Music Facilitate The Neurogenesis, Regeneration and Repair of Neurons

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Medical Hypotheses (2008) 71, 765769

Music facilitate the neurogenesis, regeneration

and repair of neurons
Hajime Fukui *, Kumiko Toyoshima

Department of Education, Nara University of Education, Takabatake, Nara 630 8528, Japan

Received 29 May 2008; accepted 13 June 2008

Summary Experience has shown that therapy using music for therapeutic purposes has certain effects on
neuropsychiatric disorders (both functional and organic disorders). However, the mechanisms of action underlying
music therapy remain unknown, and scientific clarification has not advanced.
While that study disproved the Mozart effect, the effects of music on the human body and mind were not disproved.
In fact, more scientific studies on music have been conducted in recent years, mainly in the field of neuroscience, and
the level of interest among researchers is increasing. The results of past studies have clarified that music influences
and affects cranial nerves in humans from fetus to adult. The effects of music at a cellular level have not been
clarified, and the mechanisms of action for the effects of music on the brain have not been elucidated.
We propose that listening to music facilitates the neurogenesis, the regeneration and repair of cerebral nerves by
adjusting the secretion of steroid hormones, ultimately leading to cerebral plasticity. Music affects levels of such
steroids as cortisol (C), testosterone (T) and estrogen (E), and we believe that music also affects the receptor genes
related to these substances, and related proteins.
In the prevention of Alzheimers disease and dementia, hormone replacement therapy has been shown to be
effective, but at the same time, side effects have been documented, and the clinical application of hormone
replacement therapy is facing a serious challenge. Conversely, music is noninvasive, and its existence is universal and
mundane. Thus, if music can be used in medical care, the application of such a safe and inexpensive therapeutic option
is limitless.
!c 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction logical studies. Interestingly, music has been used

for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders in
In the history of mankind, music and medicine have hunter-gatherer cultures.
always maintained a close relationship. This re- However, in westernized societies in the 21st
mains true with hunter-gatherer cultures that are Century, no established therapy exists for neuro-
thought to reflect primitive human forms as clari- psychiatric disorders such as stress disorders, mood
fied by cultural anthropological and ethnomusico- disorders (depression) and dementia. Experience
has shown that therapy using music for therapeutic
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +81 742 27 9257. purposes has certain effects on neuropsychiatric
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Fukui). disorders (both functional and organic disorders),

0306-9877/$ - see front matter c 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
766 Fukui and Toyoshima

and music therapy is currently being administered of neurons by adjusting the secretion of steroid
mainly in the United States and Europe in clinical hormones in both directions (increase and de-
and welfare settings. However, the mechanisms crease), ultimately leading to cerebral plasticity.
of action underlying music therapy remain un- Music affects levels of such steroids as cortisol
known, and scientific clarification has not (C), testosterone (T) and estrogen (E), and we be-
advanced. lieve that music also affects the receptor genes re-
Various studies have examined the effects of lis- lated to these substances, and related proteins.
tening to music on the brain [1,2]. The study by
Rauscher et al. [3] on the Mozart effect is one of Evaluation of the hypothesis
the most famous studies and has had both positive
and negative impacts on music therapy and music Plastic effects of steroids on the brain have been
education, since the article was published, it re- documented in many animal species. For example,
ceived a lot of attention. However, many subse- vocal communication is a common characteristic
quent studies have questioned the reliability of among many vertebrates, and steroid hormones
the results, and Chabris et al. [4] also published a are closely involved in the formation of neural
study disproving the Mozart effect. While that mechanism for vocal behaviors in fish, amphibians,
study disproved the Mozart effect, the effects of birds and mammals (including primates) [9]. In anu-
music on the human body and mind were not dis- rans, androgen and E are involved in the expression
proved. In fact, more scientific studies on music of vocal behaviors by controlling vocal organ for-
have been conducted in recent years, mainly in mation, advertisement calling and release calling
the field of neuroscience, and the level of interest [10]. The most well-known relationship between
among researchers is increasing [5,6]. The results steroids and cerebral plasticity is vocal (singing)
of past studies have clarified that music influences behaviors in birds. The development of vocal
and affects cranial nerves in humans from fetus to behaviors in singing birds involves complicated pro-
adult [7]. cesses including neurons and muscles, and steroid
The most important discovery by such studies hormones (T and E) are involved during many steps,
has been that music enhances synaptic plasticity such as neuron organization, neuron survival and
in the brain. In other words, studies comparing neural song-system formation [11,12].
musicians and non-musicians and music learners The relationship between steroids and cerebral
and non-learners have clarified that music brings plasticity has been confirmed in humans. It is
about cerebral plasticity. Music affects neuronal well known that the nervous system is a target
learning and readjustment (response of brain cells for steroids (peripheral glands and neurosteroids
to sound and music stimuli, and changes in cell which are synthesized by nerve cells). Even if
counts), and this effect lasts for a long period of those steroids varies its origin, both are neuroac-
time [7]. For example, even when neurodegenera- tive [13]. They regulate important functions such
tive diseases such as Alzheimers disease causes as reproduction, feeding behavior, brain develop-
memory loss, patients can still remember music ment, neurogenesis, neuroprotection, cognition
from the past, and listening to music can facilitate and memory [14,15]. Particularly, trophic and
the recovery of other memories. Music listening neuroprotective functions of steroids have re-
during the early post- stroke stage can enhance cently attracted a great deal of attention
cognitive recovery and prevent negative mood [8]. [1624]. For example, corticosteroid (C) is a sub-
This type of memory recovery is accompanied by stance that modifies stress in many ways, and
the reconfiguration of existing neuron networks, while C acts on the hippocampus (for long-term
and it may allow access to long-term memory. potentiation (LTP)), amygdaloid complex and
However, most past studies have been based on frontal lobe, high levels of C damage neurons. E
brain imaging modalities such as positron emission and T are also involved with the expression,
tomography (PET) or functional magnetic reso- regeneration, repair and protection of nerve cells
nance imaging (fMRI). The effects of music at a cel- via gene expression regulation and non-genomic
lular level have not been clarified, and the circuits. Within the genomic system, E is involved
mechanisms of action for the effects of music on with the regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic
the brain have not been elucidated. factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF), and
within the non-genomic system, E is involved
Hypothesis with nerve signal transmission and amyloid beta
suppression [2530]. T also elevates NGF and
We propose herein that listening to music facili- p75-nerve growth factor receptors to decrease
tates the neurogenesis, the regeneration and repair amyloid beta [31,32].
Music facilitate the neurogenesis, regeneration and repair of neurons 767

In humans, primates, rodents and birds, steroids and decrease) [58,59]. The research reported that
(C, T and E) influence cognitive abilities (spatial musical activities (listening and playing) adjust ste-
perception and cognition; visual (object recogni- roid secretion in elderly individuals and are likely
tion) and spatial memory (object placement and to alleviate psychological states such as anxiety
radial arm maze)). Particularly in birds, steroids and tension. Furthermore, levels of steroids chan-
(17beta-estradiol (E2)) improve spatial cognition ged in both directions, increasing in subjects with
(memory) [33,34]. In rats and mice, many studies low hormone levels and decreasing in subjects with
have reported that steroid hormones improve spa- high hormone levels [60].
tial perception and cognition (learning and mem-
ory) [35,36].
In humans, steroid hormones are involved in spa-
tial perception and cognition. The relationship be-
tween T and cognitive abilities is negative in men Music listening and playing altered steroid levels
and positive in women [3742]. In women, the bal- agrees with the results of various previous studies
ance of T and E associated with the menstrual cycle that have documented strong correlations between
alters cognitive abilities [41,43]. Furthermore, in steroids and spatial perception and cognition and
women, age-related decreases in E are thought to the effects of music listening on steroid secretion.
be involved in cognitive dysfunction, memory dis- Summarizing these results, the hypothesis that
order, learning disorder, depression and mood dis- listening to music adjusts the steroid hormone
order. Numerous studies have also examined the cascade and facilitating the neurogenesis, regener-
relationship between E and Alzheimers disease ation and repair of neuron appears highly plausible.
accompanying marked cognitive dysfunction. The At this point, the effects of music on steroids are
level of E is lower for Alzheimer patients than for unclear, but music appears to be involved with
healthy individuals, and this decrease in E may has- steroid production via the pathway from the audi-
ten the progression of Alzheimers disease and tory system to the auditory area, particularly the
facilitate amyloid beta accumulation, which is neural pathway (emotion circuits) mediated by
one of the causes of characteristic disorders such the cerebral limbic system (hypothalamic-pitui-
as memory disorders. Tissue experiments using test tary-adrenal axis and amygdaloid complex).
tubes and postmortem brains have shown that E In recent years, the possible involvement of
suppresses amyloid beta elevation and deposition nerve damage in neuropsychiatric disorders has
to prevent nerve cell damage [4447]. Moreover, been suggested, and musical activities may enable
T administration to elderly men reportedly im- the protection, repair and even regeneration of
proves cognitive function [48]. human cerebral nerves. In the prevention of Alzhei-
The correlation between musical ability and spa- mers disease and dementia, hormone replacement
tial cognition has long been known [4951]. Many therapy has been shown to be effective [46,61],
studies have investigated the relationship of musi- but at the same time, side effects have been doc-
cal ability to spatial perception and cognition in hu- umented, and the clinical application of hormone
mans. The assumption that some correlation exists replacement therapy is facing a serious challenge
between musical ability and steroid hormones also [62]. Conversely, music is noninvasive, and its
appears reasonable. In fact, Hassler discovered existence is universal and mundane. Thus, if music
that the relationship between T and musical ability can be used in medical care, the application of
(music composition) resembled that between T and such a safe and inexpensive therapeutic option is
other forms of spatial perception and cognition limitless.
Furthermore, the relationship between music
and steroid hormones is not limited to musical abil-
ity. In the field of behavioral endocrinology and References
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