Neural Networks
Neural Networks
Neural Networks
AbstractThis paper is a short report of the research done The units (neurons) are simple elements and are highly
about artificial neural networks using monolayer and multilayer connected with each other.
Perceptron algorithm. The scikit-learn library available for
Python has been used to solve the following problems: The connections (synapsis) determine the training
performance of the network.
Linearly separable classification: given a data set with two
classes of dots (red and black) the aim is to trace a line The best performance of the network is gained through
separating both classes by their colour. a process of training.
Handwritten digits recognition: given a data set with a 1) Architecture: The structure of the network is composed
collection of handwritten digits the aim is to recognize by layers and each layer is composed by neurons. Any neural
them. network has minimum of two layers, the input layer and the
output layer. Most of them have hidden layers.
Traffic sign recognition: given a data set with a huge
collection of traffic signs captured with a camera in a car The input layer function is to get the data that will be
the aim is to recognize and identify them. processed and the output layer function is to return the
information. The hidden layers process and transform the data to
To solve the problems the neural networks receive a supervised get the desired information.
training. Neural networks are a powerful algorithm that allows,
among other duties, the classification of classes, make predictions Neuronal networks can be classified by its architecture:
and recognize patterns (in this case digits and traffics signs).
Feedforward network
KeywordsArtificial neuronal networks; Perceptron; Machine
Backpropagation network
learning algorithms; Traffic signs; Handwritten digits; Recognition;
Linear classification; Supervised training; Artificial intelligence.
Data classification is a classic problem studied by
researchers. The goal of the data classification is to classify
objects into a number of categories or classes. Given a dataset,
its classification will determine the classes where the objects
belong to. There are two types of classification, linear or non-
linear. Monolayer perceptrons will be used to solve problems of
the first type, and multilayer perceptrons for the second type.
A. Artificial Neural Networks
Neural networks are a simplified model of human brain,
more specifically a simile of neurons. It can be compared to a Figure 1: A neural network model
huge processing structure composed by simple units called
neurons node, they have data inputs, processing data functions The Fig. 1 shows a classic neural network model with input,
and an information output. They are recommended to the hidden and output layer. The input layer has four data inputs, the
resolution of problems related to class classification, patterns neurons that receives the data and the connections (weights) to
recognition and prediction analysis. [1]. each other neuron. The hidden layer has five neurons that
processes and transform the data into information. Finally, the
Similes between biologic neural networks and artificial are output layer has one output neuron which returns the
various: information.
2) Training: The accuracy of the network its determined is an 8x8 matrix named X which contains the coordinates of
by the training it receives, there are two types of training: linear separable dots. In the other hand, there's a vector named
Y with the same amount of elements as coordinates has the
Supervised training: the network needs a test dataset to matrix X, where Y[i]=1 is a black dot and Y[i]=0 is a red dot [6].
learn through a process of iterating and comparing the
processed output with the desired result. Data set information:
Unsupervised training: this process only needs a test The values of vector y must be 0's (red) or 1's (black).
dataset and a cost function to discover trends in the
dataset [2]. There should be between 5 and 9 red dots (inclusive).
In order to perform a correct training is necessary the use of The set of red dots must be linearly separable from the
two data sets, one to test and other to train. The test set usually set of black dots." [6]
represents the 25% or the 40% of the sample. It's highly For the following matrix X and vector Y:
recommended to prevent the overfitting or the network will be
useless (or won't perform its original purpose) [3]. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 (1,1) 0 (1,3) 0 0 (1,6) 0
3) Applications: the neuronal networks use has been 0 0 (2,2) (2,3) (2,4) (2,5) 0 0
increasing in the last years, some of the applications this 0 0 0 0 (3,4) (3,5) 0 0
algorithm has are [4]: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 (5,3) (5,4) 0 0 0
Classification: handwritten character recognition.
0 (6,1) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Prediction: stock market forecasting. [0 (7,1) 0 (7,3) 0 0 0 0]