5-24-2017 Builder
5-24-2017 Builder
5-24-2017 Builder
$9,677.48 Bible Study 10:00 AM
Budget Needs To Date Morning Worship 11:00 AM
$324,579.15 Evening Worship 6:30 PM
Budget Receipts YTD
$323,497.81 Monday, May 29
Receipts Under Budget By Memorial Day Office Closed
This year at VBS we are having an Under the Stars Tuesday, May 31
Bible Study Mens Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM
Extravaganza (formerly known as Parent Night) and we would
love additional help to provide a snack for visiting parents.
Wednesday, May 31
We are asking for members of the church to bake 1 to 2 dozen Youth Supper 6:00 PM
cookies each and drop them off at the Youth Building on WEDNESDAY FAMILY Family Supper 6:00 PM
Wednesday, June 7, by 5 pm. NIGHT Youth Worship 6:45 PM
Any and all donations are greatly appreciated! Thanks for May 31 Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM
making this year's VBS the best yet! Pulled Pork BBQ Chancel Choir 7:15 PM
Baked Beans
June 11th we will have a covered dish appreciation dinner for Dessert
Dr. & Mrs. Milton Gardner at 6:30 pm. The church will
provide the meat and the drinks and everyone will add their
favorite covered dish.
Guest WiFi Password:
If you or your class would be willing to place flowers in the
John 3:16
First Baptist
church please call or come by the church office to sign up.
We would really like to have a list of people or classes that we EXTENDED SESSION
can call on when no one volunteers.
May 28
Early Session Pam & Sara Oliver and Michelle Baxley.
Extended Session Sandra Heath & Kris Powell.
Fellowship Club
The June meeting of the Fellowship Club will be June 12th,
the second Monday in June. We will have an old fashioned
Lisa Jarrell and family in the death of her mother-in-law,
sing-a-long with old favorites like K-K-K Katy, Shine on Marjorie Mills. www.fbcbainbridge.com
Harvest Moon, You Are My Sunshine, Fly Me To The Interim Pastor Dr. Milton Gardner
Moon, etc. Bring your favorite covered dish! The meat will OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO: Interim Minister of Music Hal Burrell
be provided. Mildred Betts on the birth of her grandson, Ponder Daniel Betts, Minister of Youth & Students Rev. Jeff Baxley
Looking forward to it! Myra born on Tuesday, May 16, weighing 4 lbs, 11 ozs. His Director of Children Stacey Jones
parents are Eric and Casey Betts.
A Message to the Saints
This has been a wonderful week so far with 20 Saints Alive
members at choir practice and much needed rain. They say laughter
is so important to your health, and Mr. Tommy keeps us laughing.
VBS 2017
We will not have rehearsals on Monday, May 29th, Memorial Day, June 4-7, 5:30-8:30 pm
FREE Dinner Nightly Wednesday night May 31st, we are planning a trip to
or Monday, June 5th, (I will be out of town). Our next rehearsal
will be June 12th and afterwards we will go to the Fellowship Club For kids who have completed K4-5th grade Sky Zone in Tallahassee. You can sign up at our
in the Fellowship Hall. Mark your calendars for July 10th. We will weekly gatherings in the youth building. Sign up by
meet at 10:25 at Bainbridge Healthcare to sing and ring. David and IN SEARCH OF: a few props for decoration. We would like to Wednesday night May 24th!
I will bring the bells and the books. Afterwards we will go over to borrow small tents (2 man or child size), camping lanterns, red
Riverside to sing and ring. We will sing at Willow Ridge and wagon, old telescopes, fake trees/small Christmas trees, small
Memorial Manor in August. In Him, Myra We have dates to serve at the soup kitchen that takes
ladders (2; preferably wood and no more than 4' tall), planet
models/mobiles, and lava lamps. If you have any of these items place each Thursday night at the Bainbridge Church
Member Spotlight of God. We only need 6-7 volunteers each night.
Our First Baptist Member Spotlight this week is Jerry Henry. and are willing to let us borrow them, please contact me. We will
Jerry has been a member here for 28 years. He is married to Patsy need all items, with your name labeled on it, to the church library The available dates are June 15th, and July 13th.
Morse Henry and together they have 2 sons, Michael and Greg. by Tuesday, May 30.
Greg has 2 children, Hilary and Coy, and Michael has 2 sons, Nick VBS is 2 weeks away!! I am excited to see what God
and Rick. HELP US COLLECT: We have all we need! Thank you so will do this year in the lives of the children who
Jerry and Patsy both grew up in a family of seven children, and are much for donating!
both the 5th from the oldest. attend. Students, you have an opportunity to be on
Jerrys father, David, built the Henry House on Shotwell Street the front lines of this event by serving. If you would
himself in the early 50s. Many of us remember the Henrys like to serve in VBS this year be sure to contact
growing up in this church.
During high school Jerry worked for Mr. Ed White in his business AdventureLand! in Dothan Wednesday, May 31 myself or Stacey.
repairing televisions and radios. After graduating from high school, We will leave from the church at 5 pm and return around 9:15
Jerry continued to work for Ed a few hours a day and rode to pm. Cost is $10 per person. We will have a Dutch Treat fast Be on the look out for our summer schedule. We
Albany Tech to continue his education. After Albany Tech Jerry food dinner in Dothan prior to the fun! Please let me know if have a number of events and activities that you can
worked full time for Mr. Ed White and then Amoco Fabrics came to you plan to attend and if you will be driving your own vehicle.
town. He worked there as an electrician for 33 years. At present he be involved in.
works for Riverside Place in maintenance.
Jerry works the sound on Sundays, and answers every call we make
to him to come and repair many things here at the church. He is an Blessings,
absolute treasure book of knowledge about many different areas. Stacey [email protected]
We appreciate everything he does for us. Jeff [email protected]
Jerry and Patsy enjoy spending time in the mountains whenever they
can get away. He also helps Patsy take care of their 23 rabbits,
which are the characters in Patsys delightful childrens books.
Helping people and building things are 2 more of Jerrys favorite
pass times.