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Maria Therese
Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
Abstract: This study was conducted to assess the Effectiveness of Helfer Skin Tap Technique and Routine Technique on Pain
Reduction among Patients Receiving Intramuscular Injection at Government General Hospital, Puducherry by Simple random sampling
technique(lottery method), 25 subjects were first assigned for intramuscular injection using Helfer Skin Tap Technique followed by
Routine Technique for the next dose of injection and other 25 subjects were first assigned for intramuscular injection using Routine
Technique followed by Helfer Skin Tap Technique for the next dose of injection. The subjects were examined with 4 variables viz pain,
systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate. The intervention was implemented for four continuous days for both the groups. It
was indicated that the perception of pain intensity is less when intra muscular injection is administered using Helfer Skin Tap
Technique. Helfer Skin Tap Technique can be implemented in intramuscular injection technique while caring for patients in various
clinical settings.
Figure 1: Comparison Pain level among Samples receiving intramuscular injection by both a technique
Table 2:Comparison Of Pretest the Level of Systolic Blood Table 3: Comparison Of Pretest the level of Diastolic Blood
Pressure Among Patients Receiving IM Injection By Helfer Pressure Among Patients Receiving IM Injection By Helfer
Skin Tap Technique And Routine Technique Skin Tap Technique And Routine Technique
N = 50 N = 50
Pretest score Pretest score
Physiological Days Routine Independent t- Physiological Days Routine Independent t-
parameters Tap technique technique test. parameters Tap technique technique test.
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Systolic t=0.04 P=0.97 t=0.10 P=0.92
Blood Day1 125.20 16.07 125.40 16.36 DF=48 Not Day1 83.20 16.76 82.80 12.42 DF=48 Not
Pressure significant significant
t=0.15 P=0.87 t=0.11 P=0.90
Day2 125.60 14.17 125.00 13.25 DF=48 Not Day2 82.40 16.45 82.80 9.80 DF=48 Not
significant Diastolic significant
t=0.20 P=0.84 BP t=0.23 P=0.82
Day3 125.60 13.87 124.80 14.43 DF=48 Not Day3 81.60 19.72 82.60 9.43 DF=48 Not
significant significant
t=0.05 P=0.96 t=0.28 P=0.77
Day4 124.80 13.87 125.00 16.10 DF=48 Not Day4 81.40 18.48 82.60 12.08 DF=48 Not
significant significant
On the Day 1, the obtainedt value of Pulse was 0.21 which
On the Day 1, the obtainedt value of Diastolic BP was 0.10 was not significant at p = 0.98 level. On the Day 2, the
which was not significant at p = 0.92 level. On the Day 2, obtainedt value of Pulse was 0.16 which was not
the obtainedt value of Diastolic BP was 0.11 which was significant at p = 0.87 level. On the Day 3, the obtainedt
not significant at p = 0.90 level. On the Day 3, the value of Pulse was 0.16 which was not significant at p =
obtainedt value of Diastolic BP was 0.23 which was not 0.87 level. On the Day 4, the obtainedt value of Pulse was
significant at p = 0.82 level. On the Day 4, the obtainedt 0.44 which was not significant at p = 0.66 level.
value of Diastolic BP was 0.28 which was not significant at
p = 0.77 level.
7. Recommendations
Injection itself is a fear to all irrespective of our age because
it causes pain. It is a foremost responsibility of the health
care contributor to provide a care for easing of discomfort
like pain while rendering care. So that the health care
receiver will be much benefited without any hurdles. So in
future these kinds of studies definitely will be useful to the
entire health care delivery system.
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Physiological Approach. (4th ed.). Philadelphia: W. B.
Saunders Company
Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014
Paper ID: SEP14627 1449
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
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