Resonant Test

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20/5 Types WR & WRM

n AC withstand tests on cables and cable samples
n Applied voltage tests on transformers
n AC withstand tests on GIS, capacitors,
generators, and motors
n HV tests on voltage and current transformers

Fig. 1 HVAC resonant test system type WRM Fig. 2 Portable HVAC resonant test system type WR container variation

facts IN BRIEF Application

Resonant test systems are applied to the generation of high- The test systems enable testing according to IEC standards,
voltage AC of power frequency for routine, type and develop- other international standards, and customers specifications.
ment testing of capacitive test objects. There are two types:
steel tank type WR and modular insulating case type WRM. Main applications are:

The main advantage of the resonant test systems is the low Cable testing on delivery length, cable samples,
power demand because only the losses in the test circuit and cable accessories with type WR or WRM
must be covered by the power supply. A resonant test system Applied voltage tests for transformer testing
therefore is remarkably lighter and more economic than an AC with type WRM
transformer test system. Current and voltage transformer testing (CTs and VTs)
with type WRM
The resonant test systems are characterized by a low PD Capacitor testing with type WR
noise level due to their sophisticated design. The test power Generator and motor testing with type WR
and the test voltage can be adapted to customers needs and GIS/GIL and accessories testing with type WRM
can be increased by a parallel and series connection of reac-
tors, for example as well as by using a virtual electric shaft. The Because of their precise sine-wave, series resonant test sys-
customized design of the test systems makes it possible to tems are well suited for HVAC tests with PD and tan delta
arrange the HV components in a space-saving manner. measurements. Resonant test systems also enable tests at
other frequencies, e.g. for instrument transformers, or dynam-
ic tests with fast voltage changes for capacitors.
Power supply
1 Switching cubicle
2 Voltage regulator
4 5
Test 3 Exciter transformer
Object HV circuit
6 16 7 4 HV reactor
5 Blocking impedance
6 HV divider, coupling capacitor
1 2 3
7 Standard capacitor

Control system
8 Operator panel, PLC
9 Industrial personal computer
10 PROFIBUS/ Ethernet
12345 12345 12345 11 Remote access module

U PD tan delta 12 Lan/Internet

8 9 13 14 15 Measuring system
13 Peak voltmeter
10 12
14 PD measuring device
15 Tan delta measuring device

Power connections 16 Cable, transformer, capacite

Communication/measurement generator motor, GIS/GIL

Fig. 3 Principle single line diagram of HVAC resonant test system

System AND Components

The system is supplied with the feeding power from the power capacitor for PD measurement (14). For very precise voltage
network via a switching cubicle (1) [see fig. 3], a voltage regu- or tan delta measurement (15) a compressed-gas standard
lator (2) and an exciter transformer (3). The exciter transformer capacitor (7) can be added.
is equipped with taps for an optimum adaptation of the output
voltage. In case of tank-type reactors the exciter transformer Two HIGHVOLT control and measuring systems are available:
is built into the tank of the HV reactor. The basic control is based on an operator device (8) with a
The HV reactor (4) varies its inductance by a magnetic core SIMATIC software package for controlling the programmable
that can be adjusted to a precise distance. The moveable part logic controllers (SIMATIC PLC) connected by an optic PROFI-
of the core is driven by a frequency-controlled motor. BUS (10). This enables manual and automatic operation of the
The test object (16) is connected via a HV filter. The filter con- test system including automatic tuning to resonance, pre-se-
sisting of a blocking impedance (5) and a HV capacitor (6) lection of voltage cycles, etc.
has several functions: It reduces the conductor-connected HF
noise for PD measurement, protects the HV reactor in case The advanced computer control is the combination of the basic
of a breakdown and acts as a basic load which guarantees control with an industrial personal computer (9) with installed
resonance if no test object is connected. The capacitor (6) software package WGMS. It enables the printing of custom-
is the divider for voltage measurement (13) and the coupling ized test records including PD and tan delta measuring results.
Furthermore it can be connected to the users LAN and via the
INTERNET (12) to the HIGHVOLT Service Center for technical
support, software updates, and trouble shooting.


Systems with metal tank reactors type WR Systems with insulating case modular reactors type WRM

For cable testing For cable testing

Series resonant test systems Series resonant test systems
Rated voltages from 35 kV up to 400 kV Rated voltages from 250 kV up to 1,600 kV
Rated power from 300 kVA up to 10,000 kVA Rated power from 1,600 kVA up to 56,000 kVA
For capacitor testing For power transformer, GIS/GIL, and cable
Series and parallel resonant test systems accessories testing
Rated voltages from 6 kV up to 60 kV Series resonant test systems
Rated power from 5,000 kVA up to 10,000 kVA Rated voltages from 250 kV up to 1,600 kV
Dynamic tests optional Rated power from 1,000 kVA up to 22,500 kVA
For generator and motor testing For instrument transformer testing
Series and parallel resonant test systems Series resonant test systems for applied
Rated voltages from 15 kV up to 60 kV and induced tests
Rated power from 300 kVA up to 1,000 kVA Rated voltages from 250 kV up to 1,600 kV
Rated power from 1,000 kVA up to 10,000 kVA
Systems for higher frequencies and dynamic tests

The duty cycles of the test systems are adapted to the respectively required test procedures. Power performance
can be enhanced by parallel operation of HV reactors controlled by a virtual electric shaft. The virtual electric
shaft synchronizes the reactors without using a mechanical connection.

Main characteristic of a resonant test system:

The connection of a HV reactor to a capacitive test object forms the C3 could be tested either with tap 1 or tap 2. For testing of
an oscillating circuit with the natural resonance frequency f0. By C4 only the parallel connection of modules 1 and 2 covers the
a variable inductance this frequency f0 can be tuned to that of power need.
the power supply (50/60 Hz). The capacitive test power S ex-
ceeds the feeding power P according to the quality factor Q of
I1 I2 (=2xI1) Current
the test circuit. 1000

Basic Load Tap 1 (Mod. 1+2)

The inductance of the HV reactor can be adjusted within a spe-
cific range Lmax to Lmin. For series resonance circuits the load
Output Voltage

Tap 2 (Module 1)
capacitance is therefore in the corresponding load range Cmax, Power
Cmin (typically 20:1). If the test system is equipped with a basic S
load capacitor CO>Cmin the test system already operates without S 2
a connected test object. 100
(Modules 1II2)
Fig. 4 shows the respective load voltage characteristic for a sys-
tem with two taps at the HV reactor of type WR or with two C1min C1max
reactor modules of type WRM. The rectangle areas enclose the
load range of HV reactor for each tap or module. The load cases C2min 2xC2min C2max 2xC2max
Load Cases
C (test object capacitance, test voltage) found within this area C0
can be tested. While load case C1 can only be tested with tap 1 0,0010 ,0,010 Load Capacitance ,0,1 1

Fig. 4Typical load diagram

For further information please contact: HIGHVOLT Prftechnik Dresden GmbH Phone +49 351 8425-700
Marie-Curie-Strae 10 Fax +49 351 8425-679
01139 Dresden E-mail [email protected]
Germany Web

HIGHVOLT Prftechnik Dresden GmbH 2012/07 1.20/5.pdf Subject to change without prior notice

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