OpenStack Foundation NFV Report
OpenStack Foundation NFV Report
OpenStack Foundation NFV Report
Accelerating NFV
Delivery with OpenStack
Global Telecoms Align Around Open Source Networking Future
Russell Bryant, Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Kathy Cacciatore, Consulting Marketing Manager, OpenStack Foundation
Stephen Gordon, Senior Technical Product Manager, Red Hat
Eric Ji, Senior Manager, Partner Marketing and Technology Alliances, Mirantis
Armando Migliaccio, Project Technical Lead (PTL) for OpenStack Neutron; Software Architect, HP Networking
Iben Rodriguez, NFVI Architect, OPNFV Consulting
Alan Sardella, Senior Technical Marketing Manager, OPNFV Project, Linux Foundation
Tapio Tallgren, Lead SW Architect in MBB Architecture, Nokia
Brandon Wick, Integrated Marketing Manager, OPNFV Project, Linux Foundation
Ashlee Young, Distinguished Architect, Huawei Technologies
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is
now synonymous with OpenStack. When
people say NFV, there is an implication that
they are talking about OpenStack.1
Executive Overview
Expensive. Proprietary. Inflexible. These were some of the pain points business leaders
experienced with traditional networking, and what prompted a consortium of network
operators to develop something new. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) allows
telecom and enterprise network operators to control their networking functionsphysical,
virtual and functional domainsusing commercial off-the-shelf hardware, and open
source software as a single control pane for management and orchestration.
This paper describes NFV, its business value, and how OpenStack supports NFV. It details
specific projects, use cases, and the experience of major carriers and enterprises including
AT&T, Verizon, NTT Group, SK Telecom, and Bloomberg.
Although NFV is in its infancy, NFV on OpenStack offers an agile, scalable, and rapidly
maturing platform with compelling technical and business benefits for telecommunications
providers and large enterprises.
1 Dimensioning OpenStack Neutron for NFV Systems, Mark Lambe writing for SDx Central, September 2014.
Exploring NFV
What is Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)? takes on the responsibility of handling specific
Simply put, its a new way to define, create, and network functions that run on one or more virtual
manage networks by replacing dedicated network machines (VMs), on bare metal, or in containers,
appliances with software and automation. To on top of the physical networking infrastructure.
put it into context, its a continuation of the IT
mindshift away from physical hardware thats VNFs range from mobile deployments, where
inflexible, proprietary, and expensive. In an NFV mobile gateways (e.g. SGW, PGW, etc.) and
environment, a virtual network function (VNF) related functions (e.g. MME, HLR, PCRF, etc.)3
3 A fuller description of these mobile gateways and functions, which are part of the System Architecture Evolution, can be found
4 See
Taking advantage of the open source
pace of innovationever-emerging
improvements in both the telecom and the
traditional IT space
of telecommunication
Full choice of modular drivers and plug-ins
professionals are
Accessibility via API, enabling faster time to
actively exploring NFV
market for new capabilities
Lower costs by replacing with COTS
hardware, better price/performance
Reduced power consumption
and space utilization
Operational efficiency across datacenters
via orchestration: managing thousands of
devices from one console
Visibility: automated monitoring,
troubleshooting and actions across
physical and virtual networks and devices
Boosts performance by optimizing
network device utilization
SLA-driven resource allocation $10.65
(initial and ongoing)
QoS: performance, scalability, footprint,
resilience, integration, manageability
growth in the
Policy-driven redundancy
global NFV
Application level infrastructure support hardware,
On a business level, NFV users gain agility and software and
efficiency alongside CapEx, OpEx, power and services market.
space reductions, and also gain the potential for
additional service revenues.
6 NFV Market to Grow More than 5-Fold Through 2019, Says IHG, July 2015, 2015 IHS Inc. All rights reserved.
Proven architecture for largest public clouds, which are available to masses on COTS hardware
(closest comparable implementation)
Pluggable architecture with documented APIs, UIs, shared services, operations, automation
options for VNFs and other function integration
All popular open source and commercial network plug-ins and drivers
Proven telecom and enterprise implementations: AT&T, China Mobile, SK Telecom, Ericsson,
Deutsche Telekom, Comcast, Bloomberg, and more
OpenStack Neutron networking project mature and in production use in most all installations
OpenStack is identified as one main component This early open source implementation aims
in the ETSI NFV architectural framework. to accelerate the development of VNFs and
As a reference implementation of the ETSI other NFV components by defining a consistent,
NFV specification, the OPNFV project has functional stack that developers will adopt as a
implemented OpenStack for the Virtualization de facto standard. Arno also provides telecoms
Infrastructure Manager (VIM) components in the and enterprises with a base for integration and
first release, Arno (releases are named for rivers), testing, enabling faster iteration in the future.
on the lower right side of Figure 3.
The next release, Brahmaputra8, slated for
It should be noted that the ETSI NFV diagram February 2016 delivery, is planned as the first
wasnt meant to be a formalized architectureits lab-ready release, incorporating numerous
a model. This is why Figure 4 (Arno) doesnt look enhancements in areas such as installation,
exactly like an implementation of Figure 3 (ETSI installable artifacts, continuous integration,
spec), although it is. improved documentation, and sample test
scenarios. The project is evolving towards lab-
With the release of Arno, OPNFV has taken the readiness for the testing and interoperability
first step toward implementing the vision of of NFV functionality and use cases. In addition
NFV that ETSI first described. The first release to support for more virtual networking
focuses on the VIM and NFVI with five projects. solutions, Brahmaputra plans also include
9 Watch key Project Technical Leaders (PTLs) cover planned Mitaka features for their projects in video interviews accessible at
this YouTube playlist:
10 How PayPal Runs the Worlds Largest Private OpenStack Cloud, December 8, 2015,
communications network solutions, and its cloud- Rest API for storing and querying metrics
oriented design makes it extremely well suited and historical information. Most monitoring
for deployment in an NFV environment. solutions use special transports and
protocols, such as CollectD or NSCA
Resiliency is implemented in other, multiple ways (Nagios). In Monasca, http is the only
as well. Bloomberg, a large network operator protocol used. This simplifies the overall
and OpenStack NFV user, is moving away from design and also allows for a much richer
synchronizing states to less stateful and more way to describe the data via dimensions.
autonomous functions across many computers,
Multitenant and authenticated
to spread resiliency throughout the environment.
They are deploying many small firewall and load Metrics defined using a set of (key, value)
balancer VNFs as opposed to fewer large ones. pairs called dimensions
This provides better SLAs at a higher level. The Real-time thresholding and alarming (single
trade-off is management of more systems but the and compound alarms) on metrics
approach reduces risk.
Compound alarms
For the OPNFV reference platform, Doctor is the Monitoring agent supporting built-in
fault management and maintenance project. The system and service checks and Nagios
goal of Doctor is to build a fault management checks and statsd.
and maintenance framework for high availability
of network services on top of virtualized
infrastructure. The key feature is immediate Multisite
notification of unavailability of virtualized Telecoms require an NFV infrastructure
resources from VIM, to process recovery of VNFs distributed across multiple geographical
on them. locations. The platform must be able to support
application-level redundancy across different
The Doctor community affects this mission
datacenters, network management across
primarily in OpenStacks Monasca project
multiple sites, and between physical and virtual
reflecting OPNFVs upstream first approach.
infrastructure, multisite image replication, and
Monasca is a high performing, scalable, reliable
global and per-site quota management.
and fault-tolerant Monitoring as a Service
(MONaaS) solution that scales to service provider Multiple connected OpenStack deployments
levels of metrics throughput. Performance, as VIMs and high availability among them are
scalability and high availability have been required for a distributed, multi-geography NFV
designed in from the start. infrastructure. The OPNFV Multisite Virtualized
Infrastructure project focuses on enhancements
Monasca can process hundreds of thousands
to the OpenStack Nova, Cinder, Neutron, Glance
of metrics/second and can offer data retention
(Image Service), Ceilometer (Telemetry), and
periods of greater than a year with no data loss
Keystone (Identity) projects, so that OpenStack as
while still processing interactive queries. Other
the VIM is able to support multi-site NFV clouds.
key features include:
Learn more about the OPNFV Multisite project at
NFV Orchestrator: Responsible for Virtual Network Functions (VNFs), with Service
onboarding of new network services (NS) Function Chaining. It is based on the ETSI MANO
and virtual network function (VNF) packages; Architectural Framework and provides a fully
NS life-cycle management; global resource functional stack to orchestrate VNFs end-to-
management; validation and authorization end (Figure 5). Tacker provides a VNF Catalog
of network functions virtualization to on-board VNF Descriptors (written using
infrastructure (NFVI) resource requests OASIS TOSCA NFV standards) and provides APIs
VNF Manager: Oversees life-cycle for Life-Cycle Management of VNFs along with
management of VNF instances; coordination capabilities like VNF monitoring, auto-scaling and
and adaptation role for configuration and self-healing. Tacker plans to expand to NFVO
event reporting between NFVI and E/NMS capabilities like Network Service Descriptors
(element or network management system). (NSD) and Forwarding Graph Descriptor (VNFFGD)
support in upcoming cycles. Tacker utilizes
The OpenStack Tacker project addresses the
OpenStack Compute (Nova), Neutron and Heat to
NFVO and VNFM. Tacker is building an Open
execute the VNF life-cycle:
NFV Orchestrator with an integrated general
purpose VNF Manager to deploy and operate
OpenStack Users and Ecosystem Here are examples of telecom and ecosystem
submitted requirements:
OpenStack users submit requirements via
the OpenStack User Committee or Operators
MANO Virtual Vi-Vnfm and VDU in PCI Passthrough SR-IOV Nova Complete
Machine VNF Descriptor support net/nova/+spec/sriov-pf-
Descriptor passthrough-neutron-port
VIM & MANO Vi Vnfm and Service NUMA and IO locality Nova Approved
Virtual Machine VNF & Infrastructure net/nova/+spec/sriov-pf-
Descriptor DescriptorSeMa passthrough-neutron-port
Vi-VNFM, Virtualized resource Operations comprising the Blazar Blazars blueprints at https:// Varies
NFVO-Vi management management of resource
reservations blazar
15 ETSI NFV Drafts,
16 Half of AT&Ts networks are controlled by open-source SDN code, Richard Chirgwin writing for The Register, January 2016.
Strategic level involvement Users or potential users Join the User Committee list
Specific vendor direction Anyone Engage with your vendors for roadmap,
tested and verified offerings
Actual use case details Architects Review videos from the recent OpenStack
Contributing to any OpenStack projects Potential contributors and developers How to Contribute wiki20
Technical NFV information OpenStack enthusiasts and developers #openstack-nfv IRC channel on irc.
Technical OPNFV information OPNFV project members and interested parties OPNFV OpenStack Community wiki21
18 All found at
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
License. To view a copy of this license, visit