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A Maximum Sensing Range Bounded Energy Node Selection Approach to Optimise in WSN
distribution of nodes is not uniform, optimal In addition to the above resource constraints, WSNs pose
clustering becomes necessary to allow connectivity many other challenges, one of which is large scale of network
and enable energy efficient network operation. deployment. Heterogeneity of nodes is also an important issue
for WSNs. Another challenge is network longevity and
5. Network characteristics and unreliable robustness. Furthermore, adaptation to environmental
environment: A sensor network usually operates in changes is also essential for WSNs (Yu, Niyogi, Mehrotra &
a dynamic and unreliable environment. The Venkatasubramanian, 2003). One other important challenge
topology of a network, which is defined by the is programming the WSNs.
sensors and the communication links between the
sensors, changes frequently due to sensor addition,
deletion, node failures, damages, or energy III. LITERATURE SURVEY:-
depletion. Also, the sensor nodes are linked by a J. Jobin (2005) has defined a effective data transmission
wireless medium, which is noisy, error prone, and scheme to handle communication in sensor network. Author
time varying. Therefore, routing paths should defined a work to provide effective communication while
consider network topology dynamics due to limited analyzing the communication WSN width and the energy
energy and sensor mobility as well as increasing the specification. Atul Bari has defend an effective route
size of the network to maintain specific application communication so that the network life will be improved.
requirements in terms of coverage and connectivity Author defined the communication network to handle three
[4]. communication over the network. Author has defined the
effective balanced data gathering to perform data
6. Data Aggregation: Since sensor nodes may generate transmission under range, connectivity, fault effectiveness
significant redundant data, similar packets from and power aware communication. Vinay Joseph (2009) has
multiple nodes can be aggregated so that the number defined an effective power effective scheduling and routing
of transmissions is reduced. Data aggregation under multipath scheduling and energy effective routing.
technique has been used to achieve energy efficiency Author has defined multicast communication routing in
and data transfer optimization in a number of routing sensor network. Author improved the broadcasting over the
protocols[6]. network with performance improvement.
7. Diverse sensing application requirements: Sensor Author has defined suboptimal algorithm under the
networks have a wide range of diverse applications. performance study. Zhe Zang (2011) has defined effective
No network protocol can meet the requirements of route generation in sensor network. Author improved the
all applications. routing under there liability and low cost communication in
8. Scalability: Routing protocols should be able to scale sensor network. Author defined hop effective communication
with the network size. Also, sensors may not so that the reliable communication will be drawn. Author
necessarily have the same capabilities in terms of improve the hop effective routing policy so that the effective
energy, processing, sensing, and particularly route quality will be improved. Jinbao Li (2011) has defined
communication. Hence, communication links channel specific multi parameter specific routing in sensor
between sensors may not be symmetric, that is, a network. Author defined the power control effective routing
pair of sensors may not be able to have under optimal route generation and to handle the
communication in both directions. This should be opportunities to reduce the communication loss. Author
taken care of in the routing protocols [6]. defined the performance effective routing in sensor network.
427 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
parameters considered here are the distance, energy, delay
analysis on each node. In the simple form, a minimum
distance neighbor is considered as the effective next node.
But in this work, the maximum distance node within the
coverage range with maximum energy is considered as next
effective node. Set this node as the best neighbor and the
communication will be performed over that node. The process
is repeated till the destination node is not arrived.
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