Jntuk 2-2 Ece June 2015 PDF
Jntuk 2-2 Ece June 2015 PDF
Jntuk 2-2 Ece June 2015 PDF
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
b) Describe VSB modulation and give its applications?
c) Define the following terms?
i) Carrier swing ii) Frequency Deviation iii) Percent Modulation
d) What is threshold effect in an envelope detector? Explain?
e) Write the main requirements of AM broadcast transmitters?
f) Discuss the types of pulse Modulation. (3M+3M+4M+4M+4M+4M)
3. a) Prove that the balanced modulator produces an output consisting of sidebands only with
the carrier removed.
b) Explain the principle of coherent detector of DSB-SC modulated more with a neat block
6. a) Draw the block diagram of superhetrodyme receiver and the function of each block.
b) Discuss the factors influencing the choice of intermediate frequency (IF) for a radio
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1. a) Explain the need for modulator.
b) Compare the DSB and SSB systems.
c) Explain the terms of Narrow band FM and wide band FM
d) Explain, how noise can be calculated in a communication system.
e) What is the significance of Harmonic generator in transmitters?
f) Write short notes on Time division multiplexing. (3M+3M+4M+4M+4M+4M)
3. a) Explain the concept of frequency translation using the spectrum of DSB-SC wave.
b) In an AM-SC system, modulating signal is a single tone sinusoidal signal 4cos2103,which
Modulates carrier signal 6cos2106t. Write the equation of the modulated wave. Plot the two
Sided spectrum of the modulated wave. Calculate the amount of power transmitted.
4. a) Give the phasor comparison of narrowband FM and AM waves for sinusoidal modulation.
b) Compute the bandwidth requirement for the transmission of FM signal having a frequency
Deviation of 75 kHz and an audio bandwidth of 10kHz.What will be the change in the
Bandwidth, if modulating frequency is doubled? Determine the bandwidth when modulating
Signal amplitude is also doubled.
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
b) Discuss Quadrture null effect of DSB-SC and SSB-SC.
c) Write short notes on Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.
d) Define noise figure, noise equivalent temperature.
e) define sensitivity,selectivity,fedility.
f) Distinguish between TDM and FDM. (3M+3M+4M+4M+4M+4M)
a) What is modulation? Why is modulation used in communication system?
b) What do you understand of modulation index? What is its significance?
3. a) With a neat block diagram explain the demodulation process of DSB-SC signal.
b) Prove that the balanced modulator produces an output consisting of sidebands only with the
carrier removed.
4. a) An angle modulated signal has the forumv(t) = 100cos[2 fet + 4 Sin 2000t ] where
i) Determine the average transmitted power ii) Determine the peak phase deviation
iii) Determine the peak frequency deviation iv) Is this FM or a PM signal? Explain
b) Explain the detection of FM wave using balanced frequency discrimination.
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
b) Discuss Quadrture null effect of DSB-SC and SSB-SC
c) Explain the terms of Narrow band FM and wide band FM
d) What is threshold effect in an envelope detector? Explain?
e) Write the main requirements of AM broadcast transmitters?
f) Distinguish between PAM & PWM. (3M+3M+4M+4M+4M+4M)
a) Describe an expression for AM wave and sketch its frequency spectrum.
b) Explain the square law detection of AM signals.
3. a) Explain the generation of double side band suppressed carrier (DSB-SC) modulator. Write
the necessary equations,
b) Discuss the effect of frequency and phase error in demodulation of DSB-SC wave using
synchronous detector.
4. a) Give the phasor comparison of narrowband FM and AM waves for sinusoidal modulation.
b) Compute the bandwidth requirement for the transmission of FM signal having a frequency
deviation of 75 kHz and an audio bandwidth of 10kHz.What will be the change in the
bandwidth, if modulating frequency is doubled? Determine the bandwidth when modulating
signal amplitude is also doubled.
6. a) Draw the block diagram of superhetrodyme receiver and the function of each block.
b) Discuss the factors influencing the choice of intermediate frequency (IF) for a radio
7. a) Explain the PPM generation from PWM with a neat block diagram and necessary figures.
b) Draw the circuit of PPM demodulator and explain the operation.
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1. a) What is unity gain frequency of a BJT and derive an expression for it.
b) Three amplifiers of gain 10dB, 20dB and 30dB are connected together. Find the overall gain
in dB and in normal units.
c) Show that the input resistance increases with series mixing.
d) Draw the electrical equivalent of a crystal and derive expressions for series and parallel
e) What are the advantages of push pull power amplifiers.
f) What is staggering? State the advantages of stagger tuned amplifier.
2. a) Draw the High frequency model of a Transistor. Derive the relationship between high
frequency and low frequency parameters.
b) Compare, CS, CH, and CD amplifier circuits at high frequencies. (8M+8M)
3. a) Derive an expression for the lower 3dB frequency of an RC coupled amplifier by taking the
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4. a) Give the block diagram of a general feedback amplifier. State the function of each block.
b) If an input of 0.028V peak to peak given to an open loop amplifier, it gives fundamental
frequency output of 36V peak to peak, but it is associated with 7% distortion. i) If the
distortion is to be reduced to 1%, how much feedback is to be introduced and what will be
required input voltage? ii) If 1.2% of output is feedback and the input is maintained at the
same level, what is the output voltage? (7M+9M)
5. a) Discuss about frequency and amplitude stability of oscillators.
b) Draw the circuit diagram of a FET based RC phase shift oscillator and derive the expression
for frequency of oscillation and condition for sustained oscillations (7M+9M)
6. a) Draw the circuit diagram of a class A transformer coupled amplifier and derive an
expression for its conversion efficiency.
b) In an Ideal Class B push pull amplifier, VCC=20V, N2=2N1 and RL=20 ohms. Find the output
signal power, P0max and collector dissipation in each Transistor, PC under full power condition,
Find PCmax also. (8M+8M)
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1. a) Draw the high frequency model of FET and derive an expression for Gain of common source
amplifier at high frequencies.
b) Show that the band width reduces with cascading of amplifiers.
c) Define sensitivity and derive an expression of Desensitivity of a negative feedback amplifier.
d) Define frequency and amplitude stability of an oscillator.
e) Classify power amplifiers.
f) Define Q-factor and compare various tuned amplifiers.
W (3M+4M+4M+4M+4M+3M)
2. a) Draw the equivalent diagram of a single stage CE amplifier at high frequencies. Derive the
expression for gain under short circuited load conditions.
b) When a Ge PNP transistor is biased at 2mA, 15V, it has a base width of 1 micron. Find Ce
and fT if DB=47cm2/sec.. (8M+8M)
3. a) The 3dB bandwidth of an amplifier extends from 10Hz to 10KHz. Find the frequency range
over which the bandwidth of the overall amplifier varies when three stages has been
cascaded. Find the overall voltage gain in Decibels if the gain of the single stage is 10.
b) Draw the circuit for differential amplifier and derive the expression for CMRR. (8M+8M)
4. a) Show that Input impedance increases with series mixing and decreases with shunt mixing.
b) Enumerate the steps in the linear analysis of the feedback amplifier. Draw the CE with Re
Circuit and analyze the circuit. (7M+9M)
6. a) Derive the expression for Max. Theoretical efficiency in the case of class B push pull
amplifier. Why is it named so? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
b) Design a class B power amplifier to deliver 30W to a load resistor RL = 40 using a
transformer Coupling. Vm = 30V = Vcc Assume reasonable data wherever necessary.
7. a) Draw the circuit for single tuned capacitance coupled amplifier explain its operation
b) Draw the circuit for Double Tuned Amplifier. Explain its working. What are the advantages
of this amplifier? (8M+8M)
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
c) Explain various basic amplifiers used in a negative feedback circuits.
d) Why LC oscillators are not used at low frequencies?.
e) What is cross over distortion? Explain how to eliminate it.
f) What is a tuned amplifier? Explain how tuned amplifiers are classified.
2. a) Given a Germanium PNP transistor whose base width is 10-4 cm. At room temperature and
for a DC Emitter current of 2mA, find, i) Emitter diffusion capacitance ii) fT.
b) Explain how f and fT of a BJT can be determined? Obtain the expression for the Gain
Bandwidth product of a transistor. (8M+8M)
3. a) Derive an expression for the lower 3dB frequency of an RC coupled amplifier (using BJT
and FET) by taking the effect Coupling capacitor into account.
b) Draw the circuit for Cascode Amplifier. Explain its working, obtaining overall values of the
circuit in terms of h-parameters. (8M+8M)
4. a) An amplifier has an open loop voltage gain of 1000 and delivers 10 watts output with 10%
second harmonic distortion when the input is 10mV.If 40dB of negative feedback is applied,
what is the value of distortion?. How much input voltage should be applied to get 10watts of
output power?.
b) Discuss quantitatively about the effect of negative feedback on
i) Gain ii) Bandwidth iii) Distortion. (7M+9M)
5. a) What are the differences between an oscillator and an amplifier?. Explain the operating
principle of an oscillator.
b) Draw the circuit diagram of a Wien bridge oscillator and derive the expression for frequency
of oscillation and condition for sustained oscillations (6M+10M)
7. a) Draw the frequency response. Derive the expression for L for maximum power transfer.
b) Explain the principle and working of wide band amplifiers Draw the circuit for tapped single
tuned capacitance coupled amplifier and explain its working. (8M+8M)
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
b) What is bandwidth shrinkage factor?
c) Draw any two topologies of negative feedback circuits.
d) Explain the why RC oscillators are not used at high frequencies.
e) Explain how a power amplifier acts as a rectifier.
f) Give the classification of tuned amplifiers.
W (3M+4M+4M+4M+4M+3M)
2. a) Derive the expressions for voltage gain, current gain, input and output resistances of a
Common Drain amplifier at high frequencies.
b) A single stage Common Emitter amplifier is measured to have a voltage-gain bandwidth
fH of 5 MHz with RL = 500 ohm. Assume hfe=100,gm = 100 mA/V, rbb' = 1000, Cc = 1pf, and
fT = 400 MHz. Find the value of the source resistance that will give the required bandwidth.
3. a) With the help of necessary waveforms, explain about the step response of amplifiers.
b) What are the advantages of common collector amplifier? Explain how the input resistance of
the CC amplifier can be enhanced further. (8M+8M)
4. a) Discuss quantitatively about the variation of output impedance with type of sampling.
b) Preform the linear analysis of the common collector amplifier using feedback concept.
5. a) Derive and explain Barkhausen criterion.
b) Draw the circuit diagram and derive the expression for frequency of oscillation and
condition for sustained oscillations of i) Colpitts oscillator ii) Hartley Oscillator (7M+9M)
6. a) Draw the circuit and explain the working principle of a complementary symmetry push-pull
power amplifier and state its disadvantages?
b) Derive the expressions for maximum Theoretical efficiency for (i) Transformer coupled
(ii) Series fed amplifiers. What are their advantages and disadvantages? (8M+8M)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
r 2 = 3.3 , each comprising one-half of the volume. Here, A=4m2 and d=10-3m.
b) Compare the boundary conditions of magnetic field with those of electric field.
c) Explain about the characteristics of uniform plane waves.
d) Write the difference between Conduction Current density and displacement current density.
e) Define characteristic impedance and propagation constants of transmission lines.
f) Explain about single stub matching.
W (4M+4M+3M+4M+3M+4M)
2. a) Derive an expression for the electric field intensity due to a finite length line charge along
the Z- axis at an arbitrary point Q( x,y,z)
b) A line charge L= 200pC/m lies along the X- axis. The surface of zero potential passes
through the point P(0,5,4). Find the potential at point (1,3,-2) (8M+8M)
3. a) State all Maxwells equations in differential and integral form for time varying fields.
b) Define and explain the terms: i) skin depth ii) intrinsic impedance of free space
4. a) Derive the expression for attenuation and phase constants of uniform plane wave.
b) If r = 9, = 0 for the medium in which a wave with frequency f= 0.3GHz is propagating
determine propagation constant and intrinsic impedance of the medium when i) =0 and
ii) = 10 mho/m (8M+8M)
6. a) Define and explain both lossless and distortion less transmission lines in terms of
transmission line parameters.
b) State the impedance relations, reflection coefficient and SWR for i) shorted line ii) open
circuited transmission line (8M+8M)
7. a) Define Reflection coefficient and VSWR. Explain the relation between the two quantities in
terms of their definition.
b) Discuss the applications of Smith chart. (8M+8M)
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
b) Define vector magnetic potential and magnetic scalar potential.
c) Write about the wave propagation in a Lossless Media.
d) What is meant by total internal reflection explain?
e) Write in brief about the different types of transmission lines.
f) Discuss in brief reflection coefficient of a transmission line. (3M+4M+4M+3M+4M+4M)
a) State the applications of Gauss Law with respect to a) point charge b) infinite line charge
b) Point charges 4 mC and -3 mC are located at (2, 1, -3) and (-1, -2, 4) respectively. Calculate
the electric force on a 12 nC charge located at (0, 3, 1) and the electric field intensity at that
point. (8M+8M)
3. a) Discuss the boundary conditions at the interface separating one dielectric and another.
b) Region y 0 consists of a perfect conductor while region y 0 is a dielectric medium
(1r = 2). If there is a surface charge of 4 n C/m2 on the conductor, determine E and D at
6. a) What are the major losses that occur in transmission lines? How is a lossless line
b) What are the types of loading? A lossless transmission line having Z0 = 120 is operating at
500M rad/s. If the velocity on the line is 2.4x108 m/s, find the distributed parameters L and
C. (8M+8M)
7. a) Discuss the configuration of the Smith chart considering the two families of constant
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of stub matching? (9M+7M)
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define the terms electric field, electric displacement and electric flux density
b) Write Maxwells equations for electrostatic fields.
c) Explain briefly about Biot-Savarts Law.
d) What is meant by total internal reflection? Explain.
e) Explain about the primary and secondary constants of transmission lines.
f) Discuss in brief about the types of loading of a transmission line.
W (3M+4M+4M+4M+4M+3M)
5. Prove that under the condition of no reflection at an interface, the sum of the Brewster angle
and the angle of refraction is 90 degrees for parallel polarization for the case of reflection by a
perfect conductor under oblique incidence, with neat sketches. (16M)
7. a) Define the reflection coefficient and derive the expression for the input impedance in terms
of reflection coefficient.
b) Explain with sketches how the input impedance varies with the frequency (8M+8M)
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
c) Explain briefly about Faradays law for time varying fields.
d) What is meant by depth of penetration?
e) Describe the characteristics of UHF lines.
f) Draw the directions of electric and magnetic fields in parallel plate and coaxial lines
a) Derive expression for magnetic field at any point on the axis at a distance h from the centre
of a circular loop of radius a and carrying current I.
b) Find the magnetic field strength, H on the Z- axis at a point P(0,0,4) due to a current
carrying conductor loop, x2+y2 =a2 in Z =0 plane (8M+8M)
3. a) State and explain Biot Savarts law. Give expressions of Biot Savarts law for line, surface
and volume currents.
b) Find an expression for the magnetic field produced by a straight current carrying conductor
at a distance x from it. (8M+8M)
4. A plane wave with E=2.0 V/m and has a frequency of 300MHz is moving in free space
impinging on thick copper sheet located perpendicular to the direction of the propagation . Find
i) E and H at the plane surface, ii) Depth of penetration and iii) The surface impedance. (16M)
b) Derive an expression for reflection when a wave is incident on a dielectric obliquely with
parallel polarization. (8M+8M)
6. a) Derive the relationship between secondary constant and primary constants of a transmission
b) What is meant by inductive loading? What are its advantages and disadvantages? (8M+8M)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
a) Management.
b) EOQ.
c) Recruitment.
d) Vision.
e) Business Ethics.
f) Just-In-Time. W (3M+4M+4M+4M+4M+3M)
business. (16M)
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
a) Motivation.
b) Control Charts.
c) Production Planning.
d) Mission.
e) Business Ethics.
f) MIS. W (3M+4M+4M+4M+4M+3M)
3. a) What is meant by Inventory? What is the need for inventory control at different stages of
b) Differentiate between CPM and PERT. (8M+8M)
6. What is Business Ethics? What are the ethical responsibilities of business? (16M)
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1. Write short notes on the following:
a) Leadership.
b) Work Study.
c) Marketing.
d) Goal.
e) Business Ethics.
f) Total Quality Management (TQM).
W (3M+4M+4M+4M+4M+3M)
5. What is a Strategy? List out the steps in Strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation.
orgtanisation. (16M)
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1. Write short notes on the following:
a) Organisation.
b) Project Management.
c) Job Evaluation.
d) Strategy.
e) Ethics in HRM. W
f) Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). (3M+4M+4M+4M+4M+3M)
3. a) Define Work Study and explain the need for work study in an enterprise.
b) A company is requiring 10,000 units of raw material per annum. The cost per order is
estimated to be Rs. 50. The storage cost is estimated to be Rs. 15 per unit of average
inventory. What quantity should be ordered so that the total cost in minimum. (8M+8M)
6. What is Business Ethics? What are the ethics that business organisations should follow towards
various stakeholders? (16M)
7. Explain what different levels mean under Capability Maturity Models. (16M)
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
b) Prove that the zeroth central moment is always one.
c) Define marginal distribution function.
d) Prove that Rxx() is an even function.
cos 8
e) Find whether given power spectrum is valid or not.
f) What are the causes of thermal noise?
2. a) Explain about the distribution and density functions of exponential RV with neat sketches.
b) The random variable X has the discrete variable in the set {-1,0.5,0.7,1.5,3}, the
corresponding probabilities are assumed to be {0.1,0.2,0.1,0.4,0.2} plot its distribution
0 otherwise
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for 0 < x < 2,0 < y < 3
f X,Y (x, y ) =
0 otherwise
5. a) With neat sketches explain the classification of random process based on time t and
amplitude of random variable x .
b) Consider a random process X(t)=A Cost, where is a constant and A is a random
variable uniformly distributed over (0,1). Find the auto correlation and auto covariance of
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1. a) Give example for continuous random variable and discrete random variable.
b) What is the physical significance of variance?
c) State central limit theorem.
d) Define cross covariance function.
e) Find whether given power spectrum is valid or not.
6 + 3 2 + 3
f) Define noise figure.
2. a) Explain about the distribution and density functions of Gaussian RV with neat sketches.
b) If the probability density of a random variable is given by
x for 0 < x < 1
f X (x ) =
(2 x ) for 1 < x < 2
Find (i) P{0.2< x <0.8} (ii) P{0.6< x <1.2}
3. a) State and prove the properties of the characteristic function of a random variable.
b) Let X be a random variable which can take on the values 1,2 and 3 with respective
probabilities 1/3, 1/6, 1/2. Find its third moment about the mean.
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6. a) Define cross power density spectrum. List out its properties.
b) Consider the random process X(t)=A cos(0t+), where A and 0 are real constants and
is a uniformly distributed on the interval (0,/2). Find the average power of X(t).
7. a) Find output response of cross correlation when random process X(t) is applied to an LTI
system having input response h(t).
2 1
b) Find the noise band width of a system having the transfer function H( ) = 4
1 + ( / 0 )
where 0 is a real constant.
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
b) If K is a constant, then for a random variable X, prove that Var(KX)=K2var(X).
c) What is the probability density function of sum of two random variables?
d) State the conditions for a WSS random process.
( w1 ) 2
e) Find whether given power spectrum
W e is valid or not.
f) Illustrate transfer function of idealized system.
2. a) Explain about the distribution and density functions of Binomial RV with neat sketches.
b) If the probability density of a random variable is given by
C.exp for 0 x < 1
f X (x ) = 4
0 otherwise
Find the value of 'C' evaluate FX(0.5).
X -2 -1 0 1 2
P(X) 1/5 2/5 1/10 1/10 1/5
find (i)E(X) (ii)E(X ) (iii)E(2X+3 ) (iv)E[(2X+1)2]
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4. a) Prove that sum of two statistically independent random variables is equal to the convolution
of their individual density functions.
b)The joint PDF of a bi-variate (X,Y) is given by
k xy for 0 < x < y < 1
f XY ( x, y ) = where k is a constant. (i)find the value of k (ii)are X
0 otherwise
and Y are independent.
5. a) What is random process? Explain Gaussian random process.
b) Given E[X]=6 and RXX(t, t+)=36+25exp(-) for a random process X(t). Indicate which of
the following statements are true. (i) is Ergodic (ii) is wide sense stationary.
6. a) Derive the relation between cross power spectrum and cross correlation function.
b) Find the average power of the WSS random process X(t) which has the power spectral
2 17
density, SXX ( ) =
( 2 + 49)( 2 + 16).
7. a) Derive the expression for effective noise temperature of a cascaded system in terms of its
individual input noise temperature.
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2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
b) State Chebychev's inequality.
c) Define correlation coefficient of joint random variable.
d) Distinguish between stationary and non-stationary random processes.
e) Find whether given power spectrum cos2() exp(-82) is valid or not.
f) Draw power spectrum of a band limited process.
2. a) Explain about the distribution and density functions Rayleigh RV with neat sketches.
b) Let x be a continuous random variable with density function
+k for 0 x 6
f X (x ) = 9 (i) Find the value of k (ii) Find P{2x5}
0 other wise
4. For two random variables X nad Y, fXY(x,y)=0.3 (x +1) (y)+0.1 (x)(y)+0.1(x) (y-2) +
0.15(x -1) (y+2)+ 0.2(x -1) (y-1)+ 0.15(x -1) (y-3) Find (a) the correlation (b) the
covariance (c) the correlation coefficient of X and Y (d) Are X and Y either uncorrelated or
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6. a) Power spectrum and auto correlation functions are a Fourier transform pairs. Prove this
b) A WSS random process X(t) which has the power spectral density,
SXX ( ) =
( 4 + 10 2 + 9) .
Find the auto correlation and mean square value of the process.
7. a) Find output response of auto correlation when random process X(t) is applied to an LTI
system having input response h(t).
b) Find the overall noise figure and equivalent input noise temperature of the system shown
below. Assume the temperature is 270C
Amp1 Amp2
G1=15 dB G1=15 dB
Te1=100k Te1=100k
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Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1. a) Represent +65 and -65 in sign magnitude, sign 1s complement and sign 2s
Complement representation.
b) Define prime implicant and essential prime implicants of a Boolean expression
3. Minimize the following function using K-map and also verify through tabulation method.
F (A, B, C, D) = +d (0, 3, 6, 10). (16M)
4. a) Define decoder. Construct 3x8 decoder using logic gates and truth table.
b) Define an encoder. Design octal to binary encoder. (8M+8M)
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5. a) Derive the PLA programming table for the combinational circuit that squares a 3 bit
b) Implement the following Boolean functions using PAL.
W (A, B, C, D) =
X (A, B, C, D) =
Y (A, B, C, D) =
Z (A, B, C, D) = (8M+8M)
a) JK flip-flop to T flip-flop
b) RS flip-flop to D flip-flop (8M+8M)
7. A clocked sequential circuit is provided with a single input x and single output z, whenever the
input produces a string pulsed 111 or 000 and at the end of the sequence it produces an output
z=1 and overlapping is also allowed.
a) Obtain state diagram and state table.
b) Find equivalence classes using partition method and design the circuit using D flip-
flop. (8M+8M)
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Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
b) State De Morganss theorems.
c) Design 2x4 decoder using NAND gates.
d) Give the comparison between PROM, PLA and PAL.
e) What are applications of Flip-Flop?
f) Write capabilities and limitations of Finite- State machine.
Find the complement of the following Boolean functions and reduce them to minimum number
of literals.
a) (b c+ad) (ab+cd)
b) (bd+ a b c+a c d+ a b c) (8M+8M)
3. Simplify the following Boolean expressions using K-map and implement it by using NOR
b)F(W,X,Y,Z)=wxyz+ w x y z + wxyz + wxyz (8M+8M)
5. a) Design a BCD to excess-3 code converter and implement using suitable PLA.
b) Implement the following functions using a PROM
i) F(w,x,y,z)=
ii) G(w,x,y,z)= (8M+8M)
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JNTU World
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6. a) Draw the logic diagram of a JK flip- flop and using excitation table explain its operation.
b) What do you mean by triggering? Explain the various triggering modes with examples.
7. Find the equivalence partition and a corresponding reduced machine in a standard form for a
given machine.
X=0 X=1
A B,0 E,0
B E,0 D,0
C D,1 A,0
D C,1 E,0
E B,0 D,0
F C,1 C,1
G C,1 D,1
H W C,0 A,1
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JNTU World
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Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1. a) Convert (97.75)10 to base 2.
b) Prove that OR-AND network is equivalent to NOR-NOR network.
c) Realize full adder using two half adders and logic gates.
d) Design a 4x2 PROM with AND-OR gates.
e) Define the following terms of flip flop.
i) Hold time ii) Setup time iii) Propagation delay time
f) Distinguish between Moore and Mealy Machines.
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JNTU World
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6. a) Draw the logic diagram of a SR latch using NOR gates. Explain its Operation using
excitation table.
b) Convert D flip-flop into T and JK flip-flops. (8M+8M)
7. a) Convert the following Mealy machine into a corresponding Moore Machine.
8. PS 9. NS a. Z
10. X=0 11. X=1
12. A 13. C,0 14. B,0
15. B 16. A,1 17. D,0
18. C 19. B,1 20. A,1
21. D 22. D,1 23. C,0
24. PS
27. X=0 28. X=1
25. OUTP
26. Z
29. A 30. D 31. B 32. 0
33. B 34. B 35. C 36. 1
37. C 38. C 39. D 40. 0
41. D 42. D 43. B 44. 0
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JNTU World
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Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1. a) Convert(2468)10 to ( )16
b) What are the advantages of tabulation method over K-map?
c) Implement the following functions using Demultiplexer.
F1(A,B,C)= W F2(A,B,C)=
d) Write a brief note on PLDs
e) Give the comparison between synchronous sequential and asynchronous sequential
f) Draw and explain Moore circuit.
2. a) Given the 8bit data word 01011011, generate the 12 bit composite word for the
4. a) Design a excess-3 adder using 4-bit parallel binary adder and logic gates.
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JNTU World
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5. a) Illustrate how a PLA can be used for combinational logic design with reference to the
F1(A,B,C)= F2(A,B,C)=
Realize the same assuming that a 3x4x2 PLA is available.
b) Reliaze the following four Boolean functions using PAL.
F1(w,x,y,z)= F2(w,x,y,z)=
F3(w,x,y,z)= F4(w,x,y,z)=
6. a) Construct a JK flip flop using a D flip flop, a 2x1 multiplexer and an inverter.
b) Draw the schematic circuit of RS master slave flip flop. Give its truth table and justify
the entries in the truth table. (8M+8M)
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JNTU World