur within a context of fear and uncertainty on operations. The complexities of operations
will rarely call for the measured unfolding of a carefully rehearsed plan. Command requires the
determined application of doctrine guided by the principles of war. To be successful, a com-
mander has to be capable, above all, of selecting and then maintaining his aim resolutely whilst
displaying exibility in his approach to achieving it.

0639. A commanders function varies with his level of command and of responsibility. At the
higher levels, senior commanders exercise high command12 through subordinate command-
ers. At lower levels of command, more junior commanders are primarily involved in leading men
directly in combat. Between these two levels, subordinate commanders translate the intentions
of those in high command, and command their own formations and units. As a commanders
rank increases, he has increasing responsibility for the organization, training and allocation of
resources within his command.

0640. High Command. As described in Chapter 4, senior commanders are generally con-
cerned with the planning and execution of campaigns and major joint and multinational opera-
tions to meet strategic objectives. A commanders competence at these levels will depend to a
large extent on his application of operational art. This in turn rests on his ability to appreciate the
environment in which operations are to take place; his knowledge and understanding of his op-
ponents capabilities and vulnerabilities; and his skill in recognizing the strengths and weakness
of his own forces and those of his allies. It demands agility in force planning, the management of
resources, and the application of technology to achieve operational goals. Senior commanders
Richard Simpkin, Race to the Swift (London: Brasseys, 1985) p. 247.
Whilst QRs Chapter 2, Command within the Army, distinguishes between Higher Command (formation level
and above) and Lower Command (unit level and below), the more commonly accepted and long established term
High Command is retained in this publication.

Figure 6.3 Battle Command: General Montgomery and his Formation Commanders,
Alam Halfa, August 1942

need to know when to apply their knowledge and experience directly to a problem, without trying
to perform their subordinates jobs for them. Increasingly, prociency in high command demands
an understanding of and close cooperation with other Services, the forces of other nations, and
the non-military agencies and organizations that are likely to be present in an operational theatre.
It requires the ability to deal with those political, legal and media pressures which are normally
associated with the strategic and operational levels of conict, but which now have impact at the
tactical level.

0641. Battle Command. When military force has to be applied, the achievement of strategic
and operational goals largely depends on tactical success. Thus, at the tactical level, a com-
mander is concerned with winning battles and engagements in accordance with the overall plan
for the campaign or major operation concerned. Whilst luck or misfortune may have some part to
play in the outcome of battle, a commanders tactical prowess stems normally from good leader-
ship, based on the ability to motivate his command, and on professional competence. Successful
command in battle demands a knowledge and understanding of enemy and friendly force tactics,
slick command and staff procedures and, not least, personal determination and exibility. A tacti-
cal commanders focus should lie in the skilful defeat of the enemy or of other adversaries through
a good eye for ground, effective and timely decision-making and the coordination of combined
arms and joint res on the battleeld. The opportunities made available through digitized bat-
tleeld command systems should be exploited vigorously. In particular, a commander should use
the freedom of movement he enjoys to position himself to maximum effect without losing his situ-
ational awareness.

0642. Position of the Commander. A commander should consider his position in relation to
the forces he commands and his mission. His decision as to where to position himself can have
important consequences for the conduct and outcome of operations. The basic factors inuenc-
ing that decision are common to both the operational and tactical levels:

a. The ability to assess the situation, including the requirement to judge the condition
and morale of his forces, and to impose his will on his command.

b. Access to other mission-critical information such as assessments of enemy forces.

c. Secure and reliable communications to his points of command.

d. Access to staff to support him in planning and decision-making. The continuity of

forward or tactical command may be limited by the availability of supporting staff.

e. Security, including physical and electronic protection. In general terms, the greater
the footprint of the headquarters, the greater the signature and associated vulnerability.

Network Enabled Battle Command

Networked Enabled Capabilities seek to change the ways in which forces are commanded. At the
operational and tactical levels, Network Enabled Battle Command (NEBC) seeks to use enhanced
communications, information technologies and ISTAR to support better decision-making, leadership
and control. All levels of command should benet from more informed decision-making, faster tempo,
better synchronization of actions across boundaries, and less friction in execution. Yet, because com-
mand remains primarily a human activity, the effectiveness of command continues to depend as much
on individual qualities as on technologies.
NEBC should allow commanders gain better awareness of the current situation derived from automated
reporting of own forces, comprehensive ISTAR, and the joint operations picture. Awareness of potential
threats outside the area of intelligence responsibility allows timely action before the threat matures.
Analysis of some information can be conducted in the rear or in the home base, reaching back to col-
laborate with subject matter experts. Consequently, commanders can be freed from much of the staff
support that would otherwise previously have made it difcult for them to command forward, and to
separate themselves from many of the control functions of a large and unwieldy headquarters.
Armed with appropriate timely information, higher headquarters may have better overall situational
awareness than local commanders. If they can exercise control over fast-moving elements, better
concentration of effort and synchronization of combat power should follow. Responsive battlespace
management and the ability to broadcast changes of intent swiftly throughout the force are the keys to
improving control. During uid operations they should reduce the need for detailed planning, improve
tempo and support exploitation of eeting opportunities.
If applied intelligently, NEBC should not undermine the British Armys central philosophy of Mission
Command, of which control is only one part. Any temporary centralization of control does not alter the
authority, responsibility and accountability of personal command. The complexity of land operations,
even with NEBC, would overwhelm any single person or headquarters that attempted to coordinate
every aspect of an operation: Mission Command remains the most effective way of dealing with such
complexity and allowing personal initiative. Those who place undue reliance on higher headquarters for
information and guidance will rarely make decisions in a timely and purposeful manner. The inuence
of deception, enemy action, gaps in ISTAR coverage, and the inherent vulnerability of information and
communication technologies mean that Mission Command has an enduring quality.
Thus the goal of NEBC is a exible capability that is physically, electronically and mentally agile to cre-
ate freedom of action for subordinates. It should enable a senior commander to support a subordinate
better whilst only centralizing control if it is vital for the force as a whole. Developing such an agile
command capability will demand high levels of training in conditions that are difcult to simulate but are
nonetheless critical for the operational effectiveness of NEBC.

The most suitable position of the commander is that point where he can best lead his command
by making timely decisions appropriate to his level of command. Digitized communications such
as video-telephone conferencing should allow greater choice of location for the commander, but
can constrain that choice. The enduring requirement to lead troops in combat will inuence his
decision, particularly at the tactical level. Conversely if a commander remains too close to the
action, he risks becoming embroiled in a side-show that obscures his overall vision.

0643. Pragmatism. Since conict is complex, unpredictable and evolutionary, much of lower
level doctrine can at best only be a guide to the conduct of the rst engagements of the next cam-
paign or operation. Persisting with practices and procedures that do not work invites defeat. All
commanders should examine critically what actually works on the battleeld and then do it: this is
the essence of pragmatism. It calls for simple practices and procedures that are adaptable to the
situation, and a methodology for transmitting new procedures across a force. Although practices
and procedures may change, philosophy and principles should only be amended after mature
reection, away from the immediate pressures of combat.

Command after the Operation

0644. A commanders responsibilities to the Army as whole and to his command extend to re-
cording the lessons of the operation, and contributing to the process by which those lessons are
learned. In the past there has been a tendency for lessons to be collected but not acted on. It
was not always so: during the Second World War the British Army regularly published extracts
of combat lessons identied within a few weeks of the start of a campaign.13 A commanders re-
sponsibility for the lessons of an operation cannot be considered closed until he is satised that
the lessons of a recent operation have been identied and properly exploited. The initial means of
identifying lessons is the post-operational report, augmented by the Commanders Diary.14 Sub-
sequently, emerging lessons should be collated, analysed and prioritized for further action, and
then disseminated by higher authority. A well-practised, all-informed and exible lessons process
adds considerably to the development of operational capability, particularly with regard to tactical
doctrine and collective training.

Assessment of Subordinates

0645. Once appointed, a senior commander should study the personalities and characteristics
of his subordinates. Some will be content with a general directive; others will prefer more detail.
Those who cannot operate without detailed direction should not be considered suitable for com-
mand. Some subordinates will tire easily and require encouragement and moral support; others,
perhaps uninspiring in peace, may ourish on operations. Matching talent to tasks is thus an
important function of command. The commander should to continue to assess subordinates in
peace and on operations so that the right commanders can be appointed. The assessment of
individuals and their subsequent handling applies to staff as well as subordinate commanders.
The recognition of subordinates strengths and limits is essential to the effective exercise of com-

Current Reports from Overseas, which made low level tactical observations was published on a weekly basis.
There were 13 separate reports from the campaign in Sicily; the rst appeared on 7 August 1943, just four weeks
after the operation began; the last on 6 November 1943.
The content and submission of the Commanders Diary is described in AFM Volume 1 Part 8, Command and
Staff Procedures.

0646. Inevitably some commanders and members of the staff will fail and have to be removed,
in their own interests and those of their commands. The chain of command should assist in
this process, however unpleasant for those involved. Field Marshal Slim advised that an army
commander should remove a divisional commander; in other words, removal should be done
two levels down.15 When treating failure at lower levels, however, there is often scope for giving
ofcers and men a second chance. General Hackett observed: An opportunity to re-establish
himself in his own esteem, when he has forfeited it, is something for which a man will give you
a great deal in return.16 Successful commanders who have unexpectedly failed may simply be
worn out. After rest and recuperation they can be returned to operations and allowed to prove
themselves again. Senior commanders should decide whether they should be returned to their
old commands or given new ones.

0647. One of the most important duties of a commander is to report on his subordinates and to
identify candidates for command and staff appointments. To allow the objective assessment of
subordinates qualities of command, individuals should be placed in circumstances where they
have to make decisions and live with the consequences. They should also know that their su-
periors have sufcient condence in them to permit honest mistakes. Training should give an
opportunity for judgements to be made on individual qualities. In particular, any assessment of
subordinates should conrm whether they exhibit the necessary balance of professionalism, in-
tellect and pragmatism required to carry the added breadth and weight of responsibilities that go
with promotion.

6.4 The Exercise of Command

Promoting Common Understanding

0648. Doctrine. Common understanding is a product of sound and clear doctrine and the
dissemination of battleeld information such as operational assessments. It enhanced through
rehearsal and effective training across a force. Common understanding is imparted through
standardization of terminology, symbology and low-level procedures as much as in the less tan-
gible issues such as the philosophy of command or the Manoeuvrist Approach. Explicit, written
and widely taught doctrine is critical to achieving truly common understanding across a force.

0649. Assessing the Situation. It is the duty of a commander and his staff to assess the situa-
tion as they see it. They should disseminate that assessment to promote common understanding
of the situation across the force and to inform superior commanders. The routine dissemination
of such assessments allows differences of perception to be identied and resolved. The assess-
ment should normally cover the enemy, progress in achieving the current mission, the actions of
principal subordinates, and the listing of concerns. At times it may be necessary to give greater
detail, such as the location and actions of subordinates two levels down. The accuracy, timeli-
ness and degree of detail required will be key aspects of the assessment and there will often have
to be a trade-off between those aspects.

0650. Rehearsal. Where possible, the understanding of a plan should be validated by rehears-
al. Mission rehearsal can take one of three forms: back-brief, rock-drill or physical rehearsal. A
back-brief is designed to conrm subordinates understanding of the plan. It usually represents
the last chance to modify a plan before execution. Back-briefs should not be used as vehicles for
commanders to impose the way they wish subordinates to conduct their assigned missions. That
Field Marshal Slim, Lecture to the Staff College (2 November 1967).
General Sir John Hackett, The Profession of Arms (London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1983) p. 221.

merely undermines freedom of action and the development of trust. Conversely, a rock-drill is
aimed at synchronizing the details of a given plan and should not be used to amend a plan unless
major problems are identied. Physical rehearsals may contain an element of training and may
have a benecial effect on the cohesion of the force.


0651. In order to decide on OBSERVATION

a course of action, make a Co
ns m
plan, and put it into operation, a
it o m
a commander requires timely


and accurate intelligence, to-

gether with a control means

and robust communications
to bear that information and
to pass his orders to his sub- ACTION INFORMATION ORIENTATION
ordinates. The quality of a
commanders decision-making
and planning capability is also

affected by a number of other

inuences, including individual


at u

io m
differences and environmen- ns
C o m
tal factors. The relation of the
decision-action cycle to infor- DECISION
(and Planning)
mation and communications
is outlined in Figure 6.4. The Figure 6.4 The Decision-Action-Cycle
need for timely, accurate and
relevant information may demand information ows that do not necessarily follow the chain of
command. A number of levels of command may require the same information at the same time,
rather than sequentially. An air-raid warning is an example. The model has limitations. Although
it suggests a sequential approach, once operations start the situation will usually develop into a
continuum with orientation, observation, decision and action all happening concurrently. In ad-
dition, although there is clear advantage in deciding and acting faster than the enemy and so
pre-empt and forestall him, it should be remembered that cycling the decision-action cycle is not
an end in itself. The end sought is tactical success. Rapid and effective decision-making is but a
part of seizing and maintaining the initiative.

0652. Principles of Decision-Making. Decision-making is one of the principal constituents of

command, and the way in which decisions are made has a direct effect on ghting power. The
relationship between decision-making and operational effectiveness can be encapsulated in six
principles of decision-making:

a. Quality and timeliness of decision are critical to operational effectiveness.

There is considerable battleeld advantage to be gained in making sound decisions very
quickly, rather than taking longer to make a decision that is subjectively better. More
generally, the real quality of tactical decision-making stems from the speed in which it is
undertaken, relative to the enemy.

b. Commanders should make decisions personally and express these decisions

clearly and succinctly. This is a cornerstone of the British Armys command doctrine. As

decision-making is one of the three constituents of command, the taking of major decisions
should not be delegated.

c. Commanders make better and quicker decisions through training. Such train-
ing should be based on frequency, breadth, feedback and reection. Intuition stems from
frequent opportunities to make decisions in training and on relevant feedback to improve
their quality.

d. It is the outcome of the decision-making process that is all-important. Thus

the focus should be on the quality and timing of the decision and the understanding of that
decision by subordinates and staff, rather than on the method used to reach the decision.
There is evidence that expert decision-makers adjust their decision-making methods in the
light of experience; this should be encouraged.

e. Staffs assist commanders to make decisions through the provision of informa-

tion and its subsequent assessment, analysis and arrangement.

f. Commonly understood decision-making methods enable commanders and

staffs to work together effectively, in particular when headquarters are assembled at
short notice. However, methods should not become ends in themselves since it is the
outcome of decision-making that is important.

0653. Intuition. Intuition is largely subconscious: the decision-maker just knows what to do.
It does not excuse poor decision-making nor reduce the need to check that a course of action is
feasible and appropriate. Nonetheless, commanders should be encouraged to rely on their
intuition. In the right circumstances they tend to make as good or better decisions than when
using formal decision-making methodologies and they tend to make them quicker. Intuition de-
pends on using experience to recognize patterns which indicate the dynamics of a situation. As it
is experience-based, commanders may have good intuition in circumstances with which they are
broadly familiar. For example, an experienced platoon commander is likely to have conducted
several platoon attacks in training and does not usually have to think deeply to produce a quick,
workable plan. Conversely, a divisional commander is unlikely to have experienced a similar
number of divisional operations: he may need to rely more on formal decision-making methodolo-
gies. The issue is not the complexity of the problem but its familiarity to the decision-maker. As
John Masters reected:

The higher [the commander] stands the more he needs, too, another quality which cannot
be taught by any quick means but is either there, by a stroke of genetic chance, or more
usually, is deposited cell by cell on the subconscious during long years of study and prac-
tice. It is this quality which tells a commander, instantly and without cerebration, whether
a plan is inherently sound or unsound. It is this that enables him to receive the advice of
specialists and experts, and reach the proper decision though the specialists conict; and,
on other occasions, to overrule them even when they speak with one voice.17

If a commander cannot decide intuitively, he should follow an explicit decision-making process

based on rational analysis of the problem.

The Duty to Act

0654. At the tactical level a mission to a subordinate is a direct order. It should describe what
he is to achieve and why, and be contained in orders which state the situation as perceived by the
superior commander together with his intent, at the time the order was issued. The subordinates
duty to carry out the order extends to recognizing if the situation changes to the point where his
mission is no longer appropriate. In such a case he should, in the rst instance, report the situ-
ation to his superior with an intended course of action. If he is unable to report to his superior,
he should exercise his initiative within the spirit of the superiors mission and intent. In short, a
subordinate has a duty to act in variation to his given mission if he judges that the circumstances
require it. However, he remains fully accountable to his superior both to explain his reasons and
for the consequences of his actions.

0655. Personal Initiative. Commanders at all levels can seize and gain the initiative in combat
through personal initiative. Taking the initiative is a duty: failing to display initiative is failing to do
ones duty. Initiative in support of the commanders intent should be encouraged in subordinates.
To foster initiative:

a. No apparent case of well-intentioned mistake should ever be censured.

b. Cases of apparent error should be considered by a superior from the subordinates

perspective. The results may be highly instructive to both parties.

c. Initiative should be rewarded from all ranks, especially at lower levels. Repressing
initiative early on will make it more difcult to develop it later in a career.

d. The greatest censure should be reserved for inactivity in cases where action was
clearly required.

Plans and Orders

0656. An operation order should include only such detail as is necessary for commanders of
subordinate formations or units to act purposefully, to issue their own orders and to ensure coor-
dination. Mission Command requires orders which concentrate on imparting an understanding
of the context of the operation and what needs to be done rather than how it is to be achieved.
Hence the importance of the higher commanders intent.

0657. Mission Command also requires a minimum of control measures to be imposed from
above and included in operation orders. It has specic consequences for the length of operation
orders and the manner in which the staff conduct control. At the beginning of a campaign or ma-
jor operation, the initiating operation order may have to be highly detailed. Thereafter, operation
orders that run to more than a few pages in total are inconsistent with mission command. Short
orders are a key feature of mission command at the tactical level and should be a key training
objective. Not only do long orders take time to prepare, they take time to transmit, read, interpret
and analyse. They act as a brake on tempo and may constrain freedom of action. Guidance on
the approach to the formulation of missions and concepts of operations, is given in Annex A.

John Masters, The Road Past Mandalay (London: Michael Joseph, 1961) pp. 207-208.

6.5 Command Support

0658. Commanders of all but the smallest forces need support to exercise command effectively.
This is provided by command support elements, which assist a commander in decision-mak-
ing and control. They include the staff, arms advisers and liaison ofcers. They provide robust
Information and Communication Services (ICS)18; create a working environment with protection,
sustainment and mobility; and set standard procedures to integrate staff effort within and between
headquarters. The output of command support is the promulgation of commanders decisions
and the subsequent control of their execution. Each phase of an operation makes different de-
mands on command support, which should operate effectively in barracks, during deployment
and on operations.

0659. Headquarters frequently need to be recongured to match the commanders needs and
type of operation. Command support elements should be modular to allow such changes of
conguration. Changes may be needed due to the requirements of specialist staff, the need
for forward command, and to provide options for command from buildings, static vehicles, or on
the move. Modular design also helps to keep headquarters small, which is important for their
efciency and survivability. Common command post design and staff procedures ensure that
command support elements can be integrated rapidly. Since no two operations will be identical,
the requirements for staff and command posts will vary between operations. Therefore the com-
mander should conduct a command estimate, considering his requirement for staff and com-
mand posts, as soon as possible once warned for an operation.19 Particular attention should be
given to preventing unnecessary growth; within reason, the size of a staff is in reverse relation to
its efciency.

0660. Command support assets should have levels of strategic, operational and tactical mo-
bility similar to those of the force they support, and appropriate protection. Headquarters and
communications are normally high priority targets for adversaries. They should be protected by
computer network defence, electronic protective measures, physical and electronic concealment,
dispersion, mobility, ballistic protection and defence forces.

0661. The provision of digital CIS creates a number of options for the organization of command
support and distribution of information around the battleeld. Operations staff should incorporate
the requirements for command support in their estimate to enable information managers and ICS
staff and providers to support the commanders intent. The planning of command support should
consider and balance the requirements of superior headquarters and those of subordinate forma-
tions and units. The goal is the effective execution of, and support to, Mission Command. Further
details of command support, including requirements for staff, liaison, headquarters and ICS are
contained in Chapter 2 of AFM Vol.1 Part 8, Command and Staff Procedures.


A. Formulating Concepts of Operations and Mission Statements.

B. Qualities of Commanders.

The term ICS includes all the elements required to deliver a capability to the commander, whereas
Communications and Information Systems (CIS) refers to equipment only.
See also para 04A11.



The Commanders Decision

06A01. In order to achieve decision in battle, a commander has to decide what would be decisive
and how to achieve it. He then has to express his decision to his subordinates in the form of or-
ders. At the tactical level, what a commander is to achieve is given to him. It is the mission given
to him by his superior. That mission should be described in terms of a task or tasks with their
purpose: the commander is required to achieve the stated tasks within the spirit of their purpose.
Since what he is to achieve is given, how he intends to achieve it is the core of his decision. It
generally requires him to select an action that would be decisive, together with the supporting and
sustaining actions necessary for it to be successful.

06A02. How he intends to achieve it will normally be through a combination of actions to be un-
dertaken by subordinates: what they are to achieve, where, and when. Thus the course of action
he selects should include one decisive act, or operation, and a number of shaping or sustaining
operations. The chosen course of action will include a broad allocation of troops to task and criti-
cal coordinating detail.

Concept of Operations

06A03. The commander must then make his decision explicit. He does so by formulating a con-
cept of operations and stating missions for subordinates. The concept of operations describes
how the commander intends to achieve his mission. It follows directly from his decision. It has
two, or occasionally three, elements. The rst is his intent. This is a succinct summary of the
effects he intends to achieve over the enemy and the environment, related in time and space. If
not obvious from the intent statement, the second element is the scheme of manoeuvre. This
is a short but broad description of the manoeuvre of subordinates in space and time: it should
include descriptive elements such as at night, silent, on a broad front, etc. The nal element
is the statement of main effort, which is to include the one task which comprises the main effort
and the subordinate nominated to conduct it. It should normally be the decisive act or be clearly
and directly related to it.

Mission Statements

06A04. A mission statement is a direct order to a subordinate. In formulating missions, the com-
mander should allocate each subordinate a task or tasks together with a single purpose. One
task will be the commanders main effort. Resources should be allocated such that every task is
achievable. All subordinates, but particularly the subordinate on the main effort, should only be
given one task wherever possible. The exception is the mission of a reserve, which may be given
a series of contingent tasks with no stated unifying purpose, as in:

Reserve. Be prepared to ...

a. ....

b. .... (etcetera)

06A05. Tasks contained in mission statements should be substantive. Lesser tasks, such as
conducting preliminary moves or establishing liaison, should not normally be considered as tasks
which form part of mission statements. They should be contained elsewhere in the orders, typi-
cally as coordinating instructions. To include them in mission statements normally detracts from
the clarity and simplicity of the plan.

06A06. Tasks and purposes should both be expressed in terms of action verbs whose success
is measurable. Thus to attack is not a good task; to seize is better since its success is measur-
able. The task of to attack to seize may be less good because it directs the subordinate how he
is to achieve his task in this case, by attacking. Possible alternatives, such as inltration or a
turning movement, are excluded.

06A07. Occasionally it may not be possible to express a purpose with such precision. It may be
necessary to use a more generic purposive verb such as one of the core functions. However,
relatively vague terms such as to shape or to set the conditions for should be avoided. Greater
precision, such as an explanation of what shaping is required, or what the relevant conditions are,
should generally be used. For clarity, the statement of purpose should normally be separated
from the task by the words in order to.

06A08. The total list of tasks assigned to subordinates should be sufcient and necessary. They
should be sufcient, in that together they full the whole of the commanders mission. They should
be necessary, in that activities which are not required to full his mission should be excluded.

06A09. The purposes of all subordinates missions, when read together, should form a common
thread which fulls the commanders mission in an obvious manner. That thread should clearly
reect the logic of the intent statement. Listing missions in the order suggested by the logic of the
plan may be more useful than listing them by subordinates precedence in the Army List.


06A10. Commanders should express their intentions clearly and succinctly. This includes the
wording of the concept of operations and mission statements. They should be clear, concise, and
unambiguous when taken as a whole. Repetition should be avoided and the minor conventions
of staff duties are to be broken if doing so adds clarity. If there is repetition between the concept
of operations and mission statements, the former may be reduced, whilst the latter may not; since
mission statements are effectively orders. The concept of operations should be reduced if that
removes duplication and adds clarity. If, when pruned, a concept of operations runs to more than
a few sentences the underlying plan is probably too complex and will not succeed. Overall, both
the concept of operations and the mission statements should be succinct and clear.

06A11. Since what the commander is to achieve is given in the mission assigned to him, the
objective (or end-state) is also given. It will occur when that mission, as foreseen at the time of
assigning it, is achieved. It is therefore explicit in the commanders mission and should neither
require undue emphasis nor clarication. Research has shown that expressing an end state in
tactical concepts of operations, although well intended, has generally contributed to rather than
reduced confusion on the part of subordinates. It should be avoided. Effort should instead be
directed to ensuring that the mission given by the superior commander clearly indicates what is
to be achieved. If the mission is not clear in terms of what is to be achieved, the superior com-
mander should be asked to reconsider it.

06A12. Commanders should give orders that cover the achievement of the whole operation; that
is, the achievement of all of the assigned mission. Some aspects may not be fully foreseeable
in advance; it is legitimate to state in orders that details will follow in due course. The situation
may change between giving the order and its execution or during it. In such circumstances the
commander should review his mission and, if appropriate, give new orders. The existence of that
possibility does not excuse subordinates writing their own objective or end-state.

06A13. In reviewing missions and tasks, the tasks ascribed to a subordinate may be found to
have no single common purpose. In those circumstances the plan is awed. The aw will often
lie in the selection of tasks or their allocation between subordinates (and hence, possibly, the task
organization). Alternatively, the commander has not generated a clear view of how he wishes the
operation to proceed: his intent is not clear. In that case he should revise his estimate.




06B01. A commander should be a leader. Military leadership is the projection of personality

and character to get soldiers to do what is required of them. Field Marshal Slim described is as
that mixture of example, persuasion and compulsion which makes men do what you want them
to do.1

06B02. Generalship is the highest form of military leadership and marks an ofcer suited for op-
erational command at the highest levels. In terms of contemporary conict, generalship requires
more than professional knowledge and prociency, intellect, and judgement to a higher degree
than required at lower levels of command. It also requires the ability to deal competently with
several other requirements associated with high command. These include an understanding of
the political and legal dimensions of his command, the ability to handle the media, and the ad-
ditional responsibilities that go with joint and multinational command. Therefore a wide range of
command qualities and skills is required. As Professor Richard Holmes has observed, however,
...save in the case of a few brilliant exceptions, generalship is not acquired by osmosis, but by
a mixture of formal training and the practical exercise of command.2 Yet such is the complexity
of the task that there is no ideal example of generalship. As Frederick the Great observed: A
perfect general, like Platos republic, is a gment of the imagination.3 Leadership is discussed in
greater detail in Chapter 7.

Professional Knowledge

06B03 A commander should be a master of his profession. His subordinates will have no
condence in him unless he is. He should be professionally procient at whatever level he com-
mands and have insight into the wider nature of his profession. This is largely dependent on
professional knowledge. In addition to formal education and training, a commanders knowledge
is determined by experience and by personal study of his profession. With increasing rank, much
of this professional study falls on the individual ofcer as self-development. The less the degree
of relevant experience at the level he is commanding, the greater is the need to study. This calls
for research, thought and reection on the theory and practice of war, and an understanding of
doctrine and its exible application to meet new circumstances. Whereas in the past the principal
threat was known and well-documented and study and training could be directed towards it, the
location and scope of future conict is far less certain.

06B04. Whilst a commander cannot hope to be an expert in all the technicalities of contemporary
warfare, he should have sufcient knowledge to be able to judge the soundness of the technical
advice given to him. Therefore he should know the capabilities and limitations of his weapons,
communications, information and surveillance systems. To be a good administrator a commander
also requires a sound knowledge of logistics and personnel matters.

Field Marshal Sir William Slim, Courage and Other Broadcasts, Marks of Greatness. The Ofcer Lecture at
West Point (London: Cassell, 1957) p. 38.
Richard Holmes, Nuclear Warriors Soldiers, Combat and Glasnost (London: Jonathan Cape, 1991) p. 284.
From Instructions for Generals, quoted by General Sir John Hackett in The Profession of Arms, p. 220.


06B05. Without intellect a commander will neither understand a complex situation in a campaign,
major operation or battle nor be able to decide what to do. Apart from intelligence, intellect em-
braces clarity of thought (including the ability to seek and identify the essentials), creativity (em-
bracing originality), and judgement and initiative. The most successful higher commanders in his-
tory have displayed a genius for war, transcending that associated with intellect alone. Napoleon,
who often appeared to have luck on his side, remarked:

If I always appear prepared, it is because before entering on an undertaking, I have

meditated for long and have foreseen what may occur. It is not genius which reveals to
me suddenly and secretly what I should do in circumstances unexpected by others; it is
thought and meditation.4

Napoleons view thus reinforces the role of study in the education of commanders. Whilst genius
is an innate quality, many of the intellectual requirements of senior commanders can be devel-
oped in training. In particular, clarity of thought and judgement, including powers of decision-
making, can be enhanced through professional military education and training systems, including
computer-assisted wargaming and exercises. The quality of intellect is closely linked to creativ-
ity, initiative and judgement.

Creativity and Initiative

06B06. Commanders at all levels have to be creative in order to achieve surprise on operations.
Surprise is, after all, a response to the unexpected. The unexpected may be reected in timing,
direction, means or methods. Thus a commander should ask himself which directions, what tim-
ing, what means or methods would the enemy least expect; and then be imaginative in engaging
the enemy accordingly. More generally, conceiving and undertaking actions that will be original
requires an innovative and creative mind. Originality, one of the hallmarks of intellect, is argu-
ably a key element of command and is at a particular premium at senior levels. Fuller wrote:

Originality, not conventionality, is one of the main pillars of generalship. To do something

that the enemy does not expect, is not prepared for, something which will surprise him and
disarm him morally. To be always thinking ahead and to be peeping round corners. To spy
out the soul of ones adversary, and to act in a manner which will astonish and bewilder
him, this is generalship.5

06B07. The ability to innovate, rather than adopt others methods and models, singles out the
original commander as one well equipped for adopting a Manoeuvrist Approach to operations.
Creativity is also at a premium in preparing and generating forces for operations. Imaginative
training not only develops collective performance; it also engenders a spirit of individual and col-
lective enterprise. Whilst few successful commanders have been unoriginal, the more successful
original commanders have placed considerable emphasis in explaining their ideas to their sub-
ordinates in order to foster mutual understanding.

See also General Sir Archibald Wavell, Generals and Generalship (London: The Times Publishing Company,
1941) p. 7, for his views on Napoleon and luck.
Major General J F C Fuller, Generalship. p. 32.

06B08. Initiative is about recognizing and grasping opportunities. This requires exibility of
thought and action. For a climate of initiative to ourish, a commander should be given the free-
dom to use his initiative and he should, in turn, encourage his own subordinates to use theirs.
Although initiative cannot be taught, it can be developed and fostered through a combination of
trust and mutual understanding and by training. Commanders should be encouraged to take the
initiative rather than fear the consequences of failure. This requires a training and operational
culture which promotes an attitude of calculated risk-taking in order to win rather than to prevent
defeat, which may often appear as the safer option.


06B09. At the lowest levels, judgement is a matter of common sense, tempered by military
experience. As responsibility increases, greater judgement is required of commanders, which is
largely a function of knowledge and intellect. To succeed, a commander should be able to read
each major development in a tactical or operational situation and interpret it correctly in the light of
the intelligence available, to deduce its signicance and to arrive at a timely decision. However, a
commander seldom has a complete picture of the situation and many of the factors affecting his
choice of course of action are not susceptible to precise calculation.

06B10. Decisiveness is central to the exercise of command. It requires a balance between analy-
sis and intuition. In the pursuit of timely decision-making required by Mission Command, a com-
mander should have condence in his own judgement. He should maintain his chosen course
of action until persuaded that there is a sufciently signicant change in the situation to require a
new decision. At times, it will be a conscious decision to decide not to make a decision. A com-
mander requires moral courage to adopt a new course of action and the mental exibility to act
purposefully when the opportunity of unexpected success presents itself. Conversely, a com-
mander should avoid the stubborn pursuit of an unsuccessful course to disaster.

06B11. In times of crisis, a commander should remain calm and continue to make deci-
sions appropriate to his level of command. His calmness prevents panic and his resolution
compels action. When under stress, the temptation to meddle in lower levels of command at the
expense of the proper level contrary to the decentralized spirit of Mission Command should
be resisted unless it is vital for the survival of that command. This rule, however, is easier to state
than to follow in the heat of battle. The unfortunate Marshal Bazaine, who personally tended to
the siting of individual gun batteries rather than committing his reserves during the battle of Grav-
elotte-St Privat during the Franco-Prussian War, was neither the rst nor the last commander to
become thoroughly distracted and so lose a battle.6

Courage and Resolve

06B12. A commander should be resolute, a quality which relates directly to the rst Principle of
War The Selection and Maintenance of the Aim. Resolve helps a commander to remain un-
daunted by set-back, casualties and hardship. It gives him the personal drive and will to see the
campaign, major operation or battle through to success. He should have the courage, ability to
take risk, robustness and determination to pursue that course of action which he knows to be

Michael Howard, The Franco-Prussian War 1870-71, (London: Methuen, 1981), p. 173.

06B13. Courage is a quality required by all leaders, regardless of rank or responsibility. Physical
courage is a considerable moral virtue and characterizes a good leader. However, it is not suf-
cient on its own. The demands of warfare also requires the moral courage to take unpopular
decisions and to stick by them in the face of adversity. Command is not just about taking expedi-
ent short-term solutions to tactical problems. It also requires a commander to take the longer-
term view in the interests of his campaign objectives, commensurate with the need to motivate
and sustain his troops.

06B14. Risk-Taking. The willingness to take calculated risks is an important aspect of resolve
but requires military judgement. Although chance cannot be eliminated in war, risk may be re-
duced by foresight and careful planning. However, a Manoeuvrist Approach to operations re-
quires commanders to seek the initiative and take risks. Risk-taking means making decisions
where the outcome is uncertain. In this respect almost every military decision has an element of
risk. It is for a commander to determine the balance whether the risk is worth taking. A good
commander acts boldly, grasps eeting opportunities and, by so doing, appears to have luck on
his side.

06B15. Robustness. Physical and mental tness is a pre-requisite of command. Rarely can a
sick, weak or exhausted man remain alert and make sound decisions under the stressful condi-
tions of war. As Field Marshal Montgomery advised: Keep t and fresh, physically and mentally.
You will never win battles if you become mentally tired, or get run down in health.7 This is not to
say that old commanders cannot be successful but they should remain young and active in mind.
Senior commanders should also possess sufcient mental and physical stamina to endure the
strains of a protracted campaign. In order to keep fresh and to maintain the required high levels
of physical and mental tness, commanders at all levels have a duty not only to themselves but
also to their commands to obtain sufcient rest and to take leave, as appropriate.

Self Condence

06B16. Self condence is linked to resolve and to professional knowledge reecting in a justi-
able condence in ones own ability. A commander should maintain and project condence in
himself and his plans even when he may harbour inner doubts as to the likelihood of success.
There is a ne divide between promoting a sense of self condence and appearing too self-opin-
ionated. Self condence based on the rm rock of professional knowledge and expertise brings
its own assurance and humility. Hollow condence based on presentational qualities alone is
easily punctured.

06B17. Commanders should have sufcient self condence to listen constructively to the views
of the staff and subordinate commanders without fear of losing their own authority. This form of
dialogue acknowledges that a commander does not have all the answers and is receptive to good
ideas. It also demonstrates condence in subordinates and engenders a wide level of commit-
ment. Above all, it promotes trust, mutual understanding and respect. A good commander does
not, however, rely on others for the creative and imaginative qualities he himself should possess.
He should instead have the skill to use others ideas in pursuit of his objectives to support the
interests of his command.

Field Marshal Montgomery, High Command in War (21st Army Group Publication, June 1945) p. 44.

The Ability to Communicate

06B18. The ability to communicate effectively is an important aspect of command. However

brilliant a commanders powers of analysis and decision-making, they are of no use if he cannot
express his intentions clearly so that others can act. In peacetime, the temptation is to rely too
much on written methods of communication which can be rened over time. Modern information
technology and communications systems facilitate this approach. However, written papers, briefs
and directives may not have the same impact as oral orders, consultations and briengs. Nev-
ertheless, written copy continues to have an indispensable place in the exercise of command to
ensure clarity and consistency of approach. Thus both oral and written powers of communication
are vital to a commander.

Figure 6B.1 The Ability to Communicate: Field Marshal Slim Addresses Soldiers of 14th
Army, Burma, 1945

06B19. On operations, a commander should be able to think on his feet, without prepared scripts
or notes, and be condent and competent enough to brief well and give succinct orders to his
subordinates. Only in this way can he impose his will on his subordinates with his command of
the situation and by his personal articulation of clarity of thought and expression. A commander
should also be capable of brieng the Press in a convincing manner.



Chapter 7 considers the moral component of ghting power. It considers the ethical base
which underpins the moral component. It discusses motivation, in which leadership plays
a major role. The chapter then describes moral cohesion, and how this is fostered in the
British Army.

7.1 Introduction OVERVIEW

7.1 Introduction
0701. The components of Fighting Power
conceptual, moral and physical - are de- 7.2 Ethical Base
Moral Strength
scribed in Chapter 1. The moral component is
Moral Responsibility
concerned with the least predictable aspect of Legal Responsibility
operations the human element. If the human The Decision to Use Military Force
element is neglected, the penalties to be paid
will be great and battle-losing. If time and effort 7.3 Motivation
are invested in the human element, all things
The Military Covenant
become possible. The three elements of the Leadership
moral component are the ethical base to military Soldier Management
behaviour; motivation; and moral cohesion. Spiritual Sustenance
Rank and Discipline
7.2 Ethical Base
7.4 Moral Cohesion
0702. A strong moral component has its foun-
The Values and Standards of the British
dation in ethics, which provide the context for Army
developing the motivation and cohesion of sol- Ethos
diers. Ethics is concerned with what is generally
believed to be right and wrong. Without atten-
tion to this by commanders, operations will be denied moral strength. In addition, they and their
soldiers may be avoidably exposed to legal proceedings. Unless soldiers on operations are indi-
vidually and collectively at ease with their consciences, their will to ght will be diminished.

Moral Strength

0703. Some of the most barbarous and unprincipled armies in history have had tremendous
morale and will to ght, based on excellent motivation, leadership and management. They have
won their battles and achieved their commanders purposes. This observation might suggest that
tactical and strategic victory is what counts, regardless of the methods used to achieve it. This
might have been a suitable doctrine for other armies in other circumstances. But the British Army
from its modern origins has been rooted in the spirit of democracy. This, together with social
and cultural inuences, has created a very clear understanding of the necessity to act within the
bounds of what is generally thought to be right. Soldiers are unlikely to be at ease with themselves
or each other if they are using physical force without doing so from a position of moral strength.

0704. Military operations by an army of a democratic free society cannot be sustained without
the support of that society. Political direction, government resourcing, and recruiting depend on
it. The British Army must give continuous attention to the strength of its moral base, because an
ethically educated society will not give its support unless its army acts from a position of moral

strength. There is also an obvious need to describe the moral base clearly, both internally and

Soldiers universally concede the general truth of Napoleons much quoted dictum that in war
the moral is to the physical as three is to one. The actual arithmetical proportion may be worth-
less, for morale is apt to decline if the weapons are inadequate, and the strongest will is of lit-
tle use if it is inside a dead body. But although the moral and physical factors are inseparable
and indivisible, the saying gains its enduring value because it expresses the idea of the pre-
dominance of moral factors in all military decisions. On them constantly turns the issue of war
and battle. In the history of war, they form the most constant factors, changing only in degree,
whereas the physical factors are different in almost every war and every military situation.

Sir Basil Liddell Hart, Strategy, Faber & Faber, 1941

Moral Responsibility

0705. Those exercising physical force cannot avoid the issue of moral responsibility. The fact
that everybody taking part in a military operation is morally involved in it can provide a strong ba-
sis for motivation as well as imposing moral responsibilities. This is in part a consequence of the
potentially destructive power of carrying and controlling lethal weapons. As bearers of weapons
all soldiers must be prepared personally to make the decision to engage an enemy or to place
themselves in harms way. While many public services involve being in harms way while working
for a greater good, it is the unique feature of military service to have unlimited liability to kill or be
killed in deliberate and organized lethal combat with other human beings. Moreover, that unlim-
ited liability extends to obeying orders which may have lethal intent or consequences, or giving
them to others. This extends moral responsibility beyond purely personal actions. Every soldier
is morally responsible for his actions, whether obeying orders or not. And if a commander gives
an order to another person, he is as morally responsible for the consequences of that order being
carried out, as the subordinate who chooses to obey the order. For commanders this moral re-
sponsibility extends to circumstances where the failure to give orders has moral consequences.

0706. Whether he likes it or not, society will judge a soldiers actions on the basis of national
and international law. The Nuremberg trials after WW2 are a clear reminder of this. Furthermore,
the greater visibility afforded by NEC will allow more opportunity for such actions to be scrutinised
after the fact. But it is not always possible to have sufcient understanding of the context of or-
ders received to be able to make a balanced moral judgement during operations: for reasons of
distance, operational secrecy, or the confusion of battle. The better placed he is to understand,
the more an individual is expected to assure himself of the morality of actions or orders. This will
often place a specic duty on ofcers to consider the moral dimension. This is one of the reasons
why it is important to have junior ofcers at the point of tactical operations. It is equally important
that all must be educated both in the moral responsibilities on which they will be judged, and their
accountability under the law.

Legal Responsibility

0707. The concept of personal moral responsibility is enshrined in law. It is no defence to cite
superior orders as an excuse for acting outside the law. The Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court specically provides that a superior order will not relieve a person of criminal re-
sponsibility unless he was under a legal obligation to carry out the order, or he did not know the
order was unlawful and the order was not manifestly unlawful.

0708. The Law of Armed Conict (LOAC) governs the activities of states that are in conict, and
some other situations. Much of that law is incorporated into the Hague Rules and the Geneva
Conventions. Three core principles of the LOAC are military necessity, humanity, and proportion-
ality. Combatants are individually required to comply with the law, and they must be trained in it
(such training being a requirement of international law in itself). Breaches of LOAC by members
of the British Forces and accompanying civilians can be tried in the UK, wherever an offence
might have been committed. Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions can be tried by British
Courts, regardless of the nationality of the accused. The LOAC determines the protection to be
afforded to combatants and civilians, their property, and the types of weapons and ammunition
that can lawfully be used. It makes special provision for the wounded, sick, medical personnel,
chaplains and prisoners of war.

0709. Rules of Engagement are not laws, but commanders directives, expressed as permis-
sions and prohibitions governing the use of force. They are drafted so that a person complying
with them will always act within the law. They are also used for reasons of operational security,
fratricide avoidance, political prudence or local sensitivity.

0710. The law seeks to reect societys attempt to codify its commonly held ethical and prag-
matic standards. International law is based on consensus either through customary principles
(the practice of states) or agreement through treaties and other formal documents. The law
evolves constantly, but the ethical standards that drive it are much slower to change. Command-
ers should always have access to legal advice in interpreting the law and rules of engagement.
They, and their soldiers, will be better prepared if they have a broad understanding of the ethical
principles behind those laws.

The Decision to Use Military Force

0711. The morality of actions within a military operation is affected by the morality of the opera-
tion itself, as well as by the more immediate circumstances. Few soldiers may have sufcient
access to the relevant context to judge whether a military operation is lawful. The decision to
deploy UK Forces to engage in armed conict will always be taken at the highest political and
military level and the decision will be subject to scrutiny by Law Ofcers and by others. In the
United Kingdom we can have the highest degree of condence that our armed forces will not be
launched into operations that are unlawful. This places a considerable moral, and in most cases
legal, responsibility on politicians and the most senior military ofcers. For soldiers to believe that
their operations are just, the case may need to be made down the chain of command particu-
larly if a counter case is being made in the media. Belief in what one is doing is a very strong
source of motivation and high morale.

7.3 Motivation


0712. High morale is evident when troops are well-motivated. Motivation on operations presents
its own particular challenges. Physiological needs, such as food and security, are powerful moti-
vators and are typically provided for in the physical component of ghting power. Land operations
often require these physiological needs to be suspended and soldiers to behave counter-intui-
tively. Such behaviour is motivated at different levels and, in different ways for every individual. A
soldier in a volunteer army needs continuous motivation to serve at all which is why the British
Army has the Military Covenant. Soldiers need to be motivated for any particular operation or

task, which requires sound decisions and effective leadership. Since poor care of people and
poor administration undermine motivation, good man-management is also required. Motivation
can also be undermined if spiritual needs are not met. These positive efforts to achieve strong
motivation need to be underpinned by the habit of obedience, reinforced by recognition of the
consequences of disobedience. This is achieved by a regime of discipline implemented with the
authority of rank. The successful motivation that results from these efforts is often described as
high morale. It is the spirit which inspires soldiers to ght. It derives from, and depends upon, high
degrees of commitment, self-sacrice and mutual trust.

Morale is a state of mind. It is steadfastness and courage and hope. It is condence and zeal
and loyalty. It is lan, esprit de corps and determination. It is staying power, the spirit which
endures to the end the will to win. With it all things are possible, without it everything else,
planning, preparation, production, count for naught.

Gen George C Marshall, Address at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, June 1941

0713. High morale and operational success reinforce each other. Morale is that intangible force
which can move men to endurance and courage in the face of hardship, fatigue and danger. It
makes each individual in a group, without counting the cost to himself, give his utmost to achieve
the common purpose. It makes him feel that he is part of something greater than himself. It results
from many factors. Besides tactical success, these factors include condence in equipment, good
training and sound administration. However, it is ultimately bred of condence in both ones peers
and superiors and the conviction that objectives are achievable. All, irrespective of their task or
location, need to feel that what they do really matters, and that it has a direct bearing on the result
of the campaign. This allows them to take pride in playing (and, later, relating) their part in it.

0714. Morale requires the forging in peace of close bonds of professional and personal trust
which will withstand the stresses of battle. The ways by which the British Army seeks to achieve
resilient morale, based on strong foundations built before operations are described in the follow-
ing paragraphs.

The Military Covenant

0715. Soldiers are bound by service. The nature of service is inherently unequal: soldiers may
have to put in more than they receive. Ultimately, they may be called upon to make personal sac-
rices - including death - in the service of the Nation. In putting the needs of the Nation, the Army
and others before their own, they forgo some of the rights enjoyed by those outside the Armed
Forces. So, at the very least, British soldiers should always be able to expect the Nation, and their
commanders, to treat them fairly, to value and respect them as individuals, and to sustain and
reward them and their families with appropriate terms and conditions of service. This mutual obli-
gation forms the Military Covenant between the Nation, the Army and each individual soldier. To
a greater or lesser extent such a common bond of identity, loyalty and responsibility has sustained
the Army and its soldiers throughout its history. It is a covenant, not a contract, and it is binding,
in every circumstance. Unless Nation, Army and soldier alike recognise and understand that it
must be upheld come what may, then it fails. If it fails then rst goodwill and then, ultimately, trust,
is withdrawn. It has perhaps its greatest manifestation in the annual commemoration of Armistice
Day, when the Nation keeps covenant with those who have given their lives in its service.


0716. Skill in the techniques of leadership is the foremost quality in the art of command.1 It con-
tributes very largely to success in war and all other military activities. There is no prescription for
leadership and no prescribed style of leader. Military leadership is a combination of example, per-
suasion and compulsion dependent on the situation. Moreover, leadership is not the preserve of
rank: any British soldier may be called upon to exercise leadership in action when circumstances
demand. Leadership is, however, the principal duty of all ofcers commissioned, warrant and
non-commissioned. Commissioned ofcers in the British Army have a special responsibility for
leadership. The Queens Commission means that it is always the duty of the ofcer to take moral
responsibility for the task and the led. This includes setting an example both on and off duty.
Leadership is essentially personal and no two leaders are identical. Leaders should be selected
not because they can be made to conform to some ideal, but for their own leadership potential
and qualities.

0717. Military success, whether in battle or any other military activity, is the achievement of the
common purpose: the mission or task. The principal task of military leaders at all levels should be
to motivate those they command to accomplish the mission. Leadership should be the inspiration
in all military activity, not just in war or on other operations. For leaders at every level the responsi-
bilities of leadership encompass the whole of their soldiers day-to-day existence. Good leadership
stirs individuals, transforms teams, unites diverse multinational contingents, and turns doctrinal
precepts into action. It can transform limited resources and overcome the greatest difculties. The
qualities of good leadership are developed by constant training, experience and hard work.

0718. Leadership Qualities. Leaders are soldiers rst. They must, therefore, have all the
personal qualities, values and standards that are demanded of their soldiers. They should draw
out these same qualities in their subordinates, by example and direction, so as to achieve their
purpose. Leaders should develop these qualities in themselves by practice and study, reinforced
by experience. Challenging as this may be, it is merely the starting point for the development
of those further qualities which separate the good leader from the led. Leaders are expected to
take full responsibility for those they lead, and the tasks they are to undertake. This includes the
responsibility for the human costs of military success; a burden which should be shouldered even
in the ruthless pursuit of victory. They should have the creativity which underpins the conceptual
component of ghting power. They need a level of judgement which allows them to cut through
complexity, chaos and friction to the nub of any situation and resolve it. Above all, through exam-
ple, integrity, and presence, leaders should inspire those around them. Without this last quality,
the order to follow me will go unheeded.

0719. Leadership Responsibilities. The above qualities equip leaders to discharge their re-
sponsibilities for both the common purpose and those they lead. Whilst recognising that these
responsibilities are all-encompassing, they can be categorized, in order to assist comprehension.
These responsibilities are as follows:

a. To Understand. The leader should understand both the mission and the men. Sol-
diers, too, should know where they stand with their leader, and where he is leading them.
This depends on the leaders having a high degree of self-understanding.

See Chapter 6, Figure 6.1.

b. To Decide. Decision-making is an aspect of command. In all planning and execu-
tion, the leader is responsible for deciding the course of action.2

c. To Communicate. True communication involves assimilating and dealing with

feedback as well as disseminating information and orders.

d. To Empower. The leader should allow the led to do what they can: to give them the
scope for excellence.

e. To Inspire. Inspiration is the central responsibility of leadership. Leaders should

inspire the led to do things against which their senses may rebel.

f. To Achieve. Achievement is the unifying purpose of leadership. High morale and

cohesion should mean that inspiration and example will sufce; but coercion and self-sac-
rice may be required in the most demanding circumstances of battle.

g. To Sustain. The leader should sustain the team, during and between missions and

0720. Leadership Style. Every leader has a unique personal style, based on individual charac-
ter and the application of various leadership techniques to suit the circumstances. However, the
style should t the circumstances, and the leader should be able to adjust accordingly. Achieving
a balance between consistency and adjustment relies on having a range of leadership techniques.
The leader who encourages debate at one moment may demand instant obedience at another.
Although the ability to get on with people is extremely useful and desirable in a leader, leadership
is not a popularity contest. It is also important to understand the personalities of those one leads.
Individuals respond differently to others, including their leaders. Whatever their personality, there
is one characteristic which is important in all soldiers and highly desirable in all leaders: a sense
of humour. Ultimately, leadership is a relationship between the leader and the led. The better
developed that relationship, the better it will deliver all that is asked of it on operations.

Soldier Management

0721. In the British Army management means the allocation and use of resources, especially peo-
ple and money. Because the British Armys most important resource is its soldiers, their effective
and efcient management is paramount. The Army is a disciplined and regulated organisation
which does most of its work in teams. However every soldier is also an individual. So good soldier
management results in cohesive teams and fosters the development of individuals and the condi-
tions in which soldiers will give their best to achieve the common purpose. Most importantly, the
demonstration of care by leaders results in mutual trust and respect across ranks, Military man-
agement addresses the welfare, education and development of all soldiers. Such development
may be physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual. It is concerned with the whole-life development
of every member of the Army. Good management can contribute to high morale by keeping the
Military Covenant with every soldier. It requires considerable technical knowledge and expertise,
especially in administration, law, welfare, health and education. All ranks have a duty to understand
and implement the sound management of the soldiers under their command. Junior commanders
are particularly responsible for the wellbeing, care and development of their soldiers. This demands
considerable effort and commitment . The Army provides a range of experts and access to civilian
agencies to give technical advice. However, it is the leaders responsibility to make use of them.
The principles of decision-making are described in Chapter 6, Paragraph 0652.

Spiritual Sustenance

0722. In meeting physiological needs, and providing leadership and soldier management, it is
important not to neglect provision for spiritual needs, particularly in the stress of operations. For
many soldiers, spirituality informs their sense of self, of others and the world. It can profoundly
shape an individuals values and standards, and the associated sense of responsibility. It can
equip him to make sense of disorder and mentally to resolve moral dilemmas, grief and guilt.
These abilities reduce vulnerability to psychological injury. Access to religious support, in the form
of chaplains and their ministry, along with the time and space to reect or pray, are all important
to the long-term sustenance of individuals within a military force. This is borne out by the fact that
religious interest and concern usually increases on operations.

Rank and Discipline

0723. Motivation faces its toughest test in the face of death. However successful all the positive
motivational factors may be, there may come a time when obedience to orders alone motivates
the required behaviour. Such orders may not be obeyed unless the habit of obedience to supe-
riors has been established, and strengthened by the sanction of disgrace and punishment for
disobedience. The motivation necessary for successful land operations requires a hierarchy of
rank underpinned by disciplinary powers appropriate to military operations.

7.4 Moral Cohesion

0724. Principles. Operations are not merely individual enterprises and so their success de-
pends on how well individuals work together in teams. Cohesion binds together the individuals
in a team, providing resilience against dislocation and disruption. Those factors which result in
strong individual motivation also develop cohesion when applied collectively the most obvious
being leadership. But there is more to strong cohesion than achieving collective strong motiva-
tion. The additional principles of cohesion are:

a. Continuity. Individual friendships and collective bonding are encouraged when

teams are kept together. This creates a sense of belonging, supported by particular habits
and traditions. The Armys institutional arrangements for grouping and posting can assist
or frustrate such continuity.

b. Shared Experience. Cohesion is assisted by sharing experiences. Sharing suc-

cess develops group condence esprit de corps. Sharing adversity, as opposed to fail-
ure itself, can develop group determination. Thus the way in which a common enemy is
described to a team can greatly inuence cohesion, as many orators know.

c. Clear Task. Teams tend to unite around a common task. When one is not obvious
cohesion can dissipate rapidly. Leaders should provide worthwhile tasks at all times.

d. Anticipation. Groups develop over time according to broadly predictable patterns.

Any underlying divisions are exposed under stress. By understanding and anticipating
group behaviour, team members, and particularly their leaders, can more easily build co-
hesion during both training and operations.

e. Shared Values. The sharing of values provides a predictability and uniformity of
behaviour amongst team members which can enhance cohesion. If these shared values
also prohibit anti-social behaviour, there is a far stronger cohesive effect as every person
benets individually from the security and mutual reliability which should result. Conse-
quently the British Army places great emphasis on a wide understanding of clearly stated
Values and Standards.

More than anything else, men have fought and winners have won because of a commitment
to a leader and a small brotherhood where the ties that bind are mutual respect and con-
dence, shared privation, shared hazard, shared triumph, a willingness to obey and determina-
tion to follow.

Lieutenant General Victor Krulak, First to Fight, US Naval Institute Press, 1984

Values and Standards

0725. Values and Standards are not just a list of qualities required of each individual soldier.
They are a moral requirement and have functional utility. Upholding them is the collective respon-
sibility of the Army, and each of its constituent units. They are the foundations of teamwork, which
multiplies the Fighting Power of each individual. They are interdependent. If any of them are
lacking, the others - and hence the team - are threatened. They are fostered and enhanced by
good leadership, training, motivation and management, throughout the chain of command. While
their application by leaders was described earlier, what is below applies to all, and are therefore
published separately in The Values and Standards of the British Army.

The military virtues are not in a class apart; they are virtues which are virtues in every walk of
life none the less virtues for being jewels set in blood and iron. They include such qualities
as courage, fortitude and loyalty. What is important about such qualities as these is that they
acquire in the military context, in addition to their moral signicance, a functional signicance
as well. The essential function of an armed force is to ght in battle. Given equally advanced
military techniques a force in which the qualities I have mentioned are more highly developed
will usually defeat a stronger force in which they are less. Thus while you may indeed hope
to meet these virtues in every walk of life and a good deal of educational effort is spent on
developing them as being generally desirable, in the profession of arms they are functionally
indispensable. The training, group organizations, the whole pattern of life of the professional
man at arms is designed in a deliberate effort to foster them, not just because they are morally
desirable in themselves, but because they contribute to military efciency.

The Profession of Arms - The 1962 Lees Knowles lectures, Lt Gen Sir John Hackett

0726. Seless Commitment. The British Army must be structured and trained to ght, not for
the convenience of administration in peace. On joining the Army soldiers accept a commitment
to serve whenever and wherever they are needed, whatever the difculties or dangers may be.
Such commitment imposes certain limitations on individual freedom, and requires a degree of
self-sacrice. Ultimately it may require soldiers to lay down their lives. Implicitly it requires those
in positions of authority to discharge in full their moral responsibilities to subordinates. Seless
commitment is reected in the wording of the Oath of Allegiance which is taken on attestation.
In it, soldiers agree to subordinate their own interests to those of the unit, Army and Nation, as
represented by the Crown:

I swear by almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly
and faithfully defend her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity
against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of her Majesty, her heirs and suc-
cessors and of the generals and ofcers set over me.3

0727. Irrespective of private beliefs, this Oath embodies the context within which the British
Army ghts and operates. It expresses the formal yet personal loyalty of every soldier in the Brit-
ish Army to the Sovereign as Head of State. This focus on the Sovereign means that whatever
the political views of individual soldiers, the British Army is essentially apolitical. Similarly, the
Sovereign is the authority for the Commissions and Warrants of the various categories of ofc-
ers. There is a similar formal yet personal relationship of Corps and Regiments to the Sovereign.
These relationships nd expression in the Colours, Standards and other emblems of Regimental
and Corps spirit which derive from the Sovereign, and in the Ceremonial which demonstrates
publicly the role of the Army in the fabric of the nation. Personal commitment is the foundation of
military service. Soldiers must be prepared to serve whenever and wherever required and to do
their best at all times. This means putting the needs of the mission and of the team before per-
sonal interests.

Courage is not merely a virtue; it is the virtue. Without it there are no other virtues. Faith, hope,
charity, all the rest dont become virtues until it takes courage to exercise them. Courage is not
only the basis of all virtue; it is its expression. True, you may be bad and brave, but you cant
be good without being brave. Courage is a mental state, an affair of the spirit, and so it gets its
strength from spiritual and intellectual sources. The way in which these spiritual and intellectual
elements are blended, I think, produces roughly two types of courage. The rst, an emotional
state which urges a man to risk injury or death - physical courage. The second, a more reason-
ing attitude which allows him to stake career happiness, his whole future on his judgement of
what he thinks either right or worthwhile - moral courage. Now, these two types of courage,
physical and moral, are very distinct. I have known many men who had marked physical cour-
age, but lacked moral courage. Some of them were in high positions, but they failed to be great
in themselves because they lacked it. On the other hand, I have seen men who undoubtedly
possessed moral courage very cautious about physical risks. But I have never met a man with
moral courage who would not, when it was really necessary, face bodily danger. Moral cour-
age is a higher and a rarer virtue than physical courage. All men have some degree of physical
courage - it is surprising how much. Courage, you know is like having money in the bank. We
start with a certain capital of courage, some large, some small, and we proceed to draw on our
balance, for dont forget courage is an expendable quality. We can use it up. If there are heavy,
and, what is more serious, if there are continuous calls on our courage, we begin to overdraw.
If we go on overdrawing we go bankrupt - we break down.

Field Marshal Sir William Slim, Courage and Other Broadcasts, Cassell,1957

0728. Courage. All soldiers should be prepared for tasks that involve the use of controlled le-
thal force to ght. They may be required to take the lives of others, and knowingly to risk their own.
They may need to show restraint, even when doing so involves personal danger. They may need
to witness injury or death to their comrades but still continue with the task in hand. This requires
physical courage, and soldiers will depend on each other for it. Moral courage is equally impor-
tant. That is the courage to do what is right even when it may be unpopular, or involve the risk of
ridicule or danger, and to insist on maintaining the highest standards of decency and behaviour at
Those who do not believe in God Solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and afrm.

all times and in all circumstances. In the end this will earn respect and foster trust. Courage - both
physical and moral - creates the strength upon which ghting spirit and success on operations
depend. It is a quality needed by every soldier, but it is especially important for those placed in
positions of authority, because others will depend on their lead and respond to it.

0729. Discipline. To be effective on operations, the Army must act as a disciplined force. Com-
manders should be certain that their orders will be carried out, and everybody must be condent
that they will not be let down by their comrades. Lives may depend on it, as may the success of
the mission. Discipline is the glue that holds soldiers together when threatened; it is the primary
antidote to fear. Supported by team loyalty, regimental spirit, pride, trust and professionalism, dis-
cipline keeps soldiers from yielding to the human stress of battle. The best discipline is self-disci-
pline: innate, not imposed. The Army expects self-discipline from every soldier and training aims
to draw it out. Good discipline does not stie individuals, but rather it enables them to achieve
more than they would expect of themselves without it. Good discipline means that soldiers of all
ranks are trained to obey their orders under the worst conditions of war, and to do so with imagi-
nation and resource. Because discipline is so vital to success on operations, commanders must
be able to enforce it when necessary. That requires clearly understood rules and a military legal
system which can deal with offences such as absence, desertion or insubordination which are not
found in civil law. And if it is to work in war, such a system must be in place in peace, for it cannot
be turned on and off at will. Discipline should therefore be rigorously but fairly upheld by all those
in positions of authority, and self-discipline should be deeply rooted.

0730. Integrity. There is a unique signicance to personal integrity in soldiering, because all
soldiers should be prepared to engage the enemy in combat directly and by choice. To achieve
success on operations, soldiers must be welded into the most effective, friction-free teams pos-
sible. Within the team, internal pressures must be minimised, in order to deal with the potentially
deadly external ones. Individual soldiers must identify their own needs, desires and ideals and
subordinate them to those of the organisation of which they are part. This applies in peace as
well as in combat, in barracks and on training as much as on operations. Soldiers should have
complete trust in the integrity of each of their comrades. Personal integrity is essential to mutual
trust, and thus to both leadership and comradeship. This integrity is seriously eroded by deceit,
dishonesty or selshness. Soldiers depend on mutual trust to the highest degree: their lives are
literally in their leaders and their comrades hands. They should feel able to trust their leaders and
their orders with their lives. They share the closest of quarters with their comrades. They should
have profound respect for the individual, because their cause and their lives depend upon it. Ob-
jectionable personal behaviour among soldiers is unacceptable, because it can undermine team
cohesion and ghting power, ultimately placing lives at risk. The chain of command is responsible
for dening and maintaining standards of personal behaviour in the Army by example and direc-
tion. All forms of deceit or dishonesty constitute a lack of integrity, and therefore call into question
whether an individual can be relied upon. Such activity covers a wide spectrum. It includes any
behaviour which raises doubts about an individuals character, as well as committing criminal of-
fences. If a soldier is known to be selsh or dishonest, trust between comrades will be damaged
and tensions created within the team will reduce its effectiveness. This is as true of those who
may misuse public funds, or who make fraudulent claims (however small the sums involved), as it
is of those who are dishonest in any other way. Integrity also demands that those who are in posi-
tions of authority, at whatever level, are fair and consistent at all times to those under them. Only
then will they earn the respect and loyalty that are essential to leadership. The leaders example
in personal behaviour is vital, and this responsibility increases with rank.

0731. Loyalty. Loyalty binds all ranks of the Army. It ties the leader and the led with mutual
respect and trust. It goes both up and down. It transforms individuals into teams. It creates and
nourishes the formations, units and sub-units of which the Army is composed. The Nation, the
Army and the chain of command rely on the continuing allegiance, commitment and support of
all who serve: that is, on their loyalty. Conversely, soldiers of all ranks, and their families, should
be condent that the Army and the Nation will treat them with loyalty as well as justice. The Ar-
mys loyalty to the individual - its obligation in the Military Covenant manifests itself in justice,
fair rewards, and life-long support to all who have soldiered. Those who are placed in positions
of authority should be loyal to their subordinates. They should represent their interests faithfully,
deal with complaints thoroughly, and develop their abilities through progressive training. For their
part, subordinates should be faithful to their leaders, their team, and their duty. Such loyalty is ex-
pected, but it must also be earned through commitment, self-sacrice, courage, professionalism,
decency and integrity. Loyalty to the Army requires all ranks to foster and adhere to these qualities
off duty as well as on duty. Personnel who behave badly when off duty not only let themselves
down by their lack of self-discipline, but are being disloyal. They damage respect for the Army,
their unit, and for other soldiers who may well suffer as a result.

0732. Respect For Others. Service in the British Army requires more than loyalty to the Crown,
and to military superiors, subordinates and comrades. It also involves the respect for others which
is a hallmark of the British Army. It ows from the duty to put others rst and means that there is
no place for prejudice or favouritism. Respect for others is based on self-respect and operational
need. It depends on seless commitment and integrity, and on the behaviour which is set out in
The Values and Standards of The British Army. Without these the individual soldier and the Army
itself risk forfeiting the respect which underpins morale. Like loyalty, respect for others goes both
up and down the chain of command and sideways among peers. It also extends to the treatment
of all human beings, especially the victims of conict, the dead, the wounded, prisoners and refu-
gees. The responsibility of bearing arms and using lethal force makes it vital that all soldiers act
properly under the law and maintain the highest standards of decency and justice at all times, even
under the most difcult of conditions. Indeed, the need for such decency, compassion and respect
for others is increased by the conditions in which soldiers may have to live and operate. They will
often have no choice of the company they are required to keep, and no relief from it for extended
periods. The conditions in which they have to co-exist may be cramped, uncomfortable and stress-
ful. In such circumstances respect for all others is vital. Commanders should understand that they
have a continuous responsibility for the well-being of their subordinates, and that any disregard or
abuse of that responsibility amounts to neglect. More signicantly, soldiering is about duty, or it is
nothing, so soldiers should be less ready to claim their own rights than to uphold the rights of oth-
ers. It is only by putting our duty before ourselves that we secure the rights of others.


0733. Sustained successful cohesion results in a group or organization having a distinctive

character and identity its ethos. The British Army has certain enduring characteristics which are
part of this. These are embodied in its Corps and Regimental spirit. The British Army is com-
posed of Arms, Corps and Regiments from which units combine to supply operational capabili-
ties. The number, types and organisation of Arms, Corps and Regiments change according to
the operational need. Roles and structures may also change. They may amalgamate, multiply
or disband. Yet despite such changes, Corps and Regiments have acquired tremendous spirit
and distinctive identity from the reputation earned from success in battle, sometimes over many
centuries. In addition, British soldiers usually remain in the Regiments or Corps they joined as re-
cruits. In many cases, they return to the same operational units throughout their service, resulting

in depths of familiarity and comradeship which give a unique edge to the morale and teamwork
of the British soldier. This spirit is manifested in distinctive uniforms, emblems, music and other
signs which contribute to the special pride British soldiers have in their Corps and Regiments. Its
characteristics include comradeship, example, pride and exibility. These attributes of Corps and
Regiments are also a key element in observing the Nations and the Armys responsibilities to the
individual soldier under the Military Covenant.

a. Comradeship. The Corps or Regiment is the focus for the comradeship which plays
a great part in the operational strength and the rewards of the profession. The purpose of
soldiering is deadly serious, but soldiering should be enjoyable and rewarding if volunteers
are to join and stay. The rewards of soldiering include remuneration and self-esteem. Self-
esteem is fostered by due recognition of good service. This ranges from informal verbal
congratulation to awards and honours. Comradeship includes both the powerful bond of
adversity shared in battle or on operations, and also the mutual respect and friendliness
which enhances personal fullment in the Army on and off duty. It is manifest on opera-
tions, training and the social life of the Army. It embraces soldiers families.

b. Example. The knowledge of past adversities mastered by the unit or formation of

which they are part inspires soldiers to live up to the standards of their predecessors. The
examples of regimental history focus the will to succeed in a way that augments the im-
peratives of present loyalty and discipline.

c. Pride. Pride inspires individuals and teams to the greatest heights of self-sacrice
and valour. It also binds together people from the widest variety of backgrounds, and gives
them an identity which transforms them from a collection of individuals into a professional

d. Flexibility. Flexibility means that although roles and missions change, the Corps or
Regiment is a lifelong home to its members, wherever they are serving. It is the focus for
the responsibility the Army has for all soldiers, serving and retired, and their families. The
Corps or Regiment is an invaluable part of the investment the Army should make in return
for the soldiers unlimited liability.

All of these mean that the Corps or Regiment is often regarded as a family - the military com-
munity in which most British soldiers do all their operational service and which embraces and
cares for them and their families literally until death. In some cases this responsibility extends
beyond death; for example, for widows pensions. Corps and regiments are also the communities
in which soldiers acquire and develop the military ethos, delivering the moral component of land

0734. The strength of an armys moral component is not easy to gauge, and those within the
Army are often poorly placed to make objective judgements. Commanders must therefore en-
deavour to understand the intangible nature of the moral component. .

Give me...such men as made some conscience of what they did...the plain russet-coated cap-
tain that knows what he ghts for and loves what he knows.

Oliver Cromwell, letter of September 1643. Thomas Carlyle, Letters and Speeches of Oliver



Chapter 8 describes the processes of preparing and generating Fighting Power. It reviews
the concept of Fighting Power, considers the path from force preparation to force genera-
tion, and describes the activities which contribute to them.

8.1 Introduction OVERVIEW

8.1 Introduction
0801. The concept of Fighting Power, with its 8.2 Developing Fighting Power
conceptual, physical and moral components, The Conceptual Component
was described in Chapter 1. The purpose of The Physical Component
developing Fighting Power is to generate forces The Moral Component
sufciently strong in all three components to win
campaigns and operations. 8.3 The Path to Force Generation

0802. All non-operational activities undertaken by the Army should contribute to developing
Fighting Power. This even includes leave, which allows individuals to recover physically and
psychologically before returning to other activities. Fighting Power can also be developed while
engaged on operations, either explicitly by preparation and rehearsal, or implicitly from the experi-
ence and cohesion gained.

0803. Developing Fighting Power comprises:

a. Force preparation, which is the continuous process of manning, equipping, train-

ing and educating the Army for operations in general.

b. Force generation, which describes the activities required to produce forces ready
for a particular campaign or operation.

Force preparation is common to the whole Army. Conversely force generation affects nominated
elements at specic times since the whole Army cannot be at immediate readiness for operations
at all times. Force preparation is broad-based; force generation tends to focus on the physical
component, including equipment and material preparation, collective training, and bringing units
up to strength.

0804. Generating a force can be seen as a single episode occurring during the continuing proc-
ess of force preparation. From the perspective of a specic operation, force generation is one
of the nal steps of readying the force. From an individual perspective, these steps bring him to
the point where he and his unit are trained, equipped and prepared for an impending operation.
Force preparation and force generation consist of a number of interlinked activities that contribute
to operational effectiveness. Many affect more than one component of ghting power. For exam-
ple, activities affecting the moral component also impact on the physical component by affecting
retention and manning levels.

0805. Forces are prepared for tasks outlined in the MODs planning assumptions and then gen-
erated for specic contingencies. These broadly fall into three categories: UK national operations;
operations in which the UK is the lead or framework nation; and alliance and coalition operations.
Since forces are prepared for different requirements, the mechanisms by which they are prepared

vary. A readiness mechanism is required to prepare and generate forces to appropriate levels of
collective performance in the required timeframes. Funding, which reects national priorities, is a
signicant constraint and a large proportion of Defence spending contributes to force preparation
or generation. Annual spending plans exist to manage these processes.

8.2 Developing Fighting Power

0806. This section describes the activities that contribute to force preparation and generation.
Although they are described here separately by component of Fighting Power, they are closely

The Conceptual Component

0807. The conceptual component is pre-eminent since understanding the nature of conict and
how to operate within it underpins the other two components. The pre-eminence of the concep-
tual component places a high value on education. It includes the principles of war, an under-
standing of conict and how to operate within it, and the requirement for conceptual develop-
ment. The principles of war are relatively enduring whereas conceptual development is the way
the Armys understanding changes over time. An Armys understanding is broad-based and much
of it is explicit in doctrine, but explicit doctrine is not necessary for an army to know how to ght.
Some doctrine can be implicit. Implicit doctrine is, in effect, shared understanding without writ-
ten doctrine. The risk is that implicit doctrine is not actually common across a force, is subject to
individual interpretation, and encourages false assumptions about others understanding. The
Armys understanding of conict and how to operate within it should therefore be captured as
explicit doctrine. Although conceptual development work is the responsibility of a small element
of the Army, all contribute to it. Debate should be encouraged and military publications exist to
enable it.

0808. The Army should be broadly educated to enable continuous development and adaptation
to the environment. Since force preparation is iterative, education should continue throughout an
ofcers or soldiers career. It broadens horizons, develops better- informed thought processes,
and improves decision-making. It also demonstrates investment in the individual and contributes
to retention. For many it will take the form of structured courses at xed intervals through their
careers. It should also allow individuals to follow their interests where they broadly coincide with
those of the Service. This widens the Armys perspective as a whole and contributes to concep-
tual development. For some this may include higher academic degrees in external institutions;
for others the chance to develop expertise within a chosen employment eld. A professional army
should invest beyond its immediate specialist requirements to produce an educated and mentally
exible organization. Armies who fail to make such investment in education risk operational fail-
ure, as the British Army did in the Crimea War. This can be compared to the successful experi-
ence of the well-educated Prussian Army in the Franco-Prussian War only a few years later.

0809. Battleeld tours and staff rides are similar but have different functions. A battleeld tour
is concerned with looking at past operations for general interest. A staff ride concentrates on the
analysis of operations rather than historical narrative. Its objectives are directly relevant to the
formal military training those concerned. In their original form, staff rides were designed as map
exercises for the staff conducted largely from the saddle; hence the term staff ride. Staff rides
contribute to the development of the conceptual component and can:

a. Demonstrate the principles of war and the links between strategy, operational art
and tactics.

b. Examine the realities of war and the human nature of conict. This includes the
study of command, leadership, morale and cohesion.

c. Illustrate the dynamics of battle in terms of time, space and forces, showing the ef-
fects of terrain and weather on the conduct of operations.

d. Provide a variety of case studies relating to aspects such as joint operations, com-
bined arms tactics, logistics, civil-military relations and the battleeld effects of technology,
training and doctrine.

e. Encourage personal professional development, offering an analytical framework for

the systematic study of campaigns and battles.

f. Develop military skills such as decision-making and powers of intuition.

0810. Post-operational reports and observations from training should be written by subject-mat-
ter experts; usually military or former military personnel. They should be conducted with analyti-
cal rigour to identify important issues, describe their signicance, indicate what action is required,
and ensure that such action is undertaken. Furthermore, a robust and institutionalised lessons
process should include a formal process of reviewing lessons, monitoring implementation, and
resolving conicts with policy or practice. Thoroughness and persistence are required. There is
also a requirement for in-depth analysis of the operation to provide insight to improve the Armys
understanding of conict and how to operate within it. Such analyses should be conducted within
the perspective of the operation as a whole and draw more wide-reaching conclusions than those
which tend to arise from a structured lessons process.

0811. It has been said that there are very few new lessons, just old lessons forgotten. The dif-
culty lies in identifying those lessons from the mass of sources available from over four thousand
years of recorded history. Military historical research helps to draw relevant lessons from history.
Conversely historical analysis is a largely mathematical process of analysing historical operations
and drawing statistical inferences. For example, historical analysis of ship movements suggested
the adoption of the convoy system in the First World War which helped defeat the German sub-
marine threat. Appropriate questions have to be asked, and the results interpreted appropriately,
if the results of historical research and historical analysis are to be useful. Both require the in-
volvement of trained and educated military personnel. Historians and statisticians cannot perform
the whole process without military support and guidance.

0812. Operational analysis is scientic support to military decision-making. It applies scien-

tic process and rigour to military problems, although military decisions should rest with military
commanders. Operational analysis can support decision-making during operations through tech-
niques such as course of action comparison, logistic anticipation, and casualty estimation. It also
supports conceptual development, equipment procurement and defence policy. It can be used
to generate statistics to support post-operational reports and observations from training. It looks
forward; but typically applies data from previous conicts to simulations of future operations. As
with other aspects of research, development and analysis, military personnel should assist civil-
ian scientic staff to ensure that military reality is taken into account.

The British/Indian Army (1942-1945)

In 1941 and 1942 the Imperial Japanese Army swept all before it. In three months it defeated the Brit-
ish/Indian Army in Burma, and drove it a thousand miles back into India: the longest retreat in British
military history. Yet from this defeated force, limping back across the Chin Hills into Assam, rose an
army that would later outmatch the Japanese in virtually every respect; and when in May 1945 the lead-
ing elements of the 17th and 26th Indian Divisions, 14th Army, met north of Rangoon, the British/Indian
Army had inicted the worst land defeat that the Imperial Japanese Army had ever suffered.
The British/Indian Army became so successful not just because of superior strategy, leadership, or op-
erational art; but because it learnt from what it had done wrong. This was an army willing to learn; that
analyzed its mistakes; and changed rapidly. After defeat in 1942, it established that its main failing was
in jungle tactics and training, mainly at low level. It developed new tactics, and the training required to
make those tactics work. It also changed its organization, at army command, formation, and unit level.
General Slim may have been the architect of success in the Burma Campaign, but he could do nothing
without the tactical craftsmanship of the battalions under his command.
In the defeats of the 1st Burma Campaign in January to April 1942 and the 1st Arakan campaign of late
1942, some battalions were woefully unprepared to ght a jungle war: they had trained for the Middle
East, and had lost many of their experienced ofcers and men to assist the expansion of the Army.
When the Japanese attacked the British/Indian Army was road-bound; had no answer to Japanese
enveloping tactics; did not dig in; adopted linear defences; and built positions that were not mutually
At rst, there was no central organization to direct the process of change. Units learnt from their own
experiences, or from lessons circulated at formation level. In June 1943 the Infantry Committee was
established formally to analyze the lessons to date, and tactical development across the India Com-
mand was rationalized. Initially this was through a series of pamphlets and training manuals (such
as the Jungle Book), subsequently complemented by a comprehensive training system. The Army
gradually improved; mostly through trial and error. The chief element of success was continuous patrol-
ling, supported by other critical tactics: all round defence; attack by inltration (preferably in the ank or
rear of the enemy); and digging slit trenches whenever troops halted. Supply systems were designed
to support jungle ghting: mule trains to free battalions from roads; and aerial re-supply to permit units
to accept Japanese envelopment and still hold and ght.
By 1945 these tactics were second nature to the British/Indian Army; they were supremely condent in
their use, frequently beating Japanese forces even when signicantly outnumbered. As George Mac-
donald Frazer said, in his memoir1 as a Border Regiment JNCO in Burma, the Army is fond of describ-
ing itself today as the Professionals; we werent professionals we were experts.

Drawn from Daniel P Marston, Phoenix from the Ashes the Indian Army in the Burma Cam-
paign. (London: Praegar, 2003)

George MacDonald Frazer, Quartered Safe Out Here, (London: Harvill Press, 1992), p. 87.

0813. Experimentation can give insight into many operational problems and is an important as-
pect of operational analysis. Only large-scale exercises with troops can approximately replicate
the complexity of combat and provide deep insight. However, unless they are conducted as rigor-
ous experiments, conclusions drawn from them may be of limited value. The results of a properly-
conducted experiment are not readily predictable and there is a possibility of failure. This can
create tension in large-scale exercises between training and experimental objectives. Exercises
dedicated to experimentation are an investment in the future and contribute signicantly to con-
ceptual development.

The Experimental Mechanised Force

Britain pioneered the use of tanks in the First World War.

Their rst major use was at Cambrai on 20 November 1917;
an even more spectacular success was gained at Amiens
on August 8th, 1918. After the drawdown at the end of the
War, Britain established an Experimental Mechanised Force,
based at Tidworth on Salisbury Plain, in 1927. Colonel J F C
Fuller, formerly Chief of Staff of the Tank Corps, was invited
to command it, but declined. Major trials were conducted in
1927, 1928, 1931 and 1934. All aspects of armoured warfare,
including air-ground cooperation, were investigated and con-
siderable experience was gained.
However, a change of Chief of the Imperial General Staff in
February 1933 removed much of the British Armys support
for the development of armoured forces. When the campaign
in France opened in 1940, Britain could deploy only one prop-
erly-equipped Army Tank Brigade, intended primarily for in-
fantry close support. The First Armoured Division, although
in France, was incomplete. The Seventh Armoured Division
Figure 8.1 Major General Fuller was forming up in North Africa.
(as a Colonel), 1919
Unfortunately, the impact of the Experimental Mechanised
Force on the German Army was far more marked. German observers attended the trials of 1931 and
wrote reports which were published in military publications in Germany.
The German Army perceived that Britain had achieved a world-wide lead in armoured warfare and that
the Germans must catch up. The rst three Panzer Divisions were raised in 1933. Six fought in Poland
in 1939 and ten were available in the West in 1940. Experimentation alone had proven insufcient.
The necessary will and resources, lacking in the British Army, were found by the Germans and applied
to considerable effect.

Taken from Anthony John Trythall, Boney Fuller the Intellectual General.
(London: Cassell, 1977)

The Physical Component

0814. This section describes the physical component of Fighting Power, consisting of man-
power, collective performance, equipment and sustainability.

0815. Manpower is the lifeblood of an Army and is provided through manning and recruiting
processes. Who the Army recruits, how it employs them, and how it acts towards them in the rst
few weeks of their military careers all have an impact on their subsequent behaviour. There is
a balance between the Armys ability to recruit the numbers it needs and the skills those people
have or can be trained to hold. The higher the required standards, the smaller the pool from which
they can be recruited.

0816. Once recruited, an individual is subject to a wide range of Service manpower policies
that affect all aspects of his life and employment. They include leave, pay, promotion, discipline,
welfare, employment, reports and appraisals, operational tour intervals, structures and career
progression. The links between them are complex and they support a balance of sanction and re-
ward aimed at producing motivated and trained personnel. The mix is generally robust and major
problems rarely occur. However, in some circumstances small changes in policy or practice have

signicant impact on certain trade groups, particularly where those groups are small. Also, since
the Army exists within society as a whole, external changes can affect the Armys ability to attract
and retain the people it needs. It is important to maintain aspirations for career development, pro-
vide for an acceptable quality of life for the soldier and his family, and manage operational tempo
against the operational need.

0817. Resettlement and discharge contribute directly to Fighting Power through their impact on
retention. A steady rate of discharge creates opportunities for promotion. Resettlement returns
individuals to society with employable skills, improves the image of the Army as a good employer
thus improving recruitment, and demonstrates to those who remain that they will be similarly val-
ued on completion of their service.

0818. Manpower, equipment and organization are converted into deployable capability by train-
ing. Initial training forms a baseline capability and generates common understanding. Collective
training forms trained individuals into cohesive formations and units, and broadens individual
experience. As combat is complex, so are the skills required to conduct it. Such skills fade over
time, both for individuals and units. Collective performance fades as individuals within units and
formations forget, or move on. Training should therefore be individual and collective, progressive
and frequent.

0819. A force cannot achieve high levels of readiness for operations until it has been exercised
as a whole by an external organization or higher headquarters. An headquarters can either ex-
ercise its subordinates or train itself; but it cannot exercise itself effectively. For many reasons,
large-scale eld training exercises are the best form of collective training. For example, friction is
difcult to replicate in other forms of training. Reconnaissance units should train with the forma-
tions for which they reconnoitre in order to ensure that the information they provide is timely and
relevant. Logistic units cannot train effectively without the scale and the time demands imposed
by the force they support. Units and subunits cannot practise combined-arms tactics properly
outside a formation framework because regrouping between battlegroups can only take place at
formation level. The use of simulators can provide a high degree of realism which may not be
available by other means. Hence large-scale force-on-force eld exercises using weapons ef-
fects simulators have very high value.

Figure 8.2 Maintaining Battleeld Skills, Iraq War 2003

0820. Most military research, development and analysis provides scientic and technical sup-
port to equipment acquisition. This can last decades. For example, semiconductor material
research in the 1960-70s produced the microprocessors needed for the information revolution
of the 1980-90s which resulted in battleeld digital and networked systems. Military research,
development and analysis should be driven by doctrine and concepts if they are to result in use-
able military systems, although new technology can create unanticipated opportunities. Those
responsible for systems development should be broadly educated; having a deep knowledge of
their own technical eld, a broad knowledge of military requirements, and a sound knowledge of
how to deploy systems to support or generate military capability.

0821. Equipment acquisition is the programmed acquisition of systems, which normally takes
several years due to the cost and scale of capability management. This also exploits the durabil-
ity of deployed systems. If a major equipment has a planned life of twenty years or more, several
years can be spent researching, planning, designing and programming its successor. Changes
to the threat, strategic posture or concepts can have signicant impact on the need for systems in
both the short and the long term.

0822. The Urgent Operational Requirement process is a more rapid form of acquisition of equip-
ment or materiel. It enables equipment and material to be obtained quickly in response to a par-
ticular operation since it is not possible to procure all the equipment required for every possible
contingency. A balance should be achieved. On one hand, money can be saved by not procuring
equipment for all contingencies. Conversely, here is a risk that insufcient time may be available
to develop, procure, deliver and train on that equipment prior to an operation.

Upgrading the Bazooka

During the Second World War the US Army employed the 2.75 inch rocket launcher (RL) as a short-
range antitank weapon, with reasonable success. It was popularly known as the Bazooka. However,
when US forces deployed to Korea in 1950 they came across Soviet tanks for the rst time particularly
the well-protected T34. The 2.75 inch RL was found to be inadequate.

The US armaments system rolled into action. Analysis suggested that the easiest solution would be to
simply scale up the 2.75 in RL. Not least, this would avoid having to re-train the operators. The new
model, the 3.5in RL, looked almost identical but was actually about 25% bigger all round. The new
Bazooka was rushed into production and shipped across the Pacic to Korea. The rst examples were
with front line troops 88 days after the problem was identied. The new weapon was entirely adequate
for the job for which it was required.
Drawn from Maurice Mitloff ed. American Military History
(Washington: US Army & Government Printing Ofce, 1973)

0823. Like equipment, the procurement of military materiel such as protective equipment and
medical supplies involves considerable investment and long timescales. Most commodities have
a nite shelf-life and it is expensive to maintain them in large quantities for possible future opera-
tions. Many are also not easy to procure, often requiring specialist factories and relatively long
lead-times. Some items such as artillery ammunition are required in much greater quantities for
major combat operations than for other types of operation. Thus large amounts may be required
at relatively short notice; but they are expensive, heavy, bulky and need special handling. Esti-
mating quantities required is a balance of cost against the risk of operational failure.

The Moral Component

0824. The importance of cohesion was described in Chapters 2 and 7. Moral cohesion is a
largely intangible product of force preparation and generation. It is built over time, reecting is-
sues such as unit ethos, tradition, and shared experience. A failure to build or sustain such cohe-
sion will result in demoralization, loss of will and tactical failure.

0825. Barrack life forms a signicant proportion of a soldiers or ofcers military experience. It
is affected by general manpower policies and many small issues that are largely a result of experi-
ence and tradition. The precise particulars are rarely important of themselves. There should be
a balance between tradition and custom on the one hand and operational relevance on the other,
all aimed at generating moral cohesion through shared experience.

0826. Scientic research and development analyse social, psychological and demographic as
well as technical issues. Studying the behavioural human sciences assists issues such as: un-
derstanding the sources of potential recruits; developing concepts for information operations; and
developing operational concepts. Although behavioural aspects underpin the moral component
of Fighting Power, few serving personnel have qualications in these disciplines and the Armys
knowledge of such issues is largely implicit.

8.3 The Path to Force Generation

0827. From the individuals perspective, the path to force generation begins when he is initially
attracted to the Army. He is recruited and undergoes initial entry training as a soldier or ofcer.
He then joins a unit, which is at some point within a readiness process. His unit, and the forma-
tion it belongs to, undertakes general force preparation activities until warned for operations. To
him, these activities focus on individual and collective training, and equipment husbandry. Train-
ing should be progressive, from individual and team training to large scale exercises. Low-level
training is typically single-Service, becoming increasingly joint and multinational training at higher
levels. As his unit switches to force generation, activities become more focused on the particular
operation to be undertaken. Mission preparation describes preparation for a task in general;
mission rehearsal refers to preparation for a specied mission in a given operation.

0828. Force generation activities should not stop as the operation commences. Refresher
training should take place during quiet periods. There should be an effective mechanism which
continuously captures and considers lessons from both operations and training. Concurrently,
other forces should undergo force generation so as to relieve those deployed in due course.
Activities such as recovery from theatre, leave and equipment refurbishment should follow. In-
dividuals, units and formations should then continue with the ongoing process of force prepara-
tion. Lessons should be disseminated to develop understanding and contribute to conceptual
development. Some individuals leave the Service and are replaced with newly-trained recruits.
Promotions and postings continue; equipment will be upgraded or withdrawn from service; new
equipment will be brought into service.

0829. The path to force preparation and generation is unending; all the activities listed in the
previous section contribute along that path. Policies and procedures for recruitment, retention
and training impact directly on the individual soldier. His equipment needs to be designed, built,
accepted into service, supported, maintained and eventually disposed of. The material he con-
sumes including ammunition, rations and fuel also has to be acquired, stored, maintained and
supplied. The training he undertakes needs to be scheduled, planned, resourced and conducted.

The size and shape of the units and formations of which he is a member need to be planned,
developed and evolved. There are many other examples and very large numbers of people are
involved. Many are members of the Armed Forces; some are civil servants; others are in indus-
try. In some cases the activities they undertake will be reected rapidly in operational capability;
such activities include acquiring equipment against Urgent Operational Requirements. In other
cases, such as routine equipment acquisition, the results may only be elded after years or even

0830. Force preparation and generation should use feedback processes to maximize Fighting
Power. Such feedback includes post-operational reports and observations from training. The
benet arises only when lessons and observations are acted upon and practices changed. The
way an army learns from its experience is a true measure of its professionalism.


The all-Regular British Expeditionary Force mobilized on August 4th, 1914 and was soon in action in
France. It took signicant casualties in the opening battles of August, September and October 1914.
The Territorial Army was not intended for operations outside the UK, but by October twenty-two TA Bat-
talions had been mobilized and despatched to France. The rst Territorial unit the London Scottish
(14th Battalion, the London Regiment) entered the front line to reinforce the Second Cavalry Division
near Messines on Halloween, 31st October. Others followed quickly. By coincidence, when the Third
Infantry Division relieved the Second Cavalry Division it contained the Liverpool Scottish (10th Battalion,
the Kings Regiment). 21 Territorial battalions and ve Yeomanry regiments qualied for the Mons Star.
The Old Contemptibles were by no means entirely Regulars.
The Kitchener Armies did not start to arrive in France until 1915; the breach was largely lled by pre-
war TA battalions. Many were doubled split and enlarged in to two, and sometimes three, battalions.
The quality of pre-war TA soldiers was often very high. Units such as the London and Liverpool Scottish
and the Artists Ries (28th Battalion, the London Regiment) produced a very large number of ofcers:
the Liverpool Scottish alone commissioned about 480 ofcers from its ranks. One rose to the rank of
major general; one became a ghter ace in the Royal Flying Corps; another was the future Marshal
of the Royal Air Force, Trafford Leigh-Mallory. Its RMO, Captain Noel Chavasse RAMC, was the only
person to be awarded the Victoria Cross twice in the First World War.

Drawn from Robin Neillands The Old Contemptibles The British Expeditionary Force, 1914.
(London: Hodder Headline, 2004)
and Hal Giblin et al, Bravest of Hearts The Biography of a Battalion.
The Liverpool Scottish in the Great War. (Merseyside: Winordie Publications, 2000)

0831. The Reserves can make a major contribution to land forces on operations. Properly pre-
paring the Reserves, which includes their recruitment, training and conditions of service, is a key
requirement. All individuals, whether reserve or regular, should be deployed for operations only
when they have completed initial training, trade training and special-to-theatre training, and have
demonstrated adequate levels of the skills required.

0832. Since friction affects all operations, force preparation and generation should simulate that
friction in order to prepare land forces to overcome it. Large-scale eld training exercises permit
realistic simulation of friction, although not to the extent it exists on operations. Such exercises al-
low current operational concepts, as described in doctrine, to be tested against the contemporary
operating environment. Aspects of that environment may be physical: Exercise SAIF SAREEA II
in 2001 drew lessons on operating in the desert, in part forgotten since the 1991 Gulf War but re-
membered in time for the 2003 Iraq War. Other aspects of the environment are geopolitical. For

example, the tactics used by British forces in 2003 generally predated the events of 11 Septem-
ber 2001 and were judged to be largely valid. However, the context in which they were applied
had changed. For example, the threat to personnel and equipment in rear areas had grown.1 All
members of the Army should be soldiers rst and specialists second. Training and equipment
scales should reect that necessity.

0833. National differences in structures, systems and doctrine suggest that regular multination-
al exercises should be held. However, such exercises contribute only to force preparation rather
than generation because the precise makeup of a future coalition force cannot be predicted. This
places considerable importance on the process of observing such exercises, recording observa-
tions, and deriving lessons so as to develop standardized procedures to be adopted for future
coalition operations.

The term rear areas remains meaningful in terms of the location from which forces are sustained. See Chapter 3,
paragraph 0331.



Gary Shefeld, Defence Studies Department, Kings College London & Joint Services Command
and Staff College


While some armed forces have been famed for their doctrinal approach, until 1989 the British
Army was not one of them. Largely eschewing formal, written doctrine, the Army made a cult of
pragmatism, exibility and an empirical approach, the latter dened by the Oxford English Dic-
tionary as based or acting on observation or experiment, not on theory; deriving knowledge from
experience alone. That is not to say that the British Army entirely neglected doctrine, broadly
dened, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. However, doctrine tended to be semi-formal at
best; was centred around one individual commander or existed in a specic set of circumstances
(usually high-intensity war) and was not necessarily easily transferable elsewhere; and in some
cases it was more honoured in the breach than the observance. The reinvention of the British
Army since 1989 as a doctrinally based organization is as profound a revolution as any experi-
enced in its 350-year history.

Military doctrine means different things to different people and organizations. The Armys rst
modern doctrinal pamphlet, the 1989 Design for Military Operations dened it as that what is
taught. Rather more helpfully, NATO denes doctrine as fundamental principles by which mili-
tary forces guide their actions in support of objectives. It is authoritative, but requires judgement
in application. British Defence Doctrine states that the principal purpose of military doctrine
is to provide the Armed Forces with a framework of guidance for the conduct of operations. Two
blinding glimpses of the obvious may be mentioned here. First, doctrine is not intended as a
substitute for thought. Second, if an armys doctrine is awed, that can be worse than having no
doctrine at all. Changing an armys doctrine in the middle of a major war is a difcult and danger-
ous process.

This essay will employ the military thinker J F C Fullers 1923 denition of doctrine as the central
idea of an army. This has the virtue of simplicity and brevity, and also of being broad enough
to encompass the wide varieties of doctrine that have inuenced the British Army over the last
century or so. Fuller went on to amplify his denition of doctrine, arguing that

to be sound [it] must be based on the principles of war, and which to be effective must be
elastic enough to admit of mutation in accordance with change in circumstance. In its ulti-
mate relationship to the human understanding this central idea or doctrine is nothing else
than common sense that is, action adapted to circumstances.1

The relationship between military thought and doctrine is complex. They are not synonymous,
although clearly the rst can inuence the second. In the case of counter-insurgency, the ideas
promulgated by military thinkers played a signicant role in the formulation of a semi-formal doc-
trine. Ultimately, unofcial military thought, such as that produced by Basil Liddell Hart and J F
C Fuller in the rst half of the twentieth century, or Richard Simpkin in the 1970s and 1980s, can
be accepted or rejected by ofcers according to their taste. Formal doctrine, if the system works
properly, cannot. Rather, doctrine

should establish a framework of understanding and action, which should inform the deci-
sion-making process. Doctrine at the higher levels should permeate the language and
thinking of those in high command, and their subordinates should be able to gauge their
thoughts, and indeed, anticipate them because of a common background and training.2

Doctrine can be disseminated in many ways: through formal publications; unofcial books and
articles; teaching at military colleges; lectures to bodies such as the Royal United Services Insti-
tute; by senior commanders establishing informal schools of disciples; and by hard-won experi-
ence being passed on informally at regimental level. For most of its existence, the British Army
has relied primarily on informal rather than formal methods of disseminating doctrine. This was a
consequence of the historic structure of the British Army, as a loose federation of individual regi-
ments and corps, which inhibited the imposition of ideas from on high. While the importance of the
regimental system in retarding the acceptance of doctrine can be overestimated, it was certainly a
factor, reecting a trend in wider British society of empiricism and suspicion of theory. The British
Army ofcer corps has traditionally been characterized by the ethos of the gentlemanly amateur.
Soldiers who took their profession seriously were likely to be regarded as a little odd, and some
such as Bernard Montgomery as military s***s.

Lack of doctrine was also a manifestation of the political context within which the Army has oper-
ated. It is conceivable that a reform minded government could have forced the acceptance of
Army-wide doctrine, but the general attitude has been one of benign or sometimes not so be-
nign neglect. General Sir Mike Jacksons comment that Political guidance can be really help-
ful if you get it would have been echoed by many of his predecessors down the centuries.3 In
the period immediately before the Second World War, for instance, the government only made a
formal decision to send an expeditionary force to the Continent in early 1939, which left little time
to prepare the Army for its new role. Moreover, one might defend the Armys lack of intellectual
readiness for the type of high intensity war that it was to ght between 1939 and 1945 by argu-
ing that in the absence of strategic direction, it was only natural that ofcers should concentrate
on the type of conict in which they were most likely to engage colonial small wars. Operating
more often that not in a political vacuum, for much of its history, the Army has simply got on with
what it is good at: ghting small wars, which gave full rein to the units exercising the virtues of
exibility, pragmatism, and working out each problem as it came along.

The absence of joint doctrine has caused problems over the years. During periods of close co-
operation, for example between the Army and the Royal Navy (RN) during the Napoleonic Wars,
each service came to understand the others perspective and requirements, and an effective part-
nership could be forged. But this was dependent on two variables. First, that the mix of person-
alities was right. The role of personalities should never be underestimated, but effective doctrine
can help ameliorate its more dangerous aspects, and conversely individuals who forge a good
working relationship can help to overcome the problems posed by a lack of common doctrine.
Second, it is all too easy for experience gained through constant practice to be lost if individuals,
or circumstances, change. The relationship of the Army and the Royal Air Force (RAF) is a case
in point. Until April 1918, the Royal Flying Corps was part of the Army, and was largely dedicated
to supporting the land battle, thanks in part to the fact that Trenchard, Haigs Air Component Com-
mander (to use a modern term), shared the C-in-Cs strategic vision. After the First World War,
a vast gulf opened between the Army and the newly-independent RAF. The central idea of the
RAF under, ironically, Trenchard, became strategic bombing, and Army cooperation became the
light blue Cinderella. The lessons of land-air cooperation learned so painfully on the Western
Front had to be relearned, equally painfully, during the Second World War.

Colonial Warfare to Counter-Insurgency to Peace Support Operations

British counter-insurgency (COIN) practice admirably demonstrates both the existence of a body
of semi-formal doctrine, and the way in which it was disseminated. During the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries the British Army acquired a vast amount of experience in small wars, rst
in colonial campaigns and then, after 1945, during the retreat from empire. There was no sys-
tematic attempt to produce a formal doctrine in the modern sense for small wars such a thing
would have run counter to the ethos and practice of the Army at that time. However, a body of
unofcial but nonetheless inuential writings was produced, which, along with teaching at military
colleges such as Camberley and Quetta, and, most important of all, the passing on of experience
by individuals, something approximating to a central idea of an Army did emerge in the form of
a number of basic principles that were generally recognized as effective, to which troops facing
insurgency usually adhered.

These included the use of minimum necessary force, the use of local resources, and the gather-
ing of intelligence, as well as a basic recognition that unrest was usually rooted in a political griev-
ance, and that political reform could be an appropriate response. Underpinning this doctrine was
a highly pragmatic approach to problem solving, to which exibility was the key. This doctrine
was certainly not a rigid template, and the principles were certainly breached on occasions, most
famously at Amritsar in India (April 1919), when 380 demonstrators were killed.

The experience of colonial campaigning was codied by C E Callwell in Small Wars: Their Prin-
ciples and Practice in 1896 and other writers produced books along similar lines. Some tactical
pamphlets were produced with titles such as Notes on Imperial Policing (1934) and Duties in
Aid of the Civil Power (1937). These contained strict instructions for use of military forces, for
it became standard practice for the Army to be called in by the civil authorities only if the police
could not handle the situation. The military commander usually remained subordinated to the civil
authorities, unless martial law was proclaimed. The use of minimum force emerged as an ideal,
stressed by Sir Charles Gwynn in his book Imperial Policing (1934) an unofcial text, but which
was nonetheless widely used at the Staff College, Camberley.

How many ofcers actually read, and even more importantly, internalized these works is a moot
point. Probably more important was the dissemination of knowledge at regimental level, with
old hands passing on the wisdom gained from hard experience to newcomers. Similarly, senior
commanders would carry ideas and methods from campaign to campaign, which would act as a
form of localized, de facto doctrine, if only while he remained in command. Indeed, one scholar
has referred to historical amnesia which suggests that the British approach in this period was a
matter of broad principles transmitted informally from one generation of soldiers and civil servants
to the next.4

After 1945 the British Army followed a similar route, relying on best practice being passed on
by regimental osmosis, backed up by ofcial tactical manuals and some unofcial but inuen-
tial writings. The colonial warfare experience proved a rm basis on which to base COIN in the
post-1945 era, with tried and tested methods being added to an enhanced understanding of the
political/ideological dimension. However, the concentration on conventional warfare during the
Second World War meant that a certain amount of reinvention of the wheel had to be carried out
in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

This produced a form of doctrine that although still semi-formal, was even more pervasive than its
pre 1939 ancestor had been. The formative experiences were the campaigns in Palestine (1945-

8) and Malaya (1948-60). Out of these, and other campaigns, emerged a distinctive pattern of
counter-insurgency [not] a theory, elaborately complied and rigidly adhered to but a series
of responses which, when adapted to t specic conditions, proved success in maintaining at
least a measure of political stability, even under the pressure of strident nationalism of communist
revolutionary warfare.5

This semi-formal doctrine had the virtue of exibility, in that it could be adapted to suit very differ-
ent circumstances. This was not always successful. The expedient of uniting civil and military
authority in the person of one individual Sir Gerald Templer who served as both High Commis-
sioner and Director of Military Operations in Malaya in 1952 to 1954 was less successful when
Field Marshal Harding carried out a similar role in Cyprus. Moreover, COIN principles were also
on occasions inconsistently applied. The British Armys approach to operations in Northern Ire-
land in the early 1970s sometimes departed from the principles of COIN that had emerged pain-
fully over previous years.

Nevertheless, certain broad principles can be identied as threads running through British COIN
campaigns, including identication of the essentially political nature of the problem, the primacy of
civil control, the coordination of civil and military activity, the emphasis on intelligence, the separa-
tion of the insurgent from the mass of the people, the battle to win hearts and minds, appropriate
and proportionate military response and political reform to prevent a resurgence of the problem.

Just as in earlier years, the British writings on COIN did not enjoy ofcial status, but were none-
theless regarded as signicant within the Army. Probably the most celebrated were the works
of Sir Robert Thompson (such as Countering Communist Insurgency, 1966). His ve principles
laid heavy stress on political responses, and reected his experience of the Malayan Emergency,
in which he participated as a high level administrator. There was another writer whose inuence
rivalled Thomson: Frank Kitson, who served in the counter-insurgencies in Kenya, Muscat and
Oman, and Cyprus. He commanded in Belfast at the height of the Troubles in 1970-2, and was
Commandant at the Staff College in 1978-80. His books (Gangs and Countergangs, 1960; Low
Intensity Operations, 1969; Bunch of Five, 1977) were broadly similar to Thompsons, although he
placed especial emphasis on intelligence. The COIN era also produced some ofcial manuals,
the Conduct of Anti-Terrorist Operations in Malaya (ATOM) pamphlet being a particularly signi-
cant example, which was, interestingly, published by the government of Malaya rather than the

In the early years of the COIN era, Sandhurst and the Staff College played a fairly minor role in
passing on doctrine. It was not until the early 1960s that relevant material formed a signicant
part of the curriculum at RMAS, and much the same appears to have been true at Camberley.
From the 1970s onwards, things improved, with periods being devoted to COIN at both institu-
tions. At Sandhurst, students were exposed to some quite sophisticated discussions of COIN,
albeit briey. John Pimlott, who taught at RMAS from 1973 to his death in 1997, was a particularly
inuential gure. Regularly lecturing on the subject, he played an important role in codifying Brit-
ish COIN principles, and passing on their essence to generations of student ofcers. He also had
an inuence on the rst formal British COIN doctrine, which appeared in the 1990s.

The semi-formal COIN doctrine was the product of a very British approach to problem-solving,
based on empiricism rather than theory. As Thomas Mockaitis has written of the pre-1960 period,
while the British approach to COIN was distinctly different from that of other nations,

Each campaign was approached on a more or less ad hoc basis, according to the general
principles of minimum force, civil-military cooperation and tactical exibility. Asked to ex-
plain their methods, ofcers often referred to them as common sense or making it up as
we went along the [military] establishment [was] singularly resistant to preserving and
transmitting its experience in an orderly fashion. Fortunately, an almost unbroken string
of internal security missions allowed effective methods and principles to develop and be
passed along informally.6

The argument that the Army was resistant to formal doctrine is at rst sight supported by the reac-
tion to the introduction of Wider Peacekeeping (WPK), a controversial doctrinal work published in
1994.7 Possibly, however, perceived aws in the doctrine were more important than opposition to
doctrine per se. The background was the commitment of British troops to Bosnia from September
1992 onwards. It is clear that British commanders felt that the Armys experience of COIN and
peacekeeping were more than adequate preparation for dealing with the complex emergency in
former Yugoslavia. Brigadier Andrew Cumming, for instance, commented that:

Both our doctrine and education and, most importantly, our ofcers and soldiers are good
enough to adapt to any change of role or circumstances to achieve the best results.

WPK laid stress on impartiality and consent as absolutes. Critics of WPK saw it as overly timid,
and risk averse. Such criticisms reected wider unhappiness with what some perceived as the
Armys excessively passive role in Bosnia. Rod Thornton sees WPK as a political document that
served the Armys need to advertise to a wider world why it acted the way it did in Bosnia8. It
was replaced by Joint Warfare Publication 3-50, Peace Support Operations in 1997, which was
inuenced by the changed strategic environment in Bosnia. This was a doctrine for peace en-
forcement that envisaged the Army being used in a much more robust fashion than in the early
stages of the intervention in Bosnia. JWP 3-50 drew on the essentials of COIN, and recognized
that judicious use of force might be benecial. In the words of one of its authors, The approach
that JWP 3-50 offers is based upon a combination of enforcement and consent promoting tech-
niques a combination of the stick and carrot. 9

Several conclusions can be drawn from the WPK saga. The rst is that the British Armys tradi-
tion of empiricism and exibility continued to be important into the post-1989 doctrinal era. The
second was that a specic piece of doctrine caused considerable controversy something that,
for good or ill, was largely avoided during the pre-doctrine era. Finally, the semi-formal British
COIN doctrine proved a rm basis for the construction of doctrine for Peace Support Operations.
In the last years of the twentieth century and the rst years of the twenty-rst, the British Army has
been engaged in a number of complex operations, for example in Kosovo and Iraq, in which ele-
ments of COIN and Peace Support (and sometimes conventional warghting) have existed side
by side. In these operations British troops have employed the traditional approach of exibility
and pragmatism, but now it is buttressed by doctrine which provides a framework for thought and

The First World War

The British Army of the First World War has had a bad press. Any attempt to assess the British
commanders and the way they conducted operations has to get past a series of tired stereo-
types. The popular image is of lions led by donkeys. Bafed by trench warfare, it is commonly
believed the generals (who were unimaginative at best and downright stupid at worst) could
think of nothing better than to throwing ever more men into battles of attrition. Some historians,

while moving far beyond such overly simplistic views, have also taken a dim view of the British
Army. It has been portrayed as inexible, overly conservative, addicted to the offensive, wed-
ded to manpower-centred, methods of warghting, exalting morale over technology, and seeing
sheer mass of men and shells as the key to victory. It has also been criticized for its lack of a
coherent doctrine, and compared unfavourably with the innovative, doctrinally-based German
Army. One wonders, if the critics are correct, how it came about that the British Army won the
First World War, and the German Army lost it.
The truth is rather different. Overcoming enormous problems, between 1914 and 1918 the British
Army transformed itself from a colonial gendarmerie into a continental-sized army. In 1918 this
Army took the lead in defeating the German Army on the eld of battle, winning the greatest series
of military victories in British history. In order to achieve this success, the Army had to overcome
the problems of expansion, from 6 divisions on the Western Front in 1914 to about 60 two years
later. The small Regular Army became a vast citizen force of volunteers and, later, conscripts. To
provide commanders and staffs for these formations meant rapid promotion and ofcers having to
learn how to handle greatly expanded responsibilities. This was on the job training with a venge-
ance, as all too often it took place while in contact with the enemy. This all took place at a time
when, as Major General Jonathan Bailey has demonstrated, profound changes in the conduct of
war were occurring, which amounted to a Revolution in Military Affairs. The wonder is not that
mistakes with bloody consequences occurred, but rather that given such an unpromising begin-
ning, the Army reached such a peak of military excellence.

The British Army went through the First World War without a formal doctrine in the modern sense.
Indeed, senor ofcers had deliberately rejected the notion of adopting prescriptive doctrine, see-
ing it as likely to hamper the exercise of initiative and exibility. In 1911, an article in a professional
journal concerning the updated version of Infantry Training stated that considerable latitude in ap-
plying principles and instructions to local conditions have been left to commanders an important
consideration given that British troops were likely to have to ght in very different circumstances
all over the globe.10

The Army did, however, have a body of doctrine in the form of Field Service Regulations (FSR).
Rather than being prescriptive, FSR set out broad principles for action. General Sir Douglas
Haig was the key gure in the formulation of FSR 1909. Under his direction, FSR 1909 included
the lessons that he had learned from his time as a Staff College student in 1896 that battles fell
into four stages: the advance to contact; the establishment of the ring line, in which the British
would achieve re superiority; the assault; and the pursuit. These stages in the battle had, Haig
declared in 1917, proved successful in war from time immemorial. The aim was the quickest
and most complete destruction of the enemy forces which would deliver decisive success. As
Albert Palazzo has written, although the British concept of battle was based on a much smaller
scale of conict than the one they found themselves engaged in on the Western Front, since the
principles were believed to be timeless they did not require any change or modication. Instead
it was simply the scale of the engagement that had to be adjusted11 Senior commanders saw
trench warfare as an aberration from the norm. Seen in the longer perspective of the develop-
ment of warfare, they were right; mobile or semi-mobile warfare became once again the norm by
the spring of 1918. Because the principles were so broad, they allowed commanders to exercise
the pragmatism, exibility and empiricism that the pre-war Regular Army cherished, and which
resulted in much successful innovation.

Some writers have shied away from describing FSR as a doctrine. Certainly, the principles it
contained were much broader than the semi-formal doctrine for COIN, although FSR was more
formal and ofcial. It can nonetheless be fairly described as the central idea of an army. There

was much emphasis on moral factors in FSR. Success in war depends more on moral than on
physical qualities, stated FSR 1912; Neither armies, armament, resources, nor skill can com-
pensate for lack of courage, energy, determination, and the bold offensive spirit which springs
from a national determination to conquer. The development of the necessary moral qualities is,
therefore, the rst object to be attained in the training of an army. Such statements echo thought
in other European armies, and taken to extremes, as for instance in France, leading to the disas-
trous cult of the offensive of 1914. The emphasis on maintaining the Armys morale, and destroy-
ing that of the enemy, underpinned the British style of warghting on the Western Front. If morale
was the rst plank of British doctrine, manoeuvre and repower were the other two, reected in
the development of the tank, aircraft, infantry tactics, and above all, artillery techniques.

By painful trial and error, between 1915 and 1918 the British Army evolved a coherent method of
warghting. This involved the adoption of technology, the codication of tactics, and the estab-
lishment of an Army-wide training organization. By late 1917 a distinctly British style of warght-
ing had emerged, based around the all-arms weapons system, artillery heavy bite and hold
operations, and the use of technology as a substitute for numbers. It would be foolish to deny the
weaknesses displayed (for example, a tendency for rigidity in command systems and over-control
from the top, at least in the middle years of the war), the problems experienced, and mistakes
made. It would be equally wrong to deny the success achieved by these methods in the Hundred
Days of victories, August-November 1918.

The British Armys continued adherence to pre-war principles has been seen by many as an ex-
ample of military myopia and pigheadedness. Certainly, looking at the horric casualty lists and
the failure of many British offensives, it seems that such critics have a point. This is to misunder-
stand the nature of the problem. All armies found themselves having to adjust to trench warfare,
a form of conict the realities of which had been only dimly perceived before the war, and for the
reasons given above the British Army had particular handicaps to overcome. The British doctrine
provided a framework within which tactical solutions could be sought. It was not perfect: while
achieving re dominance was critical to the British victories in 1917-18, in the last days of the
war, when mobile operations had been resumed, a full-blown cavalry-based pursuit eluded the
British Army, much to Haigs frustration. It is possible, but unlikely, that had the Army entered the
war with a different doctrine, it would have proved more successful. Bill Slim, who unlike Haig
has a rm place in the pantheon of great operational commanders, wrote of the battle of Imphal
in Burma in 1944 in remarkably similar terms to Haigs principles. Above all, it is difcult to argue
with success. The German Army changed its doctrine in the course of the war, and it did not lead
to victory. Indeed, a strong case can be made that it hastened its defeat. The British, who main-
tained the same doctrine throughout, ended the war as masters of the battleeld.

Between the Two World Wars

The huge and effective army that Britain possessed at the end of the First World War was rapidly
demobilized and dispersed. The end of the war against Germany did not mean an end to ght-
ing. The Army was committed to a myriad of small wars and police actions: in various parts of the
Empire, newly-enlarged with the acquisition of territory from their former enemies; in Ireland; and
in Russia, where British and other forces intervened against the Bolsheviks. This rapid return to
the small change of British soldiering had an important impact, as it denied the Army any breath-
ing space for the leisurely examination and analysis of its Great War experience. Soldiers were
too busy soldiering.

Moreover, in a strategic situation that resembled that of the early twenty-rst century, there was

no obvious conventional enemy on the horizon, so it is not surprising if soldiers tended to concen-
trate primarily on the COIN campaigns that were their immediate problems. Certainly, politicians
showed little inclination to think about the possible role of the Army in a future major war, still less
to direct the Chief of the Imperial General Staff (CIGS) to prepare for one. The general view of the
First World War, shared by politicians, soldiers and the civilian population alike, can be summed
up in two words: Never Again. Almost anything, especially appeasement and strategic bombing
was seen as preferable to repetition of the Western Front.

On top of this, the interwar years were a period of tight budgets. The Ten Year Rule, by which
planning was to be made on the assumption that there would be no major war for ten years, was
introduced in 1919 by Winston Churchill, largely as an economy measure. The introduction of
new equipment, and even carrying out training, was circumscribed by nancial considerations.
After the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy had taken their slices of the defence budget, the
Army usually was left with the crumbs. Budgetary decisions taken in the 1920s and 1930s were
high on the list of reasons for ill-preparedness of the British Army in 1940.

The popular view of the higher reaches of the Army in the interwar period is of an intellectual
wasteland, devoid of ofcial military thought. The lessons of the Great War were not analysed
until it was too late; and the prophetic utterings of a few visionaries such as Basil Liddell Hart and
J.F.C. Fuller where ignored by the dinosaurs at the top of the Army. This led inexorably to the
defeat in France in 1940. This portrait of the interwar scene, fostered by the self-serving writings
of military critics such as Fuller and Liddell Hart, is little more than a caricature. In reality, under
successive CIGS, senior soldiers wrestled with the lessons of the First World War, reformed the
army, and formulated doctrine. At a lower level, a perusal of the pages of the Journal of the Royal
United Services Institute or Army Quarterly reveals many articles written by ofcers of all ranks
that analyse aspects of the Western (and other) fronts. Reform may not have moved fast or far
enough for the taste of some military radicals, but that is not to say that reform did not occur. In
this period, Liddell Hart and Fuller produced important and stimulating military theory; but their
contribution comes under the heading of military thought rather than the subject of this essay,
military doctrine (although they may have exerted some inuence on the latter).

To a far greater extent than before 1914, senior ofcers recognized the importance of doctrine.
The 1920 edition of FSR Vol. II (Operations) contained this blunt statement in the very rst para-

The Army will be trained in peace and led in war in accordance with the doctrine contained
in this volume. The principles of this doctrine should be so thoroughly impressed on the
mind of every commander that, whenever he has to come to a decision in the eld, he will
instinctively give them their full weight.12

This emphasis on a universal, Army-wide doctrine continued throughout the interwar period.
Two obstacles stood in the way of the British Army of the 1920s and 1930s becoming a doctrinally
based service in the modern sense. First, although successive versions of FSR contained much
good sense, they were closer to the pre-1914 semi-formal style of doctrine than the modern, more
prescriptive variety. Second, the host of factors referred to above the regimental system, lead-
ing to a lack of inter-arm cooperation; the dispersion of the Army in colonial garrisons across the
globe; suspicion of doctrine; anti-intellectualism; adherence to the empirical tradition prevented
FSR being thoroughly internalized, and truly becoming the central idea of the British Army. The
FSR of 1935, largely written by Archibald Wavell, was a fundamentally sound document.13 Nev-
ertheless, during the Desert campaigns of 1941 and early 1942, it was largely ignored (ironically,

by forces under Wavells ultimate command) in favour of a locally improvised doctrine. This
stressed unsupported actions by tanks, and neglected the importance of the combined arms bat-
tle. Such an approach led, all too often, to disaster.

The assessment of the lessons of the Great War and the construction of a new doctrine began
immediately after the War. The CIGS, Sir Henry Wilson, was determined that the Army should
in future ght a mobile rather than a static war, and so invested in tanks. Over the next two dec-
ades horses were phased out, to be replaced by motor transport and tanks; permanent armoured
formations were established; and the Bren light machine gun replaced the Lewis Gun of Western
Front vintage. Various trials were carried out, most famously the establishment of the brigade-
sized Experimental Mechanised Force in 1927-28. As a result, the Field Force sent to France in
1939 was the most highly mechanized army in the world. Doctrine was essentially sound, being
based around the all arms battle, with the lessons of the Great War incorporated in FSR 1935
via the Kirke report of 1932. FSR stressed the importance of high morale, surprise, and superior
repower. Attrition was to be avoided. In short, in David Frenchs words, The very last thing the
army was equipped, organized or trained to do was to repeat the trench warfare of the Western

Nevertheless, several grave aws can be identied in British doctrine at the outbreak of the Sec-
ond World War. The Kirke report on the lessons of the First World War striving to prevent trench
deadlock had identied that our methods are apt to be too stereotyped, which again tends to
produce the same weakness in our methods of attack. One solution was to move towards what
we would today refer to as Mission Command:

In mobile operations, however, precise orders cannot be issued to meet every possibility,
and commanders will have to act on general instructions. All commanders should, there-
fore, be trained to work at times on instructions, and not to rigid orders.

The problem was that this laudable aspiration remained just that an aspiration. Rigidity of com-
mand and the culture of the interwar army militated against developing the type of qualities of
independent thought in ofcers, although those who had seen extensive active service in small
wars tended to buck this trend. Moreover, there was a tendency to see operations in the terms
of 1918, of set-piece advances of perhaps 40 miles, rather than the mobile battles being contem-
plated by the British Armys counterparts in Germany and the Soviet Union. This led to British
soldiers being, on the whole, ill-prepared for the type of fast moving battle they encountered in

A further hazardous consequence of this line of thought was reinforced by the theories of Fuller
and Liddell Hart. They assumed, and many agreed with them, that in future war the great artillery
bombardments of 1916-17, that had sacriced surprise and smashed communications render-
ing movement all but impossible, would be unnecessary. The Kirke report concludes cautiously
and signicantly: This question of speeding up the organization of artillery re plans has been
closely studied but so far the results have not been very encouraging. The solution in the 1930s
was the decentralization of artillery command systems, which resulted, especially in the Desert
campaigns of 1941 and early 1942, in an inability to concentrate artillery re at the decisive
point.15 Under Haig, artillery had been the Armys most technically advanced arm, a true battle-
winner. Under Montgomery, it was to become so again. In the meantime, there was a dangerous
gap in the Armys doctrine.

In 1918, the British had conducted a highly effective form of air/land battle. Partly because of

institutional pressures that stemmed from the independent Royal Air Forces struggle for survival,
the battleeld role of airpower was neglected in the interwar years. Strategic bombing became,
for the RAF, the Holy Grail. FSR could not rely on having aircraft in the ground support role, and
Kirke had airpower excluded from his remit; he could only suggest the desirability of aircraft as
part of the larger package. The British Army was to pay the price for this neglect time and again
during the Second World War.

The Second World War

The British Armys rst major victory of the Second World War, OConnors defeat of the Italian
Tenth Army in 1940-1, demonstrated the essential soundness of its pre-war doctrine. OConnors
methods, which involved a surprise attack using all-arms, followed by a dash through the Desert
to outank the Italians and cut their line of retreat, were based not on the theories of the armour
radicals but on common sense. However, OConnor was captured in early 1941, and things were
rather different under his successors.

Willingness to undertake radical experiments with armour rather than building on the sound foun-
dations of FSR 1935 was a self-inicted wound. In 1941, it appeared that the German blitzkrieg
had transformed the nature of warfare; and that the future lay with the tank. The terrain in the
Western Desert encouraged a false analogy with war at sea. In this environment, the classic
principles of war no longer seemed relevant, for the tank had seemingly created new ones. Ac-
cordingly, armoured commanders, inuenced by radical thinkers such as Basil Liddell Hart, im-
provised new tactics, which had the fatal aw of neglecting the coordination of all arms. Armoured
units in particular were prone to try to ght independent battles. This was especially unfortunate
given the propensity of some units for the frontal charge and the German tactic of using panzers
to lure British tanks onto their anti-tank guns. Frequent changes of commander and units within
Eighth Army did not make the task of establishing a sensible coherent doctrine any easier.

As we have seen, British problems were exacerbated by misuse of their artillery, and dispersal of
artillery was a symptom of a wider malaise. The generation of high commanders of the Second
World War had been junior ofcers in the First, and the Western Front style attrition was anath-
ema to them. Liddell Harts indirect approach offered a seductively attractive way of avoiding
the attritional warfare of the Western Front. Although far from consistent as a theory, the indirect
approach replaced the military principle of concentration of force in favour of dispersion. Major-
General Eric Dorman-Smith, Auchinlecks Deputy CGS, openly admitted Liddell Harts inuence.
While recognizing that a aw in the British Armys ghting methods had been a tendency towards
overextension of forces, Dorman-Smith failed to acknowledge that this was inherent in the indirect

Two formations epitomize the British Desert Armys indirect approach: the Jock Column and the
Brigade Group. The former was a tiny, all-arms unit, effective enough in a raiding and screening
role. In principle, the brigade group was a healthy step towards a combined arms battlegroup on
the German or American model, but in practice it institutionalized dispersion of effort and made
command and control more difcult. The decision by XXX (British) Corps, after surprising Rom-
mel during Operation CRUSADER in November 1941, to dispatch the three armoured brigades of
7th Armoured Division to divergent objectives contrasts strongly with Soviet and German practice
of concentrating armour. The Gazala battles of 1942 showed again the danger of splitting the
forces of Eighth Army into small units lacking in re power and punch. Dispersion was a matter
of practice as well as organization.

The arrival of Montgomery to command Eighth Army in August 1942 brought about a return, doc-
trinally speaking, to 1918, codied and modied by Kirke and FSR 1935. Gone was the era of
the Jock Column and Brigade Group; the division again became the basic tactical unit. Artillery
was centralized, and massive bombardments proved highly effective not least against German
anti-tank guns. All-arms cooperation took pride of place, aided by alterations to the structure of
formations, begun under the previous regime, which made them less tank-heavy. In place of
the free-wheeling if half-baked mobile warfare of the previous two years, Montgomerys hallmark
became the tightly controlled, centralized, attritional battle, a phenomenon neatly encapsulated
in the phrase the tidy battleeld. After his unhappy experience with a large armoured corps de
chasse (X Corps) at the Second Battle of El Alamein, Montgomery was reluctant to let armour off
the leash.

Moreover, Montgomery placed much emphasis on getting logistic preparations in place before the
attack. In this he was lucky in that, by late 1942, British commanders were reviving adequate sup-
plies of war-making material, as industry in Allied countries geared up for total war. His method
was one of launching what he called colossal cracks against the enemy. The Monty style was
thus based on heavy repower and methodical advances. He was concerned to keep casualties
as low as possible, and thus conserving the morale of his armies.

Montgomery was undoubtedly a highly skilled commander. He had, unusually for a British soldier
of his generation, a thorough understanding of what would now be called operational art. Yet
Montgomerys cautious approach to warghting is controversial. He can be criticized for sloth
and overkill in his approach to operations such as crossing the Straits of Messina in September
1943, or the Rhine Crossings of March 1945. His wariness is explicable in terms of his realistic
appraisal of what his army could actually achieve, and his profound and well-founded mistrust
of British armour. It is instructive when he tried something more imaginative during Operation
MARKET GARDEN in September 1944, it went badly wrong. He returned to type in subsequent
operations, and returned to his winning ways. The Monty method suited the British Army. It was
a conscript force, badly overstretched, and had ever-dwindling manpower reserves, and was thus
unable to sustain heavy casualties. Montgomery delivered victory at an acceptable cost in British
casualties, and this compensates for much that might be criticized about his methods.

Montgomery created and disseminated effective warghting doctrine. However, effective applica-
tion of that doctrine depended to a large degree on Montgomery himself being present. Mont-
gomery, nothing if not didactic, groomed his protgs (such as Oliver Leese, who succeeded in
command of Eighth Army in December 1943) in his methods of command. However, the record
of Montgomerys acolytes was patchy at best. His successors in Italy often seemed to lose sight
of the importance of massive force. Attacks, although impressive on paper, were often too weak
to achieve success. The complaint of General Alphonse Juin, the commander of the French Ex-
peditionary Corps in Italy, that the British had a congenital inability to think in terms of large scale
manoeuvres with an Army Group or even an Army contained much truth.16 In the rst three battles
of Cassino in 1944 the Allies fought a series of actions at corps level, only vaguely co-ordinated.
Only in Operation DIADEM, the fourth battle, did the Allied forces ght as a cohesive whole. In
part the improvement was thanks to the inuence of Major General John Harding, General Alex-
anders chief of staff.

Tactical doctrine also proved surprisingly difcult to get right. Unlike in the First World War, there
was no single major theatre in which the Army was engaged from beginning to end. Hard-won
lessons from one theatre did not necessarily transfer well to another. In part this was because
some tactics were theatre-specic, but there were also institutional problems and the not invented

here syndrome was alive and well. Thus in Normandy in 1944, troops had to relearn some of the
lessons painfully acquired in the Mediterranean. There were similar problems with joint doctrine.
Following the 1940 campaign, there was a erce bureaucratic battle between the Army and RAF
over the control of aircraft, including a call in the 1940 Bartholomew Report for a tactical air force
under Army control. During the Desert campaigns soldiers, airmen (and indeed, sailors) learned
to work together, and by the end, cooperation between ground and air was very good indeed. But
it proved difcult to transfer air-land doctrine to Normandy a process that was exacerbated by
personality clashes between Montgomery and some senior airmen.

On the other side of the world, another British general created effective warghting doctrine and
imposed it on his command. However General Sir William (Bill) Slims approach during the Bur-
ma campaign was markedly different from Montgomerys. His methods accord closely with the
modern manoeuvrist approach. During his greatest victory, Operation EXTENDED CAPITAL,
the Mandalay-Meiktilla campaign of 1945, Slim, a model joint ofcer, matched strength against
weakness, achieving momentum and tempo. He never lost sight of his fundamental aim of
destroying the enemy rather than taking ground for its own sake. Slim sought to attack the en-
emy commanders mind by destroying his will, using deception and surprise. In Robert Lymans
words, Slims intent was to persuade his enemy that the battle was lost rather than prove it to him
through the physical destruction of his army. However, Slim also recognized the need to destroy
the Japanese forces in battle, although he strove to avoid frontal assault, a mark of his mastery of
operational art. Nevertheless, he was not afraid to throw his forces into attritional ghting when
he deemed it necessary.17

Slim recognized the importance of mission command, although he would not have recognized
the term. Indeed, he penned one of the classic descriptions of Mission Command. It comes as
no surprise to nd that Slims guiding light was the advice given to him as a young ofcer, by a
grizzled sergeant major: Theres only one principle of war and thats this. Hit the other fellow, as
quick as you can, and as hard as you can, where it hurts him most, when he aint lookin!18

Slim certainly warrants Duncan Andersons description of him as the very model of a modern
manoeuvrist general, but even models have aws. He took risks with logistics that courted de-
feat. It is debatable whether Slims methods would have worked as well under different circum-
stances, in Normandy, for instance, had he swapped places with Montgomery. Moreover, Slims
practice of mission command did not always match the ideal he preached; indeed, as Anderson
has suggested, sometimes his control of Fourteenth Armys corps and divisional commanders
bore a resemblance to Montgomerys methods in Europe.19 This was not the only area of similar-
ity between the two men. Both created a coherent warghting doctrine and indoctrinated their
respective commands. Both nurtured a group of protgs (although Slim claimed that he hadnt),
reminiscent of the Wolseley and Roberts Rings of the late Victorian Army. Above all, both were

The Army and Doctrine since 194520

Thus at the end of the Second World War there were two warghting cultures in the British Army.
The Monty method emphasized attrition and the tidy battleeld, while Slims approach was more
manoeuvrist. Both men served as CIGS, Montgomery from 1946 to 1948, when he was suc-
ceeded by Slim, who was in ofce until 1952. In theory both had the opportunity of imposing their
vision on the Army. In practice, Montgomery cast a long shadow over the Army in Europe. Many
of his protgs were placed into important positions, and the Monty method prevailed until the

The British Army had entered Germany as occupiers in 1945, but within a few years had turned
itself into a force that prepared to defend the North German Plain from Soviet attack. Hemmed
in literally by geographical constraints, and metaphorically by the politically imposed strategy of
forward defence, the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) adopted an approach based on positional
defence and repower leading to attrition of attacking enemy forces. One of the problems was
the view that, ultimately, conventional forces were a nuclear trip-wire. As the 1952 pamphlet The
Armoured Division in Battle showed, the Army had not entirely abandoned ideas of manoeuvrism,
but the parallel pamphlet on infantry reected the tidy battleeld. Mobility remained important at
the tactical level, but overall in the 1950s and 1960s,

The British Army viewed the defence of Germany in terms of a series of small tactical-level
engagements and failed to develop a coherent corps plan or operational concept for de-
fending its sector of NATOs front.21

Montgomerys legacy had become debased indeed.

Thinking changed somewhat in the 1970s. The introduction of NATOs Flexible Response strat-
egy in 1967, which enhanced the importance of conventional defence, triggered a reassessment
of BAORs methods. While positional defence and repower remained at the heart of 1 (BR)
Corpss scheme of manoeuvre, such as it was, greater exibility was built into it. There were
plans to carry out a phased withdrawal, and to wear down Soviet forces by drawing them into
killing zones and using modern repower such as Milan. If the unthinkable had ever occurred,
several painful facts would in all likelihood have rendered this approach ineffective. First, Soviet
forces were too strong. Second, 1 (BR) Corps was too weak and ill-equipped. Third, 1 (BR)
Corps aimed to ght not as a corps, but as a sort of holding company for a series of tactical bat-
tles, thus effectively surrendering the initiative to the enemy. Fourth, there was little cooperation
with the other NATO corps, and certainly no notion of ghting as a coherent Army Group.

This unsatisfactory state of affairs was to lead to a doctrinal revolution in the British Army. This
was affected by external inuences. In its efforts to recover from the trauma of defeat in Vietnam,
from the mid-1970s the US Army entered a heady period of doctrinal debate and experimentation.
This was informed by intensive study, by British and American military academics, of the forces
of the USSR. One result of was the acceptance, in both the UK and USA, of the concept of an
operational level of war, between the strategic and the tactical. Another was the recognition that
the US experience of air mobility in Vietnam had important lessons for the Central Front. The con-
cepts of Follow on Forces Attack (FOFA) and Airland Battle were introduced by the British through
NATO, especially through the 1983 tactical doctrine Allied Tactical Publication 35.

This doctrinal ferment in the US forces was paralleled by a rather more low key debate in the
British Army. Key manoeuvrist texts such as William Linds Maneuver Warfare and Richard Simp-
kins Race to the Swift (the latter possibly more quoted than read) were being perused by British
ofcers at Staff College. Lower down the Army, Sandhursts War Studies Department introduced
ofcers to historical examples, especially those drawn from the German Blitzkrieg and Soviet
campaigns of the Second World War, and the Arab-Israeli Wars. The political climate of the early
1980s, marked by the rebirth of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, made a strategy based
on the battleeld use of nuclear weapons increasingly unacceptable.

All this coincided with the advent of a handful of British senior ofcers who were determined to
place BAOR onto a sounder footing. General (later Field Marshal) Sir Nigel (Ginge) Bagnall rates
as one of the most signicant reformers in the 300 year history of the British Army. As commander

of 1(BR) Corps in 1981, he began the process by which the British Army embraced the tenets
of the Manoeuvrist Approach, and Mission Command. Moreover, he introduced the idea of the
corps-level counterstroke. This involved ghting the corps as a corps, leading to, in the words of
an ofcial publication a much better chance of defeating the enemy rather than delaying him.22
At NORTHAG from 1983-85, Bagnall carried on his work of reform, and as CGS from 1985 to
1988, he commissioned Design for Military Operations (1989), often, if misleadingly, described as
the British Armys rst ever formal doctrine.

Bagnall was not a one-man band. If he had been, his reforms would have hardly taken root as
rmly as they did. He had supporters within the Army, the punningly-named Ginger Group, which
included the then Colonel Timothy Granville-Chapman, principal author of Design for Military Op-
erations. Equally, if Bagnalls labours had been followed by a reaction, the move to a doctrinal
army would have been stillborn. Instead, Bagnalls successor at 1 (BR) Corps and NORTHAG,
General Sir Martin Farndale, extended the corps counterstroke concept, and in the mid to late
1980s the ideas of the Manoeuvrist Approach, Mission Command and the operational level of
warfare became rmly embedded into the Armys style of warghting. As many commentators
have pointed out, it is a rich irony that the British Army should have reached a peak of intellectual
and doctrinal readiness to defend northern Germany at the very moment when the Soviet threat
disappeared. Belatedly, the legacy of Slim supplanted that of Montgomery.

The publication of Design for Military Operations was only one half of the story of the British Ar-
mys doctrinal revolution. For much of the post-1945 period, in General Kiszelys words:

To most ofcers there was no such thing as doctrine, only pamphlets and they were, at
best a basis for discussion, and for quoting in promotion exams.23

From the 1990s onwards this began to change, as doctrine was taken seriously and internalized
by Army ofcers. One major reason for this was that it was promptly validated in the most dra-
matic fashion, by being applied successfully by the British Army in offensive operations in the First
Gulf War (1991). Another was Bagnalls powerful inuence in forcing through a complete change
of attitude and practice not least through making sure that Staff College DS left to command their
units properly indoctrinated.24 One might point to other factors: the move to an overwhelmingly
graduate ofcer corps; the shake up occasioned by the end of the Cold War; the establishment in
1988 by Bagnall of a Higher Command and Staff Course (HCSC) for top-rate colonels and briga-
diers, focused at the operational level; these and other factors may account for the remarkable
change in attitude towards doctrine. While some ofcers may claim, perhaps with justice, that
today there is too much doctrine; it is rare to hear anyone argue that there should not be any at

The period since 1989 has seen further dramatic changes. The ending of the bipolar world of the
Cold War has seen the disappearance of the Central Front, and a return to expeditionary warfare,
with the Army being almost constantly on operations. Digitization and the Revolution in Military
Affairs will if some pundits are to be believed have a profound impact on future warfare.
Moreover, the doctrinal revolution has been accompanied by a revolution in jointery. The creation
of Permanent Joint Headquarters, the emergence of properly structured Joint Task Forces, the
Joint Services Command and Staff College, the development of the HCSC from an Army course
to a joint course, and the setting up of such organizations as the Joint Helicopter Command are
testimony to the radical changes in the way the Services do business. So is the development of
joint doctrine. The RAF and RN followed the Army in producing single service doctrine in 1991
and 1995 respectively, while in 1997 the rst edition of British Defence Doctrine appeared. The

Joint Doctrine and Concepts Centre opened its doors in 1998. For all that, change in British Army
doctrine since 1989 has been evolutionary rather than revolutionary, although the original context
in which doctrine was developed, high intensity war in the Central Front, has vanished. Perhaps
this reects a belief that, like the FSR of earlier days, the original doctrine was fundamentally
sound, and has proved capable of being adapted to a range of circumstances.

The British Style of Command

The historically non-doctrinal, pragmatic nature of the British Army has been reected in the Brit-
ish style of command. 25 The Duke of Wellington once said of the French commanders that he
faced during the Peninsular War (1808-1814) that They planned their campaigns just as you
might make a splendid piece of harness. It looks very well; and answers very well; until it gets
broken; and then you are done for. Now I made my campaigns of ropes. If anything went wrong,
I tied a knot; and went on.26 British generals down the ages have had to display similar pragma-
tism and improvisation in their campaigns, making use of scant resources. The British style of
command has been inuenced by a number of factors.

The rst might be termed the generalship of poverty. Anthony Eden, who served as a junior of-
cer in the First World War and a senior politician in the Second, once counselled against holding
high command in the rst two years of any war in the British Army. Rather, it was Better wait
until the stuff begins to come along after the third year or later.27 This was certainly the experi-
ence of the two world wars, and can be applied to many other conicts. Wavells campaigns in the
Middle East in 1940-41, which involved an extremely delicate balancing of resources and com-
mitments have been described as a thing of shreds and patches.28 Post-1945 campaigns, such
as the initial stages of Korea (1950), the Suez operation (1956) and the two Gulf Wars (1991 and
2003) saw the cobbling together of forces amid much improvisation. On only one occasion, in
1918 on the Western Front, has the British army had the luxury of ghting a rich mans war with
unlimited resources. Even in 1944-45, there were severe limitations on manpower. This was the
product of mobilization for total war and the Army being given priority for resources, and even then
it was for a brief period: had the war gone on into 1919, Haigs forces would have faced drastic
cuts, for Britains manpower budget faced exhaustion.

The second factor is the small wars tradition. For most of the period of its existence, the main
focus of the British Army has been small-scale conicts of various types (colonial conicts, COIN,
Peace Support) rather than large-scale conventional wars. Such conicts also tended to be fought
on a shoestring. With the exception of the high commanders of the Second World War, most of
whom (but by no means all) cut their teeth on the Western Front, the formative inuences of Brit-
ish commanders have tended to be in small wars. This has had positive effects: the exibility and
rope-tying skills acquired in small wars are excellent training for high command. The small wars
inheritance also has its down side. The very nature of this sort of conict often involves troops
scattered in relatively small packets over a wide area, which inhibits formation training. When ma-
jor wars come along, expeditionary forces have to be hastily assembled for specic tasks, such as
those scraped together for the campaigns in Norway (1940) and Korea (1950).

To step up from command in even a big small war such as the Second Boer War (1899-1902)
to a major conict against a rst class enemy is to ask a great deal of a general. Some, notably
Sir John French in 1915, have failed the test. Other commanders have experienced a halfway
house between the two extremes, by conducting a big small war in the midst of a major conict.
Campaigns such as those against the Turks in Palestine in the First World War, and the Italians
in the Second, have the feel of large-scale colonial wars, and certainly have more in common

with each other than with Passchendaele or Normandy. Big small wars tended to play to the
strengths of British commanders with colonial experience. Allenby, a relative failure on the West-
ern Front, thrived in Palestine, in 1917-18. Wavell served under Allenby and was guided by his
experience in the Middle East rather than his earlier service on the Somme.

Of course, it would be wrong to judge the small wars tradition solely in terms of its deleterious
effect on the performance of the British Army and its commanders in high intensity operations.
Over the last two centuries the British Army has had an enviable record of success in small wars.
Such conicts are the British Armys bread-and-butter, they were the only experience of active
service command that many British ofcers have undergone. We should never lose sight that,
with the debatable exception of the BAOR era, the British Army has primarily been a small wars
gendarmerie capable of generating an expeditionary force in times of emergency. That pattern
seems set to continue into the rst decades of the 21st century.

Coalition warfare has been a virtually ever-present inuence on the British style of command. Of
all the major wars fought by Britain since 1688, only one the American War of Independence
(1775-83) was fought without Great Power allies: and that war ended in Britains only major de-
feat. Coalition wars are conducted, often painfully slowly, by committee, and the opportunity for
unilateral action is severely constrained. An ability to negotiate, and an aptitude for diplomacy,
have been invaluable assets for a high commander to possess.

As a rule, the larger the number of troops a commander possess, the greater his inuence with his
coalition partners. The exact status enjoyed by British commanders within a coalition has varied
over time. Marlborough and Wellington, in 1704 at Blenheim and 1815 at Waterloo respectively,
presided over multinational forces, with British troops constituting a relatively modest proportion.
Both men operated alongside allies with sizeable forces. Earlier, in the Peninsular, Wellington
had commanded an Anglo-Portuguese-Spanish Army in which British troops were in the major-
ity. French and Haig during the First World War were always the junior partners to the French.
However at Gallipoli, where the British Empire contingent outnumbered the French, Hamilton was
the senior man. In Italy during 1943-45 British and US forces were roughly equal, but in North-
West Europe during 1944-45 Anglo-Canadian forces declined steadily as an overall percentage
of the total Allied forces. This contributed to the decline in Montgomerys inuence in the coalition,
already undermined by his abrasive personality. By contrast, Alexander was a great success as
a coalition commander in the Mediterranean, in the sense that he smoothed over inter-Allied dif-
culties; however he conspicuously lacked grip over subordinates, and the conduct of operations
suffered as a consequence.

Since 1945, the challenges of coalition warfare have reasserted themselves in various ways.
British generals have several times found themselves in the position of commanding a relatively
small contingent within a US-dominated coalition force (Korea 1950-3, Gulf 1991 and 2003), or
in a position of near-equality within a coalition operation (at Suez with the French in 1956; opera-
tions in former Yugoslavia in the 1990s).

Many of the problems of coalition warfare are repeated in small wars, with the need to cooper-
ate with individuals or bodies that may not come within the military chain or command, or at least
can not be treated simply as a subordinate. This might involve cooperating with police units, as
during the phase of police primacy in Northern Ireland in the 1970s and 1980s; or with NGOs in
contemporary Peace Support. It should not be forgotten that an enduring theme of British opera-
tions, in both small wars and high intensity conicts, is that numbers of foreign and imperial troops
have been under British command. Many small wars were only possible because the British were

able to make use of locally raised troops, such as the pre-1947 Indian Army, the rqats in Oman
in the 1970s, or the Ulster Defence Regiment in Northern Ireland. Likewise, in both world wars
British armies such as Haigs on the Somme or Montgomerys at Alamein or in Normandy were
actually Commonwealth coalition forces, as sizeable Australian, Canadian, South African, New
Zealand and Indian contingents served under British command. This complicated command ar-
rangements, as Commonwealth contingents could not be treated simply as if they were from the
Mother Country; as Currie, commander of the Canadian Corps in 1918, and Blamey, the Austral-
ian commander in the Middle East in 1941, both made clear.

Several other factors that have shaped the British style of command are also worth mentioning.
The rst is the lack of joint structures, doctrine, and training. Given the long association of the
Army and Royal Navy in amphibious and expeditionary operations, this state of affairs was sur-
prising, to put it mildly. Long practice of the Services and commanders working together, as in
the Mediterranean in the Second World War, could overcome these problems. In the best British
spirit of pragmatism, commanders displaying a can do attitude and willingness to cooperate have
frequently compensated for structural inadequacies General Hamilton and Admiral de Robeck
at Gallipoli are a case in point. But all this depended to an alarming degree on the ability of the
commanders to work together.

These problems have been at least partially remedied by the jointery revolution of the 1990s.
Similarly, the lack of a doctrine for command has been addressed with the introduction of Mission
Command29, and the HCSC provides some of the training for high command that was singularly
lacking throughout much of the armys history.


For most of its history, the British Army has eschewed prescriptive doctrine, priding itself on its
empirical attitude to problem solving. The British style of command has been characterized by
a similarly pragmatic, undoctrinaire, approach. However, it is a fallacy to believe that the Army
lacked any sort of doctrine. Doctrine did exist, but it was either semi-formal, associated with a
specic commander in a specic theatre, or took the form of broad principles. With the adoption
of formal doctrine in 1989, the Army entered a new era. Complacency would be extremely unwise;
but in the early years of the 21st century, the British Army is probably better prepared intellectually
to face the challenges of complex operations than at any time in its history.

The author would like to thank Brigadier Mungo Melvin, Lieutenant Colonel Jim Storr, and the
members of the Campaign History Research Cluster of Kings College Londons Defence Studies
Department, based at the Joint Services Command and Staff College. He also like to acknowl-
edge the inuence of Professor Brian Holden Reids stimulating essays contained in ADP Vol. 1
Operations (1994) and ADP Vol. 2 Command (1995), small portions of which have been incorpo-
rated into this essay.

This article contains the authors opinions and does not represent the opinions of the Joint Serv-
ices Command and Staff College or any other body or organization.


J F C Fuller, The Foundations of the Science of War (London: Hutchinson, 1926) p. 254.
B Holden Reid, A Doctrinal Perspective 1988-98 (Camberley: Strategic and Combat Studies Institute) Occasional

No. 33 (1998) p. 13.
M Jackson, The Realities of Multi-national Command in G Shefeld and G Till (eds) The Challenges of High
Command: The British Experience (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2003) p.143.
T R Mockaitis, British Counterinsurgency 1919-60 (London: Macmillan, 1990) p.188.
J Pimlott, The British Army, in I F W Beckett and J Pimlott, Armed Forces and Modern Counter-Insurgency (London:
Croom Helm, 1985) p19.
Mockaitis, pp.187, 189.
The following section is largely based on R Thornton, The Role of Peace Support Operations Doctrine in the British
Army, International Peacekeeping vol 7, No 2 (2000) pp. 41-62.
Ibid p. 42.
Col Philip Wilkinson, abstract of paper given to British Military Doctrine Group on 11 April 2003, at www.kcl.ac.uk/
depsta/wsg/dsd/news/abstracts4.doc, accessed 29 September 2004.
Quoted in A Palazzo, Seeking Victory on the Western Front: The British Army and Chemical Warfare in World War
I (Lincoln & London: University of Nebraska Press, 2000) p.11.
Ibid pp.19, 23.
Quoted in D French, CIGS: Unsung Leadership 1918-1937, Army Quarterly, Vol 126, No 3, (1996). The following
section draws heavily on Professor Frenchs work.
G D Shefeld, Reections on the Experience of British Generalship, in J Bourne, P Liddle, I Whitehead, The Great
World War 1914-45 Vol.1 (London: HarperCollins, 2000) p.453.
French, p.296.
Holden Reid, Doctrinal p.22.
Quoted by Brian Holden Reid, The Italian Campaign, 1943-45: A Reappraisal of Allied Generalship in John Gooch
(ed.) Decisive Campaigns of the Second World War (London: Cass, 1990) p.143.
R Lyman, The Art of Manoeuvre at the Operational Level: Lieutenant-General W J Slim and Fourteenth Army,
1944-45 in Shefeld and Till, pp.91-103.
Quoted in Lyman, pp.100, 103.
D Anderson, The very model of a modern manoeuvrist general: General William Slim and the Exercise of High
Command in Burma in Shefeld and Till, pp.85-6.
The most accessible works on this subject are J Kiszely, The British Army and Approaches to Warfare since 1945
in B Holden Reid (ed.) Military Power: Land Warfare in Theory and Practice (London: Cass, 1997) and C McInnes,
Hot War Cold War: The British Armys Way in Warfare 1945-95 (London: Brasseys, 1996); this section owes much
to both.
McInnes, pp.55-6.
Quoted by S Badsey, The doctrines of the Coalition forces in J Pimlott and S Badsey, The Gulf War Assessed
(London; Arms and Armour, 1992) p. 75.
Kiszely, p. 185.
General Sir John Waters, The Inuence of Field Marshal Sir Nigel Bagnall. British Army Review No 130 (Autumn
2002) p. 39.
Holden Reid, Doctrinal pp. 29-42.
E Longford, Wellington: The Years of the Sword (London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1969) p. 442.
H E Raugh, Wavell in the Middle Eat 1939-41 (London: Brasseys, 1993) p. 2.
R Lewin, The Chief (London: Hutchinson, 1980) ch. 2.
First fully codied in Army Doctrine Publication Vol. 2 Command (1995), although mission-oriented orders had been
introduced some years before by FM Sir Nigel Bagnall.


The American, British, Canadian and Australian Standardization Programme Organization (ABCA)
The ABCA Programme is an agreement between those 4 armies to allow them to achieve a degree of
standardization sufcient to allow them to operate together in a coalition. The New Zealand Army and the
United States Marine Corps have associate status, but in practice their doctrines reect ABCA practice.
ABCA is not an alliance.

1. The management and execution of all military matters not included in tactics and strategy.
2. The internal management of units.

Administrative Authority
A commander vested with those aspects of command that are concerned with administration.
(JWP 0-01.1) See Command, Command and Control Relationships

Aim (Military)
A single unambiguous military purpose that must be established before a plan can be developed at any
level of command for a military operation. (JWP 0-01.1)

Air Interdiction (AI)

An air operation conducted to destroy, neutralize or delay the enemys military potential before it can be
brought to bear effectively against friendly forces at such a distance from friendly forces that detailed
integration of each air mission with the re and movement of friendly forces is not required. (AAP-6)

Air Manoeuvre
Those operations primarily within the land component scheme of manoeuvre, seeking decisive advantage
by the exploitation of the third dimension by combined arms forces centred around rotary wing aircraft,
within a joint framework. (JWP 0-01.1)

Air Superiority
That degree of dominance in the air battle of one force over another which permits the conduct of operations
by the former and its related land, sea and air forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference
by the opposing force. (AAP-6) See Air Supremacy, Control of the Air, Favourable Air Situation

Air Supremacy
That degree of air superiority wherein the opposing air force is incapable of effective interference. (AAP-6)
See Air Supremacy, Control of the Air, Favourable Air Situation

The result of formal agreements (ie treaties) between two or more nations for broad, long-term objectives
which further the common interests of the members. (NATO)

Area of Inuence
A geographical area wherein a commander is directly capable of inuencing operations, by manoeuvre or
re support systems normally under his command and control. (AAP-6)

Area of Interest
That area of concern to a commander relative to the objectives of current or planned operations, including
his areas of inuence, operations and/or responsibility, and areas adjacent thereto.

Area of Operations
1. At the operational level, the geographical area dened by the operational level commander within
his Joint Area of Operations in which a commander designated by him (usually a component commander)
is delegated authority to conduct operations.
2. At the tactical level, a geographical area, dened by lateral and rear boundaries, which is assigned
to a commander by a higher commander. Within these boundaries the commander has the authority to
conduct operations in order to conduct his mission.
(JWP 0-01.1) See levels of warfare, joint area of operations

Asymmetric Attack
Actions undertaken by state or non-state parties (friendly or adversary), to circumvent or negate an
opponents strengths and capitalize on perceived weaknesses through the exploitation of dissimilar values,
strategies, organizations and capabilities. Such actions are capable, by design or default, of achieving
disproportionate effects, thereby gaining the instigator an advantage probably not attainable through
conventional means. (JWP 0-01.1)

The reduction of the effectiveness of a force caused by loss of personnel and materiel. (AAP-6)

Attrition Warfare
A style of warfare characterized by the application of substantial combat power that reduces an enemys
ability to ght through loss of personnel and equipment. Essentially it aims at the physical destruction of
the enemy. (JWP 0-01.1)

Battle Damage Assessment

The timely and accurate estimate of damage resulting from the application of military force, either lethal or
non-lethal, against a pre-determined objective assessment. (AP 3000)

All aspects of air, surface, subsurface, land, space and the electromagnetic spectrum that encompass the
area of operations. (JWP 0-01.1)

Battlespace Dominance
The degree of control over the dimensions of the battlespace that enhances friendly freedom of action and
denies the enemy freedom of action. It permits power projection and force sustainment to accomplish the
full range of potential missions. (JWP 0-01.1)

A set of military operations planned and conducted to achieve a strategic objective within a given time and
geographical area, which normally involve maritime, land and air forces. (AAP-6)

Campaign Authority
In Peace Support Operations (PSO), Campaign Authority is the amalgam of four related and inter-
dependent factors:
a. the perceived legitimacy of the international mandate that establishes a PSO;
b. the perceived legitimacy of the freedoms and constraints, explicit or implicit in the mandate, placed
on those executing the PSO;
c. the degree to which factions, the local population and other actors subjugate themselves to the
authority of those executing the PSO; from unwilling compliance to freely given consent; and
d. the degree to which the activities of those executing the PSO meet the expectations of the factions,
local population and others.
(New) (JWP 3-50)

Campaign Themes
Predominant identiable themes from within the Continuum of Operations that dene the nature of the
campaign. (New)
Major Combat
Operations characterized as war, where combat is frequent and widespread. (New)
Those military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological and civic actions taken to defeat
insurgency. (AAP-6)
Peace Support
A peace support operation impartially makes use of diplomatic, civil and military means, normally in
pursuit of United Nations charter purposes and principles, to restore or maintain peace. Such operations
may include conict prevention, peacemaking, peace enforcement, peacekeeping, peacebuilding and/
or humanitarian operations. (AAP-6)
Limited Intervention
Limited intervention operations have limited objectives such as the rescue of hostages, security of non-
combatants or re-establishment of law and order. (JWP 0-01.1)
Peacetime Military Engagement
All military activities involving other nations that are intended to shape the security environment in
peacetime. (New)
Military Aid to the Civil Authority
The collective term given to the three types of operations which may take place in a civilian environment
ie MACC, MACM and MACP. (JWP 0-01.1) See associated entries

Centre of Gravity
Characteristic(s), capability(ies) or locality(ies) from which a nation, an alliance, a military force or other
grouping derives its freedom of action, physical strength or will to ght. (AAP-6)

Close Air Support (CAS)

Air action against hostile targets which are in close proximity to friendly forces and which require detailed
integration of each air mission with the re and movement of those forces. (AAP-6)

An ad-hoc arrangement between two or more nations for common action. (JWP 0-01.1)

The action or fact of forming a united whole. (OED)
Conceptual Cohesion
Quality of kindred spirit; a common framework for the understanding of the employment of military
force, based on doctrine. (New)
Moral Cohesion
Quality of sticking together, based on complex social factors including morale, leadership, belief in the
cause and shared experience. (New)
Physical Cohesion
Tactical strength derived from the coordination of military operations up, down and across the chain of
command, providing mutual support, depth and combined arms integration. (New)

Combat Arms
Combat elements that engage the enemy directly; they ght, typically employing direct re weapons.

Combat Effectiveness
A measurement of the ability of a unit to carry out its assigned mission, role or function.
(JWP 0-01.1)

Combat Identication (Combat ID)

The process of combining situational awareness, target identication, specic tactics, training and procedures
to increase operational effectiveness of weapons systems and reduce the incidence of casualties caused
by friendly re. (JWP 0-01.1)

Combat Power
The total means of destructive and/or disruptive force which a military unit/formation can apply against the
opponent at a given time. (AAP-6)

Combat Readiness
In order to be described as combat ready, a unit or formation must be:
a. At such a manpower strength and scale of transport and equipment that it can ght immediately
without delay imposed by mobilization;
b. Within 15% of its authorised strength;
c. Independent of the call up of reservists;
d. Able to ght when required within a laid down maximum period
(JWP 0-01.1)

Combat Ready
1. As applied to organizations or equipment: available for combat operations.
2. As applied to personnel: qualied to carry out combat operations in the unit to which they are assigned.

Combat Service Support (CSS)

The support provided to combat forces, primarily in the elds of administration and logistics.

Combat Service Support Elements

Force elements that include: logistic, medical and equipment support; personnel welfare and administration
and some force support engineers (such as those providing water and electrical power supply, infrastructure
construction and route maintenance). (New)

Combat Support
Fire support and operational assistance provided to combat elements. (AAP-6)

Adjective used to describe activities, operations and organizations, in which elements of more than one
nation participate. (AAP-6)
[The term multinational is preferred within the UK and Allied joint communities.]

Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC)

An organization to plan and direct the conduct of joint air operations. (JWP 0-01.1)

Combined Arms
Application of several arms, such as infantry, armour, artillery and aviation. (JWP 0-01.1)

Combined Joint Task Force Headquarters (CJTF HQ)

A CJTF HQ is a deployable, multinational, multi-service HQ of variable size, tailored to the mission and utilized
by COMCJTF to exercise command over the entire CJTF. While it is recognized that a CJTF does not exist
until activated, the term CJTF HQ denotes a HQ composed of a nucleus, sourced from a CJTF parent HQ, plus
necessary augmentation, support elements, and equipment to achieve and maintain full operational capability.

1. The authority vested in an individual of the armed forces for the direction, coordination and control
of military forces.
2. An order given by a commander; that is, the will of the commander expressed for the purpose of
bringing about a particular action.
3. A unit, group of units, organization or area under the authority of a single individual.
4. To dominate an area of situation.
5. To exercise command.

Command and Control (C2)

Expression used to mean:
The processes through which a commander exercises command (whether full or operational or tactical
command) or operational or tactical control to organize, direct and coordinate the activities of the forces
allocated to him.
The structures and systems through which these processes are exercised. A command, control,
(communications) and information system (C3I) is an integrated system comprising doctrine, procedures,
organizational structure, personnel, equipment, facilities, and communications, which provides authorities
at all levels with timely and adequate data to plan, direct and control their activities. (AJP-01)

Command and Control Relationships

Full Command (FULL COMD)
The military authority and responsibility of a commander to issue orders to subordinates. It covers every
aspect of military operations and administration and exists only within national services. (AAP-6)
[No multinational commander will therefore have Full Command over forces assigned to him by other
Operational Command (OPCOM)
The authority granted to a commander to assign missions or tasks to subordinate commanders, to
deploy units, to reassign forces, and to retain or delegate operational and/or tactical control as the
commander deems necessary. (AAP-6)
[It does not include responsibility for administration or logistics.]
Operational Control (OPCON)
The authority delegated to a commander to direct forces assigned so that the commander may
accomplish specic missions or tasks which are usually limited by function, time, or location; to deploy
units concerned, and to retain or assign tactical control of those units. It does not include authority to
assign separate employment of components of the units concerned. Neither does it, of itself, include
administrative or logistic control. (AAP-6)
Tactical Command (TACOM)
The authority delegated to a commander to assign tasks to forces under his command for the
accomplishment of the mission assigned by higher authority. (AAP-6)
Tactical Control (TACON)
The detailed and usually local direction and control of movement and manoeuvre necessary to
accomplish missions or tasks assigned. (AAP-6)

Command Post Exercise (CPX)

An exercise in which the forces are simulated, involving the commander, his staff and communications
within and between headquarters. (AAP-6)

Command Support Elements

Force elements that assist commanders in the exercise of command. They include all types of staff;
communications, intelligence and information systems that provide a range of command and control tools;
life support to protect, sustain and move the commander and his staff; and standard procedures which
focus command and staff effort. (NATO)

Commanders Intent
A concise expression of the purpose of the campaign or operation, the desired results and
how operations will progress towards achieving the desired end-state. At the tactical level, the
Commanders Intent should be focused on the effect that he wishes to achieve on the enemy.
(JWP 0-01.1)

Communications and Information Systems (CIS)

Collective term for communication systems and information systems. (JWP 0-01.1)

Component Command
A functional component command or service component command responsible for planning and conduct
of a maritime, land, air, special or other operation as part of a joint force. (AAP-6)

Component Commander
A designated commander responsible for the planning and conduct of a maritime, land, air, special or other
operation as part of a joint force. (AAP-6)

Concept of Operations
A clear and concise statement of the line of action chosen by a commander in order to accomplish his
mission. (AAP-6)

Conditions for Success

The situation and state of affairs that must pertain if a military campaign or operation can be considered
successful. The conditions may be military conditions which are normally expressed as control of the
environment, or may be non-military such as the decision of a hostile government to desist from action.
(JWP 0-01.1) See End-state

(Armed) Conict (usually abbreviated) is a situation in which violence or military force is threatened or
used. Generally it is a contest between two opposing sides, each seeking to impose its will on the other;
however, intra-state conict may involve several factions. (JWP 0-01.1)

Conict Prevention
A peace support operation employing complementary diplomatic, civil, and when necessary military
means, to monitor and identify the causes of conict, and take timely action to prevent the occurrence,
escalation, or resumption of hostilities. (AAP-6). See also Peace Building, Peacekeeping, Peacemaking,
Peace Support

Continuum of Operations
A conceptual framework which explains the relationship between types of tactical operations within the
complexity of the military environment at campaign level. (New)

That authority exercised by a commander over part of the activities of subordinate organizations, or other
organizations not normally under his command, which encompasses the responsibility for implementing
orders or directives. All or part of this authority may be delegated. (AAP-6)

Control of the Air

The three degrees of control of the air are: favourable air situation; air superiority; and air supremacy. (AP
3000) See associated entries

To bring the different elements of a complex activity or organization into a harmonious or efcient
relationship. (OED)

Coordinating Authority
The authority granted to a commander or individual assigned responsibility for coordinating specic
functions or activities involving forces of two or more countries or commands, or two or more services
or two or more forces of the same service. He has the authority to require consultation between the
agencies involved or their representatives, but does not have the authority to compel agreement. In
case of disagreement between the agencies involved, he should attempt to obtain essential agreement
by discussion. In the event he is unable to obtain essential agreement he shall refer the matter to the
appropriate authority. (AAP-6)

Counter-Insurgency (COIN)
Those military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological, and civic actions taken to defeat insurgency.
(AAP-6) See Campaign Themes

Culminating Point
An operation reaches its culminating point when the current operation can just be maintained but not
developed to any greater advantage. (JWP 0-01.1)

Those measures designed to mislead the enemy by manipulation, distortion, or falsication of evidence to
induce him to react in a manner prejudicial to his interests. (AAP-6)

Decisive Points
A point from which a hostile or friendly centre of gravity can be threatened. This point may exist in time,
space or the information environment. (AAP-6)

Defence Diplomacy
To provide forces to meet the varied activities undertaken by the MOD to dispel hostility, build and maintain
trust and assist in the development of democratically accountable armed forces, thereby making a signicant
contribution to conict prevention and resolution. (SDR White Paper)

Defence in Depth
The siting of mutually supporting defence positions designed to absorb and progressively weaken attack,
prevent initial observations of the whole position by the enemy, and to allow the commander to manoeuvre
his reserve. (AAP-6)

The convincing of a potential aggressor that the consequences of coercion or armed conict would outweigh
the potential gains. This requires the maintenance of a credible military capability and strategy with the
clear political will to act. (AAP-6)

Directed Logistics
The ability to direct logistic effort efciently and effectively where and when it is needed using information
technology and (guaranteed) communications to improve prediction, exibility and response. (New)

A military communication in which policy is established or a specic action is ordered.
A plan issued with a view to putting it into effect when so directed, or in the event that a stated contingency
Broadly speaking, any communication which initiates or governs action, conduct, or procedure. (JWP 0-

To dislocate is to deny another party the ability to bring his strengths to bear, or to persuade him that his
strength is irrelevant. (JWP 0-01.1)

Use of force to shatter the cohesion of a military formation and prevent it from functioning effectively in
combat. (JWP 0-01.1)

Fundamental principles by which the military forces guide their actions in support of objectives. It is
authoritative but requires judgement in its application. (AAP-6)

Effects Based Approach

A way of applying the manoeuvrist approach that seeks to achieve the desired effects of adversaries,
friendly forces and neutrals, while controlling adverse and unintended effects. (New)

Electronic Warfare
Military action to exploit the electromagnetic spectrum encompassing: the search for, interception and
identication of electromagnetic emissions, the employment of electromagnetic energy, including directed
energy, to reduce or prevent hostile use of the electromagnetic spectrum, and actions to ensure its effective
use by friendly forces. (AAP-6)

Enabling Activities
Tactical activities that link, support, or create the conditions for offensive, defensive and stability operations.

The political and/or military situation to be attained at the end of an operation, which indicates that the
objective has been achieved. (AAP-6)

An offensive manoeuvre in which the main attacking force passes around or over the enemys principal
defensive position to secure objectives to the enemys rear. (AAP-6)

A qualitative transformation in the character of a conict where the scope and intensity increases or
decreases, transcending limits implicitly accepted by both sides. (JWP 0-01.1)

Expeditionary Forces
Forces projected from the home base (ie UK) capable of sustained operations at distance from that home
base. (JWP 0-01.1)

Expeditionary Operations
The projection of military power over extended lines of communication into a distant operational area to
accomplish a specic mission. (AAP-6)

Favourable Air Situation

An air situation in which the extent of air effort applied by the enemy air forces is insufcient to prejudice
success of friendly sea, land or air operations. (JWP 0-01.1)

Fighting Power
The ability to ght, consisting of a conceptual component (encompassing the thought process involved
in producing military effectiveness); a moral component (the ability to get people to ght) and a physical
component (the means to ght), measured by assessment of operational capability. (JWP 0-01.1)

The effects of lethal and non-lethal weapons. (US JP 1-02) (Quoted in JWP0-01.1)

Fire Support
The application of re, coordinated with the manoeuvre of forces, to destroy, neutralize or suppress the enemy. (AAP-6)

Fire Support Coordination Line (FSCL)
Within an assigned area of operations, a line established by the appropriate Ground Force Commander to
ensure the coordination of re not under his control, but which may affect current tactical operations. The
FSCL is used to coordinate the re of air, ground or sea weapons using any type of re against surface
targets. The FSCL should follow well-dened terrain features. The establishment of the FSCL must
be coordinated with the appropriate Tactical Air Commander and other supporting and offensive support
units. Supporting elements may attack targets forward of the FSCL without prior coordination with the
Ground Force Commander, provided the attack will not produce adverse effects on, or to the rear of, the
line. Attacks on surface targets behind the line must be coordinated with the appropriate Ground Force
Commander. The primary purpose of the FSCL is to allow the rapid attack of targets beyond the line
(usually from the air) without endangering friendly forces to the rear of the line. (AAP-6)

Force Generation
The process of providing suitably trained and equipped forces, and their means of deployment, recovery
and sustainment to meet all current and potential future tasks, within the required readiness and preparation
times. (JWP 0-01.1)

Force Preparation
The continuous process of manning, equipping, training and educating the Army for operations in general.

Force Projection
The projection, application and sustainment of joint military capabilities, at global range, to achieve effects
in support of joint campaign objectives. (JWP 0-01.1)

Force Protection
A process which aims to conserve the ghting potential of a deployed force by countering the wider threat
to all its elements from adversaries, natural and human hazards, and fratricide. (JWP 0-01.1)

Force/Unit Denitions
A grouping of several units, together with dedicated command and command support elements.
A battlegroup is a tactical grouping, usually with armour and infantry under command, based on the
HQ of an armoured regiment or infantry battalion (normally armoured or mechanized) or possibly on
an armoured reconnaissance or aviation regiment. (JWP 0-01.1)
The smallest grouping capable of independent operations over long periods. It contains integral
command support and combat service support elements. (New)
Sub Unit
Sub division of a unit (eg squadron, battery, company). (New)

Forms of Manoeuvre
Stylized description of the manoeuvre of friendly forces relative to the enemy. (New)

Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA)

The foremost limits of a series of areas in which ground combat units are deployed, excluding the areas in
which covering or screening forces are operating, designated to coordinate re support, the positioning of
forces, or the manoeuvre of units. (AAP-6)

Forward Line of Own Troops (FLOT)

A line which indicates the most forward positions of friendly forces in any kind of military operation at a
specic time. (AAP-6)

The accidental destruction of own, allied or friendly forces. A result of what is colloquially known as a blue
on blue engagement. (JWP 0-01.1)

The accumulation of chance errors, unexpected difculties, enemy actions, and confusion in battle. It is
the force that resists all action and which makes the simple difcult and the difcult seemingly impossible.
(JWP 0-01.1)

Core Functions:
A conceptual framework derived from the Manoeuvrist Approach, used for the visualization and conduct
of operations. (New)
To locate, identify and assess the enemys intentions.
To deny the enemy his goals, to distract him and to deprive him of freedom of action.
To manoeuvre and then take direct action to achieve the purpose of the mission.
To seize the opportunity to achieve a higher commanders objective, or full some part of his intent,
directly. (New)

Functions in Combat:
An analytical tool for commanders and staffs which provides a complete description of everything that
military organizations do prior to, during, and after operations, as a list of functions. (New)
The authority vested in an individual of the armed forces for the direction, coordination and control of
military forces. (AAP-6)
Information and Intelligence
Information Unprocessed data of every description which may be used in the production of intelligence.
Intelligence The product resulting from the processing of information concerning foreign nations,
hostile or potentially hostile forces or elements, or areas of actual or potential operations. The term
is also applied to the activity which results in the product and to the organizations engaged in such
activity. (AAP-6)
The amount of re which may be delivered by a position, unit, or weapon system. (AAP-6)
Employment of forces on the battleeld through movement in combination with re, or re potential, to
achieve a position of advantage in respect of the enemy in order to accomplish the mission. (AAP-6)
The means of preserving the ghting potential of a force so that it can be applied at a decisive time
and place. (New)
Combat Service Support
The support provided to combat forces, primarily in the elds of administration and logistics. (AAP-6)

Humanitarian Assistance
Support provided to humanitarian and development agencies, in an insecure environment, by a deployed
force whose primary mission is not the provision of humanitarian aid. Should the deployed force undertake

such humanitarian tasks, responsibility should be handed over/returned to the appropriate civilian agency
at the earliest opportunity. (JWP 0-01.1)

Humanitarian Operations
An operation specically mounted to alleviate human suffering where responsible civil actors in an area
are unable or unwilling adequately to support a population. It may precede, parallel or complement the
activities of specialized civil humanitarian organizations. (JWP 0-01.1)

Information and Communication Services (ICS)

All the elements required to deliver support to the commander. (New)
CIS refers to equipment only

Information Operations
Coordinated operations undertaken to inuence an adversary or potential adversary in support of political
and military objectives by undermining his will, cohesion and decision-making ability, through affecting his
information, information-based processes and systems while protecting ones own decision-makers and
decision-making processes. (JWP 0-01.1)

Information, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR)

The coordinated acquisition, processing and dissemination of timely, accurate, relevant and assured
information and intelligence which supports the planning and conduct of operations, targeting, and
integration of effects, and enables commanders to achieve their goal throughout the spectrum of conict.

An organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a constituted government through the use of subversion
and armed conict. (AAP-6)

Actions to divert, disrupt, or destroy the enemy before he can affect friendly forces. (JWP 0-01.1)

The ability of Alliance forces and, when appropriate, forces of Partner and other nations to train, exercise
and operate effectively together in the execution of assigned missions and tasks. (AAP-6)

A campaign or operation with limited objectives, involving the entry of another state where opposition is
expected. (JWP 0-01.1)

Adjective used to describe activities, operations and organizations in which elements of at least two
services participate. (AAP-6)

Joint Fires
Joint Fires is dened as kinetic attack coordinated or directed at the operational level by the JTFC/NCC.
(New JWP 3-00)

Joint Force
A force composed of signicant elements of two or more Services operating under a single commander
authorized to exercise operational command or control. (JWP 0-01.1)

Joint Operations Area (JOA)

A temporary area dened by a NATO strategic or regional commander, in which a designated joint
commander plans and executes a specic mission at the operational level of war.
Note: it is dened in coordination with nations and approved by the North Atlantic Council or the Military
Committee as appropriate, in accordance with NATOs Operational Planning Architecture. A joint

operations area and its dening parameters, such as time, scope of the mission and geographical area,
are contingency or mission-specic and may overlap areas of responsibility. (AAP-6)
An area of land, sea and airspace, dened by higher authority, in which a designated Joint Task Force
Commander plans and conducts military operations to accomplish a specic mission. A Joint Operations
Area including its dening parameters, such as time, scope and geographic area, is contingency/mission
specic. (UK)

Joint Operations Centre (JOC)

A joint agency normally set up at army/air force tactical group headquarters and organized for the purpose
of exchanging information and for the coordination of the combat effort of the air forces in air support of
ground operations. (JWP 0-01.1)

Joint Task Force Commander (JTFC)

The operational commander of a nominated joint force. (JWP 0-01.1)

Joint Task Force Headquarters (JTF HQ)

A purely national deployable joint headquarters of variable size commanded at the operational level by a
Joint Task Force Commander. (JWP 0-01.1)

Land Tactical Activities

The broad range of tactical activity is divided into offensive, defensive and stability operations which,
together with enabling activities, describe all military activity undertaken during a campaign. (New)
Defensive Operations
Operations that resist enemy offensive operations. (New)
Stability Operations
Operations that seek to stabilize the situation and reduce the level of violence. (New)
Enabling Activities
Tactical activities that link, support, or create the conditions for offensive, defensive and stability
operations. (New)

Lead Nation
A lead Nation is one which assumes lead responsibility for the planning and execution of an operation,
particularly retaining ownership of the Campaign Plan and Information Operations. The Joint Task Force
Commander, staff, command, control, Communications and Information Systems structure, doctrine and
logistic coordination of the force will be provided by one nation (the lead nation). Other nations can assign
contributions to this force under a National Contingent Commander, with liaison ofcers, and might even
full some staff positions in the lead nations staff. (JWP 0-01.1)

Levels of Warfare
The level of war at which a nation or group of nations determines national or multinational security
objectives and deploys national, including military, resources to achieve them. (AAP-6)
The level of war at which campaigns and major operations are planned, conducted and sustained to
accomplish strategic objectives within theatres or areas of operations. (AAP-6)
The level of war at which battles and engagements are planned and executed to accomplish military
objectives assigned to tactical formations and units. (AAP-6)

Limited Intervention
Those operations that have limited objectives such as the rescue of hostages, security of non-combatants
or re-establishment of law and order. (JWP 0-01.1)

Logistic Support
The sustainment of forces through provision of materiel including acquisition, control and distribution;
provision of movement of personnel and materiel; and provision of logistic support services. (New)

The science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of forces. In its most
comprehensive sense, the aspects of military operations which deal with:
a. design and development, acquisition, storage, transport, distribution, maintenance, evacuation and
disposition of materiel;
b. transport of personnel;
c. acquisition, construction, maintenance, operation, and disposition of facilities;
d. acquisition or furnishing of services; and
e. medical and health service support.

Main Effort
A concentration of forces or means, in a particular area, where a commander seeks to bring about a
decision. (JWP 0-01.1)

Employment of forces on the battleeld through movement in combination with re, or re potential, to
achieve a position of advantage in respect of the enemy in order to accomplish the mission. (AAP-6)

Manoeuvre, Air
Operations within the land component scheme of manoeuvre, seeking decisive advantage by the
exploitation of the third dimension; primarily supported by combined arms centred around and integrated
with rotary wing aircraft, supported by other component elements, within a joint framework nationally and
multinationally. (New)

Manoeuvre, Scheme of
A short general description of the manoeuvre of subordinates in space and time. (New)
In land operations at the tactical level, the superior commanders concept of operations should include
both his intent and his design for operations, normally expressed as a scheme of manoeuvre, and his main
effort. (JWP 0-01.1)

Manoeuvre Support
Those activities, primarily military engineer actions, which shape the battlespace to enable strategic,
operational and tactical freedom of manoeuvre across the continuum of operations. (New)

Manoeuvrist Approach
An approach to operations in which shattering the enemys overall cohesion and will to ght is paramount.
It calls for an attitude of mind in which doing the unexpected, using initiative and seeking originality, is
combined with a ruthless determination to succeed. (JWP 0-01.1)

The stores and equipment (as opposed to personnel) available or required for an undertaking.
(JWP 0-01.1)

Military Aid to the Civil Authority (MACA)

The collective term given to the three types of operations which may take place in a civilian environment ie
MACC, MACM and MACP. (Implicitly, such operations will only be conducted in UK) (JWP 0-01.1)
Military Aid to the Civil Community (MACC)
The use of unarmed Servicemen to provide help in natural disasters and emergencies and to provide
more routine assistance in the creation and development of local community projects, and of individual
assistance by volunteers in the social service eld. (JWP 0-01.1)

Military Aid to the Civil Ministries (MACM)
The use of unarmed Servicemen on urgent work of national importance, to maintain essential services
and supplies, most usually (but not uniquely) when they are disrupted by industrial dispute. The
Servicemen act under military orders and any protection needed is provided by the civil police. (JWP
Military Aid to the Civil Power (MACP)
The use of troops in formed bodies, often armed, to assist the civil power in the maintenance of law
and order. (JWP 0-01.1)

A clear, concise statement of the task of the command and its purpose.
One or more aircraft ordered to accomplish one particular task. (AAP-6)

Mission Command
A style of command that seeks to convey understanding to subordinates about the intentions of the higher
commander and their place within his plan, enabling them to carry out missions with the maximum freedom
of action and appropriate resources. (JWP 0-01.1)

A quality or capability of military forces which permits them to move from place to place while retaining the
ability to full their primary mission. (AAP-6)

Adjective used to describe activities, operations, organizations etc in which forces or agencies of more
than one nation participate. (AAP-6)

National Contingent Headquarters

The national HQ deployed alongside a CJTF HQ, or another multinational theatre HQ, for the purposes
of executing national command over UK deployed forces. With the exception of the lead nation, each
country contributing forces to a multinational operation can be expected to deploy a national contingent
commander (NCC) who will exercise national command and represent national interests at the operational
level. (JWP 0-01.1)

Network Enabled Capability (NEC)

Linking sensors, decision-makers and weapon systems so that information can be translated into
synchronized and overwhelmingly rapid military effect. (New)

Network Enabled Battle Command (NEBC)

At the operational and tactical levels NEBC seeks to use enhanced communications, information
technologies and ISTAR to support better decision-making, leadership and control. All levels of command
should benet from more informed decision-making, faster tempo, better synchronization of actions across
boundaries, and less friction in execution. (New)

Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO)

An operation conducted to relocate designated non-combatants threatened in a foreign country to a place
of safety. (AAP-6)

The physical object of the action taken, eg a denite tactical feature, the seizure and/or holding of which is
essential to the commanders plan. (AAP-6) See aim and mission

A military action or the carrying out of a strategic, tactical, service, training, or administrative military
mission; the process of carrying on combat, including movement, supply, attack, defence and manoeuvres
needed to gain the objectives of any battle or campaign. (AAP-6)

Operational Analysis
The use of mathematical, statistical and other forms of analysis to explore situations and to help decision-
makers to resolve problems. Facts and probabilities are processed into manageable patterns relative to
the likely consequences of alternative courses of action. (JWP 0-01.1)

Operational Art
The orchestration of all military activities involved in converting strategic objectives into tactical actions
with a view to seeking a decisive result. (JWP 0-01.1)

Operational Capability
The potential of the Armed Forces to achieve success in relation to a specic operation. (New)

Operational Framework
A means of visualizing operations and aiding coordination, the framework is used to describe how the
missions of subordinates relate to each other by time, space, function and purpose. It should be primarily
viewed in terms of the purpose of the forces involved: what is considered will be decisive, and how other
actions relate to that by shaping conditions or sustaining the force. It is most commonly used in the
description of courses of action, and hence concepts of operations. (New)
Decisive Operations
The decisive operation in a commanders plan should inevitably lead to the achievement of the assigned
mission and thereby success in his chosen concept of operations. There should only be one decisive
operation in a plan. (New)
Shaping Operations
Shaping operations create or preserve the conditions for the success of the decisive operation. Those
conditions relate to the enemy, the environment, and to own or friendly forces. (New)
Sustaining Operations
Sustaining operations enable land forces to live, to move, and to ght in order to conduct decisive or
shaping operations. They include CSS and force protection activities. (New)

A condition that exists in the relations between groups, classes or states when there is an absence of
violence (direct or indirect) or the threat of violence. (JWP 0-01.1)

Peace Building
A peace support operation employing complementary diplomatic, civil and when necessary military
means, to address the underlying causes of conict and the longer-term needs of the people. It requires a
commitment to a long-term process and may run concurrently with other types of peace support operations.

Peace Enforcement
A peace support operation conducted to maintain a cease-re or a peace agreement where the level of
consent and compliance is uncertain and the threat of disruption is high. A Peace Support Force must
be capable of applying credible coercive force and must apply the provisions of the peace agreement
impartially. (AJP-3.4)

A peace support operation following an agreement or ceasere that has established a permissive
environment where the level of consent and compliance is high, and the threat of disruption is low. The
use of force by peacekeepers is normally limited to self-defence. (AAP-6)

A peace support operation, conducted after the initiation of a conict to secure a ceasere or peaceful
settlement, that involves primarily diplomatic action supported, when necessary, by direct or indirect use
of military assets. (AAP-6)

Peace Support
A peace support operation impartially makes use of diplomatic, civil and military means, normally in
pursuit of United Nations charter purposes and principles, to restore or maintain peace. Such operations
may include conict prevention, peacemaking, peace enforcement, peacekeeping, peacebuilding and/or
humanitarian operations. (AAP-6)

Peacetime Military Engagement (PME)

All military activities involving other nations that are intended to shape the security environment in
peacetime. (New)

Permanent Joint Headquarters

The HQ of the Chief of Joint Operations (CJO) located at Northwood in North London. All UK joint operations
are commanded through the HQ, with the in-theatre commander reporting to the Joint Commander at
PJHQ. For most operations the designated Joint Commander will be the 3 Star CJO himself. However,
the option is retained of appointing one of the 4 Star single Service CinCs as the Joint Commander if
the scale and nature of the operations being commanded warrant a more senior ofcer in the chain of

Power Projection
The threat or use of joint military capabilities and other instruments of national power, at global range, to
achieve strategic effects in support of national policy objectives.

To pre-empt the enemy is to seize an opportunity, often eeting, before he does, in order to deny him an
advantageous course of action. (JWP 0-01.1)

Principles of War
The Principles of War are guides to action and fundamental tenets forming a basis for appreciating a
situation and planning, but their relevance, applicability and relative importance change with circumstances.
(JWP 0-01.1)

Rapid Reaction Forces (RRF)

NATO Reaction Forces at longer readiness than Immediate Reaction Forces (IRF) and available to respond
to a crisis which exceeds the capacity for IRF to deter or counter. (JWP 0-01.1)

Increasing use of deployed broadband communications will reduce the geographic constraints on
information ow. Deployed forces can exploit this by reaching back to supporting HQs and organizations
to access quality information services and advice. The development of reachback facilities will increase
functionality while reversing the trend of increasing HQ size thereby improving deployability and mobility.

Reaction Forces (RF)

Highly mobile and capable multinational land, air and maritime forces allocated to major NATO commands
and available at short notice, in order to provide an early military response to a crisis and demonstrate
NATOs cohesion and resolve and, if required, facilitate the timely build-up of forces in the crisis area. They
are composed of smaller Immediate Reaction Forces, and more capable Rapid Reaction Forces, both with
maritime, ground and air components. (NATO)

The time within which a unit or formation can be made ready to perform unit-type tasks. This time is
amplied or measured by indicators of its current personnel, materiel and training state. The time does
not include transit time. (JWP 0-01.1)

Recognized Environmental Picture (REP)

The total set of shared Environmental Information on a particular operation, or Joint Operations Area (JOA),

available through a secure information environment on CIS networks to support Situational Awareness
and decision-making by commanders, and facilitate information sharing with allies and partners. (New)

A mission undertaken to obtain, by visual observation or other detection methods, information about
the activities and resources of an enemy or potential enemy, or to secure data about meteorological,
hydrographical or geographic characteristics of a particular area. (AAP-6) See Surveillance

The ability to restore combat power which comprises three elements:
The strategic activation of existing force structures and dormant capabilities.
The strategic level expansion of force structures and infrastructure.
The operational or tactical level post-combat phase of refurbishment and replenishment.

The rotation of personnel or units in the front line with those in reserve in order to maintain the ghting
effectiveness of the forces engaged in an operation. (JWP 0-01.1)

Rules of Engagement (ROE)

Directions for operational commands that set out the circumstances and limitations under which armed
force may be applied by UK forces to achieve military objectives for the furtherance of UK government
policy. ROE are thus issued as a set of parameters to inform commanders of the limits of constraint
imposed or of freedom permitted when carrying out their assigned tasks. They are designed to ensure that
any application of force is appropriately controlled. (JSP 398)

Shock Action
The sudden, concentrated application of violence. (New)

Element of campaign and operational design that seeks to disrupt the decision-making process of the
enemy commander by confronting him with a number of problems simultaneously. (JWP 0-01.1)

Situational Awareness
The understanding of the operational environment in the context of the commanders (or staff ofcers)
mission (or task). (JWP 0-01.1)

Spectrum of Conict
The full range of levels of violence from stable peace up to and including general war. (JWP 0-01.1)

Stability Operations
A stability operation is dened as an operation that imposes security and control over an area while
employing military capabilities to restore services and support civilian agencies(New)

An attack which is intended to inict damage on, seize, or destroy an objective. (AAP-6)

Supported Commander:
A commander having primary responsibility for all aspects of a task assigned by a higher authority. (JWP 0-01.1)
A commander having primary responsibility for all aspects of a task assigned by a higher NATO military
authority and who receives forces or other support from one or more supporting commanders. (AAP-6)

Supporting Commander
A commander who provides a supported commander with forces or other support and/or who develops a
supporting plan. (AAP-6)

The systematic observation of the aerospace, surface and sub-surface areas, places, persons or things by
visual, aural, electronic, photographic or other means. (AAP-6)

The ability of a force to maintain the necessary level of combat power for the duration required to achieve
its objectives. (AAP-6)

The combination of logistics, administration, resources and organization to deliver sustainability. (New)

Sustainment Reach
The limit at which a force can assure sustainment. (New)

The focusing of resources and activities to produce maximum combat power at the decisive time. (JWP
Synchronization differs from simultaneity as the purpose is to achieve decisive coincidence of the effects
of activities rather than the activities themselves.

The rate or rhythm of military activity relative to the enemy, within tactical engagements and battles and
between major operations. It incorporates the capacity of the force to transition from one operation of war
to another. (JWP 0-01.1)

Theatre of Operations
A geographical area dened by the military-strategic authority which includes and surrounds the area
delegated to the operational commander within which he will conduct operations known as the joint
operations area. (JWP 0-01.1)


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