2work Priorities Management

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Running head: STUDY PROGRAM

Study Program: Work Life Balance



Assessment 1

Methods for Achieving Work-Life Balance

Prioritization is one of the strategies of achieving work-life balance. An individual is required to

define the priorities to be able to balance work and personal life.

Time scheduling is another strategy that is needed to achieve a better work-life balance. There

must be a reflection on the daily activities and a record of what to be performed at a period to

allow work life balance. Time scheduling is a better element of work life balance.

Refocusing through a reflection of events of life should be used to achieve work-life balance

(Beausaert, Segers, & Gijselaers, 2011).

Methods to Improve Work Performance

Interdependence among individuals helps in improving a performance of work through


Communication is another method to help in improvement of work performances

Establishment of priority and structuring oneself by activities to be performed is another tool for

job performance improvement.

Learning and development programs can be used to enhance the skills of individual

(Ireland, Cure, & Hopkins, 2012).

Carrying out of surveys and personal assessment

Research is another method that can be used to improve performance. This is done by doing a

detailed study on the task given.

Principles and Techniques of Management

Principle Techniques
Personal Goals Setting 1. Motivation
2. SMART analysis of goals
1. Making the goals clear to achieve them S-Smart

quickly. M-Measurable
2. Assessment of ones capabilities A-Achievable
through challenge T-Time bound
Performance measurement 1. Independent assessment tool also is

1. Strategic context is used to maintain known as self-assessment

2. Balanced scorecard evaluation of
focus on the performance
2. Confrontation of reality; analysis of quantifiable information of various

SWOT components of the organization

Weaknesses (Morisano, & Shore, 2010).
(Krasten, 2013)
Time Management 1. Profit from odd lot time
2. Scheduling
1. Hierarchical of needs
2. Effectiveness and efficiency
Personal Behaviour 1. DISC Assessment tool that is used to

1. The integrity of an individual that establish dominance, interaction,

includes self-determination on values steadiness and cautious.

2. Insight
and morality.
2. Authentic and humanistic (Prichard,

Personal Development Plan 1. Set of deadlines
2. SWOT analysis used to establish the
1. Happiness is the goal of personal
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
2. Happiness is found in the internal state and threats.

of a person

Learning Style Model

The learning style to be used is the Visualizing modality, auditory modernity and the kinesthetic

modernity (VAK).

Management Development Opportunities

Training as well as development initiatives to enhance the skills of the individuals

Job orientation is done to reduce boredom

Promotion and benefits are awarding in the organization (Kunjufu, 2010).

Assessment Two

Task 1.1: Australiss Plans and Student Responsibilities and Accountabilities

The students are required to maintain high-class progress and enroll the required courses, pay

school fees and inform the school changes that needed to be taken.

Task 1.2: Work Plan

Objectives for Strategies to Resources Outcome Failure or Mitigation

the Unit Achieve the Variation to Strategies

Competency Objectives Achieve the

Analysis of Pre- The Internet, Understand the Failed to Have

the major assessment library and unit take a test schedule

elements of course books

the unit
Sharing of Have a Internet and Excellent Not able to Accommodat

ideas through discussion library and communication have a e each

discussion group group skills coherent and members

research cohesive perspective

Self- Revision Course Research skills

examination book, the

of each topic internet, and


Engagement Pre- Teacher Interact in class

in class work assessment Books and

and the internet

discussion Group


Task 1.3: Alignment between RTO Goals and Personal Goals

The students are required to high grades and meet the requirements of the institutions. My work

plan is based on having other learning and seeking help from the instructors.

Task 1.4: Measurement and Maintenance Personal Performance

Plan Achievements Failures Mitigation

Personal studies Cover most of the Failed to cover all Refocus and create

topics topics priorities

Create discussion Formed a group


Task 2.1: Priorities Competing Demands

Task Factors Weighing Rationale Priority Outcome

9scale of 1 to

Time 9 My day Reflection on Clarity in my

scheduling programming my time and schedule

fit well with activities to

my personal be achieved

and school


Pre-reading 8 Did my pre- Capturing the Understood

reading central and gained

before class concepts of knowledge in

time the study the work-life

balance study
Pre- 10 I could Answered Understood

assessment answer most most of the the topic

of the questions

questions and

achieved my

Group work 9.5 Shared ideas Answering Sharing of

and questions and ideas

understood carrying out

each tasks given by

members the instructor

Research and 8 Covered most Library Understand

survey of the topics research and the topic

in the course online survey

Pre- 9.5 Achieved my Answered Understand

assessment goals most the topic

Post-testing 9 Had high Able to High grades

score in the answer all

course questions

Task 2.3: Work-Life Balance- Time

My work involved taking studies for 6 hours individually during 3 hours for team discussion

weekdays. The weekend had no personal study time but had 3 hours group discussion on


6 x 5= 30 hours of individual studies

3 x 2= 6 hours of group studies

3 x 1= 3 hours of group studies in the weekends

The work plan involved different studies, team studies and class work. My personal time for

lifestyle included 20 minutes' walk, watching television shows and reading movies. My weekend

is my own, friends' and family time and less of school work.

My sleeping time is 6 hours daily except for the weekend which is 10 hours

I approximately have 10 minutes stress during a day.

I take 20 minutes break during my personal studies which amounts to 1 hour daily.

Work-Life Balance Discussion


Decision marking

Time scheduling

Work-Life Balance- Objectives

Achieving my personal and class work plan

Creating priority scale

Having good relationship with my instructor


Task 2.4Effective Stress Management

The pressure during studies came from my parents who want to me score high marks and not to

visit my friends

The coping situations: talking to my parents and asking my instructor to speak with them too.

Effectiveness of the coping strategies; 75 percent as they did listen to my instructor but gave

little attention to me

Other plans; involving my parents in the discussion and my course work

The effectiveness of the mechanisms; 92 percent

Task: 2.5Health

Balanced and healthy dietary

Physical exercise

Avoidance of substance abuse

Healthcare check-ups


Physical Exercise; having 30 minutes of the activity daily

Balanced and healthy dietary; this will be achieved by avoiding eating of fast and fatty foods

Healthcare check-up; will have monthly medical check-ups

Not using drugs; this will be accomplished by engaging in creative activities such as community

building events, talent building and not going to clubs.

3.1 Competency

Competency Rating
Performance Criteria
Foundation Skills
Knowledge Evidence
Performance Evidence

Task 3.3 Learning Style

Coaching learning style that constitutes being given instructions by the teacher

Post-assessment testing.

Comparison of pre-assessment and post-assessment testing

Task 3.4 Alignment of Work Plan and Learning Style

Coaching learning style is my learning style and works well with the dependent and group
discussion strategy


Kunjufu, J. (2011). Understanding black male learning styles. Chicago, IL: African American


Morisano, D., & Shore, B. M. (2010). Can Personal Goal Setting Tap the Potential of the Gifted

Underachiever? Roeper Review, 32(4), 249-258. doi:10.1080/02783193.2010.508156

Pritchard, A. (2012). Ways of learning: Learning theories and learning styles in the classroom.

London: David Fulton.

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