Alex - Miller - Introduction To Metaethics
Alex - Miller - Introduction To Metaethics
Alex - Miller - Introduction To Metaethics
I. I W h a t is Metaethics?
because that particular action, of those possible, contributes most [Metaethics] is not about what people ought to do. It is about what they
to the greater happiness of the greatest number); rule-utilitarianism are doing when they talk about what they ought to do. (Hudson 1970:1)
(one ought to give to famine relief because giving to famine relief
is prescribed by a rule the general observance of which contributes The idea that metaethics is exclusively about language was no
most to the greater happiness of the greatest number); and doubt due to the more general idea that philosophy as a whole
Kantianism (one ought to give to famine relief because universal has no function other than the study of ordinary language and that
refusal to give to famine relief would generate some kind of 'philosophical problems' only arise from the application of words
inconsistency). Normative ethics thus seeks to discover the general out of the contexts in which they are ordinarily used. Fortunately,
principles underlying moral practice, and in this way potentially this 'ordinary language' conception of philosophy has long since
impacts upon practical moral problems: different general principles ceased to hold sway, and the list of metaethical concerns - in
may yield different verdicts in particular cases. In this book we metaphysics, epistemology, phenomenology and moral psych-
are not concerned with questions or theories in normative ology, as well as in semantics and the theory of meaning - bears
ethics. Rather, we are concerned with questions about the this out.
following: 1
Positions in metaethics can be defined in terms of the answers they
give to these sorts of question. Some examples of metaethical theories
(a) Meaning: what is the semantic function of moral discourse? Is the are moral realism, non-cognitivism, error-theory and moral anti-realism.
function of moral discourse to state facts, or does it have some The task of this book is to explain and evaluate these theories. In this
other non fact-stating role? chapter I give thumbnail sketches of the various theories and try to
(b) Metaphysics: do moral facts (or properties) exist? If so, what convey an idea of the sorts of questions they address. These prelim-
are they like? Are they identical or reducible to some inary sketches are then developed at more length in the remainder of
other type of fact (or property) or are they irreducible and sui the book.
(c) Epistemology and justification: is there such a thing as moral
knowledge? How can we know whether our moral judgements 1.2 Cognitivism and N o n - C o g n i t i v i s m
are true or false? How can we ever justify our claims to moral
(d) Phenomenology: how are moral qualities represented in the ex- Consider a particular moral judgement, such as the judgement that
perience of an agent making a moral judgement? Do they murder is wrong. What sort of psychological state does this ex-
appear to be 'out there' in the world? press? Some philosophers, called cognitivists, think that a moral
(e) Moral psychology: what can we say about the motivational state judgement such as this expresses a belief. Beliefs can be true or
of someone making a moral judgement? What sort of connec- false: they are truth-apt, or apt to be assessed in terms of truth and
tion is there between making a moral judgement and being falsity. So cognitivists think that moral judgements are capable of
motivated to act as that judgement prescribes? being true or false. On the other hand, non-cognitivists think that
(f) Objectivity: can moral judgements really be correct or incorrect? moral judgements express non-cognitive states such as emotions or
Can we work towards finding out the moral truth? desires. Desires and emotions are not truth-apt. So moral judge-
ments are not capable of being true or false. (Note that, although it
Obviously, this list is not intended to be exhaustive, and the may be true that I have a desire for a pint of beer and false that I have
various questions are not all independent (for example, a positive a desire to see England win the World Cup, this does not imply that
answer to (f) looks, on the face of it, to presuppose that the function desires themselves can be true or false.) In many ways, it is the battle
of moral discourse is to state facts). But it is worth noting that the between cognitivism and non-cognitivism that takes centre-stage in
list is much wider than many philosophers forty or fifty years this book: chapters 3 to 5 concern non-cognitivism and its prob-
ago would have thought. For example, one such philosopher lems, while cognitivism and its problems are the topic of chapter 2
writes: and chapters 6 to 10.
Non-naturalists think that moral properties are not identical to or A weak cognitivist theory is one which holds that moral judgements (a)
reducible to natural properties. They are irreducible and sui generis. are apt for evaluation in terms of truth and falsity, but (b) cannot be the
upshot of cognitive access to moral properties and states of affairs. give different answers to this question: A. J.Ayer's emotivism (1936),
Weak cognitivism thus agrees with strong cognitivism on (a), but according to which moral judgements express emotions, or senti-
disagrees on (b). An example of a weak cognitivist theory would be ments of approval or disapproval; Simon Blackburn's quasi-realism
one which held that our best judgements about morals determine the (1984), according to which moral judgements express our dispos-
extensions of moral predicates, rather than being based upon some itions to form sentiments of approval or disapproval; and Allan
faculty which tracks, detects or cognitively accesses facts about the in- Gibbard's norm-expressivism (1990), according to which our moral
stantiation of moral properties. (The extension of a predicate is the judgements express our acceptance of norms.
class of things, events or objects to which that predicate may correctly Perhaps the main challenge to non-cognitivism is what is called the
be applied.) Moral judgements are thus capable of being true or false, Frege - Geach problem. According to emotivism, for example, judging
even though they are not based on a faculty with a tracking, accessing that murder is wrong is really just like shouting 'Boo for murder!'
or detecting role - in other words, even though true moral judgements (when I shout 'Boo!' I am evincing my disapproval; I am not at-
are not the upshot of cognitive access to moral states of affairs. This tempting to describe something). But what about 'If murder is
view thus rejects moral realism, not by denying the existence of moral wrong, then it is wrong to murder your mother-in-law'? This makes
facts (like the error-theory), but by denying that those facts are consti- sense. But on the emotivist interpretation it doesn't (what would it
tutively independent of human opinion. In chapter 7 I will discuss sound like on an emotivist interpretation?). We shall look at how
weak cognitivist theories of this type in the context of Crispin quasi-realism and norm-expressivism try to solve this problem for
Wright's work on anti-realism (e.g. Wright 1988a). non-cognitivism, as well as a range of other problems that threaten the
non-cognitivist. Non-cognitivism is the subject of chapters 3,4 and 5.
1.7 Non-Cognitivism