Jot Un Notes 0313

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Jotun Marine Tank Coating Notes

The Jotun Marine Tank Coating Notes apply only to the following cargo tank coating
materials and systems supplied by JOTUN. The data provided gives guidance on the
compatibility of the Jotun cargo tank coatings with cargoes carried in the marine bulk
liquid trade. The information in this document must be used in combination with the
information published on

JOTUN Cargo Tank Systems

Tankguard Zinc 1 x 100 m Dry Film Thickness (DFT)
Tankguard CPC 2 x 125 m DFT
Tankguard HB 3 x 100 m DFT
Tankguard Special 3 x100 m DFT
Tankguard Special Ultra 3 x100 m DFT

For the Resistance List information to be valid the coating system(s) shall be applied and
cured in accordance with the relevant Technical Data Sheet, Application Guide (if
available) and Project Specification issued by Jotun.

The information in this document supersedes all previously published data. The data
provided herein is to the best of our knowledge correct, and is given in good faith.
Although comprehensive, it is by no means exhaustive, and the advice contained is
subject to change without prior notice. The data, advice and guidance are subject to
modification based on experience, our policy of continuous product development,
feedback from industry, and testing.

The product resistance list is regularly updated to include many proper shipping names,
trade names, and synonyms for cargoes and noxious liquid substances, which have
been transported by sea in bulk liquid form. Many of these names have in recent years
been established through Tripartite Agreements and registered with the Secretariat of
the International Maritime Organisation in accordance with regulation 3(4) of Annex II to
MARPOL 73/78.
As cargoes may vary due to changes in their constituents, composition, or concentration
without the knowledge of JOTUN, JOTUN will accept no responsibility for the
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performance of its products, arising out of such changes, or changes to the conditions
under which the cargoes are transported.

General notes

I. Shop Primers.
This list applies to JOTUN cargo tank systems, which have been applied directly to
abrasively blasted carbon steel. The list does not apply if the coating systems are
applied over existing shop primers, - all shop primer must be removed. The list does not
apply to any other substrates, unless there is a written agreement with JOTUN.

II. Application & Curing.

This list is not valid unless the JOTUN cargo tank systems are applied and cured in strict
accordance with the correct prevailing JOTUN specification and procedure. It is
particularly important to apply each coat of the system, and the complete system, within
the dry film thickness range specified by JOTUN.
Excessive dry film thickness will be detrimental to coating integrity, will increase
ventilation time after unloading, and will increase the risk of cross contamination
between cargoes.
Low dry film thickness will leave the system at risk of failure due to potential blistering,
and subsequent breakdown.
The coating must be cured according to the Technical Datasheet prior to exposure to
water or cargoes. In addition, some cargoes require additional curing, ref specific notes.

III. Hot cure

Hot cure may be carried out by exposure of the coating to hot water, or a suitable hot
cargo for 3 days at 60C, 2 days at 70C or 1 day at 80C. (For Tankguard Special Ultra
ONLY, the required duration is 16 hours at 60C, 6 hours at 70C and 3 hours at 80C).
Examples of suitable hot cargoes are: caustic soda, vegetable oil, animal oil or
lubricating oil.

As an alternative to hot curing by way of a cargo, a Butterworth (or similar) system may
be used. In either case it is vitally important that the entire coated surface attains the

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minimum specified temperature for the specified time. This can be ensured by the

The adjacent space must be free of ballast or cargo in order to reduce the heat
loss and also prevent a possible cold wall effect coating detachment. If the
ambient temperature is low, thermal insulation and / or hot air flushing of the tank
outside may be necessary to reduce the heat loss.
Continuously monitor the steel temperature during the curing period.
Temperature gauges should be installed at the worst locations on the reverse
side of the tank interior steel plates.
By ensuring that the discharged hot water has a temperature above the cure
temperature one may have additional control of the operation

A record of the curing operation data, with measured temperatures should be retained
for future reference.

IV. Stowage Time.

This list applies to continuous stowage up to a maximum time of 6 months, unless
shorter times are indicated in the notes. For longer stowage periods, or special stowage
conditions approval from JOTUN must be obtained.

V. Cargo Temperature.
Guidance given in this list is based on stowage temperatures not exceeding 35C for
those cargoes not requiring heating. Cargoes, which are solid or viscous at normal
ambient temperature, will need to be heated for loading, stowage, and unloading. The
temperature noted in the list is the maximum temperature allowed for stowage. This
temperature may be increased by a maximum of 10C, for loading and unloading
provided the time at the higher temperature does not exceed 48 hours.
N.B. When stowing cargoes the temperature of the cargo must not exceed the
maximum stowage temperature for cargoes in adjacent tanks.

VI. First Cargoes.

It is recommended that the first cargo loaded into tanks coated with JOTUN cargo tank
systems should be a non-sensitive cargo. JOTUN does not recommend the loading of
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sensitive cargo which may be affected by transmission of small traces of solvent
retained in the newly applied tank coating.

VII. New Cargoes

As mentioned in the introduction, this list is regularly updated to include Proper Shipping
Names, Trade Names, and Synonyms for cargoes that have been registered through
IMO Tripartite procedures. This is an ongoing process, and as time progresses further
names may be added to the list after assessment by JOTUN. JOTUN will be pleased to
carry out assessment of cargo/coating compatibility on provision of Proper Shipping
Name, and/or Trade Name/Synonym, complete technical data, and a sample for testing,
where considered necessary by JOTUN. Data and enquiries should be sent to; Jotun
Technical Sales Support.

VIII. Coating Discolouration.

Coatings can be discoloured, by the carriage of some cargoes. The discolouration may
be due to naturally occurring coloured components of the cargo, which are adsorbed to
the surface of the coating. Alternatively, synthetic dyes may have been added to the
cargo for special reasons. (Example Off-Road diesel oil is often dyed for Tax
exemption reasons!). Whatever the cause of discolouration by adsorption, the chemical
resistance of the coating is not usually affected. However adsorbed discolouration may
cause cleaning problems, and may present a contamination threat depending on
subsequent cargoes.
JOTUN will not be held responsible for the consequences of discolouration
caused by cargoes.
Tank Cleaning chemicals are available from some cleaning chemical suppliers, which
are effective at removing adsorbed discolouration, without impact on the coating system.
N.B. It should be noted that carbon deposits from Flue gas Inert Gas systems are
readily adsorbed to the surface of all tank coatings. Presence of carbon deposits will
aggravate discolouration caused by adsorption of cargoes. Owners, managers, and
operators are encouraged to ensure that Inert Gas systems are operating effectively.

IX. Inert Gas Systems

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Emissions from Inert Gas systems may contribute to, and indeed aggravate coating
discolouration, if not functioning effectively, as described above. They may also
contribute to a reduction in coating life. Carbon emissions may be adsorbed to the
surface of the coating, causing (and aggravating) discolouration, and increasing the
potential for contamination of subsequent cargoes. This will require significant
resources to remove them (chemicals, labour costs, and time), resulting in reduced
utilization of tanks. High SOx and NOx emissions from poorly maintained inert gas
systems can create harmful acidic conditions leading to coating damage, particularly in
zinc coated tanks.
Inert gas systems should be regularly checked and maintained to control
emissions to design levels.

X. Cargo Contamination in epoxy coated tanks.

Freshly applied cargo tank coatings may present a small contamination potential see
"First cargoes" note earlier (note VI). Similarly, tank coatings are known to absorb
cargoes, particularly over long voyages, and at high ambient temperatures. The
absorbed cargo will start to evaporate from the coating immediately after unloading of
the cargo, provided the tank is effectively ventilated. There are a number of factors
which influence the rate of evaporation, but temperature and efficiency of ventilation
have the greatest effect.
To minimize the potential for cross contamination between cargoes, the previous cargo
should be removed from the tank, and the coating, by complete removal of liquid cargo
in the first instance, followed by effective ventilation for up to 24 hours, or until a steady
gas free condition is produced at all levels in the tank. The tank may then be washed
with hot seawater @ 60-70C for a maximum time of 6 hours, during which time effective
ventilation must continue. The tank should then be flushed with clean cold fresh water,
drained, mopped dry, and then ventilated to a dry condition.
N.B. Seawater used for hot tank washing must not be fresh or brackish water. It must be
saline seawater.
JOTUN recommends that edible end-use or sensitive cargoes are not loaded into tanks
which previously carried absorbing cargoes (R1, R2, R16 or R18 designated cargoes),
until the absorbed cargo has been removed. JOTUN will accept no responsibility for
cross contamination between cargoes.

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XI. Acidic & Alkaline Cargoes.
Tankguard Zinc, in common with all zinc silicate coatings, has poor resistance to acidic
and alkaline environments. They are however compatible with some mildly acidic or
mildly alkaline cargoes within the pH range 5.5 10.0.
Diluted solutions of some cargoes can become aggressive towards coatings if
left in tanks. JOTUN recommend that after all tank washing activities, the tank must be
flushed with fresh water so that the final pH of any residues is neutral. All residues after
washing must be completely removed by draining, mopping, and finally by ventilation.

XII. Tank Cleaning & Cleaning Chemicals.

JOTUN recognizes the need for tank cleaning with or without the addition of tank
cleaning chemicals. Tank cleaning also helps to minimize potential contamination
between cargoes. However, tank cleaning cannot be done entirely without risk to the
coating. It must be recognized that some chemicals, whilst being efficient cleaning
agents, may not be compatible with the coatings, and the activity of tank cleaning
exposes the coating to a corrosive environment. This can shorten the life of the coating,
leading to premature and expensive re-coating. Clearly this has to be balanced against
earnings. Some general rules can be applied;
 Increase in cleaning temperature increases risk of coating failure.
 Increase in cleaning time increases risk of coating failure.
 Increase in frequency of cleaning increases risk of coating failure.
 Increase in concentration of chemicals increases risk of coating failure.
Tank cleaning therefore should be done at the lowest effective temperature, for
the shortest time, using the lowest effective concentration of chemical, and as
seldom as possible.
Tankguard CPC, Tankguard HB, Tankguard Special and Tankguard Special Ultra epoxy
coatings demonstrate good compatibility with tank cleaning chemicals provided they are
used at the concentration and temperature recommended by the supplier. Solutions of
chemicals in water should not exceed a temperature of 70C, and the maximum period
for washing is 6 hours. Spot cleaning chemicals may be used at the manufacturers
recommended concentration, but only at ambient temperature, and contact time must be
limited to a maximum of 1 hour.

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Some tank cleaning chemicals are acidic or alkaline in solution. Tankguard Zinc is more
sensitive to these tank cleaning chemicals, due to possible reaction with zinc in the
coating. Greater care has to taken in the selection and use of cleaning chemicals for
Zinc Silicate coatings. Chemicals recommended by the manufacturers may be used at
the concentration and temperature recommended by the manufacturer, provided the
solution is within the range pH 5.0 pH 12.0, the contact time is limited to a maximum of
3 hours, and the temperature is limited to a maximum of 50C. It is recommended that
for spot cleaners used at high concentration a small test is done on the zinc coating to
ensure there is no harmful effect on the coating. Highly acidic or alkaline cleaning
chemicals will react with the coating, and will cause damage.

JOTUN does not advise on the efficacy of cleaning chemicals. Annex 1 to these General
Notes gives an overview of relevant cleaning chemicals from various suppliers. The
information and advice given in Annex 1 is given in good faith, and JOTUN will not be
held responsible for the consequences of changes in composition, or mode of use of
chemicals supplied by other companies. JOTUN will be prepared to carry out evaluation
of coating/cleaning chemical compatibility, on provision of complete technical data, and
samples for testing, where necessary.

XIII. Abbreviations used in this List.

ASTM - American Society for Testing of Materials

EC - European Community
FFA - Free Fatty Acid
FOSFA - Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations Ltd.

IMO - International Maritime Organisation.

Marpol 73/78 - International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution

from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978.

Marpol Category - Marpol Category - The Pollution Category (X, Y, Z)

assigned to each product under Annex II of MARPOL 73/78. OS means the product

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was evaluated, and found to fall outside the categories X, Y, or Z. I indicates that the
product is an Annex 1 product.

NIOP - National Institute of Oilseed Products

UN. No. - Number assigned by the United Nations committee of

Experts on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods.

Ship Type - 1, 2, & 3 type chemical tankers. Type 1 is the most

sophisticated, capable of carrying chemicals presenting the most severe environmental
and safety hazards. Type 3 is the least sophisticated, capable of carrying chemicals
with lesser hazards.

ID No. - The identification number for the product in the Jotun

Cargo Resistance List.

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Specific Notes
Explanation of Resistance Data
R = Resistant without any specific notes.
NR = Not Resistant.
R1-18 = Resistant with limitation - See Specific Notes.
NT = Not Tested
FS = Further Specification/Information needed

If no temperature is stated, the carriage temperature should not exceed 35C.

A temperature e.g. 70C shows the maximum stowage temperature in degrees Celsius
for that cargo.


These cargoes can cause slight softening and swelling of the coating system. The
coating will however recover hardness as the cargo evaporates from the coating, after
unloading. The stowage time for these cargoes must not exceed 60 days. After
unloading of these cargoes, the tanks should not be brought into contact with water or
steam before the coating is restored to its original condition. This may be obtained by
ventilating the tank with dry air until it is in a steady state gas-free condition. After
ventilation, loading of further R1, R2, R16 or R18 cargoes, aqueous cargoes, or ballast
water cannot take place within 30 days for Tankguard HB, 10 days for Tankguard
Special and Tankguard Special Ultra. If a hot cure has been carried out for Tankguard
Special Ultra the recovery time can be reduced to 5 days.

R1 cargoes must not be carried until the coating has been in service for three (3)
months, carrying unrestricted (R) cargoes only, or after a hot cure is done. (Please refer
to General notes)


These cargoes can cause slight softening and swelling of the coating system. The
coating will however recover hardness as the cargo evaporates from the coating, after
unloading. The stowage time for these cargoes must not exceed 90 days. After
unloading of these cargoes, the tanks should not be brought into contact with water or
steam before the coating is restored to its original condition. This may be obtained by
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ventilating the tank with dry air until it is in a steady state gas-free condition. After
ventilation, loading of further R1, R2, R16 or R18 cargoes, aqueous cargoes, or ballast
water cannot take place within 30 days for Tankguard HB, 10 days for Tankguard
Special and Tankguard Special Ultra. If a hot cure has been carried out for Tankguard
Special Ultra the recovery time can be reduced to 5 days.

R1 cargoes must not be carried until the coating has been in service for three (3)
months, carrying unrestricted (R) cargoes only, or after a hot cure is done. (Please refer
to General notes)


These cargoes can cause moderate softening and swelling of the coating system. The
coating will however recover hardness as the cargo evaporates from the coating, after
unloading. The stowage time for these cargoes must not exceed 30 days. After
unloading of these cargoes, the tanks should not be brought into contact with water or
steam before the coating is restored to its original condition. This may be obtained by
ventilating the tank with dry air until it is in a steady state gas-free condition. After
ventilation, loading of further R1, R2, R16 or R18 cargoes, aqueous cargoes, or ballast
water cannot take place within 30 days for Tankguard HB, 10 days for Tankguard
Special and Tankguard Special Ultra. If a hot cure has been carried out for Tankguard
Special Ultra the recovery time can be reduced to 5 days.

R2 cargoes must not be carried until the coating has been in service for three (3)
months, carrying unrestricted (R) cargoes only, or after a hot cure is done. (Please refer
to General notes)


These cargoes contain varying amounts of Free Fatty Acids (FFA), depending on type,
origin, age, and quality of oil. Solid or semi-solid types such as Palm Oil, Tallow (Lard),
are transported at elevated temperatures to facilitate cargo handling. Excessively high
temperatures and/or prolonged heating can cause an increase in FFA content,
especially in the region around heating coils, and in heat exchangers.
The Free Fatty Acid (FFA) content of oils is usually expressed as % FFA, and is
measured according to ASTM D 1980. In accordance with ASTM D 1980 the

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amount of FFA in an oil is expressed as its Acid Value. Acid value is approximately
equal to 2 X the % FFA. For example oil with an Acid Value of 5 will have a % FFA of
approximately 2.5. The maximum acceptable levels of FFAs for JOTUN cargo tank
coatings are as follows;

Cargo Tank Coating Maximum Acceptable Approximate %FFA

Acid Value (ASTM D-1980)
Tankguard Zinc 4 2%
Tankguard CPC 30 15%
Tankguard HB 30 15%
Tankguard Special 80 40%
Tankguard Special Ultra No Limit up to 100%

The water contained in the oil must not exceed 1% as water may increase the FFA level
above the maximum limits (n.a. for Tankguard Special Ultra) and no free mineral acid
content permitted.
Certain vegetable oil derivatives such as Fatty Acid Distillates and Acid Oils have been
known to contain traces of mineral acids, as well as water, and free fatty acids. They are
very aggressive towards coating systems. These products may only be carried provided
specific approval has been given by JOTUN. Please contact your local Jotun office for
further information.

End users are advised to consult FOSFA, NIOP Rules and Qualifications, and EC
Regulations concerning FFA levels, and prior cargoes, when transporting oils in coated


Esters, Chlorinated or Brominated compounds, amine cargoes and others will react with
any moisture present to form aggressive by-products, which will attack the coating
and/or carbon steel. Such cargoes must therefore be free from moisture and be carried
in completely dry tanks, which are protected against water ingression.
The water content of these cargoes must not exceed 0.02% (200ppm).
After unloading these cargoes the tank should be cleaned in accordance with the
procedure detailed in General notes.

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Crude Oil and Fuel Oil may contain variable amounts of acidic materials, which may be
detrimental to Tankguard Zinc.
The maximum acceptable Neutralisation Number (ASTM D 664) for these
cargoes is 0.4.


Many unleaded gasoline products may have considerable amounts of oxygenated
solvents added to them to improve their combustion characteristics. Methyl Tertiary
Butyl Ether (MTBE) is currently the most common additive.
1. Tankguard HB is fully compatible with unleaded gasoline containing
MTBE as the sole oxygenated additive, provided the concentration is less
than 20% by volume.
2. Unleaded Gasoline containing the additives listed below are compatible
with Tankguard HB, subject to the following conditions;
1. They are carried in accordance with note R2.
2. The additive is the sole additive, and does not exceed the following
concentration by volume;
Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) - 2.0%
Methyl Alcohol (Methanol) - 1.0%
Isopropyl Alcohol (Isopropanol) - 5.0%

For unleaded gasoline containing additives different to the above, different

concentrations, or mixtures, JOTUN must be consulted for specific advice.


The coating may be discoloured by this cargo. The discolouration will not affect the
resistance of the coating, but may make tank cleaning more difficult, and also increase
the risk of contaminating subsequent cargoes. See also General notes.


Certain cargoes are very sensitive to the presence of zinc particles, which could possibly
be picked up during transportation in zinc coated tanks. Small particles of zinc picked up

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by the cargo will have no effect on the Tankguard Zinc, but may affect the quality of the


Jotun cargo tank coatings are resistant to many of these cargoes. JOTUN will accept no
responsibility for changes in taste or odour of these cargoes, when carried in tanks
coated with JOTUN cargo tank coatings.
These cargoes should not be carried as first or early cargoes, after application of new
coating. Similarly, these cargoes should not be carried after the carriage of R1, R2, R16
or R18 cargoes.

11). pH sensitive cargoes

Products in this class are proprietary materials and can be transported, provided that the
pH is within the range 5.5-10.0.

Molasses may be carried in tanks coated with Tankguard Zinc if the pH of the cargo is
between 5.5 10.0. The pH of molasses may decrease during transportation due to
fermentation. After unloading molasses, tanks should be washed with hot seawater,
flushed with fresh water, and then lightly steamed. Any residual water after steaming
must be neutral. The tank should then be drained, mopped out, and finally ventilated to a
dry condition.


Tankguard Zinc is resistant to Phenol and Cresols provided the coating has been in
service for at least 3 months.


These cargoes can cause moderate softening and swelling of the coating system.
However, the coating will recover hardness as the cargo evaporates from the coating,
after unloading. The stowage time for these cargoes must not exceed 30 days. After
unloading of these cargoes, the tanks should not be brought into contact with water or
steam before the coating is restored to its original condition. This may be obtained by
ventilating the tank with dry air until it is in a steady state gas-free condition. After

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ventilation, loading of further R1, R2, R16 or R18 cargoes, aqueous cargoes, or ballast
water cannot take place within 10 days for Tankguard Special and 5 days for Tankguard
Special Ultra.

Methyl alcohol (Methanol) cargo must be pure (contamination with acetaldehyde,

formaldehyde, formic acid, acetone and acetic acid should be below 30 ppm per
contaminant). The Methyl alcohol should be "water free" (maximum permissible water
0.020 % or 200 ppm). Samples of the Methyl alcohol must be taken prior to both loading
and discharge. The sample has to be sealed, properly marked and dated and retained
on board for a minimum of 6 months after discharge of the Methyl alcohol cargo.

Prior to carriage of these cargoes, the coating must be hot cured within 3 months in
service whilst carrying unrestricted (R) cargoes only. (Please refer to General notes)

Hot cure must be carried out for these cargoes, and cannot be substituted by post
curing, i.e. three (3) months in service.


These cargoes can cause moderate softening and swelling of the coating system. The
coating will, however, recover hardness as the cargo evaporates from the coating, after
unloading. After unloading of methyl alcohol the tank may be flushed with water in order
to reduce the cargo vapor content of the tank. Before subsequent loading of further R1,
R2, R16 or R18 cargoes, aqueous cargoes, or ballast water the tank must be ventilated
with dry air until it is in a steady state gas-free condition and restored to its original
condition. Any of these cargoes shall not be loaded until after 5 days of ventilation.

Methyl alcohol (Methanol) cargo must be pure (contamination with acetaldehyde,

formaldehyde, formic acid, acetone and acetic acid should be below 100 ppm per
contaminant). Methyl alcohol should be "water free" (maximum permissible water 0.10 %
or 1000 ppm). Samples of the Methyl alcohol must be taken prior to both loading and
discharge. The sample has to be sealed, properly marked and dated and retained on
board for a minimum of 6 months after discharge of the Methyl alcohol cargo.

Prior to carriage of these cargoes, the coating must be hot cured within 3 months in
service whilst carrying unrestricted (R) cargoes only. (Please refer to General notes)

Hot cure must be carried out for these cargoes, and cannot be substituted by post
curing, i.e. three (3) months in service
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Annex 1:

Tank Cleaning Chemicals

The following list provides information on the suitability of various tank cleaning
chemicals. Jotun does not advice on specific tank cleaning procedures or regimes, only
on the compatibility of the tank cleaning chemicals with Jotun coatings. For detailed
advice on cleaning procedures, contact the suppliers of the cleaning chemicals. The tank
cleaning chemicals are to be used in accordance with the Technical Data Sheet (TDS)
from the supplier with regard to concentration and maximum temperature during

R = Resistant
LR = Limited resistance depending on concentration and exposure time, that may lead
to light-heavy coating discoloration
NR = Not Resistant

Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard
Special Ultra Special HB CPC Zinc
Accell Clean R R R R R

Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard
Special Ultra Special HB CPC Zinc
Eazy R R R R NR
Eazy R R R R NR
Aqualac P
Eazy R R R R R
Eazy R R R R NR

Drew Marine
Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard
Special Ultra Special HB CPC Zinc
Ameroid R R LR LR NR
Drew BC R R R R R

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Drew NBD R R R R R
Enviromate R R R R LR

Henkel/CP Manufacturing
Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard
Special Ultra Special HB CPC Zinc
Henkel R R LR LR LR
Henkel R R R R LR
Henkel R R R R LR
Henkel R R R R LR
Henkel R R R R LR
Henkel R R R R NR
Henkel R R R R NR
Henkel R R R R NR
Grato Sol
Plus +

Gyro Chemicals
Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard
Special Ultra Special HB CPC Zinc
Voyage R R R R NR
Citrosolv LR LR LR LR NR
B-C Solvent R R R R LR

3025 R R R R LR

Hydro R R R R LR
Pier & Deck R R R R NR
Exhaust R R R R R
Gas Cleaner
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Gyrosol R R R R LR
Separsol R R R R LR
Breaker R R R R LR
Rust R R R R NR
Liquid Super
Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard
Special Ultra Special HB CPC Zinc
Careclean LR LR NR NR NR
Careclean LR LR NR NR NR
Alkaline Extra
Careclean R R R R R
Neutral HCF
Careclean LR LR LR LR NR
Careclean R R R R LR
Careclean R R R R R
Careclean Air R R R R LR
Careclean R R R R NR
GP Enviro

Careclean R R R R NR
Careclean R R R R NR
Careclean NR NR NR NR NR
Careclean NR NR NR NR NR
Careclean NR NR NR NR NR
Caretank Eco R R LR LR NR

Careclean R R R R LR
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HD Split
Careclean R R R R LR
Careclean R R R R LR
Careclean R R R R NR
Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard
Special Ultra Special HB CPC Zinc
Maxi-clean R R R R R
Sea Shield R R R R LR
Sea Shield R R R R LR
HD Cleaner
Sea Shield R R R R LR
79103 Clear
Sea Shield R R R R NR
Sea Shield R R R R LR
Sea Shield R R R R NR

Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard
Special Ultra Special HB CPC Zinc
Navaclean R R R R NR
801 alkatuff
Navaclean R R R R NR
803 alcatuff
Navaclean R R R R R
809 Teepol
Navaclean R R R R R
818 Coldwash
Navaclean R R R R R
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823 Buffer
Cleaner 55
Navaclean R R R R NR
842 Alkasafe
Navaclean R R R R R
848 Neutral
Navaclean LR LR LR LR R
Neutral HCF
Navaclean LR LR LR LR R
Navaclean R R R R R
856 Ecoclean
Navaclean R R R R NR
873 Rust &
Navaclean R R R R R
888 Seaclean
Navaclean R R R R NR
897 IGS

Teco Maritime ASA

Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard
Special Ultra Special HB CPC Zinc
Marclean LR LR LR LR NR
Marclean R R R R NR
Marclean LR LR LR LR LR
Marclean R R R R NR
SC 147
Marisol HD R R R R NR

Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard
Special Ultra Special HB CPC Zinc
Uniclean Tank R R R R LR
Paratrooper R R R R NR
Tankcleaning R R R R R
Bufferclean R R R R R
5.5 conc
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Uniclean HD R R R R R
Seaclean R R R R LR
Alkaclean R R LR LR NR
Waterbased R R R R R
Neutral HCF
Marisol R R R R LR
Coal Tar R NR NR NR NR
Ecoclean R R R R LR
CleanBreak R R R R R
Ecodis R R R R R
Coldwash/GP R R R R LR
Alkaclean R R R R LR
Genepol R R R R NR
Rust Remover R NR NR NR NR
Uniclean R R R R LR
Uniservice R R R R NR

Rev 16
Revised March 2013
This document supersedes Version 15 from February 2013 Page 20 of 22
Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard
Special Ultra Special HB CPC Zinc
Seaclean R R R R LR
Seacare R R R R R
Coldwash R R R R LR
Cleanbreak R R R R LR
Alkeen Liquid R R R R NR
Alkleen HD R R LR LR NR
Alkeen R R R R LR
Safety Liquid
Enviroclean R R R R LR
Tankleen R R R R LR
HP-Wash R R R R LR
Aquabreak R R R R LR
Uniwash R R R R NR
Metal Brite R R R R NR

Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard Tankguard
Special Ultra Special HB CPC Zinc
Oil Spill R R R R R
Type 1
Coal Tar R R R R LR
Ecoclean R R R R LR
Multicleaner R R R R NR
Tankclean at LR LR LR LR LR
Marisol R R R R LR
Veclean Tank R R R R LR
Quick Split R R R R LR
Tank Clean R R R R NR
Tank Clean R R LR LR NR
Alkaline Extra
Tank Clean R R R R R
Tank Clean R R R R R
Tank Clean R R R R LR
HD Split
Tank Clean R R R R R
Rev 16
Revised March 2013
This document supersedes Version 15 from February 2013 Page 21 of 22
Tank Clean R R R R R
Seaclean R R R R LR
Degreaser R R R R LR
Alkaclean R R R R LR

Rev 16
Revised March 2013
This document supersedes Version 15 from February 2013 Page 22 of 22

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