CESI Short Circuit Withstand Test Dry Type Transformer Imefy 1500 11

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Test Report Approved Page 1

Client IMEFY - Industrias Mecano Elctricas Fontecha Ybenes, S.L. Polgono Industrial
" La Canada " - Av.da Siglo XXI, s/n - 45470, Los Ybenes (Toledo) - SPAIN

Tested equipment Non-enclosed three-phase dry-type power transformer, with encapsulated windings, for
continuous duty, with cooling by air natural convection (AN):
IMEFY - type TDR/1500/12/11 B2 - 1500 kVA - 11 kV / 0,415 kV

Tests carried out Verification of dynamic ability to withstand short-circuit

PUBBLICATO A8007077 (PAD - 1032883)

Standards/Specifications IEC 60076-11 {Ed.1.0} (2004-05)

Test date from March 7, 2008 to March 7, 2008

The results reported in this document relate only to the tested equipment.
Partial reproduction of this document is permitted only with the written permission from CESI.

No. of pages 11 No. of pages annexed 10

Issue date March 7, 2008

Prepared Unit LABORATORIES - M. Assolari

Verified Unit LABORATORIES - F. Pizzi

Approved Area COMPONENTS - V. Scarioni

CESI Via R. Rubattino 54 Capitale sociale 8 550 000 Euro Registro Imprese di Milano
Centro Elettrotecnico 20134 Milano - Italia interamente versato Sezione Ordinaria
Sperimentale Italiano Telefono +39 022125.1 Codice fiscale e numero N. R.E.A. 429222
Giacinto Motta spa Fax +39 0221255440 iscrizione CCIAA 00793580150 P.I. IT00793580150

Test Report Approved Page 2

Tests witnessed by
Mr. Antonio Honrado Aldana IMEFY
Mr. Narayan Chakraborty Engeneer of AADC
Ms. Salma Al Ali Engeneer of ADWEA
Mr. Sumit Cheeran S.R. Electric

Identification of the object not requested

Only for laboratory requirement, in order to reproduce the test conditions, all the laboratory data are contained in the
document marked: ---

The measurement uncertainties of the test results reported in this document comply with the following limits:
voltage : 5 % ; current : 5 % ; time : 5 %
The measurement uncertainties are estimated at the level of twice the standard deviation (corresponding, in the case of
normal distribution, to a confidence level of about 95 %) and have to be considered as maximum estimated values referred to
that type of measurement.

Laboratory information

Receipt date of the sample February 28, 2008

Test location CESI Via Rubattino 54 Milan

CESI testing team C. Assi

G. Schiepati
G. Avona

Test laboratory MP1 / P102

Activity code AE08LAP007


Test Report Approved Page 3

Rated characteristics of the tested object assigned by the Client

Dry-type power transformer

IMEFY - Industrias Mecano Elctricas Fontecha Ybenes, S.L. Polgono Industrial "
La Canada " - Av.da Siglo XXI, s/n - 45470, Los Ybenes (Toledo) - SPAIN
Type TDR/1500/12/11 B2
Manufacturer's serial number 89960
Year of manufacturing 02/2008
Number of phases 3
Rated voltage of the high-voltage winding (primary winding) 11 kV 2 x 2,5 %
Rated voltage of the low-voltage winding (secondary winding) 415 V
Rated voltage ratio 11 kV / 0,415 kV
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Rated power 1500 kVA
Rated current of the high-voltage winding (primary winding) 78,7 A
Rated current of the low-voltage winding (secondary winding) 2087 A
Short-circuit impedance 6,66 %
Connection symbol Dyn11
Cooling method AN
Total mass 4694 kg

Characteristics of the windings

Rated insulation levels LI 60 AC 28 / AC 3
Insulation class F/F
Type of construction with circular concentric coils
High-voltage winding conductor aluminium foil
Low-voltage winding conductor metal foil (aluminium)

Name and signature of Client's witness:


Test Report Approved Page 4

Verification of dynamic ability to withstand short-circuit

Requested values

Test current values were calculated neglecting the system impedance since such declared vale is less than 5% of the short-
circuit impedance of the transformer.

Tap-changer Short-circuit current (*)

Ur ZSC X/R k x 2
position r.m.s. value peak value
- kV % - - A A
3 11,00 6,601 9,584 2,443 31614 77243

1 11,55 6,567 9,811 2,452 31777 77931

5 10,45 6,685 9,256 2,430 31216 75863

(*) Values of short-circuit current of the low-voltage winding (star-connected).

Test arrangements and test procedures

The transformer was tested connecting a three-phase supply to the high-voltage winding (primary winding).

The low-voltage winding was short-circuited before the application of the voltage to the other winding of the transformer (pre
-set short-circuit).

During each test were recorded the line-to-line supply voltages, the phase currents of the low -voltage winding and the fault
current, if any, between the mass (insulated) of the transformer and earth.

Nine tests were performed (three tests on each limb):

three tests with the tap-changer on the principal tapping (with the maximum peak current on the middle limb),
three tests with the tap-changer in the position corresponding to the highest voltage ratio (with the maximum peak
current on one of the outer limbs),
three tests with the tap-changer in the position corresponding to the lowest voltage ratio (with the maximum peak current
on one of the other outer limbs).


Test Report Approved Page 5

Short-circuit tests with three-phase current

Test circuit: M0022

Test frequency: 50 Hz
Reference number of the oscillograms: A8/007077

Conditions of the transformer before the tests: as after partial discharge measurement

Transformer prearranged on the voltage ratio: 11 kV / 0,415 kV

Date: March 7, 2008

Tap-changer No-load Test current
Test Oscillogram position supply peak r.m.s. average Duration
voltage value value value
No. No./sheets - V A A A s
1 1/1 3 - 50330 20990 21040 0,1
2 2/1 3 - 79220 31750 31770 0,5
3 3/1 3 - 79260 31850 31890 0,5
4 4/1 3 - 79260 31760 31850 0,5
5 5/1 1 - 31850 31920 0,5
78750 31910
6 6/1 1 - 31860 31950 0,5
78930 31980
7 7/1 1 - 31820 32000 0,5
78380 32210
77060 31990
8 8/1 5 - 31910 31980 0,5
77310 32070
9 9/1 5 - 32020 32060 0,5
78550 32130
10 10/1 5 - 32000 32040 0,5

Conditions of the transformer after the tests: see notes

- Externally did not show any damage.


Measurement of short-circuit inductance

The measurement of short-circuit inductance was performed before the short-circuit tests and after every series of three tests by means of a Schering bridge (Maxwell diagram) which allows a
reproducibility of at least 0,2%.

For all measurements the transformer was set-up in the following conditions:
the tap-changer was placed in the position corresponding to the highest voltage ratio,
the terminals of the low-voltage winding were short-circuited,
the measurement points were applied to the terminals of the high-voltage winding, delta-connected.

Date: March 7, 2008

short-circuit inductance variation short-circuit inductance variation

tap-changer [mH] [%] [mH] [%]
measurement effected
position measured at the terminals from the initial measurement calculated for single limb from the initial value
1 before the tests 36,064 36,198 35,978 - - - 54,071 53,815 54,476
1 after the test no. 4 36,142 36,268 36,022 0,22 0,19 0,12 54,209 53,852 54,590 0,25 0,07 0,21
1 after the test no. 7 36,150 36,256 36,024 0,24 0,16 0,13 54,234 53,859 54,554 0,30 0,08 0,14
1 after the test no. 10 36,228 36,344 36,080 0,45 0,40 0,28 54,357 53,916 54,708 0,53 0,19 0,43

Maximum variation of short-circuit inductance stated by Standard: 4 %.

Test Report CESI Approved Page 6

Test Report Approved Page 7

Test circuit M0022

The symbols used in this diagram are the same as those on the oscillograms.

Correspondence between laboratory circuit phase and test object terminal

Laboratory circuit phase Test object terminal





Test Report Approved Page 8

Photo no. 1

Photo no. 2


Test Report Approved Page 9

Laboratory information

Requested values and test circuit parameters

Date: March 7, 2008

Tap-changer Requested values Synchronous Time
Test position peak r.m.s. test XAT RAT make-switch of the
current current duration position test
No. - A A s el. -

1 3 - 20000 0,1 11,35 1,425 96 4.15pm

2 77243 31614 0,5 2,18 0,316 96 4.30pm

3 0,5 96 4.35pm

4 0,5 96 4.40pm

5 1 77931 31777 0,5 1,68 36 4.55pm

6 0,5 36 5.00pm

7 0,5 36 5.05pm

8 5 75863 31216 0,5 2,45 0,422 156 5.25pm

9 0,5 156 5.30pm

10 0,5 156 5.35pm


Test Report Approved Page 10

Laboratory information

Date: March 7, 2008

Characteristics of supply circuit

Tests Supply OTE MV OTE LV
from to K position K position
1 10 23 kV Lambrate 1,667 - - -

Characteristics of measuring system

National Instrument Krenz
Measure Transducer
SCXI PXI channel
- ref. position No. No. No.
Ir C1+C4 1
Vrs A1+A3 2
Is C2+C4 3
Vst A1+A2+A3 4
It C3+C4 5
Vtr A2+A3 6
Itk D1+D2 7
inductance P1+P2

Symbols assigned in ref. column refer to the measuring equipment listed in page Laboratory P102 MP1. Measuring
system characteristics.

Other measuring equipment:

Ohmmeter CESI number: -


Test Report Approved Page 11

Laboratory P102 MP1

Measuring system characteristics

Ref. Type CESI No. Ref. Type CESI No.

A1 Voltage transformer TV2 R-S 9032 K1 Shunt 160 30 kA 5559

A2 Voltage transformer TV2 S-T 9033 K2 Shunt 160 30 kA 5560
A3 Resistive dividers for TV2 14142 K3 Shunt 160 30 kA 5561
B1 Resistive divider K= 206,5 11465 L1 Shunt 111 m 9754
B2 Resistive divider K= 206,5 11466 L2 Shunt 111 m 9758
B3 Resistive divider K= 206,5 11467 L3 Shunt 111 m 9759
B4 Resistive divider K= 206,5 11468 = KRENZ TRC1 13119
C1 Current transformer TA2 R 17060 = KRENZ TRC2 13120
C2 Current transformer TA2 S 17061 M1 Voltage transformer 24 kV / 100 V 3387
C3 Current transformer TA2 T 17059 N1 Divider RC 30 kV 14677
C4 Resistive burden for TA2 5562 N2 Divider RC 30 kV 14678
D1 Current transformer 4000 A / 5 A 14466 N3 Divider RC 30 kV 14679
D2 Resistive burden for TA3 17072 N4 Divider RC 30 kV 11990
E1 Shunt 40 100 kA R 8231 N5 Divider RC 30 kV 11991
E2 Shunt 40 100 kA S 8232 N6 Divider RC 30 kV 11992
E3 Shunt 40 100 kA T 8230 P1 Schering bridge 696
F1 Shunt 1,33 m 5 kA R 7965 P2 Resistive box 8451
F2 Shunt 1,33 m 5 kA S 7966 R1 Micro-ohmmeter MOM600A 14204
F3 Shunt 1,33 m 5 kA T 7968 S1 Micro-ohmmeter OM21 14643
G1 Shunt 1,6 m 5 kA additional 7964 T1 Megger METRISO 13139
G2 Shunt 1,6 m 5 kA additional 7963 U1 Thermocouples calibrator CALIS 5 23138
G3 Shunt 1,6 m 5 kA additional 7967 V1 Digital multimeter FLUKE 8060A 17519
H1 Shunt 80 100 kA 5524 Z1 Temperature probe FLUKE 80T-150U 3831
H2 Shunt 80 100 kA 5525
H3 Shunt 80 100 kA 5526
J1 Electro-optical link for thermocouple T 13372
J2 Electro-optical link for thermocouple T 14556
J3 Electro-optical link for thermocouple J 17074
J4 Electro-optical link for thermocouple J 17076
J5 Electro-optical link for thermocouple J 17078
J6 Electro-optical link for thermocouple K 22463
J7 Electro-optical link for thermocouple K 22465
J8 Electro-optical link for thermocouple K 22467
J9 Electro-optical link for thermocouple K 22469

Measuring software: SAD P102 Software release: 4.2 31/12/2002 Hardware: VAX 4200 with VMS 5.4

Prepared by: G. Zuccal Date: 19/05/2006


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