Hydraulic Performance
Hydraulic Performance
Hydraulic Performance
, 2010
ISSN 1023-1072
Despite the acute shortage of water for irrigation and its enormous domestic consumption,
the water users in Pakistan continue using water injudiciously. This has decreased the
overall irrigation efficiency up to 30%. In order to enhance the irrigation efficiency, micro
irrigation methods such as drip, sprinkler, and bubbler irrigation are being used in the
developed countries. Among these, the drip irrigation method is considered as the most
efficient method requiring only 20 to 30% of water as compared to conventional methods.
However, the performance of drip irrigation system is based on the proper design of
emitters, spacing of emitters and proper spacing between delivery lines etc. But the
design of emitters plays a prime role in uniform distribution of water on the field. Thus,
keeping the importance of design of emitters the present study was conducted on the
hydraulic performance of different emitters under varying lateral lengths to evaluate
emitter discharge and emission uniformity. An experiment was conducted at Lal Baksh
Farm near Chotta Gate, Gadap town Karachi to study the performance of emitters under
varying lengths of laterals to evaluate emitter discharge and emission uniformity. Two
types of emitters (pressure compensated and micro tube) with varying length of laterals
were tested. Results suggest that the pressure compensated emitters performed well as
no significant differences between average discharges were found between locations as
well as between lateral lengths. They were able to control the pressure variation along the
lateral length whereas the micro tube type emitters were unable to compensate such
variations hence the discharges were significantly different along the lateral length.
Emission uniformity with pressure compensated type emitters was 91.2% for a lateral of
57.2 m length while it was 88.2% for the lateral of 71.2 m length. Micro tube type emitters
of 57.2 m length produced 82.8% emission uniformity while it yielded to 79.4% with lateral
of 71.2 m length. Results of the study revealed that the pressure compensated emitters
perform better and manage the pressure losses at different locations along the laterals
length, hence could be preferred over micro tube emitters.
Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2010
Ideally, each emitter would deliver exactly the same amount of water regardless
of where it is positioned in the field. In reality, emitter discharge is variable along
a lateral line in a drip irrigation system. Solomon (1979) reported that
manufacturing variations, pressure differences, emitter plugging, aging, frictional
head losses, irrigation water temperature changes, and emitter sensitivity result
in flow rate variations even between two identical emitters (Mizyed and Kruse,
2008). Also, the emitter operating characteristics tend to fluctuate over passing
Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2010
time. Thus flow might change even with a constant pressure. In a poorly
designed system, the operator may not able to get uniform distribution of water
which may result either in under irrigation or over irrigation. Under both cases,
plants will either suffer the dry stress or experience wet stress. Through a
properly designed drip system, a uniformity co-efficient of at least 85% is
considered appropriate for standard design requirements. Such a high uniformity
coefficient is only possible through properly designed emitters (Al-Amound, 1995)
that provide steady discharge to all emission points. However, the distribution
uniformity is a function of several factors including hydraulic head and slope of
lateral and sub-main lines. The distribution uniformity substantially decreases at
slopes steeper than 30% (Ella et al., 2009).
Though the drip system slowly and partially wets the soil near the plant root
zone, but it is practically difficult to apply the equal amount of water to all plants
within a field especially at tail reaches. Therefore, in most cases, even a well
designed system gives poor uniformity as a consequence the yields are
pretentious (Bhatnagar and Srivastava, 2003). Since, frequent application near
the plants is necessary (Youngs et al., 1999), the conveyance and the other
conventional losses such as deep percolation, runoff and soil water evaporation
are minimal as water is conveyed through a network of pipes.
A drip irrigation method comprises pumping unit, a mixing chamber, main line,
sub main, laterals and emitters. The main line carries water from pumping unit to
sub main; sub main conveys water from main to laterals; the laterals are spread
in the field along with the rows of plants. The emitters/drippers are then fixed in
the laterals to supply water to the application points of requirement, generally
near the plant. There are several types of emitters/drippers available in the
market. The main purpose of these emitters/drippers is to apply nearly the same
amount of water to each plant throughout length of lateral. However, this can not
be possible because the water carrying capacity of laterals decreases with the
increase in length due to friction. Therefore, a well designed drip irrigation system
should ensure relatively same amount of water to each plant along the total
length of lateral line. The discharge rates for most non-pressure compensating
emitters are either greater or less than expected. A coefficient of manufacturing
variation integrates the discharge fluctuations along a lateral for a given
operating pressure. Its values are found to be greater for pressure compensating
emitters than for non-compensating emitters (zekici and Sneed, 1990). Present
field study was conducted to evaluate the performance of emitters/drippers under
varying lengths of laterals.
A field experiment was conducted at Lal Baksh Farm near Chotta Gate, Gadap
town Karachi. The soil at the experimental site was sandy loam to silty, the bulk
density ranged between 1.18 to 1.32 g cm-3, and the average infiltration rate
ranged from 9.6 to 1.62 mm hr-1. The common crops grown in the area were
Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2010
Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2010
U C = 100 80 x d
V avg
UC = Uniformity coefficient (%),
Sd = Standard deviation of observed emitter flow,
Vavg = Average volume collected ml.
The following formula was used to calculate Emission Uniformity (Keller and
Bliesner, 1990).
Cv qi
EU = 100 [1.0- 1.27 ]
n qav
Cv = 100
q av
Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2010
(qi qav )
n 2
i =1
Cv = Coefficient of variation
= Standard deviation
n = No. of emitters
qi =Minimum flow, ml sec-1
qav = Average flow, ml sec-1
The average discharges under pressure compensated emitters were taken for
two lateral lengths i.e. 57.2 m, 71.2 m and results are illustrated in Figures 2 and
3, respectively. For the lateral having 57.2 m length, the average discharge at P1
was 0.0259 m3 h-1; it slightly reduced to 0.0239 m3 h-1 for the emitters located at
P2 and 0.0232 m3 h-1 for those located at P3, however, the average discharge
remained quite consistent for each location. The reduction in the pressure along
the lateral length is anticipated because the pressure at the head of lateral was
greater as compared to the middle and tail end; also the head losses due to
friction might have affected the discharges towards the middle and subsequently
at the tail end. The average discharges for the longer laterals (71.2 m) are
depicted in Fig 3. Almost similar trends those with smaller laterals were
observed. As anticipated, the discharges towards the middle and the end
reduced. The average discharge for emitters located at P1 was 0.0263 m3 h-1,
while it slightly reduced to 0.0244 m3 h-1 and 0.0234 m3 h-1 at P2 and P3,
respectively. Comparison between two lateral lengths suggests that the
discharges with longer lateral are slightly greater at all measurement locations as
compared to laterals with shorter lengths. Statistical analysis was performed to
identify differences between means for locations along each lateral length. The
analysis suggest that the means for location and lateral length were non-
significant (p>0.05) as shown in Table 1, which indicates that pressure
compensated type emitters managed the pressure losses at different locations
along the laterals length.
Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2010
3 -1
Figure 2 Average emitter discharge rates (m hr ) for pressure compensated emitters
positioned 0, 28.6 and 57.2 m from the lateral inlet.
Figure 3 Average emitter discharge rates (m3 h-1) for pressure compensated emitters
when the length was 71.2 installed 0, 35.6 and 71.2 m from the lateral inlet.
The average discharges using micro tube type emitters for two lengths i.e. 57.2
m and 71.2 m are given in Fig. 4 and 5 respectively. The average discharge
recorded for emitters located at P1 was 0.0274 m3 h-1, 0.0239 m3 h-1 at P2 and
0.0218 m3 h-1 at P3 for the lateral with 57.2 m length (Fig. 4). This is anticipated
Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2010
because the pressure at the head of lateral remains slightly higher as compared
to the middle and tail end due to head losses. The average discharges for the
laterals with 71.2 m length are portrayed in Fig. 5. The results suggest that the
average discharge at P1 was 0.0277 m3 h-1, which remarkably reduced to 0.0238
and 0.0210 m3 h-1 at P2 and P3, respectively. As anticipated, the discharges
towards the middle and the end reduced. Such results are attributed due to the
lower pressure, which may have been responsible for the differences in emitter
flow rate located at those locations. The statistical analysis was performed to find
the differences between the means of locations along the lateral length. The
analysis suggest that the means for locations were significantly different (p>0.05)
as given in Table 1. Comparison between two types of emitters was made on the
basis of discharge variations through them. The results suggest that the pressure
compensated emitters performed well as no significant difference between
average discharges were found between locations as well as between lateral
lengths. While, significant difference between discharges through micro tube type
emitters were observed for locations as well as for lateral lengths. These results
suggest that the pressure compensated emitters were able to control the
pressure variation whereas the micro tube type emitters were unable to
compensate such variations hence the discharges reduced towards to the tail
end. It could be concluded that for better performance pressure compensated
emitters could be used.
Figure 4. Av. discharges (m3 h-1) under micro tube emitter when the length of lateral
was 57.2 m.
Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2010
Figure 5. Av. discharges (m3 h-1) under micro tube emitter when the length of
lateral was 71.2 m.
Source DF SS MS F P
Length 1 2.072E-06 2.072E-06 1.57 0.2205
Location 2 1.057E-04 5.287E-05 39.96 0.0000
Length*Location 2 6.207E-06 3.104E-06 2.35 0.1131
Error 30 3.969E-05 1.323E-06
Table 2. Mean values of both types of emitters with significant values.
Pressure Compensated Emitter Micro Tube Emitter
L1 L2 L1 L2
P1 0.0259* P1 0.0263* P1 0.0274* P1 0.0277*
P2 0.0239 P2 0.0244 P2 0.0239 P2 0.0238
P3 0.0232 P3 0.0234 P3 0.0218 P3 0.021
* Significant
Uniformity Coefficient and Emission uniformity
Uniformity Coefficient was calculated for pressure compensated and micro tube
type emitters with 57.2 m and 71.2 m lateral lengths and results are plotted in
Figure 6. The Uniformity Coefficient observed for lateral with 57.2 m length was
about 95.8 while it was 95.2 for the lateral with 71.2 m length under pressure
compensated emitters. Whereas, the Uniformity Coefficient for the micro tube
type emitters was 92.0 and 90.6 with laterals having 57.2 m and 71.2 m lengths,
Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2010
Figure 7. Emission uniformity (%) for pressure compensated and micro tube
type emitters with 57.2 m and 71.2 m lateral lengths.
Similarly the Emission Uniformity was calculated for pressure compensated type
emitters with 57.2 m and 71.2 m lateral lengths and results are plotted in Figure
7. The emission uniformity observed for lateral with 57.2 m length was about
91.2% while it was 88.2% for the lateral with 71.2 m length under pressure
compensated emitters. Whereas, the emission uniformity for the micro tube type
emitters was 82.8 and 79.4% with laterals having 57.2 m and 71.2 m lengths,
respectively. These results suggest that the pressure compensated type emitters
performed better with higher emission uniformity as compared to micro tube type
emitters. Based on the findings of this study it is suggested that the drip
installation companies as well as farmers should prefer the systems with
pressure compensated type of emitters, which would give better uniformity.
Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2010
Almost similar results were obtained by George et al. (1998); however they
recommended that the lateral flow must be considered for the design of drip
A study was conducted to evaluate the performance of pressure compensated
and micro tube emitters. The following conclusions can be drawn from this study.
Results of this study suggest that the pressure compensated emitters performed
well as no significant differences between average discharges were found
between locations as well as between lateral lengths. They were able to control
the pressure variation along the lateral length whereas the micro tube type
emitters were unable to compensate such variations hence the discharges
significantly different along the lateral length.
The discharge towards the middle and the end decreased in magnitude for both
emitter types however, the flow rates were significantly different only for micro
tube emitters. Such results are attributed due to the lower pressure, which may
have been responsible for the differences in emitter flow rate located at those
Uniformity Coefficient using pressure compensated type emitters was 95.76 for a
lateral having 57.2 m length while it was 95.206 for lateral with 71.2 m length.
Micro tube type emitters having 57.2 m length produced 92.0 Uniformity
Coefficient while it yielded to 90.57 with lateral having 71.2 m length.
Emission uniformity using pressure compensated type emitters was 92.21% for a
lateral having 57.2 m length while it was 88.16% for lateral with 71.2 m length.
Micro tube type emitters having 57.2 m length produced 82.8% emission
uniformity while it yielded to 79.4% with lateral having 71.2 m length.
Al-Amound, A. I. 1995. Significance of energy losses due to emitter connections
in trickle irrigation lines. J. Agri. Engg. Res., 60: 1-5.
Ella, V. B., M. R. Reyes and R. Yoder. 2009. Effect of hydraulic head and slope
on water distribution uniformity of a low-cost drip irrigation system. Appli. Engg. in
Agri., 25 (3): 349-356.
George, J. H. and A. G. Smajstrla. 1998. Fertilizer application and management
for micro (drip) irrigation vegetables in Florida. Florida cooperative extension
service, Institute of Food and Agriculture Science University of Florida.
Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2010
Keller, J. and Bliesner, R. D. 1990. Sprinkler and trickle irrigation, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York.
Mosh, S. 2006. Guidelines for planning and design of micro irrigation in arid and
semi arid regions. Int. Comm. Irrig. & Drain. (ICID).