Adm Apn005 en
Adm Apn005 en
Adm Apn005 en
2002 American Standard Inc. All rights reserved Volume 31, No. 4
Table 1. Flow-rate changes that result from isolation-valve operation
What Makes
Number of operating chillers
VPF Systems Different
1 2 3 4 5
Before we identify the ingredients that
Flow-rate reduction when an isolation valve opens a 50% 33% 25% 20% 17%
go into the successful application of
variable primary flow, lets review the a Flow-rate reduction is expressed as a percentage of the actual chilled water flow rate prior to transition:
Challenges of
Evaporator flow limits Variable Primary Flow
Chiller manufacturers specify minimum machines with cooling capacities of Varying the water-flow rate through
and maximum limits for evaporator water 150 tons or more). Granted, more passes the chiller evaporator poses two control
flow. Their objective? mean a higher evaporator pressure drop challenges for those who design and
and more pumping power. However, each
operate VPF systems:
To promote good heat transfer and reduction of the system flow rate also
stable control (minimum flow limit) reduces the evaporator pressure drop by
approximately the square of the flow rate. Maintain the chiller flow rate
To deter vibration and tube erosion
(maximum flow limit)
Therefore, the pump will require less extra between the minimum and
power to work against the pressure drop maximum limits of the evaporator.
As recently as three years ago, the typical as the system flow rate drops below the
range was 3 ft/sec to 11 ft/sec. Since then, design value. Manage transient flows without
manufacturer-conducted testing shows compromising stable operation,
that specific chillers may accommodate Small packaged chillers typically offer less
especially in multichiller plants.
evaporator flow rates as low as 1.5 ft/sec, design flexibility than larger machines. It
depending on tube type. This is good news may not be possible to select one for a
for VPF systems because it extends the minimum flow rate of less than 60 percent Transient flows refer to the hydraulic
chillers ability to operate effectively of the design system flow But dont let
effects caused by an isolation valve
without the addition of bypass flow. this deter you from designing a VPF plant
that includes small packaged chillers. Just when it opens (before the associated
You can lower the minimum flow limit for be sure to devise a sequencing strategy chiller starts) or closes (after the chiller
a chiller by selecting an evaporator with that accommodates the chillers minimum stops). To illustrate what happens, lets
more passes (a common option for evaporator-flow limit. look at an example.
Chiller selection
Plant configuration
Consider a series arrangement for small VPF applications to avoid transient flows
Assess the economic feasibility of variable primary flow for single-chiller plants
Moderate low T syndrome by manifolding multiple chilled water pumps or slightly oversizing a
single chilled water pump
Take care to properly manage transient flows regardless of the number of chillers in the plant
Airside control
Select slow-acting valves to control the chilled water coils
Use more than one air handler and stagger their start/stop times
A business of American Standard Companies
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