Why Is It Important To Have A Code of Conduct?: Term Paper

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Term Paper

Why is it important to have a code

of conduct?
According to the Free Management Library, a code of conduct is important because it
promotes moral behavior, acts as a guideline for ethical decision making, enhances the
reputation of an organization, prevents negative legal effects, encourages positive
relationships, acts as a reference for solving ethical dilemmas and prevents
discrimination or harassment. A code of ethics highlights the values which members of
an organization or group must uphold.

A code of ethics promotes a good social and professional culture by demonstrating how
people are expected to act. The process of assessing the behavior of employees
becomes more objective when a code of conduct is used as a reference point. An
organization's code of conduct applies to both casual and permanent employees.

The Free Management Library notes that a code of conduct allows an organization to
stand out in the market and become more competitive. Employees are expected to read
and understand the provisions of their organization's code of conduct in order to ensure
compliance. A company's managers should practice the values and guidelines within
their code of ethics so that they can influence their subordinates to comply. Additionally,
a code of ethics should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it complies with
the legal framework of the state.

Why do we need a code of ethics?

A code of ethics is necessary because it allows individuals to know what is expected of
them as acceptable behavior. It provides guidelines on making decisions that are in line
with the goals of the organization.

Regardless of the size of business, a code of ethics is a necessary tool for any business
looking to succeed. The values and morals incorporated into a code of ethics should be
well thought out to ensure that the desired results are achieved. A successful code of
ethics will translate into a positive reputation for the organization, which increases
business for a company.

A code of ethics improves the business's reputation, and it holds the employees and
management accountable. It is important to provide employees a guideline of what the
company considers right and wrong. Without a code of ethics, there can be
misunderstandings as to what is acceptable. If there are no standards in place, it can be
very difficult to hold employees responsible for behavior that negatively impacts
business. Every employee's decision can impact the business either positively or
negatively. By implementing a code of ethics that reflects a company's views, many of
the decisions that are made by employees will positively affect the business.

Definition of CODE OF ETHICS

1. : a set of rules about good and bad behavior The company has
its own code of ethics.

By Merriam-webster

*Corresponding Author:
Kumar Babu G
Department of Pharmacy
Scient Institute of Pharmacy

Received: 08 May 2015 Accepted: 20 May 2015 Published: 05 June 2015

Visit for more related articles at Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health


Ethics is a philosophical discipline relating to concepts of good and bad in our moral life in
community whereas bioethics is the application of ethics to the field of medication and
healthcare. It is the analysis of the ethical issues in health care, health policy and health
science. Bioethics is an activity; it is a shared, reflective analysis of ethical concerns in
health care, health policy, and health science. Professional groups, hospitals, and certifying
or accrediting boards such as the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care
Organizations have emphasized the importance of ethical principles through their mission
statements and procedures. Hence, in this context this review articles talks about various
prevailing issues in the field of health care ethics and their importance for all the involved
parties like patients, health care professionals and regulatory groups.


Ethics, Clinical Research, Ethical dilemma, Bioethics, Health care workers.


Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is the branch of philosophy that involves
systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. The
term ethics derives from the Ancient Greek word ethos which means habit or custom. Ethics
in the broadest sense alludes to the worry that people have dependably had for making
sense of how best to live. The logician Socrates is cited as saying in 399 B.C., "the most
essential thing is not life, but rather the great life." We might all want to keep away from an
existence that is dishonorable and dismal, entirely ailing in accomplishment, love,
thoughtfulness, excellence, delight or effortlessness [1]. Yet what is the most ideal approach
to accomplish the inverse of this an existence that is satisfactory, as well as even
magnificent and deserving of adoration? This is the issue that the investigation of ethics
endeavors to reply [2,3]. This is additionally how we consider the lives of the individuals who
have abandoned us: when we grieve our companions and friends and family, we comfort
ourselves by recollecting the special solaces and delights they conveyed to our lives, and
the lives of others; we recall the imaginative work they deserted, the issues they helped us
explain, and the lovely demonstrations they performed, awesome and little [4]. Great
specialists contribute wellbeing and essentiality to their patients and medicinal information
to their assistants and partners [5]; fabulous educators develop learning, knowledge,
aptitude and trust in their understudies and contribute the advantages of their examination
to the more extensive group; astounding legal advisors contribute parity, decency and
scholarly force to a bigger arrangement of equity

Charity Neave

LIS 600: Foundations of Library and Information Science

Spring 2006


A code of ethics is essential to a profession; the code will provide an ethical starting

point for the professionals and for others outside the profession. A code of ethics also
ensures quality in treatment of members of the profession and those the profession serves.

As Foundations of Library and Information Science states, The ethical conduct of

information professionals is an affirmation of the critical values of service, respect for others,

and the need to improve society. Ethics provide a framework for conducting essential

information functions, instituting policies, and developing strategies for service. Without

them, we are, as Foskett observes above, merely lurching aboutstumbling in the dark.

(Rubin, 324)

A code of ethics provides a guide for dealing with ethical situations which arise in the

course of the job. This is not a clear cut set of rules or policies for all situations, rather a set
of statements of professional belief which should inform members of the profession about

the viewpoints they should consider in making a decision. As expressed by the ALA, These

statements provide a framework; they cannot and do not dictate conduct to cover particular

situations. (retrieved from www.ala.org, March 9, 2006)

Additionally, a code of ethics communicates the ethical viewpoint of the profession to

others. As stated by the ALA, a code of ethics serves in making known to the profession

and to the general public the ethical principles that guide the work of librarians, and other

professionals providing information services, library trustees, and library staffs. (retrieved

from www.ala.org, March 9, 2006).

Ultimately, a code of ethics serves to promote the values of the profession over the

personal, societal, and (sometimes) institutional values. It serves as a guideline for

professionalism and quality of service. It should not be confused, however, with professional

standards. A code of ethics does not set standards to which a professional must perform,

but is instead a description of the values of the profession which members must consider in

order to act in a consistent and professional manner


The Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct ("Code and Standards") are the ethical
benchmark for investment professionals around the globe, regardless of job title, cultural differences,
or local laws. As a CFA Institute member or CFA Program candidate, you are required to follow the
Code and Standards.

A code of ethics is a guide of principles designed to help professionals conduct

business honestly and with integrity. A code of ethics document may outline the
mission and values of the business or organization, how professionals are
supposed to approach problems, the ethical principles based on the
organization's core values and the standards to which the professional is held.

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