GC-MS-Based Metabolomic Study On The Antidepressant-Like Effects of Diterpene Ginkgolides in Mouse..
GC-MS-Based Metabolomic Study On The Antidepressant-Like Effects of Diterpene Ginkgolides in Mouse..
GC-MS-Based Metabolomic Study On The Antidepressant-Like Effects of Diterpene Ginkgolides in Mouse..
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Behavioural Brain Research 314 (2016) 116124
Research report
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE), including EGb-761, have been suggested to have antidepressant activity
Received 14 July 2016 based on previous behavioral and biochemical analyses. However, because GBE contain many con-
Received in revised form 28 July 2016 stituents, the mechanisms underlying this suggested antidepressant activity are unclear. Here, we
Accepted 1 August 2016
investigated the antidepressant-like effects of diterpene ginkgolides (DG), an important class of con-
Available online 3 August 2016
stituents in GBE, and studied their effects in the mouse hippocampus using a GCMS-based metabolomics
approach. Mice were randomly divided into ve groups and injected daily until testing with 0.9% NaCl
solution, one of three doses of DG (4.06, 12.18, and 36.54 mg/kg), or venlafaxine. Sucrose preference
Ginkgo biloba extract
(SPT) and tail suspension (TST) tests were then performed to evaluate depressive-like behaviors in
Diterpene ginkgolides mice. DG (12.18 and 36.54 mg/kg) and venlafaxine (VLX) administration signicantly increased hedo-
Metabolomics nic behavior in mice in the SPT. DG (12.18 mg/kg) treatment also shortened immobility time in the
Hippocampus TST, suggestive of antidepressant-like effects. Signicant differences in the metabolic prole in the DG
(12.18 mg/kg) compared with the control or VLX group indicative of an antidepressant-like effect were
observed using multivariate analysis. Eighteen differential hippocampal metabolites were identied that
discriminated the DG (12.18 mg/kg) and control groups. These biochemical changes involved neurotrans-
mitter metabolism, oxidative stress, glutathione metabolism, lipid metabolism, energy metabolism, and
kynurenic acid, providing clues to the therapeutic mechanisms of DG. Thus, this study showed that DG
has antidepressant-like activities in mice and shed light on the biological mechanisms underlying the
effects of diterpene ginkgolides on behavior, providing an important drug candidate for the treatment of
2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
0166-4328/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Liang et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 314 (2016) 116124 117
the brain [2]. Despite a vast number of established antidepressant 2. Materials and methods
medication options for MDD, a signicant percentage of patients
fail to respond to these rst-line treatments [4]. In addition, the 2.1. Animals
efcacy and safety of antidepressant medications remain contro-
versial, and an increased risk of suicidal behavior exists in patients This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Chongqing
treated with some of these medications [5,6]. Owing to the limited Medical University, and all procedures were conducted in accor-
therapy options, treatment of MDD is still a major focus of current dance with the National Institutes of Healths Guide for the Care
biomedical research, with the investigation of alternative treat- and Use of Laboratory Animals. C57BL/6J male mice (age, 8 weeks;
ments urgently needed to reduce the burden of MDD on patients, weight, 1820 g) were obtained from Chongqing Medical Univer-
families, and society. sitys animal center in the Peoples Republic of China. Throughout
The reputed efcacy, low cost, and relative absence of side the study, all mice were maintained in a light, temperature, and
effects of traditional Chinese medicines have led to increasing humidity controlled environment (12-h light/dark cycle, 23 1 C,
interest in the use of them for the treatment of neuropsychiatric 50 5%) with access to food and water ad libitum.
disorders. GBE termed EGb761 is a patented extract from the leaves
of the Ginkgo biloba tree. Since the development of GBE in 1964, 2.2. Reagents
its effects on an extensive range of disorders and diseases have
been investigated [7]. GBE has been suggested to have many ben- DGMI (25 mg/mL, containing ginkgolides A, B, and K at
ecial effects on central nervous system (CNS) function and is 1.70, 3.10, and 0.20 mg/mL, respectively) was provided by
widely used for treating neurologic, psychiatric, functional, and Jiangsu Kanion Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Pyridine, methoxyamine
physiologic symptoms [79]. Recent work has indicated that some hydrochloride, l-2-chlorophenylalanine, venlafaxine, and
components of GBE may act as an antidepressant and improve N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)triuoroacetamide (BSTFA) with 1%
spatial learning and memory [1014]. Meanwhile, GBE is a mix- trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) were purchased from Sigma-
ture of substances with a wide variety of physical and chemical Aldrich. HPLC-grade methanol and chloroform were purchased
properties and activities. Numerous pharmacological investiga- from the Chongqing Chuandong Chemical (Group) Co. Ultrapure
tions have led to the conclusion that DG mainly composed of water was prepared using a Millipore Milli-Q purication system.
ginkgolide A, B and K in EGb761, are responsible for the main
pharmacological neuroprotective effects [7,12,15,16]. Therefore, 2.3. Treatment
it is reasonable to propose that DG may be effective in treating
depression. After one week of habituation, the mice were randomly divided
Diterpene Ginkgolides Meglumine Injection (DGMI), a novel into the following ve groups: (1) healthy control (CON, 0.9% NaCl
medicinal plant products (manufactured by Jiangsu Kanion Phar- solution, n = 9), (2) low-dose DG (DG Low, DGMI diluted in 0.9%
maceutical Co., Ltd.) has been awarded marketing approval from NaCl solution to a dose of 4.06 mg/kg, n = 10), (3) medium-dose
the China Food and Drug Administration for treating patients with DG (DG Medium, DGMI diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution to a dose
mild to moderate cerebral infarction [17,18]. This injection con- of 12.18 mg/kg, n = 11), (4) high-dose DG (DG High, DGMI diluted
tains the vast majority of DG from GBE (mainly ginkgolide A, B and in 0.9% NaCl solution to a dose of 36.54 mg/kg, n = 11), and (5)
K) [17]. Therefore, DGMI is an ideal t to study the antidepressant venlafaxine (VLX, venlafaxine diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution to a
function of DG. dose of 16 mg/kg, n = 11). Mice were injected intraperitoneally daily
The hippocampus is a brain region that has been extensively between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM with the same amount of solution
studied in patients with mood disorders and has been selected as for 14 days. Venlafaxine was used as positive control drug to explore
a relevant region for studying MDD molecular pathways [19,20]. the efcacy and mechanism of the DG effects.
Previous studies have shown that hippocampal dendritic or spine
remodeling is dysregulated in stress-induced depression and stress 2.4. Behavioral testing
resilience [21,22]. Furthermore, hippocampal plasticity is not only
altered in patients with MDD and in stressed animals but also After 14 days of drug treatment, mice were weighed and sub-
affected by antidepressant treatments. jected to the SPT, as a means to measure hedonic behavior, and
Recently, metabolomics has been widely used to discover then the TST. Mice were habituated to the testing room for 30 min
the molecular biomarkers for diagnosing or prognosing disease, before behavioral analyses began.
and to prole potential pathophysiological mechanisms and to Mice were habituated to 1% sucrose solution for 72 h before the
assess therapeutic effects of antidepressants [2,2325]. Compared SPT [26]. After 24 h of water and food deprivation, a two-bottle pref-
with methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance or liquid erence test was used in which all mice had access to both water and
chromatographymass spectrometry, gas chromatographymass a 1% sucrose solution for 24 h during a no-stress period. Sucrose
spectrometry (GCMS) has been widely applied because of its high preference was scored using the following formula: sucrose pref-
sensitivity, peak resolution, and reproducibility [25]. erence (%) = (sucrose intake/total intake) 100.
In the present study, we investigated the antidepressant- The tail suspension test was performed as previously described
like effects of DG in C57BL/6J mice using the measures of [27]. Briey, mice were suspended by a small metal hook xed
SPT and TST. We then applied a non-targeted metabolomics with adhesive tape wrapped around the tail. After 120 s of adapta-
approach based on GCMS technology to characterize the global tion, the duration of immobility was recorded with a video-tracking
metabolic prole in mouse hippocampus following the sys- system (SMART, Panlab SL, Barcelona, Spain) for 4 min. Mice were
temic administration of DG and compared it with the prole returned to their home cages after every animal was tested.
obtained following venlafaxine administration. Our primary aims
were to determine whether DG induced an antidepressant-like 2.5. Tissue collection and sample preparation for GCMS analysis
effect, to identify probable biological mechanisms underly-
ing this effect of DG, and to search for potential therapeutic Twenty-four hours after the administration of the nal drug or
targets for MDD, providing new directions for future stud- NaCl, mice in the CON, DG (DG Medium), and VLX groups were
ies. anesthetized with chloral hydrate and decapitated, and their whole
brains were removed. The hippocampi were dissected, weighed,
118 Z. Liang et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 314 (2016) 116124
Fig. 3. Metabolomic analysis of hippocampal samples from DG-treated (DG medium), VLX-treated, and saline-treated (CON) mice. PLSDA score plots for pairwise compar-
isons between DG and CON (A), VLX and CON (B), and DG and VLX (C). Statistical validation of the PLSDA model by permutation testing between DG and CON (D), VLX and
CON (E), and DG and VLX (F). Permutation tests (D, E, F) showed the original R2 and Q2 values (top right) were signicantly higher than the corresponding permuted values
(bottom left), demonstrating the PLS-DA models robustness.
120 Z. Liang et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 314 (2016) 116124
Table 1
Key differential metabolites among DG, VLX and CON comparison groups.
Metabolites r.t(min) Mass DG vs. CON VLX vs. CON DG vs. VLX
Fold changea VIPb score t-test (p) Fold change VIP score t-test (p) Fold change VIP score t-test (p)
Table 2
A list of signicant metabolites accountable for class discrimination.
Metabolic pathways Metabolites DG vs. CON VLX vs. CON DG vs. VLX
The short dash line () indicates no signicant variation. These metabolites are veried by reference compounds available. The arrow denotes the VIP value greater than 1.0
and the up- (or down-) regulation of the arrow represents the relative increased (or decreased) concentration.
Fig. 4. Heat map of the differential metabolites in CON, DG Medium, and VLX groups.
Fig. 5. Networks associated with DG treatment identied by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. The activities of molecules highly connected to these networks were assessed with
the IPA molecule activity predictor. The IPA database predicts the downregulation of TNF and upregulation of ERK1/2 and NMDA receptors.
well as others and our own previous metabolomic research studies gesting that DG may relieve the dysregulated immune responses
have shown that aspartate metabolism is upregulated in the brains observed in depression.
of rats subjected to chronic unpredictable mild stress, a rat model
of depression [25,37], and down-regulated by antidepressants [2].
4.3. Lipid metabolism, energy metabolism and other metabolite
Additionally, we found in the present study that the changes in
aspartate metabolism in the VLX-treated group were mostly con-
Our data showed a decrease in the levels of two lipid
sistent with those in the DG-treated group.
metabolism-related molecules, namely, d-glycerol-1-phosphate
NAA acts as a precursor for the synthesis of N-
and o-phosphoethanolamine, and an increase in a lipid catabolite
acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG), the most abundant peptide
(ethanolamine) in DG-treated mice relative to those in controls.
transmitter in the mammalian nervous system [42]. It is an agonist
As previously described, several studies have determined that
at presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR3), acting
lipid levels can be inuenced by depression and antidepres-
to inhibit glutamate release [25,42]. This effect may explain our
sants [2,48,58,59]. Based on our data, total lipid levels should be
current ndings for an increase in glutamate biosynthesis but a
decreased, indicating that DG may exert an antidepressant effect
decrease in aspartate metabolism.
by reducing lipid metabolism.
The inhibitory neurotransmitter -aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Additionally, energy metabolism-related molecules (lactic acid
and GABAergic neurons are sensitive to glutamate elevation [44].
and inosine) were also affected by DG. Although lactic acid can
Thus, an elevation of glutamate may stimulate GABAergic neu-
serve as an energy substrate for neurons, it is also a toxic metabo-
rons to release GABA. Since 1999, when Gerard Sanacora showed
lite of anaerobic respiration. The downregulation of lactic acid
that -aminobutyric acid levels are reduced in depressed patients
might mean that DG reduced the metabolic waste of anaerobic
[45], increasing evidence has indicated that MDD is associated with
metabolism. Another important metabolite, inosine, has been used
altered functions of the major excitatory and inhibitory neurotrans-
widely to protect various kinds of cells in many diseases, including
mitters, glutamate and GABA, respectively [46,47]. The elevated
those of the CNS [60]. Inosine preserves the viability of glial cells and
hippocampal GABA levels we observed here in the DG- and VLX-
neuronal cells during hypoxia and stimulates axonal regrowth after
treated mice suggested that DG might exert an antidepressant
injury [61]. Recent studies have revealed that inosine has a potential
effect by upregulating GABA. Glycine, another inhibitory amino acid
antidepressant effect via adenosine receptors [62,63], this suggests
neurotransmitter, has been shown in our previous metabolomics
that DG may exert its antidepressant effect by upregulating the
ndings to be signicantly decreased in patients with MDD and
level of inosine.
rats subjected to chronic unpredictable mild stress [28,48]. Inter-
Kynurenic acid, which is produced mainly by astrocytes, is pro-
estingly, in this study, glycine levels could be reversed by DG.
tective against the excitotoxic action of quinolinic acid [64,65].
N-oleoyldopamine is in the family of lipid-soluble dopamine (DA)
The apoptosis of astrocytes could thus mean lower neuroprotec-
compounds. N-oleoyldopamine may enhance the normally limited
tive action against the neurodegenerative quinolinic acid, leading
DA transport into the brain, which would be of therapeutic poten-
to a loss of neurons [65]. The plasma kynurenic acid concentration
tial in the pathological states characterized by a deranged brain
in depressed patients has been shown to be lower than that in con-
neurotransmitter prole [49].
trol participants, suggesting that the upregulated level of kynurenic
Based on the results of the IPA, elevated levels of glutamate
acid caused by DG might help reverse depression in these patients.
biosynthesis, GABA, and glycine could activate ERK1/2 and NMDA
However, the results and conclusions of our study should be
receptors, both of which have been reported as highly correlated
cautiously interpreted because of some study limitations. First, the
with the pathogenesis of depression.
sample size in this study was relatively small, so future studies with
larger cohorts should be performed to validate our ndings. Second,
the current data were obtained in nave mice; additional studies
4.2. Oxidative stress and neuroimmune response
should investigate using an animal model of depression. Third, the
antidepressant components of the diterpene ginkgolides need to be
Levels of four oxidative stress-related metabolites (glycine, l-
investigated by comparing the effects of ginkgolides A, B, C, and K in
cysteine, phosphate, and pyroglutamic acid) were signicantly
an animal model of depression. Finally, owing to the diverse physic-
affected in DG-treated mice compared with those in CON mice
ochemical properties and wide concentration range of metabolites,
in the present study. Upregulation of three metabolites (glycine,
additional metabolomic methods or multiple metabolomic plat-
l-cysteine, and phosphate) has been suggested to increase
forms (i.e., stable isotope-resolved metabolomic analysis, nuclear
glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis, with the downregulation of pyrog-
magnetic resonance, liquid chromatographymass spectrometry,
lutamic acid reecting a lower degradation of GSH. GSH serves
and targeted metabolomics) should be employed in future studies
as an antioxidant, preventing excessive oxidation of sensitive
cellular components, and is a substrate for various antioxidant
enzymes [50]. Loss of glutathione and oxidative damage could
constitute early, possibly signaling events, in apoptotic cell death 5. Conclusions
[51]. Evidence has shown that depressed patients and animals sub-
jected to stress had a decreased antioxidant status [52,53]. Gingko In summary, the administration of diterpene ginkgolides led
biloba extract and antidepressants both have antioxidant proper- to antidepressant-like effects in mice subjected to the SPT and
ties [54,55]. Elevated glutathione metabolism may suggest that the TST. Comparative metabolomic proling revealed signicant alter-
antidepressant effect of DG may be mediated through the antioxi- ations in levels of neurotransmitter metabolism, oxidative stress,
dant system. glutathione metabolism, lipid metabolism, energy metabolism, and
It is generally acknowledged that oxidative stress is accom- kynurenic acid in the hippocampus of DG-treated mice compared
panied by inammatory/immune responses. Previous studies by with saline-treated mice. Thus, DGs may exert their antidepressant
others and our research group have determined that neuroinam- effect through reversing the alterations in glutamate biosynthesis,
mation plays a causal role in the development of MDD and the aspartate metabolism, oxidative stress, neuroinammation, and
antidepressant response [56,57]. Our IPA molecule activity pre- lipid and energy metabolism in the hippocampus. Moreover, DG
dictor analysis found that TNF was inhibited in DG-treated mice, administration enhanced GABA, inosine, and kynurenic acid levels,
indicating an inhibition of the inammatory response and sug- which may have contributed to the antidepressant effect. Through
Z. Liang et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 314 (2016) 116124 123
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