Performance of Composite Insulators With and Without Bio Contamination
Performance of Composite Insulators With and Without Bio Contamination
Performance of Composite Insulators With and Without Bio Contamination
Abstract- Contamination flashover is a major concern of algae, dark green in colour, on both the insulators.
affecting the reliability of power systems. Industries switched over Photograph 1 shows the virgin insulator (SRV) and insulators
from porcelain to polymers due to lighter weight and superior
contamination performance. Polymers especially silicone rubbers with bio contamination. It can be observed that the formation
(SR) helped considerably to eliminate the contamination problem. of algae on the insulators was not uniform. Algae formation
Bio contamination is a growth of fungi or other micro organism was observed on that part of the insulator which was exposed
which colonize on the surface of the insulator. The paper presents to sun regularly.
results of the laboratory tests performed on polymeric insulators
with and without bio contamination. It was observed that there is
no effect of bio contamination on SR insulators, except that the
part of insulator shed with algae formation lost its hydrophobicity
and lot of scale formation was observed on all the insulators.
Problems due to bio contamination of insulators have been
reported in tropical areas in USA, Srilanka, Tanzania, Germany,
Sweden, Japan, Mexico, Paraguay and New Zealand. Bio
contamination in the form of algae is formed on the insulator
Photograph 1 Virgin insulator (SRV) and Insulators with bio contamination
surface in the cold countries especially on silicone rubber
(SR1) ,(SR2).
insulators. No systematic study has been done to investigate
the long term performance of polymeric insulators with bio
contamination. When fungi and other microorganisms colonize A. AGEING TEST (SALT FOG TEST)
the surface of an insulator, they impede the drying of the
insulator surface and thus there is a possibility of increased
insulator degradation by enzymes secreted by fungal 66 kVA
contaminants. Bio contamination causes concern among utility R
engineers because it is not understood fully. In the present
work, algae was allowed to form on silicone rubber insulator.
These insulators were then tested under salt fog condition for a
period of 10000 hrs and the results are presented in this paper.
Fig 1 . Test set up in a ageing chamber
In order to simulate bio contamination / algae formation on
insulator the two commercially available SR insulators SR1 The SR1 and SR2 insulators with algae formation were
and SR2 were used. Creepage length of both the insulator was removed from the tank and mounted in an ageing chamber
maintained at the same value of 588 mm. Both the insulators along with the virgin insulator SRV. The SRV and SR1
were put in a septic tank for a period of 13 months. The cover insulators are identical in all respects except for the algae
of the septic tank was kept open and insulators were fully formation on SR1. The experimental set up is shown in fig 1. A
immersed in water. The average conductivity of water in the voltage of 17kV was applied continuously using a 33kV,
tank was 0.528 m mho /cm. 66kVA high voltage transformer. Insulators were exposed to
Insulators were inspected every month. For the first three salt fog with the salinity of 10 kg/m3 .
months there was no formation of algae/fungus on the Voltages across the resistances (R) were measured randomly
insulators. Gradually there was a formation of fungus on both and the leakage current through the insulators were calculated.
the insulators. At the end of 13 months there was a thick layer The test was carried out initially for a period of 5000 hours.
Current in mA
Variation of silicone content with ageing
Insulator Silicone content after
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 10000
Pattern of variation of leakage current is almost same for SR2 20.76% 30.01% 34.70% 27.87% 29.12% 48.11%
SRV and SR1 insulators. It can be observed that the maximum
leakage current recorded is 20 mA in SRV, 16.9 mA in SR1 and It can be seen that there is an increase in silicone content in
40 mA in SR2. There was no flash over during the entire all the insulators at the end of the test. This increase in silicone
ageing process. At the end of ten thousand hours the leakage content is due to the migration of low molecular weight chains
currents in all the insulators were less than 1 mA. from bulk to the surface. Due to this the insulator displays
good hydrophobic property and its performance is superior in
B. Variation of Hydrophobicity contaminated conditions.
It was observed that the hydrophobicity was partially lost D. X-Ray Dispersion Analysis
during the test, Hydrophobicity was of the class HC 4 , on that The results of the analysis of SR1 is presented in the fig 5.
part of insulators where the bio contamination was present and
on the other parts it was HC 3/ HC 2. After the test was
concluded(i.e. after 10000 hours) and after a recovery period of
24 hours , it was found that the hydrophobic value was HC1 in
spite of scale formation on insulators. The scale formation of
the insulator is shown in photograph 2. This property of
hydrophobic recovery of the material makes the insulator to
perform better under polluted conditions.
C. EDXRF Analysis.
EDXRF analyses were carried out on small samples cut out
of the insulators.
Four silicone rubber materials with known ATH content of
10%, 20%, 30% and 40 % was taken as a reference for creating
calibration curve. Based on the calibration curve the resultant
Fig 5 XRD analysis of SR1 insulator after every
% of silicone in various samples taken out is as indicated in 1000 Hrs up to 5000 Hrs
table 1.
It can be seen that there is no appreciable variation in the
state of the material. Thus the analysis on SRV and SR2
insulators gave the same result. The materials of all the three Bangalore.
insulators are still amorphous even after being exposed to 5000 N.Vasudev obtained B.E , M.E, PhD Degree from the
hours of salt fog and have not degraded. University of Bangalore, Mysore and Bangalore during the
year 1982, 1986 and 1999 respectively . He worked as lecturer
IV. CONCLUSION at RV College Of Engineering during 1982 to 1984. Joined
CPRI High voltage Division during the year 1987. His areas of
The results show that the behavior of insulator with and interest are design of external insulation from the point of view
without bio contamination is virtually same under salt fog of pollution. Ageing studies on polymeric AC and DC
conditions. Thus it can be concluded that bio contamination insulators under polluted conditions. He has more than 70
does not have significant effect on the performance of polymer publications at National and International forums. He is
insulator. member IEEE.
V. ACKNOWLEDGMENT K.N.Ravi . Professor and Head of EEE Department, SCE ,
Bangalore. Born in Salem, India during the year 1956.
The authors are thankful to the authorities of Central Power Received BE degree in Electrical from Bangalore University
Research Institute for according permission to publish this during 1978. Received ME degree with specialization in High
work, and all the staff of High Voltage Division of CPRI for Voltage from Indian institute of Science during 1981. Recieved
their constant support during this work. Phd degree from Indian institute of Science during the year
1995. Received Badkas medal during 1996 for best thesis.
REFERENCES Joined CPRI during 1982 Worked in CPRI till 2007 . Areas of
interest are Design of external insulation from the point of
[1] Dernfalk A.D, Gubanski SM, Techniques for estimation of biological
contamination on insulators using image analysis, Electrical Insulation view pollution. Pollution Performances of DC insulators,
and Dielectric Phenomena, 2004, Annual report coference on volume , lightning arrester and polymeric insulators. He has published
issue, oct 2004, pp 659-662. more than 30 papers in national and international conferences.
[2] Stina Wallstrom and Sigbritt Karlsoon , Biofilms on silicone rubber
insulators, microbial composition and diagnostics of removal by use of P.V. Vasudevan Nambudiri born in the year 1951 received
ESEM/EDS composition of biofilms infecting silicone rubber insulators, B.Sc. Electrical Engineering degree in the year 1975 from
Dept of Fibre and Polymer tech, Royal Institute of Technology , Kerala University. Joined CPRI in the year 1977 and presently
Stockholm, Sweden ,.
working as Joint Director, High Voltage Division. Areas of
BIOGRAPHIES interest design and development of HV test and measuring
M.N. Dinesh, born in Karnataka, India in 1965. He received equipments pertaining to high voltage and insulation. Testing
his Electrical Engineering degree from Bangalore University of lightning arresters and calibration of HV equipment. He has
during 1988, His M.E degree from Bangalore University many national and international papers to his credit.
during1994, since 1988 he is in teaching, presently working in K. Suryanarayana is presently working as Engineering
the Department of Electrical Engineering, RV College Officer in the Materials Technology Division, CPRI, Bangalore.
Engineering, Bangalore 59. He received his M.Tec in Structural Engineering from NITK ,
V. Krishnan, born in Karnataka, India in 1951, He received Surathkal. His research interests include material
his BE degree in Electrical Engineering from Madras characterization, development and evaluation of fly ash based
University during the year 1967, ME in High Voltage building products, composite products, fly ash concrete and
Engineering from IISc Bangalore in 1974, PhD in High allied areas. His areas of expertise include techniques such as
Voltage Engineering from IISc Bangalore during the year 1988, X-Ray diffraction, X-Ray Fluorescence, Mercury intrusion
He is presently working as Professor and Head of the porosimetry, Microstructure analysis and associated techniques.
Department , Department of Electrical Engg , MSRIT, He has many national and international papers to his credit.