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Engineering Hydrology

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Engineering Hydrology Lectures 4th.


Major References :
1. Engineering Hydrology by Subramanya

2. Advanced Hydrology by V.T. Chow

3. Engineering Hydrology by Linsley

Syllabus :
First Semester :

Chapter One : Introduction

Chapter Two : Precipitation
Chapter Three : Abstraction from Precipitation
Chapter Four : Run-Off

Second Semester :

Chapter Five : Hydrograph

Chapter Six : Floods
Chapter Seven : Flood Routing
Chapter Eight : Ground Water
Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Chapter One
1.1. Hydrology : Hydrology means the science of water. It is the science that
deals with the occurrence, circulation and distribution of water of the earth and
earth's atmosphere. As a branch of earth science, it is concerned with the water
in streams and lakes, rainfall and snow fall, snow and ice on the land and water
occuring below earth's surface in the pores of the soil and rocks. In a general
sense, hydrology is very broad subject of an inter disciplinary nature drawing
support from allied sciences, such as meteorology, geology, statistics,
chemistry, physics and fluid mechanics.
Hydrology is basically an applied science. To further emphasis the degree of
applicability, the subject is sometimes classified as :
1. Scientific Hydrology : the study which is concerned chiefly with academic
2. Engineering or Applied Hydrology : a study concerned with engineering
In a genral sense, engineering hydrology deals with:
a- Estimation of water resources.
b- The study of processes such as precipitation, runoff, evapotranspiration and
their interaction.
c- The study of problems such as floods and droughts, and strategies to combat
1.2. Hydrological Cycle :
Water occurs on the earth in all its three states, liquid, solid and gaseous
and in various degrees of motion. Evaporation of water from water bodies such
as oceans and lakes, formation and movement of clouds, rain and snowfall,
Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

streamflow and ground water movement are some examples of the dynamic
aspects of water. The various aspects of water related to the earth can be
explained in terms of a cycle known as the Hydrologic Cycle as shown in fig.

1.3. Hydrological cycle Paths :

There are large number of paths for water in the hydrologic cycle. Furthermor, it
is a continuous recirculating cycle in the sense that there is neither a beginning noe
an end or a pause. Each path of the hydrologic cycle involves one or more of the
following aspects :
1. Transportation of water.
2. Temporary storage of water.
3. Change of state.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

1.4. Water Budget Equation :

For a given problem area, say a catchment, in an interval of time t , the continuity
equation for water in its various phasis is written as :

S = Vi - Vo (1.1)

In which :
S : change in the storage of the water volume over and under the given area during
given period.
Vi : inflow volume of water into a cathment area, and
Vo : outflow volume of water from a catchment area.

Example (1) : A catchment area of 15 km2 , calculate :

1. The change in the storage volume (for 1 year) over and under the given
catchment if the volume of inflow is 8 * 104 m3 and for outflow 6.5 * 104
m3 .
2. If the annual average for streamflow is 107 m3 , calculate the equivalent
Solution :
1. S = Vi - Vo
S = 8 * 104 6.5 * 104 = 1.5 * 104 m3
2. Average Depth = 107 / 15*106 = 0.667 m. = 66.7 cm.
While realizing that all the terms in a hydological water budget may not be known
to the same degree of accuracy, an expression for the water budget of a catchment
for a time interval t is written as :

P R G E T = S (2)

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In this P : Precipitation , R : surface runoff , G : net ground water flow out of the
catchment , E : evaporation, T : transpiration and S : change in storage
The storage S consists of three components as :

S = Ss + Sm + Sg (3)

Ss : surface water storage
Sm : water in storage as soil moisture, and
Sg : water in storage as groundwater.
Thus eq. (3) becomes :

S = Ss + Sm + Sg (4)

Example (2) : A lake had a water surface elevation of 103.2 m above datum at the
beginning of a certain month. In that month, the lake received an average inflow of 6
m3/s from surface runoff sources. In the same period, the outflow from the lake had
an average value of 6.5 m3/s. Further, in that month, the lake received a rainfall of
145 mm and the evaporation from the lake surface was estimated as 6.1 cm. Write the
water budget equation for the lake and calculate the water surface elevation of the
lake at the end of the month. The average lake surface area can be taken as 5000 ha.
Assume that there is no contribution to or from the ground water storage.
Solution :

In a time interval t , the water budget for the lake can be written as :

t + E A = S
( I t + PA) Q

Where I = average rate of inflow of water into the lake

= average rate of outflow from the lake

A = average surface area of the lake.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

t = 1 month = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 2.592*106 s

Inflow volume = I t = 6 * 2.592 = 15.552 Mm3

t = 6.5 * 2.592 = 16.848 Mm3
Outflow volume = Q
Input due to precipitation = P A = = 7.25 Mm3
Outflow due to evaporation = E A = = 3.05 Mm3

Hence S = 15.552 + 7.25 16.848 3.05 = 2.904 Mm3

Change in elevation z = = = 0.058 m

New water surface elevation at the end of the month = 103.2 + 0.058
= 103.258 m above the datum.
Example (3) : A small catchment of area 150 ha received a rainfall of 10.5 cm in 90
minutes due to a storm. At the outlet of the catchment, the stream draining the
catchment was dry before the storm and experienced a runoff lasting for 10 hours with
an average discharge of 1.5 m3/s. The stream was again dry after the runoff event. (a)
What is the amount of water which was not available to runoff due to combined effect
of infiltration, evaporation and transpiration? (b) What is the ratio of runoff to
Solution :

The water budget equation for the catchment in a time t is

Where L : losses (water not available to runoff due to infiltration, evaporation,
transpiration and surface storage)
(a) P = Input due to precipitation in 10 hours = 150*100*100*(10.5/100)
= 157500 m3
R = Runoff volume = outflow volume at the catchment outlet in 10 hours

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

R = 1.5*10*60*60 = 54000 m3
Hence Losses L = 157500 54000 = 103500 m3
(b) Runoff / Rainfall = 54000/157500 = 0.343 (Runoff Coefficient)

1.5. Engineering Aplications of Hydrology :

Hydrology finds its greatest application in the design and operation of water
resources engineering projects, such as those for :
1. Irrigation
2. Water supply
3. Flood control
4. Water power
5. Navigation
In all projects above, hydrological investigation for the proper assessment of the
following factors are necessary :
1. The capacity of storage structures such as rservoirs.
2. The magnitude of flood flows to enable safe disposal of the excess flow.
3. The minimum flow and quantity of flow available at various seasons.
4. The interaction of the flood wave and hydraulic structures, such as levees,
reservoirs, barrages and bridges.

1.6. Typical Failure Factors of Hydraulic Structures :

1. Overtopping and consequent failure of an earthen dam due to an inadequate

spillway capacity.
2. Failure of bridges and culverts due to excess flood flow.
3. Inability of a large reservoir to fill up with water due to overestimation of the
stream flow.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

1.7. Sources of Data :

Depending upon the problem at hand, a hydrologist would require data relating to
the various relevant phases of the hydrological cycle playing on the problem
catchment. The data normally required in the studies are :
1. Weather records temperature, humidity and wind velocity.
2. Precipitation data.
3. Stream flow records.
4. Evaporation and evapotranspiration data.
5. Infiltration characteristics of the study area.
6. Soils of the area.
7. Land use and land cover.
8. Groundwater characteristics.
9. Physical and geological characteristics of the area.
10. Water quality data.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Chapter Two
1.2. Precipitation: denotes all forms of water that reach the earth from the
atmosphere. The usual forms are rainfall, snowfall, hail, frost and dew. Of all of
these, only the first two contribute significant amounts of water.
For precipitation to form :
1. The atmosphere must have moisture.
2. There must be sufficient nuclei present to aid condensation.
3. Weather conditions must be good for condensation of water vapor to take
4. The products of condensation must reach the earth.

2.2. Forms of Precipitation :

The rain is the principal and common form of precipitation. The term rainfall is
used to describe precipitation in the form of water drops of sizes larger than 0.5
mm. The maximum size of raindrop is about 6 mm. On the basis of its intensity,
rainfall is classified as :
Type Intensity (mm/hr)
Light Rain Trace to 2.5 mm/hr.
Moderate Rain 2.5 mmlhr. 7.5 mm/hr.
Heavy Rain Over 7.5 mm/hr.

2.3. Adequacy of Rain Gauge Stations :

If there are already some rain gauge stations in a catchment, the optimal number
of stations that should exist to have an assigned percentage of error in the
estimation of mean rainfall is obtained by statistical analysis as :

= ( ) . (1)

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

N : Optimal number of stations

: allowable degree of error in the estimation of the rainfall mean
Cv : coefficient of variation of the rainfall values at the existing m stations (in

= . (2)

( )
= [ ] . (3)

Pi : precipitation magnitude in the ith station


. (4)

Example (1) : A catchment has 6 raingauge stations. In a year, the annual rainfall
recorded by the gauges are as follows :

Station A B C D E F
Rainfall (cm) 82.6 102.9 180.3 110.3 98.8 136.7

For a 10% error in the estimation of the mean rainfall, calculate the optimum
number of stations in the catchment.
m=6 ; m-1 = 35.04 ; = 10% P 118 .6
Cv = 100 * 35.04 / 118.6 = 29.54
N = 8.7 say 9 stations
Thus, we need 3 additional stations

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

2.4. Estimation of Missing Data :

Given the annual precipitation values P1, P2, P3, , Pm at neighboring M stations 1,
2, 3, , M respectively. It is required to find the missing annual percipitation Px at a
station X not included in the above M stations. Further, the normal annual
precipitations N1, N2, N3, ., Ni at each of the above (M+1) stations including station
X are known.

2.4.1.Arithmatic Mean Method :

If the normal annual precipitations at various stations are within 10% of the normal
annual precipitation at station X, then a simple arithmetic average procedure is
followed to estimate Px, Thus
Px = 1/m [P1+P2++Pm] . (5)
m : number of stations
Px : Missing Precipitation in this period

2.4.2. Normal Ratio Method :

If the normal precipitation vary considerably, then Px is estimated by weighing the
precipitation at the various stations by the ratios of normal annual precipitations.
Thus Px calculated as :
Px = Nx/m [P1/N1 + P2/N2 + + Pm/Nm] . (6)
Example (2) : The normal annual rainfall at stations A, B, C and D in a basin are
80.97, 67.59, 76.28 and 92.01 cm respectively. In the year 1975, the station D was
inoperative and the stations A, B and C recorded annual precipitations of 91.11,
72.23 and 79.89 cm respectively. Estimate the rainfall at station D in that year.

Solution :

PD = 92.01/3 (91.11/80.97 + 72.23/67.59 + 79.89/76.28) = 99.48 cm.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

2.5, Test for Consistency of Records :

If the conditions relevant to the recording of a raingauge station have undergone a
significane change during the period of record, inconsistency would araise in the
rainfall data of that station. This inconsistency would be felt from the time the
significant change took place.
Some of the common causes for inconsistency of record are :
1. Shifting of a raingauge station to a new location.
2. The neighbourhood of the station undergoing a marked change.
3. Change in the ecosystem due to calamities, such as forest fires, land slides.
4. Occurance of observational error from a certain date.
The checking for inconsistency of records is done by the double mass curve technique.
This technique is based on the principle that when each recorded data comes from the
same parent population, they are consistent.

a. The accumulated precipitation for staton X (i.e. Px ) is calculated. Also the

accumulated values for the average rainfall of the group of base stations (i.e.
Pav ) starting from the last record.
b. Plot Px vs. Pav
A decided break in the slope of the resulting plot indicates a change in the
precipitation regime of station X. The precipitation values at station X beyond the
period of change of regime is corrected by using the relation :

= . (7)

Pcx : corrected precipitation at any time period t1 at station X

Px : original recorded precipitation at time period t1 at station X
Mc : corrected slope of double mass curve
Ma : original slope of double mass curve

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Accumulated Annual Rainfull

at X station (Px)

Correction Ratio = Mc / Ma

Accumulated Annual Rainfull at multi station

Example (3) : Annual rainfall Data for station M as well as the average annual
rainfll values for a group of ten neighbouring stations located in a
meteorologically homogeneous region are given below :
Annual rainfall Average Annual Annual rainfall Average Annual
Year of station M Rainfall of the Year of station M Rainfall of the
(mm) group (mm) (mm) group (mm)
1950 676 780 1965 1244 1400
1951 578 660 1966 999 1140
1952 95 110 1967 573 650
1953 462 520 1968 596 646
1954 472 540 1969 375 350
1955 699 800 1970 635 590
1956 479 540 1971 497 490
1957 431 490 1972 386 400
1958 493 560 1973 438 390
1959 503 575 1974 568 570
1960 415 480 1975 356 377
1961 531 600 1976 685 653
1962 504 580 1977 825 787
1963 828 950 1978 426 410
1964 679 770 1979 612 588
Test the consistency of the annual rainfall data of station M and correct the
record if there is any discrepancy. Estimate the mean annual precipitation at
station M.
Solution :
Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Adjusted Finalised
Year Pm (mm) Pm (mm) Pav (mm) Pav (mm) values of Pm values of
(mm) Pm (mm)
1979 612 612 588 588 612
1978 426 1038 410 998 426
1977 825 1863 787 1785 825
1976 685 2548 653 2438 685
1975 356 2904 377 2815 356
1974 568 3472 570 3385 568
1973 438 3910 390 3775 438
1972 386 4296 400 4175 386
1971 497 4793 490 4665 497
1970 635 5428 590 5255 635
1969 375 5803 350 5605 375
1968 596 6399 646 6251 698.92 699
1967 573 6972 650 6901 971.95 672
1966 999 7971 1140 8041 1171.51 1172
1965 1244 9215 1400 9441 1458.82 1459
1964 679 9894 770 10211 796.25 796
1963 828 10722 950 11161 970.98 971
1962 504 11226 5801 11741 591.03 591
1961 531 11757 600 12341 622.7 623
1960 415 12172 480 12821 486.66 487
1959 503 12675 575 13396 589.86 590
1958 493 13168 560 13956 578.13 578
1957 431 13599 490 14446 505.43 505
1956 479 14078 540 14986 561.72 562
1955 699 14777 800 15786 819.71 820
1954 472 15249 540 16326 553.51 554
1953 462 15711 520 16846 541.78 542
1952 95 15806 110 16956 111.41 111
1951 578 16384 660 17616 677.81 678
1950 676 17060 780 18396 792.73 793
Total of Pm = 19004 mm
Mean of Pm = 633.5 mm

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

The data is sorted in descending order of the year, starting from the latest year 1979.
Cumulative values of station M rainfall (Pm) and the 10 stations average rainfall

values (Pav) are calculated as shown in the previous table. The data is then plotted
as below :
It is seen that the data plots as two straight lines with a break of grade at the year 1968.
The slope of the best straight line for the period 1979 1969 is :
Mc = 1.0295
The slope of the best straight line for the period 1968 1950 is :
Ma = 0.8779
Thus, the correction ratio is :
Mc 1.0295
= = 1.173
Ma 0.8779

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

The adjusted values at station M are shown in column 5 of the previous table.the
finalized values of Pm for all 30 years of records are shown in column 7.
2.6. Presentation of Rainfall Data :
A few commonly used methods of presentation of rainfall data which have been
found to be useful in interpolation and analysis of such data are given as follows :
2.6.1. Mass Curve of Rainfall Data :
Is a plot of the accumulated precipitation against time (as shown in figure below).
Mass curve is useful in :
1. Extracting the information on the duration and magnitude of a storm.
2. Intensities at various time intervals in a storm can be obtained by the slope of
the curve.
2nd. storm (4 cm)
Accumulated Precipitation

1st. storm (10 cm)


Time (days)

2.6.2. Hyetograph :
Is a plot of the intensity of rainfall against the time interval. The hyetograph is derived
from the mass curve and is usually represented as a bar chart (as shown in the next
figure). It is very convenient way of :

1. Representing the characteristics of a storm.

2. The development of design storms to predict extreme floods.
3. The area under hyetograph represents the total precipitation received in the
Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Rainfall Intensity


2.6.3. Point Rainfall :

Also known as station rainfall refers to the rainfall data of a station. Depending upon
the need, data can be listed as daily, weekly, monthly or annual values for various
periods. Graphically, these data are represented as plots of magnitude vs.
chronological time in the form of a bar diagram. The trend of plot is often discerned
by the method of moving average (Moving Mean). Moving Mean Method :
Is a technique for smoothening out the high frequency fluctuations of time series and
to enable the trend, if any, to be noticed. The basic principles is that a window of time
range m years is selected. Starting from the first set of m years of data, the average of
the data of m years is calculated and placed in the middle year of the range m. The
window is next moved sequentially one time unit (year) at a time and the mean of the
m terms in the window is determined at each window location. The value of m can be
3 or more years (usually an odd value).
Example (4) : Annual rainfall values recorded at station M for the period 1950
to 1979 (given in the previous example). Represent this data as a bar diagram
with time in chronological order.
i) Identify those years in which the annual rainfall is :
a) Less than 20 % of mean
b) More than the mean
ii) Plot the three year moving mean of the annual rainfall time series
Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Solution :
Figure below shows the bar chart with height of the column representing the
annual rainfall depth and the position of the column representing the year of
occurrence. The time is arranged in chronological order.
1 2 3 4
3 cumulative year
Annual rainfall 3- year moving mean
Year Total for moving mean
(mm) Pi (col. 3/3)
( Pi-1 + Pi + Pi+1 )
1950 676
1951 578 676+578+95 = 1349 449.7
1952 95 578+95+462 = 1135 378.3
1953 462 95+462+472 = 1029 343.0
1954 472 462+472+699 = 1633 544.3
1955 699 472+699+479 = 1650 550.0
1956 479 699+479+431 = 1609 536.3
1957 431 479+431+493 = 1403 467.7
1958 493 431+493+503 = 1427 475.7
1959 503 493+503+415 = 1411 470.3
1960 415 503+415+531 = 1449 483.0
1961 531 415+531+504 = 1450 483.3
1962 504 531+504+828 = 1863 621.0
1963 828 504+828+679 = 2011 670.3
1964 679 828+679+1244 = 2751 917.0
1965 1244 679+1244+999 = 2922 974.0
1966 999 1244+999+573 = 2816 938.7
1967 573 999+573+596 = 2168 722.7
1968 596 573+596+375 = 1544 514.7
1969 375 596+375+635 = 1606 535.3
1970 635 375+635+497 = 1507 502.3
1971 497 635+497+386 = 1518 506.0
1972 386 497+386+438 = 1321 440.3
1973 438 386+438+568 = 1392 464.0
1974 568 438+568+356 = 1362 454.0
1975 356 568+356+685 = 1609 536.3
1976 685 356+685+825 = 1866 622.0
1977 825 685+825+426 = 1936 645.3
1978 426 825+426+612 = 1863 621.0
1979 612

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

2.7. Mean Precipitation Over An Area :

Mean precipitation over an area can be calculated using the following methods :
2.7.1 Arithmatical Mean Method :

1 +2 ++ ++ 1
= =
=1 .(8)

Where P1 , P2 , , Pi , , Pn are the rainfall values in a given period in N stations

within a catchment.

2.7.2. Thiessen Average Method :

1 1 +2 2 ++ ++ 1
= =
=1 = =1 . (9)
(1 +2 ++ ++ )

Where P1 , P2 , , Pi , , Pn are the rainfall values recorded by the stations 1 ,

2 , , i , , m respectively
A1 , A2 , , Ai , , Am are the respective areas of the Thiessen polygons.

2.7.3. Isohyetal Method :

An Isohyet is a line joining points of equal rainfall magnitude.

1 + 2 2 + 3 1 +
1 +2 ++ 1
2 2 2
. (10)

P1 , P2 , ., Pn-1 , Pn : the values of isohyets

a1 , a2 , ., an-1 , an : the inter isohyet areas

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Example (5) : In a catchment area, approximated by a circle of diameter 100 km.

Four rainfall stations are situated inside the catchment and one station is outside
in its neighbourhood. The coordinates of the center of the catchment and of the
five stations in 1980. Determine the average annual precipitation by the Thiessen
mean method.

Station Center 1 2 3 4 5

Coordinates (km) (100,100) (30,80) (70,100) (100,140) (130,100) (100,70)

Precipitation (cm) ---- 85.0 135.2 95.3 146.4 102.2

Solution :



5 f

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Boundary of 2 Fraction of
Station Area (Km ) Rainfall P
Area Total Area
1 - - - 85 -
2 Abcd 2141 0.2726 135.2 36.86
3 Dce 1609 0.2049 95.3 19.53
4 Ecbf 2141 0.2726 146.4 39.91
5 fba 1963 0.2499 102.2 25.54
Total 7854 1.000 121.84

Mean Precipitation = 121.84 cm

Example (6) : The isohyets due to a storm in a catcment were drawn in figure
below, and the area of the catchment bounded by isohyets were tabulated as
below :
Isohyets Area (km2)
12 30
12 10 140
10 8 80
86 180
6-4 20
8 9.2 10

7 D


F 4 E 10

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Solution :

Average Fraction Weighted

Isohyets value of P of total P (cm)
(cm) area
12 12 30 0.0667 0.800
12 10 11 140 0.3111 3.422
10 8 9 80 0.1778 1.600
86 7 180 0.4000 2.800
6-4 5 20 0.0444 0.222
Total 450 1.0000 8.844

Mean Precipitation = 8.844 cm

2.8. Frequency of Point Rainfall :
In many hydraulic engineering applications such as those concerned with floods,
the probability of occurrence of a particular extreme rainfall. Such information
is obtained by the frequency analysis of the point-rainfall data.

Annual Max.

Time (year)
If the probability of an event occuring is ( P ) its magnitude is equal to or in
excess of a specified magnitude X. The return period T is defined as:

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T = 1/ P ..(11)

Thus, if it is stated that the return period of rainfall of 20 cm in 24 hour is 10

years at a certain station A, it implies that on an average rainfall magnitudes
equal to or greater than 20 cm in 10 years, i.e. in a long period of say 100 years,
10 such events can be expected. However, it does not mean that every 10 years
one such event is likely, i.e. periodicity is not implied. The probability of a rainfall
of 20 cm in 24 hour occuring in anyone year at station A is :

P = 1/ T (12)

The probability of the event (not occuring) in a given year is ( q = 1 P )

q = 1- P (13)
the probability of the event r times in n successive years is :

, = ()!!
. (14)
For example :
a. The probability of an event of exceedence probability P occuring 2 times
in n successive years is :
P2,n = (n2)!2!
P2 qn2 . (14-a)

b. The probability of an event not occuring at all in n successive years is:

P0,n = qn = (1-P)n (14-b)

c. The probability of an event occuring at least once in n successive years :

P1 = 1-qn = 1- (1-P)n ..(14-c)

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Example (7) : Analysis of data on maximum one-day rainfall depth at a specified

region that a depth of 280 mm had a return period of 50 years. Determine the
probability of a one day rainfall depth equal to or greater than 280 mm at this
region (a) once in 20 successive years , (b) two times in 15 successive years, and
(c) at least once in 20 successive years.

Solution :

a) n = 20 , r=1 , T = 50 , P = 1/50 = 0.02

P1,20 = (20 !)/(19! * 1!) * 0.02 * (0.98)19 = 0.272

b) n = 15 , r = 2

P2,15 = (15!)/(13!*2!)*(0,02)2 * (0.98)13 = 0.0323

c) P1 = 1- (0.98)20 = 0.332

2.9. Plotting Position Criterea :
The purpose of the frequency analysis of an annual series is to obtain a relation
between the magnitude of the event and its probability of exceedence. The
probability analysis may be made either by empirical or by analytical methods.
A simple empirical technique is to arrange the given annual extreme series in
descending order of magnitude and to assign an order number m. Thus for the
first entry m = 1, for the second entry m = 2 and so on , till the last event for
which m = N = number of years of records.
The probability P of an event equalled to or exceeded is given by the Weibull
formula :
P = ( ) .. (15)

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Example (8) : The record of annual rainfall at station A covering a period of 22

years is given below :
Year 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Rainfall (cm) 130 84 76 89 112 96 80 125 143 89 78
Year 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
Rainfall (cm) 90 102 108 60 75 120 160 85 106 83 95

a) Estimate the annual rainfall with return periods of 10 years and 50 years.
b) What would be the probability of an annual rainfall of magnitude equal to
or exceeding 100 cm occuring at station A?
c) What is the 75% dependable annual rainfall at station A?
Rainfall Rainfall
M P= m/(N+1) T=1/P m P= m/(N+1) T=1/P
(cm) (cm)
1 160 0.043 23.26 12 90 0.522 1.92
2 143 0.087 11.5 13 89 - -
3 130 0.13 7.67 14 89 0.609 1.64
4 125 0.174 5.75 15 85 0.652 1.53
5 120 0.217 4.6 16 84 0.696 1.44
6 112 0.261 3.83 17 83 0.739 1.35
7 108 0.304 3.29 18 80 0.783 1.28
8 106 0.348 2.88 19 78 0.826 1.21
9 102 0.391 2.56 20 76 0.87 1.15
10 96 0.435 2.3 21 75 0.913 1.1
11 95 0.478 2.09 22 60 0.957 1.05

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction



T (year) Rainfall (cm)

10 137.9
50 180

b) Rainfall = 100 cm , thus from the graph T = 2.4 year , then P = 0.417

c) P = 0.75 , T = 1/0.75 = 1.33 year , then Rainfall = 82.3 cm.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Chapter Three
Abstraction from Precipitation
3.1. Evaporation : is the process in which a liquid changes to the gaseous state
at the free surface, below the boiling point through the transfer of heat energy.
The rate of evaporation is depenent on :
1. The vapor pressure at the water surface and air above
2. Air and water temperature
3. Wind speed
4. Atmospheric pressure
5. Quality of water
6. Size of the water body
3.1.1. Vapour pressure :
The rate of evaporation is prportional to the difference between the saturation
vapour at the water temperature, ew and the actual vapour pressure in the air,
ea, thus :
EL = C (ew ea ) .. (1)
EL : rate of evaporation (mm/day)
C : constant
The above equation is known as (Dalton's law of evaporation , 1802)
Note that evaporation continues till ew = ea and if (ew > ea ), condensation will
3.1.2. Temperature :
Other factors remaining the same, the rate of evaporation increases with an
increase in the water temperature.

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3.1.3. Wind Speed :

Wind aids in removing the evaporated water vapour from the zone of
evaporation and consequently creates greater scope for evaporation. However,
if the wind velocity is large enough to remove all the evaporated water vapour,
any further increase in wind velocity does not influence the evaporation. Thus
the rate of evaporation increases with the wind speed up to a critical speed
beyond which any further increase in the wind speed has no influence on the
evaporation rate.

3.1.4. Atmospheric Pressure :

Other factors remaining same, a decrease in the barometric pressure, as in high
altitudes, increases evaporation.

3.1.5. Soluble Salts :

When a soluble salts is dissolved in water, the vapor pressure of the solution is
less than that of pure water and hence causes reduction in the rate of
3.2. Evaporimeter :
The amount of water evaporated from a water surface is estimated by the
following methods :
1. Using evaporation data
2. Empirical evaporation equations
3. Analytical methods
3.3. Evaporation Stations :
The WMO recommends the minimum network of evaporimeter stations as
below :
1. Arid zones : One station for every 30000 km2
2. Humid temperature climates : One station for every 50000 km2
3. Cold region : one station for every 100000 km2.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

3.4. Empirical Evaporation Equations :

A large number of empirical equations are available to estimate lake evaporation
using commonly available meteorological data. Most formulae are based on the
Dalton- type equation and can be expressed as :

EL = K f(u) (ew ea) .. (2)

K : a coefficient
f(u) : wind speed correction function

3.4.1. Meyer's Equation :

EL = km (ew ea) (1+ ) .. (3)
U9 : monthly mean wind velocity (km/hr) at about 9 m above ground.
Km : coefficient accounting for various other factors with a value of 0.36 for
large, deep water and 0.5 for small, shallow waters.

3.4.2. Rohwer's Equation :

EL = 0.771 (1.465 0.000732 Pa) (0.44 + 0.0733 Vo) (ew ea) . (4)

Pa : mean barometric reading in mmHg

Vo : mean wind velocity in km/hr at ground level, which can be taken to be the
velocity at 0.6 m height above ground

Note :
1. ew is found from table (3-3) page No. 72
2. Wind velocity at any height above ground (Uh) by knowing any wind speed
( U) according to the following equation :

Uh = U ( h )1/7 (5)

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Example (1) : a) A reservoir with a surface area of 250 hectares had the following
average values of climate parameters during a week :
Water temperature 20o C , relative humidity = 40% , wind velocity at 1 m above
ground surface = 16 km/hr. Estimate the average daily evaporation from the lake
using Meyer's formula
b) If the evaporation from a pan is indicated as 72 mm in a week :
i) Estimate the accuracy if Meyer's method relative to the pan evaporation
ii) Eastimate the volume of water evaporated from the lake in that week.

Solution :

a) From table (3-3) , ew = 17.54 mmHg

ea = 0.4 * 17.54 = 7.02 mmHg
U9 = U1 * (9)1/7 = 16 * (9)1/7 = 21.9 km/hr
Using Meyer equation :
EL = 0.36 (17.54 7.02) (1 + 21.9/16) = 8.97 mm/day

i) Daily evaporation as per pan evaporimeter = (72/7)*0.8 = 8.23 mm/day

Error = (8.23 8.97) = - 0.74 mm (Meyer's formula overestimates th

evaporation relative to the pan)

Percentage over estimation by Meyer's formula = (0.74/8.23)*100 = 9%

ii) Then evaporated water volume in 7 days (m3) is :

V = 7 * (8.23/1000) *250*104 = 144025 m3

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

3.5. Analytical methods of Evaporation Estimation :

The analytical methods for the determination of lake evaporation can be broadly
classified into three categories as :
1. Water Budget Method
2. Energy Balance Method
3. Mass Transfer Method
3.5.1. Water Budget Method :

P + Vig + Vis = Vog + Vos + EL + S + TL

Or : EL = P + (Vis Vso) + (Vig Vog) TL S (6)

P : daily precipitation
Vig : daily ground water inflow
Vog : daily ground water outflow (seepage)
Vis : daily surface inflow into the lake
EL : daily lake evaporation
Vos : daily surface outflow from the lake
TL : daily transpiration loss
S : increase in lake storage in a day

3.6. Evapotranspiration Equations :

3.6.1. Penman's Equation :

A Hn + Ea Y
PET = .. (7)

PET : daily potential evapotranspiration (mm/day)

A : slope of the saturation vapor pressure vs. temperature curve at the mean air
temperature (mmHg/Co) (table 3.3) page 72
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Hn : net radiation in mm of evaporable water per day

Ea : parameter including wind velocity and saturation deficit
Y : constant equal to 0.49 mmHg /Co
The net radiation (Hn ) is estimated by the following formula :

Hn = Ha(1- r) (a+b(n/N)) - Ta4 (0.56 - 0.092 ) (0.1 + 0.9 (n/N)). (7.1)

Ha : incident solar radiation outside the atmosphere on a horizontal surface,

expressed in mm of evaporable water per day (it is a function of latitude as
indicated in table 3.4 Page72 )
a = 0.29 cos .. (7.2)
b = 0.52
: North Latitude
n : actual duration of bright sunshine (hrs.)
N : maximum possible hours of bright sunshine (it is a function of latitude as
indicated in table 3.5 Page73 )
r : reflection coefficient
: Stefan - Boltzman constant = 2.01 * 10-9 mm/day
Ta = 273 + Co
ea : actual mean vapor pressure in the air (mmHg)

Ea = 0.35 (1 + (U2 /160)) (ew ea) .. (7.3)

U2 : mean wind speed at 2 m above ground in (km/day)

Example (2) : Calculate the potential evapotranspiration from an area in the
month of November by Penman's formula. The following data are available :
Latitude = 28o 4' N
Mean monthly temperature = 19o C
Mean relative humidity = 75 %
Wind velocity at 2 m height = 85 km/day
r = 0.25
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Solution :
From table 3.3 :
A = 1 mmHg /Co , ew = 16.5 mmHg
From table 3.4 :
Ha = 9.506 mm of water / day
From table 3.5 :
N = 10.716 hr.
n / N = 9 / 10.716 = 0.84
ea = 0.75 * 16.5 = 12.38 mmHg
a = 0.29 cos 28o 4' = 0.2559 , b = 0.52 , = 2*10-9
Ta = 273 + 19 = 292 k , Ta4 = 14.613 , r = 0.25
Hn = 9.506(1 - 0.25) (0.2559 + 0.52*0.84) 14.613(0.56 0.092)(0.1 + 0.9 (0.84))
Hn = 1.99
Ea = 0.35 (1 + (85/100)) ( 16.5 12.38) = 2.208 , Y = 0.49

(.) +(..)
= = 2.06 mm/day

3.6.2. Blaney Criddle Formula :

PET = 2.54 K F . (8)
F = Ph Tf / 100 (8.1)

PET : potential evapotranspiration (cm)

K : an empirical coefficient depending on the type of the crop and stage of
F : sum of monthly consumptive use factors for the period
Ph : monthly percent of annual day time hours, depends on the latitude of the
place (table 3.6 Page75)
Tf : mean monthly temperature in Fo
Example (3) : Estimate the PET of an area for the season of November to
February in which wheat is grown. The area is at 30o N with mean monthly
temperature as below (use k = 0.65 ) :
Month November December January February
Temperature (Co) 16.5 13 11 14.5
Solution :

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Month Tf (Fo) Ph Ph Tf / 100

November 61.7 7.19 4.44
December 55.4 7.15 3.96
January 51.8 7.3 3.78
February 58.1 7.03 4.08
Total = 16.26

PET = 2.54 * 0.65 * 16.26 = 26.85 cm.


3.7. Infiltration :
Is the flow of water into the ground through the soil surface. The distribution
of soil moisture within the soil profile during the infiltration process is illustrated
in figure below :

0 Moisture content

Saturated Zone
Transition Zone

Transmission Zone

Wetting Zone Wetting Front

When water is applied at the surface of a soil, four moisture zones in the soil,
as indicated in the figure below can be identified :
1. Zone 1 : at the top, a thin layer of saturated zone is created.
2. Zone 2 : beneath zone 1, there is a transition zone.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

3. Zone 3 : Next lower zone is the transmission zone where the downward
motion of the moisture takesplace. The moisture content in this zone is
above field capacity but below saturation.
4. Zone 4 : it is called wetting zone and the soil moisture in this zone will be
at or near field capacity and the moisture content decreases with the depth.

3.8. Depression Storage:

When the precipitation of a storm reaches the ground, it must first fill upall
depressions before it can flow over the surface. The volume of water trapped in
these depressions is called depression storage.
Depression storage depends on :
1. The type of soil
2. The condition of the surface reflecting the amount and nature of
3. The slope of the catchment
4. The antecedent precipitation, as a measure of the soil moisture.
3.9. Infiltration Capacity :
The maximum rate at which a given soil at a given time can absorb water. It is
designatedc as fp (cm/hr.)
The actual rate of infiltration fp can be expressed as :
f = fp if i fp
f = i if i < fp
i : rainfall intensity
The infiltration capacity of an area is depending on :
1. Characteristics of soil (texture, porosity and hydraulic conductivity)

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Infiltration Rate
(mm/ hr)
Dry Sandy Loam

Dry Clay Loam

Wet Sandy Loam

Wet Clay Loam

Time from start of infiltration (hr.)

Referring to the figure above, there are two types of soils ( sandy loam and
clay loam) at different initial conditions ( dry or wet ). The figure shows the
optimum variation at infiltration capacity for the soils mentioned above which
is high at the beginning of a storm and has an exponential decay as the time
elapses depending on Horton equation (Horton representation, 1930) :

fct = fcf + (fco fcf) e k h t .. (9) 0 t td

fct : Infiltration capacity at any time from the beginning of rainfall

fco : Initial infiltration capacity at t = 0
fcf : Terminal infiltration capacity at t = td
td : Rain duration
kh : Constant depends on soil characteristics and vegetative cover
2. Surface of entry : at the soil surface, the impact of raindrops causes the fines
in the soil to be displaced and these in turn can clog the pore spaces in the upper
layers of the soil. Thus a surface covered with grass and other vegetation which
can reduce this process this process has pronounced influence on the value of fp

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3. Fluid Characteristics : water infiltrating into the soil will have many
impurities, both in solution and in suspension. The turbidity of water, especially
the clay and colloid content is an important factor and such suspended particles
block the fine pores in the soil and reduce its infiltration capacity.

3.9. Infiltration Capacity :

In hydrological calculations inolving floods, it is found convenient to use a
constant value of infiltration rate for the duration of the storm. The defined
average infiltration rate is called infiltration index and two types of indices
are in common use :
1. - index : the average rainfall above which the rainfall volume is equal to
the runoff volume

= . (10)

In which total rainfall (P) is equal to :

. (10.1)

Ii : intensity of rainfall in ith pulse its time t

And Rd is the total direct runoff is calculated from the following equation :
Rd =
. (10.2)

te : duration of excess rainfall

Rainfall Intensity
(cm/ hr)


Time (hr.)
Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Example (4) : A storm with 10 cmof precipitation produced a direct runoff of 5.8
cm. The duration of the rainfall was 16 hours and its time distribution is given
below. Estimate the index of the storm.
Time from start (hr) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Cumulative Rainfall (cm) 0 0.4 1.3 2.8 5.1 6.9 8.5 9.5 10

Solution :
Time from start (hr) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Cumulative Rainfall (cm) 0.4 1.3 2.8 5.1 6.9 8.5 9.5 10.0

Incremental rain (cm) 0.4 0.9 1.5 2.3 1.8 1.6 1.0 0.5

Intensity of rain Ii (cm/hr) 0.2 0.45 0.75 1.15 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.25

Here, duration of rainfall D = 16 hr , t = 2 hr and N = 8

Trial 1 :

Assume M = 8 , t = 2 hr and hence te = M *t = 16 hr

Runoff Rd = 5.8 cm =
5.8 = [(0.2*2) + (0.45*2) + (0.75*2) + (1.15*2) + (0.9*2) + (0.8*2) + (0.5*2) +
(0.25*2)] 16 = 10 16 , then = = . /

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Not OK , hence use M = 6 in the next trial

Trial 2 :

Assume M = 6 , t = 2 hr and hence te = M *t = 12 hr

Runoff Rd = 5.8 cm =

5.8 = [(0.45*2) + (0.75*2) + (1.15*2) + (0.9*2) + (0.8*2) + (0.5*2)] 12

= 9.1 12
= = . / ( OK )

W- index : is an attempt to refine the - index the initial losses are separated
from the total abstractions and an average value of infiltration rate, called W
index, is defined as :

= . (11)

P : total storm precipitation (cm)
R : total storm runoff (cm)
Ia : Initial losses (cm)
te : duration of the rainfall excess

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Chapter Four
4.1. Runoff : the draining or flowing off of precipitation from a catchment area
through a surface channel. It thus represents the output from the catchment in
a given unit of time.
Flows from several small channels join bigger channels and flows from these in
turn combine to form a larger stream, and so on, till the flow reaches the
catchment outlet. The flow in this mode where it travel all the time over the
surface as overland flowand through the channels as open channel flow and
reaches the catchment outlet is called surface.
The runoff is classified into two categories :
1. Direct Runoff : it is that part of the runoff which enters the stream
immediately after the rainfall. It includes surface runoff, prompt interflow
and rainfall on the stream.
2. Base Flow : the delayed flow that reaches a stream essentially as ground
water flow is called base flow.
4.2. Natural Flow (Virgin Flow) : when stream flow in its natural condition,
i.e. without human intervention. Such a stream flow unaffected by works of man,
such flows is called natural flow or virgin flow.
RN = (Ro - Vr) + Vd + E + Ex + S . (1)
RN :Natural flow volume in time t
Ro :Observed flow volume in time t at the terminal site
Vr : Volume of return flow from irrigation, domestic water supply and
industrial use
Vd : Volume diverted out of the stream for irrigation, domestic water supply
and industrial use
E : Net evaporation losses from reservoirs on the stream
Ex : Net export of water from the basin
S : change in the storage volumes of water storage bodies on the stream.
Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Example (1) : The following table gives values of measured discharges at a steam
gauging site in a year. Upstream of the gauging site, a weir built across the stream
diverts 3 Mm3 and 0.5 Mm3 of water per month for irrigation and for use in an
industry respectively. The return flows from the irrigation is estimated as 0.8
Mm3 reaching the stream upstream of the gauging site and 0.3 Mm3 from
industry. Estimate the natural flow. If the catchment area is 180 km2 and the
average annual rainfall is 185 cm. determine the runoff-rainfall ratio.

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Gauged flow (Mm3) 2 1.5 0.8 0.6 2.1 8 18 22 14 9 7 3

Solution :
Here E, Ex and S are assumed to be insignificant and zero value.
Vr = 0.8 + 0.3 = 1.1 Mm3
Vd = 3 + 0.5 = 3.5 Mm3
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Vs 2 1.5 0.8 0.6 2.1 8 18 22 14 9 7 3
Vd 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Vr 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Rv 4.4 3.9 3.2 3 4.5 10.4 20.4 24.4 16.4 11.4 9.4 5.4

Rv = 116.8 Mm3

Annual Runoff = 116.8 * 106 / 120 *106 = 0.973 m. = 97.3 cm.

Runoff Coefficient = Runoff / Rainfall = 97.3 / 185 = 0.526

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

4.3. Runoff Characteristics of Streams :

A study of the annual hydrographs of streams enables one to classify streams into
three classes as :
1. Perennial streams : always carries some flow. There is considerable amount of
groundwater flow throughout the year. Even during the dry seasons, the water
table will be above the bed of the stream.
Discharge m3/s.

Time (month)

2. Intermittent streams : has limited contribution from the groundwater. During the
wet season, the water table is above the stream bed and there is a contribution of
the base flowto the stream flow. However, during dry seasons, the stream remains
dry for the most part of the dry months.
Discharge m3/s.

Time (month)

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

2. Ephemeral stream : which does not have any base flow contribution. The
stream becomes dry soon after the end of the storm flow.

Discharge m3/s.

Time (month)

The stream characteristics of a stream depend upon :

1. The rainfall characteristics, such as magnitude, intensity, distribution according
to time and space and its variability.
2. Catchment characteristics such as soil, land use / cover, slope, geology, shape
and drainage density.
3. Climatic factors which influence evaporation.
4.4. Runoff Volume (Yield) :
The total quantity of surface water that can be expected in a given period from a
stream at the outlet of its catchment.
The yield of a catchment Y in a period t could be expressed by water balance
equation as :
Y = RN + Vr = Ro + Ab + S . (2)
RN :Natural flow volume in time t
Ro :Observed flow volume in time t at the terminal site
Vr : Volume of return flow from irrigation, domestic water supply and industrial
Ab : Abstraction from in time t for multi purposes such as water supply, irrigation,
evaporation losses ..etc.
S : change in the storage volumes of water storage bodies on the stream.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

4.5. Yield Estimation Methods :

There are many methods for yield estimation such as :
4.5.1.Rainfall Runoff Correlation

Runoff (R)

R = aP+ b y = mx + b

a m
b b

Precipitation (P) x

R=aP+b . (3)

N ( PR)( P)( R)
a= 2 . (4)
N ( P2 )( P)

b= (5)

N : number of observation sets R and P
The coefficient of correlation, r, can be calculated as :
N ( PR)( P)( R)
r= . (4)
[N ( P2 )( P)2 ][ ( R2 )( R)2 ]

Note :
If ( 0 r 1) , then R can have only positive correlation with P.
If ( 0.6 r 1 ), then R has a good correlation with P.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Example (2) : Annual rainfall and runoff values (cm) of a catchment spanning a
period of 21 years are given below. Analyze the data to :
a) Estimate the 75% and 50% dependable annual yield of the catchment
b) To develop a linear correlation equation to estimate annual runoff volume
for a given annual rainfall value.

Year P(cm) R(cm) Year P(cm) R(cm)

1975 118 54 1986 75 17

1976 98 45 1987 107 32

1977 112 51 1988 75 15

1978 97 41 1989 93 28

1979 84 21 1990 129 48

1980 91 32 1991 153 76

1981 138 66 1992 92 27

1982 89 25 1993 84 18

1983 104 42 1994 121 52

1984 80 11 1995 95 26

1985 97 32

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Solution :
Sorted Exceedance
Year P (cm) R (cm) P2 R2 PR m
R Probability
1975 118 54 13924 2916 6372 1 76 0.045
1976 98 45 9604 2025 4410 2 66 0.091
1977 112 51 12544 2601 5712 3 54 0.136
1978 97 41 9409 1681 3977 4 52 0.182
1979 84 21 7056 441 1764 5 51 0.227
1980 91 32 8281 1024 2912 6 48 0.273
1981 138 66 19044 4356 9108 7 45 0.318
1982 89 25 7921 625 2225 8 42 0.364
1983 104 42 10816 1764 4368 9 41 0.409
1984 80 11 6400 121 880 10 32
1985 97 32 9409 1024 3104 11 32
1986 75 17 5625 289 1275 12 32 0.545
1987 107 32 11449 1024 3424 13 28 0.591
1988 75 15 5625 225 1125 14 27 0.636
1989 93 28 8649 784 2604 15 26 0.682
1990 129 48 16641 2304 6192 16 25 0.727
1991 153 76 23409 5776 11628 17 21 0.773
1992 92 27 8464 729 2484 18 18 0.818
1993 84 18 7056 324 1512 19 17 0.864
1994 121 52 14641 2704 6292 20 15 0.909
1995 95 26 9025 676 2470 21 11 0.955
SUM 2132 759 224992 33413 83838

a = 0.7938 , b = - 44.44 , R = 0.7938 P 44.44

r = 0.949 (R has a good and positive correlation with P)

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

4.5.2. Empirical Equation : Khosla's formula :
Khosla (1960) analysed the rainfall, runoff and temperature data for various
catchments in India and USA to arrive to an ampirical relationship between rainfall
and runoff :
Rm = Pm Lm . (5)
Lm = 0.48 Tm . (6) Tm > 4.5o C
Rm : Monthly surface runoff (cm) ( Rm 0 )
Pm : Monthly rainfall (cm)
Lm : Monthly Losses (cm)
Tm : Mean monthly temperature of the catchment in oC
For Tm 4.5o C, the loss Lm may provisionally be assumed as

T(oC) 4.5 -1 - 6.5

Lm (cm) 2.77 1.78 1.52

Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Temp oC 12 16 21 27 31 34 31 29 28 29 19 14
Pm (cm) 4 4 2 0 2 12 32 29 16 2 1 2
Example (3) : For a catchment, the mean monthly temperatures are given.
Estimate the annual runoff and annual runoff coefficient by Khosla's formula.
Solution :
From the table above, all temperatures are above 4.5oC :
Lm = 0.48 Tm
Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.
Pm (cm) 4 4 2 0 2 12 32 29 16 2 1 2 4
Tm oC 12 16 21 27 31 34 31 29 28 29 19 14 12
Lm (cm) 4 4 2 0 2 12 14.9 13.9 13.4 2 1 2 4
Rm (cm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 17.1 15.1 2.6 0 0 0 0

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Total annual runoff = 34.8 cm.

Annual runoff coefficient = 34.8/116 = 0.3
4.6. Flow Duration Curve :
A relationship between discharge against the percent of time in which the flow is
equalled or exceeded. It is also known as Discharge Frequency curve. If N number
of data points are used in this listing, the plotting position of any discharge Q is :

= 100 . (7)
Daily Discharge (Q ) m3/s.

Perennial river

Intermittent and ephemeral


Percentage time indicated discharge is

equalled or exceeded (Pp)

4.6.1. Flow Duration Curve Characteristics :
1. The slope of a flow duration curve depends upon the interval of data selected.
2. The presence of a reservoir in a stream considerably modifies the flow duration
curve depending on the nature of flow regulation effect.
3. This curve when plotted on a log probability paper plots as a straight line at least
over the central region. From this property, various coefficients expressing the
variability of the flow in a stream can be developed for the description and comparison
of different stream.
4. The chronological sequence of occurrence of the flow is masked in the flow
duration curve.
5. The flow duration curve plotted on a log log paper. It is useful in comparing
the flow characteristics of different streams.
Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

And some of important uses are :

1. In evaluating various dependable flows in the planning of water resources
engineering projects.
2. Evaluating the characteristics of the hydropower potential of a river.
3. Designing of drainage systems.
4. In flood control studies.
5. Computing the sediment load and dissolved solids load of a stream.
6. Computing the adjacent catchments with a view to extend the stream flow data.
Example (4) : The daily low of a river for three consecutive years are shown in
the table below. The table also contain the number of days of the flow belonged
to the classes of discharges. Calculate the 50% and 75% dependable flows for
the river.

No. of days flow in each class

Daily Mean
Discharge (m3/s)
1961 - 1962 1962 - 1963 1963 - 1964
140 - 120.1 0 1 5
120 - 100.1 2 7 10
100 - 80.1 12 18 15
80 - 60.1 15 32 15
60 - 50.1 30 29 45
50 - 40.1 70 60 64
40 - 30.1 84 75 76
30 - 25.1 61 50 61
25 - 20.1 43 45 38
20 - 15.1 28 30 25
15 - 10.1 15 18 12
10 - 5.1 5 0 0

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Solution :

No. of days flow in each class Cumulative

Daily Mean interval Total
of Total
Discharge (m3/s) - 1962 - 1963 - 1964 1961-1964
1961 1962 1963
140 - 120.1 0 1 5 6 6 0.55
120 - 100.1 2 7 10 19 25 2.28
100 - 80.1 12 18 15 45 70 6.38
80 - 60.1 15 32 15 62 132 12.03
60 - 50.1 30 29 45 104 236 21.51
50 - 40.1 70 60 64 194 430 39.19
40 - 30.1 84 75 76 235 665 60.62
30 - 25.1 61 50 61 172 837 76.3
25 - 20.1 43 45 38 126 963 87.78
20 - 15.1 28 30 25 83 1046 95.35
15 - 10.1 15 18 12 45 1091 99.45
10 - 5.1 5 0 0 5 1096 99.91



50 75 (Pp)
From Curve :

Q 50 = 35 m3/s
Q75 = 26 m3/s

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4.7. Flow Mass Curve :

Is a plot of the cumulative discharge volume against time plotted in a chronological
order. It is also mathematically known as an integration for the hydrograph :

= . (8)

In which :
to : time at the beginning of the curve
t : time at the end of the curve
Q : discharge rate
Accumulated Flow Volume (V) Mm3

C' E'
tc t m tn
Time (m,w,d)

Notes :
1. The slope of this curve at any point represents ( Q = dv/dt) and this is equal to
mean flow at any time.
2. The slope of the line AB represents the average flow along the period in which
the curve was recorded.

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4.8. Calculation of Storage Volume :

It is a cumulative difference between supply and demand volumes from the beginning
of the dry season.
S = VS - VD ..(9)
S : Maximum storage volume
Vs : Supply volume
VD : Demand volume

The storage S, which is the maximum cumulative deficiency in any dry season is
obtained as the maximum difference in the ordinate between mass curves of supply
and demand.
The minimum storage volume required by a reservoir is the largest of such S values
over different dry periods.
Example (5) : The following table gives the mean monthly flows in a river
during 1981. Calculate the minimum storage required to maintain a demand
rate of 40 m3/s.
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Mean Flow (m /s.) 60 45 35 25 15 22 50 80 105 90 80 70

Solution :
Mean Flow Monthly Flow Volume Accumulated Volume
m3/s (cumec.day) (cumec. day)
1 60 1860 1860
2 45 1260 3120
3 35 1085 4205
4 25 750 4955
5 15 465 5420
6 22 660 6080
7 50 1550 7630
8 80 2480 10110
9 105 3150 13260
10 90 2790 16050
11 80 2400 18450
12 70 2170 20620

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Accumulated Flow Volume (V)

Demand Line = D
slope = 40 m3/s


Time (month)
From graph :
For Qd = 40 m3/s. S1 = 2100 m3/s. day
Example (6) : Work out the previous example through arithmetic calculations
without the use of mass curve. What is the maximum constant demand that can
be sustained by this river ?
Solution :
Cumulative Cumulative
Monthly Flow Demand Demand
Mean Flow Departure Excess Demand Excess Inflow
Month Volume Rate Volume
(m3/s) (col.3 col.5) Volume Volume
(cumec.day) (m3/s.) (cumec.day)
(cumec.day) (cumec.day)
1 60 1860 40 1240 620 620
2 45 1260 40 1120 140 760
3 35 1085 40 1240 -155 -155
4 25 750 40 1200 -450 -605
5 15 465 40 1240 -755 -1380
6 22 660 40 1200 -540 -1920
7 50 1550 40 1240 310 310
8 80 2480 40 1240 1240 1550
9 105 3150 40 1200 1950 3500
10 90 2790 40 1240 1550 6050
11 80 2400 40 1200 1200 7250
12 70 2170 40 1240 930 8180

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Then, the maximum demad (minimum storge) from column 7 is equal to 1920
4.9. Calculation of Maintainable Demand :
Determining the maximum demand rate that can be maintained by a given storage

Accumulated Flow Volume (V)




Time (month)

The following salient points in the use of the mass curve are worth noting :
1. The vertical distance between two successive tangents to a mass curve at the
ridges (points v1 and u2 in the figure above) represent the water wasted over the
2. A demand line must intersect the nass curve if the reservoir is to refill.
Nonintersection of the demand line and mass curve indicates insufficient flow.
Example (7) : Using the mass curve of the previous example, obtain the
maximum uiform rate that can be maintained by a storage of 3600 m3/s days.
Solution :
1. A vertical distance ( XY) of 3600 c.day is drawn from approximate lowest
position in the dip of the mass curve
2. A line passing through Y and tangential to the hump of the mass curve at C is
drawn (Line CYD).

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3. The slope of the line CYD corresponding to the final location of XY is the
required demand rate. In this example, this rate is found to be 50 m3/s.

Accumulated Flow Volume *103


10.6 Y

7 S2

Time (month)

4.10. Variable Demand :
The variation in the demand rate to meet the various end uses, such as irrigation,
power and water supply needs.

Mass curve of demand

Accumulated Flow Volume *103



Mass curve of flow

Time (month)

Note : The reservoir is full at the points A & B.

Example (8) : For a proposed reservoir, the following data were calculated. The
prior water rights required the release of natural flow or 5 m3/s. whichever is
Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

less. Assuming an average reservoir area of 20 km2, estimate the storage required
to meet these demands. (Assume the runoff coefficient of the area submerged by
the reservoir = 0.5).

Mean Monthly Monthly

Month Flow Evaporation Rainfall
(m3/s) (cm) (cm)
1 25 22 12 2
2 20 23 13 2
3 15 24 17 1
4 10 26 18 1
5 4 26 20 1
6 9 26 16 13
7 100 16 12 24
8 108 16 12 19
9 80 16 12 19
10 40 16 12 1
11 30 16 11 6
12 30 22 17 2

Solution :
Prior right release = 5 * 30.4 * 8.64 * 104 = 13.1 Mm3 when Q > 5 m3/s.

Evaporation volume = 20 * 106 = 0.2 Mm3

Rainfall volume = * (1- 0.5) * 20 * 106 = 0.1 P Mm3

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Withdrawal Cumulative Cumulative

Inflow Total
Prior Departure Excess Excess Flow
Month Volume Demand Evaporation Rainfall Withdrawal 3
Rights (Mm ) Demand Volume
(Mm3) (Mm3) 3 (Mm3) (Mm3) (Mm3) 3
(Mm ) (Mm ) (Mm3)
January 67 22 13.1 2.4 -0.2 37.3 29.7 - 29.7
February .484 23 13.1 2.6 -0.2 38.5 9.9 - 39.6
March 40.2 24 13.1 3.4 -0.1 40.4 -0.2 -0.2 -
April 25.9 26 13.1 3.6 -0.1 42.6 -16.7 -16.9 -
May 10.7 26 10.7 4 -0.1 40.6 -29.9 -46.8 -
June 23.3 26 13.1 3.2 -1.3 41.0 -17.7 -64.5 -
July 267.8 16 13.1 2.4 -2.4 29.1 23.87 - 238.7
August 289.3 16 13.1 2.4 -1.9 29.6 25.97 - 498.4
September 207.4 16 13.1 2.4 -1.9 29.6 17.78 - 676.2
October 107.1 16 13.1 2.4 -0.1 31.4 7.57 - 751.9
November 77.8 16 12.1 2.2 -0.6 30.7 47.1 - 799.0
December 80.4 22 13.1 3.4 -0.2 38.3 42.1 - 841.1

Maximum demand = 64.5 Mm3

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Chapter Five
5.1. Hydrograph : Measuring the stream flow over a specific catchment due
to a storm of rainfall against time.

Discharge Q



tp Time (hr)

The figure above represents storm hydrograph which results due to an isolated
storm. It is also called as flood hydrograph.
5.2. Components of a Hydrograph :
1. Rising Limb : also known as concentration curve represents the increase in
discharge due to the gradual building up of storage in channels and over the
catchment surface. The initial losses and high infiltration losses during the early
period of a storm caused the discharge to rise rather slowly in the initial periods.
As the storm continues more and more, flow from distant parts reach the basin
outlet. Simultaneously, the infiltration losses also decrease with time. Thus under
a uniform storm over the catchment, the runoff increases rapidly with time.

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2. Crest Segment : One of the most important parts of a hydrograph as it

contains the peak flow. The peak flow occurs when the runoff from various parts
of the catchment simultaneously contribute amounts to achieve the maximum
amount of flow at the basin outlet.
3. Recession Limb : It is extends from the point of infiltration at the end of the
crest segment (Point C) to the commencement of the natural groundwater flow
(point D) represents the withdrawal of water from the storage built up in the
basin during the earlier phases of the hydrograph.
4. Peak Time (tp) : The time between point A to point P.
5. Base Time (tB) : The time between point A to point B.
5.3. Hydrograph Phases :
1. Surface Runoff
2. Inter Flow
3. Base Flow
5.4. Factors Affecting Flood Hydrograph :
1. Shape of the Basin : the shape of the basin influences the time taken for water
from the remote parts of the catchment to arrive at the outlet. Thus, the
occurrence of the peak and hence the shape of the hydrograph are affected by
the basin shape.
2. Size of the Basin : small basins behave different from the large ones in terms
of the relative importance of various phases of the runoff phenomenon. In small
catchment, the overland flow phase is predominant over the channel flow.
3. Slope of the Basin : the slope of the main stream controls the velocity of flow
in the channel. As the recession limb of the hydrograph represents the depletion
of storage, the stream channel slope will have a pronounced effect on this part of
the hydrograph. Large stream slopes give rise to quicker depletion of storage
and hence result in steeper recession limbs of hydrographs. This would obviously
result in a smaller time base. The basin slope is important in small catchments

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

where the overland flow relatively more important. In such cases, the steeper
slope of the catchment results in larger peak discharges.
4. Drainage Density : drainage density may be defined as the ratio of the total
channel length to the total drainage area. A large drainage density creates
situation conducive for quick disposal of runoff down the channels. This fast
response is reflected in a pronounced peaked discharge. In basins with smaller
drainage densities, the overland flow is predominant and the resulting
hydrograph is squat with a slowly rising limb.

5. Land Use : Vegetation and forests increase the infiltration and storage
capacities of the soils. Further, they cause considerable retardance to the
overland flow. Thus the vegtal cover reduces the peak flow. This effect is usually
very pronounced in small catchments of area less than 150 km2.

7. Climatic Factors : Among climatic factors the intensity, duration and

direction of storm movement are the three important ones affecting the
shape of a flood hydrograph. In very small catchment, the shape of the
hydrograph can also be affected by the intensity. The effect of the duration
is reflected in the rising limb and peak flow. If the storm moves from
upstream to downstream of the catchment, there will be a quicker
concentration of flow at the basin outlet.

5.5. Recession Curve Equation :

Barnes (1940) showed that the recession of a storage can be expressed as :

Qt = Qo Krt (1)

Qt : discharge at time t
Qo : initial discharge
Kr : recession constant
Kr = krs . kri . krb (2)

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Krs : recession constant for surface storage ( 0.05 0.2)

Kri : recession constant for interflow storage ( 0.5 -0.85)
Krb : recession constant for baseflow ( 0.85 0.99)

Example (1) : the recession limb of a flood hydrograph is given below. The time
is indicated from the arrival of peak. Assuming the interflow component to be
negligible, estimate the base flow and surface flow recession coefficients.
Time from Peak (day) Discharge (m3/s.) Time from Peak (day) Discharge (m3/s.)
0 90 4 3.8
0.5 66 4.5 3
1 34 5 2.6
1.5 20 5.5 2.2
2 13 6 1.8
2.5 9 6.5 1.6
3 6.7 7 1.5
3.5 5

Solution :
The data are plotted on a semi log paper with discharge on the log scale. The
data points from t = 4.5 days to 7 day are seen to lie on straight line (line AB).
This indicates that the surface flow terminates at t = 4.5 days.
Qt / Qo = Krbt log Krb = log (Qt / Qo)

Discharge Q
M Base Flow


Time (days)

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From figure above :

Qo = 6.6 m3/s. , t = 2 days , Qt = 4 m3/s.

log Krb = log (4 / 6.6) Krb = 0.78

Qo = 26 m3/s. , t = 2 days , Qt = 2.25 m3/s.

log Krs = log (2.25 / 26) Krs = 0.29

Kr = 0.29 * 0.78 * 1 = 0.226

5.6. Base Flow Separation Methods :
In many hydrograph analyses, a relationship between the surface flow
hydrograph and the effective rainfall (i.e. rainfall minus losses) is sought to be
established. The surface flow hydrograph is obtained from the total storm
hydrograph by sparating the quick response flow from the slow response runoff.
It is usual to consider the interflow as a part of the surface flow in view of its
quick response. Thus only the base flow is to be deducted from the total storm
hydrograph to obtain the surface flow hydrograph. Ther are three methods of
base flow separation that are in common use and asfollows :

I Method I ( Straight Line Method ) :

In this method, the separation of the base flow is achieved by the joining with a
straight line the beginning of the surface runoff (Point A) to a point of the
recession limb representing the end of direct runoff (Point B) which can be
indicated from the inflection point (Pi ) with a distance equal to :

N = 0.83 A0.2 . (3)

A : drainage area (km2)

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Discharge N
Q (m3/s.)

A Surface Runoff B

Base Flow


II Method II :
In this method, the base flow curve existing prior to the commencement of the
surface runoff is extended till it intersects the ordinate drawn at the peak
(Point C). This point is joined to point B by a straight line. Segment AC and CB
represents the border between base flow and surface runoff.

Q (m3/s.)

A Surface Runoff B

Base Flow


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III Method III :

In this method, the base flow recession curve after the depletion of the flood
water is extended backwards till it intersects the ordinate at the point of
inflection (Line EF). Line A and F are joined by an arbitrary smooth curve.

Q (m3/s.)

Surface Runoff

Base Flow


5.7. Effective Rainfall (ER) :

A part of rainfall that becomes direct runoff at the outlet of the watershed. It is
thus the total rainfall in a given duration from which abstractions such as
infiltration and initial losses are subtracted. The resulting hydrograph is known
as effective rainfall hydrograph (ERH).
Rainfall Intensity
(cm/ hr)

Excess Rainfall

Time (hr.)

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Note : Each of ( ERH and DRH ) represent the same total quantity but in
different units. The unit of ERH in (cm/hr) and when plotted against time, the
result of the area under curve when multipled by the catchment area
represents the total volume of direct runoff ( area under DRH).
________Example (2) : Rainfall of magnitude 3.8 cm and 2.8 cm occuring on two
consecutive 4 hr durations on a catchment of area 27 km2 produced the following
hydrograph of flow at the outlet of the catchment. Estimate the rainfall excess
and index.
Time from the start of
-6 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66
rainfall (hr)
Observed flow (m3/s) 6 5 13 26 21 16 12 9 7 5 5 4.5 4.5

Solution :

index = 0.135 cm /hr

Rainfall index = 5.52
Discharge Q (m3/s.)

N = 1.6 day

A Surface Runoff B

Base Flow


It is seen from figure above, the storm hydrograph has a base flow component.
For using the simple straight line method of base flow separation :
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N = 0.83 (27) 0.2 = 1.6 day = 38.5 hr

However, by inspection, DRH starts at t = 0 and ends at t = 48 hr and the peak
point locate at t = 12 hr, then :
Time of N = 48 12 = 36 hr (more satisfactory)

Area of DRH =
=1.4904*106 m3

Depth of Runoff = Runoff vol./ Area = 1.4904*106 / 27*106 = 5.52 cm. (Excess

Total Rainfall = 2.8 + 3.8 = 6.6 cm

Time of Duration = 8 hr

index = (6.6 5.52) / 8 = 0.135 cm/hr

5.8. Unit Hydrograph :

The hydrograph of direct runoff resulting from one unit depth (1 cm) of rainfall
excess occuring uniformly over the basin and at a uniform rate for a specified
duration (D hours).
The definition of a unit hydrograph implies the following :
1. The unit hydrograph represents the lumped response of the catchment to
a unit rainfall excess of D hduration to produce a direct runoff
hydrograph. It relates only the direct runoff to the rainfall excess. Hence,
the volume of water contained in the unit hydrograph must be equal to the
rainfall excess. As 1 cm depth of rainfall excess is considered the area of
the unit hydrograph is equal to a volume given by 1 cm over the catchment.
2. The rainfall is considered to have an average intensity of excess rainfall
(ER) of 1/D cm/hr for the duration D h of the storm.
3. The distribution of the storm is considered to be uniform all over the
In general, the derivative of the DRH of the UH is based on the multiplying
the recent coordinates by excess rainfall :
DRH Ordinates = UH Ordinates * ER

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5.9. Unit Hydrograph Assumptions :

Two basic assumptions constitutes the foundations for the unit hydrograph
theory. These are :
1. The Time Invariance : the first basic assumption is that the direct
runoff response to a given effective rainfall in a catchment is time
invariant. This implies that the DRH for a given ER in a catchment is
always the same irrespective of when it occurs.
2. Linear Response ; the direct runoff response to the rainfall excess is
assumed to be linear.
Example (3) : Given below are the ordinates of a 6- hr unit hydrograph for a
catchment. Calculate the ordinates of the DRH due to a rainfall excess of 3.5
cm occuring in 6 hr.
Time (hr) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 69
UH ordinates
0 25 50 85 125 160 185 160 110 60 36 25 16 8 0
Solution :
Time (hr) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 69
UH 6 hr
ordinates 0 25 50 85 125 160 185 160 110 60 36 25 16 8 0
Ordinates of
3.5 cm DRH 0 87.5 175 297.5 437.5 560 647.5 560 385 210 126 87.5 56 28 0

Example (4) : Two storms each of 6- hr duration and having rainfall excess values of
3 and 2 cm respectively occur successively. The 2- cm ER rain follows the 3- cm rain.
The 6- hr unit hydrograph for the catchment is the same as given in the previous
example. Calculate the resulting DRH.
Solution :
UH 6 hr DRH 3 cm DRH 2 cm DRH 5 cm
Time (hr)
Ordinates (m3/s ) (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)
0 0 0 0 0
3 25 75 0 75
6 50 150 0 150
9 85 255 50 305
12 125 375 100 475
15 160 480 170 650
18 185 555 250 805
(21) (172.5) (517.5) (320) (837.5)
24 160 480 370 850
30 110 330 320 550
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36 60 180 220 400

42 36 108 120 228
48 25 75 72 147
54 16 48 50 98
60 8 24 32 56
(66) (2.7) (8.1) (16) (24.1)
69 0 0 (10.6) (10.6)
75 0 0

Q (m3/s.)

Composite DRH
C = A + B = 5 cm DRH

Time (hr)

Example (5) : The ordinates of a 6- hr unit hydrograph of a catchment is given below


Time (hr) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 69
UH ordinates
0 25 50 85 125 160 185 160 110 60 36 25 16 8 0

Derive the flood hydrograph in the catchment due to the storm given below :

Timefrom start of storm (hr) 0 6 12 18

Accumulated rainfall (cm) 0 3.5 11 16.5

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Solution :
The effective rainfall hyetograph is calculated as in the following table :

Interval 1st 6 hrs. 2nd. 6 hrs. 3rd. 6 hrs.

Rainfall Depth (cm) 3.5 7.5 5.5
Loss at 0.25 cm/hr for 6 hr 1.5 1.5 1.5
Effective Rainfall (cm) 2 6 4

Ordinates of
Ordinates of DRH 2 DRH 6 DRH 4 final DRH = Base
Time Hydrograph =
UH cm cm cm col. 3 + col. 4 + Flow
col. 6 + col. 7
col. 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15
3 25 50 0 0 50 15 65
6 50 100 0 0 100 15 115
9 85 170 150 0 320 15 335
12 125 250 300 0 550 17 567
15 160 320 510 100 930 17 947
18 185 370 750 200 1320 17 1337
(21) (172.5) (345) (960) (340) (1645) (17) (1662)
24 160 320 1110 500 1930 19 1949
(27) (135) (270) (1035) (640) (1945) (19) (1964)
30 110 220 960 740 1920 19 1939
36 60 120 660 640 1420 21 1441
42 36 72 360 440 872 21 893
48 25 50 216 240 506 23 529
54 16 32 150 144 326 23 349
60 8 16 96 100 212 25 237
66 (2.7) (5.4) (48) (64) (117) (25) (142)
69 - - - - - - -

72 0 0 16 32 48 27 75
75 - - - - - - -

78 0 0 0 (10.8) (11) 27 49
81 0 0 0 0 0 27 27
84 0 0 0 0 0 27 27

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

5.10. Unit Hydrograph Derivation :

Is the process of finding coordinates of unit hydrograph by dividing the
coordinates of the DRH on the value of the effective rain which is the value of
the area under the curve of DRH and divided by the catchment area.
Flood hydrographs used in the analysis should be selected to meet the following
desirable features with respect to the storms responsible for them :
1. The storm should be isolated storms occuring individually.
2. The rainfall should be fairly uniform during the duration and should cover
the entire catchment area.
3. The duration of the rainfall should be 1/5 to 1/3 of the basin lag.
4. The rainfall excess of the selected storm should be high. A range of ER
values of 1 to 4 cm is sometimes preferred.
Example (6) : Following are the ordinates of a storm hydrograph of a river
draining a catchment area of 423 km2 due to a 6- hr isolated storm. Derive
the ordinates of a 6- hr unit hydrograph for the catchment.
Time from the start of storm (hr) -6 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Discharge (m3/s) 10 10 30 87.5 115.5 102.5 85 71 59 47.5
Time from the start of storm (hr) 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102
Discharge (m3/s) 39 31.5 26 21.5 17.5 15 12.5 12 12
Solution :
Discharge Q (m3/s.)

Storm hyd.

6hr unit hyd.

A B End of DRH

Base Flow

Time (hr)

A @ t = 0 hr. and B @ t = 90 hr.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction
Time from the start Ordinates of flood Base Flow (m3/s) Ordinates of DRH Ordinates of 6- hr UH
of storm (hr) hydrograph (m3/s) (m3/s) (Col.4 / 3)
1 2 3 4 5
-6 10 10 0 0
0 10 10 0 0
6 30 10 20 6.7
12 87.5 10.5 77 25.7
18 111.5 10.5 101 33.7
24 102.5 10.5 92 30.7
30 85 11 74 24.7
36 71 11 60 20
42 59 11 48 16
48 47.5 11.5 36 12
54 39 11.5 27.5 9.2
60 31.5 11.5 20 6.6
66 26 12 14 4.6
72 21.5 12 9.5 3.2
78 17.5 12 5.5 1.8
84 15 12.5 2.5 0.8
90 12.5 12.5 0 0
96 12 12 0 0
102 12 12 0 0
587 m /s 3

Runoff Depth (ER) = (587 * 6 * 3600) / 423 * 106 = 0.03 m = 3 cm

Example (7) : a) The peak of flood hydrograph due to a 3- hr duration isolated
storm in a catchment is 270 m3/s. The total depth of rainfall is 5.9 cm. Assuming
an average infiltration loss of 3 cm/hr and a constant base flow of 20 m 3/s.
Estimate the peak of the 3- hr unit hydrograph of this catchment.
b) If the area of the catchment is 567 km2, determine the base width of the 3- hr
unit hydrograph by assuming it to be triangular in shape.
Solution :
a) Duration of rainfall excess = 3 hr , Total depth of rainfall = 5.9 cm
Total loss depth = 0.3 * 3 = 0.9 cm then ER = 5.9 0.9 = 5 cm
Peak of DRH = 270 20 = 250 m3/s
Peak of UH- 3 hr = 250 / 5 = 50 m3/s
b) Let B = base width of the 3- hr UH (hr)
Volume represented by the area of UH = 1 cm * area of catchment
= 0.5*B*60*60*50 = 567*106*0.01
B = 63 hrs.
5.10. Unit Hydrograph For Different Durations :
There are many methods for derivation of unit hydrograph with nD- hr
duration from another unit hydrograph its duration D- hr, and the most
important methods are :
Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

1. Super Position Method:

If a D- hr unit hydrograph is available, and it is desired to develop a unit
hydrograph of nD- hr, where n is an integer, it is easily accomplished by
superposing n unit hydrographs with each graph separated from the previous
on by D- hr.
F= A+ B+ C
= DRH of 3 cm.
Q Q 12 hr UH =( 0rd. of F) / 3
(m3/s.) (m3/s.)

Time (hr) Time (hr)

Example (8) : Given the ordinates of a 4- hr unit hydrograph as below. Derive

the ordinates of a 12- hr unit hydrograph for the same catchment.
Solution :
B lagged by C lagged by UH- 12 hr
Time (hr) A cm ( col. 2
4- hr 8- hr (col. 5 /3)
1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0 - - 0 0
4 20 0 - 20 6.7
8 80 20 0 100 33.3
12 130 80 20 230 76.7
16 150 130 80 360 120
20 130 150 130 410 136.7
24 90 130 150 370 123.3
28 52 90 130 272 90.7
32 27 52 90 169 56.3
36 15 27 52 94 31.3
40 5 15 27 47 15.7
44 0 5 15 20 6.7
48 - 0 5 5 1.7
52 - - 0 0 0

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S Curve Method :
It is desired to develop a unit hydrograph of duration mD, where m is a fraction,
the method of superposition cannot be used. A different technique known as
the S curve method is adopted in such cases and this method is applicable for
rational values of m.
Example (9) : Resolve the previous example using the S curve method.
Curve Curve
UH 4 S- Col. 4 Col. 6 /
Time (hr) ordinates lagged
hr Curve col. 5 (4/12)
(col. 2 + by 12 -
3) hr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 0 0 - 0 0
4 20 0 20 - 20 6.7
8 80 20 100 - 100 33.3
12 130 100 230 0 230 76.7
16 150 230 380 20 360 120
20 130 380 510 100 410 136.7
24 90 510 600 230 370 123.3
28 52 600 652 380 272 90.7
32 27 652 679 510 169 56.3
36 15 679 694 600 94 31.3
40 5 694 699 652 47 15.7
44 0 699 699 679 20 6.7
48 - 699 699 694 5 1.7
52 - - 699 699 0 0
Example (10) : Ordinates of UH- 4hr are given in the table below. Use these
ordinates and derive ordinates of UH- 2 hr for the same catchment.

Solution :
Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Curve Curve
Time UH 4 S- Col. 4 Col. 6 /
ordinates lagged
(hr) hr Curve col. 5 (2/4)
(col. 2 + by 2 -
3) hr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 - 0 - 0 0
2 8 - 8 0 8 16
4 20 0 20 8 12 24
6 43 8 51 20 31 62
8 80 20 100 51 49 98
10 110 51 161 100 61 122
12 130 100 230 161 69 138
14 146 161 307 230 77 154
16 150 230 380 307 73 146
18 142 307 449 380 69 138
20 130 380 510 449 61 122
22 112 449 561 510 51 102
24 90 510 600 561 39 78
26 70 561 631 600 31 62
28 52 600 652 631 21 42
30 38 631 669 652 17 34
32 27 652 679 669 10 20
34 20 669 689 679 10 20
36 15 679 694 689 5 10
38 10 689 699 694 5 10
40 5 694 699 699 0 (0) 3
42 2 699 701 699 (2) (4) 0
44 0 699 699 701 (-2) (-4) 0
5.11. Use and Limitations of Unit Hydrograph :
A. Use :
1. the development of flood hydrograph for extreme rainfall magnitudes for use
in the design of hydraulic structures.
2. Extension of flood flow records based on rainfall records.
3. Development of flood forecasting and warning systems based on rainfall.
B. Limitations :
1. Precipitation must be from rainfall only. Snow melt runoff cannot be
satisfactory represented by unit hydrograph.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

2. The catchment should not have unusually large storages in terms of tanks,
ponds, large flood banks storages, etc. which affect the linear relationship
between storage and dischareg.
3. If the precipitation is decidely nonuniform, unit hydrographs cannot be
expected to give good results.
Example (11) : A catchment of 200 hectares area has rainfalls of 7.5 cm, 2 cm
and 5 cm in 3 consecutive days. The average index can be assumed to be 2.5
cm/day. Distribution graph percentage of the surface runoff which extended
over 6 days for every raainfall of 1 day duration are 5, 15, 40, 25, 10 and 5.
Determine the ordinates of the discharge hydrograph by neglecting the base
Solution :
Time Rainfll Infiltration ER A.D.R Distributed Runoff Runoff
Interval (cm) Loss (cm) (cm) % for ER
(day) 5 0 2.5 cm m3 / s
1- 0 7.5 2.5 5 5 0.25 0.25 5.79
2- 1 2 2.5 0 15 0.75 0 0.75 17.36
32 5 2.5 2.5 40 2 0 0.125 2.125 49.19
43 25 1.25 0 0.375 1.625 37.62
54 10 0.5 0 1 1.5 34.72
65 5 0.25 0 0.625 0.875 20.25
76 0 0 0 0.25 0.25 5.79
87 0.125 0.125 2.89
8-9 0 0 0
3 3
Runoff of 1 cm in 1 day = (200*100*100)/(86400*100) m /s for 1 day = 0.23148 m /s for 1 day

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Chapter Six
6.1. Flood: is an unusually high stage in a river, normally the level at which the
river overflows its banks and inundates the adjacent area. The hydrograph of
extreme floods and stages corresponding to flood peaks provide valuable data
for purposes of hydrologic design. Further, of the various characteristics of the
flood hydrograph, probably the most important and widely used parameter is
the flood peak. At a given location in a stream, flood peaks vary from year to
year and their magnitude constitutes a hydrologic series which enable one to
assign a frequency to a given flood peak value.
To estimate the magnitude of a flood peak, the following alternative methods are
available :
1. Rational Method
2. Empirical Method
3. Unit hydrograph Technique
4. Flood Frequency Studies
The use of a particular method depends upon :
I. The desired objective
II. The available data
III. The important of the project
Note : the rational formula is only applicable to small size catchments ( 50 km2
) and the unit hydrograph method is normally restricted to moderate size
catchments with areas less than 5000 km2.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

6.2. Rational Method : Consider a rainfall of uniform intensity and very long
duration occuring over a basin. The runoff rate gradually increases from zero to
a constant value as shown in figure below :

Runoff End of
& Rainfall



The runoff increases as more and more flow from remote areas of the catchment
reach the outlet. Designating the time taken for a drop of water from the farthest
part of the catchment to reach the outlet as tc = time of concentration, it is
obvious that if the rainfall continues beyond tc, the runoff will be constant and
at the peak value. The peak value of the runoff is given by :

QP = C A i (1) ttc
QP : peak discharge (m3/s)
C = Runoff / Rainfall
A : Catchment area (km2)
i : Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
Equation above is written for field application as :
QP = C ( itcp) A ..
itcp : mean rainfall intensity (mm/hr) for a duration equal to ( tc ) and an
exceedance probability (P).

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

6.3. Time of Concentration : there are many empirical equations to estimate

the time of concentration such as :
6.3.1. U.S.A. Practice : if discharge basins of a catchment is small, the
concentration time is approximately equal to the time of peak flow :

tc = tP = CtL ( ) .. (3)

tc : Concentration time (hr)

n = 0.38

s : catchment weighted slope

CtL= constant

L : catchment length and its measured along the water stream from
catchment division line (km)

Lca : the distance along the water stream from gauge station to a point on a
water stream at the center line of catchment (km)

6.3.2. Kirpich Equation :

tc = 0.01947 L0.77 S-0.385 .. (4)

tc : concentration time (min)

L : maximum length of travel of water (m)

S = H / L ( catchment slope)

H : difference in elevation between the most remote point on the

catchment and the outlet.

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Example (1) : An urban catchment has an area of 85 ha. The slope of the
catchment is 0.006 and the maximum length of travel of water is 950 m. The
maximum depth of rainfall with a 25 year return period is as below :
Duration (min) 5 10 20 30 40 60

Depth of
17 26 40 50 57 62
Rainfall (mm)

If a culvert for drainage at the outlet of this area is to be designed for a return
period of 25 years, estimate the requiredd peak flow rate, by assuming the runoff
coefficient a 0.3.

tc = 0.01947 * (950)0.77 * (0.006)-0.385 = 27.4 min.
50 10
* 7.4 40 47.4 mm
i tcp * 60 103.8 mm/hr.
0.3 *103.8 * 0.85
Qp 7.35 m3 /s.

6.4. Empirical Formulae : the empirical formulae used for the estimation of
the flood peak are essentially regional formulae based on statistical correlation
of the observed peak and important catchment properties. To simplify the form
of the equation, only a few of the many parameters affecting the flood peak and
most of them neglect the flood frequency as a parameter.

6.4.1. Flood Peak Area Relationships : the simplest form of empirical

formulae are those which relate the flood peak to the drainage area. The
maximum flood discharge Qp from a catchment area A is given by these formulae
as :
QP = f (A) .. (5)

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

1. Dickens Formula
QP = CD A3/4 .. (5)

QP : maximum flood discharge (m3/s)

A : catchment area (km2)
CD : Dickens constant )6 30(
2. Ryves Formula

QP = CR A2/3 .. (6)

QP : maximum flood discharge (m3/s)

A : catchment area (km2)
CR : Ryves constant
= 6.8 for areas within 80 km from the coast
= 8.5 for areas within 80 160 km from the coast
= 10.2 for limited areas near hills

3. Inglis Formula
124 A
QP = A+10.4 .. (7)

QP : maximum flood discharge (m3/s)

A : catchment area (km2)

4. Fuller's Formula :
QTP = Cf A0.8 (1+ 0.8 log T) .. (8)

QTP : (m3/s) maximum 24- hr flood with a frequency of T- year

Cf : Fuller's constant ) 0.18 1.88(

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5. Baird McIIIWraith Formula

3025 A
QMP = .. (9)
Example (2) : Calculate the maximum flood discharge using an empirical
formula and for a catchment area of 40.5 km2 ?

Solution :

QP = 6 * (40.5)0.75 = 96.3 m3/s

QP = 6.8 (40.5)2/3 = 80.2 m3/s

124 * 40.5
QP = = 704 m3/s
40.5 10.4

3025* 40.5
QMP = = 1367 m3/s
278 40.50.78


6.5. Unit Hydrograph

Hydrograph technique can be used to predict the record of hydrograph peak, if the
characteristics of the rain causing flooding and infiltration characteristics in addition
to the unit hydrograph are available.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

6.6. Flood Frequency Studies:

Another approach to the prediction of flood flows, and also applicable to other
hydrological processes such as rainfall etc. is the statistical method of frequency
The values of the annual maximum flood from a given catchment area for large
number of successive years constitute a hydrologic data series called the annual
series. The data are then arranged in decreasing order of magnitude and the
probability P of each event being equalled to or exceeded (plotting position) is
calculated by the plotting position formula:

P = m / (N+1) .. (10)

And T=1/P .. (11)

Thus, for example, the probability of occurrence of the event r times in n successive
years is given by :

Pr,n = (nr)!r!
Pr qnr . (12)

Chow (1951) has shown that most frequency distribution functions applicable in
hydrologic studies can be expressed by the following equation known as the "general
equation of hydrologic frequency analysis" :

XT = X + k .. (13)

XT : value of variate X of a random hydrologic series with a return period T

X : mean of the variate
: standard deviation of the variate
k : frequency factor
some of commonly used frequency distribution functions for the prediction of
extreme flood value are :
1. Gumbel's Extreme Value Distribution
2. Log Pearson Type III Distribution
3. Log Normal Distribution

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

6.6.1. Gumbel's Method:

Another approach to the prediction of flood flows, and also applicable to other

XT = X + k n-1 . (14)

XT : Maximum flood values for return period T

YT = [ln. ln ] . (15)

k= . (16)


X= . (17)

n1 = . (18)

Note: Values of Yn can be obtained from table (7-3) page 257 and Sn from table (7-4)
at the same page depending on the n value.
Example (3) : Annual maximum recorded floods in a river for the period 1951
to 1977 is given below. Verify whether the Gumbel extreme value distribution
fit the recorded values. Estimate the flood discharge with recurrence interval
of (i) 100 years (ii) 150 years by graphical extrapolation.

Year 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
Max. flood (m3/s) 2947 3521 2399 4124 3496 2947 5060 4903 3757 4798 4290 4652 5050 6900
Year 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
Max. flood (m /s) 4366 3380 7826 3320 6599 3700 4175 2988 2709 3873 4593 6761 1971

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Solution : the values are arranged in descending order

TP = (N+1)/m = 28 / m

Plotting Position

N = 27 years

2.33 5 10 20
Log T (years)

Flood discharge x
m T (year)
1 7820 28
2 6900 14
3 6761 9.33
4 6599 7
5 5060 5.6
6 5050 4.67
7 4903 4
8 4798 3.5
9 4652 3.11
10 4593 2.8
11 4366 2.55
12 4290 2.33
13 4175 2.15
14 4124 2
15 3873 1.87
16 3757 1.75
17 3700 1.65
18 3521 1.56
19 3496 1.47
20 3380 1.4
21 3320 1.33
22 2988 1.27
23 2947 1.21
24 2747 1.17
25 2709 1.12
26 2399 1.08
27 1971 1.04

T = 5 years : X = 4263 , n-1 = 1432.6

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YT = - [ ln.ln (5/4)] = 1.5 , k = (1.5 0.5332)/1.1004 = 0.88

X5 = 4263 + ( 0.88 * 1432.6) = 5522 m3/s.
T = 10 years : X10 = 6499 m3/s. , X20 = 7436 m3/s.

From figure shown above. It is seen that due to the property of the Gumbel's extreme
probability paper, these points lie on a straight line. A straight line is drawn through
these points. It is seen that the observed data fit well with the theoretical Gumbel's
extreme value distribution.
T = 100 year XT = 9600 m3/s.

T = 150 year XT = 10700 m3/s.

And by using equations :

X100 = 9558 m3/s. & X150 = 10088 m3/s.

Example (4) : Flood frequency computations for a river by using Gumbel's
method yieided the following results :
Return Period T (years) Peak Flood (m3/s)
50 40809
100 46300

Estimate the flood magnitude in this river with a return period of 500 years.
Solution :

X100= X + k100 n-1

X50= X + k50 n-1

(k100 - k50) n-1 = X100 X50

= 46300 40809 (k100 k50) n-1 = 5491

kT =
Sn Sn

Y100 = - [ln . ln (100/99)] = 4.6 , Y50 = 3.9

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Y100 Yn Y50 Yn
n 1 5491 n-1/ Sn = 5491 / (4.6 3.9) = 7864
S Sn
When T = 500 years :

Y500 = - [ln . ln (500/499)] = 6.21

(Y500 - Y100) * ( n-1/ Sn ) = X500 X100

( 6.21 4.6) * 7864 = X500 46300

X500 = 59000 m3/s.

6.7. Confidence Limits:
Since the value of the variate for a given return period, XT determined by Gumbel's
method can have errors due to the limited sample data used, an estimate of the
confidence limits of the estimate is desirable. The confidence interval indicates the
limits about the calculated value between which the true value can be said to lie with
a specific probability based on sampling errors only.
By values x1 and x2 given by :

X1/ 2 = XT f(c) Se . (19)

f(c) : function of the confidence probability and determined from the following

C% 50 68 80 90 95 99 95
f(c) 0.674 1 1.282 1.645 1.96 2.58 1.96

n 1
Se = Probable error = b and b = 1 1.3k 1.1k 2
k= (frequency factor) , N : sample size

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Example (5) : Data covering a period of 92 years for a river yielded the mean
and standard deviation of the annual flood series as 6437 and 2951 m3/s
respectively. Using Gumbel's method, estimate the flood discharge with a return
period of 500 years. What are the (a) 95 % and (b) 80% confidence limits for this
From table (7-3) N = 92 , then Yn = 0.5589
From table (7-4) N = 92 , then Sn = 1.202

Y500 = - [ln .ln (500 / 499)] = 6.21

K500 = (6.21 0.5589) / 1.202 = 4.7

X500 = 6437 + 4.7 * 2951 = 20320 m3 /s.

1 1.3 * 4.7 1.1 4.7 2 = 5.61 , Se = 5.61*
= 1726
A) C = 95 % f ( c ) = 1.96
X1 / 2 = 20320 (1.96 * 1726)
X1 = 23703 m3/s , X2 = 16937 m3/s
B) C = 80 % f ( c ) = 1.282
X1 / 2 = 20320 (1.282 * 1726)
X1 = 22533 m3/s , X2 = 18110 m3/s
6.7. Log Pearson Type III Distribution:
In this distribution, the variate is first transformed into logarithmic form (base 10) and
the transformed data is then analyze. If X is the variate of a random hydrologic series,
then the series of Z variate where :

Z = log X Z T = Z + k z z

kz : frequency factor which is a function of recurrence interval T and the coefficient

of skew (Cs).
z : standard deviationof the z variate sample

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z = (Z Z) 2
/(N 1) .. (20)

Cs =
N Z Z 3

. (21)
(N 1)(N 2)( z ) 3

Z: arithmatic mean of z values

N : sample size

Where kz ( Cs , T ) from table Page 263

Example (6) : For the annual flood series data given in example 3, estimate the
flood discharge for a return period of (a) 100 years (b) 200 years (c) 100 years by
using log Pearson Type III distribution.
year 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
Max. flood
2947 3521 2399 4124 3496 2947 5060 4903 3757 4798 4290 4652 5050 6900
Z = log X 3.4694 3.5467 3.38 3.6153 3.5436 3.4694 3.7042 3.6905 3.5748 3.6811 3.6325 3.6676 3.7033 3.8388

year 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
Max. flood
4366 3380 7826 3320 6599 3700 4175 2988 2709 3873 4593 6761 1971
Z = log X 3.6401 3.5289 3.8935 3.5211 3.8195 3.5682 3.6207 3.4754 3.4328 3.588 3.6621 3.83 3.2947

z = 0.1427 , Z = 3.607

27 0.003
Cs = = 0.043
26 * 25 * (0.1427)3

T (year) Kz Kz z ZT XT ( m3/ s)
100 2.33 0.3325 3.94 8709
200 2.584 0.369 3.975 9440

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Chapter Seven
Flood Routing
7.1. Flood Routing: is a technique of determining the flood hydrograph at a
section of a river by utilizing the data of flood flow at one or more upstream
sections. The hydrograph logic analysis of problems such as flood forecasting,
flood protection, reservoir design and spillwaydesign invariablyinclude flood
routing. In these applications two broad categories of routing can be recognised.
These are :
1. Reservoir Routing
2. Channel Routing
In reservoir routing, the effect of a flood wave entering a reservoir is studied.
Knowing the volume elevation characteristics of the reservoir and the outflow
elevation relationship for the spillways and other outlet structures in the
reservoir, the effect of a flood wave entering the reservoir is studied to predict
the variations of reservoir elevation and outflow discharge with time. This form
of reservoir routing is essential :
1. In the design of the capacity of spillways and other reservoir outlet
2. In the location and sizing of the capacity of reservoirs to meet specific
In channel routing, the change in the shape of a hydrograph as it travels down a
channel is studied. By considering a channel reach and an input hydrograph at
the upstream end, this form of routing aims to predict the flood hydrograph at
various sections of the reach.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

7.2. Hydrologic Storage Routing: Two commonly used semi graphical

methods and a numerical method are described below :
7.2.1 Modified Pul's Method :

+ = + . (1)

Q1 , Q2 : Outflow values at the beginning and end of (t)

I1 , I2 : Inflow values at the beginning and end of (t)
S1 , S2 : Storage values at the beginning and end of (t)
The following semigraphical method is very convenient for this practice and may
be summarized by the following steps :
1. From the known storage elevation and discharge elevation data, prepare

a curve of + vs elevation (as shown in figure below). Here t is any

chosen interval, approximately 20 to 40 % of the time of rise of the inflow

10 13 Out flow Q (m3 / s)

Elevation (m)

Q VS Elevation

(S + Qt / 2( VS


90 / 2( Mm3
(S + Qt
Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

2. On the same plot, prepare a curve of outflow discharge vs elevation.

3. The storage, elevation and outflow discharge at the starting of routing are
known. For the first time interval t , and + are

known and hence by equation (1), the term + is determined.

4. The water surface elevation corresponding to + is found by

using the plot of step (1). The outflow discharge Q2 at the end of time step
t is found from plot of step (2).

5. Deductiing (Q2 t) from + gives for the beginning of

the next time step.
6. The procedure is repeated till the entire inflow hydrograph is routed.
Example (1) : A reservoir has the following elevation, discharge and storage
relationship :
Elevation(m) Storage (106 m3) Outflow discharge )m3/s(
100 3.35 0
100.5 3.472 10
101 3.88 26
101.5 4.383 46
102 4.882 72
102.5 5.37 100
102.75 5.527 116
103 5.856 130

When the reservoir level was at 100.5 m, the following flood hydrograph
entered the reservoir :
Time (hr) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
Q (m3/s) 10 20 55 80 73 58 46 36 55 20 15 13 11

Route the flood and obtain (i) the outflow hydrograph (ii) the reservoir elevation
vs time curve during the passage of the flood wave.

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

A time interval t = 6 hr is chosen. From the available data the elevation

discharge + as shown in the table below :

t = 6 * 60 * 60 = 0.0216 * 106 sec.

Elevation (m) Discharge Q (m3/s) (Mm3) +

100 0 3.35
100.5 10 3.58
101 26 4.16
101.5 46 4.88
102 72 5.66
102.5 100 6.45
102.75 116 6.78
103 130 7.26

Then the relationship between Q vs elevation and + vs elevation are

plotted as in figure above. At the beginning of routing, the elevation is 100.5 m ,

Q = 10 m3/s and = 3.36 Mm3 then from this value, Pul's equation can

be used to determine + at the end of time step for the first 6 hours :

Qt t Q t
S I1 I 2 S
2 2 2 2 1

= (10+20) * (0.0216 /2) + (3.362) = 3.686

Referring to figure, the elevation of water surface against + = 3.686

Mm3 is 100.62 m and Q = 13 m3/s.

For the next time step, the initial value for = + for the

previous step :
3.686 13 * 0.0216 = 3.405 Mm3
The process is repeated for the entire duration of the inflow hydrograph in a
tabular form as in the table below :

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

Inflow I + Elevation
Time (hr) I (m3/s) It (Mm3) Q (m3/s)
(m3/s) (Mm ) 3
(Mm ) 3 (m)
0 10 15 0.324 3.362 3.686 100.5 10
6 20 37.5 0.81 3.405 4.215 100.62 13
12 55 67.5 1.458 3.632 5.09 101.04 27
18 80 76.5 1.652 3.945 5.597 101.64 53
24 73 65.5 1.415 4.107 5.522 101.96 69
30 58 52 1.123 4.096 5.219 101.91 66
36 46 41 0.886 3.988 4.874 101.72 57
42 36 31.75 0.686 3.902 4.588 101.48 45
48 55 37.5 0.513 3.789 4.302 101.3 37
54 20 17.5 0.378 3.676 4.054 100.1 29
60 15 14 0.302 3.557 3.859 100.93 23
66 13 12 0.259 3.47 3.729 100.77 18
72 11 3.427 100.65 14

Peak lag 7.2 hr.

Q (m3/s.)
Peak Attenuation = 10 m3/s.



Time (hr.)

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

7.2.2. Goodrich Method :

+ + = + . (2)

Example (2) : Route the following flood hydrograph through the reservoir of
previous example by Goodrich method.
Time (hr) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66
Inflow (m3/s) 10 30 85 140 125 96 75 60 46 35 25 20
The initial conditions are : when t = 0, the reservoir elevation is 100.6 m.

t = 6 * 60 * 60 = 0.0216 * 106 sec.

Elevation (m) Discharge Q (m3/s) (Mm3) +

100 0 310.2
100.5 10 331.5
101 26 385.3
101.5 46 451.8
102 72 524
102.5 100 597.2
102.75 116 627.8
103 130 672.2

Then the relationship is plotted between :

1. Q vs elevation

2. + vs elevation

When t = 0 , elevation = 100.6 m, from figure :

Q = 12 m3/s ( 2S/t + Q) = 340 m3/s

( 2S/t - Q) = 340 2 * Q = 340 2*12 = 316 m3/s

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction
Out flow Q (m3 / s)

Elevation (m)

Q VS Elevation

(2S /t + Q( VS


(2S/t +Q( m3/s

(2S/t +Q)2 = (10 + 30) + 316 = 356

For the last value, the elevation = 100.74 m and Q = 17 m3/s
(2S/t - Q)1 = 356 2*17 = 322 m3 / s

Inflow I I1 + I2 + Elevation
Time (hr) Q (m3/s)
(m3/s) (m3/s) (Mm ) 3
(Mm ) 3 (m)
0 10 40 316 340 100.6 12
6 30 115 322 356 100.74 17
12 85 225 357 437 101.38 40
18 140 265 392 582 102.5 95
24 125 221 403 657 102.92 127
30 96 171 400 624 102.7 112
36 75 135 391 571 102.32 90
42 60 106 380 526 102.02 73
48 46 81 372 486 101.74 57
54 35 60 361 453 101.51 46
60 25 45 347 421 101.28 37
66 20 335 392 101.02 27

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction

7.3. Hydrologic Channel Routing:

In reservoir routing presented in the previous section, the storage was a
unique function of the outflow discharge, S = f(Q). However, in channel routing
the storage is a function of both outflow and inflow discharges and hence a
different routing method is needed.

7.3.1. Muskingum Equation :

Q2 = Co I2 + C1 I1 + C2 Q1 . (3)

= . (4)

= . (5)

= . (6)
Co + C1 + C2 = 1
k : storage duration constant
x : weighted factor

Example (3) : Route the following flood hydrograph through a river reach for

which k = 12 hr and x = 0.2. At the start of the inflow flood, the outflow

discharge is 10 m3/s.

Time (hr) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
Inflow (m3/s) 10 20 50 60 55 45 35 27 20 15

Prepared by : Dr. Fadhil Abd Al-Abbas Chapter One : Introduction


I1 = 10 C1 I1 = 4.29

I2 = 20 Co I2 = 0.96

Q1 = 10 C2 Q1 = 5.23

Q = 10.48 m3/s

Time (hr) I (m3/s) 0.048 I2 0.429 I1 0.523 Q1 Q

0 10 0.96 4.29 5.23 10
6 20 2.4 8.58 5.48 10.48
12 50 2.88 21.45 8.61 16.46
18 60 2.64 25.74 17.23 32.49
24 55 2.16 23.6 23.85 45.61
30 45 1.68 19.3 25.95 49.61
36 35 1.3 15.02 24.55 46.93
42 27 0.96 11.58 21.38 40.87
48 20 0.72 8.58 17.74 33.92
54 15 27.04

For the next time step, 6 to 12 hr, Q1 = 10.48 m3/s. The procedure is repeated for
the entire duration of the inflow hydrograph. The computations are done in a
tabular form as shown in table abov. By plotting the inflow and outflow
hydrographs, the attenuation and peak lag are found to be 10 m3/s and 12 hr


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