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Effectiveness of Helfer Skin Tap Technique and

Routine Technique on Pain Reduction among
Patients Receiving Intramuscular...

Article in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) October 2014


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1 author:

Maria Therese
Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences


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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358

Effectiveness of Helfer Skin Tap Technique and

Routine Technique on Pain Reduction among
Patients Receiving Intramuscular Injection at
Government General Hospital, Puducherry
Prof. Dr. A. Maria Therese1, Suriya Devi2
Professor. College of Nursing, Mother Theresa Post Graduate & Research Institute of Health Sciences, Puducherry
Staff Nurse, Ingra Gandhi Government Medical College & Hospital, Puducherry

Abstract: This study was conducted to assess the Effectiveness of Helfer Skin Tap Technique and Routine Technique on Pain
Reduction among Patients Receiving Intramuscular Injection at Government General Hospital, Puducherry by Simple random sampling
technique(lottery method), 25 subjects were first assigned for intramuscular injection using Helfer Skin Tap Technique followed by
Routine Technique for the next dose of injection and other 25 subjects were first assigned for intramuscular injection using Routine
Technique followed by Helfer Skin Tap Technique for the next dose of injection. The subjects were examined with 4 variables viz pain,
systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate. The intervention was implemented for four continuous days for both the groups. It
was indicated that the perception of pain intensity is less when intra muscular injection is administered using Helfer Skin Tap
Technique. Helfer Skin Tap Technique can be implemented in intramuscular injection technique while caring for patients in various
clinical settings.

Keywords: Helfer Skin Tap Technique, Intramuscular Injection

1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods

Comfort is an important need and ensuring a patients The research approach selected for the study is quantitative
comfort is a major nursing responsibility. Health care approach and experimental design, cross over design. The
interventions can be undertaken on the basis of customs and study was conducted in medical ward, government general
habits that practitioner no longer critically question. The hospital, Puducherry. Sample size was 50. The study was
term custom and practice is commonly used to describe confined to the subjects who receive intra muscular
this phenomenon of practicing health care interventions injection. By Simple random sampling technique, with the
based on customs and habits. help of lottery method, 25 subjects were first assigned for
intramuscular injection using Helfer Skin Tap Technique
In the medical practice, intramuscular (IM) injection is one followed by Routine Technique for the next dose of
of the most frequent procedures done almost everyday. It is injection and other 25 subjects were first assigned for
fact that any intra muscular injection will cause pain at the intramuscular injection using Routine Technique followed
site of injection i.e. pain is evident when administering by Helfer Skin Tap Technique for the next dose of injection.
intramuscular injection. The subjects were examined with 4 variables viz pain,
systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate. The
Pain management is one of the main facets of nursing care, intervention was implemented for four continuous days for
where nurses need to be competent. Pain management both the groups.
during invasive procedure is a challenge to the direct care
providers. If there is a technique, by which the nurses can t Test was used to compare the pain level and
provide painless injections that will be a great relief for physiological parameters between Helfer Skin Tap
those clients who are afraid of needles. Technique and Routine Technique, and it is significant if
Helfer skin tap technique offers a painless injection
experience. In this technique rhythmic tapping before and 3. Results
during injection over the skin at the site of injection keeps The results show that on the day 1, the obtained t value was
the muscle relaxed and stimulates large diameter fibres. It 2.01 at p level of 0.05. On the day 2, the obtained t value
provides a mechanical stimulation and distraction during was 2.33 at p level of 0.02. On the day 3 & 4, the obtained t
intramuscular injection and thus helps to reduce pain as value was 2.76 at p level of 0.01. It indicated that Helfer
described in gate control theory by Roger Metzack and Past skin tap technique is statistically significant than routine
Wall in 1965. technique on all the 4 days.

Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014

Paper ID: SEP14627 1446
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
Table 1: Comparison Pain level among Samples receiving Comparison of pretest Physiological parameters between
intramuscular injection by helfer Skin tap technique and Helfer Skin Tap Technique and routine technique reveals
routine technique. that on the Day 1, the obtained t value of systolic BP was
N = 50 0.04 which was not significant at p = 0.97 level. On the Day
Days Technique Student Independent t-test 2, the obtainedt value of systolic BP was 0.15 which was
Helfer Skin Tap Routine not significant at p = 0.87 level. On the Day 3, the
Technique Technique obtainedt value of systolic BP was 0.20 which was not
Mean SD Mean SD significant at p = 0.84 level. On the Day 4, the obtainedt
Day1 3.36 1.50 4.44 2.24 t=2.01 p=0.05* significant value of systolic BP was 0.05 which was not significant at p
Day2 3.12 1.64 4.40 2.20 t=2.33 p=0.02* significant = 0.96 level.
Day3 2.80 1.63 4.24 2.04 t=2.76 p=0.01* significant
Day4 2.80 1.63 4.24 2.04 t=2.76 p=0.01* significant

Figure 1: Comparison Pain level among Samples receiving intramuscular injection by both a technique

Table 2:Comparison Of Pretest the Level of Systolic Blood Table 3: Comparison Of Pretest the level of Diastolic Blood
Pressure Among Patients Receiving IM Injection By Helfer Pressure Among Patients Receiving IM Injection By Helfer
Skin Tap Technique And Routine Technique Skin Tap Technique And Routine Technique
N = 50 N = 50
Pretest score Pretest score
Physiological Days Routine Independent t- Physiological Days Routine Independent t-
parameters Tap technique technique test. parameters Tap technique technique test.
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Systolic t=0.04 P=0.97 t=0.10 P=0.92
Blood Day1 125.20 16.07 125.40 16.36 DF=48 Not Day1 83.20 16.76 82.80 12.42 DF=48 Not
Pressure significant significant
t=0.15 P=0.87 t=0.11 P=0.90
Day2 125.60 14.17 125.00 13.25 DF=48 Not Day2 82.40 16.45 82.80 9.80 DF=48 Not
significant Diastolic significant
t=0.20 P=0.84 BP t=0.23 P=0.82
Day3 125.60 13.87 124.80 14.43 DF=48 Not Day3 81.60 19.72 82.60 9.43 DF=48 Not
significant significant
t=0.05 P=0.96 t=0.28 P=0.77
Day4 124.80 13.87 125.00 16.10 DF=48 Not Day4 81.40 18.48 82.60 12.08 DF=48 Not
significant significant

On the Day 1, the obtainedt value of Pulse was 0.21 which
On the Day 1, the obtainedt value of Diastolic BP was 0.10 was not significant at p = 0.98 level. On the Day 2, the
which was not significant at p = 0.92 level. On the Day 2, obtainedt value of Pulse was 0.16 which was not
the obtainedt value of Diastolic BP was 0.11 which was significant at p = 0.87 level. On the Day 3, the obtainedt
not significant at p = 0.90 level. On the Day 3, the value of Pulse was 0.16 which was not significant at p =
obtainedt value of Diastolic BP was 0.23 which was not 0.87 level. On the Day 4, the obtainedt value of Pulse was
significant at p = 0.82 level. On the Day 4, the obtainedt 0.44 which was not significant at p = 0.66 level.
value of Diastolic BP was 0.28 which was not significant at
p = 0.77 level.

Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014

Paper ID: SEP14627 1447
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
Table 4: Comparison Of pretest level Of Pulse rateAmong that mean pain score of control group was 2.941.68 and the
Patients Receiving IM Injection By Helfer Skin Tap experimental group was 2.081.26. The difference t-4 at df
Technique And Routine Technique 198 was statistically significant (p<0.05). It was
N = 50 concluded that perception of pain intensity is less when
Physiological Pretest score intra muscular injections are administered using skin tap
parameters Days technique.In this study it was found that the perception of
Independent t- pain intensity is less when intra muscular injections are
Tap Routine test.
technique technique administered using Helfer Skin Tap Technique rather than
Mean SD Mean SD routine technique.Serena, (2010) conducted a quasi
t=0.21 P=0.83 experimental study (one group pre test and post test design)
Pulse Day1 82.56 7.43 82.16 5.86 DF=48 Not was conducted on 60 patients in Karnataka, India to assess
significant the effectiveness of Helfer skin tap technique on pain in
t=0.02 P=0.98 relation to intramuscular injection. Study revealed that the
Day2 81.98 7.68 81.68 5.88 DF=48 Not paired t-test was significant at p < 0.001. in present study
significant also it revealed that the effectiveness of Helfer Skin Tap
t=0.16 P=0.87 Technique has produced a statistically highly significant in
Day3 81.76 6.54 81.76 6.39 DF=48 Not
reducing pain during intra muscular injection among
t=0.44 P=0.66 patients at a correlation of p<0.05 level. On All the four
Day4 81.12 5.83 81.84 5.68 DF=48 Not days, Helfer skin tap technique is statistically significant
significant than routine technique. It clearly shows that there is
significant reduction of the pain level using Helfer Skin tap
Comparison of the Level of Pre& post test Physiological Technique than Routine Technique among patients
Parameters (BP, Pulse) among samples receiving receiving intra muscular injection. When we compare the
intramuscular injection by Helfer Skin Tap Technique level of Physiological Parameters (BP, Pulse) among
and Routine Technique patients before and after receiving intramuscular injection
by Helfer Skin Tap Technique and Routine Technique. In
When comparing the pretest and post test score of all the parameters SBP, DBP and Pulse, before and after
Physiological parameters between Helfer skin tap technique receiving intramuscular injection, there is no statistically
and routine technique, It was found that all the parameters significant difference between Helfer skin tap technique and
Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure and Pulse, Routine technique.
there is no statistically significant difference between Helfer
skin tap technique and routine technique. Statistical Kenneth (1992) assessed the nature and extent of group
significance was calculated using student independent t-test. differences in pain tolerance according to age, sex and race.
Results showed that on the average, (1) pain tolerance
Table 5: Pre &Post Test Comparison Of Physiological decreases with age; (2) men tolerate more pain than
Parameters (Bp, Pulse) women; and (3) whites tolerate more pain than Orientals.
Paramters Routine Technique Helfers Technique When the results of this study are compared with previous
Test Mean SD t-test Mean SD t-test studies, it showed that, with increasing age, tolerance to
SBP Pretest 125.05 15.03 t=0.09 125.30 14.49 t=0.22 cutaneous pain increases and tolerance to deep pain
Post test 124.65 14.99 p=0.89 124.40 13.72 p=0.87 decreases. In all the parameters SBP, DBP and Pulse, before
N.S N.S and after receiving intramuscular injection, there is no
DBP Pretest 82.7 10.9 t=0.22 82.15 17.85 t=0.07 statistically significant difference between Helfer skin tap
Post test 81.85 12.28 p=0.80 81.8 16.76 p=0.90 technique and routine technique. Statistical significance was
N.S N.S calculated using student independent t-test.
Pulse Pretest 81.86 5.95 t=0.07 81.85 6.87 t=0.11
Post test 81.98 5.87 p=0.66 81.65 6.05 p=0.87 5. Conclusion
* - P<0.05, S Significant, NS Not significant The following conclusions were drawn from the study. The
There is no significant difference in systolic and diastolic study proved that Helfer Skin Tap Technique was effective
blood pressure and pulse rate by using both Helfer Skin Tap than the Routine Technique in administering Intra Muscular
Technique and Routine Technique. Injection with mild pain or no pain and there is an
association between Helfer Skin Tap Technique and Low
4. Discussion Volume of Drug, Low dosage of drug and lateral position
and no association on the remaining variables. It was
The study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of concluded that the perception of pain intensity is less when
Helfer Skin Tap Technique and Routine Technique on Pain intra muscular injection is administered using Helfer Skin
Reduction associated with Intramuscular Injection at Tap Technique. It works on the theoretical basis such as gate
Government General Hospital, Puducherry. Potter (2003) control theory. The technique can be adapted to the nursing
said that Helfer skin tap technique offers a painless injection education and to the nursing practice so that the quality can
experience. Shimmy, (2010) conducted a randomized be ensured.
control trial in chandigarh to assess the skin tap technique
on pain during intra muscular injection among adult patients
receiving intra muscular analgesic injection. It was observed
Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014
Paper ID: SEP14627 1448
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
6. Implication [3] Beyea, S. C., Nicholl, L. H. (1995). Administration of
Medications via the intramuscular Route; an Integrative
The findings of the study have the following implications in Review of the Literature and Research Based Protocol
nursing. for the Procedure. Applied Nursing Research, 8(1), 23
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practiced in the clinical setting. _ As there is not much during Intra MuscularInjection. Nursing Research,
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curriculum. [10] Wewers, M. E., Lowe, N. K. (2000). A Critical Review
Nursing students can be taught about Helfer Skin Tap of Visual Analogue Scale in the Measurement of
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c) Implications in Nursing Administration [11] Wynaden, D., Chapman, R. (2005). Establishing Best
Policies for the procedure of intra muscular injection can Practice Guidelines for Administration of Intramuscular
be developed based on the study findings by incorporating Injections in the Adults: A SystematicReview of
Helfer Skin Tap Technique into the procedure. Literature. Contemporary Nurse, 20(2), 267 277
Nurse Managers can update about the procedure of intra [12] Keen, M. F. (2006). Comparison of Intramuscular
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Randomized clinical trials could be undertaken so that the
validity of the results can be increased and it can be
incorporated into the evidence based nursing practice.
Guidelines for the procedure of intramuscular injection
technique can be prepared based on Helfer Skin Tap

7. Recommendations
Injection itself is a fear to all irrespective of our age because
it causes pain. It is a foremost responsibility of the health
care contributor to provide a care for easing of discomfort
like pain while rendering care. So that the health care
receiver will be much benefited without any hurdles. So in
future these kinds of studies definitely will be useful to the
entire health care delivery system.

[1] Beare, P. G. et al. (1988). Adult Health Nursing. (3rd
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[2] Black, J. M. (1993). Medical Surgical Nursing: Psycho
Physiological Approach. (4th ed.). Philadelphia: W. B.
Saunders Company
Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014
Paper ID: SEP14627 1449
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
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