Legal Awareness Programme PDF
Legal Awareness Programme PDF
Legal Awareness Programme PDF
The primary mandate of the National Commission for Women (NCW) The procedure of approaching and utilizing various channels
is to seek justice for women, safeguard their rights, and promote womens available for the redressal of grievances i.e. the Police, the
empowerment. The Commission monitors the proper implementation of all Executive and the Judiciary.
the legislations enacted to protect the rights of women so as to enable The role of Courts in achieving gender equality, most
them to achieve equality in all spheres of life. importantly the concept of public interest litigation.
2. Recognizing the need to impart legal awareness to women and girls, The role of District Legal Service Authority, Free Legal Aid and
regarding their rights, the Commission has initiated a Countrywide Legal Lok Adalats.
Awareness Programme for Women and Girls. The awareness programme is
To sensitize Women and Girls about their Rights as provided
implemented through Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and reputed
under the various laws including the Indian Penal Code, 1860;
institutions and aims to empower women and girls with the knowledge of
the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961; the Prevention of Domestic
their legal rights and duties, ultimately to be able to share power equally,
Violence to Women Act, 2005 etc.
gain full access to the means of development and to inspire a whole
generation of women to work together towards achieving equality and justice. 5. Time Frame and Participants
3. After completion of almost Eight years of this programme the task of The programme should be of 2 days.
carrying it forward from state capitals to districts, towns, and Gaon Ki Ore There should be atleast 60 participants in each programme/
is recognised as even more important. The Commission plays a catalytic camp.
role in taking the programme from cities to villages and from literate women
First session of the first day should be devoted to the
to semi literate and illiterate women, who are facing greater constraints.
introduction of National Commission for Women and some
NGOs, professionals, social workers, and women activists at various level
basic information on other Commissions e.g. National Human
help the Commission to bring legal awareness among women and girls of
Rights Commission, National Commission for SC/ST and State
various sections of society.
Women Commissions.
4. Objectives
6. Syllabus for Legal Awareness Programme
To impart practical knowledge about the basic legal rights and
With the aim to impart knowledge which may be useful in day to day
remedies provided under various women related laws, thereby
life, the Commission proposes the following syllabus (the topics may be
making them fit to face the challenges in real life situations.
selected keeping the target group in view; issues of local importance must
To make the women aware of: be included wherever appropriate).
(1) (2)
i) Introduction/Overview: vii) Rights under different laws:
The meaning of law, various social security legislations, free legal aid Rights at work place
to the poor, Indian Evidence Act, various modes of dispute settlement
Equal Remuneration / Minimum Wages Act / Rights under
mechanisms i.e. Lok Adalats, Family Courts, Mahila Courts, Crime Against
Factories Act, Maternity Benefit Act, Mines and Plantation Act,
Women Cells, NCW, NHRC, State Commissions etc.
Rules of work - in such specific areas, Sexual harassment at
ii) Women and the Constitution: work place.
Apart from others, stress should be laid on Fundamental Rights, Reproductive Health Rights - Foeticide, Infanticide,
Constitutional Remedies (Writs), Electoral Law, Voting Rights for Women, Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition
participation in Panchayats, etc. of Sex Selection) Act 1994, The Medical Termination of
Pregnancy Act.
iii) Women & Family Laws:
7. Local issues:
Marriage Law, Separation, Divorce, Maintenance, Adoption, Family
Laws, Right to Property and Succession, Guardianship, unmarried mother During the programme emphasis should be laid on discussing the
and the legitimacy of her children. local issues and the social practices prevalent in the society. The specific
issues like Sati, Child Marriages, Child Labour, Prostitution, Dowry System
iv) Women in Custody:
etc. should be discussed in a detailed manner.
Arrest, grounds of arrest, kinds of offences (bailable and non-bailable),
8. Faculty
arrest warrant, powers of police, rights of arrested persons including the
right to bail, the immediate procedure to be adopted in case of violation of The awareness on the above syllabus could be imparted with the
rights available etc. may be discussed with the help of case law in a more help of District Legal Service Authority, Law Professors, Retired Judges,
practical manner. Senior Advocates and Women Activists.
Offences of dowry, rape, molestation, child rape and child abuse etc. Theoretical knowledge cannot prepare persons for challenges in real
Some recently decided cases may be discussed in detail. life. Thus more stress should be laid on imparting knowledge through
discussion, case study, video films, case conference and street plays,
vi) Procedure in Action:
interactions and meeting with social activists, visits to Lok Adalats, District
Procedure for seeking redressal to be explained alongwith visits to
Legal Service Authority, Jails, Police Stations, Family Courts, Mahila Courts,
Police Station, Courts, Lok Adalats, field studies etc.
Consumer Courts etc.
(3) (4)
10. Financial Assistance 12. How to apply
The Commission provides financial assistance upto Rs.20,000/- 12.1 Eligible organisation can apply in the Format annexed (Annexure-I)
(Rupees Twenty thousand only) and a sum not exceeding Rs.40,000/- (Rupees with the following documents for financial assistance to hold Legal Awareness
Forty Thousand) for North Eastern States to NGOs/VOs/Educational Programme:
Institutions to organise the Legal Awareness Programme. The item-wise
a) Certified copy of Registration Certificate
ceiling for incurring expenditure is given below:
b) Certified copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association
The total expenditure on each programme should not exceed
c) Certified copy of Audited statement of accounts for the last
Rs.20,000/-. The item-wise limit is as under:-
three years
a) Boarding & lodging for participants for
d) Annual Report for the last 3 years
2 days @ 90 per head upto a ceiling of Rs. 7,000/-
e) Document giving an Undertaking to properly conduct the
b) Refreshment (Rs.50/- for lunch and Rs. 5/-
Progamme and in case the programme is not organized, to
for tea) per head subject to ceiling of Rs. 2,000/-
return the cheque/refund the advance given by the Commission
c) Camp arrangement Rs. 3,000/-
d) Honorarium and travel for Resource
f) Work done on womens issues.
persons Rs. 4,000/-
12.2 The proposal should have details of the target group, geographical
e) Material for distribution Rs. 1,000/-
coverage, resource persons and tentative date of the programme.
f) Participants travel & field visit Rs. 1,000/-
12.3 The public representatives from the area such as MP, MLA, Local
g) Administration & follow up Rs. 2,000/- Leaders like Sarpanches / Panches, Municipal Corporators etc should
invariably be invited and a list of such invitees with complete address and
(The NGOs have to adjust the item-wise expenditure according to
telephone numbers should be provided to the Commission in advance.
circumstances. However, NCW provides funds not exceeding Rs.20,000/-
for each Camp of two days duration. This limit is raised to an amount not 13. Terms and Conditions
exceeding Rs.40,000/- for North Eastern Estates.)
The financial assistance given by NCW will only be used for
11. Organisations Eligible for Assistance organizing Legal Awareness Programme.
Any NGO / Voluntary Organisation registered under the Societies The assistance will be released in two installments. 50% of the
Registration Act, 1860 / Educational Institutions with at least three years sanctioned amount will be released after the proposal is
working experience can apply. approved by the NCW and on receipt for LAC, write-up on
(5) (6)
programme, venue, budget estimates item-wise (Para 10), likely Venue of the proposed LAC with contact Telephones /
number of participants and relevant documents. Fax / Mobile Numbers etc. and E. Mail address, if any.
The balance amount will be released after the submission of Tentative dates to organize the Camp (within one month
the ( i ) Utilization certificates from the Chartered Accountant, from the date of issue of first sanction order)
(ii) Statement of Account ( iii) Original vouchers (iv) Report of
Details of assistance received or likely to be received
the Resource persons of the programme and (v) List of
from any other source for organizing the same LAC.
The organizations should send a Report on the Legal
The utilization certificate along with other documents should
Awareness Camp (LAC) after organizing it, which should
be submitted in a months time from the date of organising
furnish the details of participants, faculty, VIPs, subject
the Legal Awareness Programme.
covered and any other matter of interest that the
No equipment/asset will be purchased out of the assistance organizations consider relevant.
given by NCW.
Unspent portion of the assistance will be refunded to the NCW.
Proposals may be sent to :-
Separate accounts of the Programme will be maintained and
The Chairperson
the same will be subjected to test check by the Commission
National Commission for Women
through its representative.
4, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, New Delhi-110002
In the event of violation of any of the terms and conditions of Ph: 091-011-23237166, 23234918
sanction, the organization will have to refund the entire amount Fax: 091-011-23236154
sanctioned, to the Commission on demand or such part thereof E Mail- [email protected]
along with penal interest as per the government rates.
(7) (8)
ANNEXURE I 4. Financial assistance sought with
break-up of cost estimates (item-
5. Time frame for completion of the
Note: Application is to be submitted in duplicate. Incomplete application
project Brief write up.
will not be entertained.
6. Is it proposed to receive grant/ funds
1. Name of the organization with
from any other source for the same
complete postal address with
purpose or activity to which this
Telephone No., Fax No. and E-mail
application pertains? If so, details
2. Whether registered under the
7. Information relating to the grants
Societies Registration Act, 1860,or received/or likely to be received from
any other Act, (to be specified) and the NCW for any other activity. (If
the date of registration (please any grant had been received in the
enclose a copy of the Registration past, details thereof with file/letter
Certificate) No. of the Commission Copy).
3. (i) Particulars of the present 8. Additional information if any
members of Executive Body/
9. List of documents attached:
Board of Management; date
on which it was constituted i) Certified copy of Registration
and tenure Certificate
(9) (10)
iv) Document giving an ANNEXURE - II
Undertaking to properly
conduct the Progamme and in
case the programme is not
I, (Name, Designation and name of the organisation) ______________
organized, to return the
_______________________________________________ hereby agrees/agree to be
cheque/refund the advance
responsible for:-
given by the Commission.
(i) Proper administering and managing of the funds exclusively for the
work for which financial assistance is granted by the National
Commission for Women; and
On behalf of
(Name of the organization and seal)
with full address, Telephone and PAN.
Signature of Witnesses:
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
(11) (12)
lR;eso t;rs