Fog Computing in Healthcare Internet-of-Things: A Case Study On ECG Feature Extraction
Fog Computing in Healthcare Internet-of-Things: A Case Study On ECG Feature Extraction
Fog Computing in Healthcare Internet-of-Things: A Case Study On ECG Feature Extraction
AbstractInternet of Things technology provides a competent benefits such as low-cost services, capability of large data
and structured approach to improve health and wellbeing of storage volume and superfluous maintenance cost. However,
mankind. One of the feasible ways to offer healthcare services there exists many challenges in these systems regarding
based on IoT is to monitor humans health in real-time using
ubiquitous health monitoring systems which have the ability to latency-sensitive issues, location awareness and large data
acquire bio-signals from sensor nodes and send the data to the transmission. Undoubtedly, the more data is transmitted over
gateway via a particular wireless communication protocol. The a network, the higher possibility of error occurs because bit
real-time data is then transmitted to a remote cloud server error, data transmission latency and packet dropping possi-
for real-time processing, visualization, and diagnosis. In this bility are proportional with the volume of transmitted data.
paper, we enhance such a health monitoring system by exploiting
the concept of fog computing at smart gateways providing Especially, in case of emergency, a single error in analyzed
advanced techniques and services such as embedded data mining, data causes inaccurate treatment decisions and affect crucially
distributed storage, and notification service at the edge of net- to a human life. Therefore, there is a need of reducing the
work. Particularly, we choose Electrocardiogram (ECG) feature number of transmitted data over a network, on the other hand,
extraction as the case study as it plays an important role in quality of service (QoS) is still guaranteed.
diagnosis of many cardiac diseases. ECG signals are analyzed in
smart gateways with features extracted including heart rate, P A proper solution for fulfilling the requirement is the provi-
wave and T wave via a flexible template based on a lightweight sion of an extra layer in between a conventional gateway and a
wavelet transform mechanism. Our experimental results reveal remote cloud server. The extra layer denoted as fog layer helps
that fog computing helps achieving more than 90% bandwidth diminishing the volume of transmitted data for guaranteeing
efficiency and offering low-latency real time response at the edge QoS, and saving network bandwidth by preprocessing data.
of the network.
KeywordsInternet of Things, Healthcare, Smart Gateway,
In addition, fog computing offers advanced services at the
Sensor Network, Heart Rate, ECG feature extraction, Fog Com- edge of the network and reduces the burden of cloud [1]. Fog
puting. computing not only brings the cloud computing paradigm to
the edge of the network but also addresses unsupported or unfit
I. I NTRODUCTION fundamentals in the cloud computing paradigm. For instance,
Internet of Things (IoT) can be considered as a dynamic edge location, low latency, location awareness, geographical
global network infrastructure where objects with unique iden- distribution, interoperability, and support for on-line analytics
tities are interconnected for enabling advanced services. Wire- are some of fundamental characteristics of fog computing. Due
less Body Area Networks (WBAN), which is one of the to these characteristics, fog computing can be suitable for sup-
fundamental technologies in healthcare IoT, is ubiquitous used porting human health monitoring WBAN-based systems which
for acquiring different vital signs such as Electrocardiogram have features of low energy, low bandwidth, low processing
(ECG), Electromyography (EMG), body temperature, blood power and include hardware constrained nodes. To this end,
pressure in a real-time, unobtrusive and efficient way. WBAN a combination of WBAN-based system, cloud computing and
can be established from a multitude of implantable or wearable fog computing can be a sustainable solution for challenges in
sensor nodes to sense and transmit the data over a wire- the current IoT healthcare systems.
less network via communication protocols such as Wi-Fi or In this paper, we present an efficient IoT-enabled healthcare
IEEE.802.15.4 to end users for visualization and diagnosis. system architecture which benefits from the concept of fog
Low-cost and power efficient WBAN-based systems play computing. Using this architecture, we demonstrate the effec-
important roles in various areas of healthcare environments tiveness of fog computing in IoT-based healthcare systems in
from monitoring, clinical care to chronic disease management terms of bandwidth utilization, QoS assurance, and emergency
and disease prevention. For example, these systems are used notification. In addition, we utilize ECG feature extraction at
for monitoring and treating many cardiovascular diseases. the edge of the network in our implementation as a case study.
In many health monitoring systems, remote cloud servers In summary, the key contributions of this work are as follows:
have been used for storing and processing big data collected Low-latency data processing and low bandwidth utiliza-
from a large number of sensor nodes due to cloud computing tion at smart gateways (i.e., edge of the network)
Support various sensor node types, communication pro- The topic of body area sensor network systems has attracted
tocols, operating systems at smart gateways (i.e., hetero- a lot of research efforts in recent years. Especially, the number
geneity, and interoperability) of works in the healthcare domain has dramatically increased
Real-time rapid interaction at smart gateways in case of to explore several undiscovered aspects or overcome existing
emergency (i.e., real-time push notification) drawbacks in health monitoring systems. With the purpose of
Real-time and on-line analytic at the fog layer even in novel health monitoring systems provision, some of works try
case of poor connection with the cloud (i.e., geographical to expand current systems with more services and functions
distribution, location awareness, graphical user interface) while others attempt to propose new platforms or methods.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section II, However, as described in the aforementioned examples, a
the related work and the motivation of the paper are discussed. large number of systems focus on ZigBee whereas it is a
The concept of an e-health IoT-based system and a smart e- challenge to assure the quality of service in ZigBee when
health gateway are presented in section III. Section IV presents monitoring streaming bio-signals such as ECG, EMG and
an implementation of the smart IoT-based gateway. Demon- Electroencephalography (EEG) as the maximum data rate
strations and experimental results are provided in section V. of ZigBee is 250 kbps. Inversely, Bluetooth technology can
Finally, section VI concludes the paper and present discussion overcome problems of low data rate in ZigBee and other
for further researching. short range communication protocols. Nevertheless, it might
be more difficult to design a gateway based on Bluetooth
II. R ELATED W ORK AND M OTIVATION technology for supporting mobility and acquiring data from
There have been many efforts in designing smart gateways multiple targets [8]. The discussed systems basically dispense
for healthcare applications. For instance, Chen et al. [2] intro- conventional gateways for collecting data from nodes and
duce a smart gateway for health care system using wireless sending these data to remote servers. More precisely, none of
sensor network. The proposed gateway acting as a bridge these works have considered to fully take advantage of the fog
between wireless sensor network and public communication computing paradigm and bring intelligence to the gateways.
networks has a data decision system, a lightweight database
and an ability to notify caregivers in case of emergency. In
addition, the gateway provides a way of diminishing a remote
servers burden by applying the request and response message
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cloud computing solution for patients data collection in health
care institutions. The proposed system uses sensors attached to
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to cloud for providing ubiquitous access. Yang et al. present
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