Industry Introduction: What Is Banking?
Industry Introduction: What Is Banking?
Industry Introduction: What Is Banking?
What is Banking?
The Bank ing Regulation Act 1949 defines banking as Accepting, for the p
of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public
demand oronotherwise and withdrawal by cheque draft, order or
otherwise. In also offer financial services, which include:
addition, banks
The major regulations and act go verning the bank ing business are:-
Ba nking System
The Ind ian Banking system has the Reserve Bank of Ind ia (RBI)
for the apex body
all matters relating to the banking system. It is the comucopia of
Banks of India
and bankers to all ot hers banks as well.
Classification of Banks
1. Non-Schedule Banks
These are banks, which are not included in the second
BankofingtheRegulat ions Act, 19 65. It means they do not satisfy
down bynsthat schedule. They are further classified as back:
2. Schedule Ba nks
Must have paid-up cap ital and reserve o f mo t less than Rs.
must satisfy tothetheRBI than its
interests of affairs are mot These
its depositors. conducted in a
are further
_ Co
connecting 194 branches/extension counters and 316 ATMs.
NRI Banking
Internet Banking
be Maximization
the premierStrong
financial institution in the emerging markets
2. The Bank posted a total income and net pro fit of Rs. 15,277 cro re
crore Rs. 2,075 for t he financial year ended March 31,
13372as against
crore Rs.1727 crore respectively in the previous year.
and Rs.
shareEarning per showed improvement to Rs. 41.08 as
(EPS) ratio
previousRs. 34.18
year, whileincost
theto income ratio declined to 40.66% as
against 41.81%
the previous
Objective of the study
To st u d y t h e ev a l u a t i o n a n d p er f o r m an c e
oT fo t sth eu db ya ntkh. e f i n a n ci a l s t a t em e
nT to. st u d y t h e s o u r ce o f f i n a n ce o f t h e b an
These all could also be interchanged with each other for each
other in banks
strategies for making a final business p lan to affect the market
with a positive
without way a lot to market, customers and competitors
shares . in
generally hesitate in extending financial accommodation to
such sectors as
ngsavings, the bank ing sector has contrib uted to the process
of economic
The banking industry is also reaping the fruits of t his eco no mic
boom by growing
rapidly o ver the past few years. There are a number of
mergers happening in the
econo my with foreign invest ment coming into the bank ing
The services that unio n bank pro vides have a great market
penetration not only
because of their features but also the pro fit and markup rates t hat
they charge.
Furthermore, as the bank is growing, the number o f employees
at union bank are
also increasing, which shows that unio n bank is being
considered as an emp lo yer,
that provides its employees with a challenging environment to work
in, where they
can harness their full potential and sho ws confidence as an
emp loyer b y the
employees o f t he bank.
The time given for the summer internship i.e. 8 weeks, was not
sufficient enough to study and understand the retail
UBI has this time ranked 5th among all the Nationalized banks. The
reason for its ranking was the number of NPAs it had.
Usually the managers would only fulfill their required target and then
would forget about more borrowers. They need to
Many times they pass a loan without the proper appraisal, i.e. the
client may lack either the projected and estimated
Executive Summery
Union Bank of India was established on 11th November 1919 with its
headquarters in the city of Bombay now known as Mumbai.
The Head Office building of the Bank in Mumbai was inaugurated by
Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the nation in the year 1921, and
he said on the occasion:
"We should have the ability to carry on a big bank, to manage efficiently
crore of rupees in the course of our national activities. Though
we have not many banks amongst us, it does not follow that we are not
capable of efficiently managing crore and tens of crore of rupees."
His prescient words anticipated the growth of the bank that has taken place
in the decades that followed. The Bank now operates
through over 4200+ branches across the country.
The Bank's core values of prudent management without ignoring
opportunities is reflected in the fact that the Bank has
shown uninterrupted profit during all 96 years of its operations.
Union Bank has been playing a very proactive role in the economic growth
of India and it extends credit for the requirements of
different sectors of economy. Industries, exports, trading, agriculture,
infrastructure and the individual segments are sectors in which
the bank has deployed credit to spur economic growth and to earn from a
well diversified portfolio of assets.
Resources are mobilized through Current, Savings and Term Deposits and
through refinance and borrowings from abroad.
The Bank has a large clientele base of over 5.7 crores.
On the technology front the Bank has taken early initiatives and 100% of
its branches are computerized. The Bank has also
introduced Core Banking Solution with connectivity between branches.
100% of the business of the Bank is under Core Banking
Solution making it a leader among its peers in infusion of technology.
Many innovative products are developed using
the technology platform to offer an array of choices to customers, adding
speed and convenience to transactions. Technology
will also enable the Bank to derive substantial cost reduction
while creating the requisite capacity to handle the ever increasing volume
of business in a competitive environment that offers
immense opportunities.
At the end of March 2015 the Bank achieved total business level of Rs.
5,79,627 crore (Rupees five lakh seventy Nine thousand
six hundred and twenty seven crore).
Behind all these achievements is a dedicated team of staff, which is truly
cosmopolitan in its composition. Many generations of
members of staff have contributed in building up the strong edifice of the
Bank. The present team of over 36,000 members of
staff distinguishes itself with its customer centricity, willingness to learn
and adherence to values enabling us to be recognized
as a caring organization where people enjoy their work and relationship
with customers.
Bessis Joel, Risk Management in Banking
RBI guidance notes on Credit Risk Management.
Credit Risk Models and Management, 2 nd edition by David
Credit scoring and its applications by Lync.Thomas, David B.
Ederman and Jonathan N. Crook.
Credit Risk Valuation: Methods, Models and applications by
Manuel Ammann.
M.Y.Khans, Corporate Finance and its basic usage.
Credit Appraisal, Risk Analysis And Decision Making book, by
DD Mukherjee